Said Seth Meyers (of "Late Night with Seth Meyers"), in a sound clip played on Rush Limbaugh's show today. Limbaugh lit into Meyers:
Let me tell you what’s busted. What’s busted is the left’s attempted exclusive use of it to describe me, to describe Fox News, to describe conservative media anywhere. They set up the term “fake news” to discredit and impugn anybody not themselves....
And it’s backfired on ’em, because now the president-elect has called them fake news. And that’s why they’re banning it because... it’s boomeranged on ’em and they are the ones now accused of in the public mind of broadcasting, harboring, reporting fake news.
So of course they want to get rid of it...
२२८ टिप्पण्या:
228 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»The underlying logic behind what Rush says is valid the great majority of the time - he certainly is in this case. Progressives make no effort to look past the entertainment aspects of his show and see that.
As usual, Rush is directly on target. I think that this is going to be a very tuff 8 years for the looselugnut libruls. Trump isn't taking an ounce of their crap. We got a great first look at that when he dispatched the meddling pope (from whom nothing has been heard since).
- Krumhorn
Their definition of illegitimate is "something detrimental to the leftmost party in a debate".
It's sad these people are so pathetically transparent.
It was a term Hillary coined and was going to use to refute all the true and damaging stories that worked against her. Now that she doesn't need the term, and that we've learned it can be used against us lefties, we should throw it away.
From Water Closet to the Nigerian Phishing Expedition to Yellow JournoLists, the hypocrisy was overwhelming. Bringing their baby to term would would cause great inconvenience and render too many assets nonviable.
Yeah, I remember when the term started being bandied about by the Left shortly after the election. If I recall correctly, initially the term was used to refer to a very specific phenomenon. But of course it was almost immediately broadened to encompass "Anything that the Left may disagree with". Then almost as quickly it was immediately adopted by the other side. Wasn't it Saul Alinsky who advocated co-opting strategies from your opposition? Or am I misremembering that?
Remember when Hillary went to Capital Hill and gave that BS "fake news" lecture as part of her farewell speech to Harry Reid? Fake news was life threatening just a few short weeks ago, now it's time to let it go.
It was all so coordinated. The MSM, the Dems, hiring fake news filters at Facebook. And Trump took it, and shoved it down their throats.
Finally, we have someone not afraid to fight back. They go low, he goes lower. It's like he's the chosen one that the prophesy said would come along.
Adams says Trump's Hitler accusations on twitter and at the press conference were no accident. He was just waiting to absorb their hyperbole and redefine it. This is fun.
No, I agree; it was always a bad term and it concealed more than it illuminated.
I would certainly agree with Rush that liberals in the media would happily use something like that to their advantage if, and as long as, they could. I understand the rhetorical point Rush is trying to make.
But what about the substantive point? Does Rush want to keep up the regular usage of "fake news"? I was against the term, when the left was using it carelessly. I am not going to start to like the term now just because it is appearing in Donald Trump's Twitter feed.
It's amazing that the left didn't see it coming. They really believe their own BS.
Real news should be obvious as it has facts behind it.
The days of reporters who started on the city crime beat and learn to ask, "Who, What When, Where, and finally Why" are gone.
Facts, facts, facts,
"Fake news" is a thing. It is not:
1) Opinion
2) News covering something you don't like
3) Unverified news where the item clarifies that it is unverified
Why retire the term? Just call people out when they use it slapdash.
The narrative that Trump made fun of the disabled reporter is fake news. It's a common, somewhat comical gesture he uses, and there is video of him doing it in other speeches.
The MSM takes soundbites or short clips, runs them out of context, adds their point of view or assigned narrative and calls it reporting. And they think we are all too stupid to see it.
The Left (and certain "Maddow Republicans") still won't understand Trump after his eight years in office. They've been steamrolled and they're too blind to see it, let alone make the requisite corrections.
It's never good when the supposedly non-partisan advice sounds awfully like partisan spin.
The MSM started using the term "fake news" as a means to discredit conservative news sources. Now that it's so accurately being used to cover their own reporting, they want to retire the term. It no longer serves their narrative.
They hate when the right uses Alinsky's techniques. Make them live by their own rules.
It is also fun to mock them.
I think Fake News is a great term.
It describes about every other news story that touches on political issues. The MSM consistently puts out fact-free stories about 30 million benefitting from Obamacare [when there is no basis for that number] or they report illegals pay many many many billions into social security taxes. Jut yesterday, the local fishwrap headlined a "spike" in Obamacare enrollments since the election based on what some HHS bigwig claimed [why should we believe that Dem appointee without proof which the media never asks for].
Repubs do it too- i.e when they repeat that 95 million not in the work force and fail to mention that about 65 million of those are retirees.
So.Much.Winning. I'm not sick of it yet, but I can see it's going to be a problem down the road.
"Today Trump called these new reports 'fake news.' So despite an incredibly short run, I think it is time to retire that term."
I was taken aback when Fake News became a thing in, what? The last month or two? News Flash! Some news isn't true! Film at 11.
"lifelong republican" and "Black Knight" Chuck: "I was against the term, when the left was using it carelessly. I am not going to start to like the term now just because it is appearing in Donald Trump's Twitter feed."
Now that the tables have been turned to the conservatives advantage, "lifelong republican" Chuck wants to "call it a draw"!
Mustn't press home any advantages republicans! No sirree! That would be unfair to "brilliant" Rachel Maddow's homies!
Thanks "lifelong republican" chuck!
"Fake news" is a coinage of genius for which we can thank the progressives. It so accurately describes almost everything printed in liberal papers and magazines that it is hard to imagine giving it up.
Terms to retire in 2017:
'fake news'
'basked of deplorables'
'white supremacy'
any others?
I was talking to friends on New Year's Day Observed (a.k.a. Jan 2) and they were solmenly uttering "fake news" and nodding their heads. I'm thinking, "well, I know where you get your news from". Not that I didn't already know, but it's amazing how quickly MSM memes are absorbed.
Gretchen: "They hate when the right uses Alinsky's techniques. Make them live by their own rules."
No no no Gretchen. "lifelong republicans" find that unfair and unsporting ungentlemanly.
As all "lifelong republicans" know, it's important to allow the left to run free with their tactics and terms and if, at any point in time, the republicans gain any sort of upper hand then we must abandon the field!
Trump was right. We'll get so sick of winning we'll beg him to stop winning.
Orig Mike:
Same here. Heard it a couple times at Xmas time [once was from my niece's husband who does not get out of bed on weekends until he has perused the NY Times website] and have heard it now from work colleagues.
While not exactly an apology a bit of groveling from CNN.
So. Much. Winning. I don't feel no ways tired.
"It used to be one thing
Hahaha! *used to be*, like in November.
It's been around a hot minute.
Gusty Winds said...
The narrative that Trump made fun of the disabled reporter is fake news. It's a common, somewhat comical gesture he uses, and there is video of him doing it in other speeches.
That's not fake news. It's true, that Trump was mocking that reporter. That same reporter, whom Trump then quickly denied knowing. A lie that was quickly exposed by the reporter's own history with Trump, covering him closely years earlier.
No sentient person can watch the video of Trump's imitation of the reporter and fail to conclude what you are denying.
Look, you don't give a rip what I think. That's fine because I assure you, that I am going to live very comfortably as well, laughing at your blind loyalty to Trump. And the endless supply of Trump stupidities, lies and blunders.
