... there's one more chance to talk.
Another photo from Arches National Park. March 10th. There's no person in this photo, but I see a human image in it.
Also: please think of using The Althouse Amazon Portal if you have shopping to do.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
७४ टिप्पण्या:
I see The Great Mother Mary chin tucked into neck weeping for destiny's child, a skull hovering over her head and a raging phallus opposite her pinky toe with a falcon's broken beak ready to finish the circumcision.
I see a woman in black between the rocks with her arms thrown up and back like a dancer.
I see an angry dog on the left side of the photo smooshed up against the rock.
I see a butt-crack. Sorry. :-(
I see a sandstone rock that split into two or more rocks.
Butt Hole Pass
I see Captain Video trapped between two walls coming together to crush him as he thinks of ways to get out and save the beautiful ( even in black and white) maiden...as this episode of the serial ends until next Saturday's Matinee.
He was one smart dude...a lot like Meade.
Laslo? Where are you, Laslo?
Today's (yesterday's, in fact) unmentioned story:
Ford Motor Company announces major new $1.2 billion in new/upgraded factory and R&D facilities and 800+ jobs... in Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
A significant story in Detroit (directly across the river from Windsor) and in Canada. Coverage in the Detroit papers, in the usual industry publications, on the CBC, in the Windsor Star and the Toronto Globe & Mail... and just about nowhere else.
If it had been $1.2 billion in Cleveland, or Chicago the Trum- er, Fox News Channel would have been all over it, and there'd be three Trump Tweets about it.
But the fact is that Ford is making investments in Canada, and Mexico and, yes, Detroit based on value and the best interests of Ford. A billion dollar plant in Canada or a billion dollar plant in Mexico is partly made because they buy Fords in Canada and Mexico, and because Ford has reasons to site plants there.
The North American Free Trade Agreement is now a cornerstone in the business model of every car company on the continent.
The famous Exiting the Limo With No Panties rock formation
It looks a lot like every Georgia O'Keefe painting.
The North American Free Trade Agreement is now a cornerstone in the business model of every car company on the continent.
You like that 'giant sucking sound', don't you, Chuck?
and the UAW considers Canada part of the United States.
127 Hours-esque.
A witch in the upper right.
Etienne said...
Hey, here's some milions of years old fossils, let's sell them on eBay!
They'd get more money at "America's largest gem, mineral, and fossil show"
The gems and minerals are typically older than the fossils.
Cheap wages make a handy cornerstone.
"The famous Exiting the Limo With No Panties rock formation"
Leave Justin Trudeau's mother out of this!
Ann Althouse said...
I see a woman in black between the rocks with her arms thrown up and back like a dancer.
Funny, because the figure looks to me like a very thin man dressed in black with a fedora- type hat on. His arms are up, but he is not dancing. He is stuck and is thinking, "Damn, I thought I was skinny enough to fit through here. I'm in a hell of a fix."
mockturtle said...
The North American Free Trade Agreement is now a cornerstone in the business model of every car company on the continent.
You like that 'giant sucking sound', don't you, Chuck?
Oh baloney; they have been making Ford engines in Windsor since 1923. Ford sells about 300,000 vehicles a year in Canada, mostly light trucks. Whose engines (the larger V-8s) will be built in Windsor.
I just like comparing real facts to Trump bullshit.
I see the Dr. Who opening. The early 70s one.
KERNEN: And there wasn’t a great deal of coordination between people that were still in the State Department and the Clinton campaign, where there’s information sharing about what the intelligence community was finding out with the Clinton campaign, which – you would have been the conduit?
FARKAS: No. I can’t speak to what the Clinton campaign knew, and what the White House – my sense is that there was really a firewall between the administration and the Clinton campaign. And, in part, I think, meant that the Clinton campaign was really blindsided by the Russia threat.
You could answer the question and discuss your role though, Evelyn.
Rumor has it that Trump is contemplating resignation, because of impending Flynn testimony. It's just rumor but it's all over the Internet today. Probably just wishful thinking...
Don't go nuts, it's just a rumor.
Donald Trump will resign soon?
Donald Trump is going to “get himself out of office soon”, a leading Democratic senator has claimed.
Dianne Feinstein suggested the President would quit before he was potentially forced out of office after anti-Trump protesters in Los Angeles demanded to know why more wasn’t being done by Congress to remove him from office.
“We know he is breaking the law every day," a protester asked the 83-year-old political veteran. "He has obvious dealings with Russia. There’s so many things he’s doing that are unconstitutional. How are we going to get him out?”
Jay Leno to the left, A black coyote center of rock structure. And Penelope Cruz' husband, Javier Bardem, to the right.
Don't look now, but the Black Spy from MAD is sneaking up on you.
Donald Trump is going to “get himself out of office soon”, a leading Democratic senator has claimed.
That still won't make Hillary President. Nothing will.
Althouse was blocked at work today. Seriously.
Category: Adult and Pornography
Wonder what the robots saw in that image.
