"... weakening global efforts to combat climate change and siding with conservatives who argued that the landmark 2015 agreement was harming the economy, officials briefed on Capitol Hill said," the NYT reports.
You can watch Trump say it right here:
४२५ टिप्पण्या:
425 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Good.
The wails of the eco-doomsayers shall reach a fever pitch. Surely great calamity will fall upon us all if we don't repent our vile emission producing ways!
A great day for all Americans,
We just saved billions in cash and thousands of jobs.
So, so disappointed in the Pope for his lobbying on this issue. Apparently I can't be a good Catholic because I am a climate change denier. Thankfully the Jesuits educated me and I figured out that CAGW is a complete scam.
Stupid, short sighted, typical Trump.
vicki from Pasadena
I'm enjoying the live feed of the crowd, broiling in the sun, the men in wool suits, the women in sleeveless dresses (flicking their hair continually), the jazzy guitar music wafting over them, taunting them subtly even as it calms and soothes them as they wait for Trump to swagger out and destroy the world.
Yes, indeed!
Still not sick of the winning.
It was a bad deal. Trillions of dollars lost to opportunity cost and debt burden for future generations in exchange for a disturbingly small and irrelevant impact on future temperature.
LOL - everyone is cooking in the global warming sun.
CAGW is a prediction about events in the far distant based upon faulty models and corrupt data.
Good. Does anyone believe that these countries will reduce their CO2 emissions by 25% in less than 10 years? No way Germany and Japan do it with their move away from nuclear power. I'm glad someone is calling them on their BS.
News headline this afternoon says: “Trump to cut birth control for tousands of women”.
I’ll say it again. You Democrat gals need to start banging a higher class of guy. Someone who will pitch a few bucks for some birth control. Pajama boy isn’t going to do it.
Shouldn't that read ". . . siding with conservatives who argued that the landmark 2015 agreement was harming the economy"?
Is there any doubt that paying more for energy reduces economic growth? If it's not true, then why are less developed nations allowed to burn more fossil fuels to allow their economies to grow faster?
If he hadn't, the media would spin the whole story to focus on how he's selling out the stupid people who put him in office.
As a secondary part, they would wonder what Putin had on him to keep him in the agreement.
sorry, should be "economists," not "conservatives."
Eugene Kontrovich has a post up on Volokh saying that the US can't quit the Paris Agreement because we never properly became a party to it: It's a treaty, but Obama didn't submit it to the Senate for ratification.https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/06/01/the-u-s-cant-quit-the-paris-climate-agreement-because-it-never-actually-joined/?utm_term=.de39a0367b4f&wpisrc=nl_volokh&wpmm=1
I thought Trump was usually on time, this delayed start is very Obamaesque.
I'm a rightwinger who supports things like conservation, mass transit, an "all of the above" energy production plan. But the committed global warming people are nuts. If they weren't so over-the-top, they may get more converts.
Does anyone believe that these countries will reduce their CO2 emissions by 25% in less than 10 years?
China sure won't. I mean, the Chinese government may claim they have at the end of 10 years, and who would dare say otherwise?
This sums it up for me.
Another reason why I voted for DJT. WINNING!!!
Future generations will wonder at our hubris in thinking we could change the climate, and compare us to primitive tribes throwing virgins into volcanoes.
Phew! I thought Ivanka was going to turn him.
So, it's not anthropogenic, and they are compelled to alter the narrative from global warming to climate change, catastrophic anthropogenic climate change. Another twilight dream based on inference past and prophecies future.
But what about those millions of Windmill workers. How will they live?
faulty models and corrupt data
And a radiative effect characterized in isolation then extrapolated to global extremes.
It was a bad deal agreed to only by President Obama, without the advice and consent of the U.S. Senate, and thus not a binding treaty obligation. Live by the phone and pen, die by the phone and pen.
This sums it up for me.
The intolerance is breathtaking. Redistributive change with a side of retributive change. It is the babies... I mean, the science that suffers.
Trump said trillions of dollars and millions of jobs. Deny that libs!
A significant propaganda and economic victory for China, which has been on something of a roll recently.
Oh, it might be a little warm in a wool suit in the direct sun here (greater DC) today, but it's pretty gorgeous weather really. It's been unseasonably cold and rainy pretty much all spring so far this year. Although the cicadas seem to like it; a whole bunch of Brood X have woken up 4 years early for some reason.
It seems like all the wrong people are upset at this.
So, it must be good for the USA.
It was another one of those complicated, multi-national "agreements" that no one could tell exactly why it was needed, what precisely it was going to do, and how the average American would benefit.
All you ever got from the MSM was hyperbole and talking points. And fake experts giving us their fake analysis.
AReasonableMan: "A significant propaganda and economic victory for China, which has been on something of a roll recently"
Sticking with this extraordinary wealth transfer plan represented an astonishing unearned economic win for the Chinese, Indians and Europe.
Breaking away from this ridiculous farce represents a tremendous economic victory for Americans.
ARMs disappointment is completely expected.
Romney wanted to stay in, so we could "provide leadership".
What a wanker.
The Godfather said...
Eugene Kontrovich has a post up...
See, see?!? Someone born in the Soviet Union telling the President of the United States what he can and cannot do. I guess the NYTs was right all along...
Since the average person knows little of what the Paris Agreements were actually about I'll skip the comments:
And we are here as on a darkling plain / Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, / Where ignorant armies clash by night
Maybe you should move to China. Nice clean air.
Germany has already pulled back significantly from their green energy activities.
Why not when you have lefty suckers in the US who are happy to dump even more cash into your European pockets.
rcocean: "Romney wanted to stay in, so we could "provide leadership"."
