I guess reading is difficult, right? The article explains how it has as great a chance at bringing back jobs as does removing horse and buggy "regulations."
Nice try. But regurgitating a title and byline intended to show the irony of Trump's ignorance is not even a good attempt at propaganda. You might as well link a satirical link of him in an unknowing attempt to make him look good. I predict that will happen someday on this blog, also.
"Better than relying on you." I didn't predict a Hillary win. I have no idea what the future of the coal industry is. Knowing that the NY Times says it will fail, however, my instincts are to go long.
Better than relying on you. You tell ME your own expert analysis on the future of the coal industry,
Coal is a key American resource and industry. It feeds power plants, steel plants, and it could even feed chemical plants -- all of the industries that made America great.
"You tell ME your own expert analysis on the future of the coal industry"
Depends on total cost of ownership outlook for coal-fired electric plants. This includes cost of alternatives. One of these is likely to become uneconomic very soon - i.e., wind, without regulatory mandates and subsidies. Wind is unschedulable "baseload" too.
There is considerable lead time for new plants, but several are running below capacity because of alternative sources and low demand due to high prices, so should be able to increase consumption faster. And regulation down to the state PUC level makes price movements rather "sticky", but these should respond to lower energy costs too.
Time will tell. Give it a year.
Longer term it depends on the outlook of energy intensive industries in the US. Steel for instance.
Ironic, isn't it? Obama went looking for shovel-ready jobs, and couldn't find them. Meanwhile, he purposely tried to destroy actual shovel-ready jobs mining coal.
There are several outfits pushing this in CA. The California Energy Commission, a State agency, is one. It subsidizes these dung projects. Search their site on "manure" for material on several projects.
The world doesn't revolve around a single cherry-picked issue from a campaign in 2016, Lewis.
Anyone who goes to one news source for all their reporting is ignorant.
Anyone who wants to rely on a news source that feeds falsehoods to our ill-informed president, while making a fool out of us to the British government and their intelligence services, is better served by spending their days filling in outlines in coloring books. As would our so-called president.
I see our resident child has chimed in to bless the so-called reversal of an inevitably dying industry by wanting to make America full of soot and black lung disease again.
Coal as a percentage of U.S. power generation has dropped from 52.7 in 1995 to 45% in 2009, to 33% today - largely displaced by a power generation scheme that involves pumping secret chemical mixes into the water table so as to extract methane, putting residents' tap water on fire and causing earthquakes. As usual, the resident glue sniffer is off his rocker - or high chair, whichever it is. Maybe they changed the volatile organics in his lab to something more neurotoxic than usual. So coal is dying, and along with it black lung, living in soot, being shoved underground, and having to compete with increasing mechanization (i.e. robots) for such dangerous work so difficult that only a Republican like chickenlittle & Friends would wish it on those plebes whose lives they like to make so shitty.
But hey. At least you've got another anti-planet/anti-environment industry you can bootlick for so all is not lost!
Love this quote from the article: "“There are countless countries ready to step up and deliver on their climate promises and take advantages of Mr. Trump’s short-termism to reap the benefits of the transition to the low-carbon economy,” said Laurence Tubiana, the chief French negotiator of the 2015 Paris agreement, the landmark accord that committed nearly every country to take action to reduce planet-warming emissions."
Those coal burning bastards are willing to forego reaping the benefits of the transition to the low-carbon economy! Benefits like more expensive, less reliable electrical power, smaller, less safe cars, colder homes in the winter time, more expensive food, you know, things that screw the working man. How big do you suppose Laurence Tubiana's carbon footprint is? Bigger than Lewis Wetzel's, I'm sure.
As for peat, there is quite a lot of interest in it, and has been, as a plentiful fuel in the third world. It is an "alternative" fuel as some of these outfits score it.
This one is getting close to going live. I think its a World Bank project -
Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said... Coal as a percentage of U.S. power generation has dropped from 52.7 in 1995 to 45% in 2009, to 33% today - largely displaced by a power generation scheme that involves pumping secret chemical mixes into the water table so as to extract methane, putting residents' tap water on fire and causing earthquakes.
And we have lift off into the land of the crazy people!
Soot is a sign of incomplete combustion and is wasteful it's a waste product of yesteryear. There are ways to rid coal-fired emissions of soot, burning that zero oxidation state all the way down to glorious C(IV). The reward is incentivized by getting more BTU's per ton.
" to reap the benefits of the transition to the low-carbon economy"
Yes, that's an interesting statement. There must be some, for sure, to someone. But the only benefit for most is, one way or another, a higher cost of living.
Lewis: What's it like working in a coal mine? Is it work you'd want to do?
What kind of work do you do, if you don't mind me asking? It sounds like it's something in the service industry or some other place where critical thinking skills are a detriment.
Go on and cite your source for the trend of coal's contribution to U.S. power generation.
There's a chemistry set aficionado in Southern California who's got a grand interest in fly ash. Who's got some for him?
Coal mining is a shit job. Robots will automate it whatever you "bring back." It's not about jobs; it's about corporatism and having an anti-planet agenda.
What kind of work do you do, if you don't mind me asking? It sounds like it's something in the service industry or some other place where critical thinking skills are a detriment.
Asked by someone who has asked everyone he has taken an interest in. Curiously, R&B has never revealed such details about himself.
"Go on and cite your source for the trend of coal's contribution to U.S. power generation."
He didn't claim coal was not declining. The problem is that the use of coal is declining as a result of regulatory pressure. Natural Gas solves the emissions problems (and others) with a minimum of fuss. Less regulation, more coal, less gas. Also, less regulation, no wind at all (or none when subsidies end and existing infrastructure needs to be replaced; windmills don't last very long). This has happened before, thats why Altamont pass is covered with abandoned 1980's windmills.
Peat is every bit as much a fossil fuel as coal is; it's just more recent. In a sense, it's not "carbon neutral" because it -- like coal -- releases CO2 hundreds and even thousands of years old.
Carbon is a wonderful place to park high energy electrons and protons. I'm all for finding ways to speed up or synthetically recapture CO2. The stuff is virtually free.
Asked by someone who has asked everyone he has taken an interest in. Curiously, R&B has never revealed such details about himself.
You know what my knowledge strengths are, and therefore, likely training and likely vocational areas.
What more needs to be said? Lewis Wetzel is an ignoramus who just spouts propaganda. That's bad enough, but you seem to be keen on the Trump propaganda, also. You should know better. Analyzing read-outs doesn't give you some sort of special dispensation against understanding the planetary carbon cycle or why coal is stupid as a "jobs program" in 2017.
You are a total partisan hack. The lengths you go to to stake out erroneous and wrong-headed positions are mind-boggling - even going so far as to take the side of terrorist immigrants over decent people.
That's just one instance of how full of shit the Trump supporting agenda happens to be.
South Point on the Big Island used to be a windmill graveyard. It was really bad in 2012. I went back two years ago and they had cleaned it up quite a bit.
Carbon is a wonderful place to park high energy electrons and protons. I'm all for finding ways to speed up or synthetically recapture CO2.
Why don't you find a way to speed up a reversal of all those melting glaciers, first, Private Proton?
Your problem is you are literally a biophobe, and get too distracted and fascinated and carried away by atoms to be honest about the downsides of how they're used to human health and the sustainability of ecosystems.
You are seriously like that Kong guy from Strangelove. I could see you walking into a nuclear reactor, just for the wondrous experience of what's happening there from a physics standpoint.
Why not just reduce yourself to concentrated carbon, already? You clearly have no use for life on this planet and are waaaay more in love with concentrating energy sources. So go make that sacrifice and carbonize your fucking self already. Life is inconsequential to you. Turn yourself into the wondrous carbon energy you want everyone to use instead.
Carbon is probably the best place to store hydrogen. This is a consequence of the elements' similar Pauling electronegativities. There are a few transition metals with an even better match, but they are prohibitively costly.
"The ecosystems currently allowing the existence of life on this planet, would be a someone."
So, no-one in particular? Seems a rather faith-based justification. Unfalsifiable. The public can suffer virtuously, all justified by their faith in the ineffable "ecology" that exists out there somewhere, existing in a spiritual realm of no metrics and fashionable khaki-clad wilderness tramping preachers.
Now, I am not such a religious fanatic as that, and I can identify a few people who are better off due to "alternative" energy, and its increased energy prices and non-commodity ins and outs due to the ability to exploit regulatory cutouts. Which happen, if some well connected so and so gets to decide on where the licensed power plants can be and who they are to come from. Warren Buffet for one.
Carbon is probably the best place to store hydrogen. This is a consequence of the elements' similar Pauling electronegativities. There are a few transition metals with an even better match, but they are prohibitively costly.
Listen to this recondite bullshit from someone too cavalier with measuring the costs/benefits to human and planetary health to actually engineer this stuff.
You can't make this stuff up, people. The kid literally dismisses the value he or anyone else has as lifeforms and instead elevates the importance of whether his body's molecules are bonded in such a way as to serve an energy purpose.
This is why you can dismiss everything he says. He simply doesn't understand that civilization and all the knowledge it brings is way more powerful than the way two atoms bond.
"Peat is every bit as much a fossil fuel as coal is"
Indeed. And quite annoying logistically, so mainly good if you have a great deal of it right by your power plant. But the "alternative" designation is because its a better alternative to the locals cutting down their forest for fuel.
Actually, the continuation of our planet's collective ecosystems affect everyone living. If you disagree, unplug from nature, build a hermeneutic box in which to live (not that you'd last very long) and remove the influence of all other living things from the chemistry cycles that would provide your air, water and calories and filter your shit and piss. (Unless you prefer keeping them inside your buwaya the anti-social weirdo box. One never knows). We'll see how long you last.
The religious weirdo is the one who looks at (or in your case, ignores) every great extinction from earth's history and presumes that he can do the same as before with different results.
One benefit of humans destroying their resources is that extinction wouldn't spare such an expendable as "buwaya." Species homicide quickly becomes species suicide and once evolution starts over it will be nice that species more advanced than humans might find the humor in how he managed his own self-disposal, enthusiastically seeking it, in fact.
Hopefully other humans will wise up and kill his sort, first.
" too cavalier with measuring the costs/benefits to human and planetary health"
In these matters everyone is "too cavalier" because this stuff is beyond measurement of cost-benefit. Nobody has any genuine way to measure either costs or benefits, on the side of the environment. Or make an informed judgement call on tradeoffs vs very measurable economic costs. "Science" here isn't science, its rationalization.
In these matters everyone is "too cavalier" because this stuff is beyond measurement of cost-benefit.
No it's not. The cost of destroying an environment is ALWAYS greater than that of preserving it. Evolution is smarter than you, but it takes a lot longer. In the meantime, you are incapable of creating an artificial, self-enclosed and self-sustaining environment. (But if you do, it would be nice to shut you in it and blast you off to space in it). In the meantime, stop killing off the creation. Besides making life (including our lives) possible, some of us like it. It's a hell of a lot more beautiful and useful than anything you've ever created.
The ecosystems currently allowing the existence of life on this planet, would be a someone.
Those ecosystems by and large use carbohydrates as building blocks. Cellulose is the greatest biomass on earth. As for energy it is denominated in units of ATP. Go ahead and run your car on TSP.
Those ecosystems by and large use carbohydrates as building blocks. Cellulose is the greatest biomass on earth. As for energy it is denominated in units of ATP.
