On May 13... a group of young men known as the Proud Boys from Wisconsin and possibly other states gathered to confer on their alt-right agenda. A South Chicago anti-fascist group, aware of the Proud Boys meeting at the Irish Pub on State Street, arrived at the bar that same night, waited until the Proud Boys group left, then ambushed one of them.
Madison police have not verified this account, which was posted by an anti-fascist — or "antifa" — group from south Chicago....
Initiated only last year, the Proud Boys, a quirky far-right association of young men, espouses “Western” values, decries Islam and immigration, extols housewives and entrepreneurs, and bans masturbation. In addition, initiation rites include a ritual beating, a requirement for a “Proud Boys” tattoo and a physical confrontation with anti-fascists.
२ जून, २०१७
"Madison police investigating possible ambush of 'Proud Boy' by anti-fascists."
The Cap Times reports:
Proud Boys,
the Alt-Right
१२४ टिप्पण्या:
The term "anti-fascists" is feeling more and more Orwellian.
So there are no wankers in the Proud Boys? What a concept.
As for the ambush, why don't they just come in the Irish pub and have a good old fashioned all hands on deck brawl.
Well, if one of their initiation rituals was to have a confrontation with Antifa they fulfilled one of their requirements. No masturbation for healthy young men? Are they going to go on an honor system on this one, or will they have room monitors set up in every members homes? Proud Boys, sounds sort of silly, why not Proud Men?
No masturbation for healthy young men?
I'm thinking of Seinfeld episode "The Contest"
clint said...
The term "anti-fascists" is feeling more and more Orwellian.
6/2/17, 12:05 PM
Sorry but that ship sailed after the very first "peaceful gathering" they held. Arson, theft, muggings, now just typical antifa stuff for excitable youths simply expressing their ideas on politics and society.
...bans masturbation.
I'd like to see how the Proud Boys enforce that ban.
Then again, I'd guess I really don't want to know.
Soon, we'll get to see routine clashes between right-wing & left-wing vigilantes. Why, we won't have just lefties targeting everyone they disagree with, we'll have lefties AND righties targeting dissenters.
It'll be just like the good ol' days of the Weimar Republic. Kidz, can you say Volksgemeinschaft? If not, ve haf vays of making you.....
I feel like I can't believe a single word of any of that. Not even the words and and the.
Wow. Sounds like actual mob violence, though the terroristic "claiming of responsibility" by antifac groups is weird.
Attempting to ban masturbation among the antifas wouldn't work, because judging by the ones I've seen unmasked, if they couldn't do it themselves, they'd have no sex whatsoever.
And YH is right. This is disturbingly like the political street clashes that took place in Weimar Germany.
As far as the masturbation ban: I think people are missing the point. I think most Christian religions, for instance, still regard masturbation as a sin.
How is that enforced? It's not. It's a concept of integrity: you agreed to the restriction, you should live up to your commitment. While I'm sure if some sort of irrefutable evidence of a violation became public they'd do something, I highly doubt that they actively look for violations.
The whole point of the restriction is probably to weed out the posers: if you are serious, you're willing to make this kind of commitment.
What a bunch of jerk-offs.
When you Lefties abandoned civility all those years ago they had no idea that others would do the same. Fun to watch. And more fun to see what happens next.
Who's behind the "anti-fascists"? They seem to be extremely well organized and out-fitted. Not to mention, they always seem to know when the "fascists" are meeting.
Interesting that the MSM seems so incurious.
The old cliche is that fascism would arrive in the USA disguised as "anti-fascism"
Why did the editor put Western values within scare quotes?
"At the same time, anti-fascist, or "antifa," groups are becoming proportionally more militant."
-- Wait. What? How is that... how is that accurate? They literally ambushed and beat a man, and we're being told that they're... "proportionally" more militant? Like, that this is some sort of reasonable step up in their militarism? Has the author NOT paid attention to Berkley or any of the other antifa actions the past several years?
What does the Southern Poverty Law Center have to say about antifa, if we have time to quote them about the VICTIM's group, surely we can ask them about what they consider antifa, the actual people DOING the violence in this case?
Gavin McInnes is the only Proud Boy I'm aware of. Basically a fraternal organization of right-leaning hipsters. Multiracial membership, but committed to Western cultural supremacy. Whatever their message, it's too nuanced for the public to get, I think.
So Proud Boys (ugh) are a problem but the anitfas get only 1 or 2 lines despite bloodying up the guy in the photo?
