“I am sort of evolving to the point where I think that it is appropriate for Republicans to continue to go out there,” [said Multnomah County GOP chair James Buchal]. “And if they need to have a security force protecting them, that’s an appropriate thing too.”...
The main reason Buchal gave for his attraction to the militia groups was the cancellation of the Avenue of the Roses Parade, an annual Portland community event scheduled for 29 April, after organisers received an anonymously emailed threat of disruption. The anonymous message claimed “Trump supporters and 3% militia” were encouraging people to “bring hateful rhetoric” to East Portland. “Two hundred or more people”, the email said, would “rush into the middle and drag and push those people out”.
When the parade was called off, Buchal issued a statement in which he bemoaned a “criminal conspiracy to commit crimes of riot” and a letter to Mayor Wheeler in which he lamented “rising lawlessness” in Portland....
३० मे, २०१७
"As tensions continue in Portland following the racially charged murder of two men on Friday..."
"... the top Republican in the city said he is considering using militia groups as security for public events."
९१ टिप्पण्या:
Our cold civil war grows a little warmer every day. Militias as security? That will end well.
They shouldn't call it off. They have to call in extra police and arrest everyone who disrupts the event. Identify the organizers and sue them and all those arrested to pay for it.
You can see it, if you look closely. You can see that tiny bit of awareness among lefties like the mayors of Portland and Berkeley that allowing a masked, violent mob to run rampant in their cities is perhaps not a good thing. But the mayors are not yet ready to act to stop the mob, as the mob's actions are still considered useful, and their targets othermenschen.
There are examples throughout history of such groups being the vanguard of political movements. Later, when those behind them have taken power, the vanguard are suddenly, ruthlessly snuffed out. They have become a liability, and must be destroyed lest they turn on their masters.
@gordon: "Later they become a liability..."
Indeed. They no longer require anyone speaking Truth to Power after finally *becoming* the Power.
Scratch a liberal, you'll find a fascist. Every time.
White Mobs Privilege. Rioting in the rain.
I was just in Portland. It's a mess. Homeless everywhere. People ranting in the streets. Sure there's great food and Powell's books but it's a mess. I am not surprised. It's what you get when you mistake indulgence for compassion. The Bernie Sanders / Jill Stein supporter that killed those two men should have been under care. It's another instance of the mainstreaming soporific that leave the liberal proponents unscathed and two men dead.
I was just in Portland. It's a mess. Homeless everywhere. People ranting in the streets. Sure there's great food and Powell's books but it's a mess.
When I lived in Portland in the early 90s it was a toxic mix of radical lefties, homeless, aryans, gun nuts, bikers, LA gangs, unemployed teens and twenty somethings. Sounds like not much has changed.
They have become a liability, and must be destroyed lest they turn on their masters.
There are some scary YouTube videos out there from places like St Olaf college and Evergreen. The students have become the masters. The head of said schools have to stand there and be screamed at. "F*CK YOU GEORGE" was a common quote at an Evergreen event. George is the..whatever they call their chancellor.
There are Republicans in Portland?
(Actually, Buchal was my college roommate, good to see him standing up against the thugs.)
I notice that the killer who was a Bernie and Jill supporter gets identified as "alt-right" in the story. Nice bit of fake journalism there.
James.....the narrative is more important than facts. Interesting though how that fact has not been reported.
The e-mail was surely a false flag operation.
"I was just in Portland. It's a mess. Homeless everywhere. People ranting in the streets. Sure there's great food and Powell's books but it's a mess."/"When I lived in Portland in the early 90s it was a toxic mix of radical lefties, homeless, aryans, gun nuts, bikers, LA gangs, unemployed teens and twenty somethings. Sounds like not much has changed."
And I was just taking it seriously as one of the places where Meade and I might choose to live...
You've heard the phrase "a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there"? Looks like Portland isn't even a nice place to visit.
Portland, like Madison, is growing in population and is increasingly becoming more dominant as the economic engine for the state. The free market says that Portland (and Madison) are going in the correct direction.
