I hope the Dem's come out full Durm and Strang. Pussy hats evil republican worst judge ever uteruses are in danger! Go for the gusto! Hitler! Women in chains(not burkas).
This guy is a movie star. Trump seems to be in awe of his TV style. But then, it is a separate and equal Branch of Government. The President's role here is done now. The rest is up to the 9 Philosopher kings.
Gilbert Pinfold said... @Chuck: Please name those voting "Nay". You can't.
Of course not. That's not the point. "Voice vote" and "unanimous" are not the same thing.
The funny thing is that Trump, given one little factoid, gets it wrong, and then doubles down on it, saying "When was the last time we had one unanimous?"
Drudge has a photo of Scalia and Gorsch standing together at what appears to be the ranch where Scalia died. Or maybe another ranch. Cue (and queue) the conspiracy theories!
Because as everyone here knows the Dem's are going to fold like cheap suits. There are 10 dem senators up in 2018 in states Trump carried, 5 by double digits. Good luck trying to hold a filibuster for long Chuck. Go cry us all a river.
gspencer said... Next up - the slaying of the nuclear option.
Wont be needed. Manchin might switch parties anyways but would be forced to if the democrats get too crazy. Trump and the rest of the GOP shouldn't let him...
The purpose of the whole thing was to get one item of info into the public's head - guy was confirmed without opposition before, therefore a full court press in opposition now is purely political.
Chuck - the whole voice vote and unanimity thing is sucker bait. If the press takes it, they'll be a debate that drums into the public's consciousness that Gorsuch sailed through before.
Drago said... wildswan: "So Trump keeps another promise."
"lifelong republican" Chuck hardest hit.
You keep stealing that old line. You should give it a rest.
I love this nomination. It's a nomination by the way, Mr. President, not an "appointment."
So why do you think I'm upset. It's a practically perfect night for me. Gorsuch gets the nomination, and Trump sticks his foot (or something) in his mouth again. The culmination of the Federalist Society taking over a job outsourced from Trump, and nailing it.
Yes, DJT is ignorant. But he made a good pick. I'm happy I voted for him. Now, a little less clownish staff work would help. But on to the next promise.
They are fighting ISIS for themselves. Those ISIS guys were headed for Erbil with blood in their eye, back in 2014. And they want to take Kirkuk from them to boot.
And the US is their only friend in the world. The Russians showed them the back of their hand a while ago, when they went looking there for an ally (a new strong horse), but since the Russians were making nice with the Turks, no way.
"Okay, so how do you trash a guy like Gorsuch? What's Schmuckie got up his sleeve?"
Oh, they will slander him. It's why I almost felt sorry for him and his wife as they stood there at the podium looking like such a nice couple. But I guess they're braced for what's to come.....
MaxedOutMama said... Chuck - the whole voice vote and unanimity thing is sucker bait. If the press takes it, they'll be a debate that drums into the public's consciousness that Gorsuch sailed through before.
But that is true; it would be a fair (if imprecise) thing to say, that Judge Gorsuch "sailed through." He did. A unanimous vote (like 100-0, or Scalia's 98-0) is certainly sailing through, and is truly remarkable. A voice vote means that nobody thinks that any opposition is worthwhile, and nobody wants to necessarily be recorded pro- or con. Or maybe they didn't have a quorum for technical reasons for a short time or something else. I don't know.
Once written, twice: "He seems like a really good choice. Clerked with Kennedy. Went to Harvard. I think he will be a moderating presence on the court"
By 8:30am tomorrow he will be a fascist hater of women whose family financed Hitler.
The dentally-challenged are an underrepresented minority oppressed by the system. They deserve to be represented on the court, and everywhere else. And it doesn't matter if they are dentally-challenged as long as they vote right.
Once written, twice... said... He seems like a really good choice. Clerked with Kennedy. Went to Harvard. I think he will be a moderating presence on the court.
Nope. This guy is no Souter. This one is part Roberts, part Scalia.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "A voice vote means that nobody thinks that any opposition is worthwhile, and nobody wants to necessarily be recorded pro- or con."
oh, sure. It's "highly" likely no one wanted to have a "pro" vote recorded in the case of this candidate. Uh huh.
Thanks for your "evenhanded" analysis. I would say it's almost Maddow level commentary.
The silver fox wins. Supreme Court watchers had been speculating for days that President Donald Trump would nominate a justice who most looks like he could play one on TV.
Chuck triples down on ingratitude and stupidity by trying to undermine Trump's selection as not of his own choosing. Little Marco wouldn't have made such a fine choice.
"I feared that Trump was going to nominate some raving hillbilly nutjob."
Raving hillbilly nutjobs are an oppressed minority who deserve justice and representation. Who should be fine as long as they vote right. No less than Puerto Rican lady lawyers. Who obviously vote right, for those who nominate them.
Blogger steve uhr said... Garland now knows who stole his seat.
Yeah. Joe BIden.
I do think he looks like Roberts.
I still like Janice Rogers Brown. Speaking of being robbed. Filibustered for two years for the DC Circuit so Bush could not appoint her to the USSC. Black female. The left was in a rage.
Fabi said... Chuck triples down on ingratitude and stupidity by trying to undermine Trump's selection as not of his own choosing. Little Marco wouldn't have made such a fine choice.
I don't even understand this; Gorsuch is a brilliant choice. I think that objectively, he is the best choice.
Bill Pryor would be a good person to elevate to the Supreme Court under normal circumstances. But Trump has made things so unbelievably divisive right now, a Pryor nomination would have been insane. Civil war. Trump is so lucky that a Neil Gorsuch exists.
You've always been so accurate on your Trump predictions, R&B. Trump was elected because a good part of the country felt that we were still in Great Recession I. Or were you a believer in Obama's economic propaganda?
CC: "And you're happy to reward them with a stupid policy to keep out people from countries responsible for zero fatal terrorist attacks on America, while doing nothing about countries behind said terrorism and responsible for thousands of U.S. deaths."
The list of 7 countries, generated by the Obama administration, truly represent failed states where there is no real documentation, vetting capabilities and even if there were it would be unlikely that the governing forces (whoever that happens to be on that day) are unlikely to comply.
Each of the other muslim majority nations from where terrorists emerge have functioning governments that are capable of providing background info on their people.
Trust me, the Saudi's know precisely who everyone is and what groups they belong to.
Now, if you want to discuss the extent to which we can trust them we could probably have an interesting discussion.
unanimous consent glossary term. unanimous consent - A senator may request unanimous consent on the floor to set aside a specified rule of procedure so as to expedite proceedings. If no Senator objects, the Senate permits the action, but if any one senator objects, the request is rejected.LINK to Senate.gov Web site
So not one objection but you say it isn't unanimous. You're epicly wrong as usual, when it involves your Trump monomania.
I predict Manchin, Heitcamp and Casey will vote for Gorsuch, with McCaskill as an outside shot to do the same. A lot of these Dems have to look to their viability in 2018 in the general election.
voice vote - A vote in which the presiding officer states the question, then asks those in favor and against to say "Yea" or "Nay," respectively, and announces the result according to his or her judgment. The names or numbers of senators voting on each side are not recorded.
For informational purposes only. I still think Chuck is wrong about Gorsuch, as I read it was unanimous consent, but it really doesn't matter in the long run.
Just wondering if the Never-Trumper crowd has, perhaps for the first time tonight, a sense of self-awareness of what they almost stopped ... and almost ushered in.
I'm a great believer in term limits. They should be imposed by the voters. Two terms at any level of government - city, county, state, federal - and out.
Mexico has a one term limit at the Presidency. Did not stop one party rule for decade after decade.
"Lifelong republican" Chuck: "Trump is so lucky that a Neil Gorsuch exists."
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Trump would just pick one of the other 20 names on his list!
Unless, big caveat here, the "non-existence" of Gorsuch rips such a large hole in the space-time fabric that the Earth's molten core suddenly "freezes" causing a complete loss of our magnetic field and we would all get "tanned" quite rapidly.
Note to self: flesh out idea a bit more and call agent.
"Despicable. You don't know the meaning of alliance. Your equally ignorant leader"
I'm not one of you, man, despicable though I may be, I'm another flavor of despicable. I'm a foreign observer, off to the side or under the table. My leaders may be ignorant (Messr's Duterte and Rajoy/Felipe VI), who knows, TBD, but they aren't yours and Mr. Trump isn't mine.
