Said the alderperson who introduced Madison's "safe place" resolution.
Last night the resolution was passed by the City Council, which also cracked down on panhandlers. (It's now, apparently, against the law to stand on the median and decline to continue crossing the street.)
४३ टिप्पण्या:
"It's now, apparently, against the law to stand on the median and decline to continue crossing the street."
Fascism. It's always descending on America, but lands in Madison.
So Madison wants (is?) a "safe space" for "refugees" but don't dare ask a passerby for help (a hand-out).
In other words, Madison wants to make a statement but not make a difference. Got it.
I've noticed an increase in professional begging on E. Washington and other major streets on the east side. Most appear to be young white people who are dressed in North Face gear. When one is stopped at the light and adjacent, one will notice absolutely no fraying or grime to the clothes, shoes or backpack. They would easily fit in on any college campus or hip coffee shop. It is a markedly different the group that takes over the sidewalk by the downtown WI Veterans Museum.
So is okay for "undocumented citizens" to flaunt the new panhandler law? Will there be sanctuary intersections?
I wander how many of these alderpeople are adamant that immigration policy is strictly a matter for the feds, when red states try to deal with immigration according to their own morals/preferences?
The Panhandlers Union will have the last word here.
We’re standing up to a state and federal government who are definitely ready to come after us.
Previously they were fine with a government definitely ready to come after you?
"state and federal government who are definitely ready to come after us."
She's an illegal alien, speaking to other illegal aliens?
The alderpersonofgender "has an extensive background in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion." Job security is sought.
So you walk into your council representative's office because it's been declared a "safe place". You then proceed to explain that it's the state representative's white privilege that is causing you distress and the representative is required to leave the premises because he's violating the sanctity of a "safe place"?
Does Madison realize that ALL of its power is derived from the state? City government gets its power from the state it is inside of. The state can always do whatever they want to a city as needed and override everything they pass if they so choose to do so.
Talk about arguing from a position of zero power.
Six years ago, Madison police demonstrated how easy it is clear $300/day as a professional panhandler. Of course, that $300 gross. After paying their taxes, middle class professional panhandlers slip into working poor.
"Laura Minero, a UW-Madison doctoral student, said she’s an undocumented immigrant and that by passing the resolution, the council sends a message to other undocumented immigrants that they are accepted by the community."
The Left sure likes to send lots of messages. Wouldn't texting be easier?
TosaGuy: I've noticed an increase in professional begging on E. Washington and other major streets on the east side. Most appear to be young white people who are dressed in North Face gear. When one is stopped at the light and adjacent, one will notice absolutely no fraying or grime to the clothes, shoes or backpack. They would easily fit in on any college campus or hip coffee shop.
Reminds me of the time, years ago, when I was accosted by a panhandler in the People's Republic of Boulder, CO, early one morning. I declined to hand over any cash, as I had noticed immediately that he was dressed in the fashion you describe, and was sporting a very, very nice backpack, very much like one I had seen and coveted in the local SWPL sporting goods store a few days previously, but could not afford to buy for myself.
My refusal elicited a snarl and a just audible "bitch!". A couple of hours later I ran into him using the pay phone (as I said, years ago) at a cafe, discussing his portfolio with his broker.
If by 'ready to come after us' you mean decline to send you the farmer's market money you wanted...
The Panhandlers Union will have the last word here
You think you are joking, but you aren't.
I'll never forget a few years back we were in SF in one of the touristy areas near Fisherman's Wharf and looking for a brunch place. Standing in front of the restaurant, which had a large "Help Wanted" sign were a group of about 8 or so shabbily dressed men and women.
Overhearing their conversation while waiting for the restaurant to open..... they were planning their panhandling schedule. Dividing up the territory, discussing shift changes (because I guess they have rules on how long you have to beg without bathroom breaks and yes discussed bathroom breaks). They also talked about where to meet up after work. There was also some discussion about techniques and that one guy's sign wasn't being very effective and that a dog might be better.
All they were lacking was a whiteboard, some dry erasers, markers, donuts and coffee to complete their mini corporate planning session.
We were disgusted, appalled and when we saw a couple the same group later begging, we told him that there was a job available at the restaurant that he should go apply :-) (evil grins)
Safest space is the grave. They are busily digging that hole. Who will invest or stay in a place that passes "laws" declaring its lawlessness?
"Does Madison realize that ALL of its power is derived from the state? City government gets its power from the state it is inside of. The state can always do whatever they want to a city as needed and override everything they pass if they so choose to do so."
Which was fine... when Wisconsin was a blue state. Now it's governed by the Politics of Resentment, or haven't ya heard.
