... we are on the road again, leaving Zion National Park, where the rocks are too big to explain in a little photograph, which is what the water reflection is meant to express.
Please use this post to talk about anything you want. I'll be back later today. The plan has us arriving somewhere I drove through long ago when I was alone and the place was frightfully hot. For years, I've wanted to get back and get outside and really see this place.
१३० टिप्पण्या:
I was in Zion in 1960. I hope it hasn't changed.
Safe travels
Guessing she's headed for the Grand Canyon. Or Vegas.
Safe travels, Ann! Hope you loved Zion!
Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, member of the Oregon Hispanic Bar Association, let illegal DUI alien Diddier Pacheco Salazar out her private courtroom door so he could avoid ICE agents.
Oh! Are you going to visit the Golden Retrievers?
Bryce and Zion. Beautiful.
Its Spring Break month. Stay out of Lake Havasu.
The problem isn't McCain or his ass friend Graham, it is their stupid ^**%_^*+' voters.
Arizona ought be nuked as traitors, both the actual voters of Shitstain McCain and those too #%^**>~ to stop him like Nancy said should be done long ago.
South Carolina is a disgusting state with people all KYed up for what Mencken said you ^**+><<?€* Graham voters bloody earned for yourselves.
Being in Colorado I am worse than y'all with Bennet and ^**%*%€, Gardner too.
To be fair, I am likely name-changing to Guildofgumballs or maybe Guildofthegumballs, so I will create the peace through the chewing behavior. Someday.
Sean Gleeson said...
Oh! Are you going to visit the Golden Retrievers?
I think the one in the upper-right might be photoshopped.
"..."where the rocks are too big to explain in a little photograph."
I concur. I find Zion glorious and sublime.
Gorgeous representation of every color in the rainbow.
I've asked you several times to please count the Black and Brown faces you see at the national parks and forests in order to support or refute my thesis that they are patrimony of all Amerikans visited only by the privileged few Whites and thus should be sold off to the benefit of all of us.
We're riding along like kids in the rumble-seat. But before you tempt Death Valley and Area-51, we'd still like to know the location of the "Do-Nut" sign.
And maybe we're headed for the Mojave, often terribly hot, but also beautiful. Picked up a hitchhiker there once, a stunning Desert Flower...
What's the deal with business attire worn by Millennial men? Their suits are tight, their pants don't cover their socks, and they often match dark suits with light brownish-red shoes. It looks like they are still wearing a suit bought in their teens, which they match with any old pair of shoes they can find.
where the rocks are too big to explain in a little photograph
Try panorama mode. Or take a few overlapping images and we'll try to put them together.
I'm thinking a nice vacation with kids could look like this: Amarillo -- Albuquerque -- Grand Canyon -- Zion -- Hoover Dam/Las Vegas -- Death Valley -- Sequoia National Forest -- Yosemite
Maybe Lake Tahoe after that or straight home.
Should probably get a new car first. Or maybe take the old car, abandon it in California, and fly back. No one likes the driving back part of vacation.
Where is the outrage? Crickets.
"Vice President Mike Pence routinely used a private email account to conduct public business as governor of Indiana, at times discussing sensitive matters and homeland security issues.
Emails released to IndyStar in response to a public records request show Pence communicated via his personal AOL account with top advisers on topics ranging from security gates at the governor’s residence to the state’s response to terror attacks across the globe. In one email, Pence’s top state homeland security adviser relayed an update from the FBI regarding the arrests of several men on federal terror-related charges.
Cyber-security experts say the emails raise concerns about whether such sensitive information was adequately protected from hackers, given that personal accounts like Pence's are typically less secure than government email accounts. In fact, Pence's personal account was hacked last summer."
LOL! Rush Limbaugh blasts into the opening of his Friday show with the claim that the current attacks on the Trump Administration are all part of an attempted "peaceful coup." And a "silent coup." (What is a "silent" coup?)
Remember Bill Clinton? He had the same sort of paranoid delusions. I always hear this story in Clinton's own voice... "It's a god damned coup d'état..." I could not find the link for that quote, which was from an anomymous source back in the day. Breitbart has Maxine Waters saying it at the time:
Term of the day: "Coup d'état."
(Note: Not actually abandon it. I don't approve of littering. Abandon as in divest oneself of.)
Unknown: I sure hope that the Pence AOL emails are released through Wikileaks. I can't wait to find out what sort of national security concerns and top-secret information is being discussed in Indiana state government.
I can hardly think of anything more banal, and of less importance/interest, than Mike Pence's AOL email. What time is the barbecue? Will we be sitting in a box at the Colts game? Who else is playing in our foursome on Saturday? Who has Bob Knight's cell phone number?
Ya'll are flirting with The Romney Trail.
