To visit Georgia’s sixth in the days before the runoff is to land on a planet populated by politically impassioned women, talking as if they have just walked off the set of Thelma & Louise, using a language of awakening, liberation, and political fury that should indeed discomfit their conservative neighbors, and — if it is a harbinger of what’s to come — should shake conservative America more broadly....I know you love seeming "youthful," but no one over 22 — and really no one — should be using no-fucks-left-to-give rhetoric. And by the time you're 50, Ms. Brooking, the stock prejudice is that it's the utterly mundane consequence of aging for you to have "no fucks."
Women speak with the youthful fever of having found new friends, or new love — of politics and each other....
“I tell people that I am fresh out of fucks,” says Tamara Brooking [a 50-year-old research assistant to a novelist]. “Seriously. I’m done. I’m done pretending that your hateful rhetoric is okay. I’m done pretending that people like us must be quiet to make you feel comfortable.”
In their nascent activism there are echoes of another American moment in which middle-class white women snapped to political consciousness. When describing their past inertia and isolation, these activists often sound more than a little bit like Betty Friedan, who wrote in the first paragraph of The Feminist Mystique, about the “strange stirring,” and “sense of dissatisfaction [and] yearning” that “each suburban wife struggled with …alone.”...Apparently novelists have research assistants but New York Magazine doesn't have editors. The book is called "The Feminine Mystique," not "The Feminist Mystique."
And that book is about individual women wanting individual fulfillment in life by getting out of the house and into careers. It wasn't about collective action in politics!
And all that yearning, stirring passion is for a 30-year-old man.
१८५ टिप्पण्या:
Democrats do sound a lot like the bitter ex wives you find in suburbia.
@Althouse, very well deconstructed.
“I tell people that I am fresh out of fucks,”
I'm so sick of the casual profanity.
Heh, see my post a couple of threads down. Another template article that was written 30 years ago and is brought out a few times a year. Just a few details are changed, but its the same story.
Brave liberal women are going to make the difference.
They have a Hunger, and Something must fill it.
After the "Fifty Shades of Grey" books and movies it was time they moved onto something else.
I am Laslo.
"no one over 22 — and really no one — should be using no-fucks-left-to-give rhetoric. And by the time you're 50, Ms. Brooking, the stock prejudice is that it's the utterly mundane consequence of aging for you to have "no fucks."" So? Progs aren't into politics for the sake of originality or to amuse intellectuals in Madison, WI. They're in it to win it. (Yeah, sorry.) They will use any tear-jerking cliche, any phony appeal to sisterhood, any women-are-special-and-oppressed sob story.
"Apparently novelists have research assistants but New York Magazine doesn't have editors. The book is called "The Feminine Mystique," not "The Feminist Mystique."" Even their cluelessness is calculated.
"And that book is about individual women wanting individual fulfillment in life by getting out of the house and into careers. It wasn't about collective action in politics!" Yeah, but it hitched a ride on the prog bandwagon right quick.
"And all that yearning, stirring passion is for a 30-year-old man." No: for a young Dem and reliable left vote. For progs, politics trumps race and gender.
They are women, hear them roar.
I'm so sick of the casual profanity.
I am too. When I was those words, its more by I just realized I forgot something huge and say "Oh Shxxxxx". Was funny is, the quote you refer isn't edgy. Maybe in 1970 it was.
Hmmm ...
What percentage of white women voted for Donald Trump?
I suspect that the revolution will not happen as quickly as people in the leftist bubble hope.
It wasn't about collective action in politics!
Hey....feminism isn't about facts! Facts are a tool of patriarchal oppression!
Feminism is about feelz.
Passion for what?
The leftists have spent years telling us that they *care*. But it turns out that they only *care* about themselves, their own ideas, their own favored group, and getting other people to pay for their stuff. So, they're really no different from anyone else, are they? And they certainly don't care about me and my life. What a bunch of frauds!
"Progs aren't into politics for the sake of originality or to amuse intellectuals in Madison, WI. They're in it to win it. (Yeah, sorry.) They will use any tear-jerking cliche, any phony appeal to sisterhood, any women-are-special-and-oppressed sob story."
Repeating a quote from a liberal (and former Madison resident) friend: "I'm not seeking truth, I'm seeking advantage."
"...should shake conservative America..."
HAHAHAHA! A Leftie who's upset is not society-shaking. The *conservative* women who are "done pretending your hateful rhetoric is okay" is the real shaking.
Liberal women aren't going to be anything more than the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Democratic Party until they awaken to the real world where not all women think like they do or want what they want. They're still too busy fighting the Mommy Wars, believing "women's health" is killing unborn babies, and looking for symbols of "empowerment". The rest of us, being already empowered, go out of the house to work or don't, have babies or use birth control, and see the men in our lives as partners, not the enemy keeping us down. Our mothers or grandmothers felt that "yearning", struggled with it, and taught us to take what was good about their lives and improve on it. It's too bad liberal women have remained stuck. The rest of us have moved on to better things.
A majority of married white women voted for Trump.
Tamara Brooking [a 50-year-old research assistant to a novelist].
Heh. Just your average, suburban woman. Assistant novelist.
I would love to know how the writer found this woman. Social media? Word of mouth?
I know non-political women who went with their husbands and children to the Trump rally in Eau Claire, Wisc the week before the election. There were leftwing women there screaming obscenities and almost veiled threats at them. It was very nasty.
That is one of the reasons The Donald won Wisconsin. The angry nasty left probably convinced some fence sitters, who don't really pay close attention to politics, to go with Trump.
