And now Governor Scott Walker is cancelling the annual Easter egg hunt.
It's not just about Walker. It may have started in Wisconsin — at that store with a name to spark insane ideation — but Joseph Jakubowski has also sent a 161-page manifesto to the White House and it supposedly threatens other government officials, including President Trump.
So it seems this man wants to be well-known as a threat, which isn't the normal way you'd plan a big attack. Even if the store was chosen for reasons other than that name — Armageddon — setting the truck on fire is a highly conspicuous demand for attention. Ordinarily, a thief tries to get away, not draw attention to the scene. And the man is writing long letters and sending them where they will be read and taken very seriously.
I assume there are always some individuals amassing guns quietly and thinking about committing acts of violence. We don't know their names, but we do know the name Joseph Jakubowski. He's the one who wants attention.
UPDATE: "Terror suspect Joseph Jakubowski captured in western Wisconsin." The time on that news story is 8:11 AM CDT — that is, 1 minute after I put up this post.
UPDATE 2: The Easter egg hunt is back on.
१२९ टिप्पण्या:
Sounds live psychotic behavior to me FWIW.
Well, drug gangs come to mind.
I find the torching of the truck highly suggestive. Like Cortez burning his boats on the beach. (Or, earlier, Hamilcar doing the same thing. Noting is new, amiright?)
How can this be blamed on Trump?
Media is reporting that he has been apprehended without incident & now in custody. Just reported within the last 1/2 hour.
"Source: Joseph Jakubowski taken in custody this morning near Viola"
That this many guns were that easy to steal is disturbing. But I was puzzled by the reports he also stole two silencers. Maybe I'm too acclimated to California where not properly storing and securing your guns is a crime. Maybe I'm old fashioned in my belief that silencers were rare and needed special Fed licenses. Weird story!
Now I did see a recent article -- maybe in WSJ -- about the movement to make silencers more widely available as ear protection. And I agree with that, since they don't really "silence" the gun but do reduce the likelihood of hearing loss when shooting in an enclosed space.
He was just taken into custody in Vernon County, WI.
I thought this whole thing was just more Pepsi Viral Marketing.
I am Laslo.
Serial killers for example go for notoriety, not anonymity.
It's a media-based phenomenon.
A new motive is introduced.
They found him sitting in the woods reading National Review and wishing he still had a truck.
If Chuck suddenly disappears from the comments now, I won't be totally surprised.
Looks like Scott can have that Easter Egg hunt after all.
I wondered what garage mahal was up to these days.
Ann Althouse said...UPDATE: "Terror suspect Joseph Jakubowski captured in western Wisconsin." The time on that news story is 8:11 AM CDT — that is, 1 minute after I put up this post.
Althouse gets results! Thanks, Professor.
Speaking from personal knowledge, there's also a shitload of people amassing guns quietly and never thinking of harming a flea. You'd be amazed at what Paul the lawyer has in his safe. And the guy that owns the collection agency? Holy shit...The guy that owns the trucking company, well, he turned a room into a safe because he needed that much space. Guarantee there's folks like that in your neighborhood, however blue it may appear to be.
Guns everywhere. Making us safer.
"Guns everywhere. Making us safer."
-- What does this statement have to do with a story about someone who illegally stole a bunch of guns and failed to use them (unless there was an incident where he used them that I missed)?
Like, I get it. The read, response is: "See: Story about guns. Respond: Sarcastic quip about guns making us safe." But... it would make more sense if these guns in this story actually HAD been used to harm someone. Or if they had been obtained legally.
No one says: "Cars everywhere. Making us safer," whenever someone dies from a drunk driver. Or "Dogs everywhere. Making us safer," when a guard dog mauls someone to death.
This entire comment, and the reasoning behind it, is middle school level deep where, everyone who already agrees with the statement, nods at its sagacity, while anyone who thinks about it realizes it for the vapid nonsense that it is.
"I assume there are always some individuals amassing guns quietly and thinking about committing acts of violence."
I would assume that almost everyone who purchases a gun thinks about the possibility that they might use it in an act of violence. I guess there are a few people who buy target pistols for use in competition.
"Mike said...
That this many guns were that easy to steal is disturbing. But I was puzzled by the reports he also stole two silencers. Maybe I'm too acclimated to California where not properly storing and securing your guns is a crime. Maybe I'm old fashioned in my belief that silencers were rare and needed special Fed licenses. Weird story!
