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Robert B. Reich explains his 12-point plan for 100 Days of Resistance to Donald Trump.
Hey, Reich is a pretty good cartoonist. He's especially good at making all his characters look pissed off. Did he really draw what it looks like he's drawing? I'm not trying to generate skepticism about possibly feigned, marginal drawing talent. I'm really just commenting on how dispiritingly ugly those people he wants us to be are. Maybe he does do his own drawings. This makes it look as though he does. Good for him.
Here's Michael Moore promoting the 100 days of obstruction:
Here's the 12-point list in simple text if you prefer reading.
२७८ टिप्पण्या:
278 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Reich makes a d*mn good case for Trump.
13. Don't give the nomination to Hillary Clinton.
Oh yay -- batshit crazy + savior complex! That always ends well!
I remember Robert Reich from 2016. When he warned that Ted Cruz would be far worse than Donald Trump.
How's that do nothing Congress sounding to you about now, lefties?
Could somebody please buy Michael Moore a hat? Preferably a (geographically-appropriate) Yankees or Dodgers cap, and not a Tigers cap. That hair needs to be shielded from view.
rehajm said...
How's that do nothing Congress sounding to you about now, lefties?
Need upvote feature.
Reich was the NAFTA labor secretary. Turns out the retraining problems don't work well in the US. He should resign his sinecure at Berkeley so that a Mexican can take his position, preferably an illegal. I'm hoping for Vicente Fox.
These people are so certain that they're right. Their incredible smugness and grandiosity. They make me sick.
Day 2
Boy who cries Wolf buys PA system from Spinal Tap, "This one goes to 11!"
Day 3
People still don't hear him. "Perhaps its time for another Hollywood Celebrity video" he muses
Moore wears a Michigan State baseball cap at times. Perfect.
Is it 13 Vendemiaire yet? A whiff of Grapeshot from DJT's Twitter Cannon and it is all over.
12 points? 100 days?
More than 3 things I need to make my own list...
I haven't been so moved by Reich's message, since my card carrying Communist days.
By golly, I'm going to join his subversion! I'm going to bring fire!
If you don't join, you can't be a good Communist! Join or end up just a plain old American!
Yeah, we should have regular matches against hate, because there's totally a mote in my brother's eye.
Day 12 Your idea goes here
I know - hector your friends and family at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Birthdays too. And don't pass up on opportunities to remind them how racist sexist homophobic xenophobic they surely must be. Once you have their attention, compare them to Nazis and Holocaust Denies.
Holocaust Deniers.
Have I mentioned that Dell sucks?
Trump is resistant to this stuff. He has a bigger platform to mock his detractors and uses it effectively. W doesn't live here anymore.
I am a fan Obama
Gravity for astronauts in orbit, Centripetal force and gravitation, Physics
My suggested response to the 100 day Protests by RR and MM:
100. Elections have consequences; we won.
99. Shut the Fuck up.
98. I really love this shit.
97. Kumbaya, Mother Fuckers.
96. Repeat above.
Trump is 6' 3" and Reich is 4' 11". There is the rub. The public is more impressed by physical stature than intellectual stature. We've been there before: Adelaide Stevenson was too smart for his britches, so General Eisenhower was elected in the 50's.
If you thing about it small people use less resources, i.e., food, space, car size. So, for ecological reasons, tall people need to be breed out of the species. Think Chihuahua instead of Saint Bernard. Which is easier to take care of?
Randy Newman's Short People got the human dimensions concept upside down:
More like a 100 days of Fail.
100 days of resistance? You mean he won't be impeached & removed in the first month? Oh snap.
The anti-resistance resistance.
We're going to have bumper stickers and social media too.
It's gonna be fun.
"We got the guns
We got the numbers.."
Trump's going to remind them of Mike Tyson's "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."
Reich was Bill Clinton's toady at Oxford. He figured that trailing in Clinton's wake would get him laid occasionally... Didn't work.
Media Elite call for 100 Days of Resistance.
They never imagined what came next.
Don't you just love all the love and healing?
These people are so certain that they're right. Their incredible smugness and grandiosity. They make me sick.
Because...the bubble.
That list? Go for it. I didn't see a thing on it that will make a difference.
Except maybe the grassroots politicking on the local level. They've got a real long way to go on that one, just to begin to make up the losses of the last eight years.
But go for it, get involved. Maybe you'll begin to get some idea of what people out there really think.
I think it could be boiled down to "find out what the Tea Party did, and do that."
Then look at what Occupy Wall Street did, and don't do that. Unless you think they really stuck it to the 1%.
Everyone in the (4th?) Reich is pissed off, but (like the 3rd) everyone is also White.
Most Canadians I know love Moore. I assume it's because they really hate America.
Make your state a model of what the federal government should do.
That is a brilliant idea. There's a word for that. It's on the tip of my tongue.
13. Wait 30 years until whites are a minority in the country they built.
If Reich thinks there's a problem with inequality now, wait until we have Latin America's demographics and political traditions.
When I tell my kids to do something they don't want to do, "eat your vegetables," "whaa I dnt wanna." I say "well, you can cry, but you're still eating your vegetables."
You just throw your little tantrums Rob, it's the same thing my 3 year old does and will have the same effect.
I don't know who this guy is, but his Richard Dreyfuss impersonation sucks.
#6 says "updated farts and actions"
That is particularly ineffective in the social media context but on balance, about effective as the rest.
Hope they do the 100 Days things. That model worked so well in Wisconsin (Former Senator Feingold "It's not over until we win") - Governor Walker won a recall, Governor Walker won reelection, conservative backed WI Supreme Court candidates won (including on a recount)every election, Former Senator Feingold lost his attempt to regain his seat, Jill Stein's multimillion dollar Trump/Clinton recount widened Trump's margin, Republican presidential candidate won WI for first time in almost 3 decades.