And remember, the lefties called Romney a theocratic Hitler.
Just heard his talk today. Trump isn't saying that its anything goes now. We will still have enviromental protections. They will just be smart protections. Not this international goofy agreement.
Trump should be able to apply the cost savings to his CBO tax score.
Ending green extortion.
David Begley said...
Nice clean air.
Did not say this. Straw man, troll-like comment.
It is a propaganda victory precisely because the Chinese has such a dismal environmental record. Even with the advantage the US still manages to lose the battle of perception.
He's talking about American's sovereignty.
Oh no!
A dark day indeed for the global socialists.
And to think it comes on top of the left's latest "success" story in Venezuela where the leftists are now whacking judges and arresting journalists.
Naturally Carlos Slim is unwilling to focus too much in that story.
sounds like the weather is improving
ARM: "It is a propaganda victory precisely because the Chinese has such a dismal environmental record."
And this accord EXPLICITLY allows the Chinese to continue it's environmentally horrific performance. Apparently with your full and unequivocable support.
Global climate change hysteria begins and ends with American wallets.
Trump is going to build a wall around your wallet. Believe me.
Dave from MN
Trump made an important distinction today. We already have clean air. Carbon dioxide is not pollution.
Trump is a master of rhetoric. Maybe his best speech.
China does what China wants, Paris treaty or not. The only thing China has done to clean up their environmental mess -----------> green marketing.
Any day that the US does not surrender it's sovereignty and it's cash to the global socialists is a bad day for the Vickie's and ARMs.
Not to worry. Don't your Obamacare policies include psychological counseling and mental health medications?
One hopes so.
It looks like World Government will have to conquer us from the outside, now that the inside job is gone from the White House. Last November 8 is the day we were saved from a certain sabotage destruction designed by Obama.The Baghdad Bob Media are still pretending they can ignore that reality because Russia, Russia, Russia. They make The Onion look serious compared with the absurd way they pretend to report news.
Now let's throw out the rest of the evil Cabal of Traitors, starting with the hold over Obama/Clinton loyalists and the slimy Bush loyalists creeping back in.
Did ARM just imply China is concerned over a Battle OF Perception?
Hey ARM, if you bend over and let the football team fuck you, you'll be popular. Pinky swears.
He bucked the Kushner's and all elitists. The Evangelical Church of Global Warming is akin to Scientology..a fucking cult!
Gee, maybe the Obama Administration should have treated this like a treaty and seen about getting it ratified by the Senate.
Obama was so proud of this accord and so convinced of it's "correctness" and so prepared to "fight for it" that he refused to put it before the Senate for ratification.
Courageous avoidance of the Senate full of courag-y courage.
Withdrew from a climate accord we never actually entered into, thus dooming the world.
When President Obama didn't actually enter into it, he was saving the world, because optics.
(Not that it'd do jack to "stop climate change" anyway.)
China takes time out from rolling tanks over citizens to mesmerize the likes of ARM and his fellow lefties with sweet sweet nothings about "perceptions".
Well, it wouldn't be the first time a western lefty swooned to the siren call of communist totalitarian leaders, eh?
Trump in the Rose Garden: The only thing missing was a coal-fired barbecue cooking a 400-pound pig.
(The president needs to take a page from Obama on how to rub it in)
Man made Global Warming / Climate change is a hoax. It's become a religion. We elected the right person with the guts to pull the plug.
Even people who support this garbage know in their hearts it's not science. It's all political. Good for Trump. Congratulations America.
If Obama did his job, and got the treaty ratified by 2/3 of Congress, we wouldn't be here right now. But he took the easy way out, much to the delight of his fawning media and Hollywood, and now it is gone. Always remember his words...ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!
Just as much fun as Bush unsigning Kyoto. Which, if I am not mistaken, already meant The End of the World.
Paris today, Iran tomorrow. Keep hope alive.
I would have preferred him to say: "This is a treaty and thus it needs to be approved by the Senate. I want to end this practice of presidental agreements being put forward as treaties. The Paris agreement ended on the day that President Obama's term ended. Thus I will do what he refused to do and send this treaty to the senate for either confirmation and rejection."
Pay no attention to the building of hundreds of additional dirty coal-fired plants in China and India, we have perceptions to worry about!
The US continues to lead the world in clean technologies and reduced emissions but "perceptions" so Trump is a fascist and Hitler and planet murderer!
Say, isn't Russia one of those signatory countries whose superior wisdom Trump is pitting us against?
Clicked over immediately following the speech-
MSNBC- a dark, cynical speech
CNN- Big departure from all previous President, and republicans and democrats, and this is Trump being the Trump that was elected.
PackerBronco, there is no way the President should submit an anti-American accord that he did not negotiate to the Senate.
There are just enough McCains who would vote for it just to harm a republican President. It's already Bush III for him.
Fen said...
if you bend over and let the football team fuck
Troll-like comment from someone who apparently has some experience as a receiver.
OT: I just realized the worst thing about the Kathy Griffin photo is that pussy bow on her blouse. Ladies, please don't bring those back.
The good news is that we now join Syria and Nicaragua in sticking it to the man. Who couldn't be proud of that company?
Nobody gives a rat's ass about some Paris Climate Change Accord, except for the elitist-professorial wing of the Democrat Party.
You think union steel workers or coal miners or pipefitters or carpenters care a fig about the Paris Climate Change Accord? Not a chance in hell.
If left-wing billionaire Tom Steyer is sqwaking, something good is happening.
What's the Left gonna do -- protest even more against Trump??????
I wish I still had my 1972 Dodge Charger -- I would fill it up with gas and drive several victory laps.
