२९ जानेवारी, २०१७

Kellyanne Conway: "If you are part of team Trump, you walk around with these gaping, seeping wounds every single day, and that's fine."

That was on Fox News Sunday this morning.

We may finally have the answer to that "blood coming out of her whatever" mystery. There are gaping, seeping wounds!

Now, what's this all about? The moderator, Chris Wallace, was questioning her about Steve Bannon's attack on media, which was:
The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while... The media has zero integrity, zero intelligence and no hard work.  You’re the opposition party.  Not the Democratic Party.  You’re the opposition party.
Wallace asked her if she knew how offensive it is to tell the press to shut up. Conway said she knows Bannon and his point was the need to listen before speaking. She complained about everyone jumping on her phrase "alternative facts," last week when she went on 3 Sunday shows. They cherry-picked those 2 words to make her look bad instead of how she'd "ripped a new one to some of those hosts" on many other issues.
Not one silly political analyst and pundit who talked smack all day long about Donald Trump has been let go. They are on panels every Sunday. They’re on cable news every day.... I’m too polite to call them by name. But they know who they are, and they’re all wondering, will I be the first to go?...  They embarrassed, they failed to protect their shareholders and their board members and their colleagues.

And yet we deal with [them] every single day. We turn the other cheek. If you are part of team Trump, you walk around with these gaping, seeping wounds every single day, and that's fine. I believe in a full and fair press.  I’m here every Sunday morning. I haven't slept [in] in a month. I believe in a full and fair press. But with the free press comes responsibility. And responsibility is to get the story right. Biased coverage is easy to detect. Incomplete coverage impossible to detect. That’s my major grievance, is the media are not -- they’re not giving us complete coverage.

President Trump has signed all these executive orders this week. He's met with these heads of states. He's done so many things to stimulate the economy, to boost wages, to create jobs. Where's the coverage? 
Wallace had to end it there. Kellyanne said "thanks" and "It's been fun." Wallace said, "And let me say, you didn't rip me a new one." She agreed and added: "I talk like a Jersey girl sometimes."

Kellyanne Conway is, indeed, a "Jersey girl." She was born Kellyanne Elizabeth Fitzpatrick in Camden, New Jersey to a father of Irish ancestry and a mother of Italian ancestry. Her parents divorced when she was 3, and she grew up with her mother, grandmother, and 2 unmarried aunts. That's a lot of New Jersey Italian women.

They lived in Waterford Township, New Jersey, which is in a part of south Jersey I am very familiar with. I lived in northern New Jersey for 5 years before I went to college, but then, because my father's job moved from NYC to Philadelphia, my parents moved to a place less than 10 miles down the White Horse Pike from Waterford Township. It was quite an experience to have to go home for the summer to that strange part of the country. One summer I worked at the White Horse Diner. Maybe I waited on the 3-year-old Kellyanne Conway when I was 19.

५८ टिप्पण्या:

Michael K म्हणाले...

I thought she did a terrific job on FNS and Wallace looked a little shell shocked at the end.

Lucien म्हणाले...

I don't get the gaping, seeping wounds (which sounds a little oxymoronic)idea.
Has Conway been realy hurt by what the media critics say? It doesn't look that way, and I'm not sure that's a message she wants to send. Likewise I don't know that she wants to say that others on Team Trump have been cut to the quick either (like that fragile flower Steve Bannon). So why did she say it?

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Chris Wallace is a sanctimonious, smarmy, pretentious, giant walking dick who only tries to make people look bad and put words into their mouths. Where it says punchable face in the dictionary....his face is the one they should use. The sound of his voice makes me ill. I would only watch him if it were the part where he gets run over by a car. Should I be more clear?

(Reposted for punctuation purposes)

David Begley म्हणाले...

The hypothetical and plausible Althouse-Conway connection.

It was a remarkable and revealing interview. If we didn't already know, we now can see why Trump hired Conway and Bannon.

The press is trying to set this up as a war of them versus Trump. All of the MSM outlets are spinning this as a war they ALWAYS win. Jake Tapper quoted Nixon, "Maybe I should have been nicer to the press." Nixon. You know, the guy the press took down and they still celebrate that to this day.

Well, times have changed. The American people have a very low opinion of the press these days. Low credibility. At the Trump rallies I attended Donald always attacked "the dishonest media" and it always brought big cheers. Always. Today there is an alternative to the MSM and the Althouse blog is part of the alternative.