Yes, keep it up, Reich & Moore - Wisconsin cheers you on and anticipates you will have the same results.
This is the frosting on the cake: WI Supreme Court Judge Ziegler Unopposed in 2017 Election (or, "Left Not Even Showing Up") That is huuge.
About that social media thing
Robert Reich - 326k twitter followers
Donald Trump - 18 million
I think the one about donating to leftist organizations that they slipped into the middle is the one they are most concerned with, what with the Clinton Foundation money drying up and Soros getting tired of financing fail.
As there are more minorities in the US there is more miscegenation. In 50 years, Obama will be celebrated for his biracial, multi-ethnic background by 25 year olds who look like Tiger Woods and Rashida Jones. And Trump will be remembered as the first German-Scottish American president.
Suddenly, obstruction is cool again!
I wonder what changed?
An hour a day.
The sixty-minute hate.
My first cousin is a big fan of Robert Reich and "The Resistance." My cousin's contribution to "The Resistance" was to unfriend me on Facebook.
Sounds like a plan to ensure Trump's reelection in 2020.
By the 25 second mark I had counted 15 statements out of the little pissant's mouth that were misstatements, exaggerations, or outright lies. I can't bring myself to continue.
I'm so old I remember when the left claimed obstructionism was bad for America.
Curious George said...
Trump's going to remind them of Mike Tyson's "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."
I'm very interested to watch this. Media and academic criticism is essentially all the left has going for it. At times they've been effective with only this weapon available, but they've never faced someone who didn't give a shit what they think or say. I hope Trump demonstrates the utter powerlessness of these institutions so other Republicans don't cower in fear of some journalist's sob story on Acorn going out of business.
I was fascinated by the Robert Reich drawings on Action 9: Being a progressive activist in your state. These folks were drawn with especially unhappy looks on their faces. It's a conspicuous degree of unhappiness/grouchiness or "mean determination". It's so pronounced I can't think it is an error of artistic implementation but was intended.
Trumpit said...
Trump is 6' 3" and Reich is 4' 11". There is the rub. The public is more impressed by physical stature than intellectual stature. We've been there before: Adelaide Stevenson was too smart for his britches, so General Eisenhower was elected in the 50's.
If you thing about it small people use less resources, i.e., food, space, car size. So, for ecological reasons, tall people need to be breed out of the species. Think Chihuahua instead of Saint Bernard. Which is easier to take care of?
Randy Newman's Short People got the human dimensions concept upside down:
1/9/17, 12:18 PM
Trumpit, no need to advertise, everybody knows you're small. We were just being nice and ignoring it. (Stevenson later admitted Eisenhower was the better man and the better choice.)
Chuck said...
Could somebody please buy Michael Moore a hat? Preferably a (geographically-appropriate) Yankees or Dodgers cap, and not a Tigers cap. That hair needs to be shielded from view.
1/9/17, 11:59 AM
Naw, Chucky, he's all yours, enjoy. I daresay most people here imagine you and he being like twin brothers.
I guess losing over 1000 seats in elected office across the country during Obama's administration wasn't good enough for them.
Trumpit: "The public is more impressed by physical stature than intellectual stature."
Yikes. Poor R.R. Doesn't measure up in any way.
Hey WikiLeaks, looks like its time to release Agent Reich's history of 'correspondence' with Russia...
But give me 24 hours to get my Irony Meter Replacements webpage up and running. Because Dell sucks.
This movement, the Streep monologue, the celebrity video's, all of it, seem to strengthen Trump and expand his support base. It's beautiful to watch. The attackers literally can't stop themselves. They are the gift that keeps on giving.
Being a progressive activist in your state. These folks were drawn with especially unhappy looks on their faces. It's a conspicuous degree of unhappiness/grouchiness or "mean determination"
Remember all those town council meetings where the town council business was pushed aside to pass all those articles to arrest Bush and Cheney? That's what Reich's hoping for here...
"Make your state a model of what the federal government should do."
Yeah, that's the ticket! And you get to pay the bill, too!
"These people are so certain that they're right. Their incredible smugness and grandiosity. They make me sick."
You on the other hand are very open to progressive ideas and voting for Dem politicians and such, though, yes? No certainty with you, of course.
Back in the early and mid-1980s Reich busied himself writing books and HBR articles about the pressing need for an American national industrial policy along the lines of Japan's national industrial policy. This was a big Democratic party issue back then. It actually wanted to create a centralized planning office in the federal government that would overtly pick winners and losers in terms of who the government would favor.
Of course, a few years later the Japanese economy collapsed.
You don't hear Prof. Reich talking much about that policy scheme anymore.
So if you're obstructing "Make America Great Again" you are for the continuing decline of race relations, wages, responsible government, common sense, freedom of speech, an America made up of actual Americans, free markets, living standards, freedom of religion, electoral integrity, freedom of the Press, and civility.
Funny how when the Republicans try to offer some balance to the Democrats' legislative agenda, it's "obstructionism," but when a Republican is elected President, the Democrats come right out and admit they intend to be obstructionist.
Apparently, the word doesn't matter, only the letter after the politician's name.
"Trump is 6' 3" and Reich is 4' 11"."
Ah, but some online mag had this big scoop: Trump is actually only 6'2" and change, and - get this - rounds up!
"We've been there before: Adelaide Stevenson was too smart for his britches, so General Eisenhower was elected in the 50's."
Adlai Stevenson was a good man (I still love his telling-off of the Soviet delegation at the UN during the Cuban Missile Crisis). Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe. That Stevenson fans looked down on him intellectually says a lot more about them, none of it good, than about him.
Robert Reich's big idea, before and early in the Clinton Admin was Japan-style Industrial Policy, as with its MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry) and its cooperating agencies like the Bank of Japan, etc. That of course started to go badly wrong shortly after.
