Mr. Comey wrote the memo detailing his conversation with the president immediately after the meeting, which took place the day after Mr. Flynn resigned, according to two people who read the memo. The memo was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence an ongoing investigation. An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations....I'd like to know more about the basis for saying "An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations." I'm guessing that's a reference to the admissibility of the evidence as an exception to the hearsay rule (803(6)). The weight to be given the evidence depends on all of the circumstances. By the way, it's double hearsay, since we're asked not only to believe what Comey wrote but the unnamed individuals who told the NYT about the memo. The NYT has not seen a copy of the memo.
But let's assume the memo exists and says what you read quoted in the post title. How bad is it to say Flynn is a "good guy" and to express "hope" about the outcome? The headline has a pretty aggressive paraphrase of the quote. It reads: "Comey Memo Says Trump Asked Him to End Flynn Investigation."
The asking is at most only implicit in what is a declarative statement: "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go." That's just Trump revealing what he hopes for. There's no question at all, let alone any pressure or threat. And "see your way clear" is a delicate phrase. That's not saying do it my way. Go your way. And if your path is clear and it gets you to the outcome I hope for, then I will get what I want, but I'm assuming you will go where you see it clear.
Here's the White House response to the memo:
“While the president has repeatedly expressed his view that General Flynn is a decent man who served and protected our country, the president has never asked Mr. Comey or anyone else to end any investigation, including any investigation involving General Flynn. The president has the utmost respect for our law enforcement agencies, and all investigations. This is not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between the president and Mr. Comey."
३१९ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 319 पैकी 201 – 319Hillary commits a felony, DNC OKs her as the candidate.
Bay Area Guy said...
I hereby predict Trump won't get impeached
I agree, because the Dems want the Red Team to bleed for as long as possible with Trump in the presidency. It is not in their interests to impeach him. While Pence doesn't seem to have much broad electoral appeal he is not the walking chaos generating machine that Trump is. Trump is the Dem's path back to power.
"The sock puppets accumulate. I am getting tired of them."
If you can't make an argument GTFOH.
"Trump is the Dem's path back to power."
Heh. If he doesn't get us all killed first. What a rubble he's leaving of the USA.
"I didn't realize you were being satirical, David Baker."
Well, I'm reluctant to flat-out say it's all a big joke - because some CNN-types actually take this stuff seriously. And I'm not a man without pity.
But, really, it's difficult to repress the inherent satire - the absolute asinine absurdity of the left when it comes to reckoning with "President" Trump. Thus, their many entertainments.
Still, make no mistake; their search for the very last straw continues, into the night, day after day, until Karl Marx himself stages yet another coming. You know, like Venezuela.
"He might be right theoretically, but as a practical matter, I do not think there is any chance that any GOP congressmen will vote for impeachment without clear and convincing evidence that Trump committed some felony crime."
Don't you think most of them want to get rid of him though?
"Some of you are everything the east coasters think you are. "
pelosi me you schumerhead.
ARM, you are making the mistake of believing that the Times' anonymous sources are telling the truth.
Wasn't referring to you D! (rolls eyes)
With Trump and Comey, what either thought he was saying is not what the other thought he was hearing.
Michael K is "getting tired of them."
Oh no! Please everyone stop it before he gets *really* tired of them!
Charlie Martin says:
“The upshot of it all is that the Washington Post and New York Times have been wrong so often that they’ve become inherently unbelievable. Almost everyone remembers the story of the little boy who cried wolf. What happens if the legacy press actually gets a story that is adequately sourced and points to real malfeasance? Will anyone believe them? Should anyone believe them?”
I do not think there is any chance that any GOP congressmen will vote for impeachment without clear and convincing evidence that Trump committed some felony crime.
That is actually what the standard has come to be after the proceedings in Bill Clinton's case.
Never mind what the Constitution says.
" He says that violation of the law is not the standard for impeachment - that misuse of power is"
who exactly defines "misuse of power". feldman is an effin schumerhead. selling guns illegally to mexicans feldman?
What a rubble he's leaving of the USA.
The Dow is up 2,500 since Nov. 8.
More rubble, please!
Chuck, it is quite possible that the memo will materialize and it will be as bad as it sounds. That said, I thought journalists we supposed to report on actual evidence, as opposed to something that basically qualifies as a rumor and a self-serving one at that. They had better be right. If not, they are finished.
Assuming the memo does present itself, this is a most irregular way to get this news out. Comey could have just have easily testified in front of Congress, which he declined, and fed the question to a someone he could trust to ask. There were plenty of candidates. Instead we get this bizarre unnamed friend reading off a mystery memo. Frankly, if this is how Comey is going to operate - hiding evidence of (alleged) malfeasance, providing said evidence in a form that most people would find suspicious and unreliable, attempting to take down a President only after he was personally offended - then Trump was completely right to fire him. Frankly, he should never have been hired.
Blogger D. said...
