Rounding out the female entourage — in addition to Tiffany — was Caitlyn Jenner, dripping fringe and displaying side-boob.
But I want to concentrate on the little speech Trump gave, his last pre-President speech. I was a bit critical of the remarks he made, earlier in the evening, at the feet of the statue of Abraham Lincoln. I said it was too partisan, with the bragging about the campaign and the polls. Some of it was fine, and I'm looking forward to hearing the Inaugural Address, which I hope turns out to be if not appropriate in the standard way at least some new kind of Trump appropriate — Trumpropriate.
The post title is from the text of last night's dinner speech, and now I'm reading the whole thing, live-blogging my reading. Go to the first link to find the full text. I'm just picking out things I want to talk about:
That was some big victory, some victory. And records were set that haven't been beaten since Ronald Reagan from the Republican side.That's how he begins, partisan and bragging about winning. And a bit incoherent. If you haven't beaten Reagan, you haven't set a record.
The next time, four years from now, the next time, we’re going to win the old-fashioned way, we’re going to win because we did so well, because it was so overwhelming the thing that we did, because it was so beautiful how great our Cabinet … has performed.He's visualizing the presidency as a run-up to the next campaign, but at least the campaign consists of doing a great job and deserving reelection. It's good if he's saying: So far it's been all talk, and thanks for trusting me, but I know now I really have to do what I said, and I want you to judge me by that. That's old-fashioned democracy, not this newfangled whatever it is I just did that you let me get away with. You people are weird, but I love you, but I'm going to try to do what's right — make America great, as I said — and you can shape up and make a reality-based judgment next time, you crazy nuts.
Next, Trump focuses on his cabinet — "the likes of which has never been appointed" — specifically, Sonny Perdue, picked for Secretary of Agriculture. Trump interviewed 10 other people who were all "politically correct," and they were all "I'm really wanting the job." But he said to them: "Let me ask you a question, do you have any experience with farms or agriculture... have you ever even seen a farm?" And "They said 'well, no sir.'" But Sonny:
A great farmer. He loves the farms, knows everything about farming, he knows the good stuff and the bad stuff.He thanks various people and calls out to family members, then has a big section on Reince Priebus:
Nobody knew how to pronounce his name, it's a crazy name. Reince Priebus."Crazy" is a go-to adjective for Trump. Used 4 times in this short speech.
Now everybody pronounces his name right. He's a star. He had a problem because he sort of liked me, he thought I could win and Phyllis Schlafly, the great Phyllis Schlafly, she's a great woman, was a great woman, passed away six months ago, she came out against all of her fellow conservatives and said, "I am not endorsing anyone else but Donald Trump."I get it. You like Reince. Good old Reince. Everyone knows how to say "Reince" now. "Reince" and "Priebus." We know those words. Know what they mean and know how to say them. What a great, great man. And Phyllis Schlafly. Hard to say that too. What's with the "L" after the S-C-H? Wasn't that enough consonants in a row? You had the S and the C and the H and you said, oh, no, that's not enough consonants yet. We need another one! How about an L? Gimme an L. I need an L before A FLY. Remember Obama and the fly? He just caught a fly. Killed a fly! With his hand! I'm germophobic. I won't be killing a fly with my bare hand, I can tell you that. I'll be doing a whole hell of a lot more than killing a fly with my... You know my hands are just fine. They are fully potent, full-sized and fully potent, but I'm not going to be killing flies like Barack Obama. We are going to get things done. We're going to make America great again. Great. Like Phyllis Schlafly. A great woman. Phyllis Schlafly. She died, you know, a while back, but not before endorsing Donald Trump. The great woman would not endorse anyone but Donald Trump. She went through hell. Reince went through hell. Reince and Phyllis. Fantastic, fantastic people.
Reince had the same thing. Reince was taking tremendous abuse. I want to thank Phyllis, she went through hell. She turned [out] to be right. Reince sort of, I always felt he favored me. Reince is fantastic.
He has been an unbelievable leader and he had to win because if he didn't, it was over. He would have been fired. We would have fired you, Reince.
He is an unbelievable leader, an unbelievable talent. He's been my friend and he's been with me from the beginning.
Trump indicates that he's heading in for a landing. He's "just finishing up." This isn't supposed to be a big speech:
The big one is tomorrow at around 12, OK.Around 12, OK. Some people squirm at this unneeded vagueness, but the Constitution provides that the current President's term ends at noon. That's automatic. There's no swearing out. Trump has already been declared by Congress as the winner of the Electoral College vote. So I believe Trump is President at noon. He's required to take the oath, but the precise timing of the oath is not a matter of constitutional law. The key is that he take the oath before he executes any power.
Back to the speech.
We had a couple of things today. Arlington National Cemetery, it was so beautiful, so many people. It was incredible. So we went there and we laid the wreath with Mike and it was beautiful.In transcript, this looks like a second grader was required to write a paragraph about his school field trip. The adjective shortage glares: beautiful... incredible... beautiful.
