১৯ এপ্রিল, ২০১৭

"Bill O’Reilly has been forced out of his position as a prime-time host on Fox News..."

"... the company said on Wednesday, after the disclosure of multiple settlements involving sexual harassment allegations against him. His ouster brings an abrupt and embarrassing end to his two-decade reign as one of the most popular and influential commentators in television," the NYT reports.

ADDED: The NYT takes — and probably deserves — credit:
Mr. O’Reilly’s departure comes two and a half weeks after an investigation by The New York Times revealed how Fox News and 21st Century Fox had repeatedly stood by Mr. O’Reilly even as sexual harassment allegations piled up against him. The Times found that the company and Mr. O’Reilly reached settlements with five women who had complained about sexual harassment or other inappropriate behavior by him. The agreements totaled about $13 million.

২৪১টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   241 এর 201 – থেকে 241
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Claim is a lawsuit is an accusation. I am not being tricky with language you nitwit. "Claim" is the word that was written on the Smoking Gun website.

All right I hear you and stand corrected.

It's just I never know how far some of these O'Reillyist partisans will go in defending him.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

The way Michael Kennedy reacts, it makes me wonder if someone has a tape of him doing the same thing.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

This was a public hanging without a trial and the judge and jury were the NYT, a group O'Reilly openly despised and lampooned. The Murdochs were the townspeople who stood by silently and did not object nor try to intervene while the gallows' trapdoor was sprung.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

This was a public hanging without a trial and the judge and jury were the NYT, a group O'Reilly openly despised and lampooned. The Murdochs were the townspeople who stood by silently and did not object nor try to intervene while the gallows' trapdoor was sprung.

Nonsense. The advertisers bailed.

After all, they have to employ women too!

How do you think it would have looked for them to have paid this low-level monster advertising revenue, while defending their own supposedly female-friendly workplaces?

Not too good.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

How will it feel to Allstate when I and probably others take my insursnce business to another company? I don't want to give my business to a company that takes sides in a political issue. Which is what this became.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

How will it feel to Allstate when I and probably others take my insursnce business to another company? I don't want to give my business to a company that takes sides in a political issue. Which is what this became.

I'm sure they'll barely feel a dent, AJ.

Sexual harassment damages are not a political issue. If you think they are, see if you can get Republicans to change how courts rule on these things.

Good luck!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

SNL, O' Reilly and Trump, so very apropos for this thread and funnier than ever.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

It's political because O'Reilly is a lying hypocrite. And a creep. And a powerful spokesperson for the "traditionalist" wing of the right/alt-right.

All things over which he has complete control. Until now.

Leave Bill alone! Chris Crocker time.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Why do people say O'Reilly was conservative? He had some conservative policy preferences, but he was an old-time, common-man populist. His politics were a lot my grandfather's. Granddad was a Southern Democrat.

William বলেছেন...

I can't recall anyone being a fan of Ed Sullivan, but he won the ratings for years. I don't know if anyone was enamored of O'Reilly, but they watched his show. The people had an easy way of protesting O'Reilly's behavior. They could have changed the channel. Well, now the decision has been made for them, because their morals are not sufficiently high to be allowed to choose........This will come back and bite a few of the people who are now cheering his dismissal. Should Casey Affleck ever be allowed to work again? How about Nat Parker? How about the next politician or celebrity that gets caught in a sex scandal? Never ask for whom the bell tolls. Politics and show biz attract a lot of high testosterone men and extremely ambitious women, a convergence of astral forces that is absolutely guaranteed to generate a few Enquirer headlines.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

You had to know ole Bills star was burning out. I couldn't help but notice the look of disgust on Bernie Goldbergs face every time he appeared on the factor over the last year.

William বলেছেন...

I think Fox handled his dismissal shabbily. He made a lot of money for them. He should have been allowed a more graceful exit.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I think Fox handled his dismissal shabbily. He made a lot of money for them. He should have been allowed a more graceful exit.