One dynamic at play here that I think is being overlooked is Fulton County's new property tax assessments that went out a few weeks back. Increases of 20-75%. There has been damn near a revolt with many reviving the dream of a North Fulton split off into a newly created Milton County. I suspect that has greatly aided the GOP GOTV efforts.
So much angst to prevent a middle-aged white woman from winning a House seat.
I thought there was a special place in hell for women who don't support women in elections? That must be so 2016.
I will say this...feminists (basically the politically active women being profiled here) exert more influence on society than maybe any other group, relative to their size (23% of U.S. women).
They are relatively small in number, but are over-represented in media and academia - the opinion-shaping industry.
I would argue that no one has changed American society more than feminists in the last half-century. If only because of what they did to the the American family.
Who knew all those white suburban ladies were such sexists and misogynists? I, for one, am shocked.
Well said, Eleanor. I am so tired of leftist women acting like they speak for all women – because conservative women aren’t really women, somehow. I do not share their obsessions and neuroses and I find their pampered pussy hat whining and bitching embarrassing.
failed the bechdel test
I live in this district and I know women like this, they are loud, noisy and unpleasant and they would publicly consider that a compliment and hate it in private. Anyone that disagrees with them knows better than to say anything and, if possible, avoids them entirely. This is why polls are untrustworthy because only the loons are talking now.
She used the F word. That proves she's sincere.
Which lefty white woman said a few weeks ago that she regrets she never had the chance to abort a child of her own?
CJinPA - could also say that about the LGBTWXTZ1#4DVUKL crowd as well, a considerably smaller % of population than the feminists. IMHO, anyway.
“I tell people that I am fresh out of fucks,”
Then why be alive? Aside from the six sigma chick who will invent something, what higher purpose has the suburban white woman than, precisely, to give fucks? Hellooo, biology.
BTW, Hillary Clinton, the liberal woman who embodies the unlovely Third Wave feminist habit of both crowing about how “strong” and “empowered” one is while simultaneously playing the victim card, compared herself to Wonder Woman.
She’s actually Blunder Woman.
This ad...uh I mean article, reminds me of those drug commercials where a woman is sharing some new, previously impossible activity with a group of her pals and a handsome man is indicating interest. Thanks to the product, her life has been transformed.
In this case the product, the drug, is the Cause. It would be socially responsible for the author of a piece like this to list the negative side effects at the end...PTS, Progressive Tourette's Syndrome, might be one such.
I tell people that I am fresh out of fucks
.....and I'll show you a bitter, scorned, childless woman.
“Seriously. I’m done. I’m done pretending that your hateful rhetoric is okay. I’m done pretending that people like us must be quiet to make you feel comfortable.”
Setting aside the crude language, how is Ms. Tamara Brooking different from Mrs. Grundy?
So, she researches someone else's novels, and in her spare time gets active in fluff pieces about national political movements?
Huffpost on Skittles rainbow thing morphing into an anti-black thing, and all that. said...
Yes, they have out-sized influence, but have they transformed society as much as modern feminists? Not even close.
I find her breathless importance, casual profanity and ZFG posturing to be incongruous and somewhat ironic compared to the reasonable, rational and decorous adults I remember from growing up in the area (GA 6th).
Should I swallow the media narrative and believe that the people of my old stomping grounds have changed?
Apparently she parachuted into a cocoon.
John Tuffnell said...
So much angst to prevent a middle-aged white woman from winning a House seat.
Liberal women want big daddy government to confiscate other people's money and use it to take care of their needs.
“I tell people that I am fresh out of fucks,” says Tamara Brooking [a 50-year-old research assistant to a novelist].
That's a lot of people sleeping on the sofa.
I guess?
Not sure what "fresh out of fucks" means.
“If I’m not knocking doors, I’m making calls; if I’m not making calls, I’m writing postcards; if I’m not writing postcards, I’m replacing my lawn sign.”
It's never about actually serving the communities these people pretend to care about.
It's about handing power over to some politician who promises to do something with somebody else's money.
This ad...uh I mean article, reminds me of those drug commercials where a woman is sharing some new, previously impossible activity with a group of her pals and a handsome man is indicating interest. Thanks to the product, her life has been transformed.
I was getting that same vibe. About 49% of media product amounts to "You go, girl!" Mind you, that's just a rough estimate.
I am fresh out of farts.
Especially for tired metaphors.
An army of Griffins.
Hide the kitchen knives.
Kind of manufactured national political movements which echo previous radicalism and require pathetic posturing and swearing by 50 yr old whited ladies?
In a losing-reputability-and-readers-by-the-day disrupted industry which was probably never really that reputable?
Not sure what "fresh out of fucks" means.
A take on "I don't give a fuck." Which begat, "Not a fuck was given."
Usually spoken by someone younger than 50.
should shake conservative America more broadly
No editors awake at the NY Mag.
Fresh out of fucks?
She's probably tapped out on estrogen too.
This is the same Traister who wrote that The Future of Left is Female, but is so patronizing toward males that she self-canceled this feminine future she envisions. She's more interested in churning out a narrative than engaging in any sort of journalism, no matter how delusional that narrative is.
Eleonor @ 8:19
I think that was a Spike Lee movie.
Fresh Out of Fucks.
Maybe at the screenplay stage.
I'm so sick of the casual profanity.
If Disney optioned the rights, it would be called, Dad's On the Sofa Again.
Well, "fresh out of Fs" is not good writing. Don't start with cliches, sister. "Fresh out" means something to real people.
The cliche she wanted was "fed up". I'm fed up, and mad as hell, and won't take it anymore. They both start with "f", so a fifth-grader can be forgiven for not getting the cliche or the movie quote right.
But "fresh out of Fs" is man-hating. When you write something that dumb, you're writing populist feminist garbage. You should try for a new thing. Maybe fly a kite or something.
