2. "I didn't know that Melania was going to be saying The Lord's Prayer, but I thought that was very beautiful," Trump begins.
3. "I want to speak with you without the filter of the fake news."
4. "Nothing can be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle." Trump quotes Thomas Jefferson. Is that a real Jefferson quote? Yes! Thomas Jefferson to John Norvell, 14 June 1807:
To your request of my opinion of the manner in which a newspaper should be conducted, so as to be most useful, I should answer, "by restraining it to true facts & sound principles only." Yet I fear such a paper would find few subscribers. It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more compleatly deprive the nation of it's benefits, than is done by it's abandoned prostitution to falsehood. Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle. The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knolege with the lies of the day. I really look with commiseration over the great body of my fellow citizens, who, reading newspapers, live & die in the belief, that they have known something of what has been passing in the world in their time; whereas the accounts they have read in newspapers are just as true a history of any other period of the world as of the present, except that the real names of the day are affixed to their fables. General facts may indeed be collected from them, such as that Europe is now at war, that Bonaparte has been a successful warrior, that he has subjected a great portion of Europe to his will, &c., &c.; but no details can be relied on. I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors. He who reads nothing will still learn the great facts, and the details are all false.5. "Not one media network will show the crowd," Trump taunts, which gets at least Fox News to pan around the crowd. Trump's wrong again!
6. The EPA, under Obama, was "clogging up the veins of our country."
7. "Bring this guy up here. Come on! Hop over the fence!" An awestruck guy in a Donald Trump shirt (and shorts) comes up on the stage. He hugs Trump (even though Trump just said he was afraid the guy was going to kiss him), and Trump gives him the microphone and he speaks for a moment. He says he knew Trump was going to keep his promises. Trump shakes his hand, points at him, and says: "A star is born!"
8. Trump lets the people know that he was watching them on TV as they were waiting on line. He heard the interviews with particular individuals, he says, and he recognizes them in the audience. Trump, the TV personality, knows them from TV.
9. He's reading the statute that he relied on for his immigration order, the statute that the 9th Circuit didn't even cite — as he points out — and he pauses in the middle to critique the statute for saying only "he" (referring to the President) instead of "he or she." He calls the statute "not politically correct," then digresses from the digression to announce (once again) that in the election he did very well with women.
10. Excellent political theater. That's it for now from me.
२८६ टिप्पण्या:
286 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»It is so nice. I am watching online.
Debtors or trespassers?
It matters for balancing the budget or closing the borders.
He is reaching hearts and minds at a deep level. Amazing intuition on display.
They added "under God" to the Lord's prayer in the 50s.
Blacks4Trump2020.com or BlacksforTrump2020.com was the question, not to be or not to.
DJT said he will expose the dishonest media when they lie. Run stories without sources.
The First Lady attacked the media. She prayed that we be delivered from evil.
Trump was born on Flag Day- how about that!
FYI trolls or those with that aspiration I suggest you focus on the absurd nature of using in speech the concept of "the whole truth" as it is completely indefensible.
The whole truth would have lots of qualifications but necessarily start with our current understanding of the Big Bang and never advance beyond any possible truths from that era that would need to be included under the utopic notion of whole truth aka omniscience plus.
Ha, think of the people that use that phrase! As a joke maybe it isn't insanely silly, otherwise and especially in something so serious such as a political gathering celebrating partisianship, it must by necessities become seen to be so.
Trump is live, right now, going a little crazy. You can find it on any news channel. It's not normal stuff.
Brings guy up from the crowd. Trump excels in this format.
This is absolutely necessary for anything else to happen in this republic. The corrupt oligarch owned media must be defenestrated. They are tools completely owned and operated by people not of this country. They operate only to mislead the voters and push the agenda of the wealthy which is to divide this nation's people and erase it's borders.
The DNC is going to have to be taken down with it. Hopefully it is reborn as a useful opposition party before the republican party can revert to pre-trump servitude of the same oligarchs.
That guy from the crowd was awesome! Can anyone imagine another President doing that?
They added TruCoat under Cars in the Coen's Fargo in the '90s.
Something Trump has in common with Reagan: screw the press, I'm gonna go talk to the people.
I once met a Madisonian named Erwin Knoll who uttered what became known as "Knoll's Law of Media Accuracy." It's wry and so full of truth:
Everything you read in the newspapers is absolutely true except for that rare story of which you happen to have firsthand knowledge.
Knoll knew, as we all do, that even the most trusted news sources stretch the truth. He was a Progressive too -- literally -- editor of "The Progressive." read more.
This is the clip. It is perhaps the most on topic link I have ever contemplated.
Mind you, I called Obama Jerry Lundegaard years and years ago.
Ann: Trump always does that camera thing to force the media to the cameras. I saw him do that three or four times.
He can make grown men cry. That is not just another politician talking. He is a covenant maker with the courage of Andy Jackson, the mind George Patton, and the leadership intuition of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
The DNC ... reborn as a useful opposition party before the republican party can revert to pre-trump servitude of the same oligarchs.
Religious/moral philosophy to guide self-moderating, responsible individuals, and competing interests to prevent others from running amuck.
I live a short walk from where the President is speaking. I have lived in the area since 1970. I have never seen this many people gathered for any event here in this area except perhaps a few launches from the space center but nothing where everyone was concentrated in one place like this. I'm estimating about 6000 people, maybe more - they were lined up for over a mile, five and six abreast slowly moving along the bike path near the airport. Protesters - maybe two hundred in a one hundred foot area - lots of pink shirts and beanies - mostly female. The Trump crowd is a full compliment of men women and children of all ages, smiling, happy, excited. I can faintly hear him speaking from my house which is situated about halfway between US 1 and the airport.
Trump again said Obama left him a mess. Obama said that for eight years about Bush. This sounds like Bannon's idea. Smart.
Everything you read in the newspapers is absolutely true except for that rare story of which you happen to have firsthand knowledge.
Thus the traditional standard for discerning accuracy through multiple, independent sources. It is also the scientific standard, which has been deprecated as an inconvenient truth.
This Florida Trump rally is a big deal. He's like Theodore Roosevelt. He's on fire.
He called up a man in shorts. Oh, Trump, you've gotten on the wrong side of Althouse with that one.
Bridge? Chasm?
He's plagiarizing Sting!
Classic Murray Gell-Mann Amnesia effect.
“Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.
In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.”
Crichton nailed it.
" They added "under God" to the Lord's prayer in the 50s."
Dude, you mean the Pledge of Allegiance.
Unless your being dryly humorous, in which case, well done.
Isn't 'Don't play Wagner and his marching tones' the same as not playing in Texas unless you got yourself a fiddle in that band of yours?
> Trump's wrong again!
Heh. Oldest trick in the book, and it worked.
Why does the President have yet another post-campaign rally in Florida - or anywhere. He doesn't need campaign funds, at least that is what we hear from Trump loyalists, so I guess his ego needs another shot in the arm. Random Trump thoughts: Man-o-man, I feel so sorry for his associates - I say associates because he cannot have any friends. Then, of course, there is the medical concern over his untreated STD but I say that you make your own bed. Is ther nothing for cable news to cover - maybe mock NFL drafts or Tony Romo's sure-thing move to the Mistake on the Lake; the Brownies have $105 mil in cap-room.
T.Jefferson said: "He who reads nothing will still learn the great facts, and the details are all false."
Interesting observation from 200 +/- years ago. Describes how I read most newspapers. Check the headline. The rest will likely be heavily "nuanced." Better understanding is achieved by not reading it.
Nonetheless, there is good entertainment to be had by reading aloud. Associated Press and local city writers alike pack unrelated facts into a sentence, joined by "as" or "while." Subject and verb are sometimes so separated by modifying phrases that the writer looses track and puts a plural verb to a single subject.
The whole truth would have lots of qualifications but necessarily start with our current understanding of the Big Bang and never advance beyond any possible truths from that era that would need to be included under the utopic notion of whole truth aka omniscience plus.
I saw a Columbia philosophy professor try that approach on a crowd dominated by protesters. They rose as one, chanting, and walked out. All preplanned, of course. So much for accuracy in rhetoric ;)
Yes gadfly, Presidents have on need to reach out to the electorate to gather support for their agendas. At least they don't if they have a groveling, utterly uncritical, grotesquely partisan media on their side.
Jefferson should know. Way back someone ran computer analyses on contemporary newspaper articles and concluded that some of the most scurrilous articles printed about Washington and Hamilton were written by none other than Mr. Jefferson, his very own self.
"there is the medical concern over his untreated STD"
You sound as stupid as that idiot MD who diagnosed syphilis from 2000 miles.
