The proper response to an asshole attaining power is anger, not "soul-crushing" anorexia-causing self-pity. This is the way the world works: assholes usually prevail.
Top comment at the link: "I'm not a Trump supporter, but oh, the irony of Lena Dunham calling out another person's "personality disorder"!"
Maybe the woman is in denial about her popularity or her place in the world. She can blame it on Trump, but deep down she knows she's just a momentary blip.
Just some sketchy research shows that "Duck Dynasty" pulled about 11 MM viewers at its apex; "Girls" barely reached 1MM. And she wonders why Trump won?
You know, religious devotion is all well and good, but man. Jesus walked on water and cured the sick, raising people from the dead.
Lena Dunham's gods? Well, one of them was tossed into a van like a sack of potatoes. The other one ("I won!") is polluting the oceans right now and Iran treated him like she treats a cheesecake on Saturday night, or how Bill Clinton treats an intern.
I'm sorry, but worshipping false gods is always a let down. Maybe try Jesus? Heck, try Moses--Orthodox Judaism is pretty good. If you try Allah, go full burka. Please. For the rest of our sakes.
"This is the way the world works: assholes usually prevail.
"Case in point: Lena Dunham's success."
I don't know if Lena Dunham is an general impression is that she is not. I could be wrong. However, Hollywood is populated almost entirely by assholes, so Ms. Dunham cannot be so fragile or naive as she pretends.
(I watched most of the first season of GIRLS and found it quite good...but I haven't been interested enough to watch any more of the show.)
There needs to be an ad for a TDS charity, with shots of various celebrities, soft lighting and tinkly piano music.
"Trump Derangement Syndrome is a very real and very serious disease. Dozens and dozens of Hollywood celebrities suffer from this debilitating condition. But there is hope. For just $19.95 a month you can send much needed help ect ect."
Well, we're expected to feel empathy for this frumpy, obnoxious, very rich girl who has no clue what life is like and whose parents catered to her every whim.
Would we empathize if, say, Paris Hilton whined that she couldn't handle stuff?
"He said I was a B-list actor with no mojo,” Dunham told Stern,"
Another example of Trump speaking truth to power........
B-list is generous.
Has she ever been in a production she didn't write herself? Doesn't seem to be a rush of people beating down the door now to get into the Lena Dunham business.
"Maybe the woman is in denial about her popularity or her place in the world. She can blame it on Trump, but deep down she knows she's just a momentary blimp."
You picked the wrong story (underreported terrorism)o include a top-rated comment.
The ones on Dunham's fast at EW are gold.
Here's my pick:
"If she had her way, she would be in a burka soon enough - or beheaded. That might be the one positive thing about an Islamic caliphate - at least these leftists feminists would be shut up quickly enough. Then they'd be praying for some real men to show up and defend them, instead of the little pajama wearing sissy boys they're trying to create on our college campuses."
Maybe she's lost weight because she can't get that job in the Clinton administration she was counting on and she needs to be skinny to get another TV gig.
A virtual Hillary Clinton presidency is what she needs. Run up a fake Hillary Inauguration, with all the inaugural hoo-hah. Record a bunch of Hillary speeches she would have made if the Russians hadn't stolen the election from her. Hillary would be happy to do so if the money was right. Make it a continuing series with weekly radio addresses, and a fake State of the Union every year. Sell it through Amazon. Then Lena and her crowd could play lets-pretend and get back to scarfing down pizzas and ice cream.
Watching Lena is like watching NASCAR. Mostly boring, noisy drive arounds, but you can't take your eyes off because of the wrecks. She is almost a Benny Hill skit.
Any world view and operating model that is destroyed as easily as Lena's, never was worth a plug nickel.
To me, it shows a failure of observation and imagination that the results of a democratic election could so rock one's entire existential and emotional foundation.
And she's supposed to be part of the imaginative and creative sect. What we see instead is actually quite brittle and fragile.
And in other news, applying more caulk, goo, and gloss yesterday we have Lena's preferred choice for President, saying that the future belongs to women.
That may be so, but it is a mathematical probability that it doesn't belong to aborting women.
tcrosse said... A virtual Hillary Clinton presidency is what she needs. Run up a fake Hillary Inauguration, with all the inaugural hoo-hah. Record a bunch of Hillary speeches she would have made if the Russians hadn't stolen the election from her. Hillary would be happy to do so if the money was right. Make it a continuing series with weekly radio addresses, and a fake State of the Union every year. Sell it through Amazon. Then Lena and her crowd could play lets-pretend and get back to scarfing down pizzas and ice cream.
2/7/17, 11:25 AM
WOW, that is actually quite inspired! Someone could make nice bank with that, if done right. You need to copyright that like yesterday!
I blame the sting from Odell Beckham Junior's lack of attention to her. But hey..if it really was Trump based, will it be a sign of approval when she gains it back?
Good news. Sincerely hope it improves situation for kids. Noticed opposition saying "test scores indicate charter schools made no difference in Detroit"
Left out of conversation is charter schools give kids opportunity to escape some of the violent public schools.