Mr. Trump is an interesting local phenomenon though.
Mike: "I still think Chuck is wrong about Gorsuch, as I read it was unanimous consent, but it really doesn't matter in the long run."
You are wrong my friend.
"unanimous consent" and it's true meaning is actually "The Big Story of The Night" as "lifelong republican" Chuck continues to gather up all the crumbs he can isolate that would somehow, someway, make all his false (but astonishingly patronizing) projections and predictions correct in retrospect.
I expect this condition of his is something for which he either is or should obtain some counseling.
There are no recorded votes against him so I smell unanimity. You cannot say for certain if there was unanimous agreement or not Chuck. You're just throwing that out to slam Trump. That's OK. He's still gonna get his pick through.
Mike said... ... For informational purposes only. I still think Chuck is wrong about Gorsuch, as I read it was unanimous consent, but it really doesn't matter in the long run.
It would fucking kill you, to publicly say that I was right. So I plan to wait patiently and hopefully.
Big Mike, I think you shouldn't be happy about Gorsuch being an "originalist". As the Anti-federalists wrote 225 years ago, they didn't agree on the original meaning of the words in the Constitution. So what is the value of Originalism if we've been arguing about that for 225 years? Ask yourself this: if the far-right guy is Judge Thomas, how does Gorsuch shape up? My belief is to Thomas' left. If I'm right, what value is his Originalism?
I praised you liberally this morning in a thread. This one's not your best work. There is literally no recorded opposition vote to Gorsuch. Yes it was a voice vote (if WaPo is correct) but that also means there was no record of HOW each Senator voted. So who do you think opposed him, and why do you think that?
I had a fun back and forth with a fellow non-prog. We laughed and commented about Ashley Judd and the left's general daily descent into rage-filled lunacy.
He stumbled on the meaning of it all... "They are irrelevant."
Well, we did get what John Oliver and the pro-D hack MSM press wanted. Trump.
Althouse has been blogging like a sonuvabitch lately so I can't locate where I gave Chuckie props this morning. Also, it wasn't the first time I've done so.
But I calls 'em as I sees 'em. And I'm waiting to see who he gives me for the "no" voters.
Blogger Big Mike said... What's the matter with you and your former colleagues there at Wisconsin, Althouse? You don't turn out good enough graduates? -- Careful what you wish for..
Mike said... I praised you liberally this morning in a thread. This one's not your best work. There is literally no recorded opposition vote to Gorsuch. Yes it was a voice vote (if WaPo is correct) but that also means there was no record of HOW each Senator voted. So who do you think opposed him, and why do you think that?
I have no idea. He had a confirmation hearing where I think Senator Leahy gaveled the meeting open, and then only Senator Graham asked questions.
You're not focusing. It's not a matter of anyone registering any opposition. Nobody had to do that. It's Trump's sloppy speechifying. I could have briefed Trump for ten minutes tonight, and explained "voice vote" to him as I have in this thread. Then Trump could have walked into the East Room and said, "And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a voice vote. That's like unanimous. Nobody wanted to go on the record opposing him."
It all would have been very Trumpian, and given The Don his usual room to talk trash in his gangster-folksy way. And instead of being wrong, he'd have been right.
Jack Wayne said... Life-long Republican likes Gorsuch because he's another big government Judge like Roberts"
Where do you get that from?
“American liberals have become addicted to the courtroom, relying on judges and lawyers rather than elected leaders and the ballot box, as the primary means of effecting their social agenda.”
In Gorsuch’s expressed opinion, allowing government agencies to interpret the law means allowing them to change their minds. This, he believes, forces citizens to not only act in accordance with the agency’s current interpretation of the law, but also “remain alert to the possibility that the agency will reverse its current view 180 degrees anytime based merely on the shift of political winds.”
“He favors states’ rights and limited federal government and strict separation of powers,” lawyer Wendy Murphy told FOX Business."
I'm not a fan of big government and I like this pick very much.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Nobody had to do that. It's Trump's sloppy speechifying. I could have briefed Trump for ten minutes tonight, and explained "voice vote" to him as I have in this thread."
The minute anyone on the republican side starts listening to you we will need to prepare ourselves for permanent minority status and wilderness wandering.
I'm beginning to think an intervention might be necessary in your case.
AprilApple said... I had a fun back and forth with a fellow non-prog. We laughed and commented about Ashley Judd and the left's general daily descent into rage-filled lunacy.
He stumbled on the meaning of it all... "They are irrelevant."
True. And here's some more fun for you AA: remember that liberals wanted Ginsburg aka Ruth Buzzy to retire while Obama was still president so they could make sure her seat went to a leftist. Ginsburg refused - because she was sure Hillary would win. Think she's gonna hold out for 4 more years?
After I got done laughing about you briefing Trump I saw the part about speechifying or something. Yeah, I get it. Trump's style rubs you the wrong way. Maybe your mommy was a stickler for "who/whom" and you never got over it. I don't know. Me? I LIKE Trump's style. It is formal and casual at the same time and conveys a lot of feeling. Remember, I literally could not stand the man two years ago and have grown to appreciate him and like him a lot. I'm sorry he drives you crazy but the best thing is he drives them crazy.
Carry on Chuck! I'm breaking your balls over not being able to articulate the opposition to Trump and I see that voice vote no different than a unanimous YAY at this point, but that's because I'm fucked up. Carry on. Did you find the thread I praised you in?
Jack Wayne said... Exile, do you place Gorsuch to the left or right of Thomas?
1/31/17, 8:25 PM
I haven't compared their positions side by side so I don't know. But this sounds damn good to me:
"his perspective aligns Gorsuch with traditional conservative views of small government, perhaps even more so than Scalia. However, Gorsuch is a lot like Scalia in one important way, Ilya Shapiro, senior fellow in constitutional studies at the Cato Institute, told FOX Business.
“[Gorsuch] has a well thought out conception of Constitutional interpretation and the way that structure protects liberty. He’s most known for his opinions supporting religious liberty and pushing back on the administrative state,” he said."
I don't see what the problem is from a conservative POV.
I would be careful of this Gorsuch. The Episcopalian thing. Really, who is Episcopalian anymore? That's just a membership ticket to certain benighted social circles. Very wealthy social circles, interlocking in all sorts of suspicious ways. Especially worry if the Democrats let him slide in. They may know something.
Exile, the thing is, I am not a Conservative. To me, the term is equally as ugly as Progressive. I am small government to the core. I read about this guy and to me he is not small government. And, frankly, I agree with a lefty commenter that he is Episcopalian. They are lefties. I place him to the left of Thomas who is not right enough for me.
His mother was the first female administrator of the EPA. She was appointed by Reagan. I've read that her actions there provide insight, or a template, for a current reduction of influence, rightly or wrongly, of the EPA.
Michael K., re Hamburger U., his mother, after having (I think) to resign from EPA, called her next, far lesser government nomination a nomination to a job that was a "nothing-burger".
I think that Trump is trying to give the Dems a cumulative heart attack, or stroke right now. Gorsuch's mother, of course, was one of Reagan's most reviled cabinet members, Anne Gorsuch Burford, who headed, and tried to dismantle, the EPA, and while there, married the BLM head. She was one of the CO crazies while in politics here, was brilliant - graduating from CU at 19, and got her JD there at 22. No doubt, this guilt by association was calculated to achieve maximum consternation on the part of the Dems.
Now that Commander Crankshaft has gone off the deep end, let me turn my attention to Chuck.
Chuck, I generally like you and appreciate your passion and relentless adherence to your position.
My question: why?
Any blog with Trump as the topic is roughly 50% you and you being attacked by everyone. Don't you get tired of that? Don't you have anything better to do? Why not just state your opinion en sit back and let others argue over it?
There's a whole world out there. Hiking trails. Coffee shops. A bike ride. How can you be on here all day long defending the same monolithic position?
Indeed. Just think how sweet it will be when McConnell and Hatch and McCain and Graham and the rest of the "comity of the Senate" fellas decide enough is enough and they emulate Reid!
Jack Wayne said... Exile, someone equal to or right of Thomas.
1/31/17, 8:41 PM
I like Thomas too - but again, who would that be? I'm not an expert on the judicial pool out there, but I can't think of anybody except perhaps Janet Rogers Brown - and she's in her '70's.
