১৩ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৭

Nancy Pelosi: "Defunding Planned Parenthood — that's a manhood thing, you know."

Seen on CNN this evening.

I was struck by the wild hand gesture and the consequent sound of rattling jewelry. It was only when we rewound to grab the video that we heard her "manhood thing" insult.

১৮৮টি মন্তব্য:

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Those poor, insulted men.

Thank you Althouse for standing up for them against this terrible Nancy assault.

Carry on.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

I bet Mississippi and Alabama know how to make it hard for PP to exist.

Thanks to them, and Althouse.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Let Meryl Streep fund Planned Parenthood. Baby parts, and all.

Humperdink বলেছেন...

Pelosi appeared to be shaking off baby parts from those hands.

sean বলেছেন...

Meh, it's no more insulting than accusing someone of "mansplaining."

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


You F-ed up the thread.

Everybody needs to include the term "baby parts."

Didn't you see this is re Planned Parenthood?

JackWayne বলেছেন...

It's time for the government to defund Planned Parenthood, NPR, green energy and a host of other lefty wet dreams.

Mark বলেছেন...

"Defunding" Planned Parenthood.

That's a presumptuous, privileged, elitist, entitled characterization of the whole question, as if a private, already rich, organization had a fundamental right to have the government take tons of money from taxpayers to give to that organization. That's a pretty fu**ed up way of looking at it.

Whether it is this or something else, it should not be a matter of "defunding," but not funding in the first place. Actually, everyone has a right to receive exactly ZERO from the public coffers. And if the Congress did not have some totally fu**ed up system of budgeting and appropriation, it would be a matter of simply not appropriating. No one has an entitlement to any taxpayer money, much less getting rich from millions upon millions of dollars to an organization that revels in literally butchering innocent human lives.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Right. It's "The Handmaid's Tale" scenario - evil Right wing Christianist men who want to women to stay at home and crank out babies.

In reality, that's what actually happens in Muslim countries. Leftists seem OK with that.

It's not just men who have problems with selling baby parts.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Why does Pelosi care about this issue? She can't get pregnant any more than Jeff Sessions can get pregnant. Jeez.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

I'm serious. Why can't rich progressive pay for PP? Why must the tax payer pay for it?

Mark বলেছেন...

Meanwhile, there are plenty of providers who are not drowning in innocent blood that could be given the money to provide whatever non-lethal services that evil organization does.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

AprilApple said...
I'm serious. Why can't rich progressive pay for PP? Why must the tax payer pay for it?

Because if the government doesn't pay for abortions it means that they don't control the government. They see the state as an extension of their moral will.

Mark বলেছেন...

In fact, all of the "defund" proposals I've seen are simply appropriations of funds to other, better organizations than PP, organizations that are genuine healthcare providers.

Paul বলেছেন...

Pelosi can drive off with Rosie O’Donnell and Cher to Canada.

She is just a female eunuch at her present job.

Mark বলেছেন...

Why can't rich progressives pay for . . .

AprilApple, you know better than that. You know that rich progressives don't pay for their pet projects themselves, they demand that other people, less rich than they, pay for it. Progressivism is about compelling YOU to pay for their agenda.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"I was struck by the wild hand gesture..."

So was Michelle Fields, right Chuck?

chuck বলেছেন...

I used to donate to Planned Parenthood because they provided services to women I knew. Then they went loony tune left political and I stopped. I now support defunding the organization, the government has no business sending my tax dollars to partisan left wing political groups. Same thing with NPR and PBS.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

It's really appalling when the pro-abortion politicos reduce the arguments of their pro-life opponents, who are concerned with what they (the pro-lifers) consider to be a question of homicide, to such crass motivations.

Because, ya know, pro-choicers just love it when pro-lifers say that pro-choicers are just sex addicted sluts & pricks who don't want to let a little thing like murdering babies get in the way of fucking who- & whatever.

See how easy that is to do? As opposed to actually trying to think through a moral issue that pits competing moral ends against each other, an issue that divides not just people of faith but also secular moral philosophers.

But, I guess for our leaders to get up there & say that to their constituents would require actual moral leadership, instead of point-scoring. It's been a long time since we've seen much moral leadership in these here parts.

Hunter বলেছেন...

As always:

the ~40% of women who are pro-life would most likely prefer those who presume to speak for them to shut the fuck up.

Though they are probably, most of them, too polite to say as much.

Mark বলেছেন...

In the progressive version of the story, the progressive Good Samaritan sees the half-dead wretch lying in the ditch and instead of stopping to help him, goes to chase down the other two who had passed by, smashes them in the head, and then takes their wallets, screaming that they should have helped the guy. With their money in his pocket, the progressive Good Samaritan then . . . goes on his way. At the end, the guy lying in the ditch is still lying in the ditch.

Eleanor বলেছেন...

Planned Parenthood says it doesn't use taxpayer money to fund abortions. If we take taxpayer money away, they should still be able to perform them, right?

Mark বলেছেন...

Reading YH --

To be sure, there are some good faith pro-choicers, there are plenty of good and decent people taken in by pro-abortion arguments. But the pro-abortion leadership and pro-abortion advocates are evil monsters with crass motivations.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"evil monsters with crass motivations."

Well, that's the Coat Hanger Sales Association point of view.

