While Beggs has said he’d prefer to wrestle against boys, University Interscholastic League rules force Beggs to compete as a girl. The UIL uses an athletes birth certificate to determine gender, a measure overwhelmingly approved by the state’s school superintendents a year ago.Mack Beggs is 55-0.
The rule prohibits girls from wrestling in the boys division and vice versa.
UIL provides an exception for a steroid that is prescribed by a medical practitioner for a valid medical purpose. The UIL has reviewed Beggs’ medical records and granted him permission to compete while taking testosterone.
२५ फेब्रुवारी, २०१७
"Look at how beefed up she is. It’s because she’s taking an enhancement. Whether she’s a boy, girl, wants to be purple or blue it doesn’t matter."
"When you’re using a drug and you’re 10 times stronger than the person you’re wrestling because of that drug, that shouldn’t be allowed."
११३ टिप्पण्या:
Fourth of July each year our City has a pet contest. Usually a prize for "heaviest cat." Planning to enter our St. Bernard.
Never saw "Diary of a Wimpy Kid," but I did come across the clip of the scene in which the young hero (protagonist?) is made to wrestle a girl:
And I'm sure we all remember Andy Kaufman "wrestling" women...
Let the biological girls use 2X4s and chains.
If the goal is to divide everyone and piss people off at each other and ruin everyone else's fun what would they be doing differently?
The sad part is when, after the match, the defeated girl has to share the same locker-room shower and see the victorious girl washing her throbbing girl-cock.
I am Laslo.
The wrestler is a biological girl taking testosterone to make herself more like an adolescent boy. This is no different than an athlete taking testosterone to get a competitive edge. The declared reason is different, but the end result is the same. Expect more of this confusion. And, with scholarship dollars at stake, who can say what the real motivation is for high school athletes?
I told my wife I wouldn't let my daughter wrestle her either. If she wins the state championship, as appears likely, then her title will have enormous asterisks next to it due to the forfeitures. An empty, hollow victory. I feel badly for the other wrestlers. I'm ashamed this is happening in Texas; you'd expect this sort of stunt on the Left Coast.
O brave new world, That has such people in 't!
I'm surprised there is such a thing as Girls' Wrestling.
If highly trained women can't handle a single transgender in a controlled environment with rules, referees, and medical staff on the side, why should we let them join army or police?
The people that permit this are idiots. The parents that suffer them to remain are idiots. The girls should refuse to wrestle this opponent. Since they're girls that wrestle I suppose good sense is rare there as well.
I read something salient recently and I wish I could credit it. The jist of it is that in Rome the gods became ridiculous after the rulers did. PC in modern America is like Caligula's horse in the senate. This might not be a lefty thing, per-se, since the rules seem to have been in place for a while. You can bet, though, that any reluctance to act sensibly has to to with fear of being pilloried by the progressive crowd whichever way they jump. As soon as they're told which way the good people are thinking today they may act - but not sensibly. No chance they'll say the hormone injected girl can't wrestle at all. Sense is dead and Caligula's horse is a Senator.
In solidarity with female wrestling association, male wrestling association will allow males taking female hormones to compete.
MayBee said...
I'm surprised there is such a thing as Girls' Wrestling.
That was my first reaction too. Such was my prejudice, that I had trouble reading the linked story because I couldn't imagine how a girl could gain a competitive advantage wrestling against boys. Wrong. And wrong.
We don't have girls wrestling here. I had to check the Michigan High School Athletic Association website to be sure.
The situation stinks, but it is being handled at the local level - as it should be - and is extremely rare. Mack is taking what in any other circumstance would be banned substance. The UIL made a bad decision, but they made it - probably following the letter of the regulations -and everyone will have to live with it. This is clearly a "no one wins" situation. If Mack is really a guy, how happy is he going to be, when he gets some distance, that he won a state championship taking drugs that would be banned in any other sport while wrestling girls? In the meantime the girls who have worked hard for four years get screwed out of fair chance to compete.