Not sure what "fresh out of fucks" means.
In 1970 it meant you were cool and edgy.
In 2017 it means you're a middle aged (or older) white childless liberal gal with a rather soft life and you are trying to be relevant.
Betty Friedan, who wrote in the first paragraph of The Feminist Mystique, about the “strange stirring,” and “sense of dissatisfaction [and] yearning” that “each suburban wife struggled with …alone.”...
Tyrrell covered this moment in Public Nuisances, some cited here
RhHardin wrote: No editors awake at the NY Mag.
Woke is not awake.
'I tell people that I am fresh out of fucks"
Is that Millenial-speak for being a frigid bitch with a dried-up cootch?
Saying that she is Out Of Fresh Fucks is probably accurate, too.
Sell-By Date long past.
I am laslo.
I wonder to what extent the sound of "f" thrills people. Comedians and crappy writers use it often, and not just with the most obvious word. Words like "fool" and even "France" tease the listener.
If using the word Fuck a lot makes one sincere and edgy, then soldiers are the most sincere and edgy people, evah!
Or we just say Fuck a lot.
Fresh out of fucks is alliterative at least. It's not up there with milligivashits.
It's never about actually serving the communities these people pretend to care about.
When I lived up in Superior, I used to have an intense dislike for some lefty political types in Duluth. My first encounter with a some of them was when they were protesting against our military. Yes, they actually think having a strong armed forces is bad.
But you know what, a couple of those people actually do some good work. For example, volunteering at the Loaves & Fishes food service, and doing some other work in a poor area in the hillside area of Duluth. They probably are big fans of The Bern, but at least they do some charitable work themselves.
Suppose They Gave A War On Women And No One Came.
If using the word Fuck a lot makes one sincere and edgy, then soldiers are the most sincere and edgy people, evah!
Sailors, too. The goal is to inject the f-word between syllables of other words. Absofuckinglutely ! The Navy ran on acronyms, and one of ours was DILLIGAFF. It stands for Do I Look Like I Give A Flying Fuck ?
"Suppose They Gave A War On Women And No One Came."
What if they gave a fuck and nobody came?
Prospective Women's Magazines articles:
"Are Your Fucks Still Fresh?"
"Aging with Attitude: How to Not Give Fucks after Fifty"
"You Don't Care That I'm Fresh Out of Fucks? I Don't Give a Shit."
"Life After Menopause: Looking For Fresh Fucks To Give"
"Sexy, Frisky, and Fresh Out of Fucks: Today's New Woman"
"Lena Durham Tells Us Where Her Fucks Went"
"In: Fresh Out of Fucks. Out: Vagina Steaming."
I am Laslo.
Are white women good again? I thought they were still under suspicion for being inadequate allies in the fight against sexism/racism/hompohobia/transphobia/etc. Are they woke enough now?
I guess they are so long as they vote against the woman in this race, huh? If these white women vote for that white woman, though, it's definitely a sign that white women ain't woke. Or something.
It is Narrative Creep. She is announcing that the stories fed us 20 years ago are now replaced, and you had better submit or else. After seeing its power, the liberals are culturally now borrowing the Muslims threats to submit or else.
That is why Ossof is her perfect candidate. He submits to everybody. He is a willing conservative war hawk that offers himself to supports the DC Democrats in stopping Trump making America Great Again.
Like he offered himself to his Medical School shack up, he will do whatever anyone wants him to do.
"What if they gave a fuck and nobody came?"
Maybe that's why she doesn't give a fuck anymore.
It's always worth reviewing English Sentences without Overt Grammatical Subject, questioning whether fuck is actually a verb.
Goffman says that fuck makes a convenience of grammar but doesn't actually fit in.
Coming isn't the point of fucking anyway.
Nag America Great Again!
Ms Bovary Goes to Washington.
In the Land of Women (2007) Meg Ryan or Kristen Stewart (don't remember which had which part) asks her boyfriend if he just faked an orgasm.
Remember when those dirty hippies had to go Clean for Gene?
Maybe now, before you go door to door, you need to wash your mouth out with soap!
Say it with me. Oh fudge! Daddy's sleeping on the sofa!
I have to laugh at the nationwide embrace of the possible Dems of GA06. The cities that make up most of the population of the district are exactly the kind of places I hear the Dems call evil and bad--wealthy white neighborhoods populated by "white flight" types who like restrictive HOAs, don't want to fund public transit (MARTA), like sending their kids to private or charter schools...and on and on. I'm pretty sure that area went 2-1 for Mitt over Barack.
If they'll vote Dem now, though, all is forgiven! Funny stuff.
notice my clean white space after my post!
I recall a story, perhaps apocryphal, of a Navy NCO who achieved a perfect trifecta, when speaking about a mechanism that had always been problematic and was now beyond repair:
"The fucking fucker's fucked!"
no wait, now we need a racial gerrymander
more ink!
Pretty far off-topic:
I was working at Microsoft when Thelma and Louise came out. It sparked a vast comment-thread argument, conducted over email. This is way-pre-Interwebs stuff. I didn't get into the argument, but it seemed to be mostly about whether the title characters were really just man-hating-lesbian bitches or something like that. My timing was off; I didn't get there until the argument was 75% done, and it had gone all Godwin already.
An interesting moment.
Tamara's no longer Brooking your hateful rhetoric. She's fresh out of Brooks.
My problem with The Land of Women was that everybody was impossibly good looking. Sign me up for that planet.
Does she have a cat?
I didn't get there until the argument was 75% done, and it had gone all Godwin already.
In the movie that's known as "driving off the cliff."
