"We're told he panicked and screamed, 'Mommy, Mommy!' As it was put to us, 'He's 11. He doesn't know who Kathy Griffin is and the head she was holding resembled his dad.'"
Reports TMZ.
Do I need to look to see if any Trump antagonists have succumbed to the opportunity to attack Barron?
१२६ टिप्पण्या:
"Do I need to look to see if any Trump antagonists have succumbed to the opportunity to attack Barron?"
Ah...the inner voice gets out.
Of course the Altself's answer was: YES, I neeeed to!
Chuck did. He may have been drunk at the time, though.
You don't have to look because you know the answer without looking. Just for starters, SNL writer Katie Rich went after the kid, calling him a school shooter. She apologized of course ... four days later. Very sincere.
Rhetorical advantage is hard to gain when even your supporters laugh at the attempt.
Right, it's aimed at women, but still.
Gregg Easterbrook did.
Kathy Griffith snagged a hidden leftist free speech tripwire. They're so hard to predict.
Even then the outrage seems to be on the women-appealing left, namely the networks, and the offense-taking right, which I guess is women too.
Easterbrook on Twitter: "it was offensive & tasteless. But now that Trump has put his own boy into play let's not hear "my child should be an off limits subject"
It's cultural appropriation of John the Baptist.
For the record, I'll just state that I don't trust anonymous Trump family sources any more than I trust anonymous White House sources.
Let me know when someone is willing to stand behind their quote, with their reputation on the line. Then I can use their reputation to judge the veracity of the quote.
I went to look but got distracted by "covfefe." (See next post.)
Now is not the time to lose our heads.
Whether you're inclined to believe these sources more or less than the various NYT and WaPo sources for all the tales regarding Trump depends on your innate biases I guess. But either way, it's a given that Kathy Griffin is a complete and utter fool who has probably done far more to help Trump than to hurt him with this nonsense.
"SNL writer Katie Rich went after the kid, calling him a school shooter"
And a Republican GOP staffer lost her job just because she tweeted out something criticizing Malia's demeanor.
I blame the gutless Republicans for that one more than the Dems. Liberals are like sharks who will go after any chum you throw to them. The GOP pussies are all too willing to feed them.
Easterbrook again: "I think Barron should be a hands-off subject. But Trump should know better than to open this door."
Easterbrook's a contributing editor for TheAtlantic.com.
He's spent the rest of the morning tweeting he never wrote anything about Barron.
So - Easterbrook has announced his intention to go after the President's young son.
'Cause that's speaking Truth to Power.
The first home school shooter was funny. The Kathy Griffith thing was not. It was just counting on anti-Trump cheerers for cheering. No zinger twist to it.
Bloody Trump hairpiece would have been amusing.
Do I need to look to see if any Trump antagonists have succumbed to the opportunity to attack Barron?
Sadly, no.
It's hard to think of anything to say about young Chelsea what wasn't just mean, so you don't do it.
If it's something funny, an adult can explain the joke to her if needed.
Children are not off limit. Unfunny is off limits.
This will not end well. The left are piling on and eventually it will bring a reaction. The first reaction will probably be crazies like the guy in Portland. That will not be the end of it.
Real comedy would be Senator Elizabeth Warren holding Trump's bloody toupe.
Not funny. Sick. This is how you get more Trump.
With a tomahawk in her other hand! Heap big Ha-Ha!
it's a given that Kathy Griffin is a complete and utter fool who has probably done far more to help Trump than to hurt him with this nonsense.
As the Good Professor said in an earlier thread, it associates Trump hatred with violence. And ISIS. If you are against Trump you must be pro ISIS. It's not logical, but as Scott Adams would say, it doesn't have to be.
Guess Griffin is the anti-master persuader.
I don't believe TMZ here any more than I believe the host of other so-called sources.
