"The most memorable part may have been at the beginning, when Mr. Fallon’s Teleprompter went out. He vamped for a bit, and after the commercial break he returned with a joke — likening his mishap to Mariah Carey’s singing disaster on New Year’s Eve — that it seemed half of Twitter had already made at that point."
From a NYT review of the Golden Globes show last night, "Trump Was the Elephant in the Ballroom at the Golden Globes."
Jimmy's a nice man. I like him. But I find celebrity talk about presidential politics so compulsively avoidable these days. The celebrities all backed Hillary Clinton. They — in their reeking privilege — seemed to have had their hearts set on 8 more years of glamming it up in the White House.
How many of them were at Obama's Last Party — the one that raved on until 4 a.m. and ended with waffles?
8 years ago, Obama demanded the freedom to "just eat my waffle," and last Saturday, the most elite and celebrated people celebrated the last of The Presidency called Obama with waffles in the White House.
And then they jetted back to L.A. to dress in even prettier clothes to celebrate themselves with awards — golden globular awards — and to take shots from their La La Land* at the new celebrity President, the one whose opponent they all backed, and somehow they think we could care what nastiness they lobbed at Trump.
Did it hit? I don't know. I don't care. We were in the heartland — the frozen heartland — watching another channel and hailing Mary.
* "With a 'La La Land' sweep, Hollywood once more falls in love — with itself."
१५६ टिप्पण्या:
Helluva game by the Packers.
I knew this was going to happen, so I boycotted the Golden Globes!
Not really. I loathe awards shows and never considered finally setting up my TV antenna so I could watch it.
I’ve always respected Meryl Streep’s work as an actress where she pretends to be something she’s not. Last night as part of her “acting” she played the role of someone who campaigned for Hillary Clinton who pretended to give a damn about the welfare of the American people including those who were “bullied” by people more powerful than they. Not a particularly convincing role for her but I can appreciate the effort for what it was.
I wonder if the waffles were catered by Waffle House?
Probably not, they were probably artisanal waffles by some famous chef that cost the taxpayer $20 each.
More's the pity. Waffle House has the finest waffles in the world. Also hash browns to die for.
Now Trump: He seems like a person who appreciate good more than stylish food. He might have Waffle House cater a White House breakfast.
John Henry
Why go to such a thing? To be seen? To virtue-signal?
It is so ripe for a Comedian to rip them all new ones.
Trumpy and the Republicans should change the trademark and copyright laws to last only twenty years. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
I really didn't know how toxic living in celebrity-saturated CA has been, lo these 27+ years, until I finally visited Asheville, NC with the explicit thought of moving there or to the Raleigh-Durham area. Asheville, the "lefty" "hippie" town in NC, and my "liberal" friends there, are a breath of fresh air compared to... well, anything I've experience in CA.
And I guess I'm not the only one: the always-present rift between CA and the rest of the country seems to be more explicit since Trump's election. And when you look at the popular vote statistics when they exclude CA, it all becomes even more clear. Basically, I've been living behind enemy lines for two and a half decades. Time to cue up "Life During Wartime."
I did not vote for Trump.
Regardless, I have no problems with comedians commenting on presidents and presidential politics, but when it's 95% seething hatred or ridicule directed at conservatives (which is what we have now) then it's like a giant billboard saying "HOLLYWOOD CELEBRATES CLUELESSNESS".
Johnny Carson and Jay Leno understood how to make fun of both sides with informed and topical jokes. Today's comedians are just coastal elite shills for the DNC.
I thought Kimmel might turn out different but he seemed to really jump on the Hate Trump bandwagon last summer.
Lastly, Ann's point about privilege hits the nail on the head. Is there a greater example of white privilege than a Hollywood award show? Maybe a Hollywood fundraiser.
There are three pillars of power - financial, cultural, and political. Hollywood has cultural and financial power. Middle America has financial and political power.
The world was out of balance when Hollywood had cultural, financial, and political power. It's better this way.
Meh. Don't get how "People say what is expected at event designed to say expected things" qualified as "news" enough to be everywhere this morning.
Ann/Meade, OT but I need to report something weird just now
When I tried to post the Waffle House note I was already logged into my Google account so did not get asked to log in. I did get a message saying my browser was not supported and I needed to upgrade to a supported browser to enter the captcha to prove I am not a robot.
Since I never enter the captcha anyway, I just hit post and it went through normally.
I am using Firefox 50.1.0
If I have to switch to Google's Chrome spyware I will stop commenting. Think your mic is turned off? Chrome will turn it on without telling you and listen to everything. To improve search, of course. Which is another reason to never use Google for search.
John Henry
Fallon's teleprompter pukes and people think of Mariah Carey? I think of Mr. Teleprompter
The Golden Globes are just another in a seemingly endless series of "Aren't We Wonderful!!!" celebrity awards shows. I don't watch any of them precisely because of the kinds of things that went on last night.
They all live in an enclave, and tourists take bus tours around it like they were zoo animals. We have to let them make grunting noises, to keep them happy in their cages.
Thank God Kanye didn't go up and shit in her cornflakes.
Yeah, I watched that game in Appleby's with some of my friends while consuming beer. I was aware that the GG were upon us, but didn't realize it was last night until I awoke this morning and turned on the news.
What strikes me is the disparagement of football and MMA. I'm not a fan of either, but if you hang out with guys in Appleby's on a Sunday in January, you are going to be watching football. I used to be a fan of boxing, until Don King ruined it. MMA is bullshit, but so is wrestling, and if someone wants to watch either one, who am I to look down on them?
Anyway, Meryl Streep is concerned about saving ART! from the proles or something. Soon we will all be reduced to watching MMA and football, which are NOT ART!
Well, is Death Becomes Her, a movie I have watched and enjoyed? Will it be watched in 20 years? Is it any more art than MMA or football? Or just an ephemeral entrainment.
By the way Meryl, people still talk about Green Bay games played back in the 60s.
My last post went through normally without the upgrade message
John Henry
Question for the Professor (ret.)
Why do you think Fallon is a nice man, and why do you like him? Based on his incessant, vile bashing of half of America, and our President Elect, I would think he is a mean-spirited, small person hiding behind the persona of a cute little boy.
Most evil people in history succeeded because they projected a pleasant front.
The football gods, like fair maids, frown on faint hearts. Hail Mary passes at the end of the half--Rogers' stats be damned!--are what life is all about.
And even some politics thrown in: the best tweet was "Hillary Clinton and Odell Beckham--neither showed up in Wisconsin."
To be clear, I meant professional wrestling. Actual wrestling is a serious sport.