It's a problem. I don't think Paris addressed it, so I'm not enraged, or anything. The key thing is: What now?
Wasn't the U.S the only major nation to meet the Kyoto co2 goals without even signing the agreement? Because of fracking? And didn't the Europeans fail miserably dispite all of their rhetoric and posturing?
Just asking.
Sebastian said...
Just as much fun as Bush unsigning Kyoto. Which, if I am not mistaken, already meant The End of the World.
How many times is this End of the World thing happening? It is very hard to make plans. The wife, of course, has nothing to wear. I keep telling her that will be fine.
I will simply state that the current agreement favored certain nations not included over others. Without China, it's a near-useless endeavor and is designed to impede productivity. Without some kind of structure to reduce rampant corruption, allowing the third world nations to pollute more won't end up making a whit of difference.
Don't understand all the comments about Obama failing to get Paris accords ratified by the Senate. That wasn't going to happen. The Senate fails to ratify treaties that are a lot more noncontroversial than this one.
I am not too bothered. It takes 4 years to withdraw, making this an election issue for 2020. I think it will be an issue favoring anyone challenging Trump in the primary or general election. Meanwhile it's of a piece with Trump's behavior.
Also don't understand having a Rose Garden ceremony. Makes Trump look like a nincompoop.
So much winning!
Trump should be beheaded in effigy across the globe. Burning him in effigy would be irresponsible as it contributes to global warming.
Trump's single term, will go down in history as the worst, and most destructive of any president in U.S. history - toppling GWB. Kathy Griffin for president in 2020. She will forever be known for her delightfully dripping headless horseman of the apocalypse.
When you combine arrogance with ignorance what do you get? A disaster for mankind.
A great victory not just for fiscal sanity, but for the environment. The parasites and rent seekers need a new con.
Every person on planet earth owes Trump a debt of thanks. As do most of the plants and animals.
This strikes me as an example of one of the big differences between the Old World and the New. In the Old World, the expected behavior is for the government to find the solution and to enforce it for the general good. In the New World, the attitude is that smaller actors than the central government should be the ones who address the issue with some guidance but not direction from the central government.
I expect no real issue in the US. If Paris is a good, reachable goal, then it will be implemented by business, states, and municipalities. If it is not, then we are all better off if it is not shoved down our throats from above.
Why am I asked to drive a Prius so that a truck driver in Guatemala can tool around spouting fumes as black as your heart? Ever been there? Nicaragua? Anybody around in Pittsburg in the 60s? See it now? Beijing in the 80s? Now? Each is not like the other.
Trumpit: "When you combine arrogance with ignorance what do you get?"
Volumes and volumes of Trumpit postings.
You think union steel workers or coal miners or pipefitters or carpenters care a fig about the Paris Climate Change Accord? Not a chance in hell.
Wha....? AS IF Paris wouldn't have curtailed the mining of coal, used to make coke for steel production, making the US less competitive economically. You think coal miners and steel workers aren't already aware of that, given how the EPA had been busy regulating them to death.
As to elections and the Paris Accord? Bring it. People do not give one shit about it. Normal people that is.
Drago at 3:29
Good one!
Trumpit: "Trump's single term, will go down in history as the worst, and most destructive of any president in U.S. history - toppling GWB. Kathy Griffin for president in 2020. She will forever be known for her delightfully dripping headless horseman of the apocalypse."
From your lips to the Democrat primary electorate!
Draft Kathy Griffen!
That Trumpit has his/her/xer finger on the pulse of the country!
We have no idea whether someone is male or female, and we have no right to tell others whether they are male or female.
But we absolutely know that man is somehow destroying the world by fractional temperature increases, and we should be free to use the force of law backed by threats of fines and jail to force everone to do what we believe will save the world.
Anyone besides me see some problem with this kind of "reasoning"?
One of the things that makes AGW look not like science is its insistence that the near and medium term future climate will be nothing like the near and medium term past climate. The foundation of modern science is the belief that we occupy no special place in space and no special place in time. The world we live in is the creation of natural forces over which all of our thoughts, deliberations, and efforts have no influence. The natural world is not a world that creates and executes plans, fortuitously or disastrously.
The main point is that even if we spent trillions and wrecked our economy by staying in the Paris Accord is that we would only avoid 0.03 increase in temp in 2100 according to the scientists at MIT. Wake me up in 2100 and let me know how this turned out.
"....as they wait for Trump to swagger out and destroy the world."
Trollin', trollin', trollin'.
Though the streams are swollin'.
Keep them bloggers trollin', raw hide.
Raw Hide!
Quayle: "Anyone besides me see some problem with this kind of "reasoning"?"
This reasoning, as with all leftist reasoning, must, by necessity, end with mass graves.
But for the best of reasons, of course.
"Volumes and volumes of Trumpit postings."
Methinks it a bit and not serious.
Thank you, my President. Win.
If the NYTimes wanted, they could simply report that President Trump kept his campaign promise to cancel the Paris peace accord.
They could spin it as a refreshing moment of American politics, where promises are kept at the Executive Level, thus fortifying the integrity of our wobbling Republic -- our something like that.
David Begley: "The main point is that even if we spent trillions and wrecked our economy by staying in the Paris Accord is that we would only avoid 0.03 increase in temp in 2100 according to the scientists at MIT."
As with Judith Curry from Georgia Tech, those MIT professors will soon find themselves under the withering glare of the leftist Stormtroopers assigned to root out the heretics.
"I am not too bothered. It takes 4 years to withdraw, making this an election issue for 2020. I think it will be an issue favoring anyone challenging Trump in the primary or general election. Meanwhile it's of a piece with Trump's behavior."
