The quote is from Mitch McConnell, explaining his senatorial effort at squelching Elizabeth Warren, and the forces of the internet have turned it into wonderful things like this:
१० फेब्रुवारी, २०१७
"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."
I agree with John. It's a great meme.
The quote is from Mitch McConnell, explaining his senatorial effort at squelching Elizabeth Warren, and the forces of the internet have turned it into wonderful things like this:
The quote is from Mitch McConnell, explaining his senatorial effort at squelching Elizabeth Warren, and the forces of the internet have turned it into wonderful things like this:
१३७ टिप्पण्या:
Yeah, Fauxcahontas is just like the Iron Lady....
they have different political beliefs.
The analogy doesn't work. Did Thatcher ever break a rule of Parliament? I think not. And if she did, few Americans would know.
And that picture has to be 40 years ago. You've come a long way baby.
Great meme?!
It's dumb
Makes no sense
She quit
Not even close other than they both have a vagina. Thatcher casts a long shadow. Hillary hides in it.
Margaret Thatcher is a hero of the left now?
Thatcher was real, while Lis is faux. Fauxcahontas was persistent in pretending that Jeff Sessions is a racist
One saved a country. The other would destroy one. Other than that, totally the same.
I can't wait to pull out this meme when Trump ignores a Supreme Court ruling he does not agree with.
Cowboys and Indians.
This will be a great help to Warren in peddling her new book, soon to be found on fashionable coffee tables everywhere.
I loved Thatcher. A great leader. A forceful opponent of Soviet expansion. Did you know she was a woman too?
Elizabeth Warren - a college professor. Gamed the system by claiming Native American heritage to impress her affirmative action bureaucratic masters.
Any "Warren" bills passed during her tenure in the Senate? Can't stand her, hope she runs for the Presidency - an aging school marm scold is just what the country wants.
Democrats are doing Trump the same service by fighting for the power of tech billionaires to keep importing cheap labor.
As Trump requested of women who work in the WH they should dress more feminine and act accordingly so Mitch McConnell was trying to match that-- never mind that real men latter read from the same letter.
Could she even win Massachusetts? Maybe that and the Leftist Coast. She will persist in pushing 400 Electoral votes to Trump in 2020.
A "great meme" so long as you know little to nothing about the subjects. Works well on those with bumper sticker levels of discourse. So it should prove to be wildly popular.
Thankfully it is very likely to be far more popular than Senator Warren should she venture outside of the warm (to a liberal) confines of Mass.
Elizabeth Warren an't no Margaret Thatcher and even she knows it...
Nevertheless, she persisted, still a faux Native-American. And so, faux now and faux forever. And faux you America!
Our British friends will be amused to see Maggie Thatcher cast as a feminist hero. The Lady herself must be laughing in her grave.
I love Thatcher! Let's have more Thatcher!
"The trouble with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money!"
She slammed a copy of Hayek's "The Constitution of Liberty" on the table and said, "THIS is what we believe!"
"If spending money like water was the answer to our country's problems, we would have no problems now. If ever a nation has spent, spent, spent and spent again, ours has. Today that dream is over. All of that money has got us nowhere but it still has to come from somewhere."
"To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the “U” turn, I have only one thing to say. 'You turn if you want to. The lady's not for turning.'
More Thatcher! NOW!!!
Funny - anyone else see that clip of Jeremy Corbyn versus Theresa May in Parliament, where she rebuts his criticisms forcefully, and concludes, "He can lead a protest; I'm leading a country!"
That was great stuff.
In Great Britain, the most prominent woman politician goes toe-to-toe with the leader of the opposition and clobbers him. Here in America, our most prominent (current) woman politician is enjoying a round of hero worship for being a victim. Create incentives, and people respond.
Ann, I know you are trolling with this one.
If you don't like my forked tongue statement, I have others.
JPS, you nailed it. A victim has no power and gets no respect.
JPS is on to it.
In addition, this comes across as the same tone deafness of Clinton's "I'm with her." campaign slogan.
