২০ মার্চ, ২০১৭

"We have no information to support those tweets. All I can tell you is that we have no information that supports them."

Said F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, testifying today before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, about Trump's assertion that Obama wiretapped Trump Tower.

৪৮৭টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   487 এর 201 – থেকে 400   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
Chuck বলেছেন...

Bruce Hayden said...
There is something in Obama's college transcripts that it was very important to hide. I don't think that it had anything to do with who paid for it, etc, so my guess is that the transcripts are in a different name, such as an Barry Sotero. And/or that he was a foreign admit. We may never find out.

This is a straight question; I do not know the answer.

Every modern president has released complete copies of his tax returns; but what modern president has ever released his complete collegiate records?

I have only a guess. My guess is that the presidents who attended U.S. military academies may have had their records made public. Grant, Eisenhower, Carter. But who else?

Drago বলেছেন...

steve uhr: "Achilles - If you believe the odds of impeachment/removal is 0%, I suggest you take your life savings to the UK and place a bet"

Li'l stevie, after coming up a bit short on his latest poll pacifier, decides to channel his inner Krugman: http://dailycaller.com/2016/11/09/paul-krugman-says-markets-will-never-recover-from-trump-dow-hits-record-high/

Maybe you would be better of in a group home and in group therapy with the other lefties, Unknown and "lifelong republican" Chuck.

Birkel বলেছেন...

welas asih comments > Chuck comments

That's no defense of welas asih, of course.

Drago বলেছেন...

Since all kinds of off-topic "stuff" is popping up, thought I'd add this: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-03-19/oil-holds-below-49-as-u-s-rig-gain-counters-opec-output-cuts

Leftists and "lifelong republicans" hardest hit.

steve uhr বলেছেন...

You can bet either way. That is how the odds are determined. These guys want to maximize their profits. They could not give a shit about Trump one way or the other.


Kevin বলেছেন...

"James Comey, the F.B.I. director, publicly confirmed an investigation into Russian interference in the presidential election and whether associates of the president were in contact with Moscow."

In other news, the investigation of whether contact occurred is definitely not based on any kind of intercepted communications of Trump or anyone at Trump Tower. Which sounds ridiculous, don't you think?

Let the tortured explanations of "ordered", "wiretapped" and the legal meaning of "tower" commence!

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"So, it's a scheme to take money away from Inga and her ilk?"

-- No more or less than gambling is ALWAYS a scheme to take money away from someone.

Drago বলেছেন...

steve uhr: "You can bet either way. That is how the odds are determined. These guys want to maximize their profits. They could not give a shit about Trump one way or the other."


Mass hysteria being reflected in betting pools.

Well, if the polls aren't sufficient salve for a chapped arse, might as well go with the UK bookmakers!

I guess now would be an inconvenient time to link to the Hillary election odds predictions as they stood right about 6pm ET on 8Nov, wouldn't it?

Hang in there steve! Trumps just gotta be guilty of something? Right? I mean, RIGHT???!!

Brando বলেছেন...

"You can bet either way. That is how the odds are determined. These guys want to maximize their profits. They could not give a shit about Trump one way or the other."

If they're legit and they're taking money in a bet against impeachment (which I guess would pay up when he leaves office without impeachment) then I'd strongly suggest taking that action, betting against impeachment, if they give you odds of even 10:1 against impeachment. It's easy money! And if you really believe he'll get impeached, look at it this way--you'll lose some money but you'll get to see Trump impeached. Small price to pay!

Until you realize President Pence takes over...

Drago বলেছেন...

Kevin: "In other news, the investigation of whether contact occurred is definitely not based on any kind of intercepted communications of Trump or anyone at Trump Tower. Which sounds ridiculous, don't you think?"

As mentioned up-thread, this is the "fine line" upon which Comey must navigate.

Trump isn't going anywhere.
There was zero collusion.
No Trump associates will be prosecuted.
No leakers will be prosecuted.
There will be no "special" investigations that the lefties & "lifelong republicans" so desperately, desperately, call for.

Meanwhile, as we already saw with CNN again today, the lefties will launch the same innuendo/nothingburger story once every 2 weeks for the next 4 years.

Get used to seeing the NYT recycle headline options more often than Taco Bell alters the way you can combine 4 basic ingredients!

oopsy daisy বলেছেন...

And, as I have already mentioned, it is going to be an interesting explanation out of the White House when Trump files his 2016 taxes. Which won't be under "audit" when they are filed. And so why not release those?

Your taxes are not under and audit "when they are filed". There is a time lapse between filing and auditing.

However....if your previous years taxes, multiple years, ARE in the process of being audited and those audits are not finalized, then your current year of taxes is also likely to be audited. Even if 2016 is not currently under an official audit the uncertain status of past years would make it most likely that this CURRENT year is also of uncertain status and could be subject to substantial changes.

In other words....the cake is not baked yet and there is no point in serving the half baked batter.

Todd বলেছেন...

FullMoon said...

Was my all time favorite until
"Notify Dr. immediately for erection lasting more than four hours". Hard to beat that one.

3/20/17, 1:55 PM

What are the odds that the wife/girlfriend makes that call FAR more often than the guy! When the dice are hot, you keep rolling them!

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...


oopsy daisy is me when I'm am logged in our our corporate email account


See....some of us are actually working and looking at the internet. I can multi task!!

Birkel বলেছেন...

Oh, goodie! Now I get to accuse Dust Bunny Queen of being every Unknown. HA!

Where is UnknownInga, aka UnknownDBQ, when you need her?


readering বলেছেন...

Discussion about Obama's college records? Let's now talk about whether JFK wrote his Harvard senior thesis himself.

Michael K বলেছেন...

My guess is that the presidents who attended U.S. military academies may have had their records made public. Grant, Eisenhower, Carter. But who else?

Bush and Kerry for one. Come on, chuck, you should be an expert on this.

Bush had a higher GPA then Kerry which was the big surprise of 2004.

Most gambling is a tax on stupidity so Inga should be first in line.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

@ Birkel

Nah. It is always just me. DBQ and oopsy daisy when I forget to log out of the biz account. I don't hide behind sock puppets like some we can name. It is too difficult to change my writing style and why bother anyway.

Chuck বলেছেন...

[Dust Bunny Queen]
Your taxes are not under and audit "when they are filed". There is a time lapse between filing and auditing.
However....if your previous years taxes, multiple years, ARE in the process of being audited and those audits are not finalized, then your current year of taxes is also likely to be audited. Even if 2016 is not currently under an official audit the uncertain status of past years would make it most likely that this CURRENT year is also of uncertain status and could be subject to substantial changes.
In other words....the cake is not baked yet and there is no point in serving the half baked batter.

I can't tell you how delicious it is, to think of "half baked batter" along with Trump's tax returns.

So how about Trump's just releasing all of his audit letters from the IRS? You know, the ones that say, "Your return from tax year _____ is under audit." No personal information divulged. No tax forms, no financial info. Just simple proof that Trump really is under audit. Signed by the IRS. For people like me who think it is more likely that the tooth fairy is guarding the Trump tax returns, than that he is actually under audit for every one of the last umpteen years.

WisRich বলেছেন...

Original Mike said...
"Paddy Power currently has the odds of a first-term Trump impeachment at 2/1."

That's insane.

3/20/17, 1:45 PM

Remember, it's a two step process (House-Articles of Impeachment, Senate-Trial). Bill Clinton was impeached, just not found guilty in the Senate.

Michael বলেছেন...

Russians!! Impeachment!!! Dear lord but the lefties have sailed off the cliff. Hilarious.

Barry's transcripts will show, yet again, his mediocrity.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Damn. The NYT let me down again. They said his team was wire tapped on the front page on January 20. I'll never believe another thing they say.

Birkel বলেছেন...

@ DBQ:

I sometimes make the jokes.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

@WisRich - I understand what the term "impeachment" means. IMO, that's insane.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Michael K said...
My guess is that the presidents who attended U.S. military academies may have had their records made public. Grant, Eisenhower, Carter. But who else?

Bush and Kerry for one. Come on, chuck, you should be an expert on this.

Bush had a higher GPA then Kerry which was the big surprise of 2004.

I had forgotten the Bush-Kerry grades battle at Yale. Looking it up, I see that Kerry's college transcript was only released as part of his military record. (Which Kerry probably wanted released, to counter the Swift Boaters and the Bush Texas ANG records.)

