That was here in Madison, Wisconsin.
Meanwhile, at the Jersey Shore: A "wild brawl erupted near the iconic Lucy the Elephant attraction in Margate on Saturday."
"Lucy" photo by Robert Brizel.
ADDED: "Amid continuing incidents of gunfire, including a home invasion Tuesday in which a Madison man was killed, the city is still struggling with how to partner with local nonprofits to create a 'rapid response' to gun violence aimed at providing immediate help to victims and their families and preventing further shootings...."
“We’re dealing with chronic stress and chronic trauma in our community,” said Jerome Dillard, director of re-entry services for Focused Interruption and state director of EXPO, Ex-Prisoners Organizing. “We need to get boots on the ground to get the outreach we need to get these lives on track. Many of our young people don’t see themselves as being part of America.”...
“We do have a plan,” Deputy Mayor Gloria Reyes said, noting that the mayor’s 11-member rapid response team of city, Dane County and nonprofit representatives that has been shaping the initiatives will continue to meet regularly.... “It’s unfortunate we have community members and leaders who refuse to look at the bigger picture... It became about the Boys & Girls Club. It became about who was going to get funded and not get funded. It’s very unfortunate.”
६५ टिप्पण्या:
Didn't our hostess grow up in New Jersey? She prolly knows Snooki.
The cynic in me notes that there is something that could be important omitted from the reports.
hot dog girl fight
and I missed it
Was a big game hunter trying to take out the elephant?
Anomaly at the Brat Fest.
That would make such a great album title....
Meanwhile, in Portland, an annual parade recently was cancelled due to an anonymous email threatening violence because the Republican Party was participating in the parade.
This is going to be a long summer.
there is something that could be important omitted from the reports.
hot dog girl fight with hijabs
and I missed it
Unless things have changed, Margate is in the part of the Jersey Shore that attracts the Philly crowd, not the New Jersey crowd.
The 17 year old girl arrested in Wisconsin has been named, and what appears to be her Facebook page is still unblocked.
The St Jude sweet corn festival in Cedar Rapids Iowa was shut down last year and probably cancelled for good due to violence. Yes, a church sweet corn festival in Iowa is too dangerous to go to now.
The root cause? You have to go to the online stories, but you have to read the comments to get to the real problem. Transplants from Chicago into subsidized housing in Cedar Rapids. I don't care about the racial angle. Its the idea that they are importing people from a violent dysfunctional city, and bringing those problems to mid-sized Iowa cities.
Maybe all of Laslo's characters could have a Meet-&-Greet at the Elephant Motel. And then a brawl could erupt outside.
In real life, I mean.
Just a bunch of children reflecting what the "adults" are teaching.
Most troubling quote in either story:
“Young kids are going to be young kids. Kids fight at school. Kids fight in after-school programs,” said Michael Johnson, CEO of the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County. “They’re going to make mistakes, but we’ve done everything that we can to make sure that the public feel good about what’s going to take place here over the weekend.”
Yeah. I want my kids spending time at that B&G Club.
About the Brat Fest fights:
“Young kids are going to be young kids. Kids fight at school. Kids fight in after-school programs,” said Michael Johnson, CEO of the Boys and Girls Club of Dane County.
Actually, I didn't think kids fought much at schools anymore - at least not white suburban kids. Brawls on the playground at recess or after school used to be fairly commonplace. Now if you see a boy with a black eye, people immediately wonder if he's being abused at home instead of assuming he got into a fistfight with another kid.
Three of the culprits in the Brat Fest fights were girls. I can believe that. I witnessed a fight between two school girls from a public school known for its' rather tough customers. They crashed one of our 8th grade parochial school dances. One girl ripped out the other girl's dangling earrings, knocked her on the ground, and then stepped on her stomach - with a platform-heeled foot.
"Didn't our hostess grow up in New Jersey? She prolly knows Snooki."
Margate is in south Jersey. It's south of Atlantic City. It's just north of Ocean City, where my Aunt Isabel and Uncle Henry had a cottage where we'd go for a week or so every summer. I got all my most intense sunburns there. This was east and south of where we lived, which was in northern Delaware (Newark and Wilmington).