Clinton made it about her. Trump made it about the American people.
Truly, standing on the Senate floor and impugning another senator as racist so he can't be AG because you are afraid he will do something you don't like, truly that is heroic and brave.
I hope Senator Warren is able to eat, unlike our other brave heroine Lena Dunham. Truly these women understand what it means to suffer and to lead, and we other women must honor them.
Some of you are not really getting it!
It's a meme that transcends left-right politics and is about women's liberation. That's why the Thatcher application of the meme is so good.
Don't you ever get tired of left-right politics? Jeez.
Ann, don't be disingenuous. As you well know, leftist-feminists have no respect for women on the right. Women on the right don't play the woman card.
I like the version with Betsy DeVos, DeSecretary of Education.
I agree it was a good meme. And I liked the DeVos one as well.
Don't you ever get tired of left-right politics? Jeez.
It's not a great meme because it gives false hope to Warren.
"Don't you ever get tired of left-right politics? Jeez."
How can this not be about left-right politics if you're declaring this to be about women's liberation?
Truly, the Dems need a "none of the above" if they want to rise again. Foisting a face from 2016 and before isn't going to cut it anymore. That's reality, Althouse.
"Some of you are not really getting it!
It's a meme that transcends left-right politics and is about women's liberation. That's why the Thatcher application of the meme is so good.
Don't you ever get tired of left-right politics? Jeez."
Why do you have to view everything through a women's liberation lens...
Don't you ever get tired of men vs. women politics? Jeez.
He's making Warren the voice of the Dems in the Senate. Warren is hardly beloved. Won 53.7% of the vote in MA in 2012 (Obama's coattails didn't give her a terribly large win in a year that Obama won the state with 60.7% of the vote.
all these women eventurally quit
quite the meme
It's a meme that transcends left-right politics and is about women's liberation
I would say it's a great turn of phrase.
But it's funny that it becomes about women's liberation just because there is a "she" rather than a "he" in the sentence.
Would men take this phrase and turn it into a meme?
The thing that makes it great when used with Thatcher specifically is that the women's liberation people hate her.
A super popular candidate wouldn't run 7 points behind the President in her state.
"Don't you ever get tired of left-right politics? Jeez."
Don't you ever get tired of women's liberation? You won already.
"Don't you ever get tired of left-right politics? Jeez."
Tired, beaten and bruised and I'll stop hitting back when I'm no longer getting hit.
Warren very much belongs to DNCe (Democratic National Committee establishment). They proved themselves remarkably antiquated, mowing down their own grassroots in 2015-16, and aborting the Sanders campaign. Warren is part of that.
IMO, Hildebeeste could have won had she NOT played the woman card.
The Progs are alarmed because some testosterone has leaked out and they might not be able to put it back in the bottle.
More like the Argies were warned. They were given an explanation.
And then Maggie sent in the Royal Navy, the Ghurkas and the SAS.
I completely miss the reference to Thatcher and these words. Can someone explain it to this dumb prairie sodbuster?
Wilbur said...I completely miss the reference to Thatcher and these words. Can someone explain it to this dumb prairie sodbuster?
It must be Warren's uncanny physical resemblance to Thatcher. Almost as spooky as Rosie O'Donnell''s new Steve Bannon look.
Wilbur said...
I completely miss the reference to Thatcher and these words.
According to Fauxcahontas family lore, Thatcher is 1/32 Brahmin.
@Althouse, after we've had a full decade of left - right politics rammed down our respective throats from Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Kennedy obstructing Bush for the pure Hell of it, to Obama, Reid, and Pelosi, to Obama defying the twin auguries of 2010 and 2014 with his phone and pen ... wouldn't you say that there's still a lot of work to do to bring this country back into balance?
And also, as Original Mike wrote, why do want to keep fighting a war you won decades ago?
This is great
Side by side comparisons of how CNN portrayed Warren that night, and the reality
It may be "wonderful" but it's totally dishonest. Odd that this happened the very day that Warren's new book came out! Once again, the Left is preaching to the choir.