No one on the left cares that Hillary isn't President.
Chuck, I was going to say that you are monomaniacal on the subject of the Trump Presidency.
Then Inga came along.
You're still crazy, but you ain't a patch on Inga!
Inga said...
Rumor has it that Trump is contemplating resignation, because of impending Flynn testimony. It's just rumor but it's all over the Internet today. Probably just wishful thinking..."
Inga read it on the Internet so it must be true.
I experienced an organized effort of delegitimization by members of Congress and the White House, supported by their political allies in the media and in well-funded advocacy groups. These efforts were successful in that they resulted in me re-orienting my academic career away from climate-related research.
Scientific evidence in support of the conclusions I presented to this committee in 2013 is even stronger today. There is little scientific basis in support of claims that extreme weather events – specifically, hurricanes, floods, drought, tornadoes – and their economic damage have increased in recent decades due to the emission of greenhouse gases. In fact, since 2013 the world and the United States have had a remarkable stretch of good fortune with respect to extreme weather, as compared to the past.
More possible Trump corruption. Trump makes Clinton look like Pollyanna.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A group of leading Senate Democrats today called for a federal investigation into whether President Trump’s business dealings in Azerbaijan may have violated anti-corruption and sanctions laws, and may have served as a channel for money-laundering and other illicit activities tied to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).
Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) outlined their concerns in a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and FBI Director James Comey. Brown, Cardin, and Feinstein are the top Democrats on the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, the Foreign Relations Committee, and the Judiciary Committee, respectively.
The Senators’ concerns stem from a recent New Yorker investigative article – “Donald Trump’s Worst Deal” – that chronicles the Trump Organization’s relationship with Azerbaijan’s corrupt Mammadov family in their joint development of the Trump Tower in Baku. According to the article, the Mammadovs have ties to IRGC actors; the IRGC is an elite military force that wields significant economic and political power in Iran."
I just read this on the Internet. If it is true, Inga's wishes will be - once again- dashed.
"Reported in January, the FBI based its decision that it was the Russians that hacked into the DNC computers on a report commissioned by the DNC and generated by a company called CrowdStrike (the FBI was never allowed to examine the DNC server). The VOA recently caught CrowdStrike creating a bogus and unrelated hacking charge against Russia, and making up the facts to prove its veracity.
U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has revised and retracted statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year’s American presidential election campaign. The shift followed a VOA report that the company misrepresented data published by an influential British think tank.
The communications director for the House Natural Resources Committee explained how we seven academics were chosen to be investigated by Mr. Grijalva: “The way we chose the list of recipients [of Mr. Grijalva’s letter] is who has published widely, who has testified in Congress before, who seems to have the most impact on policy in the scientific community.”
The lack of evidence to support claims of increasing frequency or intensity of hurricanes, floods, drought or tornadoes on climate timescales is also supported by the most recent assessments of the IPCC and the broader peer reviewed literature on which the IPCC is based.
I see Paul Ryan trapped between his own monumental incompetence and rock hard skulls currently occupying the White House.
Members of Congress have great power to delegitimize inconvenient experts, even
derail their careers, and in the process, contribute to the pathological politicization
of science.
Hint: Trump will never quit when all his enemies are dead and Ivanka is ready to run.
I'm sure, of course that VOA must be spreading pro-Russia propaganda. After all, it was known for that during the Cold War.
I see someone in an airport full-body scanner (incomprehensibly made out of rock), forced to "assume the position".
Conceivably, I have spent a little too much time being enraged over the airport body scanners and associated pervy regulations.
It just keeps getting more interesting.
Trump tweeted Friday morning that “Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!”
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) told Fox News he disagrees with the president’s characterization of the Russia investigation, as well as the commander in chief’s decision to comment on it.
“No, I don’t think it’s a witch hunt,” Chaffetz said. “Look, it’s very mysterious to me, though, why all of a sudden Gen. Flynn is suddenly out there saying he wants immunity. I don’t think Congress should give him immunity. If there’s an open investigation by the FBI, that should not happen. I also don’t believe that, actually, that the president should be weighing in on this. They’re the ones that actually would prosecute something.”
And I don’t think Donald Trump should be weighing in on this at this point,” he said."
The one on the left is Trump and the one on the right is also Trump.
Climate science is a particularly politicized research area, meaning that careful attention should be paid to how assessments are organized and who leads and participates in them.
I give a VOA link, Inga dredges up shit from Politico.
Keep hope alive, Inga!
I see a vagina.
Inga reassured doubters election night that Hillary was going to pull it out, now it's "Hillary who?"
mockturtle said...
"I see a butt-crack."
Do you also see Chuck and Inga with their heads stuck up in it?
Inga said: No one on the left cares that Hillary isn't President.
You're probably right, but lots of gentry liberals who bought out the Democratic Party do.
I see a butterfly, and that makes me happy.