The psychiatry profession lost 50 years of credibility with their idiotic slur against Goldwater.
You have no credibility to lose but that fool of an Infectious Disease doc should be prosecuted for practicing without common sense.
Leftist talking points for today:
1. No friends
2. STD
3. Golden showers
4. Derringers
@Ann Finding that Jefferson quote is what makes reading you so valuable. Thanks.
Re Gadflys question -
Because this way he gets unfiltered coverage of his message.
Since its a media war, in part, fought with bullhorns and Wurlitzers and may the loudest win, he is using the loudest bullhorns and Wurlitzers he can get.
The EPA analogy to clogged veins, is spot on.
"He's like Theodore Roosevelt." A few differences, but still -- intriguing analogy.
Of course, by being "wrong" about the cameras, he wins again, as AA implied.
Trump is a marketing genius. I watch this and I think he wins a blow-out in 2020 - losing only Cal, NY, Ill and Mass.
Jefferson didn't spell "it's" correctly.
Scott Adams makes a Prediction: Trump will claim his rally attendance is higher than it was. Critics will be baffled for the thousandth time in a row.
n.n said...
"Everything you read in the newspapers is absolutely true except for that rare story of which you happen to have firsthand knowledge."
Thus the traditional standard for discerning accuracy through multiple, independent sources. It is also the scientific standard, which has been deprecated as an inconvenient truth.
This can never be repeated too many times.
Lem said...
Scott Adams makes a Prediction: Trump will claim his rally attendance is higher than it was. Critics will be baffled for the thousandth time in a row.
2/18/17, 6:11 PM
They won't be baffled. They'll rant and rave about it for days.
In the meantime, Tillerson cleans house at State and more corporations decide to open facilities in the US and Price takes on Obamacare.
I truly hope they are listening to Rand Paul on Obamacare repeal and replacement. I have serious reservations about Dr. Paul when it comes to foreign policy, but he makes good sense when he speaks about Obamacare.
Trump commits again to replacing Obamacare, not just repealing. "Much better health care at a much lower cost."
"The miners go back to work." Wouldn't this put gas frackers out of work? There is currently an energy glut, depressing prices and resulting in spare capacity amongst the frackers.
Make it look like a Crusade, but don't call it that.
It's called subversion: A systematic attempt to overthrow a government by working from within; undermining.
The South will rise again.
"It's called subversion: A systematic attempt to overthrow a government by working from within; undermining."
Very Putinesque.
Watching it on C-Span.org. What a guy! Well done.
But I gotta ask. Who are those two dudes in the third row over Trump's left shoulder. Chatting each other up, Calling Mom or the GF, waving to her, Is that the Dad over Trump's right shoulder?
he makes good sense when he speaks about Obamacare.
The first real sign of Hillary's cluelessness was when she convened her "task Force" and excluded not just physicians but all providers and even insurance companies.
She employed Ira Magaziner, who had experience organizing rallies against the Vietnam War but no health care experience at all.
Brad DeLong, Deputy Treasury Secretary for the Clinton administration at the time, argues that Magaziner's failures stemmed from having a background in management consulting instead of policy: "A management consultant's principal goal is to win a debate in front of his employer ... by making intellectual arguments, controlling the flow of information..., [and] walling-off potential adversaries from the process ... You develop a policy by forming a large coalition ... Then you have a large group of people who are enthusiastic about the proposal: they will go out and make your arguments for you."
It failed spectacularly.
There is currently an energy glut, depressing prices and resulting in spare capacity amongst the frackers.
You might do some reading about fracking, ARM. They are tooling up and are making money at $40/ barrel.
For example.
The rig count turned up in late May of this year. The earnings reports from the major oil service companies (Baker Hughes, Schlumberger, and Halliburton) have all declared that we are now past the trough of the drilling bust, and that their customers were showing renewed and growing optimism by mid-year. However, they also qualified this enthusiasm, reporting that improvement was confined to U.S. land, with international and offshore drilling still lagging, and that no rapid, V-shaped recovery was yet underway.
Our high forecast runs counter to this, and assumes that a V-shaped recovery has actually fallen into place, and rapid and prolonged recovery is already underway. The medium scenario assumes that this same recovery is postponed until mid-2017, when drilling activity begins to return rapidly. The low scenario assumes no reversal in activity, but that a clear path to recovery does not emerge until 2018Q1.
A friend of mine's son got his BS in Petroleum Engineering a couple of years ago. I had suggested he look at it when he was starting engineering. When the prices dropped last year he decided to get a Masters in the same subject and should be in good shape by summer.
If Obama could not kill fracking with all his EPA boondoggles, it will be a huge industry under Trump.
Good stuff on the Afraudable Care Act. Gotta just kill it cold turkey. DO NOT prolong the agony. Remember, uncertainty stifles business.
Border wall and tariff walls rightly put us folks on the border on edge. NAFTA is good for the border. If entitlement spending - the major part of Government spending - gets pushed down, if the tax code is simplified, if regulatory burden is decreased, it may work out.
"The miners go back to work." Wouldn't this put gas frackers out of work?
Not unless the end-game is making steel. Coking Coal is needed to make steel, and making steel instead of importing it, is a way to create jobs for citizens who can't read, write, or do arithmetic. i.e., West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, and Michigan.
Of course DJT just gave a speech on TV worthy of Patton's pre D-Day talk to the American Army, this time a speech heard by Ranger Special Forces who on are their third and fourth deployments all over the world fighting Muslims and dying for what? Not for Obama to surrender to world Government, but now for a USA inside secure borders with a future again.
If for no other reason than that, Trump is a great man.
Michael K., I once knew a woman in DC who worked on Hillary care. She had had "recovered memories" therapy and was convinced that her parents had been in a huge secret cult that had abused her and millions of others. She saw "cult signs" in the patterns on men's ties and in license plate numbers. When I questioned her memories and suggested that her shrink was not doing her much good, she accused me of being a member of the cult and stopped talking to me.
She also told me that her boss at HHS sipped vodka out a milk carton, using a straw, all day long.
It was absolutely no surprise to me when Hillary care went down.
Doubling down on election promises that he can't deliver on strikes me as bad politics. You could argue, well he is being honest, unlike all the other politicians who drop their promises once in office but, when everyone else does something they are probably doing it for a good reason. The president has only limited power to influence the economy, outside of flat-out emergencies such as the Financial Crisis. Economics by decree has not worked that well in other countries.
Government was rather effective in CAUSING the Economic Crisis. Force banks to make housing loans to people who cannot afford them. Follow that with flood of banking regulations to make the lender responsible for any loans that fail. What could go wrong?
Nice to know that your interest in governing is so paper-thin that you've already gotten on board with Trump's Campaign 2020. Why not? The propaganda works SOOOO much better than the results!
Are you angling in to replace Kellyanne Conway? Serious question.
AReasonableMan said... [hush][hide comment]
Doubling down on election promises that he can't deliver on strikes me as bad politics.
You're kidding? Anything that doesn't work out is the fault of
1. Democrats
2. Lying press
....gaining more voters while losing none.
The president has only limited power to influence the economy,
I disagree. The President cannot make stuff work but he can gum up the works, as Obama has for 8 years. His regulatory spree has created a mass of low hanging fruit for Trump. I agree that Trump will rise or fall on the economy but Obama made it so easy for him.
Reagan came in at a time when things were easier. Carter had already begun to get inflation under control and the military started to recover from post Vietnam syndrome.
Carter did not try to obstruct Reagan as Obama is doing to Trump. That is why Trump needs to do these rallies. The media is 100% negative with crazy stuff like gadfly. He needs to reach beyond like Reagan did. His huge advantage is that Obama gave him a GOP Congress.
The rallies help him to keep the Congress on the reservation. They will get wobbly with these astroturf "townhalls" that Congressmen are being attacked at.
The Administrative State is a huge drag and if he can dismantle some of it, the economy will soar.
The debt is a chronic problem, especially since Obama, but growth is the only help for it.
Trump is a master of hot TV (at least at the level Obama was of cool TV), and he clearly uses Twitter to connect with online audiences effectively. But he still needs (and glories in) live audiences the way Bill Clinton and other old time politicos did.
For someone who grew up in the 50s and went to Democratic Party picnics every summer (and played in the Catholic High School band behind JFK when he swung through our State in '62), it awakens memories of what representation used to mean. I almost wish Trump would appropriate the Dem's "Happy Days are Here Again" to complete the picture.
"The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists."
-- Hannah Arendt, “The Origins of Totalitarianism”
And I'm sure roesch/voltaire was terribly concerned about The Truth when Obama said that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, or when Hillary blamed Benghazi on a You Tube video.
