"... later read into the record the very same letter that Senator Warren was reading when the Senate voted, along strict party lines, to ban her from further debate on the nomination of Mr. Sessions as attorney general."
From "Elizabeth Warren Was Told to Be Quiet. Women Can Relate," by Susan Chira (in the NYT).
१६६ टिप्पण्या:
It's inherent mockability, not sexism.
Yeah, but Liz is particularly annoying.
Elizabeth Warren is a harridan, a shrew, a nag, a crone. Sanders and Merkley are not. How then is it sexist to muzzle her?
This story is going to be so forgotten, so fast, when Jeff Sessions is confirmed. In an hour or so.
I didn't know they had particular invective for native americans in the senate.
Those rules are all stupid. Elizabeth Warren should have been free to lie to her hearts content on the floor of the senate. Every time she opens her mouth 100 more people vote against democrats.
Well, according to BuzzFeed, Mitch McConnell is thinking long term. The money quote:
“I think everybody inside and outside the Senate knows that McConnell doesn’t do anything without a plan,” said one GOP strategist. “His ability to see around the corner is entirely unrivaled.”
Mcconnell Strategy
As Rick Perry said, oops.
Jeff Sessions confirmed as the 84th Attorney General of the United States of America.
Waiting for final vote tally right now. Currently 51-46.
"Please don't throw me in that briar patch."
Warren is probably the least attractive candidate the Democrats have now that Hillary seems to be retired.
I have read that Mrs King had later second thoughts about Sessions.
@Kathryn51, that may be, but the optics suck.
There is a tradition of farewell speeches in the Senate. I wonder if Jeff Sessions will do his tonight. Before being sworn in tomorrow.
Time to drain the DOJ swamp.
Sessions. 52-47. One (I suspect Sessions himself) voted "present."
Sessions confirmed with bi-partisan support.
I have emailed both my Senators and asked that Rob's comment be read into the Congressional Record.
Democratic women won't forget it anytime soon.
Mark who was the Democrat who flipped? Who didn't vote? Was it Sessions who voted "present"?
Mr. Manchin: Aye
"Democratic women won't forget it anytime soon."
Yes, they never learn anything or forget anything.
Just like the Bourbons.
I hope you know what happened to them.
"Nevertheless, she persisted."
James Hohmann of The Washington Post also finds that McConnell's rebuke served to amplify Warren's message and offers her base renewed inspiration. "It solidifies her bona fides as a fighter for progressive causes. Just hours before the showdown on the floor, which Warren had not planned for, the former Harvard Law professor announced that she will come out with a book this spring called "'This Fight is Our Fight,'" observes Hohmann.
So... this was all political theatre to help an undistinguished Senate colleague get more press on the day she announces her forthcoming book. The Washington elites always look after their own. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole otherwise meaningless stunt was a quid pro quo for Warren's support on some past or future issue.
The Senate is probably a lot like any workplace. There is the guy everybody loves, if he screws up, everyone will cover for him. Then there is the office asshole, when he screws up, they leave out to dry and he gets fired.
Unfair? Yeah, probably. But it never pays to be the guy everybody hates because you might make a mistake and everyone will pounce.
That is part of it. The other is that if the Republicans can goad the Democrats into nominating another unlikable woman, they would be cool with that.
I don't think "reading into the record" is the same thing as reading out loud while the Senate is in session, from a rules standpoint. Pretty much anything can be read into the record and printed in the Congressional Record.
Were the other two warned beforehand like Warren was after first quoting Kennedy?
Special rules for Liawatha. Squaw can't speak to tribe if she has p.o."d half the tribe. And Ol Liawatha has done just that.
This is what toxic feminism looks like.
Women are supposed to rally around and support Warren because she is a women.
Men, of course, are not allowed to rally around a man because he is a man.
It is explicitly sexist:
During the Obama administration, women in the White House banded together to work on “amplification,” taking care in meetings to repeat other women’s points and give women credit for ideas they had first raised.
Club membership is restricted to women because they are women, not because they are people who have had a hard time making their points.
And of course the democrats have been telling anyone who who supports Trump, even obliquely, men and women both, to sit down and shut up.
Warren is senator, a tenured prof, and a multimillionaire. She has more privilege than 99.999% of men.
Why didn't Ted Cruz get censured after calling McConnell a liar on the Senate floor?
More inaccurate reporting by the media, although a trivial instance. Sen. McConnell objected just after Sen. Warren read that Ted Kennedy called then-District Attorney Sessions "a disgrace to the Justice Department." Sen. Warren had not even begun to read the letter from Coretta Scott King.
"This is what toxic patriarchy looks like."
52-47. Sessions abstained, Manchin voted "for"
Why didn't Ted Cruz get censured after calling McConnell a liar on the Senate floor?
