I am quite fortunate. Everything to do with Jenner has been overridden in my mind for that last 40 year by the image of John Belushi advertising "Little Chocolate Donuts."
One of the downsides to the amazing prosperity and security the USA has known since WW2 is that we tolerate nonsense like this. These issues don't fly when you are worried about where your next meal is coming from. But we live in a world where the biggest health problem for the poor is obesity.
Goodness gracious, Jenner can live in a fantasy all he wants - just stop trying to make us realists play along.
You would think the father/step-father of girls would understand the arguments against allowing transgender men or boys in women's or girl's bathrooms. Sheesh.
"Cait, do you think your lifelong feelings of being a woman helped fuel your athletic drive when you were younger?"
"Oh, yes! Some would say I was running, but in reality I was being chased: chased by the Truth of who I was, inside."
"So, could one say that you being a woman inside made you a better male athlete?"
"Indeed! Testosterone didn't make me a champion -- Caitlyn did. Although I didn't call her Caitlyn then."
"Oh - really? What did you call your inner woman back then?"
"I first knew her as Angie."
"Yes: like Angie Dickinson. She was so strong in "Police Woman." Do you remember "Police Woman"?
"Uh... vaguely..."
"Well, Angie Dickinson was a Police Woman. And she was so Strong."
"That is an interesting insight, Cait..."
"Then for awhile I called my inner woman "Farrah"...."
"Let me guess..."
"Ha! You know! Like Farrah Fawcett. What can I say? It was the Seventies. Sometimes at home I would wear a little red one-piece swimsuit and ice my nipples so I looked like her..."
"That must've been a sight..."
"I even went out as Farrah one evening. To a Hollywood Party."
"That must've been bold. And how did that go?"
"Well, it was a confusing time, you know? At one point of the party I was in a back bedroom and Burt Reynolds fucked me in the ass."
"Burt Reynolds!?"
"Oh yeah. In fact, I feel kinda bad for him finding out this way: all these years he thought he fucked Farrah Fawcett in the ass, but no -- it was just me."
"Is there anything you would say to Burt, now, as Caitlyn?"
"Yes! Burt: I miss you. If you want to relive old memories, give me a call. I still have the wig..."
"You mess with my community... you don’t give us equality and a fair shot, I’m coming after you.”
Jenner -- already living in the opposite of reality -- here again talks about things the opposite of what they really are. It is not a matter of others messing with his community, but just the other way around.
"You don't allow us mess with you... you don't give us special treatment and indulge in our fantasies, I'm coming after you," is what is really being said.
What she going to do, ram republicans from behind and push them into oncoming traffic? That's how she's gotten rid of people in her way in the past. Accidentally or not.
Tommy Duncan is exactly right, but I'm curious as to why with all this unprecedented prosperity we choose to bore ourselves to death with precious drivel like this?
If I cut off my legs below the knees to make myself shorter, and call myself Napoleon......it doesn't make me napoleon and no one has the obligation to treat me as if I was.
Mr. Sanders has emerged as the most popular active politician in America, according to a new survey by Harvard University and Harris Insights and Analytics, and his presence is demanded in Democratic campaigns no matter the political tint of the region. Yet his recent moves have infuriated some progressives.
First, Mr. Sanders campaigned with Tom Perriello, the Virginia Democratic candidate for governor who supported some anti-abortion measures during a single term in Congress (though Mr. Perriello has apologized for doing so).
The abortion lobby and the other components of the Democrat team are going to start fighting over the carcass.
The great white hope of the Democrats in Omaha (Mayor) is anti-abortion (Catholic).
No we don't. We just realize it makes a really shitty ethos that ends up in division and power struggles.
Total bullshit. You can't have a law-abiding society without "equal justice under the law." And every effort to make it more and more equal under the law.
Didn't your mom ever tell you life isn't fair?
Didn't your mom ever show you any love/affection - I mean in between the bullwhip sessions and dressing you up in a zippered leather face mask and all?
Bruce/Caitlin/Whatever-you-call-her/him/it Jenner really does make a shitty woman. I can see your side's discomfort with that person as your token transgender.
Do Republicans have to fail at everything they do?
(Apart from making a drama out of everything, that is).
The Godfather: "@Althouse: What else could "final surgery" mean in this case?"
It means that Kirk Douglas and an armada of surgeons magically appear through a rip in the space-time fabric and just as they are about to perform the initial "cut", Kirk and his team have to go back!
The next step of course is anything goes. I am tending more and more to identifying as a giant, invisible rabbit. I am getting annoyed at all these people mis-noticing me. Can't they see, don't they get that I'm invisible? That ought to be a hate crime, right there.
"I think you're going to need to narrow that one down, Burt."
"You know the one: the party where I fucked Farrah Fawcett in the ass. In the back bedroom. In the back bedroom I fucked Farrah in the ass."
"Yeah, I remember that."
"Well, now Caitlyn Jenner is saying that it was HER, not Farrah."
"Sounds about right."
"It was a dude, Burt. The chick you fucked was absolutely a dude. I saw her."
"You must be thinking of someone else..."
"Nah, it was her. In fact, you came over to me afterward and pointed her out. Said you fucked her in the ass."
"And you knew it was a dude?"
"Hell, yeah. One-hundred-percent."
