2018: The GOP should run against the crazed lefty fascists, Hillary and her Private Sever. Oh yes - that private server is a thing. She won't go away? Fine. There's an AP for that. It's called - FU, Hillary, and anyone who stands close to your stench. Ask not what you can do for your server, but what your server can do for... the GOP.
All her corruption and money-grubbing will not go away at age 73. Sad that Hillary is the only hairball the left can cough up. Hillary will never be president. If you want to run her up the flag pole again, "this time without the Russians" - LOL you go for it.
Are you kidding? Five steps and she'll be on the pavement and her security detail will have to pick her up and heave her into the limo like a sack of potatoes again.
Hillary Diane Rodham lost because she was a lousy candidate that would never have been nominated for any significant public office (elected or appointed) in her entire life if it wasn't for her decision to marry a serial philanderer and do whatever was necessary to protect his career, whether to remain with him no matter how much he cheated on her, change her last name years after marriage because it polled better, or slut-shame other women. And the fact that a candidate as unpopular as Trump was not defeated in an utter landslide is on its own proof that the responsibility for Democratic defeat rests primarily with her decision to run for the Presidency, secondarily for people being stupid enough to nominate her, and only tertiarily with any other factor.
The press spends days chortling like baboons after Trump rode a golf cart instead of walking with the other NATO poobahs.
...and along comes Hillary with a media blitz just in time to remind everyone that she couldn't walk a straight line on level ground in flat shoes without aides at her elbows to prop her up and carry her along.
Yes, I'm a Republican, and yes the more the world sees of Hillary the worse it is for the Democrats, but Oh for the love of heaven please make her go away! It's painful to see her, hear her, even hear her name mentioned.
After the election, I told my Democrat family members that it was to their benefit that Hillary lost because it would allow some much-needed new blood to come in. I was wrong -- not about it being good that she lost, but about new blood coming in, both because she is a selfish, self-centered obnoxious narcissist, and because the Democrat Establishment has fully embraced the Clintonism that has made politics so toxic the last 25 years.
Good Lord. I was sick of Hillary Clinton more than twenty-five years ago before her husband even became President. She's the guest who trashes the party and then refuses to leave.
She's Nixon with an endless streak of failures. Biographers will be fighting for years to figure her out.
Even if you agree with her and think she got schlonged, what does it say that she ran in her prime against Obama and lost? That she ran against Bernie Saunders, a decrepit socialist few people heard of, and needed Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the Democratic Party's superdelegates to beat.
Ignore Trump; the fact that every time she spoke, her poll numbers went down should tell you something.
It's like watching a Pinto being rear-ended again and again, and every time it happened, her fans say "Next time it'll work!"
Hillary lost because Russia hacked voting machines in Florida and Pennsylvania.
I have a source on one the investigative committees that says they have rock solid evidence that involves Trump, Pence and several high level GOP officials. Ironically, the communications proving collusion with the Russian government were in a directory labelled "Operation Bullwinkle".
But more importantly, a discovered subroutine exposed a failsafe program to "unwind" the corrupted vote tallies. Election boards in the affected states have been ordered to hold computerized recounts on or before June 24th.
They will be releasing information to the public on Monday.
I have to say, by this point I didn't think anything Hillary Clinton could say would surpirse me, but watching her in these videos is simply breathtaking.
Unfortunately for the right, this is a highly credible source. Prior contributions have been 100% accurate 3 of 4 times, and the one that didn't pan out was due to intervening circumstances beyond his/her control.
She eagerly offered a comprehensive list of the reasons she lost the 2016 presidential election.
She lost because America is a hopelessly reactionary country in which dark forces fight a constant “rearguard action” to “turn back the clock.” She lost because Republicans are both technologically advanced and underhanded. Democrats, for instance, use data and analytics to target and rouse voters—“better messaging.” Republicans, on the other hand, use “content farms” and make “an enormous investment in falsehoods, fake news, call it what you will.” Democrats “did not engage in false content.” She lost because of the Russians: “Who were they coordinating with, or colluding with?”
She lost because of “voter suppression” and “unaccountable money flowing in against me.” She lost because the Democratic National Committee didn’t help her. “I inherit nothing from the Democratic Party. I mean it was bankrupt. . . . Its data was mediocre to poor, nonexistent, wrong. I had to inject money into it.”
Unaccountable money? If she were in change, any an all money would flow in one direction. All other money flow would be made illegal. God she's frightening.
But none of this, in truth, is without point. It is purposeful. It is not mere narrative-spinning. It is insisting on alternative facts so that journalists and historians will have to take them into account. It is a monotonous repetition of a certain version of events, which will be amplified, picked up and repeated into the future.
And it’s not true.
The truth is Bernie Sanders destroyed Mrs. Clinton’s chance of winning by almost knocking her off, and in the process revealing her party’s base had changed. Her plodding, charmless, insincere style of campaigning defeated her. Bad decisions in her campaign approach to the battleground states did it; a long history of personal scandals did it; fat Wall Street speeches did it; the Clinton Foundation’s bloat and chicanery did it—and most of all the sense that she ultimately stands for nothing but Hillary, did it.
I fall more into the category of "No, I support Trump but the failure to take responsibility for losing the election and blaming everyone else for it is embarrassing you."
This is part of a character flaw that got exposed constantly during the campaign (and which has really been there all along), her inability to own failures. It is not a sign of good leadership to constantly be blaming underlings, media, Russia, VRWCs, her own party, or anything else under the sun besides herself when things go wrong. This was her campaign, her choice of advisers, her strategy, and it failed. The fact that even more than 6 months later she can't admit that she is the person most responsible for her loss is a sign that she really isn't qualified for a job which has the most responsibility out of any elected office.
One of the excuses that really gets me is the accusation that very shortly (an hour?) after the Billy Bush tape was released that the Podesta emails were released. Well, fine, but NBC held the Bush tapes for months to release them for maximum effect. Tough shit the other side didn't roll over and play dead.
I wish Noonan would stop playing into the popular vote nonsense, it makes her look stupid.
Because if the popular vote had been the determining factor, both candidates would have had entirely different campaign strategies. For example, Trump would have spent time and energy in California.
And voters trapped in states that overwhelmingly support the opposition would have turned out.
What is true is that throughout her career Mrs. Clinton has shown herself to be largely incapable of honest self-reflection, of pointing the finger, for even a moment, at herself. She is not capable of what in Middle English was called “agenbite of inwit”—remorse of conscience, the self-indictment and implicit growth, that come of taking a serious personal inventory. People are always doing bad things to her, she never does bad things to them. They operate in bad faith, she only in good. They lie and exaggerate, she doesn’t. They are low and partisan, not her. There’s no vast left-wing conspiracy only a right-wing one.