Add waterskiing in Lake Winnipesaukee and you've done it!
Apparently, and so I've heard, the reason Pence was using AOL was because his official account had been hacked already.
If AOL is more secure than the government provided email you have (and since his AOL account was hacked too, we all know it wasn't) then you have problems.
Btw, thanks for keeping up the blog while road-trippin'.
jimbino said...please count the Black and Brown faces
Are you hiding behind code words and weak prevarications? The "truth" is, that the count is not as malevolent as the counting.
The eleemosynary person, has their fellow man to cultivate and watch bloom.
Walt Whitman's "Crouch low thy neck to eleemosynary gifts" was the pitiful writings of a wealthy man who slept on a mattress stuffed with printed money.
Ha ha ha. The Grand Canyon is rated 4.7 on Google. "Meh, not quite a 5."
I saw where Rex Tillerson once had a White Russian. Outrage ensues.
Angel-Dyne properly thanks Althouse: Btw, thanks for keeping up the blog while road-trippin'.
Yes, Ann. It's really nice of you to feed our addiction while you are on vacation. We do appreciate it.
"Yes, Ann. It's really nice of you to feed our addiction while you are on vacation. We do appreciate it."
She has a record to maintain. Since she started she has never missed a day.
I'm guessing Althouse is headed through Nevada on US50. I enjoyed that trip vicariously when she drove it before, so some years afterward I drove a small part of it myself.
NPR has a story on Pence's emails.
They went out of their way, as did the Indy Star, to make something out of the story. That includes allusions to "Indiana Homeland Security," and the security gates at the governor's mansion.
They also had to account for the obvious; no homebrew server, nothing was scrubbed, Indiana allows use of private emails for state business if preserved (they were). Blah, blah, blah.
I give this story 4.9 fakes in the 5-fake scale.
"She has a record to maintain. Since she started she has never missed a day."
And I guess I can claim that since I started reading her blog nearly 13 years ago I have never missed a day either, no matter where in the world I was. I always check in here during the day, every day, to see what is going on. And I keep hoping the greatest blog commenter of all time, Sir Archy, will return. Alas, I don't think it is ever going to happen.
jimbino: I've asked you several times to please count the Black and Brown faces you see at the national parks and forests in order to support or refute my thesis...
Maybe she just doesn't take lazy, rent-seeking, faux-libertarian spouters of remedial-community-college-level Angry Studies drivel as seriously as they take themselves.
Jimbino is in a permanent anti-"Amerikan" snit because getting his entitled rent-seeking ass wiped and kissed by serf class "Blacks" and "Browns" still costs him more here than in Brazil. He's especially angry that white tax-paying Americans spend some of their money on public goods they enjoy, instead of funneling it into subsidies that would allow jimbino to have his ass wiped and kissed at Third-World rates whilst his fat, entitled ass is planted in a First World country.
Kanab to Lake Powell was a wonderful drive. If you feel adventurous, I also drove Kanab to Marble Canyon one year. Although US-89 to Flagstaff was boring, except we stopped at every Navajo trinket place on the side of the roads.
We stayed over night in Yuba City because we couldn't bear the highway in just one go. This was before we got a car with cruise control.
And a "silent coup." (What is a "silent" coup?)
One without guns, death, bloodshed.....duh.
I wish Ann and Mead would do a weekly or monthly political affairs news blog / show on Westeros and the 7 kingdoms. Giving her opinions on Cersi Lannister and others and [Ann's] take on the issue of the day. Especially in view of all the leftest agitation about and for a woman president.
Ann could discuss the leadership of Cersei, Daenerys, Caitlin and Sansa while doing vignettes on Arya, Melisandre (?) et al from the GoT series. Imagine Hilary and Senator Warren squaring off against Daenerys over the issues of the day.
A coup d'état usually involves the military. Ordinarily, I would assume the military to be on 'our' side but things have devolved to such a point that one can't be sure.
Chuck is right. Another nothingburger story.
And I keep saying, is this all they've got? Must be.
Sir Archy was indeed cool !!
Dust Bunny Queen said...
And a "silent coup." (What is a "silent" coup?)
One without guns, death, bloodshed.....duh.
There's a well-worn phrase for that; "peaceful coup."
But you know, I learn something new every day. And in fact, there is a book, called "Silent Coup." There is a Wikipedia page for that book (a long-winded theory that John Dean orchestrated the Watergate scandal to take down Nixon), and part of the Wikipedia page includes this (lol):
The Washington Post described Silent Coup as one of "the most boring conspiracy books ever written," filled with "wild charges and vilifications." The New York Times Book Review attacked Silent Coup's argument that Nixon was "an innocent victim" and said it showed "a stunning ignorance of how the Government under Mr. Nixon operated."