"Jersey Shore" was filmed in Seaside Heights, a very particular place in north Jersey. I have never been there, but I remember my sister going there with her teenage friends when we lived in northern New Jersey (in Wayne, which is further north than NYC). I think of Seaside Heights as being northern NJ because Dell went there when we lived in northern NJ, but it's more in the middle, like Trenton. I'm not that familiar with the middle of New Jersey.
After I left for college, my parents moved to the part of NJ that's near Philadelphia, which is pretty far south, but not too near the shore. It wasn't that hard to drive to the shore. You took the White Horse Pike to Atlantic City. That was before there was gambling in Atlantic City and the place was pretty old and run down, its glory days seemingly over. Beautiful beach though, and the Boardwalk in its close to original state. Salt water taffy and arcades.
Dave from Minnesota said...
The St Jude sweet corn festival in Cedar Rapids Iowa was shut down last year and probably cancelled for good due to violence. Yes, a church sweet corn festival in Iowa is too dangerous to go to now."
That's terrible. I love church festivals - cheap and festive and friendly.
Another piece of American life that is being ruined.
Anomaly at the Brat Fest
Thank god it's not another penis pictorial post.
Dave from Minnesota said...
Its the idea that they are importing people from a violent dysfunctional city, and bringing those problems to mid-sized Iowa cities.
Well, yeah! Better to dump them out in the Deplorable Zone. What if property values tumble and the elite gentryfying class winds up trapped in the big cities with these people? We can't have that!
How hard did the State Journal have to work to make their article that uninformative about the fights? The article was mostly about the deflection coming from the organizers. Virtually nothing about what actually happened. Cowards.
I went to my first "rumble" as a Freshman in high school. It was lame. No one even got stabbed.
Transplants from Chicago into subsidized housing in Cedar Rapids.
Gerrymandered districts with taxpayers funds and at the expense of local people's safety and stability.
At issue is also the punishment visited upon the kids. While there are real issues with too many in the criminal justice system, a tut-tut probation here sends a clear message.
I suggest a lengthy, hard and embarrassing public service gig.
When I was a kid in North Jersey (Madison) we'd rent a cabin just north of Lavalette for a few weeks each summer. The big treat was to spend an evening on the boardwalk at Seaside or at Point Pleasant. This was in the 1950's, and last I looked it hasn't changed much. Asbury Park, has, though.
Look at those Jersey Hos. Love it.
Thank you. I assumed that you had pleasant memories of crawling in, and around the Lucy elephant icon.
It was a poor assumption.
Here's another assumption......I'll bet you can burn in the shadow of a beach umbrella. I know I can.
My guess is that the Madison disturbance had its origin from certain folks out in Meadowood.
Asbury Park, which was kind of a dump, is turning into a little gay haven. You know what that means? The home prices are going up, new fancy restaurants, small out of the way cafes, ferns popping up everywhere. Asbury Park is another option, other than Fire Island and Ptown for the for the eastie coastie crowd-NYC; DC; Philly; Boston. Boston fags will likely not go there though when they can take a Fairy to Ptown.
Will it actually become an international fag destination like Ptown and Fire Island?
Time will tell dolls.
I find this report hard to believe. 300 people were fighting with no one taking video? Suddenly the video appears when 3 or 4 are being arrested?
It sounds more like 300 people watched a fight.
I spend my summers on Long Beach Island, a couple islands north of Margate. Much more family oriented. No crowds of teens nor many college students.
I remember leaving Maryland to go to a meeting in Asbury, New Jersey in late spring. We drove and drove through deserted, damp streets in a raw sea wind and then finally found out that there are two Asburys in NJ. Typical. The real one was in the western part of the state. We drove there along a turnpike where there were real true diners. Also you could not pump your own gas, full service, it's the law. Asbury crouched a forest of little streets in little towns with names like Netcong. More than once a false move among the small streets of Phillipsburg where we were trying get some food and a detailed map suddenly thrust us onto giant Federal highways going toward Bethlehem and other directions, six miles to the next turn.
This was BGPS - before GPS. Now we'd watch a movie and the car would drive us and we'd never get out of Asbury By the Sea because the car would follow GPS till the tide came in and covered us but we wouldn't notice because we'd be watching Star Wars 43.
NorthOfTheOneOhOne to Dave from Minnesota:
"Its the idea that they are importing people from a violent dysfunctional city, and bringing those problems to mid-sized Iowa cities."