Hahahahahah! AS IF conservative corporations care about anything other than their money!

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Is it true that O'Reilly's no spinners zone has a maximum height chart?

The Brits are doing a Foxit to prove who owns America's Media...they do. And they still haven't got a clue why Generals Washington and Jackson got so upset about the British owning us.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

I made the mistake of buying one of O'Reilly's books, specifically Killing Patton. Gawd, what a POS that was. I returned the book to Amazon and managed to get a refund of sorts. O'Reilly and a bottom-feeding ghost writer called Martin Dugard published a string of Killing... titles over a remarkably short period, each of them a shallow rumor-mongering exercise in conspiracy bullshit.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Something is seriously wrong with some of these guys. I thought getting rich and famous made it easy to get laid. Apparently, they just are not doing it right. You pick up high-end hoes, or beautiful women you don't work with. How hard is that? The ease and safety of that is the best evidence against the allegations. It's just hard for someone like O'Reilly to say that's what he does instead. "I get plenty of pussy, and I have the credit card receipts to prove it."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

No one wanted to fuck poor Bill.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

"This is Trevor, Rachel Maddow's Assistant: how can I help you?"

"Tell me about your cock, Trevor."

"Ms. Maddow, do you need something?"

"I want you to tell me about your cock. I'm bored."

"I... don't feel comfortable talking like that in the workplace, Ms. Maddow..."

"Don't be such a pussy, Trevor. You're the only person on my staff that isn't gay. If I can't harass you then who CAN I harass?"

"How about I just go get you some coffee?"

"You know, it's funny, Trevor: being a lesbian I'm not attracted to men, yet most of the sex toys for lesbians still end up looking like cocks. Isn't that funny?"

"I... guess so, Ms. Maddow."

"I mean, there wouldn't really be much difference if I just used YOUR cock as a lesbian sex toy -- isn't that right, Trevor?"

"I have a lot of work to do..."

"You could be my personal lesbian sex cock. I could put your lesbian sex cock inside my lesbian vagina and have you move back-and-forth until I have a lesbian orgasm."

"Please, Ms. Maddow..."

"I could invite you to my apartment with all of my lesbian friends and they could all take turns having lesbian sex on your cock! The whole place will smell like a Piña Colada."

"Uh.... Piña Colada?"

"Of course! When well-groomed lesbians have sex it smells just like a Piña Colada."

"I didn't know that."

"It will be fun, Trevor! We'll draw lipstick around your nipples and paint your toenails pink!"

"I REALLY need to get back to work, Ms. Maddow..."

"You know, Trevor, you're no fun at all. Sometimes I wonder why I even keep you working here..."

"You keep me here because I'm the only one working while everyone else is off having Gay Sex."

"Ha! That's funny because it's true: Gay People are always off having sex instead of doing their jobs."

"Uh... good night, Ms. Maddow..."

"Good night, Trevor..."

I am Laslo.

William বলেছেন...

The O'Reilly audience feels betrayed, but I don't think Rachel Maddow will pick up any of his aggrieved audience. Maybe TCM.

chickelit বলেছেন...

I don't regularly watch cable news and have never watched Bill O'Reilly. I see this as a sort of karmic payback for FOX wrecking Megyn Kelly's career after she got Trumped. I mean, does anyone care about her anymore? O'Reilly will be quickly forgotten as well. There are fresher, better-looking faces to watch.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Real karmic justice would be for FOX News to go into decline under the Murdoch boys' leadership and for the sons to dishonor their own father. I don't know which will likely come first.

David Begley বলেছেন...