"I think I'm going to be sick..."
"Take it easy on yourself, Burt. It was a long time ago."
"Yeah, but now everyone knows that me -- Burt Reynolds -- fucked a guy in the ass. This shit ain't funny."
"If I were you, I'd just go with it. If you show you're angry the liberal Hollywood types will attack you."
"So I just say, sure, I fucked Bruce Jenner in the ass, but he was wearing a wig?"
"Pretty much."
"I don't know..."
"Hell, they'll probably make you famous again. Cast you in a movie about drag queens or something. If you play your cards right you might even get that Oscar."
"You think they'd give me an Oscar if I say I fucked Bruce Jenner in the ass?"
"Yeah. But make sure to call her Caitlyn. You can say you saw the femininity in her before anyone else did. Makes you look progressive."
"But does that mean I need to fuck dudes, now?"
"Every now and then, Burt. If you want that Oscar."
"Hell, now you can remake "Smokey and the Bandit", but instead of Sally Field you drive around with a transgender fella. "Smokey and the Ass-Bandit." People will love it."
"I DID love it when people loved me..."
"The Seventies were a Good Time..."
"Yeah, they were. I just hope I didn't fuck any other guys in the ass, that's all."
"I understand."
"And to think: all this time I was worried about all the underage girls..."
What happened to all that awesome control those dying institutions used to have over society? (Especially in the Wild West). Why can't we replace them with something else? Darn!
"Please, libtards! Please please PLEASE make Hollywood trannies and the Kardashians an elective n issue in the 2018 midterms!"
Yes. Given that this issue almost certainly lost the 2016 election for the Democrats, we can only hope that they continue to flog this horse. No better way to turn out evangelical Whites and keep evangelical Blacks home.
Ritmo, Well, there you go. Thats how decadence works. The institutions fail, the seed corn is eaten and not replaced, each generation becomes more dependent on the accumulated social capital of the golden age, but is unable to keep itself from slowly ruining the stock, and ultimately it all collapses into civil wars, tyrannies and is overrun by more capable foreigners. All three threaten at the moment, havent you noticed? I myself am from the first wave of those foreigners.
Yes. Given that this issue almost certainly lost the 2016 election for the Democrats...
Hahahahahhahahahahahaha. Yup, those poverty cases in rusted out manufacturing centers casted their votes with no eye at all around economics and ALL surrounding the issues regarding trannies!
each generation becomes more dependent on the accumulated social capital of the golden age, but is unable to keep itself from slowly ruining the stock,
Yup. They have no idea why they can't get things done that their grandfathers did with dispatch.
I watch young people who have learned trades doing very well, while many with the worthless degrees that are so common now. struggle and give up quickly. Then they whine about how unfair the world is.
Yup. They have no idea why they can't get things done that their grandfathers did with dispatch.
This conjures up scenarios whereby Cuck Kennedy runs into one of his caveman ancestors, only to be gang-bludgeoned by them with clubs, while they ridicule his appeal to such effete things as "morals." Hahahahha. So someone thinks they're superior, now? Meet Grog's axe!!!
Grog was probably smarter than most of us. Natural selection was still preferring wily survivors. We cheat a lot by using social capital, but one-for-one my money is on Grog.
Ah..Police Woman.with..Angie err..Dickinson. Forgot about that one...back in the days of "battle of the sexes" tv shows. I still remember one event where they gave a woman a significant head start in a sprint. So..who will conduct the interview where Caitlyn talks about her first post-op orgasm? Has General Mills put Caitlyn on the Wheaties box?
Darrell, Laslo's dialog between the Angry Blog Commenter and his psychiatrist in the Daffodil Cafe thread sums up our perpetually outraged regular very well.
"I write about how this Blog and its commenters make me sick. Angry and sick."
"And this makes you feel better?"
"Yeah. I tell them they are all assholes who are getting it wrong. I come up with some pretty great put-downs. Occasionally I wish death on another commenter."
"While this may make you happy in the short-term, it doesn't seem healthy as a long-term behavior."
"Yeah. It gets tough coming up with new insults. But those people really suck: they deserve it."
Every time Burt Reynolds comes up I'm reminded of a friend telling me about when he was part of a moving crew for Burt and Loni's err..transition to a new home. He said there were huge photos and paintings of Loni all over the house.
The margin of victory in a close election can be sliced a 100 ways. Making transgender bathrooms an issue in an election year has got to be one of the most foolish unforced errors the Democrats made. Even the Huff Post has noted that POC's aren't big on trannies. It's a safe bet the Democrats pretending that this was a burning civil rights issue kept a heap of Black folks home. Some issues invite disassociation, an active voting against as a means of distancing. This is definitely one of those issues.
Cracker, While one faction of Dems pushed to normalize gender fluidity, a significant enough portion of POC have opted to normalize "No homo" as a clarifying conversational suffix. Kinduvagap there..
On the latest I Am Cait trailer, Caitlyn opens up about her sexuality during a conversation with a friend. "To be honest with you, I don’t see myself dating women in the future. I’ve been there, done that, got three ex-wives," she says in the clip."That part I don’t understand," Kris told DeGeneres. "I said to her when this first happened, 'You are so excited. You have to wait for the rest of us to catch up, like we haven't had as many drinks as you.' Like, when you are at a party and every else is smashed ,and you are, like, just getting started ... Anything to relate to alcohol, I guess."