Brilliant journalism yet again.
Matthew Sablan said...
What does the Southern Poverty Law Center have to say about antifa, if we have time to quote them about the VICTIM's group, surely we can ask them about what they consider antifa, the actual people DOING the violence in this case?
6/2/17, 12:32 PM
I believe SPLC officially lists them as "good natured but misunderstood youths".
As for the ambush, why don't they just come in the Irish pub and have a good old fashioned all hands on deck brawl[?]
Because they ambushed one of them. Only one of them. Those progressive thugs wanted to be sure they had him outnumbered five or six to one.
Those are the tactics of war. We should take note.
A gang by any other name is still a gang.
Who's behind the "anti-fascists"?
George Soros, the predatory kapo turned predatory capitalist.
...On May 13... a group of young men known as the Proud Boys...
Sounds gay.
...and bans masturbation.
Is this just weird, or more part of the "no fap" thing I've seen the young'uns getting up to - as in, "dude, you're wasting too much time every day wanking to ever pervier internet porn, to the detriment of your T levels and ability to initiate and maintain a healthy meat-space sexual relationship"? If so, they may have a point.
Quaestor: Why did the editor put Western values within scare quotes?
Because they scare him.
The Proud Boys don't seem like a group I'd want to be associated with. I say let them fight it out. It is interesting that a group from out-of-state traveled to Madison to attack them.
Any time I read about alt-right or antifa groups they seem like something out of a comedy sketch that Mr. Show or Kids in the Hall might do.
SPLC exists primarily to make money and give cushy well paid jobs to their staff.
Declaring antifa groups as hate groups does not help them raise funds.
Inga wrote: No masturbation for healthy young men? Are they going to go on an honor system on this one, or will they have room monitors set up in every members homes?
I am dismayed but sadly not shocked. That comment bears the hallmark of sociopathic thinking.
Dave from Minnesota said...
It is interesting that a group from out-of-state traveled to Madison to attack them.
6/2/17, 12:45 PM
Not a lawyer but...
If the antifa are out of state and traveled across state lines with the expressed, planned purpose of attacking one or more others, is that a conspiracy? Can they be charged with that?
"It'll be just like the good ol' days of the Weimar Republic. Kidz, can you say Volksgemeinschaft? If not, ve haf vays of making you....."
Proud Boys "...extols housewives..."
Speaking of the Weimar Republic.....A common rhyme for women then was:
“Take hold of kettle, broom and pan,
Then you’ll surely get a man!
Shop and office leave alone, Your true life work lies at home.”
“The mission of women is to be beautiful and to bring children into the world. This is not at all as………unmodern as it sounds. The female bird pretties herself for her mate and hatches eggs for him. In exchange, the male takes care of gathering food, and stands guard and wards off the enemy.” Joseph Goebbels, writing in 1929."
eric wrote: I feel like I can't believe a single word of any of that. Not even the words and and the.
The first rule of Proud Boys is that there is no Proud Boys.
"If the antifa are out of state and traveled across state lines with the expressed, planned purpose of attacking one or more others, is that a conspiracy?"
-- No, but, my gut says that crimes across state lines might literally make it a federal case.
I found a meeting video.
Quaestor said...
Inga wrote:
I am dismayed but sadly not shocked. That comment bears the hallmark of sociopathic thinking.
6/2/17, 12:48 PM
Thats our Inga!
I have her blocked so I only see any of her comments, second hand when quoted by others. Strategic blocking raises the level of discourse on the blog by a noticeable amount.
Times have changed....Madison has to outsource its violence to Chicago suppliers. I suppose since Dwight Armstrong is now dead and in hell.
Coexist people! pretty please
940.19 Battery; substantial battery; aggravated battery.
Paragraph (2) Whoever causes substantial bodily harm to another by an act done with intent to cause bodily harm to that person or another is guilty of a Class I felony.
Planning a Class I felony is a Class A misdemeanor.
"...and bans masturbation."
You can identify them by their hairless palms.
Inga takes time out from her policy of avoiding all criticism of Islamic supremacist 7th century mindsets and powerful advocacy if open borders for these backwards misogynists to comment jovially on these guys.
Real Meeting of the Proud Boys, initiation ritual footage, lol.
I found a meeting video.
Fits the Proud Boys in that they put the legacy of Pericles on top of the legacy of Muhammad.