Why, it was just yesterday that leftist Trump haters were blaming him for making them fat. He was forcing them to devour late night pizzas and bowls of ice cream.
Bear in mind the "Trump 10" article was published in the Boston Globe on November 19. Think of that: liberals had managed to pack on 10 extra pounds in the space of 10 days. That's a hell of an achievement. It made me wonder if they had quit their jobs, moved their refrigerators next to their beds, and just laid there all day watching CNN, weeping and reaching over for another slice of banana creme pie. Gaining weight at that clip means they'll be in graves or they'll get stuck in their own front doors by the time they go to vote in the '18 midterms.
But now Dunham, who previously showed an ability to enjoy cake anywhere and anytime, even while sitting on the toliet, says Trump is making her waste away to a wisp. There's nothing that Trump can't do: he makes you fat, he makes you thin....
"IIR Mrs McConnell was confirmed early 99 to 1. That shows you the Speaker's clout."
It was 94 to 6 and Chuck Schumer voted against her.
"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's vote last week against confirming Elaine Chao as Transportation Secretary defines him. What a louse.
Chao is not only the least controversial pick among President Donald Trump's Cabinet choices. She is the wife of Schumer's Senate counterpart, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
How petty can one get? Schumer was one of only six Democrats who voted against confirming Chao. The others included party radicals such as Bernie Sanders of Vermont, New York's Kirsten Gillibrand, and New Jersey's Cory Booker."
This is TBD. K-12 education is still mainly a State matter (in most states the State has superceded localities in most things of significance re policy and funding).
On minority populations, these are disproportionately in States and localities under Democrat control. There is no way to force charters on them wholesale, as conservative State governments have tried hard and failed, or had only marginal success - in CA, WA, and NY. I don't see a conservative government in these places again. Though no doubt there will be some effect on the margins.
On charters, the results were in long ago - they do serve effectively to "rescue" some of those of low-SES (Socio-Economic Status) populations with the initiative to use them, mainly by creating an effective "tracking" system where the consensus of the formal system is dead-set against tracking - the enmity to tracking can be seen in, for instance, the old hostility to Jaime Escalante, and its been getting worse. You could not make the 1988 Edward Olmos movie today, or even show it to kids, it would be interpreted as racist, elitist and hostile to social justice.
On the other hand, this works for a minority of the minority and is not a general fix, and I am satisfied from my own old habit of analysis of the California achievement test series (a hobby of mine for a decade) that charters are of no objective value in medium-high SES populations. The bigger problem is a general cultural depravity in the population that structural changes will not repair.
Charters also tend to suffer from the state of ideology and professional standards in the teaching profession.
Elaine Chao is a "made" woman in the mafia that is the Washington-NY nexus. This is no surprise.
It doesn't mean she was or will be "bad" at her role in Transportation, no doubt she is a decent administrator, but she certainly isn't going to shake up the place.
"It doesn't mean she was or will be "bad" at her role in Transportation, no doubt she is a decent administrator, but she certainly isn't going to shake up the place."
She's a safe pick in a department that really doesn't matter.
This is TBD. K-12 education is still mainly a State matter
True, but Title IX isn't and that's what I want to see her go after first. I would agree that it's highly unlikely that she's going to have outsized impact on deep blue urban centers full of low-SES students, but she sure as hell can turn the faux-rape epidemic on it's nonconsensual ear.
"She's a safe pick in a department that really doesn't matter."
She's a safe pick, but the department does matter. It has a critical function in the management and maintenance of critical infrastructure and of the cost of doing business. This is one of those things that are too boring for popular controversialists but make a significant difference in economic growth and public convenience.
Its far more important to the US economy than the Title IX business.
Wow. Obana's election drove one third of my customers off shore and I didn't call his election "soul crushing" although it was painful and required a change in tactics. What a pussy!
It's bad enough that President Bush scares her so but now, with Russia advancing in Korea and US force levels on Guam causing that island to likely capsize, it's no surprise that Dunham and all the dems are in such a funk.
Blogger buwaya said... I mention depravity, and Titus shows up.
2/7/17, 12:19 PM
meh. Just a sign that gay tastes have sadly deteriorated since the days when they made icons out of Judy Garland and Joan Crawford. Now that gays are mainstream, they're pretty boring.
Well, Milo's not boring, because he's not mainstream.
While poor Lena refuses cookies and cakes, Pelosi reminds us of how sharp and youthful the Democrat leadership is:
"While its only been a couple of weeks since the inauguration, we've seen nothing that I can work with President Bush on," said Pelosi during a Monday press conference."
True, but Title IX isn't and that's what I want to see her go after first. I would agree that it's highly unlikely that she's going to have outsized impact on deep blue urban centers full of low-SES students, but she sure as hell can turn the faux-rape epidemic on it's nonconsensual ear.
No joke. Defund any college that doesn't offer accused students due process.
Also, do something to insure people can express opinions without the never-ending threat of violence conservatives deal with on campuses.