So I'm down at the pub waiting for my wife, and I decide to read Althouse while I'm waiting just to kill some time. Then I read Laslo's posts about Burt Reynolds fucking Farrah Fawcett/Bruce Jenner in the ass. Now the inside of my nose hurts because I laughed so hard I somehow managed to snort beer up into my sinuses.
We can probably guess how you became toothless, Shitmo. Comrade Toothless can try and take a run at Ann Coulter next. Then he and Jenner might have something in common after her military fans are finished with him.
"Yeah. I tell them they are all assholes who are getting it wrong. I come up with some pretty great put-downs. Occasionally I wish death on another commenter."
"While this may make you happy in the short-term, it doesn't seem healthy as a long-term behavior."
"Of course it is. If people would just understand how Intelligent I am then they would realize I am Right. All the time. And they should then just Shut Up with their shit."
"Well, I don't think ANYONE is right 'all the time'..."
"That's because you're used to dealing with crazy people. You never have dealt with someone like me."
"Actually, I have. I have many patients who suffer from Narcissism and Delusions of Grandeur."
"Yeah -- those kind of people are the ones I'm talking about. The other commenters. They're so full of their own shit and then they write that shit on the Internet like it's important."
"How do you view YOUR writing on the Internet?"
"I see what you're doing there. The difference is I AM writing Important Things. These people need to know how disappointing they are."
"Same as last week, I suppose. I called people on the Internet idiots, they called me an idiot, I told them no-YOU'RE-the-idiot. I won."
"And did this provide you emotional satisfaction?"
"For a few moments, yes. I find satisfaction in my superiority."
"So someone who disagrees with you is not just disagreeing, they are inferior?"
"Hell yeah. They're Idiots and Douchebags. Or Douchebag Idiots. You get the idea."
"What if I were to tell you that you are NOT superior, but are simply a man with opinions, much like everyone else?"
"Sure, Doc. Nazis had opinions, too. So do child molesters."
"You think that the people who disagree with you must be Nazis or child molesters?"
"Oh yeah. Nazis with sexual problems, that's them. And a lot of them probably can't even get it up anymore. Not even with farm animals. Because they're old."
It's nice to see how low mainstreet has sunk - to having to steal other commenters' commentary.
And all in the service of complacency. She feels that complacency for one's country is something that it's wrong to be insufficiently disposed toward.
Everyone else is angry - she's the great one... because she doesn't give a shit about her country or the twat running it. (At least until he stops groping her. Then she will be really angry).
It's like watching A Clockwork Orange. Before you know it she'll be propping up eyelids with toothpicks.
Gahrie said... If I cut off my legs below the knees to make myself shorter, and call myself Napoleon......it doesn't make me napoleon and no one has the obligation to treat me as if I was.
Of course, if you declare yourself Emperor, and go around acting like one- people may just go along for the ride. It worked for Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. YMMV.
I simply wish to draw your attention to Laslo's brilliant and entirely accurate parody. Nobody can hit the bullseye like Laslo. He didn't name any names. Who knows who Laslo might have had in mind when he came up with his portrayal of a raging, childish, narcissistic commenter?
TTR: "Everyone else is angry - she's the great one... because she doesn't give a shit about her country or the twat running it. (At least until he stops groping her. Then she will be really angry). "
The Angry Commenter:
"Yeah -- those kind of people are the ones I'm talking about. The other commenters. They're so full of their own shit and then they write that shit on the Internet like it's important."
"How do you view YOUR writing on the Internet?"
"I see what you're doing there. The difference is I AM writing Important Things. These people need to know how disappointing they are."
Who knows who Laslo might have had in mind when he came up with his portrayal of a raging, childish, narcissistic commenter?
The old lady who got all self-righteous when demanding that no one ever mention her own near-abortion?
You hate your country, want to end criticism of the guy running it, and think it's wrong to get involved in that. It's a simple fact. You read "rage" into that because of the contempt you have for people who actually feel and get involved in what their country does. You mistake complacency and laziness as adult things.
exiled: I simply wish to draw your attention to Laslo's brilliant and entirely accurate parody. Nobody can hit the bullseye like Laslo. He didn't name any names. Who knows who Laslo might have had in mind when he came up with his portrayal of a raging, childish, narcissistic commenter?
Maybe Laslo could add in some bits about how the Angry Commenter is incapable of resisting responding to every comment that is, or could remotely construed to be, addressed to the AC. And just about every comment that isn't or couldn't be.
Angel Dyne wrote: Maybe Laslo could add in some bits about how the Angry Commenter is incapable of resisting responding to every comment that is, or could remotely construed to be, addressed to the AC. And just about every comment that isn't or couldn't be."
Oh I think Laslo kind of alluded to that:
Unhappy Blog Commenter at the Psychiatrist...
"How are we feeling this week...?"
"Same as last week, I suppose. I called people on the Internet idiots, they called me an idiot, I told them no-YOU'RE-the-idiot. I won."
"And did this provide you emotional satisfaction?"
"For a few moments, yes. I find satisfaction in my superiority."
Well, if that's the only remaining objection you can mount - that I'm not the complacent cuck that the rest of your buddies here are - I appreciate the "criticism." Thank you for it.