It is frustrating because there actually IS a category of fake news, and it affects both sides. For example, this made the rounds earlier this week, and was posted by a lot of people that should know better.
The idea is that 6 protesters in Seattle were deliberately hit by a truck. The article wasn't funny or trying to be funny, so it clearly isn't a parody like The Onion or Clickhole. The only giveaways that it is false are that it was written in a strangely conversational style, but, you know, in these days of Buzzfeed and such you can't go by unprofessional style, it's all pretty unprofessional; and also the fact that there aren't other sources for the story.
So "fake news" as a concept will be crushed because the powers that be want it to be, but then there will still be crap like this.
"Fake News" is the term they came up with to provide cover for the brewing pedophile scandal involving Podesta and Hillary Clinton, and for her numerous other crimes which seem to be pushed to the back burner. There is A LOT of evidence that Podesta in particular, along with Alefantes, owner of "Comet Pizza", are sick abject pedophiles. The Crooked Old Lady is documented as committing many crimes, including TREASON, yet no talk of trials for these crimes.
"Fake News" was also used as cover for the CONCLUSIVE proof, recently exposed, that the birth certificate of the Usurper at is a complete FAKE, parts of which are PROVEN to be copied whole cloth from a birth certificate from 16 days after the Usurper's purported birthday. These findings have been passed along to Congress and roundly ignored by the "Real Fake News" media.
Now that Trump correctly labeled CNN as the largest purveyors of "Real Fake News" they want to "retire" the term. Caught in their own net...
Alex: "Trump was right. We'll get so sick of winning we'll beg him to stop winning"
Remember, as republicans we spent so many years not fighting back (as all "lifelong republicans" required of us) that even a little push back from our side is appreciated (except by "lifelong republicans" who get very upset).
If we achieve significant pushback against the left our side becomes ecstatic (except for "lifelong republicans").
If we are blessed with strategic annihilation level pushback for our side we basically collapse as if in a sugar induced coma.
Except, of course, for "lifelong republicans".
The news was fake; it fits.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Look, you don't give a rip what I think."
Of course we care about what you think, and what the "Brilliant" Rachel Maddow thinks, and what DailyKos thinks, and what the DNC thinks, and what the lunatics at Democrat Underground think, and what the lefties at the NYT/WaPo/ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN/MSNBC/Buzzfeed/Vox/MotherJones/The Nation think.
Never think that we don't care what "lifelong republicans" think!
It really should be no mystery, how Trump won the votes of however-many "Micks" there are. I'd go further and say that the "Micks" of America created candidate Trump.
The Birther/Pizzagate/InfoWars contingent.
There's really no point in trying to talk to the Micks of America. The only question is how many of them are there? Is there any polling on that? Poll question: "Do you think that there is good reason to investigate the claim that Hillary Clinton and leading Democrats conducted a child sex ring out of 'Comet Pizza' in downtown Washington, DC?"
How many Americans would say yes?
"Facts, facts, facts", but Pizzagate is real!
Chuck said... No, I agree; it was always a bad term and it concealed more than it illuminated.
I see this as a principled position. Alas, it is too late. The Democrats and the media decided this would be a wonderful time to libel all sorts of organizations that have proven troublesome to them. Having found themselves in hasty retreat due to their own missteps and hypocrisy, they should not expect mercy from the aggrieved. Certainly, they were not planning on providing any. It is certainly an odd position to take when the same ones begging for mercy are already pressing new libels.
As much as I may agree with you that the term is vague and unclear, which is exactly the reason it was coined as it allowed the user to switch definitions at a whim for the sake of political advantage, it's not like appeals to grammar have ever worked for any other politically charged terms. If you want to start anywhere, why don't you start with the word "bigot" that has been so badly intentionally misapplied and accidentally misunderstood that it is possible that the original meaning and intent are irrevocably lost.
"But what about the substantive point?"
-- The point is fine. It is like when I enforce a stupid rule against people who make the rules, then shrug at them. The Left made the rule, and the phrase "Fake News" has actual value. It lets us identify something that is being reported as true that is not true. It's actually a *great* term for what it is meant for (cheeky dismissal of deliberately or accidentally pedaled fake news stories), and I don't think we should be forced to retire it because it gores more than one ox. If Trump had never used it against the left, we would not have reached "Peak Fake News" this soon.
Mick is simply someone playing a character, a (mostly) benign troll. Debating him can be entertaining but do not expect victory. The moment you responded was the moment he won.
Now that the "Fake News" meme has been co-opted and alinskied by the right, they need to alinsky an even larger meme: Science Denier, as in Global Warming denier.
Expose the junk science, the rent seeking of "Big Science", and start calling them deniers of real science.
I'm sorry "lifelong republican" Chuck. I couldn't hear your latest rant on fakenews since we are still clawing our way thru the anti-Trump fakenews you've been peddling for 2 days!
What was that again about fakenews?
"How many Americans would say yes?"
-- I'd guess somewhere around 10%-20%, as that's about how many think we've never been to the Moon, 9/11 was an Inside Job and various other conspiracies (at least, last time I cared to depress myself by checking how many believed those things.)
Blogger Unknown said..."Facts, facts, facts", but Pizzagate is real!"
At least do some work and come up with a list. All I ever hear is "Pizzagate", which I had to look up once it started being bandied about.
Drago; you miserable fuck head. You have to make up stuff about me, to keep your schtick going. You piece of shit.
I am so looking forward to the day that Trump runs headlong into Republican majorities in Congress. With some idea from his Manhattanite kids, or some campaign pledge, or some other notion that Democrats love and that Republicans have opposed for years. Prescription drug negotiations might just be the first thing on that list. And still, I'm not all that sure that it will even happen. I'm not convinced that Trump has any legislative balls at all. But if/when it does happen, I'll be happy to ram "Who's the real Republican?" down your throat.
"Expose the junk science, the rent seeking of "Big Science", and start calling them deniers of real science."
-- Just find the many celebrity/lefty anti-vaccine advocates and call them science deniers.
Unknown: ""Facts, facts, facts", but Pizzagate is real!"
I hope that pizza parlor isn't in one of the twin towers that GWBush blew up. Or next to one of those levees in New Orleans that GWBush blew up. And I sure hope is wasn't founded with money from the Bush family who (hush hush whisper whisper FUNDED THE NAZIS!!!)
But thanks for playing Unknown. You're best!!
And let me guess: you have a daughter who runs a pizza parlor, right?
Now now "lifelong republican" Chuck, all I ask is that you treat me with 1/1000th the respect your beloved "brilliant" Rachel Maddow and NYT and CNN and WaPo and Buzzfeed.
Is that too much to ask?
Pizzagate is really really real. Mick sez so.
Me too Chuck, I can't wait!
Wow, look at that. Far lefty "Unknown" finds common ground with "lifelong republican" Chuck!
it's a regular lovefest between political peas in a pod.
Delightful! Seriously, you 2 make an adorable couple and you clearly have so much in common.
When it's right, it's right.
"Fake news" was always a stupid campaign for major media outlets to sign on to. No organization can get the story right all the time, and this gives their opponents a stick to beat them with. That was all predictable.
Of course, CNN didn't help matters with their transparent "we know this report is BS, but if someone else puts it out there we can still report it under the guise of reporting on another news organization" ploy.