Then we went to Lincoln Memorial and had a concert and we thought it was a small concert and tens of thousands of people came. They've never had so many....Martin Luther King Jr. had 250,000 people there in 1963. That's nothing to let slip your mind. You can say he was referring to a different category of events, not every crowd that ever gathered in that location, that he only meant crowds that came for inaugural concerts. But it's inelegant to brag about the crowd for the concert in that space that ought to be regarded as sacred. Especially right after talking about Arlington National Cemetery.
Tomorrow seems to be the big one. I made a speech tonight at the Lincoln Memorial in front of all those people and all of those live television cameras, which I had. A couple of them are starting to get honest, though. I thought it was a very good speech and they're saying "doesn't matter tonight, how will he do tomorrow."So this is criticizing the news again. You have to puzzle out for yourself what "them" refers to. The closest thing to an antecedent for that pronoun is "cameras." It's interesting to see that Trump found time to monitor the media and take note that he's being dumped on again. But maybe he's just guessing. He's guessing right.
Tomorrow we have a speech. It may rain, it may not rain. I don't care, it doesn't matter. If it really pours that's OK because people will realize it's my real hair and that's OK. Might be a mess but they're gonna see it's my real hair.... Come here Kellyanne. There is no den she will not go into.She's going up next to him. In his den. He's a lion. With that hair.
When my men are petrified to go on certain networks, I always say "Kellyanne would you do it?" and she says "no problem" and she gets on and she just destroys them. So anyway, thank you, baby.That's some "baby" — stronger than all the men. He loves her. He expresses love. You can just start calling them "baby," and when you're President, they let you do it. You can do anything. Oh, but I'm joking. It's not just anything. He's acknowledging greatness in her, greatness like his own, greatness beyond that of any of the men, other than him. All that, and then "baby." Trumpropriate.
Trump brings it in for a landing on very familiar ground, the story of his victory. "As you know, it was going to be the single greatest defeat in the history of politics...."
And, finally, he ends with his slogan — "We are going to make America great again" — with the augmentation also heard at the end of the concert speech: "Greater than ever before."
UPDATE: I'm live-blogging the inauguration in the next post.
१३२ टिप्पण्या:
Great new word invented by Althouse: Trumpropriate.
Beautiful and crazy.
America greets the First Trumpvirate, and is grateful for the lack of an I, having been served a surfeit of them these last eight years.
What's with the "L" after the S-C-H? Wasn't that enough consonants in a row? You had the S and the C and the H and you said, oh, no, that's not enough consonants yet. We need another one! How about an L?
Whadda ya got? S-C-H-L-O-N-G-E-D !!!
How quickly they forget.
Crazy, baby. Trumpilicious.
My dad were laughing like crazy. He does not care and Chuck Schumer (After just watching him on CNN) sure is talking big. It's as if he has no idea what his chain smoking effeminate Marxist has wrought.
"What's with the "L" after the S-C-H? Wasn't that enough consonants in a row? You had the S and the C and the H and you said, oh, no, that's not enough consonants yet. We need another one! How about an L? "
Phyllis Schlafly won't be schlonged by Chuck Schumer.
"Phyllis Schlafly died six months ago, and right now she's going through Hell."
the full triumvirate of Trump women
Manly women.
Prof. Althouse: thank you for your continuing translation efforts, like a UN interpreter of a wild orator running off in a strange tongue, his speech impenetrable to all but a handful of specialists in what was thought a dead language: Street Queens.
A beautiful job, beautiful. You killed it.
Is it really "side-boob" when it's the center cleavage? Isn't side-boob is from the armpit side?
"America greets the First Trumpvirate, and is grateful for the lack of an I, having been served a surfeit of them these last eight years."
You must be completely unaware of Donald Trump...have you been shipwrecked on an island? The Donald is all about "I", everywhere, all the time.
I've lived long enough to see a number of presidents and their speaking style.
Eisenhower used to mangle his words and some thought he did so on purpose to be obscure when he didn;t want to be too clear about what was going on.
Nixon was a stiff and even his supporters knew it. My first vote for president was for him in 1960. Kennedy was a distant relative and my family was upset that I voted for the other guy. I had seen sensible girls I knew at college go to a Kennedy rally on campus and come back as "jumpers." Those were the girls at Kennedy events who would keep jumping up and down to see and be seen. It was no wonder he set records in the screwing department.
Carter was a scold.
Reagan was a wonderful speaker with an endless repertoire of jokes, sort of like Lincoln who also used them to illustrate serious points.
Both Bushes were crummy speakers.
Clinton was good but you quickly realized he was lying 75% of the time.
Obama was an empty suit who read a TelePrompTer well. The serious parts of his philosophy were a mix of Bill Ayres and Rev Wright.
Trump is a phenomenon. I didn't take him seriously at first.
I am not a Trump supporter but I am intrigued at the steady progress he is making toward success. I have been a fan of Angelo Codevilla’s characterization of America’s Ruling Class.