What people see is that Trump is actually trying to keep his campaign promises and is being thwarted.
"You're kidding? Anything that doesn't work out is the fault of
1. Democrats
2. Lying press
....gaining more voters while losing none."
That's exactly right.
The laughable thing is that leftists imagine people care what Trump says about the size of his campaign crowds. That's just chum tossed to the media.
sad. he won't make it thru the 1st yr. of his presidency due to impeachment
Compare and contrast:
Trump has open public rallies with live coverage - doesn't charge much to attend one.
Obama did private fund raisers with occasional leaks of what was said - cost thousands to attend but we still don't know much of what was said.
Hillary gave speeches to describe the difference between her "public" and "private" position, we still haven't seen the text of the speeches - cost $250,00 to schedule one. Don't know if her "private position" changed depending on the audience.
Each one was playing to their constituency. Trump to the voters, Obama to the liberal elite that could afford him, Hillary to anyone with money for her.
I know which I prefer - what about you?
Elizabeth: So who is going to impeach him?
Elizabeth Halloway said...
sad. he won't make it thru the 1st yr. of his presidency due to impeachment"
Sure. The GOP Congress will certainly vote to impeach him. That's plausible.
Whatever comforts you...I understand that sometimes therapy dogs and Play Doh just doesn't do it.
It's the Dems who look sad - especially when they contemplate the electoral map.
I didn't watch it live.
I wanted a transcript, and now there appear to be two online. One is the cumbersome all-caps closed captioning capture at C-SPAN. There is another at the left-leaning Vox website. Feel free to compare them yourselves. I expect that they are both imperfect transcripts. The Vox one is good enough for my purposes now (Fisking my favorite excerpts), and at least has better punctuation than C-SPAN.
[President Trump]:...It's now been a month since my inauguration. And I am here to tell you about our incredible progress in making America great again.
I am never going to get used to Trump's constant use of "incredible." To me, "incredible" means what the Oxford Living Dictionaries suggest: "Impossible to believe." Or alternatively, "Difficult to believe." There is the informal usage, of course: "Wonderful, very good."
Everybody understands Trump in this informal usage. He is an ignorant and clumsy user of the English language. He loves the poorly educated.
I also want to speak to you without the filter of the fake news. The dishonest media which has published one false story after another with no sources, even though they pretend they have them, they make them up in many cases, they just don't want to report the truth and they've been calling us wrong now for two years. They don't get it. By they're starting to get it. I can tell you that. They've become a big part of the problem. They are part of the corrupt system. Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln and many of our greatest presidents fought with the media and called them out often times on their lies. When the media lies to people, I will never, ever let them get away with it. I will do whatever I can that. They don't get away with it.
How about if Trump speaks to us through whatever he deems to be a respectable media? I'd be very interested in learning what that might be. Is it just Sean Hannity? I'm wondering about all of the outlets that Trump might not condemn as "fake." Who are they? Or is it everybody who isn't Sean Hannity or Eric Bolling? I happen to think that the precise bounds of which news outlets are "fake" would be informative; informative about Trump, that is. We've had very good and thoughtful critics of the liberal media for a very long time. Brent Bozell, Bernard Goldberg, Dan Henninger. None of whom have been much impressed by Trump.
We are here today to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I hear your demands, I hear your voices and I promise you I will deliver. I promise that. And by the way, you've seen what we've accomplished in a very short period of time. The White House is running so smoothly. So smoothly. And believe me, I and we inherited one big mess. That I can tell you, but I know that you want safe neighborhoods where the streets belong to families and communities, not gang members and drug dealers who are right now as I speak being thrown out of the country and they will not be let back in.
I'm curious about Trump's speechwriting process. I wouldn't blame that paragraph on speechwriters; Trump is doing his painful ad-libbing thing there. But with rare, tiny flashes of intelligence (written for Trump) his speeches are remarkably bad things. As if somebody had been tasked with doing a commencement address for middle-schoolers.
You want a health care system and by the way, we are going to be submitting in a couple of weeks a great healthcare plan that's going to take the place of the disaster known as Obamacare.
It will be repealed and replaced. For those people. The people put into rooms where Republicans are talking about the plan, and it wouldn't matter what they say, for those people just so you understand, our plan will be much better health care at a much lower coast. Okay? Nothing to complain about. Obamacare remember, it is a disaster.
Yay! Donald Trump is going to give me better health care at a lower cost. That is such a great thing, I am going to trust him. And hold him to it. I remember a president who once said, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor; and it you like your plan, you can keep your plan." That president lied, and I voted against him. So I am really looking forward to Donald Trump taking a personal, detailed role in healthcare reform, placing his personal stamp on all of the negotiations, and giving me better healthcare at lower cost. Can't wait.
We're going to have strong borders and when they want to sell that product back across our border, they're going to pay a 35% tax and you know what, they're never going to leave. They will never, ever leave.
Jobs are already starting to pour back in. They're coming back in like you haven't seen in a long time. Ford, General Motors, Fiat, Chrysler are bringing in and bringing back thousands of jobs investing billions of dollars because of the new business climate that we are creating in our country. In Arizona, Intel, great company, just announced it will open a new plant that will create at least 10,000 brand new beautiful American jobs.
Sorry but that is just rank bullshit. Trump can't impose any 35% tariff, and Congress won't give it to him. The full-time automotive beat writers in Detroit know better, about foreign assembly plants, and the plusses and minuses of NAFTA for the automotive industry. Better still, the auto execs know; they are doing what is best for business, which means a LOT of international sales.
And Intel's Arizona facility is expected to create about 3,000 Intel jobs over 3-4 years, with maybe 10,000 total/ancillary jobs outside. The 3,000 Intel jobs may comprise closures and other layoffs elsewhere in the U.S. Anyway, Trump claims that he made it possible for Intel to make the move; Intel says that it was planned for a long time and now the time is right. And oh by the way, Intel doesn't like the Trump moves on immigration.
Within a few days of taking the oath of office, I've taken steps to begin the construction of the Keystone and the Dakota Access Pipelines. Anywhere from 30-40,000 jobs. And very importantly, as I was about to sign it, I said who makes the pipe? Who makes the pipe? Something this audience understands very well, right? Simple question. The lawyers put this very complex document in front. I said, who makes the pipe? They said, sir, it can be made anywhere. I said not anymore. I put a little clause in the bottom. The pipe has to be made in the United States of America if we're going to have pine line.
Well it's a private project; a privately-owned pipeline. The President has some regulatory control, as Obama showed. But the President doesn't have the power to mandate the sourcing of supplies. It's a Canadian project, by the way, and the Canadians planned a cost-effective and, uh, Mr. Trump "tariff-observant" blend of Canadian, U.S., Indian and Italian-sourced steel and steelmakers.
And by the way, do you think that one media group back there, one network will show this crowd. Not one. Not one. They won't show the crowd. You know, coming in on the plane, and that plane represented so much.
My understanding is that the networks that Trump so hates actually did show wide-panning views of the crowd and the hangar.
So and it goes, “for such as he shall seem necessary suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants or impose on aliens any restriction he may deem to be appropriate.” So basically it says the president has the right to keep people out if he feels it's not in the best interest of our country. Right? Unbelievable. Unbelievable. And I listened to these judges talk and talk and talk. So unfair. So we'll be doing something over the next couple of days. We don't give up. We never give up.
We had a court that I disagree with. I disagree with big league — and by the way, whether you read it or whether you watch it on television when other lawyers come on, many of them can't even understand. They're saying how do you come up with that decision. It cannot be more simple. So they're ruling on what I just read you and they don't even quote it in their ruling because you can't because it's too obvious. So we will do something next week. I think you'll be impressed. Let's see what happens.
Those were the last two in a string of paragraphs rambling in and out of a stream of consciousness devoted to 8 USC Sec. 1182. Trump tries to make it all simple, in a way that should rightly make a law professor scream, for the gross oversimplification and the flat ignorance of the opposing side's argument. But that argument isn't even on the table any longer. Trump made no admission of the fact that the appeal has been withdrawn, and that the adults in the room at the Oval Office will be drafting a new EO. That is what Trump is referring to, after having savaged the Ninth Circuit opinion.
By the way, we did very well with women. You know, my wife said when some of these phony polls were put out, the CNN poll was so far off, the phony polls. When some of these, she said, what's wrong with you and women. We did very nicely with women. We did nicely with a lot of groups they didn't think we were going to do so nicely with. I guess we had to. That's why we're all here tonight. Right?