Mary Martha বলেছেন...

On January 27 she might want to take a look out the window at the hundreds of thousands of people who march in the cold January weather to speak out for life. Many are women - most are young.

It must be scary to see all those young women who completely reject her position on this issue... but she should at least acknowledge that they exist.

Mark বলেছেন...

And let's not pretend that pro-abortionists care about women's health.

Every health and safety law regulating abortion clinics has been militantly opposed by them. If there were a law saying that abortion clinics were prohibited from using coat hangers for abortions, or from performing abortions in alley-ways, they would scream that it was an anti-choice law intended to demean and oppress women.

Mark বলেছেন...

Where is the concern about stopping coat-hanger, back alley abortionists like Kermit Gosnell?

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

And, once again, this is the sort of pissing in the face of people of faith, in this case by a woman who calls herself Roman Catholic, that was a major cause of why we're looking at a President-elect Trump.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Between Pelosi and John Lewis, they are making Donald Trump look like a statesman.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Eleanor said...
Planned Parenthood says it doesn't use taxpayer money to fund abortions. If we take taxpayer money away, they should still be able to perform them, right?

Alternatively, if Planned Parenthood got out of the abortion business, they might be able to get all the funding they'd like, for actual healthcare for women.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"Between Pelosi and John Lewis, they are making Donald Trump look like a statesman."

Good move Chuck. You'll pick up some life long R cred in these threads by going after the fussy gals and uppity blacks.

Hunter বলেছেন...

Mark said...
Where is the concern about stopping coat-hanger, back alley abortionists like Kermit Gosnell?

They claim that Gosnell is the fault of anti-choice zealots who force needed services like those he performed into the shadows.

Never mind we have an actual trail of causation from regulations > enforcement > NARAL types protesting/suing said enforcement > regulators turning a blind eye > [Gosnell intensifies]

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Between Pelosi and John Lewis, they are making Donald Trump look like a statesman."

I assume you know that, without them, there would be no president Donald Trump.

MisterBuddwing বলেছেন...

Why does Pelosi care about this issue? She can't get pregnant any more than Jeff Sessions can get pregnant. Jeez.

The logic eludes me. If not being able to become pregnant disqualifies one from caring one way or the other about the legality of abortion, then that pretty much excludes all men, doesn't it?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
"evil monsters with crass motivations."

Well, that's the Coat Hanger Sales Association point of view."

The women who went to Gosnell might have been better off with the coat hanger.

And yet, as Mark points out, pro-abortionists oppose health and safety laws regulating abortion clinics.

The quaint slogan they used to use in the '90's was "safe, legal, and rare." It turns out the only thing they really care about is "legal."

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Mike K,

Those gals and blacks needed to be sent a lesson. So y'all sent DJT to put them in their place.

Carry on.

Hunter বলেছেন...

Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
"Between Pelosi and John Lewis, they are making Donald Trump look like a statesman."

Good move Chuck. You'll pick up some life long R cred in these threads by going after the fussy gals and uppity blacks.

Poor Chuck can't get a break from anybody.

See, this is what appeasement and moderation and "civility" gets you. Were that it weren't so, but it is.

Hunter বলেছেন...

MisterBuddwing said...
The logic eludes me. If not being able to become pregnant disqualifies one from caring one way or the other about the legality of abortion, then that pretty much excludes all men, doesn't it?

Did you miss a step? That's pro-choicer logic. Men can't get pregnant, so they don't get to have opinions about how human rights are defined in early development. This doesn't explain why menopausal old ladies get to have an opinion while men don't. (Not that it makes sense generally, either.)

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

The Constitution is a guy-thing.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

So, the thread went through the "baby parts" phase, and the "Gosnell" phase.

I tossed in the "coat hanger" angle to represent the other side's hysteria.

So, as soon as we hear about crushing skulls and sucking out brains, and a dude raping the neighbor twelve year old, we can stick a fork (or whatever the medical equiv is) in this thread.

Dependable Althouse always comes through.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"fussy gals?"

Pro-choicers don't strike me as fussy. They don't fuss at all about babies left on tables to die, or baby organs for sale. In fact, some of them can laugh and eat lunch while discussing the going price for livers and brains.

PB, there's a business opportunity you can look into. Did you know you can get $300 a pop for baby skin?

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


So, how much of that covers expenses (e.g. salaries, equip, insurance, building costs, etc)? Let's say they clear 20%, so $60/murder. If someone murders 500 babies they can be the coolest lib on the block w/ a new Prius.

I can see that you've really thought that through.

Carry on.

LilyBart বলেছেন...

If they have the choice to end the pregnancy, why don't I have the choice not to pay for it?

David বলেছেন...

She's vicious. Not a bad trait for the (former) Majority Leader of the House of Representatives. She isn't holding on to power because of her great political success in recent years, but her viciousness and the institutional power of her leadership offices keep her formidable.

buwaya বলেছেন...

No, the thread hasn't done its duty until the Catholic point of view us on the table. Pelosi, allegedly Catholic, is excommunicated latae sententiae for encouraging abortions through supporting public funding for them, as per Canon law clarified by Benedict XVI several years ago.

Howard বলেছেন...