I also noted Conway's point as to why no media figures have been fired after the election. I start with CNBC's John Hardwood. I could name 50.

Tom Friedman of the NYT was hysterical today on MTP. He pulled out his iPhone and noted that Steve Jobs' biological father was a Syrian immigrant. Tom, I'm fairly certain that guy immigrated legally about 60-70 years ago well before Syria was a failed state engaged in a civil war. The MSM thinks we are stupid. We aren't.

Birkel म्हणाले...

Like listen before claiming EOs say things they don't actually say?

Shame on Cannon for encouraging press restraint.

PURPLE ELEPHANTS, punks. All the cool kids are.

The press is defending itself. It is self-aware. It is fighting back. Fighting as if it were on the other side. Like an enemy. Average people notice.

grackle म्हणाले...

The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while... The media has zero integrity, zero intelligence and no hard work. You’re the opposition party. Not the Democratic Party. You’re the opposition party.

It’s called reality and America now has an administration and a leader with advisors that recognize and understand reality. Trump is in the process of castrating the MSM. And the MSM is helping him. They are helping him to make them almost irrelevant. Trump is using them like the whores they are.

Wallace asked her if she knew how offensive it is to tell the press to shut up.

Fake outrage is almost as fun as fake news!

Wallace said, "And let me say, you didn't rip me a new one."

Wallace is NOT one of those street and crib whores like the losers on Morning Joe. Wallace offers a more subtle, high end fuck – so the fact that Kellyanne didn’t openly call him a cunt serves as a recognition of his higher status. But he’s still a whore.

Bob R म्हणाले...

She may have been born in Camden, but she grew up in the far southeast corner of Camden county. Atco, home of the drag strip, next to the Wharton tract. She's a piney.

rcocean म्हणाले...

I'm loving Conway. Now, all Trump has to do is replace Spicer with Coulter and I'd be happy.

rcocean म्हणाले...

As a Westerner, I've never understood the contempt for "Jersey" but it obviously exists.

Lucien म्हणाले...

There was a headline on Slate saying that Trump had "All Lives Matter"'d the Holocaust.

Perfect headline, since to the Slate folks, saying "all lives matter" is racist and stupid; and they don't see that to the people who elected the President it seems proper and obvious.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

Wallace asked her if she knew how offensive it is to tell the press to shut up.

Shutup Wallace.

Birkel म्हणाले...


She has not been hurt. She does want to encourage press behaviour like that we have witnessed recently. If the press thinks she is wounded they will persist.


tcrosse म्हणाले...

I got your press right here.

Hagar म्हणाले...

I would like to add to Mr. Bannon's words that the press should not only shut up and listen, but also think a little before they start yapping.

grackle म्हणाले...

Martha Raddatz(who sobbed plaintively on air on election night as she realized Trump was going to win) to Kristen Soltis Anderson, a panelist, on This Week:

“But so should he[Trump] be moving this fast?”

So much fun, listening to these idiots whine. Trump doesn’t fart around for years before he gets down to business and this trait is VERY threatening and upsetting to the Talking Whores on the Sunday Morning Fuckfests.

wildswan म्हणाले...

I think KellyAnne might have been modeling the correct response to the existing situation. Trump supporters have to live with Trump-Hitler accusations piled on top of having had to listen to Bush-Hitler accusations. There are people who think it's glorious to unfriend a Trump supporter. There are students on campus, 18 year-olds, who are being treated as social pariahs for being a Republican. She is encouraging these people to rise above their immediate reactions.

You see, these days liberals think that being criticized practically causes genetic damage or causes a sociopathic level of anger. They think that all soldiers all sociopaths for this same reason. But if we look at Ghandi or the civil rights movement or the real life of soldiers we see that facing opposition or facing danger can lead to a deeper level of moral commitment, a level without which nothing will change. You can't really speak the truth to an unjust power without walking away wounded but you don't have to run away forever.

BTW - The Dems in my opinion have run away. They are allowing a black genocide, they allow a huge black unemployment rate which causes black poverty. In this century we have to win back jobs, fifty or a hundred at a time. Cities have to be business friendly or lose the last jobs. But Dems won't stand up and say that to their power structure, to the unions, because the hard left runs it all and shuts them up. And they give in. The Dems "coulda been a contender" in the 21st century but it's less likely every day. Mainly because they are too busy squealing over a blister from a a scorching Trump tweet, the squeals hiding silence about the lost jobs of the workers and lack of a plan for a restoration of the American workers' jobs. "Keep American jobs in Mexico because free trade" isn't working.

