ADDED: I looked to see if I'd ever blogged about Steve Scalise, and I found this (from January 2015):
"Asked about Steve Scalise, Newt Gingrich invokes Jeremiah Wright."ALSO:
"Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich defends House Majority Whip Steve Scalise after it was reported that Scalise once spoke before a white supremacist group."
The Capitol Police saved many lives this morning from a shooter who had obviously planned to kill many Republican members. Shaken but OK...
— Rep. Mark Walker (@RepMarkWalker) June 14, 2017
(Walker, a Baptist minister, is the pitcher on the Republican team.)
३३५ टिप्पण्या:
335 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»The culture of hate cultivated by the Dems coming home to roost.
Democratic climate of hate.
Key fact:
Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., told Fox News he left just before the shooting. As he walked to his car, a man asked DeSantis if it was Republicans or Democrats practicing. About three minutes the shooting began, DeSantis said.
What a horrible thing for them. Am glad to read of no fatalities on the field.
Kathy Griffin seen leaving the area.
When will democratic harassment, corruption and lies stop?
I blame CNN and Colbert for the shooting.
Words don't work very well at times like this.
I am just utterly saddened.
Angry, too. But that comes later.
And apparently Don Lemon was driving the get-away car.
I am going out on a limb. This was an attempted assassination of a political opponent.
This is what happens when the Left engages in a culture of hate. If you can punch a Nazi, surely you can shoot one too.
Congratulations. You've just moved the country closer to something really quite ugly.
Julius Caesar actors could not be reached for comment.
The Twitter feeds I've read are horrible.
Leftists gloating, and of course, blaming the Republicans for backing the NRA and causing "a climate of hate."
"It's your fault people are shooting at you!"
These people are moral zeroes.
This stops the crazy Russia speculation for about three hours.
What if the Russia Russia Russia story is nothing?
CNN lies and spreads conspiracy theories to avenge the loss of their poor sad corrupt money grubbing political power whore. Her.
When media lies, people die.
"The gun was a semiautomatic," Brooks said. "It continued to fire at different people. You can imagine, all the people on the field scatter."
Someone primary this asshat. It didn't continue to fire. The gunman continued to fire. The gun was fired by the gunman.
I thought it was ok to shoot Republicans and even behead them.
It will take roughly five minutes for the shooter(s?) life to be completely revealed after police release the name.
I am giving odds to all the resident Leftists - a gentleman's bet - that this person is a radical Leftist. Will his online history be scrubbed? Time will tell.
Grab your carry on.
"This stops the crazy Russia speculation for about three hours."
Not quite. Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak was seen walking his mechanical dog in the area minutes before the shooting.
this just proves we need to prevent Dems from owning guns.
Who the hell posted a death date for Rep. Scalise's Wikipedia entry?
And who the hell tries to score cheap political points at a time like this???
This will probably sell more tickets to the Public Theater in New York that is staging an adaptation of Shakespeare's “Julius Caesar” that stars a Trump-like character in the title role.
That damn Sarah Palin and her campaign bullseye targets.
I blame the atmosphere of hate generated and broadly endorsed by the DemCong at all levels. Antifa scum better be careful what they wish for.
So the Wikipedia page for Representative Scalise was edited to include a date of death.
Stay classy, Leftists.
So the Wikipedia page for Representative Scalise was edited to include a date of death.
It's been deleted, but should still be in the history.
Is it ok to punch a Nazi?
Are all Republicans also, in reality although hidden really well, Nazis?
Answer those questions in the affirmative, as Leftists did not long ago, and it's perfectly fine to kill Republicans to prevent a Holocaust. If we have to cause a Holocaust to stop a Holocaust, Leftists will abide.
This is terrible and I hope that there was no political motivation involved. No matter the case the shooter should be held accountable to the greatest extant that the law will allow. It was scary when this happened to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and it is equally scary here.
I blame the Media and the Democrats who are inciting violence. This gunman supposedly asked if they were Democrats or Republicans before he started shooting. Sick. I have been warning about won't end until somebody dies....
Let's face it, Rep. Scalise was just a Louisiana Hillbilly...
@ wendybar
Lots of somebodys.
When we otherize people, we devalue them. The question is how much devaluation we do. If we devalue down to zero, killing is perfectly reasonable because they have no value.
How much is a Hillbilly devalued?
A Nazi?
A Republican?
Deep State. Shooter identity 'sort of' revealed, then some murky background/motivation. CNN first with the What difference, at this point, does it make? meme.
