How do law students at Georgetown feel about the epiphany of Tiffany?
Brenna Gautam, a first-year law student, said that security was among the primary concerns raised by her fellow classmates on Monday on a private Facebook group for Georgetown law students: “How will this impact our peers who may be personally threatened by her father’s policies?” Ms. Gautam asked, referring to gay and transgender students, and students who are minorities.What can possibly be said about which professors she'll have? Does that have to do with knowing that some professors express open hostility to Trump (and whether they'd struggle to rein it in if the President's daughter were sitting right there in front of them)?
“There’s also been discussion surrounding which professors she may have,” Ms. Gautam said, “and, of course, some joking about whether graduation will now be held in Mar-a-Lago.”
(If you're a Georgetown student with answers to these questions, feel free to email me. I won't reveal names unless you ask to be identified.)
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Brenna Gautam, a first-year law student, said that security was among the primary concerns raised by her fellow classmates on Monday on a private Facebook group for Georgetown law students: “How will this impact our peers who may be personally threatened by her father’s policies?” Ms. Gautam asked, referring to gay and transgender students, and students who are minorities.
When I saw "security," I thought -- "Oh, that's reasonable -- secret service will be irritating to deal with for other students." But it turned out to be the usual "safe space" rubbish.
Why would gay and transgender students be personally threatened by any of President Trump's policies?
What am I missing?
Since when did Trump become a threat to gays and blacks and women? That is 100% BS on its face. Do they fear Christians and Jews will get them with faith.
TradGuy, the answer is YES!
Think she'll move in with her dad? Back when I applied they had lousy student housing options. Maybe things have improved.
OH NOES! At worst her LGBTQWTF classmates MIGHT not be able to bully bakers and pizzamen out of business. How horrible!
Tiffany's not bad to look at (though no Ivanka) and she comes with her own armed security. What's not to like?
Balfegor, I thought exactly the same thing. I read the quote a couple of times, looking for ellipses, before I had to give up and admit to myself that the writer's use of "security" didn't have to do with the disruption a bunch of Secret Service people could cause but rather whether Linus's security blanket would be sufficient to counteract the bad feelings.
What am I missing?
This is how they set the narrative. Once the words are recorded, then it's much harder to disregard them.
As I've said over and over again, Trump was pro-gay-marriage more than a decade before either Obama or (me too!) HRC were, and has said that anyone at Trump Tower can use any bathroom they like. It's preposterous to present him as anti-gay, and not do worse to Obama and HRC. This seriously perplexes me. There are a lot of things to complain about wrt Trump. This just really isn't one of them.
Good for her. She may have her dad's genes but she keeps them well hidden.
Maybe she can be chief counsel for Trump. Trump was trying to snag Sandra Bullock for that position in Two Weeks Notice, in one of the lamest movie scenes ever.
What am I missing? As madasHell says, its the narrative. You have to create an image that the other side is pure evil.
This is a political viewpoint that takes the nicest and most generous people in the world.....say the Little Sisters of the Poor or the owners of Hobby Lobby, and declares war on them.
I had the same experience of interpreting "security" to mean the inconvenience of Tiffany's personal security. I'm still not positive the quoted student wasn't talking about that too, but, whatever, the NYT left us with some strange text to try to read.
“How will this impact our peers who may be personally threatened by her father’s policies?”
Spontaneous combustion.
Ms. Gautam asked, referring to gay and transgender students, and students who are minorities.
...because they're the only people who matter.
I hate homophobes.
I hate Trump.
Ergo, Trump is a homophobe.
Trump has been more favorable to congruence ("=") than Obama until late in has administration. He has actually raised awareness of the collateral damage from mass emigration (a.k.a. immigration reform). The feigned concern is beyond bigoted. There must be a category for people with a selective moral and ethical perspective. The same people are likely defenders of the refugee crises forced by political opportunism and social justice adventurism. They are very likely members of the Pro-Choice Church with its twilight faith, advocates for [class] diversity (i.e. institutional racism, sexism), and sincere believers that spontaneous human conception rationalizes rites held in abortion chambers and Planned Parenthood clinics.
Do they fear Christians and Jews will get them with faith.
Yes, they do. You are a competing religious, social, economic, and political interest. You respect "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof", while they establish their Pro-Choice Church in its conflation of logical domains and notoriously selective logic, laws, principles, human and civil rights, etc.