" He says that violation of the law is not the standard for impeachment - that misuse of power is"
who exactly defines "misuse of power". feldman is an effin schumerhead. selling guns illegally to mexicans feldman?
5/16/17, 8:30 PM
Howzabout airlifting pallets of the people's cash to the mullahs who have sworn to destroy us?
FLASHBACK: Obama’s CIA Director Leaked Top Secret Bin Laden Raid Intel To Hollywood
When the Obama administration leaked classified information about military maneuvers and secret cyber attacks, media was silent.
BUT - the Israel Hating Leftwing Hack press did see fit to expose an Israeli spy.
Leftwing morals are awesome.
"The Dow is up 2,500 since Nov. 8.
More rubble, please!"
I'm totally missing the institutionalized corruption cemented into every government bureaucracy by Podesta and Hillary.
"By the way would you care to explain your move from cruel neutrality to lawyer for the defense?"
This post is one of the clearest examples of cruel neutrality that I've ever written.
I saw the news alert come it, went to read it, and wrote as I tried to understand it in real time. I had no idea of leaning one way or the other, and unlike practically everyone else, I neither love nor hate Donald Trump. I have a distanced, skeptical view of him AND of the media.
""@FoxNews reporting on the air now that they can't get a Republican member on the air right now to defend Trump"
CNN said the same thing."
Defend him from what? A malicious rumor without a shred of evidence? Why would they? The Golden Shower Left will have to scream at their shadows by themselves. Bold prediction: By Saturday not even MSNBC will be talking about this.
Tucker carlson showed a clip tonight from some panel pundit show where a guest pointed out that the whole edifice of media outlets' headlines and editorials rested on the statements of two anonymous sources quoted in The New York Times, and a young lady panelist went bananas so bad I thought she was going to go for his eyes, screaming about how dare he question the professionalism and good intentions, etc. and so forth of the NYT, CNN staffers, and others, etc.
"By Saturday not even MSNBC will be talking about this."
We'll have gone through another two or three of his messes by then.
I agree, because the Dems want the Red Team to bleed for as long as possible with Trump in the presidency.
Well, that and the fact that Dems have worked themselves into a position of almost complete impotence and have no chance of removing the president from office without Republican assistance.
"and unlike practically everyone else, I neither love nor hate Donald Trump. I have a distanced, skeptical view of him AND of the media."
Plus, look at all the modesty that you exemplify!
Fox News story on Seth Green is unraveling.
"Heh. If he doesn't get us all killed first. What a rubble he's leaving of the USA. "
Like Barry Goldwater would've done if elected in 1964. In our guts we were supposed to know he was nuts. And a warmonger who would destroy the planet. Instead we landslide elected HRC, I mean, LBJ. The peace candidate. Yeah. Thanks for all the peace, Lyndon.
Well, well, Jeffery Toobin is being a little more circumspect. As opposed to a complete spectacle.
Reality is difficult once they get past the utter nonsense on which their hysteria is founded.
Brookzene said...Fox News story on Seth Green is unraveling.
Robot chickens plucked one feather at a time?
Once written, twice... said...
If President Clinton had asked Lynch in a private meeting to end the Clinton e-mail investigation you would have ____?
Brookzene said...
Fox News story on Seth Green is unraveling.
Well there's a surprise. Who could possibly have predicted this?
Crazy April will be devastated.
Blogger Brookzene said...
Fox News story on Seth Green is unraveling.
5/16/17, 8:44 PM
Now it's raveling back up!
What was the Fox News story on Seth Green? Wasn't he in Buffy?
"White House sources say Trump is cursing up a storm - ranting and raving. Yelling at staffers & using the "F" word. He's losing it tonight."
TIFWIW. That's Jon Cooper, Chair of the Dem Coalition
"What was the Fox News story on Seth Green? Wasn't he in Buffy?"
Brookzene meant Seth Rich. He's confused.
If Comey believed the president engaged in illegal obstruction of justice, didn't he have a duty to say something? Or resign? It's not as though he needs the money. What was he hoping to achieve by hanging on?
Maybe Comey wrote the answers to these questions down in the form of a memo, and some anonymous source will get the memo and read them aloud to a NY Times reporter over a cell phone. I hope it's a good connection.
"NYTimes reporter says several sources told her Trump is "terrified" about his upcoming foreign tour."
"NYTimes reporter", "several sources", "Trump is "terrified"". This sentence perfectly encapsulates the flailing impotence of the Left.
"We'll have gone through another two or three of his messes by then."
You mean the Left will have whipped up two or three comforting, but substantively empty, messes by then.
Buffy was in fact the best show ever, and you're gonna get a pass from me for a lot of crap Louise, since you both made a substantive point above, AND you know Seth Green played on BtVS. You're doing a little better for the moment than the average Trumpista in my book.
Keep it up and let's rock Althouse!
DNC staffer Seth Rich... shot twice. Nobody on the left cares at all.