The recent collapse of Republican Congressional resistance to the left’s political agenda as noted in the surrender of Paul Ryan to the Democrats in the budget, has aggravated the Republican base and its frustration.
And so it went. Maybe he really is a reincarnation of Andrew Jackson. Jackson made some serious mistakes, like the United States Bank. I hope Trump does what he promised and I think he might just do it.
Exciting times.
Great America Day One.
And the CIA boys are already raining on his parade with more fake news releases of MCarthyite slanders. But their day will come. DJT has friends too. The Shadow Deep Government guys are now down to 6 ways to destroy him left, per Schumer. The first 2 were duds.
As for Conway, anyone who does not love her is the stone hearted one.
Cookie does not know that all presidents are egomaniacs. It was Alan Greenspan who said the only "normal man" he saw in the presidency was Ford. And Greenspan went back to Eisenhower.
It's a Beautiful Morning
I saw Trump's speech at the Lincoln Memorial yesterday evening, and if there was anything at all in it not purely genuine, grateful, and straight from the heart I couldn't spot it.
Of course, those virtues may differ from what various listeners may think his talk ought to have been. But I think it achieved its purpose at the time.
"Is it really "side-boob" when it's the center cleavage? Isn't side-boob is from the armpit side?"
It's the side of the boob as opposed to the top, the normally exposed part or the so-called underboob.
Wish that I'd missed that Jenner link.
"Cleavage" isn't the right word when the breasts are not pressed together to produce a "crack" line. What you've got here is a cut-out revealing a part of the breast not usually seen. I'm happy to give up the word side boob and leave that for the side of the boob that's by the arm, but what's the other word? "Innerside boob". "Frontsideboob"? Maybe if we don't give it a name it will go away.
Trumptastic, trumpcellent, trumpsational!
That's how he begins, partisan and bragging about winning. And a bit incoherent. If you haven't beaten Reagan, you haven't set a record.
It's not a "bit incoherent", it's completely incoherent, if not an outright lie. What records were broken? Other than losing the popular vote by a record amount.
Hooters? Really, men always notice the existence of breasts as an invitation to partake, and a single open button is all that it takes. Flirting is a sport, and hint of breasts revealed is a power move along with a hint of legs.
Men must be strong.
Record crowds.
Record media hatred.
Record coming back from the dead numerous times.
Record comeback in the polls.
Record amount of fake news from the FAKESTREAM media.
Record amount of the degrading comments from lifelong republican Chuck.
Then we went to Lincoln Memorial and had a concert and we thought it was a small concert and tens of thousands of people came. They've never had so many....
Why does he lie about such trivial matters that can easily be dis-proven? He is pathological.
Just like the picture of him writing his inauguration speech at the concierge desk at Mar-a-Lago.
The Donald is all about "I", everywhere, all the time.
I do note a difference in his speaking when he's talking about himself, and his abilities, (You're right then -- lots of "I"s) versus what he wants for the country -- at which point there's a lot of We -- and I think it's a communal We, unlike Obama's royal We.
"Ann Althouse said...
"Cleavage" isn't the right word when the breasts are not pressed together to produce a "crack" line. What you've got here is a cut-out revealing a part of the breast not usually seen. I'm happy to give up the word side boob and leave that for the side of the boob that's by the arm, but what's the other word? "Innerside boob". "Frontsideboob"? Maybe if we don't give it a name it will go away."
No need to make it go away. Unless it's on some dude. Which in this case it is.
Dontja need a boob or breast tag on this now?
I thought his words were fine. This is not a formal speech, it's few words at a celebration of their victory over evil.
This whole post smells of "trying too hard."
Not your best.
I may actually watch the inauguration, and I never watch that sort of thing. That speech will be important (or as important as these things are; let's face it, the left does not care what Hitler says).
-Ivanka is so, so elegant, always. I could look at her all day
-Melania looks both masculine and wide-hipped at the same time in that dress; not a good choice
-Poor Mrs. Pence in her church dress getup looks so dowdy next to the supermodel, but I'm sure she doesn't mind
-Tiffany's dress is lovely
-WTH is that Jackie Evancho person wearing?!
Inauguration Schedule of Events
The next few years are going to be a hoot. So much satire and comedy.
Trump Budget Plan to Privatize PBS
PBS is where Trumpland watches those lovely Brit programs like Downtown Abbey for free. Ah, you're now going to have to pay for it. And, even less culture from those nasty liberals.
Orange Don "You will not be forgotten".
Think he already has.
Give with one hand. Take away a lot with the other hand.
And, make sure the forgotten don't see the bait and switch. Tee hee.
Althouse rides again.
Great form, Madame!
Breasts are so that men can keep track of where the women in the room are.
If you want more than keeping track, start exposing parts. It only works if not everybody does it, of course.
A visible nipple bump ruins the effect. Revealing needs concealing as well.
"And the CIA boys are already raining on his parade with more fake news releases of MCarthyite slanders. But their day will come. DJT has friends too."