Well, not so right. Trump's losing gender gap was 12%, according to Pew. (12% more women voters voted for the Democrat.) That's only a little worse than the historic 10-point gender gap in presidential elections, and only a little worse than the 2008 and 2012 elections. Trump didn't do as terribly among women as some polls indicated. And to me it is amazing that Trump did as well as he did. Which is to say predictably bad, but not fatally bad.
I see teleprompters to each side but did not see one in front. If there was one, Melania didn't use it. She kept looking down at notes.
I don't see President trump doing the Obama ping-pong. I don't think he is reading from a teleprompter. He does look over from time to time and may be using it for bullet points and to keep on track but my impression is he is talking of the the top of his head.
As he did at most of his campaign rallies.
Does anyone see a teleprompter in front? Am I missing something?
It really isn't that hard. I teach 1-3 day classes all the time and never use notes. Just a Powerpoint deck, about 80% of which is pictures and video.
I used to use notes in my academic classes. About 10 pages for 3 hours. triple spaced, 2" margins. Just bullet points.
It ain't that hard. I never understood why President Obama and other pols rely so heavily on them.
John Henry
Thanks for sharing those hot-off-the-press talking points, Chuck! Or maybe -- just maybe -- you had all those facts and figures (and a transcript from Vox!) at your fingertips.
Blogger Elizabeth Halloway said...
sad. he won't make it thru the 1st yr. of his presidency due to impeachment
So then we get President Pence? The guy who wants to put gays in concentration camps and pray over them until they become straight. Is that what you want?
I don't believe that about VP Pence but a lot of people seem to.
And no matter how many impeachments, Crooked Hilary will never be president.
John Henry
My dear fellow Michigander Chuck: just a suggestion--leave the Trump fisking to Althouse. Your perspective of complete disdain for the individual who is president and your spectacular (but unsurprising) inability to appreciate that he was hired by the voters to be the disruptor of the corrupt system you claim to also oppose, makes your analysis read like a legal brief from a fairly myopic law student. You apparently think that if you only expose what you believe to be all his flaws everyone's gonna wake up and--what?
Look, you're obviously an intelligent guy; why don't you put your talents to better use by trying to figure out how we got ourselves here, and--better yet--what we might consider doing to get ourselves out of it?
Respectfully submitted.
Trump 6,022.508
Chuck 0
I no longer read chuck's posts so can anybody tell me if he attacked Barron Trump again?
Really, that was the last straw. Any man who attacks 10 year old kids has no right to expect to be treated seriously ever again, no matter how much band width he wastes.
Chuck said
How about if Trump speaks to us through whatever he deems to be a respectable media?
Why? Why does he need to?
He can do his fireside chats just like this.
He can broadcast on YouTube without any filters or editing whatever.
We don't need our president filtered.
I'm about 40 minutes in now, on YT. I AM LOVING IT!
John Henry
exiledonmainstreet said...
And I'm sure roesch/voltaire was terribly concerned about The Truth when Obama said that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, or when Hillary blamed Benghazi on a You Tube video.
Or when the AP reports Trump is considering mobilizing 100,000 National Guard units to round up illegal aliens.
Marty Keller said...
My dear fellow Michigander Chuck: just a suggestion--leave the Trump fisking to Althouse. Your perspective of complete disdain for the individual who is president and your spectacular (but unsurprising) inability to appreciate that he was hired by the voters to be the disruptor of the corrupt system you claim to also oppose..
Hey, I'm not losing any sleep over any imaginary hegemonic "corrupt system." And I don't believe in mandates. Not any Obama mandate, not any Trump mandate. There are election winners, and losers. The winners get responsibility. The losers don't even get a set of steak knives.
I don't buy any notion of Donald Trump having been "hired by the voters." I voted for him; he doesn't owe me a goddamned thing.
Trump's a very lucky guy; he has a Republican Senate, and a Republican House, and a swing seat on the Supreme Court for his own nomination. With such a favorable Senate map in 2018 and an immovable Republican majority in the House, Trump will have to work hard to fuck all of this up. I don't expect Trump to fuck it all up, but I'm not ruling it out.
Everything that Trump does legislatively depends on a very small handful of Republicans in the Senate, including John McCain, who mentioned "dictators" today in an interview set to air tomorrow on "Meet the Press." Trump has to deal with McCain. And Lindsey Graham. And Ted Cruz. And Mitch McConnell.
Seventeen years into the 21st century and Chuck hasn't yet figured out yet that in the fibre optic transmission and internet age "media" doesn't mean anything and neither does "the press."
To clarify what I said, "off the top of his head" was not the right phrase. It was clearly a prepared speech and he had spent some time working on it and learning it. It was no ad lib.
But it still didn't seem read from a teleprompter.
Also, looking at a closeup with him and the man in shorts, it does not look like President Trump is wearing a bulletproof vest.
John Henry
I voted for Trump and I don't apologize for that or regret it. But Jesus! Watching Trump tonight in Florida and it's Howard Beal. It may not work out, it may turn out to be a shitstorm (an absolute certainty had Hillary won) but by God it is entertaining. 60 plus million people shouted I'm mad as hell and I'm not taking it anymore! If nothing else we have been mercifully spared Hillary's condescension, arrogance and shrillness.
I liked Ride of the Valkries for the close. I've always liked Wagner.
But some deep thinkers will use it as evidence that President Trump is a National Socialist or a Hitler.
John Henry
"Are you a Jew?"
"You wanna check my penis?"
John Henry
exiledonmainstreet said...
I no longer read chuck's posts so can anybody tell me if he attacked Barron Trump again?
Really, that was the last straw. Any man who attacks 10 year old kids has no right to expect to be treated seriously ever again, no matter how much band width he wastes.
I have never felt so Trump! I played 18 holes of golf, and when somebody "hit" me with a remark about some long-forgotten posts relating to the son of Donald and Melania Trump, I hit back. You hit me, I hit back. You heard that one? I like that one. Big league, I like it. I hit back in a way that, with mostly zero effort on my part (while waiting on a couple of par 3's and between nines), the thread turned into a panel discussion of autism.
If you kids don't want to talk about autism and particular cases, you might want to start by not mentioning autism and specific cases.
But you, "exiledonmainstreet", can't seem to get enough. So here's some extra-credit reading for you.
The Washington Times:
US Weekly:
And because I am Fair and Balanced, I want everybody to know that there is a video-blog out there, making the case that "Barron Trump is NOT Autistic!" [Emphasis in original.] I think this information should be considered carefully, and with fairness.
I have seen no proof that Barron Trump is autistic. Only questions. Questions, posed by others. And reporting, in some select media outlets, including the remarkably Trump-friendly Washington Times. Oh, and a mighty legal threat from the lawyer who bankrupted Gawker.
ARM - so far he is succeeding, though. In one way I agree - presidents generally do have limited effects on the economy. But Trump has a different situation than most presidents - the regulatory state has so suppressed economic activity that unlevering it a bit will cause rapid growth for a bit. And second, the era of large companies means that Trump's public bullying combined with real benefits to those companies will produce an increase in gross private domestic investment, and GPDI is what drives the economy up or drives it down.
There is a host of economic data coming in that confirms the idea that it is working. At first it was just optimism trends for both businesses and consumers, which turned around in November. But now it is beginning to show up in business transactions. Try:
Empire State business survey came in very strong. Philly Fed came in unbelievably strong on the back of new orders. 43.3, with a 12 point jump in orders. Not since the Reagan recovery have we seen numbers like this.
You may not believe it, but over the last couple of weeks, we hit economic blast-off territory. EVERYTHING confirms this. Once it starts, it does run for a while and that gives Trump a few months to work on tax policy, etc.
To be less accurate but more truthful, economically speaking, Obama's administration was a tragedy of errors. The upside of this for Obama's successor is that there is a lot of low-hanging fruit to be picked, that can easily BE picked, and that, if picked, will make said successor look like a genius.
Dems may try to block this, but if they do, they will get wiped out everywhere except in a few states.
Everything that Trump does legislatively depends on a very small handful of Republicans in the Senate, including John McCain, who mentioned "dictators" today in an interview set to air tomorrow on "Meet the Press." Trump has to deal with McCain. And Lindsey Graham. And Ted Cruz. And Mitch McConnell.
No doubt you will cheer when Graham and McCain hold up as much as possible for the oligarchs they serve. McCain was over in Germany shredding his already mangled integrity sucking up to the globalists. After 2018 McCain and Graham will have less power because when they join democrats to keep our borders open for their donors there still wont be enough of them.
You say you are a "republican." But you sure don't seem to want the republicans to accomplish anything. Most moby's don't.
Chuck said...
