WALLACE: There is another aspect to this first month, and that is the pushback by the establishment, various sources, and we asked you for questions from the panel, and we got a lot like this, a tweet from George who writes, "what other president has faced as much resistance in their first month in office? Where did the honeymoon go?"I don't know how you watch the Sunday shows at home, but me, I just shout out the answers. I had 2 for this one:
1. Honeymoons are for women.
2. I just start kissing them.... I don’t even wait....
१७७ टिप्पण्या:
Maybe we'll look back and realize this was the honeymoon.
Good one Left Bank!
Trump has done so much - Republicans
Trump has done nothing - not sure, sounds like maybe Fox News
Math problem:
Rove: 1/3 thought country going in the right direction - they voted Hillary; great majority of 2/3 who thought wrong direction voted for Trump.
I agree, I doubt things are going to get better for Trump. There are a lot of balls up in the air.
Because the Powers that be hated the factions that elected Trump. The conflicts of interest in the US are now entirely clear, all is stripped away, there is nothing left but the field of battle. There is no in-between places, no holes or crannies or shrubbery to give cover.
That you entirely and bitterly hate each other, down to individuals, man to man and woman to woman, can no longer be denied.
The "deep state" idea, if not that exact phrase, goes back at least as far as C. Wright Mills' "The Power Elite" (1956). Eisenhower's Farewell Address, warning of potential danger from "the military-industrial complex" was, in effect, also a statement about the "deep state."
The eight-year honeymoon given to Barack Obama has everyone rested, and "fired up, ready to go!" So, Trump, no honeymoon!
buwaya said...
Because the Powers that be hated the factions that elected Trump. The conflicts of interest in the US are now entirely clear, all is stripped away, there is nothing left but the field of battle. There is no in-between places, no holes or crannies or shrubbery to give cover.
That you entirely and bitterly hate each other, down to individuals, man to man and woman to woman, can no longer be denied.
Why do you live in San Francisco? Doesn't living in the presence of so much liberalness gnaw at your very insides each and every moment of the day? Apparently not or you would move, rendering your statement ridiculous. You live in an in between place. Hating liberals yet living with them.
Maybe we don't do Honeymoons in the midst of Obama's War against the USA on its last gasp.
That would be like taking your Honeymoon on December 20, 1944 in Bastogne, Belgium.
DJT says "Nuts" I can always take it later
The elite has trillions at stake and the idiots that support them... Well they are idiots. Just look at unknown above.
Trump is showing everyone who the enemies of this country and its people are.
He is getting fucked. Isn't that enough?
Althouse is correct, Trump's misogynistic statements and the resulting massive nationwide women's march meant that from the start of his presidency he faced almost unprecedented levels of organized passionate opposition.
It was of his own making.
If you want to know why people hate the press look at the latest Kerfuffle. Media Headline: "Trump makes up attack on Sweden". Why? "Because there was no terrorist attack on Sweden Friday night. This is all based on the following Trump words:
"When you look at what’s happening in Germany, when you look at what’s happening last night in Sweden — Sweden!" he said during the rally. "Who would believe this? Sweden! They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never thought possible.”
Sweden IS having a problem with Refugees. But the question is: how to you get from this vague Trump statement of "they're having problems" to "Trump makes up attack on Sweden"?
"Hating liberals yet living with them."
I'm in the same situation. Behind enemy lines.
Precisely where I want to be when the fun starts.
In addition, there's nothing 'liberal' about people like you.
You're leftists. Totalitarian leftists. To the core.
This is not that hard to figure out. Trump ran on a platform of up-ending the establishment and cleaning house, and that includes the entire bureaucracy and the comfortable national media. Lane correctly points out that the people already there have no interest in being cleaned out. They do not have much support but they do hold bureaucratic positions of influence, including access to information, and can do incredible damage. Were they this focused and smart when our national security is at stake!
It will not get better until Trump gets all his people appointed, which is why they are fighting him tooth and nail on every nomination. The longer Obama appointees, and Obama moles, are in there, the more they can damage Trump. Which is the point.
Sweden is now asking Trump to "explain his remarks". I'm sure Trump will be delighted to. He can then bring up the large number of rapes by Afghan and Muslim refugees. And the Swedes can say "That's no big Deal".
"Last night" what did happen Friday night in Sweden? He's the President, not Kellyanne Conway.
"Trump's misogynistic statements and the resulting massive nationwide women's march meant that from the start of his presidency he faced almost unprecedented levels of organized passionate opposition.'
Womens' march? Oh, I remember that. Seems like long ago.
And as I recall it was only some of the women.
The narrative drifts this way and that way and this way and that way. First he was a racist, misogynistic homophobe. The current one, even on FNC, is that Trump says untrue things all over the place. There's enough to go on there, but it may not last. The next one might be the orange finger on the nuclear button.
Who's the leader of the club
That's made for you and me
Hey there, hi there, ho there
You're as welcome as can be
Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse
Forever let us hold our banner high
High, high, high
Come along and sing a song
And join the jamboree
Mickey Mouse club
We'll have fun, we'll be new faces
High, high, high, high
We'll do things and we'll go places
image: http://static.urx.io/units/web/urx-unit-loader.gif
All around the world
We'll go marching
Who's the leader of the club
That's made for you and me
Hey there, hi there, ho there
You're as welcome as can be
Mickey Mouse, Mickey Mouse
Forever let us hold our banner high
High, high, high
Come along and sing a song
And join the jamboree
Or D-O-N-A-L-D T-R-U-M-P !
Jim at said...
there's nothing 'liberal' about people like you.
You're leftists. Totalitarian leftists. To the core.
That's mighty liberal of you to paint with such a broad brush.
The misogyny excuse doesn't fly becuase Bill Clinton is probably the most revered living President among these same people despite his well-known misogyny and even likely rape. In fact these people have less animosity toward women-hating Islamists than they do Trump. The reason for all this hypocrisy is the exact same reason they lack even an attempt at even-handedness with Trump. They hate Republicans and everyone on the right above all other humans. Hillary even admitted that in one of the debates. She identified Republicans as top of her enemies of America list.
Cruel neutrality involves yelling the TV. Who knew?
from the start of his presidency he faced almost unprecedented levels of organized passionate opposition.
It was of his own making.
No, it was organized and I hope to learn through Sessions' DoJ and FBI who did organize it.
There is nothing "liberal" about the left anymore and you are dreaming if you think there is.
Organizing for America seems to be the common pathway and we know who organized that.
The community organizer.
It was interesting to see Wallace profess ignorance about The Deep State.
Some of us have known about it quite a while.
Bill Moyers is not exactly a right winger.
THe national media's mischaraceterization of what Trump said about Sweden is a good example of Fake News. This is what Trump said:
"You look at what's happening in Germany. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden ... Sweden ... who would believe this? Sweden, they took in large numbers, they are having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what's happening Brussels, you look at what's happening all over the world."
There is no explanation for misrepresenting that unremarkable statement to "Trump said there was a terrorist attack in Sweden yesterday" other than an agenda to take down Trump. In truth, there have been numerous reports in Germany and Sweden of sexual assaults on a mass scale by Muslim refugee men. Below is a link to one article (all but accusing Swedish and German authorities of covering up the gravity of the attacks) but there are hundreds of others.
We just had an 8-year honeymoon, no wonder people don't want another.
Anyway, the question was merely rhetorical. The left intends to fight
bagoh20 said...
The misogyny excuse doesn't fly becuase Bill Clinton is probably the most revered living President
This is pure nonsense. Hillary Clinton, to the limited extent that she is admired, receives that support despite her spouse. Clinton couldn't beat a one term senator with a funny name and barely beat a socialist geriatric for the nomination. The Clintons clearly have/had power within the narrow confines of the DNC but outside of that, not so much.
Well, no it doesnt actually.
I am a foreigner and I prefer it that way. I am used to being an expat, being a descendant of a long line of expats, we are used to "being in but not of". There is also the armor of foreigness, both the habits of a lifetime ("when in Rome" is second nature), and the distance it gives.
Political enthusiasm, or an enthusiasm for political argument, in a foreign land, is right out.
Personally and professionally I also mainly deal with "red" people.
Jefferson wrote:
Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors. He who reads nothing will still learn the great facts, and the details are all false.
"Last night" what happened on Friday night in Sweden that prompted Trump to say the words "last night" in regard to terrorism? He could clear it up easily with a tweet.
What happened in Sweden is that a Somali immigrant who was the main suspect in the grenade killing of a young child in Sweden was killed in the course of arresting him.
I thought Deep State was a current instance of the Masons or Knights Templar or similar shadowy world-governing conspiracies. But I haven't read Dan Brown or Marvel Comics lately.
The Sweden incident could be cleared up if people didn't listen to the misinformation and disinformation of the U.S. media and instead looked to the U.K. and European media which often have better, more accurate and more extensive news reporting of things going on in the U.S. than the American Pravda has.
Why didn't Trump have a honeymoon?
Let's be clear about the history here. Years of the left fucking America naturally resulted in, to their horror, the conception of President Donald Trump. At that point, they tried hard to abort him, even running into the dark and dank alleyways to kill him before his presidency was born on January 20. Even in the process of the birth of the presidency, they tried to jam scissors into his head. Having failed each of those times, now they are into infanticide, trying to dump the newborn presidency into the trash, as well as to infect his body with disease.
