And the NYT was duly chastened. It reprimanded the (unnamed) reporter:
“At a party last night, a Times reporter who does not cover Washington or politics, referred to an unfounded rumor regarding Melania Trump,” a Times spokesperson said in a statement to POLITICO. “The comment was not intended to be public, but it was nonetheless completely inappropriate and should not have occurred. Editors have talked to the reporter in question about the lapse.”I don't know if the NYT is sensitive to the feminist critique articulated by Ratajkowski or whether it's afraid of getting sued for repeating the defamation (as The Daily Mail is currently being sued).
It's interesting that Ratajkowski stuck her neck out there. I assume things like that are said about Melania at fashion-business parties all the time and that it's easiest to go with the flow and accept the anti-Trump banter. Of course, we all hate them and we can be transgressive when it's just us and we're talking about those people we all know we hate.
७७ टिप्पण्या:
Sometimes in life, the cure is worse than the disease.
The Anti-Trump cure (protests/riots/slut-shaming/recounts/lawsuits) is much worse than the Trump disease (poorly crafted Tweets/"pussy-grabbing" video-taped comments/modest criticisms of courts and judges).
The interpretation seems ambiguous: was the claim that Melania had literally sold sex for money at some time in the past, or the more obvious "Well, no woman would marry someone as ugly as Trump if it were not for his money"?
I'd assume it's the latter, but, if so surely such claims must be purely speculative (and therefore not something a Times reporter should not be dealing in, absent substantive evidence)?
Fake news but clever doings by the NYT. They just called the first lady a whore. They paid the model to make the phony claim and then made a"hand slapping" to make them appear as being "annoyed".
Good for Ms. Ratajkowski! I appreciate very much when someone stands by her principles even when it conflicts with her normal political tribe members.
I second what Otto said about what the NY Times is doing here. They found an excuse to get away with calling Mrs. Trump a whore in public.
Where is the term "falsely claimed" that media are so quick and proud to splash in headlines when it's about conservatives, or the President. You know good and we'll it would have read a year ago:
"Journalist falsely claims Michelle Obama is a two-bit whore" with a skanky smell".
Isn't there still value in the old private/public distinction? Must every wayward private thought and comment now be policed? And I don't really care "they did it first," since by that logic anything is permissible.
They did it first, and they still do it. Perhaps you don't care because it hasn't been done to you or your team. Conservatives are attacked all the time this way. Reporters think they're special and can hurl slop without having it hurled back at them. Those days are over.
"who does not cover Washington or politics". Is that the NYT's way of referring to him as a "so-called" journalist?
I'm sure said journalist will be counseled to search Twitter for "Melania" and "hooker" and find an entry suitable for retweeting. That's how those who cover "Washington or politics" know to express their true feelings on a topic.
Had anything like that been said about anybody with the last name "Obama" or "Clinton", we'd all know the reporter's name and that said reporter is in need of a new job.
It is somewhat ironic that Ratajkowski criticizes the NYT reporter by referring to Melania as a slut ("What it is: slut shaming")
I stand firmly behind Emily Ratajkowski. Firmly.
Perhaps you don't care because it hasn't been done to you or your team.
Is a team more like a posse or a squad?
Betty Ford was a showgirl before marrying Gerald. I don't recall anyone calling her a stripper.
an unfounded rumor
Thereby suggesting a hint of truth. Thereby exhibiting a reckless disregard for the truth or even suggesting what they know to be false is true. In other words, actual malice.
I'm struck by the arrogance of the reporter who thinks a woman would not take offense at characterizing her co-professional as a whore.
This is the NYT making a cowardly attack and using the alleged "hearsay" to avoid being sued.
I don't think malice would be hard to prove.
Andrew Jackson had the only effective remedy for this.
Perhaps you don't care because it hasn't been done to you or your team.
"Is a team more like a posse or a squad?"
Had anything like that been said about anybody with the last name "Obama" or "Clinton", we'd all know the reporter's name and that said reporter is in need of a new job.
It's like that.
I have read that porn stars make the real money by hooking. The porn movies are more like advertisements for themselves than performances. I was very sorry to read this. I thought that they were in it for the art and for the joy of acting out every sex fantasy known to humankind than strictly for the money. I lost some of my respect for them when I read of this crass behavior........I hope hooking is not common among runway models. I hope they starve themselves and work for relatively low pay because of their love of fashion. I would hate to think that other, more base motives are part of the fashion world.
