"Brexit isn’t the end. A lot of people would like it that way, even people on another continent where the newly elected US President was happy that the Brexit was taking place and has asked other countries to do the same. If he goes on like that I am going to promote the independence of Ohio and Austin, Texas in the US."I'll resist alarm mode and continue on my path on planet earth.
You might also what to talk about this, which Drudge colorfully links with the phrase "HONONONO: JUDGE IN HAWAII EXTENDS ORDER BLOCKING TRAVEL BAN..."
As I'm writing this, Drudge auto-reloads and the siren is gone. I guess we all can relax now.
१०० टिप्पण्या:
This speech isn't worth the alarums &c but I will note that JCJ appears not to understand that 'Ohio' and 'Austin' are not equivalent political jurisdictions: nothing surprises me, however, about the European ignorance of US realities.
Ohio and Austin. How well you understand us, Froggie!
Jump frog jump!
Ribbit! 🐸 <--not Pepe...or is he?
Trump just tweeted that we should change the libel laws because the New York Times has published stories not favorable to him. He wishes the NYT was more like Althouse.
At first I thought JCJ was full of crap, but then I saw that Ann Coulter is scheduled to speak at Berkeley(!?). Could this be the Fort Sumter that leads to Calexit? If the speech goes forward I think this might be worthy of a MeadHouse road trip to cover the event.
So Austin secedes and the nearest boy scout troop and twelve drunk painters invade and take over the town and declare it a pirate haven.
I'm having trouble seeing the downside.
"If he goes on like that I am going to promote the independence of Ohio and Austin, Texas in the US."
LOL, so what and who cares?
That's Jean-Claude Juncker, by the way.
Enough rants for lefties to make it to Friday.
About the Drudge "siren"...
It's a "flasher", right? A siren is a loudspeaker. A flasher is the light on top of the emergency vehicle. It would be a police car or other law enforcement vehicle in the case of Drudge, right? Because it alternates blue/red. Fire trucks are red. Police are blue and red. Most places. In fact -- Althouse may remember -- the cruisers of the Michigan State police have clung, in a kind of a retro-style insistence, to the old single gumball-type flasher as you see with Drudge's banner.
Obviously that guy knows nothing about the United States.
California, Oregon and Washington would secede before Ohio, lol. If they did we'd see a mass migration west just like in the dust bowl days.
What if President Obama said that we should consider changing libel laws because Fox News always got him wrong? Ann would have gone apeshit. Cruel neutrality my ass!
The German Empire redux has disguised itself as the European Union. That Union is the long dreamed for United States of Europe. For 20 years it was an economic bloc called The Common Market, designed soley to defeat the USA's dominance.
After losing the two World Wars to the United States of America, the Germans decided in the 1950s to start up a United States of Europe and fight us with it again.
Fighting Germans is why the USA and Russia were once close allies and are about to become allies again.
Supporting similar movements in the US? It has already happened!
It's funny also how Americans are told they're ignorant about global history. But people forget that the US has already settled this question. In fact Ohio and Texas were once at war with each other over it.
That the EU President sees Brexit as akin to having Ohio or Austin secede is quite Napoleonic of him, seeing the EU as an Empire. It's a European tradition to tell people they have to be part of an Empire, but not a good one. I encouraged Juncke to read a history of his own continent to find how well that kind of approach works out.
California, Oregon and Washington would secede before Ohio, lol. If they did we'd see a mass migration west just like in the dust bowl days.
They'd rush to take advantage of all the affordable land and housing and low taxes available there.
Obviously that guy knows nothing about the United States.
I was mildly impressed he knew there was an Ohio. When I watch Top Gear or some other British thing I'm saddened by how little I know of English geography excepting the few places where I've travelled.
Siren is gone but now the headline is EU Head Douchebag "We'll break up the US"
Yeah, good luck with that fella. It would take a vote and breaking up the US is unlikely to get more than 1-2%
In the video at the link he says he is going to "promote the independence of Ohio and Austin Texas"
What a clownshow the EU is.
John Henry
As if the EU could "break up" the USA. They should stick to what they really excel at - dreaming up stupid directives:
"The reported directive: Last month the EU faced ridicule when it ruled that there was no evidence to suggest that drinking water prevented dehydration.
The EU now prohibits manufacturers of bottled drinking water to label their product with anything that would suggest consumption would fight dehydration.
Is it real? Yes. Really. This happened.