People can see this. It’s part of why she lost.
It is one thing to say, “I take responsibility,” and follow that up with a list of things you believe you got wrong. It’s another thing to say, “I take responsibility,” and then immediately pivot to arguments as to why other people are to blame. “I take responsibility for everything I got wrong, but that’s not why I lost,” is literally what she said Wednesday.
Walt Mossberg asked her about her misjudgments. What about Goldman Sachs ? You were running for president, he said, why did you do those high priced speeches?
“Why do you have Goldman Sachs [at this conference]?” Mrs. Clinton countered.
Mr. Mossberg: “Because they pay us.”
Mrs. Clinton: “They paid me.”
Mr. Mossberg noted they paid her a lot. Hillary replied she speaks to many groups, she had been elected in New York, which includes Wall Street. Then: “Men got paid for the speeches they made. I got paid for the speeches I made.”
The worst part is that she insulted her own country by both stating and implying that America is full of knuckle-dragging, deplorable oafs who are averse to powerful women and would never elect one president. Has she not learned anything? Does she never think Britain had Margaret Thatcher in 1979 and Theresa May now, that Germany has had as its leader Angela Merkel since 2005? Is America really more backward, narrow and hate-filled toward women than those countries? Or was Mrs. Clinton simply the wrong woman, and the wrong candidate?
It would have been helpful if she’d spoken at least of those who’d voted for her and supported her and donated to her campaign precisely because she was a woman.
You should never slander a country that rejected you. Maybe it had its reasons. Maybe her most constructive act now would be to quietly reflect on what they might be.
No, what did it was the realization that Trump would face impeachment for things Hillary would be allowed to get away with, because she is above the law.
I must have encountered hundreds of indies and moderates who were on the fence saying that both choices were just as bad.
Every single one of them was swayed to Trump once they realized it was more important to have a President that would be restrained by the Rule of Law.
It was ironic, because Hillary's success at dodging convictions came back to bite her in the ass. Dodging indictment for the secret server was icing because it highlighted that her corruption was strong enough to destroy the reputation of the FBI.
"You're likable enough" was merely the first of Obama's myriad lies. I see that 12 people who voted wanted her to go away because she's hurting Republicans. You dozen folks must live in very strange places.
Jesus! One thousand Russian agents colluded with Donald Trump's campaign! And not one has come forward to substantiate this crazy theory. This sounds totally crazy.
As for the paid speeches, it had less to do with the speaking fees and more to do with that one blopper: "have a public face and a private face".
Immediately, everyone still undecided or lukewarm realized she was two-faced. Yes, we assume all politicians are such, but having a candidate actually spotlight herself like that was a debilitating blow. Because from then on, every time she spoke, millions of voters asked themselves "public face or private face?"
As for sexism, no. That shaming tactic also worked against her. Voters had just endured 8 years of being slimed as racists any time they criticized Obama. They groaned at the prospect of another 8 being slimed as sexist.
The only disadvantage her gender brought was that every time she opened her mouth she reminded millions of men of their nagging mother-in-law. I actually started to cringe so bad I thought it would drive me crazy, and she hadn't even been inagurated yet.
No schadenfreude option? I'm a Republican but I delight in watching Hillary spew her contemptible, self-pitying excuses for her blatant corruption and laughable incompetence?
Craziness is trying to redo your failures in life with the same set of characters. It never works any better next time. She needs to find her something else to do.
But crazy has its reasons the mind doesn't see. Hillary should do Kill Bill vol 3.
I'm increasingly worried about the Democratic implosion I am seeing. Even if I WERE a die-hard Republican, without effective opposition any party devolves rapidly. There's so much money out there in misgovernment!
I would honestly much prefer that Dems got their shit together and cobbled together some realistic policy goals than that they continued on their current track. What they are doing is not working at all. It's helping Trump rather than hurting him, and trotting Hillary out like one of those religious statues paraded through the streets in Catholic festivals is rather alarming. Why is she collecting money? What for? What is the "Mercy Me" Hillary tour doing for the party? Or the country?
The Democrats aren't even doing well at fundraising! The RNC is rolling in cash (in part because it is not funneling nearly as much into the special elections) - but then it doesn't have to, because the GOP is winning those. And the latest April numbers, moneywise, look really bad for Dems. The DNC raising about half of the RNC total in April, the RNC had more than 40 million on hand, the DNC had less than 9 million.
I think we are seeing something pathological and deeply destructive to the Democratic party. Do we need to start a different party to get a real choice? If no one in the DNC understands that most American voters are moderates, they will dig their party's own grave.
"I'm a Republican, but I feel sorry for Hillary as a human being."
When I don't see her for awhile I start to feel this way too. But then she opens her mouth, such as at these events the last two days, blaming everybody but herself, and that feeling totally evaporates. She deserves a lot more than losing the election. She deserves to be in prison.
CNN: "In the wake of the campaign, and Trump's at-turns tumultuous, at-turns disastrous first four-plus months in office...."
I am SOOOOOOOOO glad not to have television cable or satellite. Yes, Hillary is just political baggage, but it is the MSM which drags her around. Together they beclown themselves. Two drunks holding eachother up.
PS: I am going to strongly support Fen's comment about the motivations of many "swing" Trump voters. It is up to the Democrats to turn that around. The Republicans can't do it.
If the Democrats can't turn toward the constructive soon, they are going to shove those voters further into the "Shit, pull the GOP lever - just can't feed the crazy corruption" camp. There is virtually NOTHING the Dems are doing now that is actually going to help candidates win an election! NOTHING.
And even if one were totally comfortable with the current Republican Congress and Trump (and how many people REALLY are?), the fact is that when your elected officials feel comfortable they become infinitely corruptible.
We must have at least two functional parties to be able to throw the worst of them out every cycle. Last cycle, Hillary was the candidate who had to go for the good of the country. It's time to start changing that dynamic, instead of running around going "OMG, OMG, Trump won" like those crazy campus videos.
And someone get Pelosi on a good geriatric vitamin, and work hard with her to sound a little less batty! Two hours of cognitive therapy every morning. It's 2017, Trump is president etc.
"What happens to a dream deferred? Does it go bad?" Yes, sometimes it goes bad and the dreams of the left have gone bad.
