I just retired. Some musings … Ok to respond. Ok to ignore. 1 – Althouse – I’d like to see a post about your post tags. And then, that post would naturally require you to use all of your tags. That would be fun and interesting. Separately, is there a way to see all the Althouse tags? I know we can click on a tag used in a particular post and see all of the other related postings, but is there a way to see the full list of tags? Also, have you ever done a “word salad” on your postings? 2 – Althouse – With respect to tags, do you keep statistics about which posts (as measured via tags) draw more clicks/interest than other posts/tags? I know that your philosophy of blogging would suggest that you don’t seek to maximize what interests your readers (but rather, you stick to what interests you), but I would think that normal curiosity might lead one to … measure. I’m trying to get at subtleties that drive your comment section, beyond the easily-recognized “red meat” items (no disrespect to these items intended - - news is news). 3 – Althouse – Are there any topics that you avoided when employed by the University, that you won’t continue to avoid now that you are retired? I don’t necessarily mean political topics (you’ve demonstrated significant bravery - - even by employing cruel neutrality, rather than reflexive leftism). 4 – Althouse – You married a commenter and have talked about some of your commenters in personal terms (example: Irene). I also know that you’ve hosted at least one commenter gathering (in NY, some years ago). How many of your core commenters have you met in person and/or have a personal relationship with “off the blog”? How much do these relationships impact what/how you blog? 5 – Althouse – You used to post some level of information about how your Amazon portal sales are going. You no longer do that, although you continue to encourage portal usage. Why did you stop the updates on what commenters bought via your portal? I found it strangely amusing to try to guess which commenter might have purchased a certain product.
I just retired. Some musings … Ok to respond. Ok to ignore. 6 – Althouse – You have an artistic bent (and I’m sorry if that understates the situation - - the comment is purely complimentary). Did you ever consider art school before heading to law school? Beyond the Althouse gateway to Amazon, have you ever considered monetizing your artwork via your blog? I could see purchasing a certain rat … Some artists can only create spontaneously - - upon inspiration. Is that your brand of creativity or can someone decide for you? That is, today I commission you to sketch … a rat, for example. And, then you’d just do it. 7 – Althouse – Continuing with the artistic theme, music seems to play a tremendous role in your life and in the life of your children (or at least one of them). And, seemed to play a tremendous role with your parents, as many of the memories you share of your childhood seem to involve the music being played at the time. Have you ever tried to write music? You express yourself via photography, sketching and writing. What about original Althouse music? Also, how come you don’t use your fish-eye anymore? And, why doesn’t Mead update The Puparazzo? I miss Zeus and Abby and Juniper and the rest of the gang … 8 – Althouse – Do you have any lingering regret/disappointment about not being able to move your blog to the “.se” address? I thought (and still think) that the web address is very cool. Now that you are retired, any thoughts about using that address for some other venture? 9 – Althouse – Why didn’t you continue to practice law? More lucrative/varied. But, was it the hours, the lack of job security, something else? Or, were you just naturally drawn to teaching? You do a lot of teaching via your blog. You seem to reject “boredom” and “boring people and things” very quickly. I sometimes wonder why teaching the same course or class year after year wasn’t too boring for you. Note: I am not a teacher. Also, were you ever considered for a judicial appointment? 10 – Althouse – I’d love to see you do a post about Executive Orders vs. Executive Actions vs. Memorandum throughout history. Also, “corporations as persons.”
I just retired. Some musings … Ok to respond. Ok to ignore. 11 – Althouse – Will you try to get one of the “Skype” seats at the White House Briefings? You SHOULD!! You’re retired and you’re brilliant and you’re cruelly neutral. 12 – Althouse – I’m ok with moderation as I don’t comment, but is it still necessary? 13 – Freeman Hunt – You can say more in a word or a sentence than most people can accomplish with unlimited space. I’ll even give you credit for when you just post the word “this” - - since you don’t waste time just restating someone else’s well-positioned comment. Do your pithy insights come naturally or do you work at it? The answer doesn’t matter (given your track record), but the latter might be even more impressive, since it’s such a hard thing to do… 14 – Dust Bunny Queen – In the dictionary, the concept of “common sense” should carry a picture of a little yellow canary … I enjoy your commentary so much. It would be fun to sit at your kitchen table and just listen to you comment on the daily news of the day. If you do not already serve your community in some public capacity, you should think about it. 15 – Mick – I love you. I’ve loved you from the first moment you called Barak Obama the “usurper” and my love grows every time you post. I can also say that during this last long presidential season, whenever I was most nervous about whether Trump would win (vs. Hillary) - - I would just remember that you repeatedly assured us that it would be “Trump by a landslide” - - and it brought me great comfort. You are so knowledgeable. I’m curious about your background.
I just retired. Some musings … Ok to respond. Ok to ignore. 16 – Laslo Spatula – You’ve heard it all before. Genius. Brilliant. Entertaining. Disgusting. Insightful. Gifted. My favorite scenes most often involve the girl with the pony tail on the treadmill. I wonder about the ratio of inspiration vs. perspiration. 17 – Titus – I don’t even know what to say, other than, you have amused me for years. You seem to float above life. But, I worry that you are too financially dependent on others. I could be way off, but please make sure that you have put away some money for yourself. I wish you every happiness. I’d like to appropriate your traditional sign-off, but it’s against my nature … 18 – rhhardin – Since my political awakening, I’ve always supported the repeal of the 17th amendment (the popular election of US Senators) since it has contributed to massive Federal deficits. But, sadly, your posts have awakened me to another problem! The derivative consequences of the 19th amendment ... Being (as well as identifying as) a woman, I’m often tempted to be insulted by many of your comments about the fairer sex, but … as a smart person, I am compelled to acknowledge the sad truth in them. Not sure how you “manage” these views in your personal life. Also, just as an aside, I learned about self-referential sentences from you. Very interesting (and I’ve read a little bit further than what is available on your website). But, what is the value of this concept, beyond just being interesting? Is there a practical usage for this concept? Or just a way of training the logical mind? 19 – All Others – I read you. I learn from you. Thank you. Even the crazies, like A Reasonable Man. Really, dude. Something is seriously wrong with your thought processes …
"1 – Althouse – I’d like to see a post about your post tags. And then, that post would naturally require you to use all of your tags. That would be fun and interesting. Separately, is there a way to see all the Althouse tags? I know we can click on a tag used in a particular post and see all of the other related postings, but is there a way to see the full list of tags? Also, have you ever done a “word salad” on your postings?"
I did something like that here, several years ago. There are a lot of tags! I could do a widget in the sidebar that would show them all but there are so many. I think it would make the page load slowly.
One thing you could do is use the search box in the upper right corner of the page and search for anything you're interested in and if you can get to a post, you could then get to a tag you could click on to collect other posts.
Is a "word salad" like a word cloud? You mean for the entire archive of the blog? There are nearly 50,000 posts, so that would be hard to do, and I don't know how.
"2 – Althouse – With respect to tags, do you keep statistics about which posts (as measured via tags) draw more clicks/interest than other posts/tags? I know that your philosophy of blogging would suggest that you don’t seek to maximize what interests your readers (but rather, you stick to what interests you), but I would think that normal curiosity might lead one to … measure. I’m trying to get at subtleties that drive your comment section, beyond the easily-recognized “red meat” items (no disrespect to these items intended - - news is news)."
I don't have a tool that counts clicks by particular tags. If I did though, it would not affect what I blog. I never think about what topics people like and how to provide more like that and less of something else. I really just please myself and go forward on the intrinsic interest and fun I get out of noticing things and talking about them.