I still don't get what would be "silent" about any coup d'état. A Coup necessarily means either a "stroke of the state" (the literal French translation) or a forcible overthrow of a state government by extralegal means. Ordinarily it means a violent overthrow, but in rare cases -- "peaceful coups" -- they are not violent. "Silent" doesn't make sense in that context.
Walked up the river at Zion last year. Struggled against the stream for a mile or so. We thought it was quite an accomplishment until we saw the three year old splashing in the shallows. Still, Zion is one of the most beautiful places in the country. Must still be chilly this time of year.
Ha ha ha. The Grand Canyon is rated 4.7 on Google. "Meh, not quite a 5."
"It's deep, but it's no Marianas Trench. C'mon, now."
What is the fascination with Rush Limbaugh?
I heard him declare today that the "drive-by" media never covered the Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton tarmac meeting. He specifically mentioned the New York Times and the three broadcast networks. But they all covered it. They featured it, per a Google search, for three straight days, or more, on July 1,2 and 3 of 2016.
Oh, that bit with Rush was then followed by a commercial for Limbaugh-nation online products, with the announcer referring to Rush as "America's Truth Detector."
I gather that we are supposed to take Rush seriously, but not literally.
Tis a beautiful photo.
Chuck makes the mistake (and who is surprised?) that mentioning the story is the same as covering the story.
The NYT, etc all fully shilled for the idea that Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch were coincidentally at the same airport and had a grand tete-a-tete about grandkids and emails never, ever were mentioned.
It was coverage of the "Evil Republicans all the time, baselessly attacking poor innocent Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch, who are paragons of virtue and never would even dream of doing anything wrong" kind.
Kind of like Chuck's idea of covering Democrats, come to think of it.
I mean, under Chuck's standard, Tokyo Rose also covered WWII evenly and no one should have any problems with her.
"I was in Zion in 1960. I hope it hasn't changed."
Well, they moved some things around. "Was that there last time?"
Chuck: What is the fascination with Rush Limbaugh?
I dunno, you tell me, I don't listen to his program. You're the one who can't stop listening.
As is the usual, the Althouse commenters are so eager to catch me in an error, they stumble in their own postings.
Rush wasn't even making the point that the Times, et al, supplied favorable coverage to the Obama Administration. Rush was claiming that his audience could ask their liberal friends about the Lynch-Clinton tarmac meeting, AND THAT THEY WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT, BECAUSE THEIR MEDIA SOURCES NEVER MENTIONED IT.
In fact, it is a perfect example of what I was derisively referring to about taking Rush seriously but not literally. Literally, Rush was making no sense. Complete garbage. But if you wanted to interpret Rush as making a point about disparate media reporting on similar stories, disregarding all of the details he was reciting; well, then you got your money's worth.
Unknown said... [hush][hide comment]
I mean, under Chuck's standard, Tokyo Rose also covered WWII evenly and no one should have any problems with her.
Tokyo Rose was pardoned, and vindicated.Interesting story.
Angel-Dyne said...
Chuck: What is the fascination with Rush Limbaugh?
I dunno, you tell me, I don't listen to his program. You're the one who can't stop listening.
Little ol' me, and 22,650,000 of my closest personal dittoheads. The Number One radio audience in America. Sean Hannity is in third place with 12,500,000. In between the two Trumpists, at Number Two, is another show I listen to religiously, NPR's Morning Edition.
Chuck said...
As is the usual, the Althouse commenters are so eager to catch me in an error, they stumble in their own postings.
And you, ala Corey R. Lewandowski, graciously grab them by the elbow, helping to keep them upright, and are maliciously maligned.
Sometimes a guy just cannot catch a break.
Chuck said.....
Little ol' me, and 22,650,000 of my closest personal dittoheads. The Number One radio audience in America. Sean Hannity is in third place with 12,500,000. In between the two Trumpists, at Number Two, is another show I listen to religiously, NPR's Morning Edition.
Radio all day? You work for the government, Chuck?
Sean Gleason's 10:18 post reminded me of this.
A silent coup occurs when some person or group quietly moves to gather the power of the state into his/its hands either without the established powers noticing what is happening until too late, or, indeed, with their assent.
See Louis XIV, Frederik III of Denmark, etc.
Or Barack Obama, our 44th president with his executive orders in contravention of existing law whenever Congress failed to act according to his wishes, and again failed to act to quash those executive orders and assert its own authority.
See? No fuss, no muss. We just wake up one day and find that the government of the nation has been fundamentally transformed and we did not even notice.
FullMoon said...
Chuck said.....