Because he had his hand raised.
Watch the video of the event. The reading of the letter by Mrs.King is the stated reason for invoking rule 19.
He should have told her 'Stifle yourself Liz"
Chuck: Jeff Sessions confirmed as the 84th Attorney General of the United States of America.
Woo hoo! Something we can both be happy about.
(Stuff it, Ms. Chira. A lot of women don't relate at all to being a slandering sack.)
"This is what toxic patriarchy looks like."
Sexual identity is invoked by Warren and her supporters, not by McConnel. This is why it is toxic feminism.
"Sit down and shut up!" is not sexist.
"You have to let me speak because I am a woman!" is explicitly sexist.
Several male Senators read Mrs. King's letter today. Why were they not in violation of rule 19?
Lizzy could have read from "Don't Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus" or Fauxcahontas could have read from her plagiarized recipes,"Cold Omelets with Crab Meat" and "Crab with Tomato Mayonnaise Dressing" that she published in "Pow Wow Chow" back in 1984.
These literary efforts would have been just as legitimate as Coretta King's lie about her personal commitment to the voting rights of blacks during 1965 when she in fact stayed in Atlanta while MLK did his civil rights gig by day and caroused with other women at night.
SandiC: "Several male Senators read Mrs. King's letter today. Why were they not in violation of rule 19?"
Because the Russians hacked the Senate rules.
Aides to Republican leadership say Warren was not punished for simply reading the letter, but for ignoring warnings about being silenced and delivering a disparaging speech that went beyond simply reading King's words.
I watched it on CSPAN. Warren's censure did not occur until twelve minutes after she finished reading King's letter.
Democratic women won't forget it anytime soon.
Not as long as Pussy Hats exist.
Chuck: "Jeff Sessions confirmed as the 84th Attorney General of the United States of America."
Angel-Dyne: ""Woo hoo! Something we can both be happy about"
Well, something you can be happy about and something that "lifelong republican" Chuck, who opposed the only pathway for Jeff Sessions to be AG, merely purports to be happy about.
I posted a reasonable (albeit critical) comment to the NYT article hours ago. It is still awaiting moderation apparently. The only four approved comments accord with the article. Apparently NYT found a solution to itals disconnect with its readership.
It was a dumb move to muzzle Elizabeth Warren.
Ben Shapiro does a good job of articulating why:
Drago: Well, something you can be happy about and something that "lifelong republican" Chuck, who opposed the only pathway for Jeff Sessions to be AG, merely purports to be happy about.
The thing is, Chuck thinks Trump had nothing to do with Sessions becoming AG.
Chuck is crazy, Drago. William of Ockham tells me so.
"Was there a woman who didn’t recognize herself in the specter of Elizabeth Warren silenced by a roomful of men?"
Is this Chira person actually trying to claim that there is a public space left somewhere in the United States where a man does not have to tolerate the ceaseless nattering of featherbrained women? Where would that be? They have forced their way into all the places that once were free of their idiot prattle. "I am Woman, Hear Me Bore!". It is amazing to recall, that I once actually enjoyed the company of American women.
"Aides to Republican leadership say Warren was not punished for simply reading the letter, but for ignoring warnings about being silenced and delivering a disparaging speech that went beyond simply reading King's words."
Once again, the MSM and the Democrats (as if they differ) are lying about something to make the "R's" look bad. Warren wasn't disciplined because she read from Mrs. King's 30 year old letter. She was disciplined for making an over the top disparaging speech about a Senate colleague, and refused to stop disparaging him after she'd been warned.
As for some Democrat Bimbo's being "fired up" over this, most of them already think Trump is "Hitler" and the Republicans are "fascists" - so how much more "fired up" can they get?
Meanwhile, Mild Mitch, Mr. Get along go along, RINO extraordinaire, gets to look like he has a back-bone for once. Wins him some points with Republicans.
This whole "We women will not be silenced" is such BS. I remember that from the Thomas hearing. Sexual Harassment was too important to handled in private, we needed Senate Hearings. Of course, all these women later tried to sweep Clinton's sexual harassment under the rug, because "everyone lies about sex".
Feminists need to understand that every time a powerful woman plays the "I'm just a poor little woman being oppressed by the mean men" card, it confirms that women shouldn't be in powerful leadership positions. We look to our leaders to lead, not to cry about how men are such mean bullies. Or play the helpless girl.
Bad move. Now she's a martyr and heroine. And it's not like anyone who matters listens to her.
"Democratic women won't forget it anytime soon."
The ones that voted for Trymp? No? Then who cares?
Blogger SandiC said...
"This is what toxic patriarchy looks like."
The idiot "feminists" will attack "Patriarchy" until the Muslim men arrive with the FGM knives.
