"... a demonstrably inaccurate hit piece on the President and his allies after a Breitbart News investigation uncovered significant inaccuracies and flaws in CNN’s work."
And over at MSNBC the expert of expert on politics pronounced that Trump by stopping the video of the Daily Press briefings and only appearing for interviews on Fox News several times a week can be seen only by his base. That insane Orange Clown has thereby barred regular sane people from seeing THEIR PRESIDENT TOO on TV.
He thereby declared that the Trump Hating majority of American People are too stupid to find Fox News on a TV channel listing.
He thereby declared that the Trump Hating majority of American People are too stupid to find Fox News on a TV channel listing.
6/24/17, 1:47 PM
Liberals are afraid to tune into Fox or visit Breitbart. Their TVs and computers might burst into flames if they are exposed to a contrary opinion for a few seconds.
I mean, it's good that they finally retracted the story, but let's get into it: who spread the lie and what was their purpose? The story was based on an anonymous source, like so many of the Media hits on Trump are these days. The source was clearly wrong, and almost certainly lied, right? Well, that's a story! Let's hear it. Isn't that what the Media is supposed to do in order to protect their reputation and their ability to use anonymous sources--to "burn" people who use a pose as an anonymous source to spread lies and inflict political damage?
"It was wrong" is a good start. Now let's get into how it happened and what you're going to do to prevent it from happening in the future. Right? If credibility is important...that's something that has to be done.
CNN just reported that Donald Trump not only gets two scoops of ice cream while his guests get one, he is the only one allowed to have Russian dressing on his salad.
Inga will be here soon to talk about impeachment as the Mueller witch hunt continues to find an extraordinary number of pseudo-crimes and misdemeanors committed by Trump and his lackeys.
"Inside sources" = code for reporters sitting around a bar and telling each other third hand stories.
Funny thing happened on the way to the forum. CNN admitted its poor and perhaps dishonest journalism but @realDonaldTrump doesn't backtrack on any tweet sent and citizen/candidate/president Trump is faultless in the solipsistic world in which he lives. This "T r u m p L i e s" piece just appeared in the NYT. And Politico worries about the effect of Trump lies on your brain . . .
It's a funny news story. A source says their source is sending out fake news.
Then their source goes on to say "...while Elizabeth Warren and those of her ilk spend their days collecting taxpayer funded paychecks while they do nothing but stand in the way of the progress of the American agenda"
Well now, that sounds fair and balanced. Poor Pocahontas...
One thing though, what the fuck is "The American Agenda" ??
I think they should all jump off the George Washington Bridge, that's what I think...
CNN just carried out the hit, ordered by Fauxahontas and the Dem capos.
The correction is seriously incomplete and therefore needs to be corrected again. Sort of like the NYT needing two corrections to undo their recent editorial smear of Sarah Palin.
This article was retracted. Every word in it is a lie, including "and" and "the".
But the 27-year old English majors at CNN probably wouldn't get that.
6/24/17, 2:21 PM
Lillian Hellman? Mary McCarthy? Who dat? They're studying rap lyrics in English class now.
Not that I consider either woman's work an indispensable part of the literary canon. Their spat is illustrative of the 20th century leftist intelligentsia's internal battles (which began with the Trotsky-Stalinist split) and it would be wise of the present day Left to understood that history. But after attempting to converse with several millennial leftists, I am convinced they believe history began in 2000 (when Dubya "stole" the election) and the Cold War is as distant to them as the Peace of Westphalia.
1) I've noticed a few media outlets using new language. For example, Jake Tapper tweeted the other day, "A solid source...." It seems "Sources say" doesn't work anymore. So now they need to add something before source. Maybe "solid" or "trusted" etc.
2) I get media peeps not wanting to reveal sources. I also get that they rely on info for sources. But how about when sources are lying or wrong? Do they still cover for them?
3) Why not identify sources with aliases and use the same alias repeatedly? Example, "Our source "Joseph" who is close to the administration says blah blah blah. And then, every time "Joseph" is their source, we can judge for ourselves if we trust "Joseph" based on previous reporting.
With Trump & Co. turning the tables on the media, like curtailing the daily TV briefings, and Kellyanne Conway throwing "Russia, Russia, Russia," back in Alysyn Camerota's face - it feels like we're actually winning.
CNN's perpetual "Breaking News" model may be partly to blame for the inadvisable use of single sources, with sometimes predictable results. Still, they didn't directly retract the single source part of the story, only seeming to withdraw the innuendo that Scaramucci's connection to the fund was an open question not completely or forthrightly answered. It's constructive when retractions like this have to be issued because it's one of the worst things that can happen to a reporter and a news organization.
Trump has a shutout going against CNN. He continues to throw high hard ones (aka chin music), while CNN looks down to the third base coach (the DNC) for signs. None forthcoming.
Gadfly: "CNN admitted its poor and perhaps dishonest journalism but...."
There is no "but".
CNN knowingly, purposely, passed off as fact a completely BS story that could not be and was never verified. And the lie just happened to align with that days demicrat/leftist/"lifelong republican" talking points.
I rate the original CNN lie-filled story at 1.75 Inga BS units and 4.35 "lifelong republican" BS Units, though those are only preliminary estimates based on modeling created by the Global Warming Alarmists.