By the way, FNC seems to be running this story about every fifteen minutes or less and is not shy about showing that picture. So, who do you think gets the most advantage out of the situation? I think Griffin apologized because somebody told her how bad this makes the anti-Trumpers look to normal people. Eventually CNN and MSNBC will denounce it as well. There will be some blather about "bad judgement" and "failed humor." Eventually they will get around to attacking FNC for showing the picture so often.
I suspect that most "Resistance!" types don't know many Trump voters, or they have dropped them socially if they do. I suspect that most Trump voters are keeping score and will be ready with payback at a time of their choosing.
The most valid criticism of both Obama and Trump is that they have failed to bring the American people together. Trump has never made that a goal. His approach has been, we'll make America great again, and everybody will love it. That might or might not work over time, but so far he has his hands full dealing with the "Resistance!". The Resistance! grew directly out of Obama's approach, which was to drive wedges among Americans by embracing identity politics, coddling, protecting and giving advantages to some groups deemed to have been oppressed and ignoring or insulting others. He weaponized the federal government and used it to attack his opponents.
So here we are, in a place where people who think they are good-hearted feel free to adopt the images of barbarians (who knew Kathy Griffin was still alive and part of ISIS?) and attack and mock a ten year old boy who was frightened by a savage and obscene image of his
father seen in passing on a television.
By the way, all the geniuses here who pass judgment so readily on the family life of the Trumps, read up on the Joseph Kennedy clan and their family life. It was at the same time sick and sad. And what about FDR? Even if a couple had separate bedrooms, it would be unusual for a grown man to have his mother's bedroom between his own and his wife's, yet that is what FDR and Eleanor did.
We have sown the wind. What will the whirlwind be like?
I think she wanted to get the free publicity that the internet does these days. But it was a bit over-the-top. I really don't get it. What was she thinking?
I don't believe this.
I can believe that the boy is upset by such images, and perhaps being taunted in school with them. It's inevitable that he will be confronted with it. So I believe he is having a hard time dealing with this. But I don't believe he was sitting there watching the tube and saw it and started screaming for his mommie. No. NO. How stupid does everyone really think we are?
I still feel a lot sorrier for the families of those who have REALLY had to deal with losing a loved one by beheading, who may now be experiencing acute trauma, and if not, probably feel utterly sick that this is somehow now considered a joke to some. A meme.
I do think that Griffin is deplorable and should be pitched off the air. But she has the legal right to do this, of course.
Satanism is getting boring. The Clintons need new actors. Maybe a mass murder comedian.
Amad....there is a new book out the not only claims that Eleanor Roosevelt was a lesbian, but she had a long-term relationship with another lesbian. The reporter.
Poor kid, it's got to be something that will shape him in years to come. The parents and loved ones of those ISIS beheading victims must also be traumatized by this. Griffin needs to be treated as the pariah she made herself into.
"I don't believe this.
I can believe that the boy is upset by such images, and perhaps being taunted in school with them. It's inevitable that he will be confronted with it. So I believe he is having a hard time dealing with this. But I don't believe he was sitting there watching the tube and saw it and started screaming for his mommie. No. NO. How stupid does everyone really think we are?"
I'm glad you said this and not me, you make a good point.
Curious to know what show he was watching on what network. CNN won't show it and I would think most other stations would find that it violates their programming standards.
I read "Bannon" instead of "Barron" and had a very hard time imagining it.
TherapyMedia™ and TherapyTV™ must be used only in moderation. Excessive use of TherapyMedia™ and TherapyTV™ may cause serious side effects including abandonment, loss of career and cash flow problems.
Real comedy would be Senator Elizabeth Warren holding Trump's bloody toupe.
Then she really would be Fauxcahontas, since the real one prevented slaughter and married an Englishman. Her husband John Rolfe changed the world by getting English America off the ground with the introduction of tobacco to Virginia.
The Head in question is full of wisdom and understanding that is the proven Public Enemy #1 of Deep State Globalists and their army of Propagandists.
I predict Griffin will win every award known to the world starting with a Nobel for inciting beheading of The Climate Hoax Denier.
