WaPo reports in an article headlined
"Trump lashes back at Berkeley after protests block speech by Breitbart writer Milo Yiannopoulos":
Security officials said that about 150 “masked agitators” joined the demonstration, setting fires, throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks and attacking some members of the crowd. Officers from the city of Oakland and Alameda County arrived at 7:45 p.m. to help the university and Berkeley city police. There were no immediate reports of arrests or serious injuries. The “shelter in place” order was lifted about 10 p.m., although campus police warned that protests were still going on in the surrounding community and advised people to avoid neighboring streets....
The demonstrators included “Black bloc” protesters, who wear masks and black clothing to present a unified front as they disrupt events, making it difficult for police to recognize individuals in the group. They are often seen at protests organized by groups such as Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street, destroying property and setting fires. They torched a limousine in Washington last month on the day of Trump’s inauguration, and a group spray-painted buildings and smashed electrical boxes during a demonstration in Portland, Ore., earlier in January. When a group of them arrived at Berkeley, it swiftly changed the tenor of the peaceful demonstration....
Lots more at the link, with plenty of photographs.
More than 100 faculty members signed two letters to Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks. One said: “Although we object strenuously to Yiannopoulos’s views — he advocates white supremacy, transphobia and misogyny — it is rather his harmful conduct to which we call attention in asking for the cancellation of this event.”
His harmful conduct?? According to the professors:
"Yiannopoulos’s views pass from protected free speech to incitement, harassment and defamation once they publicly target individuals in his audience or on campus, creating conditions for concrete harm and actually harming students through defamatory and harassing actions. Such actions are protected neither by free speech nor by academic freedom."
What a shameful and embarrassing interpretation of free speech at the university whose name once
२७८ टिप्पण्या:
278 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Security officials said that about 150 “masked agitators” joined the demonstration, setting fires, throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks and attacking some members of the crowd.
I'm so sick of this shit! "Protests", "Masked agitators". Bullshit! They're rioters!
Notice, this is happening in deep blue areas. You know why? Try this in Texas, & you'll get your head smashed in if not shot. This won't stop until these people are met with force. "Push ahead until you meet steel." The Black Bloc guys don't just know this quote. They live by it.
Well, it is Berkeley. It's what they do.
A good summary of who the protesters are, and why they are really protesting at this link:
That's some pretty dancing. "white supremacy, transphobia and misogyny". Milo is white and gay, so all three are permissible.
Someone is going to have to take down this Black Bloc with extreme prejudice. Maybe the FBI can do their jobs now that President Trump is here.
Short version: Milo is not OUR kind of queer.
Did Barkley "free speech" ever actually mean anything but "free speech from the Left"?
(Serious question - it's before my time.)
he advocates white supremacy, transphobia and misogyny
Irrelevant question, but is any of that true?
The mayor of Bizerkley is not completely coherent:
"Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable. Hate speech isn't welcome in our community." -- Jesse Arreguin, Mayor of Berkeley, California
As a former UCB faculty member (participating guest scientist at Lawrence Berkeley Lab), I'm embarrassed by the infantile letter signed by the 100+ UCB faculty. Their arguments and conclusions suggest UCB has fully embraced idiocy as its new modus operandi.
I'd like to see a protest against lesbian misandry and homophobia. Can we get a few professors up on that? No? It doesn't exist, right?
Milo is, as they say, fabulous. Absolutely! Nothing agitates the agitators like an out queer conservative speaking his voice. God love him!! And may he spew his "hate" speech to the heavens.
The SF Chronicle: "Berkeley police said five people were injured and some people, including a man who said he had hoped to see Yiannopoulos speak, were seen with their faces bloodied."
When does this end?
Trump tweeted: If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and
practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view -
NO FEDERAL FUNDS?-- Donald J. Trump ((At)realDonaldTrump)
This needs to stop. My idea? DOJ launches one of those civil rights investigations the Left loves against groups that are BEATING CITIZENS WHO PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE and the local authorities who allow it.
The silence from the mainstream GOP on this has been infuriating. Once again, it takes the crude maverick to notice what's happening and have the stones to fix it.
Their operating principle seems to be "We have to be fascists to oppose fascism." Wearing black shirts is a nice historical touch.
Milo is only fabulous to old fat white republicans....who have no idea what fab is.
checked to see about Mario Savio and saw he passed in 1996 - wonder how he would have reacted to this
No doubt the ACLU will take some action. On the side of the rioters, of course.
The country is in big trouble if these types of professors and their Democrat defenders obtain power. Thank Jesus for Trump!
Milo is no "white supremacist".
Ah, trying to recreate the Sixties. Know what we got from that last time? Nixon, twice.
Michael said...
Milo is, as they say, fabulous.
Milo is my favorite homo, mostly because I can't think of any others by name. But he's my favorite.
CJinPA said...
My idea? DOJ launches one of those civil rights investigations the Left loves against groups that are BEATING CITIZENS WHO PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE and the local authorities who allow it.
Hey, that's MY idea!
Milo is only fabulous to old fat white republicans....who have no idea what fab is.
How many 'fat white republicans' have you buggered, Titus?
The masked protesters should be called Black Shirts.
Video on TV of a protester spraying pepper spray in a woman's face. Charming.
Sigivald: "Did Barkley "free speech" ever actually mean anything but "free speech from the Left"?
(Serious question - it's before my time.)"
Serious answer: No, the left was never serious about "free speech". They were only serious about using "Free Speech" as a cudgel to gain power which they always intended to use to stifle all opposing views.
As they have done in every single nation and every single institution in which they gain power.
But only EVERY SINGLE one.
Anyone who believes that the leftists ever intended to allow anyone else of any opposing stripes any freedoms whatsoever is beyond foolish and refuses to simply look around.
"What a shameful and embarrassing interpretation of free speech at the university whose name once meant FREE SPEECH!" Appreciate the sentiment, but inching dangerously close to faux indignation again. Homogeneously lefty faculty have been opposed to actual free speech for decades now. They feel no shame or embarrassment, quite the opposite. This is nothing new. The Berkeley admin written response was actually half-sensible, though of course they egregiously failed to act.
Follow the money.
Titus: "Milo is only fabulous to old fat white republicans....who have no idea what fab is."
Jealousy is such an ugly emotion, isn't it?
The last eighteen months have exposed the left in America like nothing else has and I fear the rise of identity politics is not going to end well.
The right gets it now.
Now finally this has drawn the Trump.
I was wondering when that would happen.
No slow news weeks lately, and all as Scott Adams said.
This is a rich vein, Milo can get up to a lot more than this.
And for that matter there is plenty of room for more Milo's.
LOL. The left are so sad, pathetic and ridiculous. they cannot handle Milo?
and their: "you made me hit you, bomb you, light you on fire and burn down the neighborhood in a rage-filled fit, it's your fault." Even more pathetic.
We know who the real neo-facists are.
I am always surprised when anybody cares about what this Milo guy has to say.
So Althouse; what about Trump's Twitter threat to order "NO FEDERAL FUNDS" for Cal-Berkeley. A clear if unserious violation of the Anti-Commandeering doctrine?