Listen to this idiot who spouts off basic facts of how carbon is used in living forms that no environmentalist ever threatened or ever would. So instead, he runs an "up with carbon" campaign as if the atom is a person with feelings and rights and a need for positive marketing and dignity.
Stop personifying the elements, you autistic moron.
"Actually, the continuation of our planet's collective ecosystems affect everyone living."
Ah, faith then. The green god demands all, the supreme sacrifice, because he is the green god, and must be worshiped at all costs. Because we will all die otherwise. His priests say so.
Hmmm, where have I heard that before? Ah, yes - the Aztec cult of human sacrifice, where existence required thousands give their hearts, and most to live by countless daily small sacrifices to the Gods.
That's not faith. That's biology - a course you obviously fucking failed, or never took. Even chicken glue-sniffing chemistry set knows more about biology than you, but that's because it encompasses biochemistry - a discipline he feels he has no choice but to actually acknowledge/understand and respect. You OTOH wouldn't survive for five minutes on your own outside of a city. You would hopefully eat the poisonous plants and ignore the food sources that are actually sustenance.
There is no use for you. People like you became obsolete after Upton Sinclair published The Jungle.
"The cost of destroying an environment is ALWAYS greater than that of preserving it." They are growing enough corn and wheat to feed millions on what was once swamps and bogs in Indiana. Exploitation of natural resources has been recognized since the days of Adam Smith as the most efficient means of creating wealth (compared to labor specialization, automation, and trade). R&B, you are a simpleton.
I would very much like to blast off into space. The ultimate adventure!
I would very much like to visit the wreck of the Titanic. It will be commercially available next year, but the cost is prohibitive. Perhaps I should start a go-fund-me.
"You OTOH wouldn't survive for five minutes on your own outside of a city."
We ROTC boys were trained by Philippine Marines Force Recon in survival. Snake-eaters. Also frog, snail and cassava. And how to go hungry, a much overlooked skill.
From the NY Times article: Over all, the goal of the Paris deal is to keep the planet from warming more than 3.6 degrees, the point at which scientists say the earth will be irrevocably locked into a future of severe droughts, floods, rising sea levels and food shortages.
3.6 degrees! 3.59 we're okay, 3.60 is doomsday! It would have been helpful if NY Times would have mentioned if it was degrees centigrade or Fahrenheit, don't you think? I mean, it's a pretty important measurement.
They are growing enough corn and wheat to feed millions on what was once swamps and bogs in Indiana. Exploitation of natural resources has been recognized since the days of Adam Smith as the most efficient means of creating wealth (compared to labor specialization, automation, and trade). R&B, you are a simpleton.
Growing corn requires certain temperatures, availability of water, and other variables that the planetary environment makes possible. Adam Smith didn't know this; he was probably writing his paeans before Joseph Priestley even published on what oxygen did and was all about. Exploitation can be non-sustainable. Markets can be depleted of the raw materials of their production. Again, if you resent the planet for needing time and species to regenerate the things that it makes possible for us to do, then there are options for you to live in places that have no terrestrial nature. Can you please go to one, already? It would make things easier.
3.6 degrees! 3.59 we're okay, 3.60 is doomsday! It would have been helpful if NY Times would have mentioned if it was degrees centigrade or Fahrenheit, don't you think? I mean, it's a pretty important measurement.
This is just you being annoying and declaring, "No answer is good enough for ME!"
Why, daddy? Why? Why? Why does that happen, daddy? Then why does that happen? And what's this? And that? And that? Oh daddy you failed to answer a single one of infant Wetzel's never-terminating chains of why's and what's. I guess that means his baby brain is better than yours.
"buwaya puti feels he might like to rummage through ecosystems the way Imelda did shoes."
Indeed, we have. We have a huge choice of ecosystems to rummage through. On the whole they seem to be doing rather well around here, well provided as the people are with the fruit of mans creativity, they leave nature to its own.
Nature does less well where people have to struggle to live.
Which is where that creativity-destroying green god comes in. Ecologists are the prophets of poverty, of mans auto-extermination. Their god calls for man to die. Gaia is a death-goddess.
Well, once you identify with Imelda Marcos then you've admitted yourself a piece of shit and well beyond the decency to be worth debating/conversing.
Have you readied your plastic sterilized box in which you wish to live, cremate yourself and be launched into orbit, yet?
What you said about nature doing well was dumb, but then I realized you're a liar. You definitely do hate the creation, which begs the question of why you haven't yet put an end to your own.
Adam Smith didn't know this; he was probably writing his paeans before Joseph Priestley even published on what oxygen did and was all about. Exploitation can be non-sustainable. Uh . . . law of diminishing marginal returns? Smith pretty much invented that. You can't drain the same swamp twice, and you drain the swamps that are the least expensive to drain first. Smith used the example of forested land in the New World.
You aren't even masquerading as knowledgeable person, R&B. You will notice I -- I, myself! -- never made any claims about coal miners getting their jobs back, or who would win the presidential election. I understand the limits of knowledge. The writers at the NY Times do not. They are payed to pretend they have answers. Who pays them? the Times readers who look for bias confirmation, I suppose.
There was no regulation that banned horse and buggy businesses at the behest of auto manufacturers. Obama EOs at the behest of the Sierra Club are not free market choices. They are interferences in the market.
The Toothless Revolutionary is an economics idiot.
Not so good I'd guess with the world around you imploding and all. Don't worry. Humans will kill themselves off pretty soon and Mother Earth will heal. Be happy about that at least.
No you don't. You just have greater limits on your own. The NYT never claimed to be infallible. It's important to speculate and their speculation just happens to be better than yours. You speculate all the time just to come up w/bullshit - all in the name of a contrarianism you love simply for the way it helps you feel less ignorant than you actually are. Yes, Wetzel. Being rebellious means your ignorance is cool! You're not a dumbass, you're a REBEL! YEAY!
Stop personifying the elements, you autistic moron.
I used to play a game with my kids: I'd ask them to point at anything, anywhere and I'd tell them which atoms it was made from. When it was mixtures, I'd try to explain that. It's challenging. Atoms are real. You might think it's as boring as pointing to a piece of writing in a a foreign alphabet and discerning which letters composed the words.
Well, once you identify with Imelda Marcos then you've admitted yourself a piece of shit and well beyond the decency to be worth debating/conversing.
Have you readied your plastic sterilized box in which you wish to live, cremate yourself and be launched into orbit, yet?
What you said about nature doing well was dumb, but then I realized you're a liar. You definitely do hate the creation, which begs the question of why you haven't yet put an end to your own.
I'm not here to entertain you. Go jerk off elsewhere. Preferably into your stupid bagpipe.
What kind of a dilweed who plays a bagpipe complains about others not entertaining HIM? I guess one whose only audience for the dying cat noises he makes are forced in attendance through the barrel of a gun.
I used to play a game with my kids: I'd ask them to point at anything, anywhere and I'd tell them which atoms it was made from. When it was mixtures, I'd try to explain that. It's challenging. Atoms are real. You might think it's as boring as pointing to a piece of writing in a a foreign alphabet and discerning which letters composed the words.
You know what's also real?
Life. Environments. Earth.
Can't live without them. And if you destroy creation to make a golden calf out of it, that doesn't make the ploy any more sustaining.
You can tell when he starts calling commenters "autistic" Lovely people these progs who love the nature. LOL
If you're ever bored (since you're certainly boring) enough to want to point at things and guess at their chemical compositions, there's a guy who can help you with that.
I actually find stuff like that interesting, but that's because I'm not as drunk off my lunch martinis and busy bean counting as Michael.
It's one thing to have to kill things to live. Another to say that if you don't kill something off then you're just gonna DIE! Oh no! It's either us or the earth! Let's destroy the earth in its current form.
How soon we forget. Nobama faked an EPA declaration thatco2 is a pollutant thereby justifying intentional bankruptcy for anyone building a coal power plant. He matched that intentional fraud with a clean emmisions standard that had not yet been invented. Since that attack on coal, no one invests in coal power inNobamas land. The rest of the world opens 100 new coal power plants a month.
Fracked natural gas that escaped the Nobama attacks has filled in for coal. But given the chance to compete, coal still wins.
The NYT never claimed to be infallible. Then why do you think that the NY Times is infallible? Jeez! You would think that their weird claim about the world coming to an end if global temperatures increase by exactly 3.6 dimensionless degrees would have clued you in that this article wasn't the Times' finest moment. Or the unquestioned claim that other countries would "reap the benefit" of a low carbon economy. That's a nonsense claim. It's like a used car salesman telling you that if you pass on the great deal he's giving you, someone else is gonna buy that oil-burning Buick!
'The article explains how it has as great a chance at bringing back jobs as does removing horse and buggy "regulations."' Toothless, you know who disagrees with you? A whole lot of Democrats. Mr. Trump is trying to give some coal miners a chance, and a whole lot of Democrats think it's really important to stop him. They think those regulations are there for a reason.
Mr. Trump is trying to give some coal miners a chance -
Of what? Black lung? Been there done that. He can't enrich mining co CEOs fast enough to keep robots from crawling into mines 24/7 instead of the people doing a job that you would never do. It's been displaced by fracking anyway. Regulations are to keep people from dying and getting polluted. If you want the waste, if you want to be stuck in a toxic hole in the ground at 100 degrees for twelve hours a day, there's a position open for you, my friend. At least that's what the Telemarketer in Chief wants to convince you.
Do not lie. You pretended the earth is alive. You said ecosystems allow life. Quit giving inanimate things human characteristics. And you wonder that others do not follow your religion?
The earth is imploding! We're killing the environment! It's all imminent!
And yet, every day I wake up to the most gorgeous days one can imagine here in SoCal. Being able to see the L.A. skyline on any given day since the smog problem has been minimized so completely. They don't even do air quality reports on the local weather anymore.
If you can survive without one, just ask NASA to shoot you into space. Or you could always try stepping out of a 747 the next time you're on one, which is probably never.
How's the lint looking inside that navel of yours you never stop gazing at?
The earth is imploding! We're killing the environment! It's all imminent!
And yet, every day I wake up to the most gorgeous days one can imagine here in SoCal. Being able to see the L.A. skyline on any given day since the smog problem has been minimized so completely. They don't even do air quality reports on the local weather anymore.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Check out the FOX News viewer above who takes one city, one view and one measurement and declared that all human-related chemical activities everywhere in the world are just fine.
This is Revenge of the Navel Gazers.
Hey, if your penis was as small as theirs you'd probably stop at the navel, too.
When you lie about anthropomorphising things, it makes you 'look' dishonest. Further, your arguments reveal a weakness of you need to pretend inanimate things have human characteristics.
Deflection also suggests a bad faith and/or poor argument.
So Navel Gazer Burpel doesn't know what an ecosystem is, can't define it, probably would flunk a biology class, and yet, fixates on words like "anthropomorphising."
Now that's deflection of a sort primitive enough to observe in a housepet. Actually, even housepets are better at answering humans than Burpel is.
What makes you think, after the many times I have specifically written otherwise, that I will do anything but mock you when you are making an ass of yourself? Drinking would explain the loss of memory.
Because it's good to show others how dishonest a deflector you are.
You used a word that you can't define. It's good to point out why the right-wing can't solve any of the problems it creates. You're a prime example. You're an admitted troll, and card-carrying member of The Troll Party. Just pretending to have any purpose when it's just to fuck stuff up.