There is something of a cult of young and youngish men making themselves tough by taking only cold water showers, eschewing masturbation, following rigorous early morning routines of getting up before the clock strikes five and commencing a regimen of exercise. Socially they are ultra conservative, honoring wives, focused on duty.
Good reasons to be proud. Oh, and these disciplines will result in men capable of beating the living shit out of the typical masked antifa asshole.
"If you shake it more than three times, you're playing with it." - from the Proud Boys wallet card.
Sourthern Proudboy Law Center sez:
New Alt-Right “Fight Club” Ready for Street Violence
“I’m proud to announce that my newly created Fraternal Order of Alt-Knights will be partnering with Proud Boys,” Chapman said, with the “full-approval” of its founder, Gavin McInnes.
McInnes is a co-founder of Vice...guest on FOX News and a contributor for the racist site VDARE where he denigrated Muslims and called Asian Americans “slopes” and “riceballs.”
Here's that horrible racist denigration:
I recently made the mistake of doing a humorous piece about “Asian privilege,” which was nothing more than an article about white privilege with the word “white” replaced with “Asian.” Virtually no slopes got the joke and my phone almost overheated with angry emails, re-Tweets, Facebook posts, and texts. (How did those tenacious riceballs get my number?) I even won an award for “Hipster Racism.”
Funny guys:
Pretty sloppy journalism. Posting a report ("possible ambush") not verified by the police or anyone really. Scant attribution and sourced to Twitter. Steven Elbow remains an Isthmus writer in his thinking.
"anti-fascists" are legitimized by Elbow by simply omitting quotation marks. It's a an old trick by writers with a particular leaning.
Besides sociopathy, Inga has no sense of humor.
The "beating" is evidently a harmless parody of the beatings meted out by gangs like this one
Oh please don't wish me into the corn field, oh mighty Quackster!
I LMAO during that Proud Boys video.
Matthew Sablan said...
What does the Southern Poverty Law Center have to say about antifa, if we have time to quote them about the VICTIM's group, surely we can ask them about what they consider antifa, the actual people DOING the violence in this case?
6/2/17, 12:32 PM
I believe SPLC officially lists them as "good natured but misunderstood youths".
"Mostly peaceful".
I'm gathering these "anti-fascist" types are of the current variety? You know, the Mensans who want to fight fascism by increasing the power of the State?
Oh please don't wish me into the corn field, oh mighty Quackster!
Like I said, no sense of humor, even when she tries.
"I'm gathering these "anti-fascist" types are of the current variety? You know, the Mensans who want to fight fascism by increasing the power of the State?"
The Antifas are more closely aligned with Anarchists, who hate government.
I think the "no onanism" stuff is not followed but just a tool to discourage wankers from trying to join the group. Also not sure that a bunch of thugs waiting to isolate and beat up one individual is accurately called a "clash" of anything.
I think you're funny Quackster. That's something.
No masturbation AND a ritual beating? Where do I sign up?
"...and bans masturbation."
Hey, it's my soap and it's my dick. I'll wash it as long and as hard as I want to.
Inga: "The Antifas are more closely aligned with Anarchists, who hate government."
They call themselves anarchists while lining up four square with the Dems.
What do you get when you cross an anarchist with a leftist?
A leftist.
There is something of a cult of young and youngish men making themselves tough by taking only cold water showers, eschewing masturbation, following rigorous early morning routines of getting up before the clock strikes five and commencing a regimen of exercise. Socially they are ultra conservative, honoring wives, focused on duty.
Sounds similar to the training for the ancient Spartans.
Molon labe.
The leader of the Proud Boys gives a lecture, "Stop masturbating you wankers!"
Sounds like a frat.
You know, the Mensans who want to fight fascism by increasing the power of the State?
It is very odd indeed that these soi-disant anti-fascists think, act, and even dress like Mussolini's Squadre d’Azione. These knife-armed thugs attacked their political opponents chiefly at night, sometimes in small groups to ambush a lone victim or in companies of hundreds or more when raiding an opposition newspaper office or assembly hall. They wore black clothing and masks to hide their identity. After 1923 saw the Fascisti victorious they ditched the masks but continued to wear black shirts as a sign of their allegiance to il Duce and as an intimidation to dissenters.
Hmmm, I watched the entire No Wanking video, the guy makes a good point.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, They take their name from Aladdin:
Launched last year by McInnes, the Proud Boys take their name and #POYB hashtag from “Proud of Your Boy,” a song in the Aladdin musical.