The hard left has more support than it ever has had and it thinks this means that at last America realizes how right the left is. But this success is like Tiger Woods fame - it is destructive because it leads to unstoppable bad behavior, to a total refusal to listen. Snowflakes, Kathy Griffen, segregated housing, false accusations of kissing women and colluding with Russians - above all, nominating Hillary Clinton for President - this is madness. It happens because in its hour of potential success the left doesn't believe in the left ideology anymore; it has turned on the workers and completely destroyed its rationale and ethos. So now, when, in a way, the left is getting its chance, the left is blowing itself up. Hillary is poster child for that. It's all about money with her and we all know it. But she is not an outlier. Her voyage into corruption is a mirror of the American left in its own strange voyage in the course of which the pole star of the left, the Kremlin, adopted capitalism. Capitalism is where the Americans on the left began and so now where do they go? Well, money always helps while you wonder about your dreams.
I never do. I've gotten firsthand accounts of how she treats staff. From hotel maids to the men assigned to give their life to save hers. She is deplorable.
I just looked at the poll results- 37% say they are in neither party and want her to leave the stage for new people.
If you think about, you will likely realize that about 2/3s or more of that 37% are just outright lying and simply couldn't bring themselves to admit they are Democrats that don't want anything more to do with her. Bernie supporters? Maybe.
My choice is "neither party but please let Hillary continue to damage the Left"
Yes, I'm an independent. Final straw was when Ryan passed an omnibus that made Pelosi gush with praise. I'm tired of being betrayed by the Establishment Party (E). I'd rather have Democrats spit in my face than Republicans stab me in the back.
Hillary ran for President the first and second times to avenge her humiliation by Bill, and now she must run for President a third time to avenge her humiliation by Donald.
Can't wait for the latest campaign re-re-re-launch showcasing the "real" Hillary Americans haven't met yet, complete with warmth, humor and "new efforts to bring spontaneity"(NYT 9/7/15).
I'm not a republican, just anti-democrat party. Can't understand the people hoping for a resurgent democrat party- That's like hoping for a venereal disease just to keep your immune system on its toes. The treasonous, stalinist, anti-american crime syndicate known as the democrat party should be forcefully vanquished from American life. It's an absolute disgrace that this corrupt fascistic organization derives any support at all from American citizens.
Bob Boyd said... Make Hillary Grate Again For a minute there I thought you had ants in your peonies
Excellent! I love good puns.
Fen said... "I feel sorry for Hillary"
I never do. I've gotten firsthand accounts of how she treats staff. From hotel maids to the men assigned to give their life to save hers. She is deplorable.
mike in houston said... She can leave the scene as soon as she figures out who stole the strawberries :-)
"I'm increasingly worried about the Democratic implosion I am seeing. Even if I WERE a die-hard Republican, without effective opposition any party devolves rapidly"
Good day to everyone out there and I am here to share a very great testimony of how I became free and happy today after all I went through with my Ex wife and her lawyer as they tried to end my life after my wife and her so called attorney tried to ruined my life. I was with my Ex wife for over 10years and we both have worked together that we had a joint account both in Europe and America because we loved each other so much that I never expected what happened to me later. My wife filed for a divorce and tried to claim all the money we worked hard for both in Europe and America including our only child Mira. So I almost gave up my life if not for the help of my very good friend who resides in Europe where I worked for over 7years and we have been good coworkers for years that introduced me to a hacker whom I contacted to help me hack into the accounts and move the money for me not to end up committing suicide at the age of 56 years. At first I was scared that if he falls and get caught what’s going to happen but my coworker assured me that his a genius and very calm and ready to listen to my problems so I proceeded with him to handle the hacking of the bank accounts to move some of the money for me without anyone getting to know about it till date. He was able to move %80 of the funds both in Europe and America via online banking system that I am now leaving in Australia trying to start up a new life and family too. Please I know too well there are lots of people going through this out there and I pray for you to be strong until you get to see this post that will change your life in less than a week of working with this amazing hacker. My name is Patrick Fisher and I tell you that his the best and very good hearted man to help you and I don’t know if he does any other hacking job but I can only testify for what a did for me. May God bless each and every one of you going through hard times in their homes today? be strong and I hope everyone tells their stories someday. Email: michael.l@hackermail.com Telephone +1 646-652-6107
Please I know too well there are lots of people going through this out there and I pray for you to be strong until you get to see this post that will change your life in less than a week of working with this amazing hacker.
This is the same email Trump replied to you guys, just sayin'.
Kathy Griffin´s attorney has scheduled a Friday press conference to give the D-list comedian a chance to explain her decision to do a crass photo shoot in which she held up a prop resembling President Trump´s severed head. Griffin posted the photos to her Twitter Tuesday, but quickly removed them and apologized after receiving backlash. Despite posting an apology video in which she admits to going to ´too far,´ Griffin seems to be preparing to criticize the ´bullying´ from the President and his family in her conference on Friday.
There are two benefits to having Hillary! still around. One is that we get to see how many people are buying her schtick. Knowing that is a good thing, although any number over zero is depressing. The other is that she's a lesson for politicians. Say, for example, she had no responsibility for anything that happened those awful days in Behghazi. Okay. Stuff happens. But her responses both made her look involved and made her look uncaring and deceptive. Or, let's say she did make honest mistakes. See previous sentence. Stuff happens and sometimes, with the best will and all the knowable information, you screw up. Hillary shows how to make yourself look really, really bad.
Ann Althouse said... "How about , " No. I'm not from either party and please for gods sake make the crazy old lady leave."
That's the last choice on the poll. I will not e a part of any poll ............................what Groucho said Yes. But mine is funnier. Do you know what I just love, LOVE about Hillary Clinton? She is not the president of the United States. And yet she brought the country together.
@readering, step 1 is to fill a bathtub with warm water -- not to hot. Then climb inside (disrobing is optional) holding a sharp razor in your dominant hand. Then slash both wrists, lean back, and relax.
Because based on everything I've seen so far, it's only going to get worse for that party.
Or you could join us Republicans. We're not into groupthink, and you might miss that, but we have a big tent and there's room for folks on both sides of the abortion issue, for instance. You should generally be in favor of good government, and its corollary that big government is by definition bad government.
Hillary ran the worst campaign in American presidential history. It can be distilled down to a single word: Deplorables. No comment about the electorate has ever been worse. She stood for nothing, had no central message, was unlikeable, was unreal ("Why are I not 50 points ahead?"), and she fainted then lied about it.
But "Deplorables" was her shining moment of awfulness, capped with an even worse word: Irredeemible.
If the Democrats can't turn toward the constructive soon, they are going to shove those voters further into the "Shit, pull the GOP lever - just can't feed the crazy corruption" camp. There is virtually NOTHING the Dems are doing now that is actually going to help candidates win an election! NOTHING.