Now I did see a recent article -- maybe in WSJ -- about the movement to make silencers more widely available as ear protection. And I agree with that, since they don't really "silence" the gun but do reduce the likelihood of hearing loss when shooting in an enclosed space."
Silencers don't require any special licensing. If you can buy the gun you can buy a silencer.
You are exactly the kind of dumbass that believes that crap. Can't get any stupider than that.
The people that believe that the proliferation of guns in the US makes us safer are pathological morons, immune to facts. They deserve all the mockery they get.
"If Chuck suddenly disappears from the comments now, I won't be totally surprised."
ARM is unusually argumentative this morning.
And besides the individuals amassing guns and think about violence, there are governments amassing weapons of all sorts and cheerfully committing violence. A cursory reading of history shows that they are the ones to really be concerned about.
ARM does not know anything about gun data. He probably thinks Chicago is safer for the gun ban.
What crap? That guns make us safer?
They can, and when properly used are very likely to do so. They also may NOT make someone safer. That's the nature of almost any freedom, and the policy questions surrounding them is: How do you balance the actual risks with the fantastic risks and fevered imagined risks, compared to what you lose by restricting it?
For example, many places that relaxed restrictions on guns did not become Wild West Shoot Out-villes like we were told would happen. So, does that just mean we were wrong in what the experts told us? Does it mean that, no, we just relaxed them a safe amount, but any MORE relaxing, and we'll have Rambo-level body counts in the cities?
Likewise, places that have INCREASED restrictions on guns do not necessarily see drops in violence. This means that merely relaxing/increasing restrictions isn't the sole policy problem.
But. Hey. Instead of actually thinking through the thing. Yeah. Guns bad.
After all the hoopla he gets arrested without incident?
No, the morons that believe that guns make as safer are bad. The guns are inanimate objects.
The actual policy question, essentially is: How many people who COULD defend themselves with a gun, or crimes that may be prevented by a criminal not wanting to confront someone who MIGHT carry a gun, are you willing to trade for accidental shootings or escalated crimes that you stop by removing guns?
It's a real question; and it is a hard one. Just like minimum wage; if you raise it to high, you price out the very people you want to help. If you put the floor too low, you risk actual abuses by employers to employees.
Instead of looking at these problems and trying to find a solution, the left's response, as we saw above with ARM thinking gun proliferation has in no way made anyone safer at all, is knee jerk. Guns bad. There's no room for moral grayness or trade offs or cost-benefit analysis.
Guns. Bad.
"No, the morons that believe that cars get us places faster are bad. The cars are inanimate objects."
"No, the morons that believe that pills make us healthier are bad. The pills are inanimate objects."
"No, the morons that believe that guns make us less safe are bad. The guns are inanimate objects."
I'm sure happy the poorly secured store that had been robbed before was able to stock an M16 for this fellow to steal.
Perhaps they should have looked into ways of securing their inventory after the first robbery. Prove to me this isn't like most other gun stores.
It's a ridiculous statement.
"Perhaps they should have looked into ways of securing their inventory after the first robbery. Prove to me this isn't like most other gun stores."
-- Uh... shouldn't you have to prove this a large problem? Right now, it appears only one gun store was robbed in such a fantastic fashion to make the news, so it seems to me it ISN'T a problem for most other gun stores.
Mind you: I don't own guns. I've never shot anything other than laser tag, water guns and paintball guns. I couldn't tell you an AK from M-6.
Still. I at least bother to read beyond Guns Good. Guns Bad.
Althouse likes to analyze words so I ask about that update headline.
Why is JJ called a terror suspect? What terrorism is he suspected of committing?
They say he stole guns, wrote a manifesto, and burned his truck.
How is that terrorism?
OF course they don't say what KIND of guns the guy stole. I too, like Mike, am surprised that he was able to get that many guns. All of the gun stores that I know of have large safes for storage of fire arms. Whether they put them 'all' up at night...I don't know.
Guns in the possession of normal, non criminal, citizens do make us safer. I would hazard a low guess that at least 80 to 90% of the people in our area have multiple guns in their homes. At least a couple shotguns, several rifles, a few handguns and a large stock of ammo. Nothing at all unusual about that.