Be sure to exit the blog through the gift shop and purchase your baby parts via the Althouse Amazon portal
Baby Parts

buwaya বলেছেন...

And I thought that raping 12-year-olds was all the rage in Democrat circles, somehow mixed up with pizza metaphors. The non-pizza practice seemd to prevail among the party financiers in Hollywood, according to several reports, or perhaps with Caribbean islands. I dont know how they sort this out, seems very convoluted.

They are a curious lot, Democrats. A fascinating subject for anthropologists, if grants were available for such research.

Mark বলেছেন...

Pelosi, allegedly Catholic, is excommunicated latae sententiae for encouraging abortions through supporting public funding for them, as per Canon law clarified by Benedict XVI several years ago.

Um. No. Not at all. You really are not helping.

Birkel বলেছেন...

President Obama supports allowing babies that survive attempted abortion be allowed to die and not receive medical care from the doctors and nurses who tried to kill it, but failed.

That is one of the positions Leftists have but will not defend publicly. Good thing the MSM keeps that stuff under wraps.

buwaya বলেছেন...


Yes, at all. Lots of bishops tiptoe around this, but it seems clear enough. Lack of firm leadership is a very typical fault of the US Catholic church.
Back in the Philippines they know whats what and make no bones about it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Nancy Pelosi, may she burn in hell for insulting men. Althouse was so good to fan the flames for her guys to get the fires going. Good distraction roasting Nancy Pelosi on a day when the news that the FBI will be getting investigated and the Senate Intelligence Committee decided finally to hold hearings on the Trump/Russia connection, because enough evidence is coming to light. Nancy Pelosi's jangling jewelry and insult to men is just enough red meat and distraction so no one will have to discuss what else happened today that is far more important.

Fen বলেছেন...

In a different way than she meant, it really is a manhood thing. See, if a man chooses to have intercourse despite the risk of impregnation, and chooses to do so despite knowing that birth control is not 100% effective, society holds him responsible for the reproductive choices he made. He can be forced to support the child and jailed if he refuses. Society scorns him and labels him a deadbeat dad.

Not so with women. Women are held to a lower standard of conduct.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"Althouse was so good to fan the flames for her guys to get the fires going."

That DVR at Meadehouse wasn't the only thing being "rewound."


n.n বলেছেন...

Recognizing the intrinsic value of human life from conception, the beginning of our evolution, is a human rights thing, a moral judgment, and evidence of positive progress.

Planned Parenthood channeling Mengele... Well, that's to be expected by people of the twilight faith and Pro-Choice religion.

Is denying the evolution of human life, denying life to life unworthy (or inconvenient), embracing human sacrifice, embracing clinical cannibalism, a women's thing? For political progress?

Perhaps for the female chauvinist wave.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"So, how much of that covers expenses (e.g. salaries, equip, insurance, building costs, etc)? Let's say they clear 20%, so $60/murder. If someone murders 500 babies they can be the coolest lib on the block w/ a new Prius."

Well, the Planned Parenthood woman in that vid seemed to think it was pretty lucrative. She was very enthusiastic, talking about prices for livers and such. It's not just the skin they sell, they market the whole body. Just like an abattoir sawing up beef cattle, they don't let anything go to waste.

Fen বলেছেন...

Manhood thing. Same thing when two coeds get equally drunk and have nonconsenual sex, only the male is held responsible.

And people wonder why women still are notbregarded as equals.

Birkel বলেছেন...

What are your enlightened thoughts about the more than $10 trillion in debt Obama has added in eight years?

Answer in light of the slowest growth in the history of U.S. economy coming out a recession, stagnant wage growth and inflation in food and transportation.

Because you want to discuss important issues, entertain me.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

If there is a hot 76-year old Grandma on planet Earth, Pelosi is it.

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

Pelosi has all the viciousness, and half the charm, of a rabid skunk

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Women are such lowly creatures. Sluts, wanton creatures. It's high time they were put back in their rightful place. They get away with murder!!! Trump will put an end to that! Hail Trump!

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"Recognizing the intrinsic value of human life from conception, the beginning of our evolution, is a human rights thing, a moral judgment, and evidence of positive progress."

IVF embryos are humans. Therefore, creating them w/o sticking them in a uterus, so they can live, is murder.

Got it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Trump will shut down those fertility clinics where all those frozen little souls are at risk of being destroyed. Hail Trump!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"Althouse was so good to fan the flames for her guys to get the fires going."

Let's see, Inga, this thread contains comments expressing disgust at Pelosi written by AprilApple, Eleanor, Mary Martha and LilyBart, as well as by me,although it amuses you to pretend I'm male. As Mary Martha wrote, many, many women march in the annual March for Life.

Yet, because you are a liar, you pretend that only men are against abortion. Because a woman is not a real woman if she's not in favor of hacking babies to death and forcing taxpayers to foot the bill.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"Trump will shut down those fertility clinics where all those frozen little souls are at risk of being destroyed."

Just shutting the places down, and turning out the lights is murder. DJT needs to confiscate the little guys and gals and then stick them in women's uteruses so they can live.

DJT knows where to grab for the uterus insertions.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Any woman insulting men will be beaten first in the Althouse comments section, then dragged through Main Street by her hair to make an example of her. The women of Althouse will think long and hard about opening their pie holes in future, unless they speak mildly and respectfully and stay within the parameters of the the local group think.

buwaya বলেছেন...