"11 – Althouse – Will you try to get one of the “Skype” seats at the White House Briefings? You SHOULD!! You’re retired and you’re brilliant and you’re cruelly neutral."
"3 – Althouse – Are there any topics that you avoided when employed by the University, that you won’t continue to avoid now that you are retired? I don’t necessarily mean political topics (you’ve demonstrated significant bravery - - even by employing cruel neutrality, rather than reflexive leftism)."
Not really. I'd have the same tendency to avoid making fun of students or using the names of particular individuals. I will probably be more likely to skip legal topics just because I feel no pressure to keep up with anything and because I don't have any static about whether things are valued as an aspect of public service or scholarship within the context of my blog. It will be more purely what it has always been. It may get more quirky or creative. Also, I will change however I change, getting less interested in some things or more interested in others. I could lose my mental sharpness or stop caring about proving myself. I could lose interest in the affairs of the world, such as the news or where the economy or the environment is going.
I think today the Democratic Party is pretty much leaderless. Possibly because what used to be "the liberals" have pretty much got all they wanted, and now the "liberal wing" do not know what else to ask for so the party is drifting into anarchy.
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have done enormous damage to their respective Houses. Reid ran the Senate as if he was the principal of a lobbying law firm with the White House as it's sole client; never asking if legislation - or non-legislation - was good or bad for the country; just the client wants it and pays me. Pelosi - well "We have to pass the law so we can find out what is in it" says it all. Speaker Reed of Maine and Sam Rayburn, wherever they now reside, must have cried to hear this from a Speaker of the House. Like Reid, Pelosi never asked about the legislation being good or bad; it was - and is - just all about partisan tactics for her.
"4 – Althouse – You married a commenter and have talked about some of your commenters in personal terms (example: Irene). I also know that you’ve hosted at least one commenter gathering (in NY, some years ago). How many of your core commenters have you met in person and/or have a personal relationship with “off the blog”? How much do these relationships impact what/how you blog?"
Some of the commenters, including Irene, are people I knew in real life first. In the pre-Meade years on the blog (pre-2009), I did occasionally do meetups with commenters. I did that in NYC, in Madison, in San Francisco, and in L.A. Also, post-Meade, in Cincinnati. Haven't done that in a long time. I mostly know commenters as names and through the personality they display in their writing. Meade and I often talk about commenters, some in particular who've been around a long time or who have distinctive voices. It's always nice when someone who cares about thinking and writing uses the comments section as a platform to express himself/herself in an individual way. There are commenters from the past — for example, Bissage — that I often talk about missing.
Another Unknown said... "I just retired. Some musings … "
That was a fun read!
Like being in the leather back-seat of a luxury car with a knowledgeable driver wryly pointing out the landscape in ways that make you see it again new.
"5 – Althouse – You used to post some level of information about how your Amazon portal sales are going. You no longer do that, although you continue to encourage portal usage. Why did you stop the updates on what commenters bought via your portal? I found it strangely amusing to try to guess which commenter might have purchased a certain product."
That was something Meade was doing mostly. I could do that again. Some people might think it's creepy though. They might feel entitled to privacy and not want us poking around seeing who bought something funny or weird.
I could do that again if people say they like it.
Note that I do not see the names of the purchaser, only that the thing was bought.
if you don't stop that, we will start deleting everything you write without even reading it first. You know I don't want that. If you continue, you are in bad faith and on the permanent shit list.
Donald Trump may not be much of a Republican, but he is inside the building now, and certainly is shaking things up and providing leadership. Is it where Republicans want to go? Well, our congress critters are going to have to make up their minds and speak up, one way or the other.
Last November GitLab moved their software off the Cloud and began using their own equipment. They said: “...in the long run, it will make GitLab more efficient, consistent, and reliable as we will have more ownership of the entire infrastructure.”
Well crap. One of the administrators screwed up a command, and it started deleting all their database records. This was a disaster, but not to worry! They have backups.
Actually not. It turns out the backups were saying they completed, but actually were doing nothing.
Bottom line: Do your backups, and test your backups. And don't type commands until you've done your backups. If you backup only every 24 hours, then you have a 24 hour danger zone.
I just got done backing up to my computer and database export to my 256 Gig thumb drive. 24 hours, but I'm just an user. So far my backups are 59 Gig. I copy the thumb drive to my other computer when I'm done. Thumb drives do die...
"6 – Althouse – You have an artistic bent (and I’m sorry if that understates the situation - - the comment is purely complimentary). Did you ever consider art school before heading to law school? Beyond the Althouse gateway to Amazon, have you ever considered monetizing your artwork via your blog? I could see purchasing a certain rat … Some artists can only create spontaneously - - upon inspiration. Is that your brand of creativity or can someone decide for you? That is, today I commission you to sketch … a rat, for example. And, then you’d just do it."
My undergraduate degree is a BFA. That is, I went to art school. That was my undergraduate education. They let me into law school anyway, and I had to fake it in competition with all the students who'd learned economics, philosophy, history, and political science -- the really useful background. I managed to ace it anyway... or maybe law is best done by people who are faking it.
I have considered monetizing the artwork, and that is something I might do in retirement.
As for the rats, they are easy to print out from the Flickr page. It wouldn't be an original, but nothing stops you from having a good printer and using good paper to print things out.
I have considered making an adult coloring book out of pen drawings!
I don't think I'd take orders to draw this or that. Draw Donald Trump!!! You'd have to pay me a lot! In fact even just to process and order and package things and send them out would be kind of annoying. It's hard to picture selling originals of artwork and mailing them.
Another Unknown - from a long time visitor, infrequent commenter (until I retired last year) - Thank You for your questions. I'm glad I visited the Café post tonight.
"7 – Althouse – Continuing with the artistic theme, music seems to play a tremendous role in your life and in the life of your children (or at least one of them). And, seemed to play a tremendous role with your parents, as many of the memories you share of your childhood seem to involve the music being played at the time. Have you ever tried to write music? You express yourself via photography, sketching and writing. What about original Althouse music? "
I don't have musical talent. The most I've ever done is host my son John's rock bands and encourage them.
"Also, how come you don’t use your fish-eye anymore?"
I let the complaints about it get to me maybe. I'll get it out again some time. I usually don't like carrying the SLR camera because it's a little heavy.
"And, why doesn’t Mead update The Puparazzo? I miss Zeus and Abby and Juniper and the rest of the gang …"
He says he did what he set out to do. He finished that work.
Something new I learned: in silica. As in vivo means "in a living organism" and in vitro means outside a living organism, or in a test tube, so in silica means in a computer. Used when something is predicted using a computer generated model.
"8 – Althouse – Do you have any lingering regret/disappointment about not being able to move your blog to the “.se” address? I thought (and still think) that the web address is very cool. Now that you are retired, any thoughts about using that address for some other venture?"
That dead end was because I couldn't extract my blog from Blogger (not with all the comments attached). I could use the address with blogger though. I just don't care enough. And I don't want to be in a position to be cut off if somehow I neglect to pay (like after I'm gone).
Bottom line: Do your backups, and test your backups. And don't type commands until you've done your backups. If you backup only every 24 hours, then you have a 24 hour danger zone.
True dat!
A corollary of making sure your on-prem backups are working is:
Don't trust that your cloud vendor's backups are working either!
I let the complaints about it get to me maybe. I'll get it out again some time. I usually don't like carrying the SLR camera because it's a little heavy.
