২ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Berkeley shuts down Milo Yiannopoulos — "Amid violence, destruction of property and out of concern for public safety..."

WaPo reports in an article headlined "Trump lashes back at Berkeley after protests block speech by Breitbart writer Milo Yiannopoulos":
Security officials said that about 150 “masked agitators” joined the demonstration, setting fires, throwing Molotov cocktails and rocks and attacking some members of the crowd. Officers from the city of Oakland and Alameda County arrived at 7:45 p.m. to help the university and Berkeley city police. There were no immediate reports of arrests or serious injuries. The “shelter in place” order was lifted about 10 p.m., although campus police warned that protests were still going on in the surrounding community and advised people to avoid neighboring streets....

The demonstrators included “Black bloc” protesters, who wear masks and black clothing to present a unified front as they disrupt events, making it difficult for police to recognize individuals in the group. They are often seen at protests organized by groups such as Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street, destroying property and setting fires. They torched a limousine in Washington last month on the day of Trump’s inauguration, and a group spray-painted buildings and smashed electrical boxes during a demonstration in Portland, Ore., earlier in January. When a group of them arrived at Berkeley, it swiftly changed the tenor of the peaceful demonstration....
Lots more at the link, with plenty of photographs.
More than 100 faculty members signed two letters to Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks. One said: “Although we object strenuously to Yiannopoulos’s views — he advocates white supremacy, transphobia and misogyny — it is rather his harmful conduct to which we call attention in asking for the cancellation of this event.”
His harmful conduct?? According to the professors:
"Yiannopoulos’s views pass from protected free speech to incitement, harassment and defamation once they publicly target individuals in his audience or on campus, creating conditions for concrete harm and actually harming students through defamatory and harassing actions. Such actions are protected neither by free speech nor by academic freedom."
What a shameful and embarrassing interpretation of free speech at the university whose name once meant FREE SPEECH!

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MeatPopscicle1234 বলেছেন...

To paraphrase the seminal intellectual Forrest Gump...

Fascist is a Fascist does...

rhhardin বলেছেন...

What a shameful and embarrassing interpretation of free speech at the university whose name once meant FREE SPEECH!

Maybe the average IQ has gone down.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"You clearly haven't seen Milo, because this characterization is incorrect."

-- I haven't; I've been ambivalent to him. Maybe it is the advertising that goes with his events, but I've been normally fairly put off as it being more aggressive/in-your-face than I'd like. I could be wrong; I'll have to watch to see why people are burning things over him, either way.

Fabi বলেছেন...

The Disco Inferno Doctrine, EDH?

Jim at বলেছেন...

This is the left. This has always been the left.
And it will always be the left.
Until they are stopped.

And that time is close at hand.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"The blackshirts need to be taken down"

No they don't, they are helping you, they need to become ubiquitous if that can be arranged.
They will eventually become embarrassing to the local authorities in the places that have tolerated them, who will be obliged to deal with them.
The longer the local authorities delay or fail to realize the situation the more positive the result, as both the blackshirts and the local authorities will lose legitimacy in public perceptions. This has happened to the BLM and suchlike. See Baltimore.

This may seem backwards but that's the cynicism of this sort of politics.

The blackshirts are NOT the real problem. They are a noisy irrelevance. Your problem are all the people who are shutting up because they fear a social and economic backlash from people who aren't blackshirts. If you fight the blackshirts, you are fighting the wrong war.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Don't respond to Prince WillHRH. Another PNA will a malleable handle that will be someone 'new' within a few days.

He/She/Xe is like a bowel movement. Temporary.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Felony rioting, that's the ticket!

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Straight, old, fat, white republicans, who live in flyover grossie states with no ocean or fab beach (unthinkable), would most definitely not know what fab is if it him them in their gross faces. If they think something is fab, it is definitely the exact opposite...sorry pubes.

So says the liar living in Wisconsin.

You let the mask slip once, "Titus"

SweatBee বলেছেন...