Dave from Minnesota said...
You have to create an image that the other side is pure evil.
This is a political viewpoint that takes the nicest and most generous people in the world.....say the Little Sisters of the Poor or the owners of Hobby Lobby, and declares war on them.
That's a basic requirement for keeping one's place in the great progressive statist movement.
They cannot be held responsible for what they will do to Tiffany Trump. 50 shades of Berkeley (still intolerant), Portland (still weird), LA (still tribal), Detroit (still dysfunctional), Madison (reformed, viable, should be aborted a la Libya), etc.
Brave girl.
She's the one who will need security.
Balfegor: what you said. This Brenna Gautam is just giving us the usual tripe. First off, how can she possibly know how anyone else will react? And react in this painfully posed and predictable way, of needing Safe Space (TM) and a support animal, if Tiffany is anywhere on campus? It is all contrived; all about Brenna.
If indeed the campus is that poisonous a place, it will show that the rot in Higher Education is terminal.
Tiffany's Momma was a star athlete playing women's basketball in Dalton, Ga ( think Battlefield of Chikamauga) from a Scots-Irish mountain family.
Tiffany will be tough enough to get through a mere DC Law School. It is the never-Trump professors that I feel sorry for.
I have an LLM from Georgetown, which is also the location of the JD program, and I work near there. The law school is a short distance from the Capitol building. It is a couple of blocks away from hotels where Presidents make big speeches, with attendant motorcades. Children of important people attend the law school, important Congressional staff attend the school, very wealthy children (foreign and domestic) attend the school, very important lawyers teach there (in my day, 1996, one of my professors was the late Mr. RBG and made very funny, respectful jokes about her).
Georgetown Law knows all about security. All of the profs know where their bread is Congressional staffer will fail, no one important to the university will fail, students like me (who paid full LLM freight (like me) will not fail.
She'll only get a hard time from other students who may try to do so...the ones that try don't understand the above. She also knows the celeb stuff to not really care. She gets to be close to her dad, the Prez.
They spent a long time creating an image of impartiality.
They're working double time to kill it.
Academia. Judiciary. All of them are trying to end their veneer of impartiality.
I'm betting this won't be a problem...
Brenna Gautam, a first-year law student, said that security was among the primary concerns raised by her fellow classmates on Monday on a private Facebook group for Georgetown law students: “How will this impact our peers who may be personally threatened by her father’s policies?” Ms. Gautam asked, referring to gay and transgender students, and students who are minorities.
No concerns about what SHE will face when her fellow classmates are planning against her already.
Trump is objectively more gay friendly than Obama was when he won his election. Apparently, it doesn't MATTER what is said. All that matters is the party.
"She may have her dad's genes but she keeps them well hidden."
Inside her cells, I presume.
Even in the nucleus.
“How will this impact our peers who may be personally threatened by her father’s policies?”
Fucking grow up already.
Traditional Guy: "Tiffany will be tough enough to get through a mere DC Law School. It is the never-Trump professors that I feel sorry for."
Wins the thread!
That reminds me, when was the last time I saw the president in dad jeans?
It Tiffany's security detail also attend her classes, can they get a law degree?
readering said
Think she'll move in with her dad? Back when I applied they had lousy student housing options. Maybe things have improved."
I'm thinking she can probably afford an off-campus place of her own.
Georgetown better build a stockpile of Pay-Doh.
“How will this impact our peers who may be personally threatened by her father’s policies?”
If people are bothered even in the slightest by the idea of going to law school with someone who has done nothing to them, and who they object to only because she is related to someone who has, in fact, done nothing to them, then they should immediately commit suicide, thus improving America to the absolute maximum extent they possibly can.
I don't care how many Trump's go there. That basketball team is not going to be great again anytime soon.
Is G'town still a Jesuit school? Back in the day the Jesuits weren't real Gay-friendly, and they taught that there were only 2 sexes. Talk about security!
Steven said...
“How will this impact our peers who may be personally threatened by her father’s policies?”
If people are bothered even in the slightest by the idea of going to law school with someone who has done nothing to them, and who they object to only because she is related to someone who has, in fact, done nothing to them, then they should immediately commit suicide, thus improving America to the absolute maximum extent they possibly can."
Well said.
