Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication...and WOW, Comey is a leaker!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 9, 2017
Yesterday's silence was effective. This tweet is getting maximum attention, and the foregoing silence gives resonance to today's message: Comey didn't lay a hand on him.
२१८ टिप्पण्या:
218 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»"Comey is a leaker"
Sore Throat
Did they ask if Comey ever leaked anything else to the press?
Might explain his resistance to investigate those darn leakers.
(Still, probably would've been better if Trump just kept on with the silent tweetment.)
The man lives in Trumpland, where the rainbows and sunshine are where he orders them to be. Some see them too...
I do believe that Comey admitted he was a leaker. Loser.
A leaking loser liar.
Either Kasowitz needs to share bedroom with POTUS or FLOTUS needs to move up move date to DC.
The Dimms are in big trouble now. They shot at the King and missed. And Regicide is a risky business. Now President Trump will quit being Mr Nice Guy. He has learned the kind of fight that he is in.
Now, about the Priebus and Ryan duo.
Wow, Trump is soooooooooooooo unlike other Presidents. Probably why he got elected.
"Ray! Ray! You didn't knock me down Ray."
That sums up my attitude perfectly. I don't even need the "FOR NOW".
Trump's not the delusional one, Inga.
Yesterday's shit show did nothing to stop the decline of your rotten party:
People want Trump to stop Tweeting, but this one shows the power of the medium to drive the narrative. Trump doesn't need to stop, he needs to refine his game.
Comey is a leaker = Comey isn't a man of complete integrity. The media now has to talk about that given Trump's Tweet.
And this is Inga's idea of a patriot and heroine:
EXPLOSIVE testimony in alleged NSA leaker hearing. GOV'T:Reality Winner praised Taliban,wrote "I want to burn the White House down" @wsbtv 5
3:46 PM - 8 Jun 2017 · Augusta, GA
"Ray! Ray! You didn't knock me down Ray."
Oh man, now I've got to pull that one out of the vault.
A glove, Ann. A glove. But your observation of the power of silence followed by the simple statement is dead on.
I asked this at the tail end of a thread yesterday, just before the thread was supplanted by yet another Comey hearing one, so I'll ask it again. For anyone who thinks these investigations are a real threat:
I know that there are so *many* (never quite stated) accusations and so *many* demands for investigations that it can feel like surely there *must* be some fire causing all that smoke... but accusations aren't evidence.
Pick one of the accusations -- the one you think is the strongest. Tell me what crime you think Trump committed, what evidence you see for that now, and what evidence you think an investigation is likely to turn up.
I can't see anything left that isn't either wildly speculative, not actually illegal (or even unusual), or both.
"The Leaker" James Comey... will now precede all of his introductions.
Imus in the Morning predicts a sex transition announcement from Comey now.
It's the usual script.
Lock him up. He can share a jail cell with Reality Winner. Leaking loser liar and Winner.
"Comey is a leaker" Sore Throat
Pick one of the accusations -- the one you think is the strongest. Tell me what crime you think Trump committed, what evidence you see for that now, and what evidence you think an investigation is likely to turn up.
Have a heart, clint! They are already confused enough without asking them to put something logical and concrete in the comments.
Hat tip: Instapundit, but I think it sort of sums up the impact of the hearing. But we have to hand it to Inga and her pussy hat for getting up off the mat to try to continue the fight.
Speaking of pussy hats, here's a funny quote:
"He told a senator’s mom she was beautiful; he jokingly instructed Sen. Heidi Heitkamp’s family to 'spread your legs, you’re gonna be frisked!'"
Guess who said that Inga! Wasn't Trump!
Comey, leaker? Another ginned up controversy to distract from the sinking TrumpShip.
Comey is a leaker. An admitted leaker.
Hillary lost. Learn to accept reality, losers. is kinda quiet this morning. So is DailyKos.
Yesterday disappointed.
Another completely ridiculous Trump message.
He wants everybody to think Comey is a liar. Except for the part where Comey supposedly exculpates Trump. On that part, we are to understand that Comey is not a liar.
All this from Trump; one of the most shameless liars in American public life.
How is it delusional? Comey admitted, yesterday, out loud, that he leaked his conversations with Trump to a Columbia law professor.
Your make-believe world where Comey is a leaker and Trump is vindicated isn't fooling anyone. I wonder how much Trump's approval rating went up yesterday.
As I think readering pointed out earlier, Nixon still had 22% approval at the time of his impeachment. That's you guys.
Judging by the coverage at 538, liberals think they had a pretty good hearing. No idea why; Comey didn't say one thing that mattered, and several that hurt them. Whistling past the graveyard?
The other highlight yesterday was Andrea Mitchell ( the longtime Clinton press consiglieri) observing on CNN that Comey just put on the most political performance that she has ever seen.
And Chuck, war is the practice of deception. You are just mad that the President is always a step ahead of the Total Lie carefully designed to destroy him.
"You are just mad that the President is always a step ahead of the Total Lie carefully designed to destroy him."
What's going to destroy Trump is Trump.
Fired FBI Director James B. Comey orchestrated the leak of details from memos of his conversations with President Trump, he admitted to Congress on Thursday, saying he had hoped it would spur the Justice Department to announce an independent prosecutor to probe the Trump operation.
Mr. Comey said he used a law professor friend at Columbia University as a go-between to share information with The New York Times. He didn’t name the professor, but said he wanted to get information out after Mr. Trump took to Twitter to dispute that he had asked the FBI to let former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn off the hook.
“I asked him to, because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel. And so I asked a close friend of mine to do it,” Mr. Comey testified.
The biggest charge repeated over and over and over and over...
The Russians interfered in the election. Explain the mechanism and means, actual actions they took, and how that interfered in the election process.
Or, admit the charges are B.S, coming out of thin air, invented by the Clinton campaign to interfere with Trump's administration. Which is where ALL the evidence to date leads.
The left were waiting for Comey to drop the "Russian and Trump conspired to switch voting machine votes." Never happened, wish-fact deluded.
Instead, Comey answered that question with a NO. NO - zero evidence that the Russians hacked into the actual vote totals.
The Russians were behind the hacking, but not Trump and the Russians. Vote totals were not tampered with. We all know this is disappointing to progressives who were told by the Rachel Maddow- CNN - New York Times liars that the hammer was about to fall - but it's all bunk.
Clint @7:32
There is zero here. Just drama and distraction. Nothing of substance.
What were the Russian active measures? What did they accomplish?
I can't help but seeing Chuck as the lawyer whose case a Judged has just destroyed by a ruling against him in open Court, professing loudly with a big smile for the Juy's benefit, " Thank you, your Honor"
Was there any actual new information?
AND NOW, on to investigating the mass Obama use of Intelligence collection against American political opponents. That was pure COLLUSION with the enemy, and is totally criminal.
As AllenS points out, Comey leaked.
He leaks like a leaking leek. He betrays himself as a political beast. Not a good show. Listen to the words; consider what he did. Trump is correct.
Note to H>illary: Unpack.
Brookzene said...
"Your make-believe world where Comey is a leaker and Trump is vindicated isn't fooling anyone. I wonder how much Trump's approval rating went up yesterday."
This is the heart of your delusion. Do you think you have turned a single trump voter?
If there was another election today Trump would get more votes. You leftists are just whining and pouting to each other and people are not seeing your butthurt and tears as a good thing. They are particularly angry about the press taking sides.
And I know that you are all too stupid to notice that we don't like trump. We just hate you more. You are hypocritical and ridiculous.
It doesn't matter what his approval ratings are when you are the alternative.