Btw, I see reports that FOX NEWS has fallen to 3rd place in prime-time demographics - and that the old man is coming in to give his down-in-the-mouth, on-air staff a pep talk. Before they ALL jump ship to join Rachel Maddow.
Two words: Bill. O'Reilly.
"Give me a $Buck."
Attempted robbery.
"You mean the Left will have whipped up two or three comforting, but substantively empty, messes by then."
Oh please. Trump's problems are entirely his own doing. The guy's got both houses in congress and can't get a single important piece of legislation passed. These messes are not the media's fault, they aren't the Democrat's fault, and they aren't his staff's fault. They belong to him - Donald Trump. If he had learned to take responsibility for his crap before he, and all of us, would be a lot better off today.
"That's Jon Cooper, Chair of the Dem Coalition"
No, that's Jon Cooper, Chair of the Democratic Coalition Against Trump. The "Democratic Coalition Against Trump" is a dark money PAC. Cooper does not hold elective office. He does not live in Washington.
Story on Seth Rich has not changed.
The family is denying links to wikileaks.
Investigators, including the one hired by the family, are claiming they have seen the wikileaks e-mails.
How about an investigation? Anyone on the left curious?
""That's Jon Cooper, Chair of the Dem Coalition"
No, that's Jon Cooper, Chair of the Democratic Coalition Against Trump. The "Democratic Coalition Against Trump" is a dark money PAC. Cooper does not hold elective office. He does not live in Washington."
You are on a roll.
"I thought the thread was about the improper use of anonymous sources by the NY Times."
Technically it's a thread about Comey using the NYT to bait congress into subpoenaing his documents and getting public testimony from him.
I'm sure this is gonna work out well for you DJT apologists who are so slow re what's goin' on re reality.
Carry on.
"Story on DNC staffer's murder dominated conservative media -- hours later it fell apart"
And btw, Seth's family sends a big fuck you to Rene Saunce and all the other ghouls who are trying to exploit his murder. "Special place in hell" for you according to the family spokesman.
Whom shall I choose to chirbitize Brookzene? I need a few more hours of observation.
Chickelit-Ren Hoek?
Before they ALL jump ship to join Rachel Maddow.
People are just switching to Maddow to see if she ever changes her outfit.
, I neither love nor hate Donald Trump. I have a distanced, skeptical view of him AND of the media.
I've been reading a lot from the very principled #Nevertrump Republicans out there something like, "If this is true, then it's super freaking impeachment serious!!!!" type of thing.
Interestingly enough, what I'm not reading is, "If this isn't true....."
At what point do we finally say, "Ok, the media and Democrats/Bureaucrats are colluding to lie to us."??
"Buffy was in fact the best show ever"
Some episodes were amazing. A good bunch of them, imho.
But, there were plenty that were drudgery, imho.
I wish there was a reliable ranking so I could re-see the good ones w/o wasting time.
I suppose there's a Reddit for that.
Blogger Brookzene said...
. . .
You are on a roll.
I am always on a roll.
Buffy was awesome. It holds up well. Whedon is a horse's ass. He has not held up well.
@BL: LOL, but that would be a new voice for me.
How about and angry Walter Brennan?
Buffy. Superior in every way to Doctor Who, especially the ones with Tom Baker as the doctor. Nothing against Baker, but the Baker-era special effects and set designs were cheesier than the state of Wisconsin. They seem to have been purposely filmed to accentuate the cheesy production quality.
Who killed a DNC staffer and why?
CNN yet to get to the bottom of it, happy to move along.
Achilles could remind them what disgusting slime liberals are, wanton moralless scum unfit to walk the earth,
I don;t think anyone has to make an effort to do that.
It's pretty obvious. My only objection is calling leftists "Liberal."
What I am most concerned about is the level of violence about. Martha McSally had a series of phone threats and the police have now caught one of the people doing so.
There are plenty of others threaten GOP members of Congress.
NextGen Climate acts politically to prevent climate disaster and promote prosperity for every American.
The Tucson man threatening her has been caught.
The FBI arrested a TUSD employee on suspicion of threatening U.S. Rep. Martha McSally.
FBI agents arrested Steve Martan, 58, in connection with three messages left on the congressional office voicemail on May 2 and May 10, according to a criminal complaint filed May 12 in U.S. District Court in Tucson. Martan is a campus monitor at Miles Exploratory Learning Center in the Tucson Unified School District. He was placed on home assignment and told not to come into work as the district investigates the allegations.
The voicemails contained threats to McSally, including that she should "be careful" when she returns to Tucson and that her days "were numbered." He threatened to shoot her in one of the expletive-filled messages.
Tucson Unified School Board.
For the young un's: Walter Brennan, "Old Rivers."
How about and angry Walter Brennan?
Honestly, meh, but go with your strengths. You got boobs, show cleavage. You got Brennan, talk Brennan, I guess.
Not crazy enough though... you're looking more for maybe a Renfield sort of vibe.
I'd like to see the memos from meetings with Obama and Holder, and Lynch.