IVF is prohibited in Catholic doctrine for precisely that reason. The teaching is consistent and rational, and for that matter prudential. Its not just a slippery slope leading from that, but completely predictable horrors.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

In a different way than she meant, it really is a manhood thing. See, if a man chooses to have intercourse despite the risk of impregnation, and chooses to do so despite knowing that birth control is not 100% effective, society holds him responsible for the reproductive choices he made. He can be forced to support the child and jailed if he refuses. Society scorns him and labels him a deadbeat dad.

Well why not? After all, he's just a splooge stooge.

Not so with women. Women are held to a lower standard of conduct.

Men have responsibilities and women have rights.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

BTW exile,

When all the parts are auctioned off I bet PP was making more than thousands per murder. Presumably, that's what the video and other evidence proves.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

A frozen baby for every available womb. It's only right and good. Hail Trump!

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Any woman insulting men will be beaten first in the Althouse comments section, then dragged through Main Street by her hair to make an example of her. The women of Althouse will think long and hard about opening their pie holes in future, unless they speak mildly and respectfully and stay within the parameters of the the local group think.

Who do you think we are Muslims? I don't want to enslave you...I just want to repeal the 19th Amendment. I don't even have a problem with women being elected.....just with them voting.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"A frozen baby for every available womb."

WTF are you babbling on about Inga? Are you having some sort of menopausal breakdown or is it just your usual stupidity?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

A frozen baby for every available womb. It's only right and good.

We'll call it the draft......

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Women should consider it part of National Service under the new Trump government to rescue the frozen babies. Volunteer your wombs good women of Althouse, put your wombs were your mouths are!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
Any woman insulting men will be beaten first in the Althouse comments section, then dragged through Main Street by her hair to make an example of her."

Nah, only the dumb ones. They should be put in the stocks in the public square so the rest of us can throw tomatoes at them and laugh.

Basically, though, I do that to you all the time :)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Try to keep up Mr.Main Street. We are rescuing frozen embryos here. Volunteer your womb, but that might mean laying off the male hormones for a while.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

What's this obsession with frozen babies? I suppose that what PP does to the parts after the babies are carved up. Here's a shelf in the freezer for lungs, another for brains,and so on.

Gosnell collected feet, for some reason. It amused him to keep jars of tiny baby feet.

Inga's fine with it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Maybe he liked baby toes for an appetizer?

buwaya বলেছেন...

As for the March for Life -
We see here too the fundamental disjunct between worlds.
This draws over 500,000 participants to Washington annually. And thats cold weather usually, on Jan 22. Those are motivated people.

And the news media routinely ignores it.

Consider that - if a left wing, political function drew this number, or was likely to, media coverage would be wall-to-wall. They certainly do cover much smaller functions like the San Francisco gay pride parade.

Somehow one is deemed worthy of notice, and the other not, and there are people in charge who make these decisions, to notice, or not.

The City of Dan Francisco also spends money to promote it and etc. Its a draw for visitors, and they try to get as many as possible. But Washington re March for Life?
Its treated like an invasion.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"We are rescuing frozen embryos here"

But I'm not talking frozen embryos, IngatheLiar. Neither is anybody else, including Pelosi. They're talking abortion without restrictions, which means leaving 9 month babies on tables to die, like they do in Illinois.

Calm down, dear. You're sounding even more hysterical and illogical than usual. I know how panicked you get when you're defending the right to kill babies. The anguish it causes....oh my.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"I suppose that what PP does to the parts after the babies are carved up."

That's what the video shows. And, the shelves are in a freezer w/ a glass front. Each shelf has the price for the baby parts on that shelf. Libs put money into the freezer and then they use a keypad to pick the shelf w/ the baby part they want, and the baby part falls down to the bottom of the freezer where the libs can grab the baby part. It's a Planned Parenthood vending machine.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I hope they have enough tables and volunteers set up for Operation Rescue Frozen Souls at the March for Life.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
Maybe he liked baby toes for an appetizer?"


It's a shame you didn't work for him. You would have enjoyed the work,I'm sure.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Try to keep up Mr. Main Street. We are talking about FROZEN EMBRYOS. Don't you read all the comments dearie?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Do you have any Mengele jokes, Inga? Maybe you can share some knee slappers about medical experiments he performed on Jews.

C'mon, I know you have it in you.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

No, Mr. Main Street. I'm trying to rescue the frozen babies here. This is serious stuff. Be a hero and volunteer your womb, after you're off the 'roids, of course.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Inga, the Japanese used to perform medical experiment on live American GI's, who they referred to as "logs."

Have some jokes about that?

Entertain us with your great humor about trafficking in body parts.

What about the skin the Nazis made lampshades of? Hey, that's right up your alley.

C'mon, Inga, amuse us. This is a fun topic for you.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Um, no. But you seem well versed in such information. A hobby of yours, Mr.MS?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Did you know, Inga, that Mengele collected eyeballs, just like Gosnell collected feet?

He had them pinned to a board on a display case in Auschwitz, just like Gosnell had his trophies in a jar.

Maybe Mengele had them as snacks.

Isn't that funny, Inga? C'mon, you think it's funny.