Isn't the Golden Globes the extremely corrupt award show in which the studios go all out to bribe the members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, a group which has few members and absolutely none of them of any standing to be giving out awards in prime time?
The LA Times did a massive takedown on them a few years back, which did absolutely nothing except put the newspaper in the doghouse for awhile.
Yup, these are the people to be lecturing me.
Even without the politics, who the hell would want to watch the Golden Globes, Oscars, or any of the like? These are incredibly boring affairs--I suppose if you were involved in one of the nominated films/songs/TV shows, it's one thing, but ugh.
But having avoided news on the subject this morning, let me guess--celebrities rip Trump over something, Trump tweets back insults, media agog. Rinse, repeat. This is our purgatory for the next 4-8 years, isn't it?
I'd almost like to see a changeup just to mix it a bit--celebrity says something nice about Trump, or ignores Trump completely and insults Justin Trudeau (over poutine embargoes or something). Or, they insult Trump, Trump tweets back "sorry you feel that way, hopefully I can change your mind and we can all grow a bit from this". No one would know what to do! It'd be so off-script!
"The major's first impression of Miss Saxton was gained at a chicken and waffle supper, for which the old hotel at the lake was famous throughout several counties. He was particularly delighted with the fact that she ate chicken and waffles as if she had a healthy appetite, instead of affecting the live-on-air style that was the raging fad with yound ladies at that particular period. From that moment on his admiration grew and she on her part had a marked admiration for the brave and handsome young major."
a description of the 1867 meeting of William McKinley and his future wife Ida Saxton.
Or, they insult Trump, Trump tweets back "sorry you feel that way, hopefully I can change your mind and we can all grow a bit from this". No one would know what to do! It'd be so off-script!
I agree with Brando, that would indeed be awesome. Its not going to happen though. A lot of people voted for Trump because of the perception that he would actually fight for them and stand up to the people who look down on them. That's part of Trump's shtick.
Isn't professional wrestling "art" by any reasonable definition? Not phart but real art. It is an athletic performance.
It is not a sport, we know that. It is totally scripted which makes it "acting", just like Meryl Streep does.
Let's see her take the falls those guys take. When she can "fall" off of a 10' high cage and land on her back on a table, I'll call her an artist.
They also act out in interviews by staying in character.
Professional wrestling is every bit as much art as pretty much any movie made in the past 50 years.
Not the kind of thing that appeals to me but it sure does appeal to a lot of people. I wonder what the live audience was for WWE matches last year? People who got up off their sofas, spent $100-150 with the family and went to see an actual match.
100m people went to see a single event, Wrestlemania 2016. Now that's an audience!
I wonder how that compares to the theatre audience for Meryl Streep's films?
John Henry
Every time Hollywood speaks, we get another 1000 voters for 2020.
According to wikipedia, revenue for WWE in 2015 was $658.8 million. I'm sure Meryl is appalled.
I think that it is appropriate for a celebrity president-elect, who by all accounts of insiders who know him has been putting on a show he doesn't believe in--the birther claims, lock of Hillery, Goldman Sachs is evil , to be mocked by a fellow celebrity who does an even better job of acting.
I think Althouse needs to update the boilerplate gripe that Hollywood is mean to or oblivious to this or that not-Hollywood thing.
Re DJT, now we have an intra-Hwood dynamic, like Kim v Taylor.
I didn't watch the Globes but saw a video of the speech given by Streep, one of the greatest actresses of our time. I realized that one of the reasons she is so great is the brilliant writing done by others for her. Her own ideas are sorely lacking. She went on and on and on in her speech about the immigrants in the room, as if Trump was anti-immigrant. No distinction between legal and illegal immigration for moron Meryl.
Ron is spot on. We are weary of our GOP 'leaders' going on a Groveling Apology Tour every time some Precious Snowflake has a temper tantrum. The Left would be well-advised to adjust to the new normal - we will throw our support behind people who fight, even if we don't entirely agree with their position.
When Trump went on offense and attacked the media as lying liars, it resonated. We want more of that, not less. Lots of sacred cows going to the slaughter house in the coming years.
There is a school of thought that it does nobody good for celebrities to deliver political diatribes, coded or not, on a night that celebrates the fortune of the fortunate.
My alma mater!
Well, I for one enjoyed Ms. Streep's speech, in which she bravely took a stand against the kicking out of all foreigners.
I would have thought there were enough reasons to oppose Trump on the merits, if you're inclined to, but no: Much more exciting to just make shit up.
I recently had an epiphany that Professional wrestling was in fact Opera for rednecks.
"kicking out of all foreigners"
That should be kicking out of all foreigners without a valid visa, or those incarcerated in our prisons for rape, murder, and mayhem.
Ah poor Roesch. Maybe one of those actors can explain for you where "method to his madness" comes from. Or you can continue to dismiss Trump because he's pretending to have a full house instead of the two pair in his hand.
"what an idiot" you say, as you fold and watch Trump rake in the chips.
R.J. Chatt said...
[Streep's] own ideas are sorely lacking.
Dingoes ate her ideas.
I was watching the Packers. I prefer serious matters to the mindless glitz of Hollywood.
"I agree with Brando, that would indeed be awesome. Its not going to happen though. A lot of people voted for Trump because of the perception that he would actually fight for them and stand up to the people who look down on them. That's part of Trump's shtick."
Also, I suppose if he did tweet something "unifying" they'd assume he was being sarcastic or one of his handlers took over his Twitter account.
I'm going to try and avoid celebrity news for a while (not that I've been an avid reader of Variety or anything) as the perfect storm of Trump's election is going to make them far more insufferable than they ever were during Bush's presidency. It's going to get to the point that if a celebrity has the dais and DOESN'T rip on Trump, they'll get castigated for implicitly supporting him.
And just watch what the next several Oscar winning movies will be. Preachy? Oh yes.
If Trump can get one thing accomplished, it would be an Amendment where birthright citizenship is no longer permitted within the states, territories, possessions.
@Levi, you win the thread!
Hollywood wins when one of their most blowhard-y tops the con ticket.
That's not the so-called flyovers taking over the slick, self-centered, entertainment hype based Hollywood. It's the other way around.
Obviuosly the reason flyovers fussed about Hollywood (in predictable ways like Althosue did here) was always because they're jealous that they had no piece of this in their flyover-ness. If Hollywood is full of snakes, it turns out that DJT knew how to sell snake oil (and a red hat) to the folks who envy the real thing.
Streep supports Child rapist Polanski and attacks Trump.
That's all you need to know about Hollyweird. Now that they get over 50% revenue from overseas and most of their USA revenue from blue-state America they can tell the rest of the USA to go to hell.
Lyin'PB_Ombudsman said...
