June 30, 2017

"Guéguen et al. (2014) found that men were more likely to obtain women’s phone numbers for a date when carrying a guitar case than when carrying a gym bag or nothing."

From "Boost Your Sex Appeal in Four Extraordinary Ways" at Psychology Today.

That reminded me of the time —  20+ years ago (I was single)— when I was talking to a man as I was waiting in line at the airport. He had what I at first took to be a musical instrument case. At the point when I realized the case contained golf clubs, I saw my interest in him crash and burn. It was completely unsubtle and instant.


rhhardin said...

Lute players get the babes in college.

tcrosse said...

Nobody carries typewriter cases anymore.

mockturtle said...

What about carrying an AR-15?

Curious George said...

"At the point when I realized the case contained golf clubs, I saw my interest in him crash and burn. It was completely unsubtle and instant."

I've had the same experience with educators.

madAsHell said...

What about carrying an AR-15?

......in a guitar case.

Dave from Minnesota said...

I was talking to a female co-worker at a part time job soon after high school. Don't recall the exact words or how we got on the subject, but we were talking about activities we did in the past. She thought I said I played in a band. When she found out it was actually that I played in the high school band, her interest went way down.
Same damn thing happened a couple of years later. I had said I liked hockey. The gal thought I meant that I played hockey. Boy did her face light up.

Michael K said...

Not everyone likes guitar players.

urbane legend said...

mockturtle said...
What about carrying an AR-15?

Doesn't fit well in a lute case. Now a Thompson with a round drum, now you're talkin . . .

Ralph L said...

Gladiator sweat, Dave.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Back in my salad days, I heard that puppies were the most useful prop. Certainly worked with me, since I ended up dating a guy who I met when he was walking the cutest little collie puppy ever. I couldn't keep myself from running over to pet the little fuzz ball. It turned out I liked his dog more than I liked him.

I guess guitar cases are easier, though, since they don't pee on your shoes.

Ralph L said...

So carry a guitar case at all times. Put your lunch in it.

Unknown said...

Sometimes I carry my son's ukulele. never got me anywhere

rehajm said...

Just recently I heard the term rope-hoper to describe a certain type of woman seen at PGA tour events. Clearly Ann was not a rope-hoper.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I have to admit, I don't think a guy carrying a tuba would do much for me.

Ann Althouse said...

"Just recently I heard the term rope-hoper to describe a certain type of woman seen at PGA tour events."

I've never heard that term, but I have been to many PGA events (to see my nephew play). Who knows what women are trying to do when they dress however they do in hot weather? I didn't spend much time thinking about that. Most golfers are not very attractive, but some are.

mockturtle said...

Exiled says: I have to admit, I don't think a guy carrying a tuba would do much for me.

Maybe not but I've heard that trumpet players are great kissers. Never met one, though.

Otto said...

It's obvious that you were not very good in sports when you were growing up. Too small? In golf size does not matter, so being that you are in retirement it would be a great pastime. See if you took an interest in that man, who knows you might be on the links right now instead of taking photos of flowers. No offense Mead.

Bob Boyd said...

What if Ann met a man in shorts carrying a guitar case....

gspencer said...

Dogs on a leash work too.

mockturtle said...

Most golfers are not very attractive, but some are.

The hottest [looking] guy on the tour is Jordan Spieth's caddy.

Michael Greller

madAsHell said...

Dogs on a leash work too.


Nonapod said...

I've always kinda felt like I must look like I'm trying to pick up chicks whenever I walk around with my guitar. And I don't like being that lame dude that brings a guitar to a party ( unless I know a bunch of other musicians are bring their instruments too).

Otto said...

Justin Thomas at 145 lbs can drive a golf ball 311 yards!

Sebastian said...

"Most golfers are not very attractive, but some are." Not sure attractiveness is the key variable here.

Big Mike said...

Back then, Althouse, deep down inside, you were pretty shallow.

Luke Lea said...

Hmmm. Advice to young men: use guitar case for suitcase when travelling in airports? File under how to pick-up women -- or at least start a conversation.