Then he backed off on it, then he went wishy washy, and then he basically had nothing economic left to say, other than occasionally shaking his worry beads.
Given what he's written I don't really see what substantial difference he has with the Republicans, given that he hasn't got any real beef with them, as far as public policy goes. I suspect in his case its all just tribal signalling.
No. 1 is not going to work because Harry Reid changed the vote needed to confirm from 60 to 50 so everyone is getting confirmed. The rest of list can be summed up with "be annoying" and that's nothing new. They have nothing
The angry figures in the beginning have been angry since their cushy job hanging on the bathroom door became so challenging.
"Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Forces in Europe."
Eisenhower was also a very efficient staff officer and chief of staff. If he had been running the back rooms in Manila in 1941 USAFFE would probably held out six months longer.
I wrote over a year ago that Trump couldn't have had a better collection of enemies if he had been allowed to chose them himself.
Resistance isn't going to be effective from the likes of Moore and Reich. The biggest dangers to Trump are McCain, Graham, and Collins in the Senate. I don't think it likely any of those three can be flipped to deny confirmation to a cabinet nomination, but it is possible they may oppose the nuclear option on the SCOTUS nomination- that is where the real battle will take place in the first 100 days, but I also don't think it likely those senators are going to stand with the Democrats there either- Reid killed the filibuster with his actions and his promises about what would happen if Clinton and the Democrats had won in November.
I think this list is terrific! When it becomes apparent how few people are actually participating in these actions, even the RR's of the world may start to wise up.
Zappos and kmart are listed twice in the boycott list.
Go to the "Annex" of the unclassified intelligence report on Russian interference in the election, which describes RT “Strategic Messaging” on behalf of Russian government “interests in areas such as foreign and energy policy.”
Clearly, Reich is a Russian operative.
All the faces are white.
Trumpit says
rump is 6' 3" and Reich is 4' 11". There is the rub. The public is more impressed by physical stature than intellectual stature.
Poor Reich. Trump towers over him. In mores ways than one.
"Make your state a model of what the federal government should do."
If your state had free healthcare for all, a 20 hr minimum wage, wind farms made from receycled newspaper, and racial harmony and transgender bathrooms....
The feds would have no reason to make any rules enforcing that. Which is how federalism is supposed to work.
Yancey, good analysis. Thank you.
This will be as effective as Occupy your neighbor's house. The People, and our unplanned Posterity, want revitalization, rehabilitation, and reconciliation. Primarily economic reform that audits monopolies and practices, and restores capitalism and charity to serve the population.
Harrogate: "You on the other hand are very open to progressive ideas and voting for Dem politicians and such, though, yes?"
The American people had that little experiment starting in 2008 and ending just this month. It was an experiment which led over 200 counties that voted for obama to flip to Trump. And not without reason.
I realize that anything short of giving all lefties all power until we reach Venezuela/Cuba status is considered "bad form" by the left, but I'm sure the people felt their reasons had merit.
Reich has little hands.
I too agree with Yancey's analysis of the situation.
Trump is a threat to the status quo. And the status quo isn't going to meekly surrender. Trump is going to have to watch his back, because the status quo is going to be looking for opportunities to stick the shiv in.
"progressive ideas"
Thanks for the laugh. That's almost as good as Democratic Party.
But tells us more about how raising the minimum wage won't get poor folk laid off. Its important for us to remember that, as loony as your definition of 'progressive' is, it's hurting the very people you claim you intended to help.
Why, gosh golly, it's almost as if you are using minorities and poor people as props to install your Brave New World.
"Open yourself to progressive ideas and use my special deck next poker night, else you are stuck in the past" said the card shark as he palmed two aces into his shirt cuff.
Ron, yup. I'm expecting Trump's agenda to betrayed by the GOP Establishment Party (E), so I'm sitting back and enjoying the ride while it lasts. Consoling myself that at least we are heading toward the cliff in 4th gear instead of 5th.
The biggest dangers to Trump are McCain, Graham, and Collins in the Senate."
One minor example of "winning", I believe Collins is introducing Sessions for his confirmation.
But, as to Reich's list, where are the drum circles? There just HAS to be a drum circle or two ... and crystals, yeah, crystals.
harrogate said...
You on the other hand are very open to progressive ideas and voting for Dem politicians and such, though, yes? No certainty with you, of course.
Not directed at me, but...
I vigorously oppose progressive ideas and voting for Dem politicians, at least in part, not due to certainty, but due to uncertainty. Progressives and Democrats are 100% about imposing their ideas on others through the force of government. I would oppose that even if I agreed with a particular policy, because I have the humility to know that I don't have all the answers and thus I should not be imposing my will on others.
Prog linguistics is situational: Republicans "obstruct," Dems "resist."
Jeez, I hope that Reich and his holy social justice warriors don't decide to resist my book. Packaging Machinery Handbook available through Ann's Amazon portal.
I am scared spitless that they will realize that it is not LBGT (etc) positive.
Please, anything but a national boycott!
John Henry
"Hey, Reich is a pretty good cartoonist"
He's a good cartoon at this point.
So many failed predictions.
Chihuahuas are annoying.
John, how were sales leading up to Christmas?
Drums, crystals, and bras. There must be a bra-fire. And marshmallows. And chocolate. And graham crackers. Hold the Coffee.
The list is incomplete. There's nothing about giant puppets.
Before the electoral college voted, Robert Reich cited Alexander Hamilton and the framers' intent to suggest that the electors should vote against Trump.
Now that the electoral college has voted, he wants states to defeat the framers' intent by binding the electors to support the national popular vote winner.
Reich's living constitution is like Schrodinger's cat, except it only dies when he chooses to look at it.
"Make your state a model of what the federal government should do."
Mine has: California. What has it wrought? Bovine Catalytic Converters.