Re DJT, now we have an intra-Hwood dynamic, like Kim v Taylor.
Or Kramer vs. Kramer.
Anyway, Meryl Streep is concerned about saving ART! from the proles or something. Soon we will all be reduced to watching MMA and football, which are NOT ART!
Would rather watch UFC than "Mamma Mia" or "Bridges of Madison County"
Isn't the Golden Globes the extremely corrupt award show in which the studios go all out to bribe the members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, a group which has few members and absolutely none of them of any standing to be giving out awards in prime time?
I loved Kimmel claiming that they support the popular vote...yet the Electoral College has far more voting members.
They also act out in interviews by staying in character.
They also do it live, in one take, and sometimes while injured (in August, one guy broke his labrum, tore his pectoral, dislocated and put his shoulder back in joint about halfway through a match of his yet finished. Hell, Dwayne Johnson tore his abductor and abdominal muscles off the bone early in his last actual match and finished it as well). It can be rough.
I also haven't enjoyed a thing Hugh Lauria has done since "House". And that was several years ago now.
I still like the AVN Awards show. They haven't politicized it, and most of the winners are extremely talented and worthy of their awards.........Meryl Streep portrayed Ethel Rosenberg as a beatific presence and Margaret Thatcher as a demented old woman. She's got more range in her performances than in her politics......Historic inevitibability: She will play Hillary Clinton in a sympathetic biopic that will not feature any scenes of furniture throwing. A Lillian Hellman biopic is probably also under active consideration.
Fen I do not dismiss Trump,whom I consider to be a consummate con-artist and egotist that has played bankers and voters into giving him the winnings of his choice. I am just waiting to see what hand he will deal, and so far it is coming up Flynn.
Trump tweeted that celebrities should stay out of politics, why didn't he take his own advice?
And these mega Stars worshipping their own performances called DJT the narcissist. One more of hundreds of Life Time Achievement Awards became one more political hit on the first real President we've had since 1988.
Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners and if we kick them all out, you'll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts,"
Classic demagoguery. No one, including Trump, ever said anything about kicking out all outsiders and foreigners. She has learned well from Mr. Zero. She has his strawman technique down.
When you say Wetbacks, you are expressing bigotry towards an ethnic group.
Rednecks is bigotry directed at Rural Whites. Why is one wrong but not the other? For the same reason that "white girl bleeds alot" is not a hate crime.
And yes, I know that whites often use 'Rednecks' as a term of affection, same way that blacks call each other "nigger". That still doesn't make it okay.
Hmm... setbacks, Rednecks, jiggers. I wonder which terms the censors will object to. Some pis are more equal than others, yes?
Partying until 4 am is un-presidential. The staff work at the White House, not a freaking night club.
As always, Yes, Minister/Prime Minister has a quote for everything.
Sir Humphrey: "Bernard, subsidy is for art, for culture. It is not to be given to what the people want! It is for what the people don't want but ought to have!" -- On why opera getting funding is good, but the local football/soccer team getting subsidies are bad.
John said...
If I have to switch to Google's Chrome spyware I will stop commenting.
FF should work OK, but there are chrome-based browsers with the spyware removed. The Yandex version let's you read DNC emails.
She had a point. MMA and Football are the only real Realty that makes it onto screens in the Entertainment World.
Tweeting about Miss Universe and sex tapes at 4 AM is very presidential.
Trump tweeted that celebrities should stay out of politics, why didn't he take his own advice?
Why couldn't Hillary beat him, then?
He ran for office. He won.
"She will play Hillary Clinton in a sympathetic biopic that will not feature any scenes of furniture throwing."
As long as Laslo Spatula writes the script.
"coming up Flynn"
Tried to look that up (this stupid dell laptop has Bing installed, worst search engine ever). Also, as a lifelong loyal Dell customer who has purchased from Dell for 17 years... let me just confirm that Dell sucks and you should never give Dell your money...
So your remark went over my head. If its what I think you meant, then all I can say is that not only are Trump supporters very happy with his performance, those of us who held our nose to vote against Hillary are too. Truth will out in time, as it always does, so I think your criticisms of the Celebrity Blowhard will be dismissed as sour grapes, sore loserman, etc.
Isn't the Golden Globes the extremely corrupt award show in which the studios go all out to bribe the members of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, a group which has few members and absolutely none of them of any standing to be giving out awards in prime time?
I'm glad to see I am not the only one who sees the "Golden Globes" as the bribing contest it is.
It's tiresome! It makes their self-congratulatory "awards" shows unwatchable. They spend half their year tweeting anti-Trump propaganda and the other half giving gold trinkets to each other. When do they even have time to make movies?
Only half of America votes. That means 3/4 of the people didn't vote for Trump and 3/4 didn't vote for Hillary. Siri has more self awareness than these idiotic people paid to pretend they are someone else.
Ron Winkleheimer said... MMA is bullshit, but so is wrestling, and if someone wants to watch either one, who am I to look down on them?
Mixed martial arts and pro wrestling are not comparable. MMA is a real athletic competition. They are really fighting each other and the winner is determined in the cage. It is comparable to boxing sans Don King. This is not professional wrestling where the results are scripted.
That said, professional wrestling is a true athletic performance as opposed to a competition. It takes a lot of physical ability and skill to be a pro wrestler and legitimate injuries are common. Wrestlers are roughly the equivalent of stunt men who act.
Matthew Sablan said...
Sir Humphrey: "Bernard, subsidy is for art, for culture. It is not to be given to what the people want! It is for what the people don't want but ought to have!" -- On why opera getting funding is good, but the local football/soccer team getting subsidies are bad.
Have you ever noticed how a significant percentage of taxpayer funding for the arts is spent in the Washington DC and NYC areas? The "elite" like subsidizing their own entertainment at everyone else's expense. Funding for opera means cheaper ticket prices, so the people who attend opera come out ahead. They get their cheaper tickets at the expense of those boors who attend sporting events.
Larry: Indeed. There are better quotes, but I can't find them now. I should rewatch Yes, Prime Minister.
"When I tried to post the Waffle House note I was already logged into my Google account so did not get asked to log in. I did get a message saying my browser was not supported and I needed to upgrade to a supported browser to enter the captcha to prove I am not a robot. Since I never enter the captcha anyway, I just hit post and it went through normally. I am using Firefox 50.1.0."
I'm doing this comment using Firefox 50.1.0.
I wonder how much of the celebrity politicking over the years led to Reagan and Trump getting elected. They are the only two SAG members ever elected president. Hollywood is powerful enough to get actors elected, just not the Dem ones.
Its also hard to take such complaints seriously from people who supported President Narcissus for the last 8 years.