Not sure how that works - or is there some sort of magic that forces one President to honor any agreements that his predecessor personally made, without consulting Congress?
My view is that if the US had formally adopted the treaty by having it ratified by the Senate, then the 4 year withdrawal would be applicable, but in the present situation, all we have is Obama's personal agreement, which shouldn't bind his successor, President Trump. As others have said "live by the pen and phone, die by the pen and phone". That said, no doubt the left can find some Dem appointed judges in the 2nd, 3rd, or 9th Circuit to creatively find some bogus justification why a non-treaty treaty non-ratification should be treated like a formally ratified treaty.
Even more important than ignoring the bad science used to formulate the agreement, is the fact that it was an end run around the treaty processes baked in the Constitution.
For that alone it had to go.
Rick Moran says:
"That said, did you know there was only one country that actually hit its carbon emissions target in the last climate agreement, the Kyoto Accord? That's right; US carbon emissions at the end of 2012 were at the same level that they were in 1994, just as the Kyoto climate deal mandated. Of course, the US Senate rejected Kyoto 97-0, so even though we were never a signatory country, by sheer accident, we managed to fulfill our international obligation.
Most of carbon reduction was due to the miserable Obama economy that stifled economic activity. But we also had the good fortune to be in the midst of the fracking revolution that made natural gas - a far cleaner burning fuel than coal - an enticing and cheaper alternative energy source.
The point being, if we continue to allow market forces to make our energy decisions, chances are pretty good that we'll hit the emissions targets set forth in the Paris deal anyway, even though we've washed our hands of it."
Blogger AReasonableMan said...
The good news is that we now join Syria and Nicaragua in sticking it to the man. Who couldn't be proud of that company?
This from the guy who wants us to adopt Cuba's healthcare system.
Actually there are a couple of Facebook pages supporting mining in Minnesota. The groups do see the harm that paranoid environmentalists do. The laws we have in this country are pretty tight about protecting the environment when it comes to mining, but some people are trying to stop it (mining) away.
As far as global warming laws.....a taconite plant uses tremendous amounts of electricity. These mines and plants are competing with giant operations in China, Brazil, Australia. If legislation or executive orders force a large increase in electrical rates, some of these mines and plants will not survive.
Then you lose the jobs. You lose the spinoff jobs. You lose railroad lines which means the wood products industry has a major cost increase (and they aren’t doing that well anyway). People move and the schools lose students and therefore funding. Some towns lose their grocery store.
But hey, that’s fine. The remaining people can make a living serving ice cream cones on summer weekends to tourists from Milwaukee, Madison and Minneapolis!
Of course the United Steel Workers union bosses are such dumbasses that they support anti-mining politicians. Hey, what do you get when you cross a union boss with a left-winger? A left-winger.
John Kerry should immediately hop on a private jet with James Taylor and head to Paris to give an encore performance of "You've Got a Friend".
Its 3 years to withdraw not
And what does it matter since WaPo assures us we never officially joined?
Oh....is the world ending? I missed it because we were coming back from Costco for a restocking of our pumphouse/pantry, which my husband affectionately calls the Armageddon Pantry. Good thing! Just in the nick of time. Whew!!! Thank God, at least we won't run out of the essentials like TP, coffee, tuna, canned tomatoes, olives, cheese, granoloa bars, pork ribs, hamburger....among a lot of other stuff (the suv was stuffed to the top!)..... and most importantly Scotch.
The world is going to end because Trump decided that the Paris accord is a crock of itshay designed to transfer money to the rest of the world, while China and other countries don't have to do diddly squat to stop "global warming" ???
(Global warming, which has yet to be proven to be a real thing, is a scam. Don't bother arguing with me. Waste of your breath and my time)
BTW, the .3C change is a guess. There is no direct link between CO2 and temperature in the empirical data. The CO2 has climbed for over 100 years but the temperature has fluctuated, both rising and falling, over the same period.
Something else is involved in the establishment of global temperature. (It could even include measurement errors since our measurements exclude vast areas of the earth, well except for recent satellite data which BTW shows no increase in temperature).
Take heart ARMINGAs
New York City will adhere to the agreement.
De Blasio apparently gonna run as populist candidate.
I liked the part where Trump said that the US has already reduced its carbon emissions by 20% from what they were in the Nineties and he is going to work to send the technology that made that possible to other nations. That technology was, mainly, FRACKING. Oh, yeah!!!! MORE FRACKING. Renegotiate the Paris Accords to enable other nations to learn how to frack and reach energy independence. FRACKING. FRACKING. Redistribute knowledge, not US jobs. FRACKING = Yankee dollars going home.
Frack you, Paris Accords. I'm sick from laughing but I'm not sick of winning.
It is hard to imagine a more attenuated and abstract object than 0.2 degrees C difference in a "global average" (whatever that means and, excuse me, it does not mean very much at all) and this tiny jitter in the scale not today but 80+ years hence. It is politically meaningless but somehow it has assumed existential importance. None of us will be there to test the accuracy of the prediction. None of those present will know what the baseline temperature "would have been" but for the feared/desired change in conditions.
So I call BS.
And I think Trump calls BS. He does so not in science-nerdy terms but in lunch-bucket voter terms.
Best part? He said we are leaving but we will try to renegotiate. That means that the disappointed suitors cannot afford to bad-mouth him. He is still in the game, still watching what cards are played, still deserving of the "respect" these thugs accord one another, still active and helping to shape the discussion.
Overall, I give this an A-.
Hi Pepco. Just wanted to pay my last bill and remind you we sold the place to Perth, Australi
Pepco: "We're sorry but it will take 3 years to close your account, and you are still responsible for a monthly bill averaged at $200 per month"
Oh, that's fine. Please forward out bill to 101 Gofuckyourself, Perth Australia. Thanks!