I see lots of other references to other presidents' grades, in varying forms and fashions.

I don't know; if it would have been some sort of standard for Obama to release his college records, then why not Trump too?

Michael K বলেছেন...

"For people like me who think it is more likely that the tooth fairy is guarding the Trump tax returns,

People like you would not believe it anyway. Chuck, you are like a drug addict. "Just one more fix and I'll quit. I swear !"

Birkel বলেছেন...

Like all lifelong Republicans, Chuck cannot be expected to remember negative things about John Kerry (who still has the hat).

Drago বলেছেন...

Michael: "Russians!! Impeachment!!! Dear lord but the lefties have sailed off the cliff. Hilarious"

Well, "lefties" and "lifelong republicans".

Brando বলেছেন...

"Remember, it's a two step process (House-Articles of Impeachment, Senate-Trial). Bill Clinton was impeached, just not found guilty in the Senate."

An important distinction. Considering that, I'd say odds of impeachment are around 1%, odds of removal are a tiny fraction of even that.

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

The only reason why the FBI was wire-tapping the Russian Ambassador's phone was so that Acting Attorney General Susan Yates could catch some Trump associate violating the Logan Act.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

The term, wire tapping, is so antiquated. It is like saying dialing the phone, when the likelihood of anyone (besides me!) actually has a dial phone**. The surveillance techniques today are far beyond some sweaty guys sitting in a van or back room listening in on your phone through a wire tap.

Trump used the term as a short hand (and because surveillance is hard to use and on twitter you are limited in the characters you can use. Brevity.

** We have a vintage dial Trimline phone in our master bathroom at the far end of the house partly as a joke, because we had it hanging around, mainly because it works when the power goes out, we refuse to have a phone in the bedroom, and is a back up to the help I've fallen and can't get up routine.

Drago বলেছেন...

Birkel: "Like all lifelong Republicans, Chuck cannot be expected to remember negative things about John Kerry (who still has the hat)"

Indeed. "lifelong republican" Chuck who claims to be a clued in member of the legal community did not know, or recollect that the left used a quirk in the Alaska law to drive Palin from office due to the Governor having to personally foot the bill for every frivolous lawsuit.

So Palin's choice was "Remain and bankruptcy" or leave and keep the family solvent. The Alaska legislature immediately changed the law after Palin stepped down so that "lifelong republican" Chucks friends couldn't pull that again.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"The term, wire tapping, is so antiquated. It is like saying dialing the phone, when the likelihood of anyone (besides me!) actually has a dial phone**. "

And me!

Drago বলেছেন...

Mike Sylwester: "The only reason why the FBI was wire-tapping the Russian Ambassador's phone was so that Acting Attorney General Susan Yates could catch some Trump associate violating the Logan Act"

Which is odd because, as we all now know, it's District Judges who run our Foreign Policy and National Security, at least according to the lefties and their "lifelong republican" allies.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Michael K said...
"For people like me who think it is more likely that the tooth fairy is guarding the Trump tax returns,

People like you would not believe it anyway. Chuck, you are like a drug addict. "Just one more fix and I'll quit. I swear !"

This is the upper limit of my belief in conspiracy theories, Michael K:

I do not know, but I don't think Trump is under audit at all. His lawyers have not confirmed that Trump is under audit. They say his returns are under continuous "review." Not the same thing. Trump could prove that he is under audit, with no exposure of his returns, if he'd produce the audit letters and related correspondence from the IRS. But he refuses to do that.

I think that someday, it will be exposed beyond doubt that Trump had no reason other than personal privacy to keep his returns secured. I think that someone will leak, or otherwise expose it, or the House will vote to review and release them. I hope I can remember to come back and remind you, if and when that day comes.

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

Achilles - If you believe the odds of impeachment/removal is 0%, I suggest you take your life savings to the UK and place a bet

You can bet here, but not "life savings" amounts ($2500 max every six months for a total maximum of $10,000). It's also only taking impeachment bets/investments for 2017.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Birkel said...
Like all lifelong Republicans, Chuck cannot be expected to remember negative things about John Kerry (who still has the hat).

Hey do ya think that maybe Trump's grades will get released along with his Vietnam era military records?

Brando বলেছেন...

"I don't know; if it would have been some sort of standard for Obama to release his college records, then why not Trump too?"

Because we're living in a time of shameless partisanship. Notice that the stock answer to "why not X releases his?" is not "because [insert general principle applied to this case]" but rather "well how come Y didn't do it?" So with every change of the WH between parties, we apparently all have to completely flip everything we said for the past several years, to serve our team.

But as for the general principle? One reason we never had a legal requirement for politicians to release such records is we apparently decided that such disclosure as is necessary would happen because of political pressure. Trump is the first time since Nixon that tax returns were not compelled this way--enough Republicans, including you, were willing to vote for Trump despite him not releasing the returns. And as you note, Obama and Trump never released college records. So if there's no price to pay, it'll never happen.

As for at least college transcripts, I don't even see the point of releasing them. Being a great student doesn't necessarily mean someone will be a great president--hell, Carter made it through the Navy Academy but he did not cut it as POTUS. What could we really find out about someone's grades that would matter? I wouldn't refuse to vote for someone just because they sucked at college.

Taxes, well I'll agree Trump's reluctance to release his returns suggests whatever's in there is worse than the political price of not releasing them (and letting people guess). But as noted above, the price he paid for not releasing them was very low indeed.

Drago বলেছেন...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Hey do ya think that maybe Trump's grades will get released along with his Vietnam era military records?"

I'll start caring about Trumps grades when "lifelong republican" Chuck regales us with tales of his own military derring do!

Drago বলেছেন...

Brando: "...enough Republicans, including you, were willing to vote for Trump despite him not releasing the returns."

Assumes facts not in evidence.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Taxes, well I'll agree Trump's reluctance to release his returns suggests whatever's in there is worse than the political price of not releasing them (and letting people guess). But as noted above, the price he paid for not releasing them was very low indeed."

I no longer believe there has to be "something" in them to make it worth Trump's while to withhold them. No matter what is in them, the left will turn it into a circus (witness Rachel Maddow). Better to just let his opponents spin their wheels.

Birkel বলেছেন...

@ Chuck, so called

Like every lifelong Republican who cannot remember negative things about Democrats but intensely desires to find some negative information about Republicans, I can see your point. It's incumbent on the people Chuck, so called, adamantly supports that they be able to prove their irrefutable fitness to public office by standards you, and you alone, set. Meanwhile, the people with whom you share no affinity can be as awful as they like.

That is something up with which every less-holy-than-you conservative cannot put.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Drago said...
Indeed. "lifelong republican" Chuck who claims to be a clued in member of the legal community did not know, or recollect that the left used a quirk in the Alaska law to drive Palin from office due to the Governor having to personally foot the bill for every frivolous lawsuit.

She could have covered the $500,000 to $750,000 in costs from her $7 million Harper-Collins book deal. But her book deal and related work would have taken her effectively away from the Governor's job. She asked the Alaska AG office about that, and they told her that the two things would not be compatible, right?

Todd বলেছেন...

Brando: "...enough Republicans, including you, were willing to vote for Trump despite him not releasing the returns."

This was a "all bets are off" election and with Hillary as option #2, I would have even have voted for Chuck (and I mean that)!

I was truly and "anyone (and I mean anyone) but Hillary" voter.

Sorry Chuck, I could not help myself...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Hey do ya think that maybe Trump's grades will get released along with his Vietnam era military records?

3/20/17, 2:47 PM

Trump didn't serve and that is not a secret. He didn't pretend to be something he is not (like a certain Senator from CT, for instance). Kerry made an issue out of his "service" - something that boomeranged on him when the Swift Boat crew came forward to say that Kerry's recollections of Vietnam did not exactly square with his.

Of course, I always expect "lifelong Republicans" to rush to the defense of John Kerry. Jesus, what a transparent phony you are.

Drago বলেছেন...

Now that the collusion nonsense has been exposed, "lifelong republican" Chuck has to return to the Tax Return Hail Mary in which the lefties and their "lifelong republican" allies have invested so much emotional capital.

Expect more Maddow and radical-left wing blog site links as well as spirited defenses of left wing hacks as we move forward in order to keep the fake outrage narrative alive.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Drago said...
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Hey do ya think that maybe Trump's grades will get released along with his Vietnam era military records?"

I'll start caring about Trumps grades when "lifelong republican" Chuck regales us with tales of his own military derring do!

