Am in Ann Arbor, and am sitting by the window, drinking some very fine Darjeeling 2nd Flush tea. Reminds me of lazy mornings while I was growing up in North-Eastern India, drinking a cuppa tea( with milk and sugar, like the Brits taught us Injuns how to!!), and flooded with fond memories that tea brings back.
I watched "Captain Fantastic" last night. It's available from Amazon streaming for free, if you have Prime. My observations (spoilers ahead): Leslie (the mother)was bipolar. She killed herself. The movie covers the period of time , roughly, from her death to her being put to rest. Ben has a drinking problem. He is shown, twice, I think, buying liquor, and in one scene he is clearly drunk. Jack (Leslie's father) clearly blames Ben for Leslie's death. He seems to view her relationship with Ben as a symptom of her mental illness, something Leslie's sister confirms when she reads to Ben an old letter from Leslie. Ben's only memories of Leslie show Leslie at her best, smiling and loving (but unspeaking, if I remember correctly). Leslie's appearances are more like visitations from a ghost than a memory. I think that this means that Ben was just as crazy as Leslie. The surrealistic ending minutes of the film, IMHO, are Ben's fantasy. When he loses the children to Jack, and they have rejected Ben, it is too much for him to bear and so Ben kills himself, and this is his last vision. He has gone to his last home.
I don't see the cup that's nearly full on the table, but I see the standing man on the table. I gave up and decided that it's lovely in an artistic way and indecipherable in a logical way.
AReasonableMan said... "'Swedish national security advisor' on The O’Reilly Factor was actually an ex-convict living in Virginia."
"Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter then identified Bildt as one Nils T[r?]olling, who had emigrated from Sweden in 1994 before being hit with a one-year prison sentence for a violent offense in Virginia in 2014."
This is an argument against extreme vetting and limiting immigration?
People don't think about this, but if you crash an airplane into the ground, you die a very violent death. It's amazing to see big sheets of aluminum ripped to shreds. Then too, there's the fire.
In the military, and I'm sure everywhere, you get these utility marker flags of different colors, and what you are doing is marking body parts. After all the body parts are marked, you can sometimes visualize which parts go to which body. They have kind of a splash pattern.
If the plane crashed in the forest, you also have to work fast as the animals are running off with all the fresh BBQ. They love meat from the sky.
When they say they are returning remains from war, you have to realize that it is mostly just a bunch of little bones. To me it is obscene to bury these bones in a casket. They have to fill the casket with sand bags so the burial party doesn't make it look like they are carrying an empty box. Which they are.
When I buried my dad, they gave him a full plot. I told them it was wasteful, but they said it was uniform. My dad was cremated into the size of a coffee can. Later the VA finally opened up a cremation cemetery, after they ran out of space. Duh.
Anyway, I say, let the dead rest in peace. Why dig up bones in the jungle just to have a funeral 50 years later. Especially if it's just one bone.
Maybe it's just the practical side in me. I was never very emotional about dead people. You live, you die. Since we all are reincarnated to do it all over again until we reach nirvana, the container of the soul is just a beer bottle.
Raisin' pigs is hard, dirty work. It don't appeal to many gals. Once in a while though, you'll come across one as cottons onto it. If you do, be sure to hold the door for her. She'll likely expect that.
What's colder than day old pizza on the counter top? Democratic guests on one of the Sunday morning shows after their meeting. The hosts are like, "eh." Seriously, at this point, who gives a damn? What dullards. (To some extent, I exempt Pelosi, who, while aging noticeably, is still very feisty and sharp, but at the same time future-suppressing.).
As for your thought experiment (which you evaded Bob on, on bloggingheads, I noticed), I’m not sure of its universal applicability. I have come out on here as saying while I find Trump wretch-worthy, I agree with him that certain issues have been swept under the rug decade after decade (ie immigration and trade) to our detriment. I also think that like the latter day Republican he is, he adapted not Lincoln’s version, but the Dixiecrat version of campaign style of divide and conquer. Anyhow, with a few tweeks of my own, I will play your game. Had Trump designed and built more than one building that was elegant and fitting and had good design, then, yes, I would consider him more seriously than I do. But I’m sorry, his designs are tacky. So based on his style, I might not take his positions as seriously. Style is important.