UPS: "We're sorry but there is a 3 year waiting period to forward mail to a new address"
For the first time in a long while a president did something that did not put his own people at a disadvantage in a competitive world. It's nice to have a leader that does not consider us all contemptible clingers who only win due to our inherent racist and exploitative luck.
A president that actually removes shackles rather than adding more has been long missed.
"It is a propaganda victory precisely because the Chinese has such a dismal environmental record. Even with the advantage the US still manages to lose the battle of perception."
Whose perception, exactly? You're watching that Kathy Griffin movie again, ARM.
ARM: Paraguay is laughing at the US
And isn't it odd how the Left has no shame but is suddenly concerned about perception? That doesn't follow.
Even with the advantage the US still manages to lose the battle of perception.
Only among those already determined to see the US lose.....
Powerline just posted an email between Hillary and Huma. An event the Hillary and Michelle Obama are both going to. Hillary wanted a separate plane. So they both took their own private charter jets to the same location.
And we are supposed to believe them that the world is in great danger from fossil fuels?
Why don't we spend the $100B on rebuiling Detroit?
Inga, don't you care about your fellow citizens in Detroit? What about them? Are you prepared to say to them, "Sorry, we care about you, but we care about people in India more."
Any takers for that explanation to the folks in Detroit?
Fort Pitt is our and not the Europeans. We have to fight them for it every 270 years.
So long Globally owned Windmills,we hardly ever knew you. They are all yours, Merkle. And the 100% subsidy that you pay your corrupt pol with them. The same to Tessla and his junk subsidized electrical cars.
According to the NYT, "Kierán Suckling, executive director of the Center for Biological Diversity, said, 'Trump just confirmed his total contempt for our planet’s future,' condemning 'this reckless rejection of international climate cooperation' that was 'turning our country into a rogue nation.'" One is forced to conclude that Suckling is a pig.
Something else is involved in the establishment of global temperature
Primarily the 'adjustments" made to the observed data by the "scientists".
"I'm not bothered"
1) It takes 3 years to withdraw, not 4
2) Since it's not a real treaty (thanks Obama), it won't even take 3 years to withdraw.
3) Libtard judges can do what they want, we will simply ignore enforcement the same way Obama ignored immigration law (again thanks Obama, great idea).
4) It won't even be an issue for midterms because it will be dead by then. Like those stale cocktail parties where everyone is waiting for someone else to be the first to go. Then a swarm of exits.
This morning on Good Morning America, they repeatedly said that the only two countries that didn't join the Paris Accord were Nicaragua and Syria, so that's the group we would join if we pulled out (I think somebody said the same thing here). I'm sure GMA will repeat that argument tomorrow (and I assume it will be repeated in comments on Althouse). But the other side of the coin is that some pretty despicable countries DID join the Paris Accord, e.g.: China, Afghanistan, Algeria, Cambodia, Cuba, Eritrea, Gaza (not a country), Iran, North Korea, Libya, Palestine (not a country), Russia, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, Venezuela, Viet Nam, and Yemen, to name only a few. So at least we won't be hanging with that crowd anymore.
Best part, on top of the WINNING, is he keeps referring to PA and OH and the industries that would have been crushed by this garbage agreement. He's actually winning more voters and solidifying those in the states that changed the map.
Good catch Albert, I didn't see that.
Trump: Oops. Sorry Democrats but I think I broke your Blue Firewall. Yes I know, I'm so incompetent...
And I see Wisconsin Democrats are making transgenders/drag queens a campaign issue. Is that a winner for them when it comes to independents?
"Also don't understand having a Rose Garden ceremony. Makes Trump look like a nincompoop."
Yeah. Much better to limit those occasions to trading five, hardened terrorists for a deserter.
Which of the other Repub candidates would have the guts to do this?
So much winning.
When you combine arrogance with ignorance what do you get?
The Church of Global Warming just took a hit to the collection plate.
There is no better way to improve the environment than by spreading prosperity through technolgical advancement. But the alarmists want to fix their imaginary problem by impoverishing everyone.
When you combine arrogance with ignorance what do you get?
For the win...
All of this hysteria from those that believe that this accord has anything to do with the climate is fooling themselves. More about a global redistribution of our tax dollars--all the while China and India continue to be the largest polluters and emitters of CO2 in the world. Spare me the outrage at Trump withdrawing.
DJT made the argument better than all the others, except maybe Wilbur Ross. You cannot beat Wilbur Ross. He is DJT's financial Gen Mattis.
I think that after being forced to see Donald Trump become President the left will get over the rising of the oceans and imminent destruction of the planet. Trump has numbed them to disappointment. Their tears are nearly all used up. Besides, when your idols and leaders have carbon footprints hundreds of times that of the average American, you can't get too upset about Trump allowing them to continue with their irresponsible hypocrisy.
Seems like the entire Paris deal is worthless without United States participation. If we're out, what other country can Europe and Asia fleece?
News report:
"France, Germany, and Italy have issued a joint statement saying the Paris climate accord can’t be renegotiated."
But I'm sure that was explained to the President. Just as someone probably explained to him before he spoke that there is no tax bill moving through Congress.
Hmm. Some bothered that I'm not bothered?
My only regret is that this didn't happen on Earth Day.
"France, Germany, and Italy have issued a joint statement saying the Paris climate accord can’t be renegotiated."
Good. So it's finished. Dead. Pining for the fjords.
I'd say we are DOOOOOOMED, but that ship sailed when we withdrew from Kyoto.
You only get to be DOOOOOOMED once.