Common ground might be met by people who don't have their heads stuck up their asses.
Chuck said... [hush][hide comment]
Gusty Winds said...
The narrative that Trump made fun of the disabled reporter is fake news. It's a common, somewhat comical gesture he uses, and there is video of him doing it in other speeches.
That's not fake news. It's true, that Trump was mocking that reporter. That same reporter, whom Trump then quickly denied knowing. A lie that was quickly exposed by the reporter's own history with Trump, covering him closely years earlier.
No sentient person can watch the video of Trump's imitation of the reporter and fail to conclude what you are denying.
Yeah, Trump mocked the reporter for changing his original story, not because he has a disability
If Trump spent a lot of time with the reporter, he would know the guy cannot flail around like Trump did.
You tube vids show Trump using the same mannerisms prior to mocking the reporter.
Any body who suffers from poor public school education has used the same thing to mock anybody perceived as an idiot. Fairly certain Chuck has witnessed it numerous times.
Chuck said...
It really should be no mystery, how Trump won the votes of however-many "Micks" there are. I'd go further and say that the "Micks" of America created candidate Trump.
The Birther/Pizzagate/InfoWars contingent.
There's really no point in trying to talk to the Micks of America. The only question is how many of them are there? Is there any polling on that? Poll question: "Do you think that there is good reason to investigate the claim that Hillary Clinton and leading Democrats conducted a child sex ring out of 'Comet Pizza' in downtown Washington, DC?"
How many Americans would say yes?
1/12/17, 3:12 PM
Blogger Unknown said...
"Facts, facts, facts", but Pizzagate is real!
1/12/17, 3:12 PM
By providence these two comments were sequential, both desperate to turn the subject to something damaging to Republicans.
Chuck still can't figure out the problem.
But he has one supporter:
Unknown said...
Me too Chuck, I can't wait!
1/12/17, 3:23 PM
Chuck: But what about the substantive point?
The "substantive point" in any debate is not necessarily the squirrel the left wants you to look at.
I grant that this is a difficult thing for Real Republicans to understand, since they've long since outsourced the framing of issues to the left.
I want everybody her to know exactly what a lying shit propagandist "Drago" is.
He keeps hammering me with the phrase "'brilliant' Rachel Maddow."
The truth behind that subterfuge is that I am someone who watches MSNBC rarely, and who routinely disagrees with almost all of its slanted content. There's not much good to say about MSNBC, apart from the fact that Sean Hannity us undoubtedly dumber and more mendacious than any of the MSNBC hosts. Hence, the grab for the tv remote.
Anyway, a week or so ago I noted a very good, lengthy interview by Rachel Maddow, of Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway. Reviewing the interview in my comment, I said basically that Conway did very well and held her own, except for the parts where Rachel Maddow trapped Conway on the various stupid things that Trump had said in recent days (nuclear weapons was the Trump Stupidity of the Moment back then). I called that bit of questioning "brilliant," because she did it without talking over Conway and constantly interrupting her and berating her, as a Fox News host would do to a Clinton campaign staffer.
And that is it. The one and only nice thing I have ever said about MSNBC at all, much less Rachel Maddow.
"Expose the junk science, the rent seeking of "Big Science", and start calling them deniers of real science."
I watched Obama's farewell address. He had some line about believing in science that the audience swooned over. It was a global warming jab, but I'm watching and thinking I'm looking at a room full of anti-vaxxing, anti-GMOers and these people think they're the party of science?
Seth Myers doesn't have the juice to put the term fake news out of use. It's Trump's term to wield now. Liberals like Myers contributed to the vulgar and dishonest popular culture that made Trump possible (W and Obama's incompetence -- they are the Rosencrantz and Guildenstern of presidents -- certainly helped lower our expectations to Give Trump A Chance).
Stewart, Myers and the rest aren't hip or cool or smart. They are the ministers of progressive idiocy.
The only way this could be better is if people had used "Faux News" instead of Fake.
@Chuck, if you can't take a little push-back then consider doing something useful with your time and go lurk elsewhere. Your opinions are bad enough, your whining is reslly appalling.
I just wandered into Andy Richter's timeline. OMG the celebrity left is going insane.
Unknown said... [hush][hide comment]
Pizzagate is really really real. Mick sez so.
Mick is correct that "fake News" label popped up immediately with PizzaGate.
Of all the crazy stuff written about Hillary, it took Pizza to really get the Clinton campaign to come up with that. And for her to push it in a speech at a time when other subjects would have been more beneficial was kinda interesting
Chuck, we all already are aware of Drago's "gifts", hahahaha! The good Althousians simply cannot take others opinions if they don't conform to their group think. You'd think Althouse commenters would display more original thought and independence, but sadly most of them are just dullards.
Chuck: The truth behind that subterfuge is that I am someone who watches MSNBC rarely, and who routinely disagrees with almost all of its slanted content. Reviewing the interview in my comment, I..[blah blah blah blah blah blah]
Nobody gives a shit about your entirely uninteresting views on MSNBCRachel Kellyanne PunditSchmoe, you pompous droning git. Drago keeps tweaking your bow-tie to get you all enraged and it just keeps working.
"lifelong republican" makes Richter look like a moderate.
Fake News label needs to survive. Public is aware of it because of mainstream media. Now, whenever a Trumper uses it, whoever hears it will reflexively pause to wonder. On stuff considered important by Trump, labeling anything fake news via twitter will get the media defending themselves, thus giving even more attention to Trumps point of view.
MSM will come up with another label for purveyors of alternative points of view.
The term "fake news" evolved from the LibCong's description of "Faux News" for Fox News. So clever and intellectual in their own small minds.
I and others are so glad that Trump fights back against the LibCong and their enablers in the CriminalLiberalNewsMedia. G.W. Bush's lack of response to the daily slime flung at him helped sink the Republicans and usher in the Age of Oblather.
You call others pompous? Hahahahaha! Gawd, lady, take a look in the mirror and you'll see what a pompous ass looks like. Hey do you take male hormones like Mr. Main Street? You read like you'd sound like a baritone.
It's really cute to political soulmates like Lefty "Unknown" and "lifelong republican" Chuck hit it off.
Oh wait. Let me guess, Unknown has ANOTHER daughter who is a "lifelong republican", right?
Shouldn't Buzzfeed publish information on "Pizzagate" so that the public can "make up their own minds"? Isn't that the new standard the press is operating from now? Or is some Fake news more reliable than others. I'm confused as to what the difference is.
Rush is right, but let's not retire the term just yet, when it is too deliciously useful to keep throwing it back at 'm for a bit.
"Fake news" is a thing. It is not:
1) Opinion
2) News covering something you don't like
3) Unverified news where the item clarifies that it is unverified
I agree on the first two but the third one is debatable. We live in a 24-7 news cycle where the media is competing to break the story “first” and draw as many eyeballs as quickly as possible to their website or broadcast. If they get it wrong, maybe they’ll issue a correction or just update their website but by then the damage is done. To the extent that journalists had professional standards (Dan Rather wasn’t a blogger when he tried to smear George W Bush with fake TANG documents but he was brought down by them), IMO they’ve slipped considerably in this new age. If they’re not going to be responsible in how they report information and if accuracy and truth take a backseat to ratings and advocacy for their pet causes and preferred candidates, then maybe the ones that push false rumors to attack their political opponents as “news” should be treated as “fake news.”