The Easterbrook thread linked above, https://twitter.com/EasterbrookG/status/869879762684129280
is actually interesting. Easterbrook is spending a lot of time lying about what he said.
I don't know. I'm skeptical about Barron watching tv and the news came on?
Also over Memorial Day:
"Anthony Hammond - a 34-year-old white - was screaming racial slurs in the parking lot of a California apartment complex before he pulled out a machete and stabbed an African American man, according to police."
"Jimmy Kramer, a member of the Quinault Indian Nation, was celebrating his 20th birthday with a group of roughly ten friends by a river in Washington state. A white man in his 30s drove his pickup truck toward the group and eventually, police said, intentionally ran over Kramer, who later died from his injuries."
Trumpski's can celebrate because the victims were a Black-American and Native-American but the rest of the people will not forget what Trump and Trumpski's have enabled.
Barron scared? What about the people that actually got murdered.
What was she thinking?
It's very hard to think over the din of the echo chamber.
Nobody cares that Adolf Hitler Jr. was frightened.
Inga: "No. NO. How stupid does everyone really think we are?"
Stupid enough to believe that the Russkies stole the election from Hillary and that there was collusion between Trump and the Russkies to make it happen.
Precisely that stupid.
Drago. I was quoting MathMom. Dummy.
It'll be hard to feel sorry for Kathy Griffin when she can't find work.
Oh, look. Somebody came by to call Trump supporters racist.
A record 137.5 million Americans voted in the 2016 presidential election
Trump votes: 62,979,636 (46.1%)
That's a lot of racists. I really don't understand how people who voted for Obama in the previous two elections and switched to Trump in 2016 could be racists though.
Anyway, racist, racist, racist, racist, racist.
"It's inevitable that he will be confronted with it."
Right. All those families of ISIS hostage victims shouldn't feel anything when their loved ones heads are chopped off in front of them, no matter how hard they tried to avoid it.
After all, it was inevitable they would be confronted with it...
eric said...
Real comedy would be Senator Elizabeth Warren holding Trump's bloody toupe.
I laughed at that.
Inga: "I'm glad you said this and not me, you make a good point."
Weren't you just getting all riled up about victim blaming on another thread?
MaxedOutMama said...
But I don't believe he was sitting there watching the tube and saw it and started screaming for his mommie. No. NO. How stupid does everyone really think we are?
30ish% of us are stupid enough to believe the Trump/Russian collusion story. Another 30% believe Bush hired people to fly planes into the towers and then set off explosives to bring them down. Probably some overlap there.
Inga said...
Drago. I was quoting MathMom. Dummy.
Doesn't make you any less of an idiot for believing the Russia hacked the election story.
"Doesn't make you any less of an idiot for believing the Russia hacked the election story."
Doesn't make you any less of a moron for thinking Trump the Oligarch and his Cabinet of Oligarchs, ( not even mentioning his friendship and close associations with Russian Oligarchs) will save us from the Oligarchs.
That's a lot of racists.
The only person I met who admitted he was supporting Trump was a black man.
Inga: "I'm glad you said this and not me, you make a good point."
"Weren't you just getting all riled up about victim blaming on another thread?"
5/31/17, 12:10 PM
Are you saying MathMom was victim blaming? I didn't see it that way at all.
Maxed out Mama - why is it unbelievable? I don't know if the story is true or not, but it's not unbelievable. I remember when I was a kid, the very worst and scariest thing I could think of was one or both of my parents dying.
Sorry Maxed Out Mama, not Math Mom!
Inga: "...( not even mentioning his friendship and close associations with Russian Oligarchs..."
Please feel free to describe, in some detail, the extent of these "friendships" and "close associations".
Not to worry. No one does because no one can because...well, you know why.
Inga: "Drago. I was quoting MathMom. Dummy."
I know, dummy.
Did you forget you wrote this immediately after: "I'm glad you said this and not me, you make a good point."