So, what's it like being the groupie/female companion to the cucks?
There are millions of people in the world who spend their lives wishing they were something they're not -- maybe taller, more "attractive", more athletic, more clever, whatever. Bruce Jenner apparently spent his life wishing he'd been born a girl. But he wasn't, and his life has been about most things associated with being what he is: male.
If you don't like your nose, you can get plastic surgery. If you don't like your height you can wear shoes that make you taller, at least in public. If you're a boy who wishes he were a girl, you can play "dress up". And in this age of superficial medical miracles, you can "dress up" with a sex-change operation, going far beyond what a transvestite does. But it won't make you a woman any more than changing your clothes will. It is still a superficial change.
Jenner never had and never will have the real life-long experience of being female. Among many other things, he made babies the way boys make babies rather than the way girls make babies. He's just a big celebrity who gets a lot of attention from a sex-obsessed sector of society for pretending to become something he is not.
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९१ टिप्पण्या:
What does equality mean for someone who has cut their penis off? What fair shot is he asking for?
Affirmative Action? Marriage rights? Bathroom rights?
Bruce Jenner is a sick man who should have been given help instead of encouraged to mutilate himself.
Did she just threaten a redo to become an aggressive man again?
Maybe gender freedom is like a watch with different watch bands to choose for each outfit.
Paul did say the human body was an earthly tent we live in that one day we will take off for an eternal one.
As one pithy tweeter wrote: "Dear Caitlyn-you are not coming anymore".
That is all.
Jenner used the term "final surgery." That's ambiguous.
Hollywood celebrities are already lined up against Trump. This is just piling on.
Aren't this broken narcissist's fifteen minutes up yet?
I am quite fortunate. Everything to do with Jenner has been overridden in my mind for that last 40 year by the image of John Belushi advertising "Little Chocolate Donuts."
I wonder if Caitlin realizes that it isn't the "community" people object to.
It's just that he/she's a self centered asshole.
Let me tell everyone a little secret -- deep down I wish for Sharia law.
"I'm coming after you, I'll hit you with my handbag."
Apparently Bruce let that ESPN award go to his grotesque looking head.
A fair shot at what?
I love it when Caitlyn talks butch. I'd be a bit more scared if it was Bruce saying those things.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...Jenner used the term "final surgery." That's ambiguous.
Hopefully, it's a lobotomy for Ms. Jenner.
Just thinking of this clown. Ewwww.
One of the downsides to the amazing prosperity and security the USA has known since WW2 is that we tolerate nonsense like this. These issues don't fly when you are worried about where your next meal is coming from. But we live in a world where the biggest health problem for the poor is obesity.
Goodness gracious, Jenner can live in a fantasy all he wants - just stop trying to make us realists play along.
You would think the father/step-father of girls would understand the arguments against allowing transgender men or boys in women's or girl's bathrooms. Sheesh.
Jenner could violent if you talk about his missing dick.
Bruce Jenner is like the last stage of a star before it collapses and becomes a black hole.
"Cait, do you think your lifelong feelings of being a woman helped fuel your athletic drive when you were younger?"
"Oh, yes! Some would say I was running, but in reality I was being chased: chased by the Truth of who I was, inside."
"So, could one say that you being a woman inside made you a better male athlete?"
"Indeed! Testosterone didn't make me a champion -- Caitlyn did. Although I didn't call her Caitlyn then."
"Oh - really? What did you call your inner woman back then?"
"I first knew her as Angie."
"Yes: like Angie Dickinson. She was so strong in "Police Woman." Do you remember "Police Woman"?
"Uh... vaguely..."
"Well, Angie Dickinson was a Police Woman. And she was so Strong."
"That is an interesting insight, Cait..."
"Then for awhile I called my inner woman "Farrah"...."
"Let me guess..."
"Ha! You know! Like Farrah Fawcett. What can I say? It was the Seventies. Sometimes at home I would wear a little red one-piece swimsuit and ice my nipples so I looked like her..."
"That must've been a sight..."
"I even went out as Farrah one evening. To a Hollywood Party."
"That must've been bold. And how did that go?"
"Well, it was a confusing time, you know? At one point of the party I was in a back bedroom and Burt Reynolds fucked me in the ass."
"Burt Reynolds!?"
"Oh yeah. In fact, I feel kinda bad for him finding out this way: all these years he thought he fucked Farrah Fawcett in the ass, but no -- it was just me."
"Is there anything you would say to Burt, now, as Caitlyn?"
"Yes! Burt: I miss you. If you want to relive old memories, give me a call. I still have the wig..."
I am Laslo.
Jenner is one of the biggest attention whores of all time. Name another sports or popular culture from the 70's who is now in the public eye.
"Burt, how do you feel about Caitlyn Jenner's revelation that, with her dressed as Farrah Fawcett, you had anal sex with her in the Seventies?"
"Nope. Never happened."
"So you are saying Caitlyn is mistaken?"
"Yeah: yeah I am. Look: she's a confused Dude. Chick. Whatever. I didn't fuck her in the ass."
"So there is no Truth to her story."
"Nope. I DID fuck Farrah in the ass at a party, but it wasn't Bruce."
"And you are sure of that?"