I've read that in the past the FBI, during interviews, would have one agent taking notes and would not allow(it wasn't illegal, "It's our policy") anyone else to take notes, and would have fits if an attorney pulled out a recorder. Because they wanted the only actual record of the interview; makes it much easier to accuse someone of 'lying'(for saying the same thing, but not in the exact same way) if there are no other records for someone to call on.
Which is why some attorneys would pull out a recorder, the Special Agents would insist "You can't do that", and the atty would say "Then this interview is over." The agents generally bluster and push, but if the lawyer wouldn't back down they'd- very unhappily- do the interview. Which led to a decision last year(as I recall) that now interviews would be audio or video recorded instead of just being notes; the Very Special Agent announcing this said something along the lines of "It's just taken a while to get to this point", with lots of lawyers saying "They finally decided that since they couldn't bulldoze us anymore, they might as well record themselves."
Blogger 3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
"Buffy was in fact the best show ever"
. . .
I suppose there's a Reddit for that.
IMDB has ratings for each episode.
Didn't Trump express similar sentiments about Hillary after he beat her as he did about Flynn after he fired him?
During the second presidential debate in October, Trump vowed to instruct his attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to examine Clinton’s email practices. However, several days after he was elected, Trump told Lesley Stahl during a “60 Minutes” interview that he was “going to think about” whether he would follow through with the special prosecutor. He also said the Clintons are “good people” and that “I don’t want to hurt them.”
Maybe Trump is just a magnanimous softy?
I literally don't understand the point of Mr. Brennan's activity in recording Spoken word piece? 2 minutes 42 seconds of my life that I could have been listening to Miles Davis instead. But yeah, I'm not a barbarian, I know who he was. Character actor in a thousand movies. He was Humphrey Bogart's mate In To Have and Have Not. And of course 500 John Wayne movies.
BL wrote: Not crazy enough though... you're looking more for maybe a Renfield sort of vibe.
Renfield. Good one!
Blogger Rene Saunce said...
Who killed a DNC staffer and why?
CNN yet to get to the bottom of it, happy to move along.
5/16/17, 9:21 PM
Does this mean that killing DNC staffers is legal now? Well, every cloud has a silver lining.
A Ren voice could do you a lot of good. Watch "Space Madness" and "Fire Dogs" to start.
but the Baker-era special effects and set designs were cheesier than the state of Wisconsin. They seem to have been purposely filmed to accentuate the cheesy production quality.
The Brits prided themselves on cheap special effects. I met a big English producer in the 1970s at a party and he was discussing Hollywood Sci-fi versus the English. I told him that I preferred movies like 2001 that tried to depict Space as accurately as the extent of our knowledge. He asked, "Oh, do you think they were in Space?" and I said no. He then went on about small theater groups he had worked with that used broomsticks as swords and nobody cared because of the quality of the dialogue. He had been involved in Who and said he'd prefer to use styrofoam cups for most of the props, rather than spend money. "What difference does it make?"
Here's the video...
That IMBD thing is a good tip.
I hated the Hush episode, which was highly rated, but the rest looks like good info.
FBI determines Flynn did nothing illicit but was not candid with VP. Trump fires him. Trump expresses hope that Comey can let it go.
If Flynn were a bank willing to donate big $ to a fund to be handed out to the 'right' groups, would have been dropped.
Instead Trump fires a good man and hopes that's enough.
Blogger Darrell said...
. . .
He then went on about small theater groups he had worked with that used broomsticks as swords and nobody cared because of the quality of the dialogue. He had been involved in Who and said he'd prefer to use styrofoam cups for most of the props, rather than spend money. "What difference does it make?"
5/16/17, 9:34 PM
Kind of the opposite of George Lucas. In one of the Star Wars prequels, Natalie Portman had a speech where she was supposed to say "all right?" several times, but it always came out californicated to "arright?" Apparently Lucas didn't notice or didn't care enough to do a better take.
Over the years Trump has constantly demonstrated a penchant for making unforced errors that create difficulty for him. This behavior is unlikely to stop without a brain transplant.
Asking Comey to give Lt. General (Ret.) Dirtbag a pass is just another narcissistic example.
I don't believe Flynn's conversations with the Russian Ambassador will reveal any prosecutable information. It's fake news that he became a Russian agent.
But I do believe Flynn is in hot water for collecting material sums of money from both the Russians and the Turks without declaring and turning it over to the Treasury, as regulations pertaining to General Officers require. He will be very lucky if he doesn't lose a star and become Maj. General (Ret.) Dirtbag.
Contrast Trump's behavior with Eisenhower's response to the Sherman Adam's vicuña coat matter:
'...Movie critic Michael Medved [believed] Adams was probably the most powerful chief of staff in history. He told of a joke that circulated around Washington in the 1950s. Two Democrats were talking and one said "Wouldn't it be terrible if Eisenhower died and Nixon became President?" The other replied "Wouldn't it be terrible if Sherman Adams died and Eisenhower became President!"'