Althouse misses the real point.
Blogs are dead.
You golden years folks are so cute and quaint.
Carry on.
Everybody knows that this chick sells sex.
I guess it's supposed to be some scandal to note that DJT wasn't the first customer.
If you click on ER twitter feed it gets weird as she goes on to say MT can be a fine FL EVEN IF she is an escort. Thanks for that insight ER!
Peter said...
"Well, no woman would marry someone as ugly as Trump if it were not for his money"?
That's classic hypergamy.
"An ugly man is an ugly man, but an ugly rich man is a rich man"
She's not sticking her head out at all. This is her pet peeve. She made sure to add the disclaimer, "whatever you think of her politics."
I wonder what the Times considers to be the difference between unfounded rumor and false accusation. I suspect it has something to do with the political party of the target.
Christopher: Interesting. Who's the leader of your posse, squad, or team?
It's political correctness no matter which side objects to it.
Feel free to call anybody a slut. World's oldest profession.
You might be legally safer calling her a cunt.
The Brits have strange speech laws.
The left's actions vs Trump are going to start costing them followers. It will be interesting to see how many.
I'm guessing its guy trebay formerly from the village voice.
I might usually have a "feminism bullshit" ta for this. But on so many dimensions, this really is a public abuse of Melania, that I think some feminist angles are appropriate.
First of all, who are the male chauvinists who presume that Melania's politics mirror her husband's? What sort of bullshit presumption is that? I don't know if Ivanka shares all of the politics of the Trump Administration; in fact, I presume she doesn't.
But left-wing tribalists presume that they need to kill Trump, and all of Trump's seed, and all of his in-laws, in addition to burning down Trump Tower and presumably salting the earth where it stood.
If Melania were married to a Democrat, and she were attacked with these rumors, it would (a) never get discussed at Times and (b) if it did, she'd be canonized as a surviving immigrant sex worker from a former Soviet colony.
These are left wing memes that are pure formula. I laugh every time that lefties decry Trump as somehow opposed to "women, minorities and the LGBTQ community." That's their script. And, that's nuts! Bill Clinton was the guy who had sex with a young intern in the oval office, treated her like shit, who enacted "Don't ask; don't tell" and who signed the Defense of Marriage Act!
Then, while the NYT is busy libeling, you've got the WashPost busy soliciting espionage.
Emily Ratajkowski's right. Melanoma Trump has every right to be as big a slut as she wants to be, whether she feels ashamed of that or not. I mean, her husband's a pretty massive slut, and he clearly has no shame in that.
"about what the NY Times is doing here. They found an excuse to get away with calling Mrs. Trump a whore in public."
Which will have the similarly enbubbled smirking with delight, but which is pure poison out in the real world.
"You want more Trump? This..." well, you know how it goes. My sense is that the hysterics will be dying down soon. They've really shot their wad.
Mark @ 6:12,
Yep. Absolutely.
Not a lie. Not a scurrilous characterization. Or similar. But "an unfounded rumor" thereby making sure it stays in circulation with deniability.
Althouse needs a new tag, why the NYT is like Nixon.
We can see the true nature of the Leftist Collectivists. It's not just the New York Times but the reprehensible commenters above too. They are itching to say terrible, personal things about a woman who has kept a low profile while supporting her husband.
The evil that men will do.
Birkel, I assume you're using "men" in the gender-inclusive sense? Because women will do this same evil.
"They are itching to say terrible, personal things about a woman who has kept a low profile while supporting her husband.
FYI, since you have a serious blind spot, it's you who is the slut shamer here. You're the one assuming it's "terrible" that this chick is into and married a dick for dough.
She's just commoditizing her assets/pussy. It's capitalism. Which is a good thing, not a terrible thing, remember?
Or, are we supposed to pretend Milania wasn't into DJT's dough.
Got it.
Carry on.
As I recall, the noble knights of the fourth estate called the wives of both Jefferson and Jackson whores...
Recently I saw a slattern, perhaps a woman of the night, strolling in and out of a single, pale circle cast by a lonely street light.
Make-up, jewelry, some political opinions, maybe.
I assure you it was not the Gray Lady.
But when your beauty and intelligence attracts an Emperor, all is forgiven. (See, Justinian's wife, Theodora)
Perhaps you are unaware of that expression.
But since you were appointed the P.C. Policeperson of the day, let me say :-P
I'm not an FL expert, but I've got to assume we've had other gold digger FLs before. Of course the obviousness of the gold diggery then was probably not as blatant as it is w/ this age gap and looks delta.
