Each American generation passes the torch of truth, liberty and justice, in an unbroken chain all the way down to the present. That torch is now in our hands. And we will use it to light up the world. I am here tonight to deliver a message of unity and strength, and it is a message deeply delivered from my heart. A new chapter of American greatness is now beginning. A new national pride is sweeping across our nation. And a new surge of optimism is placing impossible dreams firmly within our grasp. What we are witnessing today is the renewal of the American spirit. Our allies will find that America is once again ready to lead.As I summed it up last night, without the transcript: "a message of optimism and strength."
Notice how all the sweet light — torch... light up the world... heart... surge of optimism... impossible dreams — is clenched in a firm, strong hand. Not only are we invited to picture a hand clutching the light source — That torch is now in our hands — but the "impossible dreams" are "firmly within our grasp." The man whose hands have been so much in issue — they're small, they're grabbing pussy — uses the hand metaphor to connect himself to all the beautiful happy things they said he lacked that terrible day in January when he stood there and screamed "Carnage!"
No! I am adequate! My penis is fine in the size department! My hands are not small! I love everybody! Dream! Surge! Torch, not torture!
He's here to conquer the forces of darkness. From the very beginning of the speech:
[W]e are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms.I'd like to know if, brainstorming that, the speechwriters deciding that it was a good idea to lure Trump haters to say something like: It's Trump who is evil in a very ugly form. I hope he suffers knowing we're all united condemning him.
I'm searching the whole transcript for the word "dream," and now I've come to the end:
When we fulfill this vision, when we celebrate our 250 years of glorious freedom, we will look back on tonight as when this new chapter of American greatness began. The time for small thinking is over. The time for trivial fights is behind us. We just need the courage to share the dreams that fill our hearts, the bravery to express the hopes that stir our souls, and the confidence to turn those hopes and those dreams into action.Dreams... hearts... hopes... hopes... dreams... That's hearts and hopes and dreams overload, and apparently America loves this highly caloric dessert.
But I didn't find what I was looking for. I searched for "dream" because I wanted to see if he said anything about the Dreamers. Yesterday afternoon:
During a lunch with reporters before his speech, Mr. Trump even suggested the possibility of citizenship for the so-called Dreamers who were brought to the United States illegally as children — something that Mr. Bush never supported and Mr. Obama fell short of when he delivered immigration executive actions late in his term.That wasn't in the big speech. There was something else entirely. His immigration reform proposal was "[s]witching away from this current system of lower-skilled immigration, and instead adopting a merit-based system." We should be "guided by the well-being of American citizens," he said, predicting that "Republicans and Democrats can work together." Perhaps the idea about the Dreamers is the bargaining chip to be used in the great deal.
It's a big move. We need to talk about it. And I assume we will after we get over our nutty sugar high.
८० टिप्पण्या:
What a smug fucking post. His hands are bigger than his critics.
Once Written, Twice Shit On The Sidewalk has gotten in Althouse's head.
Right. In your last paragraph, Althouse, you make a good point. Trump's bombastic campaign rhetoric may not (WILL NOT; it never could be) be put into policy.
Trump will negotiate. He's a great negotiator. A really great negotiator. Negotiated lots of really big things.
And why shouldn't that include his most ardent, nationalistic, anti-immigrant, protectionist, xenophobic supporters? They will have to negotiate with the Great Negotiator.
{Reminds me of the scene in The Godfather I, where Sonny, Michael, Tessio, Clemenza and Hagan are all waiting for news on where the Solozzo meeting will take place. And Clemenza is asked about somebody who is supposed to be a player in the deal -- "The Negotiator" -- and Peter Clemenza says that everything is okay; his guys are playing cards with The Negotiator, and letting him win.}
Supposedly Ivanka and Miller wrote the speech with editing by the President. Lots of Donald in that speech. Bannon too. Loved it.