Do you remember what James Comey, the reincarnation of Sir Galahad, the Perfect Knight, said about anonymous leakers? They usually don't understand the stuff they're leaking, so they get it wrong, he said. He's not only a Perfect Knight but also a leaker himself, so he ought to know. As for me, I ignore any news story based on "sources", whether they are "highly placed", "knowledgeable", or "present and former". My mother brought me up not to repeat rumors. I spent almost half a century of law practice learning that she was right. If you disregard news stories based on anonymous "sources" you find that there is nothing, literally nothing, to the supposed conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian Government. If that ever changes, if actual evidence ever comes up about it, let me know.
Liberals are afraid to tune into Fox or visit Breitbart. Their TVs and computers might burst into flames if they are exposed to a contrary opinion for a few seconds.
Nah, they know the NSA is cataloguing every minute of TV they watch and when the DARPA-developed AI killing machines are released by the benevolent President Tom Perez in 2024, they will use that information in targeting decisions to "purify" the country.
That's the rapture they're waiting for, and if you're gonna be alive at the end, your voting record, political donations, FB posts, and TV viewing habits had better be on the right side of history.
CNN's retraction is a lie. It WAS up to their standards. It's just that someone else showed how bad their standards are. This was not a sua sponte retraction, it was a slapped hand jerked back from the cookie jar.
So much of the anti-Trump rhetoric is hysterical, hate-based and over the top. Take Chuck’s vituperation as an example: “lying assholes, mendacious Trump asshattery, Fuck you, You are a real fucking joke, You are an even bigger fool and a moron, God damn you eric!”
And that’s in the comments section of just one Althouse post. The rage is palpable. The cables use non-profane language but are no longer attempting even the appearance of impartiality. With a few lonely exceptions Trump is roundly condemned on all the cables, most of the newspapers, the eGOP, academia, the Lefty blogs and many Rightwing blogs.
chuck said... > Where do these rank, on the lyin' fake news scale:
At the bottom; they aren't news nor are they relevant to the current topic.
Well CNN isn't running for anything. CNN is not making policy inside the White House. What an insane fucking joke; that what CNN says in reporting one of 100,000 news stories is more consequential than what the President of the United States says.
I'll decide for myself what seems relevant to this topic, thank you very little.
"lifelong republican" and Noted Mathematician Chuck: "What an insane fucking joke; that what CNN says in reporting one of 100,000 news stories is more consequential than what the President of the United States says"
"One of 100,000 news stories"!
Where did you pull that one out MI electoral "expert"?
Oh please share with us your methodology for coming to that result!
What a buffoon.
What crowd do you hang with that allows you to get away from hilariously flailing observations such as this latest joke assertion?
Too funny. I love what Trump is doing to these "maroons".
Let's face it, an assertion that CNN is only wrong "one in 100,000" stories exceeds even the pitiable and pathetic full throated defense of Stolen Valor Liar Blumenthal.
I am wondering when LLR will switch his party affiliation from Socialist to Commie-Pinko. Hopefully before 2020 so he can vote in the the primary. Heck, he could be at the top of the ticket of the latter.
Earnest, actually it was only 16 years ago that "lifelong republican" Chucks beloved CNN ran the complete and utter lie that US forces had used Sarin nerve gas.
It was pure lunacy but, naturally, those Chuck approved Arbiters Of Truth ran with it anyway.
1) News organizations have to issue retractions from time to time. It happens. It recently happened to Fox on a big Seth Rich story, for example. We note it, they are chastised, we all move on.
2) Do you all think you're personally entitled to have every television network, magazine, broadsheet, tabloid, radio show, blog and podcast conform to your own political perspectives? You're not. CNN tells the stories as they see them. If you find it unwatchable, pick something else. I find Fox and MSNBC unwatchable, but I don't feel the need to be endlessly bleating on the internet because some other news organizations choose different stories than the ones I find most relevant.
3) People are cabable of consuming news critically. They don't need you to rescue them through the collective power of your outrage.
Snark: "3) People are cabable of consuming news critically. They don't need you to rescue them through the collective power of your outrage"
Lefties take time out of their busy schedule telling people what they should or should not think and say to complain that there might be others with opinions on the matter.
I guess all thats left to say is people don't need the Snarks of the world, through the collective power of leftist condescension, to tell them what critiques of the press are acceptable.
I think you are selling Snark short. Snark knows the difference and supports the propaganda agenda. Snark is only mad that his agenda faces pushback from Trump and Trump supporters.
Snark cannot understand why this man, Trump, fights. Snark wonders why Trump doesn't just lay down in the face of withering criticism like those nice Bushes? Snark cannot figure that out and decided we are lunatics. Lunatics for not fitting his world view. Lunatics for wanting freedom - which is admittedly difficult - over government coercion.
Observations based on the evidence leading to inevitable conclusions are not "H8".
But then again, all thoughts and ideas and conclusions which don't advance the leftist cause are automatically labeled as hate in an attempt to stifle unwanted dissent.
Thanks to you and Chuck for playing your part for Team Left.
Yet, says Grassley, even after Comey informed Schumer of this, the unscrupulous Minority Leader told the media the contrary — namely, that Trump was under investigation. He even urged that Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Neal Gorsuch, be held up because Trump was being investigated.