In a perfect world Mack would have withdrawn from the meet because he and his parents recognized a bad situation for what it was. There was no honor in this victory. Shouldn't that be a large component of any competition?
This might be a good starting point for an extended essay on how something simple turns into an insoluble problem.
@ Maybee Many girl's sports are driven by Title IX. This is probably one, but there are enough girl's willing to try that they can run a state tournament. In the sense that it gives the kids a challenge it's a good thing. Us male chauvinists will say that they like a girl who can grapple, but honestly I would rather watch a girl/woman hit a tennis ball, drive a golf ball or shoot a basketball. I am an old fart I guess, but I enjoy watching women do things that make them more, not less, attractive.
The story misses a much bigger one, that of several thousand children suffering a popular, pseudoscientific form of child abuse. The outcomes of these hormone treatments are permanent.
That the people of Texas have been backed down far enough to permit this sort of thing is telling. The point is nothing to do with so called transgender phenomenon, of course. It's so plain that I feel like I'm in a Captain Obvious bit - but we're closer than ever to the point where O'Brien holds up 4 fingers and tells you that the party says it's 5. Some people, at least, believe it now. Many more don't but they won't say so. Disheartening and humiliating the one's who don't believe it, forcing them either to repeat the orthodox lie of the day or, at least to begin with, not to challenge it openly, gutting formerly respectable institutions and stuffing the carcass with cultural Marxism - this is the program. I ask myself, are they actually going to make this work or is the spring just being wound tighter and tighter so that the eventual kickback is all the stonger?
Blogger MayBee said..."I'm surprised there is such a thing as Girls' Wrestling."
Not for much longer.
Political correctness meets the harsh reality of biology. It would be shocking if a girl on testosterone wasn't 55-0 against girls not on testosterone. Whatever the intent of the exception on prescriptions, this situation should never have been allowed in the first place.
Blogger tds said..."If highly trained women can't handle a single transgender in a controlled environment with rules, referees, and medical staff on the side, why should we let them join army or police?"
Yeah, this is illuminating.
The seemingly easy solution is to let Beggs compete as a boy, which Beggs wants to do. However, the problem will only come up again when another student in the same position and Beggs insists on competing as a girl.
The least worst option is to let Beggs compete as a girl; once Beggs becomes champion, list Beggs with an asterisk by Beggs's name and also list the runner-up.
This is the new standard. In order to accommodate and serve the needs of one girl you must totally step all over the rights of many, becuase bad luck must be multiplied and shared as widely as possible. An analogy would be taking everyone's bicycle away and giving all of them to the girl who's bike was stolen. We are so compassionate, so fair, so advanced.
I don't understand this whole gender binary thing. Shouldn't we simply do away with separate men's and women's sports?
Oh it's even worse. I didn't go to the link. I thought she was using the hormones for a medical reason, not by choice. So, it's like she stole her own bike and everyone had to give up theirs to make her whole again.
So a girl who can't legally have sex can legally change her sex.
Just more accommodating mental illness.
"This is the new standard. In order to accommodate and serve the needs of one girl you must totally step all over the rights of many, becuase bad luck must be multiplied and shared as widely as possible."
Harrison Bergeron was a how-to manual.
It's simply cheating, even if the adults can't face it enough to say so.
The least worst option is to ban Beggs because she is taking testosterone.
The story misses a much bigger one, that of several thousand children suffering a popular, pseudoscientific form of child abuse. The outcomes of these hormone treatments are permanent.
No surprise the Academy of Pediatrics is OK with this but there is another group, that calls itself the College of Pediatrics that isn't.
Of course, Snopes and ThinkProgress are on the case calling the sane group "a Hate Group."
it has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for its anti-LGBT positions.
Oh, well that settles it.
Just as you cannot find research on the psychological outcomes of children raised by gays, there is no good research anymore on "Gender Dysphoria."
Someday, the results of this stuff will come as a big surprise.
