"... the Justice Department said in a scathing report released on Friday, unveiling the findings of a 13-month investigation into the city’s police department," the NYT reports.
We're told that Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch "raced to complete the investigation before the end of President Obama’s term" and "negotiat[ed] an agreement with Chicago to fix the problems." I presume that means negotiated an agreement with elected Democratic Party officials in Chicago.
The NYT says that Trump's AG pick Jeff Sessions "has said he believes that many of the police department overhauls sought by the Obama administration went too far and unfairly maligned officers" and "has also spoken out against the court-enforced settlements, known as consent decrees, that usually result from investigations like the one in Chicago."
The NYT channels amorphous fears about the incoming administration, but it doesn't mention the Democratic Party, which has run the city of Chicago for as long as anyone can remember.
५७ टिप्पण्या:
Obama's man Rahm has been running the show for five years now. Was there ever any pressure to clean up the Chicago PD? Corruption has been so entrenched in Chicago for so long it's probably a futile exercise.
"mockturtle said...
Obama's man Rahm has been running the show for five years now. Was there ever any pressure to clean up the Chicago PD? Corruption has been so entrenched in Chicago for so long it's probably a futile exercise."
Rahm covered up the assassination of a black man by Chicago police so he could get re-elected. The fucker should be in jail for aiding and abetting a murder after the fact.
Chicago -- where I lived for a short time when Barack Obama was getting wiped out by Bobby Rush in the 1st Congressional primary -- is complicated. Yes, it is wholly-owned by Democrats and has been since the dawn of civilization. It is a petrie dish of Democrat (black, white/union, leftist/activist) pathologies.
However, it really does have some weird, massive, historical police and prosecutorial abuse problems. And has, for decades. Republican Chicagoans and Democratic Chicagoans alike know some of the history.
One thing I do know, is that a Loretta Lynch Justice Department would not help Chicago become a better, safer place to live.
Here's Hans von Spakovsky, writing for the Heritage website, to describe in more detail:
So excessive Police force caused over 700 murders and 4,300 shootings. Got it.
I can't wait to see what DOJ restrictions on the CPD will do to these numbers.
Remember, it's not about results but how you feel. Don't you feel better already?
Report is here.
It has a bunch of anecdotes about cops being jerks but the only stats refer to the fact some groups cause more problems than other groups; mysteriously, references to "the practice that particularly affects" doesn't mention the horrible anti-male bias.
Chicago shooting victims:
Jan. 12: Male, 36, in South Lawndale
Jan. 12: Male, 34, in South Lawndale
Jan. 12: Male, 23, in Roseland
Jan. 12: Female, 27, in Auburn Gresham
Jan. 11: Male, 20, in Gage Park
Jan. 11: Male, 21, in West Town
Jan. 11: Male, 22, in Brighton Park
Jan. 11: Male, 18, in Brighton Park
Jan. 11: Male, 25, in Brighton Park
Jan. 11: Male, 21, in Brighton Park
Jan. 11: Male, 18, in Brighton Park
Jan. 11: Male, 21, in West Englewood
Jan. 11: Male, 16, in West Englewood
Jan. 11: Male, 13, in North Lawndale
Jan. 11: Male, 28, in New City
Jan. 11: Male, 26, in Austin
Jan. 11: Male, 29, in Austin
Jan. 11: Male, 20, in Washington Heights
Jan. 10: Male, 22, in North Lawndale
Jan. 10: Male, 22, in North Lawndale
Jan. 10: Male, 16, in Morgan Park
Jan. 10: Male, 27, in West Garfield Park
Jan. 10: Male, 31, in Gage Park
Jan. 10: Male, 32, in Greater Grand Crossing
Jan. 9: Female, 27, in Roseland
Jan. 9: Male, 37, in Austin
Jan. 9: Male, 26, in Humboldt Park
Jan. 9: Male, 16, in Austin
Jan. 9: Unknown gender[sic], 24, in Grand Boulevard
Jan. 9: Male, 21, in West Garfield Park
Jan. 9: Male, 23, in West Garfield Park
Jan. 8: Male, 21, in New City
Jan. 8: Male, 21, in West Ridge
Jan. 8: Male, 33, in Portage Park
Jan. 7: Male, 24, in East Garfield Park
Jan. 7: Male, 17, in Hyde Park
Jan. 7: Male, 25, in Beverly
Jan. 7: Male, Age unknown, in Near West Side
Jan. 6: Male, 23, in North Lawndale
Jan. 6: Male, 23, in New City
Jan. 6: Male, 26, in West Garfield Park
Jan. 6: Male, 19, in West Garfield Park
Jan. 6: Male, 20, in West Garfield Park
Jan. 6: Male, 28, in Austin
Clearly they need to enforce the provisions of the "Violence Against Women Act".