Titus said...

not me, i want the guy with the gym bag if he is muscled.

i love muscles...all over my body!

Saint Croix said...

A more expansive pose (taking up more space with one's body) enhanced both men's and women's chances of success in both online dating and speed-dating interactions (Vacharkulksemsuk et al., 2016). What makes openness sexy? The posture may signal dominance but also a willingness to share resources

Manspreading is sexy!

I knew it.

Titus said...

My rare clumber is major dick magnate. When he could go for walks guys and girls would always stop and pet him. A couple of the guys I did right in the park at that time we met. I kind of felt bad for the rare clumber though because he was just sitting there watching us.

Now, I take him outside, and we sit on the bench outside by Penthouse Loft in Cambridge. Tons of foot traffic so people are constantly stopping and petting him.

I am horny.

Ann Althouse said...

"Manspreading is sexy! "

LOL. I had the same reaction when I read that.

Ann Althouse said...

"... Penthouse Loft..."

That's kind of a tacky name!

Mark O said...

I have had guitars and cases since junior high. Alone they work, but if you are also performing, well, you're golden.

rehajm said...

I take him outside, and we sit on the bench outside by Penthouse Loft...

Who knows what men are trying to do when they walk outside and sit on the bench in hot weather?

Yancey Ward said...

"I didn't spend much time thinking about that. Most golfers are not very attractive, but some are."

True, but if you ever watch the end of a tournament when the wives join the winner on the green for interviews and trophy presentation, the wives are with almost no exceptions very, very attractive, even if he looks like he was hit in face with a shovel.

Dave from Minnesota said...

Back in my salad days, I heard that puppies were the most useful prop.

Heard an older guy (50 something) mention he liked going to the dog park to walk his dogs as there are always cute females there.

Then later I dated a rather nice looking gal for a while. She has 2 larger dogs so goes to the dog parks a lot to let them run. She said the only drawback is always getting hit on by creepy older men.

Dave from Minnesota said...

What if Meade carried his guitar in a golf bag?

Qwinn said...

So which does better, carrying a guitar case or walking a puppy?

Scott M said...

In the context of a romantic encounter, It was completely unsubtle and instant. is a priceless phrase :)

Fritz said...

Qwinn said...
So which does better, carrying a guitar case or walking a puppy?

Do you only have one arm?

Fritz said...

And a better answer. Girls bend over to pet puppies.

Yancey Ward said...

Obviously, you carry a case with a puppy in it, and both go into the trunk of a stylish Mercedes.

southcentralpa said...

Gee, but when they see my nose whistle they run away screaming ... what gives?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

mockturtle said...

...I've heard that trumpet players are great kissers.

I've spent a lot of time beating on my trumpet, but it never brought me much luck with the ladies...

Bay Area Guy said...

Am I missing something or is there some kinda Friday sex-vibe thing going on here?

Between the Russian hookers on CNN and the guitar playing Lotharios, love seems to be wafting about.

A more expansive pose (taking up more space with one's body) enhanced both men's and women's chances of success in both online dating and speed-dating interactions (Vacharkulksemsuk et al., 2016). What makes openness sexy? The posture may signal dominance but also a willingness to share resources

Hey, Baby, come over her and share some of those hot resources with me.......

tcrosse said...

Carry a sack with a big dollar sign on it, like the Monopoly Man.

Anonymous said...

...and by the time I realized the guy with the guitar case was never going to get a proper job and bring in some money, it was too late to track down the guy with the golf clubs.

Etienne said...

Golf clubs at the airport.

Ancient history. People go to jail for having clubs now, or at least lose their balls.

No balls in the Gulag, stay to the right, police have priority, the yellow line means danger. All aboard for Hackensack...

Bay Area Guy said...

Animal House: The Guy with the Guitar

Freeman Hunt said...

I played the trombone in seventh grade. One might be surprised, but it wasn't a dude magnet.

Bruce Hayden said...