This is how you get more Trump, not less.
Bad Lieutenant wrote:
"Someone is going to have to take down this Black Bloc with extreme prejudice. Maybe the FBI can do their jobs now that President Trump is here."
I guess the real question to ask first is why? From a purely cynical point of view, the protests are a godsend for Trump and his supporters.
I'm not sure at all why Trump didn't make Milo his Press Secretary.
Chuck said, "I am always surprised when anybody cares about what this Milo guy has to say."
It's not what he has to say. It's his right to say it.
This teaching gets old. You should have learned it in about third grade.
As for the purpose of all this, the answer is simple - preference cascade. When the right gets the tacit permission to show themselves as many will, they will realize their numbers and will be more willing to come out, such is the cascade.
Political power is very much a matter of perception.
I would be surprised if you ever got invited to speak at a college, let alone go on a college a tour.
Milo is very clever, and not because of anything he says. It's that he created an image that draws a reaction simply as a result of his presence. It's not the man but the reaction to him.
The political purpose is clear, it is a subversion of the dominant paradigm, by showing it not to be so dominant.
And Chuck, I think you've claimed to be a lawyer. "Anti-Commandeering"? How is that in play?
So Althouse; what about Trump's Twitter threat to order "NO FEDERAL FUNDS" for Cal-Berkeley. A clear if unserious violation of the Anti-Commandeering doctrine?
Unserious as in the threat is unserious, or the impact? Cause Berkeley gets a huge amount of its funding from the feds.
Anyway, my good friend, Fernandinande, and I say a nice DOJ investigation might focus Berkeley's attention on the rights of the people being beaten and silenced on their property.
The violence is a desperate move to prevent this subversion by having his functions cancelled out of fear of the reaction, as happened at UCLA.
He had no trouble and a large crowd at Cal Poly.
That can't be permitted, hence riots.
But that itself is dangerously likely to blow back.
Very clever political guerilla warfare.
Maybe one of the commenters here with a better understanding of history can help me with this. Every time lefty professors, or "intellectuals", get their revolution, aren't they some of the first ones rounded up and done away with? I thought, but could be wrong, that educated people did not fare so well in the USSR, Germany, China, Cambodia, etc.
Aren't they advocating against their own self-interest?
From a purely cynical point of view, the protests are a godsend for Trump and his supporters.
Except the ones getting beaten up for trying to peacefully assemble. They're not liking it so much.
Sigivald: Did Barkley "free speech" ever actually mean anything but "free speech from the Left"?
I was a student at Berkeley during the Free Speech Movement, and I have read about its background from David Horowitz, one of the organizers. Two points
1. The supposed "free speech" issue was that card tables where people handed out literature were being moved from one location on campus to another location.
2. According to Horowitz, the whole thing was pre-planned by a group of leftists as a way to gain political power. It succeeded in this aim. It never was really about free speech.
War is hell.
Anyway, I am sure Milo is getting paid/financed, no idea by who.
This is a deliberate filibustering campaign, to raise a revolt.
Whatever the case, the funders are getting their money's worth.
"There were no immediate reports of arrests . . ."
Some great work there by campus security and law enforcement.
Vichy Chuck returns to find fault with Milo and Trump. Unexpectedly. Smearing Barron Trump yesterday must not have salved his monomaniac hatred.
Lefties are the most intolerant people you'll ever meet.
In the 60's, the Teamsters declared "open season" on the Hells Angels in Portland. They were riding in from California, and causing trouble. Mostly trying to take over the drug distribution.
By "open season" they mean't: if the subject is flying the colors, he's a felon, and to protect your community it is desirable that they be killed.
After about five of them died on the highway (a la Easy Rider) the Hells Angels left Portland.
If someone is wearing black and a mask, he is flying the colors. He is a felon. Open season bubba!
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "I am always surprised when anybody cares about what this Milo guy has to say."
Unexpectedly, "lifelong republican" Chuck, when not directing folks to really super cool links to Maddow and Jon Stewart, appears quite unconcerned with the leftist fascists violently shutting down alternative viewpoints on public university grounds.
Chuckie even has the time to get in a dig at Milo.
The rioters who attacked bystanders? Not so much. Not so much.
That Chuck. Of all the "lifelong republicans" one might run into, he is clearly the most "lifelong republican-y".
I don't know much about the anti-commandeering doctrine, but someone with the same name as our hostess does:
I think it's time for a new kind of "Dear Colleague" letter. The last one threatened the loss of public funds. I don't see why a new one couldn't as well. They seemed to respond to that one.
It is clear the danger the leftists (and their "lifelong republican" allies) represent.
We will see what Trump can do to force this issue as it is tailor-made for attacking on principle as well as good politics for 2020.
Of course, showing the leftists for what they are will not help the dems (and their "lifelong republican" allies) cause.
So I expect "lifelong republican" Chuck to squeal like a stuck pig when a policy to address this is rolled out.
Wait -- Milo incited people to riot and shut him up? I think they don't understand what it means to INCITE someone to violence. Milo is not telling these people to do this; this is actual fascism.
Good job, people on the left. You've managed to take someone I don't really care about, and who frankly I think is just outrageous for outrageous sakes, and make me have to listen to him to see if this is right. I don't think I'll like his style or his approach, but if he is inciting people to literally burning things to shut him up -- well, this I have to see.
Also, can you imagine if the right rioted to silence a politically left speaker, who by the way is openly homosexual? Can you IMAGINE the response?
Matthew Sablan: "Wait -- Milo incited people to riot and shut him up? I think they don't understand what it means to INCITE someone to violence. Milo is not telling these people to do this; this is actual fascism."
This is why the leftists (and "lifelong republicans") despise Milo.
He exposes them for what they are and it gets laid out for all to see.
More and more leftist protests are resembling that Kristallnacht thingee they are always accusing conservatives of.
I think Chuck is all in favor of Republican speech. Just like local Democrat commentators at my local paper, who say that they are in favor of freedom of religion.... as long as it's in a basement, curtains drawn, where no one could possibly hear the sermon. Certainly not in the public square.
That's Chuck's view of the proper place for conservative speech: fine in a locked basement where no one could hear it.
"Did Berkeley 'free speech' ever actually mean anything but 'free speech from the Left'?"
No. The purpose of the "free speech" "movement" was to politicize the university. Actual free speech was to be abolished as soon as the left had sufficient power (which, at the time, they thought would be very soon.)
That this is happening, now routinely, is disgusting. That this is happening without mass arrests is more than disturbing.
Protesting is not based upon intimidation. Protesting is to make a voice heard, not to suppress someone else's voice through fear and actual violence. How is anyone calling this a protest when you have multiple verified reports of attacks, vandalism, and arson/rioting?
This went on for a LONG time relatively speaking - why were their not mass arrests?
Anyway, a classic guerrilla-subversive campaign.
Create a provocation in a way that the "authorities" (semi-official and unofficial ones here) cannot ignore, such as by threatening a preference cascade.