I agreed with MaxedOutMama's assessment. I still agree with her assement. I doubt he ran screaming "Mommy!". I do believe it will affect him negatively in any number of ways, however.
"It'll be hard to feel sorry for Kathy Griffin when she can't find work."
She'll find work. She knew what she was doing. In the end, this will be career enhancing. I'd bet the non-apology apology was written before hand.
30ish% of us are stupid enough to believe the Trump/Russian collusion story. Another 30% believe Bush hired people to fly planes into the towers and then set off explosives to bring them down. Probably some overlap there.
I'm reminded of an episode of South Park. It was parodying 9/11 truthers. Someone would call the conspiracy theorists retards and someone else would point out that 1/3rd of the population of the US believed in the conspiracy theories and ask, indignantly, if they thought "1/3rd of the people in the US are retards?" Why yes they would reply, certainly.
I won't even bring up Trump's birtherism and anti vaxxer stance.
There was a Rasmussen poll in 2007. Self identified Democrats were asked if they thought George Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks ahead of time.
"Friday, May 04, 2007
Democrats in America are evenly divided on the question of whether George W. Bush knew about the 9/11 terrorist attacks in advance. Thirty-five percent (35%) of Democrats believe he did know, 39% say he did not know, and 26% are not sure."
So 61% of Democrats thought is was possible that Bush knew about 9/11 attacks beforehand. And these people vote.
Inga....that is why many of us opposed Trump. I was going to write in McMullin, but changed my mind about a week before the election. Due to the judges.
Original Mike...correct. She needed some free publicity to get her name and face out in public again.
The left blames Trump for ever racist act (even the fake ones). But I voted for him because Obama and Hillary had declared war on the Little Sisters of the Poor. And putting drag queens in the girls locker room.
I doubt he ran screaming "Mommy!".
Let me recast those words for you:
"I can believe that the (girl) is upset by (people touching her that way), and perhaps being taunted in school (by people recounting what they heard). It's inevitable that (she) will be confronted with it. So I believe (she) is having a hard time dealing with this. But I don't believe (she) was sitting there (minding her own business) and (he started touching her) and started screaming for (her) mommie. No. NO. How stupid does everyone really think we are?"
Now does it sound like victim blaming to you? I mean, Barron can't be so innocent that he was just watching TV, can he? It had to be a more complicated story in which he had some agency. You know, like going to school when he knew kids might show him the picture.
He knew what might be coming, and he was asking for it.
I won't even bring up Trump's birtherism and anti vaxxer stance.
I think you just did.
In the ordinary run of events, I would not be sympathetic to Ariana Grande. She's young, pretty, and fabulously wealthy. It looks like a good life. Nonetheless, she was not only present at a scene of mass murder, she was the featured performer at this event. Wealth, fame,and donut licking are no cure or prophylactic for PTSD. The Manchester bombing will cast a shadow over the rest of her life.......Young Trump has got a lot of things working for him, but this is not one of them. I've got a suspicion that he catches a lot of flack from his classmates,and that this would be a weapon in their arsenal......I would be interested to hear what Mrs. Daniel Perl has to say about this.
@Inga, Kevin
I won't even bring up Trump's birtherism and anti vaxxer stance.
I think you just did.
F'n apophasis, how does it work? The favored rhetorical tactic of the passive-aggressive.
I smell bullshit.
"So I believe he is having a hard time dealing with this. But I don't believe he was sitting there watching the tube and saw it and started screaming for his mommie"
Imagine yourself at that age. On the TV screen you see a woman holding the bloodied head of - your dad.
Yes, we did not have celebrity parents and did not grow up in the limelight with TV cameras around as a part of everyday life.
But living in NYC, Barron must already be aware of the ferocious hatred his father inspires. It's impossible to shelter him entirely. So knowing that and then seeing that grinning harpy on TV could conceivably put quite a fright into him.
Kathy Griffin could have made the photograph even more shocking. For example, she could have stuffed Trump's mouth with Putin's bloody dismembered member. Let's keep things in perspective here.