Hey, remember when Martin Luther King, Jr., was criticized for "inciting violence" when he marched through those white neighborhoods?

mockturtle বলেছেন...

harryo asserts: mockturtle said...I know it's unlawful for a state to secede from the Union [except for Texas]

Texas can't either. When it became a State, it lost its status as a Republic.

The fact that the Republic was stolen and illegal, is grounds for expulsion though...

Not so, harryo. I've had this little debate here before and I'm not going through it again. Suffice it to say that the State of Texas would and will disagree with you.

Danno বলেছেন...

Leave the place in ruins. Schedule lots more of these events in lefty territory and let the rioters burn and destroy things. Do not rebuild or allow insurance or federal monies to do any rebuilding. Let them live in a pig pen.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Whoever drew the parallel here with the riots in the South when police stood idly by while black and white civil rights marchers were beaten senseless was spot on.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

I think our Titus took a powder, and is now chowing down in Boston.
Isn't that right Titus?

buwaya বলেছেন...

"I'll have to watch to see why people are burning things over him, either way."

I have seen some videos.
He is glib enough, but not unique.

He hasn't got an original message, IMHO the only unique things about the fellow are his energy, his audacity, and as we say in Spanish, his "cara dura", his invulnerability to shame. For what he's about, these are essential. This is war by other means.

Besides this, its no longer about the man, but about the legend. Its not what he says, or how he says it, but where he does it, and that it is he who is doing it. He has a symbolic value now, entirely independent of any reality.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Gotta hit them in the pocketbook.

After the riots in Chicago, King Richard I did not rebuild.

You want to shit in your drinking water? Go ahead.

Raise tuition to cover the damage.

The Federal Government or better yet US taxpayers DO NOT have a responsibility to pay for their destruction. One could also argue insurance rates will rise.

My response is there is enuf money in California to pay for it, go hold a bake sale.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Milo is a highly intelligent but provocative man. He actually make good sense.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Or mass arrest and fine, garnish wages til they die.

Owen বলেছেন...

Buwaya: "kill the chicken, scare the monkey," right?

I submit that the blackshirts ARE the problem. But that once they are publicly exposed, and a few inexplicably disappear, and a few others suffer tragic falls in the shower, the word will spread.

That might happen.

hawkeyedjb বলেছেন...

If you can remember a time when any public university actually stood for free speech and debate, you are very old indeed. The "Free Speech Movement" at Berkeley was hardly a harbinger of a great flowering of debate; because it involved communists, by definition it was against freedom of almost any kind. I think real advocacy for freedom of speech died at most every public U, as well as most of the private ones, sometime back in the 50s. Today you couldn't get 10% of the faculty at any major university to vote for the 1st amendment to the constitution.

Lucien বলেছেন...

Gee, I hope none of the faculty members who signed that letter ever have to face accusations that what they thought was their speech was actually "harmful conduct" that is protected neither by free speech nor academic freedom. Producing the letter with the faculty member's signature on it could make for an uncomfortable hearing.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Cali wants to secede.

Start by zeroing out Berkeleys gifts in the budget.

Bill doesn't get passed if any monies are in it.

Drago বলেছেন...

Jon Ericson: "I think our Titus took a powder, and is now chowing down in Boston.
Isn't that right Titus?"

Why sure. Even now Titus is having a nice bowl of clam chowder and reading up on the Patriots/Falcons and pondering his next stroll through Haaaavaaaard Square.

Why, he is a regular Ivy League Blue-Blood Son of the Revolution Sailing demon that one!

Comanche Voter বলেছেন...

Ah shucks Ann. I was at Boalt Hall at Berkeley from 65 to 68--free speech movement was 63, filthy speech movment was 64, and People's Park and tear gas was there in 69. Missed most of the excitement as it were. But at lunchtime some days, I'd stroll down the hill to Dwinelle Plaxa--Sproul Hall steps were on one side--the Student Union building that was torched last night was on the other. Cal has always had its share of campus crazies, even in the quiet years. I could listen to Bettina Aptheker---daughter of the head of the US Communist Party give us her special political insights (she was a microbiology grad student--all those microbes were talking to her); I could go down to San Pablo Avenue and see Mario Savio pulling the beer tap handles behind the bar at the Blind Lemon, and Huey P. Newton and his Black Panther soldiers would come up to the Blind Lemon and dance with the little blonde sorority girls from Cal. Ah--good times those, good times. It helped to have a sense of humor about it all at the time.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Not clams dude! that would be sick! It's sausages all the way down for Titus.

buwaya বলেছেন...