Of course it's a bargaining chip. The first rule of negotiation is not to bid against yourself. Make the other side move, and then meet them part way. The immigration deal is there to be made: a secure border and visa reform, legalization short of citizenship for those now in the US, and citizenship for their children (including Dreamers, but with limitations on "chain" immigration). But if you make concessions without getting any, the other side just digs in. The Democrats won't agree to anything unless they come under considerable pressure. So enforce existing law, even stringently, until the Dems realize that the only way to make that stop is to deal.
And Darrell, I think that post was tongue in cheek.
To further support the point read this:
NYT discovers anti-Semitism
Does the progressive worldview contain one single tenet which is not entirely driven by their own bias and bigotry? When they whine about a "dark tone" why would anyone care? Trump could cure cancer and they'd complain he bankrupted the country by increasing nursing home costs.
"It's a big move. We need to talk about it."
Lots of big moves in that speech. But as with all politicos, it's best to pay attention to what they do, not so much what they say. Trump knows that nothing will get done legislatively without some buy-in from the Dems, and an ability for the Congressional factions to find a way to work together. Even in the House, the Reps are having trouble staying united. Finding a way through that tangle of animosities will challenge Trump's negotiating skills, assuming he carries through and tries to do it (I think he will try).
Judging from what's been going on for the last five weeks, we're not seeing much of that 'work together' stuff happening. Didn't see much last night suggesting that the situation is likely to change anytime soon.
Michael above knows Trump and how to make a deal. The meeting with the anchors and then revising the speech and cutting some parts on immigration is pure Trump. Trump is so far ahead of the Dems and media.
Ending illegal immigration polls around 80% support. It is as universal as it gets in American politics.
Still funny to watch life long Republicans argue for it.
I loved the speech. Used to hate watching politicians giving speeches. Trump is different. I enjoy watching him.
Achilles said...
Ending illegal immigration polls around 80% support. It is as universal as it gets in American politics.
Still funny to watch life long Republicans argue for it.
If you're talking to me, you might just need to find a quote from me wherein I "argue[d] for... illegal immigration."
You are fake news, Achilles. With fake facts, about non-existent "quotes" from me. Fake, phony made-up notions about my positions on policy.
The stock market liked it. Hard to tell why though. Maybe because Trump didn't announce an attack on North Korea and the Democrats did not storm the podium.
Trump is winning winning winning on the immigration issue. You know, the one that all the other politicians of both parties thought could not be solved.
Supposedly Ivanka and Miller wrote the speech with editing by the President.
If true, I'm incredibly impressed with Ivanka Trump. A SotU speech is a tough venue for any political speechwriter, much less someone like her who's only been at it for at most 18 months.
To paraphrase the old Greek nostrum, she's got a fine mind in a mighty fine body.
""[s]witching away from this current system of lower-skilled immigration, and instead adopting a merit-based system." We should be "guided by the well-being of American citizens"" This is the key to an actual solution. It is also the way to divide the Dem coalition. But in the short run it will complicate GOP efforts to lure Hispanics, who were hoping for more family preferences.
eric said...
I loved the speech. Used to hate watching politicians giving speeches. Trump is different. I enjoy watching him.
This comment prompts me to observe how low the bar is, for President Trump.
It was a middling speech. A solid C+ in terms of the text. And it wasn't much of a delivery. Something like a B-, on delivery.
It's just so strangely refreshing to hear the voice of Trump as president, without any of the distractions of his usual malapropisms, butchered facts, Long Island vernacular, circular/unfinished thinking, and egotistical embarrassments. Like, just reading the speech.
As I said last night, Trump will have won over about 0% of Democrats with the speech. And 99% of the Trump base will have loved it, like they love the notion of Trump shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue. Where Trump won, was in the area of NeverTrump Republicans, who were simply relieved that it wasn't a Trump-rally fiasco.
I can't believe in 9 years we will celebrate 250!!
To keep touching on that was a master stroke.
I wonder what the new quarter will look like?
Every now and then I see a centennial quarter go by.
I might even have to buy the proof set.
"What a smug fucking post. His hands are bigger than his critics."