Little ol' me, and 22,650,000 of my closest personal dittoheads. The Number One radio audience in America. Sean Hannity is in third place with 12,500,000. In between the two Trumpists, at Number Two, is another show I listen to religiously, NPR's Morning Edition.
Radio all day? You work for the government, Chuck?
If I was working for Trump, I'd be watching "Fox & Friends" instead of listening to the radio, right? btw; Morning Edition comes on at 5am. I listen to Rush sporadically, a couple of times a week or even a couple of times a month.
PETA proposes name change for iconic Aussie band. https://goo.gl/lkRJ7y
They'll be after Fox News next!
Or special powers is given to the executive branch to deal with some emergency, such as the Great Depression or a war, f. ex., and then it quietly forgets to give back all of those powers once the emergency is over.
This happened all over Europe after WWII. The people jubilated, "We are free! We are free again!" and did not notice they were not anything as free as they had been in 1939.
Well, its true to a degree.
The nature of this media process is emphasis. Yell about this, whisper that.
If the media outlets make it important it is important.
They never made much of it. It wasn't on the primetime news. It was not repeated ad nauseam through Facebook. It was not the weekly scandal on CNN. Mr. Zucker was not in constant touch with his men in Democrats press conferences to keep them asking the questions he wanted asked on this subject.
You can, if you are an old hand of a news junkie, get most of what may matter through scanning ALL the news, even the weird stuff out of Pakistan or the latest beheadings (rantburg.com, for instance, is pretty good for that). But for most people who aren't news junkies thats a few steps too far. Most know what certain people want them to know, or what they themselves want to know.
If you want to learn about left-wing media bias, never pay any attention to Rush Limbaugh.
Instead, click on the Media Research Center's website. They were on this from the beginning. They noted, first, that the CBS Evening News LED with the story within a day of it happening. And NBC and ABC ignored it on June 29 and 30. Finally, on July 1 and 2, everybody was running with the story. It was not ignored.
No doubt, Rush and Brent Bozell -- the most rabid and the most serious right-wing critics of the left-wing media, respectively -- don't like the way the networks cover most things. But that's always the case. Here, after being jumped by CBS, the other two networks caught up. They covered the story, albeit not the way Rush would have wanted.
So, again; I am right about this, and Rush was wrong today on his program. Literally false.
Chuck said...
never pay any attention to Rush Limbaugh.
I listen to him sometimes when I am in the car. Rush can be funny sometimes but his glory days are in the past. In my area his show is regularly preempted by pre-season baseball games. He is apparently not a high priority for the station.
I looked at the stories headlined by the news aggregator that appears when I open the browser on the office desktop. The spin was simply breathtaking.
First up was the Juan Thompson story. I actually read through that one. No mention of race, other than that he was trying to punish a white ex-girlfriend. No mention of his political leanings or those of his former employer. But! In spite of the facts on the ground, they repeated the calumny that many regarded the threats to Jewish groups as coming from Trump's having received the support of white supremacist groups.
Second was the Pence e-mail hacking where readers were invited to read the content of selected e-mails. Immediately thought of the Palin e-mail crowdsourcing and how if it's an R the emphasis is content, while if D the emphasis is source.
That story was followed by one headlined that "Pence insists" that his e-mail use was above board. Now it either is or it isn't, and as Chuck's 12:19 comment indicates, the use was above board. Nonetheless, the "Pence insists" headline sets the stage in a he said she said frame.
On the other hand, you can learn about the left-wing media by watching them.
I skim the Albuquerque Morning Democrat every morning before turning to the comics, and watch CBS News in the evening. It is appalling.
Unknown said...
Where is the outrage? Crickets.
Inga, feel free to be as OUTRAGED as you like by all these little media farts.
The leftists will all be on blood pressure meds soon.
Me? Just got checked yesterday. 120/80.
If AReasonableMan says so I guess it must be true. What a pompous statement. You are nobody to declare the condition of Limbaugh's radio show. What he has done on radio is unprecedented and will never be repeated. His audience is loyal and massive. You cannot even step into the arena with him, yet it is obvious you arrogantly hold yourself above him. It is the power of Limbaugh to knock down those of delusion and pretense with authenticity and a penetrating insight rooted in a devotion to fundamental principles. God bless Rush and may he roll on for another twenty plus years.
never pay any attention to Rush Limbaugh
FM reception for talk radio is nil. No reception in the truck or if you are lucky enough to catch a station it will poop out around the next bend in the road blocked by the mountains so there is no point in listening. PBS on FM is not available either.
Rush is on from 9am to 12noon on the one and only AM station available in our area. You can catch a Reno AM station if you get far enough over to the east and up into the high desert areas.
