“Thank you to all who organized #IAmAMuslimToo today – Charlotte’s 1st protest rally. #NoBanNoWallNoRaids,” Chelsea captioned a snap featuring a popular protest sign that shows a woman wearing an American flag hijab.Speaking of hippies, I remember when clothing made from the American flag was considered a desecration — not pro-America at all. I mean, Abbie Hoffman got arrested for this:

I'm not saying there's no free-speech right to use the flag to express an opinion. I'm just asking why a woman in an American flag hijab reads as a Muslim embracing American values.
७३ टिप्पण्या:
Hijabs in America, land of feminism, pushed by feminists?
How do they live with the cognitive dissonance?
I'm just asking why a woman in an American flag hijab reads as a Muslim embracing American values.
To me, it absolutely does not (is someone saying it does?). The hijab is less freedom. To which I say nyet and no thanks!
How come when they hand out the Syrian refugees we get the pretty woman in the head scarf and the French and Germans get the nasty looking guy with the mustache and unibrow ? No wonder Merkel's in trouble.
“What happened in Sweden Friday night? Did they catch the Bowling Green Massacre perpetrators?” Chelsea quipped on Twitter . . . "
Sidwell Friends, Stanford, Oxford, Columbia, McKinsey, and still she sounds like a pissant high school debater. The kind that gets left off the squad for the big debate.
Gramma is still not going to be president.
Props to Althouse for the "using children in politics" tag. And for her terrific blogging on the subject. It's okay with me, if Althouse chooses to accept this instance as non-violative of the "no children in politics" rule.
"Children in politics" is to me what "shorts on men" is to Althouse. (And I'd credit Althouse with my awakening on the subject, too. Oh; and shorts on men is fine by me. I talked to an internist one time about Vitamin D deficiencies, and he noted that getting sun on your legs (and torso, even more than legs) is actually a significant thing in combatting seasonal Vitamin D deficiency.
Chelsea is counting on her stolen family fortune to keep armed guards and Secet Service around her. As for us Deplorables, she wants her Muzzie friends to cut off our heads for being Christian. What a sweet lady.
These New Yorkers are so damn self absorbed. Chelsea is going to have to get used to being just an everyday person who receives her income from a criminal enterprise. Why Ann gives this space is a little hard to understand? Slow news day?
"I'm just asking why a woman in an American flag hijab reads as a Muslim embracing American values." Thanks for asking. The answer is no.
Just for fun, some enterprising reporter should read passages from the Koran to them. "So, Chelsea. if you are Muslim today, do you agree with this today?" Or cite some Pew data on Muslim prejudice against Jews, gays, and women. "So, Chelsea . . ."
The event — in Times Square (in NYC) — was called "Today, I Am a Muslim Too," which doesn't sound like a "protest."
Everything is a protest if your grifter, influence peddling family businesses from the CF, CGI and Eaglevale Partners just got flushed down the toilet due to lost influence and bad business decisions.
I had an intense three day exposure close up to Abby Hoffman back in the day, when we were supposedly on the same side. It was enough to teach me that he was a despicable human being.
Did the participants of this day adopt or even acknowledge and consider, if only momentarily, the social moral positions of a majority of muslims?
Did they observe prayer and face Mecca and pray from their heart
"Allah is the Greatest!
Praise and glory be to You, O Allah.
Blessed be Your Name, exalted be Your Majesty and Glory.
There is no god but You.
I seek Allah's shelter from Satan, the condemned."
If so, it was a positive day.
Or was it instead a prideful show of superiority and sanctimony targeted toward their fellow Christian citizens who they deem ignorant and bigoted?
Motives can rarely be seen from the outside, but they mean everything when trying to deciding "good" or "not good."
We wouldn't want to involve children in politics.
Blogger Chuck said...
"Poor Melania. I suspect she's the foil, for protecting Barron Trump and his suspected Aspberger's/autism from the scrutiny he'd get as a resident of the White House. She stays home in Trump Tower with Barron, under the presumption that Barron is in school and she needs to be there with him."
2/1/17, 9:52 AM
"Gramma is still not going to be president."
That, we know. The question is, is she going to run.
'We are here today to show middle America our beautiful signs and, through our beautiful actions and intention, that they have been misled,' [organizer] Simmons told the crowd on the warm February afternoon.