Krauthammer is right about single-payer. Once Republicans realize that a national sales tax is a tax on the poor, and Democrats realize it is a vast source of money, it will get done.
tcrosse said...
Inga said: No one on the left cares that Hillary isn't President.
Not at all. That's why she and ARM were so butthurt over the comments mocking boring Chelsea and fashion nightmare Hillary.
Because they don't care at all.
You're probably right, but lots of gentry liberals who bought out the Democratic Party do.
Don't forget all the foreign entities expecting ROI for their 'donations'.
The Left has thrown the longest hissy fit in US history since November, screaming like babies who have had their teddy bears and binkies taken away.
But no, they don't care about Hillary.
Not one little bit.
Althouse got blocked at my workplace today because it got tagged as adult/pornography. Luckily, I work in the unblocking department.
I bet the Freedom Caucus is just trembling in their boots.
"Donald Trump began Thursday morning as he often does, with a tweet. “The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire Republican agenda if they don’t get on the team, & fast,” he said, adding: “We must fight them, & Dems, in 2018
This came after another tweet, sent last weekend, where the president launched another attack on those same members, as well as the organizations that support them over their opposition to his health care bill. “Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club for Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare
ARM observes: I see Paul Ryan trapped between his own monumental incompetence and rock hard skulls currently occupying the White House.
Which is Scylla and which Charybdis?
James Lileks said: "Althouse was blocked at work today. Seriously. http://althouse.blogspot.com/ Category: Adult and Pornography Wonder what the robots saw in that image."
mock turtle said: "I see a butt-crack. Sorry. :-("
I'll bet it's an image-recognition algorithm. A photo that reads with too high a percentage of bare skin* can get tagged as a nude, and the site as porn.
*Or peachy-pink rocks that are a color that bare skin might be, apparently. Also, I think Althouse used the word "nude" in a comment the other day, talking about drawing live models. That might be why. in combination with the skin-colored** rocks.
**If you're assuming the photo-processing of the photos with the skin wasn't too exacting.
James Lileks said: "Althouse was blocked at work today. Seriously. http://althouse.blogspot.com/ Category: Adult and Pornography Wonder what the robots saw in that image."
It's the newly installed Laslo-detector.
I did a "search Google for image" and it came back with many more rock formations. Some of them are much more "pornographic".
Lena Dunham would understand.
mockturtle said...
Which is Scylla and which Charybdis?
Funny, I actually thought of making this reference but it seemed too much. And, one is a whirlpool not a rock.
mockturtle said...
Which is Scylla and which Charybdis?
Funny, I actually thought of making this reference but it seemed too much. And, one is a whirlpool not a rock.
At any rate, Ryan isn't worth a Homeric metaphor.
"Inga said...
More possible Trump corruption. Trump makes Clinton look like Pollyanna."
Sure. Why? Because.
And now for something completely different---
Why don't the Republicans just enforce the Senate's rules on debate (I believe it is Rule 19, the two-speech rule) to force any flibustering senators to actually, you know, keep talking on the Senate floor if they want to hold up Gorsuch's nomination?
You've been had.
"The con Donald Trump committed on his voters is slowly coming undone. He is not honest. He is not a brilliant deal maker. He is not even competent.
His entire life, Trump has sold shimmer and called it silver. It was and is all an illusion, a brand built on selling banality with braggadocio. He shaped vapors into dreams and delivered them to those hungry for a taste of the showy, hollow form of the high life he came to represent. He was successful at exploiting those with an ostentatious appetite for the air of success. Trump’s life story is a pyramid scheme of ambitions.
He took that history to a people struggling through a drought of opportunity and he exploited their weaknesses: a shrinking sense of economic security and growing nativist tendencies.
But Trump doesn’t speak so much from facts as from feelings. For him, the truth is malleable and a lie is valuable. He creates his own reality rather than living in the reality of others. Deception is just a tool; betrayal is just an inconvenience."
The latest attack by Trump against the Freedom Caucus has actually wretched criticism of our carnival boss by the biggest names in Talk Radio - Rush and Sean.
RUSH: "Trump has doubled down on his criticism of the Freedom Caucus. Now he’s calling them out by name: Mark Meadows and a couple others. This is not good, folks. Not good."
“Now, in my opinion, it’s not the Freedom Caucus that's responsible for the GOP failure in this case to repeal and replace ObamaCare,” Hannity, a vocal supporter of Trump, said on his prime-time program.
Well - there remains a trace of Conservatism inside these talkers who have spent all of their showtime since the election defending Trump as if they are afraid to lose ratings if they bad-mouth our New York Liberal. With Trump's sinking ratings, I suppose that they may be taking a page from Debra Harry: "The tide is high and I'm moving on . . ."
Whom do Limbaugh and Hannity put forth as a plausible alternative to Trump?
We know gadfly and Inga are salivating for a Clinton coup.
Put up or shut up.
Well if the New York Times tells me I have been had...
They still don't have the first clue why Hillary didn't win in a landslide.
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