Aladdin apologizes to his mother for his rascally ways. When McInnes heard the song at a school recital, though, he thought that no one could truly be proud of a boy singing such an apologetic song. McInnes, a newly former Fox News contributor who says he quit the network because it wasn’t conservative enough, now looks to move the Proud Boys from his own fan club to something more significant.
McInnes promotes a similar idea called “#nowanks,” saying that masturbating more than once a month drains one’s interest — especially for millennials — in sex. The caveat: Proud Boys can always masturbate within a yard of a woman, with her consent.
Proud Boys membership operates on three degrees. The first is just declaring yourself an “out” Proud Boy. The third is getting a Proud Boy tattoo — in a prescribed font, naturally — and keeping with the masturbation regimen.
Getting a shot (or not!) at the third level, though, means running a true gauntlet at the second: the cereal punching. In this initiation, Proud Boys enthusiasts punch a hopeful (albeit not around the face or testicles) while he cries out the names of cereals.
You must get the crap beaten out of you by at least five guys until you can name five breakfast cereals. If you hammer out, “Chex, Cheerios, Rice Krispies, Corn Flakes, and Special K” in a matter of seconds, you’re free to go. If you get flummoxed by the punches and cannot think straight, well, sorry, you’re going to get pounded.
The Proud Boys have a uniform — a black Fred Perry polo shirt with yellow stripes. (Coincidentally or not, Fred Perry is also a popular brand for skinheads.)
Despite how bizarre their politics can look from outside of Trump circles, the Proud Boys actually fall on the moderate side of the alt-right.
On far more extreme sites like the Daily Stormer, writers blast McInnes as a “cuck” for refusing to discuss the “JQ.” That’d be the “Jewish Question,” or the deranged idea that a Jewish conspiracy runs the world.
One video, shot in a mocking take on the Proud Boys usual throwback 1980’s style, summarizes what Nazis don’t like Proud Boys:
“We’re the Proud Boys, we don’t talk about race / I even let a black guy fuck my wife in my place. Don’t talk about Jews. Please, don’t talk about Jews. Please.”
Hahaha, why the fuck would anyone pick on these people. Let them be!
"Wankers who don't wank" should be their motto.
""Wankers who don't wank" should be their motto."
6/2/17, 1:46 PM
LOL! They should change their name to Antiwank.
"The Antifas are more closely aligned with Anarchists, who hate government."
Sure they are, Inga--on Bizarro Plenet, where statist economics actually produce prosperity!
I think the Proud Boys are basically trying to react to what George Carlin (I cannot find the exact quote) was talking about when he said "What do you wanna do? Play with your dick and eat at Wendy's for the rest of your life?"
Because a lot of 20 year old guys seem to have settled on that as their life ambition.
William Chadwick said...
"The Antifas are more closely aligned with Anarchists, who hate government."
Well, except for the antifas wanting government to pay for everything, including their student loans....
"LOL! They should change their name to Antiwank."
Seems like these guys were in my neck of the woods for a free speech rally and had one of their "initiation" beat-downs: https://twitter.com/JackSmithIV/status/863434782142812166
Oh man, my grandma can punch harder. They need to work out and lay off Reddit and 4Chan for a while.
Perhaps the lack of wanking leads to poor forearm strength.
Here's the correct quote (GC was talking about fear of airlines but I think his point goes beyond that context): "Besides, [life] shouldn't be completely safe. You need a little danger in your life! What are you gonna do, play with your prick for another 30 years? Read People magazine and eat at Wendy's til the end of time? Take a fuckin' chance!"
I know young white middle-class/upper middle-class guys who go out to the Trump protests and are just hoping that the antiFA jerks try to screw with them. They have no real risk or violence in their lives and thirst for combat against something evil - antiFA fulfills their fantasies.
Hmmm...a group of people deciding together to cross state lines to commit a violent crime...seems like there might be some rather serious legal penalties for that sort of action, no?
These Proud Boys are not a good sign. That's the way the Nazi Brown Shirts got started, defending right-wing rallies against left-wing violence. Just one step away. Proactive law enforcement would be the best way to head off such a development.
The Antifas are more closely aligned with Anarchists, who hate government.
Inga doesn't get irony. I'm shocked.
Anarchism has been throughout history been an inspiration for terrorism and murder, from the English Civil War to the French Revolution to Russia in the late 19th century to Spain in the 1930s. The irony is that once in power anarchists become totalitarians. That you missed that pattern in history is emblematic of a spotty education.