What was new was a direct political attack on a sitting U.S. President by a former FBI director.
That is new, and alarming.
If Trump had defamed me personally, and if I had information that I could legally release in order to put Trump under the spotlight of a special counsel, I would do it in a New York minute. I'd do it with glee.
Not because I want to hurt a President of the United States, but rather because Trump has shown himself over the course of most of his life to be an insufferable prick.
Comey also stated the New York Times got a lot of their stories wrong. Called it "nonsense" and said that the FBI isn't in the business of correcting media nonsense.
Quite an admission.
My observation yesterday: Comey is the biggest drama queen I've ever seen.
Dumbplumber (hubby)observation: Comey is a very little man in a big body.
We both agree that there is something fundamentally and psychologically wrong about Comey.
Re Trump's tweets. If he didn't Tweet and use social media, Trump would never ever until hell freezes over be able to get any message through the stone wall of the liberal media. They already distort and twist anything said by the Administration and literally refuse to cover any stories that are not detrimental. They lie. They twist. They hide the story. There is nothing at all resembling actual journalism.
Trump HAS to tweet. However.....even I must say, I wish he were a bit more judicious with his output. NOT tweeting yesterday was perfect. It makes what he says today have more
The real news is that Comey leaked his memo in order to get a Special Counsel. So we can all thank Comey when Brennan, Power and Rice end up in jail. Lordy!
And consider: Comey says he can't talk about this and can't talk about that, in open session. Wouldn't be prudent; wouldn't be fair to the FBI. Duty and honor.
But he blabs to his buddy lawprof and asks him or her to blab to the press what he blabbed.
He serves himself. He seems like a nice guy who's truly convinced that the halo floating above his head is real.
Trump needs a social media expert in the White House. Goodbye, Madison. Hello D.C.
Oh my heavens! Trump violated the Insufferable Prick Statute.
A high crime & misdemeanor for sure. File the impeachment papers, stat.
I'm interested for my own education. What lies? Not the over-hyped salesmanship bluster. Actual lies. The ones meant to mislead.
Comey just Tweeted, "Trump better hope that there are no 'tapes' of our conversations before he starts whining to the press!"
Just kidding. Comey would never do that. That's a copy of a Trump Tweet.
I sincerely hope Inga gets paid for her posts. Only money could make up for the embarrassment she endures.
D Begley - Corrupt democrats never end up in jail.
Chuck said: If Trump had defamed me personally, and if I had information that I could legally release in order to put Trump under the spotlight of a special counsel, I would do it in a New York minute.
Legally! the key word.
Of course, as we all know by now, there are two sets of rules. One, secret set, for Democrats and their minions, and the other by which the rest of us have to play.
Another reason that Trump was elected. People don't like being played by people with a loaded deck.
Hillary lost. Reality winners.
Admitting to being a leaker destroys his "I'm an honest man in Washington" shtick.
He wants everybody to think Comey is a liar.
No, he's reminding people that Comey does things to cover his ass. Writing memos and then leaking them, possibly committing a crime by doing so, to make sure he comes out looking good.
He's not a liar, he's a self-promoter. Self-promoters tell the truth when it won't hurt them and partial truths when it might. They issue carefully-drafted memos of their heroism, and then are forced to admit under questioning that they had other options to deal with the situation but were too cowardly to make that choice.
That's what Trump wants everybody to think about Comey, because Comey himself put that on full display.
Chuck--you have a point, but you left out the part about Comey also being an insufferable prick. Two pricks pricking each other, one of whom happens to be president of the United States.
Any thoughts on Dershowitz's analysis? The president has the pardon power, and the DOJ and the FBI are part of the Executive Branch. I think this is a political issue, not a legal issue.
Mueller better have a strong stomach, because the garbage to be thrown at him by both sides is going to be revolting.
His use of WOW feels fresh, like he just thought of it. For those of us who like his tweets it's this, the impression of spontaneity, that clinches it. Every other politician feels so massaged and managed. Sometimes we cringe over Trump's tweets, but sometimes we do get to cheer.
Trump was NEVER the target of an FBI CRIMINAL investigation. NEVER.
Yet Comey allowed the media to foment conspiracy impeachment talk for months because he refused to let the public know that critical fact while he allowed leaks detrimental to the President seep out non-stop.
I smell a rat.
Hey Chuck, I met Ronna McDaniel a couple of days ago and talked with her a bit. I'm wondering what you think of her?
We already knew you can't take what Trump says at face value.
Yesterday we were reminded nor can you from the Director of the FBI.
"Your make-believe world where Comey is a leaker and Trump is vindicated isn't fooling anyone"
Comey admitted he leaked.
Trump tweeted that Comey leaked.
Brookzene calls Trump a liar for tweeting that.
Then he says we live in a "make-believe world."
Leftists are not even attempting to make sense anymore. They're simply screaming at the top of their lungs like a brat in a grocery store who is mad because mommy won't buy him a candy bar.
FTR: the "tapes " DJT tweeted about better not being there are not his tapes. He knows if they are there or not. DJT clearly meant the contents of Comey's FBI office that was sealed and taken as evidence when the President's team executed the surprise firing of an out of town Comey. There better not be any tapes made of Trump and friends found there.
Amadeus 48 (more demonic than TRUMP) said...
Chuck--you have a point, but you left out the part about Comey also being an insufferable prick. Two pricks pricking each other, one of whom happens to be president of the United States.
Any thoughts on Dershowitz's analysis? The president has the pardon power, and the DOJ and the FBI are part of the Executive Branch. I think this is a political issue, not a legal issue.
I agree with Dershowitz. At least I think so. I obviously don't know what the special counsel investigators know.
Dershowitz wrote this:
"Comey’s testimony was devastating with regard to President Trump’s credibility – at least as Comey sees it. He was also critical of President Trump’s failure to observe the recent tradition of FBI independence from presidential influence. These are issues worth discussing but they have been distorted by the insistence of Democratic pundits that Trump must have committed a crime because they disagree with what he did politically.
"Director Comey’s testimony was thoughtful, coherent and balanced. He is obviously angry with President Trump, and his anger has influenced his assessment of the president and his actions. But even putting that aside, Comey has provided useful insights into the ongoing investigations."
And I agree with all of that. Of course, I was never someone who claimed that Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice. I am not so sure that I have ever accused Trump of a crime. Being an idiot and an asshole is not a crime.
I don't want to be that guy who says "this" because it adds nothing. But
This -------->
And I know that you are all too stupid to notice that we don't like trump. We just hate you more. You are hypocritical and ridiculous.
It doesn't matter what his approval ratings are when you are the alternative.
brylun said...
Hey Chuck, I met Ronna McDaniel a couple of days ago and talked with her a bit. I'm wondering what you think of her?
Middling. A nice person. I preferred her predecessor as Republican Chairman in Michigan, Bobby Schostak. And she is no Betsy DeVos. She isn't in Betsy DeVos' league.
Chuck said...
Another completely ridiculous Trump message.
He wants everybody to think Comey is a liar. Except for the part where Comey supposedly exculpates Trump. On that part, we are to understand that Comey is not a liar.
All this from Trump; one of the most shameless liars in American public life.
I've seen variations of this since yesterday. Since when does everything someone says have to be all true or all false. Isn't it accepted knowledge that the best lies are surrounded by truth?
That and statements against interest are generally considered more reliable.