So Madison government simultaneously slaps down Madison citizens while inviting and protecting illegal aliens. Is there anything more indicative of why a guy like Trump could win? It's right there in a single day's "work", and they will keep showing up every day to do more of the same. How many of these compassionate souls have illegal immigrants living in their homes, I mean other than the maid. You want to make a sanctuary? How about you sacrifice your own property, your job, your security? Sacrificing other people's things to burnish your compassion badge is not virtue, but theft - self-serving theft.
Establishing sanctuary cities for illegal aliens might be a winning issue for the Democrats.
Because of this issue, a lot of Wisconsin citizens who voted Republican in 2016 might flip to voting Democrat in 2020.
To be fair, you are looking at the lowest level of that profession there. The rather more high-toned or literate aspirant can take college courses in writing begging letters (grant applications), and the top of the heap are professional fund-raisers, who usually dress very well.
Secession is in the air. Looks like we will need Jeff Sessions from Montgomery, Alabama to deal with secessionists. One has to wonder what the chances are that Madison will seek annexation into Canada.
Immigration reform offers sanctuary to progressive wars, [class] diversity, refugee crises, environmental arbitrage, labor arbitrage, and planned parenthood. We desperately need emigration reform.
How carefully did they craft that panhandler ordinance? I smell a First Amendment case!
"A couple of hours later I ran into him using the pay phone (as I said, years ago) at a cafe, discussing his portfolio with his broker."
Back 25 years ago, I was in the hospital at UCSF after back surgery and my wife was staying in the city. She went to TGI Fridays at Fisherman's Wharf for dinner. She walked out with a group of young guys. In the doorway, was a panhandler with a wheelchair, dark glasses and a bowl for his begging cash.
One of the young guys reached into the bowl and took some money out. Then they walked away.
The "crippled, blind" beggar jumped up and took off after them. He was running like a deer.
True story.
Meade said...Six years ago, Madison police demonstrated how easy it is clear $300/day as a professional panhandler. Of course, that $300 gross. After paying their taxes, middle class professional panhandlers slip into working poor.
That's not taking into consideration their Obamacare premium or mandate-violation penalty, too. Free healthcare costs take a chunk out of that gross, but they do get free birth control now so I guess it works out.
Michael K: excellent story. I think it speaks to any of us who has been played, or strongly suspected ourselves of having been played, by a panhandler.
Which is probably all of us.
By the way, that announcement --that "this comes from a place of knowing"-- is wonderfully pretentious, all the more so for being so unself-aware even as it is so very self-conscious and self-important. A delicious sampling of the syrupy consciousness inside the Progressive Bubble. And a very useful "tell" --as soon as I read or hear such locutions, I know I can safely ignore the rest. Or, more accurately, I can put away my logical and factual artillery, and watch the implosion from a safe distance.
Trying to be fair here. Really trying.
Well, can you panhandle in the "safe place" of the government offices? That WOULD probably be safer than asking for money on the street!!!
I think any appreciation of irony has died in Madison government circles.
In our little itty bitty town, the county decided that one of the old motels, from the 1940's would be just dandy for low income/section 8 housing purposes. It is a cool retro looking motor court style motel with about 15 units. But because it is older many of the tourists prefer the newer fishing/hunting lodges and updated places.
So....there are now occupants. Most of whom don't really want to be here because 1. there are no sidewalks 2. no public transportation so they have to walk 3. nothing to do at all for them. Most of the people there, come and go and we see the turn over. Maybe they are agitating for a better place and want to go to a real city.
There is this one guy, about 50 yrs old, who now shows up at our one and only grocery store to beg. He sits either in a wheel chair or on an overturned 5 gallon bucket with a sign that says "Help. Need food." He tries to look as pitiful as he can and I suppose that some people might give him some money. If they do they are dopes.
1. He has free housing. No utilities bills. Food stamps. Probably SSI. Free medical care Medi-Cal. and in essence grosses more than many of those who are working as best they can in our depressed economic area.
2. If he wants food...there is a food pantry about 100 yards from where he is parking his fat ass. They would hand him canned goods and fresh vegetables without asking questions. But he HAS food stamps. IF he were begging for a microwave to cook in..I might have some sympathy.
3. We know he is a single person without a family to support. We know this because it is a small area and we know everything about not just him, but everyone. You can't hide in a small town :-)
4. We KNOW he isn't paralyzed because we also see him walking around the motel complex right near the road and we see him walking around the post office, the dollar store nearby and other places. He drives his ford truck (newer and nicer than any we own) to the store. Parks it in back, unloads his wheel chair from the truck bed.... and then plops his ass down out front at the corner of the road to beg.