Time to get back under your bridge. Before people catch on and you get garroted.
BS environmental science with minor in sociology. Those guys don't make money. Society has judged that their Labor isn't worth much. Could try digging coal, but those jobs are hard to find, these days.
"Hey, if your penis was as small as theirs you'd probably stop at the navel, too" Your best one so far.
I lived in Alaska for 50 years and watched the glaciers melt year by year. I too have concerns about the environment. Overfishing and pollution of our oceans is most concerning to me short range. I'm not as in crises mode about GW as you are. Human nature being what it is the seas will have to rise to our knees before we are willing to wreck our economy (cheap energy).
As for people willing to work in coal mines I don't think there will be a shortage of those. I think a lot of them voted for President Trump.
I used the word allow. It is a verb. It shows action. Inanimate things cannot allow.
You need to learn the difference between can and will. Those are important words.
Check out the words proud little Burpel wants credit for defining, everybody - when he fails to define substantive words that he nevertheless uses, like "environment."
That's our Burpel. If you ever need to know the definition of three- and four- and five-letter words, Burpel's your man.
Hey, guys, just think of Ritmo as the Angriest Dog In the World.
"The dog who is so angry he cannot move. He cannot eat. He cannot sleep. He can just barely growl. Bound so tightly with tension and anger, he approaches the state of rigor mortis."
Human nature being what it is the seas will have to rise to our knees before we are willing to wreck our economy (cheap energy).
"Human nature" got tens of millions in world wars. "Human nature" went for tyranny when it wanted, or collectivism when democracy failed.
As for people willing to work in coal mines I don't think there will be a shortage of those. I think a lot of them voted for President Trump.
They will discover that he is a liar who cares about their CEOs' earnings statements and not whether good jobs become available to them - black lung from 12 hour days at 110 degrees underground or not.
It's simply crazy. Like telling the untouchable caste of India that plumbing or automated sanitation should stop developing because more good public toilet cleaners are needed.
I love how you've made me into some sort of Super Catholic just because I pointed out your ignorance, Ritmo. I wish I was rather than the rather slipslod mackeral snapper I am now. Hey, maybe if the Vatican finds out I'm correcting the errors of ignorant Know Nothing bigots on the Internet, they'll cut me some slack for all the times I've slept in on Sunday mornings. Hell, maybe Frankie will send me a token of appreciation - if they have any spare Giottos or daVinci drafts in some attic in the Vatican, well, that would sure look nice in the living room.
"I know the intellectual environment of this Althouse post is polluted like crazy by a denture-wearing, wanna-be Garibaldi."
Nah, he's just the Angriest Dog in the World. Furious with all who don't see the world his way. Everyone who doesn't think like him is a, let's see, a naval gazer, a corporate shill, a sociopath, autistic and just plain dumb,dumb, dumb, dumb, doo-doo heads! And he'll call you more names until you Think Correctly!
But we don't! Nobody listens to him!
"Bound so tightly with tension and anger, he approaches the state of rigor mortis."
Bad stuff for sure. So how you going to do away with human nature? I don't think that's possible.
It's possible to vote out bad people who are only there for indulging the worst human instincts.
Actually I think the coal miners are going to be happy to have their jobs back even given the conditions.
It's always nice to lie to people who need jobs by telling them that a dying industry is where their best growth potential is. Again, only a liar who needs to be voted out would do that.
And I think you are projecting. It was under President Obama's watch that wage disparities increased while the working person's wages stagnated.
What bullshit. That's been going on since Reagan and the corporatist state that he built. It's a Republican "baked in the cake" speciality by now. Not even the Democrats can get enough support to stop Bannon's corporate state - at the moment. But we'll see after 2 - 4 years of no results to show for all his symbolic demagoguing if that finally changes. Trump's swing voters never loved him as much as his sycophantic Republican trolls did. And they never will.
Swing voters can be bullied into voting Democrat. Why aren't Democrats 50 points ahead? Maybe we can create a hash tag or call them racists given how well that works.
Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said... It looks like Bill Donohue's "League" has a new intern working for it!
3/28/17, 10:48 PM
Hey! There's a swell idea! Since you're basically one step up from Jack Chick cartoons, they might not pay well at first, but you'd be like training wheels. You know, you gotta start out small. Eventually, maybe they'd give me someone to argue who actually knows about Catholicism. Now that would actually be interesting!
Hmmm . . . Jack Chick may not be too far off from the "real" R&B. Can you draw, R&B? Do you think the Pope is a secret Jew who drinks the blood of infants to stay young?
I don't give a shit about Catholicism, or global pedophile rings for that matter. But hey! If that's how you have to get your science then more power to you!
Someone tell me what's to be gained by playing Follow-the-Celibate and making way for a mortal, global spokesperson on earth for Christ. I think Christianity does just fine without those things, but apparently a bitter old lady above there feels a need to disagree. You know. Because... science!
Don't ever stop, mainstreet. Someday you will be a fine Vatican spokesperson, role model and emissary. Someday.
Today doesn't seem to be that day, though. But keep getting all angry and proud about it, anyway.
Swing voters can be bullied into voting Democrat. Why aren't Democrats 50 points ahead? Maybe we can create a hash tag or call them racists given how well that works.
Yeah, such a winning strategy! And you can see, when you read Ritmo's posts, just how happy and fulfilling and intellectually enriching The Leftist Life is. How kind and generous and tolerant it has made him! Really, who wouldn't want to be like that, snarling their way though life? Truly, he provides a role model for us all.
What makes anyone think I'm a fan of evangelicalism either? You know, the world is more complicated than these simple us vs. them duopolies some of y'all are attached to.
I'm not a big fan of fundies in general - whether they be dogmatic, faith-based, Islamic... what have you. I think they're all if not decrepit than certainly intellectually handicapped. And for the worst reason - pride.
Francis Bergoglio's not a bad guy. But I absolve myself of having to care a whit about his organization. I leave that to dogmatic pride-mongerers like "mainstreet."
". . . global pedophile rings for that matter" I think that problem is mostly public school teachers in the US, R&B. It's not really global.
Three thoughts:
1. Pedophilia's not a culturally specific problem 2. The US public school doesn't have a "ring" for its pedophiles 3. The spate of young 30-year old ladies who take a liking to their teen students may be wrong to some degree, but I see no reason to find it worse than or even as bad as the priest-on-kid epidemic that runs rampant through Celibacy Is Awesome Land.
Just give up the whole celibacy thing and that would be a good start for the priesthood. And then get rid of the reliance on hierarchy, and to some degree even dogma and all that shame-mongering. Then the show would be perfect.
But hey, there's a proud old lady somewhere who's attached to those things so there you have it.
The idea of celibacy as a mark of spiritual purity is just fucking stupid. Perhaps for certain extended periods, as with fasting.
But everyone's got to eat eventually.
The idea that the people taking vows to bar themselves from the most intimate relationships - that these are the people best positioned to be leaders of people, their communities, and their spiritual needs, is just plain asinine.
Look, this whole Catholicism thing started when Ritmo said the Greeks and Romans contributed more to science than Christianity ever had. I responded by posting a very long list of Catholic scientists from the Middle Ages until the present. (Wasn't trying to slight the Protestants - I didn't want to take up too bandwidth.)
When presented with facts that disproved his case, Ritmo, as is his MO, made it personal and resorted to his usual caricatures. I am now Ms. Super Catholic, although in reality, I'm pretty far from being the most devout person I know, just as others here get "sociopath" or "corporate tool" or whatever label slapped on them.
If the Left ever opens up gulags here, as they would surely love to do, Ritmo will get his dream job of deciding what badges the various Enemies of the People will wear on their lapels. "Corporate pig" "Fascist polluter" "Fundie"
Good God the epiphanies............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
"I take it mainstreet was a nun in a former life."
Catholics don't have former lives. You're confusing your religions again.
"Hell, maybe she wanted to be one in this one."
Briefly around the time I made Communion. Didn't do great with the celibacy thing, though. Those habits look pretty uncomfortable.
"The idea of celibacy as a mark of spiritual purity is just fucking stupid."
But if nobody is making you do it, why do you care about what anybody else does? I don't care if Jews keep kosher. I don't care that Mormons don't drink. It's not my friggin' business.
It's great to see you use old as an insult on the blog of a 60+ woman where many of the regulars are in the same age group. Rather juvenile and stupid of you, but that's what we've come to expect from the Angriest Dog in the World.
Greeks and Romans contributed more to science than Christianity ever had
"Christianity" is an institution. I didn't say that "Christians" didn't contribute.
There's a reason that the dark ages took place while the church was strongest.
I'm pretty far from being the most devout person
You don't have to be. You can be prideful instead.
"Corporate pig" "Fascist polluter" "Fundie"
Mammonite, industrial slob, and ignoramus, if you prefer. Feel free to pick whichever euphemisms you want in order to elevate your values of money-grubbing, corporatism, industrial-level sloppiness and despoliation, and faith-based stupidity. They are not virtues.
No one loves imagining themselves in gulags as much as you and your crowd do. But why should I get in the way of your fantasies?
There's nothing you love more than the fantasy of being tortured and persecuted. Pretty sick, but hey. Whatever floats your boat.
But if nobody is making you do it, why do you care about what anybody else does? I don't care if Jews keep kosher. I don't care that Mormons don't drink. It's not my friggin' business.
Mormons don't have the clout of a huge global institution to back them up when they complain that it is "oppressive" to them to let other people live their lives. And when Jews in New York create enclaves that intrude on others' rights to their own lives, there is pushback.
But Catholicism is more pernicious. Individual Catholics are fine. But the mindset created by a large global hierarchy of celibates that sees itself as the model spokesperson for Christianity is bound to cause bigger problems.
They can do what they want to do. But power always corrupts. The petty things I see priests get offended about when attempting to interact in the public sphere... if orthodox rabbis or Mormon leaders had that sort of clout, I'm sure they'd become just as obnoxious and entitled. Many already are. When they create an empire out of it (as televangelists do), that's when it becomes ripe for satire, etc.
I bet you're another one of those see-no-evil types who denies any connection between the obsession with celibacy and pedophilia. Any other group that endorsed celibacy to that degree, with that much reach, and with that far ranging a pedophile scandal - I think normal, decent, thinking people have a right to say that something's warped with the enterprise.
I'm just anti-pedophilia, anti-authority, anti-sexual ignorance. They bug me. Where do you think the Church stands on those things? If it didn't involve others' rights I wouldn't care. But pedophilia does. It's not a civic virtue to say, "Oh, that HUGE pedophilia-celibacy thing! It's just their problem! Great organization, otherwise!"
"I'm just anti-pedophilia, anti-authority, anti-sexual ignorance. They bug me. Where do you think the Church stands on those things? If it didn't involve others' rights I wouldn't care. But pedophilia does. It's not a civic virtue to say, "Oh, that HUGE pedophilia-celibacy thing! It's just their problem! Great organization, otherwise!"
Uh, you're aware that public school teachers commit far more pedophile assaults than Catholic priests on a percentage basis, right? FAR more. I suspect that has never once affected your opinion of *that* "great organization" though.
Oh, and if you think the Church's real crime was shuffling priests around to other locations after they found out about the abuse - they once again never held a *candle* to how the teacher's unions and dept of ed have done the same for pedophile teachers. Not even close.