Or, if you prefer a different explanation, the left who infests the bureaucracy, academia, judiciary and media are -- as the left always is -- a bunch of seditionists, insurrectionists and anarchists bent on seizing and maintaining perpetual power and, having sought for generations the overthrow of traditional institutions and moral truths and the fundamental units of society, obviously seeks the overthrow of the duly elected government of the United States from within.
And the left has some collaborators in this, some useful idiots, like McCain and the NeverTrumpers and much of the Establishment, who have publicly and expressly stated that they prefer the hidden, conspiratorial shadow government and dark state to the lawful government of the United States and to the American citizens who, through our constitutional democratic processes, elected Trump president.
* rcocean, are you just making stuff up? You wrote: "Media Headline: 'Trump makes up attack on Sweden'". NPR: "Trump Says, 'Look What's Happening In Sweden.' Sweden Asks, 'Wait, What?'" ABC News: "Trump's remarks about Sweden create debate and confusion" NYT: "'Last Night in Sweden'? Trump's Remark Baffles a Nation" AJC: "Trump's comments about Sweden confuse Swedes". These are from the first batch of headlines from google news. I'm sure you can find someone somewhere saying Trump said there was a swedish attack. But that's clearly not the headline which the media generally is going with.
* bagoh20, are you just making stuff up? You wrote: "They hate Republicans and everyone on the right above all other humans. Hillary even admitted that in one of the debates. She identified Republicans as top of her enemies of America list." Right... Provide the link; good luck. Are you referring to this, http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2015/10/14/hillary-clinton-views-the-nra-and-republicans-as-enemies/? Surely you're not that dumb--there she didn't say anything about the top enemies of America list.
* cronus titan, are you just making stuff up? You wrote: "THe national media's mischaraceterization of what Trump said about Sweden is a good example of Fake News. [The national media] misrepresent[ed] that unremarkable statement to 'Trump said there was a terrorist attack in Sweden yesterday.'" I can't wait to see the link from "the national media." I can't wait to see how you extrapolate from one example (if you can find it) of a national news story claiming that Trump said that to claiming that it is a reasonable characterization of the national media.
What bullshit.
@Mark. Thank you for the info. I looked it up to see for myself and found reporting in European press, especially UK, but nothing in the US media. The arrogance of the US national media is charming. They seem to believe that if they choose not to report something, it never happened.
Still, it is inarguable that the refugee populations in Europe, especially France, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands and others, have caused serious pathologies, including terror, street crime (mass sexual assault and underworld wars). Instead of reporting on the challenges with assimilating populations who do not wish to assimilate, they waste their time on fake stories.
FACT: Trump won the Electoral College.
FACT: Trump LOST the popular vote by greater than 3 million. Ergo, more people didn't vote for Trump than did.
FACT: Obama in his first 30 days signed-off on a bailout to get the US out of probably the worst financial crisis of modern times.
FACT: Trump in his first 30-days has achieved nothing of significance. The majority of Executive Orders are press releases - they are not laws as Congress hasn't passed the EO.
Honeymoon? That is all Trump has had and has been screwing with the country and the RoW.
Like every day is Aggravated African American Day in America for the media and their plastered supporters sundry, for Trump every day, for decades now excluding the divorces' griefs, is a honeymoon.
The gaudy, gauche, lowlyness of a media holiday is offense to Trump based on not only our recent. but much-more-longer, extrapolated and non history.
Blogger Left Bank of the Charles said...
Maybe we'll look back and realize this was the honeymoon.
2/19/17, 1:47 PM
Yes, maybe all the corrupt killers outraged they can't rape with impunity will someday come to understand their honeymoon, with a child bride, paid for with death and genocide was the highest time of happiness their unGod allowed them to fathom.
Very cogent point Lefty.
Although you have now admitted culpability in your crimes against humanity.
Talking of honeymoons:
Well, they are expensive. Obama's travel expense for 8 years was $87 million dollars.
Trump's travel expense to Mar-A-Lago in the first 30 days has been $10 million dollars. At this spend rate, the first 4 years will cost $480 million dollars.
Guess what Trumpies? You are footing the tax bill so that Trump can honeymoon at Mar-A-Lago every weekend.
as the left always is -- a bunch of seditionists, insurrectionists and anarchists bent on seizing and maintaining perpetual power
I wouldn't call them anarchists. They use anarchists to disrupt the society in hopes that enough chaos will bring the public to seek relief and call back the Administrative State rather than live in the chaos.
Dictators have been known to foment foreign adventures to rally the population to their side under threat,
There is a school of thought that believes that Hitler's Germany was not a long term stable polity and adventurism was his policy to avoid the consequences of National Socialism. Germany in 1935 was a poor country. His war policy was armed robbery writ large.
We may see the same thing with China if the rulers start to lose control of their shaky economy.
The Deep State, as is so often the case with elites like those we have now, is being run by incompetents. Market economies are more efficient and the command economy never works. Not all are as obvious as Venezuela but Argentina is another example.
We have a ruling class that is credentialed but not well educated.
But they will fight to keep their privileges and jobs.
Andrew Klavan gets what this is about.
The Deep State is that collection of influential people in the bureaucracies and intelligence agencies who largely remain in place no matter who wins an election. The power of these people lies, for the most part, in regulation, obstruction and the control of government secrets. A law is passed in Congress by elected officials using constitutional means so that we the people have some say in its contents. But the enforcement of that law through regulation is wholly beyond our reach. If an irresponsible and power-hungry president should decide, say, that a law against sex-based discrimination can suddenly be interpreted to cover people who think they're the sex that they're not, it would give the federal government control even over who uses bathrooms in your child's school. I know that's an extreme example of something that could never happen in real life, but the point remains. And those who attempt to stand in opposition to such abusive regulatory power can find themselves in unarmed battle against the Godzilla of government. Massive fines, the destruction of livelihood and even prison can result in violating a rule that poured straight from the pen of a bureaucrat without ever seeing the light of democracy.
That's why "no honeymoon."
1. Honeymoons are for women.
Really? I always thought that there was a man involved … but go ahead and ignore the classical male role – better yet, belittle it and use it as a club while simultaneously bemoaning the loss of it. More votes for Trump in 2020.
2. I just start kissing them.... I don’t even wait....
Locker room talk. Most men have indulged in it. Some folks have made up their minds to be angry about it, to pretend that locker room talk, barracks bullshit and high school quarterbacks bragging about fucking the cheerleaders after practice is rare stuff when it is actually as common as dirt.
Thankfully, the women who voted for Trump did not take the bait. But the elites are up in arms! However, elites by definition are a smallish group. Trump has ignored them or pissed on them with impunity so far. I don’t see that changing.
Unknown/Inga troll complains hilariously about Trump going to Florida.
Has it ever occurred to your idiocy that he was going there all the time in his own plane and the only reason for the additional expense is the secret service and the security that you lunatics have caused to be required ?
Sometimes I wonder how you remember to breathel
I just start kissing them.... I don’t even wait....
Locker room talk. Most men have indulged in it.
A friend of mine was an F 18 pilot in the Marine Corps. After the movie Top Gun came out (He knew the guy who did the flying for Cruise), he told me that the officers' club on Friday nights got wild. One evening he was having a beer before going home to his wife when a young woman came over to him and grabbed his crotch. He disentangled himself and told his sister to never go into the O club on Friday nights again.
Trump flies to Mar-A-Lago on Marine One and Air Force One with US government employees. All expenses are paid by the US government including security, air fuel costs, car convoy costs and on and on.
This is not difficult to understand.
Michael K - Comic! You think the _only_ reason that Trump's trips to Florida cost any "additional expense" is heightened security concerns particular to him? Give me a damned break. This is idiocy of the first order. There have been security expenses associated with Presidential travel since long before Trump--and the cost of Trump's traveling expenses stems from how much travel he and his family are doing (since, as is standard, and as Trump is not refusing, he, his wife, and his children are all protected), how many places they are being protected, and how expensive it is to protect in those places. None of this has to do with "the secret service and the security that you lunatics have caused to be required"--find me any evidence to the contrary.
PS - Trump is flying Air Force One, as pictures of he and Melania disembarking show. Has it ever occurred to you in your idiocy to have a sense of the actual facts?
Why is it so common for right-wing commentators on this blog to make obviously false claims which are so easily shown to be false? Are you all just lazy and contemptible liars?! Are you all performance artists pantomiming and parodying right-wing thinking? It takes me 30 seconds to google before I post; try it out sometime right-wingers.
'Cause he was being bitchy.
Conventional wisdom, perhaps contextually though only when under direct attacks and of need of the vast strength resolve opportunes, is that if you're getting flak you're over the target.
This is seen as a comforting thought, as it should be to those fighting and under stress from the other sides efforts, yet I can't help but to suffer the illusions that my thoughts/concerns/arguments, especially as near-divine in these matters can be as related to those with actual legitimate experience from legit efforts, recommending severe reconsiderations may become more apt if the goal is not fighting but absolute domination.
Sure sure Phil from Pantera sang "Domination consumes you then calls you a friend" but undominating, aka extending the struggling fighters reason to be*, may offer unequaled natural incentives my considerations failed to account for.
*French offers me a certain, je ne se quao or whatever, I could use here with an accuracy of meaning intended greater than I have provided, but I consider my attitude "Fuck the French" more French than a lot of the people on that dirt today could even understand much less hope to be able to emulate.