About Bettina Aptheker -

She didn't do much microbiology as it turned out. Who could have guessed?

Quite a cliche really.


ccscientist বলেছেন...

Twilightofliberty asked: "Every time lefty professors, or "intellectuals", get their revolution, aren't they some of the first ones rounded up and done away with?"
In Germany, the intellectuals often ended up as part of the Nazi party, as did many students. In Russia and China they were purged and mostly killed.
It is quite telling that these people find Milo so horrifying. I think it is because gays can't be allowed off the reservation. Religious fanatics hate unbelievers, but heretics are much worse.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Since Titus got all dreamy and drooly over the Boston bomber terrorist, I think we can safely discount his ideas of what constitutes "hot," since they're, you know, rather retarded.

It's like asking a teenyhopper who writes love letters to serial killers what she finds attractive in a man.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

There's an anti-Trump demonstration planned tonight near the Palm Springs International Airport, which is across the street from City Hall (not a big town). I hope for their safety that there are no all-black clad rioters blocking my way home, because they are awfully hard to see when moving fast.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

That's not drool.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Buwaya is right [and when is he not?] about the blackshirts. As I said before, let them destroy their own campus and neighborhood, let the insurance pay for it and let the feds withhold funding.

When the Nazis marched in North Idaho, the locals went inside and shut their doors. The only people watching the parade were [of course] reporters. When a child throws a tantrum, ignoring him/her is the best policy. When prisoners riot and tear up their cells, make them live in the mess. But if these blackshirts leave their urban strongholds and venture out into the heartland with their antics...well, I wouldn't guarantee their safety.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"I saw a clip of him speaking, and he is pretty inflammatory."

Awwww, Milo hurt my feelings! I'm gonna go out and loot a Starbucks now! See what he made me do!

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Mike explains: because they are awfully hard to see when moving fast
Heh! ;-)

BJM বলেছেন...

Cities all along the I-880 East Bay corridor are rife with violent packs of teenagers who gather in public places and create mayhem in their wake, known as "wilding". A dangerous trend that first made headlines more than fifteen years ago in West Oakland when Jerry Brown was Mayor and continues.

Berkeley and downtown Oakland are often the scene of protests which attract flash mobs as well as protestors. During daylight protests represent a wide cross section of society. Wilders and anarchists infiltrate the protest to throw rocks and bottles, break windows, and batter police and nonviolent protesters who implore them to stay peaceful. They have hit peaceful protesters in the head with hammers, launched projectiles at police officers and assaulted reporters who, ironically, cover their marches and bring attention to their protests.

That's the problem with unleashing anarchy, it respects no master or boundary.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

For all those "I don't care for Milo" Republicans, you should check out his debates on live TV in Britain and elsewhere. He is clever, witty, fast on his feet and completely rejects the fascism of PC culture. In other words he is a classical Liberal (as am I) when it comes to Free Speech. That he is employed by Breitbart causes lefties to try and pigeonhole him as alt-right or a provocateur, but essentially he's just one guy who is good at giving the fascist PC SJWs what they don't expect: intelligent rebuke. He's not racist or homophobe so they can't tar him with those smears. He's exceedingly open about being gay (I mean, The Dangerous Faggot Tour, right?) and that he prefers black boyfriends. Therefore they just make shit up and riot.

Before you declare opposition to Milo, look him up on Youtube and when you're done laughing come back and tell me why you oppose him.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

True facts, Mike.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Google "milo+equal-pay-for-women" and check out the BBC clips.

walter বলেছেন...

