"I was suffering from depression at the time," Bass told Judge Elizabeth Pollard Hines. "I made a superficial scratch on my face. It was visible and I was embarrassed about what I'd done. So I made up a story and told a friend that a stranger had done it while I was walking. I was encouraged to report it to the police. I made the mistake of doing that."
At the time, Bass claimed her attack was part of the surge in hate crimes following the election of Donald Trump a week earlier. She told police she was targeted for wearing a solidarity pin connected to Great Britain's "Brexit" vote.
८ मार्च, २०१७
"Ann Arbor woman pleads guilty to making up hate crime."
"Halley Bass admitted in court that she fabricated a story about a strange man scratching her face in downtown Ann Arbor on Nov. 15."
५७ टिप्पण्या:
Former women's basketball player did the nearly the same thing in Lincoln.
Other than that this actually went to court, what else is new.
You know, in a way the worst thing about this stuff is that it throws a monkey wrench into actually tracking real crime. I mean, the definitional games alone make any statistics on "hate crime" suspect much less the actual hoaxes.
"Bass eventually confessed that she had cut her own face after getting out of her Woman's Literature class.
"I had been in a discussion in my women's lit weirdly and there were a few people in my class that sort of said some things that scared me," she said. "...It was more like I wanted a concrete reason to be scared then to just talk, I guess."
Maybe we can try "A Day Without Women's Lit".
I am Laslo.
It was visible and I was embarrassed about what I'd done. So I made up a story and told a friend that a stranger had done it while I was walking. I was encouraged to report it to the police. I made the mistake of doing that.
That is what the lawyer told her to say.
"Depressed and embarrassed" supposed to make her sympathetic.
It's not a fake hate crime. It's a real hate crime, against white males.
I actually had to read carefully to know it was a hoax by a leftist to make conservatives look bad. The description of the pin was kinda ambiguous.
Why go to trouble of thinking up such a strange "fake hate crime" when there are the old stand-by's available?
You can never go wrong with a swastika, especially if its done in poop. Also, the KKK and nooses are always popular with the police and MSM.
Stop winging it guys. Follow the path that others have blazed!
She's still staking out a her turf as a victim in this.
They need to start jailing these people.
There needs to be serious downside risk for these hoax "hate crimes." A year in jail at least. Right now there's a little embarrassment, then a shoulder shrug and folks like this sorry excuse for an educated woman get on with their lives.
Jane Holly, Hate Crime Super Victim....
Oh God, it was awful. I didn't want to tell anyone of the experience, so I only posted it on Facebook. Then the Police got involved...
I, Jane Holly, was a victim of Hate Bukkake.
I was leaving a lesbian bar that evening when I was suddenly surrounded by a group of clean-cut white men in suits with red ties.
"WE saw you leaving from that lesbian bar," one of them said threateningly.
"Are MEN not good enough for you?" said another.
I tried to pass by but they blocked my way, then cornered me in the alley by a dumpster.
"WE know what to do about YOUR kind," one of them said, then pushed me to my knees. Then they all pulled down their zippers and proceeded to furiously stroke their cocks while chanting "TRUMP! TRUMP! TRUMP!..."
Terror ran through my soul. I do everything possible to avoid having to deal with men's cocks, and here I was, encircled by them: angry turgid penises, the Patriarchy in its most Primal Form...
Soon their rhythm grew more intense, and then -- one after another -- they ejaculated on my face and hair...
"Take THAT, Lesbian!"
"I'm doing this for AMERICA, bitch!"
"Fuck you, fuck Hillary AND fuck Ruth Bader Ginsberg!"
It felt like it never would end. Finally, the last one shot his load in my eyes and they left, laughing and fist-bumping...
After I got home I took a long shower, then told of my experience on the internet. A long story short: the Police said the stains on my clothing were Ranch Dressing, not semen. OF COURSE the Police would say that: they are Part of the Patriarchy. It was like I was Bukkake'd all over again...
Thankfully, my Women's Literature Instructor understood, and I am now writing an essay on my experience, to help other women who are not believed. In the essay I'm also going to write about the guy who got me drunk at a party, raped me, and drew a swastika on my passed-out body: I'm not even Jewish...!
I am Laslo.
Bass admitted to scratching her own face with the pin after becoming upset during a Woman's Literature class at the University of Michigan,
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, I poke myself with a pin.
I see young women all the time who do self mutilation and are applying to get in the military.
Most do it as teenagers and there are boys who do it too.
The interesting phenomenon is the massive increase in psychologically crippled people in their 20s.
I wonder wyy this is occurring ?
A 2016 UK survey found that, since 1990, rates of depression and anxiety among the young have increased by 70%, while the American Counseling Association has reported a “rising tide of personality disorders among millennials.”
That such disorders appear to be an acute problem with this generation may be an unintended outcome of the unprecedented experiment conducted in the 1990s and 2000s by progressive parents.
Persecution Complex and the "Safe Space"
In 2014, a survey of 100,000 college students at 53 U.S. campuses by the American College Health Association found that 84% of U.S. students feel unable to cope, while more than half experience overwhelming anxiety.