The last time we had an armed robbery was ....I can't remember....maybe 10 years. The last gun shooting/death was a couple of meth heads, out in the woods, arguing about some drugs about 2 years ago, so that doesn't count :-D
Guns are tools. Just like axes are tools. You can kill someone with a gun or like, Lizzie Borden, with an ax. You can deliver Pepsi in a truck, or you can run people over while screaming Ali Akbar. Blaming guns or trucks for people's actions is idiotic. Moreover, it is the lazy thinking of people with ideological bias.
My mom couldn't stop talking about this when we spoke. Now she can go to church on Good Friday.
tits and hogs.
"broke into ... and stole"
Excuse me, the inoffensive term is "undocumented shopping".
"Armageddon supply's facebook page" says "Shop like there's no tomorrow" against a background of, I'm pretty sure, the mushroom cloud of the Soviet "Tsar Bomba".
Whereas sells bumper-stickers about burning art.
Blogger AReasonableMan said...
No, the morons that believe that guns make as safer are bad. The guns are inanimate objects.
4/14/17, 9:10 AM
Having once fought a bear with rocks, I am resolute in my opinion that a gun would be preferable. You can believe whatever the fuck you want.
AReasonableMan said...
No, the morons that believe that guns make as safer are bad."
Nobody believes that. Guns by themselves do nothing. Neither do hammers or chainsaws. My treadmill doesn't make me thinner if I use it as a clothes rack.
This kook hates Trump and signed the Walker recall petition. He's anti-religion and blathered on about the "1 percent" in his manifesto. How inconvenient.
I predict this story will go away pretty quickly, just as the Charlotte anti-immigrant "hate crime" that turned out to have been committed by a black man did. Yesterday, I was amused to see the Journal-Sentinel say the loon sent a "manifesto" to Trump. That's it. No word as to whether the manifesto was pro or anti-Trump. So the imbeciles who infest the comments section of the J-S convinced themselves that the guy had to be a "disappointed Trump supporter."
Hey, he's a white guy running around with a bunch of guns! What else could he be? Nevermind that in this state, even leftists like garage own deerhunting rifles.
Oso Negro said...
Having once fought a bear with rocks,
How'd the bear get the rocks? And doesn't that make you almost a cannibal?
BarrySanders20 said...They say he stole guns, wrote a manifesto, and burned his truck.
How is that terrorism?
Well..along with saying time for a change etc. Kinda comes across as someone looking to cause harm in an unpredictable fashion and scenario.
Dependn on where he lands on the mental illness vs intent to send a message via violence. Neighbors have suggested he was a heavy drinker at he might just be the "angry drunk" type.
The article notes his strangely high profile approach..I see the same in a gun shop that calls itself Armageddon. A bit over the top, no?
Guns by themselves do make us safer. The mere fact that so many of us own them goes a long way to preventing tyranny.
WISN 12 News has confirmed that Joseph Jakubowski is in custody.
A press conference was held Friday morning at Kickapoo High School in Viola.
Wisconsin -- Come for the cheese. Stay for the weird names.
Jupiter: ...I guess there are a few people who buy target pistols for use in competition.
More legal owners do this than those who are allowed to legally carry and then use guns for crime. More bullets are shot at targets than at people by far, every year.
"Armageddon" was thought to be less provocative than "Body, center mass"
Dust Bunny Queen said...
I too, like Mike, am surprised that he was able to get that many guns.
Why? Guns everywhere baby.
Guns everywhere baby.
4/14/17, 10:00 AM
That's certainly true in gun stores.
Why? Guns everywhere baby.
@ ARM I know you are trying to be funny/facetious ....but.... I will treat your remark as one given by a slightly retarded but well meaning relative that everyone tolerates, and 'splain it to you.
Just like a jewelry store, most gun shops have their inventory in a locked, safe room if not actually in safes. Depending on the size of the store. A Mom & Pop type will have less inventory and can rely on safes. A larger store or one like Scheels, in Reno will rely on armed security guards.
Also like jewelry stores, the display items are put up at night. You don't see a jewelry store with the diamonds etc left out in the display cases at night. Since guns are bigger than diamond rings, this is logistically more difficult.
MOST, gun shops will also remove the display guns for safekeeping and not leave them out at night to tempt robbers. Obviously not ALL gun stores, since this one in Wisconsin seems to have been easily robbed.
That seems either careless or stupid or maybe both. The other inventory such as ammo, those awesome gun purses, and accessories like silencers don't need to be locked up.
Now you understand? /pats ARM on the head. Good boy.
BTW: If you are ever in Reno, a trip to Scheels is well worth it!