I have seen no proof that Barron Trump is autistic. Only questions. Questions, posed by others. And reporting, in some select media outlets, including the remarkably Trump-friendly Washington Times. Oh, and a mighty legal threat from the lawyer who bankrupted Gawker.
Ok never mind. There goes any doubt that you are a piece of shit.
Quayle said...
Seventeen years into the 21st century and Chuck hasn't yet figured out yet that in the fibre optic transmission and internet age "media" doesn't mean anything and neither does "the press."
No; actually I agree with you. I don't think that there is any "the media." There is "media"; but it would be a terrible mistake to call anything "the media."
Like calling something "the Congress," when "the Congress" includes Mike Lee and Sheila Jackson Lee. "The Media" includes Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly. How could it not? How would you define "the Media" if you leave them out?
These are strange times when one assumes because I question the veracity of Trump and his followers that I never did so for Obama, but that is not the case for myself and many on the left who felt that Obama had let down on his promises. See Andrew Bacevich or Matt Rothschild for just a few examples. Do not let ideology put blinders on intellectual and emotional, homage to Rousseau and Althouse, arguments.
I read somewhere that Chuck ties up little boys in his basement and dances in his moccasins for them.
Who'd have guessed that after all these years the guy who finally used a non-invented Jefferson quote would be Trump?
Achilles said...
After 2018 McCain and Graham will have less power because when they join democrats to keep our borders open for their donors there still wont be enough of them.
As so often happens, you bumbled your way into an interesting possibility. That the 2018 Senate map (Class I) looks so good for Republicans, we could get to near 60. And wouldn't that be great? I predicted it as a real possibility before the November '16 election, when I was pondering a 2019 impeachment of President Hillary Clinton.
And that sort of cushion would make life even easier for Trump, and would make McCain and Graham (both of whom face no elections until after Trump's term as president) less viable as challengers to Trump's legislative proposals.
If Trump has any legislative proposals.
Jon Ericson said...
I read somewhere that Chuck ties up little boys in his basement and dances in his moccasins for them.
Where? The Washington Times? US Weekly? TMZ? I'll bet you didn't see it on YouTube. I've got an injunction.
exiledonmainstreet said...I no longer read chuck's posts so can anybody tell me if he attacked Barron Trump again?
He did.
Q. How far can Chuck be trumped?
A. Quite farley
But I have seen no proof. So far.
"I played 18 holes of golf,"
Said no golfer ever. 18 holes equals one round. An actual golfer would say "I played a round of golf." -- eighteen holes is implied.
Trump has to deal with McCain. And Lindsey Graham. And Ted Cruz. And Mitch McConnell.
John McCain is spending his political capital like a drunken sailor. Lindsey Graham has gone all soggy in his soured milk. Ted Cruz still has no friends. Mitch McConnell is not who you think he is.
How many people did you depose this week, Chuck? Or have you stopped working altogether to hang out on Althouse full time?
Have you no shame, Chuck?
I wouldn't worry about McConnell. His wife is in Trump's cabinet and he knows they way the wind is blowing in his state of Kentucky. Lindsey Graham is a fool and McCain is downright loony.
"Way back someone ran computer analyses on contemporary newspaper articles and concluded that some of the most scurrilous articles printed about Washington and Hamilton were written by none other than Mr. Jefferson, his very own self."
Maybe, but since Jefferson can't defend himself, I'll call "fake news" on that.
buwaya -
Since its a media war, in part, fought with bullhorns and Wurlitzers and may the loudest win, he is using the loudest bullhorns and Wurlitzers he can get.
Wurlitzer. Howitzer.
Actually, either one would work!
Chuck's got an injunction!
Ask him about it!
Bob Ellison @5:09 PM:
"Trump is live, right now, going a little crazy. You can find it on any news channel. It's not normal stuff."
Exactly the point. "Normal" just means average, Trump is definitely not average, certainly the people at the rally, and >60 million across the country regard Trump as way, way better than "average".
"Normalizing" Trump, if anyone is still saying that, is to take him down several notches to average, which is clearly what his critics are yearning to do, but as they themselves are no better than "normal" they're bound to fail.
Actually the real question is:
¿Quien es mas Macho?
"Chuck" o "Ritmo".
It's gonna be a real GREAT EIGHT YEARS!!!! What makes it even better is it comes right after EIGHT HORRIBLE YEARS!!!!
Go get 'em President Trump!
The best things about Trump are how honest he is, how humble he is, and how careful he is not to confuse his own person with the office itself.
I also like his responses to foreign aggression: NOT GOOD!
Definitely the kind of advanced intellect needed to command the world's most sophisticated and powerful military.
How's he getting along with the brass, BTW? I'm sure they love his unsteady, "disruptive" style.
Oh, and a mighty legal threat from the lawyer who bankrupted Gawker.
He should be nominated for sainthood for shutting down that bullshit factory.
Ah, toothless, ah, ah, ah. Squirt!
Clean up on Isle P for Pedro!
Awww... good puppy! I can see you wagging your tail like that! Good boy! Good boy! Yes, Daddy's home now. Did you want a Milk-Bone? You are the friendliest puppy ever, Jon Ericson! I can't believe you waited all evening for me!
Chuck, get over here, Pedro needs a licking.
Ruin someone else's Blog. 'K?
to David Begley
"Jefferson didn't spell "it's" correctly."
Standardized spelling didn't exist then. Several of our founding documents have different spellings of the same word within the same document. Mark Twain said that any man who could only think of one way to spell a word lacked imagination.
I was watching "The Greg Gutfeld Show" tonight and when they showed the clip of Trump calling for the audience member to come up on stage and the guy running up there, they played the music they play on "The Price Is Right" when someone is told to "come on down!" I burst out laughing, because that was my thought when I saw it. I thought it was hokey but the crowd loved it.
Gutfeld also called the media "farts complaining about their own smell." That made me laugh too.
I thought they should've had a hymn after the prayer and Trump could've come out in preacher's robes. That would've made an even better worship service.
Fabi said...
"I played 18 holes of golf,"
Said no golfer ever. 18 holes equals one round. An actual golfer would say "I played a round of golf." -- eighteen holes is implied.
"Said no golfer ever..."
"I come out and play 18 holes of golf."
"One of the things I’ve always said is if you play 18 holes of golf with a person, you have an opportunity to really get to know that person."
{Drops the mic.}
Didn't that little worshipful guy say he had a 6' tall cardboard box of Trump he prayed to daily?
#51, slightly dumber than #55, but much smarter than #11.
Blogger buwaya said..."The EPA analogy to clogged veins, is spot on."
Except it's arteries that get clogged, not veins.
Well, well, this puts Dems in a bit of a pickle, doesn't it?
Poll: Americans want Democrats to work with Trump
A strong majority of Americans say Democrats should look to cooperate with President Trump to strike deals, according to the inaugural Harvard-Harris poll provided exclusively by The Hill.
The survey found that 73 percent of voters want to see Democrats work with the president, against only 27 percent who said Democrats should resist Trump’s every move.
The findings are significant as Democratic leaders in Congress are under growing pressure by their liberal base to obstruct the president's agenda. The poll shows the party is divided on how to deal with Trump: 52 percent of Democrats polled say they should cooperate with him on areas of agreement and 48 percent saying they shouldn't."
Such problems they have. I can't say I feel sorry for them though.
These are strange times when one assumes because I question the veracity of Trump and his followers that I never did so for Obama, but that is not the case for myself and many on the left who felt that Obama had let down on his promises
"Possible Future Dictator" > "Let down on his promises"
Nice try, R/V, but that's grapes vs. watermelons. Or was that racist???
Dammit, Jim! I'm a businessman, not a Doctor!
Speaking as a hypochondriac and germophobe myself, I can say that:
If he has syphilis and knows it, he is being treated.
If he has syphilis and doesn't know it, then you don't know it either.
Madame Trollyou said...
Hi, Inga! I see you've put up a photo of one of the women who marched in the Pussy Parade.
Ted Cruz still has no friends.
He hasn't gone against Trump one time yet. And he's applauded his picks for cabinet and the USSC. I read his FB postings daily.
Cruz won't be a problem as long as Trump continues as a conservative.
I also like his responses to foreign aggression: NOT GOOD!
Well, there's that, and Good, and...
What else is there???
I thank you, Chuck -- if you didn't exist I'd have to invent you! Is there any slight you can't overlook? Lulz
Well, there's that, and Good, and...
What else is there???
There's him not responding like a 3rd grader. Yelling NOT GOOD! three times in a row (to every provocation) just means that he has no idea of what responses to take. It's a knee-jerk response that indicates nothing more to his understanding of threats than the fact that they took place.