He has the whole world in his hands and it's so big.
I don't understand what the issue is with immigration. We used to do that.
We used to let only healthy people in, as well.
The lice comment in Titanic was for a reason.
Except he doesn't want the world.
This comment prompts me to observe how low the bar is, for President Trump.
Trump has been putting a lot of effort into lowering the bar. Now it's as if Ivanka said to him, "Dad, are you going to fuck around or are you going to be President ? "
This was the most effective speech I have ever heard, and I've been listening to them since Harry Truman. Trump has put the fear of a fate worse than death in the opposition - losing the next election. He has already slain all those who stood in his path and last night he took their "Hope and Change" and made it his anthem.
The man whose hands have been so much in issue — they're small, they're grabbing pussy — uses the hand metaphor to connect himself to all the beautiful happy things they said he lacked... Dreams... hearts... hopes... hopes... dreams... That's hearts and hopes and dreams overload, and apparently America loves this highly caloric dessert.
Dreamer, you know you are a dreamer
Well can you put your hands in your head, oh no!
I said dreamer, you're nothing but a dreamer
Well can you put your hands in your head, oh no!
I said "Far out, what a day, a year, a laugh it is!"
You know, well you know you had it comin' to you,
Now there's not a lot I can do
Dreamer, you stupid little dreamer;
So now you put your head in your hands, oh no!
Round up every last illegal alien NOW and deport. It can be done in a year.
Well, Ann, you don't negotiate against yourself- that is rule number 1 in bargain making. The Dreamers getting citizenship is a chip in Trump's stack.
I personally don't expect there to be any immigration agreement made along the lines of Trump's stated preferences- the Democrats will unite against it in Congress. So I expect Trump will simply end up enforcing the laws already on the books, which will be sufficient for his supporters.
Hillary didn't give a speech last night.
Chuck said...Trump will have won over about 0% of Democrats with the speech. And 99% of the Trump base will have loved it, like they love the notion of Trump shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue
Well..we get a calmer Trump and more obsessed Chuck.
Loved the contingent of Vestal Virgins, all in white.
Roy Lofquist said...
This was the most effective speech I have ever heard, and I've been listening to them since Harry Truman. Trump has put the fear of a fate worse than death in the opposition - losing the next election. He has already slain all those who stood in his path and last night he took their "Hope and Change" and made it his anthem.
You are right, but in the exact opposite way you intended.
The next election is 2018, and Trump isn't running. And we are trying to hold the House, and expand a Senate majority. The GOP establishment, is that majority. And fulfilling Trump's reckless campaign pledges won't win that election. Just like Obama's fulfilling his own reckless campaign pledges didn't win him the 2010 election. Obama got thumped.
If you can remember Truman speeches, you are assuredly on Medicare. Which wasn't affected by the ACA for the most part. And people like you should be pretty modest about any Obamacare arguments. It's not your healthcare at issue, with the ACA.
Alex: "Round up every last illegal alien NOW and deport. It can be done in a year"
Not necessary. I don't want to send all these folks back to the hell-holes from whence they came.
The much better solution will be to provide train/bus fare to the Canadian border. There's lots and lots of empty space up there and since the Canadians and leftists are so superior to the US and it's citizens that voted for Trump, there should be no issue with Canada absorbing all of these "high skilled" "Moms" and "Dreamers".
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "The next election is 2018, and Trump isn't running. And we are trying to hold the House, and expand a Senate majority. The GOP establishment, is that majority. And fulfilling Trump's reckless campaign pledges won't win that election."
walter: "Well..we get a calmer Trump and more obsessed Chuck"
"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster.
And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee."
Sebastian said...
""[s]witching away from this current system of lower-skilled immigration, and instead adopting a merit-based system." We should be "guided by the well-being of American citizens"" This is the key to an actual solution.
Let's say you have a smart kid, he's an A- student. Close to the top of the class, but not the very best. How are you supposed to react to this? There is, for all effective purposes, an infinite supply of kids smarter than your kid out there in China, India and the rest of the world. How does this policy help your kid get a job?