YoungHegelian म्हणाले...


Trump is using them like the whores they are.

It is just so wrong to compare the news media to whores.

Whores actually provide a useful social service.

rcocean म्हणाले...

The Press confirms our contempt by always talking about themselves - because they're obviously the most important people ever, ever.

I have no doubt that if tomorrow Trump was ask for declaration of war on Iran AND attack the MSM, the MSM would would make the attack on the Press the No. 1 story.

rcocean म्हणाले...

BTW, NPR just called Breitbart a "white nationalist Website" - which it isn't. Hope Breitbart is suing them.

Fernandinande म्हणाले...

White Horse Diner

"The rumor that the President would veto the bill is reported to have come from a high White Horse souse"

David Begley म्हणाले...


Defunding NPR is going to be a joy.

The libeling of Bannon is amazing! And he is a Georgetown and Goldman Sachs alum.

Kevin म्हणाले...

"The Dems in my opinion have run away. They are allowing a black genocide, they allow a huge black unemployment rate which causes black poverty."

And they get away with it by claiming structural racism by white people who all vote Republican.

campy म्हणाले...

Maybe I waited on the 3-year-old Kellyanne Conway when I was 19.

If you claim you remember her and that she left you a rude note in crayon instead of a tip you could go viral!

Comanche Voter म्हणाले...

Before she's done, Kellyanne Conway is going to rip a new one for a lot of people. You go girl!

Shane म्हणाले...

We grew up in Turnersville, right off the Black Horse Pike before moving to Haddonfield. My Dad worked his life in Runnemede, before being appointed to the Superior Court bench in Camden. Our grandparents lived in Paulsboro. For one of my school jobs, I worked at Cooper Hospital in Camden. The only place my car was ever broken in to because it didn't seem paying to park was worth it. And what's the worst that could happen parking in the streets of Camden at night?

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Kellyann wore her Bull Fighter's Red outfit today. And she put on a magnificent matador fight for an hour. The head Fox bull shitter lost every charge he made at her.

n.n म्हणाले...

No, "blood coming out of her whatever" refers to unbridled reactions (e.g. blind rage, acute phobia).

holdfast म्हणाले...

"There was a headline on Slate saying that Trump had "All Lives Matter"'d the Holocaust."

Yeah, that was a bit of a mess. I suspect Hope Hicks, not an intellectual giant, did a little quick internet research and ended up copy some typical lefty / "diversity is our strength" mush.

Phil 314 म्हणाले...

I like Conway and Wallace. At this point I wonder if any of the reporters from the major outlets actually read the EO. Wouldn't that be the appropriate place to start?

What's surprising is what's Not in it like the names of the 7 countries (that's in a previous Obama administration action) nor the word "muslim".

roesch/voltaire म्हणाले...

Kellyanne Conway is just engaging in "truthful hyperbole"about the results of the first amendment..Bit really we must ignore the media and depend only on Trump tweets and Kellyanne if we are to learn the truth.

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...

White Horse Diner on the White Horse Pike? [heh where else would it have been]

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...

MSM is mostly full of non-religious, smug, not very smart assholes yet they want to be treated like they are part of some special, anointed group. F em.

And what DBQ said at 12:14PM.

cf म्हणाले...

I totally get what the esteemed Ms. Conway is saying: every day, in every way, NPR and NYt etc. work very hard to leave Bannon, Conway, and the rest of the Trump team bloodied, alone and defenseless on the field of battle.

It is an extremely effective smearing in this JournOlist era: remember when all that came out? Remember the rant to throw some political enemy "through a plate glass window, rhetorically speaking"? The courageous Kellyanne and far-sighted Steve face that every few minutes.

It is a massive force to contend with, this MSM-monster

So I cheer Saint Kellyanne and Saint Steve and Saint donald, the monster-slayers, go go go.

n.n म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Michael K म्हणाले...

Wildswan knocked it out of the park.

Poor R/V who thinks the public is going to be sympathetic to these assholes.

You know the old joke about a plane crash on the border ?

Well, Kellyanne was burying the survivors.