Getting killed in the midterms won't do it. They will assume anyone they run will beat Trump in 2020 because the NYT tells them so every day. The only cure for what ails the Dems is a second Trump term.
Every single one of them was swayed to Trump once they realized it was more important to have a President that would be restrained by the Rule of Law.
It was ironic, because Hillary's success at dodging convictions came back to bite her in the ass. Dodging indictment for the secret server was icing because it highlighted that her corruption was strong enough to destroy the reputation of the FBI.
This rings very true to me.
The faster the Clintons get out of the way, the better for the Democratic party and the Country.
She pretty much has to run. Contributions to the family foundation/slush fund have apparently dried up, along well th a lot of the half million dollar speaking gigs for her and her hubby. The big thing that they had to sell (future political favors)have dried up. He can't run, and Chelsea has no political experience yet, so that leaves Crooked Hillary to refill the family coffers. And a mere Senatorship wouldn't generate the needed level of cash. Besides, there aren't any safe seats opening up in the near future. Which leaves another run for the White House.
Another reason for her to run - it probably keeps her, her family, and their hanger ons, out of prison. Despite what Comey said about intent, there is well more than enough evidence to try her for her email server crimes, and they never have faced a true accounting for their family foundation/slush fund. And, as long as she is the Dem party front runner for 2020, she probably won't be held to account. And, by then, the statute of limitations will have mostly run. Plus, Trump probably wants her to keep running. She is a horrible face for her party. Ads supporting Gianforte had to limit themselves to tying his opponent to Nancy Pelosi. Crooked Hillary, with her cackle, cankles, and basket of deplorables would be much better. Plus, it keeps the opposition from coalescing around someone else, anyone else, which makes Trump's job that much easier.
Every single one of them [voter] was swayed to Trump once they realized it was more important to have a President that would be restrained by the Rule of Law.
It was ironic, because Hillary's success at dodging convictions came back to bite her in the ass. Dodging indictment for the secret server was icing because it highlighted that her corruption was strong enough to destroy the reputation of the FBI.
I think you are correct. Noonan made some good points. Voters were not on board with Clinton baggage and Clinton corruption. The choice made itself.
I'm independent, but like her to stick around to see how far the dem party will continue on this path. Agree any other candidate would have beaten Trump if the repubs were not so stupid and dems not so conniving against Bernie. Button for me to chose.
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१३६ टिप्पण्या:
Private. Server.
Run Hillary Run!!! (the guys in Macedonia told me to say that)
How about , " No. I'm not from either party and please for gods sake make the crazy old lady leave.
Macedonian Content Farmers?
She lost because Americans are averse to getting screwed at the IRS and private collection agencies.
She lost because she couldn't convert on the refugees of Obama's elective wars in time.
She lost because she put Americans second, third, and fourth.
Make Hillary Great Again
"How about , " No. I'm not from either party and please for gods sake make the crazy old lady leave."
That's the last choice on the poll.
2018: The GOP should run against the crazed lefty fascists, Hillary and her Private Sever. Oh yes - that private server is a thing. She won't go away? Fine. There's an AP for that. It's called - FU, Hillary, and anyone who stands close to your stench. Ask not what you can do for your server, but what your server can do for... the GOP.
Hillary recently stated that people fear her. For once I agree with her.
Real people fear the evil axis of Hillary-Podesta.
Hillary is awesome. She lost for a lot of reasons, but mostly because Trump in collusion with the Russians cheated.
The only fair thing to do is to have Hillary run again, against Trump, in 2020. This time without the Russian collusion.
Meade: "Make Hillary Great Again"
Okay, to do that we have to get Bill elected to something so Hillary can ride his coattails.
The Russians put a private server in her bathroom.
And diverted her plane from landing in Wisconsin and Michigan.
She needs to drunkenly stumble back into the woods.
And yes, Web's daughter can come to.
Swede: "She needs to drunkenly stumble back into the woods"
Or into any available SUV.
All her corruption and money-grubbing will not go away at age 73. Sad that Hillary is the only hairball the left can cough up. Hillary will never be president. If you want to run her up the flag pole again, "this time without the Russians" - LOL you go for it.
Drago said...
Run Hillary Run!!!
Are you kidding? Five steps and she'll be on the pavement and her security detail will have to pick her up and heave her into the limo like a sack of potatoes again.
Hillary in 2020: Third Time's The Charm!
Swede said...
Hillary in 2020: Third Time's The Charm!"
Because we haven't seen enough of her pants suit collection.
The Satin Mao Collection.
Hillary Diane Rodham lost because she was a lousy candidate that would never have been nominated for any significant public office (elected or appointed) in her entire life if it wasn't for her decision to marry a serial philanderer and do whatever was necessary to protect his career, whether to remain with him no matter how much he cheated on her, change her last name years after marriage because it polled better, or slut-shame other women. And the fact that a candidate as unpopular as Trump was not defeated in an utter landslide is on its own proof that the responsibility for Democratic defeat rests primarily with her decision to run for the Presidency, secondarily for people being stupid enough to nominate her, and only tertiarily with any other factor.
The press spends days chortling like baboons after Trump rode a golf cart instead of walking with the other NATO poobahs.
...and along comes Hillary with a media blitz just in time to remind everyone that she couldn't walk a straight line on level ground in flat shoes without aides at her elbows to prop her up and carry her along.
Life is funny sometimes.
Yes, I'm a Republican, and yes the more the world sees of Hillary the worse it is for the Democrats, but Oh for the love of heaven please make her go away! It's painful to see her, hear her, even hear her name mentioned.
"The only fair thing to do is to have Hillary run again, against Trump, in 2020."
I'd vote for that but nobody could be that lucky.
"Hillary in 2020: Third Time's The Charm!"
"Piker!": Estate of Harold Stassen.
Blogger Rene Saunce said..."Private. Server."
Hillary says hiding her activities from the people she would ask to install her as President was a "Nothing Burger".
At the current rate, it won't be too long before they drop a net over H>er.
Hillary reminds me of the lady who lived down the street when I was a kid. She like to sit on the curb eating newspapers.
Make Hillary Grate Again
Here's a list of 24 people/things Hillary blames, but its incomplete. At the least, she also blamed voter suppresion which isn't on the list.
After the election, I told my Democrat family members that it was to their benefit that Hillary lost because it would allow some much-needed new blood to come in. I was wrong -- not about it being good that she lost, but about new blood coming in, both because she is a selfish, self-centered obnoxious narcissist, and because the Democrat Establishment has fully embraced the Clintonism that has made politics so toxic the last 25 years.