There is a strong correlation between health and weight extremes. It seems that Dunham, if unwittingly, is the very model of health care reform. Positive progress.
To be fair, I doubt most of those high school kids doing mediocre work in public schools know who Lena Dunham is. This poor creature is as much a victim, in parallel, of the prevailing culture as they are.
The Left does think this way. They can't just lose an election. No, it has to be the apocalypse. And they work themseves into a frenzy where every single action is the equivalent of the Jews being sent to the gas chambers (slight hyperbole on my part). I'm glad it worked out for her in that she lost a few pounds, but seriously. Get a grip.
I understand she did something funny with Girls but I don't know who Lena really is? She seems to be famous only because of a political opinion. An artist whose art is bad but people can't tell her? Instead they celebrate her? And then she dumps a lot emotional angst into media channels whenever she can. Taylor Swift does it a lot better.
Exactly. Trump's election was the catalyst for self-health care reform, the beginning of comprehensive health care reform, that is objectively affordable and widely available to every American. I wonder what other self-moderating, responsible behaviors we can expect to develop.
Perhaps, without being too cynical, or overtly critical, reproductive health care reform begins with replacing sex education with teaching biology, and the Pro-Choice quasi-religious philosophy with moral principles that can viably be reconciled.
Charters also tend to suffer from the state of ideology and professional standards in the teaching profession.
My grandkids got into a charter this year and are much much happier in school. The teachers' enthusiasm is higher. Last year, my grandson was having trouble with the Common Core math problems. His fourth grade teacher told his mother she could not do the problems, either. She suggested his mother, who runs a successful home based business, teach him using traditional math.
They are in Orange County CA but I am already seeing a change.
My one reservation about DeVos is that she supports Common Core, Maybe that was political to avoid a clash with the supporters.
We'll see. This is much more important for inner city blacks.
Does she favor vouchers? I would like to see all parents have the opportunity to send their kids to parochial schools if they choose. My older daughter went to a Lutheran elementary school and my younger daughter attended a Catholic middle school. Both were expensive but well worth it--they were both well ahead of their public school counterparts. I sent my grandkids to a Christian school that had the best academic record in the county. And the moral teachings don't hurt, either.
No one can do the common core math, Everyday Math as it is called and which was invented at the University of Chicago. In the Math Dept you might ask? Why, no. It was created in the Dept. of Education.
Has she ever been in a production she didn't write herself? Doesn't seem to be a rush of people beating down the door now to get into the Lena Dunham business.
Sure, but to be fair, her show Girls has an audience who, I assume, enjoy watching her show. There are people who sit down every week to watch her. She's an entertainer, whatever her other pretensions, and she seems to do a solid job of entertaining her audience. It's not a huge hit, sure, but there's still hundreds of thousands of people tuning in to watch, even what, five or six years in?
I'm not part of her target audience. But the beauty of entertainment today is that we're not all stuck watching the same shows because nothing else is on.
Hmm. Yeah, that is not what I would have expected. But as it happens, I am not a "dude" over 50! So my conclusion is still accurate, even though I arrived at it through a series of mistaken assumptions.
Any day now somebody is going to dust off the script of MacBird! and update it to the current circumstances. Back in 1967 LBJ hatred was every bit as hot among the bien pensants as Trump hatred is today.
I don't know which is worse, Lena losing her shit, or Maxine Waters claiming Putin invaded Korea and Pelosi thinking Bush is still in office. .....Oh yes I do
I do know that Democrats don't own the rights to dumb statements, but this is getting ridiculous.
"Dunham told Stern, who followed up by asking if it was a mistake for someone with responsibilities as great as Trump’s to pay such close attention to celebrities."
Right. In contrast to Pres. Obama, who never paid any attention to celebrities.
Girls became popular because it showed Millennials/hipsters as useless idiots that can't do a simple job, like putting a cardboard box in a rectangular hole in the floor for recycling. It confirmed what we already knew, like Portlandia.
I remember once 30-odd years ago my kids asked me to help them with a math problem and I told them what the answer was. They said they knew that, any fool could see what the answer was; it was how to get it as prescribed by the textbook and their teacher had told them they had to do it that they could not understand.
My understanding of Common Core Math is that it is more about teaching "outside the box" thinking than teaching math.
I was sort of a math prodigy as a kid, in large part because I had an amazing teacher for half of grade school and half of high school. Mr. M helped me learn how to think in a disciplined manner. Thinking outside the box is important, but you need to have the cognitive skills first.
I know a lot of lefty artistic types. They are good at thinking outside the box in their fields, but the successful ones also have great discipline and well honed skills.
Her major contribution to American culture has been shaming the fat shamers. Chris Christie has something to learn from her. He should deliver some of his speeches in a speedo, Then people would comment on how brave he is and how wrong it is to criticize his appearance.
ALP said... So Trump has achieved what Michelle Obama's healthy eating initiatives did not?
And how is this NOT progress?"
Milo has noted that if Trump has caused Dunham to slim down, that alone might be reason for the Church to declare him a saint, although that honor is usually reserved for deceased Catholics.