Other cities (of the nearly 2 dozen) cited where the Obama administration used "expansive Justice Department investigations" to "overhaul police departments" and "policing" tactics include:
Baltimore - 4 Republican mayors in the last 100 years, none since 1967
Seattle - last Republican (Seattle does not designate Party affiliation for Mayor since 1969) although all Mayors but one (Independent) since claim Democratic Party membership
Cleveland - 2 Republicans since 1947 (the last in 1989)
Ferguson, MO - where there is a Republican mayor but voter turnout in the last election was 12%!
Yet another example of Democratic/Progressive embracement of Centralized Government to solve their problems rather than local control. Why do these Mayoral positions exist (and be compensated) when the Federal Government can fix their city's problems?
Michael Crichton wrote about his reading newspaper articles that often get the entire thing wrong, because they reverse "cause" and "effect" -- i.e., wet side walks cause the rain.
Famously, Fox Butterfield of the New York Times could not understand how crime rates would decrease, while more people got sent to jail.
In this bubble-world, less criminals in prison, would be the consequence of lower crime rates; more criminals in prison would mean that crime rates were going up. It did not occur to him that if you take the bad guys off the streets and imprison them, crime rates among the locals go down.
Anyway, short version: Chicago has the highest murder rates in the country. Mostly black on black crimes; mostly male perps and male victims. Nobody gives a hoot about this, until a little girl gets killed by a stray bullet in a drive-by shooting.
The Cops are not the ones committing these crimes. If all the Chicago Cops were given a 1 month long time-out in a re-education, racial sensitivity class in downstate Illinois, what do you think would happen in Chicago during that month? The Purge comes to mind.
Has the Justice Department ever investigated a police department in such a manner and NOT alleged 'systemic' rights violations? Pretty sure the answer is no.
If government agents spend over a year investigating any entity, it will reach the findings it wants.
There were no doubt some incidents of excessive force; it's a big city. But this "scathing report" was written ahead of time. And, yes, ALL police use of force "particularly affects African-Americans and Latinos" because in big cities African-Americans and Latinos more likely to attract law enforcement, due to their greater propensity for committing crimes.
"Chuck said...
Chicago -- where I lived for a short time when Barack Obama was getting wiped out by Bobby Rush in the 1st Congressional primary -- is complicated. Yes, it is wholly-owned by Democrats and has been since the dawn of civilization. It is a petrie dish of Democrat (black, white/union, leftist/activist) pathologies.
However, it really does have some weird, massive, historical police and prosecutorial abuse problems. And has, for decades. Republican Chicagoans and Democratic Chicagoans alike know some of the history."
Why "however". Do you think "weird, massive, historical police and prosecutorial abuse problems." are contradictory to having "a petri(sic) dish of Democrat (black, white/union, leftist/activist) pathologies.
David French of NRO points us to this article:
"Implicit bias" is a political tool, not a "fact."
This will come as no surprise to conservatives, who, as a rule, have long noted that psychology studies tend to produce the results the researchers want them to produce. This is usually not the case in the hard sciences. If your experiments produce the results you have 'predicted', why do the experiment?
And "implicit bias" has its origins in protestant theology. You cannot defeat it by an act of free will. It is sin that you have not willed.
My brother-in-law was a Chicago cop for years. He had a Masters in Public Administration. He finally gave up on the sergeants' exam because no white cop was ever promoted. He finally prevailed on a family friend who was chief examiner for the coroners office to help him get an indoor desk job. He retired as a patrolman.
I'd love for a reporter to go to all of these Blue state city mayors and ask them how they let racism fester this long in their city. Because you know that's the story we'd be getting if these were red cities, and I do like putting shoes on other feet.
