This time the victim of secret filming is Jimmy Carr, who is said to be the Associate Producer for CNN’s "New Day." James O'Keefe tells us Carr is based in Brooklyn, and urges Paul Farhi — the WaPo writer who made much of the failure to say that the victim in Part 1 was based in Atlanta — to take note that he's naming the place.
In the new video, Carr purports know the opinion of everyone at CNN: "We’re all on, 90% of us are on board with just the fact that [Donald Trump] is crazy." And:
"On the inside, we all recognize he is a clown that he is hilariously unqualified for this. He’s really bad at this and that he does not have America’s best interests. We recognize he’s just fucking crazy... He’s not actually a Republican. He just adopted that because that was the party he thought he could win in. He doesn’t believe anything that these people believe. The man is on his third wife. I guarantee you he’s paid for abortions. He doesn’t give a shit about abortion. He doesn’t care about gay marriage."And this is especially interesting right now, when everyone purports to be shocked that Donald Trump tweeted that Mika Brzezinski was "bleeding badly from a face-lift": Carr says that Kellyanne Conway "looks like she got hit with a shovel."
१११ टिप्पण्या:
This . . . . is CNN.
Has the full unedited video for any of these been released? Wake me up when they are.
Professor, thanks for posting these. More reasons to come here.
Victim is a curious description.
Women are crazy. It's like grab them by the pussy all over again.
Doesn't any woman abstract from details instead of embracing them.
The outrage industry depends on women completely.
Weak. A CNN employee hates Trump and thinks voters are dumb? Oh my, stop the presses.
The elites at CNN don't like you. Hillary doesn't like you either, but she would like to lord over you. CNN would also like to lord over you.
All this desired power over you will be server on a plater of lies and deception.
Just locker room talk from Carr. Nothing to see here. Certainly not a window to CNN's soul.
None of this is surprising. This is what Leftists actually believe. The funny part is that the can't differentiate between beliefs and Trump has actually done (Keystone pipeline, withdrawing from Paris Climate Accords, immigration enforcement, Gorsuch on SCOTUS, etc, etc.)
Everyone hates "the people" - the media, the politicians, the self-anointed elites. Sure, some people are stupid, and some are easily food, but the problem for the "leaders" is that they treat us as if we're all stupid, and it leads to their downfall. Maybe they're the idiots after all.
BDNYC said...
Weak. A CNN employee hates Trump and thinks voters are dumb? Oh my, stop the presses.
lol. "Dog bites man."
Now that James O'Keefe has courageously demonstrated what Brent ("Against Trump" Bill Buckley brother-in-law) Bozell and the Media Research Center have been saying for years, what's next? Demonstrating bias at the New York Times? The Guardian? MSNBC? NPR?
Health care reform and tax code reform seem farther away than ever.
So, it turns out that Mika did have work done on her face over the New Year. I thought Trump had just pulled that out of thin air to be insulting.
Veritas is getting good at this. Meanwhile the Media's coordinated drumbeat proclaiming that Trump is an insane man gets louder and louder.
A good analogy to this War would be the French and Indian War, with the Media being the Savages hired by the French Globalists to massacre the English settlers along the frontier. And it was working until the Scots Irish , going Trumpian, hunted down the tribal raiders and took their revenge on the war parties. And the winner on the frontier then could be made to look insane.
I hope the GOP reminds voters that not a single democrat voted for Kate's Law.
Heartless democrats care more about illegal criminals voting illegally for the D, than any American girl killed by an illegally admitted bullet.
So Trump is pro abortion, pro gay marriage and doesn't believe in the things Repubs believe in (I agree), so why are the Dems freaking out?
I wonder if MikeR waits for the "unedited video" from CNN, Katie Couric, etc. in MSM land.
Duh! Everyone except Trumpski's know this ...
"On the inside, we all recognize he is a clown that he is hilariously unqualified for this. He’s really bad at this and that he does not have America’s best interests. We recognize he’s just fucking crazy... He’s not actually a Republican. He just adopted that because that was the party he thought he could win in. He doesn’t believe anything that these people believe. The man is on his third wife. I guarantee you he’s paid for abortions. He doesn’t give a shit about abortion. He doesn’t care about gay marriage."
... to be true. Trump is a con-man. The fact that Trumpski's believe Trump is the Second Coming just goes to show their delusion.