She doesn't hurt my side. Eyes, yes. Ears, yes. Side, no.
If the election had gone her way, I'm sure we'd all hate her by now. That's just part of the job.
But it didn't go her way and I for one love Hillary now more than I have ever loved her.
"But it didn't go her way and I for one love Hillary now more than I have ever loved her."
I don't believe you.
Good Lord. I was sick of Hillary Clinton more than twenty-five years ago before her husband even became President. She's the guest who trashes the party and then refuses to leave.
She's Nixon with an endless streak of failures. Biographers will be fighting for years to figure her out.
Even if you agree with her and think she got schlonged, what does it say that she ran in her prime against Obama and lost? That she ran against Bernie Saunders, a decrepit socialist few people heard of, and needed Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and the Democratic Party's superdelegates to beat.
Ignore Trump; the fact that every time she spoke, her poll numbers went down should tell you something.
It's like watching a Pinto being rear-ended again and again, and every time it happened, her fans say "Next time it'll work!"
What's the word for that? Insanity.
Hillary lost because Russia hacked voting machines in Florida and Pennsylvania.
I have a source on one the investigative committees that says they have rock solid evidence that involves Trump, Pence and several high level GOP officials. Ironically, the communications proving collusion with the Russian government were in a directory labelled "Operation Bullwinkle".
But more importantly, a discovered subroutine exposed a failsafe program to "unwind" the corrupted vote tallies. Election boards in the affected states have been ordered to hold computerized recounts on or before June 24th.
They will be releasing information to the public on Monday.
Also, I think that Mötley Crüe said it best: "Girl, don't go away mad, girl, just go away!"
If Hillary is not going to go away then I'm doubling down on my vodka investments.
"I for one love Hillary now more than I have ever loved her."
What difference at this point does it make?
Hillary: the Herpes of American Politics.
I am Laslo.
I have to say, by this point I didn't think anything Hillary Clinton could say would surpirse me, but watching her in these videos is simply breathtaking.
Bill is going to arrange a sniper shot.
Hillary, we barely knew you.......
Content farms in Macedonia? Maybe Inga could decode that one for us.
The best thing that ever happened was Hillary winning the Democrat Primary in 2016. Any other Democrat would've beaten Trump - or any Republican.
Every time I time I think the Stupid Republicans are completely finished, the Democrats - God bless them - bail 'em out.
I'm a Hillary 2020 supporter. C'mon Democrats - it'll be different this time.
"I don't believe you."
Believe me — the more I see her, the happier I am.
Note: I didn't say hear her. I said see her.
She must have got that one from her friend John Brennan.
You really should listen Meade. It's something else.
Hillary Lacks the Remorse of Conscience
Oddly, she seems completely sincere, as if she believes the alternative facts she’s peddling.
Unfortunately for the right, this is a highly credible source. Prior contributions have been 100% accurate 3 of 4 times, and the one that didn't pan out was due to intervening circumstances beyond his/her control.
If not Hillary, then Chelsea-Lewinsky 2020.
The dream ticket.
She self-identifies now as simply "activist citizen"?
Beautiful. Breathtakingly beautiful.
She eagerly offered a comprehensive list of the reasons she lost the 2016 presidential election.
She lost because America is a hopelessly reactionary country in which dark forces fight a constant “rearguard action” to “turn back the clock.” She lost because Republicans are both technologically advanced and underhanded. Democrats, for instance, use data and analytics to target and rouse voters—“better messaging.” Republicans, on the other hand, use “content farms” and make “an enormous investment in falsehoods, fake news, call it what you will.” Democrats “did not engage in false content.” She lost because of the Russians: “Who were they coordinating with, or colluding with?”
She lost because of “voter suppression” and “unaccountable money flowing in against me.” She lost because the Democratic National Committee didn’t help her. “I inherit nothing from the Democratic Party. I mean it was bankrupt. . . . Its data was mediocre to poor, nonexistent, wrong. I had to inject money into it.”
Unaccountable money? If she were in change, any an all money would flow in one direction. All other money flow would be made illegal.
God she's frightening.
Hillary would like you to think her Private Server was "Fake News."
Okay, Meade. I get it.
For a minute there I thought you had ants in your peonies, so to speak.
But none of this, in truth, is without point. It is purposeful. It is not mere narrative-spinning. It is insisting on alternative facts so that journalists and historians will have to take them into account. It is a monotonous repetition of a certain version of events, which will be amplified, picked up and repeated into the future.
And it’s not true.
The truth is Bernie Sanders destroyed Mrs. Clinton’s chance of winning by almost knocking her off, and in the process revealing her party’s base had changed. Her plodding, charmless, insincere style of campaigning defeated her. Bad decisions in her campaign approach to the battleground states did it; a long history of personal scandals did it; fat Wall Street speeches did it; the Clinton Foundation’s bloat and chicanery did it—and most of all the sense that she ultimately stands for nothing but Hillary, did it.
I fall more into the category of "No, I support Trump but the failure to take responsibility for losing the election and blaming everyone else for it is embarrassing you."
This is part of a character flaw that got exposed constantly during the campaign (and which has really been there all along), her inability to own failures. It is not a sign of good leadership to constantly be blaming underlings, media, Russia, VRWCs, her own party, or anything else under the sun besides herself when things go wrong. This was her campaign, her choice of advisers, her strategy, and it failed. The fact that even more than 6 months later she can't admit that she is the person most responsible for her loss is a sign that she really isn't qualified for a job which has the most responsibility out of any elected office.
Let Trump be Trump and let Hillary be Hillary.
One of the excuses that really gets me is the accusation that very shortly (an hour?) after the Billy Bush tape was released that the Podesta emails were released. Well, fine, but NBC held the Bush tapes for months to release them for maximum effect. Tough shit the other side didn't roll over and play dead.
I wish Noonan would stop playing into the popular vote nonsense, it makes her look stupid.
Because if the popular vote had been the determining factor, both candidates would have had entirely different campaign strategies. For example, Trump would have spent time and energy in California.
And voters trapped in states that overwhelmingly support the opposition would have turned out.
Its a very stupid narrative to concede to.
Hillary will have a whole new line of pants suits for 2020.
Victory is certain.
Hillary's got lower approval ratings than my ex-wife.....
Noonan cont..
What is true is that throughout her career Mrs. Clinton has shown herself to be largely incapable of honest self-reflection, of pointing the finger, for even a moment, at herself. She is not capable of what in Middle English was called “agenbite of inwit”—remorse of conscience, the self-indictment and implicit growth, that come of taking a serious personal inventory. People are always doing bad things to her, she never does bad things to them. They operate in bad faith, she only in good. They lie and exaggerate, she doesn’t. They are low and partisan, not her. There’s no vast left-wing conspiracy only a right-wing one.