Let see Trump who has racked up hundreds of false and misleading claims in the first hundred days accuses Comey of lies; I wonder whom I am going to believe. Yes Trump tried to stand down the Russian investigation along with the investigation of Flynn, which he has a right to do, and Yes Comey could have announced that Trump was not under investigation--yet. And yes Comey has a right to make personal notes that are not confidential public because he wanted an independent investigation. No Comey didn't lay a hand on Trump, more like a swipe at Trump's character and less than ethical behavior, but this will mean noting for the Trump core.
So far these are political issues, not legal, but only about %10 of the material has been explored, to quote Bob Woodard, and there is more to come before any judgements can be made.
Haven't read Scott Adams yet so hope this is original - when I hear term leaker I have to admit that at some primitive level I think of a man who no longer has complete control of his bladder. Maybe I'm the only one that does but, if not, this is again great use of a one word descriptor.
What's going to destroy Trump is Trump.
Not today or the rest of this week.
This is Comey's week for destroying himself. He's sucked up all the oxygen.
So, can we put it aside and start again Sunday?
We should take this on a weekly basis.
Take bets every Sunday that This a Will Be The Week Trump is destroyed.
Actually, I'm going out on a limb. I say Trump won't be destroyed next week, either!
My thoughts in no particular order
1) Trump is really good at framing issues. This Tweet is, for lack of a better word, persuasive.
2) Being the Director of the FBI seems to be a thankless task
3) What Trump did in asking the FBI to go easy on Flynn and asking directly for loyalty is troubling, but probably not a crime, let alone a high crime.
4) Trump is not really different. Obama asked the same sorts of things through Lynch. Lynch's request are troubling for the exact same reason as Trump's were.
5) My general interest in Government is electing people who want to, well, govern. Trump at least sorta trying to. Congress (both parties), not even trying.
So, Althouse tells us that this tweet is some sorta mega winning. So much winning that it makes DJT sick of winning.
Sure, go w/ that.
But, from a style POV, isn't using "WOW" totally whack for a POTUS, or any man, or any non-preteen girl?
I'm starting to imagine Queeg and strawberries with some of the posters here.
"lifelong republican" Chuch Whose Talking Points Always Somehow Align With The Dems: "Being an idiot and an asshole is not a crime."
You dodged a bullet there, didn't you?
Chuck wrote: "Trump has shown himself over the course of most of his life to be an insufferable prick."
Pot. This is Kettle.
roesch/voltaire, one of the Senators asked Comey whether Comey always wrote his memoranda in unclassified terms, and Comey answered directly: no. That was not his intent. He wrote what he thought and remembered, and he explicitly said that he did not write them in an unclassified manner. There was classified material there, as any FBI Director should assume pretty much any time he or she writes something down. And Comey seemed to be quite the writer-downer.
So: no. Comey leaked like a stinking leek.
Hey, remember that time that CNN and the NYT (among others) told us that Comey was going to tell the world that he never told Trump he wasn't under investigation (3 times)? You know, because he was?
Why, it seems like it was only yesterday.
It's almost like the Left likes getting kicked in their collective vagina.
I wonder if President Obama's decision to pardon Chelsea (Bradley) Manning, the convicted leaker of military secrets, was a signal to the Deep State to leak governments secrets profusely in order to undermine the new Trump Administration.
Obama's pardon of Manning sent a message that any official imprisoned for leaking during the Trump Administration would be pardoned by the next Democrat president.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Of course, I was never someone who claimed that Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice. I am not so sure that I have ever accused Trump of a crime."
For a supposed lawyer, that's an awfully interesting thing to be unsure about, particularly since this "lifelong republican" has lurched uncontrollably into near rapturous rhetorical joy at every swipe from the deep state-ers with what we now know have been lies all along. The fake dossiers saw you at your most gleeful.
Not to worry, the lefties will come up with brand new lies, smears and innuendo today that Chuck will bite at with gusto. He can't help himself.
LOL, the leftists keep trying to tell us Comey did not say what Comey said.
"I did so get a pony for Christmas! Just because you can't see him doesn't mean he's not there!"
r/v: "Yes Comey could have announced that Trump was not under investigation--yet. "
Welcome to Lavrentiy Beria world. Stalin smiles.
You could literally say that about anyone in this country who has not "yet" been indicted for.......something.
And that's one of many reasons why you got Trump.
Comey allowed the meme that Trump was under investigation to continue for months. Intentional. Willful. Talk about obstructing an administration attempting to do the job it was elected to do. But then Comey didn't want them to do the job they were elected to do.
Alas. But Hillary is still not POTUS and I am happy enough with that.
BTW, it seems as though Comey leaked because of a Trump tweet that was a couple of days after Comey leaked. Liar Comey.
Consider the following:
> Comey was directed by Loretta Lynch to sync his language with that of the Hillary campaign to which he ultimately followed. As we know, it was a total lie.
> Trump requested that he announce to the public that he was not personally under investigation. This was the total truth. Comey refused to do so. The "cloud" was allowed to grow bigger and darker with innuendo and flat out lies from the press.
> Upon being fired, Comey leaked the contents of private conversations with Trump to the press with the express intent of forcing a special prosecutor.
It is absolutely stunning that the director of the FBI could be so politically corrupt.
Is Comey running for office? Because he fits right in the Democratic party modus op. (extremely political in calculating the consequences of his actions while touting his independence from politics and his moral objectivity)
"Now President Trump will quit being Mr Nice Guy."
When has Trump ever been "Mr. Nice Guy?"
Trump is as Trump always was and will be...the Asshole Abides.
IgnatzEsq said...
My thoughts in no particular order
1) Trump is really good at framing issues. This Tweet is, for lack of a better word, persuasive.
2) Being the Director of the FBI seems to be a thankless task
3) What Trump did in asking the FBI to go easy on Flynn and asking directly for loyalty is troubling, but probably not a crime, let alone a high crime.
4) Trump is not really different. Obama asked the same sorts of things through Lynch. Lynch's request are troubling for the exact same reason as Trump's were.
5) My general interest in Government is electing people who want to, well, govern. Trump at least sorta trying to. Congress (both parties), not even trying.
Yes; I agree. This whole mess is -- your word -- "troubling." Largely through the singular fault of Trump, this has become riveting, dominating and overwhelming. And completely irrespective of whether Trump is ever charged with a crime, this will sidetrack Trump's legislative agenda badly.
It is no argument with me, any notion that "Trump/Comey isn't any worse than Obama/Lynch." I never voted for Obama. I never liked Obama, and I never had even the slightest admiration for either of his Attorneys General.
And lastly; it is richly ironic to suggest that Trump is all about doing the peoples' business and just wants to get legislative things done. Baloney. All that Trump does is to make promises about really great health care and more infrastructure jobs and yuuuge tax cuts, and preserving Social Security and Medicare, and then says that Congress needs to get it done, pronto.
Republicans in Congress are having to take on some of the toughest budgetary and policy issues, while Trump watches tv and plays with his phone and Twitter. Maybe that is for the best, given Trump's malignant ignorance about most of the hard policy calls. But it doesn't speak well of Trump in any event.
Of course, I was never someone who claimed that Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice. I am not so sure that I have ever accused Trump of a crime. Being an idiot and an asshole is not a crime.
Yes, true. Chuck has confined himself mainly to name-calling and ad hominem. Go easy, folks.
Bob Ellison: "roesch/voltaire, one of the Senators asked Comey whether Comey always wrote his memoranda in unclassified terms, and Comey answered directly: no."
Doesn't matter anyway as even "unclassified" work product during Comey's time as FBI Director cannot be used for personal purposes.
It's clear that Comey was attempting to pull (assuming it was true) a real J Edgar Hoover move by creating this memo (and we have no evidence that memo was created extemporaneously) and then, instead of submitting to the Justice Dept, popping it into his little desk drawer to be pulled and used on a "rainy day". A "get out of jail free" card to threaten Trump with, so to speak.