Following Rush is the a half hour news station telling us the time and places for cattle auctions, the going cattle prices, crop prices, hay, alfalfa. Occasionally information about sheep or poultry raising and where to buy chicks. Plus extremely interesting (/sarcasm) information about crop nutrients, fertilizers, sprays, weed control, pesticides. Then the free advertising for volunteer firemen carnivals, 4h events and other important local news.
Following that we have a 1/2 hour to one hour, Tea Party sponsored talk radio hour which also prominently features the latest updates on the State of Jefferson movement. Things like where the next rallies are, who to approach in the government, how to get those petitions filed etc.
Unless you have satellite radio in your car or house or listen online through the internet, we don't get radio. Period.
Life long Republican Chuck, hands on hips, "so there!" Chuckles.
Oh...I forgot. There is also the lost and found animal segments on the AM station. Where they advertise the lost and found dogs, cats, horses, goats etc. Plus a segment for animals for adoption.
In the morning and after all the vital news, we do have some pretty nice oldies music. From Benny Goodman to some of the classic 1970's. I got to hear Trailers for Sale or Rent the other day when I went to the store. I haven't heard THAT since I was a kid. That was a kick ;-)
The moral of these stories is that people need to understand that YOUR life experience is not necessarily other people's. Your frame of reference means nothing outside of your own head.
#11, #51 and #55
are now being piped out of #98's account.
Spew away, Ingamar.
Chuck: Little ol' me, and 22,650,000 of my closest personal dittoheads. The Number One radio audience in America. Sean Hannity is in third place with 12,500,000. In between the two Trumpists, at Number Two, is another show I listen to religiously, NPR's Morning Edition.
Typically for you, you don't answer the question, but go on about something else. In fact, on and on and on and on about Rush Limbaugh, whom you brought up and nobody else was talking about. On and on and on and on about how you're right about...something, because you just showed that Rush Rush Rush Rush Rush is biased.
Gee Chuck, thanks for the heads up. Who knew that Rush Limbaugh's radio show had a partisan bias?
Rush, whom, btw, you only listen to a couple of times of week, or maybe a couple of times a month, but can't stop talking about and referencing, even when nobody else is. Then, for the cherry on top of your crazy, you proceed to advise buwaya (buwaya!) that he shouldn't be relying on Rush Limbaugh to learn about media bias. Ffs, man, what is wrong with you?
Also btw, Chuck, tell us exactly how you know that all those millions of "fascinated" dittoheads are in, fact, fascinated (unlike, you), and, unlike you, never check out any other sources of information?
How do you know this? Why, you know this, because some people (who may or may not even be Rush listeners themselves, as far as you know) have come to different conclusions than you about the nature of media bias! Nobody with access to the same sources of information could possibly come to a different conclusion than Chuck! Chuck wins again!
Arizona ought be nuked as traitors, both the actual voters of Shitstain McCain and those too #%^**>~ to stop him like Nancy said should be done long ago.
Now, just a minuet ! I just got here !
I've had a second home in Tucson for 10 years and made lots of golf weekends here for another 15. My youngest graduated from U of A, which tried to feed her all sorts of lefty propaganda. Fortunately, I would help her with her studies and told her which items in her study guides were lies.
McCain is an asshole, kind of like a commenter whose name begins with chuc, and I can't explain his persistence. The woman doc who ran against him was a weak type like the Sharon Angle who ran against Reid a few years ago.
I keep hoping he will retire (with or without benefit of clergy) and Martha McSally will be appointed. Jeff Flake is another GOPe type so there is no help there.
If you nuke Arizona, just try to keep it north near Phoenix but not on a day when I'm working there. A warning would be nice.
Michael said. Wait just a minuet.
You mean like THIS minuet?
Actually, I prefer Vivaldi
See.....it isn't ALL cattle futures and stray dogs up here :-)
Aaaaand the guy phoning in bomb threats to Jewish community centers turns out to be a Black anti-Trump communist. Imagine my great surprise.
Arthur James said...
You are nobody.
Before the glory of God we are all equal.
But some are guiltier than others.
According to the story, some of you are more equal.
ARM to Arthur James:
"You are nobody."
Before the glory of God we are all equal.
Not quite. "...ye are of more value than many sparrows. Except for ARM, whom God valueth at half a sparrow."
I'm pretty sure it says that somewhere in Matthew.
Corrupt, fascistic, racist, Leftist legs good, Trump legs b-a-a-a-a-d.
Michael K: If you nuke Arizona, just try to keep it north near Phoenix but not on a day when I'm working there. A warning would be nice.
We should probably set up a program for providing help to righteous refugees from states that need nukin'.
Need extreme vetting for the Californian claimants, though.
Angel-Dyne said...
Not quite. "...ye are of more value than many sparrows. Except for ARM, whom God valueth at half a sparrow."