Wisconsinites: You laugh, but it is only a matter of time before Democrats return to power and this insanity is visited on your dairy industry.
Reich's holiday advice (and impressive acting)
Harrogate: "You on the other hand are very open to progressive ideas and voting for Dem politicians and such, though, yes?"
We've been open to it since the dawn of the 20th Century. All it got us was constant involvement in foreign conflicts, two world wars, a Depression, the longest recession in US history, a de facto dictatorship of unaccountable, unelected bureaucrats, a gfeneration of uneducated, unemployable youth and oppressed minorities worse off than they were after fifty years of government "benevolence." No thanks.
... and vuvuzelas. And matches, or lighters, to start the bra-fire. Perhaps a diesel-powered windmill to shift the smoke.
Isn't this racist?
I just had an awesome idea. Trump should somehow promote the Subaru Outback, Most Favored Car in Seattle. He should buy one, drive one everyone, buy them for every member of his family. Subaru Outbacks for EVERYONE related to Trump.
Then watch as smug lefties in Seattle stampede to sell their Subaru Outbacks.
What, no candlelight vigils?
The 100 days runs out on April 30, just in time for the May Day celebrations. One flaw: The Reich-Moore 100 day resistance plan still leaves 93% of the 1461 day Trump first term unmolested. Sigh.
MM looks like Peter Griffin.
Though MM has more intelligence.
Harrogate: "You on the other hand are very open to progressive ideas and voting for Dem politicians and such, though, yes?"
Yes, it's true.
Harrogate the leftist takes this moment in time to lecture the right on not being open to the other partys ideas.
And he/she writes it without any apparent irony.
Harrogate, can you NAME any of the other party's ideas?
Because my understanding is that your kind still can't figure out why they got Trump.
Too soon. Maybe try to float that one after your comrades have finished with not accepting the results of an election.
The public is more impressed by physical stature than intellectual stature.
trumpit self identifies as a shorty.
Good work.
Are you claiming that Stevenson would have been a better president than Eisenhower?
"binding electors to support the popular vote winner"
I called Vegas to get odds on how soon the Left would demand a return to the EC first time they lost due to the popular vote.
They hung up on me.
But I'm educating my liberal friends. We are voting 52% to 44% to eat them for dinner. Wolf cloaks are optional.
Trump is a threat to the status quo. And the status quo isn't going to meekly surrender.
I'm concerned Lucy might pull the football away, too but remember there's much agreement between the GOPe agenda and Trump agenda, and much of it has already reached the President's desk. He vetoed it, but Congress still knows the way there.
Um, I'm pretty sure I pay sales taxes. And property taxes too. And I don't get EITC. Usual number thrown out for percentage of income that goes to pay taxes, federal, state, and local is 40%. And the fact that tax rates are lower now than the 4 decades before 1991 (formulations like that make me want to look at the numbers, something is being concealed) is irrelevant. As for the poor working harder than ever, that's a misleading formulation of what a real Uncle Bob actually be upset about, which would be the gaming of the system by the unscrupulous, not anger at the working poor.
Anyway, a lot of "the poor" just helped vote in Trump. So up yours Reich.
... and then you put his 15th checker on the bar, and roll all the way home with back-to-back-to-back-to-back 66's.
(with apologies to Danny Kleinmann, backgammon guru extraordinare)
Seems like it was just yesterday when resisting the president's agenda was tantamount to treason.
Because it was just yesterday.
These guys really have a tough time understanding the concept of elections. To sum up Reich's plan; "Form a large circle, unzip your fly.....". You get the idea.
"8. Make the resistance visible with bumper stickers, lapel pins, wrist bands.
12. Your idea goes here. Meet with family and friends this weekend, and decide what you’ll contribute."
Apparently Mr. Reich is unsure of the concept of "resistance."
A video of Reich I found on the web: https://youtu.be/A8yjNbcKkNY?t=1m13s
100 Days of Resistance for only 99 bottles of beer. Sad!
So Robert B. Reich-chuch-cha (whose latest book is "Locked in a Cabinet" for 4 years with the Clintons - talk about crazy-making!), wouldn't know economics even if his livelihood depended on it - and it does.
There are many poor economic choices being bandied about by Trump that do not please me - but Reich didn't offer a single idea that would be good for America's economy.
It occurs to me that the composer of "Short People" may well have been thinking about the University of California Econ Professor when the harsh words were written.
what I've learned over the last 8 years that I did not know before was that all opposition to the President of the United States is racist. Clearly, this so-called "resistance" is nothing more than the KKK without the sheets. Same political party, too.
The cartooning, and presentation of 11 points, in 3 mins is really outstanding. I give Professor Reich credit for talent and presentation.
The substance, though, is so laughably bad I'm speechless.
I am reminded of Country Joe McDonald's anthem from the 60s -- "One, two, three, four, what the hell are we fighting for?"
There is not one solitary reference to ANY particular policy, except a subtle push to violate Federal immigration law re sanctuary cities.
Hmm. Outside of California, How is the "Lenient Border Brigade" doing politically?
If Professor Reich had a large majority, while Trump was isolated, the little fellow would be saying nothing more than, "Burn the Witch!" to a clueless cohort of angry pitchforkers.
Reich is Exhibit A of what happens if you spend too many years in academia, making $300 - 400K/year, enjoying fine dining in Berkeley's Gourmet Ghetto and vacationing at Martha's Vineyards -- you slowly lose all connection to common folks and reality itself.
Heck, Reich is militantly opposed to TPP , which, surprise, surprise, is exactly the same position taken by Trump.
He'd be great giving the weather, replacing Tex Antoine.
The more interesting question to me is, what is it about us Americans that a plurality nod our heads at this faux sagacity and say, "sign me up"?
Why can't they be honest and just call it "100 Days of Being Assholes"?