I was too young for the draft. And while today, I'd be in the ROTC offices begging for admission and tuition benefits, when I went to Michigan I got through with summer jobs and a little help from my parents. I got through law school with a grand total of three $5k student loans.

So; now you can tell us all about Donald Trump's draft deferments and his heel spurs.

FissionChips বলেছেন...

Dust Bunny Queen:
I run a high-tech business and I have multiple classic 1950s vintage dial phones all in red including a very rare two line rotary dial phone as well as one of the first model touchtone Princess phones.

Western Electric built them to last and they still work fine. Always good for a laugh

Brando বলেছেন...

"Assumes facts not in evidence."

I go with the assumption that the regular commenters here are who they claim to be, otherwise there wouldn't be much point in commenting back in forth, would there?

"I no longer believe there has to be "something" in them to make it worth Trump's while to withhold them. No matter what is in them, the left will turn it into a circus (witness Rachel Maddow). Better to just let his opponents spin their wheels."

I think you're right about how the left would react (see how they handled Romney's returns) but it doesn't seem that during the campaign Trump cared much how the left would react. If the returns just showed that he (a) made a lot of money and (b) paid almost nothing in taxes, it would have fit his own narrative perfectly, in which case he'd have happily released them from day one. I have no idea what's in those returns, but he must have some reason to hold them back. But like I said, it's probably nothing all that major, because he hasn't had anything to lose by not releasing them.

Plus, if it was some game changer, I'm guessing some rogue IRS agent or auditor would have risked the legal repercussions of leaking it (unless they could do so anonymously). So it's not really worth this big crusade the media makes it out to be.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Todd said...
Brando: "...enough Republicans, including you, were willing to vote for Trump despite him not releasing the returns."
This was a "all bets are off" election and with Hillary as option #2, I would have even have voted for Chuck (and I mean that)!
I was truly and "anyone (and I mean anyone) but Hillary" voter.

Hey I know how you feel! And I mean that!

I voted for Trump.

Drago বলেছেন...

Mirengoff at Powerline lays out the basis for the lefts and "lifelong republicans" nonsense claims about collusion here:


There is no "there" there. But remember, the lefts and "lifelong republicans" entire house of cards is built on the foundation of that nonsensical collusion charge.

They can't let it go. At all. Yet, to retain it is to court further defeats!

Couldn't happen to a nicer group of lunatics.

Drago বলেছেন...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "I voted for Trump."

Yes, of course you did. Of. Course. You. Did.

Brando বলেছেন...

"This was a "all bets are off" election and with Hillary as option #2, I would have even have voted for Chuck (and I mean that)!

I was truly and "anyone (and I mean anyone) but Hillary" voter."

I think a lot of us in that position made the difference (considering how close it was). Always thought the Dems took a crazy risk by handing it to her, I don't think they quite realized how she affected so many voters.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Western Electric built them to last and they still work fine."

I was in the engineering library stacks many years ago perusing old Bell Lab research journals and ran across a paper on abuse-testing the old rotary phones. Those things will stand up to a nuclear blast, though I use mine to confuse the kiddies (and to take calls; it still works great).

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Doesn't Trump have an attorney or someone to tell him to stop tweeting, especially about the Trump and associates Russia Collusion Investigation? He truly cannot help himself it seems.


"Ahead of the House intelligence panel hearing where Comey confirmed the probe, Trump tweeted the Russia story is “is FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it!”

“The Democrats made up and pushed the Russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign. Big advantage in Electoral College & lost!” he added.

Comey's description of the situation, however, is at odds with Trump’s.

He said the Justice Department authorized him to publicly acknowledge the probe’s existence.

“I can promise you we will follow the facts wherever they lead,” Comey said.

The FBI director repeatedly declined to provide more details about the investigation, including which Trump officials are being targeted.

The inquiry, which he said began last July, will determine whether any crimes were committed."

Drago বলেছেন...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "I was too young for the draft."


Oh, that was why you didn't serve!

Hey, I don't know how to break this to you buddy, but did you realize that we have an entire military structure that is serving that was "too young for the draft"?

I ought to thank you for that side-splitter excuse!

Let me guess, you were going to sign up and serve but no, NO!, that horrible horrible Trump and all those horrific grass-roots conservatives that became the Tea Party stopped you!!

Darn those guys!

So no, you didn't serve but instead were relegated to your role as "lifelong republican" and Auto-Defender of Leftists.

Alas. Sometimes Fate assigns one the role one is meant to play.

Michelle Dulak Thomson বলেছেন...

Chuck, re: "scripted address": Do you not know that all of Obama's addresses were also scripted? People are talking as though the TelePrompTer was just invented, and expressly for Trump. It's indescribably childish, and I think it's mainly that journalists are in a snit because The Man They Love To Hate failed to say anything stupid.

Drago বলেছেন...

Yes, thanks Unknown. That is the same headline and story we've seen now since last October.


Darcy বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...

From now on, when we see the same innuendo-laden headlines with no evidence being launched every 2 weeks by the lefties, I'll just call them "Taco Bell Headlines".

Combining the same couple of non-existent strands but in new ways to create the impression that "Something Is Happening That Will Lead To Impeachment!!eleventy!!"

I guess it beats reporting on Tom Brady's jersey.

Darcy বলেছেন...

Trump is moving forward on what I consider a conservative's dream of both legislation and appointments. On top of that, he is regularly making the MSM look bad and refusing to play nice with them. With all of that in mind, it is befuddling to read the vitriol towards him from so many "lifelong republicans".

I do think Trump's tweets concerning the "wire tapping" were very unwise and I think it will cost him. When my husband and I first read them together, I immediately said that if he didn't have iron-clad proof, he is going to look really bad.

Then we both laughed. Probably unwisely.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

I don't even see the point of releasing them. Being a great student doesn't necessarily mean someone will be a great president--hell, Carter made it through the Navy Academy but he did not cut it as POTUS. What could we really find out about someone's grades that would matter?

Actually, it is relevant to see the college transcripts, not so much for the grades but for the courses of study. What was the person attempting to learn?

Underwater basket weaving? Wymons Studies? Chemistry? Economics? Poetry from Botswana? Classical literature.

What you choose to spend your time AND money on in college tells us more about your world view and who you are than what grades you made. Although....a solid C- GPA also tells us you are either dumber than a bag of hammers or spent your college years getting an A+ in beer bongs and sex.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...
Chuck, re: "scripted address": Do you not know that all of Obama's addresses were also scripted? People are talking as though the TelePrompTer was just invented, and expressly for Trump. It's indescribably childish, and I think it's mainly that journalists are in a snit because The Man They Love To Hate failed to say anything stupid.

That's not the point; I'm not suggesting that it was any sort of secret that Trump's speech was straight off a TelePrompTer. Of course everybody knew that, and of course every presidential in a lifetime has been delivered that way. It isn't unusual, for presidential addresses.

But it is unusual, for Donald Trump, whose Tweets and his press conferences and his rally-speeches are so unhinged in his own stream-of-unconscious way.

It was Trump, as scripted like an adult. Being scripted like an adult is not unusual for most presidents. But it is for Trump.

Brando বলেছেন...

"I do think Trump's tweets concerning the "wire tapping" were very unwise and I think it will cost him. When my husband and I first read them together, I immediately said that if he didn't have iron-clad proof, he is going to really bad."

I don't think it will really cost him--they were ridiculous tweets of course, but what effect would they really have? It'll likely be forgotten next time he faces voters, and the tweets weren't really out of character for him.

We'll be on to something else in a few weeks' time.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Now that the collusion nonsense has been exposed....."

More disinformation. Did you not watch one moment of the hours long hearing today? Comey said unequivocally that there WAS an ongoing active investigation into the Trump Campaign involvement with Russia. Good God, this blatant "alternative facts" shit really needs to stop.


"FBI Director James Comey confirmed Monday that the FBI is investigating Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election, including possible links between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

He also shot down President Donald Trump's explosive claim that President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower in the run-up to the election.

Comey told the House Intelligence Committee at a hearing that the bureau normally does not comment on the existence of counterintelligence investigations, but that he was authorized by the Justice Department to do so in this case because of the extraordinary public interest.

“This will also include an assessment of whether any crimes were committed,” Comey told the intelligence panel, explaining that the investigation began in late July. He said he could not give a timeline or comment further on the matter but pledged to "follow the facts wherever they lead.""

ga6 বলেছেন...