Bob Boyd said...
"If you shake it more than three times, you're playing with it." - from the Proud Boys wallet card.
Morals these days. In my younger days, it was only two!
Proactive law enforcement would be the best way to head off such a development.
6/2/17, 2:10 PM
You're correct, except that when antifas show up in Berkeley, the cops are told to "stand down" while they beat up Trump voters.
So if the cops don't do their jobs, you're going to get vigilante groups. No, it's not a good sign - and really not all that funny either.
"Anarchism has been throughout history been an inspiration for terrorism and murder, from the English Civil War to the French Revolution to Russia in the late 19th century to Spain in the 1930s. The irony is that once in power anarchists become totalitarians. That you missed that pattern in history is emblematic of a spotty education."
It's evident Inga did not pay much attention during history class.
Did I miss any of the leftists commenting in this thread who actually condemned the idea of antifa--their side, let's not forget -- mobbing and beating a lone person up, solely because of his political views?
And actively hunted him down, even crossing state lines, to do so? Surely I missed the leftists in this thread saying that was wrong.
So I reread the thread. Inga surely denounced this violence right? She condemned Muslims killing Christians the other day, which is more than the vast majority of lefties do.
Nope, Inga didn't say this was wrong. Instead, she spent the majority of her posts mocking the very idea of integrity and self control.
Other leftists? Again, mocking the person who got beat up--how could he not masturbate! He deserved to be beaten to a bloody pulp!
That's the left for you.
"I have [Inga] blocked "
By what means? I see nothing in stock blogger-viewed-via-chrome that provides such a function.
Blogger Unknown said...
Did I miss any of the leftists commenting in this thread who actually condemned the idea of antifa--their side, let's not forget -- mobbing and beating a lone person up, solely because of his political views?"
Oh, they're cool with that. Absolutely no problem.
It's the anti-masturbation stuff which interests them - probably because all they ever do is circle jerk each other.
So, antifa is a fascist group, and probably socialist, too. We are progressing on a left-ward slope.
Unknown said...
Did I miss any of the leftists commenting in this thread who actually condemned the idea of antifa--their side, let's not forget -- mobbing and beating a lone person up, solely because of his political views?
No you didn't. Inga and Nyamujal have been mocking them and coming up with reasons why they deserved it. If they weren't leftists you would call them bullies.
Because they are leftists they are instead using violence to gain power over others instead of merely dealing with personal esteem issues and juvenile social pecking order activities. They are just being who they are.
Masturbation, contraception, transgenderism (e.g. homosexual), and, of course, abortion rites, are all dysfunctional behaviors, not as a matter of religious/moral philosophy, but as a matter of evolutionary fitness. And transgenderism reduced women to incubators and men to depositors. Well, transgenderism, and female chauvinism.
Kirk Parker said...
By what means? I see nothing in stock blogger-viewed-via-chrome that provides such a function.
6/2/17, 3:06 PM
If you use Google Chrome, you can get a plugin called KF or KillFile that when you are on supported blog platforms, displays: Unknown said... [hush][hide comment] <- as an example
If you click on the [hide comment] just that one comment is collapsed and if you click on [hush] all of that specific user's comments are collapsed. You can reactivate a user if you wish.
Very useful tool...
Rick Turley said..."Morals these days. In my younger days, it was only two!"
It was two, but these young Trump fans negotiated a 50% increase for themselves.
The art of the deal!
Oh, they're cool with that. Absolutely no problem.
It's the anti-masturbation stuff which interests them - probably because all they ever do is circle jerk each other.
Yeah, like the proud boys we have to name at least five cereal brands before ejaculation.
"No you didn't. Inga and Nyamujal have been mocking them and coming up with reasons why they deserved it. If they weren't leftists you would call them bullies. "
We need to get these Antifa guys to bodyslam reporters to reach bipartisan consensus on the appropriate use of physical violence.
Drago said...
Inga: "The Antifas are more closely aligned with Anarchists, who hate government."
They call themselves anarchists while lining up four square with the Dems.
What do you get when you cross an anarchist with a leftist?
A leftist.
6/2/17, 1:36 PM
suddenly i feel like it's ok to consider all conservatives nazis. this comment made it ok.
Nyamujal said...
We need to get these Antifa guys to bodyslam reporters to reach bipartisan consensus on the appropriate use of physical violence.
