Unknown: "The supposition being that Donald Trump is not arrogant."
There is no such supposition.
In fact, one could argue that only someone as arrogant as the political establishment could effectively engage them.
But that's okay Unknown. We will cut you some slack as you are clearly still in befuddled disbelief and grief after last night's little "disappointment".
The Guardian said ... "The big winner of Wednesday’s Dutch election was GreenLeft, headed by 30-year-old Jesse Klaver. According to a generally reliable Ipsos exit poll, the party, formed 25 years ago by a merger of communists, pacifists, evangelicals and self-styled radicals, quadrupled its MPs from four to 16 after a storming campaign by Klaver."
"People see me all the time and they just can't remember how to act. Their minds are filled with big ideas, images and distorted facts" True story, the song Idiot Wind was literally written about "Donald Trump". Check the label, I'm one hundred and three percent cereal.
Wasn't Trump supposed to be impeached by now? I thought he was a Russian agent or something. But for some reason he is more popular today than he was on election night.
Mysteriously the pussy hat thugs haven't been convincing people how bad he is and the media has less influence than ever. Rachel Maddow flailing with those tax returns last night that proved Trump payed a higher effective tax rate than Romney or Obama will probably turn the tide though I am sure.
I really enjoyed my visit to the Hermitage, but sadly I went after the great storm of 1998 had destroyed over 1,000 trees on the property. I could still see some fallen trees when I went.
Soviet agent, or so they project. Leftists don't like Leftists. The Western Leftists don't like Russians because they had the audacity to interfere with social justice adventurism that left a trail of tears from Libya to Syria to Ukraine and was a first-order cause of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform.
The Western Leftists also invariably adopt a twilight faith that denies individual dignity, which rationalizes [class] diversity (e.g. institutional racism, sexism), and maintain a sincere belief in spontaneous conception (the "big bang" theory of human evolution), which calms the cognitive dissonance caused by resuming the practice of their predecessors to deny life unworthy.
As for someone's tax return, that's between him and the IRS. The right of privacy is clearly not limited to elective abortion of wholly innocent human lives in Planned Parenthood "clinics", and, in civilized societies, would include the former and not the latter.
ARM: "The big winner of Wednesday’s Dutch election was GreenLeft, headed by 30-year-old Jesse Klaver. According to a generally reliable Ipsos exit poll, the party, formed 25 years ago by a merger of communists, pacifists, evangelicals and self-styled radicals, quadrupled its MPs from four to 16 after a storming campaign by Klaver."
"Communists, pacifists, evangelicals, and self-styled radicals."
The women's party, then. The voter end of it, anyway.
Its interesting to recall that Tocqueville gathered his material for "Democracy in America" during his visit of 1831-32, early in Andrew Jackson's first term. That would probably have been the height of that populist moment in the US, and that was the milieu that Tocqueville described. The democracy Tocqueville saw was Jackson's.
You know, there's this area in the brain... that the doctors, the brain doctors that do research on how the brain works tell us. There's a part called the "executive function" and when I heard that I realized it had been named after.. well I don't really need to say it, do I? I mean, well know who the head of the executive branch is don't we? Well it really makes me feel humble to know there's a place in scientific history for... and of course for all the great brains of you, the people of America who know, in your gut, what an executive functioning like a well oiled machine sounds like.
True. This was my metric for civil unrest in the US. The volk were nearly all of those doing the buying, mainly an expression, I think, of a partly unconscious anxiety about the social-political outlook, which could be seen as building up to a crisis.
For them, at least, there is less of a feeling of crisis.
"The Guardian said ... "The big winner of Wednesday’s Dutch election was GreenLeft, headed by 30-year-old Jesse Klaver. According to a generally reliable Ipsos exit poll, the party, formed 25 years ago by a merger of communists, pacifists, evangelicals and self-styled radicals, quadrupled its MPs from four to 16 after a storming campaign by Klaver."
CWJ: Casting off topic bait to see if someone anyone will debate him. It seems to work about a third of the time so I can't really fault him.
I'm not seeing how this constitutes a "fault". That's how one proposes conversation. Conversational proposals don't always have takers, but one has to try.
If the Dutch want to commit cultural suicide, that's their choice. I just hope the Muzzies don't blow up the Rijksmuseum or the Van Gogh Museum. Lovely places, they are.
Why don't you move there, Inga? Just don't forget your headscarf.
Granted. But I've noticed that you at least initially stay on topic. Me. I have little sympathy for attempted thread hyjacking, though many rise to the bait. Althouse is the one who proposed the conversation. Not ARM.
Blogger exiledonmainstreet said... I notice Inga and ARM are avoiding talking about last night's Great Revelation.
We now have two data points, one where he earns nothing and pays no taxes and another where he earns a bunch and pays taxes on it. It is hard to say which is more characteristic of his operation. I guess we need more data points.
The one thing the 2005 tax form does do is make it a lot harder to eliminate the alternative minimum tax in any forthcoming revision of the tax code.
I just cannot imagine a more unassailable indicator. If you squint, you can see events like Sandy Hook in the data. A spread sheet analysis could isolate other events in time.