Tell us more jokes about Gosnell, who is prison for murder right now.

He amuses you.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

I know we're told that God works in mysterious ways. But, he does decided to snuff out a lot of embryos and older unborns. Seems like he could've rubbed out Mengele pre-birth.

I know, not much of a joke, exile.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

I know history Inga. Which means I know what people like you are.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Mr.MS, if you want the good men here to see your feminine goodness, you might want to soften up your rhetoric about torture and such stuff. Once you become impregnated such talk isn't god for the baby, you know.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Actually Planned Parenthood is, politically, a more prosaic bit of political corruption than that. The USG and various States fund it over the cost of its "services", and it turns around a sizable chunk of that government money to political contributions, plus acting as an intermediary for "soft money" political donors who can donate unlimited sums to PP.

And there is its function as a jobs program for people the Left would like to take care of, a traditional jobs for the lads (or the lasses mainly in this case) set of sinecures for political staff.

Just one of the really astounding number and size of these NGO/Qango groups. The Democrats have a major industry in this stuff, financing politics for its own sake. Both parties have this, but the Dems have to outnumber the Reps in terms of "professional" political employees by 100:1

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

I'm not the one making jokes about eating body parts, Inga. You are.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Also, in addition to the babies he kills, God decides to make all sorts of mutated babies. Presumably he's doing this because he works in mysterious ways.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


I think Mr.MS is getting off on her gruesome history stories. That's what those male hormone injections will do to the feminine brain. A cautionary tale.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"Seems like he could've rubbed out Mengele pre-birth."

Unfortunately, he didn't. I don't know why not. I'm not God. Neither are you.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

No, Inga, I was just giving you material so you could make more jokes. You thought Gosnell keeping feet in jars was so droll and entertaining, I thought I'd tell you a few more stories so you could really revel in the comedy of chopping up people for body parts. Which is what PP does.

buwaya বলেছেন...


Besides the Book of Job, I recommend Unamuno's "Tragic Sense of Life"

Its not for everyone, but it gets to your question precisely.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Yes, ok, sure Mr. MS. Don't get angry. I believe you.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

God does work in mysterious ways. He wouldn't approve of women becoming manly. Women need to know their place and those who haven't been blessed with babies of their own now have a golden opportunity. I'm going to volunteer to bring the wombs in from the cold childless Main Streets of America to do their God given duty to humanity.

Wince বলেছেন...

Wasn't Pelosi demonstrating with her hands how she stimulates her rich husband's scrotum as a "manhood thing"?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Nancy is getting on in the years, maybe she forgot how?

Paul Snively বলেছেন...

I'm more distracted by the sinister Joker-esque faces in the background-right. "Why so SERIOUS?"

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

PB, did Mengele, (who came from a cultured family, oh, yes, he was quite cultivated and elite) start out evil or did he become conditioned to see other people as things he could just carve up? And did he think that because it was the common view, the accepted view, even in sophisticated circles, to dehumanize others, to see them as not humans worthy of life, even when he could see the beating hearts and lungs gasping for breath?

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

BTW, what's so bad about being killed by God in the womb, anyway? E.g. re Mengele, as a pure innocent killed unborn by God, Mengele would have been hanging' in heaven today.

Really, being killed by God (or a lib doc) pre-birth is the only guaranteed trip to eternal life. You don't have a chance to screw up and earn a ticket to Hellsville.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Yes, thank God Hitler's Mutti didn't abort him.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

If all the folks that don't believe in Christ in the world had been killed by God (or a lib doc) before being born, they'd be saved.

But, God decided that they should be born so now they can all burn in Hell for eternity.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

God works in mysterious ways. Praise the Lord.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
If all the folks that don't believe in Christ in the world had been killed by God (or a lib doc) before being born, they'd be saved."

You're just dodging the question I asked at 12:49. I understand - it's an uncomfortable one. Best for you to just do what you do best - engage in sophistry.

Annie বলেছেন...

unknown is a real piece of work. You are the one joking about butchered babies and the illegal sale of their parts. I have no doubt you would have fit right in making those extermination camps efficient. Maybe make a little money selling body parts or property of the deceased. You on the left have a long sordid history of genocide. And you laugh. You are as sick and vicious as Pelosi.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ohhhhhh no. I'm volunteering to save frozen babies. I'm doing my duty.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


I thought you were going for rhetorical questions.

My bad.

So, to answer you, I don't know what made Mengele do what he did. Only God knows that.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Wouldn't you like to put your womb where your mouth is Annie? Save an embryo from being destroyed? How about it? It's only 9 months and we have millions of adoptive parents waiting.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Only two punching bags tonight? Sad!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Look at Jon here, wouldn't you want a nice little guy like Jon? Mr.MS, Annie, come in now ladies. Where are your maternal instincts?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Really, being killed by God (or a lib doc) pre-birth is the only guaranteed trip to eternal life. You don't have a chance to screw up and earn a ticket to Hellsville.

Actually it is not. In fact, until modern times, most considered it a guaranteed sentence to Hell, in a state of Limbo.

Even today, the official position of the Catholic Church is that we can only hope the unbaptized babies that die before birth are allowed into Heaven.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Save an embryo from being destroyed? How about it? It's only 9 months and we have millions of adoptive parents waiting.