Ann Althouse said...
Some of you are not really getting it!
It's a meme that transcends left-right politics and is about women's liberation. That's why the Thatcher application of the meme is so good.
Don't you ever get tired of left-right politics? Jeez.
2/10/17, 8:46 AM
the dark knight ascii meme generator:
Liewatha says somebody said Jeff Sessions is rayciss and nobody bats an eye
[Joker .gif]
I say bitchez oughta put a sock in it sometimes and everybody loses their minds
"She was warned."
As she sucked my cock I told her I was going to come on her face.
"She was given an explanation."
I told her if she kept sucking my cock like that I would come on her face.
"Nevertheless, she persisted."
She kept sucking my cock like that, then I came on her face.
I like flexible memes.
I am Laslo.
Ann Althouse said...
It's a meme that transcends left-right politics and is about women's liberation.
I get the impression that some people seem to think that ideas, policies and actions are more important than chromosomes. They're wrong, of course, and probably crazy.
Ann Althouse said...
"Don't you ever get tired of left-right politics? Jeez."
Clausewitz said that War is politics by other means. What has become apparent to Americans is that, to the Left, politics is War by other means. The motherfuckers don't just want to have their way, they insist that we get down on our knees and suck their dicks before they blow our brains out and enslave our children. So, yeah, we're tired. You better believe we're tired.
Ann Althouse said...Some of you are not really getting it!
It's a meme that transcends left-right politics and is about women's liberation. That's why the Thatcher application of the meme is so good.
"Persisting" is value neutral. So is "resisting."
If you persist in doing a bad or evil thing that persistence isn't praiseworthy. "Gee, that abusive mother didn't stop beating her kids even when everyone told her too--what amazing persistence!"
If you resist the good actions of others that resistance isn't praiseworthy. "Wow, that murderer sure did put up a hell of a fight when we tried to arrest him--what a guy."
You could do meme showing Joan of Arc being tied to the stake or Marie Antoinettebeing led up the stairs of the guillotine, but wise people are aware that the USA in 2017 is not France in 1431 or 1793 any more than it's the Britain of Margaret Thatcher. Why these days a sufficiently capable woman can occupy an endowed chair at a pretty decent law school. Unthinkable thirty five years ago.
But I'm not so sure that poster was made by a Lefty. It could just as well be intended to demonstrate that persistent women are not the sole property of the left. Clearly, whatever point it was making did not get made, but it is nice to see Maggie again.
could do the same meme ...
Anybody know when they plan to fix Preview?
Ann Althouse said...
It's a meme that transcends left-right politics and is about women's liberation.
They will be judged by the content of their skin.
So fat people should stick least when they're sweaty, which is usually.
And to the fellow who wants to boycott American women, they're not all like that. Not by a long shot. It is easy to forget that the strident hellsows claiming to speak for women are mostly pissed-off because they are so repellent no one will even fuck them, let alone marry them. I mean, really, if your girlfriend said you were going to have to give up sex because she couldn't afford birth control, would you say, "You need to get the government to do something about that!"?
@Jupiter, I loved Thatcher doing the Python "Dead Parrot" sketch word for word as she skewered the Liberal Party. With such a straight face!
"And now for something completely different."
It's an interesting contrast, though: people supporting "women's liberation" view people who persist in "outdated" beliefs (regarding gender roles, etc) as backwards and repugnant, no?
The meme as used (as far as I've seen it) sure has a pretty strong left-right politics slant, Professor.
Don't alt-right types claim they're "resisting" the cultural Marxist attacks on traditional American values, etc? Wouldn't they say they're "persisting" in their beliefs despite (violent) opposition? But their stances are deplorable and ugly, so the fact that they persist in articulating them is reason enough to excuse physical violence in opposition. That's what the NYTimes readers believe, anyway, right?
Some persistence is good, some persistence is horrible. Seems like it kinda depends on the whole "left-right politics" thing (to discern which is which).
"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."
Made me think of Laslo's pimp.