"Of course. Farrah. It was Farrah. I fucked all the 'Charlie's Angels' chicks."
"Yeah. And that Blonde Chick on the show where the guy roommate pretends to be a fag."
"You mean "Three's Company"? And Suzanne Somers?"
"Yeah: her. Suzanne. I fucked her in the ass."
"But about the Farrah story: how can you be sure it wasn't Caitlyn Jenner?"
"I'm Burt Reynolds: I don't fuck chicks with cocks."
"But maybe you didn't know..."
"Nah. It was Farrah. I fucked Farrah Fawcett in the ass."
"So there is no truth to her story."
"Wasn't me. Nope.Maybe it was Clint, I don't know."
"Clint? Clint Eastwood?"
"Yeah: Clint. Maybe he fucked Bruce in the ass."
"You think that was possible?"
"Nah, I'm fucking with you. Clint and me: we're men's men. Just joking on Clint. he's a buddy."
"Is there anything else you want to say about Caitlyn's story?"
"Yeah. I fucked Farrah Fawcett in the ass. Not a dude. I'm Burt Reynolds, I know chicks' asses."
"Thank you, Burt..."
"It was Farrah. Tight ass. Firm. I fucked her..."
I am Laslo.
"You mess with my community... you don’t give us equality and a fair shot, I’m coming after you.”
Jenner -- already living in the opposite of reality -- here again talks about things the opposite of what they really are. It is not a matter of others messing with his community, but just the other way around.
"You don't allow us mess with you... you don't give us special treatment and indulge in our fantasies, I'm coming after you," is what is really being said.
What she going to do, ram republicans from behind and push them into oncoming traffic? That's how she's gotten rid of people in her way in the past. Accidentally or not.
I'm kinda hoping that Tucker's first night out flops at FOX. But of course it won't. I have no faith in my fellow Americans.
Please, libtards! Please please PLEASE make Hollywood trannies and the Kardashians an elective n issue in the 2018 midterms!
Tommy Duncan is exactly right, but I'm curious as to why with all this unprecedented prosperity we choose to bore ourselves to death with precious drivel like this?
OK..Let's give Jenner whatever he wants...Affirmative Action, the right to go into any bathroom he wants whatever.....he wins.
What's next?
Because there has to be a next. There is no final victory and the outrage machine must be fed.
Furries? Bronies? Nah..those groups are dominated by men.
Probably otherkin. Just wait until people start demanding that you treat them as an animal.
If I cut off my legs below the knees to make myself shorter, and call myself Napoleon......it doesn't make me napoleon and no one has the obligation to treat me as if I was.
PLEASE make Hollywood trannies and the Kardashians an elective n issue in the 2018 midterms!
The whole Democrat collection of interest groups is entering a civil war.
Mr. Sanders has emerged as the most popular active politician in America, according to a new survey by Harvard University and Harris Insights and Analytics, and his presence is demanded in Democratic campaigns no matter the political tint of the region. Yet his recent moves have infuriated some progressives.
First, Mr. Sanders campaigned with Tom Perriello, the Virginia Democratic candidate for governor who supported some anti-abortion measures during a single term in Congress (though Mr. Perriello has apologized for doing so).
The abortion lobby and the other components of the Democrat team are going to start fighting over the carcass.
The great white hope of the Democrats in Omaha (Mayor) is anti-abortion (Catholic).
Later, lunatic.
Republicans hate the concept of fairness. And then they wonder why no one respects the law or rules.
They really are the architects of all the destruction they claim to deplore.
But of course it won't. I have no faith in my fellow Americans.
And of course they have no faith in the likes of you. But you lack the self-awareness to ask yourself why that is.
Oh well - time to upload another commentless post on your blog about vaguely obscure old pop music for no one to care about!
Republicans hate the concept of fairness
No we don't. We just realize it makes a really shitty ethos that ends up in division and power struggles.
Didn't your mom ever tell you life isn't fair?
Jenner could violent if you talk about his missing dick.
Someone apparently misses the "good old days!"
I do wonder what it is that "Michael Kennedy" got out of whatstheirface Jenner's dick that no one else did.
No we don't. We just realize it makes a really shitty ethos that ends up in division and power struggles.
Total bullshit. You can't have a law-abiding society without "equal justice under the law." And every effort to make it more and more equal under the law.
Didn't your mom ever tell you life isn't fair?
Didn't your mom ever show you any love/affection - I mean in between the bullwhip sessions and dressing you up in a zippered leather face mask and all?
Bruce/Caitlin/Whatever-you-call-her/him/it Jenner really does make a shitty woman. I can see your side's discomfort with that person as your token transgender.
Do Republicans have to fail at everything they do?
(Apart from making a drama out of everything, that is).
Total bullshit. You can't have a law-abiding society without "equal justice under the law.
Equal justice does not mean fairness.
Is it fair to make ad hom accusations against a sweet old lady who you have never met and has no idea who you are?
But you're a Leftist, which means you have no standards...only a lust for power.
Do Republicans have to fail at everything they do?
Not everything..we've been pretty good at winning elections lately.
Not everything..we've been pretty good at winning elections lately.
And you accuse others of lusting after power?
You seem to lust after incoherence.
Is it fair to make ad hom accusations against a sweet old lady who you have never met and has no idea who you are?