I didn't know about the 2004 lawsuit. So the only news the NYT broke was that the settlement was $9m and 3 or 4 other women have been paid a total of $4m. We have names of the women but apparently no other lawsuits were filed. I submit that for NYC, $4m was nearly defense costs. Most significantly for the 3 or 4 other women we know nothing of the claims, allegations or facts. Or of O'Reilly's defenses. They could be true and horrible or they could be cooked up. We know nothing. Slick way to get rid of a guy who few liked personally and many hated because he wasn't liberal and was effective. Many here hate O'Reilly because he is bombastic and interupts guests so they don't run out the clock. Capital offense. /sarc

Kirsten Powers gave her "harassment" story tonight on CNN. Bill got her mixed up with Margaret Hoover as the two were sitting together. He then referred to them as blondes or he said he had a blonde moment. Powers complained. Nothing happened. That single incident does not - as a matter of law - constitute sexual harassment. I've seen real sexual harassment cases. Powers should tell her story to a victim of real sexual harassment and see what kind of reception she gets. I had a case involving a woman working at a pizza place in Northeast Nebraska. That was real sexual harassment.

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

I linked to O’Reilly’s falafel deposition at 2:22 PM, and it took your dopey commenters six hours before they realized they had everything they needed to destroy the thread.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Earnest Prole bitched: I linked to O’Reilly’s falafel deposition at 2:22 PM, and it took your dopey commenters six hours before they realized they had everything they needed to destroy the thread.

The only person in this thread interested in destroying discussion is Montana Urban Legend, aka as R&B and lately as Toothless Revolutionary. He/she has a ten-year history of wrecking discussion here.* I'm surprised that Althouse doesn't confront him/her more often, given the bullshit admonition she carries in her comment box.
*By his own admission, even. Need I link to that Fen comment as demonstrative proof?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

The only person in this thread interested in destroying discussion is Montana Urban Legend, aka as R&B and lately as Toothless Revolutionary. He/she has a ten-year history of wrecking discussion here.* I'm surprised that Althouse doesn't confront him/her more often, given the bullshit admonition she carries in her comment box.

Go fuck yourself, and then kill yourself. If no one wants to discuss your Brother in Felafel's antics, then they don't have to. His perversity was never any secret and I nor anyone else owe you nor anyone else some type of vow to keep it secret. You are a worthless piece of shit who has an agenda to go after others in an underhanded way and apparently can't figure out that Bill O'Reilly is not a "commenter" here. You do this because you have nothing, yourself, to contribute. You have never contributed anything here that people commented at length on, and are (as usual) mistaken in believing that the purpose of this forum is to make for worthless, masturbatory small-talk. I understand that your social and mental disability prevents you from having meaningful connections IRL, but that doesn't mean that your desperate need for camaraderie has to come at the expense of whether people on a law professor's blog are allowed to discuss the legal proceedings engaged by a serial sexual harasser - or anything else that social clones/slaves like yourself might find too unbearable "controversial" to hear.

Society would be better off without you. Keep your censorious fascism confined to your own blog and and your defensiveness confined to the criminals that frequent it there. O'Reilly is a public figure who needs no defense from someone as inconsequential and incompetent as you.

Now go away. Back under your rock with you. Let others run their own blogs as they see fit. They're much better at it than you are.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

The fact that busybody "chickelit" - AKA "El Pollo Raylan" AKA whatever the fuck else he wants to go by - thinks he's in any kind of a position to tell others how to run their blog - and by censoring discussion of a high-profile, serial sexual harasser's legal history - on a law professor's blog! - AT THAT tells you who it is that has to resort to personally attacking others in order to control discussion in the way that he so desperately feels he needs to.

Again, there is a reason that no one comments on anything he has to say. Kindergarten teachers have more socially relevant/provocative contribution than anything that invalid has ever written. He'd make a good snitch and a "citizen's policeman" in Nazi Germany or North Korea. But the blog proprietor here has goals for her forum that are thankfully not as debased as that.

Looks like you're the one who intends to ruin this forum, Chicken Dropping.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

There are fresher, better-looking faces to watch.

Not yours. How old are you anyway? 70?