Ann, why are you not considering conservative dominated states like Mississippi or Oklahoma?
If the cities stopped pulling the police back from enforcing laws at public riots/when conservatives are attacked, no one would be considering the stupid idea of hiring militia, "militia" or whoever to act as security.
Wait -- the murderer is a Bernier/Stein supporter, but is described as: "The suspect, Jeremy Christian, 35, was found to hold white supremacist views and to have attended an “alt-right” rally in the city."?
And we're really considering a lag of Friday to Monday as "belated"? Did Stein, Bernie or Clinton issue ANY comments regarding the murders?
I'm reading the whole article, and I feel like... I'm missing a lot of the story.
And I was just taking it seriously as one of the places where Meade and I might choose to live...
For what it's worth my recent college grad nephew moved to Portland last year without a job. He's now loving life employed and taking the light rail to work. The worst thing he has to say about the place is nobody knows how to drive in the snow.
Once Written...first, this is not directed at AA and Meade, just noting due to your last two comments.........Madison Wisc and Portland Oregon are known as the 2 whitest cities in America. Also two of the most intolerant places in the country. Ask Belle Plaine Minnesota what they think about Madison. Or Birmingham Alabama.
You bring up Mississippi. Jackson is the largest city there. It is 80% Black and has a bit of a crime problem. That has hurt migration to the Magnolia state.
The articles I read did not mention him being a Bernie supporter (but that would be sweep under if true). But it did mention that this guy is very well known amongst the police and also that he was not allowed into the "alt-right rally".
And I was just taking it seriously as one of the places where Meade and I might choose to live...
Consider Bend, OR if the Pacific NW beckons.
"But it did mention that this guy is very well known amongst the police and also that he was not allowed into the "alt-right rally"."
-- According to this report, they have video of him at the rally.
The is just a nut job with a criminal history. I am not a fan of the alt-right, but linking him to them is like linking Jeffery Dahlmer to the gay rights crowd.
I see it is Daily Caller who has the screen shots of his Facebook page wear he said he supports Bernie and didn't vote for Trump.
Quite frankly, I'm not trusting any of the reporting of the incident. The "persecuted" Muslim is the backlash story the media has been craving.
Remember Mathew Shepard? Poster boy for hate crimes against gays, turned out to be a meth deal gone bad. How many years to finally get the truth on that one?
"...and to have attended an “alt-right” rally in the city."
How clever! Every left-winger that had showed up to protest at a Trump rally so they could harass and assault Trump fans (as did Jeremy Christian), and is later caught committing some act of violence (as was Jeremy Christian), can now be said "to have attended an “alt-right” rally".
Presto-changeo, Bernie-supporting Jill-Stein-voting Jeremy Christian is now deemed a right-wing terrorist, thus falsely inflating the terrorists-from-the-right bullshit statistic.
Lefties, if you have to lie to make your argument, then you don't have a valid argument to make.
Fen......not only did the gay-rights crowd get a lot of mileage out of that, but his parents are now making a living on the lie. When I worked for a liberal Fortune 100 company, they showed gay rights propaganda films in the campus theater. And brought in his parents to speak. My guess is they were paid well. Probably put up in a nice hotel.
According to report-
Then show the video. Because "at the rally" can mean a number of things, hanging around the gate after being denied entrance.
The guy is a nutcase but given the degraded condition of the media, it's hard to put all the pieces together, mainly because it's not in the interest of major/legacy media to do so.
1. Attended alt-right rallies
2. Was thrown out of a pro-Trump demo for using the Hitler salute and using the N-word (video is available for that one)
3. Was anti-Islamic
4. Was anti-Semitic
5. Was extremely.... anti-circumcision.
6. Went on a verbally violent rant a day or so before he murdered people, railing against Christians. This was on the same train line. The woman (think I got that right) who videoed that one said the passengers were terrified and no action was taken when they told the driver of the train.