"Brenna Gautam, a first-year law student, said that security was among the primary concerns raised by her fellow classmates on Monday on a private Facebook group for Georgetown law students: “How will this impact our peers who may be personally threatened by her father’s policies?” Ms. Gautam asked, referring to gay and transgender students, and students who are minorities." And who might those fellow classmates be? Illegal aliens?
Just how freakin' stupid do you have to be to wage war on an organization named the Little Sisters of the Poor? Name one Democrat President prior to Obama who would have been that tone-deaf. Not even Carter. Certainly not WJC.
Duh. Trump selected notorious gay-hater Pence. Ergo, Trump hates the entire alphabet spectrum.
"But I don't want to grow up, I don't, I don't!" Stamps foot. Folds arms across chest, exists stage left.
My first few years of Ph.D. school at Emory President Carter's library/center wasn't finished yet and he had an office on the top floor (10th?) of the Emory Library. You knew he was "in" because there were Secret Service agents in blue suits and ear-bud radios riding both elevators the whole time. That's what I thought when I read about "security."
"exists stage left."
You should move around a bit more.
clint said...
"Why would gay and transgender students be personally threatened by any of President Trump's policies?
What am I missing?"
Trump ran with the word 'Republican' somewhere after his name. The word 'Republican' scares queers, blacks and human flotsam.
The media are eager to find a wastrel or degenerate Trump. Tiffany had possibilities, but this law degree thing is difficult to fit into a bimbo scenario. Back to the big game hunting son. He kills animals for pleasure. That's something, but a drug addicted daughter who went for an abortion would be very Heaven.
Trump just refuses to have stupid drug addicted children like the Hollywood celebrities who hate him.
They can't get over it.
If the Kennedys can generate a crop of druggies, why not Trump ?
They told me that if Trump were elected people would be judged not based on their own actions and abilities, but on who their ancestors were...and they were right.
I attended GULC just over a decade ago. It's a haven for out-of-power Washington types (I believe Podesta still teaches a few classes there), so, with the Dems out of power, I expect she will face some quiet hostility from the faculty. That said, these are all folks who are used to being close to the centers of power, so they won't be as star-struck as perhaps might be the case elsewhere, and even though the core of the faculty are pretty far to the left, they have, for the most part, been around long enough to recognize that politics has its cycles and to take them in stride. Aside from a few hard-core believers, most will treat her about like they would any other openly Republican student.
And, of course, no place that Randy Barnett calls home could be all bad...
The student response may be a different matter. I've given up trying to guess how this generation will behave. Hopefully with a great deal more decorum than we've seen at several other campuses of late.
I'd like to send Brenna Gautam to the Georgetown University law library to find the statements made by Donald Trump that threaten gay and transgender students. She can stay there until she finds something or apologizes.
IIR,The 10th floor of the Emory Library is where they keep special collections of old original editions. Sounds right for Jimmy, the fake Baptist from Albany. Jody Powell was the only Carter guy who graduated from Emory, He did his job well.
It's disgusting how so many people, such as the students at the school, talk about open hatred and hostility to Republicans as if it is normal and proper.
Anyone scared by the sight or mere thought that a woman whose dad doesn't agree with them about everything could be in the same classroom has no business being a lawyer. If I hire a lawyer I want a tough SOB who will fight like a honey badger for my case, not someone who will wrinkle like a used kleenex at the though of perceived conflict.
The civil war looms because the left is absolutely intolerant and trends to fascism and violence every time.
The "Trump is coming for the gays" trope is so fucking tiresomely old at this point. Jesus, people, get a new shtick. This is utter bullshit, and nobody without questionable mental health is buying it.
In part, Wikipedia describes Tiffany Trump this way: "Tiffany Ariana Trump is an American internet personality and model."
It's the last part that strains credulity.
"...referring to gay and transgender students, and students who are minorities."
This fascinated me. I assume the author was trying to be as politically correct as possible here (and I know I'm nit picking), but it seems like this is a window into the psychology of this writer or of the people who adopted the style guide. Years ago when I worked at a large theme park, in a customer service role, they trained yes to refer to "people with disabilities" rather then "disabled people," because it emphasizes that they are people who have disabilities not disabilities that are people. I'm probably not remembering that exactly right, but the point was word order was important, with the first word being most important. Bearing that in mind, to the reporter, editor or style guide author, being gay or transgender is the important characteristic of that group of students, whereas another subset of students are defined by their educational status and are to a lesser extent minorities. The sentence could easily have read "students who are gay, transgender or minorities," though I would argue the latter term encompasses the former two, and should probably he ordered first. The sentence, as written, gives the impression that being gay or transgender is more important then being a student, which is more important then being a minority. Does that count as a micro-aggression?