Qwinn wrote . . . Uh, you're aware that public school teachers commit far more pedophile assaults than Catholic priests on a percentage basis, right? FAR more. This is why it is hard to believe in "R&B -- science guy." He never has any interest in finding the truth. He's only interested in science that confirms what he already believes (see our dialog he other day about his odd, unscientific belief that hormones determine sexual orientation). I always assumed that what Qwinn wrote was true, because the media never claimed that priests were more likely to molest kids than public schools teachers, or even members of the general population. And look at the reporting on the pedophile priests -- done, for the most part, by people hostile to the Catholic Church, and whose own children attend private schools where the teachers do not have union protection.
You have an infestation of noxious pests that are trying to hijack one of the few remaining islands of civility and sanity on these here intertubes. I know you can't reach out through the wires and strike them dead but maybe you could ban them? I'd appreciate it.
"Regulations are to keep people from dying and getting polluted." Make up your mind. First you said the jobs aren't coming back, then you said the regulations are there to stop people from taking those jobs. Only one of the two can be true.
"Mammonite, industrial slob, and ignoramus, if you prefer"
Annnnnd, Ritmo reinforces the point I was making - namely that he's very good at devising insulting labels for the Enemies of the State.
"No one loves imagining themselves in gulags as much as you and your crowd do. But why should I get in the way of your fantasies?"
Our "fantasies" are based on more facts than your AGW "science" is. Over 100 million facts. According to "The Black Book of Communism" that's how many people were murdered by leftist governments during the 20th century. Makes the Spanish Inquisitors look like pikers in comparison.
When narrow-minded and angry statists get into power they don't just type out insults on computer screens, they actively work to rid the world of Wrong Thinkers. We have very good reason to fear Leftists in power, with facts and history and hard evidence behind us. Your side is not much good at omelet making, but very good at breaking eggs.
Are you insulted by anything TTR writes? Genuinely? He is good at coming up with labels he intends to be insulting, but which could only affect the weakest of the weak-minded.
"Are you insulted by anything TTR writes? Genuinely? He is good at coming up with labels he intends to be insulting, but which could only affect the weakest of the weak-minded."
No. Normally, I have a pretty thick skin when it comes to being insulted on the Internet by people I will never meet (thank God - I imagine he's quite unpleasant in person.) And Ritmo insults everyone who doesn't agree with him, so it's just predictable, juvenile abuse.
Birkel, he's of interest to me only in that he reinforces the revelation I had one day in the late '80's, listening to an angry radical harangue a crowd at the "Politics and Prose" bookstore in DC - that the Left is not about love but hate. They are not about building, they are about destruction. Now, that might not seem like a very profound revelation (all you have to do is read a non-leftist history of the 20th century to come to the same conclusion), but it was to me, then a liberal Dem in my 20's. I suddenly realized, "Hey, these aren't the good guys!"
That is an important revelation, exiledonmainstreet.
I recognized that fact during the Carter Administration. The Berlin Wall was built to keep people inside, I realized. The Iron Curtain existed because people would flee otherwise. The people who knew best told me what I needed to know.
They should cut back some of those regulations, but I doubt it's going to have much effect on coal mining jobs--we're losing most of them to automation and competition from cheaper fracking and oil production. The number of coal miners has been in decline for a while.
The coal industry may be in long decline but it is producing 33% of US energy now. Only a BigState bureaucrat would think it was smart to kill it off at once overlooking the installed power plants and factories which would all have to be replaced at once. The same with coal jobs - they may be declining but only a BigStater bureaucrat would think that meant they should all be abolished at once.
One reason why this happens is that they are leftys and have been trained not to think and not to argue.
The first thing that happens when you join the left is that you are taught to accept personal insults as final arguments. You are taught to accept being demeaned. Then as you rise you get the demean others, wannabe leftys. You then start to treat non-leftys as you have been treated - to demean, to scream insults. And so, no argument ever progresses once a lefty joins in because the essential argument becomes - here is the party line and you are [expletive, insult] if you don't accept it and you are less than [expletive, insult] if you aren't even in the party. THe Party is gone but the social system it taught the left is still spreading. And that is why despite their stated love for science and economics, left economies don't work. The time comes to analyze and solve a new problem and leftys in power have been taught to scream insults at those who would question. Those in power carry on like Ritmo, foaming out insults to those who dare, DARE ASK A QUESTION and the problem does not get solved.
Why Trump Won. All the unsolved problems and the lefty procedure of insulting in place of analyzing. See above. Read Darkness At Noon for extra credit.
You managed 51 of a now-159 comments while evidencing paranoia, harboring death wishes and calling names sporadically. You managed zero accomplishments as measured by anything but volume.
Are the public schools positioning themselves as moral and spiritual authorities with hundreds of millions of adherents buying into their bullying bullshit claimed of rewards of promise or punishment in an eternal afterlife? Um, no - so there's the final word on that. And they are also not a state, unlike the Vatican, which IS A STATE. So our old dried cunt friend main street can chew on that old bone for a while. No Vatican defender has a shred of credibility calling others "statist." Not until pedophile country renounces it's own sovereignty.
And unless she became one of the corporations controlling and acting on behalf of the state, then she can stop claiming to feel insulted on their behalf. She's about as close to a CEO as Clousseau. A gold digger and a corporatist. Oh well, every company exec needs its concubines. But usually they're smart enough to realize they're being used and don't donate emotional investment to the toil. You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think.
Brando's thin skin is so very touching. What a sensitive little snowflake he is. So beautiful, delicate, unique and vulnerable. But he's more than a little full of himself, in all his noxious delicacy. Because none of his corporatist lackeys here have shown a shred of daring, and none of them are getting shot down for asking questions. They're getting shot down for showing how stubbornly stupid they are in refusing to hear answers, or pretending their ears are too full of wax to understand them. Not everyone suffers fools as gladly as you guys do so stop taking it personally.
What I managed to do is to create a record so that when historians and scientists try to help future generations figure out why dupes like birkel were so destructive with their posterity, the answer will be clear: Because they were argumentative, navel gazing, insecure shills - who cared more about power and pride than about facts, preserving the planet or its posterity, or our patrimony. So they took comfort in being unpaid foot soldiers for powerful interests that never cared about them or the things their kids needed.
But birkels never had kids and it was only by accident that main street managed to have kids anyway. So it's not like they care about harms done to future generations. And both their record and mine will stand and will be clear to anyone wondering how anyone could hate themselves, their children and the beauty and bounty surrounding is to just throw it away for the sake of perpetuating a system whereby uncreative hacks were allowed to enrich themselves as much as the entrepreneurs who truly made a difference.
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१६१ टिप्पण्या:
I guess reading is difficult, right? The article explains how it has as great a chance at bringing back jobs as does removing horse and buggy "regulations."
Nice try. But regurgitating a title and byline intended to show the irony of Trump's ignorance is not even a good attempt at propaganda. You might as well link a satirical link of him in an unknowing attempt to make him look good. I predict that will happen someday on this blog, also.
Next will be an executive order aimed at mandating the revival of the peat and dung fuel industries.
Dear God, R&B thinks the NY Times is actually capable of honest reporting on a Trump initiative.
Dung fuel is a thing in California.
State supported "alternative energy"
>>Next will be an executive order aimed at mandating the revival of the peat and dung fuel industries.
Wait... why would these coal miners want to go back to digging coal, and quit their high paying Green jobs they were promised?
Like a windmill isn't some medieval shit?
Dear God, R&B thinks the NY Times is actually capable of honest reporting on a Trump initiative.
Better than relying on you. You tell ME your own expert analysis on the future of the coal industry, Alex Trebek.
"Better than relying on you."
I didn't predict a Hillary win.
I have no idea what the future of the coal industry is.
Knowing that the NY Times says it will fail, however, my instincts are to go long.
They shoulda took one of those high-paying Solyndra jobs! The times says the future is green energy, not dirty coal!
Thanks, Lewis. Always good to hear from the Romper Room School of Media Analysis!
So . . . you think the Times was right about Hillary winning the election, R&B?
You're kind of out there.
Better than relying on you. You tell ME your own expert analysis on the future of the coal industry,
Coal is a key American resource and industry. It feeds power plants, steel plants, and it could even feed chemical plants -- all of the industries that made America great.
Make America Great Again!
"You tell ME your own expert analysis on the future of the coal industry"
Depends on total cost of ownership outlook for coal-fired electric plants.
This includes cost of alternatives. One of these is likely to become uneconomic very soon - i.e., wind, without regulatory mandates and subsidies. Wind is unschedulable "baseload" too.
There is considerable lead time for new plants, but several are running below capacity because of alternative sources and low demand due to high prices, so should be able to increase consumption faster. And regulation down to the state PUC level makes price movements rather "sticky", but these should respond to lower energy costs too.
Time will tell. Give it a year.
Longer term it depends on the outlook of energy intensive industries in the US. Steel for instance.
West Virginia Coal Miners re-trained to drive pulp wood trucks to keep NYT's running.
>>Always good to hear from the Romper Room School of Media Analysis!
Always good to hear from the ad hominem school of logical fallacies.
Ironic, isn't it? Obama went looking for shovel-ready jobs, and couldn't find them. Meanwhile, he purposely tried to destroy actual shovel-ready jobs mining coal.
You can't make this stuff up.
As for dung fuel -
There are several outfits pushing this in CA.
The California Energy Commission, a State agency, is one.
It subsidizes these dung projects.
Search their site on "manure" for material on several projects.
If it wasn't for bad fallacies we wouldn't have no fallacies at all.
The world doesn't revolve around a single cherry-picked issue from a campaign in 2016, Lewis.
Anyone who goes to one news source for all their reporting is ignorant.
Anyone who wants to rely on a news source that feeds falsehoods to our ill-informed president, while making a fool out of us to the British government and their intelligence services, is better served by spending their days filling in outlines in coloring books. As would our so-called president.
I see our resident child has chimed in to bless the so-called reversal of an inevitably dying industry by wanting to make America full of soot and black lung disease again.
Coal as a percentage of U.S. power generation has dropped from 52.7 in 1995 to 45% in 2009, to 33% today - largely displaced by a power generation scheme that involves pumping secret chemical mixes into the water table so as to extract methane, putting residents' tap water on fire and causing earthquakes. As usual, the resident glue sniffer is off his rocker - or high chair, whichever it is. Maybe they changed the volatile organics in his lab to something more neurotoxic than usual. So coal is dying, and along with it black lung, living in soot, being shoved underground, and having to compete with increasing mechanization (i.e. robots) for such dangerous work so difficult that only a Republican like chickenlittle & Friends would wish it on those plebes whose lives they like to make so shitty.
But hey. At least you've got another anti-planet/anti-environment industry you can bootlick for so all is not lost!
Love this quote from the article:
"“There are countless countries ready to step up and deliver on their climate promises and take advantages of Mr. Trump’s short-termism to reap the benefits of the transition to the low-carbon economy,” said Laurence Tubiana, the chief French negotiator of the 2015 Paris agreement, the landmark accord that committed nearly every country to take action to reduce planet-warming emissions."
Those coal burning bastards are willing to forego reaping the benefits of the transition to the low-carbon economy! Benefits like more expensive, less reliable electrical power, smaller, less safe cars, colder homes in the winter time, more expensive food, you know, things that screw the working man.