“The whole time,” says Grassley, Schumer “knew it wasn’t true.” In other words, Schumer is a liar.
Grassley also took a shot at Comey for not telling the public that Trump wasn’t under investigation. Grassley urged Comey to disclose this in the name of “transparency and accountability.” But the manipulative, egomaniac Director chose not to inform Americans that the president wasn’t under investigation, even after Schumer public claim Trump was.
I think it will be ugly when it comes. If a Muslim terror attack comes before, it will be really ugly.
Good start to a logical argument there. Great start.
3) People are cabable of consuming news critically. They don't need you to rescue them through the collective power of your outrage.
It seems like every person on the left is saying republicans are murdering people with their health care bill. The bill may suck, but it will kill fewer people than Obamacare. I am pretty sure the democrats know how shitty they are and that is why they are being such shitheads.
You can't figure us out, but we can see right through you.
"COMMENTS ARE MODERATED some but not all of the time. This is for the purpose of excluding/removing a small handful of commenters who, I believe, intend to ruin this forum. They already know who they are. For everyone else, try to be responsive to the post, don't make personal attacks on other commenters, bring some substance or humor to the conversation, and don't do that thing of putting in a lot of extra line breaks."
Cutting and pasting what is at the bottom of the page seems to me to be a transgression against the spirit of the rules Althouse posted. I'm sure it adds nothing of substance and is not funny. Such a comment is not responsive to the post. It's just as bad a waste of space as four line breaks. Four extra line breaks.
Meanwhile, President Trump is President Trump. His policies have been consistently conservative. He is the only Republican who did win the election. Nobody else won. And CNN publishes single source conspiracy theories (i.e. FAKE NEWS) on a regular basis. I have yet to grow tired of all the winning.
All the suffering, bellyaching and moaning by parties who wish the facts were otherwise delight me. The fact that CNNYTWAPTNBCCSABCESPN continue to beclown themselves is not quite as wonderful as knowing that certain aggrieved parties continue to openly declare themselves on these pages. Make me chortle, oh butthurt one.
"Republicans, not just Democrats, have sent a letter to both the White House and the FBI demanding answers on Jared Kushner's security clearance after he failed to disclose meetings he had with Russian officials during the transition period on security clearance forms.
Four top senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee, including Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., signed on to the letter sent to Marcia Lee Kelly, who is the deputy assistant to the president and director of the White House Management and Office of Administration, and acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe."
"Sources" seems to be suffering from inflationary pressures. In Watergate days you had to get one more source to crosscheck. But the other day I started to read a story which had seventeen "sources". I stopped reading at once so can't say what shape conspiracy was assuming in the media that day. But perhaps a new sort of hyperinflation is on its way in which more and more sources confirm stories which last less and less time. Finally they will only last a day starting at dawn, spreading through WaPO (where democracy dies in darkness), on to social media, twitter, retraction in the WaPo (where yesterdays story dies at dark) and then on to tomorrow's story. Soon you'll need to wheelbarrow to carry all the sources, stories, retractions.
Birkel, my news from the Washington Examiner is hardly substance free. CHUCK GRASSLEY has signed on to a demand to the White House and FBI to explain little Jared's security clearance mishap. There now, I explained it in words other than the ones in the cut and paste. So what he heck is wrong with those Tru associates, why do they lie on their security clearances? Are they trying to hide something? How does one just overlook such things?
Damn that Breitbart News using anonymous sources that CNN confirmed were correct, accurate and directly contradictory to CNN reporting? It's downright rude to force CNN to admit they were wrong, confirming that the Breitbart sources were correct.
I ask that you apply consistent rules. Until you do, I'll apply your rules to you, rhetorically.
You wish to infantilize a grown man. It's odd. Your rules state that we should not objectify people the way you are attempting.
CNN was wrong. Their anonymous sources made CNN look bad. Breitbart used anonymous sources that were correct. CNN admitted that Breitbart was correct to believe the anonymous sources they used. The rules are anonymous sources are useful when they are accurate and do not give you fake news. CNN has chosen fake news.
I wonder what happened to the Washington Examinerbis.
@ Inga In other news about Chuck Grassley: "The Senate Judiciary Committee is seeking information about alleged interference by former Attorney General Loretta Lynch into the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information on a private email server.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa and other lawmakers sent letters Friday seeking details about communications in which Ms. Lynch reportedly assured Democratic operatives that she would keep the FBI’s Clinton investigation from “going too far.” Mrs. Clinton was running to become the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate at the time." Source WSJ June 23,2017
If you go down this path you'll have to explain how senators use logrolling to accomplish goals. More than likely Grassley signed a letter that Democrats preferred in order to get some of the things he preferred into the investigation.
The Democrats wanted talking points. The Republicans wanted a serious investigation. As per usual, the Democrats get what they wanted to market quicker.
Inga undoubtedly prays for Trump's assassination every night, because his death is the only way he'll be removed from office. She knows there are enough murderous, violent swine on her side who would like to attempt it.
CNN was wrong. Their anonymous sources made CNN look bad. Breitbart used anonymous sources that were correct.
Do you have any idea how stupid this sounds to a rational person? Besides, we know that Breitbart's "anonymous" source is Bannon, who can be trusted about as far as you can throw his fat ass.
Field Marshall Freder: "Do you have any idea how stupid this sounds to a rational person?"