You just aren't very smart. Thanks for making my point for me. Again. And again. And again...
exiledonmainstreet wrote: Attempting to ban masturbation among the antifas wouldn't work
The wanker set and the dickless set have no intersection.
vicari valdez said...
suddenly i feel like it's ok to consider all conservatives nazis. this comment made it ok.
You could do that but it would just mean you are stupid.
Antifa are pure marxist and they are obviously operating in, with, and for the same goals as the larger leftist movement. Saying they are anarchist is stupid. Especially since your stupid comment about Nazi's forgets that Nazi was short for National Socialist German Workers Party. Another group of violent leftists that seized power and killed millions of people and had absolutely no connection or resemblance to a conservative in the modern United States.
vicari valdez wrote: suddenly i feel like it's ok to consider all conservatives nazis. this comment made it ok.
Idiots can't help calling themselves out.
The National Socialists denied lives deemed unworthy (e.g. Pro-Choice/abortion, Planned Prejudice).
The National Socialists denied lives based on the "color of their skin" (e.g. Pro-Choice/diversity).
The National Socialists engaged in elective wars (e.g. Obama's legacy).
The National Democrats have a problem by virtue of their principled-alignment. Perhaps that's why leftist judges are so compelled to disenfranchise Americans in order to hide the progressive corruption.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Pure National Socialism.
"The National Socialists denied lives deemed unworthy (e.g. Pro-Choice/abortion, Planned Prejudice).
The National Socialists denied lives based on the "color of their skin" (e.g. Pro-Choice/diversity).
The National Socialists engaged in elective wars (e.g. Obama's legacy).
The National Democrats have a problem by virtue of their principled-alignment. Perhaps that's why leftist judges are so compelled to disenfranchise Americans in order to hide the progressive corruption."
Wow, you sir are a modern Thomas Paine.
And @Achilles, This comment section isn't a worthy forum for your rapier wit.
For anyone else confused about the differences between Anarchism, socialism, etc I recommend this Oxford UP series: https://www.amazon.com/Anarchism-Short-Introduction-Colin-Ward/dp/0192804774
"Masters of Their Domain" is a better name for an alt-right nationalist group on so many levels.
I'm assessing the logic of principles that has been confused in popular consensus.
That said, I cannot credibly gather people into a class by the "color of their skin", but I can establish alignment by the content of their principles.
Inga said...
"Hmmm, I watched the entire No Wanking video, the guy makes a good point."
Well, he gets a bit eclectic with his evidences. I get suspicious of people whose arguments involve neurotransmitters. But his basic point is that a married man is going to be a lot more interested in his wife if he doesn't expend all his sexual energy on imaginary women. Imaginary women will fuck as often as you like, wherever and however you like, and never place any demands on you at all. They never had a bad day. They don't argue,and they don't mind. Their tits are high and their asses are firm, and they stay that way. Really, the only advantage to your wife is that she is real*. She is a real woman. But to a real man, that is a major advantage.
So, yeah, Inga, as a feminist, it makes *a lot* of sense for you to agree with Gavin MacInnes. Huh. Imagine that.
*Oh, and she can make you a sammie.
Meanwhile in the the real world:
"Last week, in Portland, Oregon, a man with a history of white supremacist rhetoric allegedly killed two men and injured one other who had tried to stop his harassment of two young women—one black, the other wearing a hijab. A week earlier, in College Park, Maryland, another young man—active in white supremacist Facebook groups—killed a black college student after confronting him on the street, according to police. In March, a white supremacist reportedly traveled from Baltimore to New York City with the express purpose of killing a black man, which he did, before turning himself into police. Earlier that month, a Sikh man was shot and injured in front of his house in a Seattle suburb. His alleged attacker reportedly shouted “go back to your country.” Days earlier, in Kansas, authorities described how a man walked into a bar and shot three men, including two immigrants from India, after shouting “get out of my country” and yelling racial slurs. One of the Indian men, Srinivas Kuchibhotla, died of his wounds. More recently, a California man was alleged to have stabbed a black man with a machete after yelling racial slurs—he’s facing charges—and a Native American man was run down and killed by an assailant who allegedly shouted racial slurs."
If you're going to make physical confrontation an essential element in your proud identity, you'd better be able to back it up.
I would like to consider boundary conditions, but the runaway rhetoric, especially from "respected" sources, with prominent platforms, requires a suspension of moderation while narrative and political myths are properly characterized. I do try to remain consistent with principles and avoid substitution with principals.