"...Adams was forced to resign in 1958, when a House subcommittee revealed Adams had accepted an expensive vicuña overcoat and oriental rug[5] from Bernard Goldfine, a Boston textile manufacturer who was being investigated for Federal Trade Commission violations. Goldfine, who had business with the federal government, was cited for contempt of Congress when he refused to answer questions regarding his relationship with Adams."
"...Then Vice President Richard Nixon stated that he was assigned the onerous responsibility of telling Adams that he had to resign.... However, [Time Magazine contemporaneously reported] that the job of firing Adams actually fell to Meade Alcorn [Chairman of the Republican National Committee], not Nixon.[8]"
Ah, the days of Nixon lies and vicuña coats. Now we have the reputed Trump Oval Office tapes (now doctored or not by his loving daughter instead of Rose Mary Woods) and a guy that Eisenhower would have dropped like a hot potato.
One of these days Congress may tire of watching The Apprentice President and change the channel to the Mike Pence show.
BTW, I, as a certified good person, feel sorry for Spicer at the presser tomorrow.
He's got to jabber about this stuff.
And, Guilfoyle is in the press gunning for his head, while all sorts of leaks (John Miller?) say he should be worried.
Ha. Now we have Clinton Foundation Slush Funds and media cover-ups.
Blogger Bad Lieutenant said...
. . .
2 minutes 42 seconds of my life that I could have been listening to Miles Davis instead.
. . .
I suppose Gabby Hayes is right out?
FYI, I own the "I Love to Yodel" collection. volumes 1 AND 2.
Blogger StephenFearby said...
. . .
One of these days Congress may tire of watching The Apprentice President and change the channel to the Mike Pence show.
Pence is a vicious homophobe, according to the Dems. Trump is not.
Your thought crime has been noted. Room 101 is being prepped.
Who's to say who's worse among Trump, Democrats, and the media? Distinctions not cost-effective.
WASHINGTON — A House Republican wants to see the entire memo from former FBI Director James Comey on President Trump asking him to drop the investigation of Michael Flynn, as well as any memo Comey might have composed on the infamous meeting Bill Clinton had with Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
“If the New York Times has [Comey’s memo] that means we’re going to be able to see it and I would assume that would be fair. I assume that Mr. Comey also kept, if he’s disturbed by the same memos, that he gave to or about when Mrs. Clinton’s husband appeared in the jet with the attorney general,” Texas Republican Rep. Pete Sessions told The Daily Caller Tuesday.
Now Republicans, don't forget to bring in computer people to make sure that Comey's memo (if it exists) is contemporaneous with that meeting with Trump--and not put into the system over the weekend, say. Trust these fuckers as far as you can throw them.
Does "I hope you can see your way" constitute bullying now? Should Trump have addressed him as "Your Assholiness" to smooth things over?
Democrats: THERE is a MEMO! A MEMO! Do you know what hat means !IT means IMPEACHMENT.
Apparently a friend of Comey who we don't know read portions of this memo to journalists, even though they didn't see the memo and even though they only read portions of it. So, IMPEACHMENT!
Trump: I didn't say what the memo says.
Democrats: BUT.. there's a memo....
Look, Its a memo. its not a tape recording. So, how do you corroborate a memo? Even if we assume Comey is truthful (and I have no reason to accept this premise) how are we sure his recollections are accurate?
And no journalist has even seen the memo. We have no way of proving that it was even written by Comey. Secondly, only portions of it were read to journalists. Most likely the portions that seemed to be damaging. But why not the remaining portions?
Thats like hearsay on top of hearsay on top of hearsay.
and as Althouse reports, the memo doest even say that he did demand that the investigation ended. He HOPED it would. Even on its face its not damning as a statement. it certainly does not say what the headline says it does.
This reminds me of the movie My Cousin Vinny when The two teens get arrested for shooting the clerk of a convenience store while they think they are being arrested for stealing a can of tuna.
and at one point the lead detective is questioning Ralph Macchio and the following conversation takes place:
Police Chief:When'd you shoot him?
Bill: What? -
Police chief: At what point did you shoot the clerk?
Bill: I shot the clerk?
Police Chief: Yes. When did you shoot him?
Bill: I shot the clerk?
Someone from outside: We need ya out here.
Police chief: I'm in the middle of a damn confession here.
Later when the police chief is testifying at court he says the suspect said "I shot the clerk. And then Repeated "I shot the clerk" In other words, he hear Bill asking I shot the clerk as confession, when clearly it was a question asked in disbelief.
People recollections of conversations are not necessarily accurate. Just because Comey takes notes doesnt' mean he is getting every word Trump said, or the context of what Trump said, or might be misremembering events properly. So how could we corroborate the veracity of the statement simply becuase Comey wrote it? if Trump says Thats not how I recall the conversation went, that's pretty much the end of the argument.
Further, I'd imagine that the letter would have gone to acting FBI Director. And that person has already testified that trump administration didn't try to stop investigation.