"WASHINGTON — American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials and associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump, including his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, current and former senior American officials said.
The continuing counterintelligence investigation means that Mr. Trump will take the oath of office on Friday with his associates under investigation and after the intelligence agencies concluded that the Russian government had worked to help elect him. As president, Mr. Trump will oversee those agencies and have the authority to redirect or stop at least some of these efforts.
The F.B.I. is leading the investigations, aided by the National Security Agency, the C.I.A. and the Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit."
And let's not forget the Senate Intelligence Committee is investigationg also. That makes 5 federal agencies, not just the CIA. Too bad the Pentagon nixed Trump's plans for a parade complete with missles and tanks, just like old Soviet/ Russian parades. They rained on his parade too. God might even decide to rain on his parade today. But it'll give Trump a chance to prove his hair is really his.
Trumpland must be nuts if they think any non-partisan words during the Orange Don's inaugural speech will have any validity to NotMyPresident country.
We know a con-man when we see one.
That there should be showers for the inauguration seems appropriate.
I communicated with a Russian on the air just last summer.
The lefties are in a growing panic that might just result in a crying jag about noon.
It's amusing to see the lefty try to look intellectual while misspelling the evidence of her brilliance.
"PBS is where Trumpland watches those lovely Brit programs like Downtown Abbey for free"
It's Downton Abbey, sweetie pie.
Hope hope hope. You have a lot of hope.
From Russia with love. "In Trump we trust". Be careful Putin, might get jealous.
"Moscow (CNN)Money, the saying goes, can't buy love. But $10,000 will buy you the perfect Donald Trump inauguration keepsake -- a coin with the words "In Trump we trust.""
This is all well and good today, but we cannot call him Emperor Trump yet, not without the Pope's Decree. And if the Argentine Jesuit charges too much, he can always cut a deal with the Russian Orthodox guy who is the successor to the Byzantine Empire's Caesaropapism.
Thinking about this historic day it occurred to me that Omaha cost Hillary the election. She spent more time and money chasing Omaha's one EC vote than in all of WI and MI. Mook!
Let's talk about a speech by a man not yet president.
Let's not talk about the actions of the president banning this or that, regulating to and fro, imposing his whims on the rest of us, exercising his Will to Power.
What lovely man. I am pre-missing him already. I want to miss him fully and soon.
"It's interesting to see that Trump found time to monitor the media and take note that he's being dumped on again. But maybe he's just guessing. He's guessing right."
I watched MSNBC for awhile last night. Did you know Trump includes family (Ivanka, Jared, etc.) in meetings so they can tell Trump arterward what was said and what it all meant? A la Bush's Brain. And Trump is in it for the money. That's why he ran; to make more momey. We are doomed.
Had to turn it off after awhile. It was depressing. I actually felt sorry for these people.
"Innerside boob". "Frontsideboob"? Maybe if we don't give it a name it will go away.
There's no question the correct term here is "man boob".
No gunfire. That's what I am hoping for today at the Inauguration.
I hoped for the same at Obama's.
Yesterday's speech at the Lincoln Memorial WAS a partisan speech because he was speaking directly to the crowd of partisan supporters and to the military presence that was also there. Why not? It is Trump's and, more importantly, his supporters' victory night. Hoo Hah! Whiskey for my men and beer for my horses!!!!
Tomorrow...or rather today, I would expect the speech to be more inclusive, general and one that would be a call to unite and to get to work to fix this hot steaming mess that the United States has become.
I was more amused during the Lincoln Memorial ceremony by the antics of Ivanka's little girl who seemed to be running around with a smart phone in her hand. The exasperated parental looks on Ivanka and her husband's faces was priceless. Just like the looks you would see in a deplorable family in a deplorable restaurant when their kid is acting up. Like: Grrrrr I want to yell at you but everyone is must maintain decorum See...even the high and mighty can be brought down by a willful child. It made me laugh.
As a Constitutional Law Blog, this is a tipping point Day that rescues and preserve the United States Constitution.
Celebrate: We can keep the Second Amendment. We can keep due process of law and jury trials.We can keep a Balance of Powers in a three Branch government by which we bargain and govern ourselves through 1+ 435+ 9 People. Not One President using Illegal Orders.
I await Tom and Lorenzo's critique.
>>PBS is where Trumpland watches those lovely Brit programs like Downtown Abbey for free.
He's going to defund PBS! Just like Hitler!
PS: I think you aren't quite clear on the definition of the word "free"...
"those lovely Brit programs like Downtown Abbey"
It's good to start the day with a belly laugh.
"Trump Budget Plan to Privatize PBS"
I don't know how much of this article to take seriously (I hope a lot), but it always amuses me that people are shocked that cutting the budget requires spending less money.
That's what all that past red ink means child. Less spending in the furture. And the furture just knocked on the door.
ARM - your corrupt gal lost! LOLOLOLOL!
Hillary is a loser! I'm so happy. I was never happy about Trump, but that's OK. I'm happy that Hillary lost and the corruptocrats have descended into madness.