Reminds me of something some dead old white guy said about the Left not really believing in the things they lecture the rest about.
'midnite tweets about Miss Universe are beneath the dignity of the office" say the same people who insisted sticking a cigar up inside your mistress as she spread her legs open on the Oval office rug was "just about sex, MoveOn"...
This will be a very entertaining 4 years. And I stand to make a fortune replacing Irony Meters.
MMA is a real athletic competition. They are really fighting each other and the winner is determined in the cage. It is comparable to boxing sans Don King.
I didn't mean to imply that MMA is fixed or a performance such as professional wrestling, though I can see where that could be inferred from my post.
I agree MMA is a real athletic competition.
I agree with all the nasty things commenters have said here about why Hollywood stars should shut up about politics. But now that Trump is almost President, he should learn to ignore these fools' blithering as being unworthy of Presidential attention.
Or he should remember the old saying about why you shouldn't wrestle with a pig.
And BTW, we have already had a movie about Lillian Hellman ("Julia"), with Jane Fonda as Lillian. You just can't do better than that.
As to the Golden Globes, I don't think I have ever watched them. I like good cinema, but at some point what Hollywood insiders think is a good movie and what the public thinks is a good movie have diverged to the point that I don't really care what Hollywood insiders think. The insiders are occasionally right, but I can figure that out without them. Plus, if I want to watch the equivalent of rich people flipping me the bird for hours, I would cut off more limos in traffic.
The last time they gave a "mainstream" film the Best Drama award was in 2010 for Avatar. It was a special effects revolution certainly, but that was one of the dumbest movies I have ever seen and I actually was rooting for the villains at the end. Yeah, I'm not missing anything.
But now that Trump is almost President, he should learn to ignore these fools' blithering as being unworthy of Presidential attention. Or he should remember the old saying about why you shouldn't wrestle with a pig.
I respectfully disagree. While George W. Bush was in office, the press and Hollywood knocked him at every possible chance. After not responding, his approval numbers went down and he was never able to recover. That then gave us Barack Obama.
We tried it that way. It's about time we have someone who at least fights back a little bit.
I like that Trump returns verbal fire. His presidency will make Celebrities radioactive for a century. Obama was the first sitting president to appear on late night shows. And ESPN broadcast Obama filling out his March Madness brackets. Trump is Celebrity on steroids. Obama's forays into Celebrity have already been surpassed. He helped inoculate the public to a Celebrity President.
All the Althouse commenters, making fun of the Golden Globes and its participants. And -- rightly, I think -- most of them did not watch. Proudly, they did not watch. I didn't watch. (I was watching golf from Hawaii.)
Donald Trump, however, was watching and Tweeting all of it.
Trump is more "one of them," than "one of us."
Godfather: "But now that Trump is almost President, he should learn to ignore these fools' blithering as being unworthy of Presidential attention. Or he should remember the old saying about why you shouldn't wrestle with a pig"
I would have said that as well....2 years ago.
Trump has proven himself a master at leveraging these very comments/events to him maximal political advantage.
Between the Hollywood left providing the first Pro-Trump 2020 commercial for the Industrial Mid-west last night and the recent announcements (whether you "buy them" or not) from Ford, Fiat/Chrysler, Sprint, Jack Ma/Alibaba etc making all of their promises regarding investment & jobs in those key mid-west states, Trump, even prior to taking office, is laying cultural/political "cornerstones" for a new Trump Red Wall of mid-west states for 2020.
If you think the industrial workers in Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania are listening to Hollywood and the nattering nabobs in Washington who are attacking Sessions/all cabinet appointments as racist badguys and not to Trump as these public pronouncements come raining down, then you aren't paying attention.
If you are a lefty, I would recommend you not pay attention to those things. Those things aren't important anyway. I would recommend you double down on passing laws to give men in dresses access to the little girls bathrooms in public places. That's what America needs more of....in addition to unvetted Syrian refugees (future "Dreamers".......of Jihad).
My favorite new line of attack is the dems rolling out, officially, just this morning, the full Robert Cook-level conspiracy theory that the Trump Campaign might have actually colluded with Putin.
Mary Ann Marsh on Fox News and some dude I heard on CNN speaking with Carol Costello.
Yes ladies and gentlemen, the dems have finally moved to the final phase of "Operation Excuse and Deflection": A brand new October Surprise Redux with Trump as Reagan, Tillerson as HWBush, and Putin as the Mullahs of Iran.
You just knew it had to happen, didn't you?
Chuck: "Trump is more "one of them," than "one of us."
Not the first time.
Won't be the last.
Chuck: "All the Althouse commenters, making fun of the Golden Globes and its participants. And -- rightly, I think -- most of them did not watch. Proudly, they did not watch. I didn't watch. (I was watching golf from Hawaii.)"
A collection of thoughts, going no where. Rightly, I think. Proudly, for sure.
"It is so ripe for a Comedian to rip them all new ones."
The comedians aren't all in on the joke, either. Sad!
Great throw by Rodgers. But that, my friends, was offensive pass interference.
What poor judgment by the both Donald and Meryl!
Instead of talking about her long and great career, she stooped to a forgettable partisan attack on the President-elect. She lumped all foreigners with illegal immigrants. Hollywood and the press became victims despite their wealth and First Amendment protection.
Trump never should have responded. It was a complete distraction. Not worthy of the attention of the President-elect. This silliness had better stop now or the next four years will be tougher than they will already be.
Very disappointed in both.
Let them eat toast... or cake. Carbohydrate uptake is a first-order cause of catastrophic anthropogenic girth widening (CAGW).
For the record, compared to the four garbage games the NFL playoffs produced this weekend the Golden Globes were not a terrible viewing alternative. That's not to say that the Golden Globes were worth watching as it falls well below the minimum tolerances. The football was that bad. I only was willing to watch the bulk of one game and that was because I had a rooting interest. In hindsight, I wish I had skipped that one, too.
I'm fine with Trump tweeting but he needs an editor. Calling Streep "overrated" or "sad" is extremely weak sauce.
If he said things like (ht to earlier commenter) "a dingo ate her fact-checkers", he'd be much more effective.
Calling all his detractors failures and/or sad is already old. Step your game up Donald.
"I respectfully disagree. While George W. Bush was in office, the press and Hollywood knocked him at every possible chance. After not responding, his approval numbers went down and he was never able to recover. That then gave us Barack Obama."
That's not what hurt Bush--if anything, their crazed attacks made him look like the grownup in the room, and many of us backed him for reelection in part due to that (even if we had issues with some of his domestic and war policy). Being above their attacks only made them crazier, and it muddled some of the more sane criticisms they may have been able to make.