I'd say I didn't love all of the fish-eye lens stuff, and it can induce headaches if done too often, but your artistic sense is impressive enough where I make it a point to view any photography you post. I'd love the occasional odd perspective that fisheye generates.
"9 – Althouse – Why didn’t you continue to practice law? More lucrative/varied. But, was it the hours, the lack of job security, something else? Or, were you just naturally drawn to teaching? You do a lot of teaching via your blog. You seem to reject “boredom” and “boring people and things” very quickly. I sometimes wonder why teaching the same course or class year after year wasn’t too boring for you. Note: I am not a teacher. Also, were you ever considered for a judicial appointment?"
I have never wanted to be a judge. I do not have a judicial temperament. I value individuality and expression and don't want to feel obligated to repress myself. Similar reasons apply to being a practicing lawyer. I don't want to have to do what clients need. Teaching allowed me to follow ideas and to try to understand things because they were valuable to understand. I owed a duty to the students but all to the law in the abstract and to the general public who would have the law school's graduates inflicted on them.
I always found new things in the cases I needed to teach. It was challenging to keep up and to figure out how to convey ideas to young people. The main things that bored me in the job were: Reading in preparation for class (which had to be done very carefully and usually involved plowing through writing that had little aesthetic value), students who were not all that excited about answering what I considered to be the most interesting possible questions, and committees that operated inefficiently and often had tasks that I didn't like (endless "self-study" and "mission statements" and the like).
"10 – Althouse – I’d love to see you do a post about Executive Orders vs. Executive Actions vs. Memorandum throughout history. "...
That would only happen if I was working off some article somebody else wrote. I consider that really boring!!
"Also, “corporations as persons.”"
That has a tag "corporations are people." Click on that. There are a lot of posts. Always bouncing off something though. I'd never set out to write a whole article on that subject. I only want to blog it.
"11 – Althouse – Will you try to get one of the “Skype” seats at the White House Briefings? You SHOULD!! You’re retired and you’re brilliant and you’re cruelly neutral."
I don't want that. I like to fool around. I hate being in the position of needing to talk like a professional journalist. I consider myself to be more like a comedian (or an artist).
"12 – Althouse – I’m ok with moderation as I don’t comment, but is it still necessary?"
If you comment on the first day a post is up, it goes right through almost all of the time. Few people comment on old posts, so moderation isn't much of a barrier for commenters. I do need to be able to see a few people who are deleted all the time. The bad faith people. They know who they are.
Beyond 12... comments on individual commenters: Thanks for these. I appreciate these commenters too and many more. It's nice for commenters to offer praise to other commenters, so I encourage everyone to do that. I'm particularly delighted by the longtime commenters who've established a personal voice here.
(Sorry for all the typos in these comments. I didn't proofread anything.)
An Althouse meet-up would be fun. I'd like to meet the commenters with whom I disagree with the most, as it would be enjoyable to debate in a faster and more dynamic realm than a comments section.
When you are warned that you are about to be considered in bad faith and you don't take that seriously but continue to put up multiple, challenging short posts, you are flagging yourself as bad faith.
You need to stop, apologize, and recommit yourself to being a useful commenter who's not just annoying other people. You've been asked. If you don't understand what to do, just stop for the night and come back and comment on something new on some other day. Comment responsively to a new post and don't act like someone who doesn't care about the success of this blog and the time of the people who are reading it.
Ann, you are the one acting in bad faith (and lying to boot.) You know it was not me who raised the idea of a monetary wager and repeated it several times in that post earlier today. It was Meade and other Trump lovers.
But you are not even upset about that. What you are upset about is that Trump is seriously spooking the markets with all of his erratic behavior and threatening talk towards friend and foe alike. You know it was foolish that Meade and other Trump loving Hillbillies that you cultivate took my bait, because you know that there is a chance that the Dow will not close above 20,000 anytime soon. You also know that I know that you know I will be happy to point that out for months to come and laugh at Meade and his $10,000.
With that last laugh I am off to bed. 2/2/17, 9:22 PM Once written, twice... said...
Annie, while the Althouse Hillbillies that you cultivate to support your vainity don't know any better, you know that I know that your ridiculously thin-skin can not allow any serious challenge to your fragile ego. You might be retired, but you will always cocoon yourself in your safe law school classroom where you can pontificate and not allow any serious challenge from others.
With your deletion, you again prove the truth of my point.
interesting the arrest in Russia of cyber techs and now in the US? Why all the arrests if the tapes etc do not exist?And who outed the moles in Russia?
Peggy Nonnan in the Wall Street Journal. Best sentence...
"The handling of the (Muslim ban) order further legitimized the desire of many congressional Republicans to distance themselves from the president, something they feel they’ll eventually have to do anyway because they know how to evaluate political horse flesh, and when they look at him they see Chief Crazy Horse."
Opinion: Peggy Noonan: In Trump’s Washington, Nothing Feels Stable - The Wall Street Journal https://apple.news/A_XdMkLJPQEaLcQn-_RYUgg
Once written, twice... said... [hush][hide comment]
FullMoon, what did I write before "...you know" in that sentence. You also act in bad faith on this blog.
Nothing pertaining to the subject, which is your propensity to lie. Just like you lied about going to bed. Repetitive stupidity. Over, and over, and over and over and over. Nothing new or clever. Same old thing.
You lie. You bore. You believe that taunting Althouse until she responds somehow elevates you to her level. It doesn't. Lemme guess. Middle child, not enough attention from Mommy? Pathetic.
An Englewood man carrying marijuana and an illegal gun asked Chicago Police officers for a ride home early Thursday, prosecutors said.
The officers were happy to oblige — as long as 18-year-old Christopher Burton agreed to a patdown, court records show. That's when police found a loaded gun with six live rounds and a bag of marijuana worth roughly $10.
"Either you were going to shoot the police or you're stupid," Cook County Judge Adam Bourgeois Jr. said during Burton's bond hearing. "You're armed with an illegal gun, and you're going to ask the police for a ride home."
The Washington Post reports that some federal workers are “in regular consultation with recently departed Obama-era political appointees about what they can to to push back against the new president’s initiatives.” In addition, “180 federal employees have signed up for a workshop next weekend where experts will offer advice on workers’ rights and how they can express civil disobedience.”
But don't send the president - that might embarrass Rahm:
After White House officials said Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel hadn't taken up President Donald Trump on his offer to send federal help to the city amid spiking violence, Emanuel had a strong message for the administration: "Just send them."
"Send more FBI, DEA, ATF agents," Emanuel said during a news conference Wednesday. "We don't have to talk about it anymore. Just send them."
When asked if Emanuel wanted the president to visit the city, he simply said, "No.
"What I would really like is the federal resources," Emanuel said.
What Rahm wants is Federal dollars to spend. And Federal personnel he can boss around. But we doubt Sessions is going to allow that. And Trump has a big stick to hold over Rahm's head in terms of money. Personally we're hoping for an anti-corruption task force that will jail aldercreatures, ward bosses and Rahm. We think Trump could have a lot of fun with taking Blago out of prison in exchange for dirt on Mell, Madigan and others.
So here are your tax dollars at work, supporting a group of lawyers who have helped absolutely zero people while there because NOT ONE person has been held, detained, or deported for anything related to the executive order signed by Trump. Customs Border Patrol has not received any orders yet regarding the new rules so anything they've done with any people trying to enter the US so far has been based on current law and regulations they follow. All of the "detainees" the media blatantly lie about, are people with paperwork issues going through secondary screening as they have forever.