Anti gun liberals will likely have apoplectic fits upon entering :-D
Guns everywhere make 4th generation warfare more viable and likely should a large segment of the population get angry enough about the government or their neighbors.
Its an incentive for everyone, and not simply the government(s), not to piss any significant number off badly enough to run that risk.
Sadly, such as Scheels will not sell to Californians (without residency in Nevada).
@ buwaya
I know :-( The new gun and ammo rules for California suck. I believe there is work on getting a 2nd ammendment challenge on that. Yay Gorsuch! One of the main reasons we voted Trump was the Supreme Court.
Still a great place to go if you are into any sports. Hunting, fishing, kayaking, camping, golf, baseball. Amazing place.
I have never seen a gun store in Massachusetts.
Titus said...I have never seen a gun store in Massachusetts.
A Google Map search of "Firearm Store Massachusetts" gives 19 results. None inside Boston, though.
Titus: "I have never seen a gun store in Massachusetts."
That's because you are in Wisconsin.
If you look around there you will surely find a few.
exiled: "That's certainly true in gun stores"
Indeed. Why, you can't swing an unloaded gun in a gun store without hitting another gun.
Ah, this is a cry for attention.
18 guns is 17 more than you can shoot at once*.
Maybe a single spare for jams increases threat from a spree killer, but he could steal a literal 50' trailer full of guns and not be any more dangerous than with one or two.
(* Unless you're Chow Yun-fat and John Woo is directing.)
"that is, 1 minute after I put up this post.'
A crime stoppers award for Althouse, please.
Madison Headline: "Not Left Wing Enough Blogger Saves Nation!"
I have never seen a gun store in Massachusetts
Google doesn't seem to have a problem finding them.
rhhardin said...
Serial killers for example go for notoriety, not anonymity.
That's "spree/mass killers", who shoot up a bunch of people in mostly one event and expect to get caught.
Fun facts about serial killers
- Most are black, and they're hardly mentioned in the news.
- Almost 1/3rd kill for money; why would they want notoriety?
"18 guns is 17 more than you can shoot at once*."
There are Youtube videos that prove this is not necessarily the case. There are two-fisted hombres that can shoot more or less accurately. Its just a stunt though.
"Serial killers for example go for notoriety, not anonymity."
Guerilla fighters and terrorists who want to live to fight another day don't usually want to be personally identified. The IRA is instructive here.
I just hope they recovered those guns.
Guerilla fighters and terrorists who want to live to fight another day don't usually want to be personally identified.
Also true in the middle east. Most suicide bombers are dopes recruited for low IQ. Some now in Africa are children, often with remote triggers for the bombs.
Some of the truck bombs have remote triggers in case the driver changes his mind.
What is up with that Drago? I told you Ann knows that I live in work in Cambridge-on Mass Ave.
Why do you want me to live in Wisconsin...less fab? right?
Have a super weekend and keep your feet on the crowd and keep reaching for the stars!
We were identified as a superstar city by Richard Florida in The Atlantic this week. It is where all the fab peeps want to go. NYC, San Francisco, DC, LA and Seattle made the list as well.
I feel bad for peeps that don't live in a superstar city but not everyone is a superstar!
Titus said...
I feel bad for peeps that don't live in a superstar city but not everyone is a superstar!
Praze "Bob" for that.
It's good to see another fine American keeping us free from tyranny by exercising his second amendment rights.
Titus..the man in extreme shorts..means Fab libs.
(He's pretty proud of his phone too)
No, Ritmo, he's a lefty nutcase who hates Trump, Walker, and Christianity - just like you. They were afraid he'd shoot up a church on Easter.
He stole his guns, but I agree that leftists should not own guns. They're too unstable, violent and immature.
I don't hate Christianity. I think the Catholic obsession with sex and authority is silly and anti-spiritual. It really is just like you though to confuse the two, isn't it?
And the more guns for the right-wing the better. Every time a backwoods redneck toddler takes aim at himself or his mama with the unlocked arm and ammo, I think Darwin is trying to tickle me.
They probably account for a high number of those gun suicides, too.
Maturity, stability and peacefulness are hallmarks of the right-wing? Hilarious. Just check out your Hairpiece in Chief. You people think violence is the only way to solve a problem. Tolerating and working with others hurts your overtaxed brains. I remember a Texas focus group polled on Republican Rick Perry's willingness to execute the innocent, let alone the retarded. A supporter responded positively. Said it showed he had some guts. Or at least "guts" was the euphemism.