We've known all along how stupid this entire Trump/Russia collusion lie is. Worse, we know why it was hatched and so does a critically important segment of the electorate.
The same one that elected Trump.
Apparently a few Dems and "lifelong republicans" are beginning to catch on.
With all the retractions and the other stories that are proven wrong in the left-leaning media, it is apparent there is one of two things going on, neither of which reflect well on the journalists and editors working there: either the writers are simply making up the sources and the stories based on pure rumors they have heard, or there are many operatives within both the executive branch and the legislative branch who aren't leaking information but, rather, misinformation. A clown show is what they have become.
Chuck @ 8:46 Yeah. Thanks. It appears at the bottom of every thread. It's not enough you're as boring as a gay pride parade in Wheaton, but you got to be a little suck up too? Althouse knows what goes on in her blog. You're in desperate need of a sense of humor and a life.
Inga said... Rusty, you're just too obtuse to see that Chuck was only joking.
You think so, do you? Interesting how a "Life Long Republican" never has anything to say to you or any leftist here, never engages with you on any of your many contentions.
Inga, you can be and do what you like, but you shouldn't resent that many of us are having our fake-phony-fraud meters absolutely PEGGED by this guy, and that we react accordingly. Alex is the only one who tries to moby-troll from your perspective and you resent the dickens out of him, don't you?
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१०८ टिप्पण्या:
He broke them, he broke them. CNN has been turned into suicide bombers who are only blowing themselves up lately.
And over at MSNBC the expert of expert on politics pronounced that Trump by stopping the video of the Daily Press briefings and only appearing for interviews on Fox News several times a week can be seen only by his base. That insane Orange Clown has thereby barred regular sane people from seeing THEIR PRESIDENT TOO on TV.
He thereby declared that the Trump Hating majority of American People are too stupid to find Fox News on a TV channel listing.
He thereby declared that the Trump Hating majority of American People are too stupid to find Fox News on a TV channel listing.
6/24/17, 1:47 PM
Liberals are afraid to tune into Fox or visit Breitbart. Their TVs and computers might burst into flames if they are exposed to a contrary opinion for a few seconds.
That insane Orange Clown has thereby barred regular sane people from seeing THEIR PRESIDENT TOO on TV.
Regular sand people who have been wallowing in assassination fantasies as of late. I'd ignore them too.
That insane Orange Clown has thereby barred regular sane people from seeing THEIR PRESIDENT TOO on TV.
I thought he was NOT [their] PRESIDENT.
"That story did not meet CNN’s editorial standards and has been retracted."
Editors at CNN don't see the stories until after they've been published? Or is their editorial standard, 'we go with it until we get caught lying'?
We are not watching CNN. But we are certainly watching CNN.
You're wrong CNN! That story is entirely in line with your editorial standards.
I mean, it's good that they finally retracted the story, but let's get into it: who spread the lie and what was their purpose? The story was based on an anonymous source, like so many of the Media hits on Trump are these days. The source was clearly wrong, and almost certainly lied, right? Well, that's a story! Let's hear it. Isn't that what the Media is supposed to do in order to protect their reputation and their ability to use anonymous sources--to "burn" people who use a pose as an anonymous source to spread lies and inflict political damage?
"It was wrong" is a good start. Now let's get into how it happened and what you're going to do to prevent it from happening in the future. Right? If credibility is important...that's something that has to be done.
CNN just reported that Donald Trump not only gets two scoops of ice cream while his guests get one, he is the only one allowed to have Russian dressing on his salad.
Inga will be here soon to talk about impeachment as the Mueller witch hunt continues to find an extraordinary number of pseudo-crimes and misdemeanors committed by Trump and his lackeys.
"Inside sources" = code for reporters sitting around a bar and telling each other third hand stories.
I'm going to say something I never thought I'd say in my entire life: CNN car underpants the pussywillow numchucks.
Nonsense,you say? This is CNN.
Funny thing happened on the way to the forum. CNN admitted its poor and perhaps dishonest journalism but @realDonaldTrump doesn't backtrack on any tweet sent and citizen/candidate/president Trump is faultless in the solipsistic world in which he lives. This "T r u m p L i e s" piece just appeared in the NYT. And Politico worries about the effect of Trump lies on your brain . . .
To be properly contrite, and show a little awareness of American literary history, the retraction should have read:
This article was retracted. Every word in it is a lie, including "and" and "the".
But the 27-year old English majors at CNN probably wouldn't get that.
It's a funny news story. A source says their source is sending out fake news.
Then their source goes on to say "...while Elizabeth Warren and those of her ilk spend their days collecting taxpayer funded paychecks while they do nothing but stand in the way of the progress of the American agenda"
Well now, that sounds fair and balanced. Poor Pocahontas...
One thing though, what the fuck is "The American Agenda" ??
I think they should all jump off the George Washington Bridge, that's what I think...
CNN just carried out the hit, ordered by Fauxahontas and the Dem capos.
The correction is seriously incomplete and therefore needs to be corrected again. Sort of like the NYT needing two corrections to undo their recent editorial smear of Sarah Palin.
Trump 1, CNN 0
This article was retracted. Every word in it is a lie, including "and" and "the".
But the 27-year old English majors at CNN probably wouldn't get that.