Carr, like others of his kind, are mal-educated children, brought up in a bubble of liberal righteousness and intolerance.
Nothing to see here. Move along folks. Russia, Russia, Russian.
Look! A squirrel.
This is a perfect summary of Trump and Trumpski's:
"Trump is a poor person's idea of what a rich person is,
a dumb person's idea of what a smart person is,
a weak person's idea of what a strong person is."
James O'Keefe tells us Carr is based in Brooklyn, and urges Paul Farhi — the WaPo writer who made much of the failure to say that the victim in Part 1 was based in Atlanta — to take note that he's naming the place.
I apologize if this has been commented on already--it's a busy morning--but O'Keefe did, in fact, state the producer in Part 1 was based in Atlanta, and has been on twitter demanding that that Farhi retract his claim.
Evil does not like the light. Hence CNN and co. do not like you knowing what they really believe and stand for.
Bill in Texas 7:40 - exactly. Trump is a single payer supporting big government NY liberal. Why the constant lefty freakout?
Yeah, it's all about concern for the poor, benighted deplorables who are being betrayed by Trump.
One has to admire their tactics in releasing the videos in the manner they did: they invite critics to jump on easy excuses only to have those excuses refuted or made inoperative by subsequent videos.
"Oh, it's just a low-level guy, not a big name at CNN."
"Ok, so that guy's a big name, but he's an analyst, not a behind-the-scenes hard news guy. Maybe not even in NY, where the real news is made!"
"Ok, ok, this guy's a high-level behind-the-scenes hard news guy in NY, but...ah, it's an edited video!"
None of this is any kind of a surprise to those of us on the Right, of course, but I have to admit is nice to see these sanctimonious jackasses busted to publicly (after denying their actual bias so frequently).
High School Never Ends
It almost makes you wonder if they know he's not even a racist?
Ross Douthat, known Never Trumper, had an interesting oped the other day: Basically, the Muggles elected Trump. (Since all Lefties seem to have read only one author in their lives.)
And so, this CNN guy is busy arguing about the Hogwarts cliques while more than half the human population, the ones that don't go to magic school, have decided to claim part of the narrative.
So that's wha LLR Chuck looks like. I expected an older guy...
The Dems are putting all their bets on the Senate under McConnell keeping the 60 vote super majority rule for passing popular Bills out of the people's House on to the President. It is their hold on the power until the days of Trump the Terrible can be ended by a coup or by the crazed loner sent by the CIA with a gun.
And the GOP's leaders grin and play us like we are stupid. Ryan will pass Bills only because McConnell can block them, and the GOP Establishment's Donors then pay them both off.
Health care reform and tax code reform seem farther away than ever.
Imagine being so stupid that you think the Veritas publication of these tapes is materially related to current progress on a Republican legislative agenda.
Don't worry if you can't: it's a patently ridiculous idea that on a very mentally impaired person would put forward. A non-idiot might make it just to hand-wave or distract from an otherwise decent hit against the Media that acts as the enemy of the Right and LifeLongRepublican members of the Right...but let's not speculate.
I admit some regret for sticking up for certain people during the run up to Trump's election. I empathized with commenters here who expressed reservations about Trump and who argued that other Republicans would be better choices. Even when things got heated I assumed good faith on the part of almost all commenters, and a few times I discouraged people from engaging in personal attacks that assumed bad faith, or moby-ism, etc. More and more it looks like I was wrong and the people attacking the commenter in question were right. Sad.
CNN is at war.
Trump is the quintessential Interloper. Trump is not part of our leftist elite oligarch rich ruling class. It's not where Trump stands on the issues that concerns them, it is the threat he poses to their status quo.
When I was a NeverTrumper (up until about October 28th) I said those things. He is a pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, twice divorced, Atheist NYC liberal Democrat pretending to be a Republican because the Democrat party had already decided on Hillary 3 years earlier. For example, when said that we should put women who have abortions in jail. NO pro-life person says that. No pro-life legislation ever calls for that. That is the caricature a pro-choice person has about pro-life people.
But he’s still better than Hillary. And he is doing okay overall since getting in the White House. I see he is appointing some good US attorneys.
Trump is not part of our leftist elite oligarch rich ruling class
Neither Harvard nor Yale.
"We’re all on, 90% of us are on board with just the fact that [Donald Trump] is crazy."
Com'n, lets dispense with the modesty. We're among friends here, Jimmy Carr. We both know it's over 110%.