Democratic voter base is shooting themselves to death at a much higher rate than "redneck toddlers".
And funny how "1st black president" didn't have shit to say about that.
Oh well..his Chitown abode was protected.
Matthew Sablan said...
Mind you: I don't own guns.
Oh, right. The black-on-black crime concern trolling.
Don't worry. Your folks are more than adept at killing themselves off in accidents and as cannon fodder.
Plus, they want to poison themselves! Awesome!
Ritmo, do you make the same Darwinian observations whenever an inner city black kid shoots another one or fires though a living room and hits a toddler? Because those account for far more gun deaths than the rednecks do. In my experience, rednecks are pretty good with guns. They go hunting, they're in the military. They respect the power of guns and they know how to handle guns safely. the inner city gang bangers, not so much.the stories about the 5 year picking the pistol off the coffee table and shooting his baby sister usually come from the inner cities, not the country.
you'd know that if you knew anything about the subject of guns. alas, when does your ignorance on a topic ever keep you from issuing your bigoted, ignorant opinions?
you're a rube.
Army veteran mom shot dead by toddler son who found semi-automatic weapon under the sofa
US toddler shoots mom in Walmart
here in Wisconsin, a young mother was fatally shot by her toddler as she was driving. Same thing recently happened in Chicago. I thought you'd like to know that Ritmo. The death of redneck gun owners cheers you up so much. Darwin in action!
Except they were young black women and city dwellers. Oops. Still happy about someone else's death?
Pro-gun Florida mom is accidentally shot by her four-year-old son while driving after the boy found her pistol in back seat - just a day after she bragged about his shooting skills
You do not leave your gun within reach of a toddler, any more than you give them matches and knives to play with. Most gun owners are careful. A few are not.
Sure it happens ARM. You know very well most shootings in this country are committed by black men in blue cities.
Oh, I know. Idaho, Indiana, Florida. Blue state bastions!
Yep. Very respectful. Going to rallies, etc. Show the love for the metal!
I don't concern myself that much with inner-city crime, since it doesn't seem to affect me all that much. I figure if the people there want to do something about it, it's probably more of a community issue in how it's policed, combined the availability of all those firearms that you assholes want to see them provided with. But those people don't fuck that much with my politics or my government, so I don't have any racialized, paternalistic need to concern troll them about their problems (like you racists do) - so there is no reason for me to rejoice in their tragedies. I'll leave that to smug right-wing nasties like you who want to look down on them for that.
And again with your cognitive dissonance. You praise "rednecks" and use the word "rube" to insult me. Well, you're the one who puts all your political energies into not making sense so I'll leave you to explain that one. To yourself.
I'm long past caring.
You do not leave your gun within reach of a toddler, any more than you give them matches and knives to play with. Most gun owners are careful. A few are not.
A few?
Going to gun rallies and open carry brandishing in, you know, dangerous places like Walmart and Arby's.
Brains, much?
Your whole tribe of ammosexuals has a fetish problem. Seek help.
Check it out! These are Lady Mainstreet's people! (Or so she wishes).
Very responsible, respectful, cautious folks. (Because they're "white").
Hey. What are you going to do with your backwoods pyromania? It's not like you can direct all that love of the whole "bang" noise just into firecrackers and sparklers and whatnot. Eventually a redneck's gotta direct his natural inclination toward pyromania into handheld projectiles, too.
It's just a "We're better than you" thing, in what passes for the mind of Lady Mainstreet, nun-wannabe.
All those links won't elevate your thesis beyond statistical noise in comparison. go girl!
But I'll take my "concern trolling" over your masturbatory celebration of "redneck" death.
walter said...
But I'll take my "concern trolling" over your masturbatory celebration of "redneck" death.
4/14/17, 9:43 PM
Amen. Ritmo jerks off thinking about the deaths of people whose politics he doesn't like. I do not celebrate the deaths of those black women, because I don't delight in death.
But Ritmo does because that's what ignorant rubes do. They fear and hate those who think differently than they do. Ritmo is a rube. And a sadistic one.
I truly believe he was born too late and in the wrong country. He would have truly enjoyed hanging the Politically Incorrect in the Killing Fields, or torturing them in the gulags.
Ritmo would have applauded the deaths of those kulaks in the Ukraine in the '30's. They were bad backward people, hicks and rubes. They deserved to die.