Small aside - my favorite part of the whole campaign is that Ossoff got pressured into proposing to his girlfriend of 12 years. I mean, I'm sure he was just about to ask and the fact that reporters kept pestering him about it had nothing to do with the timing--nothing at all.
So to summarize:
Many aged fifty white women don't find their lives sufficiently meaningful and resort to acting out fantasies of fighting the civil rights battles they regret missing out on.
We need a legal betting system on political marriages and their underlying issues.
With all violence from weaponized vaginas today, we need some background checks and registration after extensive safety training. "If it saves one life..."
The 1950's called, they want their housewives back.
Ann and her insistence on tiresome details! Will it never end? Is there no true believer who will rid us of this nettlesome not-nun?
Thanks for the typically spot-on take-down of the usual subjects getting the usual subjects all wrong.
All should understand that the district in question is outside Atlanta and is populated with ex Yankees who won't live in town because it is full of black people. Among those ex yankees are a host of shrill women who imagine themselves transforming suburban Atlanta into the upper West side, but without black people, of course. They are in the minority but have that puffed up self importance that comes from being born in a particular place . They love black people, btw, they just don't want to live anywhere near them.
@Michael, excellent observation.
Suburban white women are the richest, freest, most powerful, and unhappiest women in all of human history.
Michael, sort of why those liberals who love their gay-rights parades won't go within 10 miles of a Juneteenth day celebration.
Will they all be hanging themselves from lamp posts if the district non-resident loses? Whatever happens in Georgia and SC today it is a good idea to remind ourselves that "all politics is local". No matter what the MSM may say this is a local election that depends on local issues and personalities. I notice that in all the BS about this particular election we hear nothing about the recent KS and MT election outcomes.
I really like Mike's comment at 0935. Cynicism where cynicism is due!
Progressives and in particular women of all ages have been shaken to their core by the election of Trump. It is less about the "grab 'em by the pussy" but more about "this is not the America we want".
As per previous note, the battle lines between the Progressives and Right are laid. The Progressives hate the Right and the Right hate the Progressives. The "United" States of America is no longer but is the "Disunited" States of America. We may not want to acknowledge it but it is really where we are.
Many aged fifty white women don't find their lives sufficiently meaningful and resort to acting out fantasies of fighting the civil rights battles they regret missing out on.
Its called "Selma Envy". Modern liberals regret that they missed out on the real civil rights battles of 55-60 years ago, so need to find a current cause to mimic those fights. But most of the true causes have already been successfully settled.
That is why you have a large group of people obsessed with putting drag queens into the girls locker room or eradicating Confederate flags and statues. Wait until they start up with pushing polygamy down our throats.
Tamara Brooking: " I’m done pretending that your hateful rhetoric is okay. I’m done pretending that people like us must be quiet to make you feel comfortable."
That goes both ways, lady :p
As if it needed any more proof, but I just keep seeing more and more evidence that our academic, journalistic, and political "elites" are really a bunch of blithering idiots, with less actual knowledge (as opposed to knowing things that ain't so) and worse judgment than, oh, the roofers who were at my house yesterday. Who at least know how to do something useful--inspect and fix a roof.
I think we get these sorts of stories every election about the newly energized electorate that is coming to save the day/doom us all. Most of the time it is a loud helping of irrelevancy. Occasionally, it is a real thing like the African-American vote for Obama or the sudden outpouring for Scott Brown in Massachusetts, but it is not like reporters can tell the difference. They completely missed it in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
Political reporters do not get the cool stories like children fallen down wells so they manufacture this nonsense. It wouldn't shock me if they have this story already outlined with fill-in-the-blanks, like a slightly less sophisticated version of Mad Libs.
Polls aside, I hope that the normal people of Georgia will notice that the activists knocking on their door for Ostroff are insane. “The profanity filter on my mouth totally went away." Will that level of derangement impress the median voter as a reason to vote for or against their candidate?
@John Tuffnell. Terrific! Cutting right to the heart of hypocrisy! Well done!
I would like to deconstruct the phrase "I am fresh out of fucks."
1. The usual expression, "I don't give a fuck". Implies that fucks are available, just not given.
2. Being "out of fucks", logically means one cannot be given, but does not imply one way or another whether or not one would like to give a fuck.
3. "fresh". This would indicate that the depletion of fucks is very recent. The nature of fucks, in my experience, is that over time, they regenerate. So, while a person may be out of fucks now, over time their bank of fucks will be restored--as long as they don't give any more away for a while.
Right hate the Progressives
I have a slightly different take on that half of the statement. In my case, when the left leaves me alone, I don't hate them. I don't go to San Fran and try to ban them from holding their events. I don't sue leftwing business owners if they don't participate in conservative events. I attack their causes and opinions. I don't come up with goofy-ass conspiracy theories about the left.
Has the GOP ever had the female novelist vote?
The more the left and the media (but I repeat myself) run these kinds of stories to "gin up" belief that they'll win and it's a tide turning moment...
The harder they'll fall if/when they lose.
Can't imagine I'd be talking to pollsters or the press if I lived there. Instead I'd be thinking "who the hell are these Hollywood liberals, that think they should be able to influence who we pick to represent our little district". They're all butt hurt over Trump, so forcing an Anthony Weiner on our district will relieve their suffering?
"Yearning" is one of the silliest words. It just seems like something used by a junior high poet.
Kramer: Do you ever yearn?
George: Yearn? Do I yearn?
Kramer: I yearn.
George: You yearn?
Kramer: Oh, yes. Yes, I yearn. Often I sit...and yearn. Have you yearned?
George: Well not recently. I craved.
If you say, "I don't mind offending you". You imply that you are not that interested in persuading me either.