She chose. She conceived. Her speech was not viable. Pro-Choice.
At least no babies were scalped. Positive progress.
"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."
I haven't seen one of these with an image of Hillary's server.
Good one, Bob!
an image of Hillary's server
Water Closet is a mess after Deep Plunger overflowed it. It's not something that she wants to acknowledge let alone share with polite company.
It was a pretty stupid fight for McConnell to have gotten into. Sessions confirmation was in the bag, and so what if Warren wanted to read some meaningless letter from Coretta Scott King to the C-SPAN cameras? Much ado about nothing, except fanning the flames of Warren's already entrenched victim complex.
"It's a meme that transcends left-right politics and is about women's liberation."
Oh. Sorry, but when everything is s war shot it's hard to not duck for cover. But I can accept your interpretation.
In that case:
"You've gone back a long way, baby."
Margaret Thatcher is now a hero of the left? Cool, more winning.
IMO, Hildebeeste could have won had she NOT played the woman card.
Disagree. Woman card was all she had.
Running on her track record would've led to people actually looking at her track record, which was horrible.
When you mention M. Thatcher to me, I don't think first - a woman, I think first - a conservative.
A great meme, perhaps. But for which side? Many who want desperately to see lefty Dems get demolished at the polls are praying that the Dems make Sen. Warren into the face of the Dem party. She is even less talented at politics than Hillary! was.
It's a meme that transcends left-right politics and is about women's liberation.
That's what I thought when I first saw it on Facebook where I didn't know the political context yet. I wanted to buy one of the various t-shrits with that meme on it. Then, the posts of my leftist friends quickly made it clear that it was all about how heroic Warren was and how women are always told to shut up. As if men are never told to shut up when they're holding up business.
Senator Warren has been in the Senate chamber for years now. She knows how business is conducted there and she knows she was one of the obstructionists. I conjecture she must have gotten on McConnell's last nerve. Sometimes it's not about feminism. If feminists really want to be taken seriously, they have to stop assuming the role of victim when they don't get their way.
To give some background, I used to identify as a feminist. I have since rejected feminism. I never signed on as an authoritarian oppressor/hater of men or a shamer of women who choose to stay at home and take care of their family.
Princess Buffalo Chips--aka Liawatha is no Maggie Thatcher.
"It's a meme that transcends left-right politics and is about women's liberation. That's why the Thatcher application of the meme is so good." Wait, what? It's a faux meme, offering faux transcendence, and of course fauxly associating "women's liberation" with Thatcher than whom no one was more despised by the "women liberationists" of her day. But the meme does illustrate nicely the falsehood and emptiness that make up "women's liberation" today.
Blogger Limited blogger said..."Margaret Thatcher is now a hero of the left? Cool, more winning."
Good point.
A more interesting comparison, maybe, is to Srimavo Bandaranaike, politically a curious combination of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders (or for that matter Elizabeth Warren), though of course in a very different cultural/political context.
Bandaranaike was the real deal, an Iron Lady to beat all others, in terms of sheer force of will. She fought through and overcame opposition and setbacks to survive thirty years in power, in the open or behind the throne.
The ultimate effect of her reign however was a 20-year civil war.
"When you mention M. Thatcher to me, I don't think first - a woman, I think first - a conservative."
Liawatha comes up a little short in the weapons department--when compared to Maggie Thatcher. Dame Thatcher went through three Parliamentary elections when she needed to reform her Parliamentary majority--winning all three of them. The last one was a nail biter.
And it resulted in some great or at least enjoyable literature.
When Thatcher was provoked--or obstructed, she retaliated. She was famous for "handbagging" her opponents. They weren't exactly beaten to death by her purse, but politically they weren't far from it. Michael Dobbs (the author of the "House of Cards" trilogy) had worked for Mrs. Thatcher for ten years or so. He started as a speechwriter, and by the time of her third election had risen to chief of staff. A few days before the election, prospects were looking dim, and Mrs. Thatchers nerves were shot. She gave her staff--including Dobbs a "handbagging"--which bruised their feelings at least. The third election came, which resulted her squeaking back into office. As was the custom all the members of Parliament and their staffs then went on holiday until Parliament reopened.