They still don't get "middle America", do they? They're not even beginning to try.
That, we know. The question is, is she going to run.
Of course she is. It's "her turn" more than ever. Hillary can't let that Elizabeth Warren upstart usurp her entitlement.
I don't know why people think Barron has Aspergers or autism. (Also those conditions are a little bogus, IMO)
From the People Magazine site:
"Chelsea, 36, also posted on Twitter early Sunday to join in the growing chorus of people who were mocking a false claim Trump made about an attack on Sweden during a rally in Florida on Saturday."
I met Hoffman (for a very short time), and you are right. He was a grade A1 self absorbed prick. Cut my long hair the next day. Hippies were mostly idiot sheep anyway.
Fabi said...
We wouldn't want to involve children in politics.
Blogger Chuck said...
"Poor Melania. I suspect she's the foil, for protecting Barron Trump and his suspected Aspberger's/autism from the scrutiny he'd get as a resident of the White House. She stays home in Trump Tower with Barron, under the presumption that Barron is in school and she needs to be there with him."
2/1/17, 9:52 AM
2/19/17, 5:00 PM
You guys really want to do this, don't you? THREE threads on Barron Trump this weekend. And in not one of them, was it a topic that I raised, until it was mentioned in a personal attack on me.
The topic was originally raised on the world wide web by others, long ago, and not by me. I made no allegations, no claims. I observed that others had suspicions. And that the Trump family resorted to a remarkably heavy-handed threat of litigation. Per published reports.
When I first mentioned the subject on these comments pages, it was at the time that Donald Trump himself was saying and doing some completely inexplicable things about vaccines. Which is indeed a serious subject of national concern. Even if the science is completely and totally settled. And later on, in connection with Trump Administration claims about the domicile of the family. (Which costs the federal treasury millions in security costs.)
If you kids want to keep using the Barron Trump story as a cudgel against me personally, have at it. You'll do more to keep the story active on the web than I ever would.
Right now, when I Google "Barron Trump," the first four suggested searches are, in order:
Barron Trump Wiki
Barron Trump autistic
Barron Trump school
Barron Trump Facebook
Regarding Chelsea,
...she wants her Muzzie friends to cut off our heads for being Christian. What a sweet lady."
Cite, or it's fake news or a lie.
The rally was peaceful until gunfire broke out between the people who were Wahhabi too, today and the people who were Shi'ite too, today.
Regarding the hijab--
why does it need approval or disapproval? It's religious garment, right? Do we get worked up about the sartorial dictates of other religions? Sikhs? Ultra-orthodox jews?
Is it because it falls on women, and we're supposed to believe that no woman could voluntarily undertake such a religious obligation? Is it sexist oppression that Mormon women have to wear holy garments... and yet not sexist oppression that the same obligation falls on men? Don't men also face restrictions in all these religions?
Obvious argument here: The hijab, whether religious or not, is a tool of control over women, and its proliferation in the West is a sign that we're making a special carve-out for this particular of oppression. But doesn't that depend on the circumstance? I can believe that many women wear the hijab out of fear, and yet I can also believe that many women wear it out of sincere religious belief. Shouldn't we put the focus on the actual oppression and abuse, and not a garment?
"Today, I Am a Muslim Too,"
Did you perform females mutilation on young Charlotte? No? Than shut your ugly pie hole.
Unknown has banned figurative speech. More likely she is just deaf to it.
As long as Chelsea wants to fly under the radar, I say leave her alone. Let her live anonymously in her inherited luxury. Let her teach her child to demonstrate against imagined enemies if it makes Chelsea happy. It's her family and their life.
If she decides to start offering the proles her expert advice on how to live and think, I might take a different view.
i saw young Clinton speak in Omaha. No better than an average high school student. Insipid. Vacuous. And probably now mad as hell that the bribery scheme is shut down.
The vast majority of Muslims are unaffected by increased scrutiny of principled alignment (i.e. judgment by the "content of their character"). The EO is peculiarly Pro-Choice, but Trump is not. The EO does not discriminate between people by their diversity class. Trump is not a [class] diversitist, but Clinton et al are.
Did Chelsea have little Charlotte "fixed" in the Muslim way? Why not?