"I know nothing" Comey quoting a fictional Wehrmacht Sergeant..

Pookie Number 2 বলেছেন...

Darcy: I do think Trump's tweets concerning the "wire tapping" were very unwise and I think it will cost him.

Maybe. Then again, most of the people harping on about "wiretapping" would simply be criticizing Trump on other grounds if that had never happened. If the efforts on legislation and appointments proceed, then ever fewer people will pretend (mostly in bad faith) to be horrified by the wiretapping.

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: "More disinformation. Did you not watch one moment of the hours long hearing today?"

Yeah, let us know when the wave of indictments come down.

Until then, why don't we have a real close look at the probable cause for the investigation....LOL.

Yeah, that ones going to get buried deep as quickly as possible.

Mike Morell and Clapper have already given that game away.

Don't worry, you'll catch up in a couple days. Of course, by then you'll be a different couple of days behind. Perhaps those days behind won't be as problematic for you.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Drago said...
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "I was too young for the draft."


Oh, that was why you didn't serve!

Personally, I wish I had served. It would've been good for me. Although in retrospect, I never ever would have been in combat. We didn't have any combat.

But now I have some news to break to you. You fucking idiot.

"Not joining" the military is quite different from "draft dodging."

I wasn't a draft dodger.

Michael K বলেছেন...

it will be exposed beyond doubt that Trump had no reason other than personal privacy to keep his returns secured. I think that someone will leak, or otherwise expose it,

I hope you understand that almost no one out side the Democrat Party cares.

Frankly, if there were anything other than telephone book sized files, they would have been leaked already. The IRS has been politicized for years.

When I was first in practice, back in 1973-and later, my tax returns were audited every year for ten years. Finally, my accountant wrote a letter and said I was being harassed. The audits stopped for years.

They never got a penny more from me but that did not stop the audits.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

I am just surprised that so many here have forgotten about Obama and his TelePrompTer. It was a recurring gag on Rush Limbaugh, about it having a life of its own. Obama was, if anything, more dependent upon one than Trump to keep from embarrassing himself. That was why he was routinely panned as having his greatest strength the ability to read a TelePrompTer well.

Drago বলেছেন...

Poor Unknown still doesn't understand that this entire collusion narrative was constructed by the left and "lifelong republicans" to avoid the obvious and to use a tool to attack the new administration.

The "investigation" will never end because there is nothing there (if there were it would have leaked along time ago) but the left needs an "active" investigation going to make their leaks more effective with their MSM/"Lifelong republican" allies.

So, welcome to the new normal. Get used to it. We're going to be here awhile.

Drago বলেছেন...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Personally, I wish I had served."

Personally, it's much better for the nation that you did not.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Comey said unequivocally that there WAS an ongoing active investigation into the Trump Campaign involvement with Russia. Good God, this blatant "alternative facts" shit really needs to stop.

Clueless Inga is on the case.

Did it ever occur to you that they are looking into who leaked ? How did the Flynn information get out ?

Maybe an Obama appointee will go to prison. Too much to hope for but try to keep us informed.

Drago বলেছেন...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Not joining" the military is quite different from "draft dodging."

I wasn't a draft dodger."


Well well well.

What a strange thing to write in defense of your own lack of service.

Pray tell, who are you accusing in your bizarre and totes "lifelong republican-y" way of being a Draft Dodger?


Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

old Bell Lab research journals and ran across a paper on abuse-testing the old rotary phones. Those things will stand up to a nuclear blast, though I use mine to confuse the kiddies (and to take calls; it still works great).

Old technology is often better than the new. I have several older manual typewriters. The oldest being an Underwood circa maybe 1930. The latest I bought at Goodwill is a 1960's portable Royal in a nifty travel case. $12.00 Just like the one I used in college to type up term and presentation papers. They all work and have ribbons.

You should have seen the face on my 12 year old nephew when I showed him the typewriter. He was amazed by the mechanism and typed a bit on it.

BTW: back in the day the Russians "bugged" the various embassies by using magnets and some sort of sending device to determine what was being typed. See...when there is a will there IS a way :-D

Man. I remember what a huge leap forward electric typewriters were. No more tendonitis in my left hand little finger!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Until then, why don't we have a real close look at the probable cause for the investigation....LOL."

Because the investigation is ongoing, you idiot.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Bruce Hayden said...
I am just surprised that so many here have forgotten about Obama and his TelePrompTer. It was a recurring gag on Rush Limbaugh, about it having a life of its own. Obama was, if anything, more dependent upon one than Trump to keep from embarrassing himself. That was why he was routinely panned as having his greatest strength the ability to read a TelePrompTer well.

I think that the big difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama feared saying anything stupid, or untrue, or reckless, even by accident. And so Obama wished to avoid that possibility as much as was reasonably possible.

Drago বলেছেন...

"lifelong republican" Chuck: "I wasn't a draft dodger."

More to the point, how could you be a draft dodger if there was no draft?

So, to summarize, you are giving yourself credit for not being something it was not possible for you to be.

Well played Law Man. Well played.

You're like the "Audie Murphy" of Self-compliments.

Darcy বলেছেন...

The reason I think the wiretapping accusation against Obama will cost Trump is that it is such an explosive charge against a former president. Obama is possibly setting himself up as a shadow president, and this helps him.

I don't know. Every time I think saying or doing something will cost Trump, it ends up not costing him a thing.

I find him hilarious, and I wish I had a good reason for that. I don't. It is mostly because I have grown so tired of the failures of elected Republicans. Just enjoying the butthurt all around.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Clueless Michael K. There are at least two concurrent investigations. One is the collusion aspect, the other is the leakers. What is so difficult, did you people really not watch the hearing at all? This was revealed today by Comey in the first hour of the investigation.

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: "Because the investigation is ongoing, you idiot"

Exactly you moron.

And that's precisely why the investigation simply cannot ever end. Ever.

Too embarrassing for some people for that to come out!

I do believe Unknown might be starting to, at least a little, and despite her own limitations, "get it".

I'm feeling a bit like Rex Harrison as Henry Higgins!

নামহীন বলেছেন...


You are wayyyyy too invested in disseminating disinformation here.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Investigations DO end. You are once again disseminating disinformation.

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: "Clueless Michael K. There are at least two concurrent investigations. One is the collusion aspect, the other is the leakers"

What is so difficult for you to understand, apparently, is that the investigation, in whatever form it exists today, for the collusion aspect has been going on since before July! Further, that multiple agencies were involved. Further, that there was tremendous pressure to find something, anything, that could be presented to derail Trump.

An entire government with all its agencies dedicated to stopping 1 man from taking office.

And after all this time and all those resources they presented......nothing.

Most importantly, higher up insiders (Morell/Clapper) have stated unequivocably that they have seen no evidence of anything.

Now, on the other hand, on the leaker side of things, that one is just getting cranked up and you have Republican appointees involved.

Those very, very, VERY obvious points are what Michael K is getting at.

It's not surprising those aspects flummox you. After all, they didn't come wrapped up in a gift with boxed wine and another kitten.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Honestly; I'm confused. We've heard two conclusions. One: Nothing inappropriate happened, per several intelligence people, such as Clapper. Two: Russia is a shadow government with Trump as their puppet, and there are piles of intercepted documents and transcripts gained by surveillance that prove it, that no one has seen and they can't show anyone.

So... which is it? Judging by the bits of the testimony/hearing today, it sounds like: Nothing inappropriate happened, but the investigation is ongoing and things could change.

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: "Drago, You are wayyyyy too invested in disseminating disinformation here."

Don't you have a pre-election poll and a "Russian Dossier" to curl up with right about now?

damikesc বলেছেন...

I think Trump plays so much golf to keep his conversations off record while the FBI investigates possible collusion between Flynn, Paul Manafort and others with Russian interference in our last election. We can expect more alternative fact tweets.

Hey, somebody involved in the election was trying to lobby to remove the penalties on Russia.

Name was Podesta or something.

grackle বলেছেন...

More likely (and still basically unlikely), things will get so bad between Trump and the House, that they will order them released.

For sure there’s been conflict and more to come from Paul Ryan and the rest of the eGOP numb-nuts in the House – but Chuck, do you really believe the House can “order” President Trump to publish his tax returns? Interesting …

Which won't be under "audit" when they are filed. And so why not release those?