People can see this. It’s part of why she lost.
It is one thing to say, “I take responsibility,” and follow that up with a list of things you believe you got wrong. It’s another thing to say, “I take responsibility,” and then immediately pivot to arguments as to why other people are to blame. “I take responsibility for everything I got wrong, but that’s not why I lost,” is literally what she said Wednesday.
Walt Mossberg asked her about her misjudgments. What about Goldman Sachs ? You were running for president, he said, why did you do those high priced speeches?
“Why do you have Goldman Sachs [at this conference]?” Mrs. Clinton countered.
Mr. Mossberg: “Because they pay us.”
Mrs. Clinton: “They paid me.”
Mr. Mossberg noted they paid her a lot. Hillary replied she speaks to many groups, she had been elected in New York, which includes Wall Street. Then: “Men got paid for the speeches they made. I got paid for the speeches I made.”
The worst part is that she insulted her own country by both stating and implying that America is full of knuckle-dragging, deplorable oafs who are averse to powerful women and would never elect one president. Has she not learned anything? Does she never think Britain had Margaret Thatcher in 1979 and Theresa May now, that Germany has had as its leader Angela Merkel since 2005? Is America really more backward, narrow and hate-filled toward women than those countries? Or was Mrs. Clinton simply the wrong woman, and the wrong candidate?
It would have been helpful if she’d spoken at least of those who’d voted for her and supported her and donated to her campaign precisely because she was a woman.
You should never slander a country that rejected you. Maybe it had its reasons. Maybe her most constructive act now would be to quietly reflect on what they might be.
No, what did it was the realization that Trump would face impeachment for things Hillary would be allowed to get away with, because she is above the law.
I must have encountered hundreds of indies and moderates who were on the fence saying that both choices were just as bad.
Every single one of them was swayed to Trump once they realized it was more important to have a President that would be restrained by the Rule of Law.
It was ironic, because Hillary's success at dodging convictions came back to bite her in the ass. Dodging indictment for the secret server was icing because it highlighted that her corruption was strong enough to destroy the reputation of the FBI.
"Men got paid for the speeches they made. I got paid for the speeches I made.”
I'm telling you, Meade. She's blaming you.
Any word on how much she got paid to appear at CodeCon?
If the idea is to create a demand for a Democrat who is not Hillary Clinton, it seems to be working on Althouse.
"You're likable enough" was merely the first of Obama's myriad lies. I see that 12 people who voted wanted her to go away because she's hurting Republicans. You dozen folks must live in very strange places.
And if you buy her book, mission accomplished.
Jesus! One thousand Russian agents colluded with Donald Trump's campaign! And not one has come forward to substantiate this crazy theory. This sounds totally crazy.
If the idea is to create a demand for a Democrat who is not Hillary Clinton, it seems to be working on Althouse.
Maybe, but so far what they got was Kathy Griffin.
As for the paid speeches, it had less to do with the speaking fees and more to do with that one blopper: "have a public face and a private face".
Immediately, everyone still undecided or lukewarm realized she was two-faced. Yes, we assume all politicians are such, but having a candidate actually spotlight herself like that was a debilitating blow. Because from then on, every time she spoke, millions of voters asked themselves "public face or private face?"
No. I'm a Republican, but I feel sorry for Hillary as a human being.
Dems to Hillary:
How can we get over you, if you never leave?
As for sexism, no. That shaming tactic also worked against her. Voters had just endured 8 years of being slimed as racists any time they criticized Obama. They groaned at the prospect of another 8 being slimed as sexist.
The only disadvantage her gender brought was that every time she opened her mouth she reminded millions of men of their nagging mother-in-law. I actually started to cringe so bad I thought it would drive me crazy, and she hadn't even been inagurated yet.
And diverted her plane from landing in Wisconsin and Michigan.
She probably would have lost those states by bigger margins if she'd visited them.
No schadenfreude option? I'm a Republican but I delight in watching Hillary spew her contemptible, self-pitying excuses for her blatant corruption and laughable incompetence?
I vote for that choice.
Craziness is trying to redo your failures in life with the same set of characters. It never works any better next time. She needs to find her something else to do.
But crazy has its reasons the mind doesn't see. Hillary should do Kill Bill vol 3.
There should have been a choice, I'm a Democrat and just hope she gets it out of her system. 2020 a long way off and she won't have stamina to run.
Al Gore is all smiles.
Same way Carter was knocked out of Most Incompetent President by Obama,
Hillary has taken the Sore Loserman title belt from Gore.
And the 7 month tsmper tantrum by Democrats has been priceless. "To hear the wailing of their womem..." Delicious.
I'm increasingly worried about the Democratic implosion I am seeing. Even if I WERE a die-hard Republican, without effective opposition any party devolves rapidly. There's so much money out there in misgovernment!
I would honestly much prefer that Dems got their shit together and cobbled together some realistic policy goals than that they continued on their current track. What they are doing is not working at all. It's helping Trump rather than hurting him, and trotting Hillary out like one of those religious statues paraded through the streets in Catholic festivals is rather alarming. Why is she collecting money? What for? What is the "Mercy Me" Hillary tour doing for the party? Or the country?
The Democrats aren't even doing well at fundraising! The RNC is rolling in cash (in part because it is not funneling nearly as much into the special elections) - but then it doesn't have to, because the GOP is winning those. And the latest April numbers, moneywise, look really bad for Dems. The DNC raising about half of the RNC total in April, the RNC had more than 40 million on hand, the DNC had less than 9 million.
I think we are seeing something pathological and deeply destructive to the Democratic party. Do we need to start a different party to get a real choice? If no one in the DNC understands that most American voters are moderates, they will dig their party's own grave.
Bless her heart.
"I'm a Republican, but I feel sorry for Hillary as a human being."
When I don't see her for awhile I start to feel this way too. But then she opens her mouth, such as at these events the last two days, blaming everybody but herself, and that feeling totally evaporates. She deserves a lot more than losing the election. She deserves to be in prison.
CNN: "In the wake of the campaign, and Trump's at-turns tumultuous, at-turns disastrous first four-plus months in office...."
I am SOOOOOOOOO glad not to have television cable or satellite. Yes, Hillary is just political baggage, but it is the MSM which drags her around. Together they beclown themselves. Two drunks holding eachother up.
PS: I am going to strongly support Fen's comment about the motivations of many "swing" Trump voters. It is up to the Democrats to turn that around. The Republicans can't do it.
