Later she added: 'We're all gonna die sounds so dire but we are though (all gonna die).'
Comedienne? when was she ever funny?Darrell says:
Woman are smart and funny. Deal with it.Heh. I get it:
८८ टिप्पण्या:
The new civility I've been hearing about?
When was this "once"?
(I never thought she was especially smart - nor especially dumb.
She hasn'tbeen funny in a while.)
We were all going to die before anyone was president, so... that's kind of a duh statement.
She also appears in black face in a tweet. I don't know if it's real or not.
So much for the notion that weed makes people nice.
Did you hear that large boom? That's the collective sound of a thousand psyches of rich, Hollywood, Lefties crashing down hard.
She should take over another late night TV comedy show spot. Fit right in.
Violent ideation from the man who launched Obama's political career by hosting his first fundraiser: link
People like Althouse who knew about this and voted for Obama anyway don't get to pretend they're on the side of the angels. The left always excuses, or at least tolerates, it's literal bomb throwers.
I recall that calling for a military overthrow of the government is illegal and usually referred to as treason. Didn't the democrats learn from their last attempt at armed rebellion?
Precious femme comic goes psycho. Desparate to save stranded career through crazy tweets to crazy followers.
Seeks to emulate Michael Moore, who has failed to ralley followers in 4 straight elections.
Ashley Judd to stage intervention.
Silverman is a sometimes funny baren jew with nice tits and a pretty face. Is her politics why she keeps getting dumped?
Hey, "Jesus is Magic" Sarah! Do you know what about 65% of the enlisted men in the Armed Forces call Bible Thumpers?
"Mom & Pop".
Your side long ago burned that bridge, bitch.
Our soldiers, sailors, flyers, and marines would follow General Mattis through the front gates of Hell armed with nothing but a bucket of water.
And Mattis works for Trump.
A lot of psychiatrists are going to make a lot of money off TDS! So far the reaction to Trump is doing wonders for people developing a realistic view of actors/entertainers as mindless jerks.
Just as a thought got experiment, can anyone think of an anti-Trump statement so outrageous and malevolent that it would cause its speaker harm among the Hollywood community......A community so monolithic in its opinions is far more totalitarian than anything Silverman envisages. It's like a senquestered religious community. The religious left. The Dems are not a political party anymore.
PS: Note to Ms Silverman -- Monarchists & Fascists have nothing in common with each other. Nothing. Fascists of all stripes despised the hereditary aristocracy as much as any commie ever did.
This is not limited to Silverman, by the way. Former Obama admin official Rosa Brooks also called for a military coup today or yesterday: link.
This madness and open agitating for violence by the left is metasizing.
The left is totally out of touch with reality. "Once the military is with us..." Once the military is with you? A large group of mostly conservative males with an out of proportion number of members from red states? Who are sworn to uphold and protect the Constitution of the United States? Who for the most part detested Hillary? On your side? The drugs she's been taking have addled her brain.
She was very funny as the loony fan in "Monk". As to the military agreeing to the violent overthrow of the US government, there just aren't enough of them to take and hold the entire country. I don't know how many but the actual number of combat ready troops is probably incredibly small. It's not like the opposition is going to be limited to throwing rocks.
So maybe there is some kind of joke in there we're missing.
18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or
Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or
Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
Someone explain to me how what Silverman said/wrote is not a crime based on the text of 18 U.S. Code § 2385.
Does this Trump Derangement Syndrome ever dial back? I'm both exhausted and bored by this stuff.
She's trying to call-in a favor for all the USO shows she's done. Oh....wait.
Silverman as Joan of Arc, leading her army of hair stylists, publicists, makeup artists, agents, and directors assistants into battle ! How the mighty quiver on their thrones !
Roughcoat: The answer is "Because she's a Democrat." Laws don't apply to them. Just ask them. In particular, ask Hillary about laws applying to her.
Silverman is famous because she was good looking in her 20s/early 30s (I'm not being sexist - lots of Hollywood men are only famous because they were once good looking - think Shia LaBeouf and James Franco).
She was/is a lousy comedian (she wasn't clever or witty so had to resort to shock value to get laughs) and is under-educated (1 year of college before she dropped out).
She's an idiot who doesn't realize her fame has nothing to do with her insight or intelligence.
I guess she is looking for movie offers. Her talent will not make a career.
Nice tits though.
I am not Laslo.
"Someone explain to me how what Silverman said/wrote is not a crime based on the text of 18 U.S. Code § 2385."