Sure, but to be fair, her show Girls has an audience who, I assume, enjoy watching her show. There are people who sit down every week to watch her. She's an entertainer, whatever her other pretensions, and she seems to do a solid job of entertaining her audience. It's not a huge hit, sure, but there's still hundreds of thousands of people tuning in to watch, even what, five or six years in?
True...but the audience has also dropped significantly. About 400,000 as of last year. So hundreds of thousands...but not by much.
The personal is political, the victim/hero complex (look at don't look at me) and the relentless critiques on fame while seeking fame are tiresome.
Straight outta Oberlin on the crested 3rd wave of feminism and still a martyr for the ideals which are no place to live and grow-up.
Regardless of her art, I see a pathetic, tragi-comic figure (and waaaayyy too much of that figure).
Do us all a favor: do something worthwhile, shut up and keep your politics inside the booth
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१३६ टिप्पण्या:
The god that failed.
Go for zero baby! Work that starve! Another hundred pounds and then maybe a man will look at you.
The proper response to an asshole attaining power is anger, not "soul-crushing" anorexia-causing self-pity. This is the way the world works: assholes usually prevail.
Too easy.
The Trump Diet!! We won't get tired of the winning!!
One wonders how her life would have been improved if the other asshole in the race had won ?
Honey no matter how much weight you lose, Trump will not grab your pussy. I know it's heart-breaking. Get over it.
So now Trump is trying to kill jobs in the weight loss industry.
At least that's going to by my fake news headline.
Boy, they sure do not make hollywood stars like they used to.
I could stand to lose a few pounds. But full-on fasting doesn't sound fun.
I need to learn to hate Trump on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Wait, is Donald Trump really that so called wonderful that he can cause miracles?
Not miracles like making the oceans recede, but actual measurable things like so called weight loss?
Trump could aways start a new company, HateWatchers.
This is the way the world works: assholes usually prevail.
Case in point: Lena Dunham's success.
Top comment at the link: "I'm not a Trump supporter, but oh, the irony of Lena Dunham calling out another person's "personality disorder"!"
Maybe the woman is in denial about her popularity or her place in the world. She can blame it on Trump, but deep down she knows she's just a momentary blip.
Just some sketchy research shows that "Duck Dynasty" pulled about 11 MM viewers at its apex; "Girls" barely reached 1MM. And she wonders why Trump won?
At some point progs are going to bring back the old 1930s movie move of slapping hysterical women. They will so tire of preening.
Levi Starks and John Tuffnell are leaders in the clubouse on this thread.
Trump was elected in November. If someone hasn't eaten since November... I think they'd be dead by now.
What is she complaining about? She lost weight, weight she needed to lose. She should send Trump a thank you card and not be an ingrate.
Book recommendations: Daniel Pinkwater's The Afterlife Diet.
Want to lose weight? Lena Dunham naked.
I'm a little snowflake,
short and stout.
This is my soul-crushing pain and devastation
and this is my fat butt.
You know, religious devotion is all well and good, but man. Jesus walked on water and cured the sick, raising people from the dead.
Lena Dunham's gods? Well, one of them was tossed into a van like a sack of potatoes. The other one ("I won!") is polluting the oceans right now and Iran treated him like she treats a cheesecake on Saturday night, or how Bill Clinton treats an intern.
I'm sorry, but worshipping false gods is always a let down. Maybe try Jesus? Heck, try Moses--Orthodox Judaism is pretty good. If you try Allah, go full burka. Please. For the rest of our sakes.
Dying would solve a lot of her problems.
"He said I was a B-list actor with no mojo,” Dunham told Stern,"
Another example of Trump speaking truth to power........
Competitive Conspicuous Trump Hatred;
This is how much I hate Trump. It's much more than you hate Trump.
"This is the way the world works: assholes usually prevail.
"Case in point: Lena Dunham's success."
I don't know if Lena Dunham is an general impression is that she is not. I could be wrong. However, Hollywood is populated almost entirely by assholes, so Ms. Dunham cannot be so fragile or naive as she pretends.
(I watched most of the first season of GIRLS and found it quite good...but I haven't been interested enough to watch any more of the show.)
That woman has pebbles in her vagina...
I have gained weight because I AM FEELING SO POSITIVE that nothing can stop me. I keep winning and will live forever. trump that!
"If someone hasn't eaten since November... I think they'd be dead by now."
No, did you ever read about camels living on their humps ?
She is living on her ass.
"And I'm like.."
This about sums it up.
I'm a little snowflake,
short and stout.
This is my soul-crushing pain and devastation
and this is my fat butt.
I never knew you had a lyrical side, Fern, but I'm appreciating it.
Oh, sure, make fun !
How soon some of you forget slimming down with Jimma Carter anguish.
Was kind of svelte myself.
Wait 'til President Trump brings back odd/even gas lines. Then Lena will know real pain
I don't know if Lena Dunham is an asshole...
She'll never have piles.