Make no mistake, our enemies are testing this empty-suited, micromanaging puppet, and they've found him lacking. I'm willing to bet that our military by and large has no confidence in a man this unhinged, and they (or our intelligence agencies) will end his career. They have no patience for a half-cocked, empty-handed (tiny handed) phony whose only concern is to look and act tough while he cluelessly fumbles his way through his need to pretend that he knows more than any general in the room. They have no stomach for this image-mongering, unstable, narcissistically insecure phony, and they will manipulate the levers of power in Washington to make sure he gets impeached post haste.
The Russians definitely have something on this fool, too. It's only a matter of time.
The neo Nazi's are thrilled with the way Herr Drumpf handled the Jewish guy at the Press conference.
"Daily Stormer writer Eric Striker also praised Trump in an article headlined “Trump Dismisses ‘Anti-Semitism’ Wolf-Crier, Identifies Fake Hate Crimes as Fake.” He wrote:
I’m going to go out on a limb here and make a Striker prediction: this lice infested ghetto Jew will be getting hardcore press coverage and made into a folk hero for a month straight or more. But on the bright side, Jews will gasp when they realize that A) nobody is listening to their fake news or celebrities anymore, and B) everyone is pretty damn sick of Jews."
There was a 2 hour meeting with Comey and the entire Senate Intelligence Committee on Friday. Lots of very serious looking people coming out of that meeting.
"David Duke, a former KKK leader who rails against Jewish people, repeatedly celebrated Trump’s answer on his Twitter account, writing, “Are we tired of winning yet, folks?” and claiming Trump’s “brain is working bigly.” He also praised the “great” press conference, writing that Trump “loves America”.
Just think of it as a counter demonstration.
MaxedOutMama is back! Happy dance.
If you want to really know what is happening with the economy pay her a visit.
Trump is entertaining in a unique, promotional way, and he is a complete reversal of "Too Cool for School" Obama, who was greatly appreciated by millions of well-educated, well-heeled Americans, particularly in CA, IL and NY. Trump is always going to do this sort of thing to stay close to the people who elected him.
What is interesting to me is how many of those Obama/Hillary fans are currently completely cut loose from reality. Take Elizabeth Halloway above. As many pointed out, there is no practical way to anticipate that Trump would be impeached within a year, or ever. Something could happen, but there is nothing currently that has any factual basis that would head down that path. So Elizabeth is engaged in playground taunting or an act of faith with no factual basis.
Chuck, who says he is no fan of Obama or Hillary, is beside himself about Trump. I don't know anyone else who thinks like Chuck. One can only speculate about what is really going on there.
Some fool at TNR is suggesting that Trump has untreated STD. Other people are questioning Trump's sanity. Well, Trump has a unique style that includes endless self-promotion, diversionary tactics, stream of consciousness, bluster, and a studiously applied freedom from facts that sends his media critics down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. (I think of my brother's cats endlessly chasing the laser dot on the wall. They never wise up.) Trump may be cynical, but he is not crazy. He has been playing the media game for 40 years in New York, and he drives THEM crazy. In the meantime, he has Mattis at Defense, Tillerson at State, DeVos at Education, Sessions as AG, Haley at the UN (a star is born), Price at Health, and Pruitt at the EPA. One only hopes that he overcomes his prejudice against mustaches and appoints Bolton as National Security Adviser.
Not a bad start.
Trollyou--that Senate meeting obviously included a report from Comey on the Clinton Foundation. That's why they all looked grim and Rubio said there was going to be a bi-partisan investigation of 2016.
Bob Ellison @5:09 PM:
"Trump is live, right now, going a little crazy. You can find it on any news channel. It's not normal stuff."
Trump is disconcerting precisely because he does not behave in the manner that people have come to expect of Presidents. "Presidential" is not a relative term; in the modern era it has come to mean a very specific tone and style. Dignified. Interestingly, this is exactly what Critical Race Theorists would identify as a key marker of exclusionary white privilege-- Obama could get by only because he behaved "Presidential" (white). If he were the stereotyped "angry black man" he would have gotten nowhere. Remember Howard Dean's scream? He could never recover from that.
But these expectations and standards have been eroding in recent years. Bill Clinton played sax on Arsenio and was pretty pervy in the WH. Bush II was far more verbally limited than Trump, even if his demeanor was more tempered. Obama was dignified, but he became a huge icon in pop culture, the casual guy president of the reality TV era.
Trump? He's a throwback. He'd be a natural running a political rally a century ago. He's a big personality. You rarely see that in the modern era because established political parties are structured to filter out these outliers.
But in any case, he's in, and he's hugely disorienting. Not only is his personality different, but he is also neither conservative nor liberal in the traditional sense. No wonder people are becoming unmoored--they can't rely on normal reference points when they try to evaluate him. You can see that with every hurl of "fascist!" or "crazy!" And for people who are locked into the notion of a perpetual status quo, he heralds the apocalypse. We've been operating on a consensus view of America's place in the post-Cold War world, with both parties in tacit agreement, and Trump has upended all of that. "It's not supposed to be this way!"
Bonus: Trump on Oprah in 1988. Does he sound unhinged? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZpMJeynBeg
Make no mistake, our enemies are testing this empty-suited, micromanaging puppet, and they've found him lacking. I'm willing to bet that our military by and large has no confidence in a man this unhinged, and they (or our intelligence agencies) will end his career. They have no patience for a half-cocked, empty-handed (tiny handed) phony whose only concern is to look and act tough while he cluelessly fumbles his way through his need to pretend that he knows more than any general in the room. They have no stomach for this image-mongering, unstable, narcissistically insecure phony, and they will manipulate the levers of power in Washington to make sure he gets impeached post haste.
What the above is, is a combination of accusations, conjecture, and wishful thinking. You don't need to have any evidence to have an opinion, but it would help back your view. I think we're all going to find out whether what you believe should happen, happens. But don't think for a moment that if he's impeached, especially in the manner you've described, that there won't be an enormous backlash afterward.
So be careful what you wish for.
Herr Drumpf
Another commenter to ignore...
Daily Stormer writer Eric Striker also praised Trump
Can't you liberals at least attempt to be honest? If you have the inclination, you could look at the archives of the Daily Stormer and find that one of their writers has said something nice about a lot of politicians over the years. That doesn't make any of them Nazi's.
You people are pathetic.
Europeans not impressed with Trump.
Germany on Friday fired a salvo of warnings against Washington, cautioning it against hurting European cohesion, abandoning core Western values and seeking a rapprochement with Russia behind the backs of its allies.
In a hard-hitting speech at the Munich Security Conference against President Donald Trump's administration, German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen urged the United States not to take transatlantic ties for granted.
"Our American friends know well that your tone on Europe and NATO has a direct impact on the cohesion of our continent," the German minister told the Munich Security Conference.
"A stable European Union is also in America’s interest, as is a strong and unified NATO," she said.
One only hopes that he overcomes his prejudice against mustaches and appoints Bolton as National Security Adviser.
Hahahahahahhahaha. Bolton "bolted" from any interest in this psychopath's administration long ago. You people do have trouble keeping up. So much wishful thinking, so little time to debunk it. Top qualified picks are jumping off like rats from a sinking ship. And then those loyalty oaths! Oh, those loyalty oaths! Ich schwöre bei Gott diesen heiligen Eid, daß ich dem Führer des Deutschen Reiches und Volkes Adolf Hitler, dem Oberbefehlshaber der Wehrmacht, unbedingten Gehorsam leisten und als tapferer Soldat bereit sein will, jederzeit für diesen Eid mein Leben einzusetzen.
Yes, even lesser qualified picks aren't getting in. Background checks include vetting for an unkind word ever said against Dear Psychopathic Leader. Here's a guy who is so insecure in his decisions, he can't stomach anyone else's input. Which means an inability to hire any and all but the least qualified biggest toady hacks. Good luck.
But don't think for a moment that if he's impeached, especially in the manner you've described, that there won't be an enormous backlash afterward.
So be careful what you wish for.
What the fuck kind of a threat is this, Psychopath Junior? Americans have every right for their congress to impeach a president for high crimes and misdemeanors, and whatever "vengeance" you 30 percenters, or 20 percenters, or whatever you freaky deeky blood loyalty oath weirdos have in mind won't change that. You positioned a nutcase into the office, he can't fill positions (except with total stooges), and can't get the professional civil servants accountable to him to trust him. He's taking his own stupid self down. This guy has a management style straight out of the Kremlin, and the patriots still there won't stand for it. Next time nominate someone with a less monomaniacal and outdated understanding of the world. Or go join him, too.