Ritmo simply drives home the point that the Left is about hate, not love.
He's also The Angriest Dog in the World!
Ritmo jerks off thinking about the deaths of people whose politics he doesn't like.
Actually, I don't much think about them at all - let alone whatever else you seem to fantasize me doing. That's the entire point, numb-nuts.
Oh, c'mon, Ritmo, you were rooting for their deaths just a few comments up!
Taking pleasure in thinking of "rednecks" accidentally shooting their children.
Shame on you.
Hey, cavewoman. You still have yet to distinguish what makes a "rube" different from a "redneck." Other than, one you insult, the other you glorify. Let's never mind the fact that their dictionary definitions are nearly identical, saggy tits-for-brains.
Also, tell me why it is exactly that I'm supposed to pray for the preservation of gun-nuts in this world. Gun-nuts are dangerous and delusional - and deranged, as those many pictures of them sporting their substitutes for strength demonstrate. And therein lies their problem. They have no sense of the meaning of the fact that those who live by the sword, die by the sword.
But phony Christian that you are, I'm sure you've never heard that expression - let alone respected it.
Maybe this year you could be a better Christian than you've ever actually been, and look it up. Here, I'll help you: Gospel of Matthew, chapter 26, verse 52.
Now fuck off and enjoy your Easter weekend, you violent, gun-fetishizing, phony Christian-In-Name-Only.
Redeem thyself. Be less of a bitch and try being a decent person, for a change. I don't have time to waste on the disruptive.
Taking pleasure in thinking of "rednecks" accidentally shooting their children.
No, actually it was their children "accidentally" shooting them - the parents!
There's nothing more gratifying than kids who have the wherewithall to take it up personally against the parents that are abusing them. And growing up with a gun-nut is explicitly abusive. in noise...
Check the high volume ERs and get back to us..
Sorry I said "f-off," BTW, in trying to teach your Christianity to you. I get a little involved when having to respond to someone as graphic and as idiotic and as sexually maladapted (I guess it's the Catholicism) as you got in that 9:54 post.
But you're still a saggy tits-for brains. Some things have to remain on the table.
All the more appropriate to mention that to a woman who wants to live by the same amount of maximum firepower that she begs others not to see as natural that she might therefore be more likely to also die by.
Some things are unfortunate. Some things are predictable.
You having fun there, walter?
I'm getting the impression that you want to believe that there's something valuable you'd like to say/teach us.
Don't worry, walter. I'm sure some day, somebody, will take you seriously.
Until then, you can plan for it as elaborately as little girls do their own future weddings. Or as elaborately as Hillary Clinton planned for her own election night victory.
Aim high! Dream big!
The Toothless Revolutionary said...Some things are predictable.
Finally, truth!
Heh..after changing your handle.."toothless" suits you just fine.
walter could be a beta-testing marketing focus group for a new industry catering to people willing to pay others to take them seriously.
So, my boy. How much will you pay me for every complimentary comment I were to give you?
You empty narcissists are learning from your president well. Always a good, strong character trait to need approval that desperately.
One time, walter experienced the utter thrill - the pure joy! - of people taking him seriously.
And then he woke up.
But it's a bitch your chosen party forced you towards..
(typo, not typo)
It never happened again.
Wow..anyone following your posts to this point are laughin' at ya. G'night.
I didn't "choose" the Democrats. And what is it with you dopes and your Hillary obsession?
I mean, I have every confidence that Donny Tiny Hands' greatest accomplishment will be getting the office that he will then accomplish nothing with. But for his clingers to acknowledge that they can't expect anything more out of his presidency is actually quite pathetic.
I didn't vote for Hillary, or her DNC.
Try something else. Try defending your abominable game-show host of a president.
I know it's hard. But he's the horse you rode in on. You have no other choices.
"Silencers don't require any special licensing."
The hell they don't.
Ah..threw yer vote into insignificant noise?
Especially since every other post of yours suggests your interests would have been better served otherwise...
(I kinda figured Hil's "deplorable' bit would have "tickled" ya sufficiently)
Here's my distinction, Angry Dog: rednecks are rural Americans, usually Southerners. They are farmers or blue collar people. They might be assholes or they might be good, kind, decent people. The decent ones will usually, laughingly, apply the redneck label to themselves.
Once upon a time, leftists like Ritmo pretended they gave a shit about those people.