Lewis Wetzel said...
"Implicit bias" is a political tool, not a "fact."
When applied to racism, I take "Implicit" to mean the same thing as "systemic", namely "imaginary".
The same scathing report could be released about virtually every police department in the U.S.. The stench and moral corruption is endemic. Murder, shmurder, the war against the public will continue unabated. Just because they back off on the south side, or the west side, or any side, does not mean they're not out on the opposite side shaking down the public by whatever means necessary, issuing reams of tickets and beating down hapless motorists for the most minor offenses.
Get it through your thick heads; cops are scum, and there's no rehabilitation.
"Chuck said...
Chicago -- where I lived for a short time when Barack Obama was getting wiped out by Bobby Rush in the 1st Congressional primary -- is complicated. Yes, it is wholly-owned by Democrats and has been since the dawn of civilization. It is a petrie dish of Democrat (black, white/union, leftist/activist) pathologies."
This is pretty much true of all larger cities.
Lewis Wetzel said...
And "implicit bias" has its origins in protestant theology. You cannot defeat it by an act of free will. It is sin that you have not willed.
Too bad free will is also imaginary.
But I thought this was funny (in order from google [does free will exist]):
Free Will Exists and Is Measurable - The Atlantic
There's No Such Thing as Free Will - The Atlantic
Does Free Will Really Exist? Your Thoughts - - The Atlantic
Driving into work this morning, into Chicago (through the violent Southside black neighborhoods), listening to a radio interview with Garry McCarthy. Very hard-hitting statements by the former police chief. Said he was thinking of taking legal action depending on what the DOJ report said. Said his honor and integrity was at stake. Noted how DOJ mandates saying the number of daily police "stops" had to be evenly divided by race was ridiculous when blacks are committing c. 77 percent of all violent crimes. He asked, how do you make 30 percent of stops white people when a neighborhood like Englewood, which has the city's highest violent crime and homicide stats, is 98 percent black? He pointed out that when they get called in on a violent crime, the race of the perp is always given, and in just about every case the perp is a black man. "So what are supposed to do, detain white people in a neighborhood where there are no white people and when we know a black man committed the crime? Said the people in those communities need to take a hard look at themselves. He was restrained, controlled, quiet -- and pissed off, brutally frank. It was stunning.
Abolish jails and prisons.
So either it is the police union's fault, or the Chicago city government's fault. (Assuming that the report is accurate.) Both of which are historically bastions of support for the Democrats.
Bay Area Guy said...
Michael Crichton wrote about his reading newspaper articles that often get the entire thing wrong, because they reverse "cause" and "effect" -- i.e., wet side walks cause the rain.
"Media carries with it a credibility that is totally undeserved. You have all experienced this, in what I call the Murray Gell-Mann Amnesia effect. (I refer to it by this name because I once discussed it with Murray Gell-Mann, and by dropping a famous name I imply greater importance to myself, and to the effect, than it would otherwise have.)"
Some Protestant theologies deny 'free will' when it comes to salvation. I don't know of any doctrine that denies we have free will to do right or wrong. Even though Calvin tells us we are all 'totally depraved', we are still culpable for our sins, which can be wiped away by the blood of Christ, who is our Passover Lamb, our sacrifice for sins.
My sermon for today. ;-)
This just in: dog bites man, the sky is blue, and Chicago cops are brutes. What shocking scoop awaits us tomorrow?
I hope somebody publishes the transcript of this morning's radio interview with Garry McCarthy. It provides a different and much-needed perspective of things. McCarthy was in an impossible position. He took the fall when it became necessary from a political standpoint to make someone pay for Chicago's sins. I think he tried and did the best he could. He was caught between the rock and the hard place of Chicago politics and civic irresponsibility. Blacks were not only not going to let him off the hook, they were going to skewer him, and they did. He said that the cops now have no idea what they're supposed to do out on the streets or how they're supposed to do it. Their response has been to go fetal. Maybe (I said sarcastically) Father Pfleger can put a stop to the violence. Yeah, sure, that's the ticket.
Why "however". Do you think "weird, massive, historical police and prosecutorial abuse problems." are contradictory to having "a petri(sic) dish of Democrat (black, white/union, leftist/activist) pathologies.
Fair point.