Is there a negotiation tactic of which nobody is aware that includes constantly saying negative things about those one wishes to persuade? I know the pick up artists use negative comments. But what benefit is earned by constantly criticizing - in the worst ways possible - a president who seems flexible on many things?
Obviously, I do not include Moby behavior in my query.
Unknown said... Trump is a con-man. The fact that Trumpski's believe Trump is the Second Coming just goes to show their delusion.
This could be said for Obama - he just had better manners. But he was a con-man (you can keep your doctor/insurance, I will not rest until (fill in the blank with whatever was the current concern)).
But a lot of us voted for a very flawed Trump in the General Election because Hillary was just so awful with her lies, her selling of power and concerning conflicts of interest, and the media's determination to cover up for her.
The media is on Trump at every turn, but they always had just a strange lack of curiosity about Hillary's problematic choices and that slush fund she called a charity. That is why I couldn't let her be president. People with that much power need oversight - and Hillary just wasn't going to get any oversight.
Yep. Evidently. We deplorables are stupid as shit.
According to Jonathan Gruber: Obamacare only passed due to the "stupidity" of the American voter and a lack of "transparency,"
According to Thomas Frank, the people in Kanasas are also too stupid to vote for their best interests....the liberal democrat party.
Voter ID opponents also hold the view that the voters are too stupid to be able to register to vote, get an ID, find a polling spot or figure out that they are voting wrong when they vote Republican.
Damn...those stupid voters!!!! Why won't they listen to their betters!!????
Deplorable, racist, stupid voters!!
He does make a good point about Conway looking like she got hit by a shovel.
MikeR said...
Has the full unedited video for any of these been released? Wake me up when they are.
Probably; Project Veritas typically does, but no one watches because unedited video is like life, Meandering and boring, and the MSM, who routinely publish slanted by editing (Katie Couric anyone), will cry about showing just the good parts anyway.
Unknown said... Trump is a con-man. The fact that Trumpski's believe Trump is the Second Coming just goes to show their delusion.
And what about that lady who thought Obama was going to pay her mortgage? Or the guy from Newsweek who said Obama was the Lightbringer?
"I wonder if MikeR waits for the "unedited video" from CNN, Katie Couric, etc. in MSM land." Did you read my link? The man lies to us, has lied many times. _We_ conservatives are his victims. Whatever would make you think I trust CNN?
One example of quite a few (on the NPR video): 'A quote in which Schiller seems to respond amusedly to a reference on the fake group’s website to promoting Sharia law–“Really? That’s what they said?”–is lifted from an entirely unrelated part of the lunch.'
Seriously, that's the kind of thing Jon Stewart does in his interviews. It's completely unscrupulous.
You agree with me, you just didn't know that O'Keefe does that, because you can't be bothered - me neither, most of us have lives! - to go through the entire unedited videos to see if he lied to you. Plus he waits to post them till people don't care about the story much any more. And frequently O'Keefe never posts the unedited video at all, he just promises it. AFAIK the full ACORN videos were never posted at all; the State of California had to subpoena them.
Look, if you think you need agitprop to win the war, go for it. But don't be such a fool as to believe it yourself. He's a liar.
Unknown said...
Trump is a con-man. The fact that Trumpski's believe Trump is the Second Coming just goes to show their delusion.
Typical Obama supporter.
"And this is especially interesting right now, when everyone purports to be shocked that Donald Trump tweeted..."
Remember the Florida GOP woman during the 2000 election fiasco? Remember how her looks were savaged by the media? Not to mention Sarah Palin...
Yes, Trump is a con man. He ran as a clownish populist and, tweeting aside, governs mostly as a normal Republican, with normal Republican appointees. Bait and switch!
Anyway, Veriitas doesn't tell us anything we don't already know, but I am not sure the depth of the disdain of the anointed has fully sunk in with the plebs just yet, so it is still useful to expose it.
I don't think CNN's Jimmy Carr understands what getting hit with a shovel looks like. I would be happy to show him.
I want my money back, I want my money back,
I want my money back./ Just enjoy the show.
People didn't vote for Trump for values. they voted for Trump to get rid of hollywood/media oligarchy. CNN doesn't get that or admit it? Yes, we know he's 'nuts'. But he's been around since the early 80s, the media establishment gave him a venue on TV and other cameo appearances. Stop blaming Trump supporters, you put up Hilary and this is what you get. You get Trump.