The Tucson bicycle "Tour d'Tucson" women's class was won last December by a male transgender competing as a woman.
This should pretty much end women's sports. At least at a high level.
Mack Beggs is 55-0.
And without the drug the record would be more like 0-55.
Whether a gay girl, or a modified boy, this person is interested in T&A, and is getting free handfuls while wrestling.
The standard discussion nowadays is as follows:
Traditionalist: "What if a person with a penis shows up in the girls' locker room?"
Modernist: "That's never happened!"
We used to allow that yes, a few around us were probably gay, and maybe a few had other ideas about themselves, but we figured it was just the way it was, and not a rights issue that a dumb Obama had to come in and sort out for us all, on behalf of those few.
You need to learn to wrestle girls as a defense against tickling.
Can't we just go back to having tomboys and sissies?
One athletic director watching the action, who asked for his name not to be used because of the sensitivity of the issue, said he believes “there is cause for concern because of the testosterone,” adding,“I think there is a benefit.”
I read that statement & my high-end, professional grade, Fluke** "No shit, Sherlock!" meter just read off the scale.
**For those not in IT or the trades, see here for reference.
Can't we just go back to having tomboys and sissies?
I'll take the tomboy. You can have the sissy.
The lawsuit will eventually land on Jeff Sessions' desk and he will unplug the little cheater.
The real war on prepubescent girls, adolescent girls, and women, too. Babies were sacrificed a long time ago for social liberalism and political progress.
Does Chuck have a daughter?
So, SPLC is also pushing transgender conversion therapy targeting prepubescent children, adolescents, and young adults, through tissue corruption, psychological manipulation, and social indoctrination. It's no wonder that they needed to deny Milo as a whistleblower.
welcome to the future of sports...
I suspect we won't be seeing many wymyn-to-men trannies engaging in football.
Not once they get pulverized by the men.
Oh wait: maybe the men will have to take feminizing estrogen and progesterone shots!
Yeah, that's the ticket!
THAT's what we're talking about here----leveling the playing field!!
OK, so imagine a progressive is presented a photo array of people, as the police do with witnesses when trying to identify a suspect. Happens all the time.
Now imagine that the people in the photos are naked. And from their positions, our progressive friend can see clearly that five have penises and five have vaginas.
Big Question to the progressive: Can you determine from the photos, which are the males and which are the females?
Progressive: Uh . . . I don't know, I can't tell. What do they say they are?
Questioner: No, just from the photos, which are the men, which are the women?
Progressive: It's impossible to tell! No one could know that. It is one of those insolvable mysteries of the universe!
You know, Al Jolson put shoe polish on his face. That did not make him black.
Meanwhile, with the Oscars coming up, where are all the burn-down-Hollywood riots protesting "Some Like It Hot"?
This is as idiotic as the ultimate fighter league that allowed a man-to-woman trangender fight other women. What is to prevent other females from taking testosterone and lying about the reason? When did we lose our common sense?
While I am a bit sympathetic to Begg's situation, I don't think it appropriate to let him off without a criticism here. Sure, it might be unfortunate that the league refused to let him wrestle as a male where he would surely be at a physical disadvantage in nearly every match, but the honorable thing to have done in this circumstance was not compete at all. Claiming you are forced to compete against females not taking testosterone is factually incorrect, actually bordering on a lie.
And Barry Bonds always felt that he was a pumped-up Ahnold look-alike and because he felt that, he really truly was that way, only disabled. And so the steroids he took was only medical treatment for the disease of not having big bulging muscles.
"University Interscholastic League".
Note that word "University". That's where the poison is produced.
The lunacy continues apace.
Carry on!
(Did that last bit make my comment particularly witty?)
Does this testosterone make my biceps look fat?
That's not a valid medical purpose. At best it's a lifestyle choice and at worst, it's child abuse.
I'm surprised there is such a thing as Girls' Wrestling.
For how much longer? This pick-your-gender stuff is going to destroy women's sports. Newly female MMA fighter Fallon Fox has seriously injured women in the ring.