A friend of mine was an F 18 pilot in the Marine Corps. After the movie Top Gun came out (He knew the guy who did the flying for Cruise), he told me that the officers' club on Friday nights got wild. One evening he was having a beer before going home to his wife when a young woman came over to him and grabbed his crotch. He disentangled himself and told his sister to never go into the O club on Friday nights again.
I thought the gay enlisted go into the Navy?
Certainly Maverick did. Ohhhhhh.... snap!
If it was the pussy grabbing thing, Hillary Clinton never would have gotten the nomination.
Or did you mean discounting for hypocrisy?
Lazy and bitchy.
The other reason for the lack of a honeymoon is KAOS.
Trump is better off without a Honeymoon. He needs something to push back against, and all the hostility helps solidify his base.
Maybe they thought Trump will never be as weak as he is now.
Craig and the other Unknown,
Michael K oftentimes just throws out invective to deflect from his own incompetency.
Was the honeymoon period ever really a thing? I know the media talks about it sometimes, but the doesn't mean it's real.
buwaya said...
Personally and professionally I also mainly deal with "red" people.
PS - Trump is flying Air Force One, as pictures of he and Melania disembarking show. Has it ever occurred to you in your idiocy to have a sense of the actual facts?
And as one would assume when he travels as the president, which is a fact he is certainly showing off for this 4-years too early 2020 campaign stunt. But facts get in the way of the propaganda his cheerleaders need to promote.
This government has been put on autopilot. If a major disaster doesn't occur within four years, it seems a given that there will be so much administrative deterioration as to make one inevitable on the watch of whomever gets voted in next to clean up the mess.
"Why is it so common for right-wing commentators on this blog to make obviously false claims which are so easily shown to be false?"
Well go back to reality and everything else ever conceived, or not, save this blog, and you evidently won't be troubled no (or any as you like) more, right? Sure sure you might, MIGHT, find right-wingers right-winging at websites or even in person, but remember knowledge traps.
You specified this blog for a reason, I trust?
Why do Craig's Craig?
Because they are Craig yo.
Not sure if Trump simply misspoke (last night instead of last year, etc.), but Sweden is dealing with Somali gang warfare. As the Daily Mail delicately puts it, "While Sweden is generally a peaceful, safe country with low crime rates, police have had difficulty addressing violence in poorer neighbourhoods in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo." Guess when Swedish "poverty" started spawning violence.
This is idiocy of the first order. There have been security expenses associated with Presidential travel since long before Trump--and the cost of Trump's traveling expenses stems from how much travel he and his family are doing (since, as is standard, and as Trump is not refusing, he, his wife, and his children are all protected), how many places they are being protected, and how expensive it is to protect in those places. None of this has to do with "the secret service and the security that you lunatics have caused to be required"--find me any evidence to the contrary.
The level of foolishness on the left is getting pretty impressive.
To try to help you understand, I will repeat.
Has it ever occurred to your idiocy that he was going there all the time in his own plane and the only reason for the additional expense is the secret service and the security that you lunatics have caused to be required ?
Earth to Craig and Inga.
He is president now and has to use AF One.
He has his own 757. It holds all his family and a few retainers.
Do you read ?
Why is it so common for right-wing commentators on this blog to make obviously false claims which are so easily shown to be false? Are you all just lazy and contemptible liars?! Are you all performance artists pantomiming and parodying right-wing thinking? It takes me 30 seconds to google before I post; try it out sometime right-wingers.
If a presidential administration's narrative can't be published in the form of an illustrated children's story book, they're just not interested.
Republicans/conservatives are not always bad people, just highly emotional when it comes to how they think of their country. Performance on the details is something they find that distracts from how a mythic legend of it can be depicted. And right now it's the big blonde god versus the media, the courts, and the world. And that storyline must come above all else.
Here come the trolls,
Have a nice evening.
Here come the trolls
What? Milo Yiannapoulos just walked in or something?!
You know, he does say he's the master troll, Michael. And he's the one bringing an empty form unprofessional Americanism to a whole new generation of people whose primary understanding of politics goes as deep as to determine who's a "cuck" and who's not.
Michael K, I do read. You wrote: "the only reason for the additional expense is the secret service and the security that you lunatics have caused to be required". That's false, laughably false. So I read the laughably false thing you wrote.
Trump does not need to travel to Florida every weekend. He does not need to ask the Secret Service to protect a block in Manhattan. He can ask his sons not to travel the world on behalf of his business interests while being protected by my tax dollars. These are all very expensive habits, and for _none_ of them is it true that the only reason for the additional expense is any level of opposition particular to him. For none of it, are you correct. So you are either bullshitting, mistaken, or lying.
I'm not saying he shouldn't do those things, etc. I haven't been on those trips, reading about those expenses, etc. I refrain from opinion there, since I don't have an informed opinion. But it is unbelievable comic idiocy to suggest that the heightened expenses he is putting on the American taxpayer are due _solely_ to the security that you lunatics have caused to be required. So, yes, I read, and I'm holding you to account for the ridiculous thing you wrote.
Unknown said...
Craig and the other Unknown,
Michael K oftentimes just throws out invective to deflect from his own incompetency.
MK lives in a reality all his own. No amount of argument or invective is going to change that. In this respect, he is not that different to Trump.
Democrats refuse to accept the results of the election. They're having a temper tantrum and the Shcmuck Shumers of the country are too pussified to say no to these lunatics in the lefty base.
"President Trump is spending his third consecutive weekend away from Washington, D.C., at his luxury resort Mar-a-Lago in Florida. The series of getaways is drawing the attention of government watchdogs and members of Congress over associated security and travel costs.
Visits to his southern golf resort –- which Trump dubs the "Winter White House" –- will continue frequently over the next four years, aides say.
"The taxpayer is on the hook every time the president flies to Mar-a-Lago. Every time the president uses Air Force One, we pay for it, said Tom Fitton, president of the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, which has been filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to obtain government records and reveal the full cost of presidential trips. The group has monitored President Obama and now President Trump."
Now that I think of it, in trying to understand Trump's mentality you could do a lot worse than examine Michael K. The similarities are certainly greater than the differences.
First, Trump made lefties care about dangerous Russia, now he's got them worried about government waste and expensive presidential travel. He'd better not be too nice to DACA Dreamers, or else the left will turn on them as Trump tools.
'That you entirely and bitterly hate each other, down to individuals, man to man and woman to woman, can no longer be denied."
I hope you thank God you're wrong. How else could others find redemption, or, God willing I hope, salvation?
Hatred is, like other emotions, what it is. It's been around a long time, and ain't going nowhere. Deal. Crying or bed-shitting or suicide have all happened to humanity's detriment and will again because of these environmental conditions (aka Satan's long arm) subsidized through Satan's teachings elevating anything at all save God, and that is hard to accept, and also why victory over evil was and shall be again celebrated gracefully and in cases with enough pomp and circumstance to delight posterity's Singing of the Body Electric.
The quote attributed to Churchill about 20/40 distinctions of age ought give you comfort that you have the ability to control somewhat your tiny time given in our tiny, speckish locales, although the denial of this you can choose to deny per coursely.
I highly encourage those despairing to see that condition as not-even-minisculey different from acting as a Satanic bequeathor.
Democrats refuse to accept the results of the election.
The result is that a perpetually angry Leisuresuit Larry wanna-be dressed up in ill-fitting business attire has decided that his big-boy needs come before the needs of the country - including working on weekends, getting information from sources other than teevee and crony hacks, keeping enough oppositional civil service staff to make sure enough dissenting voices are heard to keep his information stream arising solely from a sealed bubble of slavish hacks, respecting separation of powers and the first amendment, and not turning the national security apparatus and its policy over to Holy Roman Empire revivalists.
The job actually comes with requirements and responsibilities. Whether you like it or not. And whether the Russians that got him the job like it or not.
Kinda funny watching hypocrites on both sides complain about how much it costs to ferry the president around the country.
Nothing will change though. Whomever uses the presidency will use all of the perks to campaign and the people that support the president will cheer and the people that don't will bitch about it.
The key here is to not be a bitcher.
Grateful Dead – Deal Lyrics
Since it costs a lot to win, and even more to lose,
You and me bound to spend some time wondering what to choose.
Goes to show, you don't ever know,
Watch each card you play and play it slow,
Wait until that deal come round,
Don't you let that deal go down, no, no.
I been gambling hereabouts for ten good solid years,
If I told you all that went down it would burn off both of your ears.
Goes to show you don't ever know
Watch each card you play and play it slow,
Wait until that deal come round,
Don't you let that deal go down, no, no.
Since you poured the wine for me and tightened up my shoes,
I hate to leave you sitting there, composing lonesome blues.
Goes to show you don't ever know
Watch each card you play and play it slow,
Wait until that deal come round, don't you let that deal go down.
Wait until that deal come round, don't you let that deal go down,
Wait until that deal come round, don't you let that deal go down,
Don't you let that deal go down, don't you let that deal go down
"a perpetually angry Leisuresuit Larry wanna-be dressed up in ill-fitting business attire"
Trump does dress badly. That's odd. He's married to a supermodel and markets his own clothing. He oughtta get a good tailor, one who knows how to fit a suit jacket and maybe find a tie that doesn't scream "compensation!"
Published Feb 17, 2017. That was Friday....