The attorneys have been aimlessly wandering around the area of lower level terminal five with no permit as required by Department of Aviation rules and given an area to set up, again against DOA rules, and soliciting business, again without that pesky permit, since Saturday. On Sunday, your favorite midget ballerina paid them a visit of support and bought them coffee and pastries from an airport vendor. The mayor's office has called and demanded the pictured tables, chairs, lockable cabinets, and electrical run be provided IMMEDIATELY.
The demonstrators have been given inside and outside spaces for their demos based on the lawyer's and media's lies, again without any permitting normally required.
So if anyone has any desire to protest, picket, or solicit at O'Hare, come on down and refer to these groups if anyone tries to tell you that you need a permit.
A man was shot Thursday afternoon in the South Side Chatham neighborhood.
The shooting happened about 1:05 p.m. in the 8300 block of South Maryland, according to Chicago Police.
The 18-year-old was shot in the right leg and was taken to Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, where he was listed in good condition, police said.
The shooting was the first in more than 14 hours in Chicago. The last shooting happened about 10:40 p.m. Wednesday in the Homan Square neighborhood on the West Side. There has not been a fatal shooting since 7:40 p.m. Tuesday, a span of over 42 hours.
The First Rule regarding a no-hitter is you don't talk about the no-hitter, and you certainly don't interrupt the pitcher while he's throwing one. In any event, last February racked up 46 homicides, and it's supposed to be right around 38-40 degrees the next two weeks.
Maybe Trump is driving down the homicide rate just by sheer force of will.
At least two manager level Secret Service officials were fired and escorted from the White House complex, according to a report by reporter Steve Clemons.
The Secret Service has been accused of slow-walking an investigation of an agent based in Denver who publicly stated she would not ‘take a bullet’ for President Donald Trump.
If you ever have to say an interfaith prayer, where you are praying for a group of people including Jews or Muslims, and you are asked to pray for all these people, and yet you still want to acknowledge Christ, without causing any strife or bad feelings...
tim in vermont said... Heard a tree fall in the forest once, it sounded like a crashing plane.
Solomon said, Ecclesiastes 11:3: If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be. This was the wisest man who ever lived?
If I planned to be buried, I would have that on my tombstone: In the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.
This is a vote for the fish eye. As a general rule I'm not a huge fish eye fan. I'm not a big zoom lens fan either, and there are a lot of otherwise excellent late sixties-early seventies movies that are spoiled by injudicious use of same, but then you see, say, "The Stunt Man" where there's just a staggering lens-zooming and it's absolutely great. So yes, bring back the fish eye.
I don't think it's even possible for a tree to sleep, but I never said that tree was sleeping. I only named a café. Aren't restaurants and bars and cafés often named by taking a noun that is a real thing in the world and then putting an adjective on it that doesn't belong?
@Althouse, I have always regarded deciduous trees as hibernating between when they lose their leaves and when their buds open. And hibernation is a form of sleep.
And I don't plan to pay money to a restaurant to eat leftovers!!!
Someone mentioned Peggy Noonan upthread. I read her column and I think Peggy has forgotten how disruptive her old boss, Ronald Reagan, was at the time. But today she's just a crotchety old lady who has forgotten what it's like to save a world that needs saving. She doesn't want to have to adjust, or even think, anymore.
I think you retired too soon, Althouse. Your mind still seems active and open (well, as open as a social liberal's mind gets).. Just please don't let yourself get like poor Peggy Noonan.
One earthquake happening without much DNC-Media notice is a complete review of all the rules issued by agencies during Obama's term. The WSJ and the PowerLIne blog both took a look at the CRA as analyzed by Todd Graziano. Today Stephen Green over at Insta also took note that the CRA was used, as in the House voted to undo, some bad rules issued by the prior admin. Turns out Obama did not follow the letter of the law any more than he did the spirit with respect to rule-making. Because his agencies failed to issue the required reports, there is nothing stopping Congress from repealing those rules wholesale.
So undoing the EPA carnage, the IRS rules, and a host of other envelope-pushing things Obama's administrative state did will be very easy. I recommend searching the WSJ archives to get the background on this because this will be the big news of Trump's first year.
Thanks for answering those questions, Althouse. I didn't expect you would and I enjoyed reading your responses. I'm sad that a very interesting thread got derailed. But such is the way of things these days.
"13 – Freeman Hunt – You can say more in a word or a sentence than most people can accomplish with unlimited space. I’ll even give you credit for when you just post the word “this” - - since you don’t waste time just restating someone else’s well-positioned comment. Do your pithy insights come naturally or do you work at it? The answer doesn’t matter (given your track record), but the latter might be even more impressive, since it’s such a hard thing to do…"
That was an awfully nice thing to write. Thanks.
The ideas are popping corn. The brevity is work.
If you want more detail: I liked reading quote books as a kid. I especially liked the way some writers could fit big ideas into only a few words. Later, at work, I had to write and edit copy to fit within small word count or space constraints. I don't go to work anymore, but I still like doing that. I'm in a season of life that doesn't allow me to do it as much as I'd like, but I get to do other things I like. Plus, seasons change.
There it is. And hopefully this post contains the greatest number of I's you'll ever see in a post by me.
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१०३ टिप्पण्या:
It's dead, Jim.
Didn't hear it. So that's settled.
On Sunday take the Under.
That tree is 'sleeping' like the Monty Python parrot.
It's just painful to see that tree pining for the fjords so!
I just retired. Some musings …
Ok to respond. Ok to ignore.
1 – Althouse – I’d like to see a post about your post tags. And then, that post would naturally require you to use all of your tags. That would be fun and interesting. Separately, is there a way to see all the Althouse tags? I know we can click on a tag used in a particular post and see all of the other related postings, but is there a way to see the full list of tags? Also, have you ever done a “word salad” on your postings?
2 – Althouse – With respect to tags, do you keep statistics about which posts (as measured via tags) draw more clicks/interest than other posts/tags? I know that your philosophy of blogging would suggest that you don’t seek to maximize what interests your readers (but rather, you stick to what interests you), but I would think that normal curiosity might lead one to … measure. I’m trying to get at subtleties that drive your comment section, beyond the easily-recognized “red meat” items (no disrespect to these items intended - - news is news).
3 – Althouse – Are there any topics that you avoided when employed by the University, that you won’t continue to avoid now that you are retired? I don’t necessarily mean political topics (you’ve demonstrated significant bravery - - even by employing cruel neutrality, rather than reflexive leftism).
4 – Althouse – You married a commenter and have talked about some of your commenters in personal terms (example: Irene). I also know that you’ve hosted at least one commenter gathering (in NY, some years ago). How many of your core commenters have you met in person and/or have a personal relationship with “off the blog”? How much do these relationships impact what/how you blog?
5 – Althouse – You used to post some level of information about how your Amazon portal sales are going. You no longer do that, although you continue to encourage portal usage. Why did you stop the updates on what commenters bought via your portal? I found it strangely amusing to try to guess which commenter might have purchased a certain product.
I just retired. Some musings …
Ok to respond. Ok to ignore.
6 – Althouse – You have an artistic bent (and I’m sorry if that understates the situation - - the comment is purely complimentary). Did you ever consider art school before heading to law school? Beyond the Althouse gateway to Amazon, have you ever considered monetizing your artwork via your blog? I could see purchasing a certain rat … Some artists can only create spontaneously - - upon inspiration. Is that your brand of creativity or can someone decide for you? That is, today I commission you to sketch … a rat, for example. And, then you’d just do it.