But the "however" comes about in the context of abusing poor blacks on the Southside and on the West side. Poor blacks whose neighborhoods keep voting for Democrats.
More to your (fair) point; the DoJ report on Ferguson illustrated it quite nicely. With a failure of budgetary restraint (a liberal hallmark) and falling property values (another liberal hallmark), Ferguson was forced to turn to "revenue policing" and higher and higher numbers of civil infraction tickets to plug all of the little municipal budgetary holes.
I grew up in Chicago (Rogers and Lincoln Park, then the suburbs) and lived there for over 50 years before fleeing.
The corruption in Cook County is far worse than outsiders can imagine. It seeps into every department, agency and commission. It is completely run by Democrats and has been for many generations. They own the chaos that one finds in ghetto communities.
The DOJ has just insured that there will be more murders in the city this year. Cops will hesitate to get involved in most areas of the South and West sides. Blue lives matter too.
It's terrible what democrats did in Chicago, isn't it?
I understand that 768 killed in 2016 is all fault of the police.
By the way: in the whole of Italy we had around 460 killed in 2015 - and we have Mafia (Sicily), Camorra (Naples), 'Ndrangheta (Calabria) and Sacra Corona Unita (Puglia).
@Bay Area Guy: wet side walks cause the rain.
What are you talking about? There is a 100% correlation between wet sidewalks and rain!
That's why, instead of watering my lawn, I water the sidewalk. Then the rain waters my lawn for me. Sometimes I have to water the sidewalks a little every day for a few weeks before the rain kicks in, but the saving in not watering my lawn is huge.
I've made some other life hacks, as they say. I found a stove that would cut my heat bill in half, and I just bought a second one. After it's installed I will have no heat bill at all.
Englewood has 2% whites? Wow, I'd hate to be one of those poor saps. Targeted by black thugs their whole lives, now the Chicago cops will be forced to roust every single one of them at least once a day, to keep their stop numbers in line.
But the "however" comes about in the context of abusing poor blacks on the Southside and on the West side.
You could just as well turn that statement around to say that poor blacks on the city's south and west sides are abusing the police. The inhabitants of those neighborhoods are relentlessly and sometimes violently hostile to the cops. A cop patrolling those neighborhoods finds himself in a situation akin to that of a U.S. soldier or marine patrolling in Fallujah. The neighborhoods aren't as dangerous or as violent as Fallujah but they're moving in that direction. And the psychological effect on the cops is just just as damaging at it was to American military personnel.
Englewood has 2% whites?
Yeah, I doubt it. Maybe it refers to a couple of white priests in residence at St. Leo's. Frankly, I simply do not believe there are any whites living in the general population in Englewood. It's inconceivable, really.
Gabriel said...
That's why, instead of watering my lawn, I water the sidewalk.
I make it rain by leaving the car windows down.
You could just as well turn that statement around to say that poor blacks on the city's south and west sides are abusing the police. The inhabitants of those neighborhoods are relentlessly and sometimes violently hostile to the cops. A cop patrolling those neighborhoods finds himself in a situation akin to that of a U.S. soldier or marine patrolling in Fallujah. The neighborhoods aren't as dangerous or as violent as Fallujah but they're moving in that direction. And the psychological effect on the cops is just just as damaging at it was to American military personnel.
I think you are trying to get me to defend something that I have no interest in defending.
99% of the shootings in Chicago -- now at record levels -- are cases in which there is no police abuse. They are civilian/criminals, and most often it is blacks, committing homicides on other blacks.
But the particular history of Chicago, with the Jon Burge case being but one glaring example, is truly unusual even among big American cities.
As I have already said, whatever the pathologies are in Chicago, they are ALL Democrats.
They jumped the Ass a long time ago. In another case, they went the opposite way in Atlanta, and used insufficient education to pass their students.
I call Bull sh*t on that report....just more fake news from a fake justice department
Why would I believe this report?
Over 80% of the killings in Chicago are gang on gang. The Chicago police databases have accurately predicted a number of the gang members that have been killed. There are 70,000 gang members listed in the CPD databases.
Police exponentially decreases street stops over the last year. Rahm cut an agreement with the ACLU that police would fill out a 2-page report with over 70 information fields for each street stop.