Too soon and it's too close to make any predictions, but it sure sounds like their internal polling shows him losing and they are punting with a story about "what the real story here is".
I live nearby but not in the district. My favorite lawn sign: "Get Your Ossoff My Lawn!"
"Coming isn't the point of fucking anyway."
Granted I didn't take a sex-ed course, but I'm pretty sure this is wrong. Biologically for men anyway.
That is why Ossof is her perfect candidate. He submits to everybody. He is a willing conservative war hawk that offers himself to supports the DC Democrats in stopping Trump making America Great Again.
Trad, what is your drug of choice? Whatever it is, you might want to dilute it with a little carfentanyl, to lessen the high.
How did you like the Alex Jones sketch on Megyn Kelly? I have the idea you are a fan.
"who the hell are these Hollywood liberals, that think they should be able to influence who we pick to represent our little district"
Al Franken (D-NYC who rents a condo in downtown Mpls) gets tons of support from Hollywood. So I always wanted to ask Big Hollywood a few questions:
-What you think about the agriculture buffer zone proposals for western and SW Minnesota?
-What do you think about the Polymet mine proposal?
-What do you think about the DNR rules on Walleye fishing on Mille Lacs Lake?
-Can you show me where Pipestone Minnesota is?
Okay, I realize some of this are state issues and not US Senate, but my point being, Big Hollywood is trying to tell me who to vote for when they have no clue about the issues affecting the voters. Yes, and this would apply to Republicans also.
Related...I know a guy who volunteered for Al Franken in his first campaign. He said most of Franken's campaign staff was made up of young people from the NE. They were so clueless about Minnesota that this guys job was to drive them around the state as they couldn't find most of the towns they were supposed to go to.
Bob Ellison @ 9:28am:
This classic popped into my head the moment I read the title of your post.
I think literalists have better sex than symbolic people.
Way better!
“Seriously. I’m done. I’m done pretending that your hateful rhetoric is okay," said she, hatefully.
Now clean sex vs. dirty sex
that's a tougher one
symbolic people who think it's romantic to have sex on the beach
could learn a thing or two from the literalists who actually have had sex on a beach
sand is not your friend
soap is way better than sand
now I want to check the ingredients in soap
make sure my assertion is factually accurate
not just some soap-loving metaphor
Hate Loves Abortion. Ms, is it?
Also, the obsession with color and sex. There's a context for that.
Is this more Hillary-lost butthurt?
What is it about big government, welfare state/nanny state, & cradle to grave entitlement that is so intoxicating? If someone somewhere isn't promising free stuff to these people, at someone else's expense, they fall apart.
"Fresh out of fucks"
That could be a medical condition she needs to have checked right away. It could lead to serious complications.
Is this more Hillary-lost butthurt?
It's not about Progressivism, because it was hard to sell Hillary as a Progressive to the Progressives. It's more about Hillary's merry band of entitled Yonic Narcissists.
FYI: Tamara Brooking is a 50-year-old assistant to her mother, best-selling novelist Iris Johansen.
So you see, h8ers, she is performing vital, important work, researching best-selling romance thrillers!
When you rush to buy Iris' books to support her daughter, be sure to use Althouse's Amazon link!
I’m done pretending that your hateful rhetoric is okay. I’m done pretending that people like us must be quiet to make you feel comfortable.”
One must have a heart of stone not to burst at laughing at the petulant 50-year old. Look at me, I'm Fearless Girl!
The brave resisters of Georgia's 6th must be the thing of the week in goodthink media - caught what sounded like the same batch of people being extolled on NPR. Once again I was bewildered by how infantilized these people sound - not just in content, but physically. I thought they were interviewing a high schooler, but it transpired that it was actually the mother of the young activists speaking. My God, those voices. (Not that the vocal presence of the interviewers is much better.)
Francisco D: What percentage of white women voted for Donald Trump?
Guess the author missed the stirring of activist passion last year at the polls of that particular segment (ahem, the majority) of "suburban white women". Wonder if their speaking voices are any less gratingly juvenile.
I must say that this man is a very unattractive candidate. I am not sure who dresses him but they misunderstand what the word "fits" means in relationship to coats and shirts both of which swallow him and make him look like a down at the heels itinerant preacher looking too long at your daughter. The adam's apple is untrustworthy and he needs a shave. Not in a hipster needs a shave way but in a down at the heels itinerant preacher way.
Good morning, Bad Lieutenant... You are correct. I am just as bad as Alex Jones in guessing our way through a world full of fictional narratives. Somebody has to do it.
Seriously, Jones is an entertainer first, and a political deconstructionist second. He makes Limbaugh look high class.
On our flight back from California, we could not use our Device except to play stuff on Audiobooks and kindle that was already down loaded. Which gave me 5 straight hours to listen to TWA 800 by Jack Cashill. He writes an a
well researched story of how a Presidential Governance at war with the truth does its deeds. With Media cover all the way.
It opens the eyes of all but the willfully blind. But you think I am the blind one.
The devil went down to Georgia and didn't encounter a married female Trump voter? The smug assurance that they have all the energy doesn't even warrant the slightest stress test? Perhaps tomorrow they will ask themselves why they didn't deign to understand the kitchen-table issues of the Handel voter.
What is it about big government, welfare state/nanny state, & cradle to grave entitlement that is so intoxicating? If someone somewhere isn't promising free stuff to these people, at someone else's expense, they fall apart.
Men are hard-wired for freedom; women are hard-wired for security.
Thus, the more women get involved in politics, the more the society will tilt left.
Especially when they are middle-aged, unsatisfied white women struck by the weary meaninglessness of their own personal lives.
I denounce my sexism.