Blogger harryo said... People don't think about this, but if you crash an airplane into the ground, you die a very violent death. It's amazing to see big sheets of aluminum ripped to shreds. Then too, there's the fire.
On the Big Island, a few years ago, a small plane disappeared. The pilot and passengers were foreign nationals on an aerial tour. They looked for a week or so around the fight path, but sometimes small planes go off the path for weather or whatever. The searchers never found the plane. Most people assumed it went into the sea. Then they got a lead. Some UH students were working a project way, way up on Mauna Loa's SW flank. They reported that that they had heard the drone of a plane engine and that it stopped suddenly. This was in the cloud forest at 5,000'. The terrain is wild up there. The slope is steep and the ground cover is rubble, ash, and centuries worth of rotted vegetation. The clouds build up early in the AM so it's in fog most of the time. No one lives up there, the only access is by a few rugged jeep trails. Based on the reports of the UH people, a helicopter found the plane. It was hanging upside down in the trees. Everyone inside was dead, hanging in their harnesses. Here is the story as reported in one of the Honolulu papers:
The biggest worry now is Congress. I fear the organized "town halls" will suck what little backbone they had grown since November,
Lots of evidence of the organizing around, no matter that they deny it.
Online affiliate of San Francisco Chronicle now publishes list of anti-Trump events. Protesting may become a leisure time activity as weather improves. Generally more of a social event than an angry mob. Good place to make new friends, get out of the house, have a few beers, etc. Expect to see tailgating,bbq as at sporting events. Romance in the air in springtime. Good for nearby bars and restaurants.
"It was hanging upside down in the trees. Everyone inside was dead, hanging in their harnesses. "
We had a girl who ran off the road on Crown Valley Parkway, a big arterial street in Laguna Niguel, who had hung upside down all night until her car was found in the morning. She was in her safety belt and was otherwise uninjured, as I recall. She was unconscious for a while and then could not get out of her shoulder belt.
The plane crash probably caused lethal deceleration injuries, The girl we treated had just had lateral force.
The NYT email of the day, which unaccountably did not go automatically into the spam folder - perhaps a deal with Yahoo -, offers 50% off and "The truth has no alternative."
All I can think is that I did not watch the Sunday shows. Not asking anything of the hostess but I was hoping she had a plan to recap. Spring cleaning and yard work were more important but as I wind down, I was interested.
Interesting geophysical event: North Carolina has dropped off the radar.
I can hear Florida working North Carolina, I can hear Europe working North Carolina, I can hear Oklahoma working North Carolina, I can hear New England woring North Carolina, but nothing where the North Carolina reply would be.
Which means the radio waves bounce over North Carolina instead of landing there, from Ohio.
You never notice it unless North Carolina is the one thing that ought to be there.
More winning. So-Called DREAMER! from Politico: "Quigley is one of a handful of members inviting a so-called "Dreamer," an undocumented immigrant brought here as a minor, to Trump’s speech."
Several winters ago, Mrs. Humperdink was driving up our remote dirt road on ice. Her Pathfinder slid sideways into the ditch, hit a large rock which flipped the car upside down. The car slid for awhile, accumulating broken glass, mud, and snow on the headliner of the car which was now the floor. She hung upside down for awhile, collected herself and escaped out a rear door - the only one that would open. Her cell phone was "lost" inside the wreck. She patiently waits for help.
Since she is now overdue, I call her cell phone. She hears it ringing and climbs inside the car, through the mud, snow, and broken glass. Unable to locate it, she crawls back out. I call again. She crawls into the car again. No luck. Neighbor comes by and rescues her.
Her injuries? Cut finger tips from crawling through the debris. We laugh about that today.