Refined cultural sensibility is, I think, strongly correlated with what today passes for bigotry. And it was always so. Samuel Johnson for instance would probably cause an endless rampage in US universities. Modern times have confused the matter with the watering down of educational credentials.
ARM: It is an interesting coalition. I was curious to know if there was a GreenRight, fascists, war mongers, Mormons and self-styled conservatives.
Lol. Actually, I think there might be, somewhere, in nascent form. Minus the war-mongering. (At least my type of conservative is conservationist.) But not here. I don't think euro "evangelicals" tend right. But I'm curious to know the demographic breakdown of this Green vote. I made the crack about the "women's party" because of the very marked difference in the male/female vote in the recent Austrian presidential election.
Don't know if the same thing prevails in the Netherlands, but in Austria the chick vote was all greeny/refugee lover and the guy vote was all righty/preserve our culture. (Aka women shouldn't be allowed to vote. Except chicks like me. To cancel out your vote, ARM.)
buwaya puti: Samuel Johnson for instance would probably cause an endless rampage in US universities. Modern times have confused the matter with the watering down of educational credentials.
Good thing Johnson is dead. "When a man is tired of London he is tired of life." I think Johnson would find London very tiresome if he were alive right now.
He might find some amusement and welcome here right now, though.
Refined cultural sensibility is, I think, strongly correlated with what today passes for bigotry.
Yes, how right you are. Whenever I encounter a religious, racial or other slur I stop and think to myself how in former times the unfortunate person speaking thus would have been a highly respected member of the right thinking community. How sad it is that the great minds of our time must instead resort to furtive conversations in the comment threads of squishy birther blogs. Cereal!
ARM: The one thing the 2005 tax form does do is make it a lot harder to eliminate the alternative minimum tax in any forthcoming revision of the tax code.
I don't see why. I've been hit by the AMT, and trust me, I'm not a billionaire. Screwing honest humble burghers like yours truly just because you want rich guys to pay more? Fuck you and the byzantine out-dated out-of-control tax code you rode in on. (I mean that in the nicest way.)
Indeed, antiphone, you need to examine the matter in better detail. Back then they studied the classics, and those of course are loaded to the scuppers with all the "bigotry" anyone today could handle. And the classics were their models, note.
Angel-Dyne said... I think there might be, somewhere, in nascent form. But not here.
There are a some good things about the binary US political system but when neither party represents the interests of the people its limitations become more apparent. The Europeans have an effective safety valve with all their odd parties and coalitions. It often leads to stasis but so does the US system. Italy takes it too far.
CWJ: Granted. But I've noticed that you at least initially stay on topic. Me. I have little sympathy for attempted thread hyjacking, though many rise to the bait. Althouse is the one who proposed the conversation. Not ARM.
True that. But conversation is creative. What is it that Tocqueville said? I paraphrase, but "Americans can discuss but they cannot converse". I.e., conversation is not "an exchange of views" but something created by the participants on the fly, that they could not have created musing by themselves. Granted, there are indeed hijackers, but they are hijackers because they destroy conversation, and drag everything back to "exhange of (pre-existent) views".
Indeed, antiphone, you need to examine the matter in better detail.
Ah, you've been with the professors and they've all liked your looks With great lawyers you have discussed lepers and crooks You've been through all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's books You're very well-read, it's well-known But something is happening here and you don't know a damn thing about cereal.
ARM: The Europeans have an effective safety valve with all their odd parties and coalitions. It often leads to stasis but so does the US system. Italy takes it too far.
But do they, really? (Provide a safety valve, that is.) The French system, e.g., is explicitly designed to keep the "odd parties" from challenging the existing power structure. I don't really know how the German system works - I get the impression that they have a "safety valve" that will end in disaster. Italy? Well, Italy is Italy. God preserve them. The world would be a sadder place without mad, bad Italy.
CWJ said... I have little sympathy for attempted thread hyjacking, though many rise to the bait. Althouse is the one who proposed the conversation.
I suspect that Althouse would generally prefer it if I didn't directly address her posts on a regular basis. She often does have a good reason for complaint when that happens. This being said, I do appreciate Althouse's efforts, it is not easy keeping a commentariat functional over such a long time and she attracts people who are more flexible than on most sites, even though there are some very doctrinaire types here as well. I do miss Mary's contributions though.
Angel-Dyne said... I don't see why. I've been hit by the AMT,
I was thinking that politically it might be hard for Trump to push for a $31 million dollar tax break for himself that would have left his effective tax rate at something like 3% in 2005 at least.
Wow. DJT just hit a home run in the hearts and minds of Scots-Irish men and women.
Jackson was the second Father of this country. And that made him a hero to many, especially to a Captain of Artillery, who as a younger man had fired his Battery on the German Army in France, much as Jackson fired his on the British Army at New Orleans.
After HST fought German Artillery in France, he did 8 years as #33, in command in fighting Germans, in command in fighting Japanese, in command in fighting a cold war,in command in creating the State of Israel, in command in the Berlin Airlift, in command in fighting the Russian's proxy North Koreans, in command in firing MacArthur, in command in fighting Red Chinese hords, and in political command on his train fighting the GOP elites' who were so sure of defeating him.