Shots rang out.
Far left libs are very very angry [maybe hateful] and they want to get even with those they blame for their own failures, etc.
I despise the thinking of far left libs but I don't want to get even with them; I just want our fed govt to fix a few things so those things work better on a go-forward basis. Far left libs don't care if they get fixed, they just want someone to pay dearly for what they view as injustices. IOW, far left libs are nuts.
"Deep State. Shooter identity 'sort of' revealed, then some murky background/motivation. CNN first with the What difference, at this point, does it make? meme."
And they can always recycle Sarah Palin and her campaign bulleyes targets.
This is terrible and I hope that there was no political motivation involved... "no matter what I may have said."
Obviously brings back memories of horrible G Giffords shooting in Tucson and many on left who blamed right's alleged violent rhetoric/imagery for setting off lunatic. Now that right is making the left live by its own rules, will be interesting to watch those Giffords-related tweets/statements being dug up and slung back.
And after spewing hatred for the "Hillbillies" here in thread after thread, he invokes Giffords. Chutzpa or cluelessness, not always easy to tell.
"This is what happens when the Left engages in a culture of hate. If you can punch a Nazi, surely you can shoot one too."
Cue all the "Sessions is clearly with the Klan" remarks from yesterday.
If you're going to cite the story about speaking to a white supremacist group... you probably ought to at least mention that the story has been debunked. (here: by way of the comments thread on that previous post.)
The man who is right this minute in the hospital being treated for gunshot wounds actually didn't do that thing which the national press tried to smear him with a few years back.
You sub-human Hillbillies don't deserve to be shot.
It will be interesting to learn if the shooter is nuts or is just filled with hate.
Looks like security was lax, or the shooter was known by the cops, and they let him near the group.
Every mental case is attracted to this kind of scenario, because their name will be all over the media. Endless video loops, until our brains shut down.
The retards will go down, but everyone will know their name - yea!
Birkel, first, stop politicizing this. Second, I have never refereed to a member of congress as a Hillbilly or an Althouse Hillbilly. Instead, I have rightfully charged that Republicans have made it their platform to cultivate the Hillbilly vote. I have referred to Trump as "the Hillbilly King." Third, the you and other conservatives use much worse language. Someone yesterday here referred to President Obama as "the mulatto." I have seen much, much worse.
Shit, I haven't watched the news in months and months, which is probably why my Trump hatred doesn't meet community standards, but I guess I have to turn it on today.
"Now that right is making the left live by its own rules, will be interesting to watch those Giffords-related tweets/statements being dug up and slung back."
Nah, just recycled talking points about the need for more stringent gun control and how the NRA is the real guilty party.
"Someone yesterday here referred to President Obama as 'the mulatto.'"
So it's open season on racist comments!
Just heard on FOX Business that because Steve Scalise was in a leadership position in the house is the reason there was a security detail at the ballpark otherwise there would have been no security and maybe much worse injuries and possible deaths.
The problem is that we are reacting to Once as if he has a clue what he is babbling about.
I must wonder if the shooter is: A member/supporter/client-beneficiary of the Democratic (sic) Party; Or, someone waging Jihad.
I very much doubt if he is a member of the "Tea Party".
I wish all the sub-human Hillbillies would stop trying to defend themselves from the constant and well-deserved partisan attacks in which I have engaged. It is unfair that people would take umbrage with constant vilification - especially since they are lower forms of life, Hillbillies - and attempt to defend themselves from the Blood Libel the Leftists use.
After all, we're just punching and or shooting Nazis. That's perfectly justified.
The left will have to stick to true allegations for a few days until this blows over.
Once written, twice... said...
Birkel, first, stop politicizing this.
You can't politicize this. Only we can politicize this.
Once written, twice... And still lacking any self-awareness.
t will be interesting to learn if the shooter is nuts or is just filled with hate.
Embrace the conundrum resolving power of 'and.'
I'm waiting for the ritual condemnation of the cycle of violence.
In Alexandria. Let that sink in.
It's pretty obvious that this is a political hate crime. When the shooter's name is revealed, we'll know more. This is the fruit of a hateful "by any means necessary" ideology.
We're fortunate that Rep. Scalise is a member of House leadership and had a security detail that was able to shoot back. Most members of Congress do not have that luxury. How long was it going to be until the far left loonies realized that if they killed some Republican Congressmen, there'd be all kinds of special elections to replace them?