Dobbs and his then girlfriend went down to one of the Greek islands to rest and relax on the beach. He told his girlfriend that he didn't think much of that year's current bestseller book. She challenged him to do better--and he started to write the House of Cards series.
Looking at Chuck You Schumer's actions, I realize that it is no accident that the villainous politician at the heart of the House of Cards--Francis Urquhart-has the initials F.U.
In any case Maggie Thatcher--the grocer's daughter--is a politician to be admired.
"Some of you are not really getting it!
It's a meme that transcends left-right politics and is about women's liberation. That's why the Thatcher application of the meme is so good.
Don't you ever get tired of left-right politics? Jeez."
Of course 80% of your readers don't get it. They conflate strong women with feminism and they conflate feminism with leftism. Rightist women don't help the situation either. They often take the side of the rightist male, go against their own sex and denigrate feminism in all its forms. A meme like this doesn't resonate with rightist women sadly and to their own detriment. Thatcher was on the right, she faced similar behavior from misogynists as does Warren. She persisted too. The two women Warren and Thatcher have much in common, two traits are strength and determination. They both had/have more courage and adherence to their principles than many women and men.
And dubbing Warren "Liawatha" while at the same time ignoring the daily lies from Trump really just makes you look stupid.
Ya... the 'Tin Foil Lady' who as a professor at a private university 'persisted' in advocating for school choice - until she ran as a Democrat for an NEA-endowed US Senatorship.
"And dubbing Warren "Liawatha" while at the same time ignoring the daily lies from Trump really just makes you look stupid."
You should read @dwick's link.
Whatever Warren ever did that was not right, it pales in comparison to the fraud you people made your President. Your willingness to ignore Trump's many many many negatives while ripping apart Warren, make you look like the stupidiist of stupid partisans.
Not going to read it, are you?
Wow, this comments page is filled with lines I wish I had written!
There's this bit of pure, timely brilliance:
Birches said...
I agree it was a good meme. And I liked the DeVos one as well.
Then there was Hoodlum Doodlum's general observation on "persistence":
"Persisting" is value neutral. So is "resisting."
If you persist in doing a bad or evil thing that persistence isn't praiseworthy. "Gee, that abusive mother didn't stop beating her kids even when everyone told her too--what amazing persistence!"
If you resist the good actions of others that resistance isn't praiseworthy. "Wow, that murderer sure did put up a hell of a fight when we tried to arrest him--what a guy."
That's right. Since turnabout is fair play, how about a "RESISTANCE" poster featuring Barack H. Obama? How about one featuring Loretta Lynch?
And last but not least in my list (which could easily go on for the ten or more of the great posts in this thread) is one just above:
Sebastian said...
"It's a meme that transcends left-right politics and is about women's liberation. That's why the Thatcher application of the meme is so good." Wait, what? It's a faux meme, offering faux transcendence, and of course fauxly associating "women's liberation" with Thatcher than whom no one was more despised by the "women liberationists" of her day. But the meme does illustrate nicely the falsehood and emptiness that make up "women's liberation" today.
Exactly. When the hell did this Elizabeth Warren story become a women's issue? She was on the floor of the U.S. Senate, accusing Jeff Sessions of being a closet racist. With 25 year-old allegations, most of which had been thoroughly debunked. What, about any of that, is a "women's issue"?
The notion that Elizabeth Warren's censure is a women's issue at all defies common sense. She wasn't censured for anything to do with being a woman, or it being a women's issue debate. If this is a feminist issue, then it must be a feminist issue if Elizabeth Warren gets a parking ticket, or if her airline flight is canceled, or if her mutual fund performs badly.
The very idea that this is somehow turned into an issue of feminism really does demonstrate the bankruptcy of feminism in 21st century America. In the chosen profession of Ann Althouse and Elizabeth Warren -- legal education -- we are now at a point, for the first time in history, where a MAJORITY of entering law students in the USA are women.