I go back and forth in my opinion of HST. I have a problem with his sponsorship by the Prendergast machine. But surely, there is a line from Jackson to Trump through him.
Communists, pacifists, evangelicals, and self-styled radicals."
It is an interesting coalition. I was curious to know if there was a GreenRight, fascists, war mongers, Mormons and self-styled conservatives.
In your formulation Communist is to fascist as evangelical is to Mormon. I suppose that's right - for each pair, the differences that cause strife between members are much less apparent to outsiders than their similarities.
If you had checked out the "Girls" thread, you would have gotten your fill of Mary. (I assume we are referring to the same poster, since I'm not aware of any others here.) Half the comments were hers, because she was reposting the same comment 4 or 5 times.
antiphone, fuck off, you mush-brained ninny. Being called a "bigot" by the likes of you is a badge of honor.
Perhaps you can enlighten us as to what great cultural contribution the "refugees" are bringing to the West. Rape? Women clad in black sacks? Female genital mutilation? Honor killings?
Perhaps you can enlighten us as to what great cultural contribution the "refugees" are bringing to the West. Rape? Women clad in black sacks? Female genital mutilation? Honor killings?
You really do not understand what bigotry is do you?
You forgot to say "cereal," you ass. Now no one here will ever take you seriously. Best to change your anonymous blogger profile troll name again and start over, Auntie Phony.
You really do not understand what bigotry is do you?
Actually it is spelled out in sharia law.
Right after the line about killing infidels and killing apostates they have the section about throwing gay people off roofs.
The first several sections are spent discussing how to properly buy, sell, and beat the women though. The hold your female relative down while the matriarch uses a somewhat clean knife to perform a clitoridectomy on them is in section 3 right after the women can't own property section and right before the "rule of thumb" section for the beating of your wife.
You really do not understand what bigotry is do you?
First of all this question was not directed at you unless you are a sock puppet for exileonmainstreet so can't help but wonder whether you intend to spell out his reasoning for him or go off on a tangent of your own. If your convoluted point is that bigotry is enshrined in in Islam I would point out that you'll find similar things in most major religious texts including the Jewish and Christian ones. So what the hell is your point? That because religious texts include bigoted beliefs, bigotry is fine? Or is it that embracing bigotry in the US is justified because other people do it?
Educated men learn from history. Better, men of experience learn from experience. A few Muslims is fine. Too many and they make political demands, start to form their own countries within a country, effectively, and the worst of it is the universal phenomenon of the "bloody borders" happens, when their young men, just a few to start, raid their neighbors.
This raiding seems, in the beginning, like "crime", but it isnt, as it is tacitly sanctioned in the culture - raiding the infidel is imprudent, maybe, but not evil. The more of them, the greater proportion will raid, until you have a bloody border. You will find this phenomenon from North Africa to the Philippines.
Everywhere there are bloody borders, except where peace is kept by an effective balance of terror, or you live in parts of Malaysia. There, Malaysia on the actual Malay penninsula, though not the Borneo part nor the bit up by Thailand, is the exception.
Malaysia is curious. Its Muslim run, and they do oppress their Chinese and Hindu minorities legally, but they dont raid - that is commit random crimes under social sanction. They do this over on the Borneo part though. Dont sail in Sarawak waters as you're likely to end up like that imprudent German who was kidnapped and beheaded a couple of weeks ago.
If your convoluted point is that bigotry is enshrined in in Islam I would point out that you'll find similar things in most major religious texts including the Jewish and Christian ones. So what the hell is your point? That because religious texts include bigoted beliefs, bigotry is fine? Or is it that embracing bigotry in the US is justified because other people do it?
My point was obvious and two-fold.
1. Islam in current form is incompatible with a liberal free society.
1. Islam in current form is incompatible with a liberal free society.
2. You don't know what you are talking about.
Sorry buddy, but the only thing obvious about the way you have represented your point of view is that you haven't the faintest idea how reasoned debate is supposed to work in a free society. Is this really the best you can do?
@traditionalguy said... Wow. DJT just hit a home run in the hearts and minds of Scots-Irish men and women.
Jackson was the second Father of this country. And that made him a hero to many, especially to a Captain of Artillery, who as a younger man had fired his Battery on the German Army in France, much as Jackson fired his on the British Army at New Orleans.
Jackson resorted to murder, torture, hanging, and arson to get his twisted way - and he condemned native Americans residing in the Southeastern states to all sorts of unspeakable hardship and too many deaths when he relocated them westward for the financial benefit of a few influential white men. Andrew Jackson proposed and then signed the legislation.
So trad-guy, your hero is going to have to work harder to catch up to one of our most despicable presidents.
antiphone said... Perhaps you can enlighten us as to what great cultural contribution the "refugees" are bringing to the West. Rape? Women clad in black sacks? Female genital mutilation? Honor killings?
You really do not understand what bigotry is do you?