What sunk his approval ratings was in his second term, a series of blows that culminated in him losing support among Republicans and moderates (leftists always had a problem with him, except for a few months after 9/11). He tried SS reform, and the GOP got scared of losing support so they turned on him. He backed comprehensive immigration reform, and that lost a big chunk of the right. The optics on his response to Katrina and the economic crisis were terrible, even if it unfairly hurt him.
But the idea that Bush getting down and dirty with Janine Garofalo or Sean Penn making him super popular? I don't see it.
Trump does what Trump does because that is Trump. He couldn't fail to respond on Twitter if he wanted to.
I wonder if Aaron Rodgers actually does "Hail Mary" as he lofts the ball. Probably not. I imagine Mary isn't too keen on being asked to suspend the laws of physics on behalf of pro teams' ambitions. She's not that good at it anyway, being a girl and all.
Rodgers probably yells Odin!
"I'm fine with Trump tweeting but he needs an editor. Calling Streep "overrated" or "sad" is extremely weak sauce."
Well, it's also sort of irrelevant--if she were "underrated" would he then be like "ok, good point Streep!"? It also seems he only thinks she's overrated because she took a shot at him. Stick to the point--what she said and why it's wrong!
The last time they gave a "mainstream" film the Best Drama award was in 2010 for Avatar. It was a special effects revolution certainly, but that was one of the dumbest movies I have ever seen and I actually was rooting for the villains at the end. Yeah, I'm not missing anything.
Of the people I know who have actually watched James Cameron’s Avatar, over half of them found themselves rooting for Colonel Quaritch by the end.
The one I thought had lots of irony was the openning joke: one of the few places left where America still honors the popular vote.
Said of the Golden Globe Awards which are sponsored and voted on by foreign correspondents. Not US citizens in foreign countries but foreigners in the US. So these were voted on by the Russians? Oh the horror!!!!!
Simpler explanation for Drago, who routinely needs the simplest of all possible explanations.
Donald Trump is a Golden Globes kind of guy. A celebrity, who is interested in celebrity culture and who cares about that celebrity culture. He is among his own, when he is among celebrities. Trump cares about them, and he cares profoundly about what they think. Hence his live viewership and realtime Tweeting.
And Trump's cultivation of anti-immigrant fervor, and his pandering to manufacturing workers and miners among others is just part of his particular celebrity schtick. Trump's own version of left-wingers Bruce Springsteen and Michael Moore pandering to the same demographics. On his own time, Trump doesn't care much about factories. He's up in Trump Tower in front of his tv set and working his phone.
Now maybe Drago might get it. I doubt it, though.
At least she is consistent. Remember all the times she denounced Bill Clinton for his atrocious behavior towards women.
Oh, wait, she never did that.
"Trump's cultivation of anti (illegal) immigrant fervor"
Ha. A "lifelong conservative" believes Trump cultivated fervor against illegal immigration? Somehow you missed the 3 times since 1989 that you fellow conservatives demanded bordered security, compromised on amnesty in exchange for promises of border security, and were then promptly betrayed by the GOPe...
This is like Nurse Inga going fuzzy when asked what gauge Iv needles were.
Or like that former NFL Cornerback I met at the bar last night who was unfamiliar with the term 'prevent defense'.
He should've just mentioned her standing ovation for a kiddie rapist in 2003.
But Streep IS over-rated. We could replace her tomorrow with 12 other actresses and no one would notice. Go watch Katherine Hepburn in The Lion In Winter and then come back at me with Strep... And you know what? Hepburn, as good as she was, could also have been replaced by 12 nobodies.
These people are not as important or relevant as insiders believe. I am just as impressed with the accomplishment of the World Tabletop Tennis Champion.
"He should've just mentioned her standing ovation for a kiddie rapist in 2003."
I didn't remember that she did that, but that would have been a much better response than "she's overrated!" (which he's used on a number of people and TV shows now, including SNL which he didn't mind hosting during the primaries. Or did it just start sucking after that?). A nice response:
"She doesn't like bullying, but maybe if I directed Chinatown she'd be fine even if I raped a kid and ran off to Europe to hide from justice. Hypocrite, preaching a Blue Streep!" And maybe some Polanski emoji to follow it.
Maybe he could put some insult comics on staff, there's going to be a lot of these.
If ever there was an "analyst" who proved his or her worth in assessing Donald Trump, the Trump electoral strategy and tactics as well as the potential risk/reward of those tactics it would have to be "lifelong republican" Chuck.
Thanks for the clarification that Trump is a celebrity.
It is precisely those types of insights that sets you apart.
Really, you should have your own blog.
"Lifelong republican" Chuck: "And Trump's cultivation of anti-immigrant fervor,...."
Gee, perfect resonance with #FakeNews Democrat talking points.
If I have to switch to Google's Chrome spyware I will stop commenting. Think your mic is turned off? Chrome will turn it on without telling you and listen to everything. To improve search, of course. Which is another reason to never use Google for search.
John Henry
At least on this iPad, that is easy enough to protect against. Just go under Settings/Privacy/Microphone and make sure that it is disabled for Chrome. I just double checked, and, yes, Chrome was the only app requesting access to my microphone that I wanted (and had) it disabled. The others, like Skype and GoToMeeting, actually need the mic in order to be functional. Interestingly, Chrome on my iPhone didn't request access to my microphone, so that was never disabled at the IOS level. Could be that I just haven't loaded the right Google aps yet. We shall see. Still, need to double check the Seurity settings on my other iPads, and my PC version of Chrome. I do tend to use Firefox there, except when viewing PDFs, videos, and the like, where I use IE embedded in a Firefox tab.
I was just pleased to hear Casey Affleck won best dramatic actor for Manchester by the Sea.
I won a signed script in a charity auction in December, taking delivery tomorrow.
I think my winning bid was lower because Casey couldn't attend the fundraiser due to the MBTS publicity tour.
Oscars next. Go Casey, Go!
OT a bit, but what I remember thinking as the credits to Avatar rolled, that all those soldiers who were getting herded into transports to be forced back to Earth would come back soon, this time with rhinoceros-proof tanks.
To paraphrase Macbeth (and his author, Shakespeare):
Celebrity's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
I think we have removed the stars from our eyes.
Would rather watch UFC than "Mamma Mia" or "Bridges of Madison County"
One of my (few) claims to professional fame was that I was the patent attorney for the UFC. Out of my normal expertise (software and microprocessors), but fun, nevertheless. We had all their IP in our practice group, until the guys with their work split off into their own Entertainment Law practice, but they didn't have a patent atty, so I kept the work. One of the nice perks for the attys working the account were ringside seats. One female atty professed significant dislike for the sport, until she experienced the fights up close and personal. And that converted her to a fan.