1/14/17, 1:05 AM

Because once again,stupid, nobody is talking about embryos. You weren't talking about embryos when you made your foul joke about feet. Embryos don't have feet.

Annie is another woman who sees just what you are, ghoul.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

No Heaven for them. Nope. Such are the ways of God. Who are we to question?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Calm down Mr. MS. Don't get too excited.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Also, God (or a lib doc) would have been doing all rich folks a favor by killing them pre-birth, before they're rich. Otherwise they're all burning in Hell for eternity, or until camels shove themselves through needle eyes (which may be a reference to black holes).

OTOH, does a fetus of billionaires burn in hell anyway if God (or a lib doc) kills it pre-birth. Assuming that the fetus's parents had already legally carved out a big chunk of dough for them? Technically this unborn would be rich, so that means a one way trip to Hell.

Sheesh, being rich sucks.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

C'mon, Inga, more jokes! Some more body part humor! Butchering human bodies is hilarious to you!

You can do stand up at the local Parenthood! Entertain the staff on their lunch breaks!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Mr.MS, to be clear,
Because you are very dense and slow in the uptake, I was mocking YOU with my comment about baby toes after your gruesome comment about baby feet in jars. It's you who seem to have a penchant for gruesome minutiae. You are truly an odd chick/guy.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


Is there a workaround for rich folks?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
Calm down Mr. MS. Don't get too excited."

Sorry, dear, making jokes about butchering children upsets me a bit. I know you find it a delightful lark but actual human beings don't make jokes about such things.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

No, Annie told the truth about you. You'd fit right in as Menegle's assistant.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe বলেছেন...

It is a Libertarian thing.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Nurse Inga, RN!

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Life is filled with Celestiall Secrets, things we are too human to fathom. Maybe all will be revealed in the next four years.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

PB, you question God quite a bit.

You don't seem to spend any time whatsover questioning yourself.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ok, sure Mr.MS, you are a warrior. Now calm down, we're all just discussing life's mysteries here.

Steven বলেছেন...

Anyone who opposes giving the NRA millions of Federal dollars for gun-safety classes is in favor of accidental shootings killing kids.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Take a lesson from Mr.MS. Be more introspective.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Life is tough when you lose your Prozac connection after you've built up such a tolerance.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Jon knows, take his word for it, Mr. MS.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Jon, do you have any good advice about Mr.MS's testosterone use? Talk some sense into her?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

She could volunteer her womb, what a waste.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

"Big" girls don't cry.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


Every now and then I see a transient that's talking to themselves. I don't hang long enough to know if this is self chit chat involves questions. But, it's never occurred to me to emulate this self conversation thing, regardless of the content of the self jabber.

Do you converse w/ yourself?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"Take a lesson from Mr.MS. Be more introspective."

Yes. You might try it too, Inga. Although I can see why introspection would terrify you - looking into your soul would be like looking into a bucket of shit.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Not muscular girls either, they just rage. Ask Mr.MS.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Uh oh, MrMS is getting angry again. Sheesh girl, your moods swing pretty fast.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Bucket o' shit.
Rings true.

নামহীন বলেছেন...


Maybe you'd make a good match for MrMS!? You'd bring out her inner female, huh?

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

If I ask myself a question, how could I not already know if I know the answer to the question? And, if I do know the answer, why would I ask myself something I already know? What a waste of time. If I don't know the answer why would I bother going through the process of asking myself a question that I already know I don't know? Again, wasting time.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Punchin' bags gotta stick together.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

No one wants to punch you Jon, don't be frightened.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


I think you should hold off on asking yourself questions when you want to learn something new. Since it's new to you, you'll need to look elsewhere for the answer. Likewise, don't bother asking yourself questions that you already know the answers to. That's just a waste of time.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Hey, make some more stupid jokes.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Profound thread tonight! Thanks one and all for the enlightening discussion and gals think about that womb of yours, it's just crying out to rescue a frozen baby soul. Nightly night.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Entertain me.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

PB: more boring sophistry, PB. Well, nobody here expects anything else from you - or thinks you are even capable of anything else.

walter বলেছেন...

Everyone needs to get their minds back to when Sandra F(l)uk aligned pregnancy with disease...

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

I think they come here for the abuse.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Hullo walter, you young scamp.

walter বলেছেন...

It was a..semenal..moment.

walter বলেছেন...

..without allusion to semen of course.
A rather spontaneous affliction..

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

It's a Man's Man's Man's World (1966)

donald বলেছেন...

She can all herself anything she wants. Doesn't make it so.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I think she is bordering on dementia lately, if not already past the event horizon. Why the Democrats don't replace her is beyond me.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Oh, I just read PB&J's comment. It figures that the leader of drooling idiots would be a drooling idiot.

HT বলেছেন...

I heard it the first time. Strange to make a fuss about it.

Fortunately for the short term, it seems people are not going to lose their health insurance:

Republicans have never voluntarily funded an Obamacare program. ...out-of-pocket health care costs for low-income participants... a GOP target since 2014 when House Republicans went to court to argue the White House funded it unconstitutionally. Republicans were exultant last May when the Federal District Court for the District of Columbia ruled in their favor, even though the payments were allowed to continue pending an appeal.