Downton vs Downtown. Yeah, you got me there.
While Trumpland spends thousands of dollars on guns, the nasty leftie liberals invest their money in education, property, stocks and so on ... So, whether it is Dems or Reps in power, the liberals still make out like bandits.
Keep buying guns Trumpland coz' it makes you intelligent. No, seriously it does.
Trump's predecessor could read a great speech off a Teleprompter, I'll grant you that, Althouse. Ttump works in hyperbole and if you don't like hyperbole you're in for a long eight years. Sort of like the rest of us dealing with the past administration.
Liberals invest in education? LOLOL. NO. Progressive corruptocrats invest in Teachers Unions.
The first thing Obama did as president was to destroy the DC voucher program as a pay back to his teacher union donors. A voucher program that helped lower income minorities escape failing government run schools.
I know you want to place a halo on your corrupt democrats, Inga. Perhaps a hollywood studio can produce your fakery.
A scene from the White House today --
A phone rings:
Hillary: "Hello"
Trump: "Knock, knock"
Hillary: "Who's there?"
Trump: "Not you"
The National endowment for the Arts was founded in 1965, as was the National Endowment for the Humanities.
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting was founded in 1967.
PBS was founded in 1969.
How ghastly that Trump wants to take us back to the mid-1960s - a time before the arts existed!
Corruptocrats lie and waste money. Hence - Trump.
Wait, SNL is doing Thursday night shows again? You have to admit Alec Baldwin sounds just like Trump here, except more so.
Ann Althouse said...
Maybe if we don't give it a name it will go away.
Tis a consummation devoutly to be wished, and Jenner out of the public eye with it.
" Unknown said...
Downton vs Downtown. Yeah, you got me there.
While Trumpland spends thousands of dollars on guns, the nasty leftie liberals invest their money in education, property, stocks and so on ... So, whether it is Dems or Reps in power, the liberals still make out like bandits.
Keep buying guns Trumpland coz' it makes you intelligent. No, seriously it does."
This sums things up about your comment.
Yesterday's speech at the Lincoln Memorial WAS a partisan speech because he was speaking directly to the crowd of partisan supporters and to the military presence that was also there.
Explain to me why it is appropriate to give a partisan speech to military members.
Unknown: "PBS is where Trumpland watches those lovely Brit programs like Downtown Abbey for free."
Well, we know one lefty who doesn't watch Downton Abbey, don't we?
The best part of today? All the over the top asserted faux "excitement" and "happiness" from the lefties who are really really really happy this has all turned out this way!
Hooray! Lefty 38-dimensional Chess!!
The things the left tells themselves!
The guns don't lose their value when the market goes down.
"Why does he lie about such trivial matters that can easily be dis-proven? He is pathological."
If any serious Democrat had thought to ask this about Hillary, we wouldn't be talking about Trump today.
AprilApple said...
ARM - your corrupt gal lost!
Good to see bat-shit crazy is here to make a fool of herself again. She supported everyone other than Trump in the primary and even days before the election was still claiming that Trump was Clinton tool designed to throw the election to Hillary.
Unknown: "Downton vs Downtown. Yeah, you got me there."
No, we didn't get you. Reality did. I'm betting its not the first time.
Oh look, it's not!!
Unknown: "While Trumpland spends thousands of dollars on guns, the nasty leftie liberals invest their money in education, property, stocks and so on ... So, whether it is Dems or Reps in power, the liberals still make out like bandits.
Keep buying guns Trumpland coz' it makes you intelligent. No, seriously it does."
Is there anything, literally anything, that you get right?
"Why does he lie about such trivial matters that can easily be dis-proven? He is pathological."
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor".
Why did Obama repeat that so many times when he knew it wasn't true and the bill had already been passed.. I'd love to know the answer to that. Easy answer is "He is pathological", though it's probably deeper than that.
Kellyanne Conway's Inauguration Day dress is reminiscent of an officer's uniform for the Continental Army, almost is if there was a revolution and she was on the side that won.
ARM: "She supported everyone other than Trump in the primary and even days before the election was still claiming that Trump was Clinton tool designed to throw the election to Hillary."
He hasn't taken the oath yet and I read at buzzfeed that Trump was seen petting a pretty white pussycat this morning.
Personally, I'd be on the lookout for sharks with lasers.
Large, luxurious lasers! Like the kind you see on "Wonton Abbey", eh Unknown?
Just wait until Unknown gets a look at the pilot episode of "Pontoon Abbey"! It's going to be huge.
Freder Frederson: "Explain to me why it is appropriate to give a partisan speech to military members."
First of all, it was with military members standing by in a crowd. They were in attendance. Explain to me how you plan to impose whatever rule you have in mind for when military members might hear a speech. (Your comment was inane.)
Now, explain to me how your new rule would apply these many years later for all the speeches Obama has given. (Your comment was stupid.)