The reported directive:
The EU reportedly made it illegal for prunes to be marketed as a food that helps bowel movements.
Having investigated the effects of the food on three subject, the EU concluded:
"The evidence provided is insufficient to establish a cause and effect relationship between the consumption of dried plums of 'prune' cultivars (Prunus domestica L.) and maintenance of normal bowel function."
That prompted one MEP (a British one) to suggest a prune eating contest.
Is it real? It appears to be. It was reported this week.
The reported directive: This summer it was reported that sufferers of diabetes across the EU may face driving bans as part of a new directive.
Up to one million drivers could have been hit with bans as a result.
Is it real? It's not currently being enforced, but it is real"
It's true that diabetics who drive while drinking water and eating prunes might indeed pose a serious problem.
"This speech isn't worth the alarums &c but I will note that JCJ appears not to understand that 'Ohio' and 'Austin' are not equivalent political jurisdictions: nothing surprises me, however, about the European ignorance of US realities"
I am afraid Mr. Juncke is also ignorant of the EU realities but I am surprised that they don't teach geography in Luxemburg.
"In the video at the link he says he is going to "promote the independence of Ohio and Austin Texas""
Remember how well the Guardian letter-writing campaign went in 2004. Guardianistas wrote letters to the residents of Clark County, OH urging them to vote for Kerry. That was back when Dubya was Hitler and the Worst Person on Earth, and nobody knew yet that Trump was the real, true Hitler.
Clark County went for Bush.
Looks like Trump's Muslim Ban is doomed, all that talking about a Muslim Ban during the campaign just won't go away, besides his buddy Giuliani spilling the beans. How about that Wall? I hear that the funding for the wall is a no go. I hear Mexico won't pay for it either. Health Care, now maybe there's some hope, Trump says he'll work with the Democrats.
What an imbecile. Britain was right to exit if this is the caliber of "leadership" they had at the EU.
I don't see Ohio listening to Europeans with a thick Germanic accent, heavy glasses and an attitude, especially when their name is Junker. And Austin, Texas won't like the suit. But go ahead; why not a US tour on how bureaucracy helps us all but European bureaucracy helps migrants the most. And remember to say - America does the military part because barbarians like fighting. Milwaukee needs a laugh.
"If he goes on like that I am going to promote the independence of Ohio and Austin, Texas in the US."
"Looks like Trump's Muslim Ban is doomed, all that talking about a Muslim Ban during the campaign just won't go away, besides his buddy Giuliani spilling the beans. How about that Wall? I hear that the funding for the wall is a no go. I hear Mexico won't pay for it either. Health Care, now maybe there's some hope, Trump says he'll work with the Democrats."
Overism. Where have we heard this before?
"If he goes on like that I am going to promote the independence of Ohio and Austin, Texas in the US."
Just California would suffice.
Juncker is taking it very badly.
Pro bureaucrat who never had to be a real politician, like a lot of the EU governing class. Its a cliche to say they are out of touch, but they are.
Anyway, if there is a US exit it will at this point be a Calexit, driven by the local big money, if it goes anywhere at all. Not at all likely based on the cold-blooded reality of the local industry. Their biggest market is, by far, the rest of the US and any "exit" is going to hurt them one way or another.
There looks to be a SF Bay Area out-migration starting since late last year, based on the real estate market cooling off, which indicates a downturn or shifting personnel/activities to the rest of the US. Adjustment to Trump? TBD.
As long as they move all the refugees into blue neighborhoods and cities, I'm good. I think Muslim refugees will fully embrace the beautiful diversity of the Folsom St. Fair and Slut Walks. I want them all to live together in peace and harmony, just like they do in Paris and Malmo Sweden.
And I think liberal virtue-signalers should welcome them into their homes so they can show they're not just preening hypocrites on the Internet. Nah, they should adopt their own little brown person as a pet so they can show off their superior goodness to all their neighbors. If they're lucky, they'll get free lawn care too.
I'm sure Texas and Ohio are just dying to know what John Clod Junk has to say.
Blogger Karga said...
"This speech isn't worth the alarums &c but I will note that JCJ appears not to understand that 'Ohio' and 'Austin' are not equivalent political jurisdictions: nothing surprises me, however, about the European ignorance of US realities"
There are people in Manhattan and LA who probably don't understand that.
Drudge now uses the alarm very sparingly, quickly removing it each time. Back in the day it was a weekly occurrence. What happened?