The 19th amendment was a mistake.
Why are you quoting this article? It only mentions a simple reality, and everyone knows that your Republican commentariat can't deal with simple realities.
I totally expected it, too. Their silencing of Warren definitely had a, "You: Shut up." quality to it.
This president is an authoritarian and his allies in congress and everywhere else are authoritarians of whatever stripe they can grab on to. In the case of silencing Warren, it was sexism. She's an effective congresswoman and they find her "uppity."
How wonderful that they decided to make a political martyr out of her like this. At every step, this administration and his congressional allies overplay their hand. They couldn't have done it more blunderingly. I applaud their boorish stupidity and controlling, asinine errors.
May they commit many, many more of them.
Does one clump of Warren equal a clump of Sanders and a clump of Merkley?
That's one clump of female diversity and two clumps of male diversity. There is a disparity here, but not what the NYT thinks.
Once you go selective... Pro-Choice claims more victims.
This is ridiculous. IT IS AN OPINION PIECE.
Raising questions of a double standard, male Democratic senators including Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Jeff Merkley of Oregon later read into the record the very same letter that Senator Warren was reading when the Senate voted, along strict party lines, to ban her from further debate on the nomination of Mr. Sessions as attorney general.
Who was raising questions of a double standard? Does this nut case female (Susan Chira) think McConnell should or should not have shut down Sanders and Merkley?
"May they commit many, many more of them."
No doubt they will.
The idiot "feminists" will attack "Patriarchy" until the Muslim men arrive with the FGM knives.
Right. Totally the same topic.
The 19th amendment was a mistake.
Right again! There you go! What a big boy, you are to suggest this. Somebody (I wonder whom?) must have raised you right!
I suggest you start a letter-writing campaign to every congressional representative you know and trumpet this sentiment loudly and publicly to them. Perhaps it will finally be the needed arrow in the quiver for implementing the Trump State.
If it was poor character for me to comment like that on your public words, just let me know and I will retract them. I know how much you hate dirty tricks like that. Everyone should have the right to say ridiculously daffy or even downright contemptible things in public without any outcry. That's what the First Amendment's all about. The right to shield yourself from the criticisms spoken by fellow citizens pissed off by your words or actions. Everyone knows that. Stifling verbal criticism of bad ideas is the essence, heart, blood and soul of the first amendment and anyone who doesn't agree is a commie - no matter how much they support Putin.
There are some really good Democratic women in the Senate. Warren and Kamela Harris would be a powerful ticket. There are Democratic women that won't sit down and shut up.
The blatherer has returned. Content-free comments, not even snark.
Who today is excited about Warren that wasn't so two days prior? Not one person.
Who today is excited about Warren that wasn't so two days prior? Not one person.
People who don't think the words of Coretta Scott King's testimony to the Senate should be censored in the Senate.
So, no. Not you.
And not Alveda King, MLK's niece, who was sharply critical of Warren for "playing the race card," and complimentary of sessions.
Michael K said...
"The 19th amendment was a mistake."
Well, in the same sense that democracy is a mistake. As Churchill pointed out, it is the worst possible form of government, except for all the others. Churchill, you may recall, managed to save Britain from Hitler, for which service that democracy promptly dismissed him in ignominy. Not that I draw any parallel.
McConnell is a pretty sharp guy. He probably realized that dissing Warren would cost him nothing, and impress the people in the states that voted for Trump. Warren is widely hated on the blue collar Right, because she is a liar and her hatred of working people is quite open.
The idea that McConnell was suddenly seized by an attack of sexism is ludicrous.
Manchin voted yes.
The Million-name petition against confirming Sessions did no good at all.
These dummies here don't think that censoring Mrs.King's words won't outrage black America? They don't think that Sessions' history with suppressing the black vote won't inspire black Americans to come back out and vote for someone like Warren if she runs one day? If Warren runs and picks a black man or woman as a running mate, look out.
Blogger WillRobinson said...
These dummies here don't think that censoring Mrs.King's words won't outrage black America?
Are you Black, WillRobinson?
So Sanders and Merkley were censored when they read King's letter?
Please try to make sense, Will Robinson.
Stop being so stupid Wetzel, it's not my fault you can't keep up.
Wetzel doesn't think that Mcconnell's action to censure Warren not only outraged non Trumpist women, but black Americans also? He is not quick on the uptake, poor fella.
Wetzel, would you also like to assert stupidly that there aren't many non Trumpist women (and men and minorities)? How many millions of women were out protesting Trump the day after he was inaugurated?
Blogger WillRobinson said...
Stop being so stupid Wetzel, it's not my fault you can't keep up.
I asked two questions, WillRobinson, neither of which were insulting.