If only there were an institution devoted to gathering all the facts related to an event and sharing them via a technology--yet to be invented--that enabled the entire community (even the entire nation, but I am a crazy dreamer) to become well-informed.
The Bernie screen shot is now being reported as being fake.
Once Written, if true that it is fake.......I've fallen for things like that before. Sometimes when you really want something to be true.......
Didja all see the video a couple weeks back of a Portland woman going into a store to harangue the proprietor for having a carpet on sale which had a Confederate flag on it? It's here: https://youtu.be/0X1xOKMKX80
That's Portland. The woman doesn't surprise me. It's the store guy that I found amazing. And now the Trump rally ... I guess no place is as monolithic as we often think it is. There's probably even some good people in Madison. I keed, I keed.
How vague is "attended an “alt-right” rally in the city"? How many antifa members could you describe like that?
Or more likely, as Michael pointed out upthread, at the rally to protest with your mask and bike lock in a sock.
And yes, I carelessly left out the murderer was also a Bernie/Stein supporter, or at least he said so in one of his nutcase FB rants.
Just saying, we're like 12-0 debunking liberal fake news. It's getting to be like wack a mole. And the Left is clueless about the concept of consequences - just look at how many were "outraged" over the Berkley Beatdown. Like a bully stunned that his daily victim just bloodied his nose.
The report of the Bernie screenshot being fake is now being reported as fake. Go figure.
Sidebet that he was either on pyscotropic meds or just coming off pyscotropic meds. 90% of the mass shooters were, not counting the usual Muslim terrorists.
Fen, the more I read about this guy, the more he just seems to be mentally ill. Before the internet, he would be the guy you see wandering around downtown yelling things out to no one in particular.
Mentally ill is the political persuasion I assume most violent nutcases are.
@Fen, I'm just utterly gobsmacked.
"If the cities stopped pulling police back-"
I'm kinda thankful they did that, in the long term. It was an "own goal" by the State - destroyed the gun grabber talking point that personal use is superfluous because the police will protect you.
Demonstrating to conservatives that police protection could be removed for those with WrongThought was a gift to the 2nd Amendment crowd.
Ann, why are you not considering conservative dominated states like Mississippi or Oklahoma?
Places where you can't live without air conditioning. No thanks.
Once Written...first, this is not directed at AA and Meade, just noting due to your last two comments.........Madison Wisc and Portland Oregon are known as the 2 whitest cities in America
One of my nephews visited Portland recently and said everyone there wore black, and there was one black guy.
I've seen some social media posts of Portland residents reacting to the bad press they're getting by sharing beautiful photos of their serene yards or porches or whatever, and I believe that's part of the deal. But it sounds like any non-Progressive would be eternally walking on eggshells.
The left in power really should have enforced the laws. No one is protected by the police anymore except democrats. Now we will see how they like vigilante justice. I deplore the necessity.
And I was just taking it seriously as one of the places where Meade and I might choose to live...
Portland is about to stage its own Kristallnacht with it very own Sturmabteilung running rampant in the streets unrestrained by the local constabulary, meanwhile, Meadehouse considers moving there... that's some excellent timing, by Jove. Perhaps you should defer upping sticks a bit longer. If Portland continues running true to form it will be a smoldering ruin in a few years time with real estate bargains aplenty.
Video Shows Alleged Portland Killer Ranting on a MAX Train Against Religion and Antifa, and Threatening to Stab Anybody Who Tried to Stop Him
Video's not coming up quickly but lots of info in the story. Also work on your headlines, WW.
Dave agreed. Some of what I've read is starting to fill out a checklist for a condition known as Meth Psychosis. Does Portland have a meth culture?
I know, I know, the odds of correctly diagnosing over the net is silly, but he keeps ticking off symptoms on that list...
White Supremacist Kicked Out Of Pro Trump Rally In Portland Oregon
Places where you can't live without air conditioning. No thanks.
Either that or places where you can't live without a furnace. There are places where you can live without either, but they are unaffordable.