Glad you asked. What happened is Drudge got rich, got comfortable, got "established." That's fine except in the process he also got boring.
Ohio and Austin, TX are going to break off from the US. And people like JCJ are the people running the world FFS. The last few years have really highlighted that the entire mandarin caste really has no more of a clue what they're doing than anyone else does.
"I am going to promote the independence of Ohio and Austin, Texas in the US."
Never happen under Trump. If Hillary had won, though....
So much winning: "cosmopolitan" EU boss tries to out-Trump Trump, and fails, showing self to be ignorant ass in process.
Hopefully Brexit will be just the first domino to fall. The real prize will be in April and May during the French presidential elections. Vive Le Pen. Vive le Front National. The EU is simply German domination of the continent; it is preposterous for the US to defend such an arrangement.
The sheeple forget that the WWII allies defeated Germany AND FRANCE. After pretending to fight the German army, The French decided to join with it to kill all the Jews. After the war Germany and France joined forces to continue the resistance in Palestine. England (as opposed to the UK) just woke up to see this and is getting the hell out. [don't bother to correct me, Chuck]
"California, Oregon and Washington would secede before Ohio, lol. If they did we'd see a mass migration west just like in the dust bowl days."
U-Haul rates from California to Texas vs. Texas to California.
Does it take practice to ignore reality, or does it just come naturally?
I have no desire whatsoever to defend the ugly (in more than one sense) Brussels bureaucrat, but the Ohio, Austin TX statement was clearly a failed quip, not a show of ignorance.
The sanctuary cities are going to be an interesting social experiment if the net result is that all the illegal immigrants who live outside of them end up moving into them to hide from ICE. I have suspicion the welcome mat won't be out all that long.
"but the Ohio, Austin TX statement was clearly a failed quip, not a show of ignorance."
Please explain.
"I have no desire whatsoever to defend the ugly (in more than one sense) Brussels bureaucrat, but the Ohio, Austin TX statement was clearly a failed quip, not a show of ignorance."
What makes you say that or give him the benefit of the doubt here?
Not one of the EUs better moments.
He looked damn serious when he said that...even accounting for that legendary Luxembourgean dry humoUr.
That's not a failed joke, that's pig ignorance about a place he knows nothing about.
Most Americans think that Juncker was a Nazi dive bomber.
If you gonna be impotent you gotta sound impotent.
"Oh, no! Not AUSTIN!!!"
(I am willing to believe it was an attempt at humor, but it failed catastrophically, if only because Austin and Ohio make no sense as parallels to Britain.
Texas as a whole, maybe - "important and has oil and always had issues with membership in the Union", that's a decent parallel to Britain.
But Austin is ... only technically Texas.
The United States of Europe was a nice try. The pain and anguish of two horrific world wars in the 20th Century certainly forced Europe to take stock of its continent and make some changes.
But, they did not choose wisely. They chose a path towards more atheism, more socialism, and more open borders. True, Germany won't invade France any time soon, so that's a good thing.
But the slow invasion of "Islam on Welfare" is slowly transforming Europe as we speak.
Marie Le Pen certainly isn't Hitler. But she sees this slow rot, and wants to try and stop it. The question is whether the resistance to the slow rot is up to snuff.
As for 'breaking up the US," we tried that once in 1860. It wasn't fun.
Does it take practice to ignore reality, or does it just come naturally?
3/30/17, 11:29 AM
Here's more of that unwelcome reality. CNBC's ranking of the top states for business in 2016:
1. Utah
2. Texas
3. Colorado
4. Minnesota
5. North Carolina
6. Washington
7. Michigan
8. Georgia
9. Iowa
10. Florida
7 of the top 10 went for Trump.
California is at 32.
Ah, those inconvenient truths....
Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
Not one of the EUs better moments.
3/30/17, 11:37 AM
I'm trying to think of the EUs better moments. I'm drawing a blank.
>The United States of Europe
It actually wasn't even that, because the countries were never politically united like the Several States were when the United States became the United States. I suppose that was the eventual goal of the EUtopians - that an economic union would force a political union, but it seems unlikely to happen anytime soon and the EU rulers have gone about it incredibly ham-handedly. If they were they smooth, cosmopolitan sharks they claim to be surely they'd have already gotten what they wanted in the 40 years they've had to get it - a political union.
I remember reading a report in 2003 or so that the CIA predicted the EU would disintegrate by 2015 due to the lack of political union. I thought it was an interesting prediction so it stuck with me.