I'll answer my own question: They can't be honest because honesty isn't one of their traits. They're Democrats. Their candidate was the queen bee of dishonesty and corruption.
They're still assholes.
I should have said, "Porous Border Brigade" -- that sounds better than "Lenient Border Brigade."
Yes, they win California -- and lose majorities at every governmental level throughout the rest of the country.
Democrat message to the working poor of America of every color: "We want to allow more illegal immigration into the country to further depress your wages and employment opportunities. Are you with us?"
"...Democrat message to the working poor of America of every color: "We want to allow more illegal immigration into the country to further depress your wages and employment opportunities..." and to replace you as voters since you are so damn unreliable.
"BJM said:
"Make your state a model of what the federal government should do."
Mine has: California. What has it wrought? Bovine Catalytic Converters.
Wisconsinites: You laugh, but it is only a matter of time before Democrats return to power and this insanity is visited on your dairy industry"
This is slightly off topic, but when I saw the news about the new bovine flatulence law in CA recently I couldn't help but laugh. I used to be a big fan of reading the columns by the late, great Brock Yates at Car and Driver. He was a big opponent back in the 1970's of the environmental requirements being imposed on automobiles and how they affected performance. He once proposed in one of his columns that if the government really wanted to do something about air pollution then "we should all be walking around with a catalytic converter sticking out our ass." I never forgot that line. Now, CA is doing exactly that with cows! Unbelievable. And, given how crazy CA is, how long could it be before Brock's proposal comes true?
Right now on NPR (5:13pm ET) I am hearing that Jared Kushner has hired attorney Jamie Gorelick to represent him with regard to his own property issues, as he apparently plans to join the Trump Administration.
Jamie Gorelick is one of the filthiest establishment Democrat Brahmins from the Clinton era; she was Vice Chairman of Fannie Mae (with no prior real estate experience) at the height of the leadup to the home loan/financial crisis.
This news ought to induce vomiting among real Republicans.
Ha! Ha! His little cartoon people do look angry. Very angry. Probably because his own emotions are spilling out on the paper. As for using social media, I've been un-following everyone who posts political crap in my family since the election. If they keep it up, they'll just be posting that stuff to their like-minded colleagues. I'm all for reasoned debate, but this lunacy just begs to be ignored.
He'd be great giving the weather, replacing Tex Antoine.
Shout out to Uncle Wethbee.
the more the left is faced with the failure and bankruptcy of their own ideas and policies, the more emotionally and violently they act out. The internal justification is, their ideas may be bad, but the other side's ideas are worse than bad or evil.
Day 1 - Contact your Senators, Congresspersons State Governors and State Representatives to begin the immediate repeal of ALL Hollywood tax credits.
Right now on NPR (5:13pm ET) I am hearing that Jared Kushner has hired attorney Jamie Gorelick to represent him with regard to his own property issues, as he apparently plans to join the Trump Administration."
Being hired as a private attorney to represent the interests of a client has nothing whatsoever to do with attacking the entrenched bureaucracy.
Something every "lifelong republican" should recognize.
If Kushner or Trump move to place Gorelic in a govt role, let us know.
"Sydney said...
Ha! Ha! His little cartoon people do look angry. Very angry. Probably because his own emotions are spilling out on the paper."
You'd be angry too after 70 years of "You have to be this tall to ride this ride" signs.
Milwaukee is an example to the New Confederate States of the Resistance of how to resist.
When Governor Walker passed Act 10 Milwaukee did not take advantage of the new freedom to rein in the teacher's union. It resisted. It set an example for the rest of Wisconsin. It laid off 400 new teachers rather than ask teachers to pay 5.8% toward their own pensions. But, first before that, the teacher's union demanded that Viagra be supplied free under the teachers' medical insurance plan. I did not see free Viagra on Reich's list but it should be one of those things that you harass California state legislature about.
But the anti-Trump states are mostly in the process of legalizing marijuana or have done so already so I'm not sure how many of their citizens will commit to writing letters to the editor once a day on Why I Love NIFTY or whatever that is. Then on down to the jail to form human chains to keep convicted violent criminals in California if they are illegals. Then on to the electors - "Keep Michigan From Ever Mattering Again to California" would be a good slogan. But ... don't you think they'll meet up and start smoking instead working at all the rest?
Anyhow, there is a theory called nullification all ready for the Confederates, oops, Resistors and a colorful flag with a history. A history they might want to read.
"Jamie Gorelick is one of the filthiest establishment Democrat Brahmins from the Clinton era; "
Set a thief to catch a thief. Maybe she knows all the dodges.
Anybody remember the term "loyal opposition", a basic (and hard-won) premise of democratic systems of government?
Not THESE Democrats, that's fer goddam sure!!
I thought it was widely understood after his death that Stevenson had a "reputation" as an intellectual rather than actually being one. The word got out that when he died the only book on his nightstand was the social register. The basis of his reputed intelligence, like Obama's and Hillary's for the that matter, consists primarily of having a D before his hame.
3. Make your city and state sanctuaries that won’t cooperate with federal immigration authorities in deporting undocumented immigrants, especially people who have been here since they were very young.
aka violate Federal law.
Bay Area Guy,
Thats correct, Reich has zero complaints about Trump-Republican economic policy proposals.
And his own economic ideas are all over the map and subject to change.
There is no substance here, it seems, simply emotion.
Fuck the Whale and all those to cling to his blubber.
Opposition to emigration reform. Proponents of immigration reform, including refugee crises. Ideologically anti-native adventurists. Occupiers of nations destroyed by catastrophic anthropogenic climate change. Religiously sympathetic and perhaps acolytes of the Pro-Choice Church.
There is no substance here
Selective, opportunistic, and meandering.