Well, yeah! Better to dump them out in the Deplorable Zone. What if property values tumble and the elite gentryfying class winds up trapped in the big cities with these people? We can't have that!
The Iowans I know have been complaining about this recently. A lot. It's win-win for the Chicagoans and their federal enablers. They get to feel virtuous sticking it to those racist Flyoverians, while ethnically cleansing the undesirable elements from their own environment - allowing further gentrification, lower crime, and rising property values for themselves.
So what if the high standard of living (measured in social capital intangibles) of the rubes is destroyed? Their towns are Too White, and they don't deserve to have nice things, anyway.
Pay no attention to the increasing whiteness of the zip codes of the people running this racket.
Those fucking "city" people.
"That would make such a great album title...."
I thought it sounded like a movie title, like "Shootout at OK Corral."
My guess is that the Madison disturbance had its origin from certain folks out in Meadowood.
I had an idea what you mean, but went online to see what that was about. Found a story about a hardware store closing due to problems in the neighborhood. Some excerpts:
Dennis and Sharon Lochner aren't ready for retirement, but they are done with the Meadowood Shopping Center. Frustrated by plummeting sales over the past three years and a neighborhood plagued with gunfire and negative perceptions....The closing of the 8,000-square-foot store will add another vacancy to a shopping center that already has empty storefronts. It's in the middle of a neighborhood challenged by an increase in low-income residents and crime......The drop in sales is directly proportionate to the change in the nature of the neighborhood right around the store. (Customers) are choosing to go someplace where they feel safe instead of coming to this neighborhood
"Thank god it's not another penis pictorial post."
Yeah, the brat fest is not to be confused with a sausage party.
"How hard did the State Journal have to work to make their article that uninformative about the fights?"
I know!
And the word "anomaly" is an unsubstantiated assertion that this isn't the sort of thing that would happen here.
Boston fags will likely not go there though when they can take a Fairy to Ptown.
A Fairy? Is Tinkerbell running a bus to Ptown now? Is Jiminy Cricket one of the drivers?
I know, Titus. Spellcheck does weird things, but I thought it was funny.
Brats at the Brat Fest.
Titus said...
Fire Island
6/1/17, 9:54 AM
I remember the occasional school outing to Fire Island round summer time when I was in grade school. Don't recall the pretense for the trips (likely some sort a nature thing) but they were fun.
"Thank you. I assumed that you had pleasant memories of crawling in, and around the Lucy elephant icon. It was a poor assumption."
I've never seen Lucy in person, though I've long known about it and been interested in it. I like this kind of old-time Americana. The link in the post (under the photo) tells the history of the structure. In my days in that area, it was falling apart and scheduled for demolition.
It was built in the 19th century: "In 1881, the U.S. Patent Office granted James V. Lafferty a patent giving him the exclusive right to make, use or sell animal-shaped buildings for a duration of seventeen years. Lafferty funded the design and construction of his first elephant-shaped building at South Atlantic City, now called Margate."
At some point in the 60s, people started to care a lot more about landmark preservation — consciousness was raised by the demolition of Penn Station in 1963 — or that elephant would have been gone:
"In 1969, Edwin T. Carpenter and a group of Margate citizens formed the Margate Civic Association, which later became the Save Lucy Committee under Josephine Harron and Sylvia Carpenter. They were given a 30-day deadline to move the edifice or pay for its demolition. Various fund-raising events, the most successful a door-to-door canvass by volunteers, raised money."
Ann Althouse said...
...not to be confused with a sausage party.
6/1/17, 10:27 AM
Oh my....
They disrespected the Brat Festival???. Lock 'em up and throw away the key!
Re: the Iowa sweet corn festival and the fatal assegai skewering it suffered at the hands of Obammy's Chiraq orcs: This is precisely what the globalists want to inflict on every one of us. It's not "fair" that the good, melanin-deficient folks in Corntown get to have nice things and live in peace while the "disenfranchised" are slaughtering each other and destroying their neighborhoods in the Windy City. It's only right that we spread a little of that vibrant, urban culture around. Put the fear of the Zulu impis in every fluttering honky heart. Slice open a few alabaster bellies for good measure. Diversity is our strength, you racist bastards.