Goodness, there are racial tensions in mainly white, mainly far left Portland?
It's like the grievous rape epidemic and constant accusations of racism on college campuses where most of the students are leftists and none of them are old enough to remember life before second wave feminism or the Civil Rights movement.
If such places are chock-full of racists and sexists and rapists, what does that say about the liberal-run educational system? They’ve been “raising awareness” for 50 years now and yet, by their own lights, nothing seems to sink in.
As if on cue: "The mayor of Portland, Oregon, on Monday urged U.S. officials and organizers to cancel a "Trump Free Speech Rally" and other similar events, saying they are inappropriate and could be dangerous after two men were stabbed to death on a train as they tried to help a pair of young women targeted by an anti-Muslim tirade" Because logic.
"The mayor says his main concern was participants "coming to peddle a message of hatred," saying hate speech is not protected by the Constitution." And, if the Constitution keeps on Living, who's to say he's wrong?
One argument for moving to Portland is that the inanities of the local left would give Althouse even more blogging fodder.
But it sounds like any non-Progressive would be eternally walking on eggshells.
I've worked at places that were mostly non-political to what I sense is leaning conservative. But there is always that liberal co-worker. Usually an older person, someone who grew up in the 70s, generally a male. But anyway, that is the person who brings up political things just out of the blue. Slamming conservative viewpoints.
I can live with working with one guy like this. I could not imagine living in a very liberal city where the whole workplace is dominated by people like that.
I know a guy who left the corporate world to work for the University of Minnesota. He took the pay cut as he wanted a job where he never worked more than 40 hours a week.....had 2 small kids at home. He lasted about 6 months and ran away from that job. He said every day it was Bush and Republican bashing (this was circa - 2005). Department meetings were the worst.
"Hate spoech", whatever it is this week, is indeed protected by the constitution. The mayor is not qualified to run a lemonade stand.
Heroes and Victims. Polarization in Portland.
Two busy-body assholes get themselves killed trying to protect people from hearing a rant by some unhinged guy on a commuter train. They are "Heroes."
Young lady, not a Muslim, is one of the people in shouting range of the unhinged ranter. She is a "Victim" of anti-Muslim Hate Crime.
Portland needs a dose of live-and-let-live, everybody mind your own business Libertarianism. The rest of the country could do with some of that too.
Dave agreed. Some of what I've read is starting to fill out a checklist for a condition known as Meth Psychosis. Does Portland have a meth culture?
There was just a nasty murder in Eden Prairie Minn. A mentally ill 38 year old with a meth habit took a screwdriver and killed both of his parents.
One of the men who died defending these women on the MAX was, it appears, the epitome of a Reed College hippie. He was a good man and brave. From the Reed alumni magazine, "Reed Grad Slain Defending Teenagers from Hate."
“Portland is about to stage its own Kristallnacht with it very own Sturmabteilung running rampant in the streets unrestrained by the local constabulary”
Except in this case the Sturmabteilung consists of privileged and mostly white kids screaming about white privilege. Try to imagine the Nazis running around shouting “Stop German gentile privilege!” and smashing the shop windows of Aryan stores.
If they really want to stop white privilege, they should start hitting each other over the head with hammers.
Once written, twice... said...
The Bernie screen shot is now being reported as being fake.
I understand that the use of the passive voice makes it difficult to find a good place to insert a link to your source. Maybe if you rephrased it to include an actor doing the reporting, then you could include a link. Then we could judge the reliability of the report.
Why not a southern city for the Winter, and a northern city for the Summer?
Especially if the Winter (Southern) city is in one of the more affordable areas.
Alternatively, try a nice, largish RV, trailer type. Then you can test drive a few cities -- or just keep the RV, and enjoy your mobility.
Lots of nice RV parks.
Best wishes for your retirement!
And I was just taking it seriously as one of the places where Meade and I might choose to live...
You want to stay on the west side of the Williamette, and south of Burnside.