Busted is right and so many aren't aware they are falling for it. Confirmation bias works well in a world not used to opposition.
Inga: You call others pompous? Hahahahaha! Gawd, lady, take a look in the mirror and you'll see what a pompous ass looks like. Hey do you take male hormones like Mr. Main Street? You read like you'd sound like a baritone.
And yet for all that I still wouldn't qualify for a combat role.
Ohhhhhh hahahaha, I'm almost peeing in my pants laughing here, golden showers, Trump would like that.
"Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani got passed over for secretary of State, but as a consolation he will get to be some sort of informal adviser on cybersecurity in the new Trump administration. The longtime and loyal Trump supporter will, according to a release from the Trump transition team, “be sharing his expertise and insight as a trusted friend concerning private sector cybersecurity problems and emerging solutions developing in the private sector.”"
Unknown, did you know that cyber security is a core product offering of The Mayor's consulting firm for quite a few years now?
I guess you didn't.
We will just add it to the list.
It should be clear that there is currently no "cypersecurity" in D.C. From the moron John Podesta to the CIA it appears that not much attention is being paid to this vital matter. Giuliani gets the danger even if the former Sec of State did not, even if the current administtration does not.
"Cyber security" is a joke to people like Unknown. Guess what. You lost the election because of that and a dozen other "jokes" your smug dem friends ignored.
Not only did Trump use it, he used it to great effect.
Rufus! Prom is gonna be Rufus.
Yeah. I made it up. Start using it.
No Steve, cyber security is deadly serious, it's a joke coming from Trump. I guess you don't recognize irony when it slaps you in the face.
At yesterday's press conference, Trump said:
“If Putin likes Donald Trump, guess what folks, that is called an asset, not a liability,” Trump said. “Do you honestly believe that Hillary would be tougher on Putin than me? Give me a break.”
Trump is too dumb to realize what the word "asset" means in the world of espionage. But chances Trump is an asset are rising.
Trump has publicly denigrated Republicans, Democrats, the Pope, the mainstream media, the US Elections, FBI, CIA, NATO, Meryl Streep and many more. But, he has not criticized Vladimir Putin.
Funny that. No smoke without a fire.
Unknown! So right! Wish I would've said that.
Blogger Gk1 said...
So.Much.Winning. I'm not sick of it yet, but I can see it's going to be a problem down the road.
I was going to write this then thought, "80+ comments? I'd better read first." Sure enough.
So much winning! I'm not even tired of it yet.
(World Famous Lurker says...)
Drago, Michael K, et al. - Names have power. I respectfully suggest that you tag the "lifelong Republican" with an appropriate name. While boring, I think "Concern Troll Chuck" may be the best choice, as then in any thread a newcomer will know right away how to read his comments.
Personally, I actually like "Underpants Gnome Chuck" better though.....
"Trump is too dumb to realize what the word "asset" means in the world of espionage. But chances Trump is an asset are rising."
-- Trump is clearly using asset/liability with business, not espionage jargon.
Brando wrote -
"'Fake news' is a thing. It is not: ... 3) Unverified news where the item clarifies that it is unverified"
I don't get your number 3. It seems that a boatload of fake news could sail and does under cover of it.
If the press wants people to stop labeling the fake news that they push as fake news, then perhaps they ought to stop pushing fake news.
Mick and the InfoWar conspiracy Alt-right deplorables did not bring us Dronald Drumph. He was brought to you by Jeb Bush, Little Marco, Mitch Mcconnell, John McCain and Mitt Romney with a Hockey assist from Hillary Clinton. The enablers of the bigleague press and the establishment politicos on both sides of the slop trough still don't get it.
Steady on Chuck, you'll give yourself hemorrhoids. I know it's that time of the month, but sheesh, a little Paxil, Zoloft or Prozac and you'll be your old self in no time.
… I agree; it was always a bad term and it concealed more than it illuminated … I am not going to start to like the term now just because it is appearing in Donald Trump's Twitter feed.
Love the term. Loved it from the beginning. It has boomeranged because the term so exactly fits the MSM’s propaganda which the MSM tries to sell as news. And that is why the MSM is shrinking and alternative news sources are expanding. But if ANYTHING works to Trump’s benefit our Chuck is immediately against it. We all know that.
The MSM takes soundbites or short clips, runs them out of context, adds their point of view or assigned narrative and calls it reporting. And they think we are all too stupid to see it.
Some of us are, Gusty, some of us are. But talk to Chuck about that. He’s usually full of MSM talking points.
That's not fake news. It's true, that Trump was mocking that reporter.
But Trump wasn’t mocking the reporter’s handicap. He was mocking the reporter’s indecisiveness. You do know that, don’t you? You do know that Trump has used the gesture before with folks who were not handicapped, don’t you? I guess not(sigh).
Chuck, you really need to do a little research before you swallow the MSM/eGOP/Democrat turds without even chewing. Here’s a clue for the future: If it’s a Democrat talking point it is usually shit on a stick. Don’t lick it off without smelling it first. Readers, I am having to explain this to someone who supposedly graduated from law school and passed the bar.
So "fake news" as a concept will be crushed because the powers that be want it to be …
Even the “powers that be” do not have a headlock on language. Those days are gone - especially gone now that the POTUS is a foe of political correctness.
I am so looking forward to the day that Trump runs headlong into Republican majorities in Congress.
The “Republican majorities in Congress” would fuck up a wet dream and are now acting as eager and willing stooges for the Democrat minority, which they apparently believe to be their main duty. It was McCain that passed along the Russian-Trump fake news, bless his MSM dick-sucking heart.
I doubt they’ll be much trouble after Trump has collected their balls(assuming they have some) like scalps hanging from a lodgepole. First, of course, he’ll have to remove their mouths from the Democrat dicks and make them stop bending over and pulling down their pants so the Democrats can get a better cornhole angle. That’ll be job one.
Rethink calling Steele's report "fake news". I suspect we'll be hearing and seeing more.
"Christopher Steele, who wrote reports on compromising material Russian operatives allegedly had collected on U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, is a former officer in Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, according to people familiar with his career.
Former British intelligence officials said Steele spent years under diplomatic cover working for the agency, also known as MI6, in Russia and Paris and at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London.
Steele's dealings with the FBI on Trump, initially with the senior agent who had started the FIFA probe and then moved to a post in Europe, began in July. However, Steele cut off contact with the FBI about a month before the Nov. 8 election because he was frustrated by the bureau's slow progress.
The FBI opened preliminary investigations into Trump and his entourage's dealings with Russians that were based in part on Steele's reports, according to people familiar with the inquiries."
"But Trump wasn’t mocking the reporter’s handicap. He was mocking the reporter’s indecisiveness."
You Trumpists seem to be able to convince yourselves of anything. You folks are so gifted.
Seth Meyers, the former SNL Weekend Update anchor who is now hosting the entertainment show Late Night, is the ultimate fake news guy.
One must admire the way that the term "fake news" was co-opted by Donald Trump and is now serving him better than it ever did its originators.
Unknown said...
"Facts, facts, facts", but Pizzagate is real!"
So says the bonehead who was having orgasms over Pissgate.
Terms to retire in 2017:
'fake news'
'basked of deplorables'
'white supremacy'
any others?