7 – Althouse – Continuing with the artistic theme, music seems to play a tremendous role in your life and in the life of your children (or at least one of them). And, seemed to play a tremendous role with your parents, as many of the memories you share of your childhood seem to involve the music being played at the time. Have you ever tried to write music? You express yourself via photography, sketching and writing. What about original Althouse music? Also, how come you don’t use your fish-eye anymore? And, why doesn’t Mead update The Puparazzo? I miss Zeus and Abby and Juniper and the rest of the gang …
8 – Althouse – Do you have any lingering regret/disappointment about not being able to move your blog to the “.se” address? I thought (and still think) that the web address is very cool. Now that you are retired, any thoughts about using that address for some other venture?
9 – Althouse – Why didn’t you continue to practice law? More lucrative/varied. But, was it the hours, the lack of job security, something else? Or, were you just naturally drawn to teaching? You do a lot of teaching via your blog. You seem to reject “boredom” and “boring people and things” very quickly. I sometimes wonder why teaching the same course or class year after year wasn’t too boring for you. Note: I am not a teacher. Also, were you ever considered for a judicial appointment?
10 – Althouse – I’d love to see you do a post about Executive Orders vs. Executive Actions vs. Memorandum throughout history. Also, “corporations as persons.”
I just retired. Some musings …
Ok to respond. Ok to ignore.
11 – Althouse – Will you try to get one of the “Skype” seats at the White House Briefings? You SHOULD!! You’re retired and you’re brilliant and you’re cruelly neutral.
12 – Althouse – I’m ok with moderation as I don’t comment, but is it still necessary?
13 – Freeman Hunt – You can say more in a word or a sentence than most people can accomplish with unlimited space. I’ll even give you credit for when you just post the word “this” - - since you don’t waste time just restating someone else’s well-positioned comment. Do your pithy insights come naturally or do you work at it? The answer doesn’t matter (given your track record), but the latter might be even more impressive, since it’s such a hard thing to do…
14 – Dust Bunny Queen – In the dictionary, the concept of “common sense” should carry a picture of a little yellow canary … I enjoy your commentary so much. It would be fun to sit at your kitchen table and just listen to you comment on the daily news of the day. If you do not already serve your community in some public capacity, you should think about it.
15 – Mick – I love you. I’ve loved you from the first moment you called Barak Obama the “usurper” and my love grows every time you post. I can also say that during this last long presidential season, whenever I was most nervous about whether Trump would win (vs. Hillary) - - I would just remember that you repeatedly assured us that it would be “Trump by a landslide” - - and it brought me great comfort. You are so knowledgeable. I’m curious about your background.
I just retired. Some musings …
Ok to respond. Ok to ignore.
16 – Laslo Spatula – You’ve heard it all before. Genius. Brilliant. Entertaining. Disgusting. Insightful. Gifted. My favorite scenes most often involve the girl with the pony tail on the treadmill. I wonder about the ratio of inspiration vs. perspiration.
17 – Titus – I don’t even know what to say, other than, you have amused me for years. You seem to float above life. But, I worry that you are too financially dependent on others. I could be way off, but please make sure that you have put away some money for yourself. I wish you every happiness. I’d like to appropriate your traditional sign-off, but it’s against my nature …
18 – rhhardin – Since my political awakening, I’ve always supported the repeal of the 17th amendment (the popular election of US Senators) since it has contributed to massive Federal deficits. But, sadly, your posts have awakened me to another problem! The derivative consequences of the 19th amendment ... Being (as well as identifying as) a woman, I’m often tempted to be insulted by many of your comments about the fairer sex, but … as a smart person, I am compelled to acknowledge the sad truth in them. Not sure how you “manage” these views in your personal life. Also, just as an aside, I learned about self-referential sentences from you. Very interesting (and I’ve read a little bit further than what is available on your website). But, what is the value of this concept, beyond just being interesting? Is there a practical usage for this concept? Or just a way of training the logical mind?
19 – All Others – I read you. I learn from you. Thank you. Even the crazies, like A Reasonable Man. Really, dude. Something is seriously wrong with your thought processes …
You can talk about anything you want except making bets. Just drop the subject. I reject it.
"1 – Althouse – I’d like to see a post about your post tags. And then, that post would naturally require you to use all of your tags. That would be fun and interesting. Separately, is there a way to see all the Althouse tags? I know we can click on a tag used in a particular post and see all of the other related postings, but is there a way to see the full list of tags? Also, have you ever done a “word salad” on your postings?"
I did something like that here, several years ago. There are a lot of tags! I could do a widget in the sidebar that would show them all but there are so many. I think it would make the page load slowly.
One thing you could do is use the search box in the upper right corner of the page and search for anything you're interested in and if you can get to a post, you could then get to a tag you could click on to collect other posts.
Is a "word salad" like a word cloud? You mean for the entire archive of the blog? There are nearly 50,000 posts, so that would be hard to do, and I don't know how.
"2 – Althouse – With respect to tags, do you keep statistics about which posts (as measured via tags) draw more clicks/interest than other posts/tags? I know that your philosophy of blogging would suggest that you don’t seek to maximize what interests your readers (but rather, you stick to what interests you), but I would think that normal curiosity might lead one to … measure. I’m trying to get at subtleties that drive your comment section, beyond the easily-recognized “red meat” items (no disrespect to these items intended - - news is news)."
I don't have a tool that counts clicks by particular tags. If I did though, it would not affect what I blog. I never think about what topics people like and how to provide more like that and less of something else. I really just please myself and go forward on the intrinsic interest and fun I get out of noticing things and talking about them.
The search box is at the upper left, not the upper right.
"11 – Althouse – Will you try to get one of the “Skype” seats at the White House Briefings? You SHOULD!! You’re retired and you’re brilliant and you’re cruelly neutral."
you go grrrl!!11!!
"3 – Althouse – Are there any topics that you avoided when employed by the University, that you won’t continue to avoid now that you are retired? I don’t necessarily mean political topics (you’ve demonstrated significant bravery - - even by employing cruel neutrality, rather than reflexive leftism)."
Not really. I'd have the same tendency to avoid making fun of students or using the names of particular individuals. I will probably be more likely to skip legal topics just because I feel no pressure to keep up with anything and because I don't have any static about whether things are valued as an aspect of public service or scholarship within the context of my blog. It will be more purely what it has always been. It may get more quirky or creative. Also, I will change however I change, getting less interested in some things or more interested in others. I could lose my mental sharpness or stop caring about proving myself. I could lose interest in the affairs of the world, such as the news or where the economy or the environment is going.
I think today the Democratic Party is pretty much leaderless. Possibly because what used to be "the liberals" have pretty much got all they wanted, and now the "liberal wing" do not know what else to ask for so the party is drifting into anarchy.
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have done enormous damage to their respective Houses. Reid ran the Senate as if he was the principal of a lobbying law firm with the White House as it's sole client; never asking if legislation - or non-legislation - was good or bad for the country; just the client wants it and pays me.
Pelosi - well "We have to pass the law so we can find out what is in it" says it all. Speaker Reed of Maine and Sam Rayburn, wherever they now reside, must have cried to hear this from a Speaker of the House. Like Reid, Pelosi never asked about the legislation being good or bad; it was - and is - just all about partisan tactics for her.
"4 – Althouse – You married a commenter and have talked about some of your commenters in personal terms (example: Irene). I also know that you’ve hosted at least one commenter gathering (in NY, some years ago). How many of your core commenters have you met in person and/or have a personal relationship with “off the blog”? How much do these relationships impact what/how you blog?"