Cell phone was later recovered behind the instrument panel.
North Carolina may be gone but I worked San Andres Island, not a remarkable distance at all but odd because lots and lots of other people were calling him too so you'd think my tiny signal wouldn't pop up. Also he was very very weak.
I assume that:
1. He's running even less power than me.
2. He doesn't pick the strongest signal, just one he can hear in the clutter.
When the convention is to call "up 1" (kHz) so that the wolf pack doesn't obscure who it is that the guy answers to, I go up 1.23, hoping for a clear spot.
"Online affiliate of San Francisco Chronicle now publishes list of anti-Trump events. Protesting may become a leisure time activity as weather improves. Generally more of a social event than an angry mob. Good place to make new friends, get out of the house, have a few beers, etc. Expect to see tailgating,bbq as at sporting events. Romance in the air in springtime. Good for nearby bars and restaurants."
If protesting Trump becomes a party scene, they could call it the Chai Party. See, the Dems noticed how Republican reform leading to Republican dominance began when Republicans woke up and began to go to town halls sponsored by local Republican reps and challenge them issues. So that's how the Chai Party dedicated to Democratic party reform began. They began to go the town halls sponsored by Republican reps.
so as to shout them down and show the locals (who drink tea) that their local issues mean nothing compared to important Chai issues like Happy Jihadist Day and trannys in upstate school bathrooms. And the Chai party members are warned not to wear symbols- no pussyhats, Cornell sweatshirts, "Whites Suck" T-Shirts. And Chai-buggers are warned not to warm-up for the encounter with the yokels by burning the American flag. No. But to regenerate the The Democratic party by screaming down those attending local Republican party meetings. Because Republicans are Fascists. Yes.
And no tailgating, BBQ or romance. What are you thinking? Pork ribs with brown sugar, ketchup and secret ingredients slow-cooking over hickory chips? A baseball game coming over the radio? Dancing to the tune of the Tennessee waltz? The Chai party is about cleansing America of ethnics, not about clean ethnic fun.
Blogger Jack Wayne said... More winning. So-Called DREAMER! from Politico: "Quigley is one of a handful of members inviting a so-called "Dreamer," an undocumented immigrant brought here as a minor, to Trump’s speech." Uh . . . do they realize that Trump has married two immigrants? And that his mother was an immigrant? And his grandfather was an immigrant?
I just listened to Ann's diavlog with Bob and the topic of podcasts came up. What podcasts do you guys listen to? I listen to a lot of podcasts because I have a long commute to work, and here are some I'd recommend: Vox's The Weeds - Great policy podcast. Econ Talk with Russ Roberts - Great econ podcast with a libertarian bent. Macro Musings - A cool macroeconomics podcast. Slate Money The Ezra Klein show - I recommend the recent Avik Roy interview. War college - from the guys who maintain the brilliant site Hang up and Listen - Great Sports podcast The Bugle Slate's political gabfest Planet Money on NPR Decode DC Democracy Now with Amy Goodman
Blogger Nyamujal said... . . . What podcasts do you guys listen to?
Andrew Klavan does a forty minute podcast four days a week. He is good on the Left, and Trump, and he usually ends with five or ten minute discussion of a work of performance art -- theater, film, or television. He's a Hollywood guide and he knows his stuff.
The BBC 4 podcast "In Our Time" is great if you like the history of ideas.
@Lewis Wetzel I should check out Andrew Klavan. I used to listen to In Our Time, but after a while I found the show to be very hit-or-miss so I stopped listening. Melvyn Bragg has a very soothing voice though. The sort of voice that puts me to sleep. From our own correspondent is the only Radio 4 show I listen to religiously. I'd like to listen to other shows but it seems like the BBC radio site blocks non-UK IP's. They probably want only Brits who pay their license fee accessing their site. They're getting good at clamping down on VPN's too.
The Cleveland Indians, Hillary Clinton, the Atlanta Falcons and now La La Land. All mortal locks to win at some point, and all ended up losing. It's been that way the last few months. Avoid that mortal lock tag like the plague!