3/15/17, 10:03 PM
Nice job of dodging the question, you ignorant dolt.
1. Islam in current form is incompatible with a liberal free society.
2. You don't know what you are talking about."
Sorry buddy, but the only thing obvious about the way you have represented your point of view is that you haven't the faintest idea how reasoned debate is supposed to work in a free society. Is this really the best you can do?
My argument just gained a 3rd point.
1. Islam in current form is incompatible with a liberal free society.
2. You don't know what you are talking about.
3. You couldn't deal with 1. You just emphasized 2. You haven't made a reasoned argument yet. Right now you think you are smart but you haven't gone back and read your own posts. Go read your own posts and tell me what argument you have made. The only thing you have done is use not a lot of words to call people bigot and stupid. So far you are a troll that uses words they don't understand with possibly some training in poetry.
The one thing the 2005 tax form does do is make it a lot harder to eliminate the alternative minimum tax in any forthcoming revision of the tax code.
Really? Trump's adjusted gross income for 2005 was $48 million, on which he paid $38 million in federal income taxes. Nice to know (though it's hardly a surprise) that ARM thinks it's perfectly appropriate for the federal government to up and confiscate 73% (potentially all of it I suppose) of anyone's adjusted gross income for any given year — simply because Leviathon in its majesty deems that the usual (considered to be fair and just) method of computing one's tax burden brings in too little revenue for its consumptive taste.
What would you know about reason, Auntie Phony? You really ARE cereal.
Ann, not to tell you your business, but this one really wants to ruin this forum.
It's not your stance, antiphone, it's the quality of your work. Which probably correlates to your stance, but really, you're working at making yourself obnoxious. Congratulations, you've succeeded, thoroughly.
buwaya: Educated men learn from history. Better, men of experience learn from experience. A few Muslims is fine. Too many and...
We don't need no steenkin' study of history or empirical observation. (Except of 1930s Germany and maybe the 1960s. Get a copy of Inter-war Europe for Dummies and some New Left tomes and you'll know all the history any decent person needs to know. Just make sure you get an edition published after 2000. Earlier editions are likely to have some subtle bits of wrongthink polluting the text, as is common in works written prior to yesterday afternoon.)
This time it's different. New Davos Widget is the new New Soviet Man.
European Values require the replacement of European values. We're not "who we are" until we are who we ain't.
If we don't allow the West to be Islamized, the terrorists will have won.
That's what I've learned from facebook, twitter, and respectable pundits, and I'm sticking with it.
Achilles to "antiphone": You haven't made a reasoned argument yet...
You're not holding your breath, are you? The mind of "antiphone" has obviously been through the highest stages of SJW purification. "Bigot! Bigot! Bigot! Bigot!"* is all that's left in the sanctified space between xir ears.
"The one thing the 2005 tax form does do is make it a lot harder to eliminate the alternative minimum tax in any forthcoming revision of the tax code."
Yeah, right.
In a world of honesty and reason it would also give pause to all those who have screeched for months that Trump paid no taxes. In a world of justice that pause would include the faintest inkling that some of the other "Trump is...." descriptions might be off the mark.
ARM opined, "The one thing the 2005 tax form does do is make it a lot harder to eliminate the alternative minimum tax in any forthcoming revision of the tax code."
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७५ टिप्पण्या:
The supposition being that Donald Trump is not arrogant. Give me a break! Everything about Trump oozes arrogance.
Con-man Trump is a master of deflection.
No, the supposition is that Trump is not in the D.C. elite, which is pretty well true.
That's Trump all right.
Unknown: "The supposition being that Donald Trump is not arrogant."
There is no such supposition.
In fact, one could argue that only someone as arrogant as the political establishment could effectively engage them.
But that's okay Unknown. We will cut you some slack as you are clearly still in befuddled disbelief and grief after last night's little "disappointment".
The Guardian said ...
"The big winner of Wednesday’s Dutch election was GreenLeft, headed by 30-year-old Jesse Klaver. According to a generally reliable Ipsos exit poll, the party, formed 25 years ago by a merger of communists, pacifists, evangelicals and self-styled radicals, quadrupled its MPs from four to 16 after a storming campaign by Klaver."
Great comparison by Trump. Now all he has to do is defy the SCOTUS and kill a man in a duel.
"People see me all the time and they just can't remember how to act. Their minds are filled with big ideas, images and distorted facts" True story, the song Idiot Wind was literally written about "Donald Trump". Check the label, I'm one hundred and three percent cereal.
Wasn't Trump supposed to be impeached by now? I thought he was a Russian agent or something. But for some reason he is more popular today than he was on election night.
Mysteriously the pussy hat thugs haven't been convincing people how bad he is and the media has less influence than ever. Rachel Maddow flailing with those tax returns last night that proved Trump payed a higher effective tax rate than Romney or Obama will probably turn the tide though I am sure.
I really enjoyed my visit to the Hermitage, but sadly I went after the great storm of 1998 had destroyed over 1,000 trees on the property. I could still see some fallen trees when I went.
Andrew Jackson.
The Hermitage.