From the Dailey Mail:
Chief suspect in grenade-attack murder of British boy, 8, in Sweden is KILLED as police prepare to arrest him
Yuusuf Warsame, 8, died in a granade attack on an apartment in Gothenburg
The main suspect is believed to have died as a result of a violent crime
Police believe the attack was part of an ongoing feud between Somali families
Officers had enough evidence to arrest chief suspect but he died before capture
The investigation is continuing but has been hampered by the death, say police
PUBLISHED: 07:51 EST, 17 February 2017 | UPDATED: 09:00 EST, 17 February 2017
Trump delighted in poking the Establishment in the eye, and most of you delighted in Trump’s delight in poking the Establishment in the eye, so to now ask “Hey, what’s up with that honeymoon?” is either Dumb or Playing Dumb.
""Last night" what happened on Friday night in Sweden that prompted Trump to say the words "last night" in regard to terrorism? He could clear it up easily with a tweet."
I think I read that he might have meant "what happened last night" on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" about Sweden. The things in Sweden didn't happen the previous night, but he saw them on TV the previous night. Trump is a man who watches TV. If it was on a show called "Tonight," and you're talking about the show the next day, you refer to it as "last night."
If your mind is in TV World.
Last night in Sweden is only another Nerf arrow in the MSM quiver.
"Guess what Trumpies? You are footing the tax bill so that Trump can honeymoon at Mar-A-Lago every weekend."
Worth every penny. Hillary Clinton will never be president.
Trump should just tweet that he misspoke. How hard would that be for him? Well, I guess it might be very hard for him as a man who never or very rearely admits he's been wrong.
AReasonableMan said...
Now that I think of it, in trying to understand Trump's mentality you could do a lot worse than examine Michael K. The similarities are certainly greater than the differences.
Ooh look at that zinger there!
You are totally off the rails. Keep thinking open borders, sharia law, two bit thuggery and pussy hats is a good basis for a political opposition.
I hope I'm wrong, but I'm afraid I am correct.
I don't see a path to a modus vivendi, because at the level of the big money (though for a lot of others too) it is a zero sum game.
Hate ultimately comes from seeing the other as having fundamentally opposed interests. In most cases, leaving aside madness, and leaving out, perhaps, some misunderstanding of interests, it is the most sane and realistic of emotions.
Perhaps Trump can make a deal somehow, but its not clear there is anyone on the other side to make a deal with.
Achilles you are great but wrong here.
Equality under law is what matters.
Do progs do every single thing they can to negate this? Yes.
Does it mean everything is fucked and throw the damn baby out with that damn bathwater?
Consider that you have no Nazi's to kill, or other Americans either, but just need to what George R.R. Martin might phrase as "hold the door." Google it if you don't watch Game of Thrones. Very powerful scene.
I would rather rot in Hell than accept the dissolution of America because I was itchin' to fight the do-gooders as opposed to laugh with them eventually at humanity's foibles as we age and learn. A total rejection of the serenity prayer seems more horrible to me than I can comprehend.
To be fair though to right reason's unblinking eye, I wouldn't have batted an eye had Jane Fonda been tried for treason and killed by the state upon conviction for her actions in helping our declared enemies, which probably means I am a lightweight.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
enjoying one moment at a time;
accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
forever in the next.
Read more at http://www.beliefnet.com/prayers/protestant/addiction/serenity-prayer.aspx#0pYFg3apBDjZ7j26.99
"Trump delighted in poking the Establishment in the eye, and most of you delighted in Trump’s delight in poking the Establishment in the eye, so to now ask “Hey, what’s up with that honeymoon?” is either Dumb or Playing Dumb."
So you're saying the reactionary hysterical Left is The Establishment in action. We agree.
Unknown said...
Trump should just tweet that he misspoke. How hard would that be for him? Well, I guess it might be very hard for him as a man who never or very rearely admits he's been wrong.
Why doesn't Obama admit he lied about keeping doctors, medical plans, and rates going up?
Why doesn't Obama admit that calling the use of chemical weapons a red line and then doing nothing when they used chemical weapons was fucking cowardly and stupid?
I have about ten more of these off the top of my head. But the point is made. You people are transparently acting in bad faith. You are not good people and you all look stupid with those pussy hats on.
"I would rather rot in Hell than accept the dissolution of America because I was itchin' to fight the do-gooders as opposed to laugh with them eventually at humanity's foibles as we age and learn. A total rejection of the serenity prayer seems more horrible to me than I can comprehend."
Wow! This is really insightful. Cannonballs often makes no sense to me, but this is an arrow straight to the heart of the matter.
""Last night" what happened on Friday night in Sweden that prompted Trump to say the words "last night" in regard to terrorism? He could clear it up easily with a tweet."
I think I read that he might have meant "what happened last night" on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" about Sweden. The things in Sweden didn't happen the previous night, but he saw them on TV the previous night. Trump is a man who watches TV. If it was on a show called "Tonight," and you're talking about the show the next day, you refer to it as "last night."
Thank you so much! This innocent explanation restores my faith in the man's professionalism utterly hugely.
At least we know how to manipulate the man. Broadcast something on his favorite tv channel. Someone get a hold of the FOX chyron feed. Embed it within effusive expressions praising Mr Trump's self-evident greatness.
This won't be hard.
"The series of getaways is drawing the attention of government watchdogs and members of Congress over associated security and travel costs."
Translation: Lefties and Trump haters want to attack Trump over cost of weekend get away when they didn't give a shit about how much Obama's Hawaiian vacations.
Are really any idiot "independents" and "moderates" who buy into this crap?
Just read what Trump said. Nowhere does he say "there was a terrorist attack in Sweden last night".
I can understand wanting to get it clear as to what he meant. But the MSM is creating a Trump strawman and then attacking it.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
The result is that a perpetually angry Leisuresuit Larry wanna-be dressed up in ill-fitting business attire has decided that his big-boy needs come before the needs of the country
Pointless mental masturbation.
- including working on weekends, getting information from sources other than teevee and crony hacks,
Impossible to achieve. To you everyone that would staff for Trump or advise him is a crony hack. Additionally we are just coming off the most closed off partisan administration ever. You have no credibility here after ignoring Obama for 8 years.
keeping enough oppositional civil service staff to make sure enough dissenting voices are heard to keep his information stream arising solely from a sealed bubble of slavish hacks,
None of the people that supported him, i.e. me, are complaining about his information stream. He is actually listening to voters and he is doing what we want him to. It is a breath of fresh air to be honest. Illegal immigration is opposed by 80+% of the American people. Trump is the only politician that heard us. His information stream is better than any previous oligarch pet.
respecting separation of powers and the first amendment, and not turning the national security apparatus and its policy over to Holy Roman Empire revivalists.
More mental masturbation and pointless bleating.
The job actually comes with requirements and responsibilities. Whether you like it or not. And whether the Russians that got him the job like it or not.
You aren't seriously stupid enough to believe the Russians had anything to do with it are you? Please tell us specifically how the Russians stole the presidency from Hillary. I tend to think you are smarter than the other idiots like ARM. Don't kill my unicorn.
Last Night in Sweden should become a song title. Maybe to the tune of a Suzanne Vega song. The rest of the lyrics will wax nihilistically on terrorist-related mass casualties that never happened.
Of remember when Trump's "whatever" somehow meant "menstrual blood" ?
Doesn't "The Toothless Revolutionary" really mean "I'm a child molester"?
I have a condition: can't ever get the music out of my head. Oliver Sacks wrote about it. It sounds like fun, and it has its uses, but it's not always good.
The thing is, you have to realize that there's a song playing. You're listening to a song. It might be a great song. Just know that there's a song, and you're the listener, not the player.
It's tough, I think, for political actors to know that's going on.
Craig, you called me a "jerk" yesterday on the Milo thread when I compared a man who has decided he is really a woman with me deciding that I am really 27 years old no matter what my birth certificate says. I answered you back civilly and expanded on my argument. You never replied, which is fine, but now I see you're showing up on this thread to stamp your feet and scream "bullshit - false claims!"
Do you think the Deep State doesn't exist?
Maybe there will be a net savings on presidential travel had Obama continued in office?
Trump: An hour of negotiations saved more than $1 billion on Air Force One
President Trump said Saturday that he has reduced the price of two new Air Force One planes by more than $1 billion after spending about an hour on negotiations.
Trump previously slammed the cost of the $4.2 billion Boeing program on Twitter as being too high and secured a personal promise from Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg to complete the program for under $4 billion.
"I refuse to fly in a $4.2 billion plane," Trump said at his Melbourne, Fla., rally. "We've got that price down by over $1 billion and I probably haven't spoken for more than an hour on the project. I got the generals in who are fantastic … but I told Boeing that isn't good enough, the price is still too high."
rcocean - You're full of bullshit. I just looked at the NYT, WAPO, and CNN headlines. None of them have headlines along the lines you're suggesting.
"Guess what Trumpies? You are footing the tax bill so that Trump can honeymoon at Mar-A-Lago every weekend."
After Michele's Spain vacation, which cost us $470,000 (and was just a vacation, not an official visit), all those Obama trips to Hawaii and flights to NYC for Date Nights, somehow, I'm just not feeling the outrage.
Impossible to achieve. To you everyone that would staff for Trump or advise him is a crony hack.
Since the intelligence agencies/state? are sick and tired of how reckless he is, and leaking everything, he's implementing a purge of Stalinesque proportions.
Additionally we are just coming off the most closed off partisan administration ever. You have no credibility here after ignoring Obama for 8 years.
Obama's signature achievement, the ACA, came straight out of the Heritage Foundation. Try getting a fact like that to penetrate before going on about credibility. Much of his DOD staff were Republicans. Just come down to reality for a minute.