"It will be interesting to learn if the shooter is nuts or..."
Crazy as a loon, unless he's a republican. In which case he's a cold-blooded wannabe murderer who was in the wrong park.
Just heard on FOX Business that because Steve Scalise was in a leadership position in the house is the reason there was a security detail at the ballpark otherwise there would have been no security and maybe much worse injuries and possible deaths
Only 4 or 5 shot (from what I understand right now) and none overly serious (from what I understand right now). As bad as this is, it could have been so much more worse. If there would have been no security and on CC holders there, the guy could have walked around and shot more at closer range.
I have no idea what it is, but if the guy has a computer full of comments with phrases like "cuckservative" and "GOPe" ... That's why I try to hold back comment. I think the GOP leadership is kind of pathetic, but nobody wants this.
referred to President Obama as 'the mulatto.'"
Obama is a mulatto. That is a fact. He has one parent who was black and one parent who is white. That is the definition of the word.
Now the word could have been used as a slur but you'd have to provide the facts to support that.
But think about this: multiple shootings in Chicago every week. It happens all the time there.
Clyde, what is the rule on that. Does it vary from state to state? If you have a special election or if the Governor appoints someone to complete a term.
You all need to ask yourselves why you take such umbrage at being labeled Hillbillies but you see no problems with the much worse labels you and your heros like Rush Limbaugh places on liberals?
I'm relatively certain that BAMN would include 'any' means to stop Hillbillies, Nazis, Republicans and Fascists.
That's why the antifa group is so excited to use violence to stop those bad people from using their words to advocate policies with which they disagree. And that's perfectly acceptable because Hillbillies are sub-human. That's why we invent labels to deprive people of their humanity. After all, when they disagree with us about government policy it just goes to prove that they are not as enlightened as us.
So the Leftists are ok with punching and or shooting Hillbillies, Nazis, etc.
You all need to ask yourselves why you take such umbrage at being labeled Hillbillies but you see no problems with the much worse labels you and your heros like Rush Limbaugh places on liberals?
Namecalling. It's all you've got. Save it for the playground.
your heros like Rush Limbaugh places on liberals?
Quote please. I want to hear the racist words Rush used to describe liberals, any racist terms at all.
We don't actually take "umbrage" BTW, we just like prodding you to spew your hate to show people what your side is all about. We think it is kind of funny that you are so unapologetic in your hypocrisy. I think the word you are looking for though is "cracker." Equally insulting to us, widely used by blacks to describe racist whites, but doesn't drag a population of poor mountain people into it.
David B, and we are up to 28 murders so far this year in Jackson Mississippi. The last two:
-Someone walks into the "Just For Kids Barbershop" and shoots the owner.
-A guy gets beheaded. His body is burned and his head left on the front porch of his house.
Adjusted for population, this would be like Madison having 45 murders so far this year.
Yeah, guys.
Don't politicize this attempted political assassination.
Once, you need to ask yourselves why you see no problems with your heroes shooting Republicans.
That was easy.
Which conservative here will step up and call Rush Limbaugh out for labeling individual women as "FemiNazis" on a daily basis?
Hillbilly is an insult to the Scots Irish who settled in the Appalachian Mountains. They're not even real people. Like Canadians.
BAnyMN. Any means are ok when you're attacking a sub-human population like Nazis. Or Republicans.
Congratulations. You've just moved the country closer to something really quite ugly.
I see a bad moon 'arising. I see trouble on the way.
And people like Inga make fun of those of us who are attempting to be prepared. Situational awareness is important.
Once written, twice... said...
You all need to ask yourselves why you take such umbrage at being labeled Hillbillies
Who takes umbrage at people revealing their third grade mentality? Discredit yourself all you want.
By newstime tonight the focus will be on republicans' hateful, divisive rhetoric.
Or people with potty mouths like Terrence and Philip.
The left will have to stick to true allegations for a few days until this blows over
That may have been true before Trump.
Once: This is terrible and I hope that there was no political motivation involved.
I'll bet you do.
Birkel, first, stop politicizing this.
So, you are sure a radical leftist is the perp.
Slow down and wait for all the facts to come out, Once. You may, after all, want to politicize this yourself.
(Not that you won't turn on a dime and forget you said anything about "not politicizing", if the story turns out differently than appears to be the case right now.)