I'm not really qualified to address that, which of course won't stop me. I think she meant it as a joke from the standpoint that she knows her side has no way to overthrow the government unless the military joined in, in her view at least of the capabilities of the US military about which she probably knows next to nothing, so it's ha ha! we'll get rid of this fascist government when we have the military on our side, which she knows isn't going to happen so they're stuck with Trump.
Sounds like she's having one of those typical Hollywood episodes of "exhaustion". A few weeks in rehab will fix her right up.
She didn't mention by name Trump or the United States, Roughcoat -- although it's fair to assume her actual target. Ambiguity is her out.
Ambiguity is her out.
Also: "It was a joke. Can't you guys take a joke?"
Silverman thinks she's going to die? Just your career, honey, just your career.
Now that I think about it, I think she might actually be poking fun at the people calling for resistance. That what it would take is an impossibility so it's ridiculous to think it could happen. Which makes me think in her circles there must be a lot of insurrection talk. And she's ridiculing it.
Was she sitting on the toilet when she said it?
The military? Hwah hwah hwah hwah!
'Smart comedienne' is an oxymoron.
I genuinely thought the outcome after the Trump election would progress differently. I was certain that the Left would react negatively to the election and strongly so. But I believed that it was something that would die down over time. I believed that most of the extreme stuff would end by the time of the inauguration. But it looks like the left is getting worse.
Ultimately this is better for the right and the country because more centrist or moderate people will wake up to the idea that the left is the side with the violent, proto-fascists. But in the interim it is going to be bad as we have to deal with the violent anger spasms from the left along with the mental gymnastics of the left trying to justify, explain, or just ignore the violence from the left.
"'We're all gonna die sounds so dire but we are though (all gonna die).'"
I'm reminded of the exchange between Michael Douglas' Oliver Rose and the unimpressed doctor in The War of the Roses:
"So I'm not gonna die?"
"Eventually, but not today."
How the hell are these people going to get through four years? (I know they plan to have him impeached and convicted before then: Show me the man and I'll show you the crime.) Two weeks in, I've refused to freak out, and I'm getting tired of just following the freak-outs.
Having lost, the Left is trying to make America ungovernable until they can grab power again. Arresting George Soros and his son may be a start to a solution.
TWW said...
'Smart comedienne' is an oxymoron.
George Burns, were he still around, would disagree. And his disagreement can be read in the books he wrote. Of which I've read all.
Extradite Soros to Hungary.
I wonder if she thinks the military would side with the left in a coup (yeah, dream on) because she has so much contempt for servicemen and women that she thinks they're automatons who would follow any strong leader.
All she needs to do is come up with the American Fidel. Somehow I don't see Bernie cutting it.
Ultimately this is better for the right and the country because more centrist or moderate people will wake up to the idea that the left is the side with the violent, proto-fascists.
Agreed. I hope the progressive freakout continues and intensifies.
Now that I think about it, I think she might actually be poking fun at the people calling for resistance.
So, she's conducting a false-flag operation? Intriguing theory. But I doubt it. If she is, it's backfiring.
"Monarchists & Fascists have nothing in common with each other."
On some levels no.
However, on others its quite remarkable how often, and easily, they found a modus vivendi.
Italy, to start. The Italian state was fascist upon Mussolini's takeover, but he immediately cut a deal with King Victor Emmanuel and retained all the privileges and trappings of a constitutional monarchy. The Italian Army and Navy remained "Royal", with the exception of the fairly few "Blackshirt" units, Italian officers swore their oaths to the King, the aristocracy retained lands and titles, and Mussolini himself entered into the game of noble titles with some enthusiasm. So much for the very prototype of Fascism.
Spain - The Franco alliance and later regime was not actually Fascist, as the Falange was just a component of a rather diverse coalition. In any case Franco himself was distrustful of the exiled House of Borbon, with some reason. The Fascists/Falange were integrated into the regime by force, made to co-exist with the Carlists (Catholic Taliban) and the extensive and powerful Spanish aristocracy (the founder of the Falange was himself an aristocrat). So no real problem there.
King Carol of Romania had great trouble with his own Fascists, the Iron Guard, shooting large numbers of them, but he was forced to abdicate under German pressure. His son was just a figurehead. So score one for "nothing in common" -or not all that much in this case, other than not being fans of democracy.
Etc. Its complicated and fascinating. Its too easy to take ideological assertions at face value.
Comedienne? when was she ever funny?
""Once the military is with us..." Once the military is with you? A large group of mostly conservative males with an out of proportion number of members from red states?"