Last week I heard on NPR of an eight-year-old FTM transgender boy. Can anyone prepubescent possibly know anything about sexuality? Can they know enough to be sure that they'd
been born into the wrong sex? You don't imagine that the parents had any role in this, and that it was entirely the kid's own decision to undergo surgery and hormone therapy?
I am rapidly beginning to believe that this is medical malpractice.
This is so wrong in so many ways.
I am sorry for the real girl wrestlers but, Honey, this is what Feminism has brought you. I agree with Michelle , no one has the first idea about sexuality, their natural or their adopted, until after puberty (but that is too late for a boy to become a beautiful girl). When women want to be men, it is only natural that men will want to be women. Which is FINE for them. But do not expect an entire Society to march to the favorite tune of 0.03% of its members.
Lost in all the discussion about the fairness of transgender athletes in high school or college, is the fact that women's sports will be hardest hit. That 6'8' transgender who was on boys JV last year will make quite a splash.
UIL provides an exception for a steroid that is prescribed by a medical practitioner for a valid medical purpose.
There's the source of the problem.
bagoh20 said...
Oh it's even worse. I didn't go to the link. I thought she was using the hormones for a medical reason, not by choice. So, it's like she stole her own bike and everyone had to give up theirs to make her whole again.
Exactly. The entire goal of all of this is to ruin as much fun for as many people as possible and get all of us pissed at each other and arguing.
And to call anyone who doesn't go along a bigot racist homophobe nazi.
Michelle Dulak Thomson said...
"I am rapidly beginning to believe that this is medical malpractice."
I'll bet that a jury could be persuaded to agree with that assessment. Willful malpractice at that, perhaps even malicious. I would not want to be insuring the idiot with an MD who wrote those prescriptions.
They are all biological girls, but Beggs is receiving transgender conversion therapy that includes drugs to simulate male performance.
The sad, sorry fact of life is that we are all born into the bodies we have and not some other body, no matter how much we might wish things were different. Some have one set of sex organs and would prefer the other. But they don't. Some have certain hair follicles on their heads, but wish they had follicles that provided a full head of hair. But they don't. Some want their bodies to be a few inches taller. But they aren't. Some want their eyeballs to be more round so they can see without glasses. But they aren't. Some want to have bodies to be the fastest kid in town. But they don't. Some want their brains to have more folds in them to be smarter. But they don't.
That's life. TS if you don't like it. That's just the way it is. Embracing delusions isn't going to change it.
I've been saying for a while that eventually women's sports will be taken away from us. And my progressive friends say that I'm being preposterous.
How warped is it that our "betters" believe a minor child is mature enough to make the decision to take hormones and physically permanently alter their body, but aren't mature enough to drink alcohol.
Question. What did the transgendered do before modern drugs and surgery?
I am Ronco Evans, and I am a Special Olympics Champion. People say to me "Ronco -- wasn't it unfair to compete in the Special Olympics when you are not mentally handicapped...?"
Sure, but I IDENTIFY as Mentally Handicapped. I forget where I put my keys all the time, and I have trouble with names: I sympathize...
I, Laslo, Googled the requirements to be a Special Olympics Athlete to get proper terminology -- I do research! -- when I came across this at their site:
"Special Olympics Young Athletes is a sport and play program for children with and without intellectual disabilities (ID), ages 2 to 7 years old.... ...Children of all abilities take part, and they all benefit. "
What the Fuck?
Children of ALL abilities can take part? Doesn't that fucking undermine the whole fucking concept? 'Hey! -- I skipped a grade in school because I was so smart AND I won in the Special Olympics?' Does THAT look good on your College Application? Does everyone now get a Participation Award in EVERYTHING, whether or not they actually belong...?
So I looked up the Paralympic Games, and -- thank God -- they DO actually require you to be disabled. For now, at least. But I'm assuming a male amputee can identify as a female amputee in competition....
I am Laslo.