I've biked all over Margate and Ventnor. The Boardwalk is actually pretty good for traveling across the island that Atlantic City, Ventnor and Margate all reside on, especially after sunset when all the crowds disperse. No traffic lights.
Atlantic City is the ghetto, Ventnor is the lower-class neighborhood that rapidly rises in value, till you get to gentrified Margate.
When I was there for 2 months, Margate was empty; very few people. Course, I was there in early spring. Maybe it livens up some. I will tell you that not even Laslo would be horny after some of the sights I saw in Atlantic city. Fat, wrinkly, 80 year old women in bikinis is a good diet method though, because I didn't have an appetite for days.
Ann Althouse said...And the word "anomaly" is an unsubstantiated assertion that this isn't the sort of thing that would happen here.
It's doubly ironic in the article, as that's put next to the official insisting that kids getting into fights is NOT unusual/anomalous! (Kids fight at school, they fight after school, etc.)
From context I think they're saying it's unusual to have 5 fights so close together in one general location, and that larger-than-usual number so quickly is the anomaly. The phrasing is awkward, though, as the article says anomaly incident and "incident" is it's mysterious writing--we may never know!
This seems appropriate: RAMONES - Beat on the Brat
Anomaly! at the Brat Fest. Sounds like a Wisconsin-based Panic! at the Disco tribute band.
Maybe the sources wish to remain anomalous.
Brat Fest. Not Brat Fest.
"Miners. Not minors.
You lost me."
Spoiled brats...
Madison could be a sociologist dream study. What was mostly an almost all-white city of very liberal upper mid-class white folk is changing.
I believe the black population is still relatively small, but rather troubled. Look at the stats between whites vs blacks in Madison:
Graduation rates
Juvenile lockup
If the Justice Department is correct and stats alone can be proof of discrimination, then the Civil Rights act needs to be amended so Madison gets the same oversight that the old south gets.
Haven't been to Brat Fest since it moved out of the neighborhood.
“We’re dealing with chronic stress and chronic trauma in our community,” said Jerome Dillard, director of re-entry services for Focused Interruption and state director of EXPO, Ex-Prisoners Organizing. “We need to get boots on the ground to get the outreach we need to get these lives on track. Many of our young people don’t see themselves as being part of America.”
I know it's been a long time since I went to school in Madison and have only occasionally visited for work and UW sporting events, but can I ask - what's changed? This is THE most progressive city in the state and - dare I say - top 10 in the country. Where is this 'stress' and 'trauma' coming from...?
I like this kind of old-time Americana.
In the early 60's, we frequently travelled up, and down the west coast on Hi-Way 101. Tourist traps like "Trees of Mystery", the Oregon caves, and the Redwood forest would wire bumper stickers to your car while you were enjoying the distraction. There is a road trip in my future.
Funny, "Roll on Columbia" is stuck in my head.
" Look at the stats between whites vs blacks in Madison..."
There is one, and only one cause of the differential in these stats. It is the racism of the Very Liberal Upper Mid-class White Folk. And yes, it is those same racists who are causing the differential in graduation rates and crime - activities which you might think are the result of voluntary behavior, but you would be wrong.
Years ago at Summerfest in Milwaukee, I came across an accordion band named "Those Darn Accordians!" playing "The Last Bratwurst of Summer" at one of the smaller stages. They also played "Low Rider" and "Baba O'Reilly" on their accordions.
They were quite entertaining, and the lyrics of their own songs were very clever. I was sure they had to be local, but no, they're from San Francisco, of all places.
exiledonmainstreet: They also played "Low Rider" and "Baba O'Reilly" on their accordions.
OK, I have to hear an accordian "Low Rider".
[Click click type type]
Et voilà, youtube comes through.
Thanks for providing that lunch-break entertainment, exiled!
Angel-Dyne: "Baba O'Reilly" is quite good too.
If it happened by the elephant then it was obviously another violent Republican gathering.
Will Madison be able to overcome diversity?
Who elected 'Deputy Mayor Gloria Reyes'?
This is straight from an R.E.M. song!
I'm sure the Focused Interruption Coalition can provide rapid response. They look like the fastest at a chitlin eating contest.
RE: Angel-Dyne at 1:52
C'mon folks!! It has been up for more than two years and only has 527 views. Let's get clickin".
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