Putting this out there -
You will know if Calexit is real by this very important marker - when it becomes fashionable for Bay Area youth to join the CA National Guard. At the moment, as far as I know, and I have reason to know, the CA NG is wall-to-wall "deplorables".
CA can't hope to hold itself together in an exit if it can't enforce internal unity. For this purpose, no matter what else, power comes out of the barrel of a gun.
For that, Calexiteers will need those gunbarrels, and for an ideological cause, these need to be in the hands of politically reliable persons, if only as an implied threat. But they have no other guns, other than the CA Highway Patrol. Who are largely "deplorables" themselves.
Of Course. Because the EU is EXACTLY like the U.S.
Trump should simply say, "OK. The second you do that, we pull out of NATO. Withdraw our forces, close our bases. It'll be beautiful."
Imagine the weeping, the wailing, the gnashing of teeth....
Looks like Trump's Muslim Ban is doomed, all that talking about a Muslim Ban during the campaign just won't go away, besides his buddy Giuliani spilling the beans. How about that Wall? I hear that the funding for the wall is a no go. I hear Mexico won't pay for it either. Health Care, now maybe there's some hope, Trump says he'll work with the Democrats.
Inga=unknown. Most obvious example.
buwaya puti said...
Putting this out there -
You will know if Calexit is real by this very important marker - when it becomes fashionable for Bay Area youth to join the CA National Guard."
That's it - what most of the country thinks of as "crazy California" is actually coastal California. The inland deplorables who supply the troops aren't that thrilled about the environmental regulation stranglehold Sacramento has placed on farms. If there was a Calexit, and the inland counties balked, who would force them to obey the coastal elites? An army of illegals, LA gangbangers and Berkeley anarchists?
>>California, Oregon and Washington would secede before Ohio, lol. If they did we'd see a mass migration west
I'd bet eastward, and north from Mexico.
But regardless, all of those CA folks would be very thirsty when they can't get water from the Colorado anymore.
What did I say that wasn't accurate? Did Trump not say he will work with Democrats on Healthcare? Did Trump not say he wanted a complete Muslim Ban? Did Trump not say Mexico would pay for the Wall? Did Trump not say he would get funding for the Wall from Congress? Maybe you have alternative facts.
"Trump hoped to jump-start construction of a massive wall on the U.S.-Mexico border with money in a must-pass government funding bill. But Democratic leaders are vowing to block any legislation that includes a single penny for the wall. With the GOP consumed by its own divisions, the White House and Hill Republicans will have to rely on Democratic votes to avoid a government shutdown next month in what would be another disaster for Trump’s fledgling presidency.
Republican leaders, wary of this, are considering a plan that would not directly tie the border wall money to the April 28 government funding deadline. Some Republican insiders worry that the president cannot afford another major legislative setback—and they believe a shutdown showdown would result in just that. While no decision has been made by GOP leadership, Republican lawmakers may decide to decouple the two to avoid a confrontation with Democrats. If they do, the chances of getting Trump’s wall funding passed this spring become slim."
I was immediately drawn to the article:
"Scientists recreated a vagina, uterus, cervix, liver and fallopian tubes with human tissue"
Because I'm easily titillated.
But really, which one of those words is not like the other. I choose "liver".
Yes, liver is not a female reproductive organ. I think, but I only got a B+ in anatomy in the 8th grade.
@Jay Elink:
Trump should simply say, "OK. The second you do that, we pull out of NATO. Withdraw our forces, close our bases. It'll be beautiful."
I wish he'd say it now! NATO serves no purpose.
Interestingly, our Europeans friends have always coveted back their Empires in North America and expected to get them back until the day the Republican Lincoln was re-elected saving the Union. It was only after that, that the British Empire decided the USA was too strong to defeat with a military force, so they withdrew their lurking Army from Canada.
If plate tectonics resulted in the continent being submerged under 50 feet of water, except for California and Oregon, people would choose to drown first, than co-mingle with savages.
Sort of like in Syria. When the savages came, the people fled. It wasn't that they were afraid of dying, it was because they didn't want to live with and smell savages.
Anyway, the savages are in Syria and Iraq, because of failed CIA and US imperialism.
The same reason the savages are in California and Oregon.
"NATO serves no purpose."
au contraire. it is an imperialists dream.