There's just no pleasing some people. You should be happy President Hillary isn't naming her nominee tonight. I don't think she would have picked someone to the right of Thomas.
Sorry, Commander, but I used to be a union organizer in my callow youth. My Working Class Hero creds were fully established. Of course, it also gave me an inside view of Leftist hypocrites in action, not to mention their cynical self-interested exploitation of real working people. Educational and appalling in equal measures.
I didn't say that Trump is killing the Left. I said the Left is dying. It's suicide, not murder. I mean, fuck me, Hillary Clinton? Seriously?
Considering the rules for voice vote where one objection triggers a roll call, the vote was zero against. The number for is immaterial if there are none against. Makes it unanimous by any rule of logic.
Commander Crankshaft: "It's telling how many commenters here are talking about (personal, partisan) "revenge" as if actual results for the American worker were an afterthought."
Meh. This is simply one battle on the political firmament and each side will use whatever rhetorical tool is handy.
The fact that both sides have been switching positions more often than Marilyn Chambers just makes it that much more entertaining.
It's true that as a Bernie supporter you have a great deal more credibility arguing for "workers rights" even though you and I would almost certainly disagree on conditions and prescriptions.
I was. I was defending buwaya's honor. He is no lefty, despite choosing to live in San Francisco in order to reap the benefits of decades of lefty rule.
"As an attorney, Judge Gorsuch routinely represented big businesses in class action lawsuits. As a judge on the Tenth Circuit, he wrote a concurring opinion in Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius -- the case that allowed employers to deny basic health care coverage to women by ruling the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive mandate was unconstitutional. He upheld a decision that denied long-term insurance benefits to a worker who sustained a work-related injury that required spinal surgery. He even dissented from a ruling in favor of a truck driver whose employer illegally fired him for abandoning a trailer with locked brakes -- so he wouldn't freeze to death.
And as a member of the ultra-conservative "Federalist Society," Gorsuch believes in severely restricting the power that federal agencies like the EPA have to regulate businesses.
It's not hard to see why Trump loves him so much -- but from where we're sitting, Judge Gorsuch has no business on the Supreme Court bench. Add your name if you agree.
Walter, I think you need reminding that The Federalists were and are the party of Big Government. They just prefer the cover of federalism rather than socialism.
What we need to see now is another election night replay showing Trump taking 270 votes for the Supreme Court Appointment-in Chief, as Wisconsin's vote is called, and all the Democrat owned Media melt into crying and suicidal failures.
"If you're also claiming that you didn't see any management trying to get the better of the workers, I call mega BS. Or, you're a fool.
I've been on the other side of that deal. I saw our side's flaws, while also seeing that the workers were F-ing losers who wanted too much, like you imply."
Your reading comprehension is seriously deficient. I never saw a campaign where there weren't egregious abuses of the law by management. And I never saw the NLRB impose a remedy for those abuses that meant jack-shit after a campaign was lost.
None of which excuses the deceit, idiocy, and self-serving mendacity the union visited on the people it was proposing to represent. I don't know what kind of business you were in but most of the employees that I met while organizing were solid hard-working people. And I always found it fascinating that so many who were courageous enough to speak to management were Republicans.
The Dems dodged a bullet on that one. Each day from now until the next election they should burn incense in order to thank Elbridge Gerry and his descendants.
Walter, I don't dispute that Hitlary would have made a worse choice. But my position is simple: we are In an extreme corner. $25T debt, $1T deficits as far as the eye can see, unlimited Empire, unlimited States, unlimited Cities and more. When do we enter the end game? Is there enough time for Conservatives to "save" us? Or does it require a more extreme small government? My guess is more extremity is better now than later.
Senator Warren beclowns herself almost immediately:
"President Trump had the chance to select a consensus nominee to the Supreme Court. To the surprise of absolutely nobody, he failed that test.
Instead, he carried out his public promise to select a nominee from a list drawn up by far right activist groups that were financed by big business interests.
Judge Neil Gorsuch has been on this list for four months. His public record, which I have reviewed in detail, paints a clear picture.
Before even joining the bench, he advocated to make it easier for public companies to defraud investors. As a judge, he has twisted himself into a pretzel to make sure the rules favor giant companies over workers and individual Americans. He has sided with employers who deny wages, improperly fire workers, or retaliate against whistleblowers for misconduct. He has ruled against workers in all manner of discrimination cases. And he has demonstrated hostility toward women’s access to basic health care.
For years, powerful interests have executed a full-scale assault on the integrity of our federal judiciary, trying to turn the Supreme Court into one more rigged game that works only for the rich and the powerful. They spent millions to keep this seat open, and Judge Gorsuch is their reward.
Every day, our new President finds more ways to demonstrate his hostility for our independent judiciary, our civil society, and the rule of law. Now more than ever, America needs Supreme Court justices with a proven record of standing up for the rights of all Americans – civil rights, women’s rights, LGBT rights, and all other protections guaranteed by our laws. We don’t need another justice who spends his time looking out for those with money and influence.
Based on the long and well-established record of Judge Gorsuch, I will oppose his nomination."
That's no way for Warren to talk about a Harvard Law alum. She wasn't teaching at Harvard when he was there, she was teaching at University of Oennstlvania law school then as an affirmative action hire based on her lie that she was Cherokee.
The real question is, what sort of Episcopalian is he, Judge Gorsuch: there are some of them who are as principled in general and strong in their orthodox religious opinions as Catholics such as Justice Scalia, but of course there are more of them who are scarcely Christian any longer, in the traditional use of the term, anyway-- women bishops, identity nonsense, multicultural equivalences between religions, wholesale abandonment of traditional Christian morality &c &c (the 'Gene Robinson Episcopalians'). I have no idea myself, although the Gorsuchs were evidently parishioners at St John's in Boulder in 2014; St John's website is... not inspiring, from my point of view.
Where would he be if he didn't have an American service worker (a replacement for the laborers) to shit on? He has no sense of accomplishment or self, apart from that.
I see you acknowledge your role in the Obama economy.
Maybe Trump can help you find a job, It is amusing to see the angry left on display.
I encourage them to demonstrate and riot as it will ensure their marginalization for decades, Maybe we can rescue western civilization while they are otherwise occupied.
That is not good. That's the local leftwing church. I know, I live here and I know some of the people who attend.
Heavens to Murgatroyd, Christians acting in accordance with their faith. Can't have that. Why couldn't they attend the nice prosperity gospel church further down the road?
See, thats why I brought up the Episcopalian angle. From experience, there is something seriously off about them. Heck, they were happy to be harboring Puerto Rican commie terrorists in the 70's. True, look it up. Not even the Maryknoll nuns were that crazy. His mama seems like a sound sort though. Maybe its his wife who is into the church.
Watch this guy.
Were there no black Catholics or viciously brilliant Sicilians?
I was looking into the Catechism and I saw nothing about gluten with or without reference to homosexuals, but that means little of course, as Pope Francis may very well make such a change at some point. Or it may be in some mistranslated clause in Amoris Laetitia. Something about vegan diets excusing remarriage to divorced Dutchmen or something.
Roughcoat said... I don't know anything about him. I'm not knowledgeable in this area. What's his judicial philosophy, or whatever we're calling it?
The name of his judicial philosophy is originalism. He would say that the Court must interpret the Constitution as it was written by trying to understand what the Framers meant. This differs from "Judicial activism" in which judges interpret the Constitution to mean whatever it takes to achieve some desired social policy. For example, Justice Holmes interpreted the Constitution to mean that people could be sterilized for eugenic reasons. Buck v. Bell. (This decision is included by name as upheld by Roe v. Wade which was another judicial activist decision.) I think the legislature should change the laws if the laws need changing but the left finds it easier to change nine judges - or five anyhow - than to persuade the voters and get legislative change. Because of their totalitarian bias.
And also I think that Gorsuch has a new approach to the administrative state. This from Scotus blog: To be sure, Gorsuch’s views are not identical to those previously espoused by Scalia. In 2016, he suggested that courts should no longer defer to an agency’s interpretation of the statutes it is charged with administering, on the theory that courts – not agencies – should interpret the laws. Although this is an obscure issue from the perspective of the general public, Gorsuch’s position would work a sea change in the way courts review challenges to the actions of federal agencies.
And he is from the West so all sorts of BLM, EPA and Obama type land seizures are real issues to him.