There needs to be an ad for a TDS charity, with shots of various celebrities, soft lighting and tinkly piano music.
"Trump Derangement Syndrome is a very real and very serious disease. Dozens and dozens of Hollywood celebrities suffer from this debilitating condition. But there is hope. For just $19.95 a month you can send much needed help ect ect."
Someone like Laslo needs to punch this up
"She is living on her ass."
A steatopygous ass.
Good one, Nonapod! :-D
tcrosse is right.
This is status signaling.
Keeping up with the Joneses sensitivity.
Shame she isn't dead.
Well, we're expected to feel empathy for this frumpy, obnoxious, very rich girl who has no clue what life is like and whose parents catered to her every whim.
Would we empathize if, say, Paris Hilton whined that she couldn't handle stuff?
"He said I was a B-list actor with no mojo,” Dunham told Stern,"
Another example of Trump speaking truth to power........
B-list is generous.
Has she ever been in a production she didn't write herself? Doesn't seem to be a rush of people beating down the door now to get into the Lena Dunham business.
"Maybe the woman is in denial about her popularity or her place in the world. She can blame it on Trump, but deep down she knows she's just a momentary blimp."
Damn spell checker.
Ms. Althouse:
You picked the wrong story (underreported terrorism)o include a top-rated comment.
The ones on Dunham's fast at EW are gold.
Here's my pick:
"If she had her way, she would be in a burka soon enough - or beheaded. That might be the one positive thing about an Islamic caliphate - at least these leftists feminists would be shut up quickly enough. Then they'd be praying for some real men to show up and defend them, instead of the little pajama wearing sissy boys they're trying to create on our college campuses."
Fernandinande @10:45 AM:
Coffee spit-take upon reading that one.
Maybe she's lost weight because she can't get that job in the Clinton administration she was counting on and she needs to be skinny to get another TV gig.
A virtual Hillary Clinton presidency is what she needs. Run up a fake Hillary Inauguration, with all the inaugural hoo-hah. Record a bunch of Hillary speeches she would have made if the Russians hadn't stolen the election from her. Hillary would be happy to do so if the money was right. Make it a continuing series with weekly radio addresses, and a fake State of the Union every year. Sell it through Amazon. Then Lena and her crowd could play lets-pretend and get back to scarfing down pizzas and ice cream.
Watching Lena is like watching NASCAR. Mostly boring, noisy drive arounds, but you can't take your eyes off because of the wrecks. She is almost a Benny Hill skit.
In 4 decades, our independent female TV journalists went from:
Mary Tyler Moore => Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and the City)=> Lena Dunham
Reverse course! About Face! Jump ship!
The evidence mounts: The minions of the left are insane, at the least.
But Lena warns us that DJT is a walking Personalilty Defect. And since it takes one to know one, that worries me. Maybe I can lose weight now.
Nonsense. Once she announces the diet is over, she'll be 20 pounds heavier.
Betsy de Vos is in.
Good news buwaya! The dogs bark but the caravan moves on.
So, how strong a soul could she have had in the first place?
Any world view and operating model that is destroyed as easily as Lena's, never was worth a plug nickel.
To me, it shows a failure of observation and imagination that the results of a democratic election could so rock one's entire existential and emotional foundation.
And she's supposed to be part of the imaginative and creative sect. What we see instead is actually quite brittle and fragile.
And in other news, applying more caulk, goo, and gloss yesterday we have Lena's preferred choice for President, saying that the future belongs to women.
That may be so, but it is a mathematical probability that it doesn't belong to aborting women.
tcrosse said...
A virtual Hillary Clinton presidency is what she needs. Run up a fake Hillary Inauguration, with all the inaugural hoo-hah. Record a bunch of Hillary speeches she would have made if the Russians hadn't stolen the election from her. Hillary would be happy to do so if the money was right. Make it a continuing series with weekly radio addresses, and a fake State of the Union every year. Sell it through Amazon. Then Lena and her crowd could play lets-pretend and get back to scarfing down pizzas and ice cream.
2/7/17, 11:25 AM
WOW, that is actually quite inspired! Someone could make nice bank with that, if done right. You need to copyright that like yesterday!
"Betsy de Vos is in."
Yes and Pence had to break the tie. I hope the traitors pay a price.
I blame the sting from Odell Beckham Junior's lack of attention to her.
But hey..if it really was Trump based, will it be a sign of approval when she gains it back?
buwaya said... [hush][hide comment]
Betsy de Vos is in.
Good news. Sincerely hope it improves situation for kids. Noticed opposition saying "test scores indicate charter schools made no difference in Detroit"
Left out of conversation is charter schools give kids opportunity to escape some of the violent public schools.
Why, it was just yesterday that leftist Trump haters were blaming him for making them fat. He was forcing them to devour late night pizzas and bowls of ice cream.