Adlai (not Adelaide!) Stevenson was the darling of the East Coast Democrat Party mandarin class. Somehow he got a reputation for being "cerebral" that derived from his smooth demeanor and air of superior intelligence. In reality he was an empty suit. But he had the "right temperament" and, no doubt, a perfect crease in his pants that would have impressed David Brooks. He was notorious in D.C. circles as a hound dog, a ladies man in the mold of JFK and Bill Clinton, and all that implies.
Per Chuck: This news ought to induce vomiting among real Republicans.
Define 'real Republican' for us, Chuck. That way we'll all know for sure.
So you listen to NPR? Is that what 'real Republicans' tend to do?
Reich is appropriating the term Resistance, as in French Resistance, to give an air of heroism to what is mostly just a fit of pique.
"real Republicans" or "lifelong Republicans" like Chuck tend to view Rachel Maddow as brilliant, posts links to cool Jon Stewart videos, dislikes Ann Coulter, the Tea Party, most conservative posters on blogsites, Rush Limbaugh, etc., and always studiously avoid any detailed criticism of anyone on the left.
They also tend to support the weakest of weak tea Presidential candidates on the Republican side so that we can immediately move to "brilliant" "Dem President/impeachment" strategies.
If you happen to wonder what the difference between such "lifelong Republicans" and Democrats might be, well, you might not be alone in that regard.
Meep, Meep. Vroooom.
Funny thing about the French Resistance. Some of them were very, very brave. And some, according to an OSS officer who worked with them, were in the habit of diming out their non-communist brethren to the Gestapo -just moving pieces for after the war was won, you understand.
(I've never seen that confirmed elsewhere but wouldn't be surprised in the least.)
Also their numbers seem to have expanded greatly after the war. Just goes to show the power of narrative, the warm fuzzier we all get over them.
Also their numbers seem to have expanded greatly after the war. Just goes to show the power of narrative, the warm fuzzier we all get over them.
Kinda like how the number of Germans shrunk but the number of Swiss grew post WWII.
"Real Republicans" would much rather lose gracefully than win with such an uncouth and vulgar man at the helm. If only Hillary had won! Then "Real Republicans" could have driven all those embarrassing rednecks out of the party while continuing to publish finely worded essays at NR and The Weekly Standard mocking the Democrats (but in an elegant way! Not like Trump!) and expressing deep (but always tasteful!) regrets about PC on campus and government overreach.
That's because they have so much success fighting the Left up until now. They don't need no stinkin' deplorables.
"Funny thing about the French Resistance. "
The French Resistance grew in direct proportion to the approach of the end of the war.
It's like Billy Wilder's great movie, "One, Two, Three" about Germany after the war.
"But he had the "right temperament" and, no doubt, a perfect crease in his pants"
...but, alas, a hole in his shoe.
Kinda like how the number of Germans shrunk but the number of Swiss grew post WWII.
1/9/17, 6:15 PM
Or how the number of French who fought in the Resistance magically swelled into the millions after WWII. When I was in France in the '80's, it was amazing how many French people I met who had either fought in the Resistance themselves or whose father or grandfather or uncle or brother had.
People! Stop mocking Robert Reich! This is great!
Seriously! One hundred days of resistance, followed by them finally shutting up and getting out of the way, is good! I thought the whining was going to drag on for years, like it did under previous GOP presidents.
Right now on NPR (5:13pm ET) I am hearing that Jared Kushner has hired attorney Jamie Gorelick to represent him with regard to his own property issues, as he apparently plans to join the Trump Administration."
Being hired as a private attorney to represent the interests of a client has nothing whatsoever to do with attacking the entrenched bureaucracy."
Of course, I would certainly expect NPR to note that. NPR would certainly want to clarify that point for their listeners. They're known for being scrupulously fair when it comes to all things Trump, are they not?
The closest historical analogy to "100 days of resistance" is the formation of the KKK during Reconstruction. The KKK was formed to resist a federal government run by radical Republicans.
I'm not saying that there is a white sheet and a pointy cap in Reich's closet. You can draw your own conclusions.
Be hat a yuge Cherman community here until 1941. Zen zay all becomin Sviss.
Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...
. . .
When I was in France in the '80's, it was amazing how many French people I met who had either fought in the Resistance themselves or whose father or grandfather or uncle or brother had.
. . .
Most likely by "Resistance", they meant resistance to international Jewry.
Chuck said...
"Jamie Gorelick is one of the filthiest establishment Democrat Brahmins from the Clinton era; she was Vice Chairman of Fannie Mae (with no prior real estate experience) at the height of the leadup to the home loan/financial crisis."
Well! Something we agree on. Jamie Gorelick is arguably the worst thing on Earth. If anyone in the Trump Admin is employing that God-awful Clintonian crime syndicate, then something is rotten in the State of Denmark. Fanny Mae is the least of her crimes.
Steven, you make a good point. Only 100 days! :-D But I don't think they will be able to resist tacking on another 100 days, then another...Unless, of course, they stop getting top billing.
Remember all the complaints about how Congressional Republicans were obstructing Obama's legislative agenda? As usual, the party out of power rediscovers the separation of powers.
It is nice to see a Lefty come right out and admit that the ACLU, Common Cause and the SPLC are Communist fronts. Pity he didn't mention the League of Women Voters.
Right after the Civil War some of the plantation owners in South Carolina made an agreement not to hire any black who had previously been the slave of a different owner. The former slaves wanted to start as workers in a place where they had not been slaves but some of the former owners thought this was ungrateful so the former owners made the compact. The result was that all these former owners lost all their best former slaves as workers because the former slaves just went to work for people outside the compact - manufacturers, people in trade, carpetbaggers, Federal Army officers and so on.
Similarly the celebrities think that they'll make a compact against Trump and his supporters. They think that we won't be able to get along without Meryl Streep and Jimmy Fallon et al. That we'll be back begging for her autograph. Like that movie Sunset Boulevard
So they're going to boycott Nordstrom's and all other stores which carry Ivanka Trump's products?