He isn't fooling anyone. We SEE you, you idiot. We KNOW you are a fraud. Use your food stamps (of course the point isn't food...he wants money) Weasel your way into a church or something and prey on their gullibility.
It isn't working here dummy. Move to the city and fool those people.
A lot of citizens of Utah attempted (twice, in history, now) to stand up to the federal government coming after them. All that the Utahns wanted was a "marriage safe space" - a place where they could safely define what is and isn't marriage for their community, without fear of government intrusion or bullying.
You'd think the irony wouldn't be lost on the erudite and thoughtful people of Madison, but I'm guessing it is.
Quayle said... [hush][hide comment]
A lot of citizens of Utah attempted (twice, in history, now) to stand up to the federal government coming after them. All that the Utahns wanted was a "marriage safe space" - a place where they could safely define what is and isn't marriage for their community, without fear of government intrusion or bullying.
You'd think the irony wouldn't be lost on the erudite and thoughtful people of Madison, but I'm guessing it is.
2/8/17, 10:44 AM
Don't worry, that will come to pass.
Now that SSM is OK-fine, it is inevitable that a gay couple will attempt to marry a third gay person. They will be denied and it will wind up in court. What will be the legal grounds to say no?
Once that passes, mixed sex groups will be next and the Mormons will be shown to be trend setters...
Though it would probably be quicker/easier if a Muslim family sued on religious persecution grounds. Then the left would be all over themselves pushing to get it allowed/legal.
A couple of hours later I ran into him using the pay phone (as I said, years ago) at a cafe, discussing his portfolio with his broker.
How carefully did they craft that panhandler ordinance? I smell a First Amendment case!
Why did the chicken cross the road? Because it was compelled to do so by the state.
No more passports! No more passports! Free and open borders!
Anyone who believes in this nonsense should be converted to electricity.
Though it would probably be quicker/easier if a Muslim family sued on religious persecution grounds. Then the left would be all over themselves pushing to get it allowed/legal.
I don't know why this hasn't happened yet. It has in Canada -- at least, there are openly polygamous families living there. We are obviously behind the times, though, to be fair, Brigham Young was way ahead of them.
"Though it would probably be quicker/easier if a Muslim family sued on religious persecution grounds. Then the left would be all over themselves pushing to get it allowed/legal."
The fundamentalist Mormons of southern Utah/northern Arizona should declare themselves Muslim. They'll find that they have many new allies in their fight against the Evil Forces arrayed against them. Suddenly child marriage won't be such a big thing.
Michael K: She went to TGI Fridays at Fisherman's Wharf for dinner.
Mike, you know I love you, but how could you let your wife go to TGIF in a food city like Frisco? Was there a fire and all the other restaurants burned down? Any of a dozen shacks along the waterfront would sell her a cioppino in a sourdough bread bowl that'd make her eyes fall out of her head! They have dim sum! What was she thinking?
On Topic: the Talmud teaches us to be grateful to false beggars, because their existence allows enough doubt of the merits of any individual beg to allow you to walk on by, otherwise it would be a crime not to give to any who asked.
Almost every country in the world if they catch you without a visa/permission, you are out of there. Many countries, like Japan or Saudi Arabia, will not grant you citizenship ever even if you end up born there. You also can't have lots of free stuff like we do and still have open borders. The idea that a country should not try to keep out criminals or terrorists and might want to limit how many people come there is a curious type of virtue signalling. If we had truly open borders, I am guessing that 10 million people a year might want to come here. It would be an invasion. But virtue signalling never has to consider reality.
Re: panhandling. I read an article by a guy who has his own business in San francisco. Whenever he was out and saw a panhandler, he would give them his card and tell them he had work for them. Actual work. No questions asked. Hundreds of cards. Not one person ever called or showed up.
Unknown: "You also can't have lots of free stuff like we do and still have open borders." Milton Friedman speaks through you.
Bad Leuit. at 2/8/17, 12:49 PM, your rabbinical comment is the pure material, made me laugh. Of what use is a Jewish IQ if you cannot intellectually create an out as to why you refuse charity. Not an anti-Semitic thing, but just general humor as in stories of Hyman Kaplan.
Is Ald. Shiva Bidar-Sielaff an illegal alien? If not, why is she afraid the state and federal governments are coming after her?
Do they support emigration reform?
Do they oppose the rise of left-wing anti-nativism and [class] diversity?
Do they oppose waging social justice, elective regime changes, and extrajudicial trials?
Do they oppose abortion chambers? "Planned" Parenthood?
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