Bear in mind the "Trump 10" article was published in the Boston Globe on November 19. Think of that: liberals had managed to pack on 10 extra pounds in the space of 10 days. That's a hell of an achievement. It made me wonder if they had quit their jobs, moved their refrigerators next to their beds, and just laid there all day watching CNN, weeping and reaching over for another slice of banana creme pie. Gaining weight at that clip means they'll be in graves or they'll get stuck in their own front doors by the time they go to vote in the '18 midterms.
But now Dunham, who previously showed an ability to enjoy cake anywhere and anytime, even while sitting on the toliet, says Trump is making her waste away to a wisp. There's nothing that Trump can't do: he makes you fat, he makes you thin....
Without the fatty gimmick, we'll now see whether Miss Butterface has anything to recommend her to stardom.
Michael K said...
"Betsy de Vos is in."
Yes and Pence had to break the tie. I hope the traitors pay a price.
2/7/17, 11:44 AM
It is now official. With this result, President Trump has already done more to help inner city blacks than President Obama did in eight years.
Lena is truly, truly in danger. She is right to be concerned. It is always the wealthy and famous with the most to fear.
Al Franken can't be very happy about de Vos. His party, the DFL, is the political arm of the Teachers Union.
"Betsy de Vos is in."
Five out of fifteen. Sheesh.
Can't McConnell run the Senate 24/7 to get it done?
IIR Mrs McConnell was confirmed early 99 to 1. That shows you the Speaker's clout.
A half gestated... too cynical.
"IIR Mrs McConnell was confirmed early 99 to 1. That shows you the Speaker's clout."
93 to 6. Schumer voted no.
"IIR Mrs McConnell was confirmed early 99 to 1. That shows you the Speaker's clout."
It was 94 to 6 and Chuck Schumer voted against her.
"Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's vote last week against confirming Elaine Chao as Transportation Secretary defines him. What a louse.
Chao is not only the least controversial pick among President Donald Trump's Cabinet choices. She is the wife of Schumer's Senate counterpart, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
How petty can one get? Schumer was one of only six Democrats who voted against confirming Chao. The others included party radicals such as Bernie Sanders of Vermont, New York's Kirsten Gillibrand, and New Jersey's Cory Booker."
Re Betsy DeVos -
This is TBD. K-12 education is still mainly a State matter (in most states the State has superceded localities in most things of significance re policy and funding).
On minority populations, these are disproportionately in States and localities under Democrat control. There is no way to force charters on them wholesale, as conservative State governments have tried hard and failed, or had only marginal success - in CA, WA, and NY. I don't see a conservative government in these places again. Though no doubt there will be some effect on the margins.
On charters, the results were in long ago - they do serve effectively to "rescue" some of those of low-SES (Socio-Economic Status) populations with the initiative to use them, mainly by creating an effective "tracking" system where the consensus of the formal system is dead-set against tracking - the enmity to tracking can be seen in, for instance, the old hostility to Jaime Escalante, and its been getting worse. You could not make the 1988 Edward Olmos movie today, or even show it to kids, it would be interpreted as racist, elitist and hostile to social justice.
On the other hand, this works for a minority of the minority and is not a general fix, and I am satisfied from my own old habit of analysis of the California achievement test series (a hobby of mine for a decade) that charters are of no objective value in medium-high SES populations. The bigger problem is a general cultural depravity in the population that structural changes will not repair.
Charters also tend to suffer from the state of ideology and professional standards in the teaching profession.
So much losing you'll get sick of losing!
exiledonmainstreet said... liberals had managed to pack on 10 extra pounds in the space of 10 days.
Crow must be high in calories.
Love her new look. The eye shadow is dreamy.
I am so sad this is the last season of Girls.
Elaine Chao is a "made" woman in the mafia that is the Washington-NY nexus.
This is no surprise.
It doesn't mean she was or will be "bad" at her role in Transportation, no doubt she is a decent administrator, but she certainly isn't going to shake up the place.
I mention depravity, and Titus shows up.
I feel Lena's pain. I had the wife bake a cheesecake and put strawberries on it; her specialty. Then I didn't eat it.
For an hour. After the first slice.
make America great fat girl at a time
"It doesn't mean she was or will be "bad" at her role in Transportation, no doubt she is a decent administrator, but she certainly isn't going to shake up the place."
She's a safe pick in a department that really doesn't matter.
Re Betsy DeVos -
This is TBD. K-12 education is still mainly a State matter
True, but Title IX isn't and that's what I want to see her go after first. I would agree that it's highly unlikely that she's going to have outsized impact on deep blue urban centers full of low-SES students, but she sure as hell can turn the faux-rape epidemic on it's nonconsensual ear.
"She's a safe pick in a department that really doesn't matter."
She's a safe pick, but the department does matter.
It has a critical function in the management and maintenance of critical infrastructure and of the cost of doing business. This is one of those things that are too boring for popular controversialists but make a significant difference in economic growth and public convenience.
Its far more important to the US economy than the Title IX business.
Wow. Obana's election drove one third of my customers off shore and I didn't call his election "soul crushing" although it was painful and required a change in tactics. What a pussy!
Poor Lena.