Also, she wanted to kill Trump symbolically, in effigy if you will. She clearly, along with millions of others, has no respect or admiration for this president. Free speech, whether you consider it art or not, right or wrong, is protected by the First Amendment, thankfully.
"I think you just did."
Yes I did.
Real comedy would be me holding Senator Elizabeth Warren's scalp.
The same people trying to convince you that a ten year old boy confronted with an image of his father's bloody and severed head while watching a news show on TV could not possibly have been traumatized are the same pack of jackals who were utterly convinced that a lesbian couple was irrevocably damaged to the tune of $135,000 when a sole proprietor cupcake shop didn't want to be involved in a same-sex wedding.
Ponder how fucked up that is for a moment.
"The same people trying to convince you that a ten year old boy confronted with an image of his father's bloody and severed head while watching a news show on TV are the same pack of jackals...."
Isn't Maxed Out Mama a conservative?
pings, you slow witted idiot, Maxed Out Mama said Barron may well have been traumatized. Do try to keep up.
If you do something to piss off the squares, then you shouldn't feel sorry for yourself if the squares are, indeed, pissed off.
Jason you moron, this is what she said. Trouble with reading comprehension?
MaxedOutMama said...
"I don't believe this.
I can believe that the boy is upset by such images, and perhaps being taunted in school with them. It's inevitable that he will be confronted with it. So I believe he is having a hard time dealing with this. But I don't believe he was sitting there watching the tube and saw it and started screaming for his mommie. No. NO. How stupid does everyone really think we are?"
Inga said...
I agreed with MaxedOutMama's assessment. I still agree with her assement. I doubt he ran screaming "Mommy!". I do believe it will affect him negatively in any number of ways, however.
face out in public again.
She must not own a mirror.
Jane, you ignorant slut.
I see that it's 2:05 PM. I'm about ready for some firewater.
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you...
--Rudyard Kipling
Why attack Barron?
That would be so crass.
Attack Melania. Or the governess. Call it a lie.
What did Barron know about the severed head, and when did he know it?
Or laugh it off. Make head jokes.
Accuse the Trumps of exploiting their own child.
The possibilities are endless.
Oh, I see that Inga had already done what I suggested.
I posted my comment without reading any of the other comments.
Way to make my case, Inga.
Well, news is that CNN has decided Kathy Griffin won't headline the New Year's Eve program (provided anyone remembers any of this by then.)
I admire the Pres.'s restraint and tolerance.
Time was (John Adams presidency) something like that could get you a couple of months cooling off in the slammer. Our most recent past President certainly had a penchant for weaponizing the Government against political opponents.
It would be wrong and possibly counterproductive to send the Secret Service after Ms Griffin, but I do admire the Pres.'s restraint.
Let's see, we have a minor celebrity posting pictures of herself with the bloody severed head of the US President.
And we have the blogosphere focused on whether Trump's 11 year-old son actually saw the picture while watching TV.
The theme of 2017 is: "Nothing to see here, we've got Trump statements to parse!"
"Well, news is that CNN has decided Kathy Griffin won't headline the New Year's Eve program (provided anyone remembers any of this by then.)"
I guess Anderson's going to have to bring his own Squatty Potty.
Don't people know Barron's fake viewing of his father's severed head on TV was just to cover the fact the Russian Ambassador and the Head of Russian Intelligence had stopped by Trump Tower to pick up more classified intelligence and confer on how best to deceive the Special Counsel's inquiry into Tiffany Trump's billion-dollar joint bank account with Putin in Moscow shell company?
I used the term "in Moscow shell company" because it's funnier if you read it with a fake Russian accent.
trumpit: "Free speech, whether you consider it art or not, right or wrong, is protected by the First Amendment, thankfully."
But not by the left who are finding all sorts of interesting and heretofore unknown categories of speech that most definitely do not qualify (from a leftist viewpoint) for protection even though those categories of speech most certainly did qualify for protection "yesterday".