Ritmo said...
"Make no mistake, our enemies are testing this empty-suited, micromanaging puppet, and they've found him lacking."
Sorry that's a year or so old. Obama isn't president anymore. Funny how we can go from being more flexible and misspelling reset to "omg the Russians are coming" in a few short months. The 80s called and they want their foreign policy back. THAT SO FUNNY!
Ritmo, was that the same NYT and huffpo that screwed sanders in the primary?
You are such a cheap date.
A few sane Republicans may yet be able to undo Trump's damage to this country.
"My friends: In the four decades I have attended this conference, I cannot recall a year where its purpose was more necessary or more important," he said.
McCain said the conference would entertain the idea of whether "the West will survive."
"In recent years, this question would invite accusations of hyperbole and alarmism," he said. "Not this year. If ever there were a time to treat this question with a deadly seriousness, it is now."
The lawmaker said past national leaders who worked hard to prevent the spread of nationalism would be shocked at how prevalent it has become in global politics.
"What would [Ewald] von Kleist's generation say if they saw our world today? I fear that much about it would be all too familiar to them, and they would be alarmed by it," McCain said, referring to the founder of the security conference. "They would be alarmed by an increasing turn away from universal values and toward old ties of blood, and race, and sectarianism."
"They would be alarmed by the hardening resentment we see toward immigrants, and refugees, and minority groups, especially Muslims," he added.
McCain challenged the worldviews popular with the American president and his allies, saying previous generations would be surprised to see them become so normative.
"They would be alarmed by the growing inability, and even unwillingness, to separate truth from lies," he said. "They would be alarmed that more and more of our fellow citizens seem to be flirting with authoritarianism and romanticizing it as our moral equivalent.
But McCain discouraged attendees from despairing over the situation, saying they should have hope that America's democratic principles would triumph.
"Make no mistake, my friends: These are dangerous times, but you should not count America out, and we should not count each other out," he said. "We must be prudent, but we cannot wring our hands and wallow in self-doubt."
"We must appreciate the limits of our power, but we cannot allow ourselves to question the rightness and goodness of the West," McCain added."
Sorry that's a year or so old.
Just this week North Korea launched a missile test to provoke a Japanese PM visiting at Drumpf's Premium Dinner Club, and the ensuing "confidential" conference, conducted at the Bozo's table, took place in full view of all the other patrons and press. Cell phones had confidential materials in their line-of-sight. The guy with the nuclear codes was ID'd. Photos of all of this were posted to Facebook. (Because hey, if you're going to be a show-off, what's the point in the patrons who pay you to show off for them to hold back on all the confidential materials and meetings you'd like to wave around in their face?)
He's not disruptive. He's destructive. Unprofessional and incompetent.
Toothless--Let's see what happens. I am sure your sources are excellent.
What the fuck kind of a threat is this, Psychopath Junior? Americans have every right for their congress to impeach a president for high crimes and misdemeanors, and whatever "vengeance" you 30 percenters, or 20 percenters, or whatever you freaky deeky blood loyalty oath weirdos have in mind won't change that. You positioned a nutcase into the office, he can't fill positions (except with total stooges), and can't get the professional civil servants accountable to him to trust him. He's taking his own stupid self down. This guy has a management style straight out of the Kremlin, and the patriots still there won't stand for it. Next time nominate someone with a less monomaniacal and outdated understanding of the world. Or go join him, too.
First, wipe the spittle off of your screen. Second, don't get your panties in such a bunch. We're just spitballing here. The fact is that there are a lot of people who were as angry the last 24 years as you are now, and voted for Trump to correct that. And they took a lot of bullshit from people of your ilk during that time. I'm just suggesting that they're not going to take it sitting down the next time, especially if the guy they voted in is removed by the same people who've put those voters on the back burner for that 24 years.
It's not a threat - it's a friendly warning. I won't be the one getting in the middle, but that doesn't mean everyone thinks like me.
Madame Trollyou said...
Europeans not impressed with Trump."
European elites are not. European non-elites think differently, which is why Marine LePen has a real shot at being elected, despite the French two round system.
To quote Althouse's favorite bard:
"Because something is happening here,
but you don't know what it is
Do you, Mr. Jones?"
Ritmo, was that the same NYT and huffpo that screwed sanders in the primary?
You are such a cheap date.
I forgot. They're not allowed to report on everything leaked to them about Trump's inability to handle simple staffing decisions because they shilled for Hillary in a primary election that has no bearing on anything now that the election was decided, long after the primary ended.
Is this how you're going to deflect from the topic? It may be all politics to you. It's not to our enemies. Or our agencies. Nor to our patriots.
They know how to survive. They'll take this quintuple bankrupt down more easily than a hot knife through butter.
Yelling NOT GOOD! three times in a row (to every provocation) just means that he has no idea of what responses to take.
The sophisticated move would be to draw a red line.
As I said, Inga by any other name is still Inga - a dumb, vicious liar who couldn't write an intelligent comment to save her life.
But at least she's found an occupation in her golden years, pretending she's fooling people at Althouse who are much smarter than she is.
I recall the threats when they thought Drumpf would be "cheated" out of the Presidency, now they threaten violence again if their Siberian Candidate Presdient gets found out and impeached/ indicted for treason. The Republican Congress won't stand by Drumpf once the intelligence reports are made public if it's been proven he is a traitor.
Trump to correct that. And they took a lot of bullshit from people of your ilk during that time. I'm just suggesting that they're not going to take it sitting down the next time, especially if the guy they voted in is removed by the same people who've put those voters on the back burner for that 24 years.
It's not a threat - it's a friendly warning. I won't be the one getting in the middle, but that doesn't mean everyone thinks like me.
With all due respect, this is posturing - even if you mean it friendly-like. You think I didn't see how disastrous this was all going to be... going back all the way to the nineties? Don't blame me, but his base is not the same as those who made the difference, and as much as any of us feel for them, they're so beyond the issue right now. Trump will probably barely do anything for them anyway. It's mostly bluster.
And they will unfortunately sit back down again. Hopefully not for 24 years (or 36 years, the way I count it), but they won't have a choice and will have to stomach another 4. Things aren't going back to business as usual, but this Trump guy is like using an atomic bomb to melt away your cancer. A cure much worse than the disease. His shortcomings do not seem to be justifying his disruptive political value. Washington's been changed - the message got through loud and clear. But the rest of the country don't want to be taken down with it.
Disruption's fine. Destruction's not. How quickly we forsake General Washington. Humility is essential in a president and this man is simply too unhinged and unstable to run the show. Whatever else you want to love him for, the presidency cannot be micro-managed by a loyalty oath freak.
The sophisticated move would be to draw a red line.
Translation: Obama's not perfect so having a guy who freaks out at press conferences and angrily can't respond with any evidence of his understanding on how to weigh response options is better.
Got it!
Ritmo said...
"What the fuck kind of a threat is this, Psychopath Junior? Americans have every right for their congress to impeach a president for high crimes and misdemeanors, and whatever "vengeance" you 30 percenters, or 20 percenters, or whatever you freaky deeky blood loyalty oath weirdos have in mind won't change that."
Trump won't be impeached. It is a fever dream. After bill raped women and was convicted of perjury and Obama emailed classified material to Hillary's private server the bar for impeachment is impossibly high.
If they impeach trump for less then yes you better be ready for something absolutely extreme and republicans would be included in what followed because they would be a part.
Make no mistake, our enemies are testing this empty-suited, micromanaging puppet
Gird your loins.
Translation: Obama's not perfect
Oh, you stupid, stupid man.
Madame Trollyou said...
You change your nic more often than you change your panties.
Exiledonmaonstreet obviously doesn't realize how stupid one must be at this point to still have ones head up Trump's ass,
Oh, you stupid, stupid man.
bgates, even Hillary cackles better than you do.
But if they ever were to award a prize for "Jeering", I think I'd have to nominate you.
Other than that, I'm glad to know that these are the limits of what you can contribute to the conversation.
Madame Trollyou said...
Exiledonmaonstreet obviously doesn't realize how stupid one must be at this point to still have ones head up Trump's ass"
At this point? A month into a 4 year term?
You don't realize how stupid one must be to think they're fooling anybody with dumb new nics every two days or so.
But you are that stupid. Stupid, stupid Inga. You know no more about politics than a Golden Retriever knows about calculus.
The shit sandwich won't be so tasty after the truth comes out.
Keep hope alive, Inga!!
Humility is essential in a president
He's LeBron, baby. He can play on that level.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
"Is this how you're going to deflect from the topic? It may be all politics to you. It's not to our enemies. Or our agencies. Nor to our patriots."