They really don't know anyone outside the bubble, especially the military.
Some of them are dumb enough to really think this. Maybe she is one.
Comedienne? when was she ever funny?
Woman are smart and funny. Deal with it.
I vaguely remember when the left stood up for free speech even when it meant defending the KKK and pornographers.
Shame how far they've fallen.
We're all gonna die
The children will sing
A song in the streets
Sounds like the 23rd psalm
To music of 21 notes
The flowers are dead
In a vase by the bed
On the place where the old woman died
It's the same place she started her life
Papers will all say her name
And probably print the wrong date
The day that you die
'Cause we're all gonna die
Cute little puppies and bunnies and birds
People who sing when they don't know the words
You will die
'Cause we're all gonna die
It's just part of life
All men, women, children, hermaphrodites too
Animals, aliens and certainly you
You will die
'Cause we're all gonna die
'Cause everyone dies
And all that was ever
And all that will be
Single celled creatures
And anything green
You will die
'Cause we're all gonna die
Start saying goodbye
From the moment you start up this miserable life
You should know that it's only a matter of time
'Till you die
'Cause we're all gonna die
Start saying goodbye
And the morons at labels who think they know tunes
The army of lawyers that threaten to sue
The hookers that blow them when I just want food
And the asshats that download and never buy tunes
You should die
'Cause we're all gonna die
I can't wait 'till you die
All Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox Jews
You dumb Scientologists
And guys who bend spoons
Well Buddhists, sort of
And atheists too
All you wackjob believers
Nobody's immune
You will die
'Cause we're all gonna die
Kiss your ass goodbye
And sarcastic song writers
Guys with tattoos, drummers and bassists and engineers too
And every last person that sang in this room
They will die
'Cause we're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
'Cause we're all gonna die
We're all gonna die
And it's just a reminder
Of something that's frequently known
'We're all gonna die sounds so dire but we are though
Cardinal Richelieu ( The Three Musketeers ): You first.
I vaguely remember when the left stood up for free speech even when it meant defending the KKK and pornographers.
Shame how far they've fallen.
Maybe they just like racism and pornography.
George Burns, were he still around, would disagree. And his disagreement can be read in the books he wrote. Of which I've read all.
I can think of a few besides Gracie Allen. Betty white, for instance, or Gilda Radner. The current crop of famous comediennes does seem more political than funny, though.
Bob Loblaw said...
Ambiguity is her out.
Also: "It was a joke. Can't you guys take a joke?"
I used to work at FBI HQ. Never dealt with the Secret Service, though I think they react like the FBI.
Rule 1: The FBI hates being lied to
Rule 2: The FBI hates to be embarrassed
Rule 3. The FBI has no sense of humor
Joking to the FBI is counter indicated
PS: thinking that the Military, an institution that trends, rural, white, patriotic, and traditional will support violent overthrow of a President is lala thinking...
But what a man Chelsea Manning is (or was)!
That's their military.
Joking to the FBI is counter indicated
"Contraindicated". Yeah, that's what I've always believed, but I'll be very, very surprised if Silverman sees any legal fallout from this. I doubt she'll even get a visit.
I vaguely remember when the left stood up for free speech even when it meant defending the KKK and pornographers
If I may wax theological, the left has always been on the side of Satan.
Sarah here is a tip: comedians tell jokes, not be the joke.
Just to be clear, I think the US is very, very close to an ideological urban guerrilla movement of some sort.
The word out there is that extreme. This is not going to be a university-led movement, students being, in general, rather meek and insecure these days. But out of the semi-pro out-of-school political activist organization world. And, surprisingly maybe, high school kids. I suspect a fair number of those at Berkeley last night were HS kids from, say , San Leandro.
Anyone who romanticizes Revolution should read Gulag Archipelago, or at least Dr Zhivago.
You know, for the Rest of the Story.
Darrell et al said:
"Comedienne? when was she ever funny?"
"Woman are smart and funny. Deal with it."
That's not funny.
Wait. Yes it is. That's really funny.
Its seems to be a natural law that everyone who goes into showbiz is privately either:
Or all of the above. Silverman seems to gotten 3 out of 5.
I used to find Silverman funny in small doses. However, her "shock" comedy stopped being "shocking" - so she wasn't left with much.
Just to be clear, I think the US is very, very close to an ideological urban guerrilla movement of some sort.
You are correct, sir. An entire generation has been raised thinking it's reasonable to achieve political goals "by any means necessary", that violence is a perfectly reasonable response to wrongthink. It's just a question of time.