None of the people that supported him, i.e. me, are complaining about his information stream.
Because yours is as closed as his. Hey, he says he loves the "poorly educated." Not that you're poorly educated. But make emotional opposition to information you don't want to hear. How you propose that such a thing as "climate" could exist without an atmosphere would be a prime example of that.
He is actually listening to voters and he is doing what we want him to. It is a breath of fresh air to be honest. Illegal immigration is opposed by 80+% of the American people. Trump is the only politician that heard us. His information stream is better than any previous oligarch pet.
He is making use of widespread ignorance in the form of resentment and hatred. Illegal immigration went to a net negative under Obama. Deport two million people tomorrow and the economic harm won't be worth it. Even over time, this is a miniscule part of our economic problem, but it is the one that gets you people an enemy more quickly than any other, and I guess that helps keep you focused. Which is apparently important - esp. when no other facts are.
You don't like my colorful comments about his lack of any professionalism or attempt to cater to a 10th c. worldview? I'm so sorry. I guess next time I'll ask for editorial review from the master political humorist you must be before posting them.
And to deny extensive Russian involvement is more flat-earth level denialism. It's not about security; if they'd wanted to do it to the GOP, they'd have found a way. Their resources for this are extensive. Cybercrime is the new warfare. You are being as foolish as Trump is to say it's a simple matter of not being "outgunned." Actually, even more foolish, since Trump obviously acknowledges the threat, at least when he says what even his ten year old kid can accomplish with "cyber."
My job is to question your faith, whether you like it or not. This country cannot be run on faith alone. Of which arrogantly unrestrained confidence is just one form.
"Trump previously slammed the cost of the $4.2 billion Boeing program on Twitter as being too high and secured a personal promise from Boeing CEO Dennis Muilenburg to complete the program for under $4 billion."
I think that more than covers trips to Mar-A-Lago.
Move to the next DNC talking point, lefties. This one ain't going very far.
Here you go. I copied this from the Phila Inquirer..
"During a campaign-style speech in Melbourne, Fla. on Saturday, President Trump appeared to cite a Friday night terrorist incident in Sweden as a reason the public should get behind his hard-line immigration policies. "
That enough evidence for you?
Fair enough--you did respond, and I didn't get back to that thread. I think now that you were being smarmy in your original post @ 6:11 pm (and, fair enough, I certainly have been smarmy, and I've been a jerk, at times), but I see in your further thread the explanation. I think you still misunderstand the gender issue, and in ways that mean that your criticisms are going to fail. In large part, it looks like you are failing to see the relevant move made by the opposition. They would say to you, look, there are different things. For instance: 1) having certain reproductive organs, 2) having certain DNA, 3) having certain self-image, 4) being responded to in certain ways societally. They are claiming that 3 has to do with your self-image, which seems tautological. You seem to think they are claiming that 1 or 2 are up to choice; no one is claiming that. So then the whole dispute is about vocabulary. Which one of 1, 2, 3, and 4 do we want to associate with the writings/sounds "man" and "woman"? You say call them whatever you wish, but you can't mean that, because if you don't care about the vocabulary, you have conceded the fight. But then even if you care about the vocabulary, an argument that biology doesn't heed choice isn't responsive, since no one disputes that. You'd need an argument for why we should one, and not the other, should be the meaning of "man" and "woman."
Regardless of my thoughts about all that, it looks like you responded in good faith, and I dropped the ball in continuing the discussion. Good on you (honestly)--thanks for that.
Here, there are folks offering easily falsifiable bullshit, and I'm bored enough to call them on it! Sunday's recreation--some of these commentators make it too easy.
Now this will be an interesting conversaton!
Guildofcannonballs said...
Achilles you are great but wrong here.
(... a lot of stuff I agree with ...)
Consider that you have no Nazi's to kill, or other Americans either, but just need to what George R.R. Martin might phrase as "hold the door." Google it if you don't watch Game of Thrones. Very powerful scene.
That was a great scene and a wonderful tie in. I agree that is a very strongly correlated analogy to today. They aren't as scary as the undead hoards and are actually kind of ridiculous, but they are just as destructive and the goals are the same.
I would rather rot in Hell than accept the dissolution of America because I was itchin' to fight the do-gooders as opposed to laugh with them eventually at humanity's foibles as we age and learn. A total rejection of the serenity prayer seems more horrible to me than I can comprehend.
This is the point of contention. I have had ample opportunity to fight the leftists including some situations where I was physically threatened and had some legal protection. I didn't. There is a part of me that is eager to treat the left as it has treated us. I have seen and delivered violence usually overseas. But I want to be a better person and I understand how that weighs down a soul.
But I believe in order to keep our freedom and our liberty we must be willing to fight for it. The only thing keeping the thugs on the left at bay is the certain knowledge of what will happen if they attack us. If they are at all successful in taking the freedom and liberty of my wife and kids and family I and my friends will make the rivers run red.
That's not an acknowledgement that such an "incident" actually occurred, AJ.
But it is an example of that Philadelphia newspaper's inferior reporting.
A serenity prayer for the self under Trump? Hell, it's 70 degrees in February here in a northern latitude and I'm loving the sunny optimism of a guy who apparently feels he has so little to do that he'll fly down to Florida for a rally after apparently hugely winning and winning and winning and telling us about his win over and over and over and over again from over three months ago.
I just want to know when it's going to get me killed, is all. But in the meantime, this Top Gun 1980s redux under an anti-Reagan sure is fun.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Since the intelligence agencies/state? are sick and tired of how reckless he is, and leaking everything, he's implementing a purge of Stalinesque proportions.
The same apparatus that led Bush into war. The intelligence community has been your whipping boy since the Iraq war started and now you have total faith and confidence in them? Pure hypocrisy.
Also having a bit more first hand information than you I will tell you there are 2 kinds of people in that community. There are the operators and grunt level people that do all the work and then there are the political apparatchiks. There is a huge gulf between the two.
The apparatchiks have to go. All of the people in the basement would like to participate in that too.
AJ Lynch, That's what you've got? Weak sauce:
1) The Inquirer couched its terms carefully, writing "appeared," the Inquirer quoted the relevant language, and the Inquirer offered the White House's take. In fact, to many, including to Sweden, it did reasonably appear that Trump was referencing a terror attack in Sweden--it is only by _correcting_ Trump's words via Althouse-style charitable _re_construction that you fix the error.
Moreover, 2) The overwhelming majority of the MSM got this exactly right; you found one online, real-time news story describing a reasonable interpretation of the passage (and not going so far as to claim to be reporting what the President said). If that's how you want to describe things, we're in agreement: the MSM did a responsible job covering this story.
So you're saying the reactionary hysterical Left is The Establishment in action.
If your reactionary hysterical left is catholic enough to include Bill Kristol, John McCain, David Brooks, etc, then sure, we agree.
I'm old enuf to remember Obamas campaign accidentally removing the checks from Internet donations.
No one cared if money came from overseas.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Obama's signature achievement, the ACA, came straight out of the Heritage Foundation. Try getting a fact like that to penetrate before going on about credibility. Much of his DOD staff were Republicans. Just come down to reality for a minute.
Heritage? How about NRO and the Weekly Standard? Any other GOPe "thinktanks" you want to trot out here? Maybe the Chamber of Commerce? If there is any group out there as lame as the democrat party in it's current incarnation it is the Vichy republican DC slime.
If you haven't noticed we are removing them from power. They all supported Hillary anyways. Good riddance.
And since when are you a supporter of forced insurance purchasing and subsidization of insurance cronies? What the fuck kind of "progressive" position is that? Obamacare was the worst possible solution to either the left or the right.
The same apparatus that led Bush into war. The intelligence community has been your whipping boy since the Iraq war started and now you have total faith and confidence in them? Pure hypocrisy.
All the same? Doesn't seem plausible. That was over 15 years ago. Most people only have a productive working career of 45 years at best. What, no retirements? No turnover - even under eight years of someone a hell of a lot less interventionist in scale than W.? I'm not buying it.
Also having a bit more first hand information than you I will tell you there are 2 kinds of people in that community. There are the operators and grunt level people that do all the work and then there are the political apparatchiks. There is a huge gulf between the two.
I respect your first hand info, but you're asking of me to have a lot more trust in Trump than I think he demonstrates that he deserves.
The apparatchiks have to go. All of the people in the basement would like to participate in that too.
Again, there are apparatchiks and there are apparatchiks. If you really think that Trump's management style is open, confident in hearing out different viewpoints, and not in a manner given to paranoia, rank loyalty and sowing backbiting among factions and appointments whose only metric for measuring success is how much they appear to suck-up to the CEO, then it's a story about Trump that somehow needs to get out there. Hell, maybe even Tony Schwartz could write it!
If you haven't noticed we are removing them from power. They all supported Hillary anyways. Good riddance.
Nonsense. Show me the evidence. Whichever GOP congress critter sucks up to Trump (and they all more or less did, except those way too powerful to need to (McCain, Graham) will continue to reap the "rewards". No one has taken over the RNC to remove non-"loyalists", of which it appears there are none. They will stick as close to (or as far away from) Trump as their electioneering polls tell them to.
And since when are you a supporter of forced insurance purchasing and subsidization of insurance cronies? What the fuck kind of "progressive" position is that? Obamacare was the worst possible solution to either the left or the right.
The same kind that gave us Medicare, SSI, or I suppose even the congressional health plan that's standard for the congress critters. Obamacare is far from perfect. Throwing 20 million people off their care is worse.