You certainly act as senile as a doddering 70-year old.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

So, you've spent a lot of time watching O'Reilly, R&B?

Etienne বলেছেন...

ten-year history of wrecking discussion here


All you have to do is ignore posts. I mean, I don't read 90% of the blog replies, and I doubt the owner does either.

Some of you guys need to go to the drug store and peruse the enema products.

And to those who whine and threaten to go to bed? Yea, go to bed.

Tom from Virginia বলেছেন...

Henry II, George Steinbrenner and now Rupert Murdoch - the perils of handing over the family business to Bif.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

I typically read the comments rather than post, but when I see TTR I just move elsewhere.

TTR = The End.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

AT THAT tells you who it is that has to resort to personally attacking others in order to control discussion in the way that he so desperately feels he needs to.

<-- but Monty, this is exactly what you do. It is a common conservative fling (which doesn't make it untrue) to allege that projection is what the left does, but in this case, you are the poster boy.

I really must commend you to greater self-awareness. You must realize that the odds of your fixing another commenter are very low and your best odds of improving anyone begin with yourself.

The falafel thing is old news. I don't understand why is this suddenly happening. I understand that you are happy because he was an effective weapon against your politics. It would probably be better if you didn't try to dress it up in morality. It's all who whom at this point.

dreams বলেছেন...

Another perspective.


rwnutjob বলেছেন...

O'Reilly is a jerk and for someone who went to Harvard, not very smart. He lost me when he showed ignorance of Capitalism during the crash.

However, The media outlets salivating at the demise of Fox due to O'Reilly's departure should understand one thing.

Tucker Carlson has doubled Megyn Kelly's ratings.

EsoxLucius বলেছেন...

Serena Williams announces a new black baby and an old Irishman leaves on the same day.

Chuck বলেছেন...

chickelit said...
... I see this as a sort of karmic payback for FOX wrecking Megyn Kelly's career after she got Trumped.


The Fox News Channel MADE Megyn Kelly's career! They turned her into a $25m/year superstar. And they tried to keep her. They got outbid by NBC. And lost the bidding war in part because of the personal ugliness of people like O'Reilly. Maybe, mostly O'Reilly!

chickelit বলেছেন...

Is Kelly a star at NBC, Chuck? I'm not seeing that data.

viejo loco বলেছেন...

Ah, Chuck, still proving the truth of Henry VI, Part 2, Act 2. The Final Solution for lawyers like you. (my apologies to Ye Professor). As for Toothless Revolutionary, you are a Tenth Avenue habitue giving BJ's to homeless bums.

Unknown বলেছেন...

I get so confused when people bring up Bill Clinton as an example of somebody who got away with sexual harassment consequence-free. He was impeached, barely acquitted in the Senate, it destroyed the second term of his Presidency, and ruined his reputation (except among Democratic partisans) for a decade. That's getting away with it?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I really must commend you to greater self-awareness. You must realize that the odds of your fixing another commenter are very low and your best odds of improving anyone begin with yourself.

I appreciate what you're saying. But the commenter in question I've got a beef with due to a longstanding history of weaselly, weak-willed, backhanded swipes. Acting nice and accommodating of rationality to my face, and then always going behind my back or bringing up stuff after-the-fact to take completely unnecessary personal pot-shots at me, and usually with the excuse of doing it on someone else's behalf or to curb my participation - the worst excuses possible.

So I realize even this explanation might go beyond the confines of the commenting guidelines, but I feel you're owed it. If I mess up, I think it's good for others to call me out.

But the individual in question has been called out many times, never makes amends, and always cloaks his self-righteousness in ulterior motives to go after my mere participation. I won't have that, and if he wants to play that way, he can do it when he supplies his own comments on the posts he uploads to his own blog - after they fail to garner a single comment of interest at all. Which is almost always the case.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I typically read the comments rather than post, but when I see TTR I just move elsewhere.

TTR = The End.

Yes, it usually tells me its time to get back to my book.

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