How big do you suppose Laurence Tubiana's carbon footprint is? Bigger than Lewis Wetzel's, I'm sure.
As for peat, there is quite a lot of interest in it, and has been, as a plentiful fuel in the third world. It is an "alternative" fuel as some of these outfits score it.
This one is getting close to going live. I think its a World Bank project -
Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Coal as a percentage of U.S. power generation has dropped from 52.7 in 1995 to 45% in 2009, to 33% today - largely displaced by a power generation scheme that involves pumping secret chemical mixes into the water table so as to extract methane, putting residents' tap water on fire and causing earthquakes.
And we have lift off into the land of the crazy people!
I think we could turn around the Lefties on this simply by changing the word from "coal" to "archaic bio-mass."
"Trump Signs Executive Order Creating Thousands of Jobs in Archaic Bio-Mass Recovery."
"Maybe they changed the volatile organics in his lab to something more neurotoxic than usual."
We actually do have volatile organics!
We use ones that are biodegradable, and, of course, "organic"
They smell nice. They smell like ... creativity.
Soot is a sign of incomplete combustion and is wasteful it's a waste product of yesteryear. There are ways to rid coal-fired emissions of soot, burning that zero oxidation state all the way down to glorious C(IV). The reward is incentivized by getting more BTU's per ton.
" to reap the benefits of the transition to the low-carbon economy"
Yes, that's an interesting statement. There must be some, for sure, to someone.
But the only benefit for most is, one way or another, a higher cost of living.
Lewis: What's it like working in a coal mine? Is it work you'd want to do?
What kind of work do you do, if you don't mind me asking? It sounds like it's something in the service industry or some other place where critical thinking skills are a detriment.
Go on and cite your source for the trend of coal's contribution to U.S. power generation.
" to reap the benefits of the transition to the low-carbon economy"
Yes, that's an interesting statement. There must be some, for sure, to someone.
The ecosystems currently allowing the existence of life on this planet, would be a someone.
Go sniff some more of your favorite neurotoxins.
Who needs mountaintops anyway?
There's a chemistry set aficionado in Southern California who's got a grand interest in fly ash. Who's got some for him?
Coal mining is a shit job. Robots will automate it whatever you "bring back." It's not about jobs; it's about corporatism and having an anti-planet agenda.
What kind of work do you do, if you don't mind me asking? It sounds like it's something in the service industry or some other place where critical thinking skills are a detriment.
Asked by someone who has asked everyone he has taken an interest in. Curiously, R&B has never revealed such details about himself.
"Go on and cite your source for the trend of coal's contribution to U.S. power generation."
He didn't claim coal was not declining.
The problem is that the use of coal is declining as a result of regulatory pressure.
Natural Gas solves the emissions problems (and others) with a minimum of fuss. Less regulation, more coal, less gas. Also, less regulation, no wind at all (or none when subsidies end and existing infrastructure needs to be replaced; windmills don't last very long). This has happened before, thats why Altamont pass is covered with abandoned 1980's windmills.
Peat is every bit as much a fossil fuel as coal is; it's just more recent. In a sense, it's not "carbon neutral" because it -- like coal -- releases CO2 hundreds and even thousands of years old.
Carbon is a wonderful place to park high energy electrons and protons. I'm all for finding ways to speed up or synthetically recapture CO2. The stuff is virtually free.
Asked by someone who has asked everyone he has taken an interest in. Curiously, R&B has never revealed such details about himself.
You know what my knowledge strengths are, and therefore, likely training and likely vocational areas.
What more needs to be said? Lewis Wetzel is an ignoramus who just spouts propaganda. That's bad enough, but you seem to be keen on the Trump propaganda, also. You should know better. Analyzing read-outs doesn't give you some sort of special dispensation against understanding the planetary carbon cycle or why coal is stupid as a "jobs program" in 2017.
You are a total partisan hack. The lengths you go to to stake out erroneous and wrong-headed positions are mind-boggling - even going so far as to take the side of terrorist immigrants over decent people.
That's just one instance of how full of shit the Trump supporting agenda happens to be.
South Point on the Big Island used to be a windmill graveyard. It was really bad in 2012. I went back two years ago and they had cleaned it up quite a bit.
Carbon is a wonderful place to park high energy electrons and protons. I'm all for finding ways to speed up or synthetically recapture CO2.
Why don't you find a way to speed up a reversal of all those melting glaciers, first, Private Proton?
Your problem is you are literally a biophobe, and get too distracted and fascinated and carried away by atoms to be honest about the downsides of how they're used to human health and the sustainability of ecosystems.
You are seriously like that Kong guy from Strangelove. I could see you walking into a nuclear reactor, just for the wondrous experience of what's happening there from a physics standpoint.
Why not just reduce yourself to concentrated carbon, already? You clearly have no use for life on this planet and are waaaay more in love with concentrating energy sources. So go make that sacrifice and carbonize your fucking self already. Life is inconsequential to you. Turn yourself into the wondrous carbon energy you want everyone to use instead.
Newspapers and Coal Mines. Don't we have the best dying industries folks?
Carbon is probably the best place to store hydrogen. This is a consequence of the elements' similar Pauling electronegativities. There are a few transition metals with an even better match, but they are prohibitively costly.
"The ecosystems currently allowing the existence of life on this planet, would be a someone."
So, no-one in particular? Seems a rather faith-based justification. Unfalsifiable. The public can suffer virtuously, all justified by their faith in the ineffable "ecology" that exists out there somewhere, existing in a spiritual realm of no metrics and fashionable khaki-clad wilderness tramping preachers.
Now, I am not such a religious fanatic as that, and I can identify a few people who are better off due to "alternative" energy, and its increased energy prices and non-commodity ins and outs due to the ability to exploit regulatory cutouts. Which happen, if some well connected so and so gets to decide on where the licensed power plants can be and who they are to come from. Warren Buffet for one.
Carbon is probably the best place to store hydrogen. This is a consequence of the elements' similar Pauling electronegativities. There are a few transition metals with an even better match, but they are prohibitively costly.
Listen to this recondite bullshit from someone too cavalier with measuring the costs/benefits to human and planetary health to actually engineer this stuff.
You can't make this stuff up, people. The kid literally dismisses the value he or anyone else has as lifeforms and instead elevates the importance of whether his body's molecules are bonded in such a way as to serve an energy purpose.
This is why you can dismiss everything he says. He simply doesn't understand that civilization and all the knowledge it brings is way more powerful than the way two atoms bond.
"Peat is every bit as much a fossil fuel as coal is"
Indeed. And quite annoying logistically, so mainly good if you have a great deal of it right by your power plant. But the "alternative" designation is because its a better alternative to the locals cutting down their forest for fuel.
So, no-one in particular?
Actually, the continuation of our planet's collective ecosystems affect everyone living. If you disagree, unplug from nature, build a hermeneutic box in which to live (not that you'd last very long) and remove the influence of all other living things from the chemistry cycles that would provide your air, water and calories and filter your shit and piss. (Unless you prefer keeping them inside your buwaya the anti-social weirdo box. One never knows). We'll see how long you last.
The religious weirdo is the one who looks at (or in your case, ignores) every great extinction from earth's history and presumes that he can do the same as before with different results.
One benefit of humans destroying their resources is that extinction wouldn't spare such an expendable as "buwaya." Species homicide quickly becomes species suicide and once evolution starts over it will be nice that species more advanced than humans might find the humor in how he managed his own self-disposal, enthusiastically seeking it, in fact.
Hopefully other humans will wise up and kill his sort, first.
" too cavalier with measuring the costs/benefits to human and planetary health"
In these matters everyone is "too cavalier" because this stuff is beyond measurement of cost-benefit. Nobody has any genuine way to measure either costs or benefits, on the side of the environment. Or make an informed judgement call on tradeoffs vs very measurable economic costs. "Science" here isn't science, its rationalization.
Correlation is causation . . . non-falsifiable arguments . . . I sense a sociology student in the thread.
Hi Toothless. How's it going today?
In these matters everyone is "too cavalier" because this stuff is beyond measurement of cost-benefit.
No it's not. The cost of destroying an environment is ALWAYS greater than that of preserving it. Evolution is smarter than you, but it takes a lot longer. In the meantime, you are incapable of creating an artificial, self-enclosed and self-sustaining environment. (But if you do, it would be nice to shut you in it and blast you off to space in it). In the meantime, stop killing off the creation. Besides making life (including our lives) possible, some of us like it. It's a hell of a lot more beautiful and useful than anything you've ever created.
The ecosystems currently allowing the existence of life on this planet, would be a someone.
Those ecosystems by and large use carbohydrates as building blocks. Cellulose is the greatest biomass on earth. As for energy it is denominated in units of ATP. Go ahead and run your car on TSP.
Those ecosystems by and large use carbohydrates as building blocks. Cellulose is the greatest biomass on earth. As for energy it is denominated in units of ATP.
Listen to this idiot who spouts off basic facts of how carbon is used in living forms that no environmentalist ever threatened or ever would. So instead, he runs an "up with carbon" campaign as if the atom is a person with feelings and rights and a need for positive marketing and dignity.
Stop personifying the elements, you autistic moron.
"Actually, the continuation of our planet's collective ecosystems affect everyone living."
Ah, faith then. The green god demands all, the supreme sacrifice, because he is the green god, and must be worshiped at all costs. Because we will all die otherwise. His priests say so.
Hmmm, where have I heard that before? Ah, yes - the Aztec cult of human sacrifice, where existence required thousands give their hearts, and most to live by countless daily small sacrifices to the Gods.
"it would be nice to shut you in it and blast you off to space in it "
Its very kind of you, that you are so concerned with my welfare :)
I would very much like to blast off into space. The ultimate adventure!
Ah, faith then.
That's not faith. That's biology - a course you obviously fucking failed, or never took. Even chicken glue-sniffing chemistry set knows more about biology than you, but that's because it encompasses biochemistry - a discipline he feels he has no choice but to actually acknowledge/understand and respect. You OTOH wouldn't survive for five minutes on your own outside of a city. You would hopefully eat the poisonous plants and ignore the food sources that are actually sustenance.
There is no use for you. People like you became obsolete after Upton Sinclair published The Jungle.
I would very much like to blast off into space. The ultimate adventure!
That's occasionally offered to people as an option following cremation. And I'm sure you'd consider that step the next most-ultimate adventure!
Why not get it done with already, Ferdinand Marcos? No need waiting around. Get the adventure started now!
Look at all the fun you're missing out on.
"The cost of destroying an environment is ALWAYS greater than that of preserving it."
They are growing enough corn and wheat to feed millions on what was once swamps and bogs in Indiana. Exploitation of natural resources has been recognized since the days of Adam Smith as the most efficient means of creating wealth (compared to labor specialization, automation, and trade).
R&B, you are a simpleton.
buwaya puti feels he might like to rummage through ecosystems the way Imelda did shoes.
It's his creator-given right to ruin as many creations as he likes.
I would very much like to blast off into space. The ultimate adventure!
I would very much like to visit the wreck of the Titanic. It will be commercially available next year, but the cost is prohibitive. Perhaps I should start a go-fund-me.
"You OTOH wouldn't survive for five minutes on your own outside of a city."
We ROTC boys were trained by Philippine Marines Force Recon in survival. Snake-eaters.
Also frog, snail and cassava. And how to go hungry, a much overlooked skill.