"Looks like Trump's Muslim Ban is doomed, all that talking about a Muslim Ban during the campaign just won't go away, besides his buddy Giuliani spilling the beans. How about that Wall? I hear that the funding for the wall is a no go. I hear Mexico won't pay for it either. Health Care, now maybe there's some hope, Trump says he'll work with the Democrats."
This might be the most wrong list of Democrat predictions I've seen written yet. Yikes. There's a lot Trump won't do and that won't get done during his first term, but these items aren't on the list.
Some politician says something ridiculous that he doesn't really mean--to please his constituents. It was Trump, right? Right?
Actually, I am a Travis County voter. I wouldn't mind if Austin separated from Texas. It would save me from having to explain that living in Austin is not really living in Texas. I would prefer living in Texas.
Austin is like Madison WI, a wonderful place to live if you lean left. Lovely people in Austin, terrific music scene. I've been to quite a few house concerts in Austin. Never change Austin, you're an island in a red sea.
Perhaps supporting secession of Caleeforneeahh would have been more potent.
On the other hand, Kasich's dad was postal. Don't forget that.
a failed quip, not a show of ignorance
As if it were a binary choice. It could be both.
Here I thought Wendy Davis must be from Austin, but no, Abortion Barbie is from Fort Worth. Gee, remember what a big inspiration she was to all the feministas, who were absolutely sure she'd have a huge impact on the Democrat Party?
LOL. A failure as big as Texas.
Roy Lofquist said...
Most Americans think that Juncker was a Nazi dive bomber.
A dive bomber with a scary SIREN.
You know very well Trump's EO is not a Muslim ban. Please stop with the DNC propaganda. We can all have a better discussion if you (and others) used reasoned arguments instead of lying.
As to JCJ, where has our sense of humor gone? I think he was making a joking, sarcastic remark.
I know no such thing. I can only go by what the courts have used to make their decisions, intent.
"A look at latest ruling on Trump administration travel ban
Government attorneys also have tried to convince Watson not to consider Trump’s comments about the ban.
“The court will not crawl into a corner, pull the shutters closed, and pretend it has not seen what it has,” Watson wrote."
Most Texans I know would be happy to see Austin leave.
"The “entirety of the Executive Order runs afoul of the Establishment Clause,” wrote Watson in the ruling, “where 'openly available data support a commonsense conclusion that a religious objective permeated the government's action.’ ”"
"you're an island in a red sea." Yep, I call it part of the NPR Archipelago--sort of like the Gulag Archipelago.
I think Austin would be a great place to live, the temps are already warm, people are planting gardens. Up north here we're still freezing. Cedar fever doesn't sound fun though.
Although I have to say I've always had a great time in Austin. I was stationed at Hood for 3 years.
Girls in Austin know how to treat a Soldier. Know what town was better than Austin for getting tail? Seattle. Yeah, in Washington state.
The girls there like meat eaters. They're in such short supply.
"Yes, liver is not a female reproductive organ."
Although a common vulgar phrase is:
"Fuck me in the liver!"
When your wife goes out and buys a new dress to add to the 314 she already owns but never wears.
The girls there like meat eaters. They're in such short supply.
3/30/17, 1:52 PM
Straight men in San Francisco who are even moderately presentable must really clean up in that town.
"Straight men in San Francisco who are even moderately presentable must really clean up in that town."
A straight man in Frisco, is like a turd in the punch bowel.
Inga, I was merely pointing out that until very recently Unknown (the commenter) would have written that exact comment on this post that had almost nothing to do with Trump and nothing to do with the Muslim ban.
Your voice and Unknown's are remarkably similar. Weird.
No Birches, not weird at all. I've said now numerous times that I am indeed Unknown #99. You're behind the latest news here on Althouse, lol. There are still Unknowns out there that are not me. Everyone was calling me Inga anyway so I thought, why not just be Inga and I wanted to differentiate myself from the other Unknowns.
Oh, Birches. I guess you didn't read this blogpost very thoroughly. Here is an excerpt:
"You might also what to talk about this, which Drudge colorfully links with the phrase "HONONONO: JUDGE IN HAWAII EXTENDS ORDER BLOCKING TRAVEL BAN...""
"Venezuela's Supreme Court has ruled that it will take over the opposition-led Congress' legislative powers, in a move condemned by opposition parties as an attempt to install a dictatorship."
The next step in the collapse of constitutional government. Venezuela is very far along in this (the legislature has actually long since been sidelined, by having no control of the armed forces and paramilitaries that rule in fact), but the same tension is visible here.