Wilhelmina said...
Whatever Warren ever did that was not right, it pales in comparison to the fraud you people made your President. Your willingness to ignore Trump's many many many negatives while ripping apart Warren, make you look like the stupidiist of stupid partisans.
2/10/17, 11:54 AM
Sorry but just like Carter thanks the good Lord every morning and every night that there was such a thing as "President Obama", the bar for "fraud" and "lawless" and "hubris" have now been set so high over the last 8 years (it is HUGE in fact) that no one may ever clear it.
Wihelmina said...They conflate strong women with feminism and they conflate feminism with leftism
Oh, "they" do, do they?
Pro-Life Feminsist group removed from Women's March partnership
From where do you think "they" get these wacky ideas about feminism?
Thatcher was on the right, she faced similar behavior from misogynists as does Warren. "Similar behavior?" Was Thatcher subjected to mild punishment for a rule violation (such violation having been confirmed by a vote of the body of which she was a member)? I don't know a ton of British political history, help me out.
Why do so few people include Golda Meir when discussing strong, accomplished female politicians? If I didn't know any better...
Damikesc rebuts: Disagree. Woman card was all she had.
Running on her track record would've led to people actually looking at her track record, which was horrible.
Had she campaigned as a Bill Clinton moderate Democrat she might have won. Mind you, she wouldn't have my vote but I didn't vote for Bill, either.
"Not going to read it, are you?"
AND the left's ignoring the lawlessness of the Obama administration and the Democrats makes any and all shouting now even more transparent and ignorable.
THAT was the greatest gift of the Obama years. The right can now safely ignore any and all screams of racism, sexism, privilagism, homophobia, islamphobia, climat-phobia and any/all the rest. The ism and phobia cards have been maxed out and played out. Those attacks just don't work any more.
The shame if it is that Trump may (one day) actually do something that should be opposed and called out but the left has screamed so much and so often about so much NOTHING that the cries when it is real will likely not be heard.
Hope the bed the left made is comfortable cause they will be sleeping in it for the next 4 to 8 years...
Chuck said...The notion that Elizabeth Warren's censure is a women's issue at all defies common sense. She wasn't censured for anything to do with being a woman, or it being a women's issue debate. If this is a feminist issue, then it must be a feminist issue if Elizabeth Warren gets a parking ticket, or if her airline flight is canceled, or if her mutual fund performs badly. The very idea that this is somehow turned into an issue of feminism really does demonstrate the bankruptcy of feminism in 21st century America. In the chosen profession of Ann Althouse and Elizabeth Warren -- legal education -- we are now at a point, for the first time in history, where a MAJORITY of entering law students in the USA are women.
Excellent point! You can be amazing when you aren't dwelling on Trump.
Danno exclaims re Chuck: Excellent point! You can be amazing when you aren't dwelling on Trump.
I was thinking the same thing. Excellent post, Chuck.
Wilhelmina said...Whatever Warren ever did that was not right, it pales in comparison to the fraud you people made your President
Pales in comparison? It's prima facie pale--pale on its face--paleface?
We're on to your subtle dog whistle racism, Wihelmina; we cracked your smoke signal code and we think it's ugly and wrong. You must take back the insult you've given and renounce the forked tongue which spoke it.
There's no place for that kind of thing here; that's not who we are as a comment section.
If its a woman its always a womans issue of course.
Oddly this wasn't the case with Thatcher - or Bandaranaike, or Indira Gandhi or Golda Meier for that matter.
Unenlightened countries those, probably.
It is or is not a womens issue depending on what the US liberal media wants to do with it.
So if its H.Clinton or Warren its women.
Todd asserts: The ism and phobia cards have been maxed out and played out. Those attacks just don't work any more.
The house of cards--race cards, gender cards and preference cards--that took decades to build has fallen overnight.
Wilhelmina no, no, hell no!
Yes to this Wilhelmina.