"Loved the contingent of Vestal Virgins, all in white."
Yeah, silliness.
It came a cross as sophomoric attention seeking, as did the rush they made for the exit while everyone else was applauding. They made Trump look like the adult in the room.
"How does this policy help your kid get a job?"
Maybe the extra-smart immigrant will hire Sebastion's smart kid.
How does this policy help your kid get a job?
Talented people help create more jobs and opportunities. The low skilled and unemployed? Not so much.
"It came a cross as sophomoric attention seeking, as did the rush they made for the exit while everyone else was applauding. They made Trump look like the adult in the room."
Brit Hume said last night, "If I were a Democrat, I'd want to get out of that room too."
The GOPe in the Uniparty have exposed themselves beyond all doubt. If they are up for election in 2018, they are goners. Best to give up their seats to real Republicans. Suicide would be a nice touch as well in States where a Republican governor can install a replacement.
For many years I read that Trump never shook hands with anyone.
If a seventy-year old can get over his germ-a-phobia he can forget about the media, tweeting, crowd size, etc., and concentrate on his job.
It's just so strangely refreshing to hear the voice of Trump as president, without any of the distractions of his usual malapropisms, butchered facts, Long Island vernacular, circular/unfinished thinking, and egotistical embarrassments. >
It is exceedingly strange, to me, that people don't seem to understand that you adjust your speech, your verbiage, your vernacular, your tone to reach the audience to whom you are speaking. You adjust according to your audience and to the venue as well.
All public speakers know this. Not just politicians. Good teachers understand this. The point is to get through TO your audience. Persuaders like Trump really understand this.
When addressing a crowd of people wearing MAGA red hats in an airplane hanger who expect a certain tone and appreciate the vernacular you go in one direction. When addressing a bunch of tight ass cat butt faced politicians in a solemn setting such as in Congress. You go another way. The tone and speech reflect the situation.
However.....The underlying speech, concepts, points to be made, issues are the same. The delivery is adjusted to the situation.
How difficult is this to understand????
"cat butt faced"
LOL Perfect.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "And Clemenza is asked about somebody who is supposed to be a player in the deal -- "The Negotiator" -- and Peter Clemenza says that everything is okay; his guys are playing cards with The Negotiator, and letting him win.}"
That guy was a not "Negotiator".
He was a hostage given over to the Corleone family to ensure Michaels safety at the meeting with Sollozzo and Police Captain McCluskey.
Seriously, how does any, ANY, American male get that wrong?
"The great line of demarcation in modern politics is not a division between [classical] liberals on one side and totalitarians on the other. No, on one side of that line are all those men and women who fancy that the temporal order is the only order, and that material needs are their only needs, and that they may do as they like with the human patrimony. On the other side of that line are all those people who recognize an enduring moral order in the universe, a constant human nature, and high duties toward the order spiritual and the order temporal."
Eric Voegelin
I can't get indignant about some poor bastard who works twelve hours a day as a dishwasher. Still though, the thought occurs to me that if we accept ten or twelve million border jumpers, there will soon be another ten or twelve million to follow. It's apparently easier for Mexicans to lobby the US government to legitimize immigrants than it is for Mexicans to lobby the Mexican government to outlaw cartels. It's also easier for Mexican journalists to report on the flaws of Trump rather than those of El Chappo........During the twenties, Samuel Gompers and others in the labor movement were lobbyists for shutting down immigration. Back then, ignorant leftists thought that if you lowered the supply of labor, you would raise the wages of those in the labor pool........Can someone tell me who on earth--besides murderers, rapists, and avowed terrorists--does not have a right to live in the United States by virtue of the act of border jumping. Is it one of those those self evident human rights? Also, how long does a border jumper have to live in the shadows until he's entitled to the full panoply of welfare benefits?