It's not legal for a child in most states to receive a tattoo or piercing without parental consent. Parents are consenting to this insanity.
In a world of complete gender equality, Venus and Serena would have a combined zero Grand Slam titles.
Either performance enhancing drugs are wrong in sports or they aren't. If they are ok, then everyone should be able to use them, if they aren't ok, then nobody should. The reason is irrelevant.
How is this different from letting a paraplegic in a wheelchair compete on the track team? After all, there is a medical reason for the wheelchair.
I've always wondered why a mediocre male basketball players hasn't forced his way onto the WNBA. He would dominate.
The only way to have this hormone therapy and still play fair in sports would be to have classes like weight classes, but defined by testosterone level, whether natural or artificial, becuase you see that word there "artificial"? It's like playing basketball with stilts or swimming with fins, or getting the questions before a debate. It's artificial advantage, i.e. cheating, plain and simple. The fact that it's facilitated by a professional like a doctor or "journalist" doesn't make it better. It actually makes it worse.
"What did the transgendered do before modern drugs and surgery?"
They were gay. And did better than they will do with this malpractice. The Johns Hopkins clinic was closed because of all the mental pathology among adult patients.
Can you imagine what these kids will be like at 30 ?
@YW: "the honorable thing to have done in this circumstance was not compete at all." Honor, what's that? Progressivism is about rights, not responsibilities -- except the responsibility of the proles to sit back and take it.
It will be the end of women's sports. Also, it will be the end of feminism in general. Or at least it would be if there were any principles involved here. SJWs are basically a cult so logic and reasoning are unnecessary for conclusions. For that matter it would be nice if they had actual tenets so at least you could figure out their assumptions. It's like the blob: you can't reason with it.
For the record, an MMA fighter with elevated testosterone would not be allowed to compete, doctor or not. If they did compete and were caught after the fact, they would be suspended and fined, and the victory, assuming the cheater won, would be changed to a no contest. This is essentially legal cheating.
Michael K: Actually, not all of them would be gay. There are men who want to be women but love other women, which makes you wonder if they really grasp what being a woman is. Which they don't.
Michael K:
transgendered before [conversion therapy]... gay
Transgender Spectrum Disorder. It seems that liberal psychos prefer to reinforce certain orientations and behaviors, including promotion of therapy that corrupts healthy tissue and promotes confusion. Milo was not the first whistleblower, "Deep Pizza".
men who want to be women but love other women
A transgender/homosexual fantasy.
Michael K said...
Can you imagine what these kids will be like at 30 ?
I expect some lawyer will be getting a lot of billable hours in when they decide to sue their parents, their doctors, the hospital, etc.
"men who want to be women but love other women"
I have known a few men who liked to dress up as women. It was a weird fetish. Most, I think, were gay.
Dan Daily was one who was known for this. Pete Krupa's brother, who my parents knew. was another. That was when homosexual behavior was illegal so it's hard to compare to now.
I can remember in college going to Finocchio's when I was in college and the place was full of cross dressers but, again, homosexuality was illegal so who knows what those people were?
I think almost all transvestites are gay, although there are a few with fetishes.
I think there are more fetishes with stuff like wearing women's underwear.
About surgery, if genitalia do not determine the sex of a person, why do "transgender" persons need surgery?
The whole psychosis/ideology of transgenderism is, not surprisingly, totally self-contradictory.
Doping kids with hormones/steroids or other drugs for the sake of athletic performance is an evil idea. These things can ruin or shorten lives, see the well-known fate of the East German athletes, who were sacrificed for the sake of state propaganda.
Childrens sports as a competition is a trivial value. Sports are meant to train kids for other and greater things. Sacrificing the future for meaningless victories in childhood is the result of a deranged system of values.
I would not want to be insuring the idiot with an MD who wrote those prescriptions.