You interjected it into a conversation at Althouse for no reason, Chuck. The only one pushing the story is the vulgar miscreant Roseanne Barr. Your links last night all sourced her. You repeated the baseless slur from a lunatic, Chuck. You have only got self to blame for that behavior. And you initially tried to deny that you said it -- don't forget that little act of cowardice -- even demanding a link. Oops!
Wouldn't it be better if you did the honorable thing and apologized for repeating unfounded slurs against a ten year old boy? Be a man, Chuck.
Not only did Hillary not campaign in Wisconsin, she sent Chelsea to campaign there in her stead. Brilliant ! But she won the popular vote in California.
Just back from the shopping mall for the first time in ages. (Had to buy some shoes, and the Shoe Carnival near us closed down.) I was surprised at just how many hijab-wearing women there were -- I couldn't say for certain, but their numbers seemed disproportionate to their overall numbers around us. So is it a favorite Muslim hangout? Dunno.
I cannot believe we are going to be stuck with a hijab as a sign of female independence.
What are free women thinking?
Perhaps the best take-down of Abbie Hoffman was when he commandeered a microphone from the Who onstage at Woodstock during a break between songs, and started shouting about "John Sinclair," (manager of the MC5, he had been sentenced to 10 years in prison for possession of two joints). Pete Townshend hit Hoffman with his guitar, knocking him off the stage. The Who continued their performance.
(It's not that Sinclair's sentence was not an outrage--John Lennon later did a benefit concert for Sinclair's legal funds in NYC, and Sinclair's sentence was shortened--it's that this wasn't the place or time, and only Hoffman's self-importance was being served by his unexpected action.)
I remember when Hoffman was on the Merv Griffin show wearing his notorious American Flag shirt. They blocked his image in post-production, so you couldn't see him, but a big black barrier of some kind.
If anybody understands the trials and tribulations of the 99%, it is Chelsea.
Had never heard that one, Cook! Wonder it it's on YouTube?
"What happened in Sweden Friday night? Did they catch the Bowling Green Massacre perpetrators?” Chelsea quipped on Twitter . . . "
TO her first question, a Somali refugee in Sweden who murdered a child with a hand grenade was located and killed (although it was unclear whether it was in a shootout with police or as a result of terrorist turf war).
To her second question, yes, they were caught, indicted, convicted and sentenced for plotting terrorist attacks against US persons overseas.
This is a great example of the divide we have, between those who think terrorism is a serious matter, and those that think having a few score civilians killed every now and then by terrorists is not a big deal.
What are free women thinking?
They're not thinking, they're feeling.
Fabi said...
You interjected it into a conversation at Althouse for no reason, Chuck. The only one pushing the story is the vulgar miscreant Roseanne Barr. Your links last night all sourced her. You repeated the baseless slur from a lunatic, Chuck. You have only got self to blame for that behavior. And you initially tried to deny that you said it -- don't forget that little act of cowardice -- even demanding a link. Oops!
Given your feelings, Fabi, I don't know why you want to dwell on this.
In any event, you are mistaken. The guy who posted a sort of a little video treatise on the matter was James Hunter. James Hunter is self-identified as being on the autism spectrum. Hunter stated that he was upset/annoyed with people who seemed to be picking on Barron Trump as badly behaved. Hunter tried to make the point that Barron appeared to have behaviors which were hallmarks of autism-spectrum behavior and that Barron should not be picked on.
Then there was the Trump family legal action, and Hunter's statement that he was "scared" by it.
And then perfectly straight, ordinary reporting like this posting to the Forbes.com website by a Forbes contributor:
The Forbes contributor, Emily Willlingham, wrote the following, all of which I'd have a had time disputing:
"Several people behaved badly in this scenario. Rosie O'Donnell tried to use this 'revelation' to drag Donald Trump about his child's alleged autism and, once again, called autism an "epidemic," which it is not. The term is offensive to autistic people.
Melania Trump seems to have viewed the conclusions in the video as just about the most awful thing anyone could say about anyone (it isn't) and trained her firepower via attorney threats on the autistic man who made it. And James Hunter, of course, broke two important rules: No armchair diagnoses, and never, ever bring minor children into it.