So he is a good pick - the law is not just about abortion in this country though in NYC it is. And he is ready for battles of the future, I think.
My leftwing aunt attended that church. After her death, she wanted to be buried in their columbarium. They recommended a horrible funeral director. Pushy jerk, extroidinaire. I had to deliver cash in an envelope to the person at the church who presided over her ceremony after I had already paid them. It was all money money money. They wanted more and asked for more. This was after my aunt willed the church 25,000.00. I could go on. Cheap creepy leftist church.
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२५३ टिप्पण्या:
253 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Trump is about to announce. And 5 minutes later we'll be told by panels on CNN and NMSNBC why he or she is the worst person in America.
Gorse itch!
"Who put the pubic hair on the coke bottle?"
Such a Justice!
Trump is wrong. Gorsuch wasn't confirmed unanimously for the Circuit. He was confirmed on voice vote.
"Who put the pubic hair on the coke bottle?"
God help me, but I get that joke.
49. Cool.
Chuck said...
Trump is wrong. Gorsuch wasn't confirmed unanimously for the Circuit. He was confirmed on voice vote.
What is wrong with you?
It's a wonder you haven't put yourself in a coma with all your tedious boring petty non-stop bitching about every tiny little thing.
Very cool that he remembers Justice Jackson. A giant fully equal to Scalia.
Please name those voting "Nay". You can't.
I hope the Dem's come out full Durm and Strang. Pussy hats evil republican worst judge ever uteruses are in danger! Go for the gusto! Hitler! Women in chains(not burkas).
In the confirmation process, it depends on whose ox is being Gorsched.
Next up - the slaying of the nuclear option.
Oh well, so much for draining the swamp...
He looks like a Souter.
This guy is a movie star. Trump seems to be in awe of his TV style. But then, it is a separate and equal Branch of Government. The President's role here is done now. The rest is up to the 9 Philosopher kings.
Chuck said: Trump is wrong. Gorsuch wasn't confirmed unanimously for the Circuit. He was confirmed on voice vote.
Trump is right. A voice vote is also known as "unanimous consent" and we all know unanimous consent is a unanimous vote, Mr. Nitpicker.
Gilbert Pinfold said...
Please name those voting "Nay". You can't.
Of course not. That's not the point. "Voice vote" and "unanimous" are not the same thing.
The funny thing is that Trump, given one little factoid, gets it wrong, and then doubles down on it, saying "When was the last time we had one unanimous?"
Judas Priest, can anyone become a supreme court justice WITHOUT going to an Ivy League school? Lets See:
Alioto - Yale
Kagan - Harvard
Sotomayor - Yale
Thomas - Yale
Roberts - Harvard
Kennedy - Harvard
Ginsburg - Columbia (attended Harvard)
Breyer - Harvard
And now Gosach - Harvard. Incredible.
No, Mike, in the Senate, "unanimous consent" and a voice vote are not the same thing.
Drudge has a photo of Scalia and Gorsch standing together at what appears to be the ranch where Scalia died. Or maybe another ranch. Cue (and queue) the conspiracy theories!
His wife didn't exactly dress up for the occasion.
Because as everyone here knows the Dem's are going to fold like cheap suits. There are 10 dem senators up in 2018 in states Trump carried, 5 by double digits. Good luck trying to hold a filibuster for long Chuck. Go cry us all a river.
Trump seemed sick (I thought), or just out of it, didn't he? Lots of bobbles. Messed up his little intro too many times to count.
They never thought they'd lose again
This one is not nearly as important as the next one. Don't F it up...
So Trump keeps another promise. This was the one I cared about most. Eleven days in. The greatest.
rcocean said...
The Stanford Alums retired
gspencer said...
Next up - the slaying of the nuclear option.
Wont be needed. Manchin might switch parties anyways but would be forced to if the democrats get too crazy. Trump and the rest of the GOP shouldn't let him...
Durm and Strang
The purpose of the whole thing was to get one item of info into the public's head - guy was confirmed without opposition before, therefore a full court press in opposition now is purely political.
Robert: "His wife didn't exactly dress up for the occasion."
Solid analysis. Thanks for your contribution.
Gor is brat, such is search.
I never heard of Gor but believe Google.
madasHell - eigentlich Starm und Drung!
steve uhr: "Garland now knows who stole his seat."
Don't you have a limo to burn?
Sturm und Drang is correct, I believe.
"can anyone become a supreme court justice WITHOUT going to an Ivy League school?"
It doesn't really matter where they come from as long as they vote right.
wildswan: "So Trump keeps another promise."
"lifelong republican" Chuck hardest hit.
Nobody here wants your cock-blocking facts 'round here. The ho is drunk, just stick it in.
HT: "Funny!"
Gorsuch is the nominee and lefty heads explode!
Much funnier!
Okay, so how do you trash a guy like Gorsuch? What's Schmuckie got up his sleeve?
Chuck - the whole voice vote and unanimity thing is sucker bait. If the press takes it, they'll be a debate that drums into the public's consciousness that Gorsuch sailed through before.
It only took Vichy Chuck four minutes to say something negative about Trump. I bet he's a lot of fun at cocktail parties.
Drago said...
wildswan: "So Trump keeps another promise."
"lifelong republican" Chuck hardest hit.
You keep stealing that old line. You should give it a rest.
I love this nomination. It's a nomination by the way, Mr. President, not an "appointment."
So why do you think I'm upset. It's a practically perfect night for me. Gorsuch gets the nomination, and Trump sticks his foot (or something) in his mouth again. The culmination of the Federalist Society taking over a job outsourced from Trump, and nailing it.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "I love this nomination."
Sure you do, Chuckie. Sure you do.
Yes, DJT is ignorant. But he made a good pick. I'm happy I voted for him. Now, a little less clownish staff work would help. But on to the next promise.
They are fighting ISIS for themselves. Those ISIS guys were headed for Erbil with blood in their eye, back in 2014. And they want to take Kirkuk from them to boot.
And the US is their only friend in the world. The Russians showed them the back of their hand a while ago, when they went looking there for an ally (a new strong horse), but since the Russians were making nice with the Turks, no way.
So they are stuck with the US, no matter what.
"Okay, so how do you trash a guy like Gorsuch? What's Schmuckie got up his sleeve?"
Oh, they will slander him. It's why I almost felt sorry for him and his wife as they stood there at the podium looking like such a nice couple. But I guess they're braced for what's to come.....
There was only one pathway to this nomination. One.
And you opposed it.
So, you know, thanks for showing up after the battle and joining in the celebration.
He seems like a really good choice. Clerked with Kennedy. Went to Harvard. I think he will be a moderating presence on the court.
Gosach? Gorsch? Really, people, just grow up.
MaxedOutMama said...
Chuck - the whole voice vote and unanimity thing is sucker bait. If the press takes it, they'll be a debate that drums into the public's consciousness that Gorsuch sailed through before.
But that is true; it would be a fair (if imprecise) thing to say, that Judge Gorsuch "sailed through." He did. A unanimous vote (like 100-0, or Scalia's 98-0) is certainly sailing through, and is truly remarkable. A voice vote means that nobody thinks that any opposition is worthwhile, and nobody wants to necessarily be recorded pro- or con. Or maybe they didn't have a quorum for technical reasons for a short time or something else. I don't know.
Once written, twice: "He seems like a really good choice. Clerked with Kennedy. Went to Harvard. I think he will be a moderating presence on the court"
By 8:30am tomorrow he will be a fascist hater of women whose family financed Hitler.
Life-long Republican likes Gorsuch because he's another big government Judge like Roberts.
I feared that Trump was going to nominate some raving hillbilly nutjob. Trump acted normally here.
"The dentally challenged Justice "
The dentally-challenged are an underrepresented minority oppressed by the system.
They deserve to be represented on the court, and everywhere else.
And it doesn't matter if they are dentally-challenged as long as they vote right.
Once written, twice... said...
He seems like a really good choice. Clerked with Kennedy. Went to Harvard. I think he will be a moderating presence on the court.
Nope. This guy is no Souter. This one is part Roberts, part Scalia.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "A voice vote means that nobody thinks that any opposition is worthwhile, and nobody wants to necessarily be recorded pro- or con."
oh, sure. It's "highly" likely no one wanted to have a "pro" vote recorded in the case of this candidate. Uh huh.
