March 7, 2017

Zabriskie Point sunset, sunrise.

Sunset, yesterday evening:


Sunrise, today:



Earnest Prole said...


madAsHell said... that really a woman in a wedding dress walking across the barren desert?

David said...

That's an amazing image. When you have time tell us how you discovered it.

FullMoon said...

Whoa! You found Hillary.

chickelit said...

Bleach, borax, and brighteners...

fivewheels said...

Will Althouse take her first day off from blogging tomorrow on a Day Without A Woman?

If she does, it'll be the one and only effect I think I'd notice.

chickelit said...

fivewheels said...Will Althouse take her first day off from blogging tomorrow on a Day Without A Woman?

Shush. Pay them no heed. You'll only encourage them.

David Begley said...

Wedding crashers.

chickelit said...

madAsHell that really a woman in a wedding dress walking across the barren desert?

The symbolism is profound, but perhaps she froze some eggs...

JaimeRoberto said...

I don't think I'd want my wedding pictures truth at Death Valley. Bad symbolism.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Ritno made me feel less nuts, more controlling of my dignity and my future.

"By the grace of God goes but I there" I would soothe my soul with in repetition.

The worst traits of the self-righteous do-gooder, plain for all to see bare, the non-doubtful turbo-certain soul.

It was better than Springer, and I never cared for Stern.

rehajm said...

Left at the..the...umm...

Charlie Currie said...

I remember the you?

Some scenes were shot in my hometown...and that of the Beach Boys...Hawthorne, CA

gratefulgee said...

Great pictures. Rushed me back to a distant Zabriskie Point moment and one of my favorite Stones tunes:

cf said...

I remember the movie, too, charlie.

It hit me at the perfect moment, and became obsessed with antonioni for a season, which was great fun and expanding.

I thought of it back when Ann started this trek and posted her shots of signs. remember the one of donuts but with the big empty ones beside it? that especially reminded me of the film. I remember antonioni had us seeing all kinds of "do this" and "go here" billboards as the stars were still in LA, but once they get to the desert, the signs are satisfied, empty, blank, say no thing, as if "ahh, you have arrived".

{you have arrived, ann!}

RBE said...

I remember the movie and hip hype surrounding it. Love the photos.

MadisonMan said...

The bride image is awesome. I'd also love to hear the backstory. If there isn't one, what a stroke of brilliant luck to be there at the right time!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

What's Meade doing in that dress?

tim in vermont said...

Among the key topical revelations is that the CIA can engage in "false flag" cyberattacks which portray Russia as the assailant. Discussing the CIA's Remote Devices Branch's UMBRAGE group, Wikileaks' source notes that it "collects and maintains a substantial library of attack techniques 'stolen' from malware produced in other states including the Russian Federation.

LO FUCKING L! But the lefties lap up everything they say as Truth with a capital T.

tim in vermont said...

Microsoft says only they should spy on their users.

MountainMan said...

That's a wonderful picture of the bride at sunset. Very unusual. I would never have expected to see a wedding (or was it just a photo shoot?) in that location.

tim in vermont said...

there is a tool in this called “Stolen Goods 2.0” that uses Russian techniques and footprints. This means that it becomes very difficult for investigators to have any idea who actually conducted the cyber attack. It might have been the Chinese, but it might actually have been the British using tools that made it look like the Chinese were the bad actors. Just because someone publicly attributes the attack, does not mean anything. As security professionals say to each other all the time, “attribution is hard, bro.”

But it was Russia what done it! The CIA said so! Russia and Trump!

Crimso said...

I suspect they are there for a wedding. Whom the wedding is for may be none of our business, although I would guess the deliberate inclusion of a bride is an indicator that we'll see a post about the nuptials.

Jeff Gee said...

Okay, other people see the girl in the wedding dress, too. Whew!

Meade said...

prilApple said...
What's Meade doing in that dress?

I don't know how it happened. I went in one of those transgender restrooms in my Levi's and boots and when I came out I was a beautiful bride. Thanks, Trump!

William said...

The Japanese have a thing about making NYC a place for destination weddings. Not the honeymoon, but the wedding.. It's very common to see Japanese wedding couples posing for pictures in Central Park. In winter when the ground is covered with snow, there they are--the groom in his tux and the bride in her flowing gown. They pose for a picture. Then a friend offers the bride an overcoat and other friends lift the hem of the gown so it won't get dirty when she walks about. It's surreal the first few times you see it. Then they're commonplace and part of the landscape.......A bride in a wedding gown, alone in the desert. It's a striking image, but maybe that's the backstory. A striking image for the sake of a striking image.

tcrosse said...

There's no shortage of Asians posing for wedding photos in Prague's Old Town Square, either.

Mrs Whatsit said...

tcrosse, I was in the Czech Republic recently and noticed the same thing - young Asian women in wedding dresses all over the place! Oddly, there weren't always any young men in noticeable proximity. I saw brides with photographers but without grooms so often that it made me wonder if the brides sometimes make the trip alone, for the pictures rather than an actual ceremony.

Etienne said...
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Guildofcannonballs said...

"Blogger Jeff Gee said...
Okay, other people see the girl in the wedding dress, too. Whew!"

I see what you did there, it was remarkable.