But you're a Leftist, which means you have no standards
Says the hypocritical numbnuts who brought up mothers in the first place.
See, that's equal justice. You bring mothers onto the table, I ask what yours did to turn you into such a slave/clone/cuck.
It's perfectly legitimate. If you don't like those rules, then play by better ones.
I'd ask you to set the example you want people to abide by. But Republicans aren't capable of leading. Not even themselves and their own conduct.
Blame everything on others.
Browndog said...Apparently Bruce let that ESPN award go to his grotesque looking head.
Cutting off the hose to spite the face.
"I'm coming after you, spike heel in upraised fist!"
@Althouse: What else could "final surgery" mean in this case?
TTR: "And you accuse others of lusting after power?"
Well, yes.
The Godfather: "@Althouse: What else could "final surgery" mean in this case?"
It means that Kirk Douglas and an armada of surgeons magically appear through a rip in the space-time fabric and just as they are about to perform the initial "cut", Kirk and his team have to go back!
It's very anti-climactic....in so many ways.
If you catch my drift. Which you probably did.
"Name another sports or popular culture from the 70's who is now in the public eye."
Donald Trump
The next step of course is anything goes.
I am tending more and more to identifying as a giant, invisible rabbit. I am getting annoyed at all these people mis-noticing me. Can't they see, don't they get that I'm invisible?
That ought to be a hate crime, right there.
"Hey Clint? This is Burt..."
"What's up, Burt?"
"Remember that Party in the Seventies?"
"I think you're going to need to narrow that one down, Burt."
"You know the one: the party where I fucked Farrah Fawcett in the ass. In the back bedroom. In the back bedroom I fucked Farrah in the ass."
"Yeah, I remember that."
"Well, now Caitlyn Jenner is saying that it was HER, not Farrah."
"Sounds about right."
"It was a dude, Burt. The chick you fucked was absolutely a dude. I saw her."
"You must be thinking of someone else..."
"Nah, it was her. In fact, you came over to me afterward and pointed her out. Said you fucked her in the ass."
"And you knew it was a dude?"
"Hell, yeah. One-hundred-percent."
"I think I'm going to be sick..."
"Take it easy on yourself, Burt. It was a long time ago."
"Yeah, but now everyone knows that me -- Burt Reynolds -- fucked a guy in the ass. This shit ain't funny."
"If I were you, I'd just go with it. If you show you're angry the liberal Hollywood types will attack you."
"So I just say, sure, I fucked Bruce Jenner in the ass, but he was wearing a wig?"
"Pretty much."
"I don't know..."
"Hell, they'll probably make you famous again. Cast you in a movie about drag queens or something. If you play your cards right you might even get that Oscar."
"You think they'd give me an Oscar if I say I fucked Bruce Jenner in the ass?"
"Yeah. But make sure to call her Caitlyn. You can say you saw the femininity in her before anyone else did. Makes you look progressive."
"But does that mean I need to fuck dudes, now?"
"Every now and then, Burt. If you want that Oscar."
"Hell, now you can remake "Smokey and the Bandit", but instead of Sally Field you drive around with a transgender fella. "Smokey and the Ass-Bandit." People will love it."
"I DID love it when people loved me..."
"The Seventies were a Good Time..."
"Yeah, they were. I just hope I didn't fuck any other guys in the ass, that's all."
"I understand."
"And to think: all this time I was worried about all the underage girls..."
I am Laslo.
The next step of course is anything goes.
Oh, it always is buwaya. It always is.
What happened to all that awesome control those dying institutions used to have over society? (Especially in the Wild West). Why can't we replace them with something else? Darn!
I'm sure the GOP is terrified by a community of people with mental disorders.
If they *are* terrified, then they're stupider than I thought.
"Please, libtards! Please please PLEASE make Hollywood trannies and the Kardashians an elective n issue in the 2018 midterms!"
Yes. Given that this issue almost certainly lost the 2016 election for the Democrats, we can only hope that they continue to flog this horse. No better way to turn out evangelical Whites and keep evangelical Blacks home.
No better way to turn out evangelical Whites and keep evangelical Blacks home.
But that's what "Moonlight"s Oscar was suppose to diffuse. Hence the hullabaloo.
Well, there you go. Thats how decadence works.
The institutions fail, the seed corn is eaten and not replaced, each generation becomes more dependent on the accumulated social capital of the golden age, but is unable to keep itself from slowly ruining the stock, and ultimately it all collapses into civil wars, tyrannies and is overrun by more capable foreigners. All three threaten at the moment, havent you noticed?
I myself am from the first wave of those foreigners.
David said...
"Name another sports or popular culture from the 70's who is now in the public eye."
Donald Trump"
Was Trump famous outside of NY back in the '70's? I don't remember hearing about him until the '80's and that's only because I read Spy Magazine.
"Republicans hate the concept of fairness. And then they wonder why no one respects the law or rules."
This was probably typed from a sanctuary city.
Yes. Given that this issue almost certainly lost the 2016 election for the Democrats...
Hahahahahhahahahahahaha. Yup, those poverty cases in rusted out manufacturing centers casted their votes with no eye at all around economics and ALL surrounding the issues regarding trannies!
each generation becomes more dependent on the accumulated social capital of the golden age, but is unable to keep itself from slowly ruining the stock,
Yup. They have no idea why they can't get things done that their grandfathers did with dispatch.