If the Democrats can't turn toward the constructive soon, they are going to shove those voters further into the "Shit, pull the GOP lever - just can't feed the crazy corruption" camp. There is virtually NOTHING the Dems are doing now that is actually going to help candidates win an election! NOTHING.
And even if one were totally comfortable with the current Republican Congress and Trump (and how many people REALLY are?), the fact is that when your elected officials feel comfortable they become infinitely corruptible.
We must have at least two functional parties to be able to throw the worst of them out every cycle. Last cycle, Hillary was the candidate who had to go for the good of the country. It's time to start changing that dynamic, instead of running around going "OMG, OMG, Trump won" like those crazy campus videos.
And someone get Pelosi on a good geriatric vitamin, and work hard with her to sound a little less batty! Two hours of cognitive therapy every morning. It's 2017, Trump is president etc.
It was a Vast Multi-Lateral Entity aligned against her...
Only 25 people at the Althouse blog admit to being Dems. News.
She can leave the scene as soon as she figures out who stole the strawberries
"What happens to a dream deferred? Does it go bad?" Yes, sometimes it goes bad and the dreams of the left have gone bad.
The hard left has more support than it ever has had and it thinks this means that at last America realizes how right the left is. But this success is like Tiger Woods fame - it is destructive because it leads to unstoppable bad behavior, to a total refusal to listen. Snowflakes, Kathy Griffen, segregated housing, false accusations of kissing women and colluding with Russians - above all, nominating Hillary Clinton for President - this is madness. It happens because in its hour of potential success the left doesn't believe in the left ideology anymore; it has turned on the workers and completely destroyed its rationale and ethos. So now, when, in a way, the left is getting its chance, the left is blowing itself up. Hillary is poster child for that. It's all about money with her and we all know it. But she is not an outlier. Her voyage into corruption is a mirror of the American left in its own strange voyage in the course of which the pole star of the left, the Kremlin, adopted capitalism. Capitalism is where the Americans on the left began and so now where do they go? Well, money always helps while you wonder about your dreams.
Where are these woods she claims to walk in? Look at her house on Google Earth. The nearest woods are a 2-3 mile motorcade away.
Perhaps "walking in the woods" is a euphemism for "wandering around in a drunken stupor"
John Henry
"I feel sorry for Hillary"
I never do. I've gotten firsthand accounts of how she treats staff. From hotel maids to the men assigned to give their life to save hers. She is deplorable.
I just looked at the poll results- 37% say they are in neither party and want her to leave the stage for new people.
If you think about, you will likely realize that about 2/3s or more of that 37% are just outright lying and simply couldn't bring themselves to admit they are Democrats that don't want anything more to do with her. Bernie supporters? Maybe.
We sure did dodge a bullet there. Even if it was only to get hit by a different bullet.
My choice is "neither party but please let Hillary continue to damage the Left"
Yes, I'm an independent. Final straw was when Ryan passed an omnibus that made Pelosi gush with praise. I'm tired of being betrayed by the Establishment Party (E). I'd rather have Democrats spit in my face than Republicans stab me in the back.
My choice was not there. I just want to see Oligarch Pets in pain. When people like Hillary lose we all win.
David Begley,
Yeah, I noticed that, too. I think they are all mostly in the last choice.
Drago said...
Swede: "She needs to drunkenly stumble back into the woods"
Or into any available SUV.
Or into any available fire.
Nah. What's the most effective way to punish a mother?
Hillary ran for President the first and second times to avenge her humiliation by Bill, and now she must run for President a third time to avenge her humiliation by Donald.
Can't wait for the latest campaign re-re-re-launch showcasing the "real" Hillary Americans haven't met yet, complete with warmth, humor and "new efforts to bring spontaneity"(NYT 9/7/15).
I'm not a republican, just anti-democrat party. Can't understand the people hoping for a resurgent democrat party- That's like hoping for a venereal disease just to keep your immune system on its toes. The treasonous, stalinist, anti-american crime syndicate known as the democrat party should be forcefully vanquished from American life. It's an absolute disgrace that this corrupt fascistic organization derives any support at all from American citizens.
Yeah, but what about the Democratic Party, of which i'm a member?
"I take responsibility... but not the blame!" - Rich Little as Dick Nixon on an vinyl comedy album I owned in the seventies.
Still sweet to wake up in the morning in a country where Hillary is not president.
Bob Boyd said...
Make Hillary Grate Again
For a minute there I thought you had ants in your peonies
Excellent! I love good puns.
Fen said...
"I feel sorry for Hillary"
I never do. I've gotten firsthand accounts of how she treats staff. From hotel maids to the men assigned to give their life to save hers. She is deplorable.
mike in houston said...
She can leave the scene as soon as she figures out who stole the strawberries
Speaking of Hillary running in 2020, there was another gem of a line on that album. Rich Little doing Hubert Humphrey's three biggest speeches.
"I concede."
"I concede."
"I do concede."
When you have a lot of money, it's easy to get yourself surrounded by sycophants. Hillary believes the shit they say.
I agree with Maxed Out Mama:
"I'm increasingly worried about the Democratic implosion I am seeing. Even if I WERE a die-hard Republican, without effective opposition any party devolves rapidly"
Good day to everyone out there and I am here to share a very great testimony of how I became free and happy today after all I went through with my Ex wife and her lawyer as they tried to end my life after my wife and her so called attorney tried to ruined my life. I was with my Ex wife for over 10years and we both have worked together that we had a joint account both in Europe and America because we loved each other so much that I never expected what happened to me later. My wife filed for a divorce and tried to claim all the money we worked hard for both in Europe and America including our only child Mira. So I almost gave up my life if not for the help of my very good friend who resides in Europe where I worked for over 7years and we have been good coworkers for years that introduced me to a hacker whom I contacted to help me hack into the accounts and move the money for me not to end up committing suicide at the age of 56 years. At first I was scared that if he falls and get caught what’s going to happen but my coworker assured me that his a genius and very calm and ready to listen to my problems so I proceeded with him to handle the hacking of the bank accounts to move some of the money for me without anyone getting to know about it till date. He was able to move %80 of the funds both in Europe and America via online banking system that I am now leaving in Australia trying to start up a new life and family too. Please I know too well there are lots of people going through this out there and I pray for you to be strong until you get to see this post that will change your life in less than a week of working with this amazing hacker. My name is Patrick Fisher and I tell you that his the best and very good hearted man to help you and I don’t know if he does any other hacking job but I can only testify for what a did for me. May God bless each and every one of you going through hard times in their homes today? be strong and I hope everyone tells their stories someday.