Here's the thing - organized medicine has embraced the transgender movement. No one has the guts to stand up within organized medicine and say it's wrong to manipulate young bodies this way. It is now the standard of care to arrest puberty and begin opposite sex hormone therapy on children. (For those who take the time read the guideline, Tanner Stage II is the cusp of puberty, when the changes of puberty as manifested in breast and genitalia just begin. Stage I is prepubertal.) If artificially arresting puberty and manipulating outward sex hormonally in children who have not reached the age of consent is the standard of care, then how can it also be malpractice? In fact, it might be construed as malpractice if a physician with a conscience refuses to enable it. (Or worse, a violation of civil rights.)
Blogger Earnest Prole said...
I don't understand this whole gender binary thing. Shouldn't we simply do away with separate men's and women's sports?
Colleges pick athletes to win.
Why have girls on your girls team if the boys keep kicking the snot out of you? This is going to lead colleges to having two teams.
The boys team and the boys dressed like girls team.
Why is Mack transgender? The transition has not been made. As I read the story, Mack is taking drugs that would disqualify all of Mack's competitors. I assume that Mack is serious in his transition, but until she completes the transition to male, she should be subject to the same rules as non transitioning females. The rule the are not following favors one individual over all the others participating in the sport. It could be argued that it would be unfair to disqualify Mack for the drug use, given its purpose, but it's unfair to a much larger number of people not to disqualify him. Plus Mack made the choice to initiate the process.
Seems to me that the balance of the equities are on the side of the other competitors.
Blogger Static Ping said...
Michael K: Actually, not all of them would be gay. There are men who want to be women but love other women, which makes you wonder if they really grasp what being a woman is. Which they don't.
I've got a friend going through this now. Known him 20+ years and never knew he wanted to be a woman. He just started going through the process and he's in his 50s. He jokes on Facebook that he is a lesbian NRA member.
I don't think it's going to end well for him. He knows how I feel and we still go out to dinner once a week (with my wife and his girlfriend) and we refuse to refer to him as a she. His girlfriend corrects us, but we just plow on.
Lately he has also been posting suicide hotline numbers on his Facebook page and asking others to share it.
The East German doctors and trainers were not successfully prosecuted either - their defense was that this was done under orders from the state.
On the other hand, the US legal system is probably perverse enough to make any defense based on professional standards useless if the balance of power, or public opinion, shifts.
Way back when my brother was a high school wrestler..and I, in middle school, was just beginning..I went to a tournament and found (to my surprise) boys and (1 or two) girls wrasslin' in the course of the competition.
I don't know who won the classes in the tournament..but it Beggs the question.
Why is Mack transgender? The transition has not been made. As I read the story, Mack is taking drugs that would disqualify all of Mack's competitors. I assume that Mack is serious in his transition, but until she completes the transition to male, she should be subject to the same rules as non transitioning females.
Yeah, either she should be competing as a boy or not taking the drugs. I can see it from her perspective - she wanted to compete as a boy and they wouldn't let her. But it's unfair for the other girls to be wrestling against someone with that biochemistry. Wrestling, of all sports, where upper body strength is king.
She/He won the state championship! I wonder how the girls she/he beat feel about competing against someone taking testosterone?
Michael K said...This should pretty much end women's sports. At least at a high level.
The rise and fall of women's sports: the 44 year history of Title IX.
Doping the system..
Somewhere Andy Kaufman is laughing his head off.
So now they have turned high school wrestling into TV wrestling, what's next?
The first time I read of a MTF transsexual who was also an out lesbian, 25 years or more ago, I was shocked. These days, it's "meh." There are a lot of them. I guess there are people who love loving women, but can't bring themselves to actually f**k them.
Telling, though, that there aren't more (read: any) gay FTM transsexuals.
I'm confused.
Bob Boyd,
I was thinking of Andy Kaufman as I read the article.
n.n.--This is one of the few cases where it's just a chemically-enhanced female instead of a biological male competing with women. Unless you count pro tennis and the Olympics.
Mack Beggs
Looks like a dude to me!
Except for the elbow folds, nice work, Mister Photographer.