Oh, some Editor at Fandango.com twitted that Barron couldn't possibly have seen it because he was "teabagging people on,XBox �� Live".
exiledonmainstreet - The reason I don't believe it, of course, is because I am imagining being at that age and being exposed to this, and the reaction wouldn't take that form in any normal boy his age. Barron is eleven. Sadly, at close to that age I was experiencing having a parent in my home besieged with death threats. Day and night. So I know something about it, thank you.
The paper printed this because they got someone to say something or they just effing put a little frosting on what WAS said because they wanted to make a big splash a la Rolling Stone hour-long rapes on broken glass which then do not require any medical treatment.
Of course Barron will be tortured further by his peers because of this story. So I am defending the kid rather than abusing him, and I frankly have suspicions about those who want to propagate this story about Barron. Dumb? Nasty? In most cases, I'm going for nasty.
I DO believe the kid is disturbed by it. I don't believe the story about the running and screaming. If it's true, I'm wrong, but in general when I see a story and say "That's not true," it turns out not to be true. I have a decent bullshit filter.
I think Griffin is a dunce and morally deficient for this disgusting stunt, but I don't think it was designed to strike terror in Trump's family. Nor do I think it did.
Jason, Ken B:
That's too bad about Easterbrook. In the early 1990s he wrote one of my all-time favorite descriptions of a mass freakout:
“The distinction between a bicycle accident and the end of civilization has seldom been so blurred as at the Earth Summit, recently concluded in Rio de Janeiro.”
Now unexpectedly timely!
(I'm referring to the Paris Accords, not to disapproving reactions to assassination "jokes".)
Remember when CNN called out a rodeo clown for impersonating Pres. Obama at the Missouri State Fair? Got him fired, other clowns sent to Sensitivity Training.
Good times, good times...
Inga said...
Doesn't make you any less of a moron for thinking Trump the Oligarch and his Cabinet of Oligarchs, ( not even mentioning his friendship and close associations with Russian Oligarchs) will save us from the Oligarchs.
This is just base stupidity combined with outright lying and bad faith.
Russia and OPEC tried to raise the price of Oil. US fracking production broke them in no small part because Trump eliminated Obama's EO's blocking development and driving the price of US energy up. Obama was effectively supporting Russia and there are well documented ties to anti-fracking organizations in the US and Russia/Saudi Arabia funding.
Obama, who was caught telling the Russian ambassador he would have more flexibility after the election, did more for Russia than Trump has even been accused of by actively trying to drive the price of oil up.
You are just dumb and hypocritical. You can't come up with a single thing trump has done for russia.
I put my TRUMP sign back up in front of my flag pole.
Of course Barron did not see the offending bit on TV and he certainly didn't go running yelling "mommie" because 11 year old boys no longer use that word. that was the extra embellishment that is the tell, that certifies this as a lie.
But having said that it was a good lie and one that much of our splendid Republic will gobble without swallowing. It is the kind of lie the left is so very good at and one that needs to be shoved up the left's collective ass.
Inga... read what I wrote one more time for comprehension.
I wasn't referring to Maxed Out Mama.
Does Easterbrooke have children?
"When they go low, we attack an 11-year-old boy with special needs."
You leftists must be so proud.
Doesn't make you any less of a moron for thinking Trump the Oligarch and his Cabinet of Oligarchs, ( not even mentioning his friendship and close associations with Russian Oligarchs) will save us from the Oligarchs.
Republicans are the party of the Rich. Democrats are the party of the Very, Very Rich.
It's the Economic Royalists of Wall Street, Silicon Valley, and Media who bankrolled Hillary.
Well, this comment is wasted on Inga. But if anyone is genuinely curious what my people expect from Trump, go read "After the Republic". Best article I've read in years.
Short version, we know he can't save the Republic. He's more akin to chemotherapy, allowing the Republic another decade.
"Certainly don't yell mummy"
Not true. Even teenagers yell mummy when they are in great distress or pain. Many adults too.