Seriously, though, in retrospect, how could Moonlight NOT have won? The only thing Hollywood loves more than a love letter to itself is diversity. They eat that stuff up with a spoon, and a story about a gay black man coming of age in the ghetto obviously trumps a story about a white couple. The only way that Moonlight would have been more likely to win is if the character had been black and transgender, and maybe a Muslim convert as well.
I am in Florida now, and I rented a truck to move some stuff and the backup camera tweaked the colors of the sky and grass and it looked exactly like a beautiful spring day up north. Ironically, I guess, the colors are a little cooler down here.
In a previous Althouse post I called the Best Picture Oscar by viewing the movie posters:
"Moonlight" A close-up of a young dark-skinned black man in solemn lighting, with a slash of purple-red separating his face into three pieces. Upon closer look, however, it seems these are three different actors, although they are all black and it may just be two actors with one being shown twice, it's hard to tell. It is also hard to tell what this movie might be about, but I bet it involves Emotional Struggle....
As for who will win? I would normally give it to a gritty Denzel and Viola, but I think the uplifting three black maids may siphon off some of their votes. But this year there are THREE black movies, so that leaves the emotionally riveting tour-de-force "Moonlight" to take home the prize it so richly deserves...
Best picture award snafu...all those people up on the stage clutching their gold statuettes whether they actually won out not made me think of the participation trophy phenomenon...couldn't happen to a more deserving group.
I listen to the Federalist Radio Hour almost every day. Ben Domenech's voice was made for radio. I also listen to some of the Ricochet podcasts and the Art of Manliness podcast occasionally as well. Klavan is on Ricochet. I actually find him tiresome. I also listen to the Weekly Substandard which is on movies, nothing political. I wish it were more often than once a week because they are truly idiots who are fun to listen to.
I'll have to give Hang up and Listen a try. I used to listen to Dan Patrick pretty regularly, but it's pretty meh now. I only listen to my hometown's local guys now, but I'd like a better national podcast.
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६३ टिप्पण्या:
Fine composition, Ann!
The North Carolina ham contest is starting.
Flips on radio.
Here's N4AA. A pack of people calling him. No chance for 15w.
Move up the band 2 kHz.
W4GSO, nobody calling. Send call letters once, he responds with GUI (his county). I respond with OH (my state). End of contact.
That's enough excitement for now. I'll try it again in maybe hour.
Am in Ann Arbor, and am sitting by the window, drinking some very fine Darjeeling 2nd Flush tea. Reminds me of lazy mornings while I was growing up in North-Eastern India, drinking a cuppa tea( with milk and sugar, like the Brits taught us Injuns how to!!), and flooded with fond memories that tea brings back.
What's that X-Files looking black thing watching you from up in your tree?
Before McDonald's, there was The Automat!
Concerto for Horn and Hardart.
The 15 ounce Bodum Pavina is the most versatile glass ever.
Trinity’s transgender wrestler credits teammates for her state title
The ice on the trees is throwing off sparkly spectra this morning in Madison. Beautiful.
I watched "Captain Fantastic" last night. It's available from Amazon streaming for free, if you have Prime.
My observations (spoilers ahead):
Leslie (the mother)was bipolar. She killed herself. The movie covers the period of time , roughly, from her death to her being put to rest.
Ben has a drinking problem. He is shown, twice, I think, buying liquor, and in one scene he is clearly drunk.
Jack (Leslie's father) clearly blames Ben for Leslie's death. He seems to view her relationship with Ben as a symptom of her mental illness, something Leslie's sister confirms when she reads to Ben an old letter from Leslie.
Ben's only memories of Leslie show Leslie at her best, smiling and loving (but unspeaking, if I remember correctly). Leslie's appearances are more like visitations from a ghost than a memory.
I think that this means that Ben was just as crazy as Leslie. The surrealistic ending minutes of the film, IMHO, are Ben's fantasy. When he loses the children to Jack, and they have rejected Ben, it is too much for him to bear and so Ben kills himself, and this is his last vision. He has gone to his last home.