All I know is that it a white male of middle age with a right to own guns was involved, what his motives are is yet to be determined.the rhethoric of hate and divide has come from both sides in an atmosphere where dissentors are called non people. Both the right and the left must own this, and shootings of any kind must be condemned.
Pookie, bullshit. My first post to this thread deplored this shooting (as I do all violence.) I also wrote that the shooter should be punished to the farthest extant that the law allows. It was terrible when it happened to Congresswoman Giffords and it is terrible here as well.
It will be interesting to learn if the shooter is nuts or is just filled with hate.
Lily....embrace the healing power of "and".
"Feminazi" is worse than a racist term like 'Hillbilly' that references an actual population of people, many living in poverty? But your response to a joke against feminists is pretty telling. "That's not funny!"
How do you know this particular shooter had a right to own guns? That's quite an interesting bit of knowledge before we even know the name of the shooter. Are you sure the person is not a felon? Are you sure they are a Virginia citizen who may have been a felon but was pardoned by Governor Terry McAuliffe?
Where do you get such inside information?
Pookie, bullshit. My first post to this thread deplored this shooting (as I do all violence.) I also wrote that the shooter should be punished to the farthest extant that the law allows. It was terrible when it happened to Congresswoman Giffords and it is terrible here as well.
So you're a humanitarian name-caller? How impressive.
I'll try to use smaller words for you, so you can understand. If you don't want your side to be broadly blamed for what one person does, don't do it to the other side.
Both the right and the left must own this
Jonah Goldberg has a continuing bit on the left's largely successful efforts to pin conservative mistakes on conservatives while generalizing liberal mistakes to America. They've internalized their political tactics to such a degree they flow instinctively.
In this case they reverse the old redistribution saw to "What's yours is yours, but what's mine is ours".
"punch back twice as hard. " Barack Obama
Which conservative here will step up and call Rush Limbaugh out for labeling individual women as "FemiNazis" on a daily basis?
Or Seinfeld having a "Soup Nazi" on his show.
Rush's thing was more of a bit. He was not saying lefty women wanted to set up death camps and exterminate millions of people (well, except for the unborn).
I've had several lefties tell me (or read what they write) that Trump is Hitler and we are at 1934 right now.
The Daily Californian (Berkeley newspaper) says its okay to use violence to stop conservatives from speaking in public.
Wait, on second thought, I would like to know if roesch/voltaire believes Leftist attempts to restrict gun ownership would have applied to a rifle.
I was fairly certain that Democrats didn't want to restrict ownership of long guns except for some cosmetic features. How does roesch/voltaire know so much about the rifle this person used?
Besides, it's ok to punch Nazis.
Horses should be held, but given the fact that someone tried to poison a conservative speaker, we've seen multiple attacks... this is the natural conclusion.
Well, that's just sad.
By the way, conservatives have many times over the years made fun of Bill Clinton by using the Hillbilly meme. Or did you Althouse Hillbillies forget that?
"If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun" -- BH Obama
My theory......he seems to have been a very bad shot. So probably not someone who is active in 2nd amendment rights.
I saw, I think Flake, talking about how they applied pressure to Scalise's injuries while the shooting happened. Honestly, a lot of the people on that baseball field sound like they handled it way, way better than most people would.
"Hillbilly" is a racist slur against the Scots-Irish. It is no different from k-e, w-p, or n-r. I am honestly puzzled why Althouse hasn't banned Once long ago.
Once: Which conservative here will step up and call Rush Limbaugh out for labeling individual women as "FemiNazis" on a daily basis?
So, let me see if I've got this straight: it's indecent to call people "Nazis"? Or is "Nazi" OK, but "FemiNazi" is problematic for some reason?
(I don't listen to Limbaugh, so I don't know the facts or the context here. I have no problem with calling people "Nazis" if they act like Nazis. (E.g., antifa brownshirts.) I don't have a "problem" with lefties labeling everyone they disagree with a "Nazi"; that's what morons do, one expects no better. Then I laugh when they wail about being labeled "Nazis" themselves.)
It was reported by another Congressman who was present that someone had asked them if it was Republicans who were practicing and the description matched that of the shooter. So it does sound like it was politically motivated.
Can we not let ANOTHER thread get squirreled for the dozenth time in an argument over whether Once is being racist by using Hillbilly? It happens almost every third or fourth thread he uses it in, it is getting old.
Look everybody, we have been upgraded from Hillbillies to conservatives.
All it took was a Leftist who took the Left's rhetoric seriously and everybody can avoid devaluation to sub-human for a few hours.