I dunno.
You are the toughest internet tough guy in all the interwebs. You have the ability to make yourself small. I wish you great success as you go out and treat real people the way you treat people online.
Thanks Birk,
W/ your endorsement I may finally make it.
"it's easiest to go with the flow and accept the anti-Trump banter." It's an issue for civil conservatives who don't want to politicize every work or social situation. At what point do you, umm, resist?
Within days of the election, protesters were at Trump Tower with their "Rape Melania" sign. It's what they do. It's who they are.
BTW, it's a real shame that DJT took a dump on the property he's leasing here:
That's what shaming looks like.
"My sense is that the hysterics will be dying down soon. They've really shot their wad."
Nope. Toothless will go back to his bong, but once the riots get/have gotten old, Soros and the Dem PACs will start paying for serious violence./////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@ PB
When you go out to say such things to women and their husbands, please have a friend video tape the whole interaction. In real life it should go quite well for you. #TeamPBFTW
Out that piece of shit reporter pronto. Destroy her career. I am all for "sending messages" at this point. The MSM prints and says things it would never have the balls to repeat about any democrat holding office.
Ok Birk,
Next time I bump into a POTUS who is married to a gold digger--who he treats like trash, as in the link I put above--I'll tape it and get that tape to you.
Carry on.
@ PB
So your story is that you would only say these vile things about the wife of a president? Tell the truth, PB. A few liquor drinks in and you would write any defamatory thing you could imagine about anybody who takes a contrary political position.
I know your kind and I pity you.
Isn't there still value in the old private/public distinction? Must every wayward private thought and comment now be policed?
These days your public life is whatever you do or say in someone else's presence. The whole situation reminds me of Russian Stalin-era jokes.
Sort of like Hillary, right? Hitched her star to Bill for political gain and stayed with him even though he crapped all over her. I guess that makes her a ho, by your definition. I guess if the shoe fits she should wear it.
Mean Girls are real and vicious.
I don't know what that makes her, but she sure ain't no trophy wife.
I'm not sure HRC could make it in the ho biz. Who would pay her?
Now, if you're talkin' about pimpin' political influence.
Ok, she does make sales there.
Sure it's wrong to have interns blow ya, but sheesh, WJC really had a pig at home.
Just sayin'
Mean Girls are real and vicious
With "mean girls" being the New York Times, of course.
There’s hookers and then there’s hookers … Order and Chaos in the Whorehouse:
The gals over at Morning Joe’s are on edge, put there by Vice Squad Stephen Miller’s brutal visits to several prominent Talking Whores. He roughed up those bitches pretty good yesterday morning and it’s frightening to Joe’s stable.
Head Pimp Joe spends much time inventing things that Miller said, erecting numerous straw man arguments and mouthing random inane innuendoes, ably assisted by Guest Whores Ignatius and Ford. The house whores chime in at discreet intervals, not wanting, perhaps, to stir Joe into even more ridiculous heights of melodrama.
Joe’s lays the fake outrage on real thick. You could stir his virtue-signaling with a dildo. Madam Mika portrays fake anguish and fear as mannered as a silent film actor – or a whore with specialties in kink.
Joe is predicting dire consequences if all Republican congresspersons do not immediately repudiate all things Trump. But he’s been doing that for a long time, about as long as he has warned America, the eGOP, the MSM, the Democrats, the EU and the Pope about The Danger of Trump. Actually, the eGOP needs no urging in order to oppose their party’s POTUS – they’ve done that from the first and will certainly continue as long as they can safely do so.
Joe says relatives of his who voted for Trump are calling him all worried that Trump is repealing Obamacare – which if true makes me doubt the intelligence level of Scarborough’s gene pool since Trump made repealing Obamacare a campaign promise. Probably just lies offered as real anecdote, a favorite tactic of the whores.
It must privately piss the Morning Joes off that they are forced to outwardly depict mock surprise at Trump’s adept handling of the Japanese Prime Minister’s visit. They even grudgingly admit that Nazi Stormtrooper Trump can be “charming” in one-on-one encounters.
They have fun with Trump’s overly long and aggressive handshakes. Alpha males seem to puzzle them. Don’t laugh too loud, whores, or the Trump monster will sneak up and grab your pussies when you aren’t looking.