I watch young people who have learned trades doing very well, while many with the worthless degrees that are so common now. struggle and give up quickly. Then they whine about how unfair the world is.
Yup. They have no idea why they can't get things done that their grandfathers did with dispatch.
This conjures up scenarios whereby Cuck Kennedy runs into one of his caveman ancestors, only to be gang-bludgeoned by them with clubs, while they ridicule his appeal to such effete things as "morals." Hahahahha. So someone thinks they're superior, now? Meet Grog's axe!!!
Grog was probably smarter than most of us.
Natural selection was still preferring wily survivors.
We cheat a lot by using social capital, but one-for-one my money is on Grog.
Interesting speculation on one of my genetics blogs about whether IQ is beginning to diminish.
As society is less stressful to survive, the level of evolutionary pressure changes and the less adaptable still survive.
"Survival of the fittest" does not mean what the idiots marching around for "Science" think it means.
Keep staring into that pool, Bruce/Caitlyn/whatever.
Ritmo/RhythmicBallsucker/Toothless is one of those useless cocksuckers we were talking about here a few days ago.
Ah..Police Woman.with..Angie err..Dickinson. Forgot about that one...back in the days of "battle of the sexes" tv shows. I still remember one event where they gave a woman a significant head start in a sprint.
So..who will conduct the interview where Caitlyn talks about her first post-op orgasm?
Has General Mills put Caitlyn on the Wheaties box?
Darrell, Laslo's dialog between the Angry Blog Commenter and his psychiatrist in the Daffodil Cafe thread sums up our perpetually outraged regular very well.
"I write about how this Blog and its commenters make me sick. Angry and sick."
"And this makes you feel better?"
"Yeah. I tell them they are all assholes who are getting it wrong. I come up with some pretty great put-downs. Occasionally I wish death on another commenter."
"While this may make you happy in the short-term, it doesn't seem healthy as a long-term behavior."
"Yeah. It gets tough coming up with new insults. But those people really suck: they deserve it."
Quite a perceptive dude, that Laslo.
Every time Burt Reynolds comes up I'm reminded of a friend telling me about when he was part of a moving crew for Burt and Loni's err..transition to a new home.
He said there were huge photos and paintings of Loni all over the house.
70's love song..
The margin of victory in a close election can be sliced a 100 ways. Making transgender bathrooms an issue in an election year has got to be one of the most foolish unforced errors the Democrats made. Even the Huff Post has noted that POC's aren't big on trannies. It's a safe bet the Democrats pretending that this was a burning civil rights issue kept a heap of Black folks home. Some issues invite disassociation, an active voting against as a means of distancing. This is definitely one of those issues.
While one faction of Dems pushed to normalize gender fluidity, a significant enough portion of POC have opted to normalize "No homo" as a clarifying conversational suffix.
Kinduvagap there..
On the latest I Am Cait trailer, Caitlyn opens up about her sexuality during a conversation with a friend. "To be honest with you, I don’t see myself dating women in the future. I’ve been there, done that, got three ex-wives," she says in the clip."That part I don’t understand," Kris told DeGeneres. "I said to her when this first happened, 'You are so excited. You have to wait for the rest of us to catch up, like we haven't had as many drinks as you.' Like, when you are at a party and every else is smashed ,and you are, like, just getting started ... Anything to relate to alcohol, I guess."
So I'm down at the pub waiting for my wife, and I decide to read Althouse while I'm waiting just to kill some time. Then I read Laslo's posts about Burt Reynolds fucking Farrah Fawcett/Bruce Jenner in the ass. Now the inside of my nose hurts because I laughed so hard I somehow managed to snort beer up into my sinuses.
Damn you Laslo.
Darrell and mainstreeted go together about as well as a nun and the nerdy nobody who asked to take her to the high school dance.
"And this makes you feel better?"
It's always good to stick it to the delinquents who are dragging America down.
We can probably guess how you became toothless, Shitmo. Comrade Toothless can try and take a run at Ann Coulter next. Then he and Jenner might have something in common after her military fans are finished with him.
It's always nice when cartoon-face Darrell gives up and admits defeat and totally succumbs to the violent fantasies controlling his inner child.
"And this makes you feel better?"
"Yeah. I tell them they are all assholes who are getting it wrong. I come up with some pretty great put-downs. Occasionally I wish death on another commenter."
"While this may make you happy in the short-term, it doesn't seem healthy as a long-term behavior."
"And 'standing out' is important to you?"
"Of course it is. If people would just understand how Intelligent I am then they would realize I am Right. All the time. And they should then just Shut Up with their shit."
"Well, I don't think ANYONE is right 'all the time'..."
"That's because you're used to dealing with crazy people. You never have dealt with someone like me."
"Actually, I have. I have many patients who suffer from Narcissism and Delusions of Grandeur."
"Yeah -- those kind of people are the ones I'm talking about. The other commenters. They're so full of their own shit and then they write that shit on the Internet like it's important."
"How do you view YOUR writing on the Internet?"
"I see what you're doing there. The difference is I AM writing Important Things. These people need to know how disappointing they are."
And Laslo strikes again!!