The state of California subpoenaed them and then 14 of the 15 charges were dropped by the judge. What does that tell you about what was observed on those tapes? "There was no criminality" is what it tells me. And it also tells me that false light, public disclosure of private facts and defamation lawsuits are not sustained because of the videos -- or else O'Keefe would be in civil court.
Your excuse that you have a life coupled with your immediate adoption of the line of reasoning that benefits your political opponents (Yes, everybody here who pays attention knows you are a reasonable conservative.) is odd. The narratives the MSM has told are lies upon lies and still you cannot bring yourself to imagine that this one, too, is a lie?
Again, I am interested in the strategy that people on the Right do not display. The Left cheered every 60 minutes hit piece on political adversaries: business, government, education or NGO. They understood that they were trying to win a cultural war by which they could exercise power.
The Right wants people not to exercise power over them but seems to misunderstand what tactical retreat earns.
As icing, VERITAS removes any doubt about Chuck - not a Republican, not a conservative. Just a Moby playing at concern troll.
But it also means Chuck is not a traitor to his own people. He's dishonest, he's a poser, and he may have a creepy fixation about austistic boys, but at least he's not a traitor.
"Stop blaming Trump supporters, you put up Hilary and this is what you get. You get Trump.
"The right seems to misunderstand what tactical retreat means"
I forget who said it, but the Right has perfected the art of losing gracefully.
It is actually better than that. The media elected him, gave him tens of millions of dollars of free air time, and was goaded on by a Dem electorate that thought he would be the best and easiest candidate to beat. It was all a big joke this Trump. This is a good part of the reason they are all as pissed off as they are. LOL.
This piece is unlikely to move CNN watchers. It doesn't move me, though I don't agree Trump is mentally ill/crazy/batshit. It's representative of a certain point of view that Trump is not normal, shouldn't be treated as normal and regularly pisses away the natural respect that should accompany the office. Many people find that self evident, and it's less a bias than one evidence based interpretation of reality.
Related to what Renee says above, I vote for Trump not because of what he will do, but because of what he won't do.
-He won't appoint judges who are fascists
-He's pro-gay rights, but not obsessed about it
-He doesn't have a list of victim groups where he would use the full power of The State to do things for them and against those that aren't on the list
-He doesn't believe in this "equal pay for equal work" bullshit.
-He won't harass manufacturers causing more of them to move production overseas.
-His patriotic thing may just be a shtick, but at least he encourages pro-American feelings
August 2016: Trump is the only person who can lose to Hillary
November 2016: Hillary is the only person who could lose to Trump
Its disturbing but yet a little fun watching the total meltdown of the left.
Maybe MikeR should reread, if he ever read it, The FLight 93 Election.
Except one: if you don’t try, death is certain. To compound the metaphor: a Hillary Clinton presidency is Russian Roulette with a semi-auto. With Trump, at least you can spin the cylinder and take your chances.
To ordinary conservative ears, this sounds histrionic. The stakes can’t be that high because they are never that high—except perhaps in the pages of Gibbon. Conservative intellectuals will insist that there has been no “end of history” and that all human outcomes are still possible. They will even—as Charles Kesler does—admit that America is in “crisis.” But how great is the crisis? Can things really be so bad if eight years of Obama can be followed by eight more of Hillary, and yet Constitutionalist conservatives can still reasonably hope for a restoration of our cherished ideals? Cruz in 2024!
Not to pick (too much) on Kesler, who is less unwarrantedly optimistic than most conservatives. And who, at least, poses the right question: Trump or Hillary? Though his answer—“even if [Trump] had chosen his policies at random, they would be sounder than Hillary’s”—is unwarrantedly ungenerous. The truth is that Trump articulated, if incompletely and inconsistently, the right stances on the right issues—immigration, trade, and war—right from the beginning.
Now, I may have missed it and you are a leftist but if not, read that.
"Remember the Florida 2000 woman?"
SecState Kathleen Harris. She upheld election law and the NYTs attacked her personal looks. I can't link, but Noonan's "The Greenwood Position" has all the detail and NYTs quotes.
Goes to show you just how fake the Left's pearl clutching over Ornament Mika really is.
Why are so-called journalists such antisocial bigots? And so gormless?
Renee said: People didn't vote for Trump for values. they voted for Trump to get rid of hollywood/media oligarchy.