Obama spent the last eight years reminding us "But, this is not who we are!".
I expect Trump to spend the next eight years reminding us "This is who-the-fuck-we-are!".
I'm Andrew Jackson!
Soviet agent, or so they project. Leftists don't like Leftists. The Western Leftists don't like Russians because they had the audacity to interfere with social justice adventurism that left a trail of tears from Libya to Syria to Ukraine and was a first-order cause of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform.
The Western Leftists also invariably adopt a twilight faith that denies individual dignity, which rationalizes [class] diversity (e.g. institutional racism, sexism), and maintain a sincere belief in spontaneous conception (the "big bang" theory of human evolution), which calms the cognitive dissonance caused by resuming the practice of their predecessors to deny life unworthy.
As for someone's tax return, that's between him and the IRS. The right of privacy is clearly not limited to elective abortion of wholly innocent human lives in Planned Parenthood "clinics", and, in civilized societies, would include the former and not the latter.
Trump and Bannon doing a mind meld.
Trump is either a student of history, or has a profound sense of situational awareness. Either way, people are buying fewer firearms. Go figure!!
A glut on the market is good for consumers. No?
Lines for blocks to hear the President speak. Dozens of protestors. Guess which the local news stations are focusing on.
ARM: "The big winner of Wednesday’s Dutch election was GreenLeft, headed by 30-year-old Jesse Klaver. According to a generally reliable Ipsos exit poll, the party, formed 25 years ago by a merger of communists, pacifists, evangelicals and self-styled radicals, quadrupled its MPs from four to 16 after a storming campaign by Klaver."
"Communists, pacifists, evangelicals, and self-styled radicals."
The women's party, then. The voter end of it, anyway.
Its interesting to recall that Tocqueville gathered his material for "Democracy in America" during his visit of 1831-32, early in Andrew Jackson's first term.
That would probably have been the height of that populist moment in the US, and that was the milieu that Tocqueville described.
The democracy Tocqueville saw was Jackson's.
And Trump just tweeted a thank you to Andrew Jackson. He does know exactly how to get under the left's collective skin.
You know, there's this area in the brain... that the doctors, the brain doctors that do research on how the brain works tell us. There's a part called the "executive function" and when I heard that I realized it had been named after.. well I don't really need to say it, do I? I mean, well know who the head of the executive branch is don't we? Well it really makes me feel humble to know there's a place in scientific history for... and of course for all the great brains of you, the people of America who know, in your gut, what an executive functioning like a well oiled machine sounds like.
"people are buying fewer firearms"
True. This was my metric for civil unrest in the US.
The volk were nearly all of those doing the buying, mainly an expression, I think, of a partly unconscious anxiety about the social-political outlook, which could be seen as building up to a crisis.
For them, at least, there is less of a feeling of crisis.
ARM. Casting off topic bait to see if someone anyone will debate him. It seems to work about a third of the time so I can't really fault him.
A. Jackson was a Democrat, not a Whig. Pretty much founded the Democratic party with Martin Van Buren.
Jackson would not have joined the Republican party in the 1850s.
The partisan boundaries of the nation are changing. Will be interesting to see what happens in the next 4 years.
"The Guardian said ...
"The big winner of Wednesday’s Dutch election was GreenLeft, headed by 30-year-old Jesse Klaver. According to a generally reliable Ipsos exit poll, the party, formed 25 years ago by a merger of communists, pacifists, evangelicals and self-styled radicals, quadrupled its MPs from four to 16 after a storming campaign by Klaver."
Looks like Dutch Trump was rejected. LOL
I too am Andrew Jackson! Who's with me?
"The supposition being that Donald Trump is not arrogant."
Who supposes this? Who thinks he doesn't have a big ego?
Stop listening to the imaginary conservatives that live in your empty head and try reading what we actually say. Or would that be too much work?
CWJ: Casting off topic bait to see if someone anyone will debate him. It seems to work about a third of the time so I can't really fault him.
I'm not seeing how this constitutes a "fault". That's how one proposes conversation. Conversational proposals don't always have takers, but one has to try.
Looks like Dutch Trump was rejected. LOL
3/15/17, 6:58 PM
If the Dutch want to commit cultural suicide, that's their choice. I just hope the Muzzies don't blow up the Rijksmuseum or the Van Gogh Museum. Lovely places, they are.
Why don't you move there, Inga? Just don't forget your headscarf.
Angel-Dyne said...
"Communists, pacifists, evangelicals, and self-styled radicals."
It is an interesting coalition. I was curious to know if there was a GreenRight, fascists, war mongers, Mormons and self-styled conservatives.
I notice Inga and ARM are avoiding talking about last night's Great Revelation. Gee, why is that?
Is Rachel Maddow working for the Trump 2020 team? If so, good job!
Granted. But I've noticed that you at least initially stay on topic. Me. I have little sympathy for attempted thread hyjacking, though many rise to the bait. Althouse is the one who proposed the conversation. Not ARM.
I was curious to know if there was a GreenRight, fascists, war mongers, Mormons and self-styled conservatives.