My in-laws live in Portland. They had a house above Washington Park, and then moved to a condo down by the river (Chris Farley voice) near Portland State. They walk to plays, and opera at Keller Auditorium. They can walk to buy groceries. They are both in their 80's.
I have no idea what your considerations are, but......
Astoria - It's a time capsule onto itself. Not much changes in Astoria, but it's downtown is very walkable, and it's a 40 minute drive back into Portland.
Canon Beach - Everyone with money in Portland has a house in Canon Beach. It's has art galleries, and restaurants. The town, and the beach are very walk-able. It's a 30-minute drive, and 15 degrees cooler than Portland in the summer.
Seaside - Everyone without money in Portland rents a motel room in Seaside. It has shops full of rhinestone kitty sweat shirts (size XXL), bumper cars, and video game arcades.
Manette (East Bremerton?) - This is the real sleeper. You can walk across the bridge into Bremerton, and the 45-minute ferry boat ride into Seattle. The ferry drops you off in downtown Seattle. The stadiums, the concert hall, the light rail system are just steps away from the ferry terminal.
That's my 2 cents.
"He was a good man and-"
Sorry, but I don't even trust that. I mean really, who is going to report "the hero who died defending Muslim girl from Nazi was on probation for lewd conduct involving a minor"...
Remember Michael Brown? A gentle giant on his way to grandma's to study to be a doctor....
"A casualty of war, wrongfully imprisioned and suffering PTSD from a Mustard Gas attack, he found solace painting vivid landscapes of a surrounding countryside he would never see. And writing. Often he would lay awake for days, scribbling his masterpiece on prison toilet paper. A heartbreaking tale of his Struggle, made bittersweet by his selfless quest for the unification of his fellow man and the people's need for more living space..."
Just sayin, Winston Smiths all the way down.
If you are interested in moving to the Pacific NW I suggest you buy a tent and head out there. Camp on the sidewalks alongside the homeless and get a feel for the place(s). Oh, people can't put tents up on the sidewalks? Go. See.
" They have to call in extra police and arrest everyone who disrupts the event. "
Except the "They" that can call in the police have, in multiple, recent incidents refused to even allow the police to interfere with violent actions by the left.
So, no they do not "have" to.
I hope they do, I sure don't want violent group A versus violent group B at all public events. But that's the path these good pols have sent us down.
Oregon has an income tax, but no sales tax. Washington is just the opposite.
Fen said: "He was a good man and-"
Sorry, but I don't even trust that. I mean really, who is going to report "the hero who died defending Muslim girl from Nazi was on probation for lewd conduct involving a minor"...
Remember Michael Brown? A gentle giant on his way to grandma's to study to be a doctor....
What the heck are you talking about? Not Michael Brown, but the other ...
One thing's for sure: Militias are certainly constitutional. And what can a good leftist say-- they claim that guns were meant to be restricted to militias... so Republican politicians using them as armed guards is 100% constitutional. Right? They certainly can't count on Portland police to protect them. Progressives don't think people they disagree with get government services anymore, after all (except of course the "Send them to the government camps!" service).
I'd recommend staying away from the coast, Ann. Come to some place safe, like rural Utah or Idaho.
Oh, people can't put tents up on the sidewalks? Go. See.
Rumor has it that if you self-identify as homeless, then REI will give you a tent.
When the city authorities do hold back police protection, then having your own private security is suddenly not such a stupid idea.
Forget Portland. Washington is where it's at! (And Tacoma... within easy driving distance of Seattle for events, but far away enough that their Madison-level insane politics doesn't affect our local stuff) is perfect. Ask me how I know...
"Ann, why are you not considering conservative dominated states like Mississippi or Oklahoma?"
How do you know what places we're considering?
But I don't want anyplace that's too hot or excessively sunny and dry.
"Forget Portland. Washington is where it's at! (And Tacoma... within easy driving distance of Seattle for events, but far away enough that their Madison-level insane politics doesn't affect our local stuff) is perfect. Ask me how I know..."
Washington also has no income tax. I like that!