"The best way to create wealth is to forget from whom you borrowed it"
~ R&B
From the NY Times article:
Over all, the goal of the Paris deal is to keep the planet from warming more than 3.6 degrees, the point at which scientists say the earth will be irrevocably locked into a future of severe droughts, floods, rising sea levels and food shortages.
3.6 degrees! 3.59 we're okay, 3.60 is doomsday!
It would have been helpful if NY Times would have mentioned if it was degrees centigrade or Fahrenheit, don't you think? I mean, it's a pretty important measurement.
They are growing enough corn and wheat to feed millions on what was once swamps and bogs in Indiana.
Exploitation of natural resources has been recognized since the days of Adam Smith as the most efficient means of creating wealth (compared to labor specialization, automation, and trade).
R&B, you are a simpleton.
Growing corn requires certain temperatures, availability of water, and other variables that the planetary environment makes possible. Adam Smith didn't know this; he was probably writing his paeans before Joseph Priestley even published on what oxygen did and was all about. Exploitation can be non-sustainable. Markets can be depleted of the raw materials of their production. Again, if you resent the planet for needing time and species to regenerate the things that it makes possible for us to do, then there are options for you to live in places that have no terrestrial nature. Can you please go to one, already? It would make things easier.
3.6 degrees! 3.59 we're okay, 3.60 is doomsday!
It would have been helpful if NY Times would have mentioned if it was degrees centigrade or Fahrenheit, don't you think? I mean, it's a pretty important measurement.
This is just you being annoying and declaring, "No answer is good enough for ME!"
Why, daddy? Why? Why? Why does that happen, daddy? Then why does that happen? And what's this? And that? And that? Oh daddy you failed to answer a single one of infant Wetzel's never-terminating chains of why's and what's. I guess that means his baby brain is better than yours.
"buwaya puti feels he might like to rummage through ecosystems the way Imelda did shoes."
Indeed, we have. We have a huge choice of ecosystems to rummage through. On the whole they seem to be doing rather well around here, well provided as the people are with the fruit of mans creativity, they leave nature to its own.
Nature does less well where people have to struggle to live.
Which is where that creativity-destroying green god comes in. Ecologists are the prophets of poverty, of mans auto-extermination. Their god calls for man to die. Gaia is a death-goddess.
Well, once you identify with Imelda Marcos then you've admitted yourself a piece of shit and well beyond the decency to be worth debating/conversing.
Have you readied your plastic sterilized box in which you wish to live, cremate yourself and be launched into orbit, yet?
What you said about nature doing well was dumb, but then I realized you're a liar. You definitely do hate the creation, which begs the question of why you haven't yet put an end to your own.
toothless won't be able to sit down for a week after the spanking she is getting.
Gold,Buwaya, Gold !
Adam Smith didn't know this; he was probably writing his paeans before Joseph Priestley even published on what oxygen did and was all about. Exploitation can be non-sustainable.
Uh . . . law of diminishing marginal returns? Smith pretty much invented that. You can't drain the same swamp twice, and you drain the swamps that are the least expensive to drain first. Smith used the example of forested land in the New World.
You aren't even masquerading as knowledgeable person, R&B. You will notice I -- I, myself! -- never made any claims about coal miners getting their jobs back, or who would win the presidential election. I understand the limits of knowledge. The writers at the NY Times do not. They are payed to pretend they have answers. Who pays them? the Times readers who look for bias confirmation, I suppose.
There was no regulation that banned horse and buggy businesses at the behest of auto manufacturers. Obama EOs at the behest of the Sierra Club are not free market choices. They are interferences in the market.
The Toothless Revolutionary is an economics idiot.
You need to step up your game, TTR. Pretty lame.
Not so good I'd guess with the world around you imploding and all. Don't worry. Humans will kill themselves off pretty soon and Mother Earth will heal. Be happy about that at least.
I understand the limits of knowledge.
No you don't. You just have greater limits on your own. The NYT never claimed to be infallible. It's important to speculate and their speculation just happens to be better than yours. You speculate all the time just to come up w/bullshit - all in the name of a contrarianism you love simply for the way it helps you feel less ignorant than you actually are. Yes, Wetzel. Being rebellious means your ignorance is cool! You're not a dumbass, you're a REBEL! YEAY!
Stop personifying the elements, you autistic moron.
I used to play a game with my kids: I'd ask them to point at anything, anywhere and I'd tell them which atoms it was made from. When it was mixtures, I'd try to explain that. It's challenging. Atoms are real. You might think it's as boring as pointing to a piece of writing in a a foreign alphabet and discerning which letters composed the words.
Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Well, once you identify with Imelda Marcos then you've admitted yourself a piece of shit and well beyond the decency to be worth debating/conversing.
Have you readied your plastic sterilized box in which you wish to live, cremate yourself and be launched into orbit, yet?
What you said about nature doing well was dumb, but then I realized you're a liar. You definitely do hate the creation, which begs the question of why you haven't yet put an end to your own.
Descending into madness. An actual mad scientist
The NYT never claimed to be infallible.
Yet they never fail to be exclamatory.
You need to step up your game, TTR. Pretty lame.
I'm not here to entertain you. Go jerk off elsewhere. Preferably into your stupid bagpipe.
What kind of a dilweed who plays a bagpipe complains about others not entertaining HIM? I guess one whose only audience for the dying cat noises he makes are forced in attendance through the barrel of a gun.
Play dress-up elsewhere, Sarge.
Buffet is happy enough with coal which fills the cars which ride the rails he owns. all good,
Toothless seems angry. You can tell when he starts calling commenters "autistic" Lovely people these progs who love the nature. LOL
I used to play a game with my kids: I'd ask them to point at anything, anywhere and I'd tell them which atoms it was made from. When it was mixtures, I'd try to explain that. It's challenging. Atoms are real. You might think it's as boring as pointing to a piece of writing in a a foreign alphabet and discerning which letters composed the words.
You know what's also real?
Life. Environments. Earth.
Can't live without them. And if you destroy creation to make a golden calf out of it, that doesn't make the ploy any more sustaining.
You can tell when he starts calling commenters "autistic" Lovely people these progs who love the nature. LOL
If you're ever bored (since you're certainly boring) enough to want to point at things and guess at their chemical compositions, there's a guy who can help you with that.
I actually find stuff like that interesting, but that's because I'm not as drunk off my lunch martinis and busy bean counting as Michael.
It's one thing to have to kill things to live. Another to say that if you don't kill something off then you're just gonna DIE! Oh no! It's either us or the earth! Let's destroy the earth in its current form.
How soon we forget. Nobama faked an EPA declaration thatco2 is a pollutant thereby justifying intentional bankruptcy for anyone building a coal power plant. He matched that intentional fraud with a clean emmisions standard that had not yet been invented. Since that attack on coal, no one invests in coal power inNobamas land. The rest of the world opens 100 new coal power plants a month.
Fracked natural gas that escaped the Nobama attacks has filled in for coal. But given the chance to compete, coal still wins.
You're dumber than usual TTR. Your trolling is pretty sad. Might want to lay off the booze.
The NYT never claimed to be infallible.
Then why do you think that the NY Times is infallible? Jeez!
You would think that their weird claim about the world coming to an end if global temperatures increase by exactly 3.6 dimensionless degrees would have clued you in that this article wasn't the Times' finest moment. Or the unquestioned claim that other countries would "reap the benefit" of a low carbon economy. That's a nonsense claim. It's like a used car salesman telling you that if you pass on the great deal he's giving you, someone else is gonna buy that oil-burning Buick!
Don't drink. Pay others to count beans. Lots of beans.
Don't use "autistic" as an epithet.
Thought I said to fuck off a while back.
Are we anthropomorphising nature today? Is that the Leftist Collectivist talking point?
Don't use "autistic" as an epithet.
Because you are one?
It seems more likely you're just a sociopath. Tell me about the important relationships in your life, Corporatist/Globalized America Destroyer.
Thought I said to fuck off a while back.
Look who's getting mad now.
Are we anthropomorphising nature today?
Only chick was doing that, turning chemicals into characters.
The rest were denaturing people.
I will note that the only person on this thread who talks about "killing the earth" is a fellow named R&B.
'The article explains how it has as great a chance at bringing back jobs as does removing horse and buggy "regulations."'
Toothless, you know who disagrees with you? A whole lot of Democrats. Mr. Trump is trying to give some coal miners a chance, and a whole lot of Democrats think it's really important to stop him. They think those regulations are there for a reason.
Since buwaya's used to residing on an archipelago, here's a really nice one for him!
Mr. Trump is trying to give some coal miners a chance -
Of what? Black lung? Been there done that. He can't enrich mining co CEOs fast enough to keep robots from crawling into mines 24/7 instead of the people doing a job that you would never do. It's been displaced by fracking anyway. Regulations are to keep people from dying and getting polluted. If you want the waste, if you want to be stuck in a toxic hole in the ground at 100 degrees for twelve hours a day, there's a position open for you, my friend. At least that's what the Telemarketer in Chief wants to convince you.
Do not lie. You pretended the earth is alive. You said ecosystems allow life. Quit giving inanimate things human characteristics. And you wonder that others do not follow your religion?
The earth is imploding! We're killing the environment! It's all imminent!
And yet, every day I wake up to the most gorgeous days one can imagine here in SoCal. Being able to see the L.A. skyline on any given day since the smog problem has been minimized so completely. They don't even do air quality reports on the local weather anymore.
Define "ecosystem," Burpel.
If you can survive without one, just ask NASA to shoot you into space. Or you could always try stepping out of a 747 the next time you're on one, which is probably never.
How's the lint looking inside that navel of yours you never stop gazing at?
The earth is imploding! We're killing the environment! It's all imminent!
And yet, every day I wake up to the most gorgeous days one can imagine here in SoCal. Being able to see the L.A. skyline on any given day since the smog problem has been minimized so completely. They don't even do air quality reports on the local weather anymore.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Check out the FOX News viewer above who takes one city, one view and one measurement and declared that all human-related chemical activities everywhere in the world are just fine.
This is Revenge of the Navel Gazers.
Hey, if your penis was as small as theirs you'd probably stop at the navel, too.
When you lie about anthropomorphising things, it makes you 'look' dishonest. Further, your arguments reveal a weakness of you need to pretend inanimate things have human characteristics.
Deflection also suggests a bad faith and/or poor argument.
At least you aren't drunk tonight. Yet.
Any chance you will ever have a civil conversation on this blog Toothless?
So Navel Gazer Burpel doesn't know what an ecosystem is, can't define it, probably would flunk a biology class, and yet, fixates on words like "anthropomorphising."
Now that's deflection of a sort primitive enough to observe in a housepet. Actually, even housepets are better at answering humans than Burpel is.
Not with a liar or a proud ignoramus, pacwest.
Why do you hate facts so much?
Why are you such a defender of navel gazers?
Get out more, man. Learn to take some responsibility in life.
That scotch will not drink itself.
Why do you have such a hard time looking up a word you use against others, Burpel? Why talk about drinking instead?
Is that how you show your good faith?
What makes you think, after the many times I have specifically written otherwise, that I will do anything but mock you when you are making an ass of yourself? Drinking would explain the loss of memory.
I hope you get help.
Because it's good to show others how dishonest a deflector you are.