Some of the commenters, including Irene, are people I knew in real life first. In the pre-Meade years on the blog (pre-2009), I did occasionally do meetups with commenters. I did that in NYC, in Madison, in San Francisco, and in L.A. Also, post-Meade, in Cincinnati. Haven't done that in a long time. I mostly know commenters as names and through the personality they display in their writing. Meade and I often talk about commenters, some in particular who've been around a long time or who have distinctive voices. It's always nice when someone who cares about thinking and writing uses the comments section as a platform to express himself/herself in an individual way. There are commenters from the past — for example, Bissage — that I often talk about missing.
Another Unknown said...
"I just retired. Some musings … "
That was a fun read!
Like being in the leather back-seat of a luxury car with a knowledgeable driver wryly pointing out the landscape in ways that make you see it again new.
Look forward to more.
I am Laslo.
"5 – Althouse – You used to post some level of information about how your Amazon portal sales are going. You no longer do that, although you continue to encourage portal usage. Why did you stop the updates on what commenters bought via your portal? I found it strangely amusing to try to guess which commenter might have purchased a certain product."
That was something Meade was doing mostly. I could do that again. Some people might think it's creepy though. They might feel entitled to privacy and not want us poking around seeing who bought something funny or weird.
I could do that again if people say they like it.
Note that I do not see the names of the purchaser, only that the thing was bought.
Once written
if you don't stop that, we will start deleting everything you write without even reading it first. You know I don't want that. If you continue, you are in bad faith and on the permanent shit list.
Donald Trump may not be much of a Republican, but he is inside the building now, and certainly is shaking things up and providing leadership.
Is it where Republicans want to go?
Well, our congress critters are going to have to make up their minds and speak up, one way or the other.
Last November GitLab moved their software off the Cloud and began using their own equipment. They said: “...in the long run, it will make GitLab more efficient, consistent, and reliable as we will have more ownership of the entire infrastructure.”
Well crap. One of the administrators screwed up a command, and it started deleting all their database records. This was a disaster, but not to worry! They have backups.
Actually not. It turns out the backups were saying they completed, but actually were doing nothing.
Bottom line: Do your backups, and test your backups. And don't type commands until you've done your backups. If you backup only every 24 hours, then you have a 24 hour danger zone.
I just got done backing up to my computer and database export to my 256 Gig thumb drive. 24 hours, but I'm just an user. So far my backups are 59 Gig. I copy the thumb drive to my other computer when I'm done. Thumb drives do die...
I am posting this link for rrhardin. It's an old one, but a goody.
"6 – Althouse – You have an artistic bent (and I’m sorry if that understates the situation - - the comment is purely complimentary). Did you ever consider art school before heading to law school? Beyond the Althouse gateway to Amazon, have you ever considered monetizing your artwork via your blog? I could see purchasing a certain rat … Some artists can only create spontaneously - - upon inspiration. Is that your brand of creativity or can someone decide for you? That is, today I commission you to sketch … a rat, for example. And, then you’d just do it."
My undergraduate degree is a BFA. That is, I went to art school. That was my undergraduate education. They let me into law school anyway, and I had to fake it in competition with all the students who'd learned economics, philosophy, history, and political science -- the really useful background. I managed to ace it anyway... or maybe law is best done by people who are faking it.
I have considered monetizing the artwork, and that is something I might do in retirement.
As for the rats, they are easy to print out from the Flickr page. It wouldn't be an original, but nothing stops you from having a good printer and using good paper to print things out.
I have considered making an adult coloring book out of pen drawings!
I don't think I'd take orders to draw this or that. Draw Donald Trump!!! You'd have to pay me a lot! In fact even just to process and order and package things and send them out would be kind of annoying. It's hard to picture selling originals of artwork and mailing them.
Another Unknown - from a long time visitor, infrequent commenter (until I retired last year) - Thank You for your questions. I'm glad I visited the Café post tonight.
"7 – Althouse – Continuing with the artistic theme, music seems to play a tremendous role in your life and in the life of your children (or at least one of them). And, seemed to play a tremendous role with your parents, as many of the memories you share of your childhood seem to involve the music being played at the time. Have you ever tried to write music? You express yourself via photography, sketching and writing. What about original Althouse music? "
I don't have musical talent. The most I've ever done is host my son John's rock bands and encourage them.
"Also, how come you don’t use your fish-eye anymore?"
I let the complaints about it get to me maybe. I'll get it out again some time. I usually don't like carrying the SLR camera because it's a little heavy.
"And, why doesn’t Mead update The Puparazzo? I miss Zeus and Abby and Juniper and the rest of the gang …"
He says he did what he set out to do. He finished that work.
Something new I learned: in silica. As in vivo means "in a living organism" and in vitro means outside a living organism, or in a test tube, so in silica means in a computer. Used when something is predicted using a computer generated model.
"8 – Althouse – Do you have any lingering regret/disappointment about not being able to move your blog to the “.se” address? I thought (and still think) that the web address is very cool. Now that you are retired, any thoughts about using that address for some other venture?"
That dead end was because I couldn't extract my blog from Blogger (not with all the comments attached). I could use the address with blogger though. I just don't care enough. And I don't want to be in a position to be cut off if somehow I neglect to pay (like after I'm gone).
Bottom line: Do your backups, and test your backups. And don't type commands until you've done your backups. If you backup only every 24 hours, then you have a 24 hour danger zone.
True dat!
A corollary of making sure your on-prem backups are working is:
Don't trust that your cloud vendor's backups are working either!
I let the complaints about it get to me maybe. I'll get it out again some time. I usually don't like carrying the SLR camera because it's a little heavy.
I'd say I didn't love all of the fish-eye lens stuff, and it can induce headaches if done too often, but your artistic sense is impressive enough where I make it a point to view any photography you post. I'd love the occasional odd perspective that fisheye generates.
Heard a tree fall in the forest once, it sounded like a crashing plane.
"9 – Althouse – Why didn’t you continue to practice law? More lucrative/varied. But, was it the hours, the lack of job security, something else? Or, were you just naturally drawn to teaching? You do a lot of teaching via your blog. You seem to reject “boredom” and “boring people and things” very quickly. I sometimes wonder why teaching the same course or class year after year wasn’t too boring for you. Note: I am not a teacher. Also, were you ever considered for a judicial appointment?"
I have never wanted to be a judge. I do not have a judicial temperament. I value individuality and expression and don't want to feel obligated to repress myself. Similar reasons apply to being a practicing lawyer. I don't want to have to do what clients need. Teaching allowed me to follow ideas and to try to understand things because they were valuable to understand. I owed a duty to the students but all to the law in the abstract and to the general public who would have the law school's graduates inflicted on them.
I always found new things in the cases I needed to teach. It was challenging to keep up and to figure out how to convey ideas to young people. The main things that bored me in the job were: Reading in preparation for class (which had to be done very carefully and usually involved plowing through writing that had little aesthetic value), students who were not all that excited about answering what I considered to be the most interesting possible questions, and committees that operated inefficiently and often had tasks that I didn't like (endless "self-study" and "mission statements" and the like).
"10 – Althouse – I’d love to see you do a post about Executive Orders vs. Executive Actions vs. Memorandum throughout history. "...
That would only happen if I was working off some article somebody else wrote. I consider that really boring!!
"Also, “corporations as persons.”"
That has a tag "corporations are people." Click on that. There are a lot of posts. Always bouncing off something though. I'd never set out to write a whole article on that subject. I only want to blog it.
Didn't github make a deal about getting rid of the men there? I see that their logo is now a pink pushy cat.
I'm sure picking their employees for political reasons had nothing to do with the screw up.