Thanks for your "evenhanded" analysis. I would say it's almost Maddow level commentary.
Very Roberts/Kennedy like. Not a loon like Scalia.
The silver fox wins. Supreme Court watchers had been speculating for days that President Donald Trump would nominate a justice who most looks like he could play one on TV.
Lyin'PB_Ombudsman: "Less Sebastian, more Drago, Buw, Fab, etc"
I'm here all week...except when I'm not.
But even when I'm not my heart is always here!
....not really.
But still.
And Drago, I agree with Once. You are buying cuckservative lies about this guy.
Jack Wayne: "And Drago, I agree with Once. You are buying cuckservative lies about this guy."
Jack, what are you blathering about?
Chuck triples down on ingratitude and stupidity by trying to undermine Trump's selection as not of his own choosing. Little Marco wouldn't have made such a fine choice.
"I feared that Trump was going to nominate some raving hillbilly nutjob."
Raving hillbilly nutjobs are an oppressed minority who deserve justice and representation.
Who should be fine as long as they vote right.
No less than Puerto Rican lady lawyers.
Who obviously vote right, for those who nominate them.
Jack Wayne said...
Life-long Republican likes Gorsuch because he's another big government Judge like Roberts.
Judge Roy Bean is dead; Judge Jeanine is making too much money at Fox, and Judge Judy is too old. The field was narrowed.
Drago, this guy is another Roberts. His parents are government apparatchiks.
Jack Wayne: "Drago, this guy is another Roberts. His parents are government apparatchiks."
I have no idea how he'll turn out. Which is why I never commented on his likely judicial leanings (although the Hobby Lobby case gives me some hope).
Which made your comment to me all the more inexplicable.
Blogger steve uhr said...
Garland now knows who stole his seat.
Yeah. Joe BIden.
I do think he looks like Roberts.
I still like Janice Rogers Brown. Speaking of being robbed. Filibustered for two years for the DC Circuit so Bush could not appoint her to the USSC. Black female. The left was in a rage.
PB, be sure to hydrate. Wouldn't want those lips drying out from all that whistling past the graveyard.
"Sure, you know what your talking about (typing about)."
Nice to see you're coming around.
Belatedly though. Very belatedly.
Better late than never, one supposes.
"Despicable. You don't know the meaning of alliance." Says the twerp who is about to be replaced by a robot at MacDonalds.
Fabi said...
Chuck triples down on ingratitude and stupidity by trying to undermine Trump's selection as not of his own choosing. Little Marco wouldn't have made such a fine choice.
I don't even understand this; Gorsuch is a brilliant choice. I think that objectively, he is the best choice.
Bill Pryor would be a good person to elevate to the Supreme Court under normal circumstances. But Trump has made things so unbelievably divisive right now, a Pryor nomination would have been insane. Civil war. Trump is so lucky that a Neil Gorsuch exists.
"Not a loon like Scalia."
I resent this scurrilous attack on a fellow Latin Catholic who votes right.
Tribal war begets more tribal war.
You've always been so accurate on your Trump predictions, R&B.
Trump was elected because a good part of the country felt that we were still in Great Recession I. Or were you a believer in Obama's economic propaganda?
CC: "And you're happy to reward them with a stupid policy to keep out people from countries responsible for zero fatal terrorist attacks on America, while doing nothing about countries behind said terrorism and responsible for thousands of U.S. deaths."
The list of 7 countries, generated by the Obama administration, truly represent failed states where there is no real documentation, vetting capabilities and even if there were it would be unlikely that the governing forces (whoever that happens to be on that day) are unlikely to comply.
Each of the other muslim majority nations from where terrorists emerge have functioning governments that are capable of providing background info on their people.
Trust me, the Saudi's know precisely who everyone is and what groups they belong to.
Now, if you want to discuss the extent to which we can trust them we could probably have an interesting discussion.
Chuck you are a nitpicking asswipe.
unanimous consent glossary term. unanimous consent - A senator may request unanimous consent on the floor to set aside a specified rule of procedure so as to expedite proceedings. If no Senator objects, the Senate permits the action, but if any one senator objects, the request is rejected. LINK to Senate.gov Web site
So not one objection but you say it isn't unanimous. You're epicly wrong as usual, when it involves your Trump monomania.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: " But Trump has made things so unbelievably divisive right now,...."
I'm sorry, our survey says your "lifelong republican" status is questionable.
I predict Manchin, Heitcamp and Casey will vote for Gorsuch, with McCaskill as an outside shot to do the same. A lot of these Dems have to look to their viability in 2018 in the general election.
"Unbelievably divisive." Lulz
"Anywho, on this blog having that hand and a tenth tied behind my back helps even things up."
Android phone here, vato. Can cut and paste man.
voice vote - A vote in which the presiding officer states the question, then asks those in favor and against to say "Yea" or "Nay," respectively, and announces the result according to his or her judgment. The names or numbers of senators voting on each side are not recorded.
For informational purposes only. I still think Chuck is wrong about Gorsuch, as I read it was unanimous consent, but it really doesn't matter in the long run.
I'm happy that Gorduch is, supposedly, an originalist. I'm unhappy that he's yet another graduate of Harvard Law.
What's the matter with you and your former colleagues there at Wisconsin, Althouse? You don't turn out good enough graduates?
Just wondering if the Never-Trumper crowd has, perhaps for the first time tonight, a sense of self-awareness of what they almost stopped ... and almost ushered in.
I'm a great believer in term limits. They should be imposed by the voters. Two terms at any level of government - city, county, state, federal - and out.
Mexico has a one term limit at the Presidency. Did not stop one party rule for decade after decade.
"Lifelong republican" Chuck: "Trump is so lucky that a Neil Gorsuch exists."
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Trump would just pick one of the other 20 names on his list!
Unless, big caveat here, the "non-existence" of Gorsuch rips such a large hole in the space-time fabric that the Earth's molten core suddenly "freezes" causing a complete loss of our magnetic field and we would all get "tanned" quite rapidly.
Note to self: flesh out idea a bit more and call agent.
Lyin: "It's cool that cons fuss about gals killing their kids and folks making gluten for homos."
If you listen very carefully you can almost hear the lefts beloved islamists tossing gays off of roofs in the middle east.
"Despicable. You don't know the meaning of alliance. Your equally ignorant leader"
I'm not one of you, man, despicable though I may be, I'm another flavor of despicable.
I'm a foreign observer, off to the side or under the table.
My leaders may be ignorant (Messr's Duterte and Rajoy/Felipe VI), who knows, TBD, but they aren't yours and Mr. Trump isn't mine.
Mr. Trump is an interesting local phenomenon though.
Mike: "I still think Chuck is wrong about Gorsuch, as I read it was unanimous consent, but it really doesn't matter in the long run."
You are wrong my friend.
"unanimous consent" and it's true meaning is actually "The Big Story of The Night" as "lifelong republican" Chuck continues to gather up all the crumbs he can isolate that would somehow, someway, make all his false (but astonishingly patronizing) projections and predictions correct in retrospect.
I expect this condition of his is something for which he either is or should obtain some counseling.
There are no recorded votes against him so I smell unanimity. You cannot say for certain if there was unanimous agreement or not Chuck. You're just throwing that out to slam Trump. That's OK. He's still gonna get his pick through.
"What's the matter with you and your former colleagues there at Wisconsin, Althouse? You don't turn out good enough graduates?"
La Verne College of Law is due too. Whats with that?
I bet you they can vote right just as well as anyone out of Harvard.
Mike said...
For informational purposes only. I still think Chuck is wrong about Gorsuch, as I read it was unanimous consent, but it really doesn't matter in the long run.
It would fucking kill you, to publicly say that I was right. So I plan to wait patiently and hopefully.
Big Mike, I think you shouldn't be happy about Gorsuch being an "originalist". As the Anti-federalists wrote 225 years ago, they didn't agree on the original meaning of the words in the Constitution. So what is the value of Originalism if we've been arguing about that for 225 years? Ask yourself this: if the far-right guy is Judge Thomas, how does Gorsuch shape up? My belief is to Thomas' left. If I'm right, what value is his Originalism?
Clean up on Aisle Ritmo -- stat!
I praised you liberally this morning in a thread. This one's not your best work. There is literally no recorded opposition vote to Gorsuch. Yes it was a voice vote (if WaPo is correct) but that also means there was no record of HOW each Senator voted. So who do you think opposed him, and why do you think that?