The media and the Dimms do not get it. One guy (somewhere on the internet) said. We voted for Trump with our middle finger.
A giant FU to the establishment. All of the establishment and that includes the GOPe as well.
The hollywood/media oligarchy did everything them could to aid Trump and destroy his Republican primary opponents. The hollywood/media oligarchy knew if Trump won the primary Hillary was sure to win the presidency. CNN, hollywood/media oligarchy has enormous regret knowing what they did.
Snark, I mostly agree with you. But it does provide rock solid proof that CNN does not respect the dignity of the office of President. Kinda hard to take the media seriously now when the play the "Trump Undignified" card.
Whatever happened to "respect the rank if not the man" ?
I'd rather watch a video of the other Jimmy Carr.
I wonder if people are disappointed when the meet the CNN Jimmy Carr and tell him they thought he'd be funnier, and British, but the douchiness levels are about on.
I find "he doesn't care about gay marriage" just fascinating, don't you? What it means is: He doesn't agonize about it; he doesn't spend years being for it and then against it and then for it again; he just says, "OK, two gay men or women are free to marry each other" and lets it go. He said this, mind you, well over a decade before Obama and HRC reached their exquisitely nuanced, elaborately arrived-upon "decisions."
And this is spun as "doesn't care." I gather that Mr. Carr would be happier with a real Republican who just wanted to kill all the abortion providers and all the gays -- I'm imagining his thoughts here, but they seem clear enough from his words -- because then he'd know where everyone stood. As it is, he's stuck defending two of the more homophobic politicians in recent history, both of whom solemnly defended "marriage is between a man and a woman," one of whom did her share of shilling for DOMA and "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," against a man who was where they've finally arrived literal decades before they were, and added for good measure that anyone visiting Trump Tower can use whatever bathroom they like.
Katherine Harris
@titus I agree, that was a great line by Carr. Hillarious.
"Voter ID opponents also hold the view that the voters are too stupid to be able to register to vote, get an ID, find a polling spot or figure out that they are voting wrong when they vote Republican."
That kinda puts Dems in a quandary, doesn't it? On one hand, they'd probably love to reinstitute the poll tests, like the ones they had in the South for blacks, to keep the stupid people from voting.
However, that would disenfranchise a very large part of their base.
Hey! I know! Let's bring back the literacy tests - but only for white people!
"Snark, I mostly agree with you. But it does provide rock solid proof that CNN does not respect the dignity of the office of President. Kinda hard to take the media seriously now when the play the "Trump Undignified" card.
Whatever happened to "respect the rank if not the man" ?"
And I mostly agree with this. But I think where you would argue that CNN has failed to respect the dignity of the man and the office, I would argue that Trump makes that difficult to impossible on a majority of days. CNN seems to implicitly believe that rote observance of a reverence for the office that has not been reliably earned and is sometimes actively sabotaged is not what's right (or presumably good for ratings) in this case. And again, its not the only possible view but it is an evidence based one. They're not out in literal or figurative left field here. It's one reasonable interpretation of the facts.
The funniest part for me is watching media tactics being used on media corporations.
Undercover video? Check!
And now CNN is worried about all the leaks in their organization. Look at all these leaking employees who are making your organization look corrupt and dishonest. Plug the leaks! Security! Somebody build a wall. We need to make leaking a crime or something.
Test case, non Snarky division:
If the press played it straight on a consistent bases between Democrats and Republicans, Leftists and conservatives, how would that process work? What Democrat and Leftist politicians would win on a regular basis? Evan Thomas suggested the press can shift 15% of the voters but I expect that number has shifted down.
So tell me about a world in which Trump cannot play the press -- hated by an overwhelming majority of America -- as a foil. Would you prefer that filibuster proof world?
Trump understands the enemy.
@ Birkel, right. It was Katherine Harris the NYTs attacked over her looks, not Kathleen.
I encourage readers to Google Noonan's article "The Greenwood Position" for a good example of the media hypocrisy when comes to sexist taunts against women.
The article also details Leftist sore loser tactics from 2000 that are strikingly similar to the games they are playing today, 16 years later.
"They're not out in literal or figurative left field here. It's one reasonable interpretation of the facts."
If you are sitting in the left field bleachers maybe.
Michelle Dulak:
I find "he doesn't care about gay marriage" just fascinating, don't you?