Uh huh..pretty persuasive approach. I can only hope they were paid to do this.

Martin বলেছেন...

I cannot for the life of me understand Trump tweeting about cutting off federal funds. By all means, do so if you can, but that is NOT the real answer.

He needs to send in the US Marshalls, the FBI and the (new, I assume) US Attorney to investigate the denial of constitutional rights, and ensure that those rights are honored.

This is no different from Mississippi in 1964. People are being denied their constitutionally guaranteed rights and the local government is aiding and abetting that denial by failing to enforce the law to protect those rights.

If he does that and follows through, he will have already won a second term, if he wants it.

Anyone see a flaw in that?

mockturtle বলেছেন...

BMJ aptly states: That's the problem with unleashing anarchy, it respects no master or boundary.

Right. Because anarchists have no cause save anarchy, itself. They are only about mischief and mayhem. A lot like some black rioters who seize upon any 'injustice' as an excuse to loot the local electronics store.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Prince WillHRH said...
"Milo and Trump aren't "sympathetic" to us, nor could they ever appear sympathetic to us. You people are already lost. No one hopes to convince you of anything. You have been thoroughly Trumpized. Your Trumpist style government will be rejected daily in many ways."

What is it about the rule of law that you find particularly disturbing?

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...

Liberalism is a wounded animal. It is trashing violently in the pain of its self inflicted injuries. The media will end up mortally wounded as well as it attempts to tend to liberalism's terminal injuries.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Martin asks: Anyone see a flaw in that?

Yes. At present, sending in federal LE would merely encourage the rioters. This is exactly what happened in the late 60's. I was a part of it [ashamed to say] and was in Berkeley in about 1969 or 70. A photographer friend showed us some photos of the 'police brutality' during the 'peaceful' [NOT!] demonstrations. The photographs were excellent. One showed a policeman's billy club literally parting the hair of a marcher. Nothing enhanced the movement like the involvement of the police and federal troops.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

" When a child throws a tantrum, ignoring him/her is the best policy."

It's been ignored long enough, and these brats have been emboldened to go from merely shouting down and disrupting conservative speakers to actual violence.(And for Trumpit's information, the speakers don't even have to be that conservative. All they have to do is violate some tenet of leftist identity politics, like Christina Hoff Sommers, who is a Democrat critical of Third Way feminism. Go to YouTube and look up the talk she did with Milo and Steven Crowder at Amherst. She was the most polite of the three and the crybullies in the audience screamed especially loud when she was talking.)

This is what angers me - not that the university administration and Democrats ignore it - what do you expect?- but that the Republicans do. Tea Partiers were attacked, people at Trump rallies were attacked and attendees at Milo's talks have been attacked before last night. Republican pols should be out there in force denouncing this assault on free speech every single time it happens and yet, only Trump has. Ignoring it has only made the cancer spread.

That's because most Republican pols are, like chuck, spineless jellyfish. Oh, it's fine if Jonah Goldberg writes a scathing piece in NR that nobody except old Republicans read and appreciate, but to actually confront leftists face to face on university campuses - well, that's not the done thing. And Milo uses such dreadful language! Just like those deplorables and teabaggers (chuck's term) in their MAGA hats! How vulgar! Really, they have it coming to them. Chuck and the Republican establishment don't want to be associated with such grubby types, so they don't mention them - or shrug and dismiss the story.

The Dems concoct stories of imaginary thugs in MAGA caps attacking their constituents. The GOP ignores it when their voters (the less desirable ones) are pulled out of cars and beaten. And up until now, the media has been more than happy to ignore it too, so they can continue to blather about "peaceful protesters."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"He is clever, witty, fast on his feet and completely rejects the fascism of PC culture"

Yes, he is. He was a more subdued character in England - watch some of the older videos on You Tube, and you'll see an earnest and thoughtful young man. He came here and dialed up the flamboyance. (And it worked - the last a London gay with an oversized ego and quick wit made such a sensation touring America his name was Oscar Wilde.) I have come to find the constant jokes about black dick annoying and predictable, but I know why he does it - to constantly remind the left that he's in one of their pet victim groups and yet he's not one of them.