Are you trying to set a record, The Toothless Revolutionary?
And hey, The Toothless Revolutionary, I get thrown off my health plan EVERY FUCKING YEAR. Ask me why. I dare you.
For debunking/challenging propaganda, Bob?
Maybe, I guess.
Are there any results by which you propose I judge Trump's performance by? Any at all?
Listen, Achilles is a true believer in Trump. I don't find fault in him or for that. Trump represented another end of the spectrum of a necessary movement to disrupt much of went off the rails in D.C. We both get that about each other.
But Trump's many apparent distortions and deviations worry me. I want a shake-up. I don't want it ALL to be right-wing, and maybe neither does he. But I don't want to die either, or see harm befalling a country that was made to put a person's personal legacy over its own stability.
Does that concern you? I'm sorry to post so much. Maybe the Trump campaign (or is it an administration now?) could give me less to post about.
Just one good, demonstrable and uncontroversial triumph. Just one.
Ok, maybe two. But then again, he did promise a LOT.
I don't know, Bob. Is it about you or the twenty million?
ACA critics have a point. Until they try to tell me that this one anecdote or the other somehow outweighs the millions of other stories of people who can now even bother to have health care at all.
Don't tell me to sympathize with you if you can't sympathize with anyone else, is all I ask.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Because yours is as closed as his. Hey, he says he loves the "poorly educated." Not that you're poorly educated. But make emotional opposition to information you don't want to hear. How you propose that such a thing as "climate" could exist without an atmosphere would be a prime example of that.
Mental masturbation.
He is making use of widespread ignorance in the form of resentment and hatred. Illegal immigration went to a net negative under Obama. Deport two million people tomorrow and the economic harm won't be worth it. Even over time, this is a miniscule part of our economic problem, but it is the one that gets you people an enemy more quickly than any other, and I guess that helps keep you focused. Which is apparently important - esp. when no other facts are.
I agree it is't the biggest problem from the standpoint of pure productivity. Obviously the economy produces more if you introduce more people. But for poor people it reduces the quality of life in a variety of ways. And the general lawlessness is not a minuscule issue.
You don't like my colorful comments about his lack of any professionalism or attempt to cater to a 10th c. worldview? I'm so sorry. I guess next time I'll ask for editorial review from the master political humorist you must be before posting them.
I know he isn't professional. Who cares. Mitt Romney was a professional and I didn't like him.
And to deny extensive Russian involvement is more flat-earth level denialism. It's not about security; if they'd wanted to do it to the GOP, they'd have found a way. Their resources for this are extensive. Cybercrime is the new warfare. You are being as foolish as Trump is to say it's a simple matter of not being "outgunned." Actually, even more foolish, since Trump obviously acknowledges the threat, at least when he says what even his ten year old kid can accomplish with "cyber."
My job is to question your faith, whether you like it or not. This country cannot be run on faith alone. Of which arrogantly unrestrained confidence is just one form.
The only reason you people care about hacking now is because it may have cost Hillary an election. When the Chinese hacked the million an a half SF86 forms from OPM exactly zero people got fired and zero leftists cared. A little background on the SF86. It is the initial form you turn in on an application for a TS/SCI clearance. 10 years of where you lived and worked. Every identification number you ever had including SS# every passport you ever had is copied in birth certificates etc. Complete financial and credit reports.
The Chinese have my SF86 now.
I don't think you people really care as much about hacking as I do.
And lets talk about the "Russian" Hacking. All it really did was help the democrats keep their promises of transparency, and did the job the media refuses to do.
The Phish mail Podesta clicked on has been produced by 10 year olds. That Podesta fell for it demonstrates the Clinton campaign was utterly unprepared for the modern world. The Bernie supporter that outed the DNC dirty laundry because the DNC screwed Bernie? Whistle blower. This whole line of attack on Trump is stupid. Don't be a fucking idiot.
Hey, TTR, I'm too tired to keep typing out your ridiculous name.
Hey, TTR, I get thrown off Obamacare every year because the only-- THE ONLY-- provider in my state, Blue Cross, has raised my premiums an average of 30% per year for the last few years. My friends in Arizona got an average-- an AVERAGE-- upgrade of >100% premiums for 2017.
We who pay our own health insurance get hit hard like a truck.
Hey, TTR, Obamacare killed my health insurance.
Hey, TTR, Obamacare killed my health insurance.
Like I said, if you make it only about yourself while asking me to forget about the many millions more who now have a better outcome, why should I prioritize your story/outcome over theirs?
There will always be trade-offs with policy of this sort. But we won't improve it for EVERYONE until we start valuing both those who made out better with the plan and those who were made worse off equally
Are you able to do that? I think I can.
Hey, TTR, I'm getting screwed. Maybe you've been screwed in the past. Maybe you know what it's like.
You don't seem to know what's going on here. Could it be, maybe, that we're all getting screwed?
BTW, what is this shit about "they're gonna lose their health insurance?"
I lose mine every 12/31. Blue Cross tells me we're gonna cancel your plan, but here's another one you can pay 40% more for.
This started with Obamacare. Never happened before that. Obamacare is a disaster.
When I speak of professionalism I don't mean being an impeccably polished manequin like Romney who does business by the book. I mean getting the job done. Appointments/positions filled on time, a sense of stability and confidence established, responses to foreign aggression that are reassuring, an indication that you care more about the job than about how you're marketing yourself in that role. Mollifying dissent instead of sharpening it. That kind of thing. Trump might well pull it off. He's just not shown me any of these things yet though, but the opposite.
Who cares if HIllary lost it or if Trump had lost it? This hacking is a crime, the level of interference an outrage, and the country shouldn't stand for it. This time they did it to Hillary/DNC. Next time they'll do it to Trump. Let's try to focus on the broader picture here and not make it a partisan thing.
Obamacare is a disaster.
For you. But you've posted nearly a dozen posts already where you go out of your way to prove that you can't accept that policies have trade-offs (unless we all put effort/compromise in) and that you don't care about the people who are better off because of it.
So I think our conversation here is done. Both the problems created and resolved by ACA go far beyond just one person. If you can't accept that, then there's no point in having the discussion. Every person's story is a potential data point, not just yours.
This would seem like a very simple thing to grasp; that if many, many people don't matter then neither should one person. I'm not sure why you keep pretending that it's not the point, but it makes discussion on it impossible.
TTR, you're an idiot.
You don't seem to know what's going on here. Could it be, maybe, that we're all getting screwed?
No we're not. There are diverse effects, many good and many bad. It's a complex thing, not an all-or-nothing thing. But it can be fixed, assuming you're able to consider it in all its complexity.
TTR, you're an idiot.
And you think you're the center of the universe.
Enjoy your view from that perspective.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
All the same? Doesn't seem plausible. That was over 15 years ago. Most people only have a productive working career of 45 years at best. What, no retirements? No turnover - even under eight years of someone a hell of a lot less interventionist in scale than W.? I'm not buying it.
Take the R and the D away from who has been in charge the last 30-50 years. You have to do this to get a real idea of what is going on and stop being an Obama homer for 5 minutes. I am requesting this from the point of view of someone who was so committed to bringing democracy and freedom to the middle east and freeing the women of the middle east from oppression that I volunteered and deployed there 4 times. I am having to admit that people I knew personally died for something awful that they didn't believe in.
The results of the last whatever number of years is a humanitarian catastrophe. And who was really there and in charge? Who told Bush to go into Iraq? Who told Obama to destabilize Tunisia, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Iraq?
The only constant was the deep state DC apparatus that is suffused to the core with neocons who are both republican and democrat. And when all those "republicans" decided they had to support Hillary I had to step back.
I have had to admit we were not serving any good interests over there. On the ground we had our motivations and the troops were doing what they thought was right. But when the Bushes all supported Hillary that was also a tell.
Purge? You better believe we need a purge. It can go easy or it can go hard.
And I'm not saying that the DNC didn't get some well-deserved just desserts, either. And I'm not attacking Trump for it. I just think letting the Russians feel that they can get away with this sounds short-sighted.
Well, I have to admit you're bringing me around with your 5:49.
Much of that apparatus probably results from a perceived need to help guide that whole military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned about.
How we downsize both that and the ambitious intelligence guiding it without downgrading our capacity doesn't sound like an easy task. But one worth at least trying to pursue.
Until they try to tell me that this one anecdote or the other somehow outweighs the millions of other stories of people who can now even bother to have health care at all.
You mean medicaid or the "health care" policies that have a multi-thousand dollar deductible? If you need taxpayer subsidy to "purchase" health insurance you likely don't have the $5-$9k to pay the deductible. They are still going to the ER.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
When I speak of professionalism I don't mean being an impeccably polished manequin like Romney who does business by the book. I mean getting the job done. Appointments/positions filled on time, a sense of stability and confidence established, responses to foreign aggression that are reassuring, an indication that you care more about the job than about how you're marketing yourself in that role.
Obama appointed a treasury secretary that was a tax cheat. A treasury secretary of the united states of america blamed his failure to pay his taxes on turbo tax. Just one example. No republican president will ever meet our standard of "professionalism." If the democrats weren't being ridiculous you might have a point but so far the only thing holding up Trump are democrats.
Mollifying dissent instead of sharpening it. That kind of thing. Trump might well pull it off. He's just not shown me any of these things yet though, but the opposite.