It's bad enough that President Bush scares her so but now, with Russia advancing in Korea and US force levels on Guam causing that island to likely capsize, it's no surprise that Dunham and all the dems are in such a funk.
If I were taking a whole lot of cocaine, so much that I started to lose weight, I would totally say it was because I couldn't eat due to Trumpanger.
Blogger buwaya said...
I mention depravity, and Titus shows up.
2/7/17, 12:19 PM
meh. Just a sign that gay tastes have sadly deteriorated since the days when they made icons out of Judy Garland and Joan Crawford. Now that gays are mainstream, they're pretty boring.
Well, Milo's not boring, because he's not mainstream.
Brian Regan - Me Monster
Looks like she needs a couple more elections.
Who knew that a return to the rule of law would so debilitating.
While poor Lena refuses cookies and cakes, Pelosi reminds us of how sharp and youthful the Democrat leadership is:
"While its only been a couple of weeks since the inauguration, we've seen nothing that I can work with President Bush on," said Pelosi during a Monday press conference."
Let's do the time warp again!
Lena is still fat but not as fat. The dark hair and the makeup are good on her. She should stick with those.
True, but Title IX isn't and that's what I want to see her go after first. I would agree that it's highly unlikely that she's going to have outsized impact on deep blue urban centers full of low-SES students, but she sure as hell can turn the faux-rape epidemic on it's nonconsensual ear.
No joke. Defund any college that doesn't offer accused students due process.
Also, do something to insure people can express opinions without the never-ending threat of violence conservatives deal with on campuses.
Buwaya: "The bigger problem is a general cultural depravity."
Full circle back to Lena Dunham. Why do we even know her name?
There is a strong correlation between health and weight extremes. It seems that Dunham, if unwittingly, is the very model of health care reform. Positive progress.
Put out some Alpo. She'll eat.
"Full circle back to Lena Dunham."
To be fair, I doubt most of those high school kids doing mediocre work in public schools know who Lena Dunham is. This poor creature is as much a victim, in parallel, of the prevailing culture as they are.
I dream of a day when the government is so insignificant, only people with this particular hobby will care who is president.
Until that time, weight loss by Ms. Dunham is win-win. If we cannot prevail upon her to keep her clothes on, at least there will be less to loathe.
On De Vos.
Typical females. Couldn't tit up when they needed to and let the man carry the weight.
The Left does think this way. They can't just lose an election. No, it has to be the apocalypse. And they work themseves into a frenzy where every single action is the equivalent of the Jews being sent to the gas chambers (slight hyperbole on my part). I'm glad it worked out for her in that she lost a few pounds, but seriously. Get a grip.
What would it take to change her personality? I'd vote for that.
Where's Laslo when you need him?
I understand she did something funny with Girls but I don't know who Lena really is? She seems to be famous only because of a political opinion. An artist whose art is bad but people can't tell her? Instead they celebrate her? And then she dumps a lot emotional angst into media channels whenever she can. Taylor Swift does it a lot better.
weight loss by Ms. Dunham is win-win
Exactly. Trump's election was the catalyst for self-health care reform, the beginning of comprehensive health care reform, that is objectively affordable and widely available to every American. I wonder what other self-moderating, responsible behaviors we can expect to develop.
Perhaps, without being too cynical, or overtly critical, reproductive health care reform begins with replacing sex education with teaching biology, and the Pro-Choice quasi-religious philosophy with moral principles that can viably be reconciled.
Charters also tend to suffer from the state of ideology and professional standards in the teaching profession.
My grandkids got into a charter this year and are much much happier in school. The teachers' enthusiasm is higher. Last year, my grandson was having trouble with the Common Core math problems. His fourth grade teacher told his mother she could not do the problems, either. She suggested his mother, who runs a successful home based business, teach him using traditional math.
They are in Orange County CA but I am already seeing a change.
My one reservation about DeVos is that she supports Common Core, Maybe that was political to avoid a clash with the supporters.
We'll see. This is much more important for inner city blacks.
David said...
Lena is still fat but not as fat. The dark hair and the makeup are good on her. She should stick with those.
2/7/17, 1:06 PM
You know...a gal like Li'l lena has nothing to lose by donning the burqa. Nothing.
The Kardashians must be having auditions.
Lena Dunham thinks she's Karen Carpenter. That female is delusional from the top of her scalp to the soles of her feet.
Does she favor vouchers? I would like to see all parents have the opportunity to send their kids to parochial schools if they choose. My older daughter went to a Lutheran elementary school and my younger daughter attended a Catholic middle school. Both were expensive but well worth it--they were both well ahead of their public school counterparts. I sent my grandkids to a Christian school that had the best academic record in the county. And the moral teachings don't hurt, either.
Michael K
No one can do the common core math, Everyday Math as it is called and which was invented at the University of Chicago. In the Math Dept you might ask? Why, no. It was created in the Dept. of Education.
PS: Not Dunham. De Vos.
Re: damikesc:
Has she ever been in a production she didn't write herself? Doesn't seem to be a rush of people beating down the door now to get into the Lena Dunham business.