Somebody recommended Sequim to us a while back, but I'm a little afraid of living where there's no substantial downtown.
Oregon has an income tax, but no sales tax. Washington is just the opposite.
That makes it easy: Live and work in Washington near the Oregon border and shop in Oregon.
Avoid Oregon. Income tax at 9%....pension payments and 401(k) disbursements not exempt. Unless you're willing spend all your nest egg living downtown expect to waste hours of your retirement stuck in traffic.
Good news is just a daily stroll of the streets will give you plenty to blog about. How about cutting off your mother's head and carrying it to the local grocery store
Sequim is a nice place if you don't mind semi-rural + small down, but yeah it's a bit far from any significant downtown.
I repeat my recommendation of Tacoma, but for sure living in Vancouver WA and driving to Portland for all those downtown frissons is a decent second choice.
I should add that, as a serious sailor/sailboat racer and one-time mountaineer, I love to point out the fact that Pierce County has the highest elevation differential of any county in the US -- sea level to 14,410' (the summit of Mt Rainier.) AND the view from Commencement Bay to Mt. Rainier is breathtaking! As long as the mountain doesn't erupt, then for some of us it will be breath-taking in a more literal sense... ;-)
I was going to suggest Colorado Springs but I think Ann said a few years ago that she would rather be part of the 10% conservative/moderate segment of an insanely liberal city than part of the 10% liberal/moderate segment of an insanely conservative city.
Went back and checked 16' election results for El Paso cty and doubt CS is eligible yet for Ann's list.
Still a beautiful place and if SJWs in the future start camping out on your yard to protest your blog you could just shoot them.
"racially charged murder"
Where is the race angle here? The defendant is white and the victims were white.
Sequim is full of retirees.
Port Angeles, to the west of Sequim, is a bit more vibrant, and has a direct ferry connection to Victoria, BC. BC used to stand for British Columbia, but now it just means Bring Cash.
Ann Althouse said...
Washington also has no income tax. I like that!
Somebody recommended Sequim to us a while back, but I'm a little afraid of living where there's no substantial downtown.
Substantial is a relative term. My wife is from Hong Kong and the Greater Seattle area is barely adequate.
If you are considering the PNW look at the east sound. Basically the I5 corridor. It is in a bit of a rain shadow. If you like a lot of rain all the time you can go west to the Coast. If I had my druthers I would live here 6 months a year and move south 6 months a year. We just entered the nice 6 months.
Between Tacoma and Marysville it is a fairly solid block of urban/suburban space.
Tacoma has a downtown they are trying to fix up. I am being nice.
Seattle obviously has the biggest downtown but they have pretty successfully blocked out intruders. It is a true pain in the ass to visit/commute there. It would be an interesting study to look at the non-geographic barriers being built up. The city hates cars and families. If you have a place downtown it is like an island, hard to get in or out.
Bellevue is the high class downtown. It is accessible to people with cars. Bellevue/redmond/issaquah is the Microsoft hub. A lot of money and it is low density living space. This is where people with kids want to live to get their kids into the schools there.
South of that is the Renton/Kent/Auburn area. Families, less money, more minorities. The houses are still in the 400-600k range so not exactly poor. Good schools but everyone still wants in the Bellevue school district.
North of Bellevue is Mukilteo/Everett. Very similar to Renton/Kent. Everett is a lot like Tacoma trying to fix up a downtown.
There is a very large semi-rural belt around Seattle. Places like Maple Valley, Puyallup, North Bend, Marysville.
I would also look at the Bellingham/Mount Vernon area. It is 1 hour from Vancouver BC and 1.5 hours from Seattle. Bellingham is a nice place to live. Great parks. Not sure if the locals got fluoride removed from the city water. It is an anti-vaxxer capitol.
You could try Park City or Heber City in Utah... slices of mountain heaven, close to Salt Lake, weather maybe a bit like Madison? And lots of environmentalist/leftists in Park City. You'd be conservative there. And lots of famous people come Sundance time. They aren't too "Sunny and Dry" either.
