Two masked men with assault-style rifles entered the [federal halfway house] where around two dozen people were staying, Michigan State Police Lt. David Kaiser told local news website must be hard to protect yourself in a halfway house.
"One person watched over a group of them while another subject located the victim and executed him," Kaiser said, according to the website. "They were looking for this person."...
Thomas was sentenced to 19 years in prison in 2008 for distribution of cocaine after being caught in a three-year federal investigation called "Operation Sunset," aimed at taking down Saginaw's Sunny Side Gang, the website reported.
२५ जानेवारी, २०१७
The execution-style fatal shooting of a man whose cocaine-dealing sentence was commuted last November by President Obama.
"Demarlon Thomas, 31, was shot and killed on Monday night by a man with an assault-style rifle in Saginaw, Michigan...."
६१ टिप्पण्या:
That's the problem with gun free zones. If those recovering felons had firearms, this wouldn't have happened.
Half-way houses don't have high security, and certainly not to keep people out.
"assault-style rifle" - the person that wrote that phrase thinks the AR in AR-15 stands for Assault Rifle. I guarantee it.
Also, why didn't these gangland/cartel thugs kill this guy in prison? I thought prison hits were easier than outside hits?
Justice delayed?
Most of these felons live longer incarcerated than they do out on the street.
It's been a constant. Everything that Obama touches, turns to shit.
The drug trafficking industry needs more OSHA inspections, forms filled out, safety meetings and posters.
The "AR" in AR-15 stands for Armalite. The Armalite Corporation was created to manufacture the AR-15 family of firearms. "15", I believe, stands for the 15th version of the design.
The unidentified firearms might've been an AK-47 (Kalashnakov) platforms. "AK" stands for Automat Kalshnakova or Automatic Kalashnakov. "47" is the year in which the rifle was officially adopted for service in the Red Army (1947).
"It must be hard to protect yourself in a halfway house."
Oh, come on. Against this type of attack it's impossible to protect yourself unless you have 24x7 armed security. Halfway house, single family house, your dead.
"That's the problem with gun free zones. If those recovering felons had firearms, this wouldn't have happened."
-- I'd think the better place to look would be where the people who did the shooting got their guns. I am willing to bet that they were obtained illegally.
Also, if a felon can have their voting rights restored, it makes it very hard to argue that they shouldn't have other rights restored, especially non-violent felons. Which I assume this guy was, since I don't think we'd commute the sentence of a murderer/attempted murderer.
This will not be the greatest crime associated with those several hundred felons Obama released, and, in most cases, the pardoned felon will not be the victim. Not that you'll hear about it.
Well, since the Left now accepts cold-cocking Nazis, cannot see how they wouldn't also accept murdering druggies.
Gangs have a parallel justice system, as they do not recognize the state's monopoly on violence and retribution.
The locals fear the gang's justice much more than the state's.
@ mockturtle: Most of these felons live longer incarcerated than they do out on the street
As do animals in zoos.
Michael McClain: Sounds as if you've read "The Gun," about the Kalashnikov. Helluva book.
Curious George: agree. From the sound of it, a professional operation. These guys were not going to be stopped or caught by anything less than a SWAT team that *knew they were coming.*
Dan the Man observes: Gangs have a parallel justice system, as they do not recognize the state's monopoly on violence and retribution.
The locals fear the gang's justice much more than the state's.
Yes and this has always been the case with organized crime. And organized crime is much more 'organized' now due to improved communications.
Unintended consequences. The legacy of Barack Obama.
It's a good thing he was a "non-violent minor drug offender."
Probably a case of mistaken identity as Obama would never pardon a guy the gangs wanted dead.
The big question no one has asked- What did Demarlon Thomas know about Hillary?
Old score being settled. Karma is a bitch?
"It must be hard to protect yourself in a halfway house."
It isn't a piece of cake in the White House either.
Rodrigo Duterte could not be reached for comment.
When people lose faith in the justice system, this promotes vigilantism.
My first suspicion would be the LEO's who spent years of their lives putting together the case. Or it could be some rivals in the drug trade who thought they didn't have to worry about this rival for another 18 years.
Would be another irony if he was convicted of gun crimes (like many of Obama's pardons were) and then gunned down after being freed. Sad story but it has (as told) a flavor of payback for something he did.
some more info on his arrest and gang he was associated with
"Oct. 26, 2007 — A federal grand jury indicts 17 more Sunny Side gang members. The charges result from a collaborative investigation called “Operation Sunset” and nets the arrests of “some of Saginaw's worst of the worst offenders,” police say, and leaves the gang in “disarray.”"
- he might have only been convicted of drug dist, but im guessing that was a capone tax evasion type charge- can anyone find the court records?