ARM, in his head, is still in kindergarten.
The Swedes are in a race to suicide with the Dutch. The Dutch adopted Euthanasia 25 years ago.
Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...
I notice Inga and ARM are avoiding talking about last night's Great Revelation.
We now have two data points, one where he earns nothing and pays no taxes and another where he earns a bunch and pays taxes on it. It is hard to say which is more characteristic of his operation. I guess we need more data points.
The one thing the 2005 tax form does do is make it a lot harder to eliminate the alternative minimum tax in any forthcoming revision of the tax code.
I just hope the Muzzies don't blow up the Rijksmuseum or the Van Gogh Museum. Lovely places, they are.
Nice to know that a bigot like you has such refined cultural sensitivity.
This was my metric for civil unrest in the US.
I just cannot imagine a more unassailable indicator. If you squint, you can see events like Sandy Hook in the data. A spread sheet analysis could isolate other events in time.
Refined cultural sensibility is, I think, strongly correlated with what today passes for bigotry. And it was always so.
Samuel Johnson for instance would probably cause an endless rampage in US universities.
Modern times have confused the matter with the watering down of educational credentials.
ARM: It is an interesting coalition. I was curious to know if there was a GreenRight, fascists, war mongers, Mormons and self-styled conservatives.
Lol. Actually, I think there might be, somewhere, in nascent form. Minus the war-mongering. (At least my type of conservative is conservationist.) But not here. I don't think euro "evangelicals" tend right. But I'm curious to know the demographic breakdown of this Green vote. I made the crack about the "women's party" because of the very marked difference in the male/female vote in the recent Austrian presidential election.
Don't know if the same thing prevails in the Netherlands, but in Austria the chick vote was all greeny/refugee lover and the guy vote was all righty/preserve our culture. (Aka women shouldn't be allowed to vote. Except chicks like me. To cancel out your vote, ARM.)
buwaya puti: Samuel Johnson for instance would probably cause an endless rampage in US universities.
Modern times have confused the matter with the watering down of educational credentials.
Good thing Johnson is dead. "When a man is tired of London he is tired of life." I think Johnson would find London very tiresome if he were alive right now.
He might find some amusement and welcome here right now, though.
The Dutch adopted Euthanasia 25 years ago.
...adopted youth in Asia...
Phonetically, it sounds compassionate. Is the Dr. having fun with words tonight??
Refined cultural sensibility is, I think, strongly correlated with what today passes for bigotry.
Yes, how right you are. Whenever I encounter a religious, racial or other slur I stop and think to myself how in former times the unfortunate person speaking thus would have been a highly respected member of the right thinking community. How sad it is that the great minds of our time must instead resort to furtive conversations in the comment threads of squishy birther blogs. Cereal!
ARM: The one thing the 2005 tax form does do is make it a lot harder to eliminate the alternative minimum tax in any forthcoming revision of the tax code.
I don't see why. I've been hit by the AMT, and trust me, I'm not a billionaire. Screwing honest humble burghers like yours truly just because you want rich guys to pay more? Fuck you and the byzantine out-dated out-of-control tax code you rode in on. (I mean that in the nicest way.)
Indeed, antiphone, you need to examine the matter in better detail. Back then they studied the classics, and those of course are loaded to the scuppers with all the "bigotry" anyone today could handle. And the classics were their models, note.
Look deeper than your rather trite reflex.
Angel-Dyne said...
I think there might be, somewhere, in nascent form. But not here.
There are a some good things about the binary US political system but when neither party represents the interests of the people its limitations become more apparent. The Europeans have an effective safety valve with all their odd parties and coalitions. It often leads to stasis but so does the US system. Italy takes it too far.
CWJ: Granted. But I've noticed that you at least initially stay on topic. Me. I have little sympathy for attempted thread hyjacking, though many rise to the bait. Althouse is the one who proposed the conversation. Not ARM.
True that. But conversation is creative. What is it that Tocqueville said? I paraphrase, but "Americans can discuss but they cannot converse". I.e., conversation is not "an exchange of views" but something created by the participants on the fly, that they could not have created musing by themselves. Granted, there are indeed hijackers, but they are hijackers because they destroy conversation, and drag everything back to "exhange of (pre-existent) views".
Indeed, antiphone, you need to examine the matter in better detail.
Ah, you've been with the professors and they've all liked your looks
With great lawyers you have discussed lepers and crooks
You've been through all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's books
You're very well-read, it's well-known
But something is happening here and you don't know a damn thing about cereal.
ARM: The Europeans have an effective safety valve with all their odd parties and coalitions. It often leads to stasis but so does the US system. Italy takes it too far.
But do they, really? (Provide a safety valve, that is.) The French system, e.g., is explicitly designed to keep the "odd parties" from challenging the existing power structure. I don't really know how the German system works - I get the impression that they have a "safety valve" that will end in disaster. Italy? Well, Italy is Italy. God preserve them. The world would be a sadder place without mad, bad Italy.
CWJ said...
I have little sympathy for attempted thread hyjacking, though many rise to the bait. Althouse is the one who proposed the conversation.