The union for the Chicago police is the strongest organization in this country outside the University of Alabama football program. The police still on the job are just marking time or retiring. And Chicago is having increased trouble attracting qualified recruits to join the police department.
So the gang killings will continue. The gang culture in Chicago is strong. The police are just letting it go back to the way it was in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They are respecting the constitutional rights of the gang members.
Another "Who Cares" moment for people who don't live in Ch-Town.
The interesting thing is the timing. Lynch rushed to get the report done. They rushed to enter into a stip. They all decided to end it because Trump was coming and they wanted to control the outcome.
It's different from the way they've chosen to use the IG to investigate the FBI regarding the Hillmails. They announce it just as Obama is leaving to force Trump to make a decision. No way this one is wrapping up with a rushed report and rushed stip. The investigators will make it as difficult as possible for him for months -- tainted win! -- even though it is about her misdeeds. Dare him to stop it at Great Political Cost. The media will love it either way.
Get it through your thick heads; cops are scum, and there's no rehabilitation.
So, I guess you will never call them.
Good. Darwin has a piece of advice for you.
Chicago requires martial law, trial of thugs by Courts Martial and busy firing squads.
But the particular history of Chicago, with the Jon Burge case being but one glaring example, is truly unusual even among big American cities.
Corruption in the NYPD is legendary, massive, and recurrent. It been so during both Republican and Democrat mayoral administrations. Remember the Knapp Commission proceedings (which involved, among others, Frank Serpico)? "Prince of the City"? See also, e.g., the 2015 documentary "The Seven Five."
Police corruption (and abuse by police) is the product of a bad citizenry. It is not a chicken-and-egg problem. Corrupt police do not create a bad citizenry; but a bad citizenry creates bad police. Chicago's citizenry is not uniformly corrupt. Chicago police generally do not act abusively in neighborhoods where the citizenry is generally law-abiding. They can be nice guys, very helpful and conscientious, because they don't feel threatened in good neighborhoods. I'm not excusing the bad behavior by some cops but I will contend that most bad behavior is in part a function of the stress of dealing with bad actors in relentlessly bad neighborhoods. In the course of my life I've been pulled over any number of times by Chicago cops and I've never had a bad experience with one. That's because I'm a white guy, I look Irish, I don't smart-ass the cops, and I don't commit crimes. Cops take one look at me at they're put at ease. As soon as we start talking they're put even more at ease. Well, I have had maybe two rough (but not bad) experiences with Chicago cops, and they came one I was a young dumb kid, and I smarted off at the cops, and I got a minor tune for it. I deserved it. I could have reported it but I didn't because it really wasn't any big deal at all. (Like, "assume the position," turning me around, kicking me legs apart). Most serious police abuse is continent on the circumstances of the encounter.
What no one in this thread is coming to terms with is the fact that large swathes of Chicago are as safe as anywhere in the world. Take a look at the shooting statistics in Lincoln Park, Hyde Park, Beverly, Gold Coast, Streeterville, etc. There are very few incidents in these neighborhoods. Unfortunately, African-Americans commit 78% of the violent crimes in Chicago, Hispanics commit 17%, and whites commit 5% in a city that is roughly 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 in population mix. The Affirmative Action folks are in denial about this, and want all police-civilian interactions to be in proportion to the population. This is madness.
Garry McCarthy was brought in to solve some of the problems of the close-ranks mentality that permiates the tribal ethos of the CPD. He was making progress, but then Laquon McDonald got blown away. The cops did what they have always done--closed ranks around their brother officer--and Emanuel paid McDonald's worthless family $5,000,000 on the condition that the tape of the shooting would never see the light of day. A FOIA request by a reporter foiled that plan, and all hell broke loose. Emanuel fired McCarthy and replaced him with long-time cop Eddie (Special Ed) Johnson, an African-American time server.
Nothing in the DOJ report will make Engelwood like Lincoln Park. ,
What no one in this thread is coming to terms with is the fact that large swathes of Chicago are as safe as anywhere in the world.
I made this point above and I've made it several times over in previous threads.
Roughcoat-- you are right. Apologies.
The last Republican mayor of Chicago was "Big Bill Thompson". That was 1931. Chicago has been a liberal democrat stronghold for 50 years. Cook County voted 75% for Hillary, which means Chicago must have been in the 85-90% range.