""But given Trump's reputation for veracity and subsequent admission that he fired Comey with Russia on his mind a neutral jury could surely find that Trump's intention in firing Comey was to stop the investigation."
Except the investigation didn't stop. And the current FBI director said no one in Trump administration said to stop investigation.
"The asking is at most only implicit in what is a declarative statement: "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go." That's just Trump revealing what he hopes for. There's no question at all, let alone any pressure or threat." Right. Talk about fake news and fake headlines.
But I thought the Trump WH taped everything, as Trump delicately reminded Comey--no doubt anticipating a smear job. Which continues.
It's not clear that Trump at the time knew anything about Flynn illegally getting or not reporting Russian payments, which in any case is a small-potatoes side issue. For Trump, the issues were: 1. Flynn had had contact with the Russians, supposedly exposing him to "blackmail"; but the contact was not self illegal and as soon as it was known, the blackmail was moot, hence a non-issue ; and 2. Flynn had not been truthful with Pence, which was also not illegal and for which he had already been canned. Given 1. and 2., it was entirely reasonable to wonder if Comey could see his way clear etc. Surely Mr. Clean wasn't engaged in a pointless, politically motivated witch hunt, out to hurt a "good guy" just to to hurt the administration some more?
Under the law, Comey is required to immediately inform the Department of Justice of any attempt to obstruct justice by any person, even the President of the United States. Failure to do so would result in criminal charges against Comey. (18 USC 4 and 28 USC 1361)
No reasonable, prudent person would construe "I hope you can see your way" as intimidation. I'll take going after Trump as a declaration of Civil War.
For the past four months as our president, for the year and a half of campaigning and yeah, for the past 35 years, Donald has run from one crisis to another because he doesn't properly comprehend right from wrong and his ego makes him take controversial positions, and then he lies like crazy to cover up.
Back when he couldn't get enough sex, he said out loud what most men only talk about in small groups - but not Donald, he had Howard Stern and Billy Bush.
As a businessman, he ripped off Polish immigrants that he employed, did the same to rent-controlled tenants, bribed the New York and Atlantic City politicians, and he did a lot of business with the New York and Philadelphia mafioso - building his New York skyscrapers, including Trump Tower, out of concrete, because the Mafia controlled the business. He freely entertained the Philly Mafia at his Atlantic City casinos. He also ripped off his employees, his investors, his vendors and the American taxpayers through his six bankruptcy filings. And just for grins, he has been involved in more than 5,000 lawsuits, including the widow in Atlantic City whose house sat where he wanted to park Limos.
So now we know what we always knew - the man is dishonest, undisciplined to the point of irrationality, rude and offensive and he lies every day. Now he is giving away secret intelligence because he gets information every day from smart people like Fox and Friends, maybe?
And we know that he is not very smart and simply doesn't understand economics or conservatism through smaller, less intrusive, governing. His ego tells him that talking about something and issuing meaningless executive orders will solve problems. Trump, the forever juvenile, is all about Trump - 24/7.
What about Comeys other memos? Aren't they ALL the govt/peoples property? Sould not ALL of the memos Comey wrote "for the record" be subpoenaed by Congress? Interesting to see what Comey had to say about Holder, Lynch, Obama, Hillaryet al, n'c'est-ce pas? Call them The Comey Memos!(h/t "The Great One" Mark Levin)
They had better be able to provide this memo from a source that isn't Comey post his firing- like say, at his desk that he left on last Monday evening. If this is just some private memo he leaked from his home, it means jack shit.
My take on this is that it is just the latest anonymous source who could well be making shit up. If this came from Comey himself, surely he didn't leak and ask to remain anonymous. Why would he do that?
In my opinion, Trump should declassify and release everything from Comey records. Everything.
My initial reaction is that this is the crescendo of the anti-Trump campaign. It all now rests on the existence of this supposed memo. If it isn't produced within a week, the "Impeach Trump" campaign will be over. I am guessing it doesn't exist at all- really, how hard is it to take a fucking picture of it at the very least to allow it to be shown in the body of the article? That wouldn't prove it was authentic, but it would definitely be more than some unnamed source reading part of it to reporters no one has any reason to trust in the first place.
The memo is bait.
NYT doesn't have the memo because it was read over the phone.
Comey refuses to testify in private before the intelligence committee.
Will only testify in public.
In front of cameras, under oath, he will swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
His words will be broadcast over and over and over again on TV.
((Comey Fired. Turns his head back at his old boss. Looks at all the gasoline spilling out all over the floor. Calmly flicks a lit match. Walks away as a burning inferno erupts behind him.))
Gadfly puts a fresh "Don't blame me" sticker on his bumper.
My take on this is that it is just the latest anonymous source who could well be making shit up. If this came from Comey himself, surely he didn't leak and ask to remain anonymous. Why would he do that?
It's Comey or his people.
It's bait.
It is only bait if it exists- it all rests on that alone. If it doesn't exist and can't be produced, it won't matter if he testifies publicly or not- he isn't stupid enough to testify to it's existence without the ability to actually produce it.