Wonder what increased defense spending and spending on the wall plus infrastructure, coupled with tax cuts and zero medicare or social security reform will do to the debt and deficit. To quote John Ziegler:
As a conservative, I really only had two problems with the speech. The first is that, other than on defense, taxes, and immigration (maybe), most of the speech was filled with extremely liberal concepts and proposals.
One of the most amusing and disorienting elements of the address was watching former budget hawk Paul Ryan constantly stand up behind the president and applaud for ideas which, if they had come from Hillary Clinton, he would have reacted to by sitting on his hands with a frown. How government-mandated maternity leave, a trillion-dollar infrastructure program, keeping government very much in the healthcare business, highly restrictive trade policies, or big deficits are suddenly even remotely ‘conservative’ (or even ‘Republican’) is a ‘Bruce Jenner-is-now-a-woman’ level mystery to me.
But it’s not just Trump’s specific big-government proposals that should be troubling for the 58 or so real conservatives left in America. The entire tone of the speech was one that felt like it was written from a liberal perspective, in that greater government involvement was the foundational answer for nearly every problem. I honestly believe that if Obama had spoken exactly the same words, sans some of the military/immigration red meat, that Trump’s biggest fans would have HATED it.
" (http://www.mediaite.com/online/trumps-speech-to-congress-killed-conservatism-but-at-least-for-now-saved-his-presidency/)
Partisanship is a hell of a drug...
"I honestly believe that if Obama had spoken exactly the same words, sans some of the military/immigration red meat, that Trump’s biggest fans would have HATED it." Sounds right to me. On the other hand, conservatives wanted pretty much every single thing that the Trump administration has actually done so far. So I'll cut him some slack. There are things that he can't do without moderates' support.
Leaving the twilight zone... we can only hope for change.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
With some exceptions, Trump presented a conservative, constitutional message. A division of power, labor, and responsibility between the government, the People, and our Posterity. Now we'll see if the other branches of government will honor and uphold the contract.
Nyamujal: "As a conservative, I really only had two problems with the speech. The first is that, other than on defense, taxes, and immigration (maybe), most of the speech was filled with extremely liberal concepts and proposals"
Only 2, as a conservative?
Well, as a conservative there should be a couple more problems.
But this is what happens when you elect a right of center populist with a desire to implement a program of strong economic nationalism.
You go to war (or to a general election) campaign with the candidate you have, not the one you wish you had.
The reality is conservatives like myself are going to have to swallow some stuff we don't like to get other stuff that we do like. So far, on balance, it's more what I like than don't like.
One shudders to think about what we would be chatting about had one of the milk-toast establishment candidates won the primary leading to a Hillary win.
So, are there serious fault-lines between a populist economic nationalist plan and pure constitutional conservative plan? Uh, yeah.
Nyamujal: "One of the most amusing and disorienting elements of the address was watching former budget hawk Paul Ryan constantly stand up behind the president and applaud for ideas which, if they had come from Hillary Clinton, he would have reacted to by sitting on his hands with a frown."
So just what the heck was Ryan supposed to do? Frown? Not stand up? Leave?
If Ryan doing what politicians must publicly in dealing with factions and differing policy ideas within their own party and caucus "disorients" you, perhaps you would be better served by not watching.
American conservatism is classical liberalism tempered by Judaeo-Christian religious/moral philosophy. It is critical to understand this in order to appreciate when we pursue the same goal that we may in fact follow different paths. The journey matters.
Well, good luck to the People and our [unPlanned] Posterity.
Reality is a much easier place to maneuver in and survive. It is a light to our path. Shine, let it shine. Alas, the blind will never see much beyond what they expect is there to see. Ask Scott Adams.
The Shadow Government real control over our thoughts, that Madison Avenue discovered, taught them, and the CIA's Nazi immigrants helped them perfect, has been used in a long term war against us that always ends up with us in a swamp with no exit. The Bush Family has been at its center.
Now Crazy Trump is taking them on. Stay tuned to see how much truth he gets out while he still lives.
n.n: "American conservatism is classical liberalism tempered by Judaeo-Christian religious/moral philosophy. It is critical to understand this in order to appreciate when we pursue the same goal that we may in fact follow different paths. The journey matters."