I expect your 09:15 was a thoughtless post, since you apparently did not realize that King's letter was read x 2 by senate Democrats other than Warren just today. And of course Warren finished reading the King letter 12 minutes before she was censured (note spelling).
You didn't fall for the Democrat talking points, did you?
There are some really good Democratic women in the Senate. Warren and Kamela Harris would be a powerful ticket. There are Democratic women that won't sit down and shut up.
Divide and conquer. Simple, really.
Wetzel, the reason given by McConnell when asked by Warren standing in front of the Senate as to why she was first silenced (not censured) was the letter by King. I saw it live, watch they entire video, you ass. I most definitely know male Senators also read the letter today and that they weren't silenced or censured, which would point to the fact that Warren was singled out because of her sex. You are not very intelligent are you?
How many millions of women were out protesting Trump the day after he was inaugurated?
A very small percentage of all female voters and virtually none who handed Trump his victory in November. Hillary Clinton, a white woman, had a serious problem getting white women to vote for her. I imagine that Democrats aren't spending a lot of time worrying about this, or they would have told Warren to shut her yap. You've already got all the minority female vote! You need white female voters!
#55, Less heat, more light. Puuuuleeeeez?
"I most definitely know male Senators also read the letter today and that they weren't silenced or censured"
Well, then why did you write These dummies here don't think that censoring Mrs.King's words won't outrage black America? King's words weren't censored, obviously. But keep them talking points coming! I know you must believe that there must be some common sense in the talking points! Keep looking!
There were millions of white women at the women's marches all over the country. More than enough. Trump's antics will keep them engaged and active, stunts like McConnell's will keep up the outrage level. It will only grow in intensity before 4 years are up.
They are scared of Warren. That is why they tried to silence her. She won't sit down and shut up.
One of the most popular left wing web sites is literally called "Talking Points Memo": http://talkingpointsmemo.com/
People go there, read it, repeat the arguments on blog comment sessions and then angrily write "these aren't just talking points!"
Josh Marshall seems to know his audience pretty well.
WillRobinson: "There were millions of white women at the women's marches all over the country."
There were many many millions more not there.
And the intensity of the majority white women who don't support this nonsense will only grow in intensity before 4 years are up.
But I recommend heartily that the "nasty women" press home their attacks! In fact something tells me that the republicans will be more than happy to spread the insane lefties message far and wide.
Far. And. Wide.
WillRobinson: "They are scared of Warren. That is why they tried to silence her. She won't sit down and shut up"
They are helping her move to front and center.
Can't happen fast enough.
Lets just say that the republicans are more than happy to have Little Pocahontas as the face of the dems.
There is nothing she will say that the majority won't see as being "off the reservation"!
"She won't sit down and shut up."
She sat down and shut up today, didn't she? Lol.
Dems believe that politicians have integrity.
Warren designed the CFPB so that it could easily be captured by the banks it is supposed to regulate. It has no budget that can be controlled by the peoples' congress. It's a rogue agency, run for the benefit of its employees and the large banks. The revolving door between CFPB and the banks it is supposed to regulate is already in operation, just as Warren hoped.
It ought to make for a very pleasant retirement for her and her friends.
Personally, would prefer Pelosi remain the face of the dems, but there reaches a time when the incompetence and absurdity is so profound that it loses it's shock value.
So, Nancy's out (she doesn't even know where she is half the time) and Fauxahontas is in and hopefully on the warpath!
In the not too distant future . . .
Podesta: We gotta do something! Everytime that squaw Warren goes on television our chance of winning the midterms drops! Damn her to Hell!
Hillary: Yo're right! You need to make me the face of the Democrat party again! It's your only path to electoral success!
"She sat down and shut up today, didn't she?"
No, she didn't. She was given more publicity and a more powerful voice today than in a long time. thanks McConnell!
Perhaps McConnell should offer to sit down with "Little Paleface That Runs Swiftly And Surely Through Forest" and smoke a peace pipe to get the Senate back to the intended level of comity?
WillRobinson: "No, she didn't. She was given more publicity and a more powerful voice today than in a long time. thanks McConnell!"
Thank you indeed Mr. Senate Majority Leader.
Here's to an even larger republican Senate Majority in 2 years!
You'd think with all that passion Little Fauxahontas is showing that she would come up with at least 1 political scalp!
She's a real digger, that one!
I wonder if the dems will cut a commercial with the Little Tomahawk showing her looking out across the entire nation with all those republicans and then with a zoom in to show a tear trickling down Little Tomahawks face?
Both parties face a hard choice when it comes to choosing a house leader. Pick a person from a moderate district, and they might have to take some positions that the people at home think are too extreme, and out they go.