This is typical of the collapse of tripartite separation-of-powers governments; much the same has happened quite often in Latin America. Chile for instance, where it was the legislature plus the Supreme Court that brought in the military to remove Allende, whom both the other branches said was abusing his powers.
Once Trump has Gorsuch in, he should have a reasonably reliable second leg of the tripod.
Inga said: "I know no such thing. I can only go by what the courts have used to make their decisions, intent."
You don't have to rely on hack liberal activist judges who determine intent from their understanding of political campaigns. Use your reading comprehension to understand that the EO sought extreme vetting for countries the Obama administration determined to have governments incapable of telling the difference between a jihadi and a refugee.
It's plain as day. You just have to stay away from DNC lies and the Daily Kos. They will pollute your mind with their bullshit.
As an aside, I'm kind of old fashioned. I believe (as does the very impressive Judge Gorsuch) that the judge's job is to interpret the law not the intent of political campaigns.
My apologies Inga, I didn't realize you had come out. And I didn't notice the rest of the post. It's true.
exiledonmainstreet said...
"In the video at the link he says he is going to "promote the independence of Ohio and Austin Texas""
Remember how well the Guardian letter-writing campaign went in 2004. Guardianistas wrote letters to the residents of Clark County, OH urging them to vote for Kerry. That was back when Dubya was Hitler and the Worst Person on Earth, and nobody knew yet that Trump was the real, true Hitler.
Clark County went for Bush.
Actually, I do remember that incident. And following your post, I tried to link to all the US newspapers editorializing against foreign interference in U.S. elections, along with all the politicians who spoke against it. But I must have searched wrong because I couldn't find them. Anyone know where to find those editorials and politician statements?
No Birches, not weird at all. I've said now numerous times that I am indeed Unknown #99. You're behind the latest news here on Althouse, lol. There are still Unknowns out there that are not me. Everyone was calling me Inga anyway so I thought, why not just be Inga and I wanted to differentiate myself from the other Unknowns.
So you're saying you're NOT the classic "Inga"--the one that used to comment here years ago using that name? You disingenuous piece of shit. You spent the morning disavowing an Inga comment from years ago about homeopathic medicine. You have totally discredited yourself.
Not sure if there's anyone left who hasn't seen Juncker at his most disgracefullly drunk. Sadly, hilarious too. Watched this a few times it's so bizarre.
Darrell, as Rick pointed out the other night the "other Inga" - the one who once threatened to contact a commenter's employer and went to Amazon to write negative reviews of a book written by the wife of another commenter - just so happens to also have a daughter in the military and shares all of the political beliefs of the present "Inga."
It's an amazing coincidence, isn't it?
I don't believe certain people - won't name names, because she's used too many to count - who post under different nics so they can later deny writing and doing those things quite grasp that such behavior makes them dishonest and untrustworthy, no matter what sort of superficially "nice" front they might put up from time to time.
I guess not everyone's mother told them "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive." Still, you'd think it's something most people pick up with age and maturity.
"Straight men in San Francisco who are even moderately presentable must really clean up in that town."
A straight man in Frisco, is like a turd in the punch bowel.
3/30/17, 2:15 PM
You should visit Vancouver for well-dressed and numerous. Last year our Prime Minsiter frolicked at the Pride Parade in tight white pants and a pastel blue linen shirt. The image he was cutting seemed to overwhelm him and he got totally manic. Even the libs were horrified. I think we were all expecting him to stop being completely crazed for a minute and stop for a quick fap right there and then.
Once written, twice... wrote "...He wishes the NYT was more like Althouse."
Shouldn't *everything* be more like Althouse? ;-)
I think a few people here could use a shrink.
I never read Daily Kos, Francisco.
I am Inga. I used to be one of the Unknowns. I don't know how many times I need to repeat this. Direct some of that intense curiosity toward what your President has been up to and you would be better served than obsessing over me.
Inga said: " I think a few people here could use a shrink."
I am a shrink. What can I do to help?
""California, Oregon and Washington would secede before Ohio,"
Whereupon three-quarters of California, Oregon and Washington would secede from California, Oregon and Washington. The infantile secession fantasy shows how desperate and rudderless the Left has become.
Etienne said...
"Yes, liver is not a female reproductive organ."
I suppose none of you have read Portnoy's Complaint?
Bad Lieutenant said...I suppose none of you have read Portnoy's Complaint?
gag me with a spoon!
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