They respond with repression (semi-official in this case, or rather with unofficial and official elements working in concert), which alienates and inspires people, reducing their social anxiety, creating excitement, making the preference cascade more likely.
Repeat and repeat and repeat until the balance of power shifts.
This worked/is working for Trump.
Cynical? Politics is cynical.
That was another place and another time.
[Ok, not "actual fascism," but "fascism as Trump is claimed to be bringing to the right, has landed on the left."]
The whole " I may not like what you say, but I'll defend your right to say it."
Out the window with the progressives.
"He exposes them for what they are and it gets laid out for all to see."
-- I'm not a Milo fan. I generally dislike confrontation for confrontation's sake as a signature style. That's shock jock and morning radio gag level territory. But, if this is how people are going to treat him, then I'll tune in and listen.
Violently silencing the opposition is unacceptable in America.
So Althouse; what about Trump's Twitter threat to order "NO FEDERAL FUNDS" for Cal-Berkeley. A clear if unserious violation of the Anti-Commandeering doctrine?
How does depriving a singular state institution their federal funding constitute commandeering? Presumably there are parameters an institution must meet to receive federal funding. Threatening to rescind funding is not tantamount to commandeering a state government institution. Your suggestion implies that Berkeley has been forced to implement a federal program. You ignore that they have not been asked to do so and you presume that they are entitled to federal funding. They aren't. Just ask Hillsdale.
PB said...
I think it's time for a new kind of "Dear Colleague" letter. The last one threatened the loss of public funds. I don't see why a new one couldn't as well. They seemed to respond to that one.
It might be harder in this case. The SJWs running the universities agreed with the goal of the previous "Dear Colleague" letter. They won't agree in this case. Regardless, universities like Berkeley get a lot of funding from executive branch grants. It wouldn't be hard for those grants to be delayed indefinitely.
"Protesting is not based upon intimidation."
Yes it is.
Protesting is meant to be a show of force - we are many, fear us, or, to attract supporters, we are many, fear not. Both are implied in any case, no matter how peaceful the occasion.
Violence or the potential thereof, or some sort of sanction for opposing the will of the mass, is always part of it.
Our political behavior is always a balance of fears.
150 masked and armed terrorists operating at will in a second major US city in two weeks, with three Police (sic) forces on site, committing numerous acts of war over an extended period of time in a confined area with no effort to isolate and detain, let alone prosecute and isolate them from law-abiding society? Is there no one in this fair land of ours with a sworn, honorable duty to protect us from all enemies, foreign and domestic, who can act on our behalf? Have we sunk so low?
This was BEFORE Milo was scheduled to speak...
Scroll down and note the brave young men gathered despite knowing they were in danger of being lit on fire or beaten up by the anti-free speech ISIS left.
The "free speech movement" joins the "civil rights movement" and "women's rights movement" in being exposed as endeavors ultimately designed to advance leftist politics, and nothing more.
TreeJoe said, "Protesting is not based upon intimidation. Protesting is to make a voice heard, not to suppress someone else's voice through fear and actual violence. How is anyone calling this a protest when you have multiple verified reports of attacks, vandalism, and arson/rioting?"
I'm too young and too cynical to care about protest. Also, too connected to the cybersphere. It's pretty dumb to think that setting fire to a limousine somewhere is a good idea to get people on your cause.
Protesting, marching in the streets, especially stopping traffic and all, is just vandalism. Just stop, jerks. You're being jerks.
There are ways of changing policies and politics. They didn't calcify sixty years ago.
" I generally dislike confrontation for confrontation's sake as a signature style.'
When you have a political struggle, then you have a war. All means are available and must be used. Its the logic of the thing. You cannot not escalate, else you will lose.
When it gets to the point of open, effective violence (not yet, this is nothing), then the loser blinks.
Or there is war.
Attorney General Sessions is going to be a very busy man.
Unknown: "That's Chuck's view of the proper place for conservative speech: fine in a locked basement where no one could hear it"
Chuck seems to get very upset when he encounters socially effective conservative speech. He reacts as if he were a vampire encountering garlic or a feminist encountering facts.
I actually do think Chuck is a Republican, but I think Chuck was too much looking forward to spending his time after November 8th writing "I told you so" comments about Trump's election debacle. Losing that much desired opportunity, he has fallen back on the far less satisfying, and much harder to accomplish "sour grapes" routine, and does it poorly. Seriously, when one can't even reach the intellectual level of Peanut Butter Ombudsman and Once Written, you know the mental anguish is real.
Sooner or later a person with a CCW license is going to defend themselves and their loved ones. And the sooner they start defending themselves the sooner people will think twice about beating up peaceful individuals who are coming to listen to a lecture.
" It's pretty dumb to think that setting fire to a limousine somewhere is a good idea to get people on your cause."
No, but its a good way to scare institutions to ban speakers - see the many universities that have cancelled these events, or have not permitted them (many more, through requiring security costs or insurance), on these grounds. It is designed to remove a platform for the speaker.
Its likely to backfire, but it does work for that purpose.
This was tried on a larger scale against Trump (Chicago, San Jose, etc.) but failed because it was not a viable tactic given the venues he actually used for the campaign.
I love how when Trump just tweets something, the MSM always characterizes it as Trump "Lashes out" "Slams" "attacks" "insults" "Rants" "outraged" etc.
Trump never just "States" or "Says". Always with the negative characterization and hyperbole.
All Team Trump has to do is run commercial after commercial of the little ones watching the "telly" and loop after loop of the violence and insanity.
Which, again, will upset Chuck tremendously. In fact, the degree to which Chuck reacts negatively to a pro-Trump commercial is inversely proportional to that commercials actual effectiveness in the marketplace of ideas.
Liberal fascism in the guise of Anti-fascism.
Looks like Trump is just responding to dishonest media again, namely Fox and Friends! Oh wait! Fox and Friends is his favorite show and the guest this morning suggested defunding Berkley! Sad!
Looks like a callout to Bikers for Trump might be in order.
Milo should accuse some of the rioters of saying something inappropriate about his sexuality.
Surely the University community would then be appalled and leap to his defense.
@Matthew Sablan
You're right. My spouse told me this morning there are three more people at work who now know who he is because they wanted to know why people were so violent.
DanTheMan: "Milo should accuse some of the rioters of saying something inappropriate about his sexuality.
Surely the University community would then be appalled and leap to his defense."
Ah, I see the problem here. You think you can force the left to behave logically and intellectually consistently!
Silly rabbit.
I'm afraid it's Fen's Law, all the way down.
All Team Trump has to do is run commercial after commercial of the little ones watching the "telly" and loop after loop of the violence and insanity.
I thought he would do that during the campaign. The video of his supporters being chased down and beaten prior to his San Jose rally is shocking. But no one saw it and no one talked about it.
1-The first amendment prohibits prior restraint on free speech by the government.
2-The first amendment is applicable to both the United States and the various States and their subdivisions.
3-UC Berkeley is owned by the State of California.