Because he doesn’t have to. Why do anything he doesn’t have to do when not doing it irritates the opposition and causes them to waste time hysterically fixating on an irrelevant and insignificant issue?

This non-issue was flogged mightily by the Trump opposition during the campaign but proved to be without sting. The Tax Return Issue’s only purpose was to propagandize against Trump’s election to POTUS. Now that Trump has won the office the issue is irrelevant except to provide emotional satisfaction to NeverTrumpers. It’s not going to win recruits to the NeverTrumper cause, especially since the recent very public embarrassment of Rachel Maddow’s Trump tax return nothingburger. But if you and the other NeverTrumpers want to waste your time this Trump supporter is only too willing to cheer you on. Hurrah! Keep up the good work!!

Drago বলেছেন...

Matthew Sablan: "So... which is it? Judging by the bits of the testimony/hearing today, it sounds like: Nothing inappropriate happened, but the investigation is ongoing and things could change"

That's about the size of it, but now we are also including leaker investigations.

So there you go: Impeachment heaven for Unknown, steve uhr and our "lifelong republican".

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Drago, you're complaining t the length of the Trump Russia investigation after Years of investigations into the Clinton Email thing? You're getting desperate. That's telling. Michael K gets nothing that doesn't fit his narrative, but YOU Drago are simply a liar and disiniformationist.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"Hey, somebody involved in the election was trying to lobby to remove the penalties on Russia."

-- Probably thought they'd have more flexibility after the election.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Brando said...

...enough Republicans, including you, were willing to vote for Trump despite him not releasing the returns.

Chuck is not a "lifelong republican." Sorry man. He is just another lying leftist though the GOPe losers make it tough to tell at times. But the number of people who are willing to defend Obama's clear surveillance of political enemies is small even on the left and there are no "republicans" who would actually do that.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Keep disseminating bullshit Drago, maybe you'll convince some of the weaker minds here. I suspect there are others that are beginning to smell the smoke too.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"Drago, you're complaining t the length of the Trump Russia investigation after Years of investigations into the Clinton Email thing?"

-- That investigation took years because the people being investigated lied to authorities, destroyed evidence, hid evidence and obstructed justice. If Clinton had done what she was supposed to do, provided the server, all emails to and from her to investigators, instead of new emails being found as recently as -- what? September? -- it would have been a quick investigation.

Todd বলেছেন...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Although....a solid C- GPA also tells us you are either dumber than a bag of hammers or spent your college years getting an A+ in beer bongs and sex.

3/20/17, 3:18 PM

"A+ in beer bongs and sex". Nuts! The online colleges I attended did not offer those courses. Opportunities lost...

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: "Drago, you're complaining t the length of the Trump Russia investigation after Years of investigations into the Clinton Email thing?"



I'm laughing at you for thinking that the entire US government and it's intelligence agencies and law enforcement/investigative agencies with all the surveillance and investigative tools anyone could ever hope to have just spent over 9 months looking into collusion when there was incredible pressure to find ANYTHING AT ALL and they came up with...nothing.

So, yeah. I think they will keep looking otherwise they will have to report out on the justification for the investigation and make formal the results. And that "ain't gonna" look good for some folks.

So, yeah, expect this to drag out for a long time. Which was my point. Which you ridiculed. Which you apparently now agree with.

Because you are a moron.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Remember: The original investigation into Clinton's emails was over quick. Until someone noticed, "Hey, how come this guy has an email from Clinton that wasn't provided by Clinton?" Then, after a month or so, Clinton copped to having the illegal server.

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: "Keep disseminating bullshit Drago, maybe you'll convince some of the weaker minds here. I suspect there are others that are beginning to smell the smoke too"

Sure Unknown. Keep that "smoke" talk up.

Beats the hell out of coming with any evidence!

Oh look, someones yacht was in the same harbor as a Russian!! Impeach!!
OMG! A russians plane at the same airport as some Trump guy!! Impeach!!
OMG! Some Russian likes caviar and some Trump associates do to!! Impeach!!

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

In my experience, when people say "All I know is..." they're hiding something.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

The evidence will be revealed when the investigation is over Drago. And the investigation, will end. You think that if Trump colluded with Russia he won't get impeached by a Republican Congress? I wouldn't bet on it. Trump can't be president from prison.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Bruce Hayden said...
I am just surprised that so many here have forgotten about Obama and his TelePrompTer. It was a recurring gag on Rush Limbaugh, about it having a life of its own. Obama was, if anything, more dependent upon one than Trump to keep from embarrassing himself."

Obama used a teleprompter to address a classroom of grade school kids.

Unknown said,
Keep disseminating bullshit Drago, maybe you'll convince some of the weaker minds here"

You and sunsong have the weakest minds here and you are unconvinced so there are limits to Drago's powers of persuasion. Can't get blood from a stone (or leftists with stones in their heads).

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
The evidence will be revealed when the investigation is over Drago. And the investigation, will end. You think that if Trump colluded with Russia he won't get impeached by a Republican Congress? I wouldn't bet on it. Trump can't be president from prison.

3/20/17, 3:54 PM

Ah, Inga's little fantasy dreamworld....LOL!

Drago বলেছেন...

And to think it was just a few weeks back that the dems were banking everything on the fake "Dossier" blitzkrieg to cut DJT off at the knees.

Those were such heady days for the lefties and "lifelong republicans", weren't they? So much joy! So many possibilities!

And then....nothing. Well, nothing but a slow deconstruction of all their hearts desires.

That's okay. They still have Alec Baldwin on SNL. That consolation will have to suffice. Particularly in the face of the dems retreat on Gorsuch.

Which will lead to a SC ruling on the insane lefty and "lifelong republican" Appellate court rulings.


You know, as Patton (nearly) once said, I almost feel sorry for those lefty and "lifelong republican" bastards. I really do.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"The evidence will be revealed when the investigation is over Drago."

-- That sounds well and good, but on the right, we've heard that, recently about:

* Mitt Romney's taxes
* George W. Bush's National Guard service
* John McCain's affair the NYT made up
* The John Doe Investigations in Wisconsin
* Ted Stevens' Ethics Violations

Notice a common theme?

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: "You think that if Trump colluded with Russia he won't get impeached by a Republican Congress? I wouldn't bet on it. Trump can't be president from prison."

That sounds like a 4-boxer of wine comment. I hope it's not as it is still quite early.

grackle বলেছেন...

An entire government with all its agencies dedicated to stopping 1 man from taking office. And after all this time and all those resources they presented......nothing.

By the time Obama administration realized that the dragnet wasn’t going to turn up any dirt on Trump it was too late to stop the leak mechanisms that they had set in place. They must have assumed that they would find something but men hang and regimes collapse because of unfulfilled assumptions.

Now that Trump has been more or less exonerated from that assumption and also unexpectedly won the election the inalterable fact that Trump Towers was wiretapped acquires a significance unanticipated when the plan to take down Trump was put in place.

Todd বলেছেন...

Chuck said...

I think that the big difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama feared saying anything stupid, or untrue, or reckless, even by accident. And so Obama wished to avoid that possibility as much as was reasonably possible.

3/20/17, 3:32 PM

Sorry but the "world's greatest orator" tried to never utter an unscripted word. He was AWFUL off prompter and so had to be managed by a cadre of speech writers. For such an "articulate" fellow he spoke off-script terribly.

As far as worried about speaking "stupid or untrue or reckless":

"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"

"If you like your plan you can keep your plan"

“If somebody wants to build a coal-fired power plant, they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them,” Obama said, responding to a question about his cap-and-trade plan. He later added, “Under my plan … electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”

"We're not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that's fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you've made enough money."

"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." –attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug

"The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system." --in remarks after a health care roundtable with physicians, nurses and health care providers, Washington, D.C.

"What I was suggesting -- you're absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith..." --in an interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, who jumped in to correct Obama by saying "your Christian faith," which Obama quickly clarified

"Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee -- which is my committee -- a bill to call for divestment from Iran as way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don't obtain a nuclear weapon." --referring to a committee he is not on, Sderot, Israel, July 23, 2008

"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."

I could do this all day...

Chuck বলেছেন...

grackle said...
"More likely (and still basically unlikely), things will get so bad between Trump and the House, that they will order them released."
For sure there’s been conflict and more to come from Paul Ryan and the rest of the eGOP numb-nuts in the House – but Chuck, do you really believe the House can “order” President Trump to publish his tax returns? Interesting …

Yes; the provision is Section 6103(f)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, and it empowers the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee to submit a written request to the Secretary of the Treasury for copies of federal tax returns. Thanks for asking! Oh, and they already had one vote on it:


"...Which won't be under "audit" when they are filed. And so why not release those?"