Yeah. The media STILL doesn't get it. We (the general public) don't care about a lot of things that the media and Dimms want us to obsess about.
Most people don't care about gay marriage. They have actual lives, jobs, gay friends, gay relatives and other things to care about. As long as the gays stay out of our faces and go live their lives, we are fine with that. Live and let live and leave me the eff out of your life. Get in my face about these peripheral issues and THEN I will care and they won't like it.
That Trump hasn't been agonizing over something that unimportant is not a big deal for many people. Actually, it is a plus. Concentrate on REAL issues. Get stuff DONE.
"They have actual lives, jobs, gay friends, gay relatives and other things to care about. As long as the gays stay out of our faces and go live their lives, we are fine with that."
I didn't care at all until gays started going after Christian bakery store owners who didn't want to bake them wedding cakes.
The ugly vindictiveness of the winning side astounded me. I forget who said it but someone observed that the SJW gays are not content with having won the battle, they have to go around the battlefield shooting the wounded in the head.
August 2016: Trump is the only person who can lose to Hillary
November 2016: Hillary is the only person who could lose to Trump
Its disturbing but yet a little fun watching the total meltdown of the left."
It is fun, and I feel guilty about it. We've been dealing with a scorch the earth style of politics for too long. Trump will destroy everything rhetoric meant nothing to me, because I felt US was already well on its decline.
Yuuuge difference between Jimmy Carr's disparagement of Kellyann Conway and Trump's mean tweet re Mika B's appearance: Carr did not publish the former.
"The ugly vindictiveness of the winning side astounded me. I forget who said it but someone observed that the SJW gays are not content with having won the battle, they have to go around the battlefield shooting the wounded in the head."
Most of the ugly vindictiveness isn't even from gay people. Some gay people are super pissed how straight people have taken over gay pride. The biggest people who all uppity about gay marriage were my anti-religious friends.
"What I learned from this abecedarian of narcissism is that LGBT didn’t include enough people, so we added literally everyone else. We are witnessing an interesting cultural trend of inclusion so radical that it demands a catchall (I know I don’t have time to list out those 26-to-infinity letters): queer. What this viral Pride season commercial illustrates is that queer identity is about more than who you love or f*ck. There’s no requirement to be homosexual, just to be open-minded. This whole thing is less about “labels” and more about the lifestyle attached to sticking a “Love is love” sign in your front yard.
I love this article!
I didn't care at all until gays started going after Christian bakery store owners who didn't want to bake them wedding cakes.
Exactly, Michelle! It wasn't even a blip on my radar until they started getting all militant about it and demanding that everyone else should kowtow to their lifestyle.
I feel the same about anyone who seems to think that their agenda is the most important one and who push and push at you and who even literally physcially or financially attack you if you don't agree. Fundamentalists, Christians, Muslims, Vegans, PETA, Environmentalists, Antifa, SJWs, Pro Lifers, Abortion proponents etc etc etc
Not saying the people should not express their opinions and demonstrate....they should just be respectful and present intelligent, persuasive arguments. Yelling, pushing, shoving, trying to destroy the lives and careers of others is not acceptable......and not persuasive in the way they envision.
It's hilarious to read some of the lefty comments and listen to the lefty "journalists". They're so upset that Trump isn't really a conservative on some of their core issues like abortion and gay marriage! If they weren't insane, you'd think that would be a plus for them. We're definitely in the crazy years.
Nice work O'Keefe.
Expose the arrogant elitists.
Us ‘deplorables’ had enough with the Washington elitists running our country. The Clinton’s, the Bush’s, the Obama’s, the Kennedy’s. We watched as they took away our freedoms, raised our taxes, and turned our nation into a 3rd world cesspool. With Trump, we took back control.
The Liberal elite do nothing but bleed the middle class dry. My tax rate is 40% and my healthcare is now $700 per month thanks to Obamacare. My car insurance is still just $25/month (thanks to Insurance Panda), but if you look at Democrat strongholds like Detroit and New Orleans, where car insurance will run you $300+ per month, it’s easy to be pessimistic about the future of the United Socialist States of America.
It's been a long time since we had a President who cared about us. Save our country, President Trump! God bless America!
Everyone needs to understand: Most Republicans don't do national politics all that well. This is because most Republicans have other things than exercising political power on their minds. Like making money. Attending local civic functions. Supporting business associations that support local charities, etc. Democrats do national politics well.This is because national politics is their business, their livelihood, their reason for being. They make their living off the spoils of the political system. This is why the bigger the government, the more the Democrats like it.