4-UC Berkeley coordinated with arsonists, rioters, looters and people engage with using violence as an intimidation factor to prior restrain free speech.
5-The President has taken the oath of office to uphold the Constitution and uphold the laws so therefore he must do so. In order to do so he must task the US Dept. Of Justice and the Dept. Of Education to investigate the matter for criminal conduct on the part of UC Berkeley staff and prosecute if the evidence supports charges and withhold all federal funding until measures are in place to avoid the University from engaging in prior restraint of free speech.
Mr. Trump needs to move swiftly on this egregious violation of the student's free speech rights. As soon as AG Sessions is sworn in and not a day later.
Free speech is an invention of the well ordered militia who heard and responded to Paul Revere's free speech given on the night of April 19, 1775. That morning 77 Presbyterian lead farmers stood up on the Lexington Green to 700 paid European Soldiers marching into town and slowed down their mission of grabbing the Militia's guns at Concord another 10 miles up the road. The rest of the local communities Minutemen Militias then had time to get there at Concord's Bridge where the attacked and stopped the British Troops and then proceeded to follow them back to Boston putting them under continuous fire as a revenge for murders done at Lexington.
Who would have thought Milo would be the Minuteman under attacked by a Soros/European paid Army. And that the fight back is again coming from a Presbyterian leader.
I really feel bad for the ordinary students at Cal, who by and large (or so I assume) are kinda dorky, hardworking kids who just want a good education. Think about it: you're a biochem major, you did so well in HS you got into your state's flagship university, and now you're confronted by a bunch of rioters and criminals.
But of course, Gavin Newsom and his ilk think it's Trump's fault if those hardworking students can't get an education, and not the protesters'. That's some awesome logic.
CJinPA: "I thought he would do that during the campaign. The video of his supporters being chased down and beaten prior to his San Jose rally is shocking. But no one saw it and no one talked about it."
Corey Lewandowsky discussed that and the constraint was available cash that was squirrelled away for the final 6 weeks push so there were limitations that won't be there next go-round.
Imagine a Trump campaign with $1.5B to spend.
That's enough to give Chuck a big case of the Sadz.
Black hoodie, black bandanna over lower face, sunglasses: the coward's uniform.
No arrests, huh? I mean, why would they arrest people throwing Molotov cocktails?Someone ought to be demanding an explanation. Only I don't know if there are any rational beings over there.
Even the hostile rhetoric of Trump and grab them by the throat Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke is no excuse for this action. I feel those of us involved the peaceful civil rights movement and yes some of the anti-war protests need to talk to this generation about the philosophy of non-violence and how it has worked.
"Looks like a callout to Bikers for Trump might be in order."
No, bad. It does not work like this.
You WANT martyrs. Celebrate the martyrs. Do what you can to get the other side to give you more martyrs. Show their brave suffering, and that they have survived. Make the meetings and rallies larger. Go in procession before your enemies.
Do NOT give the other side martyrs.
Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin.
Such a strange time we live in. Historically we are all largely very well fed, warm, and extremely secure. For the most part we don't have to worry about getting our heads cut off, being raped, being sold into slavery, or any number of other horrors that were very real for most of human history and are still very real in certain parts of the world.
And yet there are still savages among us who would love nothing more than to see all that torn down and destroyed. And worse, there are distressingly large numbers of people who support and defend those savages because they foolishly believe that the savages cause is righteous.
Milo (by virtue of just being the epic level troll that he is) exposes the ugly underbelly of a progressive movement that has encouraged and enabled these savages. He drags out these barbarians into the harsh light of day for all to see. Love him or hate him, he's doing a great service for us all.
roesch/Voltaire: "Even the hostile rhetoric of Trump and grab them by the throat Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke is no excuse for this action. I feel those of us involved the peaceful civil rights movement and yes some of the anti-war protests need to talk to this generation about the philosophy of non-violence and how it has worked."
"hostile rhetoric", "grab them by the throat"
The only ones doing that are your bestest buddies. And it's all on tape.
Trust me, these Marxist-anarcho-fascists are the inevitable and unavoidable result of your philosophy R/V. It always turns out this way with the left.
Every. Single. Time.
And every one can see it. And they will. Over and over and over.
Drago said...
"Corey Lewandowsky discussed that and the constraint was available cash that was squirrelled away for the final 6 weeks push so there were limitations that won't be there next go-round.'
But not even a no-cost internet ad? It was a very strange decision by a guy who otherwise has his finger on the pulse of common folk. I still can't get the decisions not to make a big deal out it while the campaign itself was being portrayed as assaulting opponents-180 degrees from the truth.
buwaya: "No, bad. It does not work like this.
You WANT martyrs. Celebrate the martyrs. Do what you can to get the other side to give you more martyrs. Show their brave suffering, and that they have survived. Make the meetings and rallies larger. Go in procession before your enemies.
Do NOT give the other side martyrs"
Yes, yes buwaya. We all understand the Ghandian tactic. The question you have to ask yourself is this: do we have an honest enough press and decent enough opposition to be moved by the martyrdom (sounds dramatic but we're getting there) in order to be effective?
Ghandi was fortunate enough that he was dealing with a western society that could be moved by such actions.
The Civil rights movement in the US here was immersed within a western society that could be moved by such actions.
Show me a leftist political/social structure that has ever been successfully moved to greater tolerance/rights by such action.
Free speech for me but not for thee.
CJinPA: "But not even a no-cost internet ad? It was a very strange decision by a guy who otherwise has his finger on the pulse of common folk. I still can't get the decisions not to make a big deal out it while the campaign itself was being portrayed as assaulting opponents-180 degrees from the truth."
Too many memes spoils the broth.
"Did Barkley "free speech" ever actually mean anything but "free speech from the Left"?"
The original movement saw Goldwater supporters marching alongside their leftist brethren. The only requirement then was a belief in the freedom of speech.
Further buwaya, the dishonesty levels are so maxed out that even as the leftists continue their assaults it's the right wing that is dishonestly painted as violent. Witness what the left and their media allies did with the Tea Party movement.
And that was another peaceful, principled, grassroots effort that led to a resurgence for the Republican party.
Naturally, "lifelong republican" Chuck hates them.
Ah, the WaPo. "Trump lashes." "GOP attacks." "Conservatives claim."
A freshman debate student knows these are means of framing the argument unfairly.
These papers can no longer hide their bias. The Internet changed everything.
Known Unknown: "The original movement saw Goldwater supporters marching alongside their leftist brethren. The only requirement then was a belief in the freedom of speech."
The "leftist brethren" were flying under false colors as subsequent events have unexpectedly borne out.
Posted on Facebook by my nephew, a sophomore at Berserkly:
Leaving the mob, and the lovely gentleman in the video that I posted had rallied a gang of people to attack someone else. Trying to help the guy being attacked made him recognize me from when he yelled at me earlier. Three or four of us were chased 4-5 blocks by a bunch of mask-wearing thugs holding sticks and baseball bats. I got out unscathed but one of the others had been hit several times by the degenerates. That's it for me today.
Please visit again, Milo. Maybe one day my school will be mature enough to once again become a host of intellectual debate.