"Maybe he could put some insult comics on staff, there's going to be a lot of these"
Trump is a different sort of operator from the usual Republican. Those fellows were playing debating games with rules and decorum. Their opponents were people, to be dealt with as respectable persons. Trump deals with them as a butcher with beef cattle, or rather as a bullfighter with his victim. Not kindly, and not as human beings.
He is his own cuadrilla of the bullring, banderillero, picador, matador. He torments and enrages them by rushing up and planting his ribboned barbs, he punishes them from horseback when they foolishly charge him, he exhausts them by making them hare off on all sorts of distractions where he waves his cape, and when the animal is well-prepared he sticks in the sword.
In this above you are complaining about the garish ribbons on his banderillas. This seems to be a moot point to the bull.
Bruce Hayden @ 1:43, thanks for that information. I checked my iPad, only "homekit" is requesting access. IDK what that is, checking it out now.
We'll always have Gidget. I knew her once. She still appears in reruns.
Drago, there are two groups that really, really want to shut down all worker immigration, and who want to blow up the TPP.
One group is the leaders of organized labor. The other group is a loose conglomeration of Tea Partiers, white nationalists and America-firsters.
Neither group would care to be called "Republicans" or "conservatives."
You, Drago, can call me anything you want. Just don't call me a fake Republican or a disloyal Republican. Proving my devotion to the Republican Party, I even voted fro Trump, after he became the Party's nominee.
a good tweet for Trump would have been:
Sore loser. Poor Hillary. Poor you. I'm going to deport actors? Who writes your jokes? Your jokes are such losers too.
I watched both the NFC game and the Golden Globes. These kinds of events will only become more important as the competition for "live" programming intensifies. The significance of Fallon's Mariah Carey joke is that both events are staged by the production company Dick Clark Productions. DCP was sold for a huge amount after it defeated a lawsuit by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association to get out of their long term contract. And a few months ago it was resold for an even more huge amount to the Chinese. But most stuff is now not watched live. Four of the 10 seasonal tv shows up for Golden Globes are streamed over the internet. That percentage will only increase. Jeff Bezos of Amazon was treated more royally last night than any of the studio heads scattered at other tables.
People have been complaining about liberal Hollywood since the House Un-American Activities Committee during Trump's infancy. A large enough audience can accept that and enjoy a good show anyway.
I'm trying to figure out when Obama had time to make friends with all those celebrities.
He certainly wasn't friends with them all when he was a state senator from Illinois.
I really thought the job of being president was too hard to make so many new friends who live clear across the country.
Oh, and Lefties are exhausting.
Stephan Lang, the (not so) good Colonel in Avatar, adapted the screenplay for "Beyond Glory" and toured it as a one man show.
Not to be missed.
are to have an honest discussion with a 'lifelong conservative' who deliberately conflates worker immigration with illegal immigration.
ILLEGAL immigration. Say the words.
Else, you might as well lecture us about 'common sense' gun laws, like reducing clip capacity on the grenade launcher thing to 5 rounds.
Hard to have, not Are to have.
Dell sucks eggs.
"Lifelong republican" Chuck: "Drago, there are two groups that really, really want to shut down all worker immigration, and who want to blow up the TPP.
One group is the leaders of organized labor. The other group is a loose conglomeration of Tea Partiers, white nationalists and America-firsters."
Trumka and the rest of union thugs have always supported Obama and the path to citizenship for all the illegals. All of them.
Why? you might ask: because....
What do you get when you cross a Union guy with a leftist? A leftist
What do you get when you cross a (anything) with a leftist? A leftist
The left uses movements to achieve its political ends.
Are there some smaller unions against unfettered immigration? Yes, but the biggest fall in line.
Once more, "lifelong republican" Chuck adopts the strange talking-point-defender role for the left.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "You, Drago, can call me anything you want."
I call you "lifelong republican" Chuck, not a "fake republican" or a "disloyal republican".
The evidence that I call you a "lifelong republican" and not a "fake republican" or a "disloyal republican" is the fact that I call you a "lifelong republican" and not a "fake republican" or a "disloyal republican".
I hope that was easy enough for you to assimilate.
Hey Rush, longtime listener and staunch conservative. But I'm having 2nd thoughts about the pro-life movement. Also, gun free zones have been proven to stop mass shootings. And I don't think we've really given Socialism the chance it deserves.
"lifelong republican" Chuck will be along shortly with a link to a "brilliant" Rachel Maddow clip or wonderful Jon Stewart clip (HE TOTALLY SKEWERS TRUMP!!) that will prove that Trump is horrific and we should listen more to Hollywood.
MayBee said...I'm trying to figure out when Obama had time to make friends with all those celebrities.
It was a given..like the Nobel.
I'm inspired! Meryl Street voices opposition to Donald Trump--what a courageous stand to take in Hollywood! She's a regular Spartacus!
"It was a given..like the Nobel."
They made the Peace Prize a joke forever with that one beclowning moment. How could anyone not laugh at the idea of giving him a prize for what they'd hoped he would do later? And yet they did exactly that.
Jeff Bezos of Amazon was treated more royally last night than any of the studio heads scattered at other tables...A large enough audience can accept that and enjoy a good show anyway.
I've wondered what will happen to the guys from Top Gear/The Grand Tour once lefties discover this was/is the most watched program on Earth.
To answer the question: No.
If I were related to a nominee, I wouldn't watch it.
Paid enough money I would watch and feel dirty.
I didn't remember that she did that, but that would have been a much better response than "she's overrated!" (which he's used on a number of people and TV shows now, including SNL which he didn't mind hosting during the primaries. Or did it just start sucking after that?). A nice response:
She gave Polanski a standing ovation, so yeah, very much applauded a dude who drugged an underage girl and anally raped her.
For that action...he's a hero or something.
And, in Trump's defense, SNL has been shit for years now.
That's not what hurt Bush--if anything, their crazed attacks made him look like the grownup in the room, and many of us backed him for reelection in part due to that (even if we had issues with some of his domestic and war policy). Being above their attacks only made them crazier, and it muddled some of the more sane criticisms they may have been able to make.
I don't fully agree. It became difficult to try and defend his decisions when he seemed to have zero interest in doing so. If somebody says you're a liar and you don't even spend the energy to dispute it --- then perhaps the accusation is correct.
They made the Peace Prize a joke forever with that one beclowning moment. How could anyone not laugh at the idea of giving him a prize for what they'd hoped he would do later? And yet they did exactly that.
I'd also dispute that. They gave the prize to Arafat once. The Peace Prize is a joke and has been before Obama and will be after Obama.
Streep should be out in the orchards
Tracking down alar coated apples.