I agree with Dr K about the Flight 93 election, and, having gone shooting yesterday, the Russian Roulette with a semiautomatic if Crooked Hillary had won struck home. But, I can also see that maybe Trump is the right man at the right time. No matter what Republicans won the last election, the Dems, the left, MSM, etc were going to do whatever it took to destroy his Administration. They have too much invested in the bureaucratic, big govt, deep state. And with Trump's actions, we are seeing why they have been in panic mode. They were within thousands of votes in those four states to flipping the Supreme Court. Obama had, in eight short years, gone a long way towards destroying our power around the world, neutering our military, losing two wars that we had won (sound familiar? Think Vietnam), while blowing up the Middle East, which created the Muslim immigration crisis that is currently destroying much of Europe. The middle class was being destroyed, with rising energy prices, Obamacare, illegal aliens, and one sided trade deals. Etc. Meanwhile, Pay to Play was going to get kicked up a notch, with Crooked Hillary already having pre-sold hundreds of millions of dollars of favors. It was dire.
Funny thing is, is that Trump is the right man at the right time for two reasons. First, and greatly under reported, is that he is really a decent administrator. Far better than the untrained Obama, who parcelled out cabinet posts as patronage to supporting interest groups, then let his appointees run their depts and agencies as private fiefdoms. Trump's people are rapidly rolling back decades of administrative rules and bloat, and turning the massive government ship a different direction, all with Chuck Schumer slow rolling each and every Trump nominee, leaving thousands of appointments unfilled, leaving deep state operatives in charge.
But maybe more important, he has gone to war with those trying to destroy his Presidency. The Dems and their MSM arm managed to destroy GW Bush's second term, and were likely to do the same thing to whatever Republican managed to win. Imagine nice guys like Mitt Romney, or Ben Carson facing even a part of what Trump has faced. They would likely be effectively frozen and neutralized, as Bush was, too nice to stand up to the vile people and organizations determined to destroy their Administration. Only an experienced street fighter like Trump has a chance, and he has the advantage of understanding media well enough that he can bypass the enemy's strongholds, while taking the fight to them.
@Birkel "The narratives the MSM has told are lies upon lies and still you cannot bring yourself to imagine that this one, too, is a lie?"
Not sure where you're going. The MSM tells a lot of lies. James O'Keefe tells a lot of lies. I know he tells a lot of lies because - well, read the link for examples; they are egregious obvious cases of doctoring video. He manipulates liberals to get his videos and then manipulates conservatives to believe them.
Does that mean that he didn't get some good stuff? He got some good stuff. He also falsified some more of it to make it seem better.
As I said before, if you think you need agitprop to win the war, go for it. But don't be such a fool as to believe it yourself.
One reason I am happy (or happy enough) with Trump.....I urge any of you to find the video from about 3 weeks ago when he was at Waukesha Tech College. He was there with Walker and various industry leaders. He talked about apprenticeships, job training, and what US manufacturers need to succeed.
Contrast that with a lefty rant about victimhood and social engineering.
Trump sounds like the founder and CEO of a local successful manufacturer. His opponents sound like a gender studies major from Harvard.
@Phillip - you should probably qualify - most Republicans are busy making money honestly and legitimately. The Dems love money just as much, if not more - but make their money through manipulation of govt, whether selling official favors as the Clintons did to make their fortune, or get competitive advantage over competitors, as has been popular with the big banks, Wall Street, and the monster high tech companies. Two different philosophies. The Reagan one of rising tide raising all boats, and the Dem one of stealing from the middle class to purportedly give to the poor, but only after taking out a generous commission along the way.
Any time I hear or read the voters are stupid, I'm reminded whoever said it believes socialism will work this time.
There's always enuf stupidity to spread around.
We saw Wonder Woman. Dragged a little, but I also giggled when the zinger they tried about "his people" taking my land turned the Native Amercan into a capitalist.
"1491" if anyone is interested in reading anything. Not exactly Dances with Wolves.
All the basketball coaches in the Big Ten loved Steve Yoder when he coached the Wisconsin Badgers in the 1980s. They were fulsome in their praise of his coaching skills and the way he ran his program. Of course, they were all regularly kicking Yoder's ass on the court, but it was quite gentlemanly. When Bo Ryan took over the Badgers, he was not very well liked among his peers, but that was because he was beating his opponents.