I suspect that Althouse would generally prefer it if I didn't directly address her posts on a regular basis. She often does have a good reason for complaint when that happens. This being said, I do appreciate Althouse's efforts, it is not easy keeping a commentariat functional over such a long time and she attracts people who are more flexible than on most sites, even though there are some very doctrinaire types here as well. I do miss Mary's contributions though.
Angel-Dyne @ 8:11,
I don't agree, but your's is the most interesting comment I've read so far in this thread.
Angel-Dyne said...
I don't see why. I've been hit by the AMT,
I was thinking that politically it might be hard for Trump to push for a $31 million dollar tax break for himself that would have left his effective tax rate at something like 3% in 2005 at least.
Wow. DJT just hit a home run in the hearts and minds of Scots-Irish men and women.
Jackson was the second Father of this country. And that made him a hero to many, especially to a Captain of Artillery, who as a younger man had fired his Battery on the German Army in France, much as Jackson fired his on the British Army at New Orleans.
After HST fought German Artillery in France, he did 8 years as #33, in command in fighting Germans, in command in fighting Japanese, in command in fighting a cold war,in command in creating the State of Israel, in command in the Berlin Airlift, in command in fighting the Russian's proxy North Koreans, in command in firing MacArthur, in command in fighting Red Chinese hords, and in political command on his train fighting the GOP elites' who were so sure of defeating him.
I go back and forth in my opinion of HST. I have a problem with his sponsorship by the Prendergast machine. But surely, there is a line from Jackson to Trump through him.
Communists, pacifists, evangelicals, and self-styled radicals."
It is an interesting coalition. I was curious to know if there was a GreenRight, fascists, war mongers, Mormons and self-styled conservatives.
In your formulation Communist is to fascist as evangelical is to Mormon. I suppose that's right - for each pair, the differences that cause strife between members are much less apparent to outsiders than their similarities.
" I do miss Mary's contributions though."
If you had checked out the "Girls" thread, you would have gotten your fill of Mary. (I assume we are referring to the same poster, since I'm not aware of any others here.) Half the comments were hers, because she was reposting the same comment 4 or 5 times.
antiphone, fuck off, you mush-brained ninny. Being called a "bigot" by the likes of you is a badge of honor.
Perhaps you can enlighten us as to what great cultural contribution the "refugees" are bringing to the West. Rape? Women clad in black sacks? Female genital mutilation? Honor killings?
I thought the Hermitage was in St. Petersburg. When will this Russian interference cease?
Trump has found Teddie's bully pulpit in the secret catacombs under the White House.
Perhaps you can enlighten us as to what great cultural contribution the "refugees" are bringing to the West. Rape? Women clad in black sacks? Female genital mutilation? Honor killings?
You really do not understand what bigotry is do you?
You forgot to say "cereal," you ass. Now no one here will ever take you seriously. Best to change your anonymous blogger profile troll name again and start over, Auntie Phony.
Thank you Bad Lieutenant, for reminding me just how consistent the psychological phenomena known as projection really is. Love that blogger profile.
antiphone said...
You really do not understand what bigotry is do you?
Actually it is spelled out in sharia law.
Right after the line about killing infidels and killing apostates they have the section about throwing gay people off roofs.
The first several sections are spent discussing how to properly buy, sell, and beat the women though. The hold your female relative down while the matriarch uses a somewhat clean knife to perform a clitoridectomy on them is in section 3 right after the women can't own property section and right before the "rule of thumb" section for the beating of your wife.
You really do not understand what bigotry is do you?
First of all this question was not directed at you unless you are a sock puppet for exileonmainstreet so can't help but wonder whether you intend to spell out his reasoning for him or go off on a tangent of your own. If your convoluted point is that bigotry is enshrined in in Islam I would point out that you'll find similar things in most major religious texts including the Jewish and Christian ones. So what the hell is your point? That because religious texts include bigoted beliefs, bigotry is fine? Or is it that embracing bigotry in the US is justified because other people do it?
Educated men learn from history. Better, men of experience learn from experience. A few Muslims is fine. Too many and they make political demands, start to form their own countries within a country, effectively, and the worst of it is the universal phenomenon of the "bloody borders" happens, when their young men, just a few to start, raid their neighbors.
This raiding seems, in the beginning, like "crime", but it isnt, as it is tacitly sanctioned in the culture - raiding the infidel is imprudent, maybe, but not evil. The more of them, the greater proportion will raid, until you have a bloody border. You will find this phenomenon from North Africa to the Philippines.
Everywhere there are bloody borders, except where peace is kept by an effective balance of terror, or you live in parts of Malaysia. There, Malaysia on the actual Malay penninsula, though not the Borneo part nor the bit up by Thailand, is the exception.
Malaysia is curious. Its Muslim run, and they do oppress their Chinese and Hindu minorities legally, but they dont raid - that is commit random crimes under social sanction.
They do this over on the Borneo part though. Dont sail in Sarawak waters as you're likely to end up like that imprudent German who was kidnapped and beheaded a couple of weeks ago.
antiphone said...