Pick a person from a safe district, and they drag the party to the extremes, because they fear being primaried by a person more extreme than they are, more than they fear being beat by someone from the other party.
King's letter wasn't censured, Crank -- watch her entire speech.
Lewis: "Pick a person from a safe district, and they drag the party to the extremes, because they fear being primaried by a person more extreme than they are, more than they fear being beat by someone from the other party."
I'd say that Ryan has fairly successfully avoided those pitfalls.
Fabi: "King's letter wasn't censured, Crank -- watch her entire speech."
Don't watch the entire speech!
Run with what you've got! It's another in a long line of democrat winning themes!
The least dumb of the three sisters. Yay.
Send in the dumber ones, some of us have alcohol, we can take it.
4 million nation wide at the Women's March. And that was just the beginning.
I can't wait. Pussyhats for all! Street people might like Madonna's dark purple pussyhat, Pink is so gauche.
The narrative must survive at any cost, Drago!
Your hat color must match the color of your ladyparts.
Either owie, owie, owie or "I smell fish, mama"
By some unfortunate accident, her sibling was name two-dawgs-fucking.
As a women the pussy hated shrill voiced chicks like Warren annoy me. The fake Indian thing is just icing on the cake. Any reason to silence her seem legitimate to me.
I wonder if the dems will cut a commercial with the Little Tomahawk showing her looking out across the entire nation with all those republicans and then with a zoom in to show a tear trickling down Little Tomahawks face?
Always with the racial stuff?
Do you think native Americans are supporting the party of DAPL?
As a women the pussy hated shrill voiced chicks...
What's it like, to be a women?
WillRobinson: "4 million nation wide at the Women's March. And that was just the beginning"
It better be, 'cuz it ain't enough.
CC: "Always with the racial stuff?"
It's not my fault some white chick impersonated a native American in order to receive economic and career advantages.
CC: "Do you think native Americans are supporting the party of DAPL?"
Did native Americans support Trump? If not, what changes?
By the way CC, do you think the dems will hack their own primary again in 2020 to deliver the nomination to a party insider?
She didn't impersonate anyone. She thought she had native ancestry. Most people from Oklahoma do.
If Trump doesn't want to expand his support, I understand. He certainly seems to be governing like someone who expects to not be re-elected.
Whut happened to ARM:
"computer failure"
Well, if not most, then a higher percentage than in any other state.
WillRobinson said...
They are scared of Warren. That is why they tried to silence her. She won't sit down and shut up.
Oh please god nominate Faucahontas in 2020. I would prefer you nominated Pelosi but the racial preference thief will do just as well.
She perfectly embodies the soulless cynical nature of the DNC in it's current iteration.
Commander Crankshaft said...
Always with the racial stuff
You apparently think it is ok for a rich white woman to lie about her ancestry to take advantage of a program designed purportedly to help poor minorities. The minorities are still poor and the rich white democrats keep getting richer. Some might think it is all a cynical ploy by democrats to benefit from the misery and suffering of minorities.
But wait... Don't democrats have a history of racial injustice? Why yes, yes they do! Democrats instituted and fought for slavery. Democrats implemented Eugenics and sterilized black women. Democrats operated the hoses and loosed the dogs on protesters in the 50's and 60's. Democrats segregated the schools and fought desegregation. Fast forward to now and look at that! Democrats have segregated public education again! And every time minorities try to escape their shitty schools they end school choice programs and force them back into the shitty schools.
And the most popular democrat lied to take advantage of racial preferences. One would think democrats are disingenuous racist assholes.
Commander Crankshaft: "She didn't impersonate anyone. She thought she had native ancestry. Most people from Oklahoma do."
Let's unpack this.
"She thought she had native ancestry."
You have no idea what she thought or didn't think. You only know what she claimed, which was wrong.
what is relevant is Little Tomahawks family helped round up Cherokees and drive them to the stockades!
So, what we have here is the worst possible situation for a cultural appropriator: the theft of identity from the very people she claims affiliation with for the purpose of personal career and economic gain.
Yeah, go ahead and climb on her bandwagon.
Commander Crankshaft: "She didn't lie. She's not the lying sort."
She lied.
She continued to lie.
Her family helped intern the Cherokees.
Then little lizzie stole their identity for fun and profit.
Deal with it.
You apparently think it is ok for a rich white woman to lie..
She didn't lie. She's not the lying sort. Republicans seem to be becoming notoriously bad character witnesses in the age of Trump... and Cruz.
Have you ever been to Oklahoma? I'd bet you haven't.
Interesting how the place came to be. Ever heard of Andy Jackson? Trump's got a big painting of him in the Oval Office. Had it moved there, himself. It isn't lost on other conservative Trumpists that Jackson seems to be just the nationalist model for the guy. Train of Tears, here we come!