It seems to me that people are missing what actually happened here. Mack wanted to wrestle as a boy, but a state law required him to wrestle as a girl, based on his (her?) female genetalia. I presume the purpose of this state law was to prohibit boys from competing in girls competitions. The second law allowing this to happen was the law prohibiting athletes from using performance enhancing drugs, which had an exception for people who took the drugs for a "medical condition". So the outcome being discussed was much more a result of conservatives writing laws, and much less a result of "political correctness".
The laws aren't new. Probably not written by sjw trailblazers. The situation is still a collision at the intersection of sjw values and sensible ones. Until recently this competitor would have been dismissed out of hand and no one would, or should, ask why or consider the legal questions. Most, or nearly all, of the people in the building are outraged at every match. They not only don't mob the floor and stop it, the other girls usually don't refuse to compete. Right there is your sjw insanity in effect.
That ordinary people are complacent enough now to allow this without rioting is a significant marker in the progression of transgender politics. When reactions are universally bland the victims of this campaign will be abandoned by the cultural Marxists in favor of a new outrage. The point of propaganda is not really to make you believe it. It's to make you say you believe it when it's obviously nonsense. (Not my original observation. I don't remember whose.) The point is your submission and humiliation. When they've got the lie firmly inserted into your mouth and stamped in place with a boot, the fun is over. It's on to a fresh outrage. Rinse, repeat.
Molly: It seems to me that people are missing what actually happened here. Mack wanted to wrestle as a boy, but a state law required him to wrestle as a girl, based on his (her?) female genetalia.
Point of clarification - the law prohibits her from wrestling as a boy. It does not require her to wrestle as a girl, since it does not require her to wrestle at all.
If I say I'm a horse can I run in the Kentucky Derby?
a juiced up girl won the girls wrestling. That's cheating and everyone knows it. Ridiculous. Whoever runs these competitions should resign.
She is clearly delusional in thinking she's a boy, but the adults who let her take testosterone instead of taking her to get real psychological help are grossly negligent. The mutilation and hormone therapy that come along with these delusions should be banned. it's bad for the people involved and rather toxic to our society.
The press and media reports play along with the Let's Pretend, and endorse the fiction that this girl is a boy, because she really, really wants to be. And we're all supposed to believe the lie.
One of the Washington Post stories on Beggs included this paragraph:
"...parents tiptoed around the discussion, wondering what to say and how to say it. Kids confronted coaches about topics as complicated as gender identity and as simple as fairness, leading some to squirm and others to attempt explanations."
What else is there for parents to do if a patently false theory has been declared politically correct? The theory is incoherent...but if they admit this to their kids, then they (the kids...though perhaps even the parents...) could very well end up in serious trouble. They risk being declared bigots at least--and could face official sanctions at school.
Any civilization that allows girl wrestling is already in terminal decline.
Even G.L.O.W.?
Or Ultimate Surrender?
This story is disgusting and infuriating. I saw it on ESPN W yesterday (accidently -- never, never go on ESPN W intentionally) and it made me sick to my stomach.
1) The transgender fad is evil. People who are confused or dissatisfied with their sexuality need counseling, not drugs and surgery.
2) Doctors who perform such surgeries and prescribe such drugs are evil people, and committing malpractice.
3) Doctors who perform such atrocities on physically healthy young people are the Josef Mengeles of our generation. They should be barred from medicine. Really , they should go to jail, but I'll settle for them having their licenses revoked and their livelihoods destroyed.
4) Parents who acquiesce in this evil are unspeakable monsters.
5) The athletic officials who facilitated this particular travesty are gutless slime.
Yes, I know it's heretical and insensitive for me to hold these opinions. Nevertheless, I hold them. Eppur si muove.
People who want a girl taking male hormones to compete against boys in wrestling clearly have never wrestled. I did. They are the same people who would accuse the boys of sexual assault if they touched the girl's boobs. It would be impossible for the boys to wrestle against her without going to jail.
And what business does a high school kid have taking hormones? Wait till they are older.
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