When I was in high school, i was on phone with 15 year old girlfriend. She was home sick with ear infection. As we talked her mom came into room to apply medicine to ear, she put phone down for a moment and then screamed "mummy!" when the medicine was applied, like a 5 year old.. It stuck in my head because it was so bizzare to hear a 15 year old scream mummy like that.
Now, I'm just as skeptical as you and don't take the source at face value. I just disagree that an 11 year old screaming mummy is the tell you think it is.
Mom, for sure, but not mommy. Doesn't matter, of course, because the left is on its heels on this one and that is all I give a shit about any more. I think we need to go full treachery on the assholes.
"Why attack Barron?
That would be so crass.
Attack Melania. Or the governess. Call it a lie.
What did Barron know about the severed head, and when did he know it?
Or laugh it off. Make head jokes.
Accuse the Trumps of exploiting their own child.
The possibilities are endless."
5/31/17, 2:34 PM
Blogger David said...
"Oh, I see that Inga had already done what I suggested.
I posted my comment without reading any of the other comments.
Way to make my case, Inga."
Just how did I attack Barron? I agreed with something MaxedOutMama said, so did she attack Baron? I don't think so.
MaxedOutMama said...
"I don't believe this."
I can believe that the boy is upset by such images, and perhaps being taunted in school with them. It's inevitable that he will be confronted with it. So I believe he is having a hard time dealing with this. But I don't believe he was sitting there watching the tube and saw it and started screaming for his mommie. No. NO. How stupid does everyone really think we are?"
Inga said...
I agreed with MaxedOutMama's assessment. I still agree with her assement. I doubt he ran screaming "Mommy!". I do believe it will affect him negatively in any number of ways, however.
Inga exits the NAACP convention, "... all I said was 'niggardly', why is everyone making a fuss? Tehee!"
What a nasty cunt.
Are you calling MaxedOutMama a nasty cunt Fen?
What a pig you are.
"Of course Barron did not see the offending bit on TV and he certainly didn't go running yelling "mommie" because 11 year old boys no longer use that word. that was the extra embellishment that is the tell, that certifies this as a lie."
Are you calling Michael a nasty cunt Fen?
What a pig you are.
I don't think it was designed to strike terror in Trump's family.
You mean not like the "Rape Melania" signs paraded around the Trump NYC Tower during the election? My b*llsh*t detector calls b*llsh*t on Your b*llsh*t detector.
I think it's a really good idea for Inga and the rest of the coven to go all-in Perry Mason on Barron's reaction and wave bloody shirts for distraction. In full public view. Please, carry on.
I don't believe this.
You don't want to believe it.
It's really great to know that instead of focusing on really important policy decisions facing us, the blog's got us focused on the much more important business of Trump's personal family drama issues. Way to go, Althouse!
But you can't stay away, TTR. What's in it for you ?
Another dead thread.
What's in it for you ?
Pretty much the easiest target for the left.
"I put my TRUMP sign back up in front of my flag pole."
Did yours come down soon after the election?
I spend a good bit of my time in ruralsville where giant DJT signs were notable.
Many (maybe most) came down w/in a day of the election.
I interpreted this to be DJT hardcores indicating that they were moving into hold DJT's feet to the fire mode. IOW, now he'd need to start coming through re his promises to continue earning their support.
OTOH, I read the DJT apologists here and other tubes places and polling that all indicated it'd be ok if DJT (figuratively) shot a person on 5th Ave.
I just assumed that my local hicks were smarter than the rest of y'all.
I dunno.
Ken Jennings, who won a few Jeopardy games and now writes children's books for Simon & Schuster, had a particularly mean-spirited tweet about Barron. Surprised he hasn't deleted it. Nick Short's tagging his publisher to demonstrate the rules that the left is expected to adhere to now.
go read "After the Republic". Best article I've read in years.
PBJ, why would we deplorables mind if President Trump shot someone on Fifth Avenue?
I mean...who? You? He wouldn't even have to do it himself.
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