A rube is an ignorant hateful person with strong prejudices about matters he or she might be completely ignorant of. No proof that his or her prejudices are wrong and are simply dumb benighted bigotry will impress the rube. They are so sure they are right and so convinced of their cartoonish view of the "enemy" that that justifies wishing the enemy dead or hoping they get cancer or their dog dies. Or that their own child shoots them! Who cares if the child is scarred and haunted for the rest of his lives by such a horrific occurrence. The rube thinks it's funny!
There are rubes wearing sheets in Montana. And there are rubes in Manhattan - lots of them.
Ritmo hates Richard Spenser, but they are brothers under the skin. Two rubes.
Check out Wednesday Addams, taking time off from fooling around with Pugsley to re-write the dictionary. All on her own!
Just stop being your typical, Christian-in-Name-Only-self, and be decent for a change. There already was a savior. You don't get to be the pretend Savior for the Pride of the Yokels.
No one gives a shit what happens in Wisconsin, Wednesday. If that state needs to be won in a national election in four years, people can worry about it then.
Until then, go stick your head in a haystack and your incest-ready ass up in the air - as always.
Unless a donkey gets at it, first.
I know it must suck that yer saggy tatas don't milk no more. But that's no excuse for wishing you were a barnyard animal.
Now stop trying to use big words and get back in the barnyard.
Bye-bye, Wednesday.
Ritmo the rube is spewing his venom. Just like Richard Spenser - his brother under the skin. "You're old! Ha, ha!" yep, really a great argument you have going there, rage boy.
You lost. Deal with it, rube.
Bye-bye non-sequitur..
Jeez, if you think I'm old what do you make of that tattered old commie idiot Bernie, whose balls must be hitting his knees? Bernie, with his fond recollections of the Russian Revolution?
Ah, progressivism's bright young star! Well, until Hillary stomped him.
You lost.
Your mind? No, you lost that all on your own, Saggy.
Jeez, if you think I'm old what do you make of that tattered old commie idiot Bernie, whose balls must be hitting his knees? Bernie, with his fond recollections of the Russian Revolution?
I think that he's good and successful at what he does and you're not.
He's an idealist and you're just a cynical old bitch.
That's what I think. Anything else?
Why are you so addicted to masochism? It's almost like you're addicted to getting made to look like a fool. Which happens every time you fuck with me.
I'd say that maybe someday you'll learn. But you're not able to. Learning is not allowed in your tribe.
You're like the cast of Seinfeld come to life. Perpetual lesson non-learners.
"successful at what he does"
Exactly what is that?
(I know he had that flaming toilet paper roll endearingly referred to a "Berno"..but beyond that?)
Well..he has accumulated a few properties..
Sorry, Ritmo, but you exposed your hideous ugly interior when you gloated about kids accidentally killing their parents. So you lost - because no decent human being would do that.
All your insults, meant to cover that ugliness, won't do it.
You're Richard Spenser's brother under the skin.
You are everything you claim you hate.
Exactly, Vimax. That's about the extent of what Old Lady Mainstreet deserves.
Quit recycling the same stupid sayings. And go fuck yourself with your sob stories about mowed down gun fanatics. I'm sure if you're just as careless (and why wouldn't you be), maybe one day one of those kids or grandkids that "fate" brought to be pulled out of your otherwise useless vagina, will do the same to you. And then you too can claim a reason for all that grief that, up until now, you can only claim to pretend to feel for them.
How's that for ugly? Someone as useless as yourself deserves nothing less. Talk about Greek letters. Which Greek letters get assigned to a lady whose procreation results had nothing to do with desire, love, or anything even more decent or lofty than a catechism ruling?
Get thee to a nunnery, Hag. Or get ready to die by the sword that you love living by. Your mind is starting to break down and the clean-up it's demanding won't be pretty.
Again. What a masochistic piece of excrement you are. You "won" nothing.
I think you're a scumbag. What else is there to say? You have no ability to go "high". Every conversation with you is a stupid domination/submission game, which speaks to your problems in life. The part that's really "there" is so meek and weak that it comes by as barely a squeak when it happens. So instead you obsessively, defensively, reflexively, insecurely spew venom. But the problem, when using greek letters against someone as an insult, is this: If it's any sort of a privilege at all, it's one reserved for those whose own procreative habits were premeditated and/or consensual. And obviously yours were neither.
Well, answer me this,joker, what has your sperm procreated?
Nothing involuntarily/accidentally.
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