I had a fun back and forth with a fellow non-prog. We laughed and commented about Ashley Judd and the left's general daily descent into rage-filled lunacy.
He stumbled on the meaning of it all... "They are irrelevant."
Well, we did get what John Oliver and the pro-D hack MSM press wanted. Trump.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "It would fucking kill you, to publicly say that I was right. So I plan to wait patiently and hopefully"
My my.
You really are quite....needy, aren't you?
Who voted against him, Chuck? That's all I'm asking here.
Althouse has been blogging like a sonuvabitch lately so I can't locate where I gave Chuckie props this morning. Also, it wasn't the first time I've done so.
But I calls 'em as I sees 'em. And I'm waiting to see who he gives me for the "no" voters.
Blogger Big Mike said...
What's the matter with you and your former colleagues there at Wisconsin, Althouse? You don't turn out good enough graduates?
Careful what you wish for..
Mike said...
I praised you liberally this morning in a thread. This one's not your best work. There is literally no recorded opposition vote to Gorsuch. Yes it was a voice vote (if WaPo is correct) but that also means there was no record of HOW each Senator voted. So who do you think opposed him, and why do you think that?
I have no idea. He had a confirmation hearing where I think Senator Leahy gaveled the meeting open, and then only Senator Graham asked questions.
You're not focusing. It's not a matter of anyone registering any opposition. Nobody had to do that. It's Trump's sloppy speechifying. I could have briefed Trump for ten minutes tonight, and explained "voice vote" to him as I have in this thread. Then Trump could have walked into the East Room and said, "And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a voice vote. That's like unanimous. Nobody wanted to go on the record opposing him."
It all would have been very Trumpian, and given The Don his usual room to talk trash in his gangster-folksy way. And instead of being wrong, he'd have been right.
Jack Wayne said...
Life-long Republican likes Gorsuch because he's another big government Judge like Roberts"
Where do you get that from?
“American liberals have become addicted to the courtroom, relying on judges and lawyers rather than elected leaders and the ballot box, as the primary means of effecting their social agenda.”
In Gorsuch’s expressed opinion, allowing government agencies to interpret the law means allowing them to change their minds. This, he believes, forces citizens to not only act in accordance with the agency’s current interpretation of the law, but also “remain alert to the possibility that the agency will reverse its current view 180 degrees anytime based merely on the shift of political winds.”
“He favors states’ rights and limited federal government and strict separation of powers,” lawyer Wendy Murphy told FOX Business."
I'm not a fan of big government and I like this pick very much.
I question the soundness of this choice.
It turns out that Gorsuch is an Episcopalian.
That is troubling.
It is well known that the Supreme Court requires Catholics for conservative reliability.
This has to be one of dumbest Althouse Comment thread in a long time. Guess its past everyone's bedtime - or they're half-drunk.
Just reading it, made me lose 10 IQ points. Hope it gets better.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "Nobody had to do that. It's Trump's sloppy speechifying. I could have briefed Trump for ten minutes tonight, and explained "voice vote" to him as I have in this thread."
The minute anyone on the republican side starts listening to you we will need to prepare ourselves for permanent minority status and wilderness wandering.
I'm beginning to think an intervention might be necessary in your case.
AprilApple said...
I had a fun back and forth with a fellow non-prog. We laughed and commented about Ashley Judd and the left's general daily descent into rage-filled lunacy.
He stumbled on the meaning of it all... "They are irrelevant."
True. And here's some more fun for you AA: remember that liberals wanted Ginsburg aka Ruth Buzzy to retire while Obama was still president so they could make sure her seat went to a leftist. Ginsburg refused - because she was sure Hillary would win. Think she's gonna hold out for 4 more years?
Oh, this is so sweet.
buwaya: "I question the soundness of this choice.
It turns out that Gorsuch is an Episcopalian.
That is troubling.
It is well known that the Supreme Court requires Catholics for conservative reliability.k"
Johnny's guest host tonight is McLean Stevenson!
After I got done laughing about you briefing Trump I saw the part about speechifying or something. Yeah, I get it. Trump's style rubs you the wrong way. Maybe your mommy was a stickler for "who/whom" and you never got over it. I don't know. Me? I LIKE Trump's style. It is formal and casual at the same time and conveys a lot of feeling. Remember, I literally could not stand the man two years ago and have grown to appreciate him and like him a lot. I'm sorry he drives you crazy but the best thing is he drives them crazy.
Carry on Chuck! I'm breaking your balls over not being able to articulate the opposition to Trump and I see that voice vote no different than a unanimous YAY at this point, but that's because I'm fucked up. Carry on. Did you find the thread I praised you in?
CC: "By 2010 Republicans made it verboten to talk about the lasting effects of Bush's errors and switched to attributing everything to Obama ..."
Well. That's overstating it a bit.
More of a guideline than a rule really.
"Gorsuch" not "Gorduch." They'd better fix Preview soon!
Don't worry Chuck. Trump will be gone in only 2910 days.
Exile, do you place Gorsuch to the left or right of Thomas?
Clinton and JFK are basically republicans when you stand them next to the modern corrupt insane leftwing progressive neo-Maoists.
Mike: Here's the flip side of your question to me...
If, as Trump says, the confirmation vote for Gorsuch to the 10th was "unanimous," what was the count?
Jack Wayne said...
Exile, do you place Gorsuch to the left or right of Thomas?
1/31/17, 8:25 PM
I haven't compared their positions side by side so I don't know. But this sounds damn good to me:
"his perspective aligns Gorsuch with traditional conservative views of small government, perhaps even more so than Scalia. However, Gorsuch is a lot like Scalia in one important way, Ilya Shapiro, senior fellow in constitutional studies at the Cato Institute, told FOX Business.
“[Gorsuch] has a well thought out conception of Constitutional interpretation and the way that structure protects liberty. He’s most known for his opinions supporting religious liberty and pushing back on the administrative state,” he said."
I don't see what the problem is from a conservative POV.
I was also thinking that it's a good thing Joe Biden wasn't around to perv on Mary Louise Gorsuch.
"And that, my friends, is why the next 4-8 years is going to be so delightful."
This is also delightful: Gorsuch is only 49 years old - so if he remains in good health, he could sit on the court for 40 years.
Blogger Commander Crankshaft -
You've really slipped, dude.
You used have insights that made me think and question my way of thinking.
Now it's just a stream of insults and rants with no mention of facts or ACTUAL policies or decisions you disagree with.
You note "wake me when something positive happens". How about something positive inside your mind ... Or out of your foul mouthed gullet?
Stay asleep, numbnuts.
I would be careful of this Gorsuch.
The Episcopalian thing. Really, who is Episcopalian anymore? That's just a membership ticket to certain benighted social circles. Very wealthy social circles, interlocking in all sorts of suspicious ways.
Especially worry if the Democrats let him slide in. They may know something.
Home run pick by Prez Trump. But I hope Gorsuch can fight and endure the attacks forthcoming by angry Dems.
FILIBUSTER! Because revenge is sweet.
Exile, the thing is, I am not a Conservative. To me, the term is equally as ugly as Progressive. I am small government to the core. I read about this guy and to me he is not small government. And, frankly, I agree with a lefty commenter that he is Episcopalian. They are lefties. I place him to the left of Thomas who is not right enough for me.
FILIBUSTER! Because revenge is sweet.
1/31/17, 8:34 PM
He'll still end up on the Court. And he'll be there for a long, long time.
Yes, revenge is sweet.
His mother was the first female administrator of the EPA. She was appointed by Reagan. I've read that her actions there provide insight, or a template, for a current reduction of influence, rightly or wrongly, of the EPA.
Michael K., re Hamburger U., his mother, after having (I think) to resign from EPA, called her next, far lesser government nomination a nomination to a job that was a "nothing-burger".
Drago said...1/31/17, 7:41 PM
By 8:30am tomorrow he will be a fascist hater of women whose family financed Hitler.
Nothing like that.
More like:
His mother wanted to destroy the environment until she was fired by Ronald Reagan.
buwaya puti said...
I would be careful of this Gorsuch.
The Episcopalian thing."
Roberts is Catholic - and saddled us with Obamacare.
Jack Wayne said...
I agree with a lefty commenter that he is Episcopalian.