Because he doesn’t have to. Why do anything he doesn’t have to do when not doing it irritates the opposition and causes them to waste time hysterically fixating on an irrelevant and insignificant issue?
This non-issue was flogged mightily by the Trump opposition during the campaign but proved to be without sting. The Tax Return Issue’s only purpose was to propagandize against Trump’s election to POTUS. Now that Trump has won the office the issue is irrelevant except to provide emotional satisfaction to NeverTrumpers. It’s not going to win recruits to the NeverTrumper cause, especially since the recent very public embarrassment of Rachel Maddow’s Trump tax return nothingburger. But if you and the other NeverTrumpers want to waste your time this Trump supporter is only too willing to cheer you on. Hurrah! Keep up the good work!!

M'kay. So whereas Trump's excuse used to be something like, "I can't release my tax returns because I am under audit and I am under strict orders from my attorneys to not release them publicly," his new excuse is going to be, "They are my returns and I don't have to release them, so go piss up a rope."

Thereby thrilling you and voters like you.

Drago বলেছেন...

Mathew, you forgot to throw in the Dems railroading Tom Delay, Newt Gingriches simple history course on video, as their attempt to railroad Perry in Texas.

Those lefties and "lifelong republicans", when they are "bravely bravely" running away as in Texas and Wisconsin, they are busy little beavers with their Lawfare.

It goes without saying of course that "lifelong republican" Chuck maintains a strict policy of "Non-Knowing" of lefty Lawfare antics.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Obama off teleprompter got us Joe the Plumber, one of the few times in American history where the media combined to punish the common man for speaking truth to power.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Drago: Those are examples I forgot.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Vichy Chuck and the bug eyed Inga both hitting the sauce pretty early for a monday. It's going to take them a long time to get past their Maddow dissapointment.

Drago বলেছেন...

"lifelong republican" and noted Maddow/leftwing website fanboy Chuck: "Thereby thrilling you and voters like you"

I have to admit that I, a former Cruz supporter, am very very thrilled that Trump continues to ignore those who carp from far, far, far Left Field.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Blogger Unknown said..."The evidence will be revealed when the investigation is over Drago."

Ohh! Ohh! I hope Rachel Maddow does the Big Reveal! She's earned it!

Drago বলেছেন...

President-Mom-Jeans: "Vichy Chuck and the bug eyed Inga both hitting the sauce pretty early for a monday. It's going to take them a long time to get past their Maddow dissapointment"

I have to believe their Obama-care policies cover group mental therapy at reduced rates.

rehajm বলেছেন...

No matter what is in them, the left will turn it into a circus (witness Rachel Maddow)

They calculated his effective tax rate wrong. Could've Googled how to calculate it. Claimed it was 25% when it was closer to 79%

Drago বলেছেন...

Matthew Sablan: "Obama off teleprompter got us Joe the Plumber, one of the few times in American history where the media combined to punish the common man for speaking truth to power"

Actually, not the only time. Remember when the media had to track down that one African-American voter who was polled who told the pollster he intended to vote for Trump?

That one caused so much consternation on the left they had to track that guy down!

In Soviet America, Leftists Always Fine You.

rehajm বলেছেন...

AMT expands the amount of income subject to tax but it doesn't change your gross income or AGI, which should be used to calculate your tax rate.

Birkel বলেছেন...

@ 55 Unknown

I was promised frog marching. Why is there no frog marching?

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

>>The evidence will be revealed when the investigation is over

Will there be secret routers involved?

Drago বলেছেন...

Birkel: "@ 55 Unknown I was promised frog marching. Why is there no frog marching?

Who could possibly forget the Lefty/"lifelong republican" fever dreams of frog-marching WBush & Rove out of the White House?!

And it was all going to be over the Plame BS.

So Mathew, I should have mentioned the Scooter Libby nonsense as well as the others for how the dems conduct Lawfare.

Drago বলেছেন...

DanTheMan: "Will there be secret routers involved?"

Secret Routers, SR-71's, Nerve Gas in Vietnam, forged Air National Guard documents, disappearing airplanes (as on 9/11), CIA trafficked cocaine into our inner cities, and lots, lots more of the best, most important and titillating lefty conspiracies of all time!

grackle বলেছেন...

Yes; the provision is Section 6103(f)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, and it empowers the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee to submit a written request to the Secretary of the Treasury for copies of federal tax returns. Thanks for asking! Oh, and they already had one vote on it …

Sorry Chuck. Tsk, tsk … and you claim to be a lawyer?

Readers, here's the actual law:

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

Readers, nowhere does it say that Trump has to publish his tax returns. The IRS DOES provide tax returns but only to the committee in “closed executive session.” That means the returns are kept confidential, limited to all but a few members and are definitely not provided for public inspection. So much for Chuck’s legal “expertise.”

Drago বলেছেন...

grackle: "Sorry Chuck. Tsk, tsk … and you claim to be a lawyer?"

Our "lifelong republican" Lawyer is coming off more and more like a paralegal lefty.

grackle বলেছেন...

I think our Chuck must have graduated from the Rachel Maddow School of Law.

Michelle Dulak Thomson বলেছেন...

Chuck, if I'm understanding you, you take it completely for granted that Obama used a TelePrompTer, because, hey, everybody does it. But you don't take it for granted when it's Trump, because he's just different. So you go out of your way to say that his (reluctantly admired) speech was "scripted," because how otherwise could he have made it? He's the human orangutan. And besides, we know he didn't write it, don't we? Actually, we do not know that.

There's enough actual trouble in the Trump Administration without inventing more.

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

Let's see if I have this right:

The sentence is decided(impeachment and removal from office), the verdict becomes clear (guilty of something, just not sure what yet), which will be followed by a specific accusation, which will require an investigation.

Sounds fair to me...

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

I want to defend Chuck. He has always said that he voted for Trump. He also has made it clear that if he did so it was pure party loyalty.
I salute you, Chuck, as a brother in arms for the GOP.

Drago বলেছেন...

Amadeus: "I salute you, Chuck, as a brother in arms for the GOP."

Yes, I too salute "lifelong republican" Chuck, the Philippe Petain of the GOP.

Feel free to join us in a rousing rendition of La Marseillaise

n.n বলেছেন...

Was there or was there not a baby? Was it or was it not a baby? Did it cry?

This baby trial seems to be progressive but Americans grow wary of the liberal doses of speculation, inference, and innuendo. The abortionists need to make a Choice and show us the evidence.

Oh, and it was dead Soviets, or at least their signal, they detected under their bed and in the Water Closet. Social justice adventurers of times past.

Fabi বলেছেন...

"A battle that needs to be waged, non-stop. We can start with Trump's 2016 return, which will be filed soon and won't be under any audit cloud at the moment that they are filed. And so there won't be any "audit" excuse."

If Chuck didn't exist I'd have to invent him for my own entertainment. Lulz

Michael বলেছেন...

Dan the man

Not sure you were around during the GarageMahal days when he was of the impression that there was a secret SERVER in Walker's office. Server router what they hey...

Michael বলেছেন...

"...if Trump colluded with the Russians..."

Well, I for one hope that we can get to the bottom of this. Hearings are needed. Because...collusion. Maybe. But first, what could the "collusion" be about? Should we start there or just with the idea of "collusion?" Or is "collusion" enough by itself regardless?

I think press on with the charge of collusion.

Drago বলেছেন...

"lifelong republican" and the "Philippe Petain of the GOP" Chuck: "A battle that needs to be waged, non-stop. We can start with Trump's 2016 return, which will be filed soon and won't be under any audit cloud at the moment that they are filed. And so there won't be any "audit" excuse."

Looks like our Vichy Field Marshall thinks he is leading some kind of "Show Us Your Taxes Now" Army.

Tsk tsk.

Michael বলেছেন...

When did Unknown learn the word "disinformation" and who gave it to her? Goddamn you whoever you are. She has worn it smooth.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

The other problem with any investigation into collusion with the Ruskies is that even if the Trump team did meet with them, so what? So did Crooked Hillary's people. And Obama's before he was inaugurated. Just something that transition teams do. (And, yes, Clinton did have one - apparently right by the Trump team - the loser having to vacate right after the election to give their room to the transition team of the winning candidate).

grackle বলেছেন...