You used a word that you can't define. It's good to point out why the right-wing can't solve any of the problems it creates. You're a prime example. You're an admitted troll, and card-carrying member of The Troll Party. Just pretending to have any purpose when it's just to fuck stuff up.
Time to get back under your bridge. Before people catch on and you get garroted.
BS environmental science with minor in sociology.
Those guys don't make money. Society has judged that their Labor isn't worth much.
Could try digging coal, but those jobs are hard to find, these days.
"Before people catch on and you get garroted."
There's a threat.
tsk, tsk.
I used the word allow. It is a verb. It shows action. Inanimate things cannot allow.
You need to learn the difference between can and will. Those are important words.
Seek help for your violent, drunken outbursts of imagined murder.
There's a threat.
tsk, tsk.
You think people have a high tolerance for political trolls, when their lives and little black lungs are at stake?
You must think people like being lied to as much as liars like Burpel lie to them.
I think that's when they take out the pitchforks, personally.
"Hey, if your penis was as small as theirs you'd probably stop at the navel, too"
Your best one so far.
I lived in Alaska for 50 years and watched the glaciers melt year by year. I too have concerns about the environment. Overfishing and pollution of our oceans is most concerning to me short range. I'm not as in crises mode about GW as you are. Human nature being what it is the seas will have to rise to our knees before we are willing to wreck our economy (cheap energy).
As for people willing to work in coal mines I don't think there will be a shortage of those. I think a lot of them voted for President Trump.
I used the word allow. It is a verb. It shows action. Inanimate things cannot allow.
You need to learn the difference between can and will. Those are important words.
Check out the words proud little Burpel wants credit for defining, everybody - when he fails to define substantive words that he nevertheless uses, like "environment."
That's our Burpel. If you ever need to know the definition of three- and four- and five-letter words, Burpel's your man.
Hey, guys, just think of Ritmo as the Angriest Dog In the World.
"The dog who is so angry he cannot move. He cannot eat. He cannot sleep. He can just barely growl. Bound so tightly with tension and anger, he approaches the state of rigor mortis."
And he thinks about Science....
I know the intellectual environment of this Althouse post is polluted like crazy by a denture-wearing, wanna-be Garibaldi.
Human nature being what it is the seas will have to rise to our knees before we are willing to wreck our economy (cheap energy).
"Human nature" got tens of millions in world wars. "Human nature" went for tyranny when it wanted, or collectivism when democracy failed.
As for people willing to work in coal mines I don't think there will be a shortage of those. I think a lot of them voted for President Trump.
They will discover that he is a liar who cares about their CEOs' earnings statements and not whether good jobs become available to them - black lung from 12 hour days at 110 degrees underground or not.
It's simply crazy. Like telling the untouchable caste of India that plumbing or automated sanitation should stop developing because more good public toilet cleaners are needed.
60,000 jobs have been lost in the coal industry in the USA since 2011. 60,000! That is a hell of a lot of jobs. (Thanks, Progressives.)
They won't be refilled easily or soon, in significant because the companies that supplied those jobs have mostly been ruined.
Unless we start putting restrictions on wind and solar. For the birds, of course.
And he thinks about Science....
I know that what you claim as science is just a Vatican marketing ad.
60,000 jobs have been lost in the coal industry in the USA since 2011. 60,000! That is a hell of a lot of jobs. (Thanks, Progressives.)
Thank the FRACKERS, dummy.
You cons can't even get your constituencies' politics right.
Fracking is another right-wing industry, that killed off coal.
Do you people ever think before you talk? I guess that would be self-defeating for your tribe.
Will you be a dear and explain why hoping for murder is ok? We can study advanced topics like the planet dying (anthropomorphization warning) later.
I want to know how there will be no jobs because machines will mine coal AND black lung awaits those machines.
That sounds scary.
Will you be a dear and describe what redeeming qualities you have that a voter would miss?
I love how you've made me into some sort of Super Catholic just because I pointed out your ignorance, Ritmo. I wish I was rather than the rather slipslod mackeral snapper I am now. Hey, maybe if the Vatican finds out I'm correcting the errors of ignorant Know Nothing bigots on the Internet, they'll cut me some slack for all the times I've slept in on Sunday mornings. Hell, maybe Frankie will send me a token of appreciation - if they have any spare Giottos or daVinci drafts in some attic in the Vatican, well, that would sure look nice in the living room.
Laughing at you, Ritmo. You're such a silly boy.
No jobs will be gained because machines.
All those miners will get black lung.
Therefore, machine will get black lung.
QED. Carry on. Grab your wallets. Fracking causes earthquakes.
Human nature" got tens of millions in world wars. "Human nature" went for tyranny when it wanted, or collectivism when democracy failed.
Bad stuff for sure. So how you going to do away with human nature? I don't think that's possible.
Actually I think the coal miners are going to be happy to have their jobs back even given the conditions.
And I think you are projecting. It was under President Obama's watch that wage disparities increased while the working person's wages stagnated.
"I know the intellectual environment of this Althouse post is polluted like crazy by a denture-wearing, wanna-be Garibaldi."
Nah, he's just the Angriest Dog in the World. Furious with all who don't see the world his way. Everyone who doesn't think like him is a, let's see, a naval gazer, a corporate shill, a sociopath, autistic and just plain dumb,dumb, dumb, dumb, doo-doo heads! And he'll call you more names until you Think Correctly!
But we don't! Nobody listens to him!
"Bound so tightly with tension and anger, he approaches the state of rigor mortis."
@ pacwest
Benevolent dictator sounds good to Thomas Friedman. Second look at Tiananmen Square?
Or maybe just put 'the right people' in charge. Maybe put 'Top Men' on it, like NYT columnists.
Bad stuff for sure. So how you going to do away with human nature? I don't think that's possible.
It's possible to vote out bad people who are only there for indulging the worst human instincts.
Actually I think the coal miners are going to be happy to have their jobs back even given the conditions.
It's always nice to lie to people who need jobs by telling them that a dying industry is where their best growth potential is. Again, only a liar who needs to be voted out would do that.
And I think you are projecting. It was under President Obama's watch that wage disparities increased while the working person's wages stagnated.
What bullshit. That's been going on since Reagan and the corporatist state that he built. It's a Republican "baked in the cake" speciality by now. Not even the Democrats can get enough support to stop Bannon's corporate state - at the moment. But we'll see after 2 - 4 years of no results to show for all his symbolic demagoguing if that finally changes. Trump's swing voters never loved him as much as his sycophantic Republican trolls did. And they never will.
It looks like Bill Donohue's "League" has a new intern working for it!
@ exiledonmainstreet
Swing voters can be bullied into voting Democrat. Why aren't Democrats 50 points ahead? Maybe we can create a hash tag or call them racists given how well that works.
#GrabYourWallet #QED #CarryOn #FascistRacists #Troll #Papists
Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
It looks like Bill Donohue's "League" has a new intern working for it!
3/28/17, 10:48 PM
Hey! There's a swell idea! Since you're basically one step up from Jack Chick cartoons, they might not pay well at first, but you'd be like training wheels. You know, you gotta start out small. Eventually, maybe they'd give me someone to argue who actually knows about Catholicism. Now that would actually be interesting!
Hmmm . . . Jack Chick may not be too far off from the "real" R&B.
Can you draw, R&B? Do you think the Pope is a secret Jew who drinks the blood of infants to stay young?
I don't give a shit about Catholicism, or global pedophile rings for that matter. But hey! If that's how you have to get your science then more power to you!
Someone tell me what's to be gained by playing Follow-the-Celibate and making way for a mortal, global spokesperson on earth for Christ. I think Christianity does just fine without those things, but apparently a bitter old lady above there feels a need to disagree. You know. Because... science!
Don't ever stop, mainstreet. Someday you will be a fine Vatican spokesperson, role model and emissary. Someday.
Today doesn't seem to be that day, though. But keep getting all angry and proud about it, anyway.
Birkel said...
@ exiledonmainstreet
Swing voters can be bullied into voting Democrat. Why aren't Democrats 50 points ahead? Maybe we can create a hash tag or call them racists given how well that works.
#GrabYourWallet #QED #CarryOn #FascistRacists #Troll #Papists
Yeah, such a winning strategy! And you can see, when you read Ritmo's posts, just how happy and fulfilling and intellectually enriching The Leftist Life is. How kind and generous and tolerant it has made him! Really, who wouldn't want to be like that, snarling their way though life? Truly, he provides a role model for us all.
Agree that President Trump has taken the stance he will put up or shutup. I'm also willing to give him 2-4 years.
Sorry, I don't get your reference.
What makes anyone think I'm a fan of evangelicalism either? You know, the world is more complicated than these simple us vs. them duopolies some of y'all are attached to.
I'm not a big fan of fundies in general - whether they be dogmatic, faith-based, Islamic... what have you. I think they're all if not decrepit than certainly intellectually handicapped. And for the worst reason - pride.
Francis Bergoglio's not a bad guy. But I absolve myself of having to care a whit about his organization. I leave that to dogmatic pride-mongerers like "mainstreet."
". . . global pedophile rings for that matter"
I think that problem is mostly public school teachers in the US, R&B. It's not really global.
" Someday you will be a fine Vatican spokesperson, role model and emissary. Someday."
I hope so. Admittedly, I've started out small, with a not terribly impressive opponent. But you know, little steps..
Maryland is planning chicken shit power plants:
". . . global pedophile rings for that matter"
I think that problem is mostly public school teachers in the US, R&B. It's not really global.
Three thoughts:
1. Pedophilia's not a culturally specific problem
2. The US public school doesn't have a "ring" for its pedophiles
3. The spate of young 30-year old ladies who take a liking to their teen students may be wrong to some degree, but I see no reason to find it worse than or even as bad as the priest-on-kid epidemic that runs rampant through Celibacy Is Awesome Land.
Just give up the whole celibacy thing and that would be a good start for the priesthood. And then get rid of the reliance on hierarchy, and to some degree even dogma and all that shame-mongering. Then the show would be perfect.
But hey, there's a proud old lady somewhere who's attached to those things so there you have it.
I take it mainstreet was a nun in a former life.
Hell, maybe she wanted to be one in this one.
The idea of celibacy as a mark of spiritual purity is just fucking stupid. Perhaps for certain extended periods, as with fasting.
But everyone's got to eat eventually.
The idea that the people taking vows to bar themselves from the most intimate relationships - that these are the people best positioned to be leaders of people, their communities, and their spiritual needs, is just plain asinine.
Look, this whole Catholicism thing started when Ritmo said the Greeks and Romans contributed more to science than Christianity ever had. I responded by posting a very long list of Catholic scientists from the Middle Ages until the present. (Wasn't trying to slight the Protestants - I didn't want to take up too bandwidth.)
When presented with facts that disproved his case, Ritmo, as is his MO, made it personal and resorted to his usual caricatures. I am now Ms. Super Catholic, although in reality, I'm pretty far from being the most devout person I know, just as others here get "sociopath" or "corporate tool" or whatever label slapped on them.
If the Left ever opens up gulags here, as they would surely love to do, Ritmo will get his dream job of deciding what badges the various Enemies of the People will wear on their lapels. "Corporate pig" "Fascist polluter" "Fundie"
Oh, he'd be very good at it. He'd love his job.
"Look, this whole Catholicism"
Good God the epiphanies............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Please please continue, as somehow dastardly your view ain't relevant much less dominant.
Look, thius whole typing ting...