White privilege.
I don't see the cup that's nearly full on the table, but I see the standing man on the table. I gave up and decided that it's lovely in an artistic way and indecipherable in a logical way.
Bob Boyd said...
What's that X-Files looking black thing watching you from up in your tree?
It looks like the two profiles of Janus.
AReasonableMan said...
"'Swedish national security advisor' on The O’Reilly Factor was actually an ex-convict living in Virginia."
"Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter then identified Bildt as one Nils T[r?]olling, who had emigrated from Sweden in 1994 before being hit with a one-year prison sentence for a violent offense in Virginia in 2014."
This is an argument against extreme vetting and limiting immigration?
And now, a massage from the Swedish Prime Minister.
Lets try that again:
Very sad to see that Bill Paxton has died.
People don't think about this, but if you crash an airplane into the ground, you die a very violent death. It's amazing to see big sheets of aluminum ripped to shreds. Then too, there's the fire.
In the military, and I'm sure everywhere, you get these utility marker flags of different colors, and what you are doing is marking body parts. After all the body parts are marked, you can sometimes visualize which parts go to which body. They have kind of a splash pattern.
If the plane crashed in the forest, you also have to work fast as the animals are running off with all the fresh BBQ. They love meat from the sky.
When they say they are returning remains from war, you have to realize that it is mostly just a bunch of little bones. To me it is obscene to bury these bones in a casket. They have to fill the casket with sand bags so the burial party doesn't make it look like they are carrying an empty box. Which they are.
When I buried my dad, they gave him a full plot. I told them it was wasteful, but they said it was uniform. My dad was cremated into the size of a coffee can. Later the VA finally opened up a cremation cemetery, after they ran out of space. Duh.
Anyway, I say, let the dead rest in peace. Why dig up bones in the jungle just to have a funeral 50 years later. Especially if it's just one bone.
Maybe it's just the practical side in me. I was never very emotional about dead people. You live, you die. Since we all are reincarnated to do it all over again until we reach nirvana, the container of the soul is just a beer bottle.
"It looks like the two profiles of Janus."
That's what they want you to think.
Feminist NC ham contest contact update.
Connie from Oklahoma is operating from a county line in North Carolina.
One of the 3 women out of a thousand contacts I've made in the last year.
"Feminist NC ham contest contact update."
Raisin' pigs is hard, dirty work. It don't appeal to many gals. Once in a while though, you'll come across one as cottons onto it. If you do, be sure to hold the door for her. She'll likely expect that.
What's colder than day old pizza on the counter top? Democratic guests on one of the Sunday morning shows after their meeting. The hosts are like, "eh." Seriously, at this point, who gives a damn? What dullards. (To some extent, I exempt Pelosi, who, while aging noticeably, is still very feisty and sharp, but at the same time future-suppressing.).
As for your thought experiment (which you evaded Bob on, on bloggingheads, I noticed), I’m not sure of its universal applicability. I have come out on here as saying while I find Trump wretch-worthy, I agree with him that certain issues have been swept under the rug decade after decade (ie immigration and trade) to our detriment. I also think that like the latter day Republican he is, he adapted not Lincoln’s version, but the Dixiecrat version of campaign style of divide and conquer. Anyhow, with a few tweeks of my own, I will play your game. Had Trump designed and built more than one building that was elegant and fitting and had good design, then, yes, I would consider him more seriously than I do. But I’m sorry, his designs are tacky. So based on his style, I might not take his positions as seriously. Style is important.
The biggest worry now is Congress. I fear the organized "town halls" will suck what little backbone they had grown since November,
Lots of evidence of the organizing around, no matter that they deny it.
Blogger harryo said...
People don't think about this, but if you crash an airplane into the ground, you die a very violent death. It's amazing to see big sheets of aluminum ripped to shreds. Then too, there's the fire.