If Obama is sincere about global warming he should call on all of his voters to cease barbecuing immediately, ...Wonder how his largest bloc would feel about that??
The US has already done better than any country on the face of the earth at reducing CO2 emissions over the last ten years.
That isn't going to stop just because Donald Trump withdrew from a treaty that the US was never a part of in the first place since the Senate never ratified it.
The rest of the world needs to get on America's level when it comes to CO2 reductions. America doesn't need to get on theirs.
We're not doomed. Your descendants?
If Obama is sincere about global warming he should call on all of his voters to cease barbecuing immediately,
Charcoal briquettes aren't a big net source of CO2, and the aerosols emitted have a cooling effect on the Earth.
I first supported Trump in 2015 when I heard his position on global warming: expensive bullshit.
I thought: wow, that son of a bitch can talk good and junk.
Gusty Winds said...
John Kerry should immediately hop on a private jet with James Taylor and head to Paris to give an encore performance of "You've Got a Friend".
Wouldn't Earth, Wind and Fire be more appropriate?
Or maybe a bunch of aging rock stars can get together to record "We are the World" again.
Dow up 135 points.
S&P500 up 18 points
Nasdaq up 48 points
GloabalDow up 12.5 points.
So. Much. Winning.
If Obama is sincere about global warming he'll gently nudge Hillary and Joe off to the side as 2020 approaches.
FTR the Paris trick was planned and perfected fon20 + years while the world went into a dangerous cooling. That required the data fraud guys to rework its faked data over and over.
The entire Big Lie is only an International government ploy.
Nobody fears CO2 because it is a good thing for plants, is not dirty or a pollutant.
All that get mattered was is an EU run world government. Now the jig is up. To behead the USA , as ISIS knows,requires tying our hands before the chant and slice our exposed neck. DJT jut cut us pose to fight back.
Our descendants will be laughing at our failed climate models.
I notice a link at Drudge: Big Business Begged President to Stick with the Deal.
Likely the companies sucking up Govt subsidies and handouts for solar, wind, battery, etc. projects. Yeah, I bet they did! Corn farmers also.
Good on ya, Mr. Prez, but it does not mean much until the Fed spending is actually stopped.
Our descendants may indeed have a tough time making it through the next peak glaciation.
"France, Germany, and Italy have issued a joint statement saying the Paris climate accord can’t be renegotiated."
Of course it can be renegotiated. It is essentially a contract, and plenty of treaties have been modified after ratification. It won't be, which is fine with Trump and most of the Republicans. Their problem though is that they are being left out in the wind, or, maybe more accurately, at the alter. They are moving towards "renewables" and away from both fossil and nuclear. Which was fine as long as they could point at the US taking even a bigger hit. They can posture and virtue signal all they want, but the bottom line is that they look like patsies, with rapidly increasing energy costs, and the US moving towards a significant competitive advantage over them, because of our lower energy costs, that are likely to drop further.
Dude 1394 observes:
Dow up 135 points.
S&P500 up 18 points
Nasdaq up 48 points
GloabalDow up 12.5 points.
So. Much. Winning.
My retirement funds are loving all this winning.
So this means the global temperature will be 0.1 degrees higher in 100 years than it otherwise would be, right?
readering: "We're not doomed. Your descendants?"
Doomed if the left takes the Venezuela/Cuba model global.
I expected wailing and moral shaming in the comments. I guess Soros hasn't issued today's talking points.
I can understand why the lefties are so upset: we were set up to transfer billions in cash to leftists across the globe while impoverishing ourselves and now?
Cheer up Dems. We are still likely to have 50+ shootings in Chicago this week so you have that going for you.
Plus murdered anti-revolutionary judges in Venezuela!
ISIS mass murder in the Philippines as well.
So some of the left's policies are working precisely as designed.
"China sure won't. I mean, the Chinese government may claim they have at the end of 10 years, and who would dare say otherwise"
Kinda like us. This treaty means nothing. But let's not pretend we are some paragon of honesty compared to China. Whatever enriches our betters is what is legal, here.
Our descendants will be desperately trying to stop the ice sheets from reclaiming most of the planet. We are in the middle of an ice age you know...there will be a mile of ice on top of Chicago again one day.
Gahrie: "..there will be a mile of ice on top of Chicago again one day."
But still hundreds of shootings.
My descendents? Just sent me a wormhole hologram from 2042. Says the Antaren probe arrive a few years ago and everything is swell. Free clean energy and climate control satellites. From tbeir time share on Mars.
Plinth being, anything can happen in a 100 years, good or bad, to make Paris Accords irrelevant. Remember the world back in 1917?
And even if there is a problem with AGW, innovation not static solutions is the key. Which makes global socialism the worst possible choice, since socialism strangles innovation.
Besides, my kids say first thing the Antaran probe did on arrival was zap all the Marxists, zo...
When, Gahrie?
People love to demand specifics from climate change proponents and then pick apart every prediction.
I think it only fair you provide specifics on when there will he a mile of ice over Chicago. When exactly will that be?
>>Our descendants will be laughing at our failed climate models.
I doubt that. The lefty ones will be explaining how the models were right, and the world was indeed going to end. But they saved us.
The braver ones will argue that the world did end, but conservatives were too stupid to notice.
Ha ha. You actually said "Trump's environmentalism." Hah aaha. That's funny.
Man I love dealing with lefties who favor agreements like this that have zero enforcement provisions. Perfect. No consequences. Maybe we should stay in the "paris accord" on the grounds that we get to enforce the fucking thing. Fine.
Oh, and so sorry third world that we invented the steam engine and produce big comfy SUVs. fuck off froggy
Jeez, I thought the United States faced "unsustainable" budget deficits. A carbon tax would raise significant revenue and would be good for the environment. Sad!