She was okay in that one music video. She didn't talk in it, though, she just walked around looking like a giant tangerine.
Throw another baby on the barbie, you're done. Prescient.
On some levels no.
However, on others its quite remarkable how often, and easily, they found a modus vivendi.
Here you & I have one of the rare occasions that we part company.
The Franco regime was, as you point out, not really Fascist, although it is widely considered so on the Left. Today, most scholars of Fascism do not consider it Fascist. I would not include the "ultra-traditionalist" Franco regime either as Fascist or anti-monarchist in its inclinations.
Now, the Italians on the other hand, that's a different story. The problem that the Fascists have is that, unlike the Communists, they didn't seek to annihilate everyone in the regime that disagreed with them. The Italian Fascists seeking a modus vivendi with the monarchy & the Church is seen as somehow demonstrating a kinship, when that wasn't the case. Fascist doctrine of the individual & his place in the state leaves little room for not only an aristocracy (there is only an aristocracy of heroic deeds!) but makes faith problematic.** That the corporatism of Fascist Italy found a way to subsume & work both the Church & the monarchy into its [actually not very] "totalizing state" meant that the Fascists could build what power they could without a civil war against two foundational pillars of Italian society. Fascism sought to subsume its citizens into a greater whole where they would leave such frivolities behind. It had no intention of going to war with its citizens in search of "The New Fascist Man", unlike e.g. the Soviets.
** There were later Fascist "theorists", such as Farinacci & Orano, who thought that Giovanni Gentile's Actualism, so vital to earlier Fascist thought but condemned by the Church, was booyah. They taught that Fascism was compatible with Catholicism, & that the Italian Fascist state needed to include the Catholic Church at its center because of the Church's centrality to Italian history.
So, she's conducting a false-flag operation? Intriguing theory. But I doubt it. If she is, it's backfiring.
I'd just like to point out to the community here that I have seen, multiple times in comments by lefties on FB, the assertion that these violent protestors are all false flag operations! In other words, it's righties doing it to make lefties look bad.
That may be a large, but unvocalized, reason why the more moderate left doesn't condemn it -- they don't think their side is doing it!
I know, that involves conspiracy levels of fake moonshots, Truthers, & the Grassy Knoll, but there it is!
Does this Silverman fool not understand that Coups tend to become dictatorships by... fascist?
She is a fucking idiot who never has read one line of a history book.
The Franco alliance and later regime was not actually Fascist
Correct. Franco was a Catholic Nationalist. See Paul Johnson's chapter on Franco and the Spanish Civil War in his brilliant "Modern Times." Money quote: concerning the Spanish Civil War, "no war has ever been more lied about."
The Spanish Blue Legion that Franco dispatched to fight with the Wehrmacht's Army Group North on the Eastern Front was composed of hard-core Falangists. Franco's goal in sending them to the East was to have their ranks decimated and in this he succeeded.
I will commit what is regarded as unholy heresy in academic circles by asserting that the free world is fortunate that the Nationalists won the Spanish Civil War. If the Republican side had won the Stalinists would have ruled and they would have likely have allowed the Wehrmacht to transit through Spain to attack Gibraltar during the period of Nazi-Soviet rapprochement that obtained from 1939 to 22 June 1941. Probably they would have taken part in the operation along with Vichy French forces. Gibraltar would have fallen and the course of World War II would have changed and gone in a very problematic direction.
If the Republican side had won the Stalinists would have ruled and they would have likely have allowed the Wehrmacht to transit through Spain to attack Gibraltar during the period of Nazi-Soviet rapprochement that obtained from 1939 to 22 June 1941.
Oh, yes, the commies in Spain during the Civil War were total murderous dicks. As Orwell reports in Hommage to Catalonia, the non-communist left was often their victims of choice.
Another worthwhile book on just what nasty bleepers the Communists were in Spain is Spain Betrayed, available through our hostess' Amazon portal.
True, the world so often turns on tiny things, one man, sometimes a very bad and odd man, on the right day. What would have happened had not Queipo de Llano taken Seville with 200 men, zooming them about the streets constantly on hijacked trucks, pretending to be many more?
And the thought of Queipo de Llano with Twitter - thats a man who would have lived through twitter.
The Spanish Civil War was such a collection of close calls, desperate near-run things, and longshots that came off...