The bitter Chinese "Cultural Revolution" from 1966 to 1976, and it's quest for ideological purity seems to have been grafted onto the colleges and universities of America by the the Soros-funded, Progressive Marxists. Diversity, multiculturalism, and the outright anarchy of our colleges os being now co-opted for an all encompassing assault on all of our the social, religious and financial institutions, willing led by the useful idiots of the MSM.
From Wiki on the Cultural Revoution:
"...the Communistits stated goal was to preserve 'true' Communist ideology in the country by purging remnants of capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society, and to re-impose Maoist thought as the dominant ideology within the Party."
Millions of people were persecuted in the violent struggles that ensued across the country, and suffered a wide range of abuses including public humiliation, arbitrary imprisonment, torture, hard labor, sustained harassment, seizure of property and sometimes execution. A large segment of the population was forcibly displaced, most notably the transfer of urban youth to rural regions during the Down to the Countryside Movement. Historical relics and artifacts were destroyed. Cultural and religious sites were ransacked.
Mao officially declared the Cultural Revolution to have ended in 1969, but its active phase lasted until the death of the military leader Lin Biao in 1971. After Mao's death and the arrest of the Gang of Four in 1976, reformers led by Deng Xiaoping gradually began to dismantle the Maoist policies associated with the Cultural Revolution. In 1981, the Party declared that the Cultural Revolution was "responsible for the most severe setback and the heaviest losses suffered by the Party, the country, and the people since the founding of the People's Republic."
Doesn't that sounds terribly like the Cultural Cancers now metastasizing in our educational institutions?
Brenna Gautam shouldn't go to law school. She should go to therapy.
Should we be concerned about defendants since we have law school students who cannot handle dealing with some body who they THINK doesn't agree with them? Would they be able to provide a competent defense to a likely paintball who, Constitutionally, deserves one?
My guess is no one will notice, except for the Secret Service protection. Most people are just trying to pass their classes and get a good law firm job.
It's an interesting area around the Georgetown University Law Center. More office space being built all around, an urban Wal-Mart just down the block, and the biggest homeless shelter in D.C. just two blocks away. Not the dangerous area it was in years past, but you do have to keep your eyes open.
Georgetown students, if they had a bit of common sense, would welcome the presence of Tiffany's security. The protection they give her will extend to those around her. They're not going to stand around, doing nothing while some crazed killer shoots other students, claiming, "Well, none of the bullets are coming Tiffany's way."
I can give an amusing example from another context. Someone I knew in Seattle had a child attending a Catholic school that also had the child of a local Mafia leader attending. Every day, he told me, a black limo with a big burly guy driving, would take the latter child to school. The driver, no doubt armed, then spent the day sitting in the car just outside the school. If anything happened, he'd offer a lot quicker response than the Seattle police ever could.
The school's parents were happy with that added protection. The real issue is whether these 'precious little snowflakes" at Georgetown have as much sense about our Secret Service.
During the campaign then-candidate Trump took a stage at a Colorado rally holding out a Rainbow flag that someone in the crowd had handed him. Republicans yawned, if they noticed at all. Democrats had kittens because he was supposedly holding it upside down (there was handwriting on the flag "LGBTQ for Trump", or something).
Who has the LGBTQ anxiety, again?
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“How will this impact our peers who may be personally threatened by her father’s policies?” Ms. Gautam asked, referring to gay and transgender students, and students who are minorities.
There is no evidence to support this. It's repeated often by the anti-Trumpers, but there's nothing backing it up.
traditionalguy said...
IIR,The 10th floor of the Emory Library is where they keep special collections of old original editions.
That sounds like the right floor. I had the opportunity to read Henry Schoolcraft's journals and really liked his account of meeting the Dakota for the first time. Great collection of books up there.
Will Tiffany be hosting any parties at the White House? I'm assuming that is where she will be living.
Breanna needs to spend some quality time under the Bodha tree
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