৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

"Trump’s thin-skinned when he wants to be, not when you want him to be."

Instapundit's observation, based on this post from yesterday.

১০টি মন্তব্য:

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Seems true. The question isn't can Dumbocrats get Trump to lash back -- I'm sure they can if they try hard enough -- the question is whether they would be doing things so extreme that their party becomes anathema to all but the craziest voters.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

It's displacing the narrative, not pique. He's done it for years.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Of course the press will never stop feeding the troll.

Eleanor বলেছেন...

In the comments after an article in the Atlantic about Milo and Berkeley, someone said, "Both sides are so hysterical right now." Only one side is "hysterical". The other side took the fight to the ballot box and won "bigly" from dog catcher to the White House. Now they're getting up and going to work everyday and coming home to see how much "winning" they did that day. The "hysterical" side, convinced Trump is too thin-skinned and volatile to be trusted with the nuclear codes, keeps poking at him with a stick. What happens if they're right? I suppose if they prod him into a nuclear war with Russia, they get to say "I told you so". Other than that, you'd think they'd be the ones treading lightly, right?

n.n বলেছেন...

Trump's "thin-skinned" act catches a lot of flies.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Yep. Any guy who will say that is definitely deranged.

Is there anything defining the right these days other than adulation for a narcissist and the pretension to not understanding one?

wildswan বলেছেন...

I noticed in the debates that Trump took some hard verbal blows and many put downs yet at the end he was still smiling and making his points. I realized then that he isn't thin-skinned. He may react on Twitter to things it is traditional for Republicans to disregard but he does not do this because he is thin-skinned.

Maybe he just realizes how "thin-skinned" the other side is and how easy to provoke into excess. This latest "resistance" antic is an example. In the French Resistance you were tortured and shot by Nazis invaders along with a selection of relatives and friends if any dissent could be tracked back to your group. In the American Resistance you post pictures on Facebook of yourself and friends at a protest - grouped near a fire like friends at a beach night barbecue or Disneyland visitors. The fire has been thoughtfully set and maintained by a nihilist park service of sorts which has also summoned colorfully attired riot police by breaking some windows. The riot police can usually be included in the picture with a little effort over angles. There's more photographers than anything else in the American "Resistance."

Of course, they beat up anyone in the crowd who disagrees with them, or at least they stand by while RevComms do it - photographing the beating as well, photographing how many stood by and watched, posting all that as well. Of course, they would beat up Milo if they got him or stand by photographing it all. They would and do document all this about themselves. And that is the American "Resistance."

Not forgetting that the women wear pussy hats to show what they use for brains. (It's rumored that NRA men who are also football players are infiltrating protests, grabbing these hats, taking them home and using them to clean their guns while they sit around and tell dirty jokes and laugh. Like HAW, HAW, HAW. But there are no photographs so ...)

traditionalguy বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
traditionalguy বলেছেন...

The cool leaders who understand battle just arrange to put heavy fire on the target.That is not done in anger. It is done with cold confidence in his own artillery's firepower.

You can mention two Captains of Artillery Units who did well as Presidents. Napoleon Bonaparte and Harry S. Truman. Truman's direction of fire included 200 tons of delayed action Napalm bombs on Tokyo in one night. When that was not enough firepower, he sent a single bomb with the blast of 15,000 tons of TNT to Hiroshima. And three days later he did it again to Nagasaki with a blast of 22,000 tons on TNT. The second one was 2 miles off target, but it still did the job from there.

The next day local Sun God got the message and finally quit his vicious systematic torture murdering of millions of Chinese, Filipino, Korean civilians and the British and American POWs still alive. The Japanese Army and Japanese Civilians then were released from their suicide mission for the silly Sungod who expected them to diefor him while killing 500,000 US Marines and Army Troops.

HT বলেছেন...

Trump doesn't see his Russia-US comparison ("A lot of killers. We got a lot of killers. What, you think our country's so innocent?") the way others do. He sees it not surprisingly as a threat to his power from Putin, so his comment is his way of saying Putin's tough, yes, but he's gonna be our bitch. And by the way, the US is more whatever than Russia is. Any day of the week.