Now, though, several Republican sources say they will have no choice but to appropriate the money. With President-elect Donald Trump and top lawmakers vowing a smooth transition to a new plan, they can't blow up Obamacare until they enact a replacement.

Energy and Commerce Chairman Greg Walden (R-Ore.) wants to see the program funded “one way or another," he told POLITICO. “If you don’t, the plans have the ability to cancel midyear, and we said we wouldn’t pull the rug out from under people — and we shouldn’t.”

Cutting off the money mid-year, “would be disastrous” for the state’s insurance market and those covered by it, Utah Gov. Gary Herbert wrote House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Friday, urging Congress to fund the subsidies until year's end.

“As we work to re-craft healthcare in our country, we must be careful not to increase the rate of uninsured, particularly for our most vulnerable citizens,” Herbert wrote.

HT বলেছেন...

"I bet Mississippi and Alabama know how to make it hard for PP to exist."

It's still in Birmingham.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I heard it the first time. Strange to make a fuss about it

I can't imagine why anybody would care when a powerful person refuses to listen to them, but simply otherizes them and pathologizes their thoughts and values. But I am not a Democrat, I guess that's just how Democrats roll.

MayBee বলেছেন...

chuck said...
I used to donate to Planned Parenthood because they provided services to women I knew. Then they went loony tune left political and I stopped. I now support defunding the organization, the government has no business sending my tax dollars to partisan left wing political groups.

Same here
They have become a Democratic Party money laundering scheme, like public unions.
And even though I am pro-choice, I hate it that PP and most of its supporters simply refuse to see any merit in the pro-life stance.

Swede বলেছেন...

I like how hyperbole has replaced argument and refutation by the resident lefties.

It's the only tool people have who realize they're powerless to stop what's coming.

damikesc বলেছেন...

Defunding PP is the right thing to do. There are far more clinics that actually help women's health and aren't simply abortion mills.

We see here too the fundamental disjunct between worlds.
This draws over 500,000 participants to Washington annually. And thats cold weather usually, on Jan 22. Those are motivated people.

And the news media routinely ignores it.

Consider that - if a left wing, political function drew this number, or was likely to, media coverage would be wall-to-wall. They certainly do cover much smaller functions like the San Francisco gay pride parade.

You will see PRECISELY that on 1/21.

unknown is a real piece of work. You are the one joking about butchered babies and the illegal sale of their parts. I have no doubt you would have fit right in making those extermination camps efficient. Maybe make a little money selling body parts or property of the deceased. You on the left have a long sordid history of genocide. And you laugh. You are as sick and vicious as Pelosi.

Unknown is trying to do "biting sarcasm". She's just terrible at it.

damikesc বলেছেন...

I like how hyperbole has replaced argument and refutation by the resident lefties.

Hey, they also used to try smearing others with "racism/sexism". They've blown out a lot of their arguments.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Hey, they also used to try smearing others with "racism/sexism". They've blown out a lot of their arguments.

Yeah, I wonder what's going on right now, with so many people so impossibly spun up. I guess they were able to dismiss any criticism or dislike of Obama as racism, so they truly think nobody else can know their pain in watching their candidate lose an election. They think nobody else can understand the fear that policies you don't like will be enacted.
The empathizers have no empathy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

AprilApple, you know better than that. You know that rich progressives don't pay for their pet projects themselves, they demand that other people, less rich than they, pay for it. Progressivism is about compelling YOU to pay for their agenda.

I know.

Why I'm shoving it back. No Proggies, YOU pay for it.

CStanley বলেছেন...

Watched the clip without the sound to see the hand gestures. It reminded me of Hillary's shimmy, though slightly less cringeworthy. Both gestures seem like a phony sisterhood thing.

damikesc বলেছেন...

People get mad when I say actual empathy is impossible. Nobody can really comprehend how others feel. Pretending is pointless.

I've told Hillary supporters that I was I was equally as upset when Romney lost. He was the most qualified person to ever run for the WH. They don't get it.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

I've told Hillary supporters that I was I was equally as upset when Romney lost. He was the most qualified person to ever run for the WH. They don't get it.

I'm not a Hillary supporter but I don't get it, either.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Lower-case chuck says: I used to donate to Planned Parenthood because they provided services to women I knew.

I hope that doesn't mean what it implies, chuck. ;-)

Rusty বলেছেন...

This is a waste of time.
I see the usual suspects have gone all Ethel Merman.

damikesc বলেছেন...

I'm not a Hillary supporter but I don't get it, either.

We had a guy who, for a huge part of his adult life, was really good at salvaging disasters. He turned around effectively dead companies. He managed to turn around a disastrously bad Olympics bid. He was noble, good, decent, and charitable.

And he was slammed, smeared, and defeated. I took it kinda hard seeing a person I truly respected losing to an incompetent buffoon who sucked his first 4 --- and, even more ,his second 4 --- years in office.

All of their rioting because a corrupt woman with a life-long record of failure was not any greater than my disdain that an incredibly well qualified and decent man got shat on by people not qualified to sniff his boxers (Reid, Harry). I just didn't riot and spend months whining about how unfair shit was.

They act like Hillary is the first candidate to lose an election to somebody they deemed to be an inferior candidate.

However, given that the Dems haven't actually accepted a Republican electoral win without these shenanigans since 1988, it's the norm.