I salute you, Chuck, as a brother in arms for the GOP.

Correction: the “eGOP” to be precise. The “GOP” are the party members like Reince Priebus who supported their party’s nominee. That’s not who our Chuck identifies with.

The eGOP are a bunch of establishment GOP nitwits headed in the House by Paul Ryan who would’ve preferred that Trump had lost and want him out of office using any method necessary, including(through intermediaries) conducting witch-hunt investigations, pushing for special prosecutor fishing expeditions and playing to every false Trump narrative the MSM tosses their way.

Guess who our Chuck worships as God on earth. Hint: He has photogenic blue eyes and once ran for VPOTUS.

Their counterparts also populate the Senate but I think to a lessor degree.

grackle বলেছেন...

The other problem with any investigation into collusion with the Ruskies is that even if the Trump team did meet with them, so what?

It’s one of the MSM’s(and its political soulmates') favorite tactics. Take the ordinary and usual and try to elevate it to the status of something strange, ominous and vaguely illegal. It’s been effective against most of the MSM’s targets but so far it hasn’t worked very well against Trump.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Hillary is still not president.
Dodged a bullet there.
carry on.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Are you tired of all the "winning" yet?

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: "Wait! Are you tired of all the "winning" yet?"

I ain't no ways tiiiiiiiiirrrrrred!

Btw, that was from "Li'l Hil" Hillary. A lifelong fan of the Crimson Tide.....If thats what it takes.

hombre বলেছেন...

McClatchy news service claims the FBI is investigating "right-wing" news/talk for colluding with Russians using "bots" to forward fake news to benefit Trump. Named are Alex Jones and Breitbart news.

Is there anyone outside the Democrat/leftmedia circle jerk who knows anything about Alex Jones who believes he would align with the Russians - about anything? Russia and the American right, together? Seriously?

McClatchy quotes the infamous Donna Brazille and also goes out of its way to republish the "Nazi" libel against Sebastian Gorka that was thoroughly rebuked by Spengler and others. Read it. It is unbelievable.

This is getting really creepy. Democrats, politicized judges, the dark state and the leftmedia are attempting a coup.

Now the people pimping the story that Russia, historically aligned with the American left, has switched sides, will say that's crazy. Who ya gonna believe, them or your "lyin' eyes?"

Democrats and their consorts have gone bat shit crazy and the Republic is in jeopardy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

As if any sane person ever had a doubt.

Thanks, Repubicrazies, for tying up the business of government this way - being forced to pointlessly investigate the many ravings of a certifiable lunatic.

I see that bitch "Hombre" is trying to tie the conspiratorial knot ever tighter. As the British said, Trumpster's delusions should be "ignored." As should the wacko's remaining true believers at this point. Remember, they're the nutcases that Buckley had to purge the party of to give it even a thin veneer of respectability and any chance at running things.

What you are witnessing is what happens when the nutcases are let back in.

নামহীন বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

"Trump had no reason other than personal privacy to keep his returns secured. I think that someone will leak, or otherwise expose it,"

I hope you understand that almost no one out side the Democrat Party cares.

And here is the reason, folks, that healthcare is such a mess. A successful surgeon can't figure out the meaning of "conflict of interest." He seems to either not understand, or care, how easy it would be for a foreign entity to which he has ties to blackmail his presidential powers. And yet, I'm sure he's happy to rail against the potentially unsavory dealings of the CGI.

Frankly, if there were anything other than telephone book sized files, they would have been leaked already. The IRS has been politicized for years.

A liar like Trump probably made up the idea of his being audited in the first place. It's not even a legitimate reason to avoid releasing the returns.

The American people officially have more trust in other governments now than they do their own.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Hombre says "dark". "Dark" huh? It got really dark when Putin got his useful idiot elected d POTUS. Treason is dark and it's not unreasonable to contemplate Team Trump walked that line or crossed it. We'll see.

hombre বলেছেন...

Chuck is an illiberal Democrat troll.

There are simply no sour grapes that could justify any lifelong Republican or, for that matter, any person of good conscience, to aid and abet the Democrats' coup attempt. Not even by just expanding the Schumer/Pelosi echo chamber with relentless chickenshit commentary.

Stop feeding him!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

The American people officially have more trust in other governments now than they do their own."

Yes sadly. I trust the German government more than the one run by Trump/Putin.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Hombre says "dark". "Dark" huh?

Anyone who has to come up with more unsubstantiated speculation in order to double-down on the reasoning behind a liar's lies (such as Trump is), must have a head full of cobwebs. Dark, indeed. In his cabeza.

Just as a pathological liar like Trump doubles down on his lies by inventing new lies to explain them, his conspiratorial supporters (like "Hombre") have to invent newer (and necessarily "darker") conspiracies to support what no evidence shows, but what he must believe in order to believe his Leader, Mr Trump.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

The Brits' government is also more trustworthy than Trump/Putin's America.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

The Brits' government is also more trustworthy than Trump/Putin's America.

And more mature. "Should be ignored," is exactly the way it needed to be put.

Trump needs to be ignored. He has a 3-year old's need for attention, and pretends to run the country while he's instead crying out like a child over the fact that, for very good reasons, he's not taken seriously.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Russia is an authoritarian government. Liberals have never sided or identified with authoritarian regimes. Rightists love the "strong man" leader, not us liberals.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Oh Oh, an Inga/Ritmo takeover.

Whew ! Back to my book.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Whew ! Back to my book.

Is it a book on conspiracy theories?

It's sad enough that no one would have noticed if you hadn't announced it. And sadder still you actually think anyone cares.

You're like the anti-Norm from Cheers. Announcing your departure because people are even less interested in it than they were in your arrival.

Don't forget to take your marbles with you, Loser.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Leftists have never identified with strongmen except all of them (less Pinochet).

Hitler. Stalin. Lenin. Mao. Castro. Pol Pot. Ho Chi Minh.

55 may be the dumbest of the bunch.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Mikey only sticks around when he feels safe.

Unknown বলেছেন...

GUYS I CAN't do this anymore george soros paid me to post here

নামহীন বলেছেন...

And what does your list of dictators have to do with American Liberalism, Birkel? That is probably the wierdest thing you've said yet.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"GUYS I CAN't do this anymore george soros paid me to post here"

Yeah, me too.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Those guys were all supported by the American Left.

FDR called Stalin "Uncle Joe" while the NYT, in the form of Walter Duranty, refused to report on his systematic murder.

FDR and the American Left supported Hitler too, until he invaded Russia.

The Democrats supported slavery, Jim Crow, Japanese internment.

Read a book, you ignorant wretch.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Leftists have never identified with strongmen except all of them (less Pinochet).

Hitler. Stalin.

Wow. Who knew that Nazi/Stalin sympathizer Fred Koch was such a leftist!

"Although nobody agrees with me, I am of the opinion that the only sound countries in the world are Germany, Italy, and Japan, simply because they are all working and working hard."

"The laboring people in those countries are proportionately much better off than they are any place else in the world. When you contrast the state of mind of Germany today with what it was in 1925 you begin to think that perhaps this course of idleness, feeding at the public trough, dependence on government, etc., with which we are afflicted is not permanent and can be overcome."

There's the father figure of the right-wing party's greatest benefactor, in 1938. Pretty fun, huh? Maybe we can dig up something on what Prescott Bush was up to around the same time.

Unknown বলেছেন...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Fred Koch. An original 1958 Bircher, too!

The kind that Buckley had to disassociate himself from.

Bircher, Birkel... tomato, tomahto.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

--It would not be the first time that a team was able to chant, happily, "We're not the worst"!--

John McCain thanks you.

And Tom Delay and Denny Hastert. Newt too, but way less. They won and turned "the fourth branch of government" into supercool Prog tax collectors for the most indebted nation not just in history, you small minded myopic innumerate, but conceivable itself. You think you can comceive of a trillion because your ego demands it, not because you or I actually can concept into words something so near to infinite, ergo unknowable as to the never ending possibilities of vastness, and ergo you won though even given all that because you vote team R. They have lots of cash and you have knowledge you won because of a self-applied label highly encouraged by culture's identity dialectics causing you to feel it is liberating to call yourself a winner as a team Republican member.

Lindsey Graham appreciates your support.

Maine twins too.

Boolmberg did up until a while back, but still might again in the future.