“Tonight I wish to tell the United States, France believes in you. The world believes in you...”
...please send the check.
This puts us in the enviable position - along with our partner in the rejection, Syria - for greatest nation ever to put itself underwater.
We are now officially Asshole Nation. Fuck the planet we want MONEY! (Nevermind the fact that sustainable energy jobs in America now massively dwarf those in coal.)
Trump's dupes will soon find out that he doesn't give a damn about them. Or their 20-year limited 2-centuries ago jobs living as gnomes underground, maiming and poisoning themselves.
A carbon tax would raise significant revenue and would be good for the environment. Sad!
And destroy the economy...but then that was kind of the goal anyway wasn't it?
"People love to demand specific predictions from global warming proponents"
No they dont. The climate alarmalists offer specific predictions unsolicited, to fearmonger people into accepting their broken theory. "If we don't act in 10 years..."
Why are you lying? The very last thing the global warming movement needs is more lies.
Fuck the planet we want MONEY!
Name a country close to donating as much money to international organizations and foreign countries as we do.
Now how about a country whose population gives as much to the world through private charity.
And even if there is a problem with AGW, innovation not static solutions is the key.
Trump's withdrawal now guarantees that other nations and the companies they charter will now lead on this.
Make America isolated and small again. America's going to its room and not playing with you MEAN other nations!
Now how about a country whose population gives as much to the world through private charity.
What world? The one that the DOD now has to scramble to figure out how its going to defend/secure once its naval ports keep sinking underwater?
This is good news.
TTR: "We are now officially Asshole Nation."
That's about the millionth time we've heard this from the left ever since Reagan was called a Nazi and destroyer of the world and lefties called for his impeachment.
Just like HWBush.
Just like W Bush.
Just like Trump.
You might not have noticed but these hysterical assertions don't carry much weight any longer since all the others have been demonstrably false.
Perhaps those very failures is what explains the increase in rhetorical intensity and volume. Shouting louder and more extreme just might create enough of a cloud to make some people forget the decades of nonsensical and insane assertions that didn't quite pan out.
I think it only fair you provide specifics on when there will he a mile of ice over Chicago. When exactly will that be?
I've never claimed to be able to predict the climate.
However if forced to guess, since it was there around 20,000 years ago, let's say 20,000 years.
Few on the left have any real reason (or recognition) why the terms of the accord are SO negative to the US, so harmless to much of the world, so very beneficial to the treasuries of others, and SO ineffective if fully followed.
Here's the bottom line, it's just like the Iran nuclear agreement. The more you learn about it the worse it gets.
Because Obama sent clear signals he MUST, he WOULD, come away with an agreement. Under those circumstances the other parties biggest problem was stifling their laughter.
On a bell curve on successful negotiations, both Trump and Obama are way down the tail.... but on opposite sides.
No, other nations will not lead this. They have been looking for an excuse to ditch it and now that America has broken the ice by leaving the party, the rest will follow suit.
The Paris Accord will be dead in 6 months.
The first lemming into the water is a leader, too. Direction matters. Let the ecopriests lead their flocks to ruin.
In other news, Trump refuses to continue in an agreement with Putin's Russia that goes against Americas interests!
LOL. You can bet that the remaining members of the EU will jump into the wide hole opened by Trump in the highly lucrative enviro market. Reminds me of the fool McCain who offered up the idea of a reward of one hundred million dollars for the inventor of a battery that would allow a car to drive from LA to NY. Moron. The inventor of such a wonder battery would make billions with a capital B. Progressives and moronic old men like McCain have no confidence that men and women at this very moment are working on solutions to all of our environmental problems, solutions that will make them rich beyond the dreams of Progs. And they are not stopping because the "accord" has not been entered into.
It's good to have a president who loves America and oh yeah, wants to make it great again. God bless the USA!
Yeah, well Reagan was a Nazi. Not completely but he did erroneously think there was any point to visiting a Nazi cemetery in Bitburg to pay his official, head of state respects. BUt it's ok. PAT BUCHANAN (noted Nazi defender) defended him.
Bush wasn't bad - on international affairs.
His son was a fun one but too Animal House to care how to get the job done.
Trump is an unhinged cranky asshole who just wants to walk around in his bathrobe, yelling at the teevee. He's totally a douchebag. Republican senators basically know that his mental health is a huge issue.
Now I never brought up Nazis - just responding to your assertion. But that group basically is more or less assholes of varying degrees or another. There is a bit of range between asshole and Nazi, you know.
I'm glad to see that opinion piece by Eugene Kontrovich. I'm not a lawyer and I'm not a constitutional scholar, but, hey, I can read and I can think, and the Constitution isn't that complicated, and I've been wondering about this for a while.
The United States never agreed to the Paris Climate Agreement. Obama never even submitted it to the Senate for ratification. And we are not a dictatorship. Obama can not commit the United States to such a thing all by himself.
So I'm happy this is happening. This is a victory for democracy.
But unlike many of the commentators here I think that global warming is a real problem, although it's been more than a bit exaggerated. And although I don't believe anything especially bad has happened yet, in the longer run, if left unchecked, more serious consequences will ensue.
What I would like to see Trump, and I probably will be disappointed, do is to persuade Congress to establish an initiative to set a large variety of specific technological goals, a massive wish list of energy producing and energy storage technologies that we as a people would like to see happen. And attach monetary prizes to be given to whichever group or company or institution that achieves a specific goal first. Something like a hundred billion dollars spread out all over all the goals would give a lot of people motivation.