Commenter Alex.
Unknown said...
Rethink calling Steele's report "fake news". I suspect we'll be hearing and seeing more.
What MI6 agent discovered a Pizzagate? Compare Pizzagate and Pissgate. Did Pizzagate get included in a report on Russian Hacking that was presented in a Congressional Hearing? Explain to everyone why you think zpizzagate is real Mr. Main Street, after you take your nightly testosterone injection. Tell everyone here how you thought that 4 Chan made up Pissgate.
Unknown: "You folks are so gifted."
Well, we're not as gifted as Hillary! When it comes to losing "sure thing" elections she is in a genius class all by herself!
Sorry "lifelong republican" Chuck. I should have given you a trigger warning on that Hillary criticism.
However, look on the Brightside: your Althouseblog lefty political soulmate gal pal is sure to come to your defense!
So you don't come up completely empty-handed.
Keep pissing Mr Main Street! Maybe you'll catch Trumps attention!
Unknown: "What MI6 agent discovered a Pizzagate?"
Keep running with that one. Even the CNN guys backed off that one yesterday morning!
But you know, there is always a 10% moron cohort that never get the word on the rapidly evolving narrative.
Better update your DNC feed Unknown. If you don't know how to do it, ask "lifelong republican" Chuck. He's gets all those feeds.
I like Rudy in the role of cybersecurity advisor and am glad he'll be taking part in the Trump administration after all. He doesn't need to be a technology expert - he needs to be able to manage, hire good people, be tough, and do some firing and ass-kicking - and he is more than capable of doing all those things. Our cybersecurity has become a joke under Obama.
I take it nobody in the Trump administration will use "password" as their password, like genius John Podesta did.
Nah, Inga, Trump's gonna be too busy pissing all over the Democrats to pay me any mind.
Rethink calling Steele's report "fake news". I suspect we'll be hearing and seeing more.
Here’s something from Reuters …
Steele's reports circulated for months among major media outlets, including Reuters, but neither the news organizations nor U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies have been able to corroborate them.
… and this:
Associates of Steele said on Wednesday he was unavailable for comment.
Looks like we won’t be hearing from the author of the Russian-Trump fiction anytime soon.
"But you know, there is always a 10% moron cohort that never get the word on the rapidly evolving narrative."
Inga's always been slow on the uptake. She kinda of reminds me of a 5 year who keeps excitedly talking about the cement mixer he saw on the street a half hour ago.
The Fake News meme was folly from the beginning for both the Dems and the MSM. They were apparently unaware that half the country thought their regular offerings were Fake News. The slobbering tongue baths given to the Obamas, the denigration and dismissal of the concerns of the folks in flyover country, and the Manhattan/DC/Hollywood/Silicon Valley concensus about who and what mattered set the news industry up for one of the great judo moves of all time: it's all fake news. Trump is going to ride that horse into the newsrooms of America and make them wish they had never embraced the term. That a twit like Seth Myers is begging for mercy already shows where this is going. ABCNBCCBSCNNWAPONYT did it to themselves. They have a very limited time to get straight.
Mary Mapes and Dan Rather invented fake news.
Anyone understand what this melodramatic post was about? Whether the bigger drama queen was Limbaugh or Ann?
I guess someday, to some pre-schooler, it will all make sense.
I made my decision about whether Trump was mocking the disability of reporter based on my viewing of the video recording of Trump himself.
And again, I don't give two shits what anybody else thinks. Everybody can make up their own minds. Here is the video, et cetera, posted at myth-busting
You are welcome to keep thinking that Trump wasn't mocking the guy's physical disability. It's a free country. And because it is a free country, I am free to think that you are a laughable moron.
And with your genitalia-laced trashtalk about congressional Republicans, just think about what Trump has to do, to keep all of the following group happy; John McCain, Marco Rubio, Chuck Grassley, Rand Paul, Roy Blunt, Rob Portman and Pat Toomey. They pretty much all think Trump is a clown. They all won re-election to six-year terms. McCain and Rubio beat Trumpkin primary opponents, just like paul Ryan did. McCain, Portman and Grassley may be in their last terms. And Trump cannot stand to lose more than one or two of any of those votes.
You better get an attitude adjustment about working with Senate Republicans. Trump may be on HIS knees in the Senate cloakroom, keeping them happy.
Fake News:
"violent Trump supporters"
The use of the word "protesters" to describe the heathens who rioted in Portland and Oakland and other cities after Trump was elected.
"Hands up, don't shoot"
"white Hispanic"
Michael Brown the "gentle giant"
"Campus rape culture" - especially the one at the University of Virginia
Milo "spreads hate speech"
Those are just a few examples and they have nothing and everything to do with Trump because that's the sort of bullshit that made people want to vote for him.
Steele doesn't want to die of radiation poisoning, smart move to go underground.
EMD: "Mary Mapes and Dan Rather invented fake news."
Well, I think declaring the Tet Offensive as a victory for the communists was about as "fake newsy" as it gets.
Don't get me wrong, the NVA was quite successful in that battle plan ensuring the VC would be whacked but good in preparation for final Soviet backed victory and would allow the NVA to "clean up" the South with limited combat experienced frenemies.
Fake news: 4 Chan made up the Pissgate story, hahahaha!
"lifelong republican" Chuck today: "And with your genitalia-laced trashtalk about congressional Republicans..."
"lifelong republican" Chuck yesterday: "Trump has clearly won the golden shower vote."
1/11/17, 11:52 AM
Please, lecture on "lifelong republican" Chuck!
Drago; the reference was to Glenn Greenwald becoming The Defender of Trump Versus the Deep State.
Besides, Drago; who needs any fucking rules? I'm taking a page from Mr. Trump's book. Personally attack anybody who gets in my way. No blow is too low. And as for you, you've been going after me personally for as long as I can remember, because you have no other good angle on which to defend Trump's personal stupidities.
It's a Trump world now. Crass, insulting, ignorant, bullying and crude.
It's always been a Trump world here at Althouse.
"Lifelong Republican" Chuck now quoting Snopes! Lulz
The irony is Unknown, it actually is a joke to people like you, and you don't get it. There's a reason you lost, being a smart-ass blog commenter is not going to change that.
I think Walter Cronkite beat Dan Rather to it with his Tet Offensive reporting. I think of him as the Grandfather of Fake News.
Then there was the "investigative journalism" into certain pickup trucks that reportedly exploded in collisions. When NBC (maybe ABC) couldn't replicate the allegations, they planted actual explosives in the truck and showed the public how dangerous the trucks were.
The MSM are mostly guilty of omitting facts that do not fit their leftist narrative. That's what makes them most corrosive. "Fake News" is sort of the cherry on top of their propaganda sundae.
"both the Dems and the MSM [are] apparently unaware that half the country thought their regular offerings were Fake News."
Mind boggling, but apparently true.
So the boys and girls (and whatever other gender flavors they claim) in the liberal media set up a new word "fake news". And like any other toy in the children's sandbox, it looked pretty good to the makers. Then they came up with their own Golden Showered piece of fake news--and had it rammed sideways in some intellectual orifice and it hurt. Now they say, the other boys and girls can't use the term. And maybe we should just forget about it.
Well kiddos--the rough rule in the real world is "Don't do the crime, unless you can do the time."