Always was a bit cynical about golf. I can see the problem with meeting a guy traveling with his golf clubs. Reminds me of one EVP and corp patent counsel boss I had who would set up our atty retreats to play golf. 100+ attys to hot muggy FL, just so that he could play golf. Another boss, also Corp Patent Counsel, took his clubs most everywhere. It is, to me, a sign of male self-absorption, almost narcissism. And, that hint of narcissism is maybe what turned Ann off - I think that women tend to expect to be the narcissistic one in a relationship, and don't want to compete with a guy's narcissism.

But, then again, I have little patience with women who go for guitar guys. I have long tended to end up with women who didn't. Definitely my partner fits in there. Hit on, over the years, by a number of famous and quasi-famous musicians (she wouldn't recognize them, as she was supposed to, but did recognize their band). Her BF in HS was one thing - he eventually gave up hopes for a singing career for law school, a bunch of kids, and a successful legal career. But the rest? Wouldn't give them the time of day. And when her son showed a lot of promise as a drummer, made sure that he understood the seamy side of the life at a young age, by getting him a gig in HS at a smokey bar, which, of course, tried to rip him off. He got the message, and, while still playing and teaching, has a great career now outside music, as well as a nice family and steady home life. And that is a big reason why smart women tend to stay away from aspiring musicians (and, maybe worse, most professional ones) - they are either losers, or, if successful, get turned into extreme narcissists, screwing anything that moves.

But, Ann has always had an artsy side to her, and I think that may explain her attraction to musicians. The Bohemian side of her. Which maybe why she can keep this blog going for so long and keep it interesting.

Otto said...

40 is the new 20. Yeah right.

Bruce Hayden said...

"I played the trombone in seventh grade. One might be surprised, but it wasn't "

Worse, maybe, I played French Horn up through college a bit (played through HS, but GF in college was a very talented flautist, so picked it up again for a couple years then). Trombones at least are played in Jazz, etc., which is a lot cooler than symphonies, chamber music, etc.

Anonymous said...

He had what I at first took to be a musical instrument case. At the point when I realized the case contained golf clubs, I saw my interest in him crash and burn.

This post needs a Bob Dylan tag.

What if the golf guy was well dressed and the guitar weasel was wearing ......shorts...and flip flops or mandels?

Steve Sailer posts about golf and golf courses all the time when he isn't quantifying something.

Seems to be male/female brain differences.

The women prefer males who make women or women's feelings their object of focus and concern - playing a guitar, carrying a baby, walking a dog.

Playing golf puts the focus on inanimate objects, rules, nature and competing with other men.

And yet lesbians seem noticeably more interest in golf than gay males.

With my luck I'll try going to a park while carrying a guitar and walking a dog and then get hit on by some gay golfers.

Michael K said...

"took his clubs most everywhere. It is, to me, a sign of male self-absorption, almost narcissism."

I kept a set of golf clubs in Chicago for when I visited relatives. It was cheaper than shipping them. For a while FedEx would ship clubs.

I had to give up the game 5 years ago due to back troubles.

rehajm said...

"I didn't spend much time thinking about that. Most golfers are not very attractive, but some are."

The wife & I think about this too much. Our short list in no particular order: Adam, Paula, Bélen, Rickie, Lexi, Wiesy, Kooch.

We don't think much of the Instagram wannabes. Paige and Lucy need to have some on course success first.

mockturtle said...

The women prefer males who make women or women's feelings their object of focus and concern - playing a guitar, carrying a baby, walking a dog.

Interesting comment. Some women want to be put on a pedestal, worshiped even, want poetry written about her, for instance. I have always found more attractive the men who were all about the bigger picture, power and adventure, but who let me share it with them. My sister is the same. Never wanted to be put on a pedestal but to be treated as a partner in an interesting life. That's why I always preferred Kipling to Byron, I guess.

mockturtle said...

rehajm proposes: The wife & I think about this too much. Our short list in no particular order: Adam, Paula, Bélen, Rickie, Lexi, Wiesy, Kooch.