I wanted to make a parody rap for Tamara called "Straight Outta Estrogen", based on NWA's seminal "Straight Outta Compton", but my GAFF was too low. Sadly.
GAFF means Give A Fuck Factor.
Soldiers like acronyms, and the word Fuck.
That's why we like Deadpool.
Wade: Finish fucking her the fuck up!
Colossus: Language, please.
Wade: Suck a cock!
There must be some newfound affinity for cursing in the Progressive circles. Have you seen The Handmaid's Taile? Saying "fuck" is cool again.
Just one more thing that Gen Xers are going to ruin. It used to at least be naughty, now every lame, 50-yr old office worker is saying fuck every other word.
Actual youth is going to see this and become even straighter edge.
We may end up with a generation of Neo-Victorians the way Gen X is overusing and ruining social trends.
If Ossoff loses, it is going to be some of the sweetest schadenfreude ever.
I've read and enjoyed Althouse for years, and had to comment today for the first time because this post is such a perfect example of why I love her so much. She just nails it here.
I grew up in Ga 6th in the 70s and 80s. While Handel doesn't seem very inspirational, there's something so intolerably smug and naiive about all this passion for Ossoff, a child of extraordinary wealth striking a winds-of-change pose.
There is often a subverted contempt and hostility for the south and southern values amounts the suburban liberals now throwing themselves into this election. Looks like its all coming out into tbe open now.
[i]"Suppose They Gave A War On Women And No One Came."
What if they gave a fuck and nobody came?[/i]
Well played.
“I tell people that I am fresh out of fucks,” says Tamara Brooking [a 50-year-old research assistant to a novelist]. “Seriously. I’m done. I’m done pretending that your hateful rhetoric is okay. I’m done pretending that people like us must be quiet to make you feel comfortable.”
Sorry but when the hell have "people like us" (yous) ever been quiet to make any "other" feel comfortable? When are liberal women NOT yammering on and on and on?
It appears that there is NO slight, no matter how small that is too small for a liberal or SJW to go off over.
Dear Lord, how exhausting.
Also, it is still amusing that things like "one citizen, one vote", "don't tread on me", "Government is too big", and "taxes are too high" are all considered by some to be hate speech but smacking someone in the head with a bike lock because they support the current President is just OK fine and frankly deserved, along with shooting at Republican politicians.
Sorry sister, screw you and the rest of the snowflakes and Crybullies.
"Then why be alive? Aside from the six sigma chick who will invent something, what higher purpose has the suburban white woman than, precisely, to give fucks? Hellooo, biology."
To be a bit cynical, many/most women trade sex for make resources and, hopefully in the long run, companionship and care in later life. If she has cut all men off from sex with her, I hope, for her sake, that she has a long term guy at least maybe a decade older than she, nailed down. I know where my libido was at 50, and will admit that menopause got in the way of at least one relationship. At least she tried. But women need to realize that the odds flip maybe in their later 30s or so, where the men become the ones who can pick and choose. Maybe 40s. Regardless, by 50, women are in a sellers market, and the older they get, the more frail and dependent they become, the worse it is.
Yesterday, I connected up with a friend of mine here in MT. Hadn't seen him around, and was a bit worried. He no longer worked in town. Sure enough, since I had last seen him last fall, his wife had gotten worse with her dementia. She can't have him away too long anymore, unless one of their kids can step in for a bit. I emphasize, because my partner, one of the most independent women I had ever met, almost 20 years ago, doesn't want me more than maybe a half an hour away anymore. These women have earned a guy taking care of them, as they age, by "giving a fuck" for the guys when they were younger.
They're WHITE women! BAD, BAD, BAD!!
"I'm sorry, I'm fresh out of fucks. But I'm having a special on blow jobs. Just let me don my Congressional kneepads."
TBH, this woman doesn't really sound like she is out of fucks. She sounds like she wants other people to fuck off.
Anyway, I remember these same articles about the anti-war protests that took place during the Bush years (mysteriously not during the Obama years). About the women who usually gardened on the weekend, but were moved to organize bus trips to Washington.
And Eleanor, good stuff.
It opens the eyes of all but the willfully blind. But you think I am the blind one.
Actually, no, I think you are the logorrheic, hebephrenic one. Clarity to you is like sunlight to vampires. I'd have much more respect for you if you could say what you mean without needing waterboarding.
Frankly, I could use a little more of the yearning, stirring passions of the suburban white women........
This new coven of crones is no different than the old coven of crones - the seething dingbats who - in a blind rage - stormed their keyboards en masse on November 9 to rage at the "self-hating womyn" who betrayed the sacred gender by going for Uncle Donnie. I engaged a clutch of these idiots (until the inevitable Facebook unfriending), and explained that I knew a whole bunch of women - some of them lifelong Dems - who voted for The Donald. Why did they vote for the orange beast? "Hillary's a liar!" was the universal response. And tomorrow, the babbling assistant novelists and bicycle lane fetishists will, I hope, be snapping at their scabrous tails yet again - but still incapable of realizing that self-important rage isn't necessarily a winning political strategy.
It's obvious to me she DOES give at least one fuck. Also she's desperately trying to remain hip and relevant, hence the jargon of her "fellow young people". So at least 2 more fucks.
Betty Draper lost control of her car, plowed into a tree, and ended up seeing a psychiatrist.
Of my Facebook friends, those who say they have zero fucks to give really seem to be pissed off all the time.
You would think a zero-fuck-haver would be totally zen. But the opposite is true.
As a spiritual growth imperative I'm trying to stop being contemptuous of people because if you're contemptuous you can't love as we are required to do. It's hard, in an instance like this. They're just so silly, and full of wishful thinking and futility.