There's a lot of cold water out there in the real world and some big hard things with sharp teeth swim in it it. Bumping up against one of those critters might just result in a bite taken out of your hide. Get used to it.
"Mary Mapes and Dan Rather invented fake news."
There's a lot of truth in that. Not that they invented fake news, but that everyone, both MSM AND sources, went to school on the fallout. The lessons? Get the meme out there while CYA, and avoid revealing the source evidence that would allow the outside world to evaluate it.* If Mapes and Rather were trying this today, the source would know not to give them something that would embarrass him, and Rather would report that new but unverified documents had come to light confirming W's shirking duty.
In the most current case, CNN got the memo and buzzfeed didn't. So with the current case right before us, how is the Russia hacked the election meme credible?
* - see climate science raw data.
Surprise! Trump and surrogates lied when he/ they said he wasn't briefed on the Golden Shower report. James Comey1:1 briefed him last Friday. Now why would Trump lie about this?
I love how Unknown and the lefties are still in complete campaign mode.
Oh, and "lifelong republicans" too.
Fabi said...
"Lifelong Republican" Chuck now quoting Snopes! Lulz
No; I didn't quote Snopes. I linked to Snopes. For the expressed purpose of providing a link to the video of Trump mocking the reporter, Serge Kovaleski. And with the expressed instruction that everyone can watch, and make up their own mind. My mind is made up, thank you very little.
I like that Snopes link, very much. It puts the story together, very nicely. With an easily-viewed excerpt from the Trump speech where he mocked the reporter who called Trump out on Trump's fabulist claim that he saw "thousands" of Muslims in New Jersey, cheering the fall of the World Trade Center.
I've also seen the competing webpages where, in other speeches, Trump is acting in a similarly assholish manner. I don't think they are comparable situations. I have no doubt that Trump was mocking Serge Kovaleski's physical handicap.
But again; you think whatever the hell you want to think.
Hey, Drago is a Russian name, isn't it?
Unknown said...
Fake news: 4 Chan made up the Pissgate story, hahahaha!
Who cares who made it up, Inga? It's fake. A lie. And that was obvious to everyone but low-IQ types like you.
Sorry, sweetie, there's no way you can turn it around to make it look like anybody else was a fool. You were played, sucker.
Wow, could Drago be a Russian disinformation agent? Cool!
Unknown said...
Hey, Drago is a Russian name, isn't it?"
Wrap that tinfoil around your head more tightly, dear. You gotta guard against those coded messages Putin is beaming at you!
Unknown: "Now why would Trump lie about this?"
Wow. Looks like you are really on to something.
I recommend you run with this 24/7.
This time it has to work. It just has to!
Mr.Exile, are you speaking to me? Hahahaha, you adamantly insisted that 4chan invented the Golden Showers story, you should feel stupid.
4chan brand of aluminum, hahahaha! Dummy.
"I think Walter Cronkite beat Dan Rather to it with his Tet Offensive reporting. I think of him as the Grandfather of Fake News."
It probably goes back at least as far as Hearst and the Spanish-American War. NY Times reporter Walter Duranty wrote paeans to kindly old Uncle Joe Stalin back in the '30's.
It's never been more blatant than it is now - or aimed at us from so many different directions.
"I recommend you run with this 24/7.
This time it has to work. It just has to!"
And she will! She will! She's that stupid!
Hillary Clinton will never be president of the United States. Donald Trump will.
So the joke's on you, loser.
Unknown: "Wow, could Drago be a Russian disinformation agent? Cool!"
Nyet Tovarich!
Eet ees unpossible. Do not believe Moose and Squirrel. They only speak Kompromat!
Please to pass borscht.
Mr.Main Street tell us again about how 4chan was behind the Golden Showers story! That was such a scoop! Hahahaha!
иди на фиг
There, there, little Inga. I understand your desperate need to believe that someone is more credulous than you because you peed your Depends when you read about Pissgate. "Donald Trump! Hookers! Peeing on the bed! This is gonna sink him!!!"
But once again, your hopes and dreams were - pissed on.
Poor dear. If you were here, I'd pat you on the head and give you a cookie.
Linking not quoting -- how pedantic, Chuckles.
So that's the point, Fabi; you actually object to my linking to Snopes, when the point is to supply video of Trump doing that thing with his voice and his hands? Is Snopes' video somehow less credible than CNN video or WaPo video or YouTube video or Breitbart video?
Eees next: svimvear.
Eees next: eveningvear.
Soviet fashion will crush running dog capitalist fashion! Your children will live under Soviet fashion!
Is Inga Russian?
Mr. Main Street, do little Ingas dance in your head. Do they (golden) shower you with persistent thoughts?
Oh! And don't forget Mr Main Street has the scoop! 4chan invented the Golden Showers story, it didn't actually come from spying done by the former MI6 agent.
btw: As ALL of the Trumpkin True Believers know, in the same speech where Trump was mocking Serge Kovaleski (who had the temerity to criticize in print Trump's claim of "thousands" of people cheering the fall of the WTC), Trump also mocked Ted Cruz.
Now the Trump True Believers say that Trump used the same motions and mocking voice, to mock Ted Cruz. Check it out, if you are interested.
But today, the whole thing becomes extra-funny for a whole new reason. Because, you see, when campaign-Trump was mocking Ted Cruz, it was for Cruz's purported (according to Trump) hesitancy to talk about "waterboarding." (Ann Coulter has defended Trump by saying that Trump's bit was not any mocking of any specific person with any disability, but rather "standard retard" acting.)
Well, well. Yesterday and today, in a handful of Senate confirmation hearings, Trump cabinet nominees for Defense, the CIA and Justice were all saying that there would be no waterboarding under their leadership. Trump, once again, when it comes to any serious discussion, was just full of shit. All of his bluster about waterboarding the bad guys? And with everybody laughing at Trump for the claim? The laughter was deserved.
I know you're Inga. You see, you slipped up in the other thread. You have two kids who served in the military, including a daughter who served in Afghanistan. Inga wrote quite a bit about her, including where she served. You might be so senile you forget what you write here 5 minutes after you write it, but I have an excellent memory.
But even if you didn't let that bit of info slip, it's still apparent to everyone here. Your writing style, stupidity, viciousness, and inability to read and comprehend what anybody else writes gives you away, as does your dumb jokes, attempts at humor made by an essentially humorless woman.
You can go on lying about it (and no doubt you will), but everyone realizes you're a liar. No wonder you love Hillary and Obama so much.
What was interesting today was that all of Trump's candidates for the various administration positions came out diametrically opposed to Trump's stance on Russia. LOL! Trump must be having a very bad bad day.
" that the POTUS is a foe of political correctness."
Which reminds me: The Left liked to talk about political correctness, until the right started to use the term to mock and ridicule the left's desire to impose ideological purity upon us all.
Um, dummy Mr.Main Street, I don't know who was commenting on the thread you are referring to. Does that person have the same Blogger ID I have? No? Oh maybe 4chan told you this? Hahahahahahah! I'm peein' 'my pants here, speaking of Golden Showers.
Sure, sweetie, whatever you say. You're a very credible source - just like "Raw Story." Find any new stories on Trump over there?
If you were only interested in a link to the video, then why did you chose a notoriously lefty site, Chuck? That's the point.