But when he speaks seriously, he makes excellent points. There is a podcast of him being interviewed by Stefan Molyneaux and he comes off as a deeper, more complex person than the guy who sashays on stage in drag to piss off the SJWs.

Peter Irons বলেছেন...

The Berkeley faculty members' statement is worthy of the Brownshirts they have become.

Bob Loblaw বলেছেন...

I have come to find the constant jokes about black dick annoying and predictable, but I know why he does it - to constantly remind the left that he's in one of their pet victim groups and yet he's not one of them.

I agree. The funny part is the way they still slip into their standard otherization routine, calling him "racist" and a "homophobe". It's like a reflex copletely disconnected from external stimulus.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

And it worked - the last a London gay with an oversized ego and quick wit made such a sensation touring America his name was Oscar Wilde

Before he went nuts I liked Andrew Sullivan too, for some of the same reasons. Great writer. Wobbly thinker.

Francisco D বলেছেন...


Please. You are too f'ing stupid to comment on this blogsite.

You are an unnecessary distraction. Ask George Soros for a different assignment.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

More dispatches from the Cult of the Drama Queens.

Is there a tag for that? There should be.

Anything about Yanannanannannaapppoulis and Trump, and whatever crap they needed to say that day.

"Dispatches from the Cult of the Drama Queens."

Do they preen together? Look in the mirror at the same time while doing hair-related stuff?

Fuck them and the horses that rode in on them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Yes, he is. He was a more subdued character in England...

That's because over there, they're expected to be well-educated enough to call him out on his glib bullshit and other excesses.

Over here, not so much.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Waaanansnnasnanpoulos is a one-trick pony. He's the pornography of social analysis.

Bob Loblaw বলেছেন...

Sure, sure. If people riot and burn stuff to keep you from speaking, with a wink from the university, you're a drama queen.

Project much?

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Types a lot.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Sure, sure. If people riot and burn stuff to keep you from speaking, with a wink from the university, you're a drama queen.

Project much?

Go be "Milo's" daddy, Bob Loblaw.

You've got the perfect, bland name (and personality) for a tv father and obviously the little melodramatic twit needs one.

He admitted it himself, that this is what he needs. Said he calls Trump, "Daddy."

Maybe you do, too.

Hold Milo in those strong arms of yours and cuddle with him under the covers. Just before the two of you losers "inaugurate" each other.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

The protesters are passionate.

The dyed blonde attention whore just wants a daddy to tell him what to do.

Yep, he's a drama queen.

walter বলেছেন...

So CC,
Speaking of drama queens..do you think the rioters' destructive tantrum is appropriate?

walter বলেছেন...

Got it.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

I like what South Dakota is doing. The DAPL protesters were paid by Soros-funded organizations. South Dakota wants them to pay income tax on that money. If they can prove they made less than a fairly low threshold, they owe no tax -- but to prove that may require exposure of their funding sources. Otherwise they go to jail -- like Al Capone before them -- on tax evasion charges.

Given California's high tax rate, how many of the blackshirts would be up for that?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

So, you approve of the rioters and their deeds,



...because you don't approve of free speech for queers.

A COMPOUND STRAW MAN! ONE WASN'T ENOUGH! JUST LOOK AT HOW MANY MISCHARACTERIZATIONS HE CAN PILE ON! ONE ERROR IS JUST NOT DRAMATIC ENOUGH! Maybe this dude can just re-write a whole script and narrative based on one sentence that he failed to read.

Is that it? I just want some clarity.

Lol. And you thought you'd achieve that by listening to me? Your whole mind is messed up. Clear out those cobwebs, first.

Clarity from an inveterate incorrigible straw man addict. Now that's funny. It's like hearing an English illiterate asking if he read the sentence in Telugu correctly.

Go investigate your own issues and obsessive biases, first. Then get back to me.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

When a child throws a tantrum, ignoring him/her is the best policy.