"11 – Althouse – Will you try to get one of the “Skype” seats at the White House Briefings? You SHOULD!! You’re retired and you’re brilliant and you’re cruelly neutral."
I don't want that. I like to fool around. I hate being in the position of needing to talk like a professional journalist. I consider myself to be more like a comedian (or an artist).
"12 – Althouse – I’m ok with moderation as I don’t comment, but is it still necessary?"
If you comment on the first day a post is up, it goes right through almost all of the time. Few people comment on old posts, so moderation isn't much of a barrier for commenters. I do need to be able to see a few people who are deleted all the time. The bad faith people. They know who they are.
Beyond 12... comments on individual commenters: Thanks for these. I appreciate these commenters too and many more. It's nice for commenters to offer praise to other commenters, so I encourage everyone to do that. I'm particularly delighted by the longtime commenters who've established a personal voice here.
(Sorry for all the typos in these comments. I didn't proofread anything.)
Pushy cat! At least spell check didn't substitute bossy.
"I have considered making an adult coloring book out of pen drawings! "
Big seller. Do it.
An Althouse meet-up would be fun. I'd like to meet the commenters with whom I disagree with the most, as it would be enjoyable to debate in a faster and more dynamic realm than a comments section.
When you are warned that you are about to be considered in bad faith and you don't take that seriously but continue to put up multiple, challenging short posts, you are flagging yourself as bad faith.
You need to stop, apologize, and recommit yourself to being a useful commenter who's not just annoying other people. You've been asked. If you don't understand what to do, just stop for the night and come back and comment on something new on some other day. Comment responsively to a new post and don't act like someone who doesn't care about the success of this blog and the time of the people who are reading it.
A sleeping tree? I don't think that one's going to wake up come spring?
(When does spring arrive in Wisconsin? I'm assuming August.)
nce written, twice... said...
Ann, you are the one acting in bad faith (and lying to boot.) You know it was not me who raised the idea of a monetary wager and repeated it several times in that post earlier today. It was Meade and other Trump lovers.
But you are not even upset about that. What you are upset about is that Trump is seriously spooking the markets with all of his erratic behavior and threatening talk towards friend and foe alike. You know it was foolish that Meade and other Trump loving Hillbillies that you cultivate took my bait, because you know that there is a chance that the Dow will not close above 20,000 anytime soon. You also know that I know that you know I will be happy to point that out for months to come and laugh at Meade and his $10,000.
With that last laugh I am off to bed.
2/2/17, 9:22 PM
Once written, twice... said...
(Oops! I spilled the beans.)
Marvelously mundane.
Annie, while the Althouse Hillbillies that you cultivate to support your vainity don't know any better, you know that I know that your ridiculously thin-skin can not allow any serious challenge to your fragile ego. You might be retired, but you will always cocoon yourself in your safe law school classroom where you can pontificate and not allow any serious challenge from others.
With your deletion, you again prove the truth of my point.
Once written, twice... said...
With that last laugh I am off to bed.
2/2/17, 9:22 PM
Netfix and chill, alone again?
Once written, twice... said...
(Some Stuff)
2/2/17, 9:49 PM
Narcissism got you out of bed?
BTW, the DOW Jones has slid below 20k. I predict it will never get above twenty during the next four years. Does anyone want to take that bet?"
"....you know that there is a chance that the Dow will not close above 20,000 anytime soon.
What an asshole.
Another entry in the How You Got Trump file, from The Truth About Cars.
interesting the arrest in Russia of cyber techs and now in the US? Why all the arrests if the tapes etc do not exist?And who outed the moles in Russia?
Peggy Nonnan in the Wall Street Journal. Best sentence...
"The handling of the (Muslim ban) order further legitimized the desire of many congressional Republicans to distance themselves from the president, something they feel they’ll eventually have to do anyway because they know how to evaluate political horse flesh, and when they look at him they see Chief Crazy Horse."
Opinion: Peggy Noonan: In Trump’s Washington, Nothing Feels Stable - The Wall Street Journal
FullMoon, what did I write before "...you know" in that sentence. You also act in bad faith on this blog.
I guess Annie and Meade have gone to bed and can't continue to delete my posts.
Once written, twice... said... [hush][hide comment]
FullMoon, what did I write before "...you know" in that sentence. You also act in bad faith on this blog.
Nothing pertaining to the subject, which is your propensity to lie. Just like you lied about going to bed.
Repetitive stupidity. Over, and over, and over and over and over.
Nothing new or clever. Same old thing.
FullMoon, I did not lie, I am in bed.
Once written, twice... said...
FullMoon, I did not lie, I am in bed.
You lie. You bore. You believe that taunting Althouse until she responds somehow elevates you to her level. It doesn't.
Lemme guess. Middle child, not enough attention from Mommy? Pathetic.
I did not lie, I am in bed.
You are lying in bed.
Someone is getting their wish fulfilled finally.
Thanks to you droning hillbilly dullards, I am drifting off to...
An Englewood man carrying marijuana and an illegal gun asked Chicago Police officers for a ride home early Thursday, prosecutors said.
The officers were happy to oblige — as long as 18-year-old Christopher Burton agreed to a patdown, court records show. That's when police found a loaded gun with six live rounds and a bag of marijuana worth roughly $10.
"Either you were going to shoot the police or you're stupid," Cook County Judge Adam Bourgeois Jr. said during Burton's bond hearing. "You're armed with an illegal gun, and you're going to ask the police for a ride home."
The Washington Post reports that some federal workers are “in regular consultation with recently departed Obama-era political appointees about what they can to to push back against the new president’s initiatives.” In addition, “180 federal employees have signed up for a workshop next weekend where experts will offer advice on workers’ rights and how they can express civil disobedience.”
Once written, twice... said...Thanks to you droning hillbilly dullards
A coup de grâce for "blow of mercy" is a death blow to end the suffering of a severely wounded person or animal.
à la wikipedia...
...end the suffering.
Let me put that pillow over your head before you fall asleep, once bitten.
Mockturtle, I see what you did there. :)
Lots of people -- I believe Justice Scalia was one of them -- enjoy sleeping with a pillow on their face.
Send Lawyers, Guns and Money
But don't send the president - that might embarrass Rahm:
After White House officials said Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel hadn't taken up President Donald Trump on his offer to send federal help to the city amid spiking violence, Emanuel had a strong message for the administration: "Just send them."
"Send more FBI, DEA, ATF agents," Emanuel said during a news conference Wednesday. "We don't have to talk about it anymore. Just send them."
When asked if Emanuel wanted the president to visit the city, he simply said, "No.
"What I would really like is the federal resources," Emanuel said.
What Rahm wants is Federal dollars to spend. And Federal personnel he can boss around. But we doubt Sessions is going to allow that. And Trump has a big stick to hold over Rahm's head in terms of money. Personally we're hoping for an anti-corruption task force that will jail aldercreatures, ward bosses and Rahm. We think Trump could have a lot of fun with taking Blago out of prison in exchange for dirt on Mell, Madigan and others.
All Those Detainees at O'Hare
All zero of them:
So here are your tax dollars at work, supporting a group of lawyers who have helped absolutely zero people while there because NOT ONE person has been held, detained, or deported for anything related to the executive order signed by Trump. Customs Border Patrol has not received any orders yet regarding the new rules so anything they've done with any people trying to enter the US so far has been based on current law and regulations they follow. All of the "detainees" the media blatantly lie about, are people with paperwork issues going through secondary screening as they have forever.