Or so he thought.
Not even a competent would-be blackmailer.
"BTW, it seems as though Comey leaked because of a Trump tweet that was a couple of days after Comey leaked. Liar Comey."
Debunked. Comey's "leak"came four days after Trump's tweet.
"Kasowitz accused Comey of being disingenuous about his motive for sharing a memo with the New York Times. Comey said he arranged to give the story to the paper after Trump tweeted about having “tapes” of their conversations. Kasowitz claimed the Times quoted from Comey’s “memos” before Trump’s tweet. In fact, the story about the Feb. 14 memo — the one Comey said he shared — appeared four days after the tweet."
I'd like to see just one example of this. Here's my own contribution: you're another bullshitter. Just sayin'
Example provided: Being an idiot and an asshole is not a crime.
To the commentor: Are you blind?
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "This whole mess is -- your word -- "troubling." Largely through the singular fault of Trump,.."
Yes, it's Trump's fault the obama admin and the dems have completely weaponized the federal government against conservative opponents, abused the FISA courts processes to conduct mass surveillance of US citizens, journalists and legislators, engaged in non-stop leaks (which have been found to be wrong) in violation of federal law (including "Saint Comey"), and have sought to create enough smoke and investigations to manufacture a "process" crime without any underlying crime in order to execute the removal of a sitting US President.
Vichy Chuck's assessment? Hey, the Trump guy says stuff I don't like.
I'm just enjoying the narrow spectrum of usual suspects that can't get that damn banana out of that jar.
Inga, Comey admitted to leaking before a Senate Committee, under oath.
Drago no one in my satellites is being investigated, which is a bit different in Trump's case as his closest advisor Flynn is under investigation and who knew what and when is yet to be determined, and so I added the yet. And given that everything we write on-line or speak into a phone, or walk into a public space has been recorded-- the yet hangs over all our heads.
BTW, is DJT gonna order an investigation re the accusation that Comey lied while under oath?
Or, maybe the lies and false statements that DJT says he was able to overcome we're his own, as identified by Comey.
I dunno.
What I learned from the hearings was that President Trump was right in firing Comey. I mean who wants a Obama - Lynch taint licking, cowardly lying political operative bag of vaginas as Director of the FBI? Comey doesn't have the balls to leak a government document to the press himself, he uses a Columbia law school prof. whose now in hiding, another coward. Some wonder why we hate lawyers.
Not to worry. Trump is already well on his way to a repeat win in MI in 2020 and, quite frankly, the republican's chances in MI are much better if "lifelong republican" Chuck continues to play for the other team.
The commentor at 8:52 deleted his comment. He must of realized his error.
Republicans in Congress are having to take on some of the toughest budgetary and policy issues....
It's about time those bums got to work. That's what they're elected for.
Let Trump issue more EOs.
I'm glad that Justice won't be able to pass out those slush funds anymore.
It's up to Congress to write a law that forbids them from doing that. Extra should be put to the debt, less a small overhead.
r/v: "And given that everything we write on-line or speak into a phone, or walk into a public space has been recorded-- the yet hangs over all our heads"
And's not supposed to be, according to the law.
Much more on that as we move forward into the re-authorization hearings for the Intelligence Agencies this summer and fall.
And that kind of information, which the dems have weaponized, and which Vichy Chuck heartily approves, will get the kind of scrutiny it richly deserves.
Chuck won't like that kind of scrutiny of course, as it will shine a spotlight on the criminal actions of the non-Trumpers. And Chuck hates when that happens. Sometimes Chuck gets so upset at democrats being exposed that he actually gets dressed and leaves the house!
How much is this nonsense costing the US Taxpayer.
Seeing Red: "How much is this nonsense costing the US Taxpayer."
The democrats have already exposed so many of our capabilities to our enemies in their rush to set up Trump that the cost can never be expressed in dollars alone.
It's clear that Comey was attempting to pull (assuming it was true) a real J Edgar Hoover move by creating this memo (and we have no evidence that memo was created extemporaneously) and then, instead of submitting to the Justice Dept, popping it into his little desk drawer to be pulled and used on a "rainy day". A "get out of jail free" card to threaten Trump with, so to speak.
Comey doesn't need a "get out of jail free" card. He's not accused of anything, and won't be. The same cannot be said of Manafort, Flynn and others in the Trump campaign.
And we DO have evidence that Comey's memoranda were drafted contemporaneously. The evidence is Comey's testimony under oath.
We do NOT have evidence to support Trump's alternative version of his conversations with Comey. Trump hasn't given his version under oath. But I must say, having read some of Trump's deposition testimony in civil matters, given under oath in cross-examination; I am REALLY looking forward to the possibility of Trump testifying about lots of stuff under oath.
By the way; I expect that however Comey prepared, filed, retained and ultimately leaked his memos, that it was done legally and by the book. We'll see, won't we?
I do note that yesterday, the most interesting legal issue for me was Marc Kasowitz's stated claim (taking no questions) that the Comey memos were "privileged" documents. He didn't say what the privilege was. And I cannot imagine what any privilege would have obtained. I think it was a reach, and bullshit, and in going to "privilege," it showed what little Kasowitz had in terms of legal ammunition.
Reality: Republicans in power, nationwide. Trump pursuing conservative appointments and policies.
Leftists: Approval ratings, eleventy!
Winner: Reality.
My take away points:
1. The FBI is not investigating Trump for any Russian "collusion". This was made-up nonsense by embittered Dems to explain why they lost a winnable election. There is an FBI counter-intelligence investigation of Russian influence in the election, but we have to accept their word for it, because they don't share the evidence leaving us to guess.
2. It was disgraceful for Comey not to announce (or leak) that Trump was not the subject of a criminal investigation. That's probably the main reason Trump fired him.
3. Comey is an honest guy. Except for one material thing. In my experience, you don't leak just one time. He probably leaked other aspects of this political saga to the NYTimes.
4. Leaking his CYA memo of his one-on-one dinner with Trump to prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor is a joke. No honorable FBI director would do that. It's just sour grapes of getting his ass fired. Don't think it's a crime though.
5. The main driver of the false narrative of the Russian-collusion story are govt' leakers, like Comey, who don't like Trump.
6. Trump did want the FBI to ease up on Flynn. It's unclear if there is a criminal investigation or counter-intelligence investigation that ensnared Flynn. But Trump's comments don't rise to the level of obstruction of justice.
"Yes, it's Trump's fault the obama admin and the dems have completely weaponized the federal government against conservative opponents, abused the FISA courts processes to conduct mass surveillance of US citizens, journalists and legislators...."
WTF?! You think government surveillance of everybody is a recent transgression, initiated under Obama's administration? Hahaha! Were you in a coma during Bush's administration when the NY Times finally published a story it had suppressed for a year (at the government's behest) regarding Bush's surveillance of Americans' electronic communications, surveillance he admitted? We can't begin to know when mass government spying of American citizens began, but Obama was not the progenitor. Obama is surely as guilty as his predecessors (and successor) of being a full-spectrum criminal, but he was simply carrying on presidential and deep state SOP.
"The commentor at 8:52 deleted his comment. He must of realized his error."
He must HAVE realized his error. FUCKING have!!!
Re: Comey as "leaker."
Does nobody remember Trump's own sociopathic leaking to the press?
There's the "John Miller" recording:
And the innumerable other instances in which Trump was feeding off-the-record stories to tabloids, New York City newspapers and others to advance his personal brand.