Adam Scott is not bad. Ricky Fowler is getting better with age. I've always had a thing for Bernhard Langer, though he is not good looking. NOTE: A man can be very sexy without being at all good looking. I did think the late Payne Stewart was quite attractive.

rehajm said...

took his clubs most everywhere. It is, to me, a sign of male self-absorption, almost narcissism.

Using this scale:

One step below the height of narcissism is flying between two identical sets of clubs you own in different cities.

The height of narcissism is owning one set but not a travel case and throwing them in the back of the Global or the Pilatus as you travel between different cities.

rehajm said...

I've always had a thing for Bernhard Langer

A neighbor of his says Herr Langer's been hitting the gym bigly this year. His success is also quite sexy...

Bay Area Guy said...

My friends play golf, but I am terrible at it. One of my goals this summer to hit the links a bit more. There is a beautiful golf course in the Berkeley Hills, "Tilden Park."

mockturtle said...

Golf is a cruel game. I grew up in a golf-obsessed family and avoided it until my late twenties. Played for about thirty years and enjoyed it only when I was playing well. As anyone who plays golf knows, that's never a constant. Some of my most miserable moments were on the golf course. When I gave it up I never looked back but I like to watch the Majors. And the Ryder Cup.

Fen said...

I can't pull off the guitar case. I have that cold hitman vibe that turns women off. My first and last attempt put Terminal B in lock down for 6 hours.

Fen said...

"Cruel game"

Yup. I'm on the green in 2!... annnnd I 3 putt.

Yay I chipped it right in to the hole! ...right after hitting the lake twice.

So I took up archery. Still get the outdoor affects and being part of the bow is very Zen. Don't start out too strong though - go with a 35# draw so you learn proper form.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Two things:

1. But then you have to worry about John Belushi smashing your guitar on the stairwell wall, and

2. I got a big laugh from my husband when we parked at the airport next to a Geo Metro held together with bumper stickers and dust and I remarked, "THAT guy got on the plane with a guitar case."

PresbyPoet said...

Tilden Park is more than a golf course. It is part of a chain of regional parks along the peaks of the East Bay hills. Parks designed to be useful. It even had a shooting range until the "progressives" just got it closed.

Now they just want "open space", because "natural is good". That nature worship thing, I keep waiting for them to set up temples.

If you visit the people's republic, go up to the roads that go along the ridge line, and the parks. They are among the most spectacular views in the world. In the evening you can see the lights go on in the city. You look west toward San Fran, and during summer can watch the fog come in on little cat feet. Although Bay fog has more substance, more like a tentacle from the cold ocean invading the bay.

That fog is why the bay area has the best climate in the world, but also why our soft climate has attracted a bunch of fruits and nuts. Also our pause between earthquake storms has made "progressives" think you don't need guns. The bay is a product of two earthquake faults pressing in opposite directions, widening the bay, causing the Oakland Hills, and producing the beautiful views.

Otto said...

For all you golf hackers like myself may i suggest playing bingo, bangoand bongo with your buddies. Bingo-first on the green, bango - closest to the cup, and bongo- first to hole out. Great fun.

Tina848 said...

As John Mellencamp said, "Give up all that macho sh*t and learn how to play guitar"

Play Guitar
John Mellencamp
You may drive around the town
In a brand new shiny car
Your face in the wind and your haircut's in
And your friends think you're bizarre
You may find a cushy job and I hope that you go far
But if you really want to taste some cool success
You better learn to play guitar
Play guitar, play guitar
Play guitar, oh yeah
You got your eyes on the cheerleader queen
You're walkin' her home from school
You know that she's only seventeen
But you know she's gonna make you a fool
You know you can't touch that stuff
Without money or a brand new car
Let me give you some good advice, young man
You better learn to play guitar
Play guitar, play guitar
Play guitar, oh yeah
All women around the world want a phony rock star
Who plays guitar
You can pump your iron and shine your shoes
And wear your hair just right
You go down out on cruisin' street
'Cause you want to score tonight
[ra da ra da ra da da]
And you really want to show your scars
Forget all about that macho shit
And learn how to play guitar
Play guitar, play guitar
Play guitar, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Play guitar, play guitar
Play guitar, oh yeah
Songwriters: Dan Ross / John Mellencamp / Larry Crane
Play Guitar lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Big Mike said...