The Angry Blog Commenter and the Psychiatrist:
"How are we feeling this week...?"
"Same as last week, I suppose. I called people on the Internet idiots, they called me an idiot, I told them no-YOU'RE-the-idiot. I won."
"And did this provide you emotional satisfaction?"
"For a few moments, yes. I find satisfaction in my superiority."
"So someone who disagrees with you is not just disagreeing, they are inferior?"
"Hell yeah. They're Idiots and Douchebags. Or Douchebag Idiots. You get the idea."
"What if I were to tell you that you are NOT superior, but are simply a man with opinions, much like everyone else?"
"Sure, Doc. Nazis had opinions, too. So do child molesters."
"You think that the people who disagree with you must be Nazis or child molesters?"
"Oh yeah. Nazis with sexual problems, that's them. And a lot of them probably can't even get it up anymore. Not even with farm animals. Because they're old."
It's nice to see how low mainstreet has sunk - to having to steal other commenters' commentary.
And all in the service of complacency. She feels that complacency for one's country is something that it's wrong to be insufficiently disposed toward.
Everyone else is angry - she's the great one... because she doesn't give a shit about her country or the twat running it. (At least until he stops groping her. Then she will be really angry).
It's like watching A Clockwork Orange. Before you know it she'll be propping up eyelids with toothpicks.
Gahrie said...
If I cut off my legs below the knees to make myself shorter, and call myself Napoleon......it doesn't make me napoleon and no one has the obligation to treat me as if I was.
Of course, if you declare yourself Emperor, and go around acting like one- people may just go along for the ride. It worked for Norton I, Emperor of the United States and Protector of Mexico. YMMV.
I simply wish to draw your attention to Laslo's brilliant and entirely accurate parody. Nobody can hit the bullseye like Laslo. He didn't name any names. Who knows who Laslo might have had in mind when he came up with his portrayal of a raging, childish, narcissistic commenter?
"Everyone else is angry - she's the great one... because she doesn't give a shit about her country or the twat running it. (At least until he stops groping her. Then she will be really angry). "
The Angry Commenter:
"Yeah -- those kind of people are the ones I'm talking about. The other commenters. They're so full of their own shit and then they write that shit on the Internet like it's important."
"How do you view YOUR writing on the Internet?"
"I see what you're doing there. The difference is I AM writing Important Things. These people need to know how disappointing they are."
Who knows who Laslo might have had in mind when he came up with his portrayal of a raging, childish, narcissistic commenter?
The old lady who got all self-righteous when demanding that no one ever mention her own near-abortion?
You hate your country, want to end criticism of the guy running it, and think it's wrong to get involved in that. It's a simple fact. You read "rage" into that because of the contempt you have for people who actually feel and get involved in what their country does. You mistake complacency and laziness as adult things.
exiled: I simply wish to draw your attention to Laslo's brilliant and entirely accurate parody. Nobody can hit the bullseye like Laslo. He didn't name any names. Who knows who Laslo might have had in mind when he came up with his portrayal of a raging, childish, narcissistic commenter?
Maybe Laslo could add in some bits about how the Angry Commenter is incapable of resisting responding to every comment that is, or could remotely construed to be, addressed to the AC. And just about every comment that isn't or couldn't be.
Well, come up with some less stupid comments complacent cuck Angel-Dyne and then you'll get less responses to them. Novel idea, huh?
Angel Dyne wrote:
Maybe Laslo could add in some bits about how the Angry Commenter is incapable of resisting responding to every comment that is, or could remotely construed to be, addressed to the AC. And just about every comment that isn't or couldn't be."
Oh I think Laslo kind of alluded to that:
Unhappy Blog Commenter at the Psychiatrist...
"How are we feeling this week...?"
"Same as last week, I suppose. I called people on the Internet idiots, they called me an idiot, I told them no-YOU'RE-the-idiot. I won."
"And did this provide you emotional satisfaction?"
"For a few moments, yes. I find satisfaction in my superiority."
Well, if that's the only remaining objection you can mount - that I'm not the complacent cuck that the rest of your buddies here are - I appreciate the "criticism." Thank you for it.
So, what's it like being the groupie/female companion to the cucks?
If humility is suddenly a virtue here, how does that bode with supporting Trump?
Or is it all about being humble enough to make room for your new leader's massively bloated ego?
What an interesting model of leadership/followership.
There are millions of people in the world who spend their lives wishing they were something they're not -- maybe taller, more "attractive", more athletic, more clever, whatever. Bruce Jenner apparently spent his life wishing he'd been born a girl. But he wasn't, and his life has been about most things associated with being what he is: male.
If you don't like your nose, you can get plastic surgery. If you don't like your height you can wear shoes that make you taller, at least in public. If you're a boy who wishes he were a girl, you can play "dress up". And in this age of superficial medical miracles, you can "dress up" with a sex-change operation, going far beyond what a transvestite does. But it won't make you a woman any more than changing your clothes will. It is still a superficial change.
Jenner never had and never will have the real life-long experience of being female. Among many other things, he made babies the way boys make babies rather than the way girls make babies. He's just a big celebrity who gets a lot of attention from a sex-obsessed sector of society for pretending to become something he is not.
You've been thoroughly punked, Son.
And you've been thoroughly puked.
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