6/24/17, 2:21 PM
Lillian Hellman? Mary McCarthy? Who dat? They're studying rap lyrics in English class now.
Not that I consider either woman's work an indispensable part of the literary canon. Their spat is illustrative of the 20th century leftist intelligentsia's internal battles (which began with the Trotsky-Stalinist split) and it would be wise of the present day Left to understood that history. But after attempting to converse with several millennial leftists, I am convinced they believe history began in 2000 (when Dubya "stole" the election) and the Cold War is as distant to them as the Peace of Westphalia.
Orange is the new black. So that's CNN's real motivation against Trump--racism.
Gad, fly away.
A few points.
1) I've noticed a few media outlets using new language. For example, Jake Tapper tweeted the other day, "A solid source...." It seems "Sources say" doesn't work anymore. So now they need to add something before source. Maybe "solid" or "trusted" etc.
2) I get media peeps not wanting to reveal sources. I also get that they rely on info for sources. But how about when sources are lying or wrong? Do they still cover for them?
3) Why not identify sources with aliases and use the same alias repeatedly? Example, "Our source "Joseph" who is close to the administration says blah blah blah. And then, every time "Joseph" is their source, we can judge for ourselves if we trust "Joseph" based on previous reporting.
I think we all know why they don't do this.
With Trump & Co. turning the tables on the media, like curtailing the daily TV briefings, and Kellyanne Conway throwing "Russia, Russia, Russia," back in Alysyn Camerota's face - it feels like we're actually winning.
CNN's perpetual "Breaking News" model may be partly to blame for the inadvisable use of single sources, with sometimes predictable results. Still, they didn't directly retract the single source part of the story, only seeming to withdraw the innuendo that Scaramucci's connection to the fund was an open question not completely or forthrightly answered. It's constructive when retractions like this have to be issued because it's one of the worst things that can happen to a reporter and a news organization.
Bay Area Guy: "Trump 1, CNN 0"
Trump has a shutout going against CNN. He continues to throw high hard ones (aka chin music), while CNN looks down to the third base coach (the DNC) for signs. None forthcoming.
Gadfly: "CNN admitted its poor and perhaps dishonest journalism but...."
There is no "but".
CNN knowingly, purposely, passed off as fact a completely BS story that could not be and was never verified. And the lie just happened to align with that days demicrat/leftist/"lifelong republican" talking points.
Yet "Teh Donald" Persisted.
I rate the original CNN lie-filled story at 1.75 Inga BS units and 4.35 "lifelong republican" BS Units, though those are only preliminary estimates based on modeling created by the Global Warming Alarmists.
That insane Orange Clown has thereby barred regular sane people from seeing THEIR PRESIDENT TOO on TV.
Bob Loblaw: Regular sand people who have been wallowing in assassination fantasies as of late. I'd ignore them too.
Is the Orange Clown the President of Tatooine?
More people see the lie. More people remember the lie.
Ask a non political friend or neighbor if Trump has done any good. They will only know the anti-Trump propaganda.
True 20 years ago.
Now the internet is fact checking that ass.
Never fake until caught. CNN, what a joke.
Is the Orange Clown the President of Tatooine?
Why not? Hillary is President of California.
Where do these rank, on the lyin' fake news scale:
1. "I have private investigators in Hawaii who are finding out amazing things about Obama's birth."
2. "The Bush Administration knew that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before we invaded."
3. "You see these beautiful children, and after they are given vaccines, they aren't the same people."
4. "General Pershing dipped bullets in pigs' blood and used them to execute Muslim prisoners in the Phillipines."
5. "My electoral win was the biggest since Reagan."
Do you remember what James Comey, the reincarnation of Sir Galahad, the Perfect Knight, said about anonymous leakers? They usually don't understand the stuff they're leaking, so they get it wrong, he said. He's not only a Perfect Knight but also a leaker himself, so he ought to know. As for me, I ignore any news story based on "sources", whether they are "highly placed", "knowledgeable", or "present and former". My mother brought me up not to repeat rumors. I spent almost half a century of law practice learning that she was right. If you disregard news stories based on anonymous "sources" you find that there is nothing, literally nothing, to the supposed conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian Government. If that ever changes, if actual evidence ever comes up about it, let me know.
Liberals are afraid to tune into Fox or visit Breitbart. Their TVs and computers might burst into flames if they are exposed to a contrary opinion for a few seconds.
Nah, they know the NSA is cataloguing every minute of TV they watch and when the DARPA-developed AI killing machines are released by the benevolent President Tom Perez in 2024, they will use that information in targeting decisions to "purify" the country.
That's the rapture they're waiting for, and if you're gonna be alive at the end, your voting record, political donations, FB posts, and TV viewing habits had better be on the right side of history.
> Where do these rank, on the lyin' fake news scale:
At the bottom; they aren't news nor are they relevant to the current topic.
Where do these rank, on the lyin' fake news scale:
1. "I have private investigators in Hawaii who are finding out amazing things about Obama's birth."
2. "The Bush Administration knew that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq before we invaded."
3. "You see these beautiful children, and after they are given vaccines, they aren't the same people."
4. "General Pershing dipped bullets in pigs' blood and used them to execute Muslim prisoners in the Phillipines."