Sometimes you need to spank them.

Bob Loblaw বলেছেন...


Yes, today we learn "passionate" is a synonym for "the propensity to engage in violent rioting and attack strangers".

Bob Loblaw বলেছেন...

Well, words change their meaning over time, but I still think "criminal" is a fine word to describe these kinds of people.

n.n বলেছেন...

How exciting, the Leftists are holding baby trials outside the abortion chambers. I don't think the normal folks are prepared. Twilight yields to dawn.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Yes, CC, Berkeley has been a drama queen for decades and it's getting old.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Berkeley has been a drama queen for decades and it's getting old.

That's nice. Too bad you'll never shut it down. And neither will your Ego In Chief's little spokesperson with the funny-colored hair.

But other than that, how's your war on the American people and our time-honored traditions going?

Paul বলেছেন...

Defund them. Point out they are anti-free speech and thus UN-AMERICAN. Then cut off all federal funding... for a minimum of eight years.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Conspiracy to deprive people of constitutional rights is a felony. Civil lawsuits should follow.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

BIrkel's warming up his armchair for a nice 2 to 8-year stint of playing constitutional lawyer for an administration that will have the courts strike down probably every other EO they issue.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

I don't think these protesters are really 'passionate' at all. Rather they are like a bunch of remote-controlled robots. Someone tweets 'let's riot' on their smart phone and they all follow the order, obedient to 'Big Brother' [Soros?] showing up at the right place at the right time. There is no real ideology involved. No cause.

Bob Loblaw বলেছেন...

Dream on, Cranky. There are certainly some nutty judges out there (as we saw with the visa ruling), but it's going to be a lot harder to muddle ephemeral interpretations of fairness and the law as written in higher courts.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

CC is a globalist.

Stephen বলেছেন...

Nonsense to say that Berkeley betrayed free speech principles. A small fraction of the faculty bought the conduct vs. speech argument. But the University clearly did not. Read Dirk's statement. http://news.berkeley.edu/2017/01/26/chancellor-statement-on-yiannopoulos/ It makes clear that the University was solidly behind free speech values. Moreover, the student protestors were peaceful. If there was a flaw, it was in failing to anticipate and counter the systematic disruption and violence of non student agitators, who indiscriminately attacked both those protesting and supporting the speaker. Cruel neutrality or tendentious partisanship. You decide.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

BayAreaGuy @2:14 PM: "No honorable person on the Left on the Berkeley Campus will defend Milo's right to give obnoxious speeches, because they are scared."

Then they are not honorable.

Kyzer SoSay বলেছেন...

If Milo comes to Illinois or Wisconsin, I'm showing up. I'm showing up wearing an "I'm With Her" hoodie and a safety pin through my sleeve. And at the first hint of leftist violence targeting innocent attendees, I'm going to sucker-punch a black-clad anarchist, steal his baseball bat, and proceed to raise Cain until I can no longer raise my arms.

Kyzer SoSay বলেছেন...

"an administration that will have the courts strike down probably every other EO they issue."

Says the idiot wannabe sophist who apparently doesn't realize that Obama has the worst postwar record at the Supreme Court (among even his own appointees) of any President. And more 9-0 decisions against to boot.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

CC is a globalist.

No need to get nasty, now, Jon. ;-)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I don't think these protesters are really 'passionate' at all. Rather they are like a bunch of remote-controlled robots. Someone tweets 'let's riot' on their smart phone and they all follow the order, obedient to 'Big Brother' [Soros?] showing up at the right place at the right time. There is no real ideology involved. No cause.

Look at how quickly each major port of entry's courts invalidate this god awful EO. I guess they don't have any "cause", either. Apparently just going along with the U.S. as a hateful place that turns its back on Kurds, military interpreters, talented scientists and their family is natural, and opposing that while preferring to do something about the countries that actually supply terrorists is not a real cause - especially when those terrorist incubators do so much business with Der Drumpfster.

Not only were you operated by remote control to say that, but I bet someone fed you the script.

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