On the Big Island, a few years ago, a small plane disappeared. The pilot and passengers were foreign nationals on an aerial tour.
They looked for a week or so around the fight path, but sometimes small planes go off the path for weather or whatever. The searchers never found the plane. Most people assumed it went into the sea.
Then they got a lead. Some UH students were working a project way, way up on Mauna Loa's SW flank. They reported that that they had heard the drone of a plane engine and that it stopped suddenly. This was in the cloud forest at 5,000'. The terrain is wild up there. The slope is steep and the ground cover is rubble, ash, and centuries worth of rotted vegetation. The clouds build up early in the AM so it's in fog most of the time. No one lives up there, the only access is by a few rugged jeep trails.
Based on the reports of the UH people, a helicopter found the plane. It was hanging upside down in the trees. Everyone inside was dead, hanging in their harnesses.
Here is the story as reported in one of the Honolulu papers:
At the Hot Tea Cafe two women sing a duet
"Mountain Time" by Joe Bonamassa, live at the Royal Albert Hall in 2009.
This is more than's sustainable.
I do hope Chelsea Clinton runs for office. As the only child of multi-millionaire parents, she's already loaded.
You know she's desperately eye-balling Chuck Schumer's (age 67) Senate seat when he retires. What else is there to do?
You'd be happier in the mountains.
Michael K said... [hush][hide comment]
The biggest worry now is Congress. I fear the organized "town halls" will suck what little backbone they had grown since November,
Lots of evidence of the organizing around, no matter that they deny it.
Online affiliate of San Francisco Chronicle now publishes list of anti-Trump events.
Protesting may become a leisure time activity as weather improves. Generally more of a social event than an angry mob. Good place to make new friends, get out of the house, have a few beers, etc. Expect to see tailgating,bbq as at sporting events. Romance in the air in springtime. Good for nearby bars and restaurants.
"It was hanging upside down in the trees. Everyone inside was dead, hanging in their harnesses. "
We had a girl who ran off the road on Crown Valley Parkway, a big arterial street in Laguna Niguel, who had hung upside down all night until her car was found in the morning. She was in her safety belt and was otherwise uninjured, as I recall. She was unconscious for a while and then could not get out of her shoulder belt.
The plane crash probably caused lethal deceleration injuries, The girl we treated had just had lateral force.
The Tea Party folks are starting to get interested in attending these events as a counterweight.
Not as crazy as the anti-Trumpers but some enthusiasm for pushing Trump's agenda.
I contacted our local Congresswoman but she seems to be doing telephone town halls.
This was Gabby Gifford's district so she may be wise to do so.
We shop at the Safeway where she and the others were shot.
viator @3:07:
Thanks, that is lovely.
Viator gives best music links.
The NYT email of the day, which unaccountably did not go automatically into the spam folder - perhaps a deal with Yahoo -, offers 50% off and "The truth has no alternative."
Democracy dies in darkness is the competition.
All I can think is that I did not watch the Sunday shows. Not asking anything of the hostess but I was hoping she had a plan to recap. Spring cleaning and yard work were more important but as I wind down, I was interested.
Interesting geophysical event: North Carolina has dropped off the radar.
I can hear Florida working North Carolina, I can hear Europe working North Carolina, I can hear Oklahoma working North Carolina, I can hear New England woring North Carolina, but nothing where the North Carolina reply would be.
Which means the radio waves bounce over North Carolina instead of landing there, from Ohio.
You never notice it unless North Carolina is the one thing that ought to be there.
Tonight is the perfect night to pop popcorn.
More winning. So-Called DREAMER! from Politico: "Quigley is one of a handful of members inviting a so-called "Dreamer," an undocumented immigrant brought here as a minor, to Trump’s speech."
"I can hear New England woring North Carolina"
Is this phrase missing a k or an h?