The attorneys have been aimlessly wandering around the area of lower level terminal five with no permit as required by Department of Aviation rules and given an area to set up, again against DOA rules, and soliciting business, again without that pesky permit, since Saturday. On Sunday, your favorite midget ballerina paid them a visit of support and bought them coffee and pastries from an airport vendor. The mayor's office has called and demanded the pictured tables, chairs, lockable cabinets, and electrical run be provided IMMEDIATELY.
The demonstrators have been given inside and outside spaces for their demos based on the lawyer's and media's lies, again without any permitting normally required.
So if anyone has any desire to protest, picket, or solicit at O'Hare, come on down and refer to these groups if anyone tries to tell you that you need a permit.
See http://secondcitycop.blogspot.com/ for Chicago news analysis.
I guess Annie and Meade have gone to bed and can't continue to delete my posts.
They'll wake up.
And I doubt we'll ever see you again.
Comment by Once written, twice... blocked.
2/2/17, 10:18 PM
Comment by Once written, twice... blocked.
2/2/17, 10:24 PM
Comment by Once written, twice... blocked.
2/2/17, 10:26 PM
One less bell to answer, one less troll to block.
Two Days?
Way to jinx it Fox 32:
A man was shot Thursday afternoon in the South Side Chatham neighborhood.
The shooting happened about 1:05 p.m. in the 8300 block of South Maryland, according to Chicago Police.
The 18-year-old was shot in the right leg and was taken to Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn, where he was listed in good condition, police said.
The shooting was the first in more than 14 hours in Chicago. The last shooting happened about 10:40 p.m. Wednesday in the Homan Square neighborhood on the West Side. There has not been a fatal shooting since 7:40 p.m. Tuesday, a span of over 42 hours.
The First Rule regarding a no-hitter is you don't talk about the no-hitter, and you certainly don't interrupt the pitcher while he's throwing one. In any event, last February racked up 46 homicides, and it's supposed to be right around 38-40 degrees the next two weeks.
Maybe Trump is driving down the homicide rate just by sheer force of will.
Congresswoman Val Demings Says Violent Riots At UC Berkeley Were A “BEAUTIFUL SIGHT”
Google it yourself.
At least two manager level Secret Service officials were fired and escorted from the White House complex, according to a report by reporter Steve Clemons.
The Secret Service has been accused of slow-walking an investigation of an agent based in Denver who publicly stated she would not ‘take a bullet’ for President Donald Trump.
What will the lefties twist this into?
Good news everyone!
Milo on Tucker Carlson's show
What do you want from life?
Talk to you later!
Old man, look at my life, I'm a lot like you were.
Marlon Brado, Pocahontas and me.
If you ever have to say an interfaith prayer, where you are praying for a group of people including Jews or Muslims, and you are asked to pray for all these people, and yet you still want to acknowledge Christ, without causing any strife or bad feelings...
this is a good prayer.
Get your kicks on route 66
Joni performing Woodstock
"Burnouts stub their toes on garbage pails"
We didn't start the fire
tim in vermont said...
Heard a tree fall in the forest once, it sounded like a crashing plane.
Solomon said, Ecclesiastes 11:3:
If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.
This was the wisest man who ever lived?
If I planned to be buried, I would have that on my tombstone: In the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.
Fascist Protesters at NYU
"Genocide, racial hate, America was never great" chant going on at the Gavin McInnes event.
Remember when Democrats pretended to believe "Make America Great Again" was offensive because it means America isn't great now?
That was credible.
And that's how you get on the shit list and end up with all your posts deleted unread.
I'm leaving the late night posts up as a lesson for those who want more information about how we define "bad faith" on this blog.
Wow, onesie, ya burnt! At least you got ample warning.
Thing is, Ann, people change their handles like their underwear...or more so.
I don't know how to say this gently - that tree is dead rather than sleeping!!
This is a vote for the fish eye. As a general rule I'm not a huge fish eye fan. I'm not a big zoom lens fan either, and there are a lot of otherwise excellent late sixties-early seventies movies that are spoiled by injudicious use of same, but then you see, say, "The Stunt Man" where there's just a staggering lens-zooming and it's absolutely great. So yes, bring back the fish eye.
Thanks, Jeff Gee. That's probably all the encouragement I need. I love the fisheye.
I don't think it's even possible for a tree to sleep, but I never said that tree was sleeping. I only named a café. Aren't restaurants and bars and cafés often named by taking a noun that is a real thing in the world and then putting an adjective on it that doesn't belong?
The Paradoxical Bar & Grill
Poetic Potables
American Fast Food Made Great Again
I like the idea of a Great Again Fast Food Restaurant.
Leftovers like Mom used to cook.
Maybe they could actually collect food from other restaurants and redo them.
Health code wouldn't let you, but I like the idea that they'd serve food like that. Casseroles, soup...
"Health code wouldn't let you"
The Totalitarian Farm-to-Table
@Althouse, I have always regarded deciduous trees as hibernating between when they lose their leaves and when their buds open. And hibernation is a form of sleep.
And I don't plan to pay money to a restaurant to eat leftovers!!!
Someone mentioned Peggy Noonan upthread. I read her column and I think Peggy has forgotten how disruptive her old boss, Ronald Reagan, was at the time. But today she's just a crotchety old lady who has forgotten what it's like to save a world that needs saving. She doesn't want to have to adjust, or even think, anymore.
I think you retired too soon, Althouse. Your mind still seems active and open (well, as open as a social liberal's mind gets).. Just please don't let yourself get like poor Peggy Noonan.
In terms of horticulture, it should be "At the Dormant Tree Café"
Unless the tree is dead. Then it would be "At the Necrotic Tissue Café"
Maybe only part of the tree is dead. Then it would be "At the Compartmentalization Of Disease In Trees Café"
Here's a name for a vegan restaurant:
"Phloem, Xylem, Cambium, and Pith"
Mmm... yum!
One earthquake happening without much DNC-Media notice is a complete review of all the rules issued by agencies during Obama's term. The WSJ and the PowerLIne blog both took a look at the CRA as analyzed by Todd Graziano. Today Stephen Green over at Insta also took note that the CRA was used, as in the House voted to undo, some bad rules issued by the prior admin. Turns out Obama did not follow the letter of the law any more than he did the spirit with respect to rule-making. Because his agencies failed to issue the required reports, there is nothing stopping Congress from repealing those rules wholesale.
So undoing the EPA carnage, the IRS rules, and a host of other envelope-pushing things Obama's administrative state did will be very easy. I recommend searching the WSJ archives to get the background on this because this will be the big news of Trump's first year.
Thanks for answering those questions, Althouse. I didn't expect you would and I enjoyed reading your responses. I'm sad that a very interesting thread got derailed. But such is the way of things these days.
"13 – Freeman Hunt – You can say more in a word or a sentence than most people can accomplish with unlimited space. I’ll even give you credit for when you just post the word “this” - - since you don’t waste time just restating someone else’s well-positioned comment. Do your pithy insights come naturally or do you work at it? The answer doesn’t matter (given your track record), but the latter might be even more impressive, since it’s such a hard thing to do…"
That was an awfully nice thing to write. Thanks.
The ideas are popping corn. The brevity is work.
If you want more detail: I liked reading quote books as a kid. I especially liked the way some writers could fit big ideas into only a few words. Later, at work, I had to write and edit copy to fit within small word count or space constraints. I don't go to work anymore, but I still like doing that. I'm in a season of life that doesn't allow me to do it as much as I'd like, but I get to do other things I like. Plus, seasons change.
There it is. And hopefully this post contains the greatest number of I's you'll ever see in a post by me.
Thanks, Another Unknown, for the thoughtful questions, and thanks, Althouse, for answering them.
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