Here's a guy whose guitar didn't help him snag (shag?) the cheerleader.

Bay Area Guy said...


Good descript re Tilden Park! You are the laslo spatula of the great outdoors.

Don't forget the 1950s Merry-Go-Round or Lake Anza or the mini steam-train that we used to take the kids to. It's a beautiful place

I go hiking up there all the time with the dog. The hippies, druggies, dead-heads, EST-burn out types, future Unibombers, protesters, rioters and Communists can't make it that high up. The don't move too far from Telegraph Ave.

Otto said...

Wilt Chamberlain, Tiger Woods, Joe Namath, Bob Waterfield, Jim Brown,Derek Jeter, Tom Brady,Joe Dimaggio............

mccullough said...

Arnold Palmer when he was younger was movie-star handsome. Brought a lot of female fans to the game.

mockturtle said...

Guitar guys: Consider the type of girls you will attract. Girls who are attracted to musicians--and not the Yo-Yo Ma type of musician.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, how about a violin case?

Fritz said...

Next question. Classical guitar, acoustic steel guitar, or electric?

Kirk Parker said...


"I have that cold hitman vibe..."

Having just one arm is part of it, right?

Paul said...

Around here in Texas men carry guns and get still have no problem getting dates. But then everyone has a gun in Texas.

Freeman Hunt said...

Here's a guy whose guitar didn't help him snag (shag?) the cheerleader

"How do you like me now
Now that I'm on my way
Do you still think I'm crazy standing here today"

Still nursing wounds from an unrequited high school crush? Yes, possibly crazy.

Titus said...

"... Penthouse Loft..."

"That's kind of a tacky name!"

Well I do live in a loft in the Penthouse. There are 8 penthouse units in my building. MIT and Harvard Prof fag couple(from Mount Horeb and Elkhorn, Wisconsin, weird, right) are in the unit below me, natch.

Biotech Executive on my right and Real Estate Diva to the Asians at MIT across from me.

Totally fab.

I will grinding tonight. I just purchased some lovely scented candles-tacky, right? I like doing it by with a lit candle.

mockturtle said...

Having just one arm is part of it, right?

Can you be well armed with one arm?

The Elder said...

So, you prefer the sort of guy who was sitting in the stairway of the Delt House in "Animal House" to an outdoorsy, athletic type? Hmmm.

Fen said...

"Having just ond arm is part of it, right?"

Well, that and the eyepatch, plus the FBI tail.

(Waves to Agent Garcia)

Fen said...

Tyr could not be reached for comment.


mockturtle said...

"Having just ond arm is part of it, right?"

Well, that and the eyepatch, plus the FBI tail.

(Waves to Agent Garcia)

You're funny, Fen! :-D

Liesl said...

Music is magic. Golf is not.

EMyrt said...

mockturtle said...

Exiled says: I have to admit, I don't think a guy carrying a tuba would do much for me.

Maybe not but I've heard that trumpet players are great kissers. Never met one, though.
6/30/17, 10:07 AM

Best embouchere I ever experienced was my husband the former French Horn player.

Second best was a trombonist who switched to guitar to get girls.

"What do you call a trombonist with a beautiful girl on each arm?


mockturtle said...

"What do you call a trombonist with a beautiful girl on each arm?


I suppose in our generation this is true but I wonder about the Big Band era. Were the Dorsey brothers popular with the ladies?

My father used to play Miles Davis, the jazz trumpeter, but I'm not sure if Miles was considered sexy. I liked his music.

mockturtle said...

Correction: My father didn't 'play' Miles Davis. He played his music. ;-)

n.n said...

The ladies like to be serenaded. To be romanced.

Laslo Spatula said...

There is no rhhardin comment on this post?

I read it and thought it would be a goldmine.

I am Laslo.

Kirk Parker said...


It's a The Fugitive thang; you wouldn't understand.

Kirk Parker said...


Get yer eyes checked! Our bro RHH is right there in the very first comment.

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