Other than that, calm down and take a chill pill. And go take your act on the road to the inner cities. Preach on to those minorities that you're so down with. Tell 'em how Betsy Devos, a criminally incompetent know-nothing profiteer and Trump shill, is going to suck monies out of their schools in order to prey and profit off them under the supervision of a guy well-known for throwing black folks out of affordable housing. It's how he started his career, after all.
BTW CC, no amount of -hey, look at Betsy DeVos- chatter can take away what little lieawatha did.
Lieawatha should the be one shown whenever someone asks for a picture of what a Cultural Appropriator looks like.
Maybe some additional makeup can enhance those high cheekbones in her next debate. She ought to look into changing the lighting as well.
WillRobinson said...
No, she didn't. She was given more publicity and a more powerful voice today than in a long time. thanks McConnell!
Get her a super big pussy hat!
There were millions of white women at the women's marches all over the country. More than enough. Trump's antics will keep them engaged and active, stunts like McConnell's will keep up the outrage level. It will only grow in intensity before 4 years are up.
YES! MOR OUTRAGES!!!!11! Get those pussy hats on and just camp out in the streets for the next 4 years! Smash windows in every urban starbucks everywhere! Chant BLM and throw things at inner city cops.
You people aren't trying hard enough. I would also recommend staying in your little urban cloisters. The rest of the country will not tolerate a bunch of smelly unshaven harridans shitting in their towns.
Her family helped intern the Cherokees.
Then little lizzie stole their identity for fun and profit.
Deal with it.
What is this? An "alternative fact" you got from "alternative news?"
The other day, I had to explain to Trumpists here that "The Daily Mirror" is a tabloid site.
That was news to them.
The dilithium crystals are melting Cap'n! She's gonna blow!
CC: "Train of Tears, here we come"
How many paintings have to be moved to remove the stain of Cultural Appropriation from Lieawatha's record?
BTW CC, no amount of -hey, look at Betsy DeVos- chatter..
Good point. The Republicans sure didn't seem like there was much in her record or qualifications to be proud of, did they?
Oh well. Here comes the swamp. Fill it back up again. Install puppets at every agency that will turn the government over to some interest that Trump can profit off of. It's not like he can scam his way through the higher education industry with Trump University on his own forever.
The best part of all this? Little Lieawatha claiming that the Trump nominees lied on their paperwork!
Lieawatha is the best Woman of Color detective ever!
CC can't seem to stay focused on Lieawatha's history of lying.
Hey CC, we get it.
Time to change the subject.
Let's move on to Keith Ellisons love affair with Farrakhan.
How many paintings have to be moved to remove the stain of Cultural Appropriation from Lieawatha's record?
I'm sure that if you were told you had a single drop of any non-European blood, you'd scrutinize the record and scrub it for inconsistencies in the story of such a horrifying blemish came to be.
Apparently Warren felt no such shame at being led to believe she was part native, as so many Oklahomans are.
I can see why this bothers you, and why such a situation if it happened to you, would bother you. The Republicans have become very touchy about all things non-white, these days.
The best part of all this? Little Lieawatha claiming that the Trump nominees lied on their paperwork!
Lieawatha is the best Woman of Color detective ever!
You're not a fan for focusing on financial interests and qualifications and ethical conflicts in government applications?
Most families have an incomplete and far from 100% accurate history. It's not a big deal.
Let's move on to Keith Ellisons love affair with Farrakhan.
It's important to be very practiced in the art of smear, innuendo and racial politics. Especially when the policies and the people are not on your side.
CC: "I'm sure that if you were told you had a single drop of any non-European blood, you'd scrutinize the record and scrub it for inconsistencies in the story of such a horrifying blemish came to be."
We have been told as much.
Blackfoot indian to be precise.
However there is no way it can be confirmed and therefore is not and has not ever been claimed by any member of my large extended family.
Pretty basic really, except if one is a lefty dem senator from Masschusetts.
No, not the girl killer one, the Cultural Appropriator one.
CC: "It's important to be very practiced in the art of smear, innuendo and racial politics. Especially when the policies and the people are not on your side."
Powerful retort.
I guess you didn't catch the latest issue of Mother Jones about our very own Keith Hakim!
You know, I'm so old I can remember when the Kennedy's killed their women 1 at a time.
However there is no way it can be confirmed and therefore is not and has not ever been claimed by any member of my large extended family.
Nothing from the past can be confirmed with 100% certainty. People go on the best evidence they have.
Pretty basic really, except if one is a lefty dem senator from Masschusetts.
No, not the girl killer one, the Cultural Appropriator one.
Cultural appropriator? I think I'm hearing a meme appropriator.
Ridiculing PC agitators must be a fun pastime when the right can't get any non-white votes.