Mr.Main Street, if it makes you feel better, go ahead and call all the Unkowns "Little Inga". You know, I wouldn't want to be responsible for you having a 'roid rage incident. It's OK honey cakes.
Ya know, I don't know or care anything about the pizza gate thing, but I got no doubt that John Podesta is a pedophile and that the democrat party is infested with pedophiles. Consider Bill Clinton...
So to come full circle, Pizzagate is real!
Now, for the BEST story of the day!
At 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, Representative Maxine Waters was on the floor of the House of Representatives, arguing for the importance of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
“At this time,” Ms. Waters, Democrat of California, said, “with a bill that would basically take our cop on the block, the S.E.C., and literally obliterate ——”
Alas, politics junkies, news editors and anyone else who was watching the broadcast online did not learn how that sentence ended. Ms. Waters was cut off. Instead, they heard the jangling music of a feed from RT, a state-run Russian television network that has been accused of helping its government interfere in the American election.
Some users of social media immediately assumed that the interruption, which lasted about 10 minutes, had nefarious implications.
C-Span, in a statement, had a simpler explanation: It was probably a technical error. C-Span’s television broadcast continued uninterrupted.
“As RT is one of the networks we regularly monitor, we are operating under the assumption that it was an internal routing issue,” the statement said. “If that changes, we will certainly let you know.”"
It was you in the other thread talking about your daughter.
Blanking your profile cannot hide the stupid.
Ahhhh, Birkel also sees Little Inga in his brain! This is great stuff! Thanks for the link.
...LITERALLY obliterate, Maxine Waters garnered...
I made my decision about whether Trump was mocking the disability of reporter based on my viewing of the video recording of Trump himself.
And again, I don't give two shits what anybody else thinks. Everybody can make up their own minds.
Poor Chuck. But what can be expected when so little effort goes toward research? Ann Coulter, among others, has thoroughly debunked this fake narrative some time ago, but poor Chuck has no fucking idea.
Readers, below is a link to Coulter’s article and pertinent videos of Trump mocking several other non-handicapped individuals with the same gestures. One of these are of Trump mocking Cruz, which may partially explain the Chuckster’s Trump Derangement Syndrome and his eagerness to swallow any and all of the MSM’s slanderous talking points. Cruz is one of Chuck’s heroes.
Ann Coulter! Hahahahahaha! Oh Gawd!
So what is it, Inga? Are you simply befuddled and confused or a liar?
Actually, I think you're both. As well as being too stupid to realize your writing style gives you away.
In the interests of accuracy, you should start calling yourself Inga the Liar.
No wonder you people voted for Trump, my lord, you are a bunch of dullards.
Unknown said...
Ann Coulter! Hahahahahaha! Oh Gawd!"
Ann Coulter - who predicted the election results correctly months ahead of time.
Unlike you.
It's so cute how you laugh at your intellectual superiors, Inga the Liar.
We won, Inga the Liar.
Mr. Main Street, will you admit you were a dumbass to believe that 4chan made up the Golden Shower story? As for Little Inga, if she /he bothered you folks so much that you're still obsessed by her/him I say good work Litlltle Inga! Come back to Althouse!
Oh bearded one, Mr.Main Street, you didn't win, America lost, but not for long. I see impeachment in Trump's future, I do keep hope alive!
After skipping those by "unknown" or "Chuck", and the responses to them, there are 61 comments.
Unknown said... [hush][hide comment]
Mr. Main Street, will you admit you were a dumbass to believe that 4chan made up the Golden Shower story?
Nope,the story is true ! I am curious as to what happened after they soaked the bed? Did they get dressed and leave? Have an orgy on the wet bed? Call for room service?
What would Inga do after being paid (how much? Cash or Credit?) to pee on a hatress for a world re-known billionaire?
Chuck: And with your genitalia-laced trashtalk about congressional Republicans, just think about what Trump has to do, to keep all of the following group happy; John McCain, Marco Rubio, Chuck Grassley, Rand Paul, Roy Blunt, Rob Portman and Pat Toomey. They pretty much all think Trump is a clown. They all won re-election to six-year terms. McCain and Rubio beat Trumpkin primary opponents, just like paul Ryan did. McCain, Portman and Grassley may be in their last terms. And Trump cannot stand to lose more than one or two of any of those votes.
You better get an attitude adjustment about working with Senate Republicans. Trump may be on HIS knees in the Senate cloakroom, keeping them happy.
Interesting thing about Chuck is that his interest in politics is, by all appearances, strictly a matter of, well, politics - as if politics served no larger end that he can see, or understand. He has never, that I have seen, evinced any interest whatsoever in the the thing Washington allegedly exists for - the common good of the nation, the welfare of Americans. His "country" is The Party. Americans are essentially extraneous to the life of The Party, though their electoral behavior can interfere with its proper functioning and well-being.
(Btw, the fellatio in the Senate cloakroom fantasy? Cuckservative.txt. And don't give us any "but grackle started it!" bullshit. You ran with it, Miss "oh, the trash talk! oh my delicate ears!")
I'm sure everyone noticed this but Unknown never has, you know, facts, just insults.
It is too bad he cannot move on and accept Trump is the president.
Did you people "move on" and accept Obama as president? Hypocrites. For the record, Trump will never ever be my President. I prefer an American President not an agent for Russia, Putin's useful idiot.
Yes Full Moon, the story IS true, only 4chan didn't make it up.
"Fake news" is a thing. It is not:
1) Opinion
2) News covering something you don't like
3) Unverified news where the item clarifies that it is unverified
But when the Left was in their "ban it" phase, they kept referring to opinion as "fake news". I have no qualms slapping somebody down for idiocy.
Giving them free talking points and not smacking them around when they are shown to be absurd is a mistake. Teach lessons.
Inga/Unknown seems to be playing a silly game. If you are not Inga, you have the same pattern of dopey leftist gab when posting.
Just keep hope alive and keep posting stupid generalities and we will watch how you like Trump's second term.
Chuck said...
Well, well. Yesterday and today, in a handful of Senate confirmation hearings, Trump cabinet nominees for Defense, the CIA and Justice were all saying that there would be no waterboarding under their leadership. Trump, once again, when it comes to any serious discussion, was just full of shit. All of his bluster about waterboarding the bad guys? And with everybody laughing at Trump for the claim? The laughter was deserved.
Trump was competeing for the most important job on earth, President of the United States of America. He was up against the best of the best on the other side, who had over a billion dollar budget and the entire mainstream media on her side.
Of course he would lie cheat and steal to win!Wouldn't you? I would.
He only had one shot at it and he desperately wants to do what is right for Americans. His ego is so large and fragile that he would be devastated if more Americans did not love him after his term.
Mark my words Chuck, within 18 months, many, many people will grudgingly say: "Well he ain't all that bright, but things ain't so bad as they said they was gonna be"
And, for every poor person, black, white, yellow, brown or whatever who gets or keeps a job, gonna be an entire family and social circle agreeing.
Internet will be full of accusations about Trump and his friends getting rich. Guess what, poorly educated average people do not care, unless they are getting stiffed in the process.
Guy gets a dolar raise, doesn't care if Trump made a million.
Did you people "move on" and accept Obama as president?
Yup. In spite of his attacks on my side throughout his term. You didn't see riots in the street. You didn't see people constantly spouting off about how hurt they are that half of their country is suddenly racist/sexist.