Of those three, it's difficult to decide who made the greatest misstep, but it's clear who has now done the right thing, and that's James Hunter. And then there's the charge of bullying, something Melania Trump has said she wants to address in her upcoming national role, with a focus on cyberbullying. I'll leave it to the reader to determine which participants in this scenario were the bullies and which ones were the bullied."
I expect that perhaps you view me as a cyberbully and an abuser of a child, for writing substantially the same as what Emily Willingham has written.
You probably meant to write "Rosie O'Donnell" when you typed "Roseanne Barr." You can clear that up on your own. You'll note that I have never written a single flattering thing about Rosie O'Donnell, nor did I cite her as an expert or a source or anything else. She's played a role, and again I say that Emily Willingham seems to have characterized it all in a workmanlike and non-inflammatory way.
"... have a hard time disputing..."
Had never heard that one, Cook! Wonder it it's on YouTube?
The actual moment when Hoffman was hit and knocked off stated supposedly wasn't caught on film. However, there is this audio recording of it.
The interesting thing is why leftists love Muslims. My wife and I were talking about this this morning.
I think leftists see Muslims as "colored people" or "People of Color" as the new term goes.
Everybody knows People of Color need help managing life in the west.
So, the left is there embracing them (not too close) and helping them to get along.
It's like the black thing. I see no other reasonable explanation.
So instead of apologizing, you rant on a few hundred words trying to defend your vulgarity. That's shameful and cowardly, Chuck.
p.s., I did confuse those two disgusting creatures, but see that Barr has also jumped on with the same unfounded rumors. You're in really good company, Chuck. Take a bow!
Thank you, Cook -- epic!
Michael K - leftists love Muslims because "the enemy of my enemy." Lefties assume Muslims hate western civilization too.
I think leftists see Muslims as "colored people" or "People of Color" as the new term goes.
Prime example of Edward Said's Orientalism. I say this as someone of Asian descent: Progressives are slaves to orientalism and they have no idea. Anything brown and eastern is magical and good. Do you think Buddhism and yoga would have found favor in elite culture if they had originated in Poland?
Robert Cook and Fabi - the Abbie Hoffman incident audio is on the Who's "box set" from a few years back.
I've got the idea that Milo is today's Abby Hoffman. He seems to be having the same kind of fun and is amusing in the same kind of way. I thought it was the Phil Donohue show with the flag shirt though it could have been Merv Griffin.
I don't get the hijab made out of the American flag. I have no more problem with women wearing a hijab than women wearing a wig to conform to Orthodox Judaism, but it seems to me it's an intentional setting apart that is not part of the melting pot model I'd prefer for our immigration policy. And the film of the burka wearing women of Luton telling a reporterette to put some clothes is not exactly encouraging as to where this will lead. https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71/videos/10154975754856171/
I am elderly and notice these things. I noticed a video from that Trump rally yesterday of a very well dressed and coifed woman wearing a sheer American flag shawl. It is a very common things now. Well, I am old and I can be crotchety. I remember when under God wasn't in the pledge and the separation of church and state was invoked by many to keep it out. Some of them are the same groups trying to keep it in now. Things really do change, for the better or not is to be determined.
Some of the girls who work at my local supermerket are Muslim and wear head coverings and hijabs. They're self evidently very nice girls, and I wish them well here. I can't help but wonder how many are dressed like that out of religious conviction and how many are pressured by their family to dress that way.......What happened to assimilation? Kids used to be ashamed of parents with funny immigrant ways and tried to be as American as possible. I wish there was some pressure within the Muslim community to become more Americanized. How about "I'm a Mohammed cartoonist too" day. Large crowds, including many Muslims, can gather under cartoons of Mohammed to show solidarity with the Charley Hebdo victims. Gold Star Khan can whip out his pocket constitution and lecture the crowd on how important a free press is.
Chuck is starting to sound indistinguishable from Inga.
You'd think that would frighten him.
He's spent a great deal of time and effort trying to moby his way in. The jig is up!
"“Thank you to all who organized #IAmAMuslimToo today – Charlotte’s 1st protest rally. #NoBanNoWallNoRaids,” Chelsea captioned a snap featuring a popular protest sign that shows a woman wearing an American flag hijab."
This is the left today.