I'm pretty sure it says that somewhere in Matthew.
The quote is correct but the source is wrong. It comes from the Apocrypha, the Epistle of April. I always felt this was a little unfair.
I didn't complain about Rush being "biased." Of course he's biased. It is his job to be biased. He is so good at being biased, he is paid millions to syndicate that bias.
No; my point was that Rush was wrong. On a flat assertion of fact. Not one of his many opinions.
Rush is bothering me more these days, because he has deliberately taken the emphasis away from "Advanced Conservative Studies," to apologias for Trump.
Chuck: I didn't complain about Rush being "biased."
I didn't say anything about you complaining about Rush being biased.
No; my point was that Rush was wrong. On a flat assertion of fact. Not one of his many opinions.
Yeah, we know. Nobody was talking about Rush but you, and Rush wasn't germane to anything that anybody was talking about.
But feel free to keep nattering away to yourself in the corner about Rush Limbaugh and your endless triumphs in non-existent arguments, crazy man.
Two men, one from Ontario and one from Quebec, were in a cave when they came across a magic lamp.
While they were fighting over whom the lamp belonged to, a genie popped out.
The genie said, “I shall grant each of you one wish and only one, so make it good.”
The Quebecois spoke first, “I want you to build a one hundred-foot high wall around the border of Quebec. This will ensure that the English culture does not corrode our superior heritage.”
The genie nodded, “done,” he then turned to the Ontarian. “And your wish?”
“Fill it with water.”
Blogger Dust Bunny Queen said...
Michael said. Wait just a minuet.
It's not nice to make fun of old people, especially if they got up at 5 to drive to Phoenix.
Need extreme vetting for the Californian claimants, though.
I'm not surprised. I am reregistering my car to get the Cali plates off it as soon as possible. Those plate are cop magnets. They don't like us anymore than you do. All I can do is keep a copy of my voter registration. Also I am going to get a "Veteran" license plate. That might help.
ARM: The quote is correct but the source is wrong. It comes from the Apocrypha, the Epistle of April. I always felt this was a little unfair.
I bow to your superior bible literacy. As is typical of Catholics, my bible knowledge is sketchier than it ought to be.
Is that the same genie that popped out of the bottle the lifeguard picked up at the beach?
Maybe not as that genie was a beautiful female genie. She thanked the lifeguard and asked if there was anything he wanted.
He replied, "I'd like a little head."
A few minutes latter two girls were lying on their blanket and one said to the other, "Did you see that lifeguard walk by?"
The other said, "Do you mean that strange looking one with the little tiny head ?"
Oh we are going genie jokes?
A man walks into a bar with a backpack. He unzips the pack and takes out a mini piano. He then takes out a 10 inch man. The man begins to play the piano beautifully.
The bartender walks up the the man and says "Gee, where did you get the little man?" the guy hands him a magic lamp and says "rub it and make a wish".
The bartender rubs it and says "I wish I had a Million Bucks!" POOF a million Ducks come marching into the bar. The bartender looks at the man and says "I think you lamp is broken" the man in return says
"Yah. Do you really think I asked for a 10 inch Pianist?"
I am reregistering my car to get the Cali plates off it as soon as possible.
A hot rod buddy had a Model-A Ford Truck at his girl friends place in San Pedro. He's originally from Oklahoma. He tried for years to register it, but they kept giving him the runaround.
Basically he would have to register it as a new car since it had a modern engine, and that meant he needed all the new car devices, and pass the smog rules.
Finally, his girl friend retired, sold everything, and they moved to the hills north of Austin, Texas. (they basically built a mansion on just 10% of what they sold their house for).
He went to the Texas DMV, asked to register his old car, and the old lady looked at the form, Bzzt, he walked out in less than five minutes.
OK, now, as long as we're doing jokes, we've got to give a nod to Norm MacDonald.
Also I am going to get a "Veteran" license plate. That might help.
I bought a Chevy Spark (not electric) stripped, no options. I'm as invisible as Grandpa and Mule Skinner was in Little Big Man...
They probably feel sorry for me. "Poor bastard, he can't even afford nothing but a Korean Go-Kart..."
"He went to the Texas DMV, asked to register his old car, "
I was bragging about the Arizona DMV but my wife had all sorts of hassles. I think some Cali refugees are working there,.
Regarding your complaint that I brought up Rush Limbaugh all on my own, a lovely and talented blog proprietress said, "Please use this post to talk about anything you want."
Genie jokes, huh? Well, since St. Patrick's Day is coming up:
An Irishman finds a lamp on the beach and rubs it and out comes a genie, who says he will grant the Irishman 3 wishes. The Irishman says, "Ah, well, me throat's a bit dry. I'd like a nice big pint glass of Guinness."