I especially like that she looks like my very smart grand daughter. She is the one on the left and the oldest.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

rcocean said...
"As a Westerner, I've never understood the contempt for "Jersey" but it obviously exists."

That's because the inhabitants of NJ are so close that they come to NYC as citizens, not as tourists. And there is no one more insular than the people who moved to NYC as soon as they could get out of the American hellholes they grew up in.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

Here is Karen Hinton (somehow it seems appropriate to call her "little Karen Hinton"), writing in the NY Daily News;

"Normally people hesitate to compare any violator of human and civil rights on a grand scale to Hitler for fear of minimizing what Hitler did."

Yeah, normally they hesitate exactly as long as it takes to find the caps lock. And you will never guess what Lil' Karen does in the next paragraph. All this in an article headlined "Obama, you need to come home". She wants her Prezzy back!

It is occurring to me that what we are witnessing is the demise of the buggy-whip industry. What Steve Bannon appears to miss is that these people blither for a living. If they shut up, they will have no income. They'll starve!

Or, maybe he does understand that.

FredwinaD म्हणाले...

Kellyanne is from Atco. She's a true South Jersey girl. As another South Jersey girl, I love her. She's got balls.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

It is interesting to ponder the phenomenon of Kellyanne Conway. It is hardly credible that, immersed throughout her adulthood in the mechanisms of American politics, she somehow came to have a political philosophy identical in every detail with that of Donald Trump. But she certainly does not give the impression of someone dutifully promoting someone else's agenda.

Biff म्हणाले...

Jupiter said...It is interesting to ponder the phenomenon of Kellyanne Conway. It is hardly credible that, immersed throughout her adulthood in the mechanisms of American politics, she somehow came to have a political philosophy identical in every detail with that of Donald Trump. But she certainly does not give the impression of someone dutifully promoting someone else's agenda.

Actually, it's extremely credible. A culturally blue collar kid from Jersey grows up to pursue a career broadly in the political space, and she finally finds a politician who understands - and does not denigrate - the culture of her childhood. Forget her adulthood for a moment: I'd wager that she was "immersed" throughout her childhood in political philosophies very close to that of Donald Trump. She's a grown-up; she knows that she doesn't have to agree with everything that her boss says in order to do her job and make a difference, as long as the boss is on target with the things that are most important to her. Working for Donald Trump may be like coming home.

Unknown म्हणाले...

What a whiner Kellyanne is. We deserve respect! Um, no you don't.

Dude1394 म्हणाले...

Bannon is 100% correct. Listening to the media crying about beibg criticized is rich. If they were not so dishonest they might get some respect and have some integrity. They are lazy, unintelligent, uncurious and only interested in supporting their political party. Screw them.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Blogger Karine said...
What a whiner Kellyanne is. We deserve respect! Um, no you don't.

Trolls eat dinner ? I thought you had left. How is the pay ? Minimum wage ?

Hagar म्हणाले...

Chris Wallace is a Manhattan penthouse liberal Democrat born and raised, and intelligent and well-disposed as he is, he still just do not get it when he meets anyone outside that frame of reference.

Thus on today's show, note how he went arguing with Conway about just about everything she said - sometimes ridiculously so, as when he got shocked that Trump had threatened to do something that would harm the Mexican economy, that being the point of the threat. ("Straighten up your act Nieto; we can hurt you worse than you can hurt us!")

But with Durbin, it was just one softball after the other, and whack! out of the park, with no arguments or follow-ups because Wallace just could not see anything out of the ordinary about anything Durbin said, regardless of how thick it might sound to one of us.

David म्हणाले...

The White Horse Diner has some seriously low prices and pretty good reviews for the food and service. Wish it were near me. But we have Waffle House so it's not all bad.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

the inhabitants of NJ are so close that they come to NYC as citizens, not as tourists.
They're still part of the Bridge and Tunnel crowd. Jersey might be like a borough of NYC, but it's a outer one.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil म्हणाले...

Blogger Karine said...
What a whiner Kellyanne is. We deserve respect! Um, no you don't."

She successfully managed a presidential campaign - the first woman to do so. What have you done?

Karine is clearly another one of the Mean Girls, like the dumb ditz who sneered that Melania Trump can't speak English, when in fact Melania speaks 5 languages.

Merny11 म्हणाले...

Karine is only impressed with women who murder their babies and shout vulgarities at people. Women who cherish their families, work hard and don't demand free tampons not so much.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Kellyanne was burying the survivors.