@Todd, may (some day)??? Almost certainly will -- no president is perfect (c.f., FDR and Japanese Americans and Lincoln with habeas corpus). The problem for the minority party is not just that they mindlessly yell and fuss whatever Trump does, but that they mindlessly supported every Obama blunder (and he frequently blundered).
Seeing subtle racist trash like that thrown down on our pristine comment section makes me cry a single tear, Wihelmina.
I have no problem with McConnell shutting down Warren and the MSM/DNC making her a modern feminist heroine.
2020 ticket for the Dems: Warren and Ellison.
I love it!
It's very helpful to the Left that Pres. Trump speaks in dramatic and/or humorous hyperbole so much. I really wish he wouldn't, since they end up thinking "LIES!" when they should be thinking, "Geez, take it down a notch." But what can you do... you have to let Trump be Trump, apparently.
Wilhelmina, I think you mistake the attitude of women on the Right toward "feminism" - or perhaps I should say maybe you think we're talking about the same thing when you or I say "feminism." I'm talking about first-wave and some of second-wave, and thereafter (which is now, and has been for a while) I expect that I and my sisters - of whatever political stripe - will do our best in our undertakings and that society will do no more for us than it does for men doing their best. I expect that my life choices will affect my compensation; I have been fortunate to be able to work part-time and as a homemaker as well as in a full-time career, and each choice has has an effect on my earnings that I have accepted as proper, because it was. I am very grateful to my husband for both staying home with our first child while I continued to work full-time, and then for being so interested in finance - which could hardly interest me less - that he was moved to seek an MBA and thereafter be able to replace my income and then some. The price I pay now, for having been a stay-at-home mom while our kids were small, is that it's harder for me to get back into the workforce and I'll be "behind" when I do. This is natural and proper, since my relevant experience and credentials are out of date. It's up to me to fix it, not society, just as it was up to my husband and me to scrimp and save in the year before our first was born so that one of us could stay home with him. No, I'm not so foolish as to think everyone can do what we did - but a lot more people could than do.
I don't know you and therefore don't know what exactly you mean by "feminism," but given that you identify the term with the Left, I infer that you mean the whole great swath of Left-espoused things I'm supposed to "stand for" because I am a woman, even though many of them strike me as illiberal, emotion-driven, feel-good nonsense. I don't at all associate Left "feminism" with "strong women"; I associate it with special treatment on the basis of body parts and a sense of general entitlement, pretty much the opposite of my version of feminism.
"Don't you ever get tired of left-right politics? Jeez."
Politics, particularly modern politics which permeates every nook and cranny of our lives, has become a religion with it's own dogma. The left however is much more intent on social control and the obliteration of capitalism. Much of the right just wants to be left alone to live their lives. You may get tired of left-right politics but left-right politics will never get tired of you.
Kudos to both Chuck and Jamie for their fantastic posts.
"Senator Warren, I knew Margaret Thatcher. Margaret Thatcher was a friend of mine. You Senator Warren are no Margaret Thatcher."
Br'er GOPer has been heard saying "please, please don't run Wigwam Warren against us in 2020".
I saw only cognitive dissonance in that meme poster.
The Left HATES Dame Maggie.
She'd shove it up their arses.
Emotion-driven, feel-good nonsense.
In short, Jr. High.
@Seeing Red:
The Left HATES Dame Maggie.
The British left certainly do; it's a little less clear on this side of the Atlantic. Thatcher has pretty much been embraced by the left as a glass ceiling shattering image of girl power. Even Meryl Streep is a convert.
I don't conflate feminism with leftism BECAUSE I'VE LISTENED these past 40 years.
You vipers put yourselves there by word and deed.
That movie blew chunks.
Associate Feminism with whiners who wear tampon earrings, pussies on the heads and demand free stuff,high pay for basket-weaving degrees and no responsibility EVAH!
J Farmer asserts: The British left certainly do; it's a little less clear on this side of the Atlantic. Thatcher has pretty much been embraced by the left as a glass ceiling shattering image of girl power. Even Meryl Streep is a convert.