The journey does matter and what effects the journey significantly is the sherpa one hires to guide you on the path.
For better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, Donald John Trump is our sherpa so he gets to select a path, is afforded an opportunity to convince us its the right path and then lead us on our merry way.
"Let's say you have a smart kid, he's an A- student. Close to the top of the class, but not the very best. How are you supposed to react to this? There is, for all effective purposes, an infinite supply of kids smarter than your kid out there in China, India and the rest of the world. How does this policy help your kid get a job?" Merit moderated by "American first" should lead to substantially lower immigration numbers, focused on fields in which outside talent can help improve productivity and avoid becoming public charges. But America first does not mean there won't be any losers. George Borjas just had a good piece on this in the NYT.
After an extended twilight, approaching the dawn will cause discomfort. Adjust perceptions and conceptions accordingly.
What do you mean by "limitations on "chain" immigration"?
Do you mean like anchor babies? Born citizens so they can bring their parents, brothers and sisters adn so on into the US? That is simple to stop via existing immigration law. And should be.
Or do you mean 14A citizenship by birth? Much more difficult and I don't think it should be touched. Anyone born in the US, regardless of how their parents got here, is and should be a citizen automatically.
This would affect the people you want to legalize. They might not be citizens but their children would be.
Related: If we are going to let people into the country temporarily, it needs to be temporary. If they come in to pick the crops, they go home at the end of the season. If they come in on a green card, they become US citizens, say within 10 years, or go home. If their kids or spouse are citizens, sorry about that. When they become US citizens, they have to give up their other citizenship. Provided their original country let's them.
John Henry
Um not tcrosse. That was the Klan's ladies auxillary division.
John Henry:
Citizenship is handled easily, cleanly, and unambiguously by the Constitution.
We the People of the United States ... to ourselves and our Posterity
The Constitution recognizes two forms of citizenship: right of birth and naturalization. The former is "our Posterity" of "the People", that is children of American citizens, and the latter through a process specified by Congress. The Fourteenth Amendment does not supersede the original meaning, other than through interpretation of "jurisdiction", but "jurisdiction" is neither universal nor equally applied, as implied in the preamble and later.
I know people who have been here 30 years and are still on a green card.
It's insulting.
The vampyres are starting to smoke.
Holy water?
"But this is what happens when you elect a right of center populist with a desire to implement a program of strong economic nationalism."
I think Trump's economic nationalism will doom us. For the first time I'm rooting for a politician not to deliver on his promises.
"If Ryan doing what politicians must publicly in dealing with factions and differing policy ideas within their own party and caucus "disorients" you, perhaps you would be better served by not watching."
I agree with you that Ryan has to tow the party line, but I find his and McConnell's hypocrisy to be really jarring. On issues from infrastructure spending to entitlements, the republicans opposed the very same policies that they're now gleefully adopting. Anyway, again, I hope that Ryan for all his public cheerleading will convince congressional GOP members in private to ignore Trump's agenda.
Nyamujal: "I think Trump's economic nationalism will doom us. For the first time I'm rooting for a politician not to deliver on his promises."
Well, lets just continue operating on the assumption "that which is not sustainable...won't be."
Nyamujal: "I agree with you that Ryan has to tow the party line, but I find his and McConnell's hypocrisy to be really jarring."
Dude. Duuuuuuuuuude.
"My penis is fine in the size department!"
But if it's burning like a torch, he should see a doctor.
"The Fourteenth Amendment does not supersede the original meaning"
Actually, yes, that's what amendments do. Amendments supersede. That's the reason we now elect senators.
Actually, politicians do deliver on a majority of their promises:
Hence my "...hope he doesn't deliver on his promises".
Ken B:
The Fourteenth Amendment does not supersede the original meaning, other than through interpretation of "jurisdiction", but "jurisdiction" is neither universal nor equally applied, as implied in the preamble and later.