Several winters ago, Mrs. Humperdink was driving up our remote dirt road on ice. Her Pathfinder slid sideways into the ditch, hit a large rock which flipped the car upside down. The car slid for awhile, accumulating broken glass, mud, and snow on the headliner of the car which was now the floor. She hung upside down for awhile, collected herself and escaped out a rear door - the only one that would open. Her cell phone was "lost" inside the wreck. She patiently waits for help.
Since she is now overdue, I call her cell phone. She hears it ringing and climbs inside the car, through the mud, snow, and broken glass. Unable to locate it, she crawls back out. I call again. She crawls into the car again. No luck. Neighbor comes by and rescues her.
Her injuries? Cut finger tips from crawling through the debris. We laugh about that today.
Cell phone was later recovered behind the instrument panel.
North Carolina may be gone but I worked San Andres Island, not a remarkable distance at all but odd because lots and lots of other people were calling him too so you'd think my tiny signal wouldn't pop up. Also he was very very weak.
I assume that:
1. He's running even less power than me.
2. He doesn't pick the strongest signal, just one he can hear in the clutter.
When the convention is to call "up 1" (kHz) so that the wolf pack doesn't obscure who it is that the guy answers to, I go up 1.23, hoping for a clear spot.
"Online affiliate of San Francisco Chronicle now publishes list of anti-Trump events.
Protesting may become a leisure time activity as weather improves. Generally more of a social event than an angry mob. Good place to make new friends, get out of the house, have a few beers, etc. Expect to see tailgating,bbq as at sporting events. Romance in the air in springtime. Good for nearby bars and restaurants."
If protesting Trump becomes a party scene, they could call it the Chai Party. See, the Dems noticed how Republican reform leading to Republican dominance began when Republicans woke up and began to go to town halls sponsored by local Republican reps and challenge them issues. So that's how the Chai Party dedicated to Democratic party reform began. They began to go the town halls sponsored by Republican reps.
so as to shout them down and show the locals (who drink tea) that their local issues mean nothing compared to important Chai issues like Happy Jihadist Day and trannys in upstate school bathrooms. And the Chai party members are warned not to wear symbols- no pussyhats, Cornell sweatshirts, "Whites Suck" T-Shirts. And Chai-buggers are warned not to warm-up for the encounter with the yokels by burning the American flag. No. But to regenerate the The Democratic party by screaming down those attending local Republican party meetings. Because Republicans are Fascists. Yes.
And no tailgating, BBQ or romance. What are you thinking? Pork ribs with brown sugar, ketchup and secret ingredients slow-cooking over hickory chips? A baseball game coming over the radio? Dancing to the tune of the Tennessee waltz? The Chai party is about cleansing America of ethnics, not about clean ethnic fun.
Blogger Jack Wayne said...
More winning. So-Called DREAMER! from Politico: "Quigley is one of a handful of members inviting a so-called "Dreamer," an undocumented immigrant brought here as a minor, to Trump’s speech."
Uh . . . do they realize that Trump has married two immigrants? And that his mother was an immigrant? And his grandfather was an immigrant?
I just listened to Ann's diavlog with Bob and the topic of podcasts came up. What podcasts do you guys listen to? I listen to a lot of podcasts because I have a long commute to work, and here are some I'd recommend:
Vox's The Weeds - Great policy podcast.
Econ Talk with Russ Roberts - Great econ podcast with a libertarian bent.
Macro Musings - A cool macroeconomics podcast.
Slate Money
The Ezra Klein show - I recommend the recent Avik Roy interview.
War college - from the guys who maintain the brilliant site
Hang up and Listen - Great Sports podcast
The Bugle
Slate's political gabfest
Planet Money on NPR
Decode DC
Democracy Now with Amy Goodman
They may not know the difference between legal and illegal.
I really wonder sometimes.
"here are some I'd recommend:"
I'm listening to a Great Course on the French Revolution. It's about 72 hours.
"I'm listening to a Great Course on the French Revolution. It's about 72 hours."
Nice. The great courses are pretty good. Do they talk about Burke vs. Paine on the French revolution?
Blogger Nyamujal said...
. . . What podcasts do you guys listen to?