The dissent so far has been ridiculous. You don't mollify thugs or paid protesters in pussy hats.
Who cares if HIllary lost it or if Trump had lost it? This hacking is a crime, the level of interference an outrage, and the country shouldn't stand for it. This time they did it to Hillary/DNC. Next time they'll do it to Trump. Let's try to focus on the broader picture here and not make it a partisan thing.
You are being purposefully obtuse here. Podesta clicked on a phish mail of which I get 5 or so daily. If he is that stupid there is no solution short of nuking Russia into the stone age that would stop that.
And unless the Trump campaign learned mind control there is nothing you can say about a Bernie supporter at the DNC leaking that the DNC purposely screwed Bernie. You are right we shouldn't make it partisan, but the democrats are.
1. Honeymoons are for women.
I thought honeymoons were for sex. Surely you're not suggesting that sex is only for women.
And I'm not saying that the DNC didn't get some well-deserved just desserts, either.
Why do you live in San Francisco? Doesn't living in the presence of so much liberalness gnaw at your very insides each and every moment of the day? Apparently not or you would move, rendering your statement ridiculous. You live in an in between place. Hating liberals yet living with them.
Speaking only for myself, I still enjoy living in the Bay Area very much (moved to Oakland last year). I'm very much of a libertarian bent, and SF is still an accommodating place in that respect.
Also, most normal people don't conduct their daily lives under the dictate that everything personal is political. I can spend all day walking around not having a political conversation. I can talk to and relate to people whom I'm sure disagree with me vehemently on politics, but so what? Life is about more than that.
Podesta's an idiot. I'm glad he's nowhere near any levers of power - partisan or otherwise. The phish email was relatively well-disguised but that doesn't excuse what he did.
I just don't understand the rush to cut the Russians out of the picture. I'm sure they're hacking our DOD networks now. Hacking our political parties doesn't make them less criminal.
I don't think the Democrats are making it political. Perhaps the DNC is. But Republicans making a fuss out of it know that the RNC could be next. It will be next. Let's not kid ourselves. You're basically staking out a moral/political position on your faith in the infinite smarts of GOP operatives.
Lol. Really?
DNC purposely screwed Bernie.
Yes, they did. The DNC was and probably still is very horrible. But they got screwed big time. I don't know if they learned a lesson or not, but I do know that a perceived need to keep whipping them is no longer where I need to be if the tradeoff is that Russia feels it can hack private US entities at will as long as some politically favorable outcome arises from it.
The DNC is a private entity. You and I are private entities. Are you giving Russia permission to hack your own line as well?
I sure am not.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Much of that apparatus probably results from a perceived need to help guide that whole military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned about.
How we downsize both that and the ambitious intelligence guiding it without downgrading our capacity doesn't sound like an easy task. But one worth at least trying to pursue.
I am going to add some more. Two governments warned our "intelligence" agencies specifically about the Tsarnaev brothers. They were not hiding what they were doing. How the fuck did they miss that? How did they miss Pakistan and India going nuclear? How did they miss the collapse of the Soviet Union? How did they miss ISIS?
I know what kind of information gathering capabilities they have. After 9/11 they started getting serious. You people out here would shit your pants. They are purposefully doing this. The apparatchiks have been forcing restrictions on the grunts for decades and putting resources in the wrong places on purpose. Notice on 9/11 they hit places where the wealthy elite reside and keep their wealth, but since then? The attacks have been out here on main street.
Who would we be bombing today if Hillary had won? Somalia? Oh we were under Obama... Quite prolifically too. Are there any shitholes over there she would leave alone? These people are all on the same team.
MK is right... the trolls are out tonight... again. Making this unreadable. Good night.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
The DNC is a private entity. You and I are private entities. Are you giving Russia permission to hack your own line as well?
The point is the Russians had nothing to do with that. A Bernie supporter did it, unless he was a secret Russian mole.
It's great when people who have never posted a comment (at least any that others remembered or found worth reading) put themselves in the position of labeling who is or is not a troll.
The point is the Russians had nothing to do with that. A Bernie supporter did it, unless he was a secret Russian mole.
What's your confidence level for that?
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Podesta's an idiot. I'm glad he's nowhere near any levers of power - partisan or otherwise. The phish email was relatively well-disguised but that doesn't excuse what he did.
I just don't understand the rush to cut the Russians out of the picture. I'm sure they're hacking our DOD networks now. Hacking our political parties doesn't make them less criminal.
I am far more concerned about Chinese hacking than Russian hacking. They are more numerous if not more skilled. But to be honest our government is far more worrisome in it's capabilities and we need to make sure it is pointed outward rather than inward. Lately it has been more focused inward on us.
I don't think the Democrats are making it political. Perhaps the DNC is. But Republicans making a fuss out of it know that the RNC could be next. It will be next. Let's not kid ourselves. You're basically staking out a moral/political position on your faith in the infinite smarts of GOP operatives.
If the GOP gets hacked and a bunch of information comes out about what corrupt shitheads they are guess what? I will shake the hackers hand and do whatever I can to kick the corrupt shitheads in the balls.
Lol. Really?
Yes really. Haven't you figured it out yet that the GOP was at least as detestable a the DNC?
Haven't you figured it out yet that the GOP was at least as detestable a the DNC?
I always saw their position domestically as incongruent but until Trump supporters like you came along I'd figured a lot of grassroots supporters must have been ok with it.
I'm not saying that if they were exposed that something good wouldn't come out of it. (Until they go secret again and return to form the next day, as the DNC has done). I'm heartened by your idealism, but when do the ends justify or not justify the means? You're pretty down on anti-Trump activists; they also commit crimes but are not opposed to the same ends. With hackers it seems it should be the same but I guess with electronic activity we're just going to have to accept a certain amount of vigilantism in order to keep the whole thing with a fighting chance of at least staying free to an extent that we would even recognize.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
What's your confidence level for that?
I have more evidence for that than there is for Russian hacking. To be honest outside of Putin wanting to get back at Hillary personally for interfering in his elections what was in it for Trump winning? On the one hand you had a nationalist spouting "America First" and promising to open up US hydrocarbon production. On the other hand you had the penultimate for sale politician who had already sold 20% of north american uranium to a Russian company and promising to stop "climate change".
Trump has already started opening up drilling. The Russians are dependent on oil/gas prices staying high. There is no there there. The Russians royally fucked up if they did interfere. Both they and Assange deny they had anything to do with it and there is no real apparent motivation for them. I would expect them to act rationally.
I would also expect Bernie supporters in the DNC to act rationally and fuck the DNC. There have been several leaks about it in the media.
Ann Althouse said...
"I think I read that he might have meant "what happened last night" on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" about Sweden. The things in Sweden didn't happen the previous night, but he saw them on TV the previous night. Trump is a man who watches TV."
Alhouse, I have some news for you. It's news you won't find in that NYT you so religiously scrutinize, but it can be found on the internet. The news is, on any given day whatsoever, "what happened last night in Sweden" was that some Muslims raped some Swedish women. It's what they do.
Don't take my word for it, here is "Peter Springare, a senior investigator at the serious crimes division at the Örebro Police Department";
"Here we go; this is what I’ve handled from Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, rape-assault and rape, extortion, blackmail, assault, violence against police, threats to police, drug crime, drugs, crime, felony, attempted murder, rape again, extortion again and ill-treatment."
“Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohammed, Mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again. Christopher… what, is it true? Yes, a Swedish name snuck in on the edges of a drug crime. Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again."
“Countries representing all the crimes this week: Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown, unknown country, Sweden. Half of the suspects, we can’t be sure because they don’t have any valid papers. Which in itself usually means that they’re lying about their nationality and identity.”
Your 6:28 makes sense. Regarding acting rationally, we have. Or we started to. We're just distracted by Trump's objectionable conviction that he can curtail media or the courts. As well as other stuff. A lot of other stuff. If he's pro-worker we want to see more than a threat to "not bribe" Carrier if they don't stay, etc.
As for the rest of what lingers after your 6:28, then do you have an explanation for Flynn's Russian communications or whatever's up with this Manafort guy?
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
I always saw their position domestically as incongruent but until Trump supporters like you came along I'd figured a lot of grassroots supporters must have been ok with it.
You should review the 2012 republican presidential primary. It probably wasn't interesting to you for obvious reasons but it had several similarities to the democrat primary in 2016.
Romney was the obvious establishment choice. Tall, pretty, humorless and probably the best human being to ever run for president. He was also an insufferable patrician and the author of Obamacare.
The base hated Romney. I said some pretty awful things about Romney. I stand by them 100%. During this cycle Romney has been the worst example of patrician oligarch pet. The democrats only had one serious challenger to Hillary but we had several. And one by one the GOPe machine took them down. They used massive donor funds and scorched earth attacks on all of the republican challengers finally going after Newt in Florida. They attacked Newt in ways they would never attack a democrat like Obama. All the challengers were flawed but we were looking for something other than GOP patricianship.
2016 could have been seen coming ever since 2012.
Most normal people don't conduct their daily lives under the dictate that everything personal is political.
Exactly. I've lived in the most liberal and the most conservative parts this country, and politics are way down on the list of ordinary people's day-to-day concerns. When I hear breathless warnings from right and left about the imminent Red-Blue Civil War, I think, Who are these people?
AReasonableMan said...
"Althouse is correct, Trump's misogynistic statements and the resulting massive nationwide women's march meant that from the start of his presidency he faced almost unprecedented levels of organized passionate opposition."