Franco stood up to Hitler. He literally faced him down at the conference table. Hitler got nothing from the generalissimo. When he left Spain empty-handed he reportedly told Mussolini that "I prefer to have three or four of my own teeth pulled out than to speak to that man again!" Franco was sagacious and prescient. He wanted to protect and preserve Spain: he wanted Spain to survive the war and he suspected, or sensed, that Germany would not or could not win. How he came to this conclusion in the aftermath of the Wehrmacht's brilliant victory in France (the meeting took place on 23 October 1940) and at time when Allied fortunes were everywhere waning and destined to sink much lower over the course of the coming year will remain forever a mystery. But he resisted Hitler's blandishments. The world owes him a debt of gratitude for his stance.
I've never read a bio of Franco. Can anyone recommend the best one?
Read "Modern Times" first. Paul Johnson. Bracing and breathtaking.
Thank you, roughcoat. I believe I read it in the 90's, although I see there is a revised [2001] edition. Do you know if there is a significant difference?
The modern go-to biography of Franco in English, recently anyway, is I think Paul Preston, "Franco", which I have in a box somewhere. Its not a page-turner.
There is apparently a new one out I should pick up I suppose.
Ah, the new one is Stanley Payne (who has written piles of things on Spain) finally writing an actual biography of Franco - "Franco:A Personal and Political Biography"
I should get it.
published by University of Wisconsin Press!
And Payne is Professor Emeritus of UW.
He may be a neighbor of Althouse.
I don't believe there is any chance at all of a civil war. There might be flash mobs like what happened at the airports over the weekend. There might be people like Silverman who think there is a large mass out there based on shots of the airport gatherings. But a large group of people ready to risk death for - for what? To bring Hillary Clinton to power? There is no such group.
Why even Silverman is waiting for the "military" (meaning in her little pea brain "people with guns ready to die") to do the thing for her like Hollywood stuntmen.
If the police went among the Silverman putchists and took away the camera/phones the "coup" would collapse because the Silverman-Millennial "coup" is tweeting and taking selfies with a background of someone else setting a fire. Taking the phone would indicate things were very serious and would absolutely terrify Millennials. The huge majority would go home at once. Not the anarchists, of course.
There are people in this country who are not shallow and hysterical. But the last time they definitely did something was on November 6, 2016. They won't do anything again as long as the election stands. The snowflakes trying to be Che Guevera are not a threat to anything except to their own grip on reality.
One huge difference between Franco and any other dictator that no one has mentioned. When he died, he managed to manage a peaceful transition to a parliamentary monarchy, returning power to the royal family of Spain. Seems in modern times, if not in all times, the death of a dictator leaves a struggle for power, which often becomes violent.
We can see it every time the head of state of a communist nation drops dead. The world wonders who is going to lead it next. Seems the only times we've known immediately is when the new leader engineered the assassination of the old one. Who takes over when Raoul dies?
I have seen a few of these from several people. I don't see a lot of enthusiasm from the left now that it is time to shit or get off the pot.
I think they realize how swiftly they would be ended. Sadly I don't think they will do it.
We have: The White House, the Senate and House, the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and National Guard. They have: Hollywood.
Do Hollywood actors actually know anyone in the military? I feel sorry for her if she actually believes they would neglect their oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States. A coup is not one of the options.
There is an outside chance that we might wind up with the sort of pathetic pseudo-insurgency that you saw with the Weathermen, SLA, Black Panthers, and such in the 1970s. But it's unlikely to get even that far, and if it did, it wouldn't get any further.
The radicals of the early '70s had a large pool of young men worried about getting drafted and sent to Vietnam to recruit from, and a large pool of people who had been through the draft who had learned military skills to draw on. Despite this, they never ever became more than a nuisance. What equivalent resources could the radicals hope to draw on today?
And let's say they actually did manage to move past mere annoyance. The military is disproportionately right-leaning, especially in the combat arms. Veterans are disproportionately right-leaning. Police are disproportionately right-leaning. Civilians with guns (especially long guns) are disproportionately right-leaning. If the rule of law actually breaks down, it's not very hard to figure out the character of the new regime that will end the crisis.
The only hope of violent radicals in the US is utter failure. If they succeed in overwhelming the rule of law, they will shortly thereafter wind up executed by firing squad.
mockturtle said...
We have: The White House, the Senate and House, the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and National Guard. They have: Hollywood.
And Coast Guard.
And Supreme Court (even more so once RBG kicks the bucket).
Harold reminds me: And Coast Guard. Oh, wow! How did I forget the Coast Guard?? My father served with the CG on an LST in WWII.
Well, we are all are gonna die, eventually. The fatality rate among human beings is 100%.
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