Au contraire! Meryl Streep starred in a film that managed to portray a strong, intelligent and effective leader as a demented old lady. While Thatcher was clearly both at different times in her life, it was the former, not the latter, that defines her status.
J. Farmer said...The Left HATES Dame Maggie.
The British left certainly do; it's a little less clear on this side of the Atlantic.
Naaah, to the extent anyone pays attention there wasn't much love when it mattered--at best now it's a "strange new respect" thing. For all the horrible things said about Reagan the Left now loves to say "oh, if only the GOP were the part of Reagan, then things'd be better." It's a silly game. Bill Maher recently said something about how much he misses Mitt Romney.
YT Counting Crows: Big Yellow Taxi
Don't it always seem to go/'cha don't know what 'cha got 'till it's gone
"It was a pretty stupid fight for McConnell to have gotten into. Sessions confirmation was in the bag, and so what if Warren wanted to read some meaningless letter from Coretta Scott King to the C-SPAN cameras? Much ado about nothing, except fanning the flames of Warren's already entrenched victim complex."
Well, McConnell is pretty retarded for a Senate majority leader.
If only the Republicans showed Coretta Scott King praising Sessions.
"Well, McConnell is pretty retarded for a Senate majority leader."
McConnell is cunning. He has been a good bureaucracy infighter for years. I only hope he is on our side this time.
The poster plays well to the uninformed and liberals. (Was that redundant?) To the vast majority of the Republican base, she got what she deserved. Good and hard.
Republicans using the rules against Democrats! And fighting back! What a concept! If only they had thought about doing it years ago.
Blogger Wilhelmina said...
Whatever Warren ever did that was not right, it pales in comparison to the fraud you people made your President. Your willingness to ignore Trump's many many many negatives while ripping apart Warren, make you look like the stupidiist of stupid partisans.
The trolls are coming with a sense of humor now.
Bill Clinton thanks you, too.
Mike, I think it's just Inga again.
BL, it's always the same one with a different name. You never see them both at the same time. I usually just ignore them.
There's three of them.
Hover over the handle and, if you're using Chrome under Windows, you can see their profile number.
mockturtle's for example ends in 3437 so I'd call her #37(not an idiot troll).
If that doesn't work, double click to see the profile.
Look at the address line now.
For mockturtle it's:
#37(not an idiot troll)
Our 3 dumbest trolls, constantly changing their names are: #11, #51 and #55.
I'm 80% sure one of them is Inga.
I had to figure this out back in the era of "Unknowns".
Just FYI.
Ten-four, oh four. I tend to use my proprietary syntax homology detector algorithm.
That works too.
I just like to rate em'
Like Dumb and Dumber. (and Dumbest)
It's comedy entertainment for idle hands...
Then there's Amanda...
But chickelit, can you really discern which is which?
Of course, it doesn't matter to anyone but me,
because I'm just calibrating my misinformed vs. malicious meter.
People are strange.
Tap, tap.
(inside joke)
It's all in a spreadsheet on steroids,
piped into real-time graphing app,
with on the fly, ray-tracing in 4d,
augmented by an advanced proprietary prototype virtual reality environment
that can actually get you killed if you fuck up. So read the manuals.
I can see for miles.
I keep poppin' the breakers on the transformer down the street.
So I'm using 50 7500watt generators, in parallel,
almost half of them devoted to cooling.
Bitcoin mining.
With a
Pair of heavy-duty
Zircon-encrusted tweezers in my hand
Every other wrangler would say
I was mighty grand
By myself I wouldn't
Have no boss,
But I'd be raisin' my lonely
Dental Floss
Blogger Limited blogger said...
When you mention M. Thatcher to me, I don't think first - a woman, I think first - a conservative.
2/10/17, 11:18 AM
That's exactly why it's a great meme with Thatcher. some will get it and others will not.
Progressive democrat females are sacred.
Conservative females must be trashed and bullied and shot dead.
It is a great meme. Its unfortunate to see these unworthy women use it.
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