Dear fellow Trump supporters: We need Chuck. He is valuable to have around because he is an almost perfect model of the eGOP in American politics.
They are very hurt that their mutual self-fulfilling dick-dance with the Dems/MSM has been interrupted. We’ve given them the House AND the Senate and they still can’t do shit with the power given to them by the voters. Trump’s presidency is revealing this sad fact and it is painful to the max to the eGOP.
The eGOP would rather undercut the POTUS elected by their constituents than actually accomplish anything legislatively. Their weak questioning at the hearing was pathetic and hard to watch but at least we know where they stand: Firmly with their Democrat/MSM allies.
Robert Cook: "Were you in a coma during Bush's administration when the NY Times finally published a story it had suppressed for a year (at the government's behest) regarding Bush's surveillance of Americans' electronic communications, surveillance he admitted?"
Easy Comrade, easy. Everyone knows the timeline for the capabilities authorizations and that it was all done originally under W.
However, the deluge of unmasking and leaks did not occur under W, that was left to those brave defenders of our civil liberties, the dems, to weaponize and use the information politically.
I'm sorry if that upsets your delicate Stalinist sensibilities. You'll simply have to get over it and move forward.
"What was new was a direct political attack on a sitting U.S. President by a former FBI director.
That is new, and alarming."
I am more worried that Comey was essentially attacking his boss, Trump, when he was still in office, with the leak of the memo written, apparently, just to be leaked. I am constantly amazed at Trump's instincts. The intentional, premeditated, leak by Comey is prima facie evidence that he was a part of the Deep State, more interested in his own power and security, than in serving the lawfully elected President, and was willing to harm said President, should that be expedient. When Trump asked where Comey's loyalties lay, Comey should have responded, to himself, if he had been the honest guy he is so routinely portrayed by the MSM to be. Surely not to the country, that elected Trump, and certainly not to the Constitution, under which Trump was elected.
I have no problem with the leaking that discloses illegal actions by govt employees or officials. But, of course, no evidence of anything illegal has ever really been documented about Trump and his people here. Rather, the Flynn investigation was a counter-intelligence operation, and never was criminal in nature. Etc. The leaking going on has had one primary purpose, and that was to harm and delegitimize the Trump Administration. I don't have problems with the NYT, WaPo, ESPN, etc going after President Trump. Free Speech, etc. BUT not govt employees using their govt funded work time and govt funded resources to do so. They work for us, not the other way around, and do not have the moral right to use our resources (including their time paid for by us) to try to thwart our elected will. That is the Deep State, and why they are, in the final analysis, evil. And, by leaking that memo, and admitting such, Comey has admitted that he is a member of such, willing to put his own personal feelings, beliefs, and welfare above the will of the people from whom he derived his power.
grackle: "Dear fellow Trump supporters: We need Chuck. He is valuable to have around because he is an almost perfect model of the eGOP in American politics."
Not really.
He doesn't make the cut for eGOP. He's reduced to Inga-level regurgitation of whatever the Dem/left crazies line of the day happens to be.
He must HAVE realized his error. FUCKING have!!!
Be advised. The grammar police are patrolling the comments.
grackle: "Be advised. The grammar police are patrolling the comments."
With baseball bats, just like the Peoples Democratic Republic Of Evergreen College.
@ Chuck, so called fopdoodle
You just wrote that Comey provided evidence that Comey's writings were contemporaneous. Do you understand why that is not evidence?
When you've lost Chris Matthews...
"The assumption of the critics of the president, of his pursuers, you might say, is that somewhere along the line in the last year is the president had something to do with colluding with the Russians … to affect the election in some way," Matthews said on MSNBC, following the testimony.
"And yet what came apart this morning was that theory," Matthews said, listing two reasons why. First, he said Comey revealed that "Flynn wasn't central to the Russian investigation," and secondly, he said that kills the idea that Flynn might have been in a position to testify against Trump.
"And if that's not the case, where's the there-there?" Matthews said."
"Does nobody remember Trump's own sociopathic leaking to the press?"
You are aware of the distinction between a celebrity leaking tabloid stories and government officials (DOJ/FBI/NSA) employees leaking classified info to attempt to take down a President who beat them fairly and squarely, right?
Although the corruption of our government officials is rampant and important, I feel that all this attention on it will produce no improvement. First, because if you read and watch the news from various outlets there are simply too completely opposite and competing views of every set of facts and every event. Very little movement happens regardless of what they show. The sides could and would argue about the color of the sky. Second, this reality TV theater is just too damned popular. The conflict and drama seem to have intoxicated our people, at least those in the chattering class and those addicted to them. Meanwhile, the rest of the world is still happening, the country's finances and resources are still withering, our enemies are still plotting and planning, and opportunities are passing us by. The American family has turned into a crappy reality show: The Wives of Bitchville, and all that matters is that we don't miss an episode, no matter what chores need done. Who's turn is it to check the mailbox for our assistance check, and grab me a beer and some chips when you do?
I can't be the first to make the association between "leaker" and "bed-wetter," can I?
Drago said...
grackle: "Dear fellow Trump supporters: We need Chuck. He is valuable to have around because he is an almost perfect model of the eGOP in American politics."
Not really.
He doesn't make the cut for eGOP. He's reduced to Inga-level regurgitation of whatever the Dem/left crazies line of the day happens to be.
No; the Dem/left crazies are arguing that Comey somehow proved that Trump is guilty of Obstruction of Justice. (Even Comey never said that, but I am not going to be any sort of spokesman for the Dem/left crazies.)
I make no such argument. It is typical of you, however, to ascribe to me something that I never wrote and never intended. That's just you.
My only argument is that Trump is making repeated unforced errors, due in large part to his own profoundly flawed personality and psyche. They may not be criminal errors; they are counterproductive errors.
... an unabashed, personal, direct political attack on a sitting U.S. President ...
And I think there is something more about Flynn that we have not been told. Perhaps something personal rather than official misconduct. I do not think that just minimizing the extent of his conversations with Kislyak accounts for the violence of the reaction to this being divulged.
To what end? To the purposes of the GOPe, sure. Indeed. To the Deep State? Of course. To the two party system that makes 8 of the 10 richest counties in America D.C. suburbs? Agreed.
Fopdoodles hardest hit.
Vichy Chuck's assessment? Hey, the Trump guy says stuff I don't like.
Maybe, just maybe, that "stuff" Trump said to those Ruskies in the Oval Office in front of Russia media should not have been said. I know, not classified because President.
Bay Area Guy said...
"Does nobody remember Trump's own sociopathic leaking to the press?"
You are aware of the distinction between a celebrity leaking tabloid stories and government officials (DOJ/FBI/NSA) employees leaking classified info to attempt to take down a President who beat them fairly and squarely, right?
Are you aware, of the difference between "classified info," and the memo(s) drafted by Comey as specifically unclassified documents? Comey so testified, yesterday. He drafted "unclassified" summaries.
Don't try to pin a defense of all leaks on me. I never attempted such a defense. I generally favor the prosecution of all illegal leaks. And unlike somebody you know, I never ever said, "I LOVE WIKILEAKS!" while campaigning for the presidency.
He doesn't make the cut for eGOP.
Me, I see very little difference, especially in their attitude towards their party’s duly elected POTUS. He’s consistently schizoid, claiming to support while undercutting when he thinks he can, just like the eGOP. But your comments are always cogent, so I defer. Feel free to point the differences out as you see them.
Re: David Begley @6/9/17, 7:56 AM
"Clint @7:32
There is zero here. Just drama and distraction. Nothing of substance.
What were the Russian active measures? What did they accomplish?"