Real American বলেছেন...

PP is a political organization. It doesn't need public money.

n.n বলেছেন...

Actually, taking responsibility for your actions, the welfare of a new [wholly innocent] human life and her mother, is the moral climax of manhood. The progress of abortion rites and clinical cannibalism (e.g. Planned Parenthood's Mengele division) represents the depths of human morality and rationality, the height of weirdness and depravity, and the progress of liberal abandon.

Perhaps we can cannibalize Planned Parenthood, preserve the viable parts, and abort the divisions with trans-human charters.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

n.n, I agree that there are parts [no pun intended] that could be used. I volunteered at a PP clinic many years ago, assisting the OB/GYNs [also volunteers] with pelvic exams, etc. for women who couldn't afford to see a doctor. But, then, abortions were illegal. It's truly and literally a shame what it has become.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

I realize that the above is not a pun but I wasn't sure what to call it.

Martin বলেছেন...

If protecting human life is a "manhood thing," to be contrasted with not protecting human life being something else, well, yeah.

Fen বলেছেন...

Proof that we are not living in the Let's deranged narrative of Trump Nazis taking over the country?

Planned Parenthood staff are not hanging from trees.

n.n বলেছেন...


It's all a pun. Planning. Parts. Rites. Equality. Part of a living language, I suppose, that distorts reality to meet expectation.

I thought Planned Parenthood was an abortion chamber since its inception? I guess they do a good job of isolating their services, which gives hope to removing the sclerotic organs without aborting the corporation.

Fun. So surreal.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

buwaya: Just one of the really astounding number and size of these NGO/Qango groups. The Democrats have a major industry in this stuff, financing politics for its own sake. Both parties have this, but the Dems have to outnumber the Reps in terms of "professional" political employees by 100:1.

I have a young cousin, idealistic and liberal (as one tends to be at that age), who went to work for a "non-partisan" non-profit as her first post-college job. Great learning experience - in hypocrisy, corruption, and class stratification.

First thing learned: they treated the employees like absolute shit, and demanded cult-like loyalty for crap salaries. (Lobbied to have themselves exempted from overtime rules, among other things, 'cause they're like, special.) Second: these progressive champions of the people would recruit only from top-tier schools - they told my cousin quite explicitly that the kids who actually had to earn a living and whose SJW vocations could not be bankrolled by their wealthy parents were "just not a good fit" with their organization.

Now, my young cousin has a very good brain, and she figured out pretty quickly that all the "non-partisan" SJW lobbying that she was ostensibly hired to do (and occasionally allowed to pretend to do), was pretty much a front for fund-raising/money laundering for Dem candidates. Lots of money.

She quit and went to work for an investment bank.

Marc in Eugene বলেছেন...

Mary Martha, Mrs Pelosi might want to look out her window, so to speak, at the tens of thousands of people who will be in San Francisco for the 13th annual Walk for Life West Coast next Saturday, the 21st. I suspect she won't. [http://www.walkforlifewc.com/]

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Anglelyne says: I have a young cousin, idealistic and liberal (as one tends to be at that age), who went to work for a "non-partisan" non-profit as her first post-college job. Great learning experience - in hypocrisy, corruption, and class stratification.

First thing learned: they treated the employees like absolute shit, and demanded cult-like loyalty for crap salaries. (Lobbied to have themselves exempted from overtime rules, among other things, 'cause they're like, special.) Second: these progressive champions of the people would recruit only from top-tier schools - they told my cousin quite explicitly that the kids who actually had to earn a living and whose SJW vocations could not be bankrolled by their wealthy parents were "just not a good fit" with their organization.

Now, my young cousin has a very good brain, and she figured out pretty quickly that all the "non-partisan" SJW lobbying that she was ostensibly hired to do (and occasionally allowed to pretend to do), was pretty much a front for fund-raising/money laundering for Dem candidates. Lots of money.

She quit and went to work for an investment bank.

I have a nephew who is an investment banker and works entirely for animal rights organizations. Believe me, a lot of money goes into these activist groups.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

I was struck by the wild hand gesture

It's like a hand job

if my cock was over my right shoulder

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

One of the problems with feminism is that it is too woman-centric. In our fight over abortion, for instance, feminists often cry, "It's my body, it's my choice!"

There's no baby in that rhetoric.

There's no father in that rhetoric.

Every pregnancy has a mother, and a father, and a child. We can't see the child (unless we look at an ultrasound) and we often can't see the father (unless he's standing right next to her, or there's a ring on her finger). If she's alone right before us, all we see in front of us is a pregnant woman. But because she is pregnant, we know there are relationships that go with her. We know there's a man (somewhere), and a maybe-baby in her uterus.

Feminism wants to discount those two things, the "deadbeat dad" and the "fetus." and just have us focus on the woman and her needs. But, ironically, many women prize their relationships. Many women love babies, for instance. Many women also love men and would like a relationship with a man. Women like families and always want to create families.

So feminism is a bit weird, this woman-ideology that seems to have a highly individualized, kind of masculine view of the world. If you've ever wondered why so many woman refuse to identify as a feminist? It's probably because they like men, and babies.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Meryl Streep prefers the term "humanist" and on this point, she is exactly right.