They brighten noticeably with the prospect of the imminent(according to them) resignation of Michael Flynn, which they are anticipating to be their first scalp. Flynn lied, they say, about phone calls to Russia and that means that Pence lied and the Whitehouse lied and it also means someone(Flynn, Trump, Putin, the Whitehouse?) is “toying with our foreign policy.” More repudiation of Trump is no doubt seen as due and soon to be coming from McCain, Ryan, Graham and the rest of the NeverTrumper cunts in that dick-dance known as “Congress.”
The demonstrations at the GOP town halls are also cause for gaiety and hope among the sluts. The whores long for a Lefty version of the Tea Party movement as an antidote to TrumpNation and the Left’s recently dashed assumptions, some grassroots Lefty force to fight that devil on the Vice Squad, Stephen Miller. The poor, ignorant whores are dimly aware that Police Chief Trump is breathing down their snatches with his best pussy-grabbing gloves on - only dimly, really, for they have no idea what is really going on but they DO know that they want badly for a Lefty Tea Party to bring down Trump – a mean feat of which they so far have proven incapable.
They devote some time to North Korea – mainly as an exercise in the obvious nailed to a shaky rhetorical wall with repetition, embedded with rife speculation, leaps in logic and occasional mind-reading, in other words, the usual contradictory and pointless blather that passes for political punditry on the cables.
Are you pissed that Joe et. al. just got Flynn's scalp?
Birkel - of course I have; but considering that the topic is more or less "what women will do for money," it seemed worthwhile to extend it!
The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. So let it be with... um, the New York Times? I guess.
A lot of chaff crowding out the wheatier comments in here lately. The NYT is a whore.
The leftists on this thread are saying things they would immediately condemn from someone they disagree with politically. You people really aren't serious and I am doubting that you are decent human beings at this point.
Since the election what is the lesson that a good solid majority of Americans have learned?
Most people on the left will defend Mulsims who believe in sharia law. This includes but is not limited to female genital mutilation, killing of apostates, gays, and infidels not necessarily in that order, sexual and standard slavery to this very day, and repeated calls for the final solution.
But if you are a gay conservative in New York who believes in freedom in general they will ostracize you, call you a monster, and call for your death.
Progressives and muslims have a lot in common.
3rdGradePB clearly does not keep the company of honorable men.
Because if he did he'd be eating his dinner through a straw.
Ha ha, leftists! You have Lena Dunham. We have SUPERMODELS.
Or, are we supposed to pretend Milania wasn't into DJT's dough.
Got it.
Carry on.
Bill Clinton gets plenty of pussy due to his great personality.
Ted Kennedy got plenty of pussy because he was such an intellectual heavyweight.
Easy to forget that.
In the most base terms possible ---- isn't dating prostitution historically? Man spends money to woo the woman in hopes of getting sex out of the deal.
I mean - I'm very pro-Trump and all that, but isn't it common knowledge that Melania was an escort?
Nobody's "slut shaming" Melania by calling her a hooker, because at least hookers get paid.
Plus, it's not like Ratajowski hasn't been on some Arab businessmen's yachts in her day.
It's no one's business why Melania Trump married Donald Trump. People marry their spouses for many different reasons - including economic. I've been married close to 35 years and one reason I married my husband was because I thought he would be economically responsible. We also happened to share similar values, find each of interesting, and dearly love each other (still do). But really it's no one's business but mine why I married him and everyone who is speculating about the Trump's marriage should just shut up and mind their own business.
>>should just shut up and mind their own business.
Never shutting up and non-stop policing of everyone else's business is now required to call yourself a "Progressive".
CJ asks: but isn't it common knowledge that Melania was an escort?
No. It isn't.
Actually the current Mrs. Trump just won a settlement of a libel suit she filed against the Washington Post forcing them to both publicly apologize for and rescind a story they published claiming she'd been an escort and is continuing to pursue one against the Daily Mail.
It is common knowledge among poorly informed progressives who will believe anything negative about Trump or his relatives that Melania was an escort. Many of them know it to be untrue common knowledge.
The reporter, Jacob Bernstein, has tweeted an apology. (It took four tweets.) BTW, he's the son of Carl Bernstein and Nora Ephron.
One reason I've never cared for the "women of the right are so much more attractive than women of the left" meme. It's an inappropriate basis for comparison. Stick to the ugliness of the left's thinking. There's plenty of material to criticize there.
Actually the comment works because (leave out the obvious Trump bashing) of the visuals. Imaging someone calling Hillary a hooker. Just doesn't work.
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