So, yeah, I don't care.
Blogger Fernandinande said...
. . .
Too bad free will is also imaginary.
. . .
If true, you had no choice but to write that.
Blogger John Tuffnell said...
The interesting thing is the timing. Lynch rushed to get the report done.
Why not rush? She knew the results before she started.
Only non-white JD lawyers are allowed to be racist.
I'm watching the talking heads on the local Seattle propaganda news feed.
They invited the local head of the NAACP, and then asked her some softball question about Sessions. She had ALL the talking points, but very little substance. She isn't very bright.
Most of the people shot by police are male. Of course, this is because males are far more likely to be criminals than females. Especially violent criminals. So it's really no surprise. Anyone who claimed to suppose that men and women are equally likely to commit violent crimes would be revealing himself to be an idiot.
So why is it not universally agreed that Loretta Lynch is too stupid to tie her own shoes?
Violence about to escalate in Chiraq
If you don't think these ass-hats didn't have the goal of taking over all big city police forces for "discrimination" & creating the national civilian police force Obama talked about at the start of his regime, you are deluded.
This will make the police less likely to respond to areas of the city in which they will encounter a large population of African-Americans who will, at the least, video their every move, and at the worst, assassinate them.
Read Heather Mac Donald's "The War on Cops" for the real statistics on crime.
To continue Democrat policies, why should Sessions do ANYTHING?
It is a Democrat problem and the people involved and harmed won't vote Republican anyway.
Let the CPD slaughter their own people. If they won't vote people out, why should a penny of my money be spent to help them? Isn't it time to let them live under their own rules.
Like if Wyoming decides to stop the flow of water from Yosemite to CA, why should WE stop it? I cannot expect WY to subsidize a cesspool of sexism and racism like LA, can I?
Michael Crichton wrote about his reading newspaper articles that often get the entire thing wrong, because they reverse "cause" and "effect" -- i.e., wet side walks cause the rain.
Used in his "Murray Gell-Man Hypothesis" (one of the greatest thought exercises on media ever) where we assume that even if the media gets stories in areas we know plenty about thoroughly wrong, such as reversing cause and effect, we assume that, somehow, they will be better on stories in areas we know little about.
The DOJ report - or Lynch in her presser - said something like "Persons of color are 10 times more likely to be the subject of (deadly?) force by the Chicago PD." (I can't find the quote now). Looking at arrest numbers for 2016 for murder, we have 103 black suspects, 30 Hispanic suspects and 5 white suspects arrested. So "persons of color" seem to be about 96% of those committing violent crimes. That "10 times more likely" from DOJ seems a lot more reasonable now, and not anything to be so overwrought about.
In places like Chicago, as someone mentioned earlier in the thread, hypocrisy rules the hiring, promotion and assignment of personnel. White males don't get hired or promoted, and don't get the good assignments...like Homicide, or Training. When the cops see the system as completely corrupt, it tends to allow them to rationalize their sleazy conduct, so all this hypocritical talk from DOJ will just makes things worse.
My personal experience with Chicago cops is not all that great, as the entire municipal system seems to be absolutely dirty.
Once more, we have the Obama administration trying to quantify discrimination (by suggesting law enforcement, school discipline, pass rates, etc, should be completely equal) while ignoring causation. What a joke.
Lucky Luciano, the foremost authority on gang violence, is said to have authored a study on effective ways to deal with renegade gangs and renegade gang leaders. Loretta Lynch should have attached a copy of that study to her report with instructions to Rahm to read it.
Valerie Jarrett sticks the knife into Rahm Emanuel one last time... South Side light-skinned black elite v. Ravenswood Manor white guy. This is SOOO Chicago.
Which is NOT to say the Laquan MacDonald shooting was remotely acceptable, which it wasn't. CPD does have serious problems. But in the highly politicized Obama-Lynch DoJ that let Hillary skate on what were clearly serious crimes, all that is secondary. The fact that CPD has such problems just made it easier to do what they wanted to do for political and, in Jarrett's case, personal reasons.
When Rahm ran in 2011, one of his selling points was a close relationship with the White House. I wonder how Rahm feels now that he is just one of the crowd Obama threw under the bus over the last 9 years.
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