Do anti-fas carry arms? I suspect that some will be carrying bullets, internally, if they keep up their violence.
I watched part of some of the Proud Boys videos posted here. I'm not sure what they're sending up, but they're sending something up--Maybe themselves. QThey look more like pranksters than some kind of dangerous cult group. They're definitely not thugs or the type of people who beat other people up for kicks. The videos I've seen of the antifa people are less reassuring.
So on the masturbation ban, are all 'Proud Boys' to report daily to check for vaseline on the dick? FFS - how do you enforce this when it's so easy to jack off in the shower?
I think Angel-Dyne has it right, with the masturbation thing. Obviously there is no enforcement mechanism-that misses the point-it makes way more sense that it's general advice involving pushback against the staggering amounts of porn that millennials consume. If you don't know anything about this, spend some time on reddit.
There are other organizations out there like The Art of Manliness and, lol, South Park, that are commenting on the overuse of porn that is now common.
For amusement, google up how 4chan outed the identiy of the masked bike-lock antifa faggot. Turns out he's a college professor. Shocked I am,
Even better, 4Chans sleuthing created quite a stir on the antifa sires. The pussies thought their masks protected them from the consequences of their violence.
Best part: one of the antfa faggots freaked out and started demanding the "anarchists" create membership rosters to keep "lone wolves" (yah right) out of their ranks. That idea quickly died once it was pointed out that officially organizing their violent group would expose them to RICO.
Also check out youube vid of the Berkley Beatdown. Masked antifa cowards come to assault peaceful demonstators, get their asses kick and their masks yanked off by blue collar construction workers and military veterans.
I hear Fen got kicked out of the Proud Boys for breaking the masturbation rule once too many times.
"Somehow I feel it's okay to call all conservatives Nazis because-"
No worries. We already knew you were going to do it anyway.
Do you prefer 5.56 or 7.62 ?
So, Irish guys are considered white, now?
Next I suppose it will be the Italians.
Inga, you really need to work on your insults. You throw like a girl. I almost want to teach you how, just to make this sporting.
But it's interesting what set you off, Inga. Criticism and ridicule of anti-fa. Hmmm.
Fen, I beat you up daily and you're too dumb to realize it.
LOL! Inga, you're not witty enough to beat up on anybody.
You think you're throwing punches but your insults are so stupid it's like getting hit with a feather duster.
Hexiled, no one has to beat you up. You do it to yourself.
See what I mean? Nothing witty or funny about that insult.
I'd say up your game but I don't think you can.
Nyamujal said...
And @Achilles, This comment section isn't a worthy forum for your rapier wit.
The forum is worthy. You are not.
Inga said...
Fen, I beat you up daily and you're too dumb to realize it.
Hexiled, no one has to beat you up. You do it to yourself.
Someone has to be stupid enough to believe the Russia hacking story or what is the point?
Ah yes, Inga - the Kathy Griffin of the comments section.
Inga: "Winning!"
Sad. Althouse taught me not to attack downward, but could at least make an effort to be less boring? Thanks.
I thought Proud Boys disavowed alt-right. This is just fake news, now being tagged as alt-right.
AReasonableMan said...
Meanwhile in the the real world:
"Last week, in Portland, Oregon, a man with a history of white supremacist rhetoric allegedly killed
And yet you don't seem worried. At least in those old-time towns with the signs that said "N-word don't let the sun set on you here" the Negroes understood not to be there after sundown. You're like "Lalala, more midnight basketball, Duquan!"
Do you see your side winning a civil war, a 3000 x 2000 mile Beirut? Do you think Trump's and Sessions' DOJ is going to come in and rescue you? Do you have any notions of de-escalating this conflict above the level of the underpants gnome profit scheme?
What do you think is going to come of all this? You'll be saved by the better angels of conservatives' natures? Where are the better angels of liberals' natures? Breeding dinosaurs with unicorns?
Bad Lieutenant said...
Do you see your side winning a civil war
You seem irrationally angry. There will be no civil war because there is no economic incentive.
You seem irrationally angry.
Do I? No, not really, but of course you had to say something.
There will be no civil war because there is no economic incentive.
Oh, is that how it works?
Hey Fen, Achilles,
Arm says incentive is lacking.
I'll give you guys five bucks for every one of Arm's teeth you bring me.
That enough?
Meadehouse, you can post this because you know I'm kidding. A nickel apiece would be plenty.
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