5. "My electoral win was the biggest since Regan
All true as reported by MSM
CNN's retraction is a lie. It WAS up to their standards. It's just that someone else showed how bad their standards are. This was not a sua sponte retraction, it was a slapped hand jerked back from the cookie jar.
April 16,2016
So much of the anti-Trump rhetoric is hysterical, hate-based and over the top. Take Chuck’s vituperation as an example: “lying assholes, mendacious Trump asshattery, Fuck you, You are a real fucking joke, You are an even bigger fool and a moron, God damn you eric!”
And that’s in the comments section of just one Althouse post. The rage is palpable. The cables use non-profane language but are no longer attempting even the appearance of impartiality. With a few lonely exceptions Trump is roundly condemned on all the cables, most of the newspapers, the eGOP, academia, the Lefty blogs and many Rightwing blogs.
The thing is, the "Breitbart News investigation" is based on anonymous sources.
> Where do these rank, on the lyin' fake news scale:
At the bottom; they aren't news nor are they relevant to the current topic.
Ann has provided nice cat pictures which haven't yet been linked to Trump's "grab them" statement. Still work to do!
chuck said...
> Where do these rank, on the lyin' fake news scale:
At the bottom; they aren't news nor are they relevant to the current topic.
Well CNN isn't running for anything. CNN is not making policy inside the White House. What an insane fucking joke; that what CNN says in reporting one of 100,000 news stories is more consequential than what the President of the United States says.
I'll decide for myself what seems relevant to this topic, thank you very little.
This is what happens when a Scientific Progressive is allowed to become a so-called "reporter" at CNN.
" In the first hour of Joy Reid’s MSNBC show this morning, the word “Russia” or “Russian” was heard . . . 56 times!"
"The thing is, the "Breitbart News investigation" is based on anonymous sources."
The article is cached here:
What's going on is a witch-hunt.
They aren't investigating crimes. They are looking for crimes.
Have we reached peak fake?
"lifelong republican" and Noted Mathematician Chuck: "What an insane fucking joke; that what CNN says in reporting one of 100,000 news stories is more consequential than what the President of the United States says"
"One of 100,000 news stories"!
Where did you pull that one out MI electoral "expert"?
Oh please share with us your methodology for coming to that result!
What a buffoon.
What crowd do you hang with that allows you to get away from hilariously flailing observations such as this latest joke assertion?
Too funny. I love what Trump is doing to these "maroons".
CNN's new catchphrase: "CNN..The Worldwide Leader in "lifelong republican" News and Certified Chuck-level Accuracy of 99.99999%"
"Georgia seeing huge decrease in food stamp use"
Fullmoon: "Georgia seeing huge decrease in food stamp use"
Yep. A big drop in illegals illegally accessing programs for US citizens which the Ingas/Dems of the world swear up and down never happens.
"Lifelong Republican" Chuck probably thinks it's only about 1 in 100,000 illegals who improperly access these programs.
Let's face it, an assertion that CNN is only wrong "one in 100,000" stories exceeds even the pitiable and pathetic full throated defense of Stolen Valor Liar Blumenthal.
And this isn't the first time: Nearly forty years ago CNN falsely reported Scaramucci was the late Freddie Mercury's "little silhouetto of a man."
I am wondering when LLR will switch his party affiliation from Socialist to Commie-Pinko. Hopefully before 2020 so he can vote in the the primary. Heck, he could be at the top of the ticket of the latter.
Earnest, actually it was only 16 years ago that "lifelong republican" Chucks beloved CNN ran the complete and utter lie that US forces had used Sarin nerve gas.
It was pure lunacy but, naturally, those Chuck approved Arbiters Of Truth ran with it anyway.
I can't figure you lunatics out.
1) News organizations have to issue retractions from time to time. It happens. It recently happened to Fox on a big Seth Rich story, for example. We note it, they are chastised, we all move on.
2) Do you all think you're personally entitled to have every television network, magazine, broadsheet, tabloid, radio show, blog and podcast conform to your own political perspectives? You're not. CNN tells the stories as they see them. If you find it unwatchable, pick something else. I find Fox and MSNBC unwatchable, but I don't feel the need to be endlessly bleating on the internet because some other news organizations choose different stories than the ones I find most relevant.
3) People are cabable of consuming news critically. They don't need you to rescue them through the collective power of your outrage.
CNN did such a bang up job helping to elect Trump the first time that it appears they can't wait for the 2020 campaign season to begin.
More Trump? Yes, please!
Snark said, "I can't figure you lunatics out."
Truer words have seldom been spoken.
Fortunately, we don't need your permission to point out inveterate liars getting caught red-handed and being forced to retract their lies.
CNN: Liars lying about other people lying.
Snark: "3) People are cabable of consuming news critically. They don't need you to rescue them through the collective power of your outrage"
Lefties take time out of their busy schedule telling people what they should or should not think and say to complain that there might be others with opinions on the matter.
I guess all thats left to say is people don't need the Snarks of the world, through the collective power of leftist condescension, to tell them what critiques of the press are acceptable.
Snark here is a hint: learn the difference between reporting news and publishing propaganda.
those Chuck approved Arbiters Of Truth ran with it anyway
ChuckH8 be tiresome
I think you are selling Snark short. Snark knows the difference and supports the propaganda agenda. Snark is only mad that his agenda faces pushback from Trump and Trump supporters.