If you loved Bernie Sanders you will love the upcoming season of "Kowtow Abbey", a story of a man, living (insert "the voice")In A World Where Hillary And The Dems Hack Their Own Primary Campaign This Man Finds Peace In Assuming The Designated Role Of Primary Patsy To The Chosen One!".
It too is going to be huge.
I understand Steve Bannon acquired the Rights and is Exec Producer!
You remember Steve Bannon, don't you? Strategist extraordinaire. What do you suppose he has been working on? I can assure you that will be huge as well.
Are you telling me we are finally going to get sharks with frickin' laser beams? If I had known that I would have voted for Trump like the dead and illegals voted for Hillary! Twice!!
"As many as 500,000 people are expected to descend on the US capital for the Women’s March on Washington the day after Trump’s inauguration, joined by as many as 1.5m more marching in support in 161 cities across all seven continents."
More people are protesting against Orange Don than attending the inaugural. #Resistance begins at noon today. Trumpland has no idea what is coming down the road.
Ratings, ratings, ratings.
Like the kind you see on "Wonton Abbey", eh Unknown?
Is that the Chinese spin off of that series? Is there ANYTHING the Chinese won't appropriate. /sarc
Being that I live in Trumpland. (Yes. California but the red portion of that state which went overwhelmingly for Trump). I will weigh in on Inga's claims.
1. I get my Downton Abby and other fine British shows through Netflix. I highly recommend Last Tango in Halifax.
2. We have plenty of guns. It is ammo that is the issue.
Any other Trumpland concerns we can clear up for you?
PBS is where Trumpland watches those lovely Brit programs like Downtown Abbey for free. Ah, you're now going to have to pay for it. And, even less culture from those nasty liberals
In England, Downton Abbey was on tv with advertisements and everything. (ITV, not BBC).
I remember the last liberal freakout about PBS, saying Mitt Romney wanted to kill Big Bird. And then Sesame Street moved to HBO
I say the whole Caitlyn Jenner transition is part of an elaborate hoax. "She"' will explain how the transition didn't make "her" any happier and transition back.
I say the whole Caitlyn Jenner transition is part of an elaborate hoax. "She"' will explain how the transition didn't make "her" any happier and transition back.
Arm - I wasn't the only person to feel nervous that Trump was in it to hand it to Hillary. Hillary herself wanted to face Trump and her left-wing cabal in the media made damn sure he won the primary so she could face the supposed weakest candidate.
At this point, all that matters is that YOUR side, your corrupt liars, they lost - ARM.
Note to lefties: If you go beserk everytime Trump engages in hyperbole (greatest, best, most) you are going to wear yourselves out.
UnknownInga: "As many as 500,000..."
This is another way of saying "decidedly fewer than the headline number but the MSM is spinning more FAKE NEWS in the hopes of buoying Leftist Collectivist hopes".
I will take the under and only wish to know how to place my bets.
Left to Trump - run please run!
Unknown: "#Resistance begins at noon today. Trumpland has no idea what is coming down the road."
Oh. That starts today? Today? Not yesterday or anytime prior? Today.
Yeah, we haven't seen anything yet!!
(Someone is channeling Keith Olbermann...and if you haven't watched one of his hilarious "broadcasts" from his parents basement you have got to watch one! They are fantastic!)
Blogger AprilApple said...
I wasn't the only person to feel nervous that Trump was in it to hand it to Hillary.
You have even crazier relatives?
It appears that the dem #Resistance kicks off today with the diabolical "Michael Moore Buffet Monopolization" stratagem.
#Brilliant and #LessFilling!
ARM: "You have even crazier relatives?"
That has long been my line and I'm sticking to it.
I'm not sure anyone ever manages to convey how much fun it must be to be Trump. Juanita Broddick and Paula Jones both in attendance, Jon Voight as kind of a has-been celebrity, but also Angelina's dad and surely with some cool factor. Daily Mail: "House Speaker Paul Ryan turned out with his wife, Janna, and Juanita Broaddrick and Paula Jones, two of a handful of women who have accused Bill Clinton of rape, were also there." How can that not be a hilarious sentence? Surely we can all re-read it from time to time and have a laugh to cheer ourselves up?
I don't agree with everything he says, I wish he wouldn't speak quite so off script, I wish he had acknowledged Lincoln and MLK Jr., in light of what continues to be said about civil rights and how Trump is somehow opposed to them. Caitlyn Jenner is probably now the most famous trans-gender person, up there with the Wachowskis; Jackie Evancho's sister is trans, if that's the right way to put it. Yet trans people along with the whole LBGT etc. community is supposed to hate Trump because ... he talks as though there was nothing wrong with the U.S. in the 50s, with Jim Crow laws, laws about sex, hypocritical and conformist middle-class art, etc. I keep thinking of Sinatra. The 50s were pretty good for guys like that. Are they supposed to be up at night worried about people for whom things are not so good--about all such people? Sinatra did a lot for civil rights. Trump seems to have genuine concern about substantial groups of Americans who need help. Controlling the border should help with employment for the lowest-paid people, it may help with crime and drugs. He mentioned the inner cities--which have been governed mostly by Democrats, and have been getting worse. Yes, he can be defended from a number of unfair attacks, and it must just be a kind of pure, unadulterated fun to be Trump. Praising Kellyanne for her undoubted skills and toughness--the qualities he kept saying were lacking in his opponents, then saying "baby." Incredible, and there's something great about it.