Actually, I think the Russians really did "interfere" -- but not to get Trump elected. I think Putin's goal was to stir up chaos in the U.S. government. A distracted U.S. leaves Russia free to continue to expand its influence and control over the Middle East.
One specific active measure: the ludicrous dossier about hookers urinating in a hotel room.
That seems to have come from "sources" in Moscow, and it seems pretty clearly a "chaos" measure rather than a "get Trump elected" measure.
So, yeah. I think Putin is extremely happy with the success of Russia's "interference" in our election.
"Easy Comrade, easy. Everyone knows the timeline for the capabilities authorizations and that it was all done originally under W.
However, the deluge of unmasking and leaks did not occur under W, that was left to those brave defenders of our civil liberties, the dems, to weaponize and use the information politically.
I'm sorry if that upsets your delicate Stalinist sensibilities. You'll simply have to get over it and move forward."
Cook is doing what the left inevitably does - engaging in false equivalencies. The issue under GW Bush was the tracking and recording of telephone calls that were related to actual terrorists, and how FISA, designed and enacted during the 1970s era of wired telephones was obsolete when dealing with burner cell phones. A number of things changed under Obama. One was a dramatic increase in our capabilities. For example, a massive data center was built in UT for handling NSA surveillance data. Which is what was needed to put together email segments for email that wasn't sourced from or sunk in an email system that the Feds could access directly. Also, FISA minimization was effectively gutted by the Lynch DoJ, and this was (deliberately) hidden from the FISC and Congress. And, the absurdity of Cook's claim can be seen in the reality that neither Bush's NSA nor his UN Ambassador, would ever expect to have been given the ability to request the unmasking of the identities of US Persons in FISA authorized intercepts, or, indeed to ever have seen the results with the unmasked identities.
"Be advised. The grammar police are patrolling the comments."
I just hate it when people make themselves look like illiterates. Just trying to help you keep from doing so, dude.
And I think there is something more about Flynn that we have not been told.
Flynn cannot be trusted. He lied to the VP about something very important and had to be fired, so I would not be surprised if you are correct. But Trump is a softy and felt sorry for him.
"However, the deluge of unmasking and leaks did not occur under W...."
Right, W and his predecessors were able to keep their secret violations of the law and of the Constitution under tighter wraps! That's a good thing, right?
Talk about Stalinist sensibilities!
Chuck says:
Are you aware, of the difference between "classified info," and the memo(s) drafted by Comey as specifically unclassified documents? Comey so testified, yesterday. He drafted "unclassified" summaries.
Perhaps Chuck should review this article by Jonathan Turely who seems to think that this is a BIG deal
Turley The problem is that Comey’s description of his use of an FBI computer to create memoranda to file suggests that these are arguably government documents. Comey admitted that he thought he raised the issue with his staff and recognized that they might be needed by the Department or Congress. They read like a type of field 302 form, which are core investigatory documents.
The admission of leaking the memos is problematic given the overall controversy involving leakers undermining the Administration. Indeed, it creates a curious scene of a former director leaking material against the President after the President repeatedly asked him to crack down on leakers.
Besides being subject to Nondisclosure Agreements, Comey falls under federal laws governing the disclosure of classified and nonclassified information. Assuming that the memos were not classified (though it seems odd that it would not be classified even on the confidential level), there is 18 U.S.C. § 641 which makes it a crime to steal, sell, or convey “any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof.”................
Unclassified documents are also Government property.
I suggest you read the whole thing.
Turley has a rather stellar reputation and sucessfully has argued cases before the Supreme Court. Hmmmmm...who to believe? Chuck or Turley. I'm going with Turley.
"And I know that you are all too stupid to notice that we don't like trump. We just hate you more. You are hypocritical and ridiculous.
It doesn't matter what his approval ratings are when you are the alternative."
Always remember that Trump was not our presidential candidate. He was our murder weapon.
Comey said yesterday that he did not prepare those memoranda in an "unclassified" manner. He said that. I can't find the video. It was in response to a question. A Senator asked whether Comey had prepared all such memos in unclassified style, and Comey said no.
In an FBI limo, in the back seat, on a laptop, driving away from the White House.
Agree. Trump's agenda on substance has largely been disrailed. Civil war between Blue and Red. But Mueller says he will wrap up in three months. We will see. But since only Susan Rice gets jailed, the Dems and MSM will be completely discredited.
Dust Bunny Queen:
Don't mistake me for a big fan of Jim Comey. I thought that the Martha Stewart and Scooter Libby prosecutions were gross miscarriages of justice.
But if, as is suggested, that Comey's memos can be proven to have been quasi-302 "reports," it will simultaneously prove that they were contemporaneously drafted, answering another Trumpian criticism earlier up in these comments.
I'm not concerned about Jim Comey being hurt. I find it kind of thrilling, the prospect that Donald Trump might get hurt.
Chuck said...
Not because I want to hurt a President of the United States, but rather because Trump has shown himself over the course of most of his life to be an insufferable prick.
6/9/17, 8:10 AM
Yep. Absolutely. Still better/preferable to Hillary.
Worst pick for President EVER except for the alternative.
"I have no problem with the leaking that discloses illegal actions by govt employees or officials."
Its called whistle blowing and retaliation against whistle blowers is covered by law. Although, I don't think you have any right to leak classified info, no matter what.
"Cook is doing what the left inevitably does - engaging in false equivalencies. The issue under GW Bush was the tracking and recording of telephone calls that were related to actual terrorists, and how FISA, designed and enacted during the 1970s era of wired telephones was obsolete when dealing with burner cell phones. A number of things changed under Obama. One was a dramatic increase in our capabilities."
Ummm...your attempt to paint Bush's actions as legal won't wash. His surveillance was illegal.
Yes, by the time Obama became President, our technical abilities had increased, as has tech capabilities in all areas. This does not mean the illegal surveillance originated with Obama, only that the ongoing violation of our privacy rights was becoming more invasive as the tech became more capable. The change was a matter of degree and of of what was possible, not of kind. Such thinking bespeaks the fantasies of those who wish to see Bush as somehow relatively "pure" and Obama as distinctly different and worse. Obama was Bush 2, simply carrying on the work of his predecessor.
I find Comey so absurd. He only wants a special counsel AFTER he was fired. He leaks stuff to manipulate the Deputy AG, and doesn't have the guts to made his own memos public.
He supposedly is all hot and bothered about being alone with Trump - but goes anyway.
He supposedly thinks unethically asks him stop the Flynn investigation, but says nothing - to Trump. Instead, he writes and memo and talks to his friends.
I guess the whole thing about him trying to hide in the drapes, and not shake Trump hand was correct.
It would be so difficult to write memoranda in a few days and fake them as things written weeks or months ago. Sooooooooo difficult.
"'And I know that you are all too stupid to notice that we don't like trump. We just hate you more. You are hypocritical and ridiculous.
It doesn't matter what his approval ratings are when you are the alternative.'
"Always remember that Trump was not our presidential candidate. He was our murder weapon."
Sounds like a wish for collective suicide.
The only ethical (and sane) action to take when faced with the choice of Trump or Clinton was to vote for a third party candidate.
I just hate it when people make themselves look like illiterates. Just trying to help you keep from doing so, dude.
Thanks, and I am concerned your grammar patrol makes you look as pedantic and as fastidious as my old maid aunt. Next you’ll be asking us to watch our hemlines. But please, continue as you will, the readers need examples.
"I find Comey so absurd. He only wants a special counsel AFTER he was fired."
The firing and the timeline are significant evidence.