This is the topic. The media is the enemy. They are wholly owned subsidiaries of the wealthy and they operate as tools. Whomever the target is whether it is Bernie or trump they follow orders. They are not your friends.
"They know how to survive. They'll take this quintuple bankrupt down more easily than a hot knife through butter."
Sure. Trump has no path to the presidency. Both of these institutions were the worst during the election both screwing Bernie and getting the election wrong.
Isn't she cute, trying hard to be less dumb than #55?
A real striver.
Saying "Obama's not perfect" is like saying "Hillary isn't honest" or "Ritmo isn't smart" - it's not that each of those things isn't true, it's that each of those people is almost the Platonic ideal of the opposite of those qualities.
I look forward to #11 though. That is actual Inga level. Yes, that good.
Trump won't be impeached. It is a fever dream. After bill raped women and was convicted of perjury and Obama emailed classified material to Hillary's private server the bar for impeachment is impossibly high.
If they impeach trump for less then yes you better be ready for something absolutely extreme and republicans would be included in what followed because they would be a part.
Good. Go lead the William Wallis charge, hopefully in kilts and with blue and white painted faces. I'll be honored to stand with the entire political spectrum when a fringe 20% or so can't stomach not getting their lawless way.
It won't be for something minor. It'll be Huuuuuuuge.
Clinton was not convicted of anything. There is no legal rape charge against him, either. There's circumstantial evidence that some wrongdoing might have occurred, way past the statute of limitations. But then, there is against Trump as well. And with dozens of women, not just one.
Trump is distorting your thinking. The presidency needs to be clear-headed. Make your passions less partisan. Stand up for principle. The Russians have something on this man; and the agencies know he's compromised in more than a few ways. Let me know what Manafort has to say about it.
"The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!!"
I don't believe for a second that you love America, Inga. You'd gladly see it go down in flames if that's what it took to bring Trump down.
Just look at all the leftists out in the streets screaming about how "America was never great!"
Your "patriotism," like everything else about you, is a lie.
What President ever before in history has been investigated by 5 Federal agencies for collusion with the Russian government even before he was sworn in? Grow up, this fraud isn't your savior. You may want to destroy this country, but there are far more of us that still love our country.
Madame Trollyou said...
"The shit sandwich won't be so tasty after the truth comes out."
Was that where Trump snuck into Podesta's office and clicked on that phish mail scam? Or where trump snuck in and pretended to be a disgruntled Bernie supporter and leaked the DNCs dirty laundry?
Why aren't you marching? We need you out in the street proudly wearing a pussy hat getting trump to 45 states in 2020.
Meanwhile, chuckle to the stylings of our 12:10 comedienne, #51
Don't stop girl! you onna roll!
This is the topic. The media is the enemy.
Nope. Sorry. Wrong. Fail. The First Amendment is apparently your enemy. You can't make war on it, and Trump's pseudo-war on it is failing badly. Plus, this tactic of his generally has a problematic history. It's like I have to post this link to you on every post.
They are wholly owned subsidiaries of the wealthy and they operate as tools. Whomever the target is whether it is Bernie or trump they follow orders. They are not your friends.
There is more than one "media." There is a diverse array of it. Some corporate some less so. Some good on understanding the establishment some better on understanding the insurgents. We don't have to swear loyalty oaths to news organizations, either, you know. We don't have to make declarations of war on them, either. Read them for the useful/accurate news that you think they provide, or don't. Same with that whole "offensive broadcast" stuff of yore. Turn off what you don't want.
"They know how to survive. They'll take this quintuple bankrupt down more easily than a hot knife through butter."
Sure. Trump has no path to the presidency. Both of these institutions were the worst during the election both screwing Bernie and getting the election wrong.
Running a campaign and running a government are two different things. Trump has shown that he only knows how to do one of them. And why not? After all, he's an ad man.
Are you sugartits, or is #55 sugartits?
Maybe #11?
Town halls just ain't what they used to be.
"Why aren't you marching? We need you out in the street proudly wearing a pussy hat getting trump to 45 states in 2020."
I think she should give a speech. Inga would make Ashley Judd sound like Shakespeare's Henry V delivering the St. Crispin's Day speech.
Hey exiledonmainstreet,
When was the last (or first) time you ever successfully organized anything? Brought people together in your community to implement a popular change? Successfully rallied for something other than a Wisconsin sports team?
Yeah, I thought so.
Keep throwing those peanuts.
When an American President tweets that the Press is an enemy of the American people, it's a pretty good sign he is either insane, senile or channeling a dictator. Neither choice is acceptable.
Clinton was not convicted of anything.
I guess the military didn't view him as an image-mongering, unstable, narcissistically insecure phony, which makes sense, because nothing says "stable, secure, emotionally mature patriot" like getting held in contempt by a federal court and being disbarred.
The Toothless Revolutionary,
Right. No astro-turfing going on there at all, no sirree. Obamacare has never enjoyed majority support. All the people who voted for Trump to repeal and replace Obamacare, who are suffering because their premiums have shot through the roof, are suddenly vehemently in favor of Obamacare (which is in its' death throes).
If you're not disingenuous, you're a bigger naif than I took you for.
Ritmo said...
"Trump is distorting your thinking. The presidency needs to be clear-headed. Make your passions less partisan. Stand up for principle. The Russians have something on this man; and the agencies know he's compromised in more than a few ways. Let me know what Manafort has to say about it."
You say this after blowing off 2 clear examples of felonies committed by democrats. And if we are going to talk about secret loyalties then Obama making secret deals with Iran and lying to the American people about it just happened.
Bias is distorting your thinking. Stand up for principle? You watch Bernie get fucked and then you go crawling back to your oligarch masters. I know you don't like trump but anyone with a clear head can see he isn't in Obama or Clinton's league for wrongdoing.
Manafort got fired by the way. The Russia stuff is a joke. I look forward to all sorts of deep state bureaucrats going to jail for leaking SIGINT and title 50 material to the media and hopefully ratting Obama out on their way to jail.
When an American President thinks he is above Judicial Review, he is either insane, senile or channeling a dictator. Neither choice is acceptable,
That's a good point. Removing the ban on excluding pre-existing conditions, throwing kids under 26 off their parents' policy and lifetime limits are things that so, so, so, so many people want.
But keep putting Obama's name in there as if your ignorance of the provisions themselves means that people don't want them.
Which Republican elitist congress critter's office do you work for?
People don't need to be paid to rally for keeping those provisions. They just have to not be financially suicidal. And they hated the system you had in place prior to 2008 and want to revert to big time.
You really can't help being an ideologue partisan, can you? Try being a real person for once. It might help you to relate to others who have less difficulty being real people.
Bernie says Trump is a pathological liar.
You say this after blowing off 2 clear examples of felonies committed by democrats. And if we are going to talk about secret loyalties then Obama making secret deals with Iran and lying to the American people about it just happened.
Bias is distorting your thinking. Stand up for principle? You watch Bernie get fucked and then you go crawling back to your oligarch masters. I know you don't like trump but anyone with a clear head can see he isn't in Obama or Clinton's league for wrongdoing.
Manafort got fired by the way. The Russia stuff is a joke. I look forward to all sorts of deep state bureaucrats going to jail for leaking SIGINT and title 50 material to the media and hopefully ratting Obama out on their way to jail.
I read this and hear, "Cling to the past, be a partisan about some obscure non-crime that no law or judge can identify, and focus more on party squabbles than the future."
That's not the way forward. Maybe for you, my friend. But not for me.
We send Pedro back on the boat! Win, Win!
Madame Trollyou said...
"When an American President tweets that the Press is an enemy of the American people, it's a pretty good sign he is either insane, senile or channeling a dictator. Neither choice is acceptable. "
Or just calling a spade a spade. The media is trusted by around 30% of the public. 59% believe trump keeps his promises.
You would have to be pretty stupid to trust the NYTs.
"When was the last (or first) time you ever successfully organized anything"
Yeah, because organizing protests in Madison worked out so well for the Left!
They were really effective!
You know what was effective? The Tea Party. After they were shut down by Obama in '12, they got together behind Trump, worked to get him elected and did so.
And they did it without shitting on cop cars or smashing windows!
Hard to believe, I know.
The left likes the cheap easy thrill of marching in the streets and carrying signs. Judging from the state of the Democrat party they're not so good at doing the day to day drudge work of getting people elected. That's not fun. That's not exciting. You don't get to parade your virtue in the street.
At this point, the last thing a leftist should be lecturing a conservative about is "success."
You trust your media sources Achilles, I'm quite sure of that. However Infowars and Breitbart are not connected to reality either.
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