I will make a prediction- he won't agree to testify to Congress under any circumstances.
I suppose this will end with proof that Comey conspired with the Russki's to elect Trump. Dems will do another About Face.
What do the Dems think Comey is? A disinterested civil servant? He is a lawyer, with paid boardships in a lot of high profile companies. I'd love to see his tax returns.
Grow up, Democrats.
If the memo was fake, what's to stop Comey from just creating it now, after the fact?
It is only bait if it exists- it all rests on that alone. If it doesn't exist and can't be produced, it won't matter if he testifies publicly or not- he isn't stupid enough to testify to it's existence without the ability to actually produce it.
It's bait to get Comey on the stand, testifying in pubic, under oath.
Comey will verbalize what was in the memos. It will be explosive TV.
Watch for it.
Has an authentic sound to it. I am not sure Comey is that great a creative writer. Still not Hillary though.
Remember that this is the guy Hillary thought should be the alternative to her, if Americans, for some unfathomable reason, didn't want the corrupt old termagant as POTUS.
300 comments about a bullshit issue, making this a total victory for the Democratic Party.
What's important is healthcare reform, tax reform, North Korea, and etc.
Those are the issues that should be garnering 300 comments.
Control what people think and talk about, and you win.
When Bill Clinton met with Loretta Lynch on the tarmac, everyone was just like, "Oh that crazy Bill Clinton. He is forever wandering into other people's private planes!".
But this memo that Comey supposedly has now, this is a real outrage.
MayBee has it right, as per usual.
- Tim
To all you lawyers. Regular people are not impressed by this. We remember, clearly, that Comey passed on doing anything to Clinton because of "lack of intent" so it tells regular, non-lawyer people (like Trump) he can "fix" things. Obstruction is found in non-action on the IRS, Fast-n-Furious Gun Trade.
"'Trump needs to be impeached post haste. This has gone on long enough.'
"Other than the crime of personally offending you, what law has he broken?"
Well, he illegally bombed Syria.
That's some real pressure - LOLZ
"300 comments about a bullshit issue, making this a total victory for the Democratic Party."
You can't blame anyone but Trump.
Ross Douthat said...
The presidency is not just another office. It has become, for good reasons and bad ones, a seat of semi-monarchical political power, a fixed place on which unimaginable pressures are daily brought to bear, and the final stopping point for decisions that can lead very swiftly to life or death for people the world over.
One does not need to be a Marvel superhero or Nietzschean Übermensch to rise to this responsibility. But one needs some basic attributes: a reasonable level of intellectual curiosity, a certain seriousness of purpose, a basic level of managerial competence, a decent attention span, a functional moral compass, a measure of restraint and self-control. And if a president is deficient in one or more of them, you can be sure it will be exposed.
Trump is seemingly deficient in them all. Some he perhaps never had, others have presumably atrophied with age.
I do not believe that our president sufficiently understands the nature of the office that he holds, the nature of the legal constraints that are supposed to bind him, perhaps even the nature of normal human interactions, to be guilty of obstruction of justice in the Nixonian or even Clintonian sense of the phrase. I do not believe he is really capable of the behind-the-scenes conspiring that the darker Russia theories envision. And it is hard to betray an oath of office whose obligations you evince no sign of really understanding or respecting.
[This] is an argument, instead, for using a constitutional mechanism more appropriate to this strange situation than impeachment: the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, which allows for the removal of the president if a majority of the cabinet informs the Congress that he is “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office” and (should the president contest his own removal) a two-thirds vote by Congress confirms the cabinet’s judgment.
his incapacity to really govern, to truly execute the serious duties that fall to him to carry out, is nevertheless testified to daily — not by his enemies or external critics, but by precisely the men and women whom the Constitution asks to stand in judgment on him, the men and women who serve around him in the White House and the cabinet.
Read the things that these people, members of his inner circle, his personally selected appointees, say daily through anonymous quotations to the press. (And I assure you they say worse off the record.) They have no respect for him, indeed they seem to palpate with contempt for him, and to regard their mission as equivalent to being stewards for a syphilitic emperor.
It is not squishy New York Times conservatives who regard the president as a child, an intellectual void, a hopeless case, a threat to national security; it is people who are self-selected loyalists, who supported him in the campaign, who daily go to work for him.
If the memo was fake, what's to stop Comey from just creating it now, after the fact?
Exactly. That almost worked for Mary Mapes and Dan Rather...
To prove a point, Robert Cook's point that Trump should be impeached for illegally bombing Syria, is more logical (even if completely wrong) than any of the impeachment reasons the other lefties in this thread believe.
You can't blame anyone but Trump.
Right. You see, it's all true. No one in the media are going overboard. No one on the left is going overboard. All of this ridiculous frenzy is completely justified from top to bottom.
Good God are you dense.
"It all now rests on the existence of this supposed memo. If it isn't produced within a week, the "Impeach Trump" campaign will be over."