Find something to do that matters, ladies. Doing busywork for a politician who will not fix the hurts of the world and is just using your free labor is not going to soothe anyone who needs your love. Be honest with yourselves and admit that your motivation is to feel important. As TS Eliot wrote, Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm; but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.
I have an aunt who is one of these woke middle aged women who thinks she's Doing Something by going to demonstrations and sharing Facebook posts. She spends most of her time on her sailboat, on girls' weekends in Napa Valley or bouncing between her main home in San Francisco and her weekend home in the mountains ~ she could use some of that time and money talking to and helping people who are poor and hurting, but that's too much like actually making a difference and might require actual resources, humility, and compassion, and we can't have that.
Of my Facebook friends, those who say they have zero fucks to give really seem to be pissed off all the time.
You would think a zero-fuck-haver would be totally zen. But the opposite is true.
What they really mean is that they have zero fucks to give about even pretending to respect or give a fair hearing to anyone else's point of view. They've given that up.
I shake my head at all the talk about how THIS race is a bell weather for 2018. Good grief, the money, the effort, the hype are all so grossly over the top it will not be replicated in the 2018 where every congressman and 1/3 of the senators are up for election.
But, boy,oh boy, will we hear about the results over the next few weeks.....
Unless Ossoff loses.
And all that yearning, stirring passion is for a 30-year-old man.
"man" is a bit strong of a term for that idiot, don't you think?
Which lefty white woman said a few weeks ago that she regrets she never had the chance to abort a child of her own?
Are you thinking of Lena Duhnam? If so, I'd go with pasty over white.
Scott, I think you are right (on both of your points).
She spends most of her time on her sailboat, on girls' weekends in Napa Valley or bouncing between her main home in San Francisco and her weekend home in the mountains
I've grown to resent and dislike the idle rich who are trying to control my life. Maybe this lady could have paid my monthly Obamacare insurance bill that more than doubled in one year.(I was doing independent contract work so had to purchase my own insurance).
The idea of separate beds has returned with a vengeance in the form of separate households. There will be fewer fucks and far between. From one real and imagined extreme to something altogether liberal and progressive.
I expect the author found about 10 new zealots. Everyone else was not interested in talking to a democrat zealot. You either get in an argument with them because they cannot discuss rationally or they kill you. A lot like Islamic terrorists.
The race for the 6th Congressional District in Georgia is a bellweather election! -- except if we lose. Then, it's just another House race.
Scott M said...
Are you thinking of Lena Duhnam? If so, I'd go with pasty over white.
"Every real boy prefers the suntanned skin of the outdoorsman to the pasty-white skin of the stay-at-home."
The patriarchy is pulling out all stops to keep Karen Handel out of Congress.
What they really mean is that they have zero fucks to give about even pretending to respect or give a fair hearing to anyone else's point of view. They've given that up.
Hahahahaha! They're so bold!
Eric the Fruit Bat said...
Betty Draper lost control of her car, plowed into a tree, and ended up seeing a psychiatrist.
What was the psychiatrist doing in a tree? Getting a suntan?
OT, but I hope some of these privileged white liberal women who want us to open our borders to illegals (they need cheap gardeners!) and Muslim refugees spare a thought for this Muslim girl,beaten to death (and possibly raped) by an illegal:
"A 22-year-old man charged with the murder of a 17-year-old girl in Virginia over the weekend has had a detainer placed on him by Immigration and Customs Enforcement as a suspected illegal alien.
ICE places detainers on suspected illegal aliens who have been arrested on local criminal charges so they can take custody of them when they are released from local custody, according to the agency's website.
Darwin Martinez Torres was charged with the murder of Nabra Hassanen on Sunday in what police are describing as a road rage incident, Fox 5 DC reports. Torres got into a dispute with a group of people early Sunday morning after they left a sleepover at a mosque in Sterling, Va., according to Fairfax County Police.
After Torres drove his car at the group, he chased after them with a baseball bat and struck Hassanen, police said, before taking her away in his car. He was arrested by a Fairfax County Police officer on Sunday, and Hassanen's body was later found in a pond."
The media (and the Unknown who enjoys calling us "Trumpskis") quickly labeled this a hate crime because they were sure some deplorable white man had done it. Now that it turns out an illegal committed the act, Hassanen will soon be forgotten.
Her death doesn't serve their purposes. Terry McAuliffe can't even exploit the gun control angle, since she was beaten to death with a baseball bat.
Find something to do that matters, ladies. Doing busywork for a politician who will not fix the hurts of the world and is just using your free labor is not going to soothe anyone who needs your love.
In generations past, these women would helping people through their church or other social organizations.
“I’m done pretending that people like us must be quiet to make you feel comfortable.”
For some reason I'm having trouble believing that shes been all that quiet.
Fernandinande said:
"What was the psychiatrist doing in a tree? Getting a suntan?"
Guy comes home from work and his wife says "I'm seeing a psychiatrist."
Guy says "Do you think we can afford that?"
Wife says "Oh, I'm not seeing him professionally."
Watching people like this crudely and unironically inveigh against "hateful rhetoric" never gets old.
I don't know if this is hateful rhetoric, but the candidate's name is JON OSSOFF, right?
So, think about it.
All these horny, 50-year old suburban women are yearning for JON OSSOFF. They desperately want JON OSSOFF to win.
Well, many a John or Jon goes by Jack, right? John F Kennedy was Jack Kennedy, right?
So, subliminally, maybe these suburban Atlanta babes are expressing their desire to...
(ba da bing)
Karen is a good old girl. She understands Georgia politics and wants a job serving us. But Ossoff , who is much better at acting a role, is going for the influx of immigrants from all over, even northern Big Cities, who have flooded into the 6th District. He could win it.