Organized, definitely. And I guess it is fair to characterize marching about with a gigantic inflatable replica of your genitals on your head as "passionate". Certainly, I would need to be in a fairly passionate frame of mind to appear in public in a dick hat.
Hey, just for the record, ARM, over the years, I figure I have grabbed something like 40 women by the pussy. And not one of them had any objection. In fact, I think it is fair to say they typically regarded it as a good start and a promising portent. Anyway, they didn't put on pussy hats and march on Washington.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Your 6:28 makes sense. Regarding acting rationally, we have. Or we started to. We're just distracted by Trump's objectionable conviction that he can curtail media or the courts. As well as other stuff. A lot of other stuff. If he's pro-worker we want to see more than a threat to "not bribe" Carrier if they don't stay, etc.
I hope Trump has realized he doesn't have to go to the courts. He is doing a bang up job of destroying the elite media. To the extent that he is bringing in the little shops and bloggers I think he is actually democratizing the distribution of information. We will be much more healthy as a country if we have 1000 organizations reporting on the president than 10 or 12 or whatever the number was before.
As for the rest of what lingers after your 6:28, then do you have an explanation for Flynn's Russian communications or whatever's up with this Manafort guy?
Flynn was acting like a career DC insider. Not being one it is just speculation but I would bet he talk to more russians and chinese and whatever other foreign intelligence agents there are in DC than he does to normal people. The other thing is if he did anything illegal or remotely incriminating/unethical I guarantee the deep state has every phone call text message email fax porno video library card foreign and domestic that he has ever talked/typed/watched and they have sent them to all 16 agencies Obama allowed them to now.
This should be more open but the deep state doesn't want it to be. Obvious reason.
Manafort was an early Trump hire. Who knows but Trump obviously fired him. Trump probably started out not knowing who to go to and he hired Lewandowski Manafort and who else? before finally settling on Bannon Conway.
Blue@9 said...
Speaking only for myself, I still enjoy living in the Bay Area very much (moved to Oakland last year). I'm very much of a libertarian bent, and SF is still an accommodating place in that respect.
Also, most normal people don't conduct their daily lives under the dictate that everything personal is political. I can spend all day walking around not having a political conversation. I can talk to and relate to people whom I'm sure disagree with me vehemently on politics, but so what? Life is about more than that.
This is a sensible well balanced approach to life but it is a mindset that is unavailable to zealots like buwaya or Achilles. They only have hate.
We will be much more healthy as a country if we have 1000 organizations reporting on the president than 10 or 12 or whatever the number was before.
I think we do. Maybe not as many "breaking news" organizations, but I haven't had a cable-ready tv for ten years and wasn't watching network news prior to that for another ten. I've been getting everything online since then. I have such a hard time believing I could be unusual in this regard.
Earnest Prole said...
Exactly. I've lived in the most liberal and the most conservative parts this country, and politics are way down on the list of ordinary people's day-to-day concerns. When I hear breathless warnings from right and left about the imminent Red-Blue Civil War, I think, Who are these people?
I have said from the beginning I don't think this will happen. There have been times when my confidence was shaken but whatevs.
But there will be a war. It wont be Red-Blue. They tried to foment that but I think the blue side has no appetite for that fight. It will be when the DC deep state refuses to give up power and the left is going to join us when that one starts.
Trump is just showing everyone their true colors now.
Jupiter said...
over the years, I figure I have grabbed something like 40 women by the pussy.
You didn't have a club available so you could knock them unconscious and drag them back to your cave?
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
I think we do. Maybe not as many "breaking news" organizations, but I haven't had a cable-ready tv for ten years and wasn't watching network news prior to that for another ten. I've been getting everything online since then. I have such a hard time believing I could be unusual in this regard.
This is why Hillary fell. The hacking would have been buried if the elites had their way. Some of the stories I have read about past presidents and how they were covered for by the media are jaw dropping. Our press has been sycophantic and honestly disgusting for decades.
Jupiter said...
over the years, I figure I have grabbed something like 40 women by the pussy.
They must have been some classy women. I assume you were mainlining a penicillin drip all evening.
AReasonableMan said...
"You didn't have a club available so you could knock them unconscious and drag them back to your cave?"
When a cave seemed indicated, I usually let them drag me back to their caves. Their caves tend to be better appointed than the squalid holes I used to live in. What I am saying, is that placing your hand on a woman's genitals is a very common part of normal sexual practice. The only thing that would make it an offense, against the woman, custom, the law, or all three, would be if she found it objectionable. And since the whole point of Trump's statement was that they did not object, the national hissy fit that clowns like you are attempting to have about it is a bunch of bullshit. Organized, passionate bullshit.
AReasonableMan said...
"They must have been some classy women. I assume you were mainlining a penicillin drip all evening."
Hmmmm... well, a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell. But I recall some gals I thought were fairly classy. What's up ARM, you saying there's something wrong with having a lot of sex partners? Didn't you get the memo?
And ARM, Trump's statement was not misogynist. Your nasty little insinuations about a penicillin drip are misogynist. Trump likes women, a lot, and they seem to return the favor. What pissed off the feminists about Trump's remark was precisely that it was true. They do let you walk right up and grab 'em by the pussy. They like men, those gender traitors, and if some big good-looking gorilla buys them dinner and a couple drinks, they might just hop in the sack with him and have themselves an orgasm or two. Ooooh, that pisses those lesbian man-haters off! Seems to get yours in a bunch too, ARM. What's the big fizz?
… the MSM is creating a Trump strawman and then attacking it.
Yes, they are. It’s one of their usual go-to techniques. But I do not believe it will work with this particular target. And that immunity, which the MSM itself bestowed on Trump, is backdate-able to when Trump began to look like a viable candidate for the GOP nomination. The immunity lasted throughout the general campaign and resulted in Hillary losing the election badly. It’ll no doubt continue throughout his presidency if the Left keeps giving Trump booster shots.
I can talk to and relate to people whom I'm sure disagree with me vehemently on politics, but so what? Life is about more than that.
Bingo! This player gets a brand new toaster. The politicization of every single fucking aspect of living is going to be the real legacy of the Left, the eGOP, the MSM and academia. Sad!
"They do let you walk right up and grab 'em by the pussy. They like men, those gender traitors, and if some big good-looking gorilla buys them dinner and a couple drinks, they might just hop in the sack with him and have themselves an orgasm or two. "
Do you think what Trump said came as a shock to, say, Mick Jagger or Robert Plant?
Or to any Hollywood producer?
To be clear, my last comment was addressed to ARM, not Jupiter.
To our friends in the MSM: you keep plucking that chicken. No Trump voter, no matter how unenthusiastic (except Chuck), cares about the nit-picking that is going on.
Anyone who has been paying attention knows that Sweden is having a tough time integrating the immigrants they have welcomed from Islamic countries. Open borders + welfare state = bad idea.
Toothless, you are toothless. Craig, you laid an egg. Unknown, don't know you and don't want to.
ARM, stick around. You are reasonable.
exiledonmainstreet said...
To be clear, my last comment was addressed to ARM
Rock stars will fuck porn stars. A lot of them got Hep B or C for their efforts. If we have started to use rock stars as our guiding stars for prudent behavior we are in a lot deeper than I thought.
"MK is right... the trolls are out tonight... again. Making this unreadable. Good night."
MM trolling, lol.
Don't worry cons, DJT has had and will continue to have plenty of opportunities to blow his load in your (figurative) pussies.
Don't be too lathered up about the honeymoon setting re your getting F-ed.
Dear Ann
Trump was describing some famous men's behavior to groupies and gold diggers. Here's a likelihood for you. Your boy Bob Dylan has almost certainly said and done the same things.
"To our friends in the MSM: you keep plucking that chicken. No Trump voter, no matter how unenthusiastic (except Chuck), cares about the nit-picking that is going on."
The chicken is being plucked in the Senate and House Intelligence Committees, don't fret about it. When you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
Here's a likelihood for you. Your boy Bob Dylan has almost certainly said and done the same things.
Careful, friend. You’re treading on sacred ground.
Unknown said...
The chicken is being plucked in the Senate and House Intelligence Committees, don't fret about it. When you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
Your disappointment is going to be delicious.
3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
Don't worry cons, DJT has had and will continue to have plenty of opportunities to blow his load in your (figurative) pussies.
Don't be too lathered up about the honeymoon setting re your getting F-ed.
Utterly predictable. You were in no way to keep up with any part of this conversation. Keep telling yourself how smart you are. Such a boring cliche.
Was somebody on here asserting that news media weren't claiming that Trump said there was a terrorist attack in Sweden on Friday night? Because sitting here in the airport, a captive of the CNN telescreen, those are the exact words that went over the crawl just now. For the 20 or so minutes I've been sitting here, it is the only -- and I do mean only -- story that they are talking about.
They mentioned the SpaceX launch, but now they're back to "Sweden Terror Remark" coverage.
One unexpected benefit of loud airport muzak - drowns out CNN. They have moved on to deploring Trump's comments on the news media.
They appear to be quite butthurt about it all.
@craig If anyone is full of shit, it is you. The national media giggled themselves silly because they thought they caught Trump saying something blatantly wrong. However, because they are so lazy and biased, they never checked what he actually said, preferring to repeat what they said amongst each other. Trump went on Twitter later to specify the story he was referring to (which is all over the European press but nowhere in the US press).
You would be well advised to reflect upon the Proverb: None are so blind as those that refuse to see
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