From twilight to dawn. I hope Americans have the moral fortitude to close the abortion chambers. Never again!
"I know people who have been here 30 years and are still on a green card.
It's insulting."
That would be Buwaya.
I read Ivanka had a hand on it.
Probably Methadras too, right "Jon"?
Seeing Red said...
I know people who have been here 30 years and are still on a green card.
It's insulting.
It is a pattern. Democrats and progressives like people who are forced to do illegal things. People who come here illegally are dependent and scared and need the democrat party to protect them in exchange for being good little servants. If they ever leave the reservation they can be sent back to their hell hole. Black people are stuffed in crime ridden ghettos run by democrats with high crime rates and shitty public schools. The only way out is affirmative action college courses where they get worthless degrees because they are so far behind.
As long as they can keep the poor people out of their neighborhoods and schools progs are happy to use them. They are awful people.
Chuck said...
You are fake news, Achilles. With fake facts, about non-existent "quotes" from me. Fake, phony made-up notions about my positions on policy.
You are so cute. And not really all that smart.
As I said last night, Trump will have won over about 0% of Democrats with the speech. And 99% of the Trump base will have loved it, like they love the notion of Trump shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue. Where Trump won, was in the area of NeverTrump Republicans, who were simply relieved that it wasn't a Trump-rally fiasco.
Huffpo couldn't have said it any better. Too bad the blue collar unions and black people seem to be ignoring you and the people who feed you those talking points.
The next election is 2018, and Trump isn't running. And we are trying to hold the House, and expand a Senate majority. The GOP establishment, is that majority. And fulfilling Trump's reckless campaign pledges won't win that election. Just like Obama's fulfilling his own reckless campaign pledges didn't win him the 2010 election. Obama got thumped.
We have been doing this without the establishment since 2010. Those "reckless campaign pledges" are the things the base wants. If you hadn't noticed Trump won the election by saying those things and now he is doing those things. I repeat: Trump is doing what he said he would do.
Whenever there is doubt that you might actually be a conservative you make a string of posts like this and make it abundantly clear you are a leftist that doesn't want the republican party to actually accomplish the things the voters want it to do.
But I heard she had a hand in it.
The speech, that is.
What wer...
The vampyres are starting to smoke.
Blogger Unknown said...
"I know people who have been here 30 years and are still on a green card.
It's insulting."
That would be Buwaya.
"Stupid is as stupid does"
Mam Gump.
You should try some new ideas, Inga.
It would be nice to see
some alternative points of view,
but the vessels to bring us these views
mostly seem not up for the task.
"It is a pattern. Democrats and progressives like people who are forced to do illegal things. People who come here illegally are dependent and scared and need the democrat party to protect them in exchange for being good little servants. . ."
Indeed. And as the State grows bigger and bigger, and its laws proliferate and proliferate, the number of outlaws will have to increase.
I liken "liberals'" (and by "liberals" I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State fellators") self-styled "compassion" for illegal aliens to the "compassion" of your average turn-of-the-century Tammany Hall ward-heeler for the legal immigrants of a bygone era. They would send "shoulder strikers" down to the docks to greet immigrants as soon as they got off the docks, tap them on the shoulder, and tell them where they could find a job and place to live--and then remind them who they should be grateful to for the favor, and therefore who to vote for on Election Day.
Torch comes from John G. Kennedy I think.
John F. Kennedy.
Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans..
The simile is to the Olympics - the Olympic torch, which is passed from person to person.
Each American generation passes the torch of truth, liberty and justice, in an unbroken chain all the way down to the present. That torch is now in our hands.
Quite clearly an echo of John F. Kennedy's inaugural address, which Trump is actually old enough to remember hearing live (and/or saw it many times reprinted after the assassination)
Kennedy's ention of a torch is quite clearly a refernce to the modern day Olympics.
How could you miss it?
Back then, ignorant leftists thought that if you lowered the supply of labor, you would raise the wages of those in the labor pool........
Now it's Donald trump saying that.
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