Back in the anti-Marcos movement of the early 80's we understood this all very well.
Numbers are power. Demonstrate your numbers, because mere numbers intimidate.
The dictator depends on his men being willing to do his bidding, because they fear him more than they fear you. But if you are many, and show him that, then they will have some fear of you, and they will be less willing to act for the dictator, and his power is decreased.
You want martyrs, because it displays courage, it raises rage, reduces inhibitions and serves as an example. Men will also be shamed into joining if they see fearless women, girls, nuns doing what they should be doing.
Do NOT create martyrs or disorder. No-one should be hurt on the other side so they will not have the propaganda weapon of grievance.
buwaya: "Do NOT create martyrs or disorder. No-one should be hurt on the other side so they will not have the propaganda weapon of grievance."
Again, I have no disagreement with any of this in the abstract.
But I can tell you right now that no Trump supporter who is beaten or killed will become a martyr with this media/Deep State/Dem complex.
Quite the contrary.
I still want to know how "Anti-Commandeering" is in play. We might all learn something.
"The Civil rights movement in the US here was immersed within a western society that could be moved by such actions."
You still have that, for now. Make use of it.
We had it under a dictator in the Philippines for heavens sake, a third world feudal country with limited education - you can't do as we did?
Gandhi works well in the US for those with the imagination and discipline to use that strategy.
It's important to remember that these rioters have nothing to do with the Democratic party. Nothing at all.
Their absence in 2012 and 2008 is just coincidence.
he advocates white supremacy, transphobia and misogyny
He advocates tolerance, which blacks, LBQ and women lack.
"But I can tell you right now that no Trump supporter who is beaten or killed will become a martyr with this media/Deep State/Dem complex.
This is a matter of discipline and organization. Discipline is the key.
The left are ISIS and Obama is egging them on. Go ISIS go!
What happened to topless protests.
The FBI's COINTELPRO page. Primary documents.
The aftermath of the 1964 "Free Speech Movement" at Berkeley was a general revulsion of what had happened by the general electorate and the election of Ronald Reagan as Governor of California who campaigned on his opposition to the anarchy there.
Of course the Free Speech Movement was helped by extremely ham-handed efforts to shut it down by the campus administration.
buwaya: I appreciate it, I really do. That's how it is supposed to work.
But consider the riots after prop 8 in California. Completely one sided, violence, damage, beatings, etc: all aimed at one side. Who did exactly what you said: nonviolence, even had women and children, etc. What do we hear today? How the noble, virtuous opponents of Prop 8 were the good guys heroically resisting blah blah blah.
The Mormons beaten up, the restaurants shut down, the graffiti, the harassed old women? Silenced, suppressed, and demonized.
Prop 8 is where the left realized it could be violent and oppressive and their opponents would take the blame and they, the violent leftists, would be labeled as the heroes.
Beating up women and children is a good thing to the left. How is nonresistance supposed to combat that, when they exult when they rape and beat women?
>> "it is rather his harmful conduct to which we call attention in asking for the cancellation of this event"
"Milo! Stop hurling your face against our fists! That's violence!"
Mark O observes: These papers can no longer hide their bias. The Internet changed everything.
They have created their own irrelevance. The question is: Do they know this?
"The Mormons beaten up, the restaurants shut down, the graffiti, the harassed old women? Silenced, suppressed, and demonized. "
Because they allowed themselves to be suppressed.
They did not create heroes, open the restaurants, organize processions, and have the beaten women march down Market Street, San Francisco.
I blame the Catholic Church here to a great degree. They had a chance to organize and respond, and they had the largest network.
I think 1,000 men show up enmasse at these things each with a baseball bat will cool these weeny assholes off.
While I don't think violence is the answer, I'd say these students are not exactly "snowflakes" are they? They see their democracy being stolen, they respond. Anyone who ever thought that the left didn't know how to fight back might want to rethink that. Milo is employed by Breitbart and connected to Bannon who is alt-right white supremacist, who has been called "President "Bannon". The protestors are fighting what they see as fascism. I personally think they should not attempt to stop any one's speech, let the words speak for themselves.
"Anyone who ever thought that the left didn't know how to fight back might want to rethink that."
This is not fighting as such.
They are being permitted to "fight" through the tacit permission of their local political allies.
You won't see them doing this where they don't have local permission - consider say Cal Poly, in San Luis Obispo, with far less ideologically aligned local authorities who would not put up with them.
They are being permitted to be violent against people who are not permitted to likewise defend themselves.
I was there! Well, incidentally.
At 7:00 pm, I had to pick up this Physics major who is tutoring my high school kid in Honors Algebra. I tried to meet him at the corner of Bancroft and Bowditch, but there were too many police cars, and fire trucks, and blockades. So, I met him, incidentally, at the corner of Channing and Bowditch -- the Northeast Corner of the People's Park (famous place too, but not for free speech, but other protests).
The black masked dudes are the problem. They are professional agitators, and have a violent streak. They pepper-sprayed a nice blonde girl, in a Trump hat, being interviewed.
The Left has to own this -- and rid itself of these thugs.
But, more so, they are stuck on a terrible idea; that there is an exception to the First Amendment for "hate speech," which they define broadly as anything politically conservative that offends them. That is the central problem.
No honorable person on the Left on the Berkeley Campus will defend Milo's right to give obnoxious speeches, because they are scared. Free Speech has indeed been chilled by educated folks, who used to care about free speech.
cubanbob said...
Mr. Trump needs to move swiftly on this egregious violation of the student's free speech rights. As soon as AG Sessions is sworn in and not a day later.
to add a couple of points.
1. The authorities had to know this event was going to attract thousands and many of them would be looking to fight. To have deployed only the UC police and some Berkeley cops was going to incite more trouble. They should have invoked reciprocity agreements, and had at least the CHP out in force. But of course all the local Pols are in Trump Resistance mode. When I was at Berkeley for "People's Park demonstrations, the National Guard was out in force.
2. At some level, the cooperation between demonstrators and Politicians may approach Alabama in 1963. Peaceful folk set on by Mobs while the police stand by. Trump should invoke CR law and perhaps threaten to deploy Federalized CaNG.
3. And Clearly, Trump can use the current (Obama) Title IX guidelines to flog UC over its anti-gay speech restrictions.
Go full Alinsky
"The protestors are fighting what they see as fascism."
Yes, it is very clear to them. It might not be clear to others, however, so Milo must be silenced before his words can corrupt them.
The other option is that Milo is not a Fascist. But that is too terrible a proposition for the black-hooded Anarchists to consider.
If you use that type of "thinking" in your daily life, I would be surprised if you were able to walk and chew bubble gum at the same time.
Do conspiracy theories excite you? Do you like inventing categories of people that you can demonize?
The absolute ignorance and stupidity of trolls these days is a constant source of amazement to me.
"They see their democracy being stolen, they respond. Anyone who ever thought that the left didn't know how to fight back might want to rethink that."
-- Starting a fight and using violence to silence public speakers is striking first, not fighting back. It is also grossly immoral.