Poor buwaya, all that strenuous effort denouncing Democrats in SF and still not right enough to be accepted as a conservative on the Althouse blog.
Exile, to be clear, left is every government, center is me and right is anarchy. Or unlimited government - limited government - no government.
Y'all really should add a "JK" before or after this sorta comment.
nother funny! But seriously, stop lumping me in with all those yalls.
I place him to the left of Thomas who is not right enough for me.
1/31/17, 8:34 PM
Well if that's the case, what pick could possibly please you?
ARM, leave me out of your bullshit.
I think that Trump is trying to give the Dems a cumulative heart attack, or stroke right now. Gorsuch's mother, of course, was one of Reagan's most reviled cabinet members, Anne Gorsuch Burford, who headed, and tried to dismantle, the EPA, and while there, married the BLM head. She was one of the CO crazies while in politics here, was brilliant - graduating from CU at 19, and got her JD there at 22. No doubt, this guilt by association was calculated to achieve maximum consternation on the part of the Dems.
Exile, someone equal to or right of Thomas.
Now that Commander Crankshaft has gone off the deep end, let me turn my attention to Chuck.
Chuck, I generally like you and appreciate your passion and relentless adherence to your position.
My question: why?
Any blog with Trump as the topic is roughly 50% you and you being attacked by everyone. Don't you get tired of that? Don't you have anything better to do? Why not just state your opinion en sit back and let others argue over it?
There's a whole world out there. Hiking trails. Coffee shops. A bike ride. How can you be on here all day long defending the same monolithic position?
Genuinely curious.
I am a lifelong Royalist, Catholic traditionalist and partisan of the house of Bourbon.
CC: "But I probably listened to O'Reilly and Hannity on the matter more than I should.
I hear they tend to overstate things.
The funniest thing was when they said that mentioning the predecessor's, er, legacy was "boring."
Unless I'm entertained, what you're saying can't be accurate"
First off, OReilly and Hannity are not peas in a pod.
Secondly, tying accuracy to entertainment value is a capital proposition.
Count me in!
Jack Wayne said...
ARM, leave me out of your bullshit.
Or what?
I don't know anything about him. I'm not knowledgeable in this area. What's his judicial philosophy, or whatever we're calling it?
As we say in Cook County, "Is he one of us?"
This is a genuine question not a set-up.
Terri: "FILIBUSTER! Because revenge is sweet."
Indeed. Just think how sweet it will be when McConnell and Hatch and McCain and Graham and the rest of the "comity of the Senate" fellas decide enough is enough and they emulate Reid!
Sweet, sweet revenge.
"Neil Gorsuch of the United States Supreme Court, to be of the United States Supreme Court"
Trump needs to spend less time on Twitter and more time practicing with the teleprompter.
Jack Wayne said...
Exile, someone equal to or right of Thomas.
1/31/17, 8:41 PM
I like Thomas too - but again, who would that be? I'm not an expert on the judicial pool out there, but I can't think of anybody except perhaps Janet Rogers Brown - and she's in her '70's.
There's just no pleasing some people. You should be happy President Hillary isn't naming her nominee tonight. I don't think she would have picked someone to the right of Thomas.
Sorry, Commander, but I used to be a union organizer in my callow youth. My Working Class Hero creds were fully established. Of course, it also gave me an inside view of Leftist hypocrites in action, not to mention their cynical self-interested exploitation of real working people. Educational and appalling in equal measures.
I didn't say that Trump is killing the Left. I said the Left is dying. It's suicide, not murder. I mean, fuck me, Hillary Clinton? Seriously?
ARM, or nothing. Be polite. I don't talk to you. Don't talk to me.
Considering the rules for voice vote where one objection triggers a roll call, the vote was zero against. The number for is immaterial if there are none against. Makes it unanimous by any rule of logic.
readering said...
"Neil Gorsuch of the United States Supreme Court, to be of the United States Supreme Court"
Trump needs to spend less time on Twitter and more time practicing with the teleprompter.
1/31/17, 8:45 PM
Poor fellow. Not much you can do except snark about Trump teleprompter skills.
It's true, nobody could beat Obama when it comes to reading pretty words off a screen. His greatest skill.
Having lived in Colorado for some time in my past I remember his Mom well.
Commander Crankshaft: "It's telling how many commenters here are talking about (personal, partisan) "revenge" as if actual results for the American worker were an afterthought."
Meh. This is simply one battle on the political firmament and each side will use whatever rhetorical tool is handy.
The fact that both sides have been switching positions more often than Marilyn Chambers just makes it that much more entertaining.
It's true that as a Bernie supporter you have a great deal more credibility arguing for "workers rights" even though you and I would almost certainly disagree on conditions and prescriptions.
Jack Wayne said...
Be polite.
I was. I was defending buwaya's honor. He is no lefty, despite choosing to live in San Francisco in order to reap the benefits of decades of lefty rule.
Let them employ the nuclear option. It doesn't matter. But they're going to have to sweat for it. Serves them right.
It would be great to have another Justice who doesn’t receive his instruction from the twilight zone. Positive progress.
From "DNC rapid response":
"As an attorney, Judge Gorsuch routinely represented big businesses in class action lawsuits. As a judge on the Tenth Circuit, he wrote a concurring opinion in Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius -- the case that allowed employers to deny basic health care coverage to women by ruling the Affordable Care Act's contraceptive mandate was unconstitutional. He upheld a decision that denied long-term insurance benefits to a worker who sustained a work-related injury that required spinal surgery. He even dissented from a ruling in favor of a truck driver whose employer illegally fired him for abandoning a trailer with locked brakes -- so he wouldn't freeze to death.
And as a member of the ultra-conservative "Federalist Society," Gorsuch believes in severely restricting the power that federal agencies like the EPA have to regulate businesses.
It's not hard to see why Trump loves him so much -- but from where we're sitting, Judge Gorsuch has no business on the Supreme Court bench. Add your name if you agree.
Walter, I think you need reminding that The Federalists were and are the party of Big Government. They just prefer the cover of federalism rather than socialism.
I liked Gorsuch's speech. Humble guy, at the top of his profession.
Any Senator who doesnt vote to confirm this eminently qualified man is a moron.
Commander Crankshaft said...
If the progressive RINO leading it takes it in the progressive RINO direction he promised to take it in 2016, fine by me.
As others have pointed out if you are left leaning it is far from clear that Trump wasn't the safer choice in the last election.
Hey..just relaying that which arrives in my in box.
But I am certain the apocalypse is en route...
I eagerly await the journolist deigned buzzword for this appointee.
"Trump is wrong. Gorsuch wasn't confirmed unanimously for the Circuit. He was confirmed on voice vote."
Seriously chuck!
I can't decide whether you're Steve Guttenberg or Paul Reiser in "Diner"
Walter, I got that. But just because lefties are lying sacks doesn't mean that they are always wrong.
Bay Area Guy said...
I liked Gorsuch's speech. Humble guy, at the top of his profession.
Good actor too. Did not get to that lectern via humility alone.
Jesuit education at Georgetown Prep.
What we need to see now is another election night replay showing Trump taking 270 votes for the Supreme Court Appointment-in Chief, as Wisconsin's vote is called, and all the Democrat owned Media melt into crying and suicidal failures.
Robert said...
His wife didn't exactly dress up for the occasion.
Thought for a moment she was his daughter. The outfit was fine. She looked good in it. A nice Middle American look.
As others have pointed out if you are left leaning it is far from clear that Trump wasn't the safer choice in the last election.
Then run somebody better than HIllary next time. And change the party in such a way to allow for it to happen.
Jack Wayne,
Sleep well..
"If you're also claiming that you didn't see any management trying to get the better of the workers, I call mega BS. Or, you're a fool.
I've been on the other side of that deal. I saw our side's flaws, while also seeing that the workers were F-ing losers who wanted too much, like you imply."
Your reading comprehension is seriously deficient. I never saw a campaign where there weren't egregious abuses of the law by management. And I never saw the NLRB impose a remedy for those abuses that meant jack-shit after a campaign was lost.
None of which excuses the deceit, idiocy, and self-serving mendacity the union visited on the people it was proposing to represent. I don't know what kind of business you were in but most of the employees that I met while organizing were solid hard-working people. And I always found it fascinating that so many who were courageous enough to speak to management were Republicans.