The GOP leadership is chock full of Steve Yoders.
"All this desired power over you will be server on a plater of lies and deception."
They are sharing with us, don't you see, sharing untruth that is accurate, that we deserve to believe but not to question. And this sharing flows naturally from their good intentions and valuable credentialing and their well-deserved positions in society, a veritable treasure raining down upon us. A shower, even... a shower of gold.
Trump is the right guy at the right time. It's been fun watching him take on the clowns.
Maybe the lame media needs gravitas. Not hysterical temper tantrums.
Unknown said Trump is a conman? Did u ever believe in Peak oil? Can't drill our way out of high oil prices? Man-made global warming? And those are just recent cons.
"As I said before, if you think you need agitprop to win the war, go for it. But don't be such a fool as to believe it yourself."
MikeR, I thought you were not a lefty. I apologize for not reading enough of your comments.
Contra Trump, I would agree that he's a hedonist with a history of looking out for Number One and past episodes of horndoggedness. What I would not agree with is that he is mentally ill, stupid, or cynical. Trump doesn't exist on the highest moral plane, but I consider him far more saintly than Carr. There aren't calipers in the world wide enough to measure Carr's self admitted cynicism.....If I were ranting about Carr and had been secretly taped, you would hear me wondering how many interns Carr has hit on. He'll probably be recruiting a trophy wife in a few years, if he hasn't already. Not a supermodel, but she probably did catalogue work in college. I bet he thinks Maxine Waters is dumb and Nancy Pelosi looks like a Madame Tussaud wax replica.
Pantomeme said...
a shower of gold.
6/30/17, 10:26 AM
A shower of gold, a golden shower. Not much difference in this context...
It is quite kind of you to wish me not a fool. I am way ahead of you on that count.
Again, your claims of falsification and editing by O'Keefe are de rigueur arguments from the Left. Given the lies that the MSM has attempted to foist on me, and as a non-fool I have rejected as false, I am disinclined to believe their lies now.
I have witnessed the lies about O'Keefe in particular. I have witnessed the lies told about him by California prosecutors which have been rejected by a court. Now you ask that I consider further lies because maybe this time I'll be convinced.
I decline. I am no fool that I would countenance more lies.
Why do so many of the media men all look little Pajama Boys?
DBQ, just a note that you were replying to exiledonmainstreet, not to me.
@ Michelle
Ooops. Sorry about that. Thanks for the correction :-)
"So Trump is pro abortion, pro gay marriage and doesn't believe in the things Repubs believe in (I agree), so why are the Dems freaking out?"
"Bill in Texas 7:40 - exactly. Trump is a single payer supporting big government NY liberal. Why the constant lefty freakout?"
Perhaps because those freaking out see Trump as willing to see even those things he personally supports (or does not oppose) destroyed simply out of spite and to say he "won."
Snark said...
"Many people find that self evident, and it's less a bias than one evidence based interpretation of reality."
Wow. I don't even need to post the definition of bias.
Trump is blessed with his enemies.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"Perhaps because those freaking out see Trump as willing to see even those things he personally supports (or does not oppose) destroyed simply out of spite and to say he "won.""
A socialist said this.
It will work this time...
"Trump is blessed with his enemies."
And the nation is cursed with Trump.
Of course, we've been cursed with terrible presidents for decades. Trump is just the latest to preside over and contribute to our nation's long ongoing decline into terminal corruption and collapse. That we have become terminally corrupt is no better proven than by the many Americans who look at Trump and see a good man doing a good job, when he is glaringly neither. It was also shown by the many supporters of Obama who saw him as a good man doing a good job, when he was manifestly a con man betraying everything he purported to stand for. The real problem is that Americans are lost in dreams and lies and cannot see that we are all being had, and hard.
"The fact that Trumpski's believe Trump is the Second Coming just goes to show their delusion."
Once again, no.
He was simply the better option than the vile, lying, corrupt toad you voted for.
And he still is.
And the nation is cursed with Trump.
The alternative was to be cursed with Hillary. Otherwise, I agree.
"Of course, we've been cursed with terrible presidents for decades."
Cookie still cannot get over Stalin's death.
The real news is the possibility of 10% not "on-board" at CNN.
Probably just "undocumented.
Moral of the story: people need to reject their mortal gods. Journolists and journalists are just human.
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