CC: "Ridiculing PC agitators must be a fun pastime when the right can't get any non-white votes."
Ridiculing PC agitators is fun pastime when you can't get any non-white votes.
Ridiculing PC agitators is fun pastime when you only get some non-white votes.
Ridiculing PC agitators is fun pastime when you get all the non-white votes.
As you can see it's always fun to ridicule the ridiculous and hypocritical PC agitators and their online supporters.
But only always and in every situation.
So what's the deal here? Ellison wrote silly articles when he was young? That's cool. I like Mother Jones, but not THAT much.
You should check out the articles Ben Shapiro wrote when he was a precocious young 19 year old college student. Advocating population transfer. Cool stuff, for a future Harvard-trained lawyer.
People grow up. It's no big deal. This game of finding how to hang past 20-year olds is at an end. Even a future 70 year old could admit to groping or worse to Billy Bush at the tender age of 60 and nothing seemed to matter.
Is this the part where the left-winger complains about their own rules being used against them when it was never intended that these rules, or any rules for that matter, were to be used against the them?
Commander Crankshaft: "So what's the deal here? Ellison wrote silly articles when he was young? That's cool. I like Mother Jones, but not THAT much."
I'm sorry. I didn't catch what you were saying.
I was engrossed in some pretty deep articles the left was very excited about regarding Mitt Romney and his allegedly participating in giving some guy a haircut in high school.
I'll get back with you in a minute.
The 11:49 comment seems to be a characteristic way of lowering the bar of the discussion. Well, if you're going to take the country down, might as well have fun and be self-righteous about doing it.
Other than that, you seem to have been really set off by a comment of mine that originated in a response to someone else (Achilles), anyway.
I'd take it down a notch. If you want over-the-top, amoral, anti-social fantasizing, you've already got it in your president.
One of him is enough. He's too much for even himself.
Warren and Kamela Harris would be a powerful ticket.
You're right..that ticket would dominate.....New York, California and Massachusetts...and lose the rest of the country by ten points.
I was engrossed in some pretty deep articles the left was very excited about regarding Mitt Romney and his allegedly participating in giving some guy a haircut in high school.
Sounds like you were the only one.
Everyone else voted against him for tying his dog to the top of a car and declaring half the country unworthy of his attention.
You know. Major character flaws. Back when Americans had enough respite from Republican efforts to blow up the economy to focus on that sort of thing.
Commander Crankshaft: "The 11:49 comment seems to be a characteristic way of lowering the bar of the discussion."
Come on old friend, you don't really want to have a conversation about lowering the bar of the discussion do you?
Come on old friend, you don't really want to have a conversation about lowering the bar of the discussion do you?
How far back did you intend to dig?
Our president's attention span is way too short for me to live in any timeframe other than the here and now, these days.
It appears that you are going to have a very difficult time coming to grips with little lizzies real life antics.
I can only offer you my condolences and best wishes in your coming trials.
CC: "How far back did you intend to dig?"
I don't know. 18 hours ought to do it.
In any event, I had wanted to mention, but apparently forgot to, that I was never all that impressed with Ellison anyway. I find it odd that anyone really sees anything in him.
Just to put that out there.
Drago said...
. . .
I'd say that Ryan has fairly successfully avoided those pitfalls.
2/8/17, 9:54 PM
Ryan is walking a tightrope. His #1 goal is to preserve his majority. For that he needs the $ of the GOP donor class, who are definitely not populists. He needs the support of the US Chamber of Commerce, and it wants open borders and free trade.
It's hard tp forgive Ryan for claiming that he kept a fence around his own house to keep his dogs and kids in, and not strangers out. He thinks we're stupid.
I like Elizabeth Warren. I think she cares about her constituents, esp. the working class folks, and is genuine and decent. She does a good job focusing on keeping our financial institutions and industries well-policed. That's important.
I couldn't give a damn about what she got wrong about her own family history. I really don't think a whole lot of other Americans do, either.
My dad had nine siblings. Stories get told.
They're not meant to be theological truisms.
With that many people, there are more to correct.
But still, the idea that anyone would treat their own family lore like something Sherlock Holmes should have to investigate before mentioning sounds a little far-fetched.
... to me, at least, it does.
As a registered member of the Cherokee in Alabama whose family had to jump through hoops to prove it WE deeply resent Lieawatha.
As a registered member of the Cherokee in Alabama whose family had to jump through hoops to prove it WE deeply resent Lieawatha.
@CC. Everyone has family lore. Most people, people with integrity, wouldn't trade on it to get an afirmative action spot at Harvard Law.
I think Mitch made a mistake in giiving the victimology crowd something else to be fake outraged about. But I can sympathize, because every time that odious woman opens her mouth I want to tell her to shut up.