AJ Lynch said...
I think 1,000 men show up enmasse at these things each with a baseball bat will cool these weeny assholes off.
I doubt there are 1,000 Teamsters left in Oakland/Berkeley
The academy is destroying itself from the inside.
I forgot the word straight!
Straight, old, fat, white republicans, who live in flyover grossie states with no ocean or fab beach (unthinkable), would most definitely not know what fab is if it him them in their gross faces. If they think something is fab, it is definitely the exact opposite...sorry pubes.
The blonde girl in the hat who got pepper sprayed was wearing a red hat that said "MAKE BITCOIN GREAT AGAIN"
Shorter Prince - its all good
Drago said... [hush][hide comment]
buwaya: "Do NOT create martyrs or disorder. No-one should be hurt on the other side so they will not have the propaganda weapon of grievance."
Again, I have no disagreement with any of this in the abstract.
But I can tell you right now that no Trump supporter who is beaten or killed will become a martyr with this media/Deep State/Dem complex.
Quite the contrary.
2/2/17, 1:42 PM
Not one of them has (become a martyr). They have all been "memory holed" into oblivion. Not the guy that was dragged from his car a beaten. Not even the mentally disabled man that was kidnapped and tortured, he didn't even get his 15 minutes because SHUT UP!
Bay Area Guy said...
No honorable person on the Left on the Berkeley Campus will defend Milo's right to give obnoxious speeches, because they are scared.
People on the left aren't scared. They're getting what they want with plausible deniability so they don't pay the full political price. This is how allies help each other.
I saw a clip of him speaking, and he is pretty inflammatory. He argues against repressive Islamo-fascist regimes, but turns his wrath to Islam itself. That's a big mistake, the same mistake Trump makes. He made fun of a woman with a headscarf who was angry and shouting at him. His anger is amplified by the fact that he is gay, and openly gay people are not tolerated in those repressive regimes. Russia also targets homosexuals, so it's a problem in many authoritative, socially backward countries.
Milos makes me miss Christopher Hitchens, who was a truly brilliant and articulate English author & speaker. He argued for atheism among other things.
"Not one of them has (become a martyr). They have all been "memory holed" into oblivion. Not the guy that was dragged from his car a beaten. Not even the mentally disabled man that was kidnapped and tortured, he didn't even get his 15 minutes because SHUT UP!"
This is a messaging failure. Your side has no heroes and martyrs because you don't make them.
Trump could and did, sometimes, but he is busy.
This sort of thing is a good opportunity to spend money and organize.
March on Berkeley, led by the victims.
Teh Drill SGT said...
2. At some level, the cooperation between demonstrators and Politicians may approach Alabama in 1963. Peaceful folk set on by Mobs while the police stand by. Trump should invoke CR law and perhaps threaten to deploy Federalized CaNG.
Beat me to it, Sarge. Mumble mumble something insurrection?
"Milos makes me miss Christopher Hitchens, who was a truly brilliant and articulate English author & speaker"
Hitchens was not running a filibustering expedition to raise a revolt. Hitchens was a scribbler and raconteur, not an activist. Its not the material but the purpose that's different.
"If they think something is fab, it is definitely the exact opposite...sorry pubes."
I thought Jaime Cardinal Sin was fab.
My old chief.
Nice hat.
Well, to each his own.
Someone is going to have to take down this Black Bloc with extreme prejudice. Maybe the FBI can do their jobs now that President Trump is here.
This. The only way they could be getting away with this is with a wink from security services. Talk about a parallel to the 1930s!
Trumpit: "I saw a clip of him speaking, and he is pretty inflammatory"
Truth is always inflammatory to the fascist left, which is every single one of them.
Without exception.
Remember, mustn't inflame the Islamists. Don't you dare oppose ceding Spain to the caliphate lest we upset them.
What a shameful and embarrassing interpretation of free speech at the university whose name once meant FREE SPEECH!
@Althouse, Meade will disagree, but you're getting old. The "Free Speech" that Mario Savio and his cronies demonstrated for actually meant precisely what the university administration says it means today -- free speech for leftist causes but not for anyone else. You fell for his sleight of hand back in the days of your youth. It's what you remember, but not what it was.
"This. The only way they could be getting away with this is with a wink from security services."
Yes indeed.
San Luis Obispo / Cal Poly function -
Cal Poly officials said more than 100 officers from seven law enforcement agencies were brought to the campus Tuesday to provide security in case a massive crowd of unruly protesters showed up during a speech by controversial right-wing agitator Milo Yiannopoulos.
Here are the two letters from the teacherettes:
Here are the subject they profess:
African American Studies
American History and Citizenship
Anthropology (5X)
Architecture Architecture
Art Practice
City and Regional Planning
Comparative Literature, Film & Media
East Asian Languages and Cultures
Education Education
Energy and Resources
English (19X)
Environmental Science, Policy and Management (4X)
Ethnic Studies, Ethnic Studies
Film & Media
French French French French
Gender and Women's Studies (10X)
Geography (4X)
History of Art (4X)
History of the United States
India Studies
Integrative Biology
International and Area Studies
Mathematics (11X) ... sigh
Modern and Contemporary Art
Music (3X)
Rhetoric (2X)
Spanish and Portuguese (3X)
Talmudic Culture, Near Eastern Studies and Rhetoric
Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies (3X)
And the biggest loser is...the MATH department!
There is nothing Milo speaks about regarding Islam that Hitchens didn't say.
But Islamists occupy a position near the top of the Lefts victim totem pole so we can't speak ill of them.
Note how "brave" (Sir Robin level brave) the left is in dealing with Islam. Note how quickly the left capitulates to every demand the Islamists make.
>>They see their democracy being stolen,
That's the problem. It's not their democracy. It belongs to all of us, not just them.
Fernandinande said...
And the biggest loser is...the MATH department!
English Dept. I can often count....
Yes, but one expects there to be a plurality of idiots in the English departments. Mathematics has higher standards, surely.
Americans talk about innate equality and freedom to be and think and speak from lives spent reading Scripture with a Calvinist interpretation. But the European Kings and Empires laugh at us as if we are their ignorant serfs and hire thugs like these Soros Hired thugs to beat down the Free Expression.
Free Speech equals Courage to Stand and Fight the paid thugs.
I'm thrilled I do not live in Boston!
"That's the problem. It's not their democracy. It belongs to all of us, not just them."
The rest of you don't seem to mind fascism, Trump style, we do. We won't ever own what you people see democracy. Most people can see it's not. Trumpism belongs to you, we reject it.
I saw a clip of him speaking, and he is pretty inflammatory.
So are BLM protestors.
So was Ashley Judd.
So was Madonna.
I didn't advocate mass violence to silence them.
He argues against repressive Islamo-fascist regimes, but turns his wrath to Islam itself. That's a big mistake, the same mistake Trump makes.
Islam is the issue. The "fascist" regimes are just following the Koran literally. There are some groups trying to reform Islam, but Islam isn't listening.
The rest of you don't seem to mind fascism, Trump style, we do.