Gosh, what were the odds that it was a women's literature class she was leaving and not tensor calculus?
"The significance of the [Brexit] safety pins is that ... to sort of like to show a solidarity with immigrants who feel threatened by Brexit. Um ... but now it's ... for people who feel threatened by president elect, Trump's his name ... Um so it was, it was to show, yeah, solidarity with the people like we show your fear and we want to help you get through it,"
Show solidarity by displaying the symbol of something she thinks people fear. Maybe the imaginary guy was an immigrant.
Quick, someone call the Southern Poverty Law Center for a retraction.
Another fake hate crime? You can't imagine just how surprised I am.
Michael K said...
A 2016 UK survey found that, since 1990, rates of depression and anxiety among the young have increased by 70%, while the American Counseling Association has reported a “rising tide of personality disorders among millennials.”
Probably has more to do with availability of internet.
Are hysterical women prone to depression, or are depressed women prone to hysterics? Either way, I'm enjoying the Left's commitment to self-clowning. Their fascist ideology truly is dying.
The count at fakehatecrimes.org is at #294.
This is at least two women from U. of M. who have been caught in hoaxes to try to smear Trump supporters, the other being a Muslim woman who claimed that a couple of Trump guys threatened her unless she took off her hijab.
I feel sorry for the young woman but angry as well.
The allure of victimhood mystifies me. The excuse-making afterward is avoidance of the worst fact of the matter: that she was willing to make up a story about a bad man who doesn't even exist, just for her own comfort. It's a cheat, and it's become common now. People need to share their anger with her and with others who pull this crap.
Also, Laslo is in particularly good form today.
"Bass also heard of other incidents on campus, including the incident of a woman wearing a hijab who said a man threatened to light her on fire if she didn't take it off. Ann Arbor police later determined that incident was a hoax too, though. The woman who falsely reported the crime is not being prosecuted in that case, however."
So, it would appear that Bass is being prosecuted because she is not a Muslim.
Prosecute her to the fullest extent. She wasted everyone's time, probably got an actual trump supporter beat up somewhere. No excuse.
It used to be that people wanted their 15 minutes of fame, and now it's become their 15 minutes of shame.
@Dr K - my thoughts are that maybe the self-mutilations are indications about the meaning of life. Or, rather, not seeing such in their lives. On the one hand, life is too easy. They aren't going to starve, and for the most part, there isn't a lot of pressure to settle down and have a family. On the flip side, their generation is unlikely to do as well as previous generations. We find a lot of them living in their parents' basements with crushing student debt, and little expectation of getting beyond that. The millenuals seem to have some malaise that the previous generations didn't. And, yes, it seems to be worse in Europe, that is having a hard time finding the will to overcome the Muslim invasion they are facing (again, I am very thankful that our biggest demographic challenge are Hispanic immigrants - yesterday I met my next door neighbor and her brother, maybe second generation, and very delightful).
"I didn't want to tell anyone of the experience, so I only posted it on Facebook."
Made my day.
every Time there is a reported hate crime my first thought is that it's a fraud. This only confirms my suspicion. It's only gotten worse since trump took office, but it was occurring even before then. Those pushing this just have to prove that the country is this cesspit of racism and misogyny by any means necessary. And it often blows up in their face.
I have written a series of four articles about a (in my opinion) hoax that involved Nikita Whitlock, a professional football player, and that took place in Moonachie, NJ, on December 6, 2016. On that evening, while he and his family were out to dinner, someone came into their home and wrote racist graffiti all over their home's walls. The graffiti included the word TRUMP.
My theory is that an acquaintance broke into the home to steal performance-enhancing drugs and made the break-in look like a pro-Trump racist incident in order to deflect suspicion from himself.
Here is the first article in the series.
Shorter Halley Bass:
It wasn't my fault, THEY made me do it!
Things got a little out of hand. It’s just this war and that lying son of a bitch Johnson and… I would never hurt you. You know that.
Fake hate crimes.
Fake reports of "The Russians Did It".
Fake lifelong republicans.
Expect much more of this, particularly if the economy takes off.
Shorter version: The devil made me do it.
The real hate crime against Halley Bass was, they didn't believe her story. Why are they not on board the "women wouldn't lie about that" believe-the-woman express?
Besides, Halley Bass may be well on her way toward becoming a Title IX Compliance Officer. When she achieves this goal she won't have to put up with any of this "due process" crap anymore.
Besides, it's not really fake if it could have happened (even if it didn't), is it?
What an astonishingly stupid woman.
First of all, hurting yourself is funny. Hurting yourself doing something stupid is hilarious. No wonder they say women aren't funny. This one sure isn't.
Actually going to the police station and filing a report because you are too embarrassed to admit you scratched yourself with something sharp...no need for jail time. Going the rest of her life as herself is punishment enough.
The description of the pin was kinda ambiguous.
That because the "thinking" behind the pin is much more than slightly moronic
Bass eventually confessed that she had cut her own face after getting out of her Woman's Literature class.