McLean Stevenson was not just born normal, but in Normal.
Just think about that.
Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
Sure, that's smart thinkin'.
The Dems dodged a bullet on that one. Each day from now until the next election they should burn incense in order to thank Elbridge Gerry and his descendants.
This was the reason Trump was elected.
Walter, I don't dispute that Hitlary would have made a worse choice. But my position is simple: we are In an extreme corner. $25T debt, $1T deficits as far as the eye can see, unlimited Empire, unlimited States, unlimited Cities and more. When do we enter the end game? Is there enough time for Conservatives to "save" us? Or does it require a more extreme small government? My guess is more extremity is better now than later.
Senator Warren beclowns herself almost immediately:
"President Trump had the chance to select a consensus nominee to the Supreme Court. To the surprise of absolutely nobody, he failed that test.
Instead, he carried out his public promise to select a nominee from a list drawn up by far right activist groups that were financed by big business interests.
Judge Neil Gorsuch has been on this list for four months. His public record, which I have reviewed in detail, paints a clear picture.
Before even joining the bench, he advocated to make it easier for public companies to defraud investors. As a judge, he has twisted himself into a pretzel to make sure the rules favor giant companies over workers and individual Americans. He has sided with employers who deny wages, improperly fire workers, or retaliate against whistleblowers for misconduct. He has ruled against workers in all manner of discrimination cases. And he has demonstrated hostility toward women’s access to basic health care.
For years, powerful interests have executed a full-scale assault on the integrity of our federal judiciary, trying to turn the Supreme Court into one more rigged game that works only for the rich and the powerful. They spent millions to keep this seat open, and Judge Gorsuch is their reward.
Every day, our new President finds more ways to demonstrate his hostility for our independent judiciary, our civil society, and the rule of law. Now more than ever, America needs Supreme Court justices with a proven record of standing up for the rights of all Americans – civil rights, women’s rights, LGBT rights, and all other protections guaranteed by our laws. We don’t need another justice who spends his time looking out for those with money and influence.
Based on the long and well-established record of Judge Gorsuch, I will oppose his nomination."
What a verbose tool she is!
That's no way for Warren to talk about a Harvard Law alum. She wasn't teaching at Harvard when he was there, she was teaching at University of Oennstlvania law school then as an affirmative action hire based on her lie that she was Cherokee.
Good for you Senator Warren!
The real question is, what sort of Episcopalian is he, Judge Gorsuch: there are some of them who are as principled in general and strong in their orthodox religious opinions as Catholics such as Justice Scalia, but of course there are more of them who are scarcely Christian any longer, in the traditional use of the term, anyway-- women bishops, identity nonsense, multicultural equivalences between religions, wholesale abandonment of traditional Christian morality &c &c (the 'Gene Robinson Episcopalians'). I have no idea myself, although the Gorsuchs were evidently parishioners at St John's in Boulder in 2014; St John's website is... not inspiring, from my point of view.
The democrat need Kim Jong Un.
He's your gal.
Bay Area Guy,
Quite a public service you did sparing us actually listening to Warren's shrillivery..
Where would he be if he didn't have an American service worker (a replacement for the laborers) to shit on? He has no sense of accomplishment or self, apart from that.
I see you acknowledge your role in the Obama economy.
Maybe Trump can help you find a job, It is amusing to see the angry left on display.
I encourage them to demonstrate and riot as it will ensure their marginalization for decades, Maybe we can rescue western civilization while they are otherwise occupied.
Ritmo, you are comic relief but it is bedtime.
although the Gorsuchs were evidently parishioners at St John's in Boulder in 2014; St John's website is... not inspiring, from my point of view.
On no.
That is not good. That's the local leftwing church. I know, I live here and I know some of the people who attend.
Obama's Former Solicitor General, praising and endorsing Gorsuch in The New York Times.
AprilApple said...
On no.
That is not good. That's the local leftwing church. I know, I live here and I know some of the people who attend.
Heavens to Murgatroyd, Christians acting in accordance with their faith. Can't have that. Why couldn't they attend the nice prosperity gospel church further down the road?
An Episcoplaian and goes to a lefty church, oh this is good stuff. Another Souter!
"If, as Trump says, the confirmation vote for Gorsuch to the 10th was "unanimous," what was the count?"
Why don't you throw your hat in the 2020 ring as the nominee for the Pedantic Party?
There goes Chuck, The Ol' Hairsplitter!
See, thats why I brought up the Episcopalian angle.
From experience, there is something seriously off about them.
Heck, they were happy to be harboring Puerto Rican commie terrorists in the 70's. True, look it up. Not even the Maryknoll nuns were that crazy.
His mama seems like a sound sort though.
Maybe its his wife who is into the church.
Watch this guy.
Were there no black Catholics or viciously brilliant Sicilians?
LyingPB, if you consider crony capitalists to be successful, you and I have a different definition of the word.
Y'know, ARM, there are more varieties of Christian churches than "homosexuality is not sinful" and "prosperity gospel."
No ARM - they are weird money grubbers.
buwaya said...
Maybe its his wife who is into the church.
She is English. Attending the equivalent of the Church of England is probably not unexpected.
But I suppose lying and behaving like greedy money-grubbers is in accordance with the church of democrat.
Jelly wrote: You can watch BHO school all the House Rs as they read their prepared, honed questions while BHO has no teleprompter.
After this, the Rs said they would never do this again because BHO was too mean to them.
Or, you could ignore this reality, and continue being wrong.
Hitler was said to have possessed remarkable oratorical skills. I prefer not to review them though, even though I understand German.
I was looking into the Catechism and I saw nothing about gluten with or without reference to homosexuals, but that means little of course, as Pope Francis may very well make such a change at some point. Or it may be in some mistranslated clause in Amoris Laetitia.
Something about vegan diets excusing remarriage to divorced Dutchmen or something.
Roughcoat said...
I don't know anything about him. I'm not knowledgeable in this area. What's his judicial philosophy, or whatever we're calling it?
The name of his judicial philosophy is originalism. He would say that the Court must interpret the Constitution as it was written by trying to understand what the Framers meant. This differs from "Judicial activism" in which judges interpret the Constitution to mean whatever it takes to achieve some desired social policy. For example, Justice Holmes interpreted the Constitution to mean that people could be sterilized for eugenic reasons. Buck v. Bell. (This decision is included by name as upheld by Roe v. Wade which was another judicial activist decision.) I think the legislature should change the laws if the laws need changing but the left finds it easier to change nine judges - or five anyhow - than to persuade the voters and get legislative change. Because of their totalitarian bias.
And also I think that Gorsuch has a new approach to the administrative state. This from Scotus blog:
To be sure, Gorsuch’s views are not identical to those previously espoused by Scalia. In 2016, he suggested that courts should no longer defer to an agency’s interpretation of the statutes it is charged with administering, on the theory that courts – not agencies – should interpret the laws. Although this is an obscure issue from the perspective of the general public, Gorsuch’s position would work a sea change in the way courts review challenges to the actions of federal agencies.
And he is from the West so all sorts of BLM, EPA and Obama type land seizures are real issues to him.
So he is a good pick - the law is not just about abortion in this country though in NYC it is. And he is ready for battles of the future, I think.
AprilApple said...
they are weird money grubbers.
So clearly very different to that nice prosperity gospel church further down the road?
Maybe better to review his judicial record over his place of worship....
AprilApple said...
But I suppose lying and behaving like greedy money-grubbers is in accordance with the church of democrat.
That's a good one April. Your're killing it tonight.
My leftwing aunt attended that church. After her death, she wanted to be buried in their columbarium. They recommended a horrible funeral director. Pushy jerk, extroidinaire. I had to deliver cash in an envelope to the person at the church who presided over her ceremony after I had already paid them. It was all money money money. They wanted more and asked for more. This was after my aunt willed the church 25,000.00. I could go on. Cheap creepy leftist church.
ARM - I've experienced that creepy church fist hand. You?
I thought identity politics was the thing these days?
If you cant beat them, join them, or stop worrying and love the identity politics?
Its the principal subject of the public schools you know.
And thats a fact, mac.
The next step is the ethnic militias and let a thousand Srebrenicas bloom.
let a thousand Srebrenicas bloom.
Buwaya - not even as a joke. Not from you, anyhow. I know you did not mean it, you are ringing a warning bell in the night.
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