I recall that when the CEO of Whole Foods wrote an anti-Obamacare op-ed piece in the WSJ, the comments section was filled with outraged lefties who were NEVER going to shop at WF ever again. Didn't make a dent in WF's bottom line. I figured they'd be outraged for 3 or 4 days or so but just couldn't give up the grass fed beef and organic produce.
The liberal womyn will hold out until they notice Nordstrom's having a really good shoe sale.
The Resistance days are numbered. Our local NBC affiliate just ran a semi-flattering picture of DJT.
10. Abolish the Electoral College.
They should just cut to the chase and abolish the midwest.
I do a get a kick out of the idea of resistance fighters boycotting Nordstroms. That'll show 'em.
Sometimes that urge for a wheatgrass juice buzz trumps judgement.
Leftists must give themselves some hope. Whatever, fat boy.
To the Ramparts!!
Come on, Robert and Michael, keep up!
Man at this rate we WILL have a filibuster proof senate!!!
Pass a law that hispanics are really caucasians. Set back quotas 100 years.
Lets just hire Meryl Strip and Jimmy Phallon instead of these two. Life will be more interesting.
Look at 'er go. Riling up the masses with trays of red meat designed to shut up the supporters of the 3 million popular vote margin winner.
Have you ever tried looking up the word "arrogant" in the dictionary?
Hmm. It shows a picture of Reich.
"Riling up the masses with trays of red meat designed to shut up the supporters of the 3 million popular vote margin winner."
I should not have to remind you that the popular vote winner was a candidate you ferociously reviled until the second they called the election.
As for arrogance - well, we've certainly had to put up with enough of it from your side. Get used to getting paid in your own coin.
Arrogance is anyone who voted for the sociopath liar Hillary, and felt good about it.
Hillary beat Trump is CA. so what? CA should break off and float over to North Korea. Its true ideological home.
Reich isn't the one saying the majority of the country doesn't matter. You are. That's arrogant.
Trump's plans are an abominable set of misplaced priorities that the country doesn't want. They and he will be opposed. He can't grope his way into getting what he wants, and that's that.
At 1:52 he draws a little cock and balls.
I should not have to remind you that the popular vote winner was a candidate you ferociously reviled until the second they called the election.
Of course you shouldn't. I actually remember my positions. If Hillary had won and was pushing through as abominable a set of priorities, I'd oppose her too. Hillary would have been easier to oppose, I now wonder, since she would have feared the implosion of a party that now blew up by the election. But Trump's just a free agent leading all his sheep along with him. And his priorities are shit. Nothing like what he campaigned on. He will be opposed and he will not have a successful presidency. I don't have to support Hillary to oppose what Trump is doing. Leave it to you to favor Hitler over Stalin. Or Stalin over Hitler. I oppose both. Not hard.
As for arrogance - well, we've certainly had to put up with enough of it from your side. Get used to getting paid in your own coin.
Boo hoo cry me a fucking river. Trump is a disaster-in-the-making who skips out on intelligence briefings because his priority is to tweet his aggrieved feelings every other hour. Such distraction and immaturity at that high a level can only be defended by a sleepwalker. He will be opposed and only people who identify with his incompetence would think to call opposing that "arrogant." Being pro-competence, pro-maturity is not arrogant. It's adult, and responsible.
Get used to it. The country hates him. Hates him even worse than they hated Hillary.... BY THREE MILLION VOTES! How does that feel? Pretty hard to look at the squirrel over Hillary's shoulder when the country hates this douchebag even more, and with a disrespect he engenders that grows by the day.
Some people (even among those who voted for him) will give him a year, at most. After that, it's back to the orange crybaby planet.
Commander Crankshaft said...
Reich isn't the one saying the majority of the country doesn't matter. You are. That's arrogant."
The liberal coastal enclaves and blue oasises have been telling the heartland for a long time that flyover country doesn't matter. Now flyover country is getting its say and you don't like it.
Again, it matters not how many votes Hillary piled up in LA and NY and Chicago because that is not how the game is played.
" The country hates him. Hates him even worse than they hated Hillary.... BY THREE MILLION VOTES! How does that feel"
No, NY and California and Illinois hate him.
And that feels pretty damn great to me.
The blue collar people of Michigan and Wisconsin and Ohio and PA seem to like him.
Prior to the election, you appeared to have some sympathy for them.
Well, that was a nice act.
I digress, though. I keep responding to the sheeple here as if they actually care about Trump's policies. They couldn't give a hoot. The guy could build concentration camps and accept bribes from Putin and they'd say, "But... but... but he beat Hillary! He should get to do anything! Anything he wants!"
Sorry. Doesn't work that way. Elections stop mattering by the time you assemble your cabinet and take the oath. This guy was done before he started, the way he's going.
I know you hate the people and what they want. But they will vomit him out with prejudice and with a vengeance.
Tough cookies.
No, NY and California and Illinois hate him.
And that feels pretty damn great to me.
Right. Because the biggest economies in the country don't compare the phony patronage you pretend to pay lip service to when it comes to manufacturing.
They don't like him either. Just overlooked him to raise that issue. I don't blame them. But you, you're just a dingleberry clinger hanger-on. Don't pretend that tradesmen or manufacturers or laborers matter to you. I remember when you were going on about the supposedly high earning potential of the latest dick you were dicking around with. Those workers don't give a fuck about gold diggers like you, either.
So go pretend you're their ally. You aren't. Just another pointless culture warrior who has nothing but contempt for the working class.
The blue collar people of Michigan and Wisconsin and Ohio and PA seem to like him.
Prior to the election, you appeared to have some sympathy for them.
Well, that was a nice act.
A gold digger says what?
Look at you. Learning how to lie about your priorities just like Trump does. How cute.