A pint glass of Guinness magically appears in the Irishman's hand and he downs the glass of stout. After he has drunk the last drop, the glass refills with Guinness.
"Why, I just drank it all and yet the glass is full," he exclaims.
"It's a magical glass," says the genie. "No matter how many times you empty it, it will always fill back up again."
The delighted Irishman drinks again, the glass fills and he downs a third pint. He starts to walk away.
"Hey, hold on," says the genie. "You still have 2 more wishes coming."
The Irishman points at the pint glass. "I'll have two more glasses just like this one!"
Can we talk about how big an asshole Chuck is?
This is for Chuck.
Darrell said...
Can we talk about how big an asshole Chuck is?
Why? Chuck defends a philosophy that dominated US conservative thought for decades but is now in scattered retreat. Chuck defends his philosophy in winter as he did in spring. It is quite admirable in a way. And yes he may go overboard at times, but who doesn't.
Irish Joke:
An Irishman walks out of a bar....
This is an old story but now that it affects so many whites it has some new urgency.
Chuck: Regarding your complaint that I brought up Rush Limbaugh all on my own, a lovely and talented blog proprietress said, "Please use this post to talk about anything you want."
I made no complaint about your merely bringing up and talking about Rush Limbaugh.
Chuck responds yet again with an evasion and celebrates his triumph with yet another victory cry over the prostrate form of his slain opponent.
Good for you, Ann! happy trails.
I seem to be harvesting a new awarenes of Mind In my Body – in my hands, in my movements, in my skin, in the choir of my gagillion cells, in my standing and sitting -- and I will report: there is something intrinsic, involuntary that happens out in the Real world, where you are – oh Zion! Oh – your whole body gets it there: a stillness in pure Joy; a knowing something most high in all things, some timeless eternal flow.
Your body will know it before anyone else, and effortlessly make you still and focused and more real.
Innate. Indigenous. Intrinsic. Holy. We are in this wondrous moment. Each of us at the center of the whole wide world. Halleluyah and
Dog's comment on cold and snow outside today.
I'll be back later today. The plan has us arriving somewhere I drove through long ago when I was alone and the place was frightfully hot. For years, I've wanted to get back and get outside and really see this place.
Four and a half hour drive to Death Valley? How can you not go? Did you see the "sailing stones"? Did you visit Scotty's castle?
Dog? Desert?.... A dog who blogs. about the desert.
This is an old story but now that it affects so many whites it has some new urgency.
Yes, white men and jobs are a story that does not much interest the left.
It's like women and feminist mathematics.
Pick out the items in that article that are NOT part of the Sokol Hoax article.
Except the left is VERY interested in that story.
AReasonableMan said...
This is for Chuck.
Thanks, for that link. (The link is to today's David Brooks column in the New York Times.) I don't have much feeling for Brooks; I can't think of anything he's written that offended me, but that's because he's just not on my regular reading list. As was the case today, and I missed it.
But Brooks mentioned this particular column this afternoon on his weekly NPR/ATC appearance opposite EJ Dionne. I forgot about it, until you linked it.
Part of my negativity toward David Brooks is not he fault at all. I have long been miffed that NPR faced of Brooks and Dionne as if it were a balanced right/left debate. And it never is. EJ Dionne is a hard-left partisan ideologue. David Brooks is a soft moderate with a smattering of conservative notions, and almost no Republican loyalty.
It is particularly unfair to President Trump in the current era, since both guys loathed and disrespected Trump through the entire campaign. I did too, of course. But during a presidency, it might be nice for the nation's public radio network to at least balance one commentator who hates the Chief Executive with someone who at least respects him. A supporter would be even better.
About the Brooks column of today; I read it. I suppose that Brooks is right, and that there was only a little of substance for Republicans to cheer, based on ideology and hard policy decisions. But cheer they did. I just don't grade presidential congressional addresses on the reactions of congressmen.
"And I guess I can claim that since I started reading her blog nearly 13 years ago I have never missed a day either, no matter where in the world I was. I always check in here during the day, every day, to see what is going on. And I keep hoping the greatest blog commenter of all time, Sir Archy, will return. Alas, I don't think it is ever going to happen."
Thanks for reading.
As for who's the greatest commenter in the history of the blog, that's got to be Meade.
After Meade, there's some competition. Sir Archy was fun, but you know he flounced off. Flouncing gets a few points off in my book. He did a character, and these days, we have Laslo doing many characters. But I understand the feeling of hoping an old favorite commenter would come back. I keep hoping to see Bissage again.
Michael K, thank you for the link on feminist mathematics. A new understanding has opened to me.
The teaching of science and mathematics must be purged of its authoritarian and elitist characteristics, and the content of these subjects enriched by incorporating the insights of the feminist, queer, multiculturalist and ecological critiques.