Sure, and the Impeach Now!people will all stop breathing at that very moment.
I have seen 8 years of "Click on this U-Tube video, this will END the Obama Presidency". Utter crap, of course.
The Impeach Trump! is like that with a near lethal dose of steroids - in (formerly) reputable news outlets.
It will never end for some.
After all there have already been several
As someone who has had the unfortunate firsthand experience with FBI interview notes, let's just say that they are often embellished in a way that is harmful to the subject of the interview, That's why AG Holder changed the policy:
"For years, FBI agents have been criticized by defense lawyers in criminal trials for testifying about interviews based on recollections gleaned from scribbled notes...Holder acknowledged that bringing FBI agents and other federal officers into the modern world would boost law enforcement's credibility.
"Creating an electronic record will ensure that we have an objective account of key investigations and interactions with people who are held in federal custody," he said. "It will allow us to document that detained individuals are afforded their constitutionally protected rights."
Subpoena the memo and the paper trail. Get any tapes that exist. Have Comey testify under oath. If this is true, Trump needs to be impeached post haste. This has gone on long enough.
Some folks are very happy at this moment. They wanted to get Trump and bullshit stories like this keep their hopes up. They are going to be so disappointed when Trump wins re-election.
All this bullshit is a smokescreen to obscure the emerging truth which is that Obama spied on not just Trump but many other politicians as well, using unmasking as the technique.
Obama thought he was safe from discovery because Hillary was going to win. But Trump unexpectedly won. This created a sense of desperation. With Trump as President all the papertrails and footprints would/will eventually be exposed. You cannot unmask folks without leaving evidence; evidence that a President Hillary would ignore, destroy or cover-up. Thus the third-hand, anonymously sourced, fake news we are being bombarded with.
The MSM/Democrats/eGOP are creating a false expectation of impeachment for the Trump haters. It’ll be fun to watch the reactions when the impeachment nonsense fades, the smoke clears and Trump is still in the Oval office. I wonder – who will they blame when all the fake news doesn’t bring Trump down?
Good grief. Talk about twisting and contorting Trump's comments to make it appear that he is trying to influence Comey.
I hope the majority of the American people see what is happening. The Russia-Trump "collusion," and all the news about the so-called dysfunctional Trump administration, is the left's attempt to win more seats in 2018 and possibly the White House in 2020. The Dems can't win on policy arguments. Their strategy is to de-legitimize and demonize Trump. Trump didn't win by a huge margin and the Dems know they won't be able to convince droves of Americans to vote Dem in these next elections. What they want to do is cause enough turmoil for Trump, making him appear to be an incompetent, unethical leader, that enough of those people who voted for him in 2016, will stay home in the next elections, giving the Dems more wins. The MSM is despicable and is the #1 driving force of the political polarization of this country.
"To prove a point, Robert Cook's point that Trump should be impeached for illegally bombing Syria, is more logical (even if completely wrong) than any of the impeachment reasons the other lefties in this thread believe."
It's not wrong in the least.
All this blather about the sanctity of the FBI directorship and the firing of Comey being a "crisis" is so tiresome. The FBI is a pernicious, often law-breaking institution and Comey just another apparatchik of the department. Does it matter who's heading it? Does anyone really care, or think it makes a difference? Is this minor tempest-in-a-piss-pot really the demolition of democracy?
(Democracy in America, such as it ever was, is already more ghost than alive, a waxwork dummy we pretend is still breathing, as the admission it is not is too difficult to face.)
Actually if you consider that Comey "saw his way clear to let (Hillary) go" - no criminal intent, no prosecutor would bring the case, etc., then it seems like on that basis Trump would not be outside the lines to expect similar considerations regarding Lt Gen. Flynn's case..
Fox News - scumbag
CNN - scumbag
NYT - scumbag
MSNBC - scumbag
All these FAKE NEWS outlets should be shut down for all the lies they tell....I'd say they are losing viewership, they are all scumbags!! Trump is draining the swamp keep going the DNC is scared sh*tless. Comey is a liar when he said there is nothing in Hill's emails....what more has he lied about question mark there??
1) If my boss tells me "I hope you can get this done", he's not expressing a hope that I'll choose to do it. He's expressing an instruction that I try to do it, and will expect a good reason if I don't get it done.
2) Comey went back and wrote this memo documenting the meeting (assuming the memo actually exists). It's not dispositive, but it suggests he thought there was an issue with the way Trump spoke in the meeting.
3) Trump fired Comey a couple of weeks later, then went on TV and said the FBI's investigation was part of the reason.
I'm not inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was just expressing an abstract hope that the investigation of Flynn would stop. I'm much more inclined to read this as him trying to give an instruction while giving himself wiggle room.
Whether it's when Obama publicly stated his preferred action, or Trump allegedly expressing his preferred action in private..having ability to fire the person who will or won't carry out stated or allegedly stated preference is arguably being pressured to do so.
Ah..but how does one discern "intent"?
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