I was bummed, as much as many Progs were, when Romney lost. It bugged me heavily. Did I sit here and decry the bigotry of the Obama voters? Nope.
For the record, Trump will never ever be my President.
...yet those who you think did what you say you're doing are hypocrites. Are you one as well?
Or is THIS different?
Now things are getting really interesting. This from Israeli newspaper.,7340,L-4906642,00.html
"US intel sources warn Israel against sharing secrets with Trump administration
Israeli intelligence officials fear that top-secret information that has been exposed to the United States will be leaked to Russia—and from Russia to its close ally, Iran."
Donald Trump’s upcoming inauguration as the next president of the United States is causing Israeli intelligence officials to lose sleep as well. Discussions held in closed forums recently raised fears of a leakage of Israeli intelligence top-classified information, clandestine modus oprandi and sources, which have been exposed to the American intelligence community over the past 15 years, to Russia – and from there to Iran.
The cause of concern are the suspicions of unreported ties between the president-elect or his associates and the Kremlin, whose agents are also associated with intelligence officials in Tehran.
These fears, which began upon Trump’s election, grew stronger following a meeting held recently between Israeli and American intelligence officials (the date of the meeting is not mentioned to protect the sources of the report). During the meeting, according to the Israelis who participated in it, their American colleagues voiced despair over Trump’s election, as he often lashes out at the American intelligence community. The American officials also told the Israelis that the National Security Agency (NSA) had “highly credible information” that Russia’s intelligence agencies, the FSB and GRU, were responsible for hacking the Democratic Party (DNC) servers during the elections and leaking sensitive information to WikiLeaks, which hurt Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
The American officials further added that they believed Russia President Vladimir Putin had “leverages of pressure” over Trump – but did not elaborate. They were apparently referring to what was published Wednesday about embarrassing information collected by the Russian intelligence in a bid to blackmail the president-elect.
The Americans implied that their Israeli colleagues should “be careful” as of January 20, Trump’s inauguration date, when transferring intelligence information to the White House and to the National Security Council (NSC), which is subject to the president. According to the Israelis who were present in the meeting, the Americans recommended that until it is made clear that Trump is not inappropriately connected to Russia and is not being extorted – Israel should avoid revealing sensitive sources to administration officials for fear the information would reach the Iranians.
If Israel’s secrets are indeed not kept confidential, this is a serious danger to the state’s national security: Since the early 2000s, the cooperation between the Israel and US intelligence communities has been intensified. It was led by the head of the Israeli Military Intelligence Directorate (AMAN) at the time, Aharon Ze’evi Farkash (who even received a citation from the NSA Chief General Michael Hayden), late Mossad chief Meir Dagan and his successor, Tamir Pardo, who served earlier as the commander of one of the secret operational units that cooperated with the Americans.
Most of the joint operations between the two countries’ intelligence communities were directed, according to reports, against Iran, and a small part of them – against Hezbollah and Hamas. The ties became even tighter in the previous decade on the backdrop of Primes Ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert’s close relations with US President George W. Bush."
"Report: US Intelligence Telling Israel Not To Give Secrets To Trump … Or They’ll End Up With Putin"
There are reports that Israel intelligence, unsure whether Russian president Vladimir Putin is in a position to blackmail president-elect Donald Trump, is greatly worried that Trump or his associates might be forced to reveal Israeli intelligence top-classified information, clandestine modus operandi or sources, to Russia, which would then forward that information to Russia’s ally Iran, Israel’s mortal enemy.
The Kremlin’s intelligence agents are closely associated with intelligence officials in Tehran."
Unk: We won't know if this is true until confirmed by Buzzkill and CNN.
Howard, we will just have to wait and time will tell the tale.
"For the record, Trump will never ever be my President."
I don't think the record gives a rat's ass.
"US intel sources warn Israel against sharing secrets with Trump administration
Israeli intelligence officials fear that top-secret information that has been exposed to the United States will be leaked to Russia—and from Russia to its close ally, Iran."
So, it's time to purge the ENTIRE US Intel apparatus. If they are working against the President-Elect so openly, they are of no use to this country.
damikesc: Who knows who is leaking all this garbage... What's up with the hysterical overreaction? You replorables need to learn to control your hormonal emotions. Sad.
UnknownInga is on board with The Deep State. Leviathan will strangle everything. But UnknownInga hopes it will strangle others first.
These leaks are the Leviathan State at work. Leviathan must be destroyed.
buwaya puti is correct that this is a centralized, controlled operation. This is Foggy Bottom working with the clandestine services and using the complicit press to launder their effort at control. We are witness to Leviathan.
Maybe they're wotkng against him because they know he is not to be trusted with our National Security and is an agent of a foreign government. Stand by, much more coming in the next days and weeks. This may be the shortest Presidency in the history of the US. And you fools voted for him.
Sorry Birkel. We won't MRGA.
So what, Inga the Liar? I realized the story was a fake right away and mistakenly believed it was concocted by 4 Chan. As usual, you ignore the most important point - it was a stupid, garbage story. And you ignore that because you, because of your hatred for Trump, will believe any dumb lie you hear or read about him.
Then you project your stupidity onto others because you are dishonest.
Howard, too, cheers the Deep State. He hopes Leviathan wins.
Because it cannot be known from where the leaks come, we must deny the most logical conclusion.
Because: reasons and collectivism.
"For the record, Trump will never ever be my President."
Oh, man. I'm sure that will break his heart.
The "story" isn't fake. If you weren't so besotted by the traitor Trump, you'd have realized this by now.
Full Moon;
It may indeed be, that after 18 months you and I could agree that Trump hasn't screwed anything up too badly.
But if that comes to pass, it will absolutely be because Trump hasn't done many of the cockamamie things he promised during the campaign.
He will not have repealed ObamaCare in any dramatic way, and he will certainly not have replaced it with anything "wonderful";
He will not have carved out any large budget allocation for a border wall;
If he changes anything with the auto industry, it will be along the lines of things that the Wall Street Journal and Republicans have long advised, and not by any dramatic import taxes;
He will not have prosecuted or jailed "Hillary";
He will not order any enhanced interrogation of suspected terrorists;
He will not have dramatically replaced the VA healthcare system;
And on and on and on.
If Trump manages to not screw up to badly, it will be because he will have regularly broken his campaign promises, and will be governing as a mostly-conventional Republican.
Birkel said...
Howard, too, cheers the Deep State. He hopes Leviathan wins."
Yes, these little internet totalitarians are very afraid of freedom and individualism.
Some slaves love their chains.
Unknown said...
The "story" isn't fake.
Yes, it is, dumbo.
You are incredibly stupid.
"Is Inga Russian?"
Nah, you live in Milwaukee.
You, Mr. Main Street are delusuional. Testosterone overdose causes early dementia. How will you explain your incredibly ignorant comments a year from now when there will no longer be a President Trump? If he doesn't end up in prison he'll be very lucky.
For Chrissake, Chuck Todd of MSNBC, who hates Trump, called it "fake news."
There's a reason the NY Times and WaPo didn't publish it, despite the fact it was circulating for months.
But continue to bitterly cling to your sad little pissgate story, you pathetic little cipher.
Like I said, a pathetic little cipher.
A serf with a serf's mentality.
I'd feel sorry for you if you weren't such a liar, Inga.
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