We aren't wearing masks, destroying property, burning things, and randomly assaulting people. You have, literally, no moral high ground here.
"Here are the two letters from the teacherettes:"
There are a few departments there whose majors could stand being barred from student loan guarantees.
Not Math, no matter how many silly teachers they've got.
Some of these would do to begin with.
African American Studies
Gender and Women's Studies (10X)
Not an engineer in the lot it seems. Heartwarming to this old engineer.
And not a single damn arrest. It appears that the Berkeley establishment were choosing sides. Trump right again.
"Trumpism belongs to you, we reject it."
-- Trump's supporters aren't wearing masks, assaulting women and threatening homosexuals who disagree with them.
I don't like Milo or Trump. Stop making them sympathetic.
"We aren't wearing masks, destroying property, burning things, and randomly assaulting people. You have, literally, no moral high ground here."
Yes, you advocate Trump chipping away at the Consitution with his daily Executive Orders. You unashamedly and with a bare face go along with it. Next up a another RFRA EO. I wonder how that will sit with Althouse.
Scanning the list ... OK, three in music. Tamara Roberts -- after my time, I suspect. Mary Ann Smart, not really a surprise. (She's the one who set a number from Lili Boulanger's song cycle "Clairières dans le ciel" as the analysis piece for the Master's exam, her first year. Without telling the students what it was, naturally. I did them a favor and hunted it down -- those old New York Public Library volumes are your friends -- so that they could listen to it, rather than analyzing only by eye.) And Davitt Moroney, who has every right to speak out on Milo, despite not being a US citizen.
Prince WillHRH, you wouldn't know the Constitution if you tripped over it in broad daylight.
I'm going to put a mask on my face. That might work better. Also, I'll look down a lot, in order to appear ashamed.
There are a few departments there whose majors could stand being barred from student loan guarantees.
I agree. Have always agreed - I don't see why my tax dollars are going to support angry studies departments. If you want to wallow in self-pity, do it on your own dime.
Milo and Trump aren't "sympathetic" to us, nor could they ever appear sympathetic to us. You people are already lost. No one hopes to convince you of anything. You have been thoroughly Trumpized. Your Trumpist style government will be rejected daily in many ways.
All legal, of course.
Yes, you advocate Trump chipping away at the Consitution with his daily Executive Orders. You unashamedly and with a bare face go along with it. Next up a another RFRA EO. I wonder how that will sit with Althouse.
If Trump is "chipping away at the Constitution" with executive orders, his chisel is following a well-worn groove with Barack Obama's name on it. Were you asleep for the last eight years? Hit on the head or something?
From letter linked above:
As you may know, he has labeled Black Lives Matter a form of “black supremacism” and argues that the protest movement should be labeled a “terrorist organization”;
He's right.
he refers to principles of diversity at college campuses as “anti-White racism.”
He's right.
He has also denounced rape culture as a myth propagated by feminists “aimed squarely at undermining masculinity.”
He's right.
More serious, however, was his reference to women as “cunts” at a recent event at the University of West Virginia.
False! He called one woman and one man cunts:
"Others have felt a negative effect, like Matt Harrigan, who lost his job as CEO of a company called PacketSled after threatening to assassinate Trump with a sniper rifle. He claims it was a joke. Maybe he should write for Amy Schumer — it seems they’re both fans of being unfunny, unoriginal and total cunts."
I guess the question is whether to fight them or ignore them. As long as they are destroying their own neighborhoods and campuses, maybe we should ignore their tantrums. Let the insurance companies pick up the pieces and raise their premiums. No more federal funding, though.
If you voted for Trump, you've already advocated violating the Constitution, based on his campaign promises, now being realized by his EOs. Perhaps your head is so far up Trump's ass you just don't see it.
"No honorable person on the Left on the Berkeley Campus will defend Milo's right to give obnoxious speeches, because they are scared. Free Speech has indeed been chilled by educated folks, who used to care about free speech."
Scared? Or secretly happy?
I don't see many "honorable persons on the Left" upset about the lack of Freedom in any Communist country. To quote Susan Sontag: "The USSR doesn't need freedom of speech, they have Socialism".
buwaya said...
Not an engineer in the lot it seems. Heartwarming to this old engineer.
And no physics guys.
"No honorable person on the Left on the Berkeley Campus will defend Milo's right to give obnoxious speeches, because they are scared. Free Speech has indeed been chilled by educated folks, who used to care about free speech."
Scared? Or secretly happy?
I don't see many "honorable persons on the Left" upset about the lack of Freedom in any Communist country. To quote Susan Sontag: "The USSR doesn't need freedom of speech, they have Socialism".
I believe they cancelled because of the protests more than anything else. It is a shame. These students are so naïve it's incredible.
That said, for Trump to come out and say he wants to deny Berkeley federal funds is absurd. Especially because he wants to knock down the Johnson Amendment which prohibits all 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations [churches] from endorsing or opposing political candidates. If he wants to do that for churches then he has to allow it for Universities as well. But why be consistent when you're the naked emperor?
I know it's unlawful for a state to secede from the Union [except for Texas] but is it lawful for the Union to sever a state? If it's being really naughty?
Those days are over Ann... Those sweet sweet days are over.
"If you voted for Trump, you've already advocated violating the Constitution, based on his campaign promises, now being realized by his EOs."
All those gross fly over people should be fire-bombed into submission. How dare they not fall in line with corruption!
Prince WillHRH said...
The protestors are fighting what they see as fascism
The protesters are fascism.
That said, for Trump to come out and say he wants to deny Berkeley federal funds is absurd.
Why? If you're picking and choosing who'll be alowed to speak on campus, you can do it on your own dime.
Especially because he wants to knock down the Johnson Amendment which prohibits all 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations [churches] from endorsing or opposing political candidates. If he wants to do that for churches then he has to allow it for Universities as well.
Churches aren't supported by my tax money.
The Drill SGT said...
cubanbob said...
Mr. Trump needs to move swiftly on this egregious violation of the student's free speech rights. As soon as AG Sessions is sworn in and not a day later.
to add a couple of points.
1. The authorities had to know this event was going to attract thousands and many of them would be looking to fight. To have deployed only the UC police and some Berkeley cops was going to incite more trouble. They should have invoked reciprocity agreements, and had at least the CHP out in force. But of course all the local Pols are in Trump Resistance mode. When I was at Berkeley for "People's Park demonstrations, the National Guard was out in force.
2. At some level, the cooperation between demonstrators and Politicians may approach Alabama in 1963. Peaceful folk set on by Mobs while the police stand by. Trump should invoke CR law and perhaps threaten to deploy Federalized CaNG.
3. And Clearly, Trump can use the current (Obama) Title IX guidelines to flog UC over its anti-gay speech restrictions.
Go full Alinsky
Police were told to stand down, supposedly. What is Gov. Brown's reaction to this.and previous similar incidents?