Email: michael.l@hackermail.com
Telephone +1 646-652-6107
Please I know too well there are lots of people going through this out there and I pray for you to be strong until you get to see this post that will change your life in less than a week of working with this amazing hacker.
This is the same email Trump replied to you guys, just sayin'.
"She lost because she couldn't convert on the refugees of Obama's elective wars in time."
I doubt this had anything to do with her loss, but do you also criticize Bush and Trump for their elective wars?
Kathy Griffin´s attorney has scheduled a Friday press conference to give the D-list comedian a chance to explain her decision to do a crass photo shoot in which she held up a prop resembling President Trump´s severed head. Griffin posted the photos to her Twitter Tuesday, but quickly removed them and apologized after receiving backlash. Despite posting an apology video in which she admits to going to ´too far,´ Griffin seems to be preparing to criticize the ´bullying´ from the President and his family in her conference on Friday.
Hee hee. Seams like KG and HRC are muy simpatico.
There are two benefits to having Hillary! still around. One is that we get to see how many people are buying her schtick. Knowing that is a good thing, although any number over zero is depressing.
The other is that she's a lesson for politicians. Say, for example, she had no responsibility for anything that happened those awful days in Behghazi. Okay. Stuff happens. But her responses both made her look involved and made her look uncaring and deceptive.
Or, let's say she did make honest mistakes. See previous sentence.
Stuff happens and sometimes, with the best will and all the knowable information, you screw up. Hillary shows how to make yourself look really, really bad.
With the sly and carefully worded choices in this poll, Althouse finally documents the party affiliations of her readership. Brilli-ant!
Ann Althouse said...
"How about , " No. I'm not from either party and please for gods sake make the crazy old lady leave."
That's the last choice on the poll.
I will not e a part of any poll ............................what Groucho said
Yes. But mine is funnier.
Do you know what I just love, LOVE about Hillary Clinton?
She is not the president of the United States.
And yet she brought the country together.
She took full responsibility for Benghazi. She clearly believes there are no consequences for taking full responsibility.
Hillary 2020: spending lots of time in Michigan and Wisconsin telling people it wasn't her fault last time.
@readering, step 1 is to fill a bathtub with warm water -- not to hot. Then climb inside (disrobing is optional) holding a sharp razor in your dominant hand. Then slash both wrists, lean back, and relax.
Because based on everything I've seen so far, it's only going to get worse for that party.
Or you could join us Republicans. We're not into groupthink, and you might miss that, but we have a big tent and there's room for folks on both sides of the abortion issue, for instance. You should generally be in favor of good government, and its corollary that big government is by definition bad government.
60% they run Hillary again. Third time is the charm, you misogynists.
40% they run Joe "My hands, your wife" Biden.
Hillary ran the worst campaign in American presidential history. It can be distilled down to a single word: Deplorables. No comment about the electorate has ever been worse. She stood for nothing, had no central message, was unlikeable, was unreal ("Why are I not 50 points ahead?"), and she fainted then lied about it.
But "Deplorables" was her shining moment of awfulness, capped with an even worse word: Irredeemible.
If the Democrats can't turn toward the constructive soon, they are going to shove those voters further into the "Shit, pull the GOP lever - just can't feed the crazy corruption" camp. There is virtually NOTHING the Dems are doing now that is actually going to help candidates win an election! NOTHING.
Getting killed in the midterms won't do it. They will assume anyone they run will beat Trump in 2020 because the NYT tells them so every day. The only cure for what ails the Dems is a second Trump term.
Every single one of them was swayed to Trump once they realized it was more important to have a President that would be restrained by the Rule of Law.
It was ironic, because Hillary's success at dodging convictions came back to bite her in the ass. Dodging indictment for the secret server was icing because it highlighted that her corruption was strong enough to destroy the reputation of the FBI.
This rings very true to me.
The faster the Clintons get out of the way, the better for the Democratic party and the Country.
The only good thing about seeing the V's face is that it reminds us that she is not President.
Thank you God.
She pretty much has to run. Contributions to the family foundation/slush fund have apparently dried up, along well th a lot of the half million dollar speaking gigs for her and her hubby. The big thing that they had to sell (future political favors)have dried up. He can't run, and Chelsea has no political experience yet, so that leaves Crooked Hillary to refill the family coffers. And a mere Senatorship wouldn't generate the needed level of cash. Besides, there aren't any safe seats opening up in the near future. Which leaves another run for the White House.
Another reason for her to run - it probably keeps her, her family, and their hanger ons, out of prison. Despite what Comey said about intent, there is well more than enough evidence to try her for her email server crimes, and they never have faced a true accounting for their family foundation/slush fund. And, as long as she is the Dem party front runner for 2020, she probably won't be held to account. And, by then, the statute of limitations will have mostly run. Plus, Trump probably wants her to keep running. She is a horrible face for her party. Ads supporting Gianforte had to limit themselves to tying his opponent to Nancy Pelosi. Crooked Hillary, with her cackle, cankles, and basket of deplorables would be much better. Plus, it keeps the opposition from coalescing around someone else, anyone else, which makes Trump's job that much easier.
Hillary is a parasite.
Fen said:
Every single one of them [voter] was swayed to Trump once they realized it was more important to have a President that would be restrained by the Rule of Law.
It was ironic, because Hillary's success at dodging convictions came back to bite her in the ass. Dodging indictment for the secret server was icing because it highlighted that her corruption was strong enough to destroy the reputation of the FBI.
I think you are correct. Noonan made some good points. Voters were not on board with Clinton baggage and Clinton corruption. The choice made itself.
David in Cal said...
No. I'm a Republican, but I feel sorry for Hillary as a human being.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
"No. I'm a Republican, and I wish she'd go away and stop hurting my side."
Or, I'm a Republican, and I wish she'd go away though she's just hurting herself if she's hurting anyone.
How can we say goodbye if you won't go away?
You need an option for Republicans who just want that crook to go away... preferably to federal prison.
Hillary Rob 'em Clinton, Will You Please Go Now!
(Apologies to Mt. Geisel.)
Mr. Geisel, not Mt.
Every Hillary Clinton media appearance is grist for my regular Clinton Corruption updates.
Silly me. I thought that after the election I wouldn't have to do them any more, but the more she talks, the more dirt that comes to light...
I'm independent, but like her to stick around to see how far the dem party will continue on this path. Agree any other candidate would have beaten Trump if the repubs were not so stupid and dems not so conniving against Bernie. Button for me to chose.
Hillary will go away when people stop paying her to speak.
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