Those winners get rewarded for team victories, not disappointed every single last Godly time faith is entertained here on Earth because of politician's words and poses.

You people ain't been reading your Barnhardt, but I can't say as I have been either. Life.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Stop reading propaganda, you weirdo.

Everyone knows that the Democrats of old are now Republicans. Ever hear of the Southern Strategy?

You're going to try to say only Democrats of the WW 2 era approved of Japanese internment?

Unknown বলেছেন...


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Who is it that recently wanted to put Muslims on a "registry"? Fascism is far right in history and now. Your alternative facts are mere bullshit Birkel.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Everyone knows that the Democrats of old are now Republicans. Ever hear of the Southern Strategy?

He will pretend he hasn't, because he is a liar.

Which makes it all the more interesting, seeing as how Lee Atwater, Michael Steele, and Ken Mehlman all have.

They were the Republican leaders who issued the apology for it, after all.

Racism's just so ingrained in a right-winger's bones, that they'll pretend the apologies their leaders issue on behalf of a strategy of employing it didn't even happen!

This is a party that has its head stuck so far in the sand that people accidentally kick their asses while walking into them!

Mr. Majestyk বলেছেন...

I didn't watch the hearings. Any inquiries into the FISA warrants or the supporting affidavits?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Hey everyone!

Did any of you know that Dr. Michael Kennedy (Michael "K") has left the thread!

I'm just mentioning it in case anyone forgot. Or never noticed in the first place.

He'd hate for you to think he wasn't that memorable or important.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Oh, I already forgot, lol.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Racism's just so ingrained in a right-winger's bones

Then why is it that the Left is obsessed with race, insists on grouping people by race and practices racial politics, while the Right insists that race is meaningless and that we are all individuals?

Why is every minority Republican in Congress elected from a a majority White district, while every Democratic minority in Congress (accept arguably Kamala Harris) is elected from a Gerrymandered safe district?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Obsessed with race? Is that why white supremacists all support Trump?

Birkel বলেছেন...

No, I have heard the self-serving lies Leftists tell themselves about the 'Southern Strategy'. The theory is that because LBJ, a racist Democrat, passed legislation in 1965 the Georgia legislature flipped in 2008.

Cause and effect are easier when they are assumptions that prove whatever you wish.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

vicari valdez said...

I thought he was a national socialist, you know, like all the other DC Republicans.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

No, I have heard the self-serving lies Leftists tell themselves about the 'Southern Strategy'.

Ken Mehlman.

Michael Steele.

Lee Atwater.

"Self-serving leftists!"

Republicans are delusional liars, which is why they defend Trump.



Birkel বলেছেন...

Gengis (sic) Khan was the guy John Kerry, who still has the hat, met in Vietnam who killed innocent people.

Do NOT ask Chuck.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

You know, it would really be nice if RNC chairs would stop apologizing for things that "Birkel" says they never did.

I guess they just can't help themselves.

Birkel বলেছেন...


I am aware that 1965 legislation passed by a racist Democrat caused the Georgia legislature to flip 43 years later. Right on schedule for those evil scheming Republicans.

buwaya বলেছেন...

It doesn't take much to find the actual mechanics of USG inter-party collusion that is intended to benefit the paymasters of both sides. It really isn't difficult.
Even in the details of legislation that is publicly available.

Look at the private pension funding provisions snuck into the highway bill 2012 S.1813 aka Map-21, somewhere in its thousand pages. Its a way bigger deal than the highway funding thats the ostensible purpose of this bill.

And etc. Look, with curiosity, and you will find a constant stream of bipartisan chicanery.

damikesc বলেছেন...

Obama off teleprompter got us Joe the Plumber, one of the few times in American history where the media combined to punish the common man for speaking truth to power.

Hell, the press didn't seem concerned about the state leaking info about him to the press to punish him. He had it coming...you know, for asking our Jug-Eared Jesus a question.

Obsessed with race? Is that why white supremacists all support Trump?

Well, apart from the Grand Dragon of the KKK. He was pro-Clinton. Gave her $20,000 too.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Snopes on that $20,000 donation. Unproven, in other words, more bullshit

Birkel বলেছেন...

When did the Left quit supporting the Soviet Union? Clearly after 1980 when Ted Kennedy was on their side but before 2015.

Was that the Left's Far East Strategy?

Birkel বলেছেন...

Donation unproven equals bull shit.
Russian connection unproven equals impeachment and President Hillary.

I want to be a Leftist just to see how stupid feels.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...


I am aware that 1965 legislation passed by a racist Democrat caused the Georgia legislature to flip 43 years later. Right on schedule for those evil scheming Republicans.

BLAH BLAH BLAH My name is Burpel and I supposedly will say ANYTHING to pretend that I have a more credible position of leadership when it comes to speaking on behalf of Republican strategy than actual RNC chairs such as Michael Steele, Ken Mehlman and Republican strategist Lee Atwater.

Are you saying Lee Atwater was an incompetent who didn't know what he was talking about and couldn't win elections for Republicans? Speak! I want to hear what the new self-appointed Republican leader Burpel has to say about the party's operations!

SukieTawdry বলেছেন...

I long for the days when the FBI was the best of its kind in the world. We live in such mediocre times.

Birkel বলেছেন...

I have admitted the four decade plus long plot to turn the South to the Republican Party. What more could you want? Republicans are so devious they forced a racist Texas Democrat to pass legislation by voting for that legislation in greater numbers than Democrats.

Republicans are just that evil.

And Democrats have a great need to feel morally superior, so win-win.

buwaya বলেছেন...

All those millions of pages of regulation, legislation, guidance, and the same stuff being issued by NGOs and Quangoes, you have to look with suspicion at every line. There is no doubt that any one of these is likely there for a reason independent of the stated purpose.

There is money in every page. Not obvious unless you dig.

There is a system behind all this, and we all see this system in battle today. Its defending itself against an assault by the remnants of the middle class.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I have admitted the four decade plus long plot to turn the South to the Republican Party. What more could you want?

That's all. As long as you admit it (and that it deliberately wasn't very nice to blacks) then we cool.

Now all you need to do is admit that voter suppression efforts (requiring drivers licenses, shortening poll hours) are also politically motivated and aimed at disproportionately impacting minority and other Democratic constituencies and I'd actually commend you!

But I don't think you're quite ready to give up that toy.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Can we talk about how evil Republicans fomented those race riots in Boston, Chicago and Los Angeles? How did Republicans convince whites in Boston to riot against busing?

Must be that famous Northern Strategy of Democrats who wanted to expose racism in cities Democrats control.

Birkel বলেছেন...

You have a problem with cause and effect. The Southern Strategy exists as a concept to help Liberals feel morally superior. You don't need much help.

Preening suits you.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Please do not Dowderize my quotes. Mention it all:

"Republicans are so devious they forced a racist Texas Democrat to pass legislation by voting for that legislation in greater numbers than Democrats.

Republicans are just that evil."

hombre বলেছেন...

Unknown: "Hombre, Russia is an authoritarian government. Liberals have never sided or identified with authoritarian regimes...."

Perhaps true, but Rush Limbaugh notwithstanding, Democrats haven't been liberals in decades. Democrats will side with anyone they believe enhance their political fortunes.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Liberals identified with all sorts of authoritarian/totalitarian regimes. It doesnt take much digging to find leading liberal lights fawning over Castro or Arafat or Gaddafi or even Tito in their time. Jerry Brown our governor for one was awfully friendly to Castro (among hordes of the like minded it was quite a fad). Seek and you will find.

And lets not mention Mr. Chavez. He hosted a parade of admirers.

CWJ বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Gahrie বলেছেন...

requiring drivers licenses, shortening poll hours) are also politically motivated and aimed at disproportionately impacting minority and other Democratic constituencies


Rance Fasoldt বলেছেন...

ARM, the meaning of "bemused" is "confused," not "amused." Is that what you meant?

CWJ বলেছেন...


@3:05. The certainty of your naive statements must be charming to somebody somewhere.

@3:07. Oh how we forget the certainty of our prediction of a Hillary win and loss of the senate followed by a multiweek disappearance while you hoped we all would forget.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Can we talk about how evil Republicans fomented those race riots in Boston, Chicago and Los Angeles? How did Republicans convince whites in Boston to riot against busing?

OMG! A human tragedy that didn't involve a Republican policy! I guess that makes all racist Republican policies A-OK!

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