How in the world can it be legal to give FBI memos about privileged conversations with the POTUS about on-going investigations to "a friend" while not providing them to congress?
Of course, that brings up the question. Why didn't Comey provide these memos and voice his concern to the Deputy AG? He was the guy who decided to appoint a special prosecutor, and he was Comey's boss.
From the Comey prepared statement, introduced as part of his testimony yesterday:
"I immediately prepared an unclassified memo of the conversation about Flynn and discussed the matter with FBI senior leadership."
That was after the February 14 dinner in the Green Room at the White House, which I think was the one and only memo given (in substance) by Comey to the Columbia lawprof. Not sure if Comey claims/admits to giving up any other memos as leaks.
I don't think that there is any real evidence that the Comey memos were not contemporaneously written. I am bothered that he would write such, but not have done so, after AG Lynch had pressured him about changing Crooked Hillary investigations into "matters" (which is, apparently, a nonsensical term with the FBI). And even more so that he would then leak it/them.
It would be so difficult to write memoranda in a few days and fake them as things written weeks or months ago. Sooooooooo difficult.
Keying a bunch of lies into a laptop is difficult? It’s done all the time. Or, are you being sarcastic?
rcocean said...
How in the world can it be legal to give FBI memos about privileged conversations with the POTUS about on-going investigations to "a friend" while not providing them to congress?
What is the privilege? Be specific.
I think Comey is very willingly giving every relevant document he has to Congress, as they may request.
BTW, we're all taking Comey's word about what Trump did and said. But Trump's lawyer says Comey isn't telling the truth.
Its basically he said/he said.
Further, as someone who's typed a lot of records of discussions. I've never been able to quote people's ACTUAL WORDS accurately after a long conversation. You can get the gist of what they say, but when it comes to paraphrasing or summarizing its almost impossible. People aren't tape recorders. And in any case, what people say and what you hear are often 2 different things.
I don't think that there is any real evidence that the Comey memos were not contemporaneously written.
Bruce, respectfully, is there any evidence they were? I mean other than a liar’s testimony?
"He's been very willing"?
Huh? The Senators still don't have the memos he gave his "friend".
FBI-POTUS conversations are covered by executive privilege.
Comey's FBI work product are not his personal property to give to friends at will.
The electronic versions of the memos will show when they were created.
"I immediately prepared an unclassified memo of the conversation about Flynn and discussed the matter with FBI senior leadership."
Translation: I created false memos after I was fired and my cronies left in the FBI will back me up that I didn’t invent the memos(if they know what’s good for them).
The electronic versions of the memos will show when they were created.
Easy to fake – just key new material into some old memos.
"I created false memos after I was fired and my cronies left in the FBI will back me up that I didn’t invent the memos(if they know what’s good for them)."
Right. This is some believable scenario, especially having seen the testimony. Find a dog that will hunt.
rcocean said...
FBI-POTUS conversations are covered by executive privilege.
Oh is that going to be the claim? "Executive privilege"?
Trump didn't claim it to bar Comey from testifying, even when it was known how Comey would testify.
I don't buy it at all. If a Trump lawyer wants to make that case now, after Comey has testified, he will be a national laughingstock. Trump's whole claim now is that the conversation with Comey was casual and informal, and wasn't any official communication (the "communication" part of executive privilege) and it wasn't any formal investigative request/direction (the "deliberative" part of executive privilege). So let's just see if Trump reverses himself on any of that.
Maybe it was the "covfefe" part of executive privilege.
Blogger 3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
BTW, is DJT gonna order an investigation re the accusation that Comey lied while under oath?
I've seen this a few times this morning.
Where did Trump accuse Comey of lying? Through his lawyer?
So grackle's going full-out on the Alex Jones conspiracy theory of yesterday's testimony. Let us turn our attention then elsewhere...
"BTW, is DJT gonna order an investigation re the accusation that Comey lied while under oath?"
Lordy that would be great. Let's get our president's side of the story - under oath.
On the plus side for Trump, it turns out the document leaked by Reality Winner fails to prove the Russians hacked the election, but shows that such claims are mere speculation.
Questions Comey wasn't asked, but should be.
And Comey IS a leaker.
Yes, let's turn our attention to finding that pony. Keep digging.
Trump uses his tweets like children use Teddy bears.
When they are stressed and lonely, they hug their bears, and they talk to it.
Bottom line, neither care what the mammary replacement says back to them.
eric said...
Where did Trump accuse Comey of lying? Through his lawyer?
I count three ways/occasions on which Trump has accused Comey of lying, plus one indirect way:
1. Explicitly, through the lawyer Marc Kasowitz, in a statement yesterday.
2. More or less explicitly, in a Tweet. (Comey had better hope that there aren't tapes...)
3. Implicitly, in a press conference, denying the essential and central fact of the news report of what Comey had leaked.
The fourth and indirect way Trump is acting on this is through his surrogates like Sean Hannity, the White House communications team (however it is that those two are not part of the same unit), et cetera, claiming loudly that Jim Comey is a liar.
Speaking of ponies, Comey was elected president-for-life of the international order of Bronies yesterday.
So, the "spies" were not interested in "influencing" the American election. Perhaps they were looking for information to determine when the next Libya, Syria, Ukraine, etc. would drop. I imagine a lot of governments were anxious in the wake of elective regime changes. Keep your enemies close and your friends closer.
I think the correct use of the metaphor is "didn't lay a glove on him", because it's boxing. But, yeah, the nothing burger just has more nothing between the buns, and now folks have to start worrying about Payback Time!
Etienne: "Trump uses his tweets like children use Teddy bears."
Uh huh.
Not unless those are political ninja "cuttin'" communication teddy bears.
Those should come with a warning btw.
Here is an interesting take:
Inga posted earlier from the partisan fact checkers that Trump's lawyer was wrong.
But this is pretty clear. How did the NYT get this information if not from Comey or his friend?
Seems like Comey is using Trump's tweet as a manufactured excuse after the fact. He decided to leak, or use friends to leak, before Trump's tweet.
Curmudgeon: "But, yeah, the nothing burger just has more nothing between the buns, and now folks have to start worrying about Payback Time!"
This was such a nothingburger that "lifelong republican" and Noted Dem Defender Chuck was reduced to bringing up Trump's media interactions from the 1980's as if it was relevant!
@ Chuck, so called fopdoodle
"... More or less explicitly..."
This phrase is illogical. What are you trying to write?
Thanks for the links Robert Cook. It raises quite a few questions re the Russian hack theory.
Did not Comey claim he leaked the memo as a result of a Trump tweet? A tweet that was made several days after the leak? I might be wrong about this but if not how is Comey not lying?
"Oh is that going to be the claim? "Executive privilege"?"
Yes - that is part of what made leaking it illegal. Of course, Executive Privilege was waived for the Senate hearing yesterday. But, only one person can legally waive Executive Privilege, and that is the President (though that can be delegated). And that was for yesterday, and not for the time when it was leaked, at which time, it was presumably not waived.
And, yes, there can be, and often is, implied consent to waive. When the President tells a large group of people something, or, maybe tells someone what to tell their underlings. But this was just the opposite - it had the indicia of Presidential intent of confidentiality/secrecy by the President having everyone else leave the room. Or, meeting with only the Navy stewards present. In the one case, Trump even had his son-in-law leave the room. Think about that for a minute - the President shows intent that the conversation between himself and one of his employees be confidential or secret from even his closest advisors, and that employee then goes and leaks that conversation to the MSM. From my point of view, that alone was cause for firing Comey, who showed himself willing to violate the President's desire and implied request for confidentiality and secrecy for personal gain.