"And, in Trump's defense, SNL has been shit for years now."
But not so much for him to turn them down and host, right? My point isn't whether he's right about any particular celebrity or show sucking, but how it seems his whole opinion on whether someone or something sucks is entirely dependent on whether they're nice to him. If you have a counterexample I'd be interested.
"I don't fully agree. It became difficult to try and defend his decisions when he seemed to have zero interest in doing so. If somebody says you're a liar and you don't even spend the energy to dispute it --- then perhaps the accusation is correct."
I guess we (as different supporters at the time) took those incidents differently--I saw it more beclowning his critics (and even lumping in the saner ones with the nuts) while you lost faith in him for ignoring it. But then, I can't picture Bush responding back at every criticism--even from histrionic celebrities--the way Trump does. I can't really see anyone doing that like Trump does.
"I'd also dispute that. They gave the prize to Arafat once. The Peace Prize is a joke and has been before Obama and will be after Obama."
It was--giving it to Gore also comes to mind--but did you not see the Obama prize as a turning point? Even with Arafat you could try to make an argument that they were basing it on something he did--like giving an Oscar to a movie that came out but sucked, while with Obama it was a prize for what they'd hoped he'd do--like giving the Oscar to Lena Dunham because they think she'll make a great movie next year.
It was at that point the Nobel Peace Prize went from being a case where we can debate whether a winner deserved it, to "you got to be kidding me" territory.
Someone tell Trump he is president of the United States and that he needs to lighten up or get a thicker skin because there will be people [famous people] who won't like him. If he continues to go on twitter every time someone says something disparaging about him he won't get much done. At this point he is the loser here not Meryl Streep. And he will continue to be the loser if he whines because he isn't loved by everybody. It is really hard to take him seriously.
"they gave the prize to Arafat once. The Peace Prize is a joke and has been before Obama and will be after Obama."
Was a joint "prize" among Middle East leaders in '94 based on actual activities.
Hardly comparable to Obama's prize before he did anything.
My word, that Daily Mail article and Streep's "brave" speech almost make me want to screw it and MAGA. These people wouldn't be acting any differently if Mitt Romney was elected. That is the truly maddening part of all of this.
"If he continues to go on twitter every time someone says something disparaging about him he won't get much done."
D-U-M-B, dumb. It takes Trump 5 minutes to tweet. He can tweet about some Hollyweirdo in less time than it took Obama to smoke a cigarette.
All this, "Trump shouldn't reduce himself to their level" "Trump is only hurting himself" etc. is all bullshit.
It comes from the same losers who wanted Trump to quit after the "grab some pussy" video and have telling Trump for 1.5 years to be a conventional Mitt-McCain-Dole good loser.
The one minute news cycle, courtesy of the texting revolution.
That's not what hurt Bush--if anything, their crazed attacks made him look like the grownup in the room, and many of us backed him for reelection in part due to that (even if we had issues with some of his domestic and war policy). Being above their attacks only made them crazier, and it muddled some of the more sane criticisms they may have been able to make.
His approval levels were low in the first term also, other than right after 9-11. The press went to town on him, and he barely won over John Kerry. Let that sink in a little bit - John Kerry.
What sunk his approval ratings was in his second term, a series of blows that culminated in him losing support among Republicans and moderates (leftists always had a problem with him, except for a few months after 9/11). He tried SS reform, and the GOP got scared of losing support so they turned on him. He backed comprehensive immigration reform, and that lost a big chunk of the right. The optics on his response to Katrina and the economic crisis were terrible, even if it unfairly hurt him.
Note how you used the term "Optics". Who determines what the optics look like? The media. Bush did everything right during that mess, other than the "good job" comment, yet he was raked over the coals for fecklessness he didn't possess. All it took was a good tongue-lashing by the president and he'd have gotten some of that goodwill back. But he stood back and did nothing. Oh - doing nothing is a visible part of optics as well.
But the idea that Bush getting down and dirty with Janine Garofalo or Sean Penn making him super popular? I don't see it. Trump does what Trump does because that is Trump. He couldn't fail to respond on Twitter if he wanted to.
Of course Bush wouldn't. That doesn't even mean he should have then. But now? Hollyweird has doubled down in their thinking that they have a mission from God to get Trump out of the office one way or the other, and if he doesn't respond, he'll end up like Bush did.
Side next to me just said that WWE had $4 billion dollars in revenue last year and Delta had $2.5. He works for delta. He's on top of that shit. How much did all those asswipes in that room last night produce?
Speaking as a representative of the loose conglomeration of Tea Partiers, white nationalists and America-firsters called the Republican Party, whose candidate won the last Presidential election, thank you for your vote, and welcome to the club. And yes, your lifelong Republican card is still good for a free drink at the bar.
However, as I recall, you objected quite strenuously to our selection of Donald Trump as out Presidential candidate, on the grounds, frequently stated, that he could not possibly win election. This would seem to be all the proof required for the proposition that, contrary to your evident conviction, you *don't* know everything there is to know. Even though you have been to law school! Some acknowledgement of that fact would be welcome. Or, just make a contribution. Money is never the wrong thing to say.
So Conway is telling journalists not to report what comes out of Trump's mouth but what's in his heart [which also needs to come out of his mouth] :-)
I lost interest in their self promotion schemes a long time ago.
rcocean said...
"D-U-M-B, dumb. It takes Trump 5 minutes to tweet."
Not the point. It's his absurd temperament getting in the way of common sense. It really seems that rather than dealing with an actual problem Trump will go hunting the headlines for criticisms that he has received. This is not what we should have as a leader. Why defend him on this? Can we agree he really looks pathetic when he whines on twitter?
donald said...
"Side next to me just said that WWE had $4 billion dollars in revenue last year"
Now you know what's wrong with America... WWE!? Sorry, I am not shy about criticizing that entity no matter how much money it makes or how many people watch it. I guess I'm not politically correct?
"Not the point. It's his absurd temperament getting in the way of common sense. It really seems that rather than dealing with an actual problem Trump will go hunting the headlines for criticisms that he has received."
What? The press would've lead with the Streep speech no matter what Trump did. Here's the reality. The MSM hates Trump and has been trying to destroy him ever since he declared for POTUS. No matter what Trump does they will attack him.
And your blather about "dealing with an actual problem" is BS, since Trump is working on solving the USA's problem 23 and 55 minutes a day. He's only spending 5 minutes on Twitter.
Losers like you have been telling Trump to act like Romney and McCain ever since he declared. You have zero credibility. They lost, he won. He knows how to communicate and you don't.