You have some strange ideas. You and your friends lost an election. You might want to think about how to win the next one. Instead, you are locking down the voters who thought Trump was the least-bad choice. You are calling these people fascists while your team puts on black shirts, throws incendiary bombs, shuts down political speech, and beats up supporters of the other side. This isn't how you win the next one. However, I urge you to keep it up. You are serving my purposes to perfection.
Have a nice day.
Perhaps those audience members prone to being damaged should simply shelter in place and not attend?
Politics aside, we are still rising in unfunded liabilities. About $300k a second increasing. At this hour it is $105 trillion. Federal spending is up 129%.
Take that to your protest and smoke it.
Prince WillHRH said...
"That's the problem. It's not their democracy. It belongs to all of us, not just them."
The rest of you don't seem to mind fascism, Trump style, we do. We won't ever own what you people see democracy. Most people can see it's not. Trumpism belongs to you, we reject it.
2/2/17, 2:53 PM
Prince WillHRH said...
"We aren't wearing masks, destroying property, burning things, and randomly assaulting people. You have, literally, no moral high ground here."
Yes, you advocate Trump chipping away at the Consitution with his daily Executive Orders. You unashamedly and with a bare face go along with it. Next up a another RFRA EO. I wonder how that will sit with Althouse.
2/2/17, 3:00 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHHAhahahahaaahahahahahahaa.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAhaahahahhaahahahahaaaaaa
The willful blindness on display is absolutely astounding! We sat relatively quietly while Obama EOed his half-lily white ass off. We wrote blog posts and letters to the editor (that never saw the light of day). When possible, he was fought in the courts. We raised a ruckus when the ACA was passed by Obama and the Democrats through "dirty legal tricks". There were no mass riots. No shutting down of streets. No beating random people in the streets or at other rallies. You don't hear of lefty speakers being run off of speaking engagements nor fires or Starbucks getting destroyed.
No, you are right. Not only is Trump a fascistie, fascist but he is also a Nazi-ish Nazi! He is, he is, he is THE BOOGYMAN! Yes, that is it, he is the BOOGYMAN and he will destroy the entire world!
Lefies have the attention span of a 2 year old. Anything older than the last tweet just never happened.
The blindness with which lefties view the world, history, economics, human nature, hell everything is just so astounding. There is no telling what a lefty would believe if they were not the folks that know SCIENCE!
Prince WillHRH: "Mockturtle, If you voted for Trump, you've already advocated violating the Constitution, based on his campaign promises, now being realized by his EOs. Perhaps your head is so far up Trump's ass you just don't see it"
Obama-executing-American-citizen-overseas-without-due-process-fan says what?
Sell it somewhere else moron.
mockturtle said...I know it's unlawful for a state to secede from the Union [except for Texas]
Texas can't either. When it became a State, it lost its status as a Republic.
The fact that the Republic was stolen and illegal, is grounds for expulsion though...
Poor Prince WillHRH.
His team spent 8 years weaponizing the executive branch and its agencies because they thought they would never lose again.
It's. So. Very. Rich. Indeed.
It should be easy enough as a matter of public policy to attach conditions to student loan guarantees (or loans, as the Feds have somehow taken over most of the field), grants and etc., to prefer certain courses of study as being in the national interest. This is done after all for lots of area specific scholarships and grants, etc., which finance grad students.
So limiting Federal student loans to certain majors, undergrad and grad, should be acceptable?
buwaya: "So limiting Federal student loans to certain majors, undergrad and grad, should be acceptable?"
Hey, Trump has a pen and phone and, lets face it, he won and elections have consequences.
Since each of those rationales comes enthusiastically and vehemently pre-approved by the entire media and all liberals/leftists, no problemo!
Prince WillHRH is UNKNOWN#11, the dumbest of the three sister trolls UNK#11, UNK#51 and UNK#55.
Since Prince WillHRH is posting here, it must mean there is a police cruiser somewhere lacking the requisite amount of applied human feces.
Get back to work WillHRH!
Perhaps those audience members prone to being damaged should simply shelter in place and not attend?
So, give in to a heckler's veto? That will end well.
"Yes, you advocate Trump chipping away at the Consitution with his daily Executive Orders."
No, he is just taking advantage of what Obama already chipped away.
It seems like only yesterday that li'l baracky "Rambo" obambi was bragging about being great at killin' or something.
Good times, good times.
Lefies have the attention span of a 2 year old. Anything older than the last tweet just never happened.
The blindness with which lefties view the world, history, economics, human nature, hell everything is just so astounding. There is no telling what a lefty would believe if they were not the folks that know SCIENCE!
Don't be stupes. It's not blindness, it's not forgetfulness, it's not naivete.
It's sheer two-faced hypocritical duplicity.
Always, every.
Oh, I suppose down the chain there are lots of dupes and well meaning sweet cousins and aunties who get everything from the NYT or CNN.
But our crop here? Squealers all, turning black into white.
R&B a relatively honorable exception; though sometimes it's difficult to tell because of his steadily spluttering rage, he can process information and respond to stimuli like a human being.
Most of the others are apparently Hotel California robots programmed to deceive.
It should be easy enough as a matter of public policy to attach conditions to student loan guarantees (or loans, as the Feds have somehow taken over most of the field), grants and etc
Oh, & yet again, our dear liberal brethren have laid the groundwork for this piece of federal interference in the affairs of universities. Remember when Liberty Univ. got denied not only federal funds because of its beliefs on interracial dating? And how can any Democrat complain about federal interference after the DoEd infamous "Dear Colleague" letter on the pressing need to set up kangaroo courts to monitor the sexual lives of their students.
"No one hopes to convince you of anything. You have been thoroughly Trumpized. Your Trumpist style government will be rejected daily in many ways."
-- Are you TRYING to move me from Trump agnostic to pro-Trump? I mean, this is classic minister daughter's type shaming.
Buwaya: agree. Must accept martyrdom and use that to build sympathy by effective messaging. Must not create martyrs on the other side.
Drago: agree. The blackshirts need to be taken down, and right now it seems that the duly constituted authorities aren't doing it.
These two positions appear irreconcilable but perhaps some doxxing and Wikileaks on the blackshirts would allow them to be Alinsky'd. Pick your target, personalize it, freeze it. That would not give them martyrdom but it might just work miracles to dissuade them. They're cowards. Once the Net exposes them, they will sell each other out.
Just a thought.
"These two positions appear irreconcilable but perhaps some doxxing and Wikileaks on the blackshirts would allow them to be Alinsky'd."
-- That only works if you think they will face either social/political consequences or shame.
"Matthew Sablan said...
-- I'm not a Milo fan. I generally dislike confrontation for confrontation's sake as a signature style. That's shock jock and morning radio gag level territory. But, if this is how people are going to treat him, then I'll tune in and listen."
You clearly haven't seen Milo, because this characterization is incorrect.
"Heaven's above, they're on a street called 'Love'... When will they ever learn."
You gotta believe these riots help Trump politically with most of the country.
What a shameful and embarrassing interpretation of free speech at the university whose name once meant FREE SPEECH!
Everything is new again.
Hence, Trump's new (secret) slogan: BURN, BABY, BURN !!!
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