BTW ARM, whatever came of your "Sailboat as Life learning" idea for you and your daughter?
I thought it was brilliant then and I still do. I hope you have done something along those lines.
It was good of Obama's staff members staying on, as Trump administration can't get their act together. Great start!
"It was good of Obama's staff members staying on, as Trump administration can't get their act together. Great start!"
This was a theme on MSNBC last night. It's as if they have no self awareness. Hold the confirmation vores, Dims!
Drago said...
I hope you have done something along those lines.
We go on shorter trips over summer but we have not just taken off. I have a job that makes it difficult to take a prolonged time off. It is sad that I won't be able to do this until I retire, when she may have a job of her own and I may be too physically frail.
Cookie does not know that all presidents are egomaniacs. It was Alan Greenspan who said the only "normal man" he saw in the presidency was Ford. And Greenspan went back to Eisenhower.
I think wanting to be president requires a certain level of sociopathy.
The Donald is all about "I", everywhere, all the time.
Unlike all the politicians that have ever existed before...
I hope you are not frail so soon. If I believed in luck I would wish it for you.
Went to the linked article to look at the photos. Notably missing were all the usual showbiz drones, thank God. Present were a lot of the people who actually accomplish useful things in this country.
when she may have a job of her own and I may be too physically frail.
Work at staying strong, then. And I do hope you get to sail with her.
Russia celebrating Trump.
They are holding an all-night party at what used to be the main Soviet-era post office in Moscow where they will showcase their favorite prop, a triptych of Putin, Trump and French Front National leader Marine Le Pen.
Konstantin Rykov, a former pro-Putin lawmaker and one of the event's promoters, said on social media it was right to celebrate the first phase of the "New World Order."
"Washington will be ours," he quipped.
Obama is a gifted public speaker, but my attention tends to wander when he speaks. From the sonorous to the soporific is but a step. Trump's way of speaking is garbled and wandering, but you pay attention and he gets his points across. I'd rather have Obama give my eulogy and Trump sell my condo........Melania is strikingly beautiful, but there's something alienating about her good looks. You only see women that beautiful in glossy fashion magazines. Ivanka is extremely good looking, but there's more of a human quality to her beauty. She's more relatable. Kelly Anne Conway is good looking for Washington. I don't mean that as a put down. She's attractive, but that's not how she makes her living.......I see the differences as similar to those between professional, college, and weekend football players. The pros play at such a level that they're playing a different game. The college players are superlative but in a comprehensible way. The weekend stars execute most plays well, but they're not untouchable.
@Althouse, David Gelernter wrote a perfect response to your observations back in May:
"It's as hard to respect Trump as it was to respect Bill Clinton. But there was more to Clintonism than the sex-predator, and there is far more to Trumponianism than a vain, loud-mouthed vulgarian who talks like a 6-year-old. Trump is a vessel in which some part of a nation's outrage has collected—and it's the outrage, not the vessel, that deserves respect. Respect the wine, not the glass."
Think of that when someone tries to suggest that Gelernter is less than intellectual.
Explain to me why it is appropriate to give a partisan speech to military members.
Because your side hates the military, despite what they say, and military members know this.
ARM: "We go on shorter trips over summer but we have not just taken off. I have a job that makes it difficult to take a prolonged time off. It is sad that I won't be able to do this until I retire, when she may have a job of her own and I may be too physically frail."
I am glad you have a chance to get out when you can. Good luck on finding an opportunity for something more substantial in that regard.
MackM: "We go on shorter trips over summer but we have not just taken off. I have a job that makes it difficult to take a prolonged time off. It is sad that I won't be able to do this until I retire, when she may have a job of her own and I may be too physically frail."
I see MackM is busy on the job in puffing up the, far beyond their actual capacity.
It is striking how the left has handed a massive global propaganda victory to Vlad and his boys and the Russians didn't even ask them to!
MackM: "It was good of Obama's staff members staying on, as Trump administration can't get their act together. Great start!"
This mini lefty talking point will have a shelf life of about 72 hours and then it will be on to some other #FakeNews.
Not to worry. Exec Orders coming soon to take you mind off the preliminary talking points and you can get back to how the Republicans want to reintroduce segregation and murder of the elderly. You know, the dems bread and butter.
I note ARM than you have no response the the fact that it was YOUR side the pushed for Trump. LOLOLOLOLOL.
"Hillary herself wanted to face Trump and her left-wing cabal in the media made damn sure he won the primary so she could face the supposed weakest candidate."
ARM, how much money would it take to sail off with your daughter for 6 months?