Andrew Klavan does a forty minute podcast four days a week. He is good on the Left, and Trump, and he usually ends with five or ten minute discussion of a work of performance art -- theater, film, or television. He's a Hollywood guide and he knows his stuff.
The BBC 4 podcast "In Our Time" is great if you like the history of ideas.
Did the broom rat come back?
@Lewis Wetzel
I should check out Andrew Klavan.
I used to listen to In Our Time, but after a while I found the show to be very hit-or-miss so I stopped listening. Melvyn Bragg has a very soothing voice though. The sort of voice that puts me to sleep.
From our own correspondent is the only Radio 4 show I listen to religiously. I'd like to listen to other shows but it seems like the BBC radio site blocks non-UK IP's. They probably want only Brits who pay their license fee accessing their site. They're getting good at clamping down on VPN's too.
Bay Area Guy: "I do hope Chelsea Clinton runs for office. As the only child of multi-millionaire parents, she's already loaded.
You know she's desperately eye-balling Chuck Schumer's (age 67) Senate seat when he retires. What else is there to do?"
Chelsea has to run and has to run soon. It's hard to sell influence if no family members are in positions of influence.
If Chelsea has to make do with a Congressional seat for a couple years first then that's what it will just have to be.
Twitter mocks Oscars best picture flub, compares it to 2016 election.
The jokes write themselves.
The Oscars hahahahahha!
Steve Harvey is the happiest man in America tonight.
Milo Wars.
The Cleveland Indians, Hillary Clinton, the Atlanta Falcons and now La La Land. All mortal locks to win at some point, and all ended up losing. It's been that way the last few months. Avoid that mortal lock tag like the plague!
Seriously, though, in retrospect, how could Moonlight NOT have won? The only thing Hollywood loves more than a love letter to itself is diversity. They eat that stuff up with a spoon, and a story about a gay black man coming of age in the ghetto obviously trumps a story about a white couple. The only way that Moonlight would have been more likely to win is if the character had been black and transgender, and maybe a Muslim convert as well.
I am in Florida now, and I rented a truck to move some stuff and the backup camera tweaked the colors of the sky and grass and it looked exactly like a beautiful spring day up north. Ironically, I guess, the colors are a little cooler down here.
In a previous Althouse post I called the Best Picture Oscar by viewing the movie posters:
"Moonlight" A close-up of a young dark-skinned black man in solemn lighting, with a slash of purple-red separating his face into three pieces. Upon closer look, however, it seems these are three different actors, although they are all black and it may just be two actors with one being shown twice, it's hard to tell. It is also hard to tell what this movie might be about, but I bet it involves Emotional Struggle....
As for who will win? I would normally give it to a gritty Denzel and Viola, but I think the uplifting three black maids may siphon off some of their votes. But this year there are THREE black movies, so that leaves the emotionally riveting tour-de-force "Moonlight" to take home the prize it so richly deserves...
Derek Vale, Reviewer of Films He Hasn't Seen...
I am Laslo.
Best picture award snafu...all those people up on the stage clutching their gold statuettes whether they actually won out not made me think of the participation trophy phenomenon...couldn't happen to a more deserving group.
@ Nyamujal
I listen to the Federalist Radio Hour almost every day. Ben Domenech's voice was made for radio. I also listen to some of the Ricochet podcasts and the Art of Manliness podcast occasionally as well. Klavan is on Ricochet. I actually find him tiresome. I also listen to the Weekly Substandard which is on movies, nothing political. I wish it were more often than once a week because they are truly idiots who are fun to listen to.
I'll have to give Hang up and Listen a try. I used to listen to Dan Patrick pretty regularly, but it's pretty meh now. I only listen to my hometown's local guys now, but I'd like a better national podcast.
Ann, your NYT links (if clicked) count against the ten-article monthly limit. I thought we didn't get docked if we hit your links?
@Nyamujal and @Birches, Planet Money is a good podcast. Federalist Society's are good, too.
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