Snark cannot understand why this man, Trump, fights. Snark wonders why Trump doesn't just lay down in the face of withering criticism like those nice Bushes? Snark cannot figure that out and decided we are lunatics. Lunatics for not fitting his world view. Lunatics for wanting freedom - which is admittedly difficult - over government coercion.
Earnest: "ChuckH8 be tiresome"
Observations based on the evidence leading to inevitable conclusions are not "H8".
But then again, all thoughts and ideas and conclusions which don't advance the leftist cause are automatically labeled as hate in an attempt to stifle unwanted dissent.
Thanks to you and Chuck for playing your part for Team Left.
ChuckH8 be tiresome
Distinctions not cost-effective.
Bay Area Guy said...
Trump 1, CNN 0
Today sure. The last 2 years?
Thanks to you and Chuck for playing your part for Team Left.
You've confused me with someone else.
"I can't figure you lunatics out."
We know.
What is coming, I think, is a preference cascade, as people realize this was all lies.
Grassley might have touched it off, or it may take a few more months until Mueller comes up with nothing.
Yet, says Grassley, even after Comey informed Schumer of this, the unscrupulous Minority Leader told the media the contrary — namely, that Trump was under investigation. He even urged that Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Neal Gorsuch, be held up because Trump was being investigated.
“The whole time,” says Grassley, Schumer “knew it wasn’t true.” In other words, Schumer is a liar.
Grassley also took a shot at Comey for not telling the public that Trump wasn’t under investigation. Grassley urged Comey to disclose this in the name of “transparency and accountability.” But the manipulative, egomaniac Director chose not to inform Americans that the president wasn’t under investigation, even after Schumer public claim Trump was.
I think it will be ugly when it comes. If a Muslim terror attack comes before, it will be really ugly.
Snark said...
I can't figure you lunatics out.
Good start to a logical argument there. Great start.
3) People are cabable of consuming news critically. They don't need you to rescue them through the collective power of your outrage.
It seems like every person on the left is saying republicans are murdering people with their health care bill. The bill may suck, but it will kill fewer people than Obamacare. I am pretty sure the democrats know how shitty they are and that is why they are being such shitheads.
You can't figure us out, but we can see right through you.
ChuckH8 be tiresome
Distinctions not cost-effective.
We are in violent agreement.
I thought you disliked that figure of speech.
"COMMENTS ARE MODERATED some but not all of the time. This is for the purpose of excluding/removing a small handful of commenters who, I believe, intend to ruin this forum. They already know who they are. For everyone else, try to be responsive to the post, don't make personal attacks on other commenters, bring some substance or humor to the conversation, and don't do that thing of putting in a lot of extra line breaks."
Cutting and pasting what is at the bottom of the page seems to me to be a transgression against the spirit of the rules Althouse posted. I'm sure it adds nothing of substance and is not funny. Such a comment is not responsive to the post. It's just as bad a waste of space as four line breaks. Four extra line breaks.
Meanwhile, President Trump is President Trump. His policies have been consistently conservative. He is the only Republican who did win the election. Nobody else won. And CNN publishes single source conspiracy theories (i.e. FAKE NEWS) on a regular basis. I have yet to grow tired of all the winning.
All the suffering, bellyaching and moaning by parties who wish the facts were otherwise delight me. The fact that CNNYTWAPTNBCCSABCESPN continue to beclown themselves is not quite as wonderful as knowing that certain aggrieved parties continue to openly declare themselves on these pages. Make me chortle, oh butthurt one.
"Grassley also took a shot at Comey for not telling the public that Trump wasn’t under investigation."
Speaking of Chuck Grassley.....
"Republicans, not just Democrats, have sent a letter to both the White House and the FBI demanding answers on Jared Kushner's security clearance after he failed to disclose meetings he had with Russian officials during the transition period on security clearance forms.
Four top senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee, including Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., signed on to the letter sent to Marcia Lee Kelly, who is the deputy assistant to the president and director of the White House Management and Office of Administration, and acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe."
Has the substance free cut and paste portion of the programming started promptly at 9PM CST? Again?
Seems an odd time to start a shift.
"Sources" seems to be suffering from inflationary pressures. In Watergate days you had to get one more source to crosscheck. But the other day I started to read a story which had seventeen "sources". I stopped reading at once so can't say what shape conspiracy was assuming in the media that day. But perhaps a new sort of hyperinflation is on its way in which more and more sources confirm stories which last less and less time. Finally they will only last a day starting at dawn, spreading through WaPO (where democracy dies in darkness), on to social media, twitter, retraction in the WaPo (where yesterdays story dies at dark) and then on to tomorrow's story. Soon you'll need to wheelbarrow to carry all the sources, stories, retractions.
Excellent comment, wildswan. Brilliant.
Birkel, my news from the Washington Examiner is hardly substance free. CHUCK GRASSLEY has signed on to a demand to the White House and FBI to explain little Jared's security clearance mishap. There now, I explained it in words other than the ones in the cut and paste. So what he heck is wrong with those Tru associates, why do they lie on their security clearances? Are they trying to hide something? How does one just overlook such things?
Flynn, now little Jared, that doesn't look good.
Funny, Breitbart reported on this story based on "sources".
6'3" is now defined as little?
"The source close to Senate GOP leadership told Breitbart News:....."