Thanks, guy who took a shot at Nazis and or Republican Hillbillies.
(As always, I am waiting for the facts to be revealed. Just like the MSM does.)
Grab your carry on.
Can we not let ANOTHER thread get squirreled for the dozenth time in an argument over whether Once is being racist by using Hillbilly? It happens almost every third or fourth thread he uses it in, it is getting old.
Good idea.
By the way, conservatives have many times over the years made fun of Bill Clinton by using the Hillbilly meme. Or did you Althouse Hillbillies forget that?
In which Once yet again suggests that the left is responsible for this morning's shooting, because it's okay to blame all of your opponents if one of them misbehaves.
"roesch/voltaire said...
All I know is that it a white male of middle age with a right to own guns was involved, what his motives are is yet to be determined.the rhethoric of hate and divide has come from both sides in an atmosphere where dissentors are called non people. Both the right and the left must own this, and shootings of any kind must be condemned."
Oh for crying out loud. The RIGHT and the left??
Dave from Minnesota said...
My theory......he seems to have been a very bad shot
This suggests he was able to
"She said she laid flat in the field as the gunshots grew louder — “like he was walking across the field toward all of us, the gunman, and I was screaming: ‘Can someone help me? I have my dogs. and I can’t get behind anything.’
Fillus said a police agent pulled out gun and tried to shoot back. He was screaming, “Drop your weapon!’ And he shot her and she fell on the ground.
She fell on the ground in front of us, and we were all just trying to lay as flat we could. "
Elsewhere reports say a female Capitol Police was medevacked, so this seems to be the event leading to the most serious injury.
Once desperately wants to change the subject by babbling about hillbillies. We're going to see a lot of this kind of obfuscation until the media can bury the story entirely. But I don't think people who aren't Golden Shower Democrats are likely to forget.
Loretta Lynch got the blood in the streets she called for, so I guess it is a win for the Dem resistance movement. Not sure if congrats are in order however.
Steve Scalise, the majority whip of the House of Representatives, was shot at a baseball field in Alexandria, Va., when a gunman opened fire at field near a Y.M.C.A.
The question baseball fans will be arguing over for years to come: Did the gunman call his shot?
Too soon?
You can see the mindset of the far left. Republicans shot revealing impact of Democrats normalizing violence, must change discussion to Rush Limbaugh.
Angel....I haven't listened to Rush for 20+ years, but he was doing the Femi-Nazi thing then. My impression was that he was mocking the angry leftest feminists. Rush uses humor and he is trying to get his listeners to chuckle at those people. Mockery is very powerful. I had a job once were there was a manager who was a bit of tyrant, so we called him "Little Hitler" behind his back. We didn't think he really was a mass murderer and certainly didn't want someone to kill him.
Have you not seen the recurring them since January? The left is saying Trump really is Hitler and we must do whatever we can to destroy him. Where to you think the "resist" thing came from? Rush never said we should use violence to prevent NOW people from speaking, but the Berkeley Daily Californian said we should use violence to stop Republicans.
It is sad that we're already being told that if conservatives didn't want this, they shouldn't wear such short skirts, and we don't even know if the guy was crazy, crazy and political, or just political.
I think we can diagnose Once Written as occupying a spot on the autism spectrum. His obsessive focus: referring to people he disagrees with on this blog as hillbillies. As I said, it was mildly amusing the first time he did it--five years ago. Now he shows up chanting it like a third-grader.
Hey, Once--go practice your tango. Strictly Ballroom maybe having tryouts in your area, and you wouldn't want to be caught short. You can be the Susan Boyle of the ballroom set.
I'm not sure what the Capitol Police train its officers to do, but I would start shooting and then tell the gunman to drop the weapon. That order of operations seems wrong.
"Or did you Althouse Hillbillies forget that?"
Are you actually choosing to type that each time or is it just a random sign off automatically attached to your posts?
If you can't refrain from calling people Hillibillies in this thread, on this topic, perhaps it might be telling you something.
Too soon?
It's ok if everyone lives without permanent disability.
It may turn out to be a gallows humor if it turns out the shooter was the person who asked who was practicing. Because, then it is clear he kind of DID call his shots.
Do we know if the shooter was the person that asked if these were Republicans or Democrats?
What happened on that baseball field was evil. We should all be grateful that it appears that the carnage was not as bad as what happened in the Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford shooting.
This was inevitable. And likely to continue.