Sure, but to be fair, her show Girls has an audience who, I assume, enjoy watching her show. There are people who sit down every week to watch her. She's an entertainer, whatever her other pretensions, and she seems to do a solid job of entertaining her audience. It's not a huge hit, sure, but there's still hundreds of thousands of people tuning in to watch, even what, five or six years in?
I'm not part of her target audience. But the beauty of entertainment today is that we're not all stuck watching the same shows because nothing else is on.
I'm not part of her target audience.
You must not be a dude over 50.
I enjoy the left's misery.
They deserve every bit of it.
Boys watching girls... that is so normal... watching boys. Mother Nature continues to top the charts.
Re: rehajm:
Hmm. Yeah, that is not what I would have expected. But as it happens, I am not a "dude" over 50! So my conclusion is still accurate, even though I arrived at it through a series of mistaken assumptions.
Any day now somebody is going to dust off the script of MacBird! and update it to the current circumstances. Back in 1967 LBJ hatred was every bit as hot among the bien pensants as Trump hatred is today.
Buwaya: "This poor creature is as much a victim, in parallel, of the prevailing culture as they are."
We're all victims of this culture that they and she epitomize.
Everyone is a drama queen these days, but only so many oscars to go around...
I never get tired of all the thinning.
My understanding however dim is that the quote-unquote New Math is not the same thing as quote-unquote Common Core.
Though they may go together like chocolate and peanut butter, or perhaps chocolate and hot garbage.
I don't know which is worse, Lena losing her shit, or Maxine Waters claiming Putin invaded Korea and Pelosi thinking Bush is still in office. .....Oh yes I do
I do know that Democrats don't own the rights to dumb statements, but this is getting ridiculous.
Come on Donald, lets term limit these goobers!!!
"Dunham told Stern, who followed up by asking if it was a mistake for someone with responsibilities as great as Trump’s to pay such close attention to celebrities."
Right. In contrast to Pres. Obama, who never paid any attention to celebrities.
Girls became popular because it showed Millennials/hipsters as useless idiots that can't do a simple job, like putting a cardboard box in a rectangular hole in the floor for recycling. It confirmed what we already knew, like Portlandia.
I remember once 30-odd years ago my kids asked me to help them with a math problem and I told them what the answer was. They said they knew that, any fool could see what the answer was; it was how to get it as prescribed by the textbook and their teacher had told them they had to do it that they could not understand.
@ The two Mikes,
My understanding of Common Core Math is that it is more about teaching "outside the box" thinking than teaching math.
I was sort of a math prodigy as a kid, in large part because I had an amazing teacher for half of grade school and half of high school. Mr. M helped me learn how to think in a disciplined manner. Thinking outside the box is important, but you need to have the cognitive skills first.
I know a lot of lefty artistic types. They are good at thinking outside the box in their fields, but the successful ones also have great discipline and well honed skills.
So a fat chick found a diet that worked! Good for her. Keep it up--when you get down to a size 10, let me know.
Still not attractive
Eh. I expected her to look thinner.
So Trump has achieved what Michelle Obama's healthy eating initiatives did not?
And how is this NOT progress?
Her major contribution to American culture has been shaming the fat shamers. Chris Christie has something to learn from her. He should deliver some of his speeches in a speedo, Then people would comment on how brave he is and how wrong it is to criticize his appearance.
ALP said...
So Trump has achieved what Michelle Obama's healthy eating initiatives did not?
And how is this NOT progress?"
Milo has noted that if Trump has caused Dunham to slim down, that alone might be reason for the Church to declare him a saint, although that honor is usually reserved for deceased Catholics.
I thought she was going to leave.
Now she will go from an obese asshole to a whiny overweight asshole. Anyone who values her opinion and is not family is a fucking idiot.
I'll be for canonization if he also can get her to shut up and keep her clothes on.
Sure, but to be fair, her show Girls has an audience who, I assume, enjoy watching her show. There are people who sit down every week to watch her. She's an entertainer, whatever her other pretensions, and she seems to do a solid job of entertaining her audience. It's not a huge hit, sure, but there's still hundreds of thousands of people tuning in to watch, even what, five or six years in?
True...but the audience has also dropped significantly. About 400,000 as of last year. So hundreds of thousands...but not by much.
The personal is political, the victim/hero complex (look at don't look at me) and the relentless critiques on fame while seeking fame are tiresome.
Straight outta Oberlin on the crested 3rd wave of feminism and still a martyr for the ideals which are no place to live and grow-up.
Regardless of her art, I see a pathetic, tragi-comic figure (and waaaayyy too much of that figure).
Do us all a favor: do something worthwhile, shut up and keep your politics inside the booth
When Shamu died, I could no longer eat Cheetos.
Or at least shut the bathroom door.
Courtesy Flush!
Lena Dunham is the poster girl for upper class white privilege. In a fair world,nobody outside her friends and family would know her name.
This same privilege applies to white kids living in a trailer park in Frackville PA, for example, of course.
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