Look, this whoke Nazi thing...
Look, this whole math thing....
Look, this whole looking thing...
Look, this whole derp derp derp thing
"I take it mainstreet was a nun in a former life."
Catholics don't have former lives. You're confusing your religions again.
"Hell, maybe she wanted to be one in this one."
Briefly around the time I made Communion. Didn't do great with the celibacy thing, though. Those habits look pretty uncomfortable.
"The idea of celibacy as a mark of spiritual purity is just fucking stupid."
But if nobody is making you do it, why do you care about what anybody else does? I don't care if Jews keep kosher. I don't care that Mormons don't drink. It's not my friggin' business.
It's great to see you use old as an insult on the blog of a 60+ woman where many of the regulars are in the same age group. Rather juvenile and stupid of you, but that's what we've come to expect from the Angriest Dog in the World.
Greeks and Romans contributed more to science than Christianity ever had
"Christianity" is an institution. I didn't say that "Christians" didn't contribute.
There's a reason that the dark ages took place while the church was strongest.
I'm pretty far from being the most devout person
You don't have to be. You can be prideful instead.
"Corporate pig" "Fascist polluter" "Fundie"
Mammonite, industrial slob, and ignoramus, if you prefer. Feel free to pick whichever euphemisms you want in order to elevate your values of money-grubbing, corporatism, industrial-level sloppiness and despoliation, and faith-based stupidity. They are not virtues.
No one loves imagining themselves in gulags as much as you and your crowd do. But why should I get in the way of your fantasies?
There's nothing you love more than the fantasy of being tortured and persecuted. Pretty sick, but hey. Whatever floats your boat.
But if nobody is making you do it, why do you care about what anybody else does? I don't care if Jews keep kosher. I don't care that Mormons don't drink. It's not my friggin' business.
Mormons don't have the clout of a huge global institution to back them up when they complain that it is "oppressive" to them to let other people live their lives. And when Jews in New York create enclaves that intrude on others' rights to their own lives, there is pushback.
But Catholicism is more pernicious. Individual Catholics are fine. But the mindset created by a large global hierarchy of celibates that sees itself as the model spokesperson for Christianity is bound to cause bigger problems.
They can do what they want to do. But power always corrupts. The petty things I see priests get offended about when attempting to interact in the public sphere... if orthodox rabbis or Mormon leaders had that sort of clout, I'm sure they'd become just as obnoxious and entitled. Many already are. When they create an empire out of it (as televangelists do), that's when it becomes ripe for satire, etc.
I bet you're another one of those see-no-evil types who denies any connection between the obsession with celibacy and pedophilia. Any other group that endorsed celibacy to that degree, with that much reach, and with that far ranging a pedophile scandal - I think normal, decent, thinking people have a right to say that something's warped with the enterprise.
I'm just anti-pedophilia, anti-authority, anti-sexual ignorance. They bug me. Where do you think the Church stands on those things? If it didn't involve others' rights I wouldn't care. But pedophilia does. It's not a civic virtue to say, "Oh, that HUGE pedophilia-celibacy thing! It's just their problem! Great organization, otherwise!"
Get real.
"I'm just anti-pedophilia, anti-authority, anti-sexual ignorance. They bug me. Where do you think the Church stands on those things? If it didn't involve others' rights I wouldn't care. But pedophilia does. It's not a civic virtue to say, "Oh, that HUGE pedophilia-celibacy thing! It's just their problem! Great organization, otherwise!"
Uh, you're aware that public school teachers commit far more pedophile assaults than Catholic priests on a percentage basis, right? FAR more. I suspect that has never once affected your opinion of *that* "great organization" though.
Oh, and if you think the Church's real crime was shuffling priests around to other locations after they found out about the abuse - they once again never held a *candle* to how the teacher's unions and dept of ed have done the same for pedophile teachers. Not even close.
Qwinn wrote . . .
Uh, you're aware that public school teachers commit far more pedophile assaults than Catholic priests on a percentage basis, right? FAR more.
This is why it is hard to believe in "R&B -- science guy." He never has any interest in finding the truth. He's only interested in science that confirms what he already believes (see our dialog he other day about his odd, unscientific belief that hormones determine sexual orientation).
I always assumed that what Qwinn wrote was true, because the media never claimed that priests were more likely to molest kids than public schools teachers, or even members of the general population.
And look at the reporting on the pedophile priests -- done, for the most part, by people hostile to the Catholic Church, and whose own children attend private schools where the teachers do not have union protection.
Dear Ms. Althouse,
You have an infestation of noxious pests that are trying to hijack one of the few remaining islands of civility and sanity on these here intertubes. I know you can't reach out through the wires and strike them dead but maybe you could ban them? I'd appreciate it.
Your fan,
Roy, I couldn't have said it better.
A new form of pestifying:
[1] Chaff.
[2] Bloats a thread with lengthy gibberish.
[3] Distresses our scrolling muscles.
[4] Drive-bys will be appalled at "column-inches hogs".
Tsk, Tsk.
However, this is about as free a forum as you will find. Today.
You know the drill.
"Regulations are to keep people from dying and getting polluted." Make up your mind. First you said the jobs aren't coming back, then you said the regulations are there to stop people from taking those jobs. Only one of the two can be true.
"Mammonite, industrial slob, and ignoramus, if you prefer"
Annnnnd, Ritmo reinforces the point I was making - namely that he's very good at devising insulting labels for the Enemies of the State.
"No one loves imagining themselves in gulags as much as you and your crowd do. But why should I get in the way of your fantasies?"
Our "fantasies" are based on more facts than your AGW "science" is. Over 100 million facts. According to "The Black Book of Communism" that's how many people were murdered by leftist governments during the 20th century. Makes the Spanish Inquisitors look like pikers in comparison.
When narrow-minded and angry statists get into power they don't just type out insults on computer screens, they actively work to rid the world of Wrong Thinkers. We have very good reason to fear Leftists in power, with facts and history and hard evidence behind us. Your side is not much good at omelet making, but very good at breaking eggs.
@ exiledonmainstreet
Are you insulted by anything TTR writes? Genuinely? He is good at coming up with labels he intends to be insulting, but which could only affect the weakest of the weak-minded.
Also, he is an angry drunk.
"Are you insulted by anything TTR writes? Genuinely? He is good at coming up with labels he intends to be insulting, but which could only affect the weakest of the weak-minded."
No. Normally, I have a pretty thick skin when it comes to being insulted on the Internet by people I will never meet (thank God - I imagine he's quite unpleasant in person.) And Ritmo insults everyone who doesn't agree with him, so it's just predictable, juvenile abuse.
Lewis: What's it like working in a coal mine? Is it work you'd want to do?
Who'd want to be a janitor?
Who'd want to have to deal with septic tanks?
Who'd want to have dispose of animal bodies when they're dead?
Work isn't always fun. Work is sometimes quite unpleasant.
Birkel, he's of interest to me only in that he reinforces the revelation I had one day in the late '80's, listening to an angry radical harangue a crowd at the "Politics and Prose" bookstore in DC - that the Left is not about love but hate. They are not about building, they are about destruction. Now, that might not seem like a very profound revelation (all you have to do is read a non-leftist history of the 20th century to come to the same conclusion), but it was to me, then a liberal Dem in my 20's. I suddenly realized, "Hey, these aren't the good guys!"
Somebody needs a hug.
And probably a laxative.
That is an important revelation, exiledonmainstreet.
I recognized that fact during the Carter Administration. The Berlin Wall was built to keep people inside, I realized. The Iron Curtain existed because people would flee otherwise. The people who knew best told me what I needed to know.
I was a teenager.
TTR @ 9:48
Ever hear of open pit mining?
Coal. Try making steel without it.
They should cut back some of those regulations, but I doubt it's going to have much effect on coal mining jobs--we're losing most of them to automation and competition from cheaper fracking and oil production. The number of coal miners has been in decline for a while.
The coal industry may be in long decline but it is producing 33% of US energy now. Only a BigState bureaucrat would think it was smart to kill it off at once overlooking the installed power plants and factories which would all have to be replaced at once. The same with coal jobs - they may be declining but only a BigStater bureaucrat would think that meant they should all be abolished at once.
One reason why this happens is that they are leftys and have been trained not to think and not to argue.
The first thing that happens when you join the left is that you are taught to accept personal insults as final arguments. You are taught to accept being demeaned. Then as you rise you get the demean others, wannabe leftys. You then start to treat non-leftys as you have been treated - to demean, to scream insults. And so, no argument ever progresses once a lefty joins in because the essential argument becomes - here is the party line and you are [expletive, insult] if you don't accept it and you are less than [expletive, insult] if you aren't even in the party. THe Party is gone but the social system it taught the left is still spreading. And that is why despite their stated love for science and economics, left economies don't work. The time comes to analyze and solve a new problem and leftys in power have been taught to scream insults at those who would question. Those in power carry on like Ritmo, foaming out insults to those who dare, DARE ASK A QUESTION and the problem does not get solved.
Why Trump Won. All the unsolved problems and the lefty procedure of insulting in place of analyzing. See above. Read Darkness At Noon for extra credit.
You managed 51 of a now-159 comments while evidencing paranoia, harboring death wishes and calling names sporadically. You managed zero accomplishments as measured by anything but volume.
Check from Soros is in the mail.
Are the public schools positioning themselves as moral and spiritual authorities with hundreds of millions of adherents buying into their bullying bullshit claimed of rewards of promise or punishment in an eternal afterlife? Um, no - so there's the final word on that. And they are also not a state, unlike the Vatican, which IS A STATE. So our old dried cunt friend main street can chew on that old bone for a while. No Vatican defender has a shred of credibility calling others "statist." Not until pedophile country renounces it's own sovereignty.
And unless she became one of the corporations controlling and acting on behalf of the state, then she can stop claiming to feel insulted on their behalf. She's about as close to a CEO as Clousseau. A gold digger and a corporatist. Oh well, every company exec needs its concubines. But usually they're smart enough to realize they're being used and don't donate emotional investment to the toil. You can lead a whore to culture, but you can't make her think.
Brando's thin skin is so very touching. What a sensitive little snowflake he is. So beautiful, delicate, unique and vulnerable. But he's more than a little full of himself, in all his noxious delicacy. Because none of his corporatist lackeys here have shown a shred of daring, and none of them are getting shot down for asking questions. They're getting shot down for showing how stubbornly stupid they are in refusing to hear answers, or pretending their ears are too full of wax to understand them. Not everyone suffers fools as gladly as you guys do so stop taking it personally.
What I managed to do is to create a record so that when historians and scientists try to help future generations figure out why dupes like birkel were so destructive with their posterity, the answer will be clear: Because they were argumentative, navel gazing, insecure shills - who cared more about power and pride than about facts, preserving the planet or its posterity, or our patrimony. So they took comfort in being unpaid foot soldiers for powerful interests that never cared about them or the things their kids needed.
But birkels never had kids and it was only by accident that main street managed to have kids anyway. So it's not like they care about harms done to future generations. And both their record and mine will stand and will be clear to anyone wondering how anyone could hate themselves, their children and the beauty and bounty surrounding is to just throw it away for the sake of perpetuating a system whereby uncreative hacks were allowed to enrich themselves as much as the entrepreneurs who truly made a difference.
If you had the means to create a Final Solution for the Wreckers and Destroyers, I feel confident you would.
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