I don't think Rush is on the feminazi kick anymore. The last time I listened to him he was working over the drive-by media. I'm not quite sure I get the reference, but I don't think he intends it as a compliment. Maybe he can work up some material on what lousy drivers the feminazis in the drive-by media are.
We don't even know the extent of the injuries, and we're already being told "Hey, it wasn't even that bad."
I'd lay money the MSM uses the word Giffords more than Scalise when reporting on the shooting of Steve Scalise.
"The shooting is believed to be deliberate." - Wolf Blitzer, Genius
Giffords was shot by a nut. We'll see about this shooting.
What will we think if the Scalise shooter turns out to be politically motivated (i.e., he really hates Republicans for some reason)? As I recall, the Giffords shooter was mentally ill and unable to form a coherent political thought.
The left/media/Dems blamed the entire Republican party and conservative base for the Gabby Giffords shooting.
So be prepared to experience your own "rules" applied to you.
Everybody can agree that the violence on the baseball field was evil. Even the people who have called for the violence, increased the violent rhetoric and called Republicans sub-human agree that this violence was evil.
Now, Democrats are worried that the attacks planned for tomorrow will increase the backlash.
roesch: All I know is that it a white male of middle age with a right to own guns was involved, what his motives are is yet to be determined.the rhethoric of hate and divide has come from both sides in an atmosphere where dissentors are called non people. Both the right and the left must own this, and shootings of any kind must be condemned.
...says r/V, as he passive-aggressively slides "white male...right to own guns" into his earnest plea against hate and division.
I was going to use "snidely", but even the crassest snideness requires rather more subtlety than that, r/V.
What odds are you giving for the Giffords-Scalise use in the MSM. I'd take the gentleman's bet if you were giving 8 to 1.
What if it turns out that this person is a Hannity listener and is mad at feckless Rino deepstate supporting Republicans? At this point we just don't know except that he was a white man with a gun.
"As I recall, the Giffords shooter was mentally ill and unable to form a coherent political thought."
-- To be fair, he did have a particular beef with Giffords, as she ignored his attempt to convince her about the conspiracy of grammar. It was not a rational beef, but he did particularly target her for his own (irrational) reasons.
Imagine if cows fly out of OWT's butt. Wouldn't that be something.
Me, I'm just waiting to assign motivations as long as the MSM normally does.
Grab your carry on.
"The shooting is believed to be deliberate." - Wolf Blitzer, Genius
One Congressman interviewed remarked, "It sure as hell was no accident!"
The name is available to ABCNews but they are not providing it to the public.
Amadeus 48: "What will we think if the Scalise shooter turns out to be politically motivated (i.e., he really hates Republicans for some reason)?"
Rep Ron DeSantis reportedly heard the shooter ask if these congresspersons were republican or Democrats before the shooting.
This is why our resident lefties have taken a brief time out from their "republicans are Nazis" schtick to sing "can't we all get along" and to say gee, this is really in ALL of us.
Uh, no. It's not.
It doesn't look as though Scalise was specifically targeted but happened to be in a vulnerable place on the field. This gunman was after the whole team.
Watch to see how quickly the left brings up the Gifford shooting. I predict it won't take long. Next will be that the Repubs brought it on themselves because of gun control.
Lynch got her blood in the streets.
I hope "by any means" commenters here can take a second of self reflection before commenting on this.
Very costly wake up call. Could have been more costly.
Luckily, there was someone who could shoot back. The assassin wannabe did not count on that.
Already happened Pacwest, re: the Giffords shooting. To be fair though, it is one of the most recent violence against politicians available for comparison.
Too soon?
No. It will never be funny. Even "Other than that Mr Scalise, how did you enjoy the game?" would have been better.
"The shooting is believed to be deliberate." - Wolf Blitzer, Genius
One Congressman interviewed remarked, "It sure as hell was no accident!"
Wolf knows Republicans are all liars, so you can't believe anything they tell you. You take their word on this and where might that lead you?
Gun control was already mentioned too.
Drago: The left/media/Dems blamed the entire Republican party and conservative base for the Gabby Giffords shooting.
So be prepared to experience your own "rules" applied to you.
It's just no fun anymore since the rubes started pushing back.
"Cet animal est très méchant, quand on l'attaque, il se défend" just ain't working like it used to.
he did have a particular beef with Giffords, as she ignored his attempt to convince her about the conspiracy of grammar.
Sounds like an escaped character from a David Foster Wallace novel.