Probably out of sheer mind-numbing boredom.
Just imagine the syllabus... Hep me, Jebus!
I am very thankful that our biggest demographic challenge are Hispanic immigrants - yesterday I met my next door neighbor and her brother, maybe second generation, and very delightful).
I agree and have thought so for a long time. Of course, the left wants to import Muslims as punishment for the crime of being American and proud of it.
The love affair of the left with Islam is harder to understand. I have to assume Muslims are considered ignorant "brown people" and therefore in need of leftist assistance.
The depredations of La Raza and other anti-assimilation organizations have changed the tone considerably.
From the Vox article linked above:
"In a big city like London, or even in someplace smaller like a grocery store, or a coffee shop, we’re all just strangers to one another. It can be difficult for all of us to either reach out for help or offer help. A symbol as simple as a safety pin can be an important first step in showing solidarity and support for people who are scared and upset at this time."
God forbid you'd have a conversation or interaction with anyone who doesn't agree with your own point of view on everything. No wonder they all flock to big cities and their blue bubbles.
But, we learned in class to "empower the victim," so if we FEEL somehow victimized, doesn't that empower us? So, does it really matter if there's a perpetrator or not........
If it weren't for fake hate crimes. . . . .
There were three reported hate crimes down the road from Madison at Beloit College, whose faculty make the UW faculty loook a chapter of the Murray Rothbard Apreciation Society. At least, that's what my son, who is a junior at Beloit, tells me. In case you are wondering why I allowed my son to go to such a commie factor- he went to play lacrosse.
ANyway two of the hate crimes have been proven hoaxes, and we haven't heard anything in the last few weeks about the third. Wonder why?
Looking forward to the NYT think piece from a Harvard professor about how these kinds of events are damaging to our polity , and that false accusations need to have the same penalty as convictions.
But NOT holding my breath!
fivewheels 9:42pm. You are my hero! Tensor Calculus for the win!
These hoaxes are such a trap for the perpetrator. Easy to start, then an ever-steepening slide as othersxare told and the story demands official attention. It gets harder and harder to admit the fairy tale and so it gets darker and darker.
Tawana Brawley ruined her life with just such a fabrication. Worse, she destroyed the lives of others (I believe one guy committed suicide and others went broke fighting the false charges). Even worse than that, her cowardice was exploited by Sharpton et al. to poison race relations across the entire country for decades.
These people may be weak and need help. But they also need serious prison time.
Her mistake was going to the police. She should have gone directly to the Title IX compliance officer, and accused a specific male student by name.
He would already be expelled and she would be a lefty hero.
Why don't these hoaxes impact left wing hysteria?
What does it say that we read an article in which an 18-year-old girl was pinned down, graphically violated by multiple people in a house we pass almost every day — and we thought, “That just may be right?”
It says "you live in a bubble of hysteria and conspiracy theories which has so warped your understanding of reality you are unable to distinguish between it and fantasy". But you're probably not surprised to learn she concludes her belief in a preposterous story says something about reality rather than herself.
Apparently obvious mistakes driven by your ideology somehow reinforce that ideology. They will never be capable of anything.
I wonder what's going on with Bill Cosby these days.
@Michael K,
The love affair of the left with Islam is harder to understand. I have to assume Muslims are considered ignorant "brown people" and therefore in need of leftist assistance.
I think it's two things: (1) a warped version of the old saw: the enemy (Islam) of my enemy (traditional USA) is my friend and (2) in theory, we value multi-culturalism above everything, therefore how dare you try to prevent Muslims for joining us?
In SF/Bay Area, the richest towns, San Francisco, Marin, Berkeley, Los Altos, Palo Alto, have almost no Muslims. It's an abstraction for the Left, because it's such a tiny actual footprint in their lives.
In fact, there are only a few Mosques in Oakland, but they too have the tiniest of footprints. I don't even know where they are.
The secular incentive for [class] diversity creates another victim.
"there are only a few Mosques in Oakland, but they too have the tiniest of footprints"
I used to fly in and out of Oakland airport a few years ago when it was a hub for some airline. I forget which.
The black Muslims had a bakery in the airport. I bought some baked stuff from them.
I'm sure those are the mosques.
Real Muslims are rare in San Fran as I'm sure so are blacks.
I wonder what's going on with Bill Cosby these days.
He made the mistake of telling other blacks to shape up and get an education.
He'll never do that again but it's too late.
The Feminazis got him.
A symbol as simple as a safety pin can be an important first step in showing solidarity and support for people who are scared and upset at this time.
The author of that lunatic verbage shows many signs of the neurotic personality disorders that afflict millennials in epidemic proportions these days. The rioting, the anti-social aggression, the warped fantasy life, the "safe space" retreats, the delusions of persecution, and the gender disassociation pathologies are all a consequence of the syndrome.
Check it out
Hate bukkake. Magnificent!
- Krumhorn
A right-wing hate crime hoax, one of millions.
Gated communities around here are full of Democrats, I guess seeking safe spaces.
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