The liberal coastal enclaves and blue oasises have been telling the heartland for a long time that flyover country doesn't matter. Now flyover country is getting its say and you don't like it.
They had and have absolutely no interest in the policies outlined in the video.
Trump probably doesn't either. Hell, I'm sure you don't! Republicans don't have policies. They have paid interests.
Trump was a one-trick pony to highlight the issue. The rest of his administration will now continue to be the disaster he apparently was always destined to make of it.
"At 1:52 he draws a little cock and balls" out and tucks them back into his Spiderman undies.
" I remember when you were going on about the supposedly high earning potential of the latest dick you were dicking around with."
I mentioned that I am dating an anesthesiologist. Mentioning is "bragging?" Every woman who dates a doctor is a gold digger? You're just making one of your absurd personal attacks, which have nothing to do with the matter at hand.
And you've bragged about your supposed high income. (I suppose that means that every woman you date is a gold digging whore, using your own reasoning.)
As I've said, I come from a blue collar Democrat background and understand very well why they voted for Trump. I'm also surrounded on a daily basis by upper middle class liberals who have been wailing and whining since the election. Rather than lashing out, it might behoove you to figure out why poor and blue collar whites, once the backbone of the Democrat party, have left it and why I saw Hillary signs on the well-manicured lawns of the wealthy.
Republicans don't have policies. They have paid interests.
Goldman Sachs. Green energy. Teachers unions. public employee unions.
As usual, R&B is over here <- and reality is way, way, way over there ->.
And you've bragged about your supposed high income.
I don't brag. I believe I have a responsibility.
You don't. That's the difference. And it's not one that your heroic Hillary Slayer's campaign messaged.
OpenID jdniner said...
Pass a law that hispanics . . .
You did not capitalize "Hispanics", jdiner.
Ten years in the camps at hard labor, without right of correspondence.
Goldman Sachs. Green energy. Teachers unions. public employee unions.
Gary D. Cohn. Extractive industries. Think tanks. Governors paid off by Koch.
The obvious things Lewis Wetzel doesn't know could fill a book.
R&B is just irritated from Bernie's stab in the back.
Well, dry those tears! There'll be an even better candidate for you in 2020, R&B! Just you wait and see!
I hear that she has Native American blood. Rich, too! She has plenty of her own wampum and won't need yours.
Ah, c'mon, ritmo, you're giving yourself away. Your ranting about "gold diggers" tells me you're not the high earner you have said you were, but a man seething with jealousy and angry that he is not recognized (or paid) what he thinks he is worth. So you lash out at those doing better than you.
The insidious thing about leftism is that it is spite and covetousness disguised as compassion. I don't believe you really give a shit about poor people or blacks or anybody else.
I'm also surrounded on a daily basis by upper middle class liberals who have been wailing and whining since the election. Rather than lashing out, it might behoove you to figure out why poor and blue collar whites, once the backbone of the Democrat party, have left it and why I saw Hillary signs on the well-manicured lawns of the wealthy.
Thank you so much for the lecture!
Why don't you ask yourself what Trump did differently than every other Republican to win the nomination.
Why don't you figure out how populating his cabinet with more of the graft-taking swamp drained into the Republican party will actually do any good for anyone - including his own phony campaign.
But, but, but... .HILLARY!
I get it. Is there a squirrel there, too?
Ah, c'mon, ritmo, you're giving yourself away. Your ranting about "gold diggers" tells me you're not the high earner you have said you were, but a man seething with jealousy and angry that he is not recognized (or paid) what he thinks he is worth. So you lash out at those doing better than you.
This is why you will die childless. Most guys realize that you have Trump's personality! Hell, you're doing an impersonation of him right there. Was it under 140 characters? You completely missed the point and then shifted to some idiotic chest-beating exercise. It's hard to be a woman when you're busy beating that chest. It could make your tits flabby. Maybe you're one of those MMA types. Very feminine.
The insidious thing about leftism is that it is spite and covetousness disguised as compassion. I don't believe you really give a shit about poor people or blacks or anybody else.
Hahahaha. The insidious thing about right-wing fascism is they assume everyone's as nasty and inhumane as they are.
This is why you will lose. You have no ability to relate to people. So you just slice and dice into who's "better" and who's "worse." As does Trump. The voters will soon figure this out. He's better at lying to himself than you are, though.
What a joke, what a Reich, what a furor!
"An hour a day."
People who have an hour a day to devote to politics would be better served filling their lives with something more meaningful.
"I don't brag"
Oh, sure. Aren't you noble.
OK, you have a responsibility. What exactly have you done to meet that responsibility, besides attacking conservatives online, which does not do a damn thing for any living soul and changes no minds here. I could talk about my volunteer work, but you'd just dismiss it as "bragging." You've got me - you've got us - all figured out (and yeah, you're so accurate in your assessments you initially had me down as a Hillary supporter).
It must be wonderful, to read this blog and feel such a rush of indignation, certain that you are the only honorable poster here, among all the greedy deplorables who care nothing for the poor or disadvantaged. You're just so sure of that.
It's a juvenile way of seeing the world and people, but I expect nothing but immaturity from leftists. (And as juvenile as Trump acts sometimes, he's got nothing on the Left.)
Mr..Main Street is a she? Hahahahaha! She'll die childless because she probably has too many male hormones. She/it comes across as a angry little Trumpist.
Reich is advocating for coercing the electoral college into misconduct as well as the violation of Federal law via "sanctuary cities".
Sheer arrogance..and a number of other choice adjectives.
The country hates him. Hates him even worse than they hated Hillary
This is delusional. Half the country hated her so much they won't even take part in the process. And then half that bothered to vote hated her enough to vote for him. The way I see it, he's only one third as big an asshole as Hillary, to get the win!
But I applaud your strategy and urge the next Dem candidate to focus exclusively on increasing the D totals in the popular vote. That's the ticket!
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