Birkel: "This phrase is illogical. What are you trying to write?"
Anything that helps the Dems. ANYTHING.
President-Mom-Jeans said...
Vichy Chuck " I find it kind of thrilling, the prospect that Donald Trump might get hurt." No as thrilling as fantasizing about roughing up female television personalities though, right Chucky boy?
You stupid hateful moronic douchebag. People here are bored by this story. But I am going to ram this down your useless throat anyway.
I never "fantasized" about roughing up anybody. Back when she was working for Fox, Greta van Susteren went out of her way to claim that the level of touching claimed by reporter Michelle Fields when she was grabbed by Corey Lewandowski (who promptly lied about it and said he had never met Michelle) could not support an assault charge.
My response to that was that I would like to grab Greta in precisely the same way, under exactly similar circumstances, to see how she liked it. Most importantly, on video. And I knew that I could be insulated from any assault charge by Greta's own declaration.
My statement was aimed at Greta's judgment.
And thereafter, several of the other pro-Trump moron douchebags have tried to twist that into me making "threatening comments." Always in an oblique way, without context, so as to try to make me look bad/dangerous/foolish. And so I never let it go unanswered. Not with douchebags like you, "President-Mom-Jeans."
And I want to remind you, because you are surely too stupid and too lazy to have followed it or checked on it, that I have since retracted any desire or intent to ever grab Greta van Susteren. Because now that she is whori- er, working for MSNBC, she has changed her tune about assaults at political gatherings. Following the dictates of her new employer, Greta observed a video recording of a black female protester at a Trump rally, who had been disrupting the Trump speech (as opposed to asking a good question of the candidate as a press conference concluded), and as the protester was being hustled out of the rally (and not pushed or pulled to the ground), Greta declared that it was clearly an assault and battery.
So much for Greta's legal consistency. Gone. Like my never-expressed "threat."
So there, "President-Mom-Jeans." Have a nice fucking day, okay, sport?
"But this was just the opposite - it had the indicia of Presidential intent of confidentiality/secrecy by the President having everyone else leave the room."
I'm sure Bubba re Monica woulda appreciated your POV.
I'm having a great day, lifelong Republican Chuck.
The pussy hate brigade and Moby retards like you once again ended up on your ass after the media convinced you yet again that Lucy was going to let you kick the football this time.
Ranting about "ramming things down throats", are we Chuck? I see that you continue to have such violent sexual fantasies, but that now you have moved your target from female television personalities to males. Not that there is anything wrong with AC/DC's, as the musician Beck would say.
I think maybe some more of your rage today is that your fellow Vichy Republican McCain seems about ready to stroke out at any moment. Who knows what violent sexual fantasies you will unleash when the Governor of Arizona appoints an actual real Republican, instead of a "lifelong" one.
"BTW, is DJT gonna order an investigation re the accusation that Comey lied while under oath?"
Of course not. That he could, doesn't mean that he should. That is what is called Prosecutorial Discretion, which is owned by the President, as the Constitutional head of the Executive Branch, is delegated by him to the AG, through him to his USAs, and through them to their AUSAs. This is part of why retired Harvard Con Law prof Alan Dershowitz wrote yesterday that Comey confirms that I'm right - and all the Democratic commentators are wrong And History, precedent and James Comey's opening statement show that Trump did not obstruct justice.
Blogger Achilles said...
And I know that you are all too stupid to notice that we don't like trump. We just hate you more. You are hypocritical and ridiculous.
It doesn't matter what his approval ratings are when you are the alternative.
I hope this is enough for 2018 and 2020. Who knows. Incredible times.
Very funny that he says he shares trumps anger at leaks and is himself the leaker. Also does anyone buy the argument t that he leaked to start an Independent investigation. That doesn't appear to be very legal.couldnt he have relayed his issues to various authorities. Having a friend leak stuff to the Times doesn't really sound like an especially legal way to go about achieving result
"It doesn't matter what his approval ratings are when you are the alternative."
Yes, a thousand times 'yes'. I realize that for most NeverTrumpers the above is too nuanced for them to understand but you gotta wonder what goes through the mind of the few who do understand and what that sentiment means for the future.
Something I've not seen explained is why the Russians would collude with Trump. It's nonsensical on so many levels. The biggest is that Trump loves fracking and fracking is killing the Russian economy.
On the other hand there are lots of reasons why the Russians would prefer Hillary. First and biggest is that she'd try to shutdown the frackers and push big time for 'alternative' energy sources.... we've seen how well that's worked out in Europe. Other reasons include a mind-boggling level of incompetence and corruption.
Only the delusional think that Putin preferred Trump over Hillary. What interference, if any, was to cause chaos which has succeeded masterfully.
Chuck said:
My response to that was that I would like to grab Greta in precisely the same way, under exactly similar circumstances, to see how she liked it. Most importantly, on video. And I knew that I could be insulated from any assault charge by Greta's own declaration.
My statement was aimed at Greta's judgment.
And thereafter, several of the other pro-Trump moron douchebags have tried to twist that into me making "threatening comments." Always in an oblique way, without context, so as to try to make me look bad/dangerous/foolish. And so I never let it go unanswered. Not with douchebags like you, "President-Mom-Jeans."
Finding your threat to harm Greta cowardly and disgusting does not make one a "pro-Trump moron douchebag". You could easily have presented the analogy without saying that you personally would like to grab her arm. Instead, you relished the fantasy of being with Greta and giving her what you perceived as the exact same treatment suffered by the fragile Michelle Fields as she attempted to interfere with a presidential candidates exit. Months later, you apologized, after gentle prodding and teasing from some of the commenters here.
Now, I would be hesitant to say you still fantasize about Greta, but you never miss an opportunity to work "whore" , or form of it into the conversation.
What an enlightening and enjoyable thread. I really enjoyed Drago and others smacking Chuck the Cuck around. And Robert Cook, even though you're a damn commie, I agree with you about using "of" instead "have". It may be grammar policing, but anyone who doesn't know that would've, should've or could've is a contraction between the word ( would, could) and "HAVE" is a fucking moron who deserves to be mocked mercilessly.
"I find it kind of thrilling, the prospect that Donald Trump might get hurt."
Be sure to use lotion and give yourself a break from time to time.
"Yes, I was on Judiciary Cmte that impeached Clinton/sent him for trial in the Senate for matters less serious than the ones before us now."
- Bob Inglis
FullMoon said...
Finding your threat to harm Greta cowardly and disgusting does not make one a "pro-Trump moron douchebag". You could easily have presented the analogy without saying that you personally would like to grab her arm. Instead, you relished the fantasy of being with Greta and giving her what you perceived as the exact same treatment suffered by the fragile Michelle Fields as she attempted to interfere with a presidential candidates exit. Months later, you apologized, after gentle prodding and teasing from some of the commenters here.
Now, I would be hesitant to say you still fantasize about Greta, but you never miss an opportunity to work "whore" , or form of it into the conversation.
I never apologized. I had nothing to apologize for. And you, perhaps more than anybody, have gotten repeated bitch-slappings for your other misquotes, mischaracterizations, and misrepresentations of things you say that I wrote. Like this time.
Get to work, chief. Find a quote from me where I "apologized." And be quick about it.
I don't expect, and I don't get, any "gentle treatment" from the ever-descending Althouse commentariat. I have zero expectations from, or for, you in particular. You have tried to make this business with Greta van Susteren a repeated theme from your end and it always ends the same way, with my turning you into a digital punching bag.
… a fucking moron who deserves to be mocked mercilessly.
More ad hominem. What would they post if they didn’t have ad hominem? Nothing.
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