What happened to the Washington Examinerbis?
"6'3" is now defined as little?"
He just looks like a little boy who got sucked into something he may regret.
Damn that Breitbart News using anonymous sources that CNN confirmed were correct, accurate and directly contradictory to CNN reporting? It's downright rude to force CNN to admit they were wrong, confirming that the Breitbart sources were correct.
That is worth a laugh.
So the little comment was you attempting to belittle a man, to infantilize him?
Darn his youth and smooth skin. I'll bet his joint JD/MBA from NYU is worth less because you want to treat him as a child.
It's weird that you're trying to treat an adult male in this way. Imagine trying the same tactic against a female. For shame!
Oh now little snowflake Birkel, don't get all PC about it.
He just looks like a little boy who got sucked into something he may regret.
But Inga, what has Jon Ossoff got to do with it?
I ask that you apply consistent rules. Until you do, I'll apply your rules to you, rhetorically.
You wish to infantilize a grown man. It's odd. Your rules state that we should not objectify people the way you are attempting.
CNN was wrong. Their anonymous sources made CNN look bad. Breitbart used anonymous sources that were correct. CNN admitted that Breitbart was correct to believe the anonymous sources they used. The rules are anonymous sources are useful when they are accurate and do not give you fake news. CNN has chosen fake news.
I wonder what happened to the Washington Examinerbis.
@ Inga In other news about Chuck Grassley: "The Senate Judiciary Committee is seeking information about alleged interference by former Attorney General Loretta Lynch into the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information on a private email server.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley of Iowa and other lawmakers sent letters Friday seeking details about communications in which Ms. Lynch reportedly assured Democratic operatives that she would keep the FBI’s Clinton investigation from “going too far.” Mrs. Clinton was running to become the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate at the time." Source WSJ June 23,2017
Poor Inga. You are going to have a broken heart one of these days.
As Oscar Wilde would say, "It would take a heart of stone not to laugh" at your broken heart.
Grassley/Lynch link. WSJ has a paywall, as you know.
If you go down this path you'll have to explain how senators use logrolling to accomplish goals. More than likely Grassley signed a letter that Democrats preferred in order to get some of the things he preferred into the investigation.
The Democrats wanted talking points. The Republicans wanted a serious investigation. As per usual, the Democrats get what they wanted to market quicker.
"Poor Inga. You are going to have a broken heart one of these days."
We'll see. If your heart breaks, I'll be gentle.
Inga undoubtedly prays for Trump's assassination every night, because his death is the only way he'll be removed from office. She knows there are enough murderous, violent swine on her side who would like to attempt it.
6/24/17, 9:12 PM
Blogger Inga said...
"Funny, Breitbart reported on this story based on "sources"."
One story was retracted because it was a blatant fraud.
The other story is still standing.
Apparently breitbart sources are legit and cnn's sources are treasonous shitheads. I will be glad when the traitors start going to jail en mass.
CNN was wrong. Their anonymous sources made CNN look bad. Breitbart used anonymous sources that were correct.
Do you have any idea how stupid this sounds to a rational person? Besides, we know that Breitbart's "anonymous" source is Bannon, who can be trusted about as far as you can throw his fat ass.
I haven't been paying attention git a while: when is Scott Walker getting out of prison?
"Sources say..."
I remember.
Freder Frederson said...
Do you have any idea how stupid this sounds to a rational person?
Do you just lob softballs out there for fun? You aren't very good at this.
Field Marshall Freder: "Do you have any idea how stupid this sounds to a rational person?"
We've known all along how stupid this entire Trump/Russia collusion lie is. Worse, we know why it was hatched and so does a critically important segment of the electorate.
The same one that elected Trump.
Apparently a few Dems and "lifelong republicans" are beginning to catch on.
With all the retractions and the other stories that are proven wrong in the left-leaning media, it is apparent there is one of two things going on, neither of which reflect well on the journalists and editors working there: either the writers are simply making up the sources and the stories based on pure rumors they have heard, or there are many operatives within both the executive branch and the legislative branch who aren't leaking information but, rather, misinformation. A clown show is what they have become.
Chuck @ 8:46
Yeah. Thanks.
It appears at the bottom of every thread.
It's not enough you're as boring as a gay pride parade in Wheaton, but you got to be a little suck up too? Althouse knows what goes on in her blog. You're in desperate need of a sense of humor and a life.
Rusty, you're just too obtuse to see that Chuck was only joking.
I do appreciate the joke Inga just told. When they go low, the Leftists get high.
And Feeder references a rational person?!? Desperation smells wonderful in the morning.
When the Leftist media collapsed completely I wonder what will fill the void.
Inga said...
Rusty, you're just too obtuse to see that Chuck was only joking.
You think so, do you? Interesting how a "Life Long Republican" never has anything to say to you or any leftist here, never engages with you on any of your many contentions.
Inga, you can be and do what you like, but you shouldn't resent that many of us are having our fake-phony-fraud meters absolutely PEGGED by this guy, and that we react accordingly. Alex is the only one who tries to moby-troll from your perspective and you resent the dickens out of him, don't you?
"Besides, we know that Breitbart's "anonymous" source is Bannon"
per anonymous sources, no doubt.
Chuck and Inga (Nurse Cratchit); must you both work so hard to prove Samual Johnson right?
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