I am looking forward to these new insights. I am sure that before too much longer these insights will bring us flying cars and free, non-polluting energy. I am certain of this because I got a letter from Hershey Foods yesterday letting me know that, thanks to insights from these four arenas of modern thought, Reeses Peanut Butter Cups will never be extinct. Even better, they will be almost free next month. Chocolate has its limits.
ARM is right about Chuck. I, for one, am happy to see that Republican Party gone. I used to buy into the free trade shit, foreign policy based on Battle Hymn of the Republic, the whole nine yards, but I reject it now. Trump has been the leader on this, but I had been feeling that way for some time.
I don't blame Chuck for being a little butt hurt.
I think arguing with R&B changed my thinking more than anything.
Three Irish lads leave their favorite pub and wander into the town graveyard. One trips over a headstone. In the moonlight he makes out the name and call out to his friends.
" Fellows, this is Hugh O'Connor. He was 92 when he passed."
They start searching. The second stops and says, " Why, that's nothin. Here's Sean Collins. He was 96. "
The third bumps into something. He peers up at the markings, barely able to read them in the pale light. Then he exclaims, " This fellow was 147! "
His companions are speechless for a moment. Finally one says, " Who was that? "
" Miles. From Dublin."
free will: the power of acting without the constraint of necessity, habit, or fate.
The left is so concerned about the country that Obama set up a wiretap on Trump's headquarters before the election.
June 2016: FISA request. The Obama administration files a request with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to monitor communications involving Donald Trump and several advisers. The request, uncharacteristically, is denied.
October 2016: FISA request. The Obama administration submits a new, narrow request to the FISA court, now focused on a computer server in Trump Tower suspected of links to Russian banks. No evidence is found — but the wiretaps continue, ostensibly for national security reasons, Andrew McCarthy at National Review later notes. The Obama administration is now monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using the high-tech surveillance powers of the federal intelligence services.
This is an attempted coup d'etat.
The head of NSA told Trump about it after the election and Obama fired him.
Remember the story of that server? They said that communications were going out to Alpha Bank in Russia from Trump Towers during the day in the US, and responses were coming back during business hours in Russia? The Intercept has a very good investigation into it, where they even got a capture of one of the "messages." Turns out it was email marketing for Trump luxury properties going out on US time, and the recipients were clicking on them during their business hours.
If there is one thing I know better than any newspaper writer it's network surveillance, and the Alpha Bank story as presented by the media, except the Intercept, which got it exactly right, was utter bullshit.
If the Democrats want an "Independent Counsel" if would love to see Andy McCarthy take it on.
The media are full tilt liars. Lies on behalf of THEIR party, the party the media elites donate to.
Michael K until you can show how this tap was used for other purposes ( changing the election) that listening in to determine if Russian contacts were going on it does not count as a coup d'etat but perhaps the dirty politics of the campaign . But as things progress and Trumps' tax forms are dragged out and more information on Manafort's efforts to send gold to Russia from Ukraine etc perhaps we will see why the CIA was so concerned.
Using the NSA and IRS to solidify power for the Democrats, not a worry! Speculation about Trump's taxes, that is substance!
Why did the Russians give tens of millions to Hillary's political slush fund? Nobody cares!
Hillary killed Keystone, which the Russians desperately wanted dead, BTW. Russia is a petro-state. Why they would want a drill baby drill president of the US is for you nut cases to explain.
It's like a wife who was running a prostitution business on the side accusing the husband of an affair on the flimsiest evidence. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
"This business will get out of control! It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it!"
Excellent points, Tim in Vermont.
Chuck said...
Part of my negativity toward David Brooks is not he fault at all. I have long been miffed that NPR faced of Brooks and Dionne as if it were a balanced right/left debate.
I also find this pairing unbalanced but largely because Dionne is such a partisan tool, which makes him an ineffective advocate. Brooks at least thinks around some sides of an issue making him a more effective advocate for his side.
It is true that they both hated Trump, but it would have been a bit rough to sack Brooks on this basis given he stayed more or less true to the GOP establishment that he was originally hired to represent. I would have fired Dionne and found someone on the left sympathetic to Bernie/Trump economic nationalism.
Wait a second -- those are characters Laslo is doing?
Ad servers are doing that thing where they serve up ads for things just bought. "We noticed you liked this purse enough to buy it? Would you like to buy it again?" "You have these shoes, yes? How about a second pair of them?" "You placed an order from this store five minutes ago. Want to place another order now?"
This is, however, an improvement over the week of all Louboutins all the time that resulted from a single search to see how much they cost out of curiosity with no intention of buying them.
Computers are stupid.
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