“I left out all the ones that used the n-word,” Scott told his peers. “I just felt like that would not be appropriate.”
“What I’m surprised by just a smidgen,” he continued, “is that the liberal left that speaks and desires for all of us to be tolerant do not want to be tolerant of anyone that disagrees with where they are coming from.”
Liberals are such tolerant, forgiving people, all peace and love!
CC: "In any event, I had wanted to mention, but apparently forgot to, that I was never all that impressed with Ellison anyway. I find it odd that anyone really sees anything in him."
I think a lot of us are in that boat with many of these characters.
You go to political war with the reps and senators you have, not the ones you wish you had.
CC: "But still, the idea that anyone would treat their own family lore like something Sherlock Holmes should have to investigate before mentioning sounds a little far-fetched."
What changes this is the financial and career leg up one gains by claiming membership in the tribe.
Trading on a falsehood for economic gain is not something a lot of folks are going to go along with.
Just picture an ad with the phrase "Woman of Color" and pasty liz's mug next to it.
Because that is exactly what Liz pulled with Haaaaaaavaaaard.
Commander Crankshaft: "My dad had nine siblings. Stories get told"
I had eight siblings and stories do get told, but we don't automatically believe them.
And we are never late to the dinner table.
"Blogger Jeff Teal said...
As a registered member of the Cherokee in Alabama whose family had to jump through hoops to prove it WE deeply resent Lieawatha."
And Warren is from Oklahoma! She must have been familiar with the history of the place. The way the white ranchers and white oil people ripped off the Cherokees in OK was shameful.
The funniest thing about this story is the way that white folks assume Obama must be good at sports because he is Black!
Uh. He's not really Black. He's a liberal white academic with marginal political skills who happens to have a Kenyan academic father. He had the libs fooled, though, didn't he? They thought that they were voting for Shaft.
As reimagined:
'There may be some credit left on the race card...here...where did I put that thing? Gosh, I hate those predatory lenders. Are those cameras on? Will everybody see me or is it just the base?
Now, I know some black folks out there may actually need credit, and use the card from time to time, and may deeply resonate with Dr. King!s words out of common experience and shared heritage....
but I TOO know the indignity of being a woman among old Boston Bluebloods...I TOO know the shame of being mic-silenced in the well of the Senate....
Behold. We share this card!!
Warren is a phony and a fraud.
Crank thinks "she cares"...
Democrats propel themselves with the exhausted fumes of victim-hood.
boo hoo. Now - who is going to fix this mess? Not the phony liar corruption party. That's for sure.
Lewis Wetzel said...
toxic feminism
Department of Redundancy Department.
Jeff Teal said...
As a registered member of the Cherokee in Alabama whose family had to jump through hoops to prove it WE deeply resent Lieawatha.
Why did anyone jump through hoops? Is it because of the advantages obtained from practicing racism?
Can't tell from the article whether Sanders and Merkely read the letter into the record as part of the debate on Sessions and aimed at him, or during some other time when the letter would not have been used to besmirch Sessions' reputation, it would just have been a Senator reading something anodyne into the record.
Given that if it was during the Sessions debate the author would have made darn sure to point that out, I tentatively conclude that it probably wasn't, but I am supposed to think it was. In which case, once again the NYT lies to me.
Also, I am quite sick of being told Trump boasted of "forcing himself" on women. He said the let him do it and in the context the obvious interpretation is that he thought they liked it.
Now, that may have been wrong in some (or even all) cases, and Trump can be a boor, but Trump did NOT boast of forcing himself on unwilling women.
If it helps, I wish they'd tell Sanders and Merkley to shove it, too.
Merkley is my Senator, much to my chagrin.
(Not "not my Senator", because I am an adult.)
I was curious about all these headlines proclaiming that the "sexist" GOP let the male Democrats read a letter that Warren was not allowed to read. So I did some digging and here is what I found:
According to The Hill, Senator Warren was not the only person who was prevented from reading Mrs. King's letter on Tuesday. They reported that Senator Whitehouse attempted to include the letter but was prevented because Senator Risch objected.
According to Vox, Senator Merkley consulted with the Senate parliamentarian before reading the letter, and that he omitted parts of it in order to (barely) stay within the rules. In other words, he planned ahead instead of acting incredulous and insisting on plowing on through like Warren had done.
Of the senators who did read the letter, I only watched one of them. I believe it was Udall? At any rate, his tone was different from Warren's, and he asked permission to read the letter into the record before starting. He was able to continue because no one who was present in the chamber at that time objected to his request.
I do not know the details of the other senators who also read the letter, but for the ones I spent five minutes investigating, there are definitely more differences involved than the sex of the person speaking.
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