Burying survivors is much more fun.

The White Horse Diner serves prime rib. Sounds good to me. A bit tony for a diner, what?

bgates म्हणाले...

He pulled out his iPhone and noted that Steve Jobs' biological father was a Syrian immigrant.

Speaking of smart phones, Samsung had a model that started blowing up. Not all of them, maybe 50 or so. And Samsung announced they were going to stop selling the things until they figured out what was causing the problem. Can you imagine? A million perfectly good phones! All because a few dozen were starting fires. They hadn't even killed anybody. I guess Samsung took the position that the phones weren't as important to them as the well-being of their customers.

Likewise, Trump is taking the position that the immigrants aren't as important to him as the well-being of his fellow citizens. Unfortunately, while it's uncontroversial to make a corporation incur a tremendous expense to slightly reduce the risk of death to its customers, it's considered racist to make non-citizens' lives worse to slightly reduce the risk of death to our citizens.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Women who cherish their families, work hard and don't demand free tampons not so much.

Not sure what that means, but speaking of free tampons this placard was seeing carried in the Wimin's March Hares last week. We have met the enemy, and they be dumb.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"That's because the inhabitants of NJ are so close that they come to NYC as citizens, not as tourists. And there is no one more insular than the people who moved to NYC as soon as they could get out of the American hellholes they grew up in."

That may be true of much of northern NJ, like Wayne, where I went to high school, but where Kellyanne Conway lived is very different. It's outside of Philadelphia, and it's much more depressing. The young people who lived around there were not upwardly mobile at all.

My parents didn't live there too long. My father took early retirement and they moved to Florida, near my sister.

I nearly lost my mind going there to live in the summers of 1970 and 1971.

n.n म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
n.n म्हणाले...


Perhaps something in addition to a human life is sacrificed during an abortion rite. We should probably stop the rituals until we can determine if there are any "collateral" losses. You know, assess the content of their character, before and after the rite.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Sorry, I have zero respect for Kellyanne, and I'm not buying the "she's just a brash Jersey girl, isn't that wonderful?" stuff. She suggested that pundits and commentators who did not fall in line and unrelentingly praise her boss, Mr. Trump, should be fired. If they remain on the air, she feels it is perfectly acceptable to insult not only them but all journalists and commentators, as both Steve Bannon and President Trump have done. This is beneath the dignity of the White House. And so many of you are cheering it on. That is dismaying, to say the least.

Bannon should be at every National Security Council meeting but the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff should be optional? That's definitely bizarre. Spicer championed the move, saying Bannon is ex-navy. Well, yeah, my neighbor is ex-navy and I have a dear friend who is a former Seal. I don't want either of them sitting in on National Security Council meetings and offering their input. Sorry!

Jupiter म्हणाले...

ellamentary said...

"She suggested that pundits and commentators who did not fall in line and unrelentingly praise her boss, Mr. Trump, should be fired."

Ella, you must not have gotten the memo. We held an election, and we decided that "pundits and commentators" are no longer an American nobility, with special rights, privileges and prerogatives. If they want to ride, they can buy a ticket, like everybody else. So, yeah, if they shit on the carpets, they don't get invited to the next party. They're assholes. They should get an honest job.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

Ann Althouse said...

"That may be true of much of northern NJ, like Wayne, where I went to high school, but where Kellyanne Conway lived is very different."

I wasn't trying to explain Conway, I was trying to explain the contempt New Yorkers feel for those from NJ, having seen it closeup my self. It's really just the contempt New Yorkers feel for everyone on Earth, except that the "bridge and tunnel people" don't stare at the skyscrapers and take taxis to the museums, like the rest of the rubes. They don't think Manhattan is the only place a reasonable person could stand to live, they think it is an inconvenient but lucrative place to work. That really steams the people who schemed for years to get there and are paying most of what they earn for the right to spend the night there.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

ellamentary said "I'm in agony from the pressure of the vacuum between my ears!" Sorry sugar, here's a breath mint, pretend it's an aspirin.

KAC, obviously, did not say that media people should be fired for disrespecting candidate and President Donald Trump. They should be fired for incompetence: for not understanding and objectively reporting the phenomena that were occurring, and for completely getting the election wrong, and for learning nothing since.

I'm going to be kind and credit you with low intelligence instead of mendacity. But I am prepared to embrace the healing power of "and."