I believe that such an approach would be far, far more productive than our participation in the Paris Climate Agreement and it would also benefit us even if higher levels of CO2 are not really a problem.
That's what I'd like to see. I'm not really expecting it. But it would be great if it happened.
The Paris Accord will be dead in 6 months.
Once the coasts are submerged, your fellow cannon fodder will lose their seaports. And your fellow Americans will throw you in one.
Either that, or swamp your interior flyover lands with millions of displaced internal migrants. Ordinarily this might cause a problem to your already shitty local and regional economies. But since they are way richer than you, they will just push you further down to the bottom of the social totem pole. They will buy out your politicians and you'll be on food stamps.
Gosh, the president has again done what he said he was going to do.
But then Gitmo is closed and you can keep your doctor. The left has that to hang on to. As does President Obama, the keystones of his legacy.
Our plan is working. The coastal fucks will be under water in a few weeks. Or days?
A statement by a real President, not the fraud that inhabits the Oval Office now.
"A year and a half ago, the world came together in Paris around the first-ever global agreement to set the world on a low-carbon course and protect the world we leave to our children.
It was steady, principled American leadership on the world stage that made that achievement possible. It was bold American ambition that encouraged dozens of other nations to set their sights higher as well. And what made that leadership and ambition possible was America’s private innovation and public investment in growing industries like wind and solar – industries that created some of the fastest new streams of good-paying jobs in recent years, and contributed to the longest streak of job creation in our history.
Simply put, the private sector already chose a low-carbon future. And for the nations that committed themselves to that future, the Paris Agreement opened the floodgates for businesses, scientists, and engineers to unleash high-tech, low-carbon investment and innovation on an unprecedented scale.
The nations that remain in the Paris Agreement will be the nations that reap the benefits in jobs and industries created. I believe the United States of America should be at the front of the pack. But even in the absence of American leadership; even as this Administration joins a small handful of nations that reject the future; I’m confident that our states, cities, and businesses will step up and do even more to lead the way, and help protect for future generations the one planet we’ve got."
President Barack Obama
(The bolding is mine.)
Our plan is working. The coastal fucks will be under water in a few weeks. Or days?
Don't forget the planet's seaports, too. Is this the reason that Orange Combover had to increase the DOD budget by 10%?
Get ready to pay up, taxpayers! Destroying the right planetary conditions for civilization is expensive and will cost us dearly.
TTR: "There is a bit of range between asshole and Nazi, you know."
Such "nuance" was never before (in recent memory) offered by any on the left.
Every claim about Trump has been lobbed at every Republican candidate and elected President for the past 50 years.
Every single one.
Some on the left have spoken about how this rhetorical tactic has disarmed the left today because we have heard it all before.
Btw, the left studiously avoids using language anywhere near as colorful against terrorist mass murderers.
At some point, people take note of that and adjust their thinking accordingly.
HaHA. That former president was all fucking talk. Here we are now with no paris accord when he had 8 fucking years to get it donel . LOL..President Talk
Inga: "A statement by a real President, not the fraud that inhabits the Oval Office now."
No...I'm pretty sure those 306 electoral votes were sufficient to secure the Presidency.
Is it the three digits that's throwing you off? Perhaps if instead of numeric votes we used emoticons. Would that help you to understand the electoral process better?
Ritmo: "Once your coasts are gone"
LOL the coasts were predicted to be "gone" 3 years ago, according to the broken climate models.
And the planet is cooling, not warming.
Are you sandbagging? Because it feels like a trap, you playing stupid and all.
I would care but I'm still doing victory laps.
OK..just for the record:
Human History goes back 5,500 years.
Civilization goes back about 6,000 years.
The current interglacial period (or global warming) began somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago.
So throughout all of human history, all of human civilization, global warming has been occurring.
Modern humans first appeared about 200,000 years ago.
The current ice age (that we are in an interglacial period of) began two and a half million years ago.
So all of human existence has occurred in an ice age.
Today the world's population is at an all time high, even as world poverty and hunger are at all time lows.
Which 5,000 year period...hell what fifty year period of human existence would you prefer to live in?
Life has gotten infinitely better for humanity the warmer the earth has gotten.
Every claim about Trump has been lobbed at every Republican candidate and elected President for the past 50 years.
Every single one.
Come on, give me a break. You know better than this. Orange Temper Tantrum is a head-case of a completely different feather.
Every other Republican thought being decent and having a stable personality was important. Sure, they gave lip service to the priorities of the crazies and wackos that Buckley thought it was his job to purge from the rolls. But they didn't get led around by them.
Trump is an empty shell of a man and is following the closest looney to have his ear. Seriously, he thinks other countries "laughed" at us?
Other countries used to appreciate us, but he doesn't understand the concept of appreciation. We led by being admired not just for strength (that doesn't inspire admiration anyway, just fear), but by our decency.
Trump is a thoroughly indecent man. You know it's true. And he's a head-case. He thinks other people have time to just laugh at, either him - or the nation that he confuses himself with. He never got the memo that other countries, just like other people, have better things to do with their time.
Only a paranoid head-case thinks the way he does.
I would care but I'm still doing victory laps.
Well, in fairness the length of the track that your fist follows from the base of your penis to its tip is really a very short one.
In accordance with acceptable leftist principles of global leadership, Trump should simply have drawn a "red line" against carbon emissions.....and then walk away from it and claim he never did that.
Just as obambi did.
'Cuz that's what "real" leaders do.
Plus that technique would have come pre-approved by the left.
Sorry Inga, but if Obama really cared he would have taken the time and energy to make it binding by going through the Senate
Instead, he did the equivalent of a charity donation by check that bounces 3 days after the telethon has closed. Real classy. And you fell for it.
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