Since his release in November DeMarlon had,
- completed the first draft of his autobiography
- made plans with his "fiancee" to marry her
- was becoming a good father to his 5 chilruns
- learned a programming language
- made peace with his brothers whom he had beaten before going to the can
- was carefully putting money into his passbook savings account
- was becoming active in the local Republican party, thinking of running for office
In sum, he was, wait for it, "turning his life around,"
And then BANG. He dun got shot dead.
For no reason at all.
Also released back to Chicago:
"Eric "Fat Eric" Anderson held the rank of "General" in the Chicago Gangster Disciples under Larry Hoover. I'm sure they weren't violent at all.
Anyway, Barack decided to commute his sentence also. He received 35 years in 1998; however Bobby Rush wrote a letter on his behalf asking for commutation of his sentence."
Left Bank of the Charles said...
"That's the problem with gun free zones. If those recovering felons had firearms, this wouldn't have happened."
I assume you think that is an argument in favor of taking everyone's guns away, but in fact it is a sound observation. If the "recovering felon" (you really can't help yourself, can you? "He struggled for many years with being a remorseless scourge to the community he lived in, but he's recovering now.") in question had a firearm, it would have been a lot harder for two guys with rifles to kill him. This is not an argument for letting felons have guns, as there are other things a felon might do with a gun. That's why the rest of us need guns. But just FYI, CCL holders have a lower crime rate than police officers.
You do know that Drug Dealers are not able to sue in our Courts. So they must create their own legal system, and it is an efficient one. No lawyers are appointed to the accused. No search Warrants are needed. No delays for expensive Appeals are used. And all Judgements, as we see here, are FINAL JUDGEMENTS.
The costs come from hiring trained Sheriffs that carry out Final Judgements but never squeal.
Who's going to have Chelsea's back?
His last words were, "You still mad?"
Does anyone here suspect ChiTown Barry's Team was paid for pardoning this guy, paid for by the guy's enemies who wanted to get at him.
Some people live such hard, desperate lives. It makes me sad for them.
traditionalguy said...
"Does anyone here suspect ChiTown Barry's Team was paid for pardoning this guy, paid for by the guy's enemies who wanted to get at him."
One does wonder how Barry is planning to pay for Moochelle's vacations, now that he can't ship her and her posse off to Africa or wherever on our dime. I suppose there is a pension, but that won't go far once that crazy bitch gets her hands on a credit card. But I haven't read anything about Barry getting fabulously wealthy trading cattle futures from the oval office. Do you suppose he is counting on "speaking fees"? I'm afraid Barry is just not real practical. He doesn't think ahead.
A federal grand jury indicts 17 more Sunny Side gang members. The charges result from a collaborative investigation called “Operation Sunset” and nets the arrests of “some of Saginaw's worst of the worst offenders,” police say, and leaves the gang in “disarray.”"
I'm sure the gang is in 'disarray', just as Al Qaeda was in 'disarray' every time we scored a 'high ranking Al Qaeda leader'.
It's interesting to note that the article described the weapons used by the killers, even though the type of firearm used had nothing to do with the killing or the way it was done, so far as I can tell. Almost as if the reporter had another agenda to advance beside just stating the facts about the murder.
Almost as if the reporter had another agenda to advance beside just stating the facts about the murder.
What??? A reporter with a personal agenda? Unthinkable!
Lucien @ 10:27: "...even though the type of firearm used had nothing to do with the killing or the way it was done, so far as I can tell." I tend to agree that the reporter had an agenda (because scary black grips = much worse way to die) but I do think there was some information value in knowing that the killers came with long guns (giving them stand-off advantage) and with guns that typically come with 20 or 30 shot magazines (giving them superior rate and duration of fire) and with guns that register to most people as "extra deadly" (giving them a psychological edge). Just my guess.
So, it's Obama's fault.
I am awaiting as study as will show how many new crimes will be inflicted by those Barrack Hussein Obama: Citizens who he released early from prison; And, those violent illegals he had not deported.
I will NOT "hold my breath" while awaiting such a study---Unless it is done and released by President Trump or our new AG.
Blogger Bob Boyd said...
His last words were, "You still mad?"
1/25/17, 9:58 AM
Forgive and forget, but first, get even.
Jupiter said...
traditionalguy said...
"Does anyone here suspect ChiTown Barry's Team was paid for pardoning this guy, paid for by the guy's enemies who wanted to get at him."
One does wonder how Barry is planning to pay for Moochelle's vacations, now that he can't ship her and her posse off to Africa or wherever on our dime. I suppose there is a pension, but that won't go far once that crazy bitch gets her hands on a credit card. But I haven't read anything about Barry getting fabulously wealthy trading cattle futures from the oval office. Do you suppose he is counting on "speaking fees"? I'm afraid Barry is just not real practical. He doesn't think ahead.
1/25/17, 10:09 AM
Damn, third.