Many people prefer a smooth liar as their elected politician. They know he lies, but his style and friendliness matters more( see, Clinton, Bill).
There are many reasons to be wary of marrying an American woman. They're well-represented in this post's summary of the article.
I haven't followed this and don't care much. The guy running is kind of hot-looks like he may have a long schlong, and up against his thin body is always a nice look.
the lady candidate, on the other hand, is hideous, hair, clothes, fat body-you name it and it is a big fail.
"You would think a zero-fuck-haver would be totally zen."
What is the sound of zero fucks to give?
Not a fuck worth receiving.
It'd be nice to think that at least some of these female suburban activists would be active in the cause of liberty; but I'm guessing not.
"He [Jon Ossoff] could win it." I was expecting he would, but currently here in the contested district, we are undergoing monsoons and street flooding from Tropical Storm Christy. I don't know how this will affect the results, whether to the benefit of Ma Handel or Dishonest Jon.
"Many people prefer a smooth liar as their elected politician. They know he lies, but his style and friendliness matters more( see, Clinton, Bill)." Indeed. "Osshole" seems to be very popular among Yuppies in this newly-Yuppified district, and I'm guessing there's a Yuppie-Scum-to-Yuppie-Scum affinity principle at wo0rk here. "He inflated his resume? *Yawn* Who doesn't?"
A thirty-year-old man who doesn't even reside in the district.
When you say this instance, that might not be the word you're looking for.
Erich Von Haessler received a solicitation call yesterday I believe in which some pleasant sounding California/mexi accented guy with an Escondido phone number was urging him to get out and vote for Ossoff because he was gonna give Trumpmholy hell.
In this little boy's 25 million dollars worth of tv ads he as morphed from originally declaring he would work with anybody...except that evil bastard Trump to kill ISIS and make Atlanta (The district is not in Atlanta, he does however live in Atlanta) the green and high tech jobs capital to no mention of Trump. He has cited newspapers in ads that don't exist. He simply lies about Handel who is either too stupid or I guess has some kind of George Bush strategy to ignore character assassination. He has made it clear that this cypher who's previous job was a staff aide to the guy who was scared Guam would tip over is gonna be basically a moderate republican stud who is gonna revolutionize congress. Because $25,000,000.00 dollars from
Out of state is all about his independence.
Erm nope. He is pajama boy. Maybe it'll work. Maybe he'll be the one who gets in. Then in 18 months when whatever sliver of voters in the sixth voted for him cause Handel was too fat or they were so fucking stupid that they bought those lies realize that they are complete morons and should never engage in voting again, maybe 1/2 won't vote in the future. And the the kid will be back (Ahem) turning tricks on Cypress trying to remember when.
I’m done pretending that your hateful rhetoric is okay. I’m done pretending that people like us must be quiet to make you feel comfortable.
I'm done taking your word for it that things you call "hateful" really are, or that your opinions of hateful rhetoric are accurately applied or relevant to anyone else.
From experience.
So there's that.
(Anyone else see irony between "your rhetoric is not okay" and "don't make me be quiet for your comfort"?
Evidently the problem is not "people being made to be quiet"... it's that she's not the one doing the silencing.
The (little l) liberal ideal is truly dead.)
Rene Saunce said...
An army of Griffins.
Hide the kitchen knives.
I'm getting more of an "Army of Lorena Bobbitts" vibe. Again, hide the kitchen knives!
The Fresh out of fucks cliche is used to imply you no longer care. This woman sounds like she once did not but now does care. She fucked up the cliche.
Eleanor, spot on. Great comment.
I love how the article romanticises what was basically just a mental snap at the reality of Hillary losing.
"I'm done pretending your hateful rhetoric is okay"
Hateful rhetoric like asking we enforce immigration law.
That comment at Ace's is resonating:
"The Left is not outraged because they fear Trump will take away their rights, they are outraged because they fear Trump will give rights back to the rest of us"
"I expect the author found 10 zealots"
Or maybe just one. When the reporter from the NYTs interviewed me for his article on the Florida 2000 protests, he turned me into 3 different people. But every quote in the article was mine.
We think we are skeptical about MSM shennanigans, but I wonder if we are still giving them too much trust.
During a particularly difficult patch, I met a soldier (well, Marine officer, but that counts, right?) called Major Stanfast. Excellent fellow.
Any relation?
You can see the election results here:
And there is a district map showing how different areas lean. One thing it makes clear is that the district is fairly evenly split between Osoff and Handel supporters. So people like the woman in the story disregard almost half the people around them. Simply don't realize that people disagree. Republicans and still more Trump supporters do not make that mistake. They remain quiet, lead their lives, don't respond to pollsters. As they enter the polling booth they are not exhausted by filling in post cards, changing lawn signs and listening to political speeches. They have an FU left for the left. A vote for a Republican is a vote for Trump? They vote in the Republican.
Back home to the vibrators ladies.
Even in Georgia, the Times can't break out of its bubble.
Titus said...
I haven't followed this and don't care much. The guy running is kind of hot-looks like he may have a long schlong, and up against his thin body is always a nice look.
the lady candidate, on the other hand, is hideous, hair, clothes, fat body-you name it and it is a big fail.
6/20/17, 3:22 PM
Maybe so Titus but you would find that her pussy tastes like winner pussy and his dick tastes like loser dick. So, there's that.
Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn’t you?
Apparently Ms. Brooking needed to give a few more fucks...roughly 18 years ago.
Jean Kerr's husband was a New York theater critic for a long time, and once in a list of notes for prospective playwrights, she advised dialing back the f-bombs because "I number among my acquaintance people of such candor and quick temper that, for me, the thrill is gone."
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