You could promise to provide a daily report on your comings and goings and fund it via a GoFundMe drive and market it as "A Man, (not a Reasonable Man!) His Daughter And The Sea"!
I'd contribute.
I have a job that makes it difficult to take a prolonged time off. It is sad that I won't be able to do this until I retire, when she may have a job of her own and I may be too physically frail.
My once in a lifetime thing was racing my sailboat in the Transpac Race, That required at least three weeks off. I knew I could only do it once and so made a movie of it. I watch it every once in a while.
As much as I loved my work, there is no one who regrets missing a day of work. I took my 16 year old son on the trip. When he was applying to college two years later, he was asked to write an essay on his most significant experience. He wrote it on sailing to Hawaii.
The high school counselor asked him if he really wanted to go to college. He thought it should be about a peace march or something.
He's a lawyer now. He still sails and is a fan of Gavin Newsome so you would probably like him.
Maybe AlthouseBlog could provide a platform for your daily reports.
Hey, just spit-balling here.
A clip of that sailing movie if anyone is interested.
The most interesting thing so far is no pardon for Hillary. Maybe that's the deal Lynch presented to Bill on the airplane on the tarmac in Phoenix, we won't indict Hillary, but no pardon either.
" Ivanka is extremely good looking, but there's more of a human quality to her beauty. She's more relatable."
It's simple. You can tell one has brains. Not that Melania is dumb, but she's never really been excpected to be any more than just a beauty.
"Republicans want to reintroduce segregation and murder of the elderly. You know, the dems bread and butter."
Don't forget starving children to death. It's one of the three major tenets of the GOP platform!
I want ARM to Make Sail-blogging Great Again!
I personally starved two small children, killed a puppy and hospitalized three elderly women just this morning.
I'm getting my walloping ARM ready for the next four years as a prison camp guard.
@Known Unknown, all Slovenians are very smart. If we weren't smart, we'd have been born elsewhere. Like Serbia or Croatia. Bleh! Mi smo najpametnejši.
Barack is thinking, "Another 35 minutes and I'm free! Thank God Almighty, I'll be free at last!"
Funny. America is thinking the exact same thing.
Alongside him is Ruth Bader Ginsburg, with a brown-colored lace collar.
I noticed RGB on a few of the live streams. She looks like she's perpetually melting away.
Don't tell the more militant types over at Jezebel that AA is discussing what all the women are wearing...
Obama sees he must cater to his wife's emotional needs, and he, in his last moments as President of the United States, walks over, gets the package, and takes it inside the house, and then he comes back out to line up for the big, historical photo.
Yeah, I noticed that too. It was a nice move by Obama. More Brownie Points are always a good thing.
Plus he needs to get used to it.
I thought an interesting detail was Donald Trump coming down the stairs before going out to the podium. He had to move from the center of the frame to the edge because he kept a hand on the railing all the way down. Younger men, Obama included, went town without that assist.
It was a reminder that, despite his enormous energy, Trump is not a young man.
"Sonia Sotomayor, perhaps rather weary, lumbering."
She's fat and out of shape.
Freder: "Why does he lie about such trivial matters that can easily be dis-proven? He is pathological."
He's not a liar. He's a bullshitter. It's not pathological. It's hyperbolic. He doesn't expect to be believed and it doesn't matter.
Contrast that to your prominent Democrats. They ARE pathological liars who expect to be believed about things that matter, e.g., Benghazi, Obamacare, Fast and Furious, ISIS, emails, etc.
Time for you lefties to stop projecting and start thinking.
Known Unknown said...
Work at staying strong, then. And I do hope you get to sail with her.
I do. I swim nearly a mile twice a week and do 40 minutes on the elliptical cycle twice a week, as well as lift weights. But, I can no longer run or even walk long distances thanks to arthritis in my big toes. People wear out. I look at men ten years older than me and very few of them should be out on a small boat at sea. I am feeling this particularly acutely at the moment because a colleague died at 65 the other day. No retirement, fit or otherwise.
AprilApple said...
I note ARM than you have no response the the fact that it was YOUR side the pushed for Trump.
Again, this is bat-shit crazy. I favored Trump over Clinton. Admittedly, I would have favored Jack the Ripper over Clinton, but I agreed with much of what Trump said at least about the decline of US manufacturing. I am unconvinced he can deliver on his promises because the battle has already been lost, but let's see. I find his attitudes towards women appalling, but not untypical of men of his age and class.
Drago said...
ARM, how much money would it take to sail off with your daughter for 6 months?
It is not the money but the time. I am still thinking about it. I have a few more years to make it happen. Depends a bit on what happens in her life.
Love how the lefty trolls here think they can rattle us with their fake news.
Maybe if you added in a few more cut nickname insults and dialed it up to 11.
LOL. This growing sensation of impotence you are feeling? Get used to it.
Trump is a lovely man with a lovely family. He is a good man, big-hearted, intelligent, kind, generous and wise. It's a shame that he will only be president for 8 years. I pre-miss him already.
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