Fake Drudge headline:
Article: Rep. Mark Walker (R-N.C.) told NBC News that it appeared the "gunman was there to kill as many Republican members as possible."
Sorry, didn't read up thread first. I Giffords and guns is already up there.
6 hrs 45 mins til MSM starts with it.
Matthew Sablan: "...a lot of the people on that baseball field sound like they handled it way, way better than most people would."
Yes. I read (via Instapundit/PJM "hot mike") that (1) another Congressman present is a doc and Army Reserve (Col.) who gave Scalise combat first aid as he had done in Iraq (Bronze Star). Also (2) the Capitol Police did a terrific job of stopping the rifleman at 90-100 feet. With pistols.
I think we were all lucky this was not a whole lot worse.
Cet animal est très méchant, quand on l'attaque, il se défend"
Ha ha ha! That was exactly their take on Sessions yesterday!
The left is really, really pushing for an actual shooting civil war aren't they... This has got to stop...
Once: What if it turns out that this person is a Hannity listener and is mad at feckless Rino deepstate supporting Republicans?
Why, then you'll do exactly what I predicted you'd do, above: forget all your pleas to stop politicizing this, and tuck right in.
If you want your blood to boil, just go to twitter and type in Steve Scalise shooting....It is horrifying, and definitely the reason why Donald Trump won, and will continue to win....WOW...I am mortified that people are so evil
@Onsie, what we know for sure about the Gifford shooting is that it was perpetrated by a Democrat whose politically active mother was able to get guns for her son despite his obvious mental issues. At this point we can only infer the political orientation of the Alexandria shooter from his questioning whether it was Democrats on the Republicans on the field. I've seen reports that the shooter is dead and I've seen reports that he is in custody. We'll know more about his motives if he's still alive.
In the meantime, Onsie, your smartest move will be to apologize. If you're smart.
"Once: What if it turns out that this person is a Hannity listener and is mad at feckless Rino deepstate supporting Republicans?"
Your desperation is duly noted.
This could also be a false flag operation.
Dylan Roof, motivated by madness and racism, perpetrated a heinous crime. All white people were asked to check their conscience and reflect on their points of similarity with Dylan Roof.......I don't know anything about the shooter. I presume he's part crazy and part politically motivated. Should leftists be asked to check their conscience and reflect on what points of similarity they have with the shooter?.......I give myself a pass on the Dylan Roof shooting, and I don't suppose any leftists will consider themselves unindicted coconspirators in this event.....That's the way it goes. Maybe this is the beginning of some kind of death spiral, or maybe it's a one off event. If people of either the left or the right start going all jihadi with the frequency of our Muslim friends, then we're in for a world of shit.
We've had "they deserved it," "They brought it on themselves," "gee, gun control," "Giffords has it worse."
All we need now is "it was a false flag!" and the litany of standard victim blaming will be complete.
If they get a shooting civil war, I don't think they will like how it turns out. Simple siege of the cities will do. They can deny us financial instruments, and we will deny them food and fuel.
Once written: "This could also be a false flag operation."
@wendybar, not all people. Just Democrats.
This is a perfect opportunity to preserve those comments, wendybar. Those comments should be saved and forwarded to employers. The Leftists would do that to conservatives.
We must not pretend that we are engaged in anything but an active fight. Each of us can choose to go fetal and hope the other side stops kicking us eventually. But that's a bad strategy. The people kicking you do so with conviction because they believe they are justified in kicking Nazis.
Here's Loretta Lynch calling for blood in the streets....
... Oh, so I just missed it. Woops on me.
That (false flag operation) is what some right wing commenters wrote on Althouse after the Gifford shooting.
Blogger Big Mike said...
@wendybar, not all people. Just Democrats.
I stand corrected!! You are 100% right of course!!
Matthew Sablan:
Missed it by that much. False flag just barely beat you into the comments.
Once written: "That (false flag operation) is what some right wing commenters wrote on Althouse after the Gifford shooting."
Uh huh.
Again, wow.
Come on everybody, we all have to admit that belief in the conspiracy of grammar is almost a litmus test to belong to the Republican Party, and we have to own the Giffords shooter as one of our own.
You leftwing frauds made the rules.
Colbert and CNN are to blame for the climate of false info, lies and toxic violence inspired hatred.
There is no Alex Jones on the left. Think about that.
What if it turns out that this person is a Hannity listener and is mad at feckless Rino deepstate supporting Republicans? At this point we just don't know except that he was a white man with a gun.