Plus not too far away from Southern Utah's parks.
Jeremy Christian's pro Trump Facebook comments.
Christian is probably mentally ill. He hated Jews, Christians and Muslims. He supported Bernie, made death threats aganinst Hillary and then made supportive comments about Trump.
Jeremy Christian's pro Trump Facebook comments.
Christian is probably mentally ill. He hated Jews, Christians and Muslims. He supported Bernie, made death threats aganinst Hillary and then made supportive comments about Trump. "
Again, the bottom line is he's nuts. I don't know why any pro-Trump comments he made should be taken any more seriously than his pro-Bernie comments.
Christian is a [class] diversitist (i.e. racist, sexist) and Pro-Choice (e.g. belief in elective abortions). None of these religious precepts are attributable to the American right. They are all part of the Pro-Choice doctrine that the American left preaches from government pulpits, public schools, civil rights rackets, and the corner abortion clinic. Christian is a product of left-wing bigotry indoctrinated through government agencies, public education, and social liberalism.
"What are you talking about? Not Michael Brown but the other"
Huh? What other?
"That makes it easy: Live and work in Washington near the Oregon border and shop in Oregon."
Washington residents are required to pay a use tax equivalent to the sales tax on out-of-state purchases.
Otherwise, everyone - and I mean, everyone - would hop down to Oregon for big-ticket items like cars, RVs, boats ... etc.
Oh, the other was a hypothetical. Threre is a media narrative and anything going against the grain will be censored. So OF COURSE the hero of our story is "a good brave man". And you can be damn sure that if our "hero" had a rap sheet for beating down old ladies for their social security checks, the media would decide we didn't need to know that.
As someone said upthread, what if the sequence of events was: crazy guy speaks truth to Islam, Muslim girl tells him to fuck off, crazy guy says make me bitch, two bystanders who are antifa faggots decide to punch Nazi in face for hate speech, crazy guy stabs them in self-defense.
Are the antifa faggots really heros? I just don't believe we are getting the full story here.
True enough, but big-ticket items like vehicles that, furthermore, have titles of ownership are about the only things that actually get paid use tax on. At least as of now, you can drive over the river, fill your trunk sales-tax-free, and come back home w/o being molested or inspected by an official of WA State.
The Mayor of Portland wants to ban meetings of what he describes as "alt-right" groups. This sounds to me like the old McCarthyites' practice of calling groups they didn't like "pinko". I think all rational people (that is, those who don't live in Portland or attend a prestigious university anywhere in the US) agree that you can't ban speakers because they are "alt-right" (whatever the Hell that means), but does anyone here know what the nature is of the groups that the Mayor wants to deprive of their First Amendement rights?
"And I was just taking it seriously as one of the places where Meade and I might choose to live..."
Most of Oregon, outside Portland and the college towns, is quite nice and conservative in a peaceful way.
My stepson lives in McMinnville, in the wine country, and will build you a lovely custom home.
That's what he does.
McMinnville is gorgeous. and the homes he builds are terrific.
We are going up in August and plan to stay in a B&B he built last year.
"And I was just taking it seriously as one of the places where Meade and I might choose to live..."
The problem is the politics and the people supporting them. Maybe not extremely wacko for someone who has spent their career in the PRM (People's Republic of Madison). But maybe even then. People I talk to in E OR complain almost as much about the wackos running their state as do those in the interior of CA. Applying laws designed for Portlandia to the farmers in the eastern part of the state. One refrain I have heard from several in E WA is that at least they don't live in E OR.
One interesting factoid - by the end of the summer, I should be able to carry a concealed firearm everywhere in the western maybe 2/3 of the country except for CA, HI, and OR, through out-of-state permits from those states without reciprocity. Am I going to a city like Portlandia filled with nuts and intolerant leftists without the ability to protect my family, should some antifada terrorists decide that I am engaging in hate speech thanks to maybe some of my bumper stickers? I don't think so.
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