Contrary to the infamous 'Queen of Mean' hotelier, Leona Helmsley, Trump was never known for berating his employees or for outbursts of temper. I think his 'temperament' is part of his 'shtick' and he plays it for effect.
Ah, so now it get's personal. At least I know I've hit a nerve. Look, Trump is a thin-skinned narcissist who can't handle criticism. Face reality. You may love him and all that he has apparently done but, still, his tweeting is a weakness. And this whole thing about the other 55 minutes a day is absurd. Do you work with Trump? How do you know what he does? I don't doubt you criticized Obama every time he wasn't sitting in a meeting with advisors. [BTW should we talk about how Trump doesn't need security briefings because he is so 'smart'] LOL
And note the press would have covered the speech but instead they covered the tweet. Why? Pretty obvious don't you think...? A grown man should not whine so much.
The only "Whiners" are the Democrats and the #Nevertrumpers. The Trump-haters need to get their story straight. One minute Trump's a "Whiner" the next he's a "Bully". One minute he's a "Nazi-Nationalist" the next minute he's "Selling us out to Russia". One minute he's an "isolationist" the next he's "going to blow up the world".
Streep is whiner. Why is she crying at the Golden Globes? Sad that Hillary lost, and can't get over it? Why is Reich whining about stopping Trump?
Trump, in cover story interview with Hollywood Reporter, August 2015:
Any actress you love?
Julia Roberts is terrific, and many others. Meryl Streep is excellent; she's a fine person, too. The problem is I'll name three or four or five and then the hundred that I know will be insulted, and I don't mean to insult them.
Bruce, Yes, you can opt out of the Google microphone. But I have read a number of reports over the years that when they do upgrades Chrome often opts you back in without telling you.
So you have to check your settings more or less every day to make sure the mic is still disabled.
I think I have the mic physically disabled on my laptop. I have also removed the driver. It is easy enough for someone who gets remote access to my laptop to reinstall it, though.
I don't need a mic for Skype or anything else. When I use Skype I use a headset. When I do anything else needing a mic, I use the headset or a clip on mic.
And I have removed the camera driver as well as taped over the pinhole. If I ever need a camera, they are cheap enough to just plug in. When it is in my desk drawer I know nobody will every use it against me.
You can call me paranoid and it is fine with me. I worry whether I am paranoid enough.
Shades of Orwell's telescreen!
Someone else suggested alternatives to Chrome. I use Comodo Dragon which is a Chrome lookalike that works well. It will not let me stream Netflix or Amazon movies and will not let me download Youtube videos. So I use it when I need it but mostly stick with Firefox.
The upgrade message has not reappeared in several additional posts on 2 different computers.
John Henry
We were right with you watching the Pack. This quote bothered me, though: "Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. If you kick ‘em all out, you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” Beyond the insult to NFL, MMA isn't it an insult to the other "arts"? What about foreign movies, regional live theater, Broadway, Symphonies, Opera, Ballet Companies... Is she actually saying that without Hollywood movies and TV there is no art? In the pecking order of "arts" I've always been under the impression that movies and TV are on the bottom rung....
Yes. The freedom to "just eat a waffle" is really anything like the "freedom" to jam a vile and detested agenda down the country's throat.
But I find celebrity talk about presidential politics so compulsively avoidable these days.
Just like how you compulsively avoid scientific knowledge.
The celebrities all backed Hillary Clinton. They — in their reeking privilege — seemed to have had their hearts set on 8 more years of glamming it up in the White House.
Awwwww.... A tenured law professor! One of the LEAST PRIVILEGED (reeking?) members of society there is! You poor thing.
I'm confused. Is Rhythm & Balls now Commander Crankshaft?
Please advise.
Theory: Donald Trump is the lightening rod for criticism. All his Twitter comments get the Matts and Streeps and Fallons up in arms.
Meanwhile, the very serious, very conservative and non-Tweeting cabinet members are doing the work of dismantling Leviathan.
Maybe not. But not impossible.
Yes, Todd.
"In their reeking privilege"
What a lovely turn of phrase, Althouse.
Thanks, Birkel.
Same avatar. Also same boring ad hominem straw man laced tirades. Sort of a buzzkill version of conventional wisdom on the hoof. Like Eleanor Clift but more insulting and vile.
Shame, really, since every once in while he/she actually made some interesting observations that made me think. Not recently, though.
May every film without Strep (or someone with "Streep-cred") prosper in 2017. May every football team whose members respect the flag and the military prosper as well.
P.S.: If you thought the Golden Globes were bad, wait until the Grammys and the Oscars. They're writing their "zingers" already.
I think Trump-ire should be encouraged, retweeted and talked about. It helps catalyze the decline of once thriving industries which killed themselves. Perhaps one day Hollywood will have a President who cares about only them (again).
Shame, really, since every once in while he/she actually made some interesting observations that made me think. Not recently, though.
Why should I? Your leader isn't.
But other than that, it's nice to know that your own contribution is devoid of anything beyond just a presumption to judging me.
The talk about MMA reminds me of my trip to the Indianapolis 500. Four of us were given free tickets by my brother-in-law, but I wasn't keen on watching Indy cars going round and round for hours. Then I went. We had so much fun, that when we got back to my sister's house, we watched the whole thing again on tape! "Hey, remember that? Danica Patrick just made her move!"
Side next to me just said that WWE had $4 billion dollars in revenue last year and Delta had $2.5. He works for delta. He's on top of that shit. How much did all those asswipes in that room last night produce?
Their revenue is nowhere near $4B. In 2015 (obviously, 2016 numbers aren't available), their revenue was about $658.7M. And they've had weaker attendance numbers, unimpressive network growth, and stable merchandising numbers.
Now you know what's wrong with America... WWE!? Sorry, I am not shy about criticizing that entity no matter how much money it makes or how many people watch it. I guess I'm not politically correct?
It's cool. I torrent every major movie released so I don't have to spend a penny going to a theater to watch a movie.
We were right with you watching the Pack. This quote bothered me, though: "Hollywood is crawling with outsiders and foreigners. If you kick ‘em all out, you’ll have nothing to watch but football and mixed martial arts, which are not the arts.” Beyond the insult to NFL, MMA isn't it an insult to the other "arts"? What about foreign movies, regional live theater, Broadway, Symphonies, Opera, Ballet Companies... Is she actually saying that without Hollywood movies and TV there is no art? In the pecking order of "arts" I've always been under the impression that movies and TV are on the bottom rung
Ironically, UFC is far more diverse than Hollywood. WAY more foreigners. More minorities in major positions. And they don't use sketchy accounting to claim that movies like Harry Potter or Return of the Jedi lost money.
My brother pointed out that the left frequently disparages Rush by saying "He's just an entertainer."
So is Streep.
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