If that's the case, the media will focus on that fact non-stop for the next several days. If it's an antifa or leftist type person, the media will focus on how the fact that we don't have gun control is causing all of this terrible violence.
Care to take a wager on that?
I'm pretty sure it's ok to have assassination performance art. Does this shooter have a First Amendment defense.
(It's hard to parody Leftist rhetoric but I'm trying hard.)
There is no Alex Jones on the left. Think about that
Why should we think about what you say when you clearly don't?
What are you talking about? Alex Jones is a 9/11 truther. 9/11 trooferism is a leftwing conspiracy theory.
I'm guessing that the shooter was not a true Scotsman.
WOW...I am mortified that people are so evil
Awwww...Wendy. You sweet naif. You must be so young. I'm not surprised in the least.
CNN is all conspiracy/all the time. Right after they were an arm to Hillary Clinton's campaign.
Dust Bunny Queen said...
Lily....embrace the healing power of "and".
Heh, good point. I guess my question was, does this guy have the ability to discern right from wrong? (like the legal definition of 'insane') Obviously the climate of hate and anger is strong now, and is motivating all types of people to act in violent ways.
Ok, I only have so much time in the morning to play with you Althouse Hillbillies. So I am going to put away the string and go to work. See you tomorrow morning!
Once written: "There is no Alex Jones on the left. Think about that."
False flag. Alex Jones.
It's incredible to witness the evil that is Once in real time.
I Callahan:
I expect the MSM will play a heads we win, tails you lose game.
I further expect their 16% approval rating will affect their ability to move public opinion.
But opinion polls only matter if they work against President Trump.
Still, it's almost like crying wolf is a strategy that suffers diminishing marginal returns.
BAnyMN. BAMN. Any.
Grab you carry on.
Also, are we in the early days of a civil war? We are at odds with each other in a very profound way, in a way that seems unresolvable. Where will this all lead?
Once written, twice... said...
There is no Alex Jones on the left. Think about that.
The Main Stream Media is pretty close!
I'm missing the standard media coverage play where members of the opposition party are put on camera to personally denounce the shooter.
Instead we're getting a lot of discussion how "bipartisan" the game is by MSNBC.
Drago wrote
"The evil that is Once"
I like that.
Once written, twice... said...
That (false flag operation) is what some right wing commenters wrote on Althouse after the Gifford shooting.
Are you sure they were right wing commenters? They could have been false flag commenters making comments about false flags.
Sometimes it gets very deep on the internet...
We are back to being sub-human Hillbillies within three hours. I am pretty sure it's ok to punch us.
BAMN. Any. Grab your carry on.
Once: "So I am going to put away the string and go to work. See you tomorrow morning!"
That would be.....prudent.
Can I take a minute to applaud Eric the Fruit Bat?
That was a great comment.
This was Shakespeare in the ballpark. Liberals and the media need to own this act of violence.
Birkel, maybe you should check your luggage?
Liberals and the media need to own this act of violence.
It would be nice to know the gunman's exact motivations, would it not?
Once: "I like that."
We already knew that.
Horrifying, despicable.
That would be.....prudent.
We used to have a saying "No brain, no pain," so he probably enjoys the banter as much as we do.
Looks like that work engagement for Once didn't "work out".
Thats okay Once, I understand that punctuality is not a big requirement for the antifas.
Once, you do remember the facts of the Giffords shooting, right?
The perpetrator had a grudge against Giffords because she had brushed him off when he attempted to present his theory that the government was brainwashing people with grammar. He was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophreniac. He was obsessed with her.
Politicians being the cynical scumbags that they are attempted to use the tragedy for political leverage, specifically on gun control issues and then against Sarah Palin, who had nothing to do with it, except to identify Giffords's seat as a marginal one using a universal place marker that stupid and cynical newspeople erroneously identified as a gunsight.
The Hill is on edge, says the headline.
A momentary news vacuum.
This event changes nothing. I fear it merely hastens the inevitable armed conflict in this land between left and right. #Resist indeed.
It will not end tidily.
"Ok, I only have so much time in the morning to play with you Althouse Hillbillies. So I am going to put away the string and go to work. See you tomorrow morning!"
Wow. Just wow. Giffords! Limbaugh! Hannity! False flag! Oh, look at the time!
His shift is over. Time to clock out.
There is no reason to ever respond to him again. Ever.
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