Every one of those ex-cons were pissing their pants thinking they were the target, or that they would all be killed.
They are glad it was the other guy.
All reflecting on their misdeeds today, and asking for transfers.
May all of Obama's pardonees, who are not pardoned for being innocent, share the same fate.
No, this is all wrong.
What happens is, see, you get more guys 'cause you're all drugged up see, coke and meth and PCP and shit ain't no name for even.
One of the guys is a new guy, a little too quite and weird looking, like Mike Madsen in Resovoir Dogs or sumpthing.
Then they all go out, meet up at the house with Steve Seagall waiting for 'em, and boom boom boom the cops win.
You people live in an alternative reality.
One down, 299 to go. Maybe we should give Obama some credit. We thought he released these drug dealers because he felt that their sentence was too harsh. Maybe he really felt that their sentence was too light! Yes I know that is not the case but it would make a good Twilight Zone story.
Owen said...
... but I do think there was some information value in knowing that the killers came with long guns (giving them stand-off advantage) and with guns that typically come with 20 or 30 shot magazines (giving them superior rate and duration of fire) and with guns that register to most people as "extra deadly" (giving them a psychological edge). Just my guess.
1/25/17, 10:39 AM
"Give 'em to know our intentions is serious." -- Rooster Cogburn
That's the problem with gun free zones. If those recovering felons had firearms, this wouldn't have happened.
Gun laws didn't stop two criminals from murdering another?
I am now cynical about gun control laws...
Sounds like someone wanted revenge on this guy in the worst way. I would speculate that the offenses for which he was imprisoned were not the worst he had committed. Maybe we will learn more in the weeks ahead, but I doubt it.
Nothing about race of any of the parties involved. (I blush to say we can guess at "Demarlon.") Of course that is unimportant data for crime solving or whatever. As long as we know whether their rifles were black or brown.
What's the under/over on "unsolved mystery/cold case forever?"
A reasonably educated guess is that the bad guys used AK-47s or AK clones. Gangs seem to prefer their heft and harder-hitting .30 caliber round (7.62 x 39 mm) over the lighter AR with its .223 caliber round. Also the AK was designed to be very simple and easy to maintain -- as Nicholas Cage narrates in "Lord of War," it's "so simple even a child can use it, and some do."
I am awaiting as study as will show how many new crimes will be inflicted by those Barrack Hussein Obama: Citizens who he released early from prison;
It might be a sort of contest between the pardons and the Gitmo inmates who were released by Barry and friends.
Maybe someone could keep score. Extra credit for American soldiers, or something.
Interesting. I live in Saginaw, this is the first I've heard of this.
"And then BANG. He dun got shot dead.
For no reason at all."
I seriously doubt that. This was obviously retribution which made perfect sense within the criminal organization that gunned him down. When dealing drugs, odds are you're going to piss off some bad guys. If you get caught, odds are even better that you're going to piss off some bad guys.
As but one explanations: he was perceived to be "the rat", whether intentionally or inadvertently.
This doesn't objectively justify the murder, but is a start to explain it.
(And do remember that what this guy claimed he did and what he actually did are all but guaranteed to be different, perhaps radically so.)
Most of these felons live longer incarcerated than they do out on the street.
Anyone think Charles Manson would still be alive if not incarcerated?
It's actually pretty notable that long guns and not hand guns were used. More than 10 times as many murders are committed using a handgun vs. a long gun (about half rifles and half shotguns).
Michael McClain: ArmaLite designations aren't necessarily sequential, and they are not variants of a single base idea. The AR-1 for example, was a bolt-action rifle.
Without further information, I'd suspect the killers used an AR15-platform rifle, much more common in the US than any Kalishnokovs. If not an AR15, then I'd suspect a Ruger 10/22 with a polymer stock, inexpensive and widely available.
He was an idiot. He should have gone to West Virginia. He had to know his snitching was not going to end with a pat on the back.
harryo: if he was in a halfway house, he was probably placed there by the Bureau of Prisons and not legally able to leave the jurisdiction quite yet.
Of course Congressman Bobby Rush wrote a letter on his behalf asking for commutation of his sentence. In most cities across America politicians fill out questionnaires and appear before union councils. In Chicago the same happens, but you must also appear before gang councils.
Gang members don't get convicted for their murdering, they get convicted for distributing drugs. This murder wasn't for snitching on his gang, it was payback from an opposing gang. They have long memories and getting even is how they roll.
gspencer at 9:49 AM: "Since his release in November DeMarlon had . . . made peace with his brothers whom he had beaten before going to the can."
Apparently not so much. But that explains why he wasn't expecting the hit.
Who gets 19 years for cooperating with the government and ratting out your gang, no one. Rats usually get hit before testifying or while in prison. This was in retaliation for past sins against a rival gang.
Halfway houses are about controlling those living there, not not keep visitors out.
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