If your convoluted point is that bigotry is enshrined in in Islam I would point out that you'll find similar things in most major religious texts including the Jewish and Christian ones. So what the hell is your point? That because religious texts include bigoted beliefs, bigotry is fine? Or is it that embracing bigotry in the US is justified because other people do it?
My point was obvious and two-fold.
1. Islam in current form is incompatible with a liberal free society.
2. You don't know what you are talking about.
My point was obvious and two-fold.
1. Islam in current form is incompatible with a liberal free society.
2. You don't know what you are talking about.
Sorry buddy, but the only thing obvious about the way you have represented your point of view is that you haven't the faintest idea how reasoned debate is supposed to work in a free society. Is this really the best you can do?
@traditionalguy said...
Wow. DJT just hit a home run in the hearts and minds of Scots-Irish men and women.
Jackson was the second Father of this country. And that made him a hero to many, especially to a Captain of Artillery, who as a younger man had fired his Battery on the German Army in France, much as Jackson fired his on the British Army at New Orleans.
Jackson resorted to murder, torture, hanging, and arson to get his twisted way - and he condemned native Americans residing in the Southeastern states to all sorts of unspeakable hardship and too many deaths when he relocated them westward for the financial benefit of a few influential white men. Andrew Jackson proposed and then signed the legislation.
So trad-guy, your hero is going to have to work harder to catch up to one of our most despicable presidents.
antiphone said...
Perhaps you can enlighten us as to what great cultural contribution the "refugees" are bringing to the West. Rape? Women clad in black sacks? Female genital mutilation? Honor killings?
You really do not understand what bigotry is do you?
3/15/17, 10:03 PM
Nice job of dodging the question, you ignorant dolt.
You're not worth my time.
antiphone said...
"My point was obvious and two-fold.
1. Islam in current form is incompatible with a liberal free society.
2. You don't know what you are talking about."
Sorry buddy, but the only thing obvious about the way you have represented your point of view is that you haven't the faintest idea how reasoned debate is supposed to work in a free society. Is this really the best you can do?
My argument just gained a 3rd point.
1. Islam in current form is incompatible with a liberal free society.
2. You don't know what you are talking about.
3. You couldn't deal with 1. You just emphasized 2. You haven't made a reasoned argument yet. Right now you think you are smart but you haven't gone back and read your own posts. Go read your own posts and tell me what argument you have made. The only thing you have done is use not a lot of words to call people bigot and stupid. So far you are a troll that uses words they don't understand with possibly some training in poetry.
Hot damn! Specie is coming back!
The one thing the 2005 tax form does do is make it a lot harder to eliminate the alternative minimum tax in any forthcoming revision of the tax code.
Really? Trump's adjusted gross income for 2005 was $48 million, on which he paid $38 million in federal income taxes. Nice to know (though it's hardly a surprise) that ARM thinks it's perfectly appropriate for the federal government to up and confiscate 73% (potentially all of it I suppose) of anyone's adjusted gross income for any given year — simply because Leviathon in its majesty deems that the usual (considered to be fair and just) method of computing one's tax burden brings in too little revenue for its consumptive taste.
reasoned debate is supposed to work
What would you know about reason, Auntie Phony? You really ARE cereal.
Ann, not to tell you your business, but this one really wants to ruin this forum.
It's not your stance, antiphone, it's the quality of your work. Which probably correlates to your stance, but really, you're working at making yourself obnoxious. Congratulations, you've succeeded, thoroughly.
buwaya: Educated men learn from history. Better, men of experience learn from experience. A few Muslims is fine. Too many and...
We don't need no steenkin' study of history or empirical observation. (Except of 1930s Germany and maybe the 1960s. Get a copy of Inter-war Europe for Dummies and some New Left tomes and you'll know all the history any decent person needs to know. Just make sure you get an edition published after 2000. Earlier editions are likely to have some subtle bits of wrongthink polluting the text, as is common in works written prior to yesterday afternoon.)
This time it's different. New Davos Widget is the new New Soviet Man.
European Values require the replacement of European values. We're not "who we are" until we are who we ain't.
If we don't allow the West to be Islamized, the terrorists will have won.
That's what I've learned from facebook, twitter, and respectable pundits, and I'm sticking with it.
Achilles to "antiphone": You haven't made a reasoned argument yet...
You're not holding your breath, are you? The mind of "antiphone" has obviously been through the highest stages of SJW purification. "Bigot! Bigot! Bigot! Bigot!"* is all that's left in the sanctified space between xir ears.
*That reminds me, where's Shoutin' T these days?
"The one thing the 2005 tax form does do is make it a lot harder to eliminate the alternative minimum tax in any forthcoming revision of the tax code."
Yeah, right.
In a world of honesty and reason it would also give pause to all those who have screeched for months that Trump paid no taxes. In a world of justice that pause would include the faintest inkling that some of the other "Trump is...." descriptions might be off the mark.
ARM opined,
"The one thing the 2005 tax form does do is make it a lot harder to eliminate the alternative minimum tax in any forthcoming revision of the tax code."
No it doesn't.
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