How many goats is Chelsea worth? Will she allow the clan elder to sell her daughter off when she gets to marriageable age? Does Chelsea need anymore female extended family members to hold down her daughter while she cuts off her clitoris and labia?
Keep pushing sharia law. It is a winner.
"Chelsea, 36, also posted on Twitter early Sunday to join in the growing chorus of people who were mocking a false claim Trump made about an attack on Sweden during a rally in Florida on Saturday."
So, Chelsea neither heard what he said nor did she read the transcript of what he said. He never mentioned an attack in Sweden.
He provides the transcript.
Several people behaved badly in this scenario. Rosie O'Donnell tried to use this 'revelation' to drag Donald Trump about his child's alleged autism and, once again, called autism an "epidemic," which it is not. The term is offensive to autistic people.
Melania Trump seems to have viewed the conclusions in the video as just about the most awful thing anyone could say about anyone (it isn't) and trained her firepower via attorney threats on the autistic man who made it. And James Hunter, of course, broke two important rules: No armchair diagnoses, and never, ever bring minor children into it.
Of those three, it's difficult to decide who made the greatest misstep
One defended the boy.
Yeah, it's a puzzle who made the greatest misstep.
Why? Because fuck you, deplorables. Duh.
Is the Muslim woman wearing the American flag on her head voluntarily or is the being forced to wear it?
Chelsea who?
Oh, you mean the spoiled offspring of one, but not two American Presidents?
As for Abbie Hoffman, he committed suicide at age 52. To me, it suggests that he wasn't too thrilled with what he had accomplished and where he was going.
I have a shemagh but since I am not an operator operating operationally I only wear it deep in the woods... when alone... turkey hunting. It's kind of too bad because it does work as advertised.
@Michael K:
I think leftists see Muslims as "colored people" or "People of Color" as the new term goes.
I think this is completely correct. The modern Democratic party since the 1960s has morphed into the party for aggrieved minorities. The black civil rights movement is the template. It's been abetted by the post-modernist boom in academia beginning i the 1970s. Hence the left's obsessions with "white men." The white man, to them, is the embodiment of conservatism and thus everything evil and wrong in the world. Look at the insults that fill their quiver: racist, sexist, homophobe, Islamaphobe, xenophobe, etc. The Democratic Party has become the battered women's shelter of identity politics.
The civil rights era justified massive intrusion into the freedom of Americans to associate by the unique experience black Americans had under slavery and the Jim Crow era. However, Mexican activists who were never slaves, never subjected to Jim Crow, and who arrived in the country practically yesterday are coopting and using the rhetoric and arguments of the civil rights era to justify their own ethnic self-interests.
“What happened in Sweden Friday night? Did they catch the Bowling Green Massacre perpetrators?” Chelsea quipped on Twitter . . . "
No, they were sprayed by sniper fire at the airport.
Neither today nor any other day am I a Muslim, too. And one of the very last people I want to hear from is Chelsea Clinton. Just the same, I imagine we'll be hearing lots more from her.
Today, they're Muslims... Tomorrow they're either still Muslims, or else they're apostates in danger of a death sentence.
That, we know. The question is, is she going to run.
She'll try, but she got her father's self control and her mother's charisma. I doubt she'll even get off the starting block.
I still say the Left loves Islam because it micro-manages lives.
I've never minded what folks do with American flags with the exception of burning it or taking a dump on it.
The professor notes the Abby Hoffman flag shirt as an example of protest, but many young Republicans in the Vietnam era sported American flag ties. I've seen both left and right wear the flag as mufflers. Let's not forget Payne Stewart's golf shirts or the lining of Bush the elder's blazer lining.
Note that a flag-print hijab is not necessarily "a flag".
The Flag Code and much of tradition makes a clear distinction between "an actual fag or the complete pattern and structure that makes up a flag" and "a thing with red and white stripes and some blue with white stars that evokes or resembles the flag".
It ain't a flag unless it specifically is the flag, not "some stripes and blue with stars that looks kinda patriotic".
(As a patriot, I find a flag-themed hijab as unobjectionable - it's plainly a patriotic sentiment - as I do as a civil libertarian.
I still